
Beneficial properties of Crimean lemongrass: description and effective recipes. Schisandra: types, properties, action, indications and contraindications Crimean Tatar tea

Crimean iron grass (Mursal tea, Tatar tea, shepherd tea, Greek tea, Crimean lemongrass) is considered the best remedy against colds, and the herb not only eliminates existing symptoms, but also contributes effective prevention colds in the future. It is called lemongrass because it has a pronounced lemon taste and aroma. The smell and taste are retained after brewing the plant in boiling water.

Indications for use

A decoction of ironweed is useful if necessary:

  • strengthen immunity after illness;
  • normalize the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • stop vomiting;
  • relieve symptoms of exacerbation of diseases of the endocrine system;
  • relieve an attack of chronic gastritis;
  • to heal and heal wounds - in this case, lotions with a decoction of ironweed are used, which are applied to the affected areas.

For colds

Crimean lemongrass helps relieve symptoms of fever, which is why it is sold primarily as a cold remedy. It is enough to drink a decoction of this herb throughout the day, and even with severe flu the body will be able to quickly restore all its strength. The cold goes away in 1-2 days.

The product helps against all types of cough, including old smoker's cough. This decoction is also effective for pneumonia.

In addition, gland helps with inflammation of the mucous membrane of the throat, relieving unpleasant symptoms. The decoction is used for bronchitis (including chronic and acute) and for shortness of breath.

For men

The plant Crimean lemongrass (Crimean ironweed) is considered effective means to preserve male potency. Ironweed also has a beneficial effect on prostate gland. Regular use of the decoction stimulates the release of testosterone, which is why this herb is called “natural Viagra”.

Schisandra is considered a natural aphrodisiac.


  • antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect,
  • protection against viruses and microbes,
  • regulation of the physiological processes of the body,
  • general health effects,
  • nourishing the body, saturating it with useful substances,
  • removal of radioactive elements,
  • prevention of myocardial infarction,
  • strengthening bones and muscles,
  • lowering blood cholesterol levels,
  • strengthening the body in old age - ironweed is considered a plant of longevity,
  • beneficial effects on the digestive, respiratory, genitourinary systems.


Crimean railway- a herb that contains large number essential oil. It contains linoleic, stearic, oleic, palmitic and linolenic acids. The plant contains about 300 components, including fats, proteins, 7 types of vitamins (including E, D and C), lipid sugars, theine, and natural antioxidants. The most important microelements are iodine, iron, magnesium, copper, calcium, zinc, potassium, selenium, cobalt.

Directions for use

For a decoction against colds, you need to brew 2-3 tablespoons of the herb in 1 liter of boiling water. The drink is used as a substitute for tea. You can also use a decoction of lemongrass externally - make compresses soaked in it, or take baths to which the decoction is added.

Use during pregnancy

If you are pregnant, you should consult your doctor before using the decoction.


The category of plants unique in their composition, growing exclusively on the Crimean Peninsula, includes Crimean lemongrass. His distinctive feature is an incredibly pleasant aroma with lemon notes, which explains the use of the perennial as an additive in tea. There are others popular names This healing culture has Tatar tea, shepherd tea, Crimean and Tatar ironweed, lemongrass. When using dried aerial parts of a medicinal plant, you should be aware that in addition to the beneficial properties, there are also contraindications.

Origin and characteristics of the plant

Tatar tea like medicinal herb Quite actively used in homeopathy. But today the numbers have declined significantly due to mass collection of shoots at the flowering stage, combined with a low probability of seed germination.

Botanical description

Crimean ironweed belongs to the perennial herbaceous crops of the Lamiaceae family. It is distinguished by the presence of flowering and non-flowering short vegetative organs. The height of the flowering organs is no more than half a meter. The length of the oblong leaves is up to 3 cm. The spike-shaped inflorescences are quite dense and elongated. Bracts can have a heart-shaped or triangular, pointed shape, their color is often grayish-green or yellow. Young leaves of the perennial are collected for tea. The flowering phase begins in summer. Since the plant is frost-resistant, there is no need for additional insulation for the winter.

Distribution area

Growing healing herb on pastures located on the mountain system of the Crimean peninsula (Crimean yailas), especially common on Chatyr-Dag. Shepherd tea likes to grow in rocky meadows, rocky areas located on shallow limestone or eroded soils, screes, and pastures. This is one of the most favorite ornamental crops of gardeners. It gained its popularity due to its resistance to low temperatures, dry weather and decent color qualities.

Landscape designers use ironwork to give the site a spectacular look. In garden plots, lemongrass is grown through seeds.

Chemical composition and beneficial properties

The beneficial effect of Crimean Schisandra on the human body is explained by the presence in its composition of a large number of medicinal components: tannins, iridoids, flavonoids, pectin and essential oils, vitamins. Also in the seeds of the perennial we found organic acids, among which there is a high percentage of palmetic, oleic, stearic, linoleic, linolenic. The fatty oil level is 29-30%. The flowers of Tatar tea contain vitamins C and E, and the stems contain mineral elements.

When using a medicinal culture to improve the health of the body, it should be taken into account that it can bring not only benefits, but also harm. The list of beneficial properties inherent in this plant includes:

  • the ability to quickly heal wounds;
  • diuretic effect;
  • diaphoretic action;
  • the ability to suppress or reduce the gag reflex;
  • tonic effect.

In order not to cause harm to health, before consuming Crimean lemongrass, you should familiarize yourself with the restrictions regarding its use.

Medicinal properties and contraindications

People who are accustomed to using for therapeutic purposes folk remedies, shepherd's tea is probably famous. Thanks to unique compounds - lignans, which contain a high percentage of fiber and antioxidants, the perennial is distinguished by its ability to prevent the development of cancer. And its essential oils allow:

It is noteworthy that essential oils are present in all organs of perennial lemongrass.

Vitamin C contained in shepherd tea promotes:

  • increasing capillary permeability;
  • intensive growth and development of bone tissue;
  • boosting immunity;
  • stimulate production biologically active substances adrenal glands.

Vitamin E is necessary for:

  • preventing the occurrence of blood clots and resorption of existing ones;
  • normalization of the performance of organs performing reproductive functions;
  • reducing the level menopausal symptoms;
  • accelerating the healing process of skin damage (wounds, abrasions);
  • adjusting the biosynthesis of proteins and RNA.

A positive result is noticeable due to the presence of mineral salts in the plant, which are needed for:

  • improving the process of hematopoiesis;
  • creation and restoration of tissues;
  • regulation of acid-base balance;
  • improving the activity of the endocrine glands.

The composition of Crimean lemongrass, rich in healing properties, stimulates appetite, relieves sleep problems, promotes normal metabolism, is effective against feverish conditions, liver diseases, and fights neoplasms. If you drink tea with the addition of iron 2-3 times a week, a person will not feel unwell. Crimeans treat the plant as a natural immunomodulator that increases the body's resistance to respiratory diseases. The first who learned about this medicinal crop – shepherd tea – were Greek shepherds. Decoctions were prepared from the grass, and tinctures were made from fruits and seeds.

Among the contraindications regarding the use of shepherd tea are:

Timing and procedure for procurement of raw materials

As a raw material for cooking medicinal decoctions use the stems, leaves and inflorescences of the Crimean ironweed, because healing properties all parts have. The optimal time for collection is the phase of active flowering of lemongrass. After the grass has been cut or mowed to the lower leaves, it needs to be thoroughly dried. For these purposes, use a place in the shade, under a canopy in the open air, after tying the raw materials into bundles and hanging them on a rope. If plant material is dried in the sun, it loses its beneficial qualities. The inflorescences are laid out on a grid covered with gauze.

The main thing is that the layer thickness does not exceed 1 cm, this will guarantee uniform drying.

The duration of the process is 1.5-2 weeks. After this, the phytoproducts are placed in bags or plastic containers; the shelf life is no more than 18 months.

Recipes for use

As an antiemetic, Crimean lemongrass is used as follows:

  1. Measure out 3 tbsp. dried plant materials.
  2. Pour boiling water over the glass.
  3. Let it brew for 1 hour.
  4. Strain before use and drink 2 times a day.

For diseases respiratory system prepare Tatar tea from 1 tbsp. l. phytoraw materials (flowers) and 1 cup of boiling water. Infusion time 30 minutes. Take the decoction twice a day, ½ cup.

As a tonic, Crimean ironweed should be used to prepare medicinal baths. To do this, take 3 tbsp. l. dried herbs, pour 2 liters of water and place the container on the fire, boil for 5 minutes. The cooled and strained broth is poured into a bath, the water temperature of which is no more than 30 degrees. Procedure time 15 minutes.

Crimean lemongrass is rightfully considered a medicinal crop, since it has bactericidal, analgesic, rejuvenating and other useful qualities. But before using it, you need to consult with your doctor so as not to provoke a deterioration in your overall health.

As it turned out

In Turkey, ada tea is represented mainly by two plant species, sage, genus Salvia, and ironweed, genus Sideritis of the Lamiaceae family.

In the west of the country, sage is mainly sold under ada tea; in the east, in the mountainous regions, ironweed is sold.

Let's talk about the ironworks.

Ironwort or lemongrass. In Greece, tea made from it is called Greek mountain tea, in Bulgaria - Mursalsky about which legends are made. In Turkey it is ada tea.

The uniqueness of this plant is due primarily to the fact that it is collected high in the mountains, in the wild. The composition of the plant is rich in a set of essential oils, which contain acids: palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, linolenic, iridoids: harpagide, 8-acetylharpagide, flavonoids. The flowers of lemongrass also contain a large amount of vitamin C, and the stems and leaves contain calcium. This unique composition makes iron tea extremely tasty and, indeed, healthy.

In ancient times, the plant helped people heal puncture wounds, usually received during military clashes. This is the reason for the name ironclad. Now the attention of scientists is focused primarily on its neurorestorative effect. The twenty-first century is making its own adjustments. Other wars mean different wounds. Thus, German scientists recommend taking ironweed tea for Alzheimer’s disease and to harmonize the work of the central nervous system (central nervous system). According to them, several cups of tea a day for six months can alleviate the symptoms of the disease and achieve long-term remission.

In addition, the iron has a stimulating effect on the sex glands, which also revitalizes the body and serves as a prevention of male impotence and female frigidity. The herb is good for treating the lungs and bronchi and simply for restoring strength.

Here are a few recipes for using ironweed for medicinal purposes. -

as a poultice in the treatment of ulcers, to eliminate edema, swelling(a poultice is prepared from ironweed leaves).

for nausea and vomiting(use herbal infusion): 3 tbsp. spoons of crushed dry grass, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, then strain. Take 0.5 cups 2 times a day, drink slowly, in sips.

for lung diseases – bronchitis, pneumonia(prepare an infusion of ironweed flowers): pour 1 teaspoon of flowers with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 40 minutes, then strain. Take 1/3 cup 3-4 times a day.

as tea– prepared from leaves and inflorescences. This tea activates the cerebral cortex, gives a boost of vigor and activity, and strengthens the immune system. Tea also contains tannin, which removes radioactive substances from the body.

bath infusion with ironweed (schisandra): brew 3 tbsp in a saucepan. spoons of herbs, leave for 40 minutes, strain and pour into a cool bath (about 30°C). Take such a bath for 15 minutes, which will give you strength and energy.

Railroad contraindications. Preparations from Crimean ironweed are contraindicated: with high blood pressure, individual intolerance and nervous overexcitation.

How to brew a pot for the tea ceremony? In Bulgaria, it is customary to brew tea in ceramic teapots; in Turkey, a sprig of iron tea, previously scalded with boiling water, is traditionally brewed in a Turkish tulip-shaped glass.

Nine out of ten Russians have no idea what Mursal tea is. And this is not from ignorance. The product is truly rare. A unique herb with the aroma of lemongrass and the properties of ginseng grows on the planet in only one place - mountainous Bulgaria, and even then in a limited area. There was a time when its healing power was kept secret, then, due to spontaneous collections, the plant was almost destroyed. Now the Bulgarians protect it at the state level, monitor its restoration, and grow it on special plantations. Let's figure out what all the fuss is about.

From Bulgaria, tourists bring not only rose oil and brandy, but also herbal spikelets of the famous Mursala tea

Mysterious iron grass

Mursalica tea is freshly picked or dried spikelets of an alpine type of ironweed grass that grows in the Mursalitsa mountainous area. Other names - Rhodope, Pirin, Trigrad - also come from the names of settlements and places of growth.

Like any herb with strong healing potential, ironweed has its own legend of origin, a lot of legends, stories in which truth is skillfully intertwined with fiction. But this is not so important. The very attention to the plant over the centuries is already sufficient evidence of a natural phenomenon.

According to legend, the yellow spikelets of ironweed are the sprouted tears of the inconsolable Orpheus, mourning his beloved Eurydice, who tragically died from a snake bite. His feelings were so strong and his grief boundless that even the gods were touched. The plant has absorbed the great power of this love, and now it helps people by expelling illnesses from the body.

Interesting! For a long time Mursala tea did not go beyond the borders of Bulgaria. Few people knew about its healing capabilities - local residents, traditional herbal healers, the so-called “initiates”. Those who drank regularly healing drink, were distinguished by enviable health and longevity. The party elite used the properties of the plant not only to prolong life, but also to stay longer on political Olympus.

Love that can resurrect forever lost happiness - Orpheus and Eurydice

What does it look like?

Ironweed (Sideritis) is a semi-evergreen perennial plant from the Lamiaceae family. It has beautiful velvety leaves. At the end of May it produces flower stalks up to half a meter high. They reveal small yellow flowers, collected in a spikelet and covered with green bracts. The grass is collected when flowering comes to an end (not earlier than July). By this time she is accumulating useful substances, gains maximum healing power. To prepare Mursala tea, use the peduncle along with the stem, flowers and leaves.

Branded packaging – spikelets of ironweed collected with a panicle

Where does it grow?

The natural habitats of ironweed are slopes, alpine meadows of the Rhodope and Pirin mountains, at an altitude of 1.0–1.8 thousand meters. The plant is not easy to cultivate in artificial conditions, as it requires rocky soil, plenty of sun and special care. Therefore, industrial plantations are set up high in the mountains, bringing the cultivation technology as close as possible to natural conditions.

From such plantations, Mursal tea is distributed all over the world.

What is the secret of tea

Mursala tea is a real gift from nature; it has many beneficial properties and virtually no contraindications. Main secret- in a unique composition.

Biochemical composition

Few plants can “boast” of so many components – more than 270! A whole pharmacy in one spikelet! What beneficial substances does ironweed contain?

  • Several groups of flavonoids, vitamins C, E, D, PP. These compounds are the most powerful natural antioxidants. They eliminate inflammatory processes in the body, prevent cell oxidation, and protect them from the destructive effects of free radicals.
  • Phenols have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects and are part of antipyretic drugs.
  • About 10 amino acids. And this is a component of proteins - the main building material of the body.
  • 23 minerals and trace elements. Of particular value are iron, potassium, sodium, copper, selenium, zinc, iodine, etc.
  • Several types of iridoids. These are stimulating substances that improve the functioning of the heart, liver, and relieve pain syndrome, spasms. They have a tonic effect on the entire body.
  • Essential oils have antibacterial properties, normalize sleep, and soothe.

For what purposes is it used?

The local population brews Mursal herb instead of tea. Place 1-2 spikelets in a glass of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 3-5 minutes, then leave for another 7-10 minutes. It is believed that if you drink 2 glasses of the herbal drink daily, no medications will be needed. Systemic healing of the body occurs, its resistance increases. And this is the main condition for youth and longevity.

What health problems can herbal tea cope with?

  1. With colds. Firstly, it strengthens the immune system; people simply catch colds less often. Secondly, it has antipyretic and expectorant properties, and alleviates the condition of severe bronchitis, asthma, and influenza.
  2. Indicated for people with digestive problems. Mursala tea cleanses the liver, has choleretic properties, heals microflora and enhances intestinal motility. The drink contains a slight bitterness that stimulates appetite.
  3. Helps the body fight cancer cells. Thanks to its strong antioxidant complex, tea prevents the formation of tumors and removes toxins and radioactive metal salts from the body. According to experts, regular consumption of infusion by cancer patients slows down the development of metastases.
  4. Has a positive effect on genitourinary system. Positive impact on reproductive organs due to the presence of selenium and zinc in the plant. It is used to treat prostatitis, nephritis, and other urological diseases.

    Pay attention! Mursal tea is often recommended as a means to increase potency. It even became known as “Bulgarian Viagra”. The immediate effect has not been clinically proven, but regular consumption really stimulates sperm motility, restores and prolongs natural male health for many years.

  5. Positively affects the cardiovascular system. The herbal drink cleanses and strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques, and reduces the risk of vascular (stroke) and heart (heart attack) diseases.
  6. Strengthens and stimulates the nervous system. A cup of tea after work will relieve fatigue, give strength, and calm you down. The effect is somewhat similar to Schisandra chinensis - it invigorates, but does not deplete the nervous system.

Bulgarians consider the golden drink a natural elixir of longevity.


Although Mursala tea is a rather mild drink, it is still better for nursing mothers and preschoolers to refrain from consuming it. Overly excitable people drinking tea in the evening can cause insomnia. Hypertensive patients are also better off not taking risks.

Analogues of Mursala tea

Zheleznitsa has several relatives that are comparable to Mursal herbal tea not only in appearance, but also in terms of healing characteristics.

Crimean shepherd tea

From time immemorial, Crimeans have been drinking herbal infusion from Crimean ironweed. The drink is called shepherd tea or Tatar tea. It has a pleasant lemon aroma and a beautiful yellow-golden hue. Traditional healers herbal tea is recommended for the treatment of gastritis with increased acidity, peptic ulcer stomach, diabetes, anemia. It relieves fatigue well, enhances performance, restores and strengthens the immune system.

Crimean iron tea is outwardly indistinguishable from Mursal tea. In terms of marketing, only the Crimeans lag behind the Bulgarians

Mountain Greek tea

In that part of the Rhodope Mountains that are located in Greece, Syrian ironweed, also known as Greek mountain tea, grows. It is not sold in whisks, like the Bulgarians, but in pressed form. At the tea market herbal tea Positioned as a tonic, antitumor, agent, immunostimulant.

And even if the healing abilities of Mursala tea are somewhat exaggerated. A fragrant drink made from herbs grown in ecologically clean, high-mountain areas is much healthier than those tea substitutes that are often hidden behind a bright, recognizable brand.

Video about the Crimean railway:

It is difficult to imagine Turkey without tea drinks. Residents of this country love both traditional tea, and based on herbs. The most popular is adacayi - Turkish ada tea, which means island tea. But here we need to clarify, because there is another name for this drink - sage

The packaging of Turkish herbal Ada tea shows such a plant. But according to scientific research, it has been proven that that only 2 out of 6 adacayi teas were sage base, others included ironweed, in other words - lemongrass. If we talk about the second option, then other varieties are also prepared from it. Such adacayi teas differ not only in taste, but also useful properties, so when purchasing, be sure to ask what was used during production.

Sage tea

Turkish herbal tea Ada based on sage in ancient times called a sacred plant beneficial properties who helped with a variety of diseases. To make tea, collect only the green top of the grass, together with flowers - they contain essential oils, phytoncides, tannins, antioxidants, alkaloids and flavonoids.

Presented Turkish tea has a general strengthening, anti-inflammatory and even antimicrobial effect. The Turkish herbal drink helps strengthen the immune system and helps cope with overwork and extreme fatigue.

The drink is allowed to be consumed by both adults and children. Turkish tea helps reduce flatulence and eliminate diarrhea. Besides that, he performs very well in the fight against colic, gastritis, inflammation of the gallbladder.

It should be noted that sage has beneficial properties for the female reproductive system - it normalizes hormone balance and helps to get pregnant.

The herb can dilate blood vessels, so this tea is a real godsend for those who suffer from frequent dizziness, vegetative vascular dystonia, atherosclerosis, as well as those who have suffered a stroke.

Contraindications and harm

Before use, you should make sure that there are no following contraindications:

  • Experts do not recommend drinking this tea during pregnancy, as well as on the first and second days of menstruation;
  • Your blood pressure may increase while taking it, therefore, it is better for hypertensive patients to stop drinking tea or reduce the dosage;
  • People suffering from epilepsy should not drink tea. because there is a risk of causing seizures;
  • Consumption is prohibited for those suffering from pyelonephritis. and has acute inflammation kidney;
  • Mothers who breastfeed should also stop taking it, as lactation may decrease;
  • Cannot be used if you have endometriosis, hyperplasia, after the mammary glands or uterus have been removed;
  • It is better to refuse if there are tumors of any type;
  • If a person suffers from severe cough, it is also better to refuse, as there is a risk of increased attacks.


Now we need to look at another type of tea, which is just as tasty and healthy. Iron mixture can be bought in one of the mountainous regions of Turkey. Ironweed is collected in the mountains - only there it is wild. The cones of this plant contain a large amount of essential oil, amino acids. The flowers contain vitamin C, and the stems and leaves contain calcium.

In ancient times, the plant was used to treat wounds. And in modern world doctors discovered that iron girl has neuro restorative properties , therefore the drink is recommended for those who want to improve the functioning of the central nervous system even with Alzheimer's disease. If you drink tea regularly for six months, you can significantly improve your condition.

Tea is an excellent preventive measure in cases of frigidity in women, as well as impotence in men. The grass can restore strength.

Contraindications of lemongrass

This plant is not recommended for consumption in case of nervous overexcitation, as well as intolerance by the body to the grass itself. Besides this, Hypertensive patients are prohibited from using it, since the drink can increase blood pressure.

The Turkish tea ceremony involves the use of special tulip-shaped glasses, in which tea branches are brewed. First you need to scald it and then brew it with boiling water. Next, leave for half an hour so that all the beneficial properties appear. Such a decoction must infuse for at least 15 minutes, and if you plan to use it for treatment - more than 40 minutes.

Depending on what type of tea is chosen, everyone will be able to enjoy a certain taste. Each drink will bring a lot of pleasure from tea drinking; it perfectly quenches thirst and cools on hot summer days.

Using Turkish tea for cosmetic purposes

Sage is often used in cosmetology, especially for hair treatment. When you regularly rinse your hair with a decoction of sage, it acquires a gorgeous shine and accelerates growth. You can also use tea completely cure dandruff.


Beneficial properties of Turkish tea - ada - difficult to overestimate. He is a great assistant for various health problems. At proper preparation The condition of the body can be significantly improved.

Important condition - choose the right drink. Before use, you should consult your doctor. If there are contraindications, it is better to avoid drinking tea.

Ironweed is a spicy plant often used to make tea. Better known as Crimean Zheleznitsa or shepherd-tea, Tatar-tea, Crimean lemongrass. But in fact, Sideritis taurica, an endemic species of the peninsula, grows in Crimea. In total, this plant has about 200 species and is found in the Krasnodar region, the Volga region, Far East, in Ukraine, in the Caucasus, in Moldova, in all Mediterranean countries, in Central Asia... Mountain Ironwort (Sideritis montana) is more common in the mountains and foothills.

In Crimea it grows in all mountain and foothill regions, which is why it is so famous among hiking enthusiasts. This plant blooms with bright yellow flowers and is difficult to confuse with any other. Often found in the popular Demerdzhi. There's nothing better than adding a few flowering twigs to a pot of tea.

What to pick to make tea

This is what Zheleznitsa looks like in the photo

Römert - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

To prepare tea, flowering branches are plucked from the very base of the plant and added to the tea along with the stem. Crimean lemongrass blooms all summer.

How to brew

At home, Zheleznitsa is brewed at the rate of 1 tablespoon per half liter of boiling water. IN hiking conditions You can add 20-25 flowering branches to a 10 liter can. You can brew them either on your own or add them to black tea, but in half the amount.

Deyan Vasilev (Dido3) - own work, GFDL,

Useful properties

Tea from this plant is very popular in Greece, where it is cultivated and grown by local farmers. In ancient times, it was used here as a wound-healing agent, so it was highly valued by warriors. In Balkan countries, Zheleznica is used as a spice.

In addition to preparing aromatic tea, it can be used as a antibacterial agent, such as a cut or tarantula bite. A “gruel” from the soft parts of the plant is applied to the wound or bite site. Tatar tea is also a good repellent against annoying insects. Take a drink from it for colds and general ailments, as an immune-supporting agent. Zheleznitsa contains, in significant doses, vitamins C and E.


Those with high blood pressure should be more careful with Crimean, mountain or Far Eastern lemongrass. Evening tea is good, but morning tea, in addition to the increased daily stress of a hike, will not be very useful.

Pay attention to this plant on mountain and foothill hikes - it will be a tasty and vitamin-rich addition to your hiking diet.

Video on how to collect, dry and prepare tea from this plant.

Syn: shepherd tea, Crimean lemongrass, Tatar tea, shepherd tea.

Crimean ironweed is a perennial herbaceous ornamental plant, endemic to Crimea. Zheleznitsa has tonic, diuretic, antifever, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and healing properties, has a general strengthening effect, strengthens the immune system, and increases performance.

Ask the experts a question

In medicine

Crimean ironweed is a non-pharmacopoeial plant, in official medicine does not apply. However, scientists are actively studying the plant. In 2012, experiments were conducted with mice that showed that ironweed can stop Alzheimer's disease. Positive results in the fight against a serious illness, German scientists were able to identify it, as reported in the TV show “Deutsche Welle” ‘’In Good Shape’’ in March 2012.

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications to the use of Crimean ironweed: high blood pressure, nervous overexcitation, individual intolerance, pregnancy, childhood. It is also not recommended to use decoctions and infusions of Crimean ironweed for nursing mothers.

In cooking

Crimean ironweed has a pleasant subtle aroma reminiscent of lemon. In Crimea, its dried and fresh leaves are added to teas and herbal tinctures. Tea from Crimean ironweed has tonic properties.

Dried and ground leaves, stems and flowers of the plant are used as a seasoning for fish and vegetable dishes. This spice is very popular on the Crimean Peninsula.

In crop production

Crimean ironweed is often used to create decorative flower beds and alpine slides. The white tomentose leaves of the plant retain their beauty throughout the growing season. It is these leaves that give the plant its unusual “alpine” appearance. At the end of May-June, numerous flowering shoots develop, reaching 50 cm in height. Small, inconspicuous, yellowish flowers are collected in whorled inflorescences and covered with large, greenish-yellow bracts. Peduncles with bracts remain almost unchanged until winter. Young leaves of the Crimean ironweed emit a pleasant lemon aroma, which is also valued by landscape designers.

Crimean ironweed looks great among large decorative stones and combines with almost any low-growing plants. This plant is considered the main decoration of a rock garden.

In other areas

Essential oil of Crimean ironweed is suitable for use in the perfumery and cosmetics industry and has antibacterial and antiprotozoal activity. It is used in the production of creams and lotions.

Crimean ironwort lotions were previously used by women as an anti-acne remedy.

Crimean ironweed is a very good honey plant. Honey from its pollen tastes pleasant, not cloyingly sweet, with a slight sourness.

This plant is poisonous to horses.


Crimean ironweed (lat. Sideritis taurica Steph. ex Willd. 1800) is a species of perennial herbaceous plant from the genus Zheleznitsa (lat. Sideritis L.). In total, the genus includes about 180 species, of which three are the most famous: Sideritis lanata (Woolly ironweed), Sideritis montana (Mountain ironweed) and Sideritis romana (Beaked ironweed).

Botanical description

Crimean ironweed is a perennial herbaceous plant with a stem densely covered with felt hairs and woody at the base. There are usually several flowering shoots, in addition to them there are several shortened, non-flowering shoots. The inflorescence is spike-shaped, elongated, dense or discontinuous in the lower part. The leaves are oblanceolate or oblong, acute or obtuse, vaguely crenate-serrate. The flowers are pale - yellow, collected in a tight corolla.

Crimean ironweed blooms in May-July in the southern regions, in June-August - in the middle zone.


Crimean ironweed is an endemic plant of the Crimean peninsula, which can be found on rocky steppe slopes, screes and limestone outcrops, and in pastures. As an ornamental plant, it is grown in the southern regions and central Russia.

Regions of distribution on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

For medicinal purposes, the Crimean iron grass (stems, leaves, inflorescences) is used. Raw materials are collected during the period of active flowering. The grass is dried in a well-ventilated area for one and a half to two weeks, constantly turning over. Then the raw materials are packaged in bags and plastic containers. Dried Crimean iron can be stored for 12-18 months.

Chemical composition

The leaves, stems and flowers of the Crimean ironweed contain essential oil 0.003-0.006%, iridoids: harpagide, 8-acetylharpagide, flavonoids. The seeds contain 29-30% fatty oil and contain the following acids: palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, linolenic.

Pharmacological properties

Crimean ironweed is considered a natural immunomodulator. The plant has hypotensive, antifever, diuretic properties, promotes scarring of wounds, and helps with tumors.

Use in folk medicine

Crimean ironclad - known since ancient times medicinal plant. Crimean Tatars It was considered a panacea for all colds. In their opinion, regular consumption of tea with Crimean lemongrass guaranteed immunity from colds and flu.

Infusion and decoction of Crimean ironweed is used as an antifever. Also in the Crimea, an infusion of iron grass is drunk for nausea and vomiting, and an infusion of flowers is drunk for lung diseases.

The use of Crimean ironweed for tumors, wounds, abrasions - externally, in the form of lotions.

Historical background

Zheleznitsa got its name from the Latin version - Sideritis. Which translates to “one who has iron.” In ancient times, all plants that did an excellent job of healing wounds caused by metal weapons (swords, spears, knives, axes, etc.) had this name.

The plant was known to Dioscorides and Theophrastus. Although Dioscorides described three species, only one (probably Sideritis scordioides) is related to the ironweed. In ancient times, the name ironweed applied to many plants that had wound healing property, especially wounds from metal weapons. There is also an assumption that the origin of the name is related to the shape of the sepals, which resemble the tip of a spear.

It is believed that in terms of its beneficial properties, Crimean ironweed is very close to ginseng. This plant is often confused with Chinese lemongrass, although they have nothing in common except a subtle lemon aroma. These are different families, Chinese lemongrass is a liana, and Crimean ironweed (Crimean lemongrass) is a herbaceous plant.

Crimean ironweed is a rare plant, the number of which is constantly declining due to collectors of medicinal raw materials. The habitat on the Nebeb rock in the Tuapse region, on Tolstoy Cape was destroyed during the construction of residential and administrative complexes. The total number is about 2000 individuals. The Crimean ironweed is listed in the Red Book of the Krasnodar Territory.


1. Yuzepchuk S.V. Genus 1250. Zheleznitsa - Sideritis L. // Flora of the USSR. In 30 volumes / Started under the leadership and editor-in-chief of academician. V. L. Komarova; Ed. volumeB. K. Shishkin and S. V. Yuzepchuk. - M.-L.: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1954. - T. XX. - P. 253-273. - 556 s. - 2700 copies.