
The dog has a very dry nose. Why does a dog have a dry nose?

There is a common belief that a warm or dry nose is a sign of illness in dogs and cats. In fact, this is not entirely true. It's important to know what's normal for a cat or dog and check for additional symptoms before calling your veterinarian.

Why do animals' noses become wet and dry?

A healthy dog ​​or cat's nose can be very moist and cool, and then suddenly becomes warm and dry. These changes occur several times throughout the day and are completely normal.

Dogs and cats have wet noses because they lick them. The animal's nose also has mucous glands that keep the olfactory organ relatively moist. A wet nose is better able to detect odors.

Reasons why your pet's nose becomes dry:

  • the animal is sleeping and does not lick its nose;
  • the body is slightly dehydrated after training;
  • the pet was outside in the sun and wind;
  • old age of the animal.

When an animal is sick, the nose is also cool and moist. This occurs due to the formation of secretions.

Signs of the disease

Changes in a pet's nose should be examined by a veterinarian. It is important to tell your doctor if your pet's warm, dry nose is accompanied by other symptoms, such as:

  • lethargy;
  • lack of appetite;
  • sensitivity to touch;
  • vomiting or diarrhea;
  • pale or dry gums.

These symptoms, combined with a warm nose and ears, indicate illness.

Main reasons

Although a warm, dry nose in itself is not a sign of illness or allergies, other problems related to the organ can occur. While some are cause for concern, others are normal signs of aging or minor sensitivity.

If the nose of a dog or cat remains dry and warm for a long time, the possible reasons for this phenomenon are:

  • Allergies and sensitivities.It happens on plastic and dyes. It appears as changes in the nose and muzzle area in pets that are fed from plastic dishes. To eliminate this potential problem, try using stainless steel bowls. You can use glass or ceramic bowls, as long as they are made of durable material.
  • Nasal discharge.Any time signs of a runny nose with discharge from the nostrils appear, your pet should be examined by a veterinarian. Coughing, sneezing and difficulty breathing can be signs of anything from respiratory infection to a foreign body in the nose.
  • Pemphigus. Autoimmune disease in dogs, one of the manifestations of which is the appearance of blisters on the nose, which then burst and the nose becomes covered with a crust. It should be taken into account that blisters appear not only on the nose, but throughout the body. Diagnosis is made only by histological analysis.
  • Lentigo. Owners of cream and red cats often notice the appearance of black spots on the cat's nose and lips. The disease is not dangerous and does not require treatment.
  • Sunburn.Dogs and cats are susceptible to sunburn and subsequent skin cancer on the nose, ears and around the eyes. Pink-nosed animals are at greatest risk.


If you notice that your cat's nose has become warm and dry, observe the animal. If there are no dangerous symptoms, the animal is fine!

Dog nose - amazing organ, allowing the animal to subtly sense and distinguish odors. After all, smell is his main way of exploring the world and communicating. The structure of the respiratory organ is designed so that the dog can receive maximum information and, therefore, feel confident. It is not surprising that the condition of this organ is at the same time an indicator of its well-being. From this article you will learn why a dog’s nose can be dry and warm, what this condition indicates, and what the owner should do.

On the mucous membrane of a dog's nose, which lines its internal cavity and external lobe, there are so-called nasal glands that produce a special secretion. Thanks to this, the olfactory organ is always moist and cool. This is necessary, because this is how thermoregulation occurs. The fact is that the dog's body has a very small number of sweat glands. They are found on the paw pads and in the ear canals. Additional cooling occurs due to the respiratory organ.

In addition, a constantly moist surface of the nose ensures its maximum sensitivity. The dog is able not only to perceive the subtlest odors, but also to sense air movement. At the same time, she understands where their source is and divides the entire spectrum of aromas into their constituent components.

A healthy, active pet should have a moist, cool nose, which allows it to remove excess heat and distinguish odors in the best possible way. When a dog has a dry and warm nose, this makes the owner think that he is sick. Indeed, in some cases this is true, but not always.

In what cases does the nose get warm?

A dry nose does not always indicate that the dog is sick. There are various situations and physiological conditions when the nose healthy pet dry and hot. During this period, no more painful symptoms are observed. The dog is active, eats well, and enjoys going for walks.

A warm nose is normal for a dog in the following cases:

  • The dog is sleeping or has just woken up. This happens because in this state she is completely calm and her muscles are relaxed. Once the dog wakes up and becomes active again, the function of the nose will return and it will again become wet, cold and sensitive.
  • Stressful state nervous tension- these are the main reasons for the release of the fear hormone cortisol into the blood, which causes reflex muscle contraction. At this time, the glands also cannot work as before, so temporary drying of the mucous membranes, including the nose, occurs.
  • Physical fatigue also acts in a similar way.
  • Features of physiology. The cause of a warm nose can be a slow metabolism when the mucous membrane behaves “passively”. Insufficient secretion of nasal mucosa can be observed in such dogs throughout their lives.
  • A puppy may have a dry nose simply due to his age. His nasal glands do not work as actively. Over time, everything will fall into place.
  • Pregnant and lactating females may also have a warm, dry nose.
  • In the hot season, when dehydration occurs, the mucous membranes dry out and crack. The dog should always have clean water freely available.
  • The air in the apartment during the heating season is also excessively dry, which is why the surface of the pet’s nose sometimes cracks. Don’t forget to give your dog plenty to drink and humidify the air in the apartment.

When should you pay special attention to your dog's health?

Unfortunately, quite often a hot nose is observed in a pet during illness. This includes literally all conditions accompanied by fever and dehydration. But, you need to remember that in this case, dry nose is not the only painful symptom. Usually he is accompanied by others, no less clear signs, indicating the nature of the pathology and the severity of the course. The main ones are:

  • lack of appetite and sometimes thirst;
  • increased thirst;
  • excessive lethargy, refusal to play;
  • the desire to go into the darkness, to hide from communication;
  • aggression, irritation;
  • peeling and cracking of the nasal mucosa, rash around the nostrils;
  • nasal discharge - thin or thick, greenish;
  • lacrimation, photophobia, sneezing, cough;
  • rapid breathing and heart rate;
  • signs of fever (over 39 degrees);
  • dull matted wool;
  • constant itchy skin;
  • hair loss, bald patches.

The dog should be monitored. If these symptoms increase and the dog feels worse and worse, you should immediately take it to the veterinarian.

There is also a group of signs indicating a dog’s critical condition. When they appear, the animal needs urgent help. If your dog has a dry nose and one or more the following signs, you can save her by immediately delivering her to veterinary clinic:

  • rise in body temperature to more than 40 degrees;
  • lethargy, loss of consciousness;
  • the presence of seizures or paresis;
  • problems gastrointestinal tract(vomiting, diarrhea mixed with blood);
  • urinating too often or too rarely;
  • inappropriate behavior (strong aggression, fear of hydrophobia, walking in circles);
  • pain syndrome (moans, whining).

Dry and hot nose as a symptom of pathology

Let's look at what illnesses can cause a dog's nose to be dry. The condition of the nose is to some extent an indicator of her well-being. Dryness and cracks can indicate either a simple malaise or a serious illness.

About which internal pathologies Most often, a dry, hot nose may indicate this? Here are the most common reasons:

  • allergic reactions;
  • pemphigus;
  • cold, viral infection;
  • pneumonia;
  • nasal injuries;
  • helminthiasis;
  • plague;
  • rabies.

Allergic reactions

In addition to drying out the nasal mucosa, obvious symptoms of an allergic reaction in a dog are hives, itchy skin, and runny nose. They are caused by allergens - substances to which the animal is intolerant. Their entry into the body causes the production special hormone- histamine. It is the cause of unpleasant symptoms.

The main measures to combat allergies are identifying allergens, removing them from the body and prescribing antihistamines, blocking the body's production of histamine.


This is an autoimmune disease of young and middle-aged dogs. The pathology is localized on the skin. The main symptoms are the appearance of pustules, crusts, and ulcerations. The affected areas are painful and itchy. First of all, the muzzle and ears are affected, then the inguinal and axillary areas and other parts of the body are involved.

There is no definitive treatment for pemphigus. Symptomatic therapy It helps to improve the condition somewhat, but relapses of the disease constantly occur throughout life.

Colds and viral infections

The main cause of a dry nose during colds is high temperature. Dogs with low immunity and animals that do not have time to regain strength after physical activity. Puppies and older dogs are most often affected.

The main task is to prevent the infection from progressing and involving the bronchi and lungs in the process. A sick dog needs peace, warmth, good nutrition. Vitamins and medications are prescribed to help support the immune system.


Pneumonia in dogs develops as a complication of acute respiratory disease, When inflammatory process affects the lungs. Necessary competent treatment which will help avoid severe consequences. In this case, a course of antibiotic therapy is usually prescribed.

Nose injuries

Injuries to the nose are very painful and sensitive because the mucous membrane is very delicate. Wounds cannot be disinfected in the usual way using iodine or brilliant green, as it can easily be burned. May develop after impact nosebleed. Therefore, if your dog suffers a nose injury, it is recommended to apply a cold bandage and immediately contact a veterinarian.

Worm infestation

Severe infection with worms is accompanied by intoxication. Sick puppies are developmentally delayed, diarrhea, and have digestive problems. They suffer from apathy and lose weight with a good appetite. Characteristic symptom canine helminthiasis - “riding” on the butt.

To protect your pet from infection with worms, it is necessary to attach importance to timely deworming and never miss the deadline for the next worming.


Plague - very severe viral disease. The causative agent is a type of paramyxovirus. Having penetrated the body, it quickly spreads through the bloodstream and affects many organs and systems. The disease may have different shapes, but is always characterized by high temperature, purulent discharge from the nose and eyes, pale mucous membranes.

The dog usually has no appetite at all, which means that he is rapidly losing weight. If you suspect distemper, you should immediately take your pet to a veterinarian.


Rabies is a severe viral disease transmitted from a sick animal to a healthy one by biting or slobbering on damaged skin. The disease is doubly dangerous because it can be transmitted to people. If rabies is suspected, the dog must be euthanized, and people in contact with it must be vaccinated. The first symptoms are lethargy, apathy, drooling, and hydrophobia. Then paralysis of the swallowing muscles occurs. Later others appear neurological symptoms. The dog becomes aggressive. This is the most dangerous stage. The animal must be immediately isolated.

Protect yourself and your pet from this terrible disease is possible only through timely vaccination. Rabies vaccinations must be given annually.

Don't be alarmed if your pet has a dry and warm nose. Maybe he was just tired or worried. If you do not observe any more painful symptoms, you see that he behaves normally, eats well, sleeps peacefully, then there is nothing to worry about.

In this article I will talk about the causes of dry or elevated nose temperature in a dog. I'll describe it possible diseases and why is it hot or warm, and what to do. I’ll tell you what your nose should be like, when dry is normal, dangerous or not.

Reasons why a dog has a dry nose

Wet and cold nose adult dog or a puppy, talks about feeling good pet.

Causes of dryness:

  • Allergy.
  • Stress.
  • Cold.
  • Dehydration.
  • Sudden change in weather.
  • Injury.

It occurs not only on certain foods in the diet, but also on dust, pollen, chemicals, materials (plastics). An allergic reaction manifests itself in a rash on the skin, lethargy of the pet, runny eyes, sneezing, and loss of appetite. A walk through the spring flowering plants may cause allergic reaction, even if a year ago everything was fine. Bowls and toys made from low-quality plastic should be checked first.

A dog's stress can be caused by a change of owners, moving, change of environment, or punishment. The depressed state of the dog provokes a lack of attention from the owner. Daily walks, games and contact with your pet will help avoid attention deficit and support him even in the most difficult moments of life.

A pet with a cold coughs and sneezes. A cold can be identified by a lethargic state, refusal to play or eat, or elevated temperature.

Dehydration is expressed in a depressed state of the dog, he tries to move less, and in this case the body pressure is increased.

Dogs react to changes in weather; dryness can appear due to strong winds, snowfall, frost or abnormal heat.

An injured pet experiences pain and the nostrils become dry. In this case, you need to examine the dog for damage, and if there are wounds, you need to treat them and take the pet to a veterinary clinic. A fight with wild animals is dangerous; the dog’s opponent may be a carrier of the rabies virus, in which case unvaccinated pets become infected, and the chance of survival is reduced to zero.

Causes of a hot or warm nose

An increase in the temperature of the nose and its dryness indicate that the pet is sick. To all the causes of dryness are added increased temperature and pressure.

Hot indicates that the animal has a fever; by measuring it, you can understand what exactly is happening to the dog. Dogs' temperature changes rectally. You need to lubricate the end of the thermometer with Vaseline and insert it into the anus. The procedure will be unpleasant for the dog, so the presence of the owner is important for him. It is recommended to speak affectionately to your pet, calling it by name, or stroking it.

An increase in temperature of 1 degree during estrus is normal.

If the temperature rises higher, the bitch should be checked for diseases. reproductive system or sexually transmitted infections.

The symptom may warn of high or low blood pressure in the dog. Blood pressure is measured with a veterinary tonometer. Normal pressure in dogs of medium and large breeds 150 by 90 mm. For small breeds Another indicative standard is 170 by 90 mm.

When a dry nose is normal

Dryness and increased temperature of the nose are normal immediately after the animal awakens.

During sleep, your body temperature rises and your nostrils dry out. In hot and dry weather, the dog's organ dries out, in such conditions the dog is at risk of dehydration, so it is necessary to introduce yourself to the dog clean water V large quantities and in constant access. If an animal sleeps near the stove and fireplace, it dries out from exposure to outside temperature.

When to contact a veterinarian

You should seek professional help or advice if ulcers, rashes, or sores appear on your animal’s skin. Diarrhea, frequent belching, vomiting, cough and shortness of breath are symptoms that appear due to gastrointestinal upset, poisoning or infection in the blood. In all these cases, a trip to the veterinarian cannot be postponed.

Disorder eating behavior appears even when eating foods absolutely familiar to the dog. If symptoms appear, you need to review your pet’s diet with your veterinarian and, if necessary, create a new one.

If your nose is extremely dry in hot or cold weather, it is recommended to lubricate your nose with a drop of hypoallergenic ointment based on calendula.

What a healthy nose should be like

The pet's nostrils may dry out and become wet several times a day; this only indicates good heat exchange and reaction to the environment.

A dry and hot nose is not a disease itself, but rather one of its symptoms.

At room temperature while awake, healthy dog It will be damp and cold.

If your pet has noticed dryness and increased temperature of the nose, you need to observe the pet and find out more about its condition, and if other symptoms appear, contact a veterinarian.

Dogs usually have a moist nose that is pleasant to the touch. But what to do if your dog has a warm and dry nose? Causes and treatment this symptom varies depending on many factors.

In order not to make a mistake in choosing a strategy to combat the disease, you need to systematize all the symptoms. It is important to familiarize yourself with potential diagnoses and only then draw conclusions.

If nasal cavity and the outer part of the olfactory organ for a long time is without moisture, and its temperature is higher than normal, the animal needs close attention from its owner. Usually, breathing and nasal problems are accompanied by other symptoms. After analysis and consultation with a veterinarian, it will be possible to establish the correct diagnosis.

  • The dog is lethargic and shows no interest in toys or food. In case of illness, the animal does not respond to the name, commands and calls for a walk, preferring to lie passively in its place or closer to the warmth.
  • When measuring body temperature rectally, the results differ from the norm. A healthy dog's body temperature does not exceed 37.7-39 degrees Celsius. Already at 40 degrees, a doctor’s consultation is necessary.
  • No less dangerous symptom called a metabolic disorder. The optimal frequency of urination is considered to be 2-3 times in 24 hours, and bowel cleansing occurs from 1 to 3 times, as a maximum. You shouldn’t risk your dog’s health, so if there is bloody discharge or vomiting, be sure to take the animal to a veterinary clinic.
  • The skin on the nose cracks due to lack of natural moisture. At serious illnesses it may become covered with cloudy discharge with an unpleasant odor.
  • The heart rate changes (usually it beats faster than normal) and even the pet’s breathing rhythm. The dog's pulse rate ranges from 70 to 100 beats per minute, and up to 30 breaths take place during the same time.


After being outside for long periods of time during the cooler months, a dog with a weakened immune system may catch a cold. Another prerequisite for the disease is living in a poorly heated room or enclosure that is not protected from drafts and wind. The animal can be cured at home. But to do this, you not only need to choose the right recovery strategy, you need to identify all the symptoms.

With a cold, in addition to a dry, hot nose, your pet will have hoarse breathing, snoring during sleep (usually caused by nasal congestion), and regular sneezing or coughing. The owner needs to reduce the calorie content of the standard daily diet, provide the dog with enough drinking water, and also temporarily limit walking, prepare a warm place.

A dog can exhibit allergic reactions to unsuitable food, cheap and low-quality plates or toys, even random objects and creatures encountered on the street. You can determine the problem by the condition of the animal: if the dog is lethargic, does not eat, and only drinks water, then you should consult a veterinarian or independently determine the source.

If we talk about general councils to combat reactions, then refrain from purchasing plastic bowls, intensely colored bedding from artificial materials, feeds with bad reviews. In this case, the likelihood of allergies will decrease, but there are a number of dog breeds with reduced resistance to them. If your pet is one of them, try to pay attention to the quality of the objects around him.

Unsuitable climate

The possibility that the dog was injured due to the terrain should not be ruled out. Typically, an animal that does not like the climate constantly lies down, does not show love for life, and refuses food. These include heat, wind, scorching rays of the sun and sudden changes in weather. If the reason lies in weather conditions, try to leave the animal at home, providing coolness or warmth (depending on the situation), and care with zoological cosmetics.


Inflammatory processes that appear after the formation of injuries on the pet’s body can also cause a dry nose. Please note: Typically, an injured dog will have red eyes, drowsiness, lameness, and general lethargy. It is worth consulting a doctor especially if the animal refuses to move. But if you doubt the reasons for behavioral changes, provide your dog with rest and allow him to recover.

Other diseases

A dry and warm nose can be a sign of more serious illnesses. For example, dogs with also have a dry nose. But there is no need to worry ahead of time: the diagnosis will only be correct in conjunction with other symptoms. These include refusal to eat, discharge of pus from the eyes and nostrils. Take a closer look if the animal is sneezing and the skin on its body is slightly peeling. If you have rabies, your pet may seek solitude in a secluded place and behave aggressively. Most likely, the animal's nose will have elevated temperature. If you suspect rabies, contact a specialist as soon as possible: the disease threatens not only the death of the dog (infected people are euthanized), but also possible injuries to household members and others.

It is quite possible that the animal has caught a cold: you will involuntarily notice a runny nose, sneezing and coughing of your pet. Dry nose will haunt him from the moment of illness, but everything will change as soon as the treatment is successfully completed. Pemphigus deserves mention: a disruption of the immune system, which manifests itself in the formation of blisters on the nose. If you observe symptoms, contact your veterinarian so as not to put your pet's life at risk.

Video: what to do if your dog has a warm and dry nose?

When can you not worry?

You will quickly realize that something is wrong if the dog is trembling, whining and at the same time has a warm, withered olfactory organ. But perhaps your pet will not show such obvious symptoms ailments. In the following paragraphs, we will figure out what to think when changes in temperature and humidity of the nose are the only reason for doubting the well-being of the animal.

  1. If your pet has a warm, dry nose, don't panic right away: the reasons may be completely natural and harmless. A change in the humidity of this sense organ occurs when the animal has not had time to adapt to the weather or climatic conditions, for example, when traveling or at the turn of the year. When nature returns to a standard state or the climate zone changes to the usual one, the dog’s mucous membrane will normalize.
  2. In case of severe stress (after vaccination, communication with an unfriendly animal or change of place of residence or owners) or poor health, the condition of the nose may change. If you see that the animal is shaking, let it recover and try to cheer it up: a treat and unobtrusive stroking will be a good incentive. Make sure it stays longer in a place that is comfortable and familiar to it.
  3. The same thing happens if the dog is in a state of decline. In this case, the pet will return to normal after a few hours good sleep in a cool place. At this moment best help the pet will be provided with peace.
  4. Dogs with pink or gray noses have a high chance of getting sunburned. If the olfactory organ gets hot, cracks, begins to peel and becomes several shades redder, start treating it with a special cream (to avoid allergic reactions, consult your veterinarian). Nose care should be constant, because repeated sunburn can cause cancer skin dogs.
  5. A cold nose combined with cool tips of the ears can be signs of hypothermia (usually pets get it after an unsuccessful walk in the cold or a shower with too low a temperature). First of all, take your dog's temperature. If she is below the age norm, the eyes are drooping, and the gums are lighter than usual, you should contact a veterinarian. If the indicators are normal, it will be enough to warm the four-legged pet.
  6. Miniature dog breeds also tend to have a dry, warm nose. The same can be said about puppies or already grown individuals. Thus, there is no need to worry if your animal constantly exhibits this symptom.
  7. Sometimes sleepy animals also have a dry nose with an elevated temperature. Veterinary experts say that your four-legged pet's body heats up significantly during sleep. As a result, the nasal mucosa and its outer surface become less moisturized. After waking up the dog, give it a little time to recover, if it remains the same cheerful character, everything is within normal limits.

A dry nose does not always indicate a dog's illness. To recognize a disease, you need to know the distinction between the concepts of “pathology” and “norm”. If the “pathology” can only be identified by a specialist (veterinary medicine doctor), then the so-called “norm” for the appearance of a dog’s dry nose must be determined by the owner of the animal himself. In this article we will figure out how to do this.

Anatomy of the nasal cavity

The nose of a healthy dog

  • The tip is cold.
  • Moderately humid.
  • The exhaled air is uniform, of medium strength and symmetrical from both nostrils.
  • The color of the mucous membrane is pale pink, changing to pink-red when excited.
  • No cuts or cracks.
  • No swelling, overlays or ulcers.
  • No discharge (snot).

Dryness explained limited education sweat or its complete cessation.

A decrease in the secretion of glands may appear in diseases associated with big loss water by the body. Wet and cold skin becomes dry and hot (cold) to the touch, and with prolonged illness, cracks and crusts appear.

Possible causes of dry nose

  1. A dog's nose may become dry if the room temperature is too high (heat). Also, at excessively low temperatures (frost, wind), dry skin will be noted.
  2. During sleep, the animal's body temperature rises, i.e. becomes higher than normal, which leads to evaporation of moisture.
  3. If you were engaged in training or outdoor games with the dog.
  4. In puppies or in mature dogs. But, you need to take into account that in old age, dryness in a dog can lead to tissue diseases, which occurs due to metabolic disorders, and this is already a pathological case.
  5. Change of place of residence, environment or experience of shock in animals.
  6. Dryness can be passed on from generation to generation.
  7. During estrus, pregnancy and feeding puppies, the reason is hormonal changes in the body.
  8. A poorly designed diet that contains a lack of any microelements, vitamins and minerals.
  9. Insufficient fluid intake.
  10. Species, gender, age, different metabolism and much more.

All the reasons described above should lead to dryness for a short period of time, no more than two hours.

If the manifested symptom does not disappear, or moreover, additional symptoms, which are not inherent in the normal and healthy behavior of the animal, then this indicates unfavorable, pathological changes in the dog's body.

Symptoms of pathological diseases

Symptoms of dry nose pathological conditions and diseases of the animal’s body do not manifest themselves singly. Along with it, various kinds of symptoms appear, depending on the type of disease, such as:

  • low and high apical temperatures;
  • loss of appetite;
  • lethargy;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • violations of integrity (cracks, ulcerations, swelling);
  • expiration;
  • sneezing;
  • and many others.

It is necessary to take into account that the “collection” of some symptoms may indicate either one specific disease or several completely different ones.

The main causes of pathological diseases and their symptoms:

1. Spending time outside or in the house, the dog can carry foreign body into your body, or cause injury (dry and hot nose).

2. With an insufficient amount of fluid entering the body, the dog can easily be led to a pathological condition (dry and hot nose).

3. If you experience severe fluid loss, such as vomiting, increased urination, or loose stools, dehydration will also occur (dry nose, lethargy and high temperature).

4. Some types of allergies in dogs: food, flea saliva or substances external environment(dry nose, snot, red eyes).

5. Lack of vitamins in dogs is expressed in the form of vitamin deficiency and hypovitaminosis (dry and cracked nose, lethargy).

6. Intake of toxins (dry and hot nose, lethargy).

7. Infection with helminths and their eggs (lethargy and dry nose).

8. In case of infection (dry and hot nose, snot flowing).

9. Autoimmune skin disease (papules and pustules, erosions and yellow crusts form, a cracked nose, the dog does not eat and the nose is dry).

10. Canine (redness of the eyes, the dog’s nose becomes dry and flaky).

11. Interstitial nephritis(dry and hot nose).

12. Postoperative period may occur with dehydration (dry and hot nose).


In order to avoid the risk of disease, you need to know about the preventive measures that the owner himself can carry out and support. The most important thing is to always be attentive to your pet and show proper, full and proper care behind him.


In case of injury. It is necessary to stop the bleeding. Identify the cause and location of the injury and disinfect the area. If necessary, administer anesthetic and apply stitches. Accept medicine which will promote further healing. Preparations: Lysozyme, Ranosan, etc.

When dehydrated. Force drink water using a syringe. Apply a dropper with glucose solution. If necessary, then medications.

For allergies. If food allergy, then choose a diet that excludes those foods that cause an allergic reaction. If you are allergic to fleas, use collars and special shampoos. With Atopic allergies, the animal cannot be cured, but, with the use of certain medicines, vital signs can be improved. Medicines: Antihistamines.

With vitamin deficiency. Review and recalculate the animal’s diet, balancing it.

In case of poisoning. It is possible to wash the gastrointestinal tract with potassium permanganate.
Preparations: vitamin B6, adsorbents.

For helminths. Anthelmintics.

For colds. Depending on the type colds, take certain medications. Medicines: antibiotics, vitamins, immunostimulants, anti-inflammatory and expectorants.

Pet owners should understand that self-medicating their pet is very dangerous, this can lead to a deterioration in its condition, or, in the worst case, death.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. A healthy dog's nose is cold and moderately moist.
  2. Dryness is explained by limited sweat production or its complete cessation, but does not always signal illness.
  3. The symptom of dry nose in pathological conditions and diseases of the animal’s body does not appear alone.
  4. To prevent the risk of disease, you need to regularly monitor walking areas, the amount of fluid consumed, and also prevent overheating or hypothermia.
  5. If a problem occurs, you should immediately contact a specialist.


Only a veterinary medicine doctor can correctly identify the cause of the disease and carry out all the necessary “measures” to clarify and diagnose correct diagnosis, as well as prescribe treatment that will lead to the pet’s recovery. We strongly recommend that you consult with a specialist before using any medications.

Write your pet's symptoms in the comments, and our veterinarian will help determine its condition.