
Pleuromediastinal pleurodiaphragmatic apical adhesions. What are lung adhesions and how is it treated? Pleurodiaphragmatic adhesions do not require treatment

Lungs - important organ, which can be affected by a number of diseases. If there are adhesions in the lungs, then the organ will start to work incorrectly, which will subsequently lead to negative consequences for the person himself. This disease appears under certain conditions and requires immediate medical treatment.

Symptoms of the disease

Adhesions in the lungs (pleurophrenic) are connective tissue strands that grow between the serous membranes of the pleural region. They fall into two categories:

  • total (cover all departments of the pleura);
  • single planar (arise as a result of fusion of pleural sheets).

Spikes are dangerous due to the negative impact on the organs that perform the main respiratory function. In certain cases, the disease can lead to complete overgrowth of cavities - this is a condition in which a person feels a lack of air. In this situation, you must immediately seek medical help.

Pleural (pleurocostal) adhesions determine the following symptoms:

  • dyspnea;
  • pain in the area chest;
  • heart palpitations;
  • increased cough with purulent sputum;
  • increase in body temperature.

Due to systematic oxygen starvation, a person may also experience anemia and pallor. skin. The above symptoms indicate only the need for medical examination. Only a doctor can make a definitive diagnosis.

Reasons for the formation of adhesions

The causes of adhesions in the lungs can be very diverse. To a greater extent, the occurrence of the disease is influenced pathological processes occurring in human body. Among the most common reasons are:

After pneumonia, adhesions in the lungs form quite often. The poor ecological situation in the area where the sick person lives also has a significant impact on the pathology. The disease is often observed in people whose professional activities are related to chemical production.

Diagnosis and treatment

You can determine the presence of adhesions in the lungs using fluorography. This research method is the most reliable. Additionally, an x-ray of the lungs may be prescribed. The doctor determines the presence of adhesions by characteristic dark spots, which are visible when receiving x-ray. Changes can also be observed in the diaphragm - it becomes less mobile.

How to treat adhesions, the doctor establishes. The course and intensity of treatment depend on the neglect of the process and on the reasons that led to the development this disease. Surgery will be required only in the case when a person has acute pulmonary insufficiency. In other cases, treatment is limited to conservative therapy. The person may be given a course of antibiotics, bronchoscopic drainage, expectorants, and alkaline fluids.

After elimination acute stage diseases, in addition, a person is prescribed chest massage, electrophoresis, breathing exercises and inhalations. Consolidate the result will help sanatorium spa treatment. At first, a person will have to adhere to a certain diet, which includes the following products: cottage cheese, vegetables, fruits, meat and fish. Nutrition must be balanced. As a preventive measure, doctors recommend giving up bad habits especially from smoking. A person needs to visit often fresh air while avoiding hypothermia. Doing sports will not be superfluous (normal gymnastics or morning exercises are enough).

These connective tissue structures are a consequence of the involvement of the pleura in inflammatory process. They isolate the affected areas from healthy tissues in pneumonia, fibrinous and purulent pleurisy. In most cases, pleural stratification persists long time after the healing of the patient. From time to time they can be manifested by an unproductive cough, a temporary emotion of lack of air and small pains in the chest, for example, against the background of respiratory infection. In some cases, pleural layers are calcified, which makes them easier to identify when examining the lungs.

How is the diagnosis carried out

Pleural layers can be found with fluorography and x-ray examination. If they are insignificant, the images show a slight darkening of the lung field and an increase in the vascular-connective tissue pattern, and from time to time, by and large, no transformations are detected. With more pronounced growths of the pleural wall, uneven diffuse darkening is noted, more intense in the lateral sections of the lungs. An indirect indicator of cicatricial wrinkling of the pleural sheets is a decrease in the height of the ribs, a decrease in the intercostal space and the displacement of the mediastinal organs to the affected areas. But this picture can also be observed with scoliosis. thoracic spine. In this case, the pair makes it difficult to diagnose pleural layers.

When is treatment required?

In most cases, pleural layers are asymptomatic and do not require radical measures. But with progressive empyema (accumulation of pus in pleural cavity) they quickly condense and interfere with the expansion of the lung. In this case, it is carried out complex therapy, including anti-inflammatory and substitution treatment. In parallel, drainage of the pleural cavity is carried out with constant aspiration of exudate up to full recovery lungs.

Prevention of prevral layers

The prevention of the formation of these structures is primarily contained in early diagnosis and adequate treatment of diseases that can be complicated by the development of an inflammatory process in the pleura. If necessary, timely evacuation of blood, air and exudate from the pleural cavity must be carried out. At the end surgical intervention on the lungs, specific medical measures contributing to the rapid recovery of lung tissue in the postoperative period.

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  • Hello! My name is Irina. 31 years. I do not smoke. On May 16 of this year, I woke up in the morning from the fact that there was a bursting pain in the larynx and a feeling that there was mucus. The next day began a plentiful moist cough. Temperature 38. The doctor listened, no wheezing. Harsh breathing is noted. Said: tracheobronchitis. The doctor said not to do a fluorography, because Did or made in February on medical examination. There is no shortness of breath. Prescribed: ACC, Bromhexine, Azithromycin, Parmelia, breast collection. UHF passed 10 days, inhalation of mines with water., Elforez. The temperature lasted 3 days - 38. Then 37-37.3. There was no improvement for 3 weeks (wet cough, weakness). Temperature during the day 36 in the evening 37.1-37.2. General analysis. Soe - 10, leukocytes 3.8 * 10 9 (normal 4 -10.3), hemoglobin - 14.2 (normal 11.7-16), lymphocytes - 34.4% (normal 20-45%). The doctor said it was normal. And continue to drink breastfeeding. 11.06. The cough became dry. As soon as I start talking, I cough a lot. In the morning she barely coughed, her larynx was thick like mucus. There is no temperature, but weakness is constant, I sweat a lot. The temperature periodically rises to 37.1. 16.06. In the morning the condition worsened, I could hardly get out of bed, great weakness, coughing with phlegm. I went to the medical center. Blood test: leukocytes - 3.75 (normal 4-10.3), erythrocytes - 4.78 (normal 3.8-5.3), hemoglobin 14.2 (normal 11.7-16), platelets - 216 ( norm 140-400), neutrophils - 55.2% (norm 40-70%), lymphocytes 34.4% (norm 20-45), monocytes - 8.8% (norm 2-11), eosinophia 1.3 ( norm 0-6%), neutrophils - 2.07 (norm 1.8-6.1 10 * 9 liter), lymphocytes 1.29 (norm 1.2-3.7 10 * 9 liter), soe according to Panchenkov - 7 (norm 2-15). Urinalysis: everything is normal. From the extract: objective data: body temperature 37.3. The general condition is closer to relatively satisfactory. Zev is clean. Tonsils are not changed. Percussion sound clear, pulmonary. Breathing is hard. Wheezes are dry, isolated. There is no shortness of breath. Treatment (17.06): Verklav 1200 + sodium chloride 0.9% 100.0 intravenous drip No. 3, ambro 2.0 intravenous jet No. 3, vitamin C 5% 6.0 + Glucose 5% 200.0 IV drip No. 3, eufillin 2.4; 5.0 + Physiological solution 100.0 In / in drip No. 3. On the 3rd day of treatment, the temperature did not subside. Further treatment (20.06): ceftazidime 1000 IV drip No. 5 per 100.0 saline, eufillin 2.4% + prednisolone 30 mg in saline 100.0 IV drip No. 4, cycloferon 2.0 intramuscular No. 5, amber. In / in jet No. 5. Electrophoresis with calcium chlorine No. 5, massage, oxygen cocktail No. 10. Discharged: 25.06. The temperature dropped (36.7). Cough began to appear periodically in the morning wet and several times in the afternoon. There are no wheezes. Fluorography was done on 24.06. (Photo). Written - no pathology. From 3.07 I again felt weak, the temperature rose to 37.5. Violent loose cough all day. 8.07 I took an x-ray in two projections (photo). Conclusion: there are no data for pneumonia and tbc. Right pleurodiaphragmatic adhesions. The cough is constant, wet, but there is very little sputum. More like coughing (but every 2-3 seconds). The temperature at night and in the morning is 36.8. Day and evening 37.2. Weakness and sweating are terrible. 10.7 Temperature 37.2, I sweat a lot at night. Happy weakness. The cough is persistent, wet, with scanty sputum. The doctor prescribed ofloxacin for 10 days. He does not hear wheezing. There is no shortness of breath. Please tell me what is happening to me? Why are pleurodiaphragmatic adhesions dangerous? How will they be cured? Why does the cough sometimes subside, then resume again? Who to contact, what examinations to pass? What else to drink? I'm very worried, because Last year, the cough lasted 1.5 months in the summer. And the flute was also clean. Took antibiotics. Do I have chronic bronchitis?

    Adhesions form in the pleural cavity, which is located between the membranes that cover inside chest and outside lungs. This sheath is a smooth surface with a large number of nerve endings.

    The causes leading to the disease of the pleura are very diverse. Inflammatory processes occurring in the body can lead to an increase in the amount of fluid formed. This releases a protein that settles on the surface of the pleura, making it rough.

    At deep breathing surfaces rub, irritating the nerve endings, which leads to coughing and pain in the sides of the chest. Such symptoms are characteristic of a disease such as pleurisy.

    This can lead to compression of the lung, causing the person to become short of breath, making breathing difficult and causing heaviness in the sides. Such symptoms are most often accompanied by kidney disease or heart failure, and such a picture is also possible with the development of tuberculosis or a tumor.

    However, the development of pleural disease is not necessarily associated with the formation of excess fluid in it, although such diseases are the most problematic. The cause of the disease may be pleural adhesions. Even a small amount of them can cause pain when breathing. Adhesions are formed after inflammation, when the resulting fluid is absorbed.

    There are cases when adhesions are formed in large numbers, while reducing free space. It also leads to a decrease in the mobility of the membranes, which contributes to severe shortness of breath and difficulty breathing. In such cases, urgent treatment is necessary.

    The reason for the formation of pleural synechia is inflammation of an infectious or non-infectious origin. Most often, adhesions are formed after suffering exudative pleurisy. In addition, the adhesive process as an outcome of pleural injury may occur due to autoimmune (rheumatism, collagenoses), post-traumatic (domestic injury, medical and diagnostic medical manipulations), tuberculosis, tumor process.

    End phase inflammatory response- proliferation, that is, the formation of new tissue that replaces the damaged area. With pleurisy of any genesis (origin), as a result of increased vascular permeability, the liquid part of the plasma with proteins, inflammatory cells enters the lesion. Further, three successive phases of the formation of pleural adhesions are distinguished:

    1. Transformation of the fibrinogen protein into fibrin, which is deposited in the form of threads on the pleura or in the cavity.
    2. The formation of young loose adhesions from collagen, which is synthesized by fibroblasts (progenitor cells connective tissue).
    3. Formation of dense fibrous moorings with vessels and nerve endings.

    Over time, adhesions can spontaneously resolve, undergo sclerosis, calcification, hyalinosis (the formation of dense cartilaginous masses in the thickness of the mooring). Prolonged inflammation, together with adhesions, leads to encysted pleurisy.

    Not all patients who have had pleurisy develop pleural synechia. The following factors predispose to their formation:

    The adhesive process can be acquired and congenital. Intrauterine synechia can form due to developmental anomalies, embryo- and fetopathy, as a result past infection, metabolic pathologies.

    Types of pleural adhesions

    Pleural adhesions can be local, when they connect separate sections of the serous membranes, or total, which occupy all or most of the pleural cavity. In addition, mooring lines can be single or multiple, localized on one or both sides.

    • visceral and parietal sheets;
    • separate sections of the parietal leaf: costal-diaphragmatic, costal-apical (in the region of the pleural dome);
    • separate sections of the visceral pleura (interlobar);
    • serous membrane of the heart (pericardium) and parietal pleura (pleuro-pericardial);
    • pleura and serous membrane of the mediastinum (pleuro-mediastinal);
    • serous membrane and intrathoracic facies, diaphragm.

    Adhesions can connect several areas and be costal-diaphragmatic-pericardial, pleuro-pericardial-mediastinal, etc. By appearance and thickness, pleural moorings can be round (cord-, string-shaped), membranous (curtain-, ribbon-like), planar (true, false - connective tissue tightens the area of ​​​​the visceral or parietal sheet).

    Signs of pleural adhesions

    There are total adhesions in the lungs, located over the entire surface of the pleura, or single ones that appear as a result of fusion of the pleural membranes.

    Multiple formations negatively affect the breathing process, make it difficult, lung mobility is limited, the cavity is displaced and deformed. In rare cases, adhesions of the pleura lead to fusion of the cavity, resulting in respiratory failure. This condition requires emergency hospitalization.

    The following symptoms confirm that a person has adhesions in the lungs:

    • Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, lack of O2;
    • Pain in the retrosternal region;
    • Cough with purulent expectoration, mostly in the morning.

    If the pathology develops more on the left, the heart rate increases, as cardiac activity changes.

    Natural ventilation goes astray, the body experiences oxygen starvation. When an infection joins, the overall body temperature rises, a person suffers from intoxication. Then there is pallor of the skin surface, anemia.

    In the acute period, respiratory failure appears: shortness of breath and lack of O2 increase, a person needs emergency medical care.

    Adhesions of both pleural membranes lead to chronic adhesive disease. Such a person is more exposed to respiratory diseases, as the entire ventilation process is disrupted.

    A single pleural adhesion does not significantly affect the inhaled volume of air. Numerous formations affect the organ from two sides, hypoplasia of the lung tissue develops, while shortness of breath occurs even with slight physical exertion.

    When a person, after inflammation of the lung matter or another respiratory disease, feels a slight tingling in the chest or an acute attack, accompanied by shortness of breath, frequent heartbeat he should see a doctor to determine the cause.

    Adhesive pathology is detected by a therapist, phthisiatrician, family doctor. The main method is fluorography. People at risk for lung disease should do it twice a year.

    The following categories are also carried out twice:

    • Doctors, middle and junior medical personnel;
    • Military personnel;
    • People who are in close contact with tuberculosis patients;
    • HIV-infected or persons with primary and secondary immunodeficiency.

    An extraordinary FG examination is indicated for suspected tuberculosis or during the passage of the primary primary preventive medical examination. The rest of the population is recommended to conduct a fluorographic examination annually.

    If pleural adhesions are suspected, the patient is sent for a chest x-ray.

    Sometimes they do:

    • computed tomography (CT);
    • or prescribe magnetic resonance therapy (MRI) of the chest cavity.

    The main attribute indicating the spike on the right is the shadow visible in the Rg-image. In this case, the darkening does not change when the patient inhales and exhales. At the same time, the transparency of the lung surface decreases.

    In severe cases, deformation of the chest and diaphragmatic region is observed. In this state, the diaphragm limits its mobility. Most often, these adhesions are located in the lower lung.

    Adhesions in the lungs, if they are thin and single, may not manifest themselves in any way and may be an accidental finding during surgery or during diagnosis for another disease. If the adhesive process is widespread, disrupts the function of breathing, supports inflammation, then the following clinical picture is observed:

    • pain different intensity on the side of synechiae;
    • dry cough;
    • shortness of breath of the mixed type;
    • increased heart rate;
    • subfebrile condition in chronic inflammation.

    The prolonged existence of adhesions that interfere with the full aeration of the lungs leads to the development of oxygen starvation, chronic intoxication. The skin becomes pale with a bluish tinge of the lips, fingertips, the patient is disturbed by drowsiness, fatigue, depression, headaches, interruptions in the work of the heart.

    Diagnostics and therapeutic measures

    Fluorography is primarily used to detect lung diseases. This procedure must be carried out annually, it is mainly aimed at identifying the early stage of tuberculosis. However, an experienced radiologist can identify the formed pleural adhesions in the picture, which look like shadows. Moreover, their shape does not change depending on the inhalation and exhalation.

    When diagnosing pleural adhesions, further treatment depends on their number and stage of development. As a rule, a therapeutic effect accompanied by physiotherapy is sufficient.

    However, in the case of neglect of the disease, when pulmonary insufficiency develops, and there is a threat to the life of the patient, surgical intervention is used. In this case, a part of the lung is removed, which is filled with adhesions. This operation is called a lobectomy.

    With an exacerbation of inflammatory processes in the lungs, which lead to the formation of adhesions, it is necessary, first of all, to localize them. For this, antibiotics are used, which are administered intravenously or intramuscularly.

    After the inflammation is stopped, inhalations and electrophoresis can begin. Also, in the formation of pleural adhesions, breathing exercises and chest massage have proven themselves well.

    It is important to note that proper nutrition plays an important role in lung diseases.

    The diet should include foods containing a large number of vitamins and proteins. The patient menu should include:

    • fish;
    • cottage cheese;
    • meat;
    • vegetables;
    • fruits.

    If the body is predisposed to pulmonary diseases, it is recommended to periodically undergo spa treatment. This will help improve the health of the body. You should also not expose the body to hypothermia, play sports and give up bad habits.

    Folk methods

    Except medicines Good for dealing with spikes folk remedies. They are inexpensive, besides they do not burden the body like medicines, and besides, they are very effective. Here are some recipes that will help get rid of adhesions:


    Reliable visual diagnosis of pleural moorings is possible only if the connective tissue formations are more than 1 cm in thickness. Otherwise, the shadow from adhesions is superimposed on the lung tissue and is not visible on the radiograph.

    • fluorography;
    • dynamic radiography (on inhalation and exhalation), in two projections (direct, lateral);
    • CT scan;
    • therapeutic and diagnostic puncture in the presence of effusion;
    • ECG to rule out cardiac pathology.

    With total moorings, deformation of the chest, narrowing of the intercostal spaces, displacement of the mediastinum to the diseased side, and curvature of the spine to the healthy side are observed.

    How to cure adhesions?

    Treatment of adhesions in the lungs is divided depending on the severity of the disease. If the exacerbation of the adhesive process interferes with the breathing process and affects the general condition of the body, then in this case appoint medical preparations depending on the cause of the inflammatory process.

    As a rule, antibiotics are prescribed (Oxacillin, Ampicillin, Ceftriaxone) and special drainage using a bronchoscopic technique. Also, there is usually a expectorant to facilitate breathing in the patient (Ambroxol, ACC).

    When the inflammatory process in the lungs passes, massage of the chest area and various exercises for the development of the respiratory organs are added to the preparations. This is done to return normal circulation to the affected areas. In this case, the patient must adhere to a diet that contains a large amount of protein.

    In that case when drug treatment does not help, and the number of adhesions interferes with normal breathing and can lead to the death of the patient, a decision is made about surgical intervention. With this treatment, the part of the lung on which the adhesions are located is removed. Such operations are carried out only in advanced cases.

    In order not to treat adhesive disease, it is necessary to take a number of preventive measures:

    Any disease respiratory tract can lead to adhesions in the lung. If they are single, then they practically do not affect well-being.

    A large number of them can lead to pulmonary insufficiency and, as a result, to death. In order to detect adhesions in the lungs in time, it is necessary to do fluorography every year. This will allow for early stages diseases to localize and cure this disease.

    Treatment depends on the severity of the adhesive mechanism and on the reasons that caused its formation. Surgery is used only in situations where adhesions form pulmonary insufficiency or other conditions that develop a danger to life. In other cases, appoint conservative therapy and perform physiotherapy.

    With an exacerbation of the adhesive process, the bronchi are sanitized to suppress the purulent-inflammatory reaction. For this, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents and bronchial drainage is also done.

    Antibiotic drugs are administered intravenously or intramuscularly. The introduction of drugs endobronchially during sanitation with a bronchoscope is not excluded. More often, antibiotics of the penicillin or cephalosporin group are used for these purposes.

    For better discharge of mucopurulent bronchial exudate, alkaline drink and expectorants are prescribed.

    After the exacerbation is removed, the following is prescribed:
    • Massage of the chest area;
    • Inhalations;
    • electrophoresis;
    • Breathing exercises.

    Respiratory gymnastics is needed to avoid re-exacerbation and increase the period of remission. For the same purpose, patients are advised Spa treatment.

    Proper nutrition plays an important role. It is necessary that the patient necessarily receive food rich in proteins, vitamins, trace elements. Meat, fish, dairy products, fruits, green leafy vegetables should not be excluded from the diet.

    In a running adhesive process, a surgical operation is required:

    • Lobectomy - with the removal of one lobe of the lung;
    • Bilobectomy - with the removal of two lobes.

    Most often, such an intervention is carried out for health reasons.

    Most often, pleural moorings are treated conservative methods, which include:

    • antibiotic therapy for persistent purulent inflammation according to the identified flora;
    • painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Ketorol, Baralgin);
    • antitussives for severe pain syndrome, aggravated by coughing (Sinekod, Tusupreks, Libeksin);
    • oxygen therapy according to indications;
    • physiotherapy (microwave, UHF in pulse mode, magnetotherapy, ozocerite, paraffin applications, galvanization) in the absence of contraindications;
    • massage, exercise therapy with elements of breathing exercises;
    • drainage of the pleural cavity.

    Indication for surgical treatment are severe cardiac and respiratory failure. Apply endoscopic excision of adhesions, removal of the mooring with a part of the pleura and/or lung, depending on the depth of sclerosis.

    The basis of the prevention of adhesions is the exclusion or minimization of the impact on the body of provoking factors. Nutrition should be rational, rich in high-grade proteins, vitamins, microelements.

    Quitting smoking, reducing the amount of polluted air inhaled (use of respirators, changing the type of activity) greatly improve the prognosis of the disease. Hardening of the body increases immunity and prevents diseases of the bronchopulmonary system.

    Pleural adhesions that form directly in the lungs are nothing more than overgrown connective tissue. Their presence is known either purely by chance, or by such signs as: shortness of breath, a feeling of discomfort in the chest with deep inhalation / exhalation, and major degree soreness with the next bronchitis, for example.

    Reasons for their formation

    Pleuroapical and all other lung adhesions are a typical consequence past pneumonia or pleurisy of any origin. Point and single proliferation of connective tissue should not drive you into a panic, and force you to look for an effective method of ridding your chest of such a formation.

    Things are quite different when fluorography shows the presence of numerous adhesions.

    Here they are already able to exclude part of the lung from the general process of gas exchange, as a result of which a person begins to experience oxygen starvation, respiratory failure, weakness and deterioration in general well-being. As a rule, multiple foci of growth are eliminated by surgery, since medicines and folk remedies give little effect, or do not contribute to a full recovery at all.

    What else is dangerous about adhesions in the lungs is the ability to be infected as a result of untreated respiratory disease. In such situations, more and more scars begin to form at the site of the defect, which in turn ends with contraction, deformation and insufficient lung function.

    Preventive measures

    Unfortunately, no doctor can guarantee that pleuropulmonary adhesions will not form in the lungs after the diseases listed above have been cured.

    In order to prevent the proliferation of connective tissue, the following measures are taken:

    • sanitation of foci chronic infections, settled in the body;
    • prevention of the negative impact of biological, physical and toxic factors on the human body;
    • pleural adhesions are less commonly diagnosed in people leading healthy lifestyle life, adhering proper nutrition who use vitamins and have given up bad habits.

    Since adhesions in the lungs after pneumonia or lung infarction are detected exclusively by fluorographic examination, they should not be neglected. If you follow the law, then shine through main body breathing is needed only once every couple of years, while each person has every right to set the schedule for visiting the fluorography room.

    We only note that the pleuroapical adhesive processes most often diagnosed in employees of tuberculosis dispensaries, military personnel, doctors and medical staff, patients with chronic pathologies internal organs not to mention those with AIDS or HIV.

    folk therapy

    Self-treatment of numerous adhesions often only worsens general condition and their further growth.

    Again, each organism reacts in its own way to home remedies, and it is likely that among the recipes we have proposed, one will be found that will permanently relieve the effects of pneumonia:

    • In a thermos, you need to fill up a couple of tablespoons. dry nettle leaves, the same amount of lingonberries and 4 tbsp. rose hips. Everything is poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water, and screwed tightly with a lid for 3 hours. Tea is drunk in half a glass, and three times a day;
    • Pleuropulmonary formations are eliminated by a drink prepared on the basis of wild rose, raspberry and blackcurrant berries, taken in equal proportions. Everything is loaded into a thermos in the same way, poured with half a liter of freshly boiled water, and infused for a couple of hours in a row. Such a drug should be taken a couple of times a day, and half a glass;
    • The most interesting option is warming up. For him, you need to sew a bag that will calmly spread over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lungs, fill it with warm flaxseed, and attach to a place slightly higher than the spike shown in the picture. Also, flax seeds can simply be wrapped in gauze, then soaked in boiling water and applied further in the same way.

    Surgical intervention

    Given the fact that the causes of the appearance of overgrown connective tissue are hidden in serious pathologies respiratory organ, diagnosis and treatment of adhesions in the lungs should be carried out at the stage complete cure from the underlying disease. Unfortunately, rare medicines contribute to the eradication of education, and then it comes to surgery.

    Laparoscopy is the type of surgical intervention, after which there is a minimum rehabilitation period and there are no complications (if they were not there initially). The technique is used only in the most advanced cases, when breathing problems become apparent, and physiotherapy procedures have not given the desired effect.

    Finally, it is worth noting that the question of what pleural adhesions in the lungs are is asked by everyone except doctors.

    If you visit their forums and websites, you understand that such a diagnosis is not listed as serious, and you can live with it until old age. Take care of yourself! Good health and wellness!

    The materials posted on this page are for informational purposes and are intended for educational purposes. Website visitors should not use them as medical advice. Determination of the diagnosis and choice of treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician.

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