
Blue cervix. Causes of a cyanotic cervix

The uterus in early pregnancy is exposed to a large number modifications. First, changes occur in the innermost layer of the uterus - the endometrium - thickening and hyperplasia are observed, and they are not visible to the naked eye, and as pregnancy progresses, these changes affect all layers of the uterus, which becomes visible externally.

The uterus swells, softens, especially in the isthmus area, and as a result it acquires some mobility. The uterine mucosa takes on a cyanotic (bluish) color, which is explained by intense blood flow and an increase in the number of blood vessels.

Enlargement of the uterus in the early stages can be observed from the fifth to sixth week of pregnancy in the anterior-posterior direction, and then in the transverse direction. At the same time, a modification of the shape of the uterus from pear-shaped to spherical is observed.

  • At the end of the fourth week of pregnancy, the size of the uterus is comparable to the size of a chicken egg.
  • At the end of the twelfth week of pregnancy, the size of the uterus can be compared to the size of a goose egg.
  • At the end of the sixteenth week of pregnancy, the volume of the uterus is comparable to the volume of the average man’s fist.

The uterus in early pregnancy is located in the area pelvis and external signs of pregnancy are not yet noticeable, the abdominal circumference may increase slightly, especially in first-time mothers.

In the early stages of pregnancy, the body of the uterus softens, and its cervix remains dense, which makes it possible to bring the fingers of both hands closer to each other during a two-handed vaginal examination - this is a sign of Horwitz-Hegar pregnancy. Also, during a gynecological examination in early dates pregnancy:

  • The uterus contracts slightly and becomes denser, and after the examination stops it becomes soft again - this is an early sign of Snegirev’s pregnancy;
  • A dome-shaped protrusion is noted in one of the corners of the uterus, which is caused by the implantation of the fertilized egg; as a result, the uterus looks asymmetrical - this is also an early sign of Piskacek’s pregnancy.
  • Characterized by slight mobility of the cervix due to softening of the isthmus of the uterus - this early sign pregnancy of Gubarev and Gauss.
  • There is a slight bend of the uterus anteriorly due to softening of its isthmus; in addition, it is possible to detect, but not always, a comb-like thickening along the anterior surface of the uterus along its midline - this is Genter’s sign.

Clinically, in the early stages of pregnancy, a woman may feel minor nagging pain, discomfort in the lower abdomen and/or lower back, which can be observed normally and is associated with:

  • implantation of the fertilized egg into the endometrium,
  • changes in the hormonal sphere of a pregnant woman,
  • changes in the osseous-ligamentous apparatus, due to the body’s preparation for the upcoming labor activity– secretion in the pregnant body of the hormone relaxin, under the influence of which, connective tissues acquire extensibility and become loose, as a result - pelvic bones become mobile;
  • intensive increase in body weight of the pregnant woman, which creates an increase in the load on spinal column, especially if there is pathology in it - osteochondrosis, scoliosis.

If pain of this nature is not intense, does not increase and is not accompanied by pronounced bloody or other discharge, then there is no need to worry.

But if there is an increase in pain intensity, the occurrence of heavy discharge bloody or brown in nature or a feeling that the uterus is “stony” or heavy, you must urgently seek help from an obstetrician-gynecologist, as this may indicate increased tone(hypertonicity) of the uterus and the threat of miscarriage.

Uterine hypertonicity may result from:

In most cases, it is enough to normalize your lifestyle and eliminate bad habits, but in any case, it is necessary to contact a doctor who is observing the pregnant woman in order to quickly identify the cause of uterine hypertonicity, eliminate it and ensure favorable conditions for the course of pregnancy.

Cervix in early pregnancy

The cervix also undergoes changes in the early stages of pregnancy, namely, it changes its color, location, consistency, shape and size. In the early stages of pregnancy, the cervix becomes bluish and loosens, and its glands become more branched and dilated. Blueness of the cervix is ​​associated with an increase in the number of blood vessels and, accordingly, blood flow. The cervix plays a very important role in early pregnancy:

  • holds the fetus in the uterus
  • prevents infection from entering the uterine cavity from outside.

In the early stages of pregnancy, a mucous plug is formed in the cervical area, which also performs a barrier, protective function - it prevents the entry of bacterial infectious agents inside the uterus.

In the early stages of pregnancy, the discharge is usually not copious, spotting, and may even be absent altogether. The color of the discharge can be creamy, pink, with a yellowish or brownish tint, and bloody in nature. Minor discharge is brownish or bloody, odorless, passes quickly and is not accompanied by strong pain syndrome may be normal in the third or fourth week of pregnancy due to the implantation of the fertilized egg into the endometrium.

If the volume of bloody discharge is large and increases, and at the same time you feel severe pain in the abdomen and/or lower back, the uterus feels very tense, then you should immediately contact a gynecologist.

Bloody discharge in the early stages of pregnancy can also be caused by erosion of the cervix, which existed even before pregnancy. And due to increased blood flow in the cervix in the early stages, it worsens. Most often, bleeding from cervical erosion occurs after intimacy or without visible reasons, not abundant and not accompanied by pain, can go away on its own. But it is better to consult a gynecologist, because... Local therapy may be needed.

In the early stages of pregnancy, cervical insufficiency (isthmic-cervical) may occur, which is characterized by insufficient muscle contraction or its absence in the isthmus of the uterus; as a result, the cervix may open prematurely, fail to retain the fetus, and a miscarriage may occur. The risk of miscarriage increases as the pregnancy progresses. The cause of isthmic-cervical insufficiency can be:

  • hormonal disorders in female body,
  • injuries due to previous births or abortions,
  • pathology of uterine development.

Usually, isthmic-cervical insufficiency is asymptomatic and in the early stages of pregnancy it is impossible to independently identify it, so it is advisable to regularly visit an obstetrician-gynecologist in order to recognize it in a timely manner.

Blueness of the cervix is ​​an indicator that is determined during a visual gynecological examination. In most cases, this symptom indicates the onset of pregnancy, but sometimes it has pathological overtones. If there is no reason to suspect pregnancy, the patient should comprehensive examination, allowing you to determine the reason for the change. What shade of cervix is ​​considered normal, in what cases is cyanosis natural, and when is there reason to suspect pathology? All about the causes and methods of eliminating cyanosis is further in the article.

Causes of cyanosis of the cervix

The shape of the cervical canal is a cylinder with a narrow opening in the center (cervical canal). It contains a mucous secretion that has protective properties and helps prevent penetration pathogenic microflora into the uterine cavity. The protective properties of mucus are reduced against the background of various gynecological diseases of hormonal and infectious etiology.

Attention! Absence clinical picture does not always confirm the health of the reproductive system. Dangerous diseases reproductive organs can be asymptomatic. The reason for the appearance of a gray or bluish color is venous congestion.

The outer surface of the cervix has a pinkish tint, it is shiny and smooth, and is durable. The inside is bright pink, velvety and loose. The mucous membrane of the outer part of the cervix is ​​normally covered with multilayer flat epithelium. When performing a simple colposcopy, in the first phase of the cycle the surface is pink, and in the second phase it is slightly bluish.

For diagnostics various pathologies use extended colposcopy. During the examination, a weak vinegar solution is applied to the surface of the ball. The product ensures uniform blanching; after some time, the natural color characteristic of healthy tissue is restored. The vascular pattern should remain uniform.

The iodine solution provides a dark brown color. The appearance of iodine-negative areas should be a cause for concern. This symptom often indicates the development of dangerous precancerous conditions. Only in-depth diagnostics will allow us to establish the cause of the problem and determine the optimal method for eliminating it.

During a vaginal examination or colposcopy, the gynecologist may detect cyanosis of the cervix. The reason for the appearance of such a change is the disruption of the blood supply to tissues. It is likely that the pathological change covers not only reproductive organs, but also other elements located in the pelvic area. The reasons that can provoke a violation can be natural and pathological.

The list of main reasons that can provoke cyanosis includes the following conditions and diseases:

  • the onset of pregnancy;
  • infectious and inflammatory processes;
  • uterine prolapse;
  • cervical elongation;
  • endometriosis;
  • tumor processes.

Periodic examinations by a gynecologist will allow timely detection of changes and the establishment of its cause. In cases where cyanosis is not caused by pregnancy, treatment should be started as early as possible. It is important to consider that the color of the cervical mucosa is important diagnostic sign, on the basis of which the doctor assumes the presence of a disease and establishes a scheme for its diagnosis and treatment.

Pregnancy period

After pregnancy, the cervix changes color from pink to bluish. Such a change does not indicate the development of pathology. A similar manifestation is typical for 6-8 weeks. The cervix will begin to turn blue as the uterus enlarges.

The reason for the change in the shade of the mucous membrane is the active blood supply to the reproductive organs. It is enhanced by the influence of the main hormone of pregnancy - progesterone. Pregnancy is determined not only by the shade of the cervix. An important diagnostic criterion is:

  • increased size of the reproductive organ;
  • softening;
  • increased mobility.

The main method for determining pregnancy is a blood test for hCG. A similar test, carried out in laboratories, allows you to detect changes in the early stages, before menstruation is missed. The concentration of hCG should increase from the first day of embryo formation.

Cervical color depending on the menstrual cycle

The color of the cervix may turn blue several days before the onset of menstrual bleeding, that is, with a cycle of 28 days, cyanosis is observed approximately on days 24-26. To the touch before menstruation, its softening is felt, the doctor can see a slight expansion cervical canal. Such a change is the norm necessary for the outflow of blood. The photo shows how the structure and shade of the BL changes depending on the phase menstrual cycle.

Why does the cervix turn blue in the first phase of the menstrual cycle (follicular)? It is impossible to answer this question without additional examination. If such a change is detected, the doctor will perform an extended colposcopy. If the provocateur of the change is an erosive lesion, staining as a result of treating the surface with iodine will not occur. Identifying this change to determine a diagnosis is not enough; the exact cause of the disorder can be determined after a complete diagnosis.

Inflammatory processes and infections

The cause of cyanosis often lies in the course of infectious and inflammatory processes in a woman’s body, in particular in the cervical canal and the uterine cavity. All diseases that manifest themselves against the background of the activity of pathogenic and opportunistic flora can provoke active venous congestion. Among the common diseases that can provoke a violation venous outflow, highlight:

  • ureaplasmosis;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • herpes virus;
  • chlamydia.

Attention! The cervix becomes gray against the background of increased activity of the opportunistic fungus of the genus Candida. Against the background of various inflammatory processes, it can become red.

The reason for the change in shade from pink to blue is often due to a variety of infectious processes occurring in the reproductive system. Such a change may indicate the development of cervicitis or endometritis or erosion in the patient. Often the disorder manifests itself against the background of inflammatory processes in the uterine cavity, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. In this case, cyanosis of the vagina appears.

The list of factors that increase the risk of developing infections includes:

  • decreased body resistance to infections;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • anemia in a woman;
  • chronic pathologies of the genitourinary system;
  • poor nutrition;
  • physical inactivity;
  • long-term use of glucocorticosteroids and oral contraceptives;
  • wearing an intrauterine device.

Against the background of inflammatory and infectious processes, the following clinical picture can be seen:

  • irregular menstrual cycle;
  • bleeding before menstruation;
  • aching pain lower abdomen;
  • bleeding not associated with menstrual bleeding;
  • discharge of mucus or pus from the vagina.

If you notice any of the above symptoms, you should consult a doctor. urgently. With prolonged progression, the disease can cause infertility.

Tumor process

Oscillations hormonal levels, namely, imbalances of estrogen and progesterone in the body can cause the development benign tumor in the uterine cavity - fibroids. The development of a neoplasm is one of the common causes of blue mucous membranes. Cyanosis appears against the background pronounced violations blood supply If outflow is impossible venous blood stagnation occurs. A neoplasm localized in the reproductive system changes the structure and disrupts the functioning of organs.

Attention! It is impossible to ignore cyanosis of the mucous membranes discovered during an examination by a gynecologist. This symptom may indicate the development of cervical or uterine cancer.

Cervical prolapse

Elongation is the lengthening or descent of the cervix. Its loss can cause cyanosis of the mucous membranes of the external genitalia. The appearance of a disorder is indicated by a feeling foreign body in the vagina. This deformation is often observed after active straining during bowel movements. In addition to this symptom, the patient feels discomfort during sexual intercourse, and pain localized behind the pubis may occur.

How is the diagnosis carried out?

It is impossible to accurately determine the cause that provokes cyanosis of the vagina and cervix during a visual examination. Only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis after receiving the results of the following manipulations:

  • culture of vaginal contents for infection;
  • PCR test;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • human papillomavirus test;
  • cytological examination of a smear;
  • blood test for hCG;
  • hormone level test;
  • tumor marker test.

If the listed diagnostic methods are not enough to obtain a clear clinical picture, CT and MRI are performed. In cases where cyanosis has a pathological basis, treatment is prescribed depending on the nature of the pathology. If the change is physiological, no treatment is required.

Attention! The gynecologist always asks the woman the date of her last menstruation when visiting. This is necessary in order to determine the current phase of the cycle. The color and consistency of the cervix changes every day and this is absolutely normal.

Disease Prevention

The following rules will help prevent the development and spread of infectious processes:

  • Regular preventive examinations with a gynecologist.
  • Timely treatment of various inflammatory processes localized in the pelvic organs.
  • An unscheduled visit to the doctor if changes in well-being are detected.
  • Related examination and treatment of the sexual partner.
  • Using condoms to protect against unwanted pregnancy, avoiding taking COCs and IUDs.
  • Elimination of physical inactivity.
  • Compliance with the rules healthy eating, additional intake of vitamin-mineral complexes in the autumn-spring period.

Most often, the cervix becomes blue during pregnancy, so the discovery of such a change during a gynecological examination is not a cause for concern, but this does not always happen. In some cases, cyanosis of the vagina and cervix signals the development of dangerous changes in the girl’s body and indicates pathological progress. The diagnostic process should begin immediately after identifying the problem.

The diagnosis of pregnancy is beyond doubt only in a few cases: if it is possible to identify parts of the fetus, hear its heartbeat or feel movement, and with an ultrasound, register the fertilized egg. But all these signs appear only in the V-VI months of pregnancy. In the early stages, such a diagnosis is made based on probable and presumptive signs.

Professional diagnosis of pregnancy is carried out by an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Doubtful (supposed) signs

TO dubious signs include general changes associated with pregnancy:

  • Pigmentation of the skin of the face and areola;
  • Changes in behavior: the appearance of emotional instability, fatigue, irritability;
  • Increased olfactory sensations;
  • Changes in taste, as well as vomiting and nausea.

Possible signs

This group of signs includes changes in the genitals and the course of the menstrual cycle:

  • Laboratory tests to determine chorionic hormone (CH) in blood and urine;
  • Changes in the uterus (consistency, shape, size);
  • Cyanosis (blueness) of the cervix and vaginal mucosa;
  • The appearance of colostrum;
  • Stopping menstruation.

Reliable signs

  • Palpation of the woman’s abdomen and identification of parts of the fetal body;
  • Feeling of fetal movements during ultrasound or palpation;
  • Listening to the fetal pulse. Heart contractions are determined from 5-7 weeks using ultrasound, cardiotocography, phonocardiography, ECG, and from 19 weeks - auscultation. Pregnancy is confirmed if a beat rate of 120-140/min is heard.

Signs of pregnancy

Enlarged uterus. The uterus noticeably increases in size starting from 5-6 weeks. At the end of the second month, it is the size of a goose egg.

Horwitz-Hegar sign. A sign of the uterus in position is its soft consistency, this is especially pronounced in the isthmus area. During examination, the fingers meet at the level of the isthmus without any resistance. This sign characterizes the initial stages of pregnancy.

Snegirev's sign. The uterus with a fertilized egg can change its consistency. If the softened uterus is mechanically impacted during two-handed examination, it becomes more dense and contracts, decreasing in size. After the cessation of exposure, it returns to its original consistency.

Piskacek's sign. The initial stages of pregnancy are characterized by asymmetry of the uterus, as a result of a dome-shaped protrusion of one of the corners. This happens at 7-8 weeks of age. It is at the site of the protrusion that the egg is implanted. By week 10, the protrusion disappears.

Gaus and Gubarev observed barely noticeable mobility in the early stages of the cervix. This is mainly due to the softening of the isthmus.

Genter's sign. At the beginning of pregnancy, the uterus bends forward, which is the result of increased softening of the isthmus, and the appearance of a protrusion in the form of a comb-like thickening on the anterior part of the uterus in the midline area. This protrusion is not always determined.

The diagnosis of pregnancy is mainly determined by clinical examination. But in some cases, laboratory methods are used. The essence of laboratory research is to determine substances specific to the body of a pregnant woman in biological fluids.

Signs of pregnancy are detected by the following methods:

  • Examination using mirrors;
  • Examination of the vaginal opening and external genitalia;
  • Survey;
  • Squeezing out colostrum and palpating the mammary glands;
  • Examination of a woman (two-manual vaginal-abdominal or vaginal).

With the onset of pregnancy, the size of the uterus gradually increases. Metamorphoses also occur with the shape of the uterus. In a non-pregnant woman, it is pear-shaped, and the shape of the uterus with the fertilized egg undergoes the following changes:

  • 5-6 weeks - spherical shape;
  • 7-8 weeks - asymmetrical with protrusion of one of the corners;
  • 10 week - spherical;
  • The end of pregnancy is the ovoid form.

Classification of modern methods for diagnosing pregnancy:

  • Biological;
  • Immunological;
  • Echographic (ultrasound diagnostics).

Immunological, as well as biological methods, consist of determining choriogonadotropin (CG). Anyone is suitable for this biological material, but most often urine. The synthesis of this hormone begins in the first days of conception and lasts until childbirth with maximum production on the 60-70th day after implantation. Afterwards, its level drops somewhat and stabilizes until childbirth.

Among the immunological methods used today, the most widely known is the method based on suppression of the hemagglutination reaction. The method consists of adding antiserum (antibodies) to the ampoule, red blood cells (antigen) with hCG and urine of the pregnant woman. The hCG present in the urine binds to the antigen (antiserum), and the red blood cells settle to the bottom, as they do not undergo agglutination.

If the urine of a non-pregnant woman is administered, that is, without hCG, an agglutination reaction takes place and the red blood cells are evenly distributed throughout the ampoule. Add 0.4 ml of phosphate buffer and two drops of morning urine, previously filtered, to the ampoule.

All components are mixed and left for 2 hours at room temperature. After the allotted time, based on the uniform distribution of red blood cells, a conclusion is made about the absence of pregnancy, and from the sediment at the bottom of the ampoule - about its presence.

The radioimmunoassay method is much more sensitive. The most common method has become the so-called double bodies. For the method, ready-made kits produced by various companies are used. The method allows you to determine hCG already 5-7 days after implantation. Determination occurs in 1.5-2.5 minutes.

Today there are also many test systems that allow the woman herself to quickly determine pregnancy at home.

Other diagnostic methods

Basal temperature measurement. Initial months pregnancies are characterized basal temperature slightly above 37°C. Measurements are taken in bed in the morning.

Cervical mucus examination. In the very early stages of pregnancy, the secretion released from the cervix does not contain large crystals when dried.

Ultrasound diagnostics. This diagnosis is carried out starting from 4-5 weeks. The fertilized egg is defined as a round formation located inside the endometrium, having a diameter of 0.3-0.5 cm. The first trimester is characterized by a weekly increase (0.7 cm) of the egg. By 10 weeks, the fertilized egg fills the entire uterine cavity.

By 7 weeks, the embryo is visible in the egg cavity in the form of a separate formation up to 1 cm long. At this time, it is possible to visualize an area that has a weakly expressed motor activity and rhythmic vibrations.

This is the heart of the embryo. The main task of biometry in the first trimester is to determine the diameter of the egg and the CTR (coccygeal-parietal size) of the embryo. These values ​​are in strict correlation with the duration of pregnancy. The most informative method An ultrasound can be called a transvaginal scan. The transabdominal type of scanning is used only when complete bladder to create an “acoustic window”.

The gestational age is determined by:

  • according to the last menstruation, counting the number of weeks (days) from the beginning of the last menstruation until the moment of examination of the woman. This method is not applicable for women with irregular menstrual cycles;
  • by ovulation. Sometimes a woman can name the date of conception by various reasons(infrequent sexual intercourse, use of donor sperm, etc.)
  • on the first visit to the obstetrician. Registration requires a mandatory vaginal examination, based on the results of which, using the table, the gestational age can be determined with sufficient accuracy;
  • at the first movement. Primiparous women feel movement from the 20th week, and multiparous women - starting from the 18th week;
  • according to ultrasound data. In the first trimester, determining the period of conception using ultrasound data gives more accurate results. Further, some inaccuracies are possible;
  • Also in the first trimester, a certain location of the uterus in the pelvis is characteristic. Starting from the 16th week, the fundus of the uterus can be felt above the womb, and the period can be calculated using a centimeter tape, measuring the height of the fundus of the uterus above the womb.


A bluish or cyanotic cervix in gynecology is considered a likely symptom of pregnancy. The reasons for the change in color of the mucous membrane of the cervix are changes in the nature of blood circulation in the pelvic cavity.

The cervix is ​​the part of the uterus visible to the obstetrician, located in the vagina at a depth of 6-8 cm. The main task of the organ is protective. The glands of the canal epithelium produce mucus, which forms a plug that protects the uterine cavity from infection. During pregnancy, the muscular frame of the reproductive organ ensures retention of the fetus throughout the entire gestation period.

A bluish cervix is ​​considered one of the first signs of pregnancy, and is explained by the influence of the hormone progesterone, which is intensively produced yellow body ovary, and then the placenta.

Sometimes cyanosis is a sign of pathology, and not evidence of approaching motherhood. The causes of color changes can be determined after a thorough diagnosis by a gynecologist, including instrumental and laboratory methods.

Cyanosis of the cervix is ​​not the only sign of pregnancy, therefore confirmation or exclusion of gestation must be proven by additional examinations.

Possible causes of a bluish tint

The shape of the cervical region is like a cylinder with a narrow lumen - the cervical canal. It contains a special mucus that protects the gynecological tract from the spread of germs, such as sexually transmitted diseases. But the integrity of the barrier can be compromised with accompanying gynecological diseases both infectious and hormonal in nature. A number of infectious and inflammatory diseases may be asymptomatic, but the color of the mucous membrane will be changed due to venous congestion.

A regular annual examination by a gynecologist will allow timely diagnosis of changes in color, consistency, and discharge in the presence of inflammation.

The cervix may be bluish for several reasons:

  • pregnancy;
  • infectious-inflammatory process;
  • uterine prolapse and elongation;
  • endometrosis;
  • tumors.

The cervix reflects the condition reproductive system women.

According to the color of the mucous membrane, consistency, presence of discharge, the doctor suggests the presence of a disease and prescribes a series of studies to verify it.


One of the probable signs of fertilization and normal development embryo is change pink color mucous membrane is bluish. As a rule, the cervix acquires this shade at 6-8 obstetric weeks of pregnancy.

The reason for this phenomenon is a change in blood supply under the influence of the hormone progesterone, which is otherwise called the pregnancy hormone. In addition to cyanosis, the doctor diagnoses an increase in the size of the uterine body, its softening and increased mobility.

The most reliable sign the onset of pregnancy is blood test for hCG, which will show positive result even before the next menstruation is missed.

Infectious and inflammatory processes

The causes of a cyanotic cervix may lie in an active infectious process occurring in the tissues of the cervical canal, the integumentary epithelium of the cervix, and the uterine cavity. Infections such as chlamydia, urea and mycoplasmosis, viruses herpes simplex, diseases caused by opportunistic flora can cause venous congestion of the lower gynecological tract.

The reason for the change in the color of the cervix from pink to bluish are pronounced infectious processes - endometritis, cervicitis, as well as inflammation of all parts - the ovaries, tubes and uterine cavity.

The vaginal mucosa also becomes bluish.

Factors contributing to the development of inflammatory processes:

  • decreased resistance;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • moderate to severe anemia;
  • chronic diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet;
  • hormonal therapy with corticosteroids and oral contraceptives;
  • intrauterine contraception.

Warning signs regarding hidden diseases of the genital organs are infertility, menstrual irregularities, periodic aching pain, spotting and acyclic bleeding, and pathological discharge.

Tumors and uterine prolapse

Changes in hormonal levels in a woman’s body can cause the growth of fibroids, which are localized both in the body of the uterus and in the cervical region. The growth of a benign tumor leads to impaired blood circulation in the cervix. Obstruction of the outflow of venous blood leads to a change in the color of the mucous membrane from pink to bluish.

The reasons for the bluish tint of the cervical region with growing fibroids are excessive production of estrogen or disruption of the perception of this hormone by the uterine receptors.

Conditions such as elongation (lengthening and drooping) of the cervix and its prolapse cause the bluish color of the mucous membrane. Signs of the disease include the sensation of a foreign body in the vagina, pain during sexual intercourse, and discomfort.

A bluish color to the cervix may accompany a health and life-threatening condition - cancer.

A malignant tumor completely changes the anatomy of the organ, causing a change in color.

In addition to tumors, blue the cervical region can acquire endometriosis. The cause of the bluish tint in this case is endometriotic lesions.

Diagnostics and prevention

The question of why the cervix is ​​blue can only be answered by a doctor who has performed the full range of studies relating to the reproductive tract.

When found pathological changes the following studies are prescribed:

  1. Analysis for sexually transmitted infections PCR method and tank. sowing
  2. Ultrasound with Dopplerography.
  3. CT and MRI.
  4. Cytology smears and HPV tests.
  5. Biopsy if necessary.
  6. Blood test for hCG.
  7. Blood tests for tumor markers and hormones.

Treatment is carried out depending on the identified disease.

The following will help protect against possible diseases and infections, as well as their spread:

  • regular visits to the doctor;
  • passing full course treatment of diseases of the genital organs;
  • use of contraceptive methods (condoms and spermicides);
  • simultaneous examination of the sexual partner;
  • changing a sedentary lifestyle to a more active one;
  • good nutrition, vitamin therapy courses.

Most common cause A cyanotic hue in the cervical region is pregnancy.

If, during a visual examination on the gynecological chair, it is discovered that the cervix is ​​blue, then the doctor prescribes a series additional research. For many women, this may be the beginning of a new stage in life - pregnancy and subsequent childbirth. However, if the possibility of conception is excluded, a number of additional tests must be carried out to identify the real reason that the mucous membrane is bluish.

IN modern conditions identification of characteristic clinical signs pregnancy is of an auxiliary nature and is the basis for prescribing the “gold standard” for diagnosing pregnancy. According to diagnostic value characteristic features Pregnancies can be divided into three groups:

· doubtful (supposed) signs of pregnancy – associated with the subjective sensations of the pregnant woman and somatic changes in her body;
· probable signs of pregnancy - signs determined by an objective examination of the organs of the reproductive system, and positive immunological tests for pregnancy;
· reliable (undoubted) signs of pregnancy - objective signs associated with the presence of the fetus itself (determined in the second half of pregnancy).

Questionable signs of pregnancy:

· changes in appetite (aversion to meat, fish, etc.), cravings (craving for spicy foods, unusual substances - chalk, clay, etc.), nausea, vomiting in the morning;
Changes in olfactory sensations (aversion to perfume, tobacco smoke etc.);
· changes from nervous system: irritability, drowsiness, mood instability, etc.;
· pigmentation of the skin on the face, along the white line of the abdomen, nipples and areola;
· feeling of engorgement of the mammary glands;
· increased frequency of urination;
· increase in abdominal volume.

Possible signs of pregnancy:

· cessation of menstruation;
· the appearance of colostrum from the milk ducts opening on the nipple when pressing on the mammary glands;
· cyanosis (cyanosis) of the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix;
· changes in the size, shape and consistency of the uterus;
· laboratory tests(determination of chorionic hormone in urine and blood).

Identification of probable signs of pregnancy is carried out by: questioning; examination and palpation of the mammary glands; examination of the external genitalia and vaginal opening; research using mirrors; vaginal and two-manual vaginal-abdominal examination of a woman.

Delayed menstruation is important sign, especially in women with regular cycle. The significance of this symptom increases if it is combined with engorgement of the mammary glands and the appearance of colostrum in them, with the occurrence of cyanosis of the vagina and especially the vaginal part of the cervix, with a change in the size and consistency of the uterus.

As pregnancy progresses, the size of the uterus changes. Changes in the shape of the uterus are determined by two-handed (bimanual) examination. The uterus in non-pregnant women is pear-shaped, somewhat compacted in the anteroposterior dimension. With the onset of pregnancy, the shape of the uterus changes. From 5–6 weeks, the uterus takes on a spherical shape. Starting from 7–8 weeks, the uterus becomes asymmetrical, one of its corners may protrude. By about 10 weeks the uterus again becomes spherical, and by III trimester pregnancy takes on an ovoid shape. You can use it conditionally the following rule: at 8 weeks the body of the uterus increases 2 times compared to its original size, at 10 weeks - 3 times, at 12 weeks - 4 times.

The following signs indicate the presence of pregnancy.

Enlarged uterus. It is noticeable in the 5th–6th week of pregnancy; The uterus initially increases in the anteroposterior direction (becomes spherical), and later its transverse size also increases. The longer the pregnancy, the clearer the increase in uterine volume. By the end of the second month of pregnancy, the uterus increases to the size of a goose egg; at the end of the third month of pregnancy, the fundus of the uterus is at the level of the symphysis or slightly above it.

Horwitz-Hegar sign. The consistency of the pregnant uterus is soft, and the softening is especially pronounced in the isthmus area. During a two-handed examination, the fingers of both hands meet in the isthmus area with almost no resistance.

Snegirev's sign. Pregnancy is characterized by slight changes in the consistency of the uterus. During a two-handed examination, the softened pregnant uterus becomes denser and shrinks in size under the influence of mechanical irritation. After the irritation stops, the uterus again acquires a soft consistency.

Piskacek's sign. In the early stages of pregnancy, asymmetry of the uterus often occurs, depending on the dome-shaped protrusion of its right or left corner from 7–8 weeks. The protrusion corresponds to the site of implantation of the fertilized egg. As the fertilized egg grows, the protrusion gradually disappears (by 10 weeks).

Gubarev and Gaus drew attention to the slight mobility of the cervix in the early stages of pregnancy. Slight displacement of the cervix is ​​associated with significant softening of the isthmus.

Genter's sign. In the early stages of pregnancy, there is an increased anterior bending of the uterus, resulting from a strong softening of the isthmus, as well as a comb-like thickening (protrusion) on the anterior surface of the uterus along the midline. This thickening is not always determined.

Reliable signs of pregnancy:

· identification (palpation) of parts of the fetus. In the second half of pregnancy, palpation of the abdomen reveals the head, back and small parts (limbs) of the fetus;
· clearly audible fetal heart sounds. With simple auscultation (with an obstetric stethoscope), the fetal heartbeat can be heard after 18–20 weeks;
· fetal movements felt by a doctor when examining a pregnant woman.

The diagnosis of pregnancy is accurate even if there is only one reliable sign.