
Stealer of Sanity Stealer of Sanity. Why do we need to talk about this? The problem of alcohol consumption is very urgent The problem of alcohol consumption

Conversation "The thief of sanity is alcohol"

Serenkova Natalya Vitalievna, primary school teacher

The article belongs to the section: Extracurricular activities

A little history.

The history of preparing intoxicating drinks goes back thousands of years. Alcoholic drinks were obtained from palm sap, barley, wheat, rice, and millet. But grape wine was especially widespread in ancient times. In Greece, grapes began to be cultivated 4000 BC. Wine was also considered a gift from the gods. The Arabs began to obtain pure alcohol in the 6th and 7th centuries and called it “al cogol,” which means “intoxicating.” The first bottle of vodka was made by the Arab Rabez in 860. Distilling wine to produce alcohol exacerbated drunkenness. Even in Asian countries, where the consumption of wine was prohibited by religion (the Koran), the cult of wine still flourished and was sung in poetry. In the Middle Ages in Western Europe they learned to produce strong drinks by distilling wine from sugary liquids. According to legend, this operation was first performed by the Italian monk alchemist Valentius. Having tried the resulting product and becoming very intoxicated, the alchemist declared that he had discovered a miraculous elixir.

The spread of drunkenness in Rus' is associated with the policies of the ruling classes. An opinion was even created that drunkenness was supposedly an ancient tradition of the Russian people. Russian historian and ethnographer Professor N.I. Kostomarov (1817-1885) completely rejected this opinion. He proved that in Ancient Rus' they drank very little and only on selected holidays they brewed mead, mash, beer, with a strength of no more than 5-10 degrees. Drunkenness in weekdays was considered a sin and a shame. Vodka began to penetrate into the country first from abroad, and then its own winemaking appeared. In 1895, the tsarist government introduced a monopoly on the sale of vodka. For centuries, drunkenness was encouraged among the people; the ruling circles only cared about getting more income from the sale of vodka. Habit has great power. This is one of the reasons why we cannot yet refuse to sell vodka. Another reason is that the ban could lead to the spread of moonshine, and in connection with this to the consumption of large amounts of sugar, grain, fruit, and to an increase in diseases and poisoning as a result of the consumption of alcoholic beverages prepared in an artisanal way. Therefore, the fight against alcoholism will require a lot of time and effort.

Throughout the world, alcohol consumption has increased sharply over the past 20 years. Doctors and sociologists, teachers and public figures. They began to drink more in developing countries, alcohol production over the past 20 years in Africa has increased by 400%, in Asia - by 500%. Alcohol consumption in England has increased 4 times, in Denmark - 3 times, in Germany - 2 million people are alcoholics . V.V. Bekhterev said: “Alcoholism is such a social evil that it is difficult to overestimate at all.” In our country, a significant part of the population is not brought up in the spirit of sobriety, is not sufficiently aware of the dangers of drinking alcoholic beverages for the health of current and especially future generations, for society in in general.

Why do people drink?

We repeatedly hear the expression: “Let’s have a drink and warm ourselves up.” In everyday life they believe. that alcohol is a good way to warm the body. It is believed that alcohol has a healing effect not only for colds, but also for a number of other diseases. Where is the truth? Or there is a belief among many people: alcohol excites, invigorates, improves mood and well-being. It’s not for nothing that alcohol is taken “against fatigue” on almost all holidays. Moreover, there is an opinion that alcohol is a high-calorie product that quickly meets a person’s energy needs. So talking about the benefits of alcohol is a fairly common misconception. The outstanding psychiatrist, academician V.M. Bekhterev described it as follows: psychological reasons drunkenness: “The whole point is that drunkenness is an age-old evil; it has taken deep roots in our everyday life and given rise to a whole system of wild drinking customs.” Drunkenness and alcoholism will not die out on their own, and “drinking customs” will not disappear either. A persistent struggle against the remnants of the past is necessary, in which everyone must take part. The need for alcohol is not one of the natural needs of life, such as the need for oxygen or food.

The perception and gradual assimilation of alcoholic customs begins long before a person has a need for alcohol, long before the first acquaintance with alcohol itself, its taste and effect. little child, sitting at the festive table, waits for sweet water to be poured into his glass, and to the approving roar of the guests he reaches out to clink glasses with everyone, learning the ritual of drinking wine. Already at this time, the idea of ​​alcohol began to form as a special, obligatory companion to celebrations and meetings, an attractive symbol of adult life.

Where does drunkenness begin?

In general, the motives for drinking alcohol among adolescents are divided into two groups. The motives of the first group are based on the desire to follow traditions, experience new sensations, and curiosity. Even before their first acquaintance, teenagers form a certain idea about this product and its special stimulating effect. But the first acquaintance with alcohol turns out to be not what it seemed: “bitter taste,” burning in the mouth, dizziness, nausea. After such an unpleasant encounter, most teenagers avoid drinking alcohol for a while. Then a second group of motives appears, which forms drunkenness as a type of behavior of offenders. “Drunkenness humiliates a person, takes away his reason, at least for a while, and ultimately turns him into an animal,” wrote J.-J. Rousseau.

Internal spiritual limitations and the inability to perform well in a school group determine the frequent use of alcohol by adolescents for the sake of self-affirmation in a street group of comrades. A drinking teenager’s lack of skills in useful activities (school, work) and interest in them leads to alcohol consumption as a form of self-affirmation, which, however, entails harmful habits. Finally, some teenagers consume alcohol to relieve stress and get rid of unpleasant experiences. An analysis of how teenagers who are prone to drinking alcohol spend their free time shows that, in general, they are characterized by primitive, aimless pastime: playing cards, including for money, “strumming” the guitar, idle walking along the streets, visiting bars.

Psychiatrist I.K. Yanushevsky, having analyzed the reasons under the influence of which children and adolescents started drinking alcohol, came to the conclusion that 39% of them were taught to drink alcohol by their parents, 33% imitated adults, 25% were taught by older comrades, in 3% of cases the reasons have not been established. Very clear numbers! IN at a young age All alcohol-related mental disorders develop catastrophically quickly.

IN medical literature describes the results of the work of doctors and teachers who assessed the effect of alcohol on school performance. Attitudes towards alcohol Academic performance is very good Academic performance satisfactory academic performance unsatisfactory.

Didn't drink at all 45% 48% 7%

Drink alcohol occasionally 35% 56% 9%

Received alcohol regularly once a day 27% 59% 14%

Received alcohol 2 times a day 20% 55% 25%

Received alcohol 3 times a day 0% 33% 67%

Alcohol in a short time can change the character of a child, making him not only unrestrained, gloomy, unbalanced, but can also push him to completely unmotivated actions. Drunkenness keeps young people from being active life position, contributes to the formation of potentially dangerous characters. With the development of alcoholism, adolescents stop hiding and masking their state of intoxication at home and at school. The appearance of a teenager at home or at school in a state of alcoholic intoxication may indicate a decline in his moral values, which should be considered very alarming symptom. Teenagers and young men accustomed to wine are the main reserve of the “army of alcoholics.”

Alcoholism – severe chronic disease.

It develops on the basis of regular and long-term use of alcohol and is characterized by special pathological condition the body: an uncontrollable craving for alcohol, a change in the degree of its tolerance and personality degradation. For an alcoholic, intoxication represents the best psychological state. Alcohol causes causeless changes in mood, explosions of joy and anger, sometimes for the most insignificant reasons, and at the same time indifference to truly exciting events. An alcoholic is characterized by a coarsening of personality, deceit, loss of authority in the family and work team, and psychophysiological changes. People addicted to alcohol have diseases cardiovascular systems arise 2 times more often, digestive organs – 18 times, respiratory organs – 4 times more often than in non-drinkers.

Alcohol abuse may cause mental illness. Many centuries ago, the Ancient Greek physician Hippocrates wrote about this: “Drunkenness is intentional and self-willed insanity.” One of the forms alcoholic psychosis is delirium tremens, which occurs suddenly, most often at night. With delirium tremens, body temperature rises to 40-41 degrees. This condition lasts from several hours to several days, and death can occur. Thus, everyone who is addicted to alcohol, especially young people, makes himself potential patient psychiatric hospital.

Alcoholism is curable. People who get rid of an addiction can continue to live a normal life. But the treatment is very long and difficult.

Of course, patients with chronic alcoholism are a bad, contagious example for others, especially young people, they form “alcohol groups” around themselves, spread drunkenness with all the ensuing consequences: immoral acts, destruction of the family, material and spiritual theft of children, incurable diseases, serious injuries, crimes.

Alcohol and the developing body.

There is evidence that the life expectancy of female alcoholics is 10%, and that of male alcoholics is 15% less than that of non-drinkers. When alcohol enters a child’s body, it is quickly carried by the blood and concentrated in the brain. With regular alcohol consumption, not only the nervous system suffers, but also the digestive tract, vision, and heart. The liver cannot cope with the alcohol load, and its degeneration occurs. The internal secretion organs suffer, primarily thyroid gland, pituitary gland, adrenal glands.

The habit of drinking will sooner or later certainly lead to alcoholism... Research into chronic alcoholism conducted in recent years indicates that this evil is largely the result of thoughtless adherence to bad “traditions.” It’s not for nothing that people say “A river begins with a stream, and drunkenness begins with a glass.” Professor A.K. Kachaev (1972) directly said: “Nothing arises on its own. The full bloom of alcoholism grows on the well-fertilized soil of everyday drunkenness, harmless, at first glance, drinking for any occasion that turns up by the way.”

“Alcoholism is a product of barbarism; it has had a stranglehold on humanity since the time of hoary and wild antiquity and collects a monstrous toll from it, devouring youth, undermining strength, suppressing energy, destroying best color the human race,” wrote D. London, emphasizing the savagery of alcoholic traditions.

Drunkenness is primarily the result of poor upbringing, imitation of contagious bad examples, habits and customs inherited from the distant past, as well as a manifestation of promiscuity, the result of insufficient influence on the drinker from family and friends.

No – alcohol addiction!

The most important thing a young man should know and “confess” is:

Alcohol is a more dangerous poison for a growing body than for a mature one. It is especially harmful for girls and expectant mothers.

Alcohol is the enemy of mental work.

Alcohol and sports are absolutely incompatible things.

Alcohol, as a rule, is a companion to idleness, internal disorganization, and low culture.

Alcohol, even in very limited quantities, can lead to the so-called pathological intoxication, a state in which a person is unable to control his actions and can inflict undeserved insults, grievances, and commit crimes.

Alcohol is a direct path to crime.

Alcohol causes addiction to it, which turns into the most dangerous disease– alcoholism

Evil can be eradicated.

The fight against alcoholism is almost the same ancient history like alcoholic drinks themselves. Already in ancient times, people realized the harm from drinking wine. Thus, in Ancient Greece, drinking wine undiluted with water (its strength did not exceed 10) was considered unworthy of a free citizen. The government of Sparta, the legendary Lycultus, forbade the drinking of wine by the highest nobility of the state, but encouraged the drinking of slaves in order to keep them in obedience.

In Athens, the ruler Solon introduced a law according to which archoites (officials) were punished for drunkenness: the first time - a large fine, and if repeated - the death penalty.

The ancient historian Pliny the Elder wrote that the Persians and Medes were defeated by the Greeks under the leadership of A. Macedonian because they had developed drunkenness and other related vices.

In Ancient India, the consumption of alcoholic beverages was strictly prohibited for representatives of the upper castes. If a woman of the upper caste was caught drunk, then a mark in the form of a wine vessel was burned on her forehead, she was expelled from the house, and no one dared to shelter her.

In some countries, primarily Muslim ones, religious prohibitions on alcohol consumption were introduced. Under Peter I, drunkards who went to prison were hung around their necks with a cast-iron medal with the inscription “For drunkenness.”

Our free time.

IN lately Young people appear with a distinctly negative attitude towards alcohol. They introduce fashion into smartness, a sporty look, simplicity and politeness in dealing with others, and focus on a healthy lifestyle. But in order to become a full-fledged person useful to society, you need to fill your free time with meaningful activities. “Whoever wants to do something looks for funds. Those who don’t want to do anything look for reasons,” says a well-known aphorism.

Scientists have long established that one of the most common motivators that push a person to “forty-degree” is the inability to keep oneself busy, dissatisfaction with one or another form of leisure. Therefore, the more interesting leisure time is, the more everyone can satisfy their desires and needs, the more decisively the fight against drunkenness, which begins from idleness, will go.

When starting to work on yourself, the main efforts need to be focused on the formation of positive habits. Fighting with yourself is not an easy task. It is not without reason that many believe that overcoming the habit of alcohol was the first most severe test in their lives. This is where a person gets to know himself, tests and strengthens his will, develops self-discipline, and improves his body. He stood it, kept his word once given to himself, which means he learned to control himself.

You need to make an effort and decide never to touch alcohol.

We must remember: health, joy of life and happiness are in our hands.

"Alcohol is a thief of sanity"

class hour

Compiled by:

Shumel Tatyana Ivanovna,

9th grade class teacher


    teach children to reason and realize the harmfulness of addiction to alcohol;

    bring to the conclusion about the dangers of drinking alcohol;

    develop in adolescents a sense of conscious rejection bad habits;

    to cultivate self-respect, self-esteem, confidence that a healthy lifestyle makes a person free and independent, gives him strength.


    software:MSPowerPoint, projector, screen;

    props for staging;


    materials for conducting the experiment;

    materials for making a collage;

    reflective sheets;

    video recording of the speech of Professor V.G. Zhdanov.

No body can be so strong

so that the wine cannot damage it.



Homeroom teacher: The topic of our conversation today is serious and relevant, because each of those present has encountered or will encounter this phenomenon. What is alcohol and what is its effect on the body?These and other questions will be in the field of our discussion.

"The Mind Stealer"This is what alcohol has been called since ancient times. From ancient Greek mythology it is known that all the holidays of the gods were accompanied by the consumption of wine. The son of Zeus was considered the patron saint of winemaking and viticulture in Ancient Greece.Dionysus. This is what the legends say about him.

There was no place on earth where the god Dionysus did not appear. He walked ahead wearing a wreath of grape vines, and he was followed in a mad dance by goat-legged satyrs and cheerful maenads. At the end of the procession, barely able to stay on the donkey, rode the eternally drunk wise teacher of Dionysus, the old man Silenus. With songs and music, the noisy company wandered through the forests and fields, looking into the most remote villages, and people joyfully greeted them. Dionysus taught how to grow grapes, and from the juicy, ripe grapes they made wonderful wine, like the nectar of the gods, so that everyone would be cheerful and happy.

Special holidays were held in honor of DionysusDionysia, or bacchanalia. They hosted solemn processions, games, competitions of poets and choirs, and invited guests from other countries. Even then it was noticed that excessive consumption of any intoxicating drinks is dangerous. Therefore, the Greeks, as a rule, drank grape wine diluted with water, so it quenched thirst better and the person did not get drunk.

But not everyone wanted to recognize the power of Dionysus, the riot and fun of his retinue. Thus, according to legend, the Thracian king Lycurgus, who dared to speak out against Dionysus, was severely punished by Zeus the Thunderer: he was blinded and his life span was shortened. Like, if the inhabitants of Olympus itself spend their lives in drinking bouts, then mere mortalsGod himself commanded.

Pure ethyl alcohol, practically free of water, began to be produced in the 6th-7th centuries. The Arabs called it “al kogol”, which means “intoxicating”. It was obtained from fermented grape juice by an Arab doctorAlbukaziz, and at 860G.n. e. another arabRages, found a way to produce vodka. During the Middle Ages, they learned to make strong alcoholic drinks in Western Europe, from where vodka came to Russia.

Since then, strong alcoholic drinks have quickly spread throughout the countries of the world, primarily due to the ever-growing industrial production of alcohol from cheap raw materials. But in Ancient Rus' they drank very little. Only on selected holidays were they brewed mead, mash or beer, the strength of which did not exceed 5-10°. The cup was passed around, and everyone took a few sips from it. No alcoholic drinks were allowed on weekdays, and drunkenness was considered the greatest vice and sin.

Vodka began to penetrate into the country first from abroad, and then its own distillation appeared. The government, starting with Ivan III, sought to retain the right to manufacture and sell vodka in the established taverns. Thus, for centuries, drunkenness was promoted among the people; the ruling circles only cared about receiving more income from the sale of vodka. Almost no measures were taken to protect the health of the people and their morality.

Class teacher: Tell me what associations you have with the word alcohol.(Children's answers.)

Class teacher: Alcoholthis is a substance contained in alcoholic beverages (vodka, wine, beer, etc.), which in terms of its chemical composition is classified as a narcotic substance and has a toxic effect on the body.Alcohol creates the illusion of well-being. It begins to seem to a person that difficulties and everyday adversities have no special significance. The example of the majority, insufficient education, the inability to protect young people from temptation, in many cases the direct influence of drunken parents who themselves treat their children to wine, the confidence that under the influence of alcohol fumes you will forget the need and oppression of life, even for a few hours.

The social microenvironment in which a person lives determines his attitude towards alcoholic beverages. At the same time, family customs occupy one of the leading places, and where children and adolescents have a positive attitude towards alcohol consumption, through imitation, a stereotype of a similar attitude is reinforced and brought up, i.e., an alcoholic lifestyle develops. The younger generation, growing up, often passes on alcohol attitudes to their children. A vicious circle is formed.

What would anyone do if they were offered to drink a liquid that causes attention disorder, inability to remember, confusion and inconsistency in thoughts, poor understanding of the environment, loss of control over words and actions, decreased muscle strength, impaired coordination of movements and gait, decreased blood pressure, increased heart rate, etc. Would you drink?

(Children's answers.)

Class teacher: Of course they didn't. Then why do people drink alcohol? The lethal dose for an adult is 7–8 g of pure alcohol per 1 kg of weight. For children and adolescents it is 4–5 times lower. Let's see how alcohol affects the human body.

Conducting the experiment.

Place a cotton wool soaked in alcohol into a jar with insects (beetles, butterflies, flies, caterpillars). What do we see?(The insects become very excited and quickly fly around the jar.) How did alcohol affect living organisms?

So, as you can see, alcohol negatively affects not only humans, but also all living things.

And now we will find out how alcohol affects a person.

Student presentations. (APPENDIX 1)

Class teacher: What happens in the human body after drinking alcohol?(Working with the table that is on the board: “What happens in the human body after drinking alcohol” : “Immediately...” and “In the future...”, and the poster “What alcohol kills.”) (APPENDIX 2.3)

Demonstration of an excerpt from a video recording of the speech of Professor V.G. Zhdanov.

Class teacher: Many instructive examples can also be found in the book by F.G. Angles "The Surgeon's Heart". Let's look at some of them.

Story 1. Many adults have an almost favorable attitude towards drinking alcohol. An established tradition turns almost any friendly feast or party into a wine-drinking competition.

Even a single dose of alcohol by teenagers can cause enormous harm. Thirteen-year-old Tanya R. came from Moscow to visit her relatives in the village for the summer holidays. They had homemade wine made from apples in their barn. The drink had a pleasant taste, and Tanya drank about a glass. (If we imagine that this wine had a strength of 10-12 degrees, then the girl drank about 20-25 grams of pure alcohol, or 50-60 grams of vodka). Soon she felt a sharp weakness, after which she lost consciousness. At the children's hospital where she was taken, the girl's condition was extremely serious. She experienced convulsions, during which she screamed incoherent words and banged her head on the bed. It was difficult to keep the girl in bed. She did not react to her surroundings and did not feel any pain from the injections. The breathing was noisy and bubbling. Only six hours later the convulsions stopped, and the patient fell into deep sleep. Tanya's health gradually improved. However, fatigue, lethargy, and headaches remained with her for several months, which indicated a deep and persistent damage not only to the cerebral cortex, but also to the entire central nervous system. nervous system.

1. What thoughts does the text you read evoke in you?

2. Could Tanya have foreseen that a “drink of pleasant taste” would cause poisoning?

3. Reflect on the aphorism "Intoxication"– dvoluntary madness." Who owns these words? (I.P. Pavlov.)

4. Would you like to start non-alcoholic traditions in your family? Do you know how non-alcoholic feasts are held?

Class teacher: The complexity of the problem is that it is impossible to determine a safe dose in advance. Not a single alcoholic in the world plans to end his life in a mental hospital.

Sensitivity to alcohol depends on age, gender, heredity, health, mood and many other factors. Teenagers are the most sensitive to various toxic substances, as they are going through a very crucial period of their lives.the period of maturation, when the body expends energy on the development of the reproductive system, on growing up. Female body more sensitive to alcohol than men. In addition, Tanya’s body was weakened after the school year.

The taste of alcohol and its harmfulness are not adequate. The “pleasant drink” turned out to be poison for Tanya.

Story 2. They had a small and friendly family. Her father worked at a factory, she at a factory. My ten-year-old son Vanya entered the fourth grade. He developed well, studied with excellent marks, and showed an ability to draw.

The father was fond of fishing, and his son often fished with him in the summer. In winter, the father went with his friends for the last fishing and, as a rule, did not take his son with him. This year Vanya begged to take him with him.

When it was time for lunch, all my father’s friends got together and took out thermoses with hot food. In addition, everyone pulled out a bottle of vodka. As evil tongues say, the whole point of winter fishing for a fisherman is to have a drink in the cold. And this time everyone was given a glass of vodka! The boy was also given a glass half filled with vodka. He was afraid because he knew that wine was harmful. His mother told him about this more than once.

I won't drink. My mother forbade mehe timidly objected. But all the men immediately began to persuade him.

What does mom have to do with it? You're a man! You have to get used to being in company!

In the cold, you definitely need to drink to warm up!

I'm not coldthe boy continued to resist.

Why are you trying to persuade the boy? We should be glad that he doesn't want to drink,someone from the company objected.

Let him get used to it, that's why he's a man,others insisted.

It’s okay, son, have a drink, since the elders ask,the father agreed, to whom the boy kept glancing, as if seeking protection from him.

Vanya drank a little and immediately, coughing, put the glass down.

No, brother, let's have a good drink to warm up.

Drink, this vodka seems bitter at first, but then it becomes sweet! The first glass is a stake, the second is a falcon,The men laughed and insisted that Vanya drink. During the second session, he took a few more sips, but without finishing the glass, he left the glass. According to the father, he drank no more than one-third of the glass. They gave him a snack, but his hands were shaking, he was sick, and he didn’t want to eat. The men, pleased with their joke, left the boy behind and began other conversations, treating each other. The boy, after sitting for a while, suddenly fell into the snow and lost consciousness. His father ran up to him, and he was lying pale, his eyes were closed, breathing intermittently. Having come to his senses, the father grabbed his son in his arms and, fortunately one of the fishermen had a car, urgently took the child to the hospital.

Doctors saved the child, gave injections and infusions. But nothing helped. Late in the evening, the doctor came out tired, pale and said that Vanya could not be saved, he died without regaining consciousness.

The father was grieving the death of his only beloved son, which he, as they say, prepared for him himself. He threw up his hands in bewilderment: could death really occur because of such a small amount of alcohol? After all, he didn’t drink even half a glass?

Students answer the questions:

    What thoughts does the text you read evoke in you?

    Why didn't the father protect his son?

    What help should be provided to a child with alcohol poisoning?

    What could have been the outcome of the boy's acquaintance with alcohol if he had not died?

Class teacher: As you can see, the second story ended in tears.Adults' ability to provide first aid medical care could have saved the boy's life, but they did not know what to do. Know: in case of acute alcohol poisoning, first aid should begin with gastric lavage, as with any other food poisoning. Perhaps this would have saved the child’s life, but complications from the nervous system and liver would still have been inevitable.

Class teacher: We all know what dire consequences carries alcohol. Everyone knows how to avoid becoming an alcoholic. Then where is the step that they cross and begin to reach for the bottle?(Students' answers.)

Class teacher: Tell me, is beer alcohol?

(Students' answers.)

Class teacher: Nowadays beer is drunk in very large quantities. They say: “Beer looks beautiful too.” Beernot drunkenness, but pleasure, beer serves as a means of communication. Yes, many people love beer, but what beernot drunkenness, the issue is controversial. Beer was discovered back in Ancient Mesopotamia. Ancient bakers discovered that in warm conditions, wet grains of bread begin to ferment and an intoxicating potion is obtained. Then the time came for the oblivion of beer. Aristotle said that beer makes your head dull.

The success of beer came in the Middle Ages, because in those days the water in cities was dirty, and beer became almost the only drink that excluded stomach diseases. So they drank, they still drink. Beer, like wine, contains cobalt, arsenic, and copper, which have an adverse effect on the heart muscle. But, in addition to the fact that someone destroys their body, they cause great damage to society.


Making a collective collage (color pictures from old newspapers and magazines, from alcohol advertisements are used) .

Class teacher: Please come up with a cinquain for the topic of the class hour.

(Possible option: Alcohol

Deadly, treacherous

Stupefies, destroys, kills

Alcohol is a thief of sanity


Class teacher: Dear guys!You are still too young and most of you do not have health problems. But for those who begin to look into the glass, these problems may appear. No one will say when people came up with the proverb: “Hops are not water - a man is in trouble.” Although it is clear that they came up with it as a warning before the most terrible disaster, because vodka deprives a person of his mind.

Descend from a monkey

The man had a long way to go.

Drunk, he set off on his way back,

Within an hour I became an animal again.

To drink or not to drink, everyone must decide for themselves. I would just like to recall the words of the 16th century Persian sage and poet Ali Safi:

I made a vow not to drink wine -

What is the use of it, what is the use of it.

Closes the door to goodness

And evil leads to the threshold.

The guys fill out the cards“My choice not to drink alcohol” which are on their tables. (APPENDIX 5)


    Addictive behavior of adolescents / comp. S.G. Kazharskaya. – Minsk: Krasiko-Print, 2008. – 128 p. – (Activities of the class teacher.)

    The ABC of health: prevention of bad habits. Educational work in correction classes. 5 – 9 grades / comp. E.M. Matveeva. – M.: Globus, 2007. – 206 p. – (Educational work.)

    Bad habits: prevention of addictions: grades 5 – 7 / G.G. Kulinich. – M.: VAKO, 2008. – 208 p. – (Pedagogy. Psychology. Management.)

    Bad habits: prevention of addictions: grades 8 – 11 / G.G. Kulinich. – M.: VAKO, 2008. – 272 p. – (Pedagogy. Psychology. Management.)

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    Healthy me – healthy country / comp. L.N. Voronetskaya, E.A. Butt. – Mn.: Krasiko-Print, 2008. – 128 p. – (Activities of the class teacher).

    Lebedeva N.T. School and student health: A manual. Mn.: Universitetsk, 1998. – 221 p.

    Safety island / comp. O.A. Minich, O.A. Khatkevich, S.M. Kovrov. – Mn.: Ed. LLC "Krasiko-print", 2004. – 128 p. – (Activities of the class teacher.)

    http:// festival. 1 September. ru


The effect of alcohol on the human body

Alcohol taken is quickly absorbed and enters the blood. From the blood, alcohol enters the tissues, where it is distributed unevenly. Its greatest accumulation occurs in the brain. It is these cells that die first.

A systematic drinker experiences a noticeable decrease in brain volume over the years (shrunken brain). It has long been noted that a drunkard drinks away, first of all, shame and conscience, as well as everything that is given to a person by culture and upbringing.

Damage to the subcortex of the brain is not so noticeable at first, so workers who drink can maintain professional skills for a certain time.

Scientists' experiments and observations have shown that even a single dose of strong alcoholic drinks causes, albeit temporary, quite serious disruptions in the functioning of all parts of the brain. After drinking alcohol, visual acuity noticeably decreases, and in order to distinguish small objects, a person needs stronger lighting.

Alcohol has a negative effect on auditory perception; taste sensations are distorted; reactions to external stimuli decrease; Speech and coordination of movements worsen, and the number of errors when solving simple arithmetic problems increases.

Alcohol has an extremely adverse effect on the blood vessels of the brain. At the beginning of intoxication, they expand, blood flow in them slows down, which leads to congestion in the brain. Then, when in addition to alcohol, alcohol begins to accumulate in the blood harmful products its incomplete disintegration, a sharp spasm and vasoconstriction occurs. Therefore, in a state of intoxication, quite often (and especially in older people) such dangerous complications, like brain strokes, leading to severe disability and even death.


    stimulates urine production (with a large intake of alcohol, the body loses more water than it receives, as a result of which the cells become dehydrated);

    temporarily disables the liver (after taking large dose alcohol, about two-thirds of the liver may be damaged, but liver function is usually fully restored within a few days).

When drinking alcohol, small blood vessels dilate, as a result of which heat is emitted and the person becomes hot, at the same time the temperature drops internal organs. Eventually, the toxic effects of alcohol cause nausea and vomiting.

The consequences of alcoholism persist for many months after a person gives up alcohol.

Alcohol is taken to improve mood, to warm the body, to prevent and treat diseases, in particular as disinfectant, and also as a means of increasing appetite and a valuable energy product. Alcohol stimulates the appetite for a short time; in the future, drinking alcohol, including beer, harms digestion. The need for alcohol is not one of the natural needs of life, such as the need for oxygen or food, alcohol does not have any effect that could not be achieved by another remedy, acting more usefully, safer. Alcohol paralyzes the activities of such important organs like the liver and pancreas. Why is alcohol so common today? AlcoholThis is an age-old evil, it took deep roots and gave rise to a system of drinking customs. The motives for drinking alcohol are based on the desire to follow traditions, experience new sensations, curiosity, and get rid of boredom. For youththis is an indicator of adulthood. This is a necessary attribute of pastime. All problems in life are caused by drinking alcohol. With frequent alcohol consumption, the liver cannot cope with the alcohol load and its degeneration occurs; the internal secretion organs, thyroid gland, pituitary gland, and adrenal glands also suffer. As a result, it may develop diabetes mellitus, sexual dysfunction, etc. People who abuse alcohol experience disorders: social activity declines, work skills fade, and moral qualities suffer. Alcohol addiction can occur in any animal species. If you add alcohol to drinking water, increasing the dose, after a month or two the rat or rabbit will not be able to drink water without alcohol. They rush around the cage, viciously bite each other, and stretch out limply on the floor, like a drunkard with a hangover. If alcohol is administered to female rabbits during pregnancy, the offspring will be dead. Similar processes occur in humans. A drunkard has a weakened will. Drunkenness seems to be the best mental state, so it seems unreasonable for him to stop drinking. Over time, the body loses the ability to fight alcohol intoxication through vomiting and other defense mechanisms. A drunkard is unable to truly share the sadness and grief of loved ones. This is due to the fact that in alcohol-dependent people, the psyche is subconsciously aimed at satisfying the body’s need for alcohol. Everything else fades into the background. Alcohol causes causeless mood changes, explosions of joy and anger. The character changes, the person often lies, becomes irresponsible, hides his craving for alcohol, therefore he is constantly irritable, uncontrollable, and everything seems unfair to him. Animosity arises towards those people who do not drink, then it turns into bitterness. A drunkard will no longer say a kind word to his wife or give gifts to his children. interesting story, a walk. So gradually a person acquires mental and physical dependence. At first, a person retains a consciousness of guilt, then aggressiveness and arrogance develop (I am better than everyone). A daily hangover leads to personality disintegration, memory loss, and the development of groundless fears and alcoholic psychoses.

The effect of alcohol on the body of children and adolescents

Alcoholic drinks have a much stronger effect on the body of children and adolescents than on the body of an adult.

At the end of the 19th century, physician Maurice Lende observed the effects of alcohol on the behavior and abilities of children aged 6 to 15 years. Immediately after drinking alcohol, they became unusually active, read faster, but made many mistakes when writing, and made gross errors in arithmetic operations. Memorization was more difficult for them. 13-15 year old boys could not convey in their own words the content of what they read. All children's character changed: they became disobedient, impudent, with increased self-esteem, i.e.

    alcohol inhibits the growth and development of nerve cells in the brain and disrupts their functions;

    development of abilities is disrupted (delay mental development for 1 year).

The internal organs of children and adolescents are in a stage of intensive growth. Stomach, esophagus in children, adolescence lined with thin epithelium. Alcohol burns it as it enters the esophagus and stomach: cells slough off and small ulcers form. Secretion and composition are impaired gastric juice, with the help of which food is digested, which necessarily affects the growth and development of children and adolescents.

Alcohol has a very strong toxic effect on the liver. In this case, liver cells are affected.

10% of alcohol is removed from the body through the lungs, affecting the epithelium: vascular permeability and tone are disrupted, which opens access for microbes, which leads to various infectious and viral diseases.

The heart of a growing person is sensitive to the presence of alcohol in the body. The rhythm is disrupted. Alcohol leads to vasoconstriction and deterioration of nutrition. In the presence of alcohol, neither the muscle itself nor the nervous apparatus of the heart of a growing person can form correctly and fully.

The toxic effects of alcohol also affect the blood itself.







Coordination of movements


Taste sensations





"What happens in the human body

after drinking alcohol"


    Reaction slows down

    Coordination of movements is impaired

    Difficulty walking and stability

    Thinking and memory deteriorate

    Rambling speech begins

    Nausea and vomiting appear

    Increased risk of accidents

    Loss of consciousness may occur

In the future…

    Affects the digestive organs, brain, nervous system, heart, blood vessels, liver

    Life expectancy is reduced

    A disease occurs - alcoholism

    The possibility of death from an accident increases


Dramatization “It Was in the Evening.”

Participants appear on stage. They are located in a semicircle at different heights in the poses of people languishing from idleness. The episode “It Was in the Evening” is played out.

It was evening, there was nothing to do.

What's up with dominoes guys?

We've been tired of it for a long time.

Well, then let's go to the cinema.

I'm tired of that too.

Maybe just be quiet, sit and read?

What are you, Vanya, what are you?

No desire for books!

And then Stas noticed.
Vodka– best sport for us.
If there is nothing to do, just like yesterday,
We will start drinking in the evening, and until the morning.

(All drink lovers surround and listen to Stas)

First of all, let's drink beer now. This time!
AND a bottle of wine to shake things up. That's two!
Don't look with prayer
there will be vodka. That's three!
When we see where the bottles are, we’ll take four more.
As much as we get, we will drink as much. That's five.

In a word, the guys honked their horn as they wanted...

Stas punched Stepan in the eye– this time!
I barely crawled home
that's two!
Iska crawled, gave himself bruises and flashlights
that's three!
I broke all the furniture in the apartment
it seems like four!
And the suit burned again. That's five!
At home he started yelling, fighting and cursing his family...
Stop! It's time to summarize.
Because of drunkenness we have
Families sometimes collapse... This time!
And truancy is all around
Mainly due to drunkenness. That's two!
And this vodka hits the family budget.
It's whatever
speak up, it’s also important. That's three!
What about injuries? Let's take a broader look.
That's all why. Four!
He's drunk, why hide it?
Loves to break equipment! That's five!
Shall we continue further?
All: Yes! A decisive fight against drunkenness!


Survey results




How do you feel about people who drink alcohol?

Do you often drink alcoholic beverages?

Have you ever felt guilty or upset about drinking alcohol?

Is it possible to have a fun holiday or birthday without drinking alcohol?

Have you or someone you know ever had troubles at home, at work, or with friends because of drinking alcohol?

Folk sages trained fromnumber of students (they receive in advance homework find the Russians,Belarusian and other sayings about the dangers of alcohol).

    Whoever seeks strength in vodka walks on the grave.

    A drunk jumps, but overslept, he cries.

    A drunk man is brave, but if he sleeps it off, he is afraid of a pig.

    Drink the mind about the thread.

    Drinking to the bottom means not seeing good.

    Drinking and walking - no good in sight.

    Drink until the evening, and have dinner in the evening.

    The drunkard will drive me home so much that I need a lock.

    It's no honor to bow to a drunk.

10. Drunkenness - drowning of souls, ruin of families.

Show with arrows which organs are affected by drinking alcoholic beverages. Write their names

A little history.

The history of preparing intoxicating drinks goes back thousands of years. Alcoholic drinks were obtained from palm sap, barley, wheat, rice, and millet. But grape wine was especially widespread in ancient times. In Greece, grapes began to be cultivated 4000 BC. Wine was also considered a gift from the gods. The Arabs began to obtain pure alcohol in the 6th and 7th centuries and called it “al cogol,” which means “intoxicating.” The first bottle of vodka was made by the Arab Rabez in 860. Distilling wine to produce alcohol exacerbated drunkenness. Even in Asian countries, where the consumption of wine was prohibited by religion (the Koran), the cult of wine still flourished and was sung in poetry. In the Middle Ages in Western Europe they learned to produce strong drinks by distilling wine from sugary liquids. According to legend, this operation was first performed by the Italian monk alchemist Valentius. Having tried the resulting product and becoming very intoxicated, the alchemist declared that he had discovered a miraculous elixir.

The spread of drunkenness in Rus' is associated with the policies of the ruling classes. An opinion was even created that drunkenness was supposedly an ancient tradition of the Russian people. Russian historian and ethnographer Professor N.I. Kostomarov (1817-1885) completely rejected this opinion. He proved that in Ancient Rus' they drank very little and only on selected holidays they brewed mead, mash, beer, with a strength of no more than 5-10 degrees. Drinking on weekdays was considered a sin and shame. Vodka began to penetrate into the country first from abroad, and then its own winemaking appeared. In 1895, the tsarist government introduced a monopoly on the sale of vodka. For centuries, drunkenness was encouraged among the people; the ruling circles only cared about getting more income from the sale of vodka. Habit has great power. This is one of the reasons why we cannot yet refuse to sell vodka. Another reason is that the ban could lead to the spread of moonshine, and in connection with this to the consumption of large amounts of sugar, grain, fruit, and to an increase in diseases and poisoning as a result of the consumption of alcoholic beverages prepared in an artisanal way. Therefore, the fight against alcoholism will require a lot of time and effort.

Throughout the world, alcohol consumption has increased sharply over the past 20 years. Doctors and sociologists, teachers and public figures are sounding the alarm. They began to drink more in developing countries, alcohol production over the past 20 years in Africa has increased by 400%, in Asia - by 500%. Alcohol consumption in England has increased 4 times, in Denmark - 3 times, in Germany - 2 million people are alcoholics . V.V. Bekhterev said: “Alcoholism is such a social evil that it is difficult to overestimate at all.” In our country, a significant part of the population is not brought up in the spirit of sobriety, is not sufficiently aware of the dangers of drinking alcoholic beverages for the health of current and especially future generations, for society in in general.

Why do people drink?

We repeatedly hear the expression: “Let’s have a drink and warm ourselves up.” In everyday life they believe. that alcohol is a good way to warm the body. It is believed that alcohol has a healing effect not only for colds, but also for a number of other diseases. Where is the truth? Or there is a belief among many people: alcohol excites, invigorates, improves mood and well-being. It’s not for nothing that alcohol is taken “against fatigue” on almost all holidays. Moreover, there is an opinion that alcohol is a high-calorie product that quickly meets a person’s energy needs. So talking about the benefits of alcohol is a fairly common misconception. The outstanding psychiatrist, academician V.M. Bekhterev described the psychological causes of drunkenness as follows: “The whole point is that drunkenness is an age-old evil, it took deep roots in our everyday life and gave rise to a whole system of wild drinking customs.” Drunkenness and alcoholism will not die out on their own, and “drinking customs” will not disappear either. A persistent struggle against the remnants of the past is necessary, in which everyone must take part. The need for alcohol is not one of the natural needs of life, such as the need for oxygen or food.

The perception and gradual assimilation of alcoholic customs begins long before a person has a need for alcohol, long before the first acquaintance with alcohol itself, its taste and effect. A small child sitting at the festive table waits for sweet water to be poured into his glass, and to the approving roar of the guests he reaches out to clink glasses with everyone, learning the ritual of drinking wine. Already at this time, the idea of ​​alcohol began to form as a special, obligatory companion to celebrations and meetings, an attractive symbol of adult life.

Where does drunkenness begin?

In general, the motives for drinking alcohol among adolescents are divided into two groups. The motives of the first group are based on the desire to follow traditions, experience new sensations, and curiosity. Even before their first acquaintance, teenagers form a certain idea about this product and its special stimulating effect. But the first acquaintance with alcohol turns out to be not what it seemed: “bitter taste,” burning in the mouth, dizziness, nausea. After such an unpleasant encounter, most teenagers avoid drinking alcohol for a while. Then a second group of motives appears, which forms drunkenness as a type of behavior of offenders. “Drunkenness humiliates a person, takes away his reason, at least for a while, and ultimately turns him into an animal,” wrote J.-J. Rousseau.

Internal spiritual limitations and the inability to perform well in a school group determine the frequent use of alcohol by adolescents for the sake of self-affirmation in a street group of comrades. A drinking teenager’s lack of skills in useful activities (school, work) and interest in them leads to alcohol consumption as a form of self-affirmation, which, however, entails harmful habits. Finally, some teenagers consume alcohol to relieve stress and get rid of unpleasant experiences. An analysis of how teenagers who are prone to drinking alcohol spend their free time shows that, in general, they are characterized by primitive, aimless pastime: playing cards, including for money, “strumming” the guitar, idle walking along the streets, visiting bars.

Psychiatrist I.K. Yanushevsky, having analyzed the reasons under the influence of which children and adolescents started drinking alcohol, came to the conclusion that 39% of them were taught to drink alcohol by their parents, 33% imitated adults, 25% were taught by older comrades, in 3% of cases the reasons have not been established. Very clear numbers! At a young age, all alcohol-related mental disorders develop catastrophically quickly.

The medical literature describes the results of the work of doctors and teachers who assessed the effect of alcohol on school performance.

Alcohol in a short time can change the character of a child, making him not only unrestrained, gloomy, unbalanced, but can also push him to completely unmotivated actions. Drunkenness deprives young people of an active life position and contributes to the formation of potentially dangerous characters. With the development of alcoholism, adolescents stop hiding and masking their state of intoxication at home and at school. The appearance of a teenager at home or at school in a state of alcoholic intoxication may indicate a decline in his moral values, which should be considered a very alarming symptom. Teenagers and young men accustomed to wine are the main reserve of the “army of alcoholics.”

Alcoholism is a serious chronic disease.

It develops on the basis of regular and long-term use of alcohol and is characterized by a special pathological state of the body: an uncontrollable craving for alcohol, a change in the degree of its tolerance and personality degradation. For an alcoholic, intoxication represents the best psychological state. Alcohol causes causeless changes in mood, explosions of joy and anger, sometimes for the most insignificant reasons, and at the same time indifference to truly exciting events. An alcoholic is characterized by a coarsening of personality, deceit, loss of authority in the family and work team, and psychophysiological changes. In persons addicted to alcohol, diseases of the cardiovascular system occur 2 times more often, diseases of the digestive system - 18 times, and diseases of the respiratory system - 4 times more often than in non-drinkers.

Alcohol abuse can lead to mental illness. Many centuries ago, the Ancient Greek physician Hippocrates wrote about this: “Drunkenness is intentional and self-willed insanity.” One form of alcoholic psychosis is delirium tremens, which occurs suddenly, most often at night. With delirium tremens, body temperature rises to 40-41 degrees. This condition lasts from several hours to several days, and death can occur. Thus, anyone who is addicted to alcohol, especially young people, makes himself a potential patient in a psychiatric hospital.

Alcoholism is curable. People who get rid of an addiction can continue to live a normal life. But the treatment is very long and difficult.

Of course, patients with chronic alcoholism are a bad, contagious example for others, especially young people, they form “alcohol groups” around themselves, spread drunkenness with all the ensuing consequences: immoral acts, destruction of the family, material and spiritual theft of children, incurable diseases, serious injuries, crimes.

Alcohol and the developing body.

There is evidence that the life expectancy of female alcoholics is 10%, and that of male alcoholics is 15% less than that of non-drinkers. When alcohol enters a child’s body, it is quickly carried by the blood and concentrated in the brain. With regular alcohol consumption, not only the nervous system suffers, but also the digestive tract, vision, and heart. The liver cannot cope with the alcohol load, and its degeneration occurs. The internal secretion organs suffer, primarily the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, and adrenal glands.

The habit of drinking will sooner or later certainly lead to alcoholism... Research into chronic alcoholism conducted in recent years indicates that this evil is largely the result of thoughtless adherence to bad “traditions.” It’s not for nothing that people say “A river begins with a stream, and drunkenness begins with a glass.” Professor A.K. Kachaev (1972) directly said: “Nothing arises on its own. The full bloom of alcoholism grows on the well-fertilized soil of everyday drunkenness, harmless, at first glance, drinking for any occasion that turns up by the way.”

“Alcoholism is a product of barbarism; it has had a stranglehold on humanity since the time of hoary and wild antiquity and collects a monstrous toll from it, devouring youth, undermining strength, suppressing energy, destroying the best flower of the human race,” wrote D. London, emphasizing the savagery of alcoholic traditions .

Drunkenness is primarily the result of poor upbringing, imitation of contagious bad examples, habits and customs inherited from the distant past, as well as a manifestation of promiscuity, the result of insufficient influence on the drinker from family and friends.

No – alcohol addiction!

The most important thing a young man should know and “confess” is:

  • Alcohol is a more dangerous poison for a growing body than for a mature one. It is especially harmful for girls and expectant mothers.
  • Alcohol is the enemy of mental work.
  • Alcohol and sports are absolutely incompatible things.
  • Alcohol, as a rule, is a companion to idleness, internal disorganization, and low culture.
  • Alcohol, even in very limited quantities, can lead to so-called pathological intoxication, a state in which a person is unable to control his actions and can cause undeserved insults, insults, and commit crimes.
  • Alcohol is a direct path to crime.
  • Alcohol causes addiction to it, which turns into a dangerous disease - alcoholism.

Evil can be eradicated.

The fight against alcoholism has a history almost as old as alcoholic drinks themselves. Already in ancient times, people realized the harm from drinking wine. Thus, in Ancient Greece, drinking wine undiluted with water (its strength did not exceed 10) was considered unworthy of a free citizen. The government of Sparta, the legendary Lycultus, forbade the drinking of wine by the highest nobility of the state, but encouraged the drinking of slaves in order to keep them in obedience.

In Athens, the ruler Solon introduced a law according to which archoites (officials) were punished for drunkenness: the first time - a large fine, and if repeated - the death penalty.

The ancient historian Pliny the Elder wrote that the Persians and Medes were defeated by the Greeks under the leadership of A. Macedonian because they had developed drunkenness and other related vices.

In Ancient India, the consumption of alcoholic beverages was strictly prohibited for representatives of the upper castes. If a woman of the upper caste was caught drunk, then a mark in the form of a wine vessel was burned on her forehead, she was expelled from the house, and no one dared to shelter her.

In some countries, primarily Muslim ones, religious prohibitions on alcohol consumption were introduced. Under Peter I, drunkards who went to prison were hung around their necks with a cast-iron medal with the inscription “For drunkenness.”

Our free time.

Lately, young people have been appearing who have an emphatically negative attitude towards alcohol. They introduce fashion into smartness, a sporty look, simplicity and politeness in dealing with others, and focus on a healthy lifestyle. But in order to become a full-fledged person useful to society, you need to fill your free time with meaningful activities. “Whoever wants to do something looks for funds. Those who don’t want to do anything look for reasons,” says a well-known aphorism.

Scientists have long established that one of the most common motivators that push a person to “forty-degree” is the inability to keep oneself busy, dissatisfaction with one or another form of leisure. Therefore, the more interesting leisure time is, the more everyone can satisfy their desires and needs, the more decisively the fight against drunkenness, which begins from idleness, will go.

When starting to work on yourself, the main efforts need to be focused on the formation of positive habits. Fighting with yourself is not an easy task. It is not without reason that many believe that overcoming the habit of alcohol was the first most severe test in their lives. This is where a person gets to know himself, tests and strengthens his will, develops self-discipline, and improves his body. He stood it, kept his word once given to himself, which means he learned to control himself.

You need to make an effort and decide never to touch alcohol.

Need to remember: health, joy of life and happiness are in our hands.

Alcohol is a thief of sanity

Drunkenness is an exercise in madness.

The thief of sanity “alcohol” - intoxicating - this is what alcohol has been called since ancient times. People learned about the intoxicating properties of alcoholic beverages no less than 8000 years BC. - with the advent of ceramic dishes, which made it possible to produce alcoholic drinks from honey, fruit juices and wild grapes. Perhaps winemaking arose even before the beginning of cultivated agriculture. Thus, the famous traveler N.N. Miklouho-Maclay observed the Papuans of New Guinea, who did not yet know how to make fire, but already knew how to prepare intoxicating drinks. Since ancient times, it has been noticed that excessive drinking of alcohol leads to illness and changes in the psyche. Drinking man always looking for an excuse to drink. The English poet Robert Burns wrote a poem whose words are still relevant today:

There are the following reasons for drunkenness:

Funeral, holiday, meeting, farewell,

Christenings, weddings and divorce,

Frost, hunting, New Year,

Recovery, housewarming,

Sadness, repentance, joy,

Success, reward, new rank,

And just drunkenness for no reason.

An outstanding psychiatrist, fighter against alcoholism, academician Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev (1857-1927) described the psychological causes of drunkenness as follows:

“The whole point is that drunkenness is an age-old evil; it has taken deep roots in our everyday life and given rise to a whole system of wild drinking customs. These customs require drinking and refreshments on every occasion.” This is how it is said about it in the poem by Vl. Kotova:

Among the most diverse traditions

There is a difficult one

If there is a meeting, if there is a holiday,

So, drink and drink to the bottom!

Drink one and drink another,

And the seventh and eighth -

“Friends” ask, press, press!

Well, what if I can’t,

Well, what if I can’t?

Well, what if there is a reason?

Should you be in shape tomorrow morning?

So I'm not a man anymore?

Even if you choke, you must drink!

There is still a misconception that one of the signs of male valor is the ability to drink. But that's what drunkards say. On the contrary, if you refuse and find the strength to resist the glass - you are a real man!

Where does drunkenness begin?

The reasons for first starting to drink alcohol are very varied. But their characteristic changes can be traced depending on age. Before the age of 11, the first acquaintance with alcohol occurs either by accident or the child himself tries alcohol out of curiosity. From the age of 14-15, reasons appear. Further, at an older age, adolescents consume alcohol to relieve stress and free themselves from unpleasant experiences. And then addiction happens...

Alcoholism is a serious chronic disease, most of which is difficult to cure. It develops on the basis of regular and long-term use of alcohol and is characterized by a special pathological state of the body: an uncontrollable craving for alcohol, a change in the degree of its tolerance and personality degradation.

Drunkards have a weakened will - and not only to limit alcohol intake, but also in relation to other, business aspects everyday life. Alcohol causes causeless changes in mood, explosions of joy and anger, sometimes for the most insignificant reasons, and at the same time indifference to truly exciting events.

Alcohol entering children's body with mother's milk, causes nervous disorders(including mental disorders, mental fatigue), liver disease, cardiovascular system, diabetes mellitus may develop...

Special mention should be made of acute alcohol poisoning. Such poisoning poses a great danger to children, whose bodies are highly sensitive to toxic substances. Intoxication in children develops so rapidly that it can be difficult to save the child.

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To promote students' awareness of alcoholism as a disease that not only burns a person's physical strength, but also destroys him as a person.

Show the external and internal unattractiveness of a person who drinks alcohol.

Instill a healthy lifestyle.


Today we have to difficult conversation– conversation about the insidious enemy of humanity – alcohol. You've probably heard more than once from adults about its dangers. Most often, having once experienced the “pleasure” of drinking wine, a person remains a slave all his life: he wanted to stop drinking, but he can no longer. These are the properties of this drug. No wonder alcohol is called the thief of health and sanity. A drinking person ruins the life not only of himself, but also of those around him. There is not a single area of ​​our life - whether we are talking about work, leisure, sports, family relationships - where alcohol does not invade, encroaching on everything that is dear and sacred to a person.

A national disaster, collective suicide of nations, a path to human disaster - this is how scientists and the public assess the rapidly growing abuse of alcoholic beverages. It's about about the genetic tragedy of humanity. Over the past hundred years, a steady increase in the consumption of alcoholic beverages has been revealed, outpacing population growth. In a number of countries, alcohol consumption is considered high (Russia, France, Scandinavia, Ireland, Korea), in some it is low (China, countries of the Islamic world and the Mediterranean basin). Recently, social changes in Russia have led to an increase in alcoholization in society; consumption has become even more widespread than before. Now in Russia there are officially 10-11% drunkards and 4-5% alcoholics, but in reality these figures are much higher

Alcohol has been around for a long time. In ancient times, a person became acquainted with the unusual amusing effect of certain drinks. The most common milk, honey, fruit juices, after standing in the sun, changed not only their appearance, taste, but also acquired the ability to excite, instill a feeling of lightness, carelessness, and well-being. It didn’t take long for people to notice that the next day the person was paying with a headache, fatigue, and a bad mood.

Our distant ancestors could not even guess what terrible enemy they purchased.

The history of making intoxicating drinks goes back thousands of years. Alcoholic drinks were obtained from palm sap, barley, wheat, rice, millet, and maize.

Among ancient peoples, the production of intoxicating drinks was associated with religious rituals.

In ancient India, the drink “soma” was prepared, which played a big role in the Aryan religion. Soma was drunk by priests during ritual ceremonies and sacrifices; it was considered a drink of immortality.

But grape wine, which was considered a gift from the gods, became especially widespread. In honor of the patron of viticulture and winemaking, Dionysus (his other name is Bacchus), special holidays were held - Dionysia, or bacchanalia. Special processions, games, competitions of poets and choirs were organized at them, and guests from other countries were invited. Gradually, these festivities acquired the notorious character of frenzied drunkenness. It is not for nothing that “bacchanalia” is now accepted as a synonym for drunken revelry.

Even in Asian countries, where the consumption of wine was prohibited by religion (the Koran), the cult of wine still flourished and was sung in poetry. The consumption of wine, having begun with collective religious rituals, with the advent of the state began to be consolidated in traditions associated with state events (concluding an alliance, celebrating a victory)

Main constituent substance alcoholic drink is ethyl alcohol.

The discovery of cheap ethyl alcohol was a huge disaster for humanity. In the hands of the colonialists, it turned into a lever facilitating the enslavement of underdeveloped peoples. In developed countries, alcohol has become a means of distracting workers from the fight for their rights.

Vodka began to penetrate into our country from abroad, and then our own distillation appeared. The government, starting with Ivan III, sought to retain the right to manufacture and sell vodka in the established taverns. If the population did not drink the planned amount, the arrears were distributed to everyone. In the taverns in the 17th century there was a notice: “By decree of the Tsar and Grand Duke Alexei Mikhailovich of All Rus', great and small - do not recall the pets from the taverns, do not drive away - neither the wife of the husband, nor the father of the son, nor the brother, nor sister, nor other relatives, as long as This little bird won’t drink himself to the cross.” Thus, for centuries, drunkenness was promoted among the people in order to get more income from the sale of vodka.

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The effects of alcohol on the body.

Taken orally after 50 minutes, it is absorbed into the blood and distributed throughout the body. Alcohol is poison for any living cell. It takes away oxygen and water from tissues and organs. Under the influence of alcohol, almost all physiological processes in the body are disrupted, and this can lead to serious illnesses.

Alcohol is unevenly distributed in the body, in body tissues. His brain absorbs especially a lot, since in nerve cells alcohol dissolves better in the brain than in the blood.

Therefore, in the human brain the alcohol content is 60–70% higher than in the blood.

And this leads to a decrease in mental functions, deterioration of attention, and loss of creativity. Intoxication becomes more severe the more younger man, since a young body has significantly less tolerance and resistance to alcohol.

When taking even larger doses, severe dysfunction of the entire central nervous system occurs, involving the spinal cord and medulla oblongata. Deep anesthesia develops and coma. When taking a dose equal to 7–8 g of alcohol per kilogram of body weight, which is approximately equal to 11.25 liters of vodka, death occurs for an adult. For children, the lethal dose is 4–5 times less.

For a teenager weighing 40 - 45 kg. 0.25 – 0.5 liters of vodka can be a lethal dose.

When drinking alcohol, the inhibitory process is primarily affected, and as a result, all higher nervous activity is sharply inhibited. A drunk person develops a large number of small hemorrhages in the brain, significant amount vessels become clogged.

Alcohol burns quickly, but very little is removed from the body.

6-10 grams of alcohol are burned in an hour. And his products chemical reactions excreted from the body within 15 days. Science has proven a direct connection between alcohol abuse and severe heart and vascular disease. Alcohol contributes to the development of atherosclerosis, narrowing of the arteries through which blood flows from the heart to various organs, causing persistent disturbances in the blood supply to the extremities with subsequent necrosis of the fingers and feet.

Alcohol has an irritating effect on the mucous membrane digestive tract: oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus and stomach. Systematic consumption of alcoholic beverages causes gastritis.

It has been established that alcohol and smoking abuse predisposes to cancer.

Alcoholic drinks are especially harmful to the liver. Alcohol intoxication predisposes to the development chronic diseases liver. And to the very serious illness– liver cirrhosis.

Negative impact Alcohol affects the kidneys, respiratory organs, pancreas, and contributes to the rapid development of tuberculosis. Alcohol has a particularly detrimental effect on the development of girls, which jeopardizes the health of future generations. on races

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Thus, alcohol has an extremely detrimental effect on the growing and developing human body. It weakens, slows down and oppresses proper development its organs and systems, and in some cases completely suppresses the development of certain functions (development higher forms self-awareness, abstraction, aesthetic concepts, and ethical categories)

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Why do so many people voluntarily expose themselves to this poison?

Alcohol creates the illusion of well-being. It begins to seem to a person that difficulties and everyday adversities do not matter much. The example of the majority, insufficient education, the inability to protect young people from temptation. In many cases, the direct influence of drunken parents, who themselves treat their children to wine, is the confidence that under the influence of alcoholic fumes you will forget, at least for a few hours, the need and oppression of life.

The social microenvironment in which a person lives determines his attitude towards alcoholic beverages. At the same time, family customs occupy one of the leading places, and where children and adolescents have a positive attitude towards alcohol consumption, through imitation, a stereotype of a similar attitude is reinforced and brought up, that is, an alcoholic lifestyle develops.

Alcohol excites, invigorates, improves mood and well-being. Do you think this is correct?

This opinion is a fairly common misconception. If an improvement in mood does occur, it will be for a very short period of time. This is essentially deception of the psyche with a chemical substance. But the consequences of drinking will continue to affect a person’s mood and well-being for a long time.

Some people consider alcohol to be a medicinal drug; they take it when they feel unwell and to improve their appetite. Maybe they are right?

Talking about the benefits of alcohol is a fairly common misconception. Take, for example, the obvious fact of stimulating the appetite after a glass of vodka or dry wine. But this is only for a short time, while the alcohol causes the “ignition juice”. In the future, drinking alcohol, including beer, only harms digestion. After all, alcohol paralyzes the activity of such important organs as the liver and pancreas.

One of the congresses of Russian doctors adopted a resolution on the dangers of alcohol: “alcohol does not have a single effect that could not be achieved by another medicinal product that is more beneficial and safer. More reliable; There is no such painful condition in which it is necessary to prescribe alcohol for any long period of time.”

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One of the most common is the statement that drinking together brings people closer together.

Do you agree with this?

A psychological justification for drunkenness was required - and myths were born about the miraculous properties of alcohol, including about bringing people together by drinking together. The outstanding psychiatrist Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev described the psychological causes of drunkenness as follows: “The whole point is that drunkenness is an age-old evil, it has taken deep roots in our everyday life and has given rise to a whole system of wild drinking customs. These customs require drinking and refreshments on every occasion...”

Alcohol consumption also affects offspring. U drinking women There are often miscarriages, sick children who are developmentally delayed, and grow up mentally handicapped. It is no coincidence that the laws of Ancient Greece and Rome prohibited young people from drinking alcohol. It was forbidden for a drunken husband to approach his wife. An order was issued prohibiting newlyweds from drinking wine.

In Rus' it was considered bad sign drink wine on own wedding.

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- Drinking alcohol for self-affirmation?

People who have healthy hobbies rarely slip into drunkenness, and a pronounced interest in something serves as a good psychological barrier against it.

Outstanding Soviet pediatrician G.N. Speransky said when he was 94 years old: “Ninety years ago I did my first morning exercises. And since then, every morning for me begins with gymnastics and wiping, I have lived in the world for almost a hundred years and have never been sick,” and one must relieve one’s life stresses not with the help of alcohol, but physical exercise, sports activities, auto training. Napoleon never drank alcohol in his life, declaring that he did not need it, that it was the lot of ordinary individuals.

Aristotle stated: “Nothing exhausts and destroys a person more than prolonged physical inactivity.”

Japanese doctors believe that for normal life a person must take 100,000 steps a day at a speed of two steps per second.

And you can establish yourself among friends in other ways, and not by drinking alcohol.

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Studies have shown that alcoholism is not genetically transmitted, only the tendency towards it is transmitted, resulting from the characteristics of the character received from the parents.

Whether a person should be an alcoholic or not - this question was partly decided by a specific life situation, i.e. conditions external environment, but, in essence, a person’s ability to control himself, strength of character.

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Think, look around, decide... We leave the right to each of you to make your choice and really hope that today’s conversation will help you make the right decision.