
Silicone breast size 7. The whole truth and myths about silicone breasts

Silicone breasts allows a woman to achieve the desired size, correct asymmetrical imperfections and gain aesthetic pleasure from appearance. There are different opinions regarding the introduction of implants. Modern technologies and experienced specialists have already perfected the breast surgery technique. Therefore, an increasing number of women want to use the services of a surgeon to enlarge and correct their bust.

Silicone breasts allow a woman to achieve the desired size, correct asymmetrical imperfections and gain aesthetic pleasure from her appearance.

Many women are concerned about how the operation is performed. The mammoplasty procedure must be performed by an experienced specialist using a high-quality implant, otherwise you can lose not only your beauty, but also your health. Before the operation, the patient gives everything necessary tests. If certain diseases are detected, it becomes impossible to perform surgery.


  • allergic reactions of the body;
  • malignant formations in the mammary glands;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • severe diseases of internal organs.

Before surgery, you must stop taking it for a week. medicines, which contain aspirin. The day before surgery, you should eat a light meal.

The mammoplasty procedure must be performed by an experienced specialist using a high-quality implant, otherwise you can lose not only your beauty, but also your health.

After comprehensive survey and in the absence of contraindications, proceed to the selection of a breast implant. The best option are silicone fillers. Modern technologies have developed a special gel that does not leak if the shell is damaged.

Depending on the shape of the breast, a round prosthesis or a drop-shaped implant is selected. For a bust that has lost its aesthetic appearance, use the first option; for small breasts, a teardrop shape is suitable. Each woman requires an individual approach. The specialist will select the necessary prosthesis and create an original design on a computer in 3D format, which will allow the patient to evaluate what the future result of the operation looks like.

The volume of implants is calculated in milliliters. A filler with 250-300 ml is considered optimal. The patient’s wishes do not always coincide with the surgeon’s opinion; the expected breast size is influenced by:

  • chest width;
  • body proportions;
  • skin condition;
  • skin density and extensibility.

After selecting the volume and shape of the filler, surgical procedures proceed.

Myths and reality about silicone breasts (video)

Surgery and rehabilitation

IN plastic surgery Implantation is carried out in several ways. In the first option, the silicone breast is located between the pectoral muscle and the breast tissue. This way the maximum aesthetic effect is achieved. For patients with thin breasts, this operation is not recommended due to possible education tissue wrinkling. For this category of people it is used for muscle implantation, without cutting its lower part. Sometimes silicones are placed partially under the mammary gland and muscle tissue with its dissection.

Making silicone breasts general anesthesia, and the operation lasts up to 3 hours. Incisions are made in inconspicuous places, depending on the placement of the implant. These could be nipple halos, a fold under the breasts, or the axillary area. After the operation, the woman remains in the clinic for another 1-2 days. The breasts will take their final shape only after 4-6 weeks after surgery. At first, swelling and redness will be visible skin and their tension. The sutures are removed after a week if no postoperative complications arise.

After surgery, it is necessary to protect the new breast by following simple rules:

    You should immediately put on a bra made of natural fabrics with soft cups.

    You should postpone going to fitness clubs and swimming pools for a month.

    Accept medicines only as prescribed by a doctor.

    Avoid intimate relationships for 2 weeks, as rapid blood flow can increase swelling mammary glands.

At first, some women need the help of a psychologist because of new sensations, an unusual state, or their own complexes.

After surgery, you must avoid direct ultraviolet rays and severe physical activity. Otherwise, after 3-4 weeks you can lead your usual lifestyle.

Representatives of the fair sex want to improve their figure with the help of silicone breasts

Complications after surgery

Sometimes situations arise postoperative complications, related to the characteristics of the body, the skill of the surgeon and the quality of the implants. As a result, you may experience:

    Hematoma, when blood accumulates around the implant. It can appear due to an unexpected injury or high blood pressure.

    Seroma, accumulation of fluid near foreign body.

    Loss tactile sensitivity pacifier, temporary condition.

    Infections in postoperative sutures.

    Scar formation after infection of a wound or due to a specific condition of the body.

    Contractures or fibrous rings that occur around the implant. The main reasons are a disproportionate prosthesis, a small pocket made for placing the implant, a predisposition of the body, unprofessional surgery.

    Implant deformation is extremely rare. The reason for the shift of the prosthesis may be insufficient qualifications of the surgeon. A specialist who has not strengthened the inframammary fold dooms the implant to inevitable displacement. After its shift it is required reoperation to eliminate the defect.

    Implant rupture is very rare today. Modern technologies have made it possible to reduce this problem to zero. The dentures are filled with a special silicone gel, which does not leak out of the implant if it ruptures. So as not to fear for beautiful breasts, silicone must be of high quality.

In addition to complications, silicone inserts interfere with the diagnosis of breast cancer.

What women with silicone breasts should not do in the gym (video)

Benefits of silicone breasts

Representatives of the fair sex want to improve their figure with the help of silicone breasts. Sometimes women resort to the services of a surgeon due to physical disabilities. Mammoplasty is often recommended after breast cancer surgery. Having undergone a mastectomy leads to stress, complexes, and a feeling of inferiority. In some cases, after pregnancy and lactation, the breasts lose their previous shape, asymmetry of the glands occurs, which also affects psychological state I'll give. After surgery to implant silicone prostheses, a woman’s self-esteem increases. She feels more attractive, desirable and gets rid of complexes about small breasts.

Silicone breasts do not affect pregnancy and breastfeeding, but during this period it is necessary to carefully monitor their shape. You cannot gain weight or lose weight suddenly; you must wear corrective bras, regularly massage the glands and carry out contrast procedures.

Do gorgeous bust Representatives of the fair sex can apply after reaching 18 years of age. It is necessary to choose an experienced surgeon and high-quality implants. Properly selected prostheses and a well-performed operation will make the breasts indistinguishable from real ones.

Some modern girls, in pursuit of beauty and changing their appearance, resort to more radical methods of solving this issue, and among the most common plastic surgeries is mammoplasty (silicone breasts). If we talk without medical terms– this is the correction of the mammary glands using surgical intervention. Most often, women enlarge their breasts rather than reduce them.

When considering this issue, from an aesthetic and physiological point of view, such operations no longer cause any surprise. However, there are questions about the admissibility of using this method during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. So, let's take a closer look at this topic and find out what the breasts look like before and after surgery and whether pregnancy is possible with implants inside the mammary glands.

What silicone breasts look like after surgery

For women who want to acquire beautiful breasts, the market has long offered alternative method The solution to this problem is a silicone implant. This product is environmentally friendly and does not pose any harm to health. Therefore, every year there are more and more girls undergoing mammoplasty.

What prompts the female sex to resort to such radical methods? Some people are not satisfied with the shape of their breasts, others do not like their size. Some girls lose their former beauty of their mammary glands after fast weight loss, pregnancy and lactation, while others have pronounced breast asymmetry. It is with these problems that women come to see a plastic surgeon, hoping to get answers to their problem.

After clarifying some data and conducting diagnostics, the doctor sets a date for the operation and performs surgery with the introduction of a silicone implant, based on individual characteristics the patient's body. So, mammoplasty has been performed, what do the breasts of the happy owner look like now?

First of all, it is aesthetic appeal. Woman achieves the right size and shape, can wear an open neckline and catches the admiring glances of men. Her breasts are elastic and, with high-quality surgery, are practically no different from the real ones. However, silicone breasts also have their disadvantages, but more on that below.

In this case, it is worth noting the contraindications in which breast augmentation surgery is unacceptable:

  • availability allergic reactions on implant fillers;
  • diseases of the mammary glands;
  • general weakened state of the body;
  • the presence of malignant neoplasms.

Is it possible to wear implants during pregnancy?

Typically, girls who undergo plastic surgery for breast augmentation do not plan to become pregnant afterward. However, there are some unforeseen circumstances and the question arises: is it acceptable to wear endoprostheses during pregnancy?

New generation silicone implants do not carry negative impact on the development of nascent life.

This conclusion was reached by numerous studies and practical activities. However, at this point there are certain nuances.

After the operation and subsequent conception of a child, certain physiological factors, arising in the body due to changes in hormonal levels and its preparation for the lactation period. During the 9 months of pregnancy, the breasts increase in size, thereby introducing their own adjustments. Due to the growing glandular tissue, the load on the implants increases, and after its reduction, ptosis may occur - drooping of the mammary glands. In this case, from the “apple” shape it goes into the “pear” category. However, this matter can be corrected, again with the help of plastic surgery, but whether it is worth it is up to you to decide.

  • find a specialized obstetrician-gynecologist who knows all the features of pregnancy with endoprostheses inside;
  • You definitely need to monitor your weight and prevent it from increasing (this does not mean dieting, but only proper balanced nutrition);
  • wear a special bra designed to maintain shape;
  • If a cosmetic defect develops, consult a doctor for advice.

Does mammoplasty affect the baby's feeding?

If we consider the possibility of feeding a child after breast augmentation surgery performed in the past, then medical practice does not deny this possibility. Many studies have been conducted, the results of which showed that silicone molecules are present in the breast milk of women with endoprostheses.

If we consider this opinion from the other side, we can find out that some silicone is also contained in artificial mixtures, and the risk of implant rupture is minimized and is only 1.5 percent of the probability.

But what will happen if the endoprosthesis ruptures during breastfeeding? In this case, it is unlikely that the silicone will spread into the milk-producing cells. This is due to the fact that the implant filler contains a high molecular weight, which does not allow it to dissolve in water.

And again, what will happen if silicone nevertheless leaks into the alveoli and mixes with breast milk? Will this be harmful to the child? The answer is simple, silicone implants for plastic surgery contain the same formula as, for example, imported drops used to treat colic in a baby.

However, the possibility of breastfeeding after breast augmentation surgery may have its limitations. They depend on how the incision was made and at what anatomical point the implant was inserted. If it is located above or below the pectoral muscle, it significantly reduces the amount of milk produced. The safest access site is considered to be the area below the breast.

Disadvantages of mammoplasty

If we talk about possible disadvantages and consequences after surgery, we can highlight several points, the occurrence of which is quite possible after surgery:

  • unnatural breast shape in relation to body proportions;
  • due to the installation of dense implants, the breasts become too elastic;
  • if the operation is performed poorly, the nipples may be asymmetrical;
  • sometimes stretch marks occur;
  • postoperative complications develop.

In addition, it is worth considering the fact that pressure drops in the first month after surgery are not recommended. Therefore, if a woman who has undergone mammoplasty is going to fly immediately by plane, it is best to abandon this idea. Once your breasts have healed, you can continue to be active and do your daily activities.

It is also worth remembering that any surgical intervention carried out carries its own risks, especially if we're talking about about pregnancy or breastfeeding.

At this time, it is best to contact a qualified specialist who can suggest individual breast care, this also applies to lactation period. The doctor will determine whether it is enough breast milk is developed, will tell you the necessary position for feeding the baby, and will teach you how to express the mammary glands correctly, since such actions with silicone breasts have their own peculiarities.

In general, girls who are thinking about pregnancy in the near future should think about whether these actions will be justified. Maybe it’s worth holding off on this idea and giving the child a chance for a full-fledged life. breast-feeding, without occurrence possible problems. It is also worth understanding that not all men like silicone breasts on girls. Their opinion is based on decorative flowers - yes, it’s beautiful and delightful, but what’s the point if it’s not natural. Be that as it may, the decision to undergo mammoplasty is up to you; if you really need and want it, then you can safely make an appointment with a plastic surgeon.

Can silicone breasts look like real ones?

Maybe, but subject to several conditions. Firstly, you need to choose modern anatomical ones that are suitable in shape and size. For this there is a set of so-called sizers.

Secondly, it is important to choose an equally modern and high-quality surgeon. Moreover, the doctor is mentioned “secondly” solely because of my innate modesty. The implant is placed in a specially prepared bed, under the mammary gland and muscle. If you are not greedy with the size, then, having fulfilled the two above requirements, only the surgeon himself can distinguish such breasts by eye and touch.

Is it true that you can’t fly on a plane or go diving with silicone breasts?

For the first two weeks after surgery, it is really better to refrain from pressure changes. Due to tissue swelling, discomfort and bursting pain. The myth about how “one woman’s silicone breasts burst while she was flying to Turkey” appeared because of saline implants. They are filled saline solution, and their capsules are not very strong. Although, to be honest, even with them this is hardly possible.

High-quality anatomical ones have a durable multilayer capsule, highly cohesive (high stickiness: if the capsule is damaged, the silicone will still not spread) silicone and a lifetime warranty from the manufacturer. This means that after finishing rehabilitation period with such breasts you can go diving, fly jets, go out into open space and participate in fights without rules.

Is it true that you can’t give birth or breastfeed with silicone, and can it also cause cancer?

No, it's not true. This information is most likely related to alternative ways when gland tissue is injured by paraffin and injectable silicone. Unfortunately, breast cancer develops in women both without and after surgery. There is no dependence. Giving birth and breastfeeding are good for your health, but your breasts may change their shape slightly after pregnancy and breastfeeding. And so - not a single problem. And men who like to kiss your breasts should not be afraid either. Quite the contrary.

Are there non-surgical methods for breast enlargement?

Such methods are divided into two categories: paramedical and fraudulent. The first includes the introduction of polyacrylamide gel. A few injections - and your breasts grow before your eyes. Unfortunately, the gel often migrates, becomes inflamed and becomes deformed.

They are safe, but you can inject no more than 100 ml, and after a maximum of two years there will be no trace left of the volume and beauty - everything will resolve. It costs more than implants, surgery and compression garments combined.

There is another way (): your own fat is sucked out from problem areas, centrifuged and injected into the chest. But it also behaves capriciously and inconsistently: it “melts,” becomes inflamed, and deforms the breast.

Scammers include breast massagers, creams and pills that are “living” on the Internet. You just need to understand once and for all: female breast- glandular organ. An adult girl can only increase in size during pregnancy and breastfeeding under the influence of hormones. There are no other options.


Determination of breast size is carried out according to clearly established parameters and rules. It is important for any woman to know what size of mammary glands nature has awarded her and what advantages her breasts hide behind. Usually many inexperienced girls They determine their data “by eye,” which entails an erroneous choice of underwear and complete disappointment. And only if you have knowledge about this, you can eliminate any troubles and embarrassing situations.

Speaking about girls who naturally have a second breast size, I would like to say that such bust parameters are considered standard; according to statistics, the majority of the female population of the planet has this size.

But, despite these data, many of them are dissatisfied with their volume in the décolleté area and strive in every possible way to increase their bust. To understand how justified such unrest and discontent are, it is worth understanding in more detail the advantages and weaknesses 2 bust sizes.

Initially, to make sure that a woman really has a naturally second bust size, two body circumference measurements are taken:

  • girth of the torso under the mammary glands;
  • the diameter of the body at the most protruding point of the bust.

Next, you need to subtract the smaller parameter from the larger number, and compare the resulting difference with the dimensional grid data. When performing such body measurements, mandatory you need to maintain a straight back and firmly apply the tape measure to your body. For the second breast size, the difference between the above two parameters will be no more than 14-15 cm. Now you can begin to visualize breast size 2 in the photo.

This is what breast size 2 looks like in the photo

Usually women have such breasts different types The physique is not only thin, but also women with a large body constitution. Visually, the second bust size can be associated with fruits such as medium-sized oranges. At a time when the first breast size will not exceed the size of two apples, and the third bust size is comparable to two decent-shaped grapefruits.

Breast size 2 in the photo

Second breast size: pros and cons

The second breast size is considered the most uncertain, since some ladies with such breasts are satisfied with their parameters and consider their breasts to be lush and attractive. For others, this size is insufficient and becomes a reason for complexes.

To dispel unnecessary thoughts, you should simply compare the advantages of such breasts with a large bust:

  • The second breast size always has a huge selection of sexy, fashionable underwear.
  • A woman with such breasts can afford to wear any style of dresses, T-shirts and blouses with or without a neckline.
  • Second-size breasts in any outfit will look elegant and not vulgar.
  • This breast size is almost uncontrollable age-related changes and deformations.
  • In women over 30 years of age, such a bust does not suffer from sagging skin, the shape and circumference of the mammary glands do not lose their original appearance and look for many years attractive.
  • During lactation, breasts of this size will retain their tone and relief, and the woman will not have problems with the spine.
  • Small breast size is easier to restore after childbirth and breastfeeding.

Looking at this big list advantages of a second breast size, many women will probably reconsider their views on their bust. But it still has several disadvantages:

  • compact breasts in dresses with a deep neckline look less appetizing than large breasts;
  • The wrong choice of clothing can give a woman with a size 2 breast the appearance of a boyish physique.

Others negative aspects There is no second breast size, so the opinion that such breasts require enlargement cannot be considered justified.

Increasing the second breast size

It is possible to significantly enlarge size 2 breasts only by.

But only a few women decide to take such a step, since in addition to the high cost, the prospect of carrying a foreign body in oneself appeals to few people.

You can increase your second breast size by physical exercise, adjusted diet, special care for the mammary glands and through cosmetic preparations.

  1. . To ensure that your breasts always look toned, you need to have strong pectoral muscles. To do this, you need to do several exercises, such as push-ups, arm swings, weight lifting and others. As stated in the previous article, such training should be performed three times a week.
  2. . The mammary glands and their size are determined by the volume of fatty tissue in them. In addition, breast growth is affected hormonal background women. Therefore, every day you need to eat foods rich in healthy fats. And you can improve your hormonal levels with foods that contain a lot of plant hormones like estrogens.
  3. Water treatments and massage. Procedures can be performed to improve blood flow and nutrition of the mammary glands contrast shower and after it perform a simple chest massage. These actions perfectly tone and improve the shape and relief of the breasts.
  4. Many methods have been developed for breast growth cosmetics, which contain plant and natural female hormones, which the woman’s body often lacks.

If you follow all the methods comprehensively, the results will not take long to arrive.

Second breast size: gift or punishment?

Do not think that a second breast size is not attractive enough for the opposite sex. Men value the aesthetic features of the breast much more, namely its elasticity, well-groomed and youthful appearance. A lush bust under its own weight very soon begins to sag and lose its tone and elasticity of the skin. In women with a second breast size, on the contrary, the original shape and relief of the mammary glands is preserved throughout life, emphasizing the miniature and femininity of the lady.

Not for nothing small size In ancient times, breasts were considered a sign of aristocracy and the elite class; many ladies from rich pedigrees were specially tied with corsets.

Today, the catwalk of many fashion designers and designers is fragrant with slender beauties with zero, first and second breast sizes. And it’s rare to see a plus-size model here. Therefore, the desire to change and increase the second breast size can be safely considered unfounded and impractical.

The Internet is full of photographs of women's busts enlarged with the help of implants. These pictures are tempting and inspire many ladies to plastic surgery for breast enlargement.

I am not against such an operation. Not abstractly, not against it from the outside, but went through it myself.

The other day I came across photographs of breasts from which the implants had been removed.

This is what Sarah's silicone breasts looked like:

Big, beautiful, sexy. The girl decided to remove the implants and return the breasts that nature had endowed her with.

Sarah's breasts before and after silicone augmentation:

Photo: Sara X Mills

Sarah's breasts after silicone removal:

Photo: Sara X Mills

Many surgeons will tell you that modern implants are so high quality that you can live with them your whole life.

This is very unlikely. It is no coincidence that American doctors working in the most expensive and trustworthy clinics will give you a written recommendation to do a breast MRI every 3 years after surgery.

No, not because implants cause cancer, but because they can be damaged during wear, but visually you most likely will not notice this.

Damaged implants must be removed immediately.

Most implants - even the current generation - will require replacement in 7-10 years.

When enlarging your breasts with silicone, you must be aware that the implants, with a high degree of probability, will not last you until the end of your days. You will have to remove them and either install new ones or have a breast lift.

Silicone implants are not a house that you build once and for all. Silicone implants are a car that sooner or later will begin to cause you inconvenience and will require replacement.

The procedure for re-installation of implants, as well as the procedure for their removal followed by a breast lift, are more expensive than the procedure for primary breast augmentation with silicone.

You must clearly understand this, as well as the fact that the scars that you receive after a breast lift, having removed the implants from there, will remain with you for life. If you don’t want scars, get new implants or walk around with stretched and saggy breasts, like those of a hundred-year-old granny.