
Professional oral hygiene for an 8 year old child. Professional oral hygiene for children

Anyone who has had their teeth treated at least once in their life knows that this process is not the most pleasant and is often accompanied by painful sensations, and it’s not cheap. Untreated teeth, in addition to discomfort and pain, become a real time bomb for the body, being a constant source of infection. This is why all parents dream of their children having healthy and beautiful teeth. The simplest and effective way Maintaining dental health in children for a long time is teaching them the rules of oral hygiene.

Oral hygiene rules

1. You need to start your friendship with a toothbrush from the moment the very first tooth erupts. Of course, parents should brush children’s teeth, but from 3-4 years old, children can easily cope with this task on their own.

2. Oral hygiene in children includes daily brushing of teeth twice a day: morning and evening. It doesn’t matter at all whether the child brushes his teeth before or after breakfast, the main thing is that at least 30 minutes pass after eating. The fact is that immediately after eating, the acidity in the mouth increases and the tooth enamel softens a little. In the evening, it is better to brush your teeth just before going to bed.

3. Teeth need to be brushed correctly - different surfaces require brushing with different movements:

  • the chewing surface of the tooth should be brushed with back-and-forth movements, orienting the brush across the dentition;
  • the buccal (facing the cheeks and lips) surface is cleaned in a circular motion while massaging the gums;
  • The lingual (facing the tongue) surface is also cleaned in a circular motion, focusing special attention front teeth, where stone most often forms;
  • The palatal (facing the sky) surface is cleaned with circular movements, placing the brush vertically.

Basic oral hygiene products (items)

Oral hygiene items include and. In order for a child to brush his teeth regularly and with pleasure, he should like the toothbrush - be comfortable, beautiful and not too hard. For little ones, you need a toothbrush with a long handle, two rows of 2 cm long bristles and a narrow head. Children who are learning to brush their teeth on their own should choose a brush with a large handle and a small head. The paste should be squeezed out a little, about the size of the baby’s little fingernail.

General information

It is important to take proper care of your child's baby teeth. They will eventually fall out, but until then, baby teeth serve important function in the process of biting and chewing food, as well as in the formation of clear speech. Baby teeth provide room for growth permanent teeth, promoting their correct location.

Even before the child’s first tooth appears, it is necessary to wipe his gums with a special children’s gum massager, clean damp gauze or a napkin. Once teeth have erupted, they should be brushed twice a day using toothbrush with soft bristles and water.

Under a row of baby teeth, the rudiments of permanent teeth and space for their growth are formed.

The results of the study showed that children who have developed caries in their primary teeth are more likely to develop caries in their permanent teeth, so it is necessary to take your child to the dentist regularly for preventive examinations. It is important to keep baby teeth clean, but once permanent teeth emerge, brushing should be a top priority. Your child will have these teeth for life.

Of course, even though these are just baby teeth, they are subject to the same risks and damage that affect molars. If your child has high risk caries development, it is necessary to minimize the consumption of starchy foods, such as crackers and chips, and also limit the consumption of sugary drinks. Remember that giving your baby a bottle of sweetened liquid several times a day or letting him fall asleep with a bottle during nap or at night, you may harm his teeth.

Many of the same treatments and diagnostics that are available to adults are also available to children. These methods include x-rays, dental sealants, orthodontic treatment, etc.


Brushing your teeth with a toothbrush and floss
Start using toothpaste to brush children's teeth after they turn 2 years old. Squeeze out only a small amount of toothpaste (about the size of a grain of rice). Young children are more likely to swallow toothpaste while brushing their teeth than to spit it out. Give your child fluoride toothpaste only when he or she is old enough to stop swallowing it. The area where two teeth touch should be flossed once a day. You can use standard dental floss or special plastic holders for dental floss.

At some point, the child himself will want to brush his teeth. We need to give him this opportunity. However, after this you need to brush your child’s teeth a second time. Most children are not able to brush their teeth properly on their own until they are 8 years old.

While your child's dental health depends on what he eats, it's also important to keep an eye on how many times he eats a day. Frequent snacking can increase your risk of developing dental caries.

Tooth decay can develop if sugar-containing foods are left in the mouth for a long time. Bacteria that live on the surface of the tooth digest these food debris. These bacteria produce acid that corrodes tooth enamel. Between meals and snacks, saliva flushes out the acid. If your baby eats too often, saliva may not have enough time to wash away the acid.

Most people associate sugar with white sugar, which is found in sweets and baked goods. However, any food containing carbohydrates will eventually break down into sugars.

Visit to the dentist
New parents often ask, “When should I take my child to the dentist for the first time?” Your child should have a dental appointment before his or her first birthday.

The idea of ​​visiting the dentist so early still surprises many new parents. However, national studies have shown that children preschool age There is a higher percentage of caries development.

Loss of baby teeth
On average, children begin to lose their baby teeth at the age of 6-7 years. It's okay if your child's teeth fall out before or after this period. Most children's teeth fall out in the same order in which they erupt. For example, first the central teeth of the lower jaw fall out.

Orthodontic therapy in early age
Nowadays, children are getting braces at a much earlier age than in previous years. Some patients with special conditions are prescribed orthodontic treatment as early as age 6. Around this time, permanent teeth begin to appear, and this is the period when orthodontic problems also begin to appear. As the jawbone continues to develop, this is an ideal period to evaluate the child's condition.


Permanent teeth need to be brushed and flossed regularly, and dentists recommend doing this after every meal. If you have started caring for permanent teeth your baby, they need to be brushed and flossed before he or she gets a little older. Use a toothpaste and toothbrush that has been designed specifically for children. Children's toothbrushes have softer bristles to avoid damage to teeth and gums. Try to use dental floss with a handle (holder), with which you can demonstrate to your child how to brush his teeth.

Around the age of 6, children begin to lose teeth. Allow your child to wiggle the tooth until it falls out. This will reduce the severity of pain and the level of bleeding during prolapse.

Another problem that requires a lot of attention, is associated with caries. What your child eats and how often they eat has a significant impact on their oral health. Below are some tips for snacks and meals:

    Give it to the child healthy foods for snacks, such as fresh fruits, vegetables and cheeses.

    Buy products that do not contain obvious or hidden sugar.

    Offer your child sugary or starchy foods within full reception food, and not as a separate snack. Most children drink liquid with meals. This will allow you to rinse off large number food debris from the surface of the teeth. Let children drink water during and after meals to flush out any remaining sugar.

    Reduce the number of snacks throughout the day.

    After a snack, you need to brush your child's teeth. If this is not possible, have your child rinse his mouth with water several times.

    Choose chewing gum, which uses xylitol as a sweetener, or sugar-free chewing gum.

The importance of correct hygiene care oral cavity cannot be exaggerated. Especially when it comes to newborns. After all, from proper hygiene The health of a child’s oral cavity depends, first of all, on the health of the baby and, subsequently, on the health of his teeth.

You should think about the state of your child’s oral health from the very first days of his life. You need to answer the question of how to clean a newborn’s mouth. The baby's parents should do this.

A child’s oral cavity needs periodic care, because if this is neglected, you may encounter problems that will lead to diseases in the future.

For their vital activity, it is enough for microbes to feed on leftover food that has lingered due to non-compliance with hygiene requirements. To prevent this, parents are advised to clean their child's mouth approximately half an hour after each feeding.

This can be done using cotton wool, a tampon, a bandage or gauze, after aid need to be moistened with chilled boiled water. In addition, for oral hygiene in newborns, you can buy a special rubber fingertip with soft protrusions in pharmacies.

How to clean a newborn's tongue

Many mothers worry about the causes of plaque and don’t know whether they need to clean their newborn’s tongue. It is simply necessary to do this, without fail.

There are several ways:

  • You can use vitamin B12 (pink). You should wrap your finger in a bandage, moisten it with a vitamin solution and give it to the baby to suck. Alternatively, use solution injection or cotton swab, soaked in a vitamin solution. The vitamin solution can be replaced with soda. And if you are wondering how exactly to clean a newborn’s tongue with soda, then you should do exactly the same as with a solution of vitamins.
  • The baby’s tongue and mucous membrane should be wiped with chlorophyllipt (oil-based), and then the tongue should be treated with a solution prepared from a crushed nystatin tablet and one B12 ampoule.
  • Use two tinctures - myrrh and ratania. They can be found at any pharmacy. These two tinctures should be mixed in equal quantities and diluted with plenty of water. Next, you need to take a stick with a bandage or cotton wool and moisten it with the resulting solution, then carefully blot the baby’s tongue and oral mucosa with it.

Why do you need professional dental hygiene for children?

According to our internal statistics, more than 90% of patients do not know how to brush their teeth. Therefore, adults most often cannot teach their children to brush their teeth correctly.

But for a child, doing this efficiently is even more important than for an adult - the probability of developing caries with poor hygiene in baby teeth is close to 100%. And the health of permanent teeth depends on the health of the first teeth.

Therefore, it is so important that parents pay close attention to caring for their child’s teeth – not only at home, but also at the office and professionally.

Ask if children really undergo dental hygiene procedures, i.e. professional cleaning teeth? Certainly! The procedure for regular children's professional hygiene is the main method of preventing caries in children and gum inflammation.

Do children develop tartar?

No less than adults. With insufficient hygiene of baby teeth, and she most likely wants the best in any case, soft plaque accumulates, thickens and gradually turns into tartar, which not only begins to mechanically put pressure on the gums, but also becomes a source of bacterial infection. As a result, the gums become inflamed and begin to bleed at the slightest touch.

The child avoids cleaning this area, and the problem only gets worse.

In some cases, if a child has gastrointestinal diseases or dysbacteriosis, plaque begins to absorb pigment and becomes black, similar to a smoker’s plaque.

It is impossible to get rid of such plaque at home.

Memo for parents: how to keep your child's teeth healthy.

  1. The child should brush his teeth 2 times a day - morning and evening, with a special children's brush and toothpaste suitable for his age.
  2. Teach your child to use dental floss to remove food debris between the teeth.
  3. To prevent the development of bottle tooth decay, keep the number of snacks, especially sweet ones, to a minimum.
  4. Even if there are no problems, visit pediatric dentist It is necessary regularly every six months, starting from the age of one. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe a professional hygiene procedure for your child; this is also a great way to teach your child not to be afraid of the dentist.

How does the procedure for professional hygiene for children differ from that for adults?

The enamel of baby teeth, as well as permanent teeth that have just erupted in the mixed dentition, is very fragile and delicate, so during child hygiene, the doctor performs the procedure manually, without using the AirFlow device, as carefully as possible, without using abrasive powders and pastes.

How is children's professional oral hygiene performed?

  1. 1. At the beginning of the appointment, the doctor meets the child and establishes contact with him - after all, we will play “Mission: Cleanliness”.
  2. 2. The doctor applies a special solution to the teeth to indicate plaque.
  3. 3. Using a special circular brush and polishing paste, the doctor completely cleans the teeth of dental plaque. During the procedure, plaque is effectively removed from hard-to-reach places - the gingival sulcus and cervical area.
  4. 4. In some cases, if there is hard plaque, the doctor uses hand tools or an ultrasonic scaler to remove it.
  5. 5. After cleaning, the teeth are coated with a remineralizing varnish containing fluoride, which strengthens children's tooth enamel and reduces its sensitivity. This procedure will help to cope even with caries in initial stage"white spot"
  6. 6. According to indications, the doctor may suggest a fissure sealing procedure - this is sealing the “dimples” of the tooth, which are very vulnerable to caries, with a special sealing material with fluoride.
  7. 7. At the end of the procedure, the doctor will teach the child how to properly brush his teeth at home and select the right brush and toothpaste.

How often does a child need to undergo professional hygiene procedures?

It is recommended that this procedure be performed on a child once every six months, starting at 2.5-3 years of age. But we should not forget that there is also individual characteristics, and, above all, this is the quality of daily hygiene and lack of concomitant diseases that provoke advanced education dental plaque. For one child, it will be enough to carry out hygiene once a year, while for another, once a month will not be enough.

At orthodontic treatment If the teeth are crowded, professional hygiene is carried out more often - your attending physician should set an individual schedule.

Professional hygiene for children



While there are no permanent teeth, there is no need to carry out a professional hygiene procedure.

If you don’t worry and don’t take care of your baby teeth, you may not get healthy permanent teeth. Then it will be too late to correct the situation. Alas, there are many such examples in our practice, when the patient’s teeth no longer just have to be cleaned, but thoroughly treated.

As we have already said, the enamel of baby teeth is much more delicate than that of permanent teeth, so hygiene comes first among all preventive procedures. It is much easier and cheaper to prevent a disease than to try to get rid of it later. And the more well-groomed and healthy the milk teeth, the more likely it is that strong and strong ones will grow in their place. healthy teeth permanent. And here it is very important NOT TO MISS THE MOMENT!

A child's teeth get damaged if he eats sweets, so... best prevention- just exclude sweets.

Of course, sweets are not good for your teeth, and at any age, but you shouldn’t go to extremes.

Firstly, by completely eliminating sweets from your child’s diet, you risk ruining his metabolism. Sugar, mainly in the form of lactose and fructose, is a simple carbohydrate involved in the synthesis of glycogen, which, in turn, is necessary for the heart, liver, muscle tissue and brain function. Everything is good in moderation, for a child under 2 years old daily norm sugar should not exceed 40 g, and in 2-6 years - 60 g per day.

Secondly, even complete absence Sugar in the diet will not help maintain dental health if there are other unfavorable factors for the development of childhood dental diseases. Some of them may be hereditary or hidden in the prenatal period; it is quite difficult to influence their consequences. Therefore, the success of preventing children’s dental diseases lies in integrated approach, which takes into account the nutritional factor, the hygiene factor, and the factor of timely medical intervention in order to stop the unfavorable process at the very beginning of its development. No need to neglect this!

Bad teeth are hereditary, so there is no point in doing prevention.

We mentioned in the previous myth what factors can contribute to the development of childhood dental diseases. Yes, hereditary factor affects the child’s dental health, but it is far from the only one. And, if you put your “bad” heredity on one side of the scale, and all other unfavorable factors on the other, then the totality of these other factors will outweigh. Therefore, if we eliminate most of the reasons why children’s dental diseases occur, then heredity will weaken its influence against this background. Think about it, if a child does not hereditarily have mathematical abilities, then there is no need for him to go to mathematics at school - he still won’t know, so it turns out? So let's agree - we do everything possible, and, as a result, we get a very good result, otherwise it will be completely catastrophic. We're serious.

Teeth are the first thing people pay attention to when communicating.

The lion's share of all cases of occurrence dental diseases oral health depends on non-compliance with hygiene requirements from an early age.

What should adults do as preventive measures for children?

Why is it important to maintain oral hygiene from early childhood?

The enamel mineralizes during the first few months after. Weak mineralization makes it vulnerable to pathogenic bacteria. Children can suffer not only from, but also from foci of infection in the periodontal area.

The destruction of mature enamel occurs due to the leaching of calcium. Due to endocrine and hormonal changes in children's body in the process of growth, it is actively formed, turning into.

What does a baby’s oral health depend on?

A baby’s dental health is established long before he is born. The genetic heritage of an individual is paramount, but errors in the use of nutrients by the expectant mother can cause the manifestation of pathologies.

Even during the mother's pregnancy, the fetus should receive calcium in sufficient quantities. Chemical element takes part in the formation of teeth. Their formation begins at the 5th week of intrauterine development. Until the 12th, a critical phase occurs. During this period and throughout pregnancy, maternal nutrition is important.

The diet of a pregnant woman and growing child should include foods rich in:

  • vitamins;
  • microelements;
  • protein.

How to choose the right hygiene products?

The use of personal oral hygiene products (POH) for children should be correct, targeted and regular. - a simple event that helps:

  • cope with pathogenic microflora;
  • eliminate the existing one;
  • create the necessary concentration of fluoride in saliva.

Every kid knows that they need to brush their teeth. Oral hygiene in children differs from that in adults. Devices for high-quality cleaning of the oral cavity:

  • dental threads (), take, flossettes;

The baby's first brush, which adults will help him use, should be with a long handle, type 2 hardness. At its rounded and well-polished end, the bristles should be arranged in 2 rows. When the child takes the brush himself, its handle should be voluminous, comfortable to grasp and hold, without sharp corners.

Adults wipe oral cavity baby with a weak solution baking soda, wearing a special fingertip or armed with a sterile napkin. Using these devices from the refrigerator (cool temperature) makes it easier for your gums during.

The procedure is performed every day for one minute. If necessary, examination and consultation with a pediatrician.

The program for preserving children's teeth includes the following main points:

  • Using only fluoride toothpastes:
  • education ;
  • regular professional examination (twice a year).

In some countries, oral health is at the core of national policy. There is experience in creating a whole generation of children who do not have caries.