
Specifics of the work of a speech therapist teacher in a school speech center. How does a speech therapist work at school?


Only man has the greatest gift of nature - speech. But it is not an innate ability.Speech is the most important mental function of a person. By mastering speech, a child acquires the ability to generalize the surrounding reality, to understand, plan and regulate his behavior.

Speech is formed along with the development of the child under the influence of the speech of adults gradually and largely depends on several factors: sufficient speech practice, upbringing and training, as well as on the normal speech and social environment, which stimulates speech development and provides a speech model. And all these factors are important for a child from the very first days of life. Every child acquires speech in different terms and in different ways, since this is an individual process that depends on many factors. The reasons for this process can be both the pathology of pregnancy and childbirth, and the action of genetic factors. Damage to the hearing organs and general delay in mental development, as well as insufficient communication and education can also be reasons for the lag in speech acquisition. For the formation of speech, the development of analyzers, such as speech motor and speech auditory, is extremely important. But all this largely depends on environment. New vivid impressions and an appropriate environment contribute to the development of movements and speech. If this is not the case, then the child’s mental and physical development is delayed. His psychophysical health is of great importance for the development of a child. From the state of his highest nervous activity, from his attention, memory, imagination and thinking, i.e. higher mental processes, and somatic or physical condition speech development depends.

The active participation of adults in the healthy development of a child’s speech, i.e., the education of speech in normal conditions for it, is the main point of prevention. Unfortunately, this moment in the development of speech, as well as the importance of full speech, is still underestimated in the family and school.

According to statistics, the number of speech disorders has tended to increase in recent years, so efforts to prevent speech disorders must be given great attention– this proves the relevance of my chosen topic.

The purpose of the work is to study the main directions of prevention of speech disorders.

Unlike oral speech, written speech is formed only under conditions of purposeful learning, that is, its mechanisms develop during the period of learning to read and write and are improved during all further training.

When analyzing speech disorders, speech activity should be considered as a complex multi-level functional system, the components of which (phonetic, lexical, grammatical side of speech, phonemic processes, semantics) depend on one another and condition each other. By interacting, they make their specific contribution to the formation of language skills and the flow of the speech process.

Reading and writing disorders (dyslexia and dysgraphia) are the most common forms of speech pathology in junior schoolchildren, especially in children with general speech underdevelopment.

As practice shows, many children entering 1st grade have a limited vocabulary, poorly developed fine motor skills, persistent speech disorders.The speech therapy service at the school was created to provide special assistance students with disabilities in the development of oral and writing, in mastering educational programs.

To make the work of a school speech therapist more effective, he needs a close connection, first of all, with the teacher. primary classes. Both of them strive for a common goal - to provide quality education to schoolchildren. To do this, the teacher needs each student to have a sufficiently high level of general (including speech) development.

Tasks of a school speech therapist:

1. Timely identification of children with oral and written speech disorders.

2. Correction of violations in the development of oral and written speech of students.

3. Timely prevention and overcoming difficulties in students’ mastering educational programs.

4. Explanation of special knowledge in speech therapy among school teachers and parents (legal representatives) of students.

In turn, the teacher continues the child’s speech development, relying on the skills and abilities he has acquired, i.e. integration takes place speech therapy work and educational process.

The main directions of speech therapy work in school

Formation of a full-fledged educational activities possible only with enough high level speech development, which presupposes a certain degree of formation linguistic means, as well as skills and abilities to freely and adequately use these means for communication purposes.

It is quite obvious that deviations in the development of speech complicate communication and prevent the correct formation cognitive processes, make it difficult to master reading, writing and, as a result, other school skills and knowledge. The problem of impaired writing and reading occupies one of the leading places in the practice of school education, which prevents the formation of full-fledged educational activities in children.

In recent years, among students entering primary classes our school, the number of children with various speech development disorders has increased significantly. With the beginning of literacy training, such children are found to have a persistent impairment in the formation of written speech, manifested in the form of dysgraphia. When examining speech disorders in children, it is notedmixed dysgraphia, the structure of which includes such writing deficiencies as a violation of language analysis and synthesis, acoustic and articulatory-acoustic dysgraphia, elements of agrammatic and optical dysgraphia. With mixed dysgraphia, errors are multiple and varied. Diagnostic tests show that mixed dysgraphia is almost always caused by a general underdevelopment of the child’s speech. Such children, as a rule, experience difficulties in mastering the Russian language program, have difficulty remembering and applying grammatical rules in practice, their vocabulary is reduced, and the lexical side of speech suffers. This is a complex set of disorders, manifested not only in violations of written speech; in most cases, insufficient formation of such higher mental functions as attention, memory of various modalities, as well as disturbances in the emotional-volitional sphere is revealed.

Timely organization of correctional training in pre- school age would significantly reduce the number of children with speech disorders. Therefore, at primary school age, the school speech therapist needs a longer period of establishing speech sounds. Which in turn allows us to minimize the defect at the level of oral speech.

A lot of children come to our school who do not attend kindergartens and no work has been done with them on the formation of phonetic-phonemic processes and the lexical-grammatical structure of speech. Insufficient development of phonetic, phonemic and lexico-grammatical means of the language due to diagnosisgeneral speech underdevelopment, interferes with successful learning of written language; violations of the sound-syllable structure of words create great difficulties in mastering phonemic analysis and synthesis. Limitation vocabulary children manifests itself in the form of difficulties in mastering the semantics of words, which results in errors in understanding and using words.

The experience of teaching these children indicates the need and relevance of work on the prevention and correction of dysgraphia and dyslexia during primary schooling.


Diagnostics of students

    examination oral speech 1st grade students;

    examination of written speech of students in grades 2-4;

    in-depth examination of the speech of children in the speech therapy group;

Acquisition speech therapy groups

    with general speech underdevelopment (GSD);

    with phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment (FFSD);

    with reading and writing disorders caused by OHP;

    with reading and writing impairment caused by FFND;

Advisory assistance

    primary school teachers;

    teachers of Russian language and literature;

    teachers of compensatory education classes;

    parents (legal representatives) of students;

    speech therapists preschool institutions cities;

    students with defective pronunciation of sounds;

    future first-graders and their parents (legal representatives);

Areas of work:

    overcoming problems with sound pronunciation;

    development of phonemic awareness;

    development of sound analysis and synthesis;

    development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech;

    development of coherent speech;

    development of spatial perception.

In conclusion, we can say that timely identification of children with speech disorders, properly organized work in close cooperation between teachers, psychologists, parents and speech therapists are of great importance in a secondary school.

Speech at parent meeting in ShBP

The work of a speech therapist at school.


Introduce parents to the main areas of work of a speech therapist at school.

What does a speech therapist do at school?

When communicating with parents, you often hear: “Why do we need to go to a speech therapist at school? We speak all sounds normally,” or “What does a speech therapist do at school?”

The main areas of work of a speech therapist at school are the correction of reading and writing disorders, as well as the prevention (prevention) of these disorders, which are the most common forms of speech pathology in primary schoolchildren.

There is a widespread belief that speech therapists only “produce” sounds, i.e. correct incorrect pronunciation. This is not entirely true.

The global goal of speech therapy is the development of the entire speech system as a whole, namely:

1. development of coherent speech,

2. pronunciation correction,

3. accumulation and improvement of the dictionary,

4. development of physical and speech hearing,

5. development of the grammatical aspect of speech,

6. development of articulatory motor skills,

7. training in word formation and inflection skills.

During the work, a number of additional tasks are solved:

Development of mental processes (attention, memory, perception, thinking);

Formation of basic educational skills (to be able to listen carefully to the teacher, purposefully and diligently complete the assigned task, adequately evaluate the result of one’s work and correct mistakes);

Formation of prerequisites for learning to read and write (teaching the sound analysis of words, familiarization with the concepts of “sound, word, sentence”, development of fine motor skills and spatial orientation);

Prevention and correction of writing and reading disorders.

Speech problems cause difficulties in mastering certain school subjects, which is the most common cause school maladjustment, decrease educational motivation deviations in behavior that arise in connection with this.

The causes of speech disorders are multifaceted. It is impossible to solve them quickly, but it is also impossible to pretend that they do not exist. Such children need a special approach and increased attention. They need the help of teachers and parents, and the help is timely, qualified, and systematic. This approach is carried out by the school speech therapist.

Speech therapy support for students includes:

Student Survey

1. Preparation of survey materials.

2. Conducting express diagnostics for early detection of writing and reading disorders, examination of oral speech among 1st grade students.

3. Conducting a frontal examination among students.

4. Conducting an in-depth individual examination of children admitted and attending a speech therapy center.

5. Filling out speech cards, completing documentation.

6. Repeated speech therapy examination based on the results of training for the year.

According to the work schedule, individual and frontal speech therapy classes.

Main areas of work with children:

  1. Prevention and early detection reading and writing disorders.
  2. Work on the development of basic mental processes (attention, memory, thinking), development of grapho-motor skills, visual-motor tracking, spatial, temporal representations.
  3. Practicing the articulation and phonetic aspects of speech.
  4. Development phonemic hearing and perception, language analysis and synthesis.
  5. Staging sounds, introducing sequential sounds into speech.
  6. Differentiation of sounds and letters in written speech.
  7. Consolidating graphic images of letters, consolidating the connection between sound and letter.
  8. Expanding and clarifying vocabulary, working on morphemic analysis, word formation and inflection.
  9. Work on the grammatical structure of speech, grammatical design of oral and written statements.
  10. Work on coherent oral and written speech.
  11. Automation of reading skills, work on intonation, expressiveness and pace of reading, reading comprehension.

Corrective speech therapy work with 1st grade students:

  1. An exercise in differentiating oppositional groups of sounds by ear and pronunciation.
  2. Familiarity with all the vowels and the rules for writing them.
  3. Differentiation of vowels of the 1st and 2nd series.
  4. Indication of the softness of a consonant using the vowel of the 2nd row.
  5. Formation of actions of changing words.
  6. Free operation of sound and graphic models of words.
  7. Formation of grammatically correct coherent speech. Dictionary development.
  8. Enrichment, consolidation and activation of the vocabulary with nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs.
  9. Working on understanding the meaning of synonyms, antonyms, homonyms and ambiguous words in different parts speech.
  10. Development of general concepts, classification of objects.
  11. Work on the formation of coherent speech.
  12. Word formation work. Systematization of children's knowledge about word formation methods.

Only man has the greatest gift of nature - speech. But it is not an innate ability. Speech is the most important mental function of a person. By mastering speech, a child acquires the ability to generalize the surrounding reality, to understand, plan and regulate his behavior.

Speech is formed along with the development of the child under the influence of the speech of adults gradually and largely depends on several factors: sufficient speech practice, upbringing and training, as well as on the normal speech and social environment, which stimulates speech development and provides a speech model. And all these factors are important for a child from the very first days of life. Each child’s speech acquisition occurs at different times and in different ways, since this is an individual process that depends on many factors. The reasons for this process can be both the pathology of pregnancy and childbirth, and the action of genetic factors. Damage to the hearing organs and a general lag in mental development, as well as insufficient communication and education can also be reasons for the lag in speech acquisition. For the formation of speech, the development of analyzers, such as speech motor and speech auditory, is extremely important. But all this largely depends on the environment. New vivid impressions and an appropriate environment contribute to the development of movements and speech. If this is not the case, then the child’s mental and physical development is delayed. His psychophysical health is of great importance for the development of a child. From the state of his higher nervous activity, from his attention, memory, imagination and thinking, i.e. higher mental processes, and the somatic or physical state depend on the development of speech.

The active participation of adults in the healthy development of a child’s speech, i.e., the education of speech in normal conditions for it, is the main point of prevention. Unfortunately, this moment in the development of speech, as well as the importance of full speech, is still underestimated in the family and school.

According to statistics, the number of speech disorders has tended to increase in recent years, so great attention must be paid to the prevention of speech disorders - this proves the relevance of my chosen topic.

The purpose of the work is to study the main directions of prevention of speech disorders.

Unlike oral speech, written speech is formed only under conditions of purposeful learning, that is, its mechanisms develop during the period of learning to read and write and are improved during all further training.

When analyzing speech disorders, speech activity should be considered as a complex multi-level functional system, the components of which (phonetic, lexical, grammatical aspects of speech, phonemic processes, semantics) depend on one another and condition each other. By interacting, they make their specific contribution to the formation of language skills and the flow of the speech process.

Reading and writing disorders (dyslexia and dysgraphia) are the most common forms of speech pathology in primary schoolchildren, especially in children with general speech underdevelopment.

As practice shows, many children entering first grade have a limited vocabulary, poorly developed fine motor skills, and persistent speech impairments. The speech therapy service at the school was created to provide special assistance to students who have impairments in the development of oral and written speech and in mastering educational programs.

In order for the work of a school speech therapist to become more effective, he needs a close connection, first of all, with a primary school teacher. Both of them strive for a common goal - to provide quality education to schoolchildren. To do this, the teacher needs each student to have a sufficiently high level of general (including speech) development.

Tasks of a school speech therapist:

1. Timely identification of children with oral and written speech disorders.

2. Correction of violations in the development of oral and written speech of students.

3. Timely prevention and overcoming difficulties in students’ mastering educational programs.

4. Explanation of special knowledge in speech therapy among school teachers and parents (legal representatives) of students.

In turn, the teacher continues the child’s speech development, relying on the skills and abilities he has acquired, i.e. there is an integration of speech therapy work and the educational process.

The main directions of speech therapy work in school

The formation of full-fledged educational activity is possible only with a sufficiently high level of speech development, which presupposes a certain degree of formation of linguistic means, as well as skills and abilities to freely and adequately use these means for the purpose of communication.

It is quite obvious that deviations in speech development complicate communication, interfere with the correct formation of cognitive processes, and complicate the acquisition of reading, writing and, as a consequence, other school skills and knowledge. The problem of impaired writing and reading occupies one of the leading places in the practice of school education, which prevents the formation of full-fledged educational activities in children.

In recent years, among students entering the primary grades of our school, the number of children with various deviations in speech development has increased significantly. With the beginning of literacy training, such children are found to have a persistent impairment in the formation of written speech, manifested in the form of dysgraphia. When examining speech disorders in children, mixed dysgraphia is noted, the structure of which includes such writing deficiencies as a violation of language analysis and synthesis, acoustic and articulatory-acoustic dysgraphia, elements of agrammatic and optical dysgraphia. With mixed dysgraphia, errors are multiple and varied. Diagnostic studies show that mixed dysgraphia is almost always caused by a general underdevelopment of the child’s speech. Such children, as a rule, experience difficulties in mastering the Russian language program, have difficulty remembering and applying grammatical rules in practice, their vocabulary is reduced, and the lexical side of speech suffers. This is a complex set of disorders, manifested not only in violations of written speech; in most cases, insufficient formation of such higher mental functions as attention, memory of various modalities, as well as disturbances in the emotional-volitional sphere is revealed.

Timely organization of correctional training in preschool age would significantly reduce the number of children with speech disorders. Therefore, at primary school age, the school speech therapist needs a longer period of establishing speech sounds. Which in turn allows us to minimize the defect at the level of oral speech.

A lot of children come to our school who do not attend kindergartens and no work has been done with them on the formation of phonetic-phonemic processes and the lexical-grammatical structure of speech. Insufficient development of phonetic, phonemic and lexico-grammatical means of the language, due to the diagnosis of general speech underdevelopment, prevents the successful learning of written speech; violations of the sound-syllable structure of words create great difficulties in mastering phonemic analysis and synthesis. The limited vocabulary of children manifests itself in the form of difficulties in mastering the semantics of words, which results in errors in understanding and using words.

The experience of teaching these children indicates the need and relevance of work on the prevention and correction of dysgraphia and dyslexia during primary schooling.


Diagnostics of students

    examination of oral speech of 1st grade students;

    examination of written speech of students in grades 2-4;

    in-depth examination of the speech of children in the speech therapy group;

Staffing speech therapy groups

    with general speech underdevelopment (GSD);

    with phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment (FFSD);

    with reading and writing disorders caused by OHP;

    with reading and writing impairment caused by FFND;

Advisory assistance

    primary school teachers;

    teachers of Russian language and literature;

    teachers of compensatory education classes;

    parents (legal representatives) of students;

    speech therapists of city preschool institutions;

    students with defective pronunciation of sounds;

    future first-graders and their parents (legal representatives);

Areas of work:

    overcoming problems with sound pronunciation;

    development of phonemic awareness;

    development of sound analysis and synthesis;

    development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech;

    development of coherent speech;

    development of spatial perception.

In conclusion, we can say that timely identification of children with speech disorders, properly organized work in close cooperation between teachers, psychologists, parents and speech therapists are of great importance in a secondary school.

Since speech therapy centers operate, as a rule, at secondary schools, the beginning and end academic year, the time and duration of the holidays comply with the standards established in schools. The duration of the next vacation for speech therapists also corresponds to the duration of the next vacation for teachers of secondary schools.

25 primary classes are attached to the speech therapy center, which includes all primary classes of the school where the speech therapy center is located and the school (or schools) located nearby.

The teaching load of speech therapists is 20 hours per week (Order of the Ministry of Education of the USSR No. 94 of May 16, 1985 and the Instruction on the procedure for calculating wages of educators, paragraph 87, subparagraph B.) After returning from the next vacation until September 1, the teacher the speech therapist checks the condition of the equipment in the speech therapy room: technical teaching aids, lighting, etc., examines visual and teaching aids and brings them into working condition, prepares necessary documentation and visual and speech material for examining students. If necessary, the speech therapist teacher replenishes his arsenal of visual teaching aids; gets acquainted with the personal files of students newly enrolled in schools assigned to a speech therapy center.

8.1.1. Distribution of time allocated for examining students’ oral and written speech

The first two weeks of the school year (from September 1 to September 15) are set aside for the complete formation of groups and subgroups that will study at the speech therapy center in the current school year. The speech therapist teacher conducts an examination of the oral speech of first-graders assigned to the speech center and the written speech of students in grades 2-4, clarifies the lists of groups pre-staffed by him in May of the previous school year from among students in grades 2-4.

The examination of first-graders’ oral speech is carried out in two stages. During the first week of September, the speech therapist teacher conducts a preliminary examination of the oral speech of all students admitted to the first grades and identifies children who have certain deviations in speech development. At the same time, he selects those students who need systematic correctional classes. This is done in the morning during school hours.

During the second week of September, the speech therapist teacher conducts a secondary in-depth examination of the oral speech of those children whom he selected for classes at the speech center during the preliminary examination. A secondary in-depth examination of children’s oral speech is carried out in a speech therapy room during the second half of the day, i.e. after school. Regular classes at the speech therapy center are held from September 16 to May 15.

The last two weeks of May (from May 16 to May 31) are reserved for examining the oral and written speech of students in grades 1-3 with the aim of pre-completing groups with writing and reading disorders for the new school year.

4th grade students are not examined due to the fact that they are moving to high school. Methods and techniques for examining students’ oral and written speech are covered in detail in the section “Organization and methods for examining students’ oral and written speech.”

All organizational work of the speech therapist teacher, carried out from September 1 to 15 and from May 16 to 31, is recorded on the corresponding page of the Attendance Register.