
Exercises for speech development. Educational and methodological material on the topic: Exercises for the development of verbal and logical thinking and speech of primary schoolchildren

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This is the best site on the Internet with an incredibly large number of free educational games and exercises for children. Here you will find games to develop thinking, attention, memory in preschoolers, exercises for learning to count and read, crafts, drawing lessons and much more. All tasks were developed with the participation of experienced child psychologists and preschool teachers.

If you are interested in the topic of speech development in children, be sure to look at the special section of the site “Story pictures for speech development”. Here you can download ready-made sets of plot pictures for writing stories. Each set includes two or three pictures connected by a common plot or cause-and-effect relationships.

Here are examples of some tasks for your reference:

Hearing development

If a child poorly distinguishes sounds by ear, pronounces them distortedly or replaces them with others, then he will not be able to clearly imagine the sound appearance of the word itself. In this case, the following group of exercises will be useful to you.

Exercise No. 1. “Name the words” (for the development of auditory differentiation).

Task No. 1.

“Name as many words as possible that begin with the sound A” (T, O, R, K, etc.).

Task No. 2.

“Name as many words as possible that end with the sound P” (I, O, S, L, etc.).

Task No. 3.

“Name as many words as possible that have the sound L in the middle” (N, E, G, B, F, etc.).

Exercise No. 2. “Clap-clap” (teaching sound analysis of words).

This exercise also has several task options.

1. “Now I will tell you words, and as soon as you hear a word that begins with the sound S (V, O, G, D, W, etc.), you will immediately clap your hands.”

Option: the child must “catch” the sound with which the word ends, or the sound in the middle of the word.

Cow, jelly, mountain, mink, guitar, boot, bitch, hand, caught up, pushed, etc.

This exercise will also help you check how your child is doing with his reaction.

Speech therapy classes for children online (2-4 years). The problem of speech development in young children today is more relevant than ever. There are more and more children with delayed speech development, with various disorders

speech development. Nowadays it won’t surprise anyone that at 3 years old a child hardly speaks.

Or he speaks, but only his mother can understand him, and even then with difficulty.

Usually, speech therapists recommend waiting until 4-5 years to start speech therapy classes, neuropathologists prescribe medications, and it is very difficult to find a good defectologist who knows how to work with children. At the same time, it is better to start working on the development of speech in a child as early as possible. It is common knowledge that oral language deficiencies can lead to poor school performance. What should parents do? All that remains is to practice on your own, at home, every day, little by little, at least 10 minutes a day, but regularly. An online course of speech therapy classes from the website will help you organize speech development classes:

Exercise No. 3. “Playing with the word” (teaching the sound form of a word).

Task No. 1. “Come up with a word that begins/ends with the same sound as in the word “frog”, “flag”, “table”, etc.”

Task No. 2. “Name the first/last sound in the word “ray”, “strength”, “sofa”, etc.”

Task No. 3. “Name all the sounds in order in the word “sky”, “cloud”, “roof”, etc.”

Task No. 4. “What sound in the word “fish” is second, fourth, first, third? (chair, carpet, shell, cloud), etc.”
Exercise No. 4. "Confusion".
"Listen carefully to the poem.
Who is sitting on the tree?
Who swims in the ocean?
What's growing in the garden?
Who lives under water?
The words are mixed up!

I command "one-two"

And I order you

Put everyone in their places."

Ask your child: “Which words are mixed up? Why? How are these words similar to each other? How are they different?”

You can give your child a little hint, but the main thing is to lead him to the idea that one sound can completely change the meaning of a word.

Exercise No. 5. "Come up with a new word."

Assignment: “I’ll now tell you a word, and you try to change the second sound in it so that you get a new word. For example: house is smoke.”

Words to change: sleep, juice, drank, chalk.

It will be useful to you if your child cannot write.

Assignment: “Now we will write down several words, but not in letters, but in circles. How many sounds are in the word, so many circles you will draw. Say the word “poppy”. How many circles should you draw? Three.”

Sample: MAK - 000

Attention: when choosing words for the exercise, try to ensure that the number of sounds in them matches the number of letters. So, in the word “horse” there are 4 letters and three sounds - [k - o - n "]. Such words can cause difficulties for a child.

Words for dictation: grass, paper, pen, bun, stick, chamomile, star, pine, telephone, tablet.

Exercise No. 7. "Longer, shorter."

Assignment: “Now we will compare words. I will say two words at a time, and you will decide which one is longer. Just remember that you need to compare words, and not the things that they mean. You know that a word is not a thing. For example, the word “nose”. You can say it, but you can’t write it, but you can’t breathe it, it’s only a word. But you can breathe it with a real nose, but you can’t write it or read it.”

Words for comparison: table - table, pencil - pencil, mustache - mustache, dog - dog, tail - tail, snake - snake, worm - worm.

Vocabulary development

The quality and quantity of a child’s vocabulary largely determines the level of speech development as a whole. It is very important for you to pay attention to both passive (that is, those words that are stored in memory reserve) and active (words that are constantly used) vocabulary. It is very important that the child knows what meanings a word has and knows how to use it correctly in independent speech. The exercises offered here will help you do this.

Exercise No. 8. "Word Game"

Task No. 1. “Name as many words as possible for fruits” (vegetables, trees, flowers, wild and domestic animals and birds, toys, tools, furniture, professions, etc.).

Exercise No. 1. “Name the words” (for the development of auditory differentiation).

“Now I will tell you the words, and you will tell me what this object can do.
A blizzard is blowing, and thunder is ..., wind is ..., and snow is ..., rain is ..., and the sun is ....

Don’t forget to ask with each answer: “What else does the sun do, it doesn’t just shine?” Let the child choose as many words as possible that denote the action.

Then you can repeat the same game in reverse: “Who flies? Who swims? Who hammers nails? Who catches mice?”

Exercise No. 9. "Sign".

Hearing development

“Tell me, if an object is made of iron, what is it called, what is it?”

iron -
paper -
tree -
snow -
fluff -
glass -

Exercise No. 1. “Name the words” (for the development of auditory differentiation).

“Name another object that is as white as snow.”
(As narrow as a ribbon; as fast as a river; as round as a ball; as yellow as a melon).

“Name as many words as possible that begin with the sound A” (T, O, R, K, etc.).

to taste - lemon and honey, onion and apple;
by color - cloves and chamomile, pear and plum;
in terms of strength - rope and thread, stone and clay;
in width - road and path, river and stream;
in height - a bush and a tree, a mountain and a hill."

Exercise No. 10. "Guessing game."

Assignment: "Guess the riddle:

Flies, squeaks,
Long legs dragging
The opportunity will not be missed -
He will sit down and bite.

Round, striped,
Taken from the garden.
Sugar and scarlet became -
Eat, please.

How did you guess what we're talking about? Try to describe some object to me yourself, and I will try to guess who or what it is."

Exercise No. 11. "Words-buddies" (exercise on synonyms).

Hearing development

“What do you think is another way to say something about a sad person?” (Sad)
"Valuable - what is it? Hard - what is it?"

Exercise No. 1. “Name the words” (for the development of auditory differentiation).

“What word can replace the word “horse”? The word “doctor”, “cup”, “food”?

“Name as many words as possible that begin with the sound A” (T, O, R, K, etc.).

"Which word is superfluous, does not fit other words? Why?"

Sad, sorrowful, dejected, deep
Brave, loud, daring, daring
Weak, brittle, long, fragile
Strong, distant, durable, reliable

If your child does not understand the meaning of a word, explain it.

Exercise No. 12. “Enemy words” (exercise on antonyms).

Assignment: “Say the opposite:

cold, clean, hard, thick;
dull, wet, senior, light;
spacious, enemy, top, lose;
raise, day, morning, spring;
winter, tomorrow, early, close;
low, rare, slow, joyful;
dark, sat down, took it, found it;
forgot, dropped, messed, straightened.

Exercise No. 13. “One and many” (changing words according to numbers).

Hearing development

“Now we will play this game: I will name one object with a word, and you name the word so that you get many objects. For example, I will say “pencil”, and you should say “pencils”.

book, pen, lamp;
city, chair, ear;
child, person, glass;
name, spring, friend.

Exercise No. 1. “Name the words” (for the development of auditory differentiation).

“Now let’s try the other way around. I will say a word that denotes many objects, and you will say one.”

claws, clouds, warriors, leaves;
flowers, saws, well done, stems.

Exercise No. 14. "Decrease".

Assignment: “Tell me what the name of the small object will be? A small ball is a ball, and a small table is...”.

grass, hand, shoulder, sun, bank; chair, book, flag, cup, hat.

Exercise No. 15. "Finish the word."

Assignment: "Guess what word I want to say? By..." (Pillow)

Syllables with which words can begin: za, mi, mu, lo, pri, ku, zo, che, etc.

Exercise No. 16. "Explain the word."

Assignment: “I want to find out how many words you know. Tell me, what is a bicycle?”

knife, hat, ball, letter;
umbrella, pillow, nail, donkey;
fur, diamond, connect, shovel;
sword, trouble, brave, hero;
poem, gambling.

The purpose of this exercise is to teach the child not only to recognize new words through explanation, but also to clearly express thoughts, indicating the main type of use of the object, describing its characteristics.
You can do all these exercises several times, completing the rows of words yourself.

Development of grammar skills

The next block of exercises is aimed at developing the grammatical structure of speech. Training tasks will help your child learn to write correctly. simple sentences, correctly connect speech structures, understand the sequence of events in the text.

Exercise No. 17. "Who what?" (drawing up proposals for different models).

Assignment: “Try to make a sentence that says

Who? What is he doing? What?

For example: The cat laps milk."

Who? What is he doing? What? How? (The gardener waters the flowers with water)
Who? What is he doing? What? To whom? (The girl sews a dress for the doll)

Exercise No. 18. "Finish the sentence."

Assignment: “Try to guess the end of the phrase.”

The children ate... There is paper and paper on the table... Gree grow in the forest... . Flowers grow in the garden... . We have a rooster and... . In winter it can be hot... .

Exercise No. 19. “Add words” (spreading sentences).

Assignment: “Now I’ll say a sentence. For example, “mom is sewing a dress.” What do you think can be said about the dress, what kind of dress is it (silk, summer, light, orange)? If we add these words, how will the phrase change?”

The girl feeds the dog. Thunder rumbles in the sky. The boy drinks juice.

Exercise No. 20. “Make a phrase” (forming sentences from words).

Hearing development

"Make up sentences using the following words:

a funny puppy, a full basket, a ripe berry, a cheerful song, a thorny bush, a forest lake."

Exercise No. 1. “Name the words” (for the development of auditory differentiation).

“The words in the sentence are mixed up. Try to put them in their place. What will happen?”

1. Smoke, coming, pipes, from.
2. Loves, teddy bear, honey.
3. Standing, in a vase, flowers, in.
4. Nuts, in, squirrel, hollow, hiding.

Exercise No. 21. "The Missing Words"

Assignment: “Now I’ll read you a story. But some words are lost in it. Try to guess which ones.”

1. Silence reigns in the dense _____. Black ________ covered the sun. The birds fell silent. It's about to go ________.

2. Winter. All paths are covered with fluffy _______. The river was dressed in smooth _______. The guys built a high __________. _______ sleds are rushing fast. A sharp _______ hits the children in the ______. The frost stings _______. ________ are not afraid of frost. Their ________ are burning with joy.

3. The weather is hot: the sky is _______, the sun is shining _______. Kolya and Olya go for a walk in the ______ field. They listen to little ________ singing there. They collect ________. Suddenly the sky becomes dark and is covered with large ________. The little children are in a hurry to return ____. But before they could arrive, ______ erupted. The children were scared ________ thunder. They knocked on one ______ to hide from strong _______, since they do not have ________ with them and their clothes are completely _______.

Exercise No. 22. "Find the mistake."

Hearing development

“Listen to the sentences and tell me if everything in them is correct.”

In winter, apple trees bloomed in the garden.
Below them lay an icy desert.
In response, I nod my hand at him.
The plane is here to help people.
I soon succeeded by car.
The boy broke the ball with glass.
After the mushrooms there will be rain.
In the spring, the meadows flooded the river.
The snow was covered with a lush forest.

Exercise No. 1. “Name the words” (for the development of auditory differentiation).

“How should the sentence be corrected?”

Exercise No. 23. "Explain."

Assignment: “Listen to the phrase:

The dog is walking to the kitchen. She drinks the cat's milk. The cat is unhappy.

Explain why the cat is unhappy.

Petya went to the cinema after finishing reading the book.

What did Petya do earlier: read a book or go to the cinema? Explain.

Vanya drew Sasha. Sasha was drawing a house.

Who drew what? Explain."

Exercise No. 24. "What is meant?" (training to understand figurative meaning).

"Tell me how you understand these expressions:

iron ax - iron Man
golden arrow - golden hands
poisonous bite - poisonous look
sharp knife - sharp word
low table - low action
stale bread - stale man."

Exercise No. 25. "Right or wrong?"

Assignment: “Do you think it’s possible to say that?”

Mom puts a vase of flowers on the table.
When they want to buy something, they lose money.
Grandparents live under a house on the edge of the forest.
There is a beautiful carpet on the floor.

Ask your child: “Why are the sentences inaccurate?”

Exercise No. 26. "Where is the beginning of the story?"

The child needs to establish the sequence of events from a series of pictures. Show your child a series of pictures

Assignment: “Look, all these pictures are connected. But they are mixed up. Find where the beginning and end of the story are, and tell me what it is about.”

Exercise No. 27. "A story from a picture."

Give your child the opportunity to carefully look at the picture and ask him to tell the story depicted in it. This exercise should be repeated as often as possible, using any drawings that are interesting to the child.

Here are some rules that are important to follow when writing a story.

It is important to teach the child to see and highlight the main thing in the content, the features of the story. Help your child by asking questions.

What is this picture about?
- Who is the main character?
- What's happening?
- What heroes are drawn in the picture?
- What is their character?
- What can you call this story?

With the same success, you can add text retelling training to this exercise. You read a short story (up to 20 sentences) to your child, then ask him to retell what he heard. At the same time, watch how the child understood the main meaning of the story, whether he can express it verbally, whether he easily finds the right words, whether he allows incorrect grammatical forms in his speech, or whether he uses complex sentences.

Exercise No. 28. "Pick a rhyme."

First, check if the child knows what a rhyme is. Explain that two words rhyme with each other if they end the same, for example, ox - goal.

Invite your child to independently choose a rhyme for the words:

porridge, howl, pillow, juice;
snow, cat, circle, bowl;
river, cloud, barrel.

The child needs to choose at least three rhymes for each word.

Exercise No. 29. "Make a proposal."

Assignment: “Now we will connect several sentences together. For example, I pronounce the sentence: “It is raining in the forest. Thunder roars." These sentences can be connected using a small bridge word "and", then the two will turn out to be one. "It is raining in the forest and thunder is roaring." Now try it yourself."

The sun shines brightly. Birds are singing.

There are more possible variant for this exercise: ask your child to complete the sentence.

The children went out for a walk and...

Using the same scheme, you can train your child to compose sentences with conjunctions “a”, “but”, “although”, “but”, “if, ... then”.

Other publications on the topic of this article:

In the modern period of development

comprehensive language school

primary school education

and his speech development is increasingly

merge thoroughly and justifiably

into a single educational and cognitive

T.G. Ramzaeva.

Methods of speech development is the area of ​​methodological science that is currently most supplied with methodological literature. Perhaps there was (and is not) a single famous educational methodologist who would remain indifferent to questions of methods of speech development. And yet it should be noted that precisely in this part of the Russian language methodology there are still many unresolved issues, many problems. N.K. Ivankina, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, highlights the most significant:

1. improvement linguistic training teachers to work on speech development junior schoolchildren;

2. clarification of the content of teaching speech to younger schoolchildren;

3. improvement of speech teaching technology;

4. implementation (introduction) of new methods into the practice of mass schools;

5. clarification of criteria for the level of speech development, prospects for the development of speech of primary schoolchildren, etc.

Currently, issues of speech development methods are being resolved from deeper linguistic positions than before.

Let's consider the requirements presented by M.R. Lvov to speech exercises.

The most important requirement for speech exercises is systematicity (consistency, perspective, interconnection of various exercises, the ability to emphasize their common goal).

Each new exercise, being connected with the previous ones, at the same time should bring out something new, at least a small element of the new. .

It is important to provide a specific, specific goal for each speech exercise. This means determining what new skill, compared to what has already been learned, will be formed by this exercise.

A variety of types of exercise is also necessary. One of the requirements for systematicity is that all age-appropriate types of work are more or less evenly represented in the learning process.

A system of speech exercises is effective only when there are conditions that form the background for speech development. This background is an atmosphere of constant attention to language and speech, a healthy speech sphere, which is created by the school and which is expanded by classroom and extracurricular reading, the study of grammar and spelling, and other language classes.

Speech exercises, as a rule, do not give a noticeable effect in a short time. The development of speech requires long, painstaking work by students and teachers. Temporary failures and breakdowns should not frighten either one or the other.

Systematic work on speech development will definitely lead to success. .

The elementary school methodology adopted the following types coherent speech (or speech development exercises):

Detailed answers to questions (including in conversation);

Various text exercises related to reading analysis and study grammar material, with the activation of grammatical forms or vocabulary, if the statements (or written texts) generally meet the requirements stated above;

Observation notes, weather diaries, other diaries;

Oral retelling of what was read (in its various versions);

Oral story by students on a given topic, on a picture, on observations, on this beginning and the end, etc.;

Reviewing literary texts memorized;

Improvisation of fairy tales, the beginnings of literary and artistic creativity;

Written presentations of exemplary texts;

Reorganization of texts given by the teacher (selected retellings and presentations, creative forms of retelling and presentation, dramatization of stories, etc. (both orally and in writing);

Dialogues - retellings preserving the dialogical form, as well as independent dialogues between students (orally);

Various types of dramatization, oral (verbal) drawing, imaginary film adaptation of read works or one’s own stories;

Written essays of various types;

Articles in newspapers, reviews of books read, plays, films, that is, the essence of writing special genres;

Spruce papers: statements, announcements, addresses, telegrams, etc.

This is only a very general listing of the types of related texts that primary schoolchildren use.

The above list represents both oral and written speech; Monologue speech predominates, but there is also dialogue.

Some exercises are performed in strict classroom conditions, while others are performed at home. The degree of independence of students when composing texts also varies: from imitation of a given model to a creative essay or story.

According to the degree of independence of students, exercises in coherent speech can be divided into the following types: work performed according to a model; constructive exercises; creative exercises. .

The manual presents a scientifically based and experimentally conducted methodological system for the development of oral and writing first graders in different situations communication, taking into account the communicative - activity approach to teaching language and speech. The formation of accurate, correct and expressive speech is built on the basis of mastering speech science concepts, working on the analysis and construction of sentences and texts. .


1. Lives in the forest (bear, hare, fox, wolf).

2. Guess the riddles, write the answers.

Make sentences with them.

Jumping on the branches with a squeal

And they frolic like children,

On a vine swing

Soaring heights __________________

This beast will tell a catchy story

Black and white striped.

Under the steppe high sky

In Africa they graze _______________

3. Convert declarative sentences into interrogative ones, use the words: really. Really, who, where, what, how, which.

1. In the summer, Sasha released the hedgehog into the forest.

2. At school, the children watched an interesting cartoon.

3. First graders love physical education lessons.

4. Anya has a red cat named Ogonyok.

5. It started to rain heavily outside.

Sample answer:

1. Did Sasha release the hedgehog into the forest in the summer?

2. Did you really release the hedgehog into the forest in the summer?

3. Who released the hedgehog into the forest in the summer?

4. What did Sasha do in the summer?

5. What did Sasha do with the hedgehog?

1. During the lesson, the guys came up with interesting riddles.

2. During the lesson, the guys came up with interesting riddles.

1. Read the sentences. Determine which are texts and which are individual sentences. When answering, use the following expressions:

I sure that…

I think, ….

I think, ….

I believe, ….

1. Little Olya is crying.

Her puppy Bulka has disappeared. He was white. She fed him milk.

2. Masha sews a dress for the doll.

I live in St. Petersburg.

A puppy plays with a kitten.

Questions for important words:

1. Who is crying? (Little Olya).

2. What happened to her? (The puppy is missing).

3. What was he like? (White).

4. What did Olya feed him? (Milk).

Retell the text.

2. Read the text. Find the extra sentence. How was it determined? Explain your decision. Title the text. Write it off.

The bear wanted to feast on honey. A clubfooted robber climbed into the apiary and broke the hives. They flew at the uninvited guest and began to sting him. Mishka fights back, but doesn’t leave. The honey is too sweet! Honey has healing properties.

3. Read the text. From the options provided, select a topic, main idea, and title. Explain your choice. Retell the text.

It was a hot day. In the garden, under a bench, Bug was sleeping. Lenya took a stick and began to tease the dog. The bug growled and rushed at the boy. Lenya ran to the fence, but Zhuchka managed to grab the naughty guy by the shirt.

You can't hurt animals.

Topic: it was a hot day; The bug managed to grab the shirt; Lenya and the dog Zhuchka.

Main idea: harmful Lenya, Bug; Lenya took the stick; Lenya and Zhuchka; you cannot offend animals; how Zhuchka taught Lenya a lesson.

Title: Lenya, Zhuchka; Lenya and Zhuchka; You can't hurt animals.

4. Read the sentences in both columns. Combine the sentences in pairs to make a text.

I looked into the grass. The flower was fragrant.

I like summer. Ants crawl on the blades of grass.

A bee sat on a flower. A squirrel holds a mushroom in its paws.

A squirrel sits on a tall pine tree. In summer you can swim and sunbathe.

What words connect the sentences in the text? Write down any text. Come up with a proposal for it.

Multiple and unambiguous words. Given lexical meaning words. Identify the word using it. What does it call?

1. Deciduous tree with white bark.

2. A vessel intended for fruits and flowers.

Make up sentences with these words. Write it down.

Instead of dots, insert words that make sense. Write it down.

Disturb (what?) ... mark (what?) ...

Disturb (who?) ... mark (with what?) ...

Hit (at what?) ...

Beat (who?) ...

Are the words hinder, beat, mark meaningful? Prove it. Explain the meanings of ambiguous words.


1. Choose synonyms for these words. Make sentences with them. Write it down. Determine what the meanings of synonymous words have in common and what is different.

Throw - ..., play naughty - ..., tremble - ...,.

2. Make up phrases with synonyms.

1. Grandfather, grandfather, grandfather (colloquial)

(old, kind, decrepit, grumpy, mine, ours, gray-haired).

2. Grandmother, granny, old woman (native, ours, sad, angry).

Write a story about your grandfather or grandmother using phrases.

3. Compose the text using the words in brackets. Write it down.

The guys took the puppy. He (chilled, chilled, froze, froze) in the cold.

(Puppy, dog, dog) curled up next to the radiator and hid his nose in his tail.

How did the guys do?


1. Read the proverbs. Find words with opposite meanings in them.

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.

Talk less, do more.

In what meaning - direct or figurative use of the words light and darkness?

2. Read. Determine whether the antonyms are chosen correctly? What will be the right way? Write it down.

Small pond - large pond.

Light rain - significant rain.

Small handwriting - big handwriting.

Small money is big money.

3. Read the text. Choose the appropriate antonyms. Write it down.

The guys (good - bad) completed homework, because it turned out to be (easy - difficult). Firstly, we have (finished - just started) studying this topic. Secondly, the work was (interesting - uninteresting). The result (raised - ruined) everyone's mood. (Excellent - bad) worked hard.

1. Read. In what meaning is each word used? Is it one word or three different words?

Lush braid. Sharp braid. River spit.

Make up a sentence with each homonym. Write it down.

2. Read. Find homonyms.

The gopher jumped out of the hole

And he asked the red mink:

Where have you been?

At the fox's.

What did you eat there?


(Ya. Kozlovsky).

Compare the words mink - mink, chanterelle - chanterelle. How do the meanings of each pair of words differ? Make up phrases with them. .

All speech science programs developed for modern primary schoolchildren, although different in content, have common goals. .

Russian language manuals for students primary classes M.R. Lvov "School of Creative Thinking", is tutorial, gradually introducing children into research, creative, search activities. The creative principles in learning the Russian language and in mastering speech are revealed to schoolchildren (and in many ways to teachers as well).

This manual (that is, the proposed book) consists of three sections: the first prepares students for creative activity(“elements of creativity in performing activities”), the second is feasible research creativity, modeling, design. Compiling dictionaries, algorithms, etc., the third is self-disclosure of individuality in the game, in art. .

The materials in the “School of Creative Thinking” manual are subject to a certain logic and system, but they are not “tied” to the Russian language program. On to the student. They can be selected and used by interest, and not by order.

Corner of ingenuity and humor

Why do we say leaned against the wall, but don’t say giraffe or cling to the wall?

There are many similar words in the Russian language!

bird cherry, from a basket.

Try to find such words and create entertaining tasks for kids. Make a dictionary of such words - riddles.

A riddle that was not fully completed:

Add it yourself!



The answer! We thought a little

And they said, “It’s a cat!”

And for this riddle you only wrote an ending, come up with a beginning!


Rains down silver from the sky,

Everything around was shining!

Guess: It's called

Learn to construct a statement.

In the “Problem Book of Written Exercises” by I.I. Paulsky (1875) also gave the following task: “Don’t dig a hole for someone else, you’ll fall into it yourself.”

1. Who..., that... 2. If you are a cop......, then you can......3. You yourself…, which….. 4. Many who have already dug……, themselves……. 5. If you don’t want to…, then don’t….. 6. The other person shouldn’t……, because he himself……

Rhetoric teaches how to build and use figures and patterns.

Antitheses are built on the basis of opposites, on the basis of antonyms.

For example: fast - slow.

The hot horse gnaws at the bit, rushes forward, now he is rushing, quickly moves away and disappears around the bend.

And the snail crawls slowly, moves barely noticeably...

Assignment: choose an antonymous pair and create an antithesis.

I wish I could learn to write poetry.

Double consonants.

Ella, Nona, bath, class,

Quarrel, tennis and story,

Passenger, highway, program,

Group, cash register, telegram.

(N.M. Betenkova)

The card represents the syllable, ? - accent mark. Match the written words to words that rhyme.

-? -, -? -, -? -, -?

And the story


- - -?, - -?, - -? - .

Insert the words: Um, telegram, Inna, Anna, class, cash desk, Russian, group, passenger, convoy, highway.

Arrange these words so that there is a rhyme and a sense of rhythm, like in a poem.


Make up a series of synonyms for each owl - message, from the spoken language, for example:

Screaming - yelling, roaring, yelling, bawling, barking, tearing your throat.

lazy - ???run away - ???

fall - ???scary (afraid) - ???

For example: By the way, there are funny synonyms for the word fall: He flopped, flopped, flopped, stretched out, flew upside down...

Not funny: He fell, flew, fell...

Scary: He collapsed, fell down the stairs.

Analysis of anonymous names in the text.

Find antonyms for each meaning.

For example:

Light burden - heavy burden

Light breeze - strong wind.

Black Dog - ?

Dirty work - ?

Black thoughts - ?

Form pairs of antonyms using prefixes:

a) verb pairs, for example: entered -?

collected - ? opened - ?

b) adjectives, for example: beautiful - ? bearded - ? .

By developing speech, a person actively develops thinking, feelings, and acquires the skills of full communication. Undoubtedly, every teacher understands the importance of speech formation in the development of personality. But not everyone can organize their work at the proper level. . The book "Speech Secrets" examines the least developed of the primary teaching methods, the issues of developing coherent speech. The proposed system of work in grades 1-2 is based on the introduction of speech science concepts in a certain sequence as the basis for the formation of appropriate skills and abilities. The central concept is the concept of “text”, as the ultimate goal of mastering the Russian language at school - to teach children to coherently express their thoughts in oral and written form., i.e. teach how to create a text, speech work, statement.

Joint reading, dramaturgy of fairy tales and various life situations, writing counting rhymes and stories based on pictures is not only an excellent means of developing speech through play, but also an opportunity for interesting communication with a child, coordinating his natural abilities. However, we should not forget that the development of coherent speech requires the systematic organization of classes and certain methodological lessons. .

In grades 1-2, a student’s coherent speech is primarily oral speech. Therefore, first the guys get acquainted with such abilities as volume, tempo, color, etc. Then children will learn what a text is, its features and varieties.

The manual consists of nine sections:

"What is speech for"

"You still have to drive"

"Oral speech"

"Learning to be polite"

"Secrets of the Sorceress - Speeches"

"These Mysterious Words"

"Oral speech"

"Texts are different"

Speech development is an integral part of every Russian language lesson. therefore Ladytezhskaya T.A. offers attention only to that part of the lesson that is specifically devoted to the development of coherent speech of students. .

Such a fragment of the lesson has special tasks that are indicated at the beginning of each topic, for example: topic fragments “The Key to the Text”, tasks - to reveal the concept of “the main idea of ​​​​the text”, to teach children to determine the main idea of ​​​​the text, where it is directly expressed. For this purpose, the manual offers speech tasks, which in some cases are accompanied by the necessary explanations and comments.

In order for the teacher to be able to freely navigate the system of speech science concepts, at the beginning of each lesson various options for the speech format of terminological names are given.

for example: for the topic “Speaking and Writing,” the following combinations of words are suggested: spoken word, spoken word, living word. sound word.

A special place in the system of work on the development of coherent speech among students is occupied by the cultivation of a culture of verbal communication (section “Learning politeness”). Using current (typical for 6-7 year olds) situations as an example, it is shown how to use by various means speech etiquette when greeting, goodbye, apologizing, etc., as well as how to behave in such cases.

The active development of speech in younger schoolchildren is associated with children's writing, fantasy, and imagination. Material for such work is presented in the headings “It’s still up to you to drive”, (composing a counting rhyme), “Writing a riddle”. A special place among these sections is occupied by "Lukomorye", whose buildings will help awaken the imagination of children.

At the end of each chapter there is material for teachers under the heading “It’s interesting.”

In the book "Speech Secrets", tasks for the development of coherent speech among primary school students were tested in various cities and regions. .

How to teach children so that they understand the text they read? Teachers - methodologists of the Pushkin district E.M. Pluskina, N.V. Slobodova, G.D. Molchanov, offer “Exercises to develop children’s speech and improve reading techniques.” . These tasks enrich children's vocabulary, clarify many concepts, and teach them to establish connections between individual parts of what they read. The exercises can be used for both oral and written work.

A good exercise for children would also be to choose an incomprehensible word in a given passage of a story and look for the interpretation of this word in the dictionary. The child reads the found interpretation of the word out loud, and the children must find this word in the text and write it down. This technique promotes reading the text with increased interest in the meaning of the word.

Children can perform the same task (to find the interpretation of words) when reading spelling dictionary. And in the next lesson this interpretation children try to remember the meaning of the word.

An exercise to develop children's speech and improve reading techniques.

The children are given cards. Each child takes turns reading his assignment out loud and trying to give an answer, the rest help him if he has difficulty. For written work, the task is given: rewrite without errors and add an answer. Teachers can easily create such exercises themselves.

The river falls from the mountain and forms....

People who catch animals are called....

The mother of the father or mother is called ......

A snow storm is called...

Bread crumbs ground into powder are called...

Children can complete this task (searching for the interpretation of words) while reading a spelling dictionary. And in the next lesson on this interpretation, children will try to remember the meaning of the word.

Cards - tasks:

Masquerade - 1. Ball, festivities, the participants of which wear masks and costumes. 2. Deception, pretense.

Head over heels - Spinning, rapidly.

Continent - An expanse of land washed by seas and oceans. For sailors: land, land.

Deadwood - Dry branches, trees that have fallen to the ground.

Cherish - Undead, cherish, carefully look after someone. .

On the pages of the magazine "Primary School" G.B. Chernova offers exercises for the development of oral speech of primary schoolchildren and includes elements of the sound side of speech in the work.

The sound side, belonging to oral speech, is not only an obligatory form of its material existence, but also one of important factors her expressiveness. The emotionality of speech and its ability to have a certain impact on listeners depend on the sound design. Therefore, work on the development of schoolchildren’s oral speech as a mandatory element Chernova G.B. includes work on its sound side. .

It would be a mistake to assume that work on the sound side only serves to develop students’ oral speech. From the level of development of pronunciation - sound culture children (clarity of diction, ability to determine the place of stress in a word) depends on their spelling literacy. The formation of punctuation skills is also closely related to working on the sound side of speech.

Work by Chernov G.B. begins with practicing pure pronunciation of sounds, using in lessons a set of phonetic and articulation exercises that help children develop the correct pronunciation of sounds and words, developing the ability to listen to sounds in words, and select words for certain sounds. .

1. Pronounce the syllables clearly:

di - de - yes - do - do - dy

to - ddo - tu - odu - you - ddy.

2. Read the syllables clearly and quickly:

ga - go - gee - ge - gu

gya - Ge - gi - Ge - gyu.

3. Complete the line:

Sha - sha - sha - the mother washes the baby.

Shu - shu - shu - I'm writing a letter.

Ash - ash - ash ……………..

4. Complete the word:

Ra - Ra - Ra - went out into the tundra (children)

Ry - ry - ry - they are bitten (mosquitoes).

To teach children to pronounce words clearly and clearly, to pronounce all speech sounds clearly, they use pure phrasing, which are necessary as training exercises for the development of the vocal apparatus (pronounce loudly, quietly, in a whisper), speech rate (pronounce quickly, moderately, slowly).

1. Sa - sa - sa - a fox is sitting under a bush.

Sy - sy - sy - she has a black mustache.

2. Lo - lo - lo - it’s warm outside again.

Li-li-li-the cranes arrived.

3. Zha - zha - zha - the hedgehog has needles.

Zhu - zhu - zhu - let's give milk to the hedgehog.

Good material for developing diction are short poems that help develop purity of sound. To do this, use the following exercises:

1. Pronounce the sounds correctly. What sound is repeated often?

Rubber Zina was bought in a store,

Rubber Zina was brought in a basket,

Rubber Zina fell from the basket,

Rubber Zina was smeared in mud.

2. Guess the riddle. How many words with the letter z have you come across?

I don't buzz when I sit

I don't buzz when I walk

If I'm in the air, I'm spinning,

I'll have a blast at this point.

Purity of sound is also developed when speaking tongue twisters, which brings emotional release to the lesson.

The student learned his lessons,

His cheeks are inky.

The puppy squeaks pitifully

He is carrying a heavy shield.

Riddles also help develop diction in children. They develop auditory attention, and due to the fact that some of them are saturated with certain sounds, memorizing riddles helps to reinforce children’s correct pronunciation of these sounds.

The white tablecloth covered the entire field.

S (Sya) Red-haired with a fluffy tail.

Lives in the forest under a bush.

I swam in the water and stayed dry.

They are running along the path. Boards and legs.

A strange star fell from the sky,

It fell on my palm and disappeared.


The next stage in children's familiarization with the sound side of a word is syllabic analysis of words.

The games and exercises proposed below encourage children to pronounce words independently, help them understand the division of words into syllables and identify a stressed syllable:

1. Finish the last syllable:

I'll start, and you finish,

Add any part

You can say "sy" or you can say "sa"

Bu -..., ve -..., but -..., ro -..., li..., ko -....

2. Come up with words. which sound similar to these phrases.

Kry - kru - kro - the game is on.

Bo - bu - would - there are pillars.

Do - do - yes - the wires are humming.

In the vast sea of ​​manuals for primary school teachers, there are not so many original materials, aimed at developing children's interest in reading, developing their creative and intellectual abilities. In the book by I.G. Sukhin "Entertaining materials" contains tongue twisters, riddles, quizzes, crosswords, teawords, texts, didactic stories and fairy tales, riddles, puzzles, non-standard games, comic tasks.

For each of the four grades of elementary school, corresponding tasks are given. (Appendix No. 3).

Among the objectives of this book are to help teachers encourage children to read and invent fairy tales, provide information about books that are in steady demand among children, provide materials for entertaining reading, speech development, for holding all kinds of competitions, and present interesting material for school and extracurricular events. .

I.G. Sukhin in the book “Entertaining Materials” presented literary quizzes, crosswords - texts based on the works of A.S. Pushkina, N.N. Nosova, A.L. Barto, K.I. Chukovsky, S.Ya. Marshak, etc.

It is impossible to ignore the presented by I.G. Sukhin provides historical information about tongue twisters, palindromes (reversals), ancient riddles - jokes, anagrams, crosswords. .

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Methods of Teaching it in primary school Vyatka State Pedagogical University G.A. Bakulina, suggests “using complex intellectual and linguistic exercises in Russian language lessons.” .

Subjectivization of the process of teaching the Russian language in primary school proposes the use of a new type of lexical and spelling exercises, which are complex intellectual and linguistic. They are aimed at significantly increasing intellectual development younger schoolchildren, to increase interest in the Russian language and, as a consequence of this, to increase the effectiveness of its study.

The complexity of these exercises is multifaceted. Firstly, it is expressed in the fact that with their help the intellectual and linguistic development of students is simultaneously stimulated. Secondly, the formation of each of these two components is also carried out comprehensively. As for the student’s intelligence, these exercises intensify the process of development of a number of his qualities (attention, memory, thinking, observation, speech, etc.). In turn, linguistic knowledge, skills, and abilities are acquired by students in the process of active verbal and mental activity.

Moreover, during each educational task, the student performs several mental operations (for example, comparison, grouping, generalization) and uses different kinds speech: internal and external, oral and written, monologue and dialogic. .

The complex impact on the student’s awareness in this kind of exercise is realized through a specific set and unusual arrangement of language material, as well as through the setting of non-traditional tasks. Each type of exercise provides a specific set (or a formable complex) intended for the development of the Russian language in primary school, there are more than fifty formed complexes. We will look at some of them. (Appendix No. 4).

Formed complex 3: speech, stability of attention, creative imagination, linguistic intuition, analytical - synthetic thinking. An example of a task performed within the framework of the topic “Gender of nouns”.

Look carefully at the scattered letters:

1. R o e k k u a n

2. k o o z g o r l o d

3 M a e l d i v e n d a

Using from, guess the riddles.

1. Only this body of water is his home. (River, perch).

2. Who was sent somewhere, causing enormous damage? (Goat, vegetable garden).

3. Which shrub is someone not too lazy to visit every day? (Raspberry, bear).

Give a description of the resulting group of words. Find commonalities and differences between them. Write the words. grouping them by gender.

Practical experience in using complex intellectual and linguistic exercises has shown an unambiguous result: students’ growing interest in the Russian language, students’ frequent expression of positive emotions when performing them, ensuring high activity students in the classroom, the rapid formation of correct, logical, evidence-based speech of schoolchildren, a significant increase in their spelling literacy.

L.O. Goncharova, speech therapist from Krasnoyarsk Territory, considers a fairy tale to be a valuable material for the development of coherent speech, because it is she who develops speech and thinking more strongly than any other means, and bright fairy tale examples make the child’s heart skip a beat again and again when creating fantastic pictures.

Goncharova offers several non-standard types of work with a fairy tale, which will help in working on coherent speech and will be easily absorbed by children.

A good help in an ordinary retelling of a fairy tale is its model. This is a step-by-step scheme of the work. The modeling technique can be used in different ways. .

At the first stage, a fairy tale is told and along the way, work is done with the finished spatial model. Then, it is clarified which icon on the model represents this or that character, what this or that stage of the model tells about, and the tale is told in full using a model that helps to better understand the events, trace and build the logic of the plot.

When the stage of working with the finished spatial model has been completed, the children are invited to build a model of the fairy tale on their own. Here you can work in pairs or groups. (Appendix No. 5).

When students already know a lot of fairy tales, it’s time to set them more complex tasks - drawing up a model plan. Children often organize a large work into a number of unrelated episodes. Modeling helps highlight the main thing in the plot. The principle of working with a plan-model is the same as with a model-hint, but you can also suggest creating a plan-model yourself. The plan has been drawn up. Let's listen to the retelling.

Children like to compose fairy tales using ready-made models. (Appendix No. 5). In this task, the model is a visual schematic plan that can be filled with any content or original plot.

The final stage of work on modeling a fairy tale can be competitions and quizzes, which offer the following tasks:

Compose a fairy tale according to the proposed model:

Choose from all the figures - substitutes necessary for the fairy tale;

Make a model of the proposed fairy tale.

Children love to listen to fairy tales, but as a rule, they do not know how to compose them. L.O. Goncharova shows several techniques that will help gradually introduce a child into the role of a storyteller. (Appendix No. 5).

The topics of the assignments are close to children, as they reflect their life experiences, personal observations of natural phenomena, and the life around them. When children “revive” flowers, trees, falling leaves, snowflakes, streams, etc. they are trying to create artistic images, which is one of the main tasks of teaching coherent speech.

It is no coincidence that a fairy tale was chosen to teach children’s speech development. After all, it is she who is close to the interests of children, loved by them, invariably arouses the activity of schoolchildren, promotes the development of thinking, speech, abstraction, and introduces the child to the role of a fascinating storyteller. .

Psychologist Galina Panina offers to replenish the pedagogical piggy bank of teachers of grades 1-2, he talks about a small practical program “Speech Rhythmics”, on the pages of the newspaper “Primary School” and “Children’s Health”.

“Speech rhythms” can be used during physical education lessons - both during the lesson and during breaks.

The use of “speech rhythmic” techniques is necessary for children with fatigue, exhaustion, restlessness, short temper, isolation, and anxiety, which is especially typical for children with speech problems. Practice has proven the beneficial effects of such physical training minutes are not general mental condition every student in the class. Speech games involving natural movements and oral speech, develop the child’s knowledge and activity. They affect his interests, fantasy and imagination. With the help of these natural movements, the child expresses his emotions, learns to manage them, which plays a vital role in his communication in general and in the formation of the class team. .

For ease of use, the “speech rhythms” games are divided into several stages:

Working with tempo

Working with logical accents

Working on intonation. (Appendix No. 6).

When working on intonation, the child’s movements are natural character. They also include natural gestures associated with the expression of laughter, denial, anger, etc. The nature of these movements is different - from smooth and slow to jerky and sharp. With the help of these emotionally charged movements, children at physical education classes become familiar with various intonations. Regular use of intonation speech games teaches children to manage their emotions, use them in the right situations, which plays important role in the development of the process of communication between children in the classroom. .

Teacher Nikulina L.I., Kirov, offers unconventional methods for developing oral speech.

Children want and are able to express thoughts, ask questions, talk about what they see, and evaluate it. .

We need techniques that externally distract the child from the task - “developing speech” - and at the same time serve this goal.

Nikulina L.I. offers speech games.

"Box of Fairy Tales"

There are colored mugs in the box. The teacher opens the lid, and the children say: “One, two, three! Come on, come out!” They take turns taking out mugs, and they become characters. We attach the circles to the board, then it is easy to reconstruct the fairy tale from them. got the red one - it’s a fire, the yellow one is a chicken. You can start the tale: “There was a fire burning in the yard. A chicken saw it and ran to the fire. They took out a black circle - it was a cloud.” The cloud was afraid that the chicken would burn its feathers. She poured rain on the fire, and it went out." The children take out another circle, and the fairy tale, like a snowball, rolls on, acquiring characters and events. Each time one circle can become anyone. For example: a green circle - it is either a cucumber or a sprout , then a leaf, then a button, then a pea.

"Get to know me."

I give object pictures to several students. They must indicate the characteristics of the object and give its description: color, material, shape, parts. for what, what he eats, where he lives, etc. without naming him. The rest of the students guess what was said, correct, and complement what was said.

The student says: “This is a living object.” It can be made of metal or enameled. It can be found in the kitchen. It has an abdomen, a handle, a lid, and a spout. They boil water in it." Everyone guessed that it was a kettle. Someone remembered the riddle: “Water flows from a hot well through the nose.” We wondered why, it’s about a kettle, because the same can be said about a samovar. We decided to come up with a more accurate riddle .

"It happens - it doesn't happen."

Children invent different offers: snow; The train leaves at 12 o'clock; The wolf climbed the tree. The class says in unison: it happens or it doesn’t happen.

"What is good and what is bad?"

The class is divided into two teams. I show the children the object. One group of children looks for his strengths (how he is good), and the other - his shortcomings. This kind of competition (who can come up with the most) is very exciting for children. Some say: “The glass is beautiful. There is a bright sticker on it - that’s good. It’s transparent, the color of the liquid is visible through the walls - that’s good.” And others say: “The glass is fragile, it is easy to break - this is bad. It does not have a handle, and it is difficult to hold hot tea - this is bad.” So we're talking about a needle, a magazine, a wooden spoon, a friend, etc. (Appendix No. 7).

Teachers of Veselolopanskaya high school In the Belgorod region they propose to use test models in speech development lessons.

A test - model is a sample, using which you can construct a similar statement. It is strictly kept within the limits certain type text (description, narration, reasoning). (Appendix No. 7). What is the purpose of the test - model?

In our opinion. this is, firstly, an opportunity for students to master the structure of the text, and secondly, an opportunity to independently construct a coherent statement from 9-12 sentences; thirdly, this is the opportunity to consciously use the means of metphrasal communication (they must be repeated in your text); fourthly, this is an opportunity to learn and master thematic vocabulary (vocabulary on the topic). .

Development of verbal-logical thinking and coherent speech of primary schoolchildren.

Speech is one of the complex mental functions of a person. The speech act is carried out complex system, in which the main, leading role belongs to the activity of the brain.

Knowing the word denoting a concept helps a person to operate with this concept, that is, to think. Verbal and logical thinking is formed in the elementary grades and develops and improves throughout life. Thus, mastering the language, vocabulary and grammatical forms creates the prerequisites for the development of thinking. Psychologist N.I. Zhinkin wrote: “Speech is a channel for the development of intelligence... The sooner the language is mastered, the easier and more fully the knowledge will be absorbed.” Consequently, speech development contributes to the development of thinking.

Thinking is broader than speech; it relies not only on language. Psychologists distinguish visual-figurative and effective thinking. These two types of thinking in practice are closely related to logical and verbal thinking, complement and support it. The work of thought, becoming more complex due to work, observation, and other types of activity, requires the enrichment and complexity of speech.

Logical thinking is thinking based on reasoning and evidence. Judgments are interconnected, that is, a time sequence and cause-and-effect dependencies are established between them. It is very important that schoolchildren learn to observe temporal sequence in presenting their thoughts and knowledge and be able to justify their judgments causally.

The most favorable period for the development of children's intellectual and creative abilities is the period from 3 to 9 years. It is then that it is necessary to make every effort to develop speech, perception, memory, attention and thinking.

I have selected various speech exercises that develop logical thinking and speech in younger schoolchildren. Adults, playing and studying with a child who has any level of speech and intellectual development, improve the most valuable things for a schoolchild mental processes: thinking, speech, attention, memory, imagination, creativity. Successful completion of the exercises will give the student self-confidence and the desire to continue studying.

Grammatical arithmetic

Age determination problems

1. In 10 years, Anton will be 4 years older than Ivan is now. Which one is older?

2. In 15 years, Nadya will be the same age as Lyudmila is now. Who is younger?

3. In many years, Vadim will be a little older than Pavel is now. Who's older?

4. In 7 years, Dmitry will be 4 years older than Vladimir is now. Which one is older?

5. November - September is a grandson, October is a son, winter is a dear father. Why do they say this?

6. Dima is older than Vanya, and Vanya is older than Marina. Who is older: Dima or Marina?

Answers: 1. Ivan; 2. Nadya; 3. Pavel; 4. Vladimir; 6.Dima.

Negation problems

  1. Olya and Masha went on vacation during the holidays. One of the girls went to the dacha, and the other to the sanatorium. Where did Masha go if Olya didn’t go to the sanatorium?
  2. Maxim and Artem went to different kindergartens: some kindergarten"Bell", and some to the kindergarten "Polyanka". Which kindergarten did Artem go to if Maxim did not go to the Polyanka kindergarten?
  3. Andrey, Vitya and Seryozha watched different films. One is about animals, another is about birds, and the third is about travel. Who watched the film about what, if Andrey didn’t watch about travel, and Vitya didn’t watch about birds and travel?

Answer: Andrey - about birds, Vitya - about animals, Seryozha - about travel.

Difference problems

1. The girls were in pink dresses, and one was in blue. Which of them was dressed how, if Marina and Natasha and Natasha and Yulia were wearing dresses of different colors?

2. Stas and Igor lived on different floors: one on the first, the other on the fifth. What floor did Igor live on if Stas lived on the fifth?

3. Mom bought shoes for her sons: for some of them light shoes with laces, for others - dark shoes with laces, for others - dark shoes without laces. Gena and Kirill had shoes with laces, while Gena and Gleb had dark ones. Who wore dark shoes with laces?

4. Masha and Lisa had cats: some had a small cat with a bow and long hair, some had a large one without a bow and with short hair. The small cat meowed less often, the big one more often. Masha had a cat with a bow, and Lisa had short hair. Whose cat meowed more often?

Answers: 1. Marina and Yulia are in pink, Natasha is in blue. 2. On the first floor.3. Gena. 4. Lisa's cat.

Comparison problems

1. Anton studies better than Anya. Anya studies better than Sveta. Which of them studies worse?

2. If a horse was smaller than a hare, but larger than a hippopotamus, who would be the smallest?

3. Irina went home later than Anya. Anya left later than Marina. Who left first?

4. Fluff is caressed more by Barsik, but less by Vaska. Who caresses more often?

Combination tasks

1. Dasha and Lena were picking berries. One of the girls was picking strawberries, the other was picking raspberries. What berries did Lena pick if Dasha picked raspberries?

2. The woodpecker, chaffinch and warbler have homes in the forest. One of the birds lives on a high tree in a nest, the other lives on a high tree in a hollow, and the third lives on a low tree in a nest. The chaffinch and warbler have nests, and the woodpecker and chaffinch have houses in tall trees. Which bird has which house?

3. Natasha, Irina and Lila were bought new dresses. One is blue with frills, the other is pink with a bow, the third is blue with a bow. Natasha and Lily have blue dresses, Irina and Lily have bows. Which of the girls has what dresses?

Cause-and-effect problems

Find the correct statement.

1. The sun rose because it became warm. 2. It became warm because the sun had risen.

1. It was Katya’s birthday because she was given a doll. 2. Katya was given a doll because it was her birthday.

1. The rooks arrived because spring had come. 2. Spring has come because the rooks have arrived.

1. The guys went swimming because it was a hot day. 2. It was a hot day because the guys went swimming.

1. The fire went out because it became cold. It became cold because the fire went out.

Tasks on correlating concepts and objects

1. While rushing to catch the bus, Alla forgot her headdress at home, and Valya forgot her writing items. Who left the borrower at home, and who left the pen?

2. To make the hike interesting, Anton took tennis rackets and balls with him, and Volodya took a guitar and a drum. Which of the guys had musical instruments, and which had sports equipment?

3. Lesha and Andryusha had breakfast. Lesha chose dairy products, and Andryusha - fruits. Which of the guys ate cottage cheese, and which one ate plums?

4. The boys went to the market. Vitalik bought lemons and plums, and Seva bought gooseberries and black currants. Which of the boys bought the berries?

5. Guests came to the Ivanovs’ dacha, and some of them had nothing to sit on. Brothers Boris and Vladimir went to their neighbors. One of the boys brought a chair and a stool, and another brought a stool. Vladimir brought a chair. What did Boris have?

6. To travel to the dacha, Kirill and Kuzma folded their clothes: some of them put white shirts in a suitcase, and others put black trousers in a box. Kirill had a box. What did Kuzma add up?

7. The boys helped the adults with housework. Grisha helped repair the handles of the kitchen utensils, and Denis supplied wires for the lamps. Which of the boys helped repair the frying pan, and which the table lamp?

8. The boys drew with pencils. Petya drew a triangle and an oval, and Pasha drew cubes and a balloon. Which of the boys drew figures and which drew objects?

Logical search tasks

1. The dog catches up with the cat, and the cat catches up with the mouse. Who's running ahead?

2. Mitya is taller than Seryozha, but shorter than Petya. Who is taller - Petya or Seryozha?

3. The bug barks louder than Trezor, but quieter than Druzhka. Who barks the loudest?

4. They bought Petya a bear, a bunny and a fox for his birthday. A bear is more expensive than a fox, and a bunny is cheaper than a bear. What was the most expensive toy?

5. Two boys played guitars, and one played a balalaika. What did Yura play if Misha and Petya and Petya and Yura played different instruments?

6.A thin book has more letters than a children's magazine and fewer than a newspaper. Where are there more letters?

7. The trunk of an oak tree is thicker than the trunk of a pine tree, and the trunk of a pine tree is thicker than the trunk of a birch tree. What is thicker: an oak trunk or a birch trunk?

II. Finish the word.

1.Insert a word that makes sense.

More friendly than these two guys

You won't find it in the world.

They usually say about them:

Water... (you can’t spill it).

We left the town

Literally along and... (across),

And we are so tired on the road,

What they barely dragged... (legs).

At little Pasha's

The shoes are asking for... (porridge).

Mitya was a great guy

Didn’t hit the dirt... (face).

2.Find the word within the word.

Calf, bangs, bison, zoo, thunderstorm, cobra, paint. Livestock, feed, hummocks, bushes. Jacket, jelly, shelter, nettles, taps, mole.

Answers: flax, tree, tooth, park, pose, goat, rose, steam, rose, bark, helmet. Cat, juice, lump, glasses, bush, shooting range, present. Whale, spruce, spruce, village, ditch, thief, willow, cancer, var, wounds, cancer, cat, mouth, current.

3. Select the words necessary for their meaning.

Bear - forest, camel - ... (desert).

A person is clothes, candy is... (candy wrapper).

Forest - tree, steppe - ... (grass).

An airplane is a hangar, a car is ... (garage).

School - ... (childhood), college - youth.

The eye is blind, the leg is ... (lame).

(Winter) ... - snow, summer - rain.

Adult - therapist, ... (children) - pediatrician.

Dentist - teeth, ... (ophthalmologist) - eyes.

Temperature - thermometer, ... (weight) - scales.

Winter - ice, ... (spring) - water.

Eyes - two, nose - ... (one).

Paws are an animal, hands are ... (human).

TV - watch, radio - ... (listen).

Cucumber - green, tomato - ... (red).

Pine - needles, aspen - ... (leaf).

Cow - milk, bee - ... (honey).

Skis - snow, skates - ... (skates).

Traffic light - three, rainbow - ... (seven).

Land - water, sky - ... (earth).

The bear is a den, the stork is ... (nest).

The arrow is a clock, the wheel is ... (car).

Goat - cabbage, squirrel - ... (nuts, mushrooms).

Jacket - wool, fur coat - ... (fur).

Vase - glass, pan - ... (metal).

Tea - cookies, soup - ... (bread).

Day - lunch, evening - ... (dinner).

Shop - seller, hospital - ... (doctor).

Fish - river, bird - ... (sky).

Tool - work, doll - ... (game).

Milk - butter, meat - ... (minced meat).

The car is the steering wheel, the ship is ... (the steering wheel).

An airplane is an airport, a ship is ... (port).

4. Choose words based on definitions.

Deep, salty, black... (sea).

Blue, brown, sad... (eyes).

Milk, diseased, molars - ... (teeth).

Dessert, tea, table... (spoon).

Brew, porcelain, electric... (teapot).

Chess, snow, English... (queen).

Cumulus, white, curly... (cloud).

Brown, white, clubfoot... (bear).

Capital, capital, printed... (letter).

Gray, blond, sparse... (hair).

Angry, guard, yard... (dog).

Glass, three-liter, tin... (jar)

Dining, writing, kitchen...(table).

White, fresh, cow... (milk).

Linden, bee, fragrant... (honey).

White-trunked, spreading, green... (birch).

Hot, Bulgarian, black... (pepper).

Workday, holiday, day off... (day).

Children's, winter, cherry... (garden).

Father's, multi-storey, children's... (house).

Green, lawn, weed... (grass).

Sunflower, olive, soybean... (oil).

5.Choose generalizing concepts.

Kissel, kefir, juice, tea – (drinks).

Earrings, bracelet, chain, pendant -...

Anthill, hole, lair, den - ...

Two, three, five, one - ...

Axe, shovel, saw, screwdriver -...

Clay, wool, wood, plastic - ...

Plane, ship, boat, motorcycle - ...

Conductor, driver, teacher, tailor - ...

Iron, refrigerator, vacuum cleaner, coffee maker - ...

Volleyball, basketball, football, water polo - ...

Bravery, kindness, hard work, honesty -...

6.Continue the series of words related to one generalization.

Table, chair, sofa,...

Pine, birch, linden, ...

Jasmine, rosehip, lilac,…

Strawberries, cranberries, raspberries,…

Russula, chanterelle, boletus, ...

Juice, kefir, compote,…

Cottage cheese, cheese, butter,…

Sausages, sausage, cutlet, ...

Doctor, cook, pilot,...

Bus, train, tram, ...

TV, iron, table lamp, …

Textbook, pencil, notebook, ...

Pine, nut, acorn, ...

Ship, boat, yacht, ...

Rain, wind, frost,...

III. Your conclusion.

1.Tell what the following items will turn into.

Chair without back... (Stool.)

A cup without a handle... (Glass.)

Cap without a visor... (Hat.)

Sleeveless jacket... (Vest.)

Snowman without cold... (Water.)

Ice cream without refrigeration... (Milk.)

A tree without branches... (Log.)

Matches without sulfur... (Sticks.)

Sofa without back... (Bed.)

Briefcase without a handle... (Folder.)

Pillow without feathers... (Pillowcase.)

A horseman without a horse... (Pedestrian.)

2.Explain the error in the proposed comparison.

The cotton wool is light, and the weight is black. (Heavy.)

The zebra is striped and the leopard is angry. (Spotted.)

The refrigerator is white and the carpet is soft. (Color.)

The vase is crystal and the glass is light. (Glass.)

The goose has a long neck, and the chicken is small. (Short.)

The hare long ears, and the bear is brown. (Short.)

The carrots are orange and the cucumber grows on the ground. (Green.)

3. Distribute the words according to a logical principle.

May, March, April.

Night, morning, evening, day.

Porridge, peace, finger. (For example, in order of increasing number of letters.)

Old man, boy, man.

Ten, two, five, seven.

Grandmother, daughter, mother.

Wednesday, Friday, Tuesday.

4. Find a logical connection between three objects. Prove that one object differs in some way.

Cow, horse, lion.

Rooster, goose, sparrow.

Christmas tree, birch, pine.

Sea, river, lake.

Goat, pig, cow.

Pants, shorts, skirt.

Beets, carrots, cucumber.

Plum, apple, peach.

Table, shelf, chair.

Tram, train, trolleybus.

Frying pan, cup, saucepan.

Eyes, nose, eyebrows.

Night light, floor lamp, candle.

Bed sheet, duvet cover, pillowcase .

5. Find and describe in detail the different features of two similar objects (objects).

Airplane and bird. Pot and pan.

Doll and girl. Wardrobe and bedside table.

Vase and jar. Pillowcase and duvet cover.

Stroller and sled. Umbrella and roof.

Bicycle and bus. Sun and moon.

Book and album. Tram and metro.

Pole and tree. River and lake.

Knife and scissors. Dress and sundress.

6. Based on two judgments, make your own conclusion.

All children are growing up. Katya is still little. So... (she will grow up, grow up, etc.).

All candies are sweet. Petya can't eat sweets. Means …

All fish live in water. The catfish was put in the boat. Means …

All medications are sold at the pharmacy. Grandma needs analgin. Means …

All flowers need water. Katya did not water the flowers for a long time. Means …

All clothing must be kept clean. Seryozha soiled his shirt. Means …

All plants require water. The summer was dry. Means …

All children love to draw. Kolya's pencils are dull. Means …

Water needs to be saved. The faucet is leaking in the bathroom. Means …

There is a lot of traffic on the road. The red light is on. Means …

7.What is wrong with the proposed statement?.

The stream is wider than the river. (A river is wider than a stream.) And so on.

The anthill is higher than the house.

A tiger is weaker than a cat.

A turtle crawls faster than a snake.

The plane moves slower than the car.

The moon is brighter than the sun.

Cloud below the trees.

The table is squarer than the window.

The chair is more wooden than the bedside table.

Katya has more dolls than toys.

Petya collected more toadstools than mushrooms.

There are fewer dairy products in the refrigerator than kefir.

Dad is younger than his son, but grandfather is older.

IV. Phraseologisms.

1.Using the cipher key, encrypt the proverbs in the form of two-digit numbers.

0 – cut one 5 – chickens in the fall

1 – what goes around 6 – while it’s hot

2 - they count 7 - that's what you reap

3 – not everything is gold 8 – what glitters

4 – strike iron 9 – measure seven times

ANSWERS: 90, 17, 52, 38, 46.

2. Read a number of proverbs and phraseological phrases and select from them those that speak about the qualities of the human soul.

People don't go after an ax with an axe.

At least hang up the axe.

Give me an axe, give me an ax handle.

He said how he cut it off with an ax.

What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an axe.

As it sinks, the ax promises, if you pull it out, it’s a pity for the axe.

The sharper the ax, the quicker the matter.

The ax puts on, the ax puts on shoes.

It is not the ax that amuses, but the carpenter.

3. Select phraseological units that are suitable in meaning.

In people different attitude to work. For some, everything falls out of their hands. They say about such people:...

The latter prefer to sit back, but if possible, everyone is ready...

Still others are just...

However, the world rests on people about whom they say: ...

Answers: how to have no hands, take care of your hands, wash your hands, jack of all trades, golden hands.

4. For each phraseological unit in the left column, find an antonym phraseological unit in the right column.

Sharpen the laces. Without stopping.

Be careful. Keep your mouth shut.

Sit in one's hands. Take some water into your mouth.

Earn money with your hump - Keep a tight rein.

vat. To sit on someone else's neck.

5.Determine whether these proverbs can be combined into one group and on what basis.

A mushroom is not bread, and a berry is not a herb.

You won't be satisfied with just one berry.

I haven’t seen the berry for forty-two years, and even if it’s been a century, there’s no need.

V. Puzzle riddles.


1.My first syllable is lying in the mud,

The second one is so necessary for football players.

And I - after all, anything happens -

Always in a tourist's pocket.

2. The cow will tell you the first syllable,

Laughing, easily find another.

The answer sits brazenly on the pie

Or scratches his wings with his hind leg.

3.My first syllable is the reward in the game,

The second one moves back,

And I myself am in the nooks and crannies of the garden

I'm glad to scare you on a dark night.

4. Pull the first syllable by the tail,

And in the other two you will forget everything in the world,

And the question will not seem difficult:

What dish is the answer?

5. Three letters float like clouds,

You see two on a man's face.

And the whole sometimes turns white

"In the blue sea fog."

6. There are a lot of strange things in the world:

Here's an excuse, an alliance and again an excuse,

And I somehow met a whole in the forest -

Out of fear I could barely drag my feet.

7. The sheep bleats -

Here's the first syllable

In a short answer

You will find the second syllable,

And the amount is an undesirable result:

Unhappiness at home or at work.

8. Crow word + antonym of the word “top”.

9. Old Russian name for the forehead + a period of time of a hundred years.

10. A group of singers + a large blood-sucking insect.

ANSWERS: 1. Compass. 2. Fly. 3. Ghost. 4. Cutlet. 5. Sail. 6. Boa constrictor. 7. Trouble. 8. Cornice. 9. Man. 10. Round dance.


1. The living castle grumbled,

He lay down across the door.

If we insert “l” in the middle

And at the beginning we’ll subtract the “s”,

Above me, above you

Bags of water will fly by.

2. It’s not that he looks scary and angry,

However, quite often it itches.

And if you add the letter “sh” inside,

Then life will not be good at all.

3. Arithmetic I sign,

You will find me in the problem book

In many lines

Only “o” you insert, knowing how,

And I am a geographical point.

4. I am the least favorite note in the diary,

Because of me, as a schoolboy, the whole nature is darkened.

But if you put an “e” inside me,

That is among the female race.

5. The number I is less than ten, it’s easy for you to find me.

But if you order the letter “I” to stand next to you,

I am everything - father, and you, and grandfather, and mother.

6. I am fit to support a birdhouse or an antenna.

WITH soft sign I, of course,

I'll be a number right away.

7. First, name a house outside the city,

In which we live as a family only in the summer.

Add two letters to the name at the same time,

What will happen is what is destined to be decided.

8.They put me under the rails and tracks,

When the Nazis blew up both trains and tanks.

A student of any class can only put two letters in me,

And I will become the measure of time - a fraction of an hour.

Answers: 1. Dog - clouds; 2. mosquito - a nightmare; 3. plus - pole;

  1. two - maiden; 5. seven – family; 6. pole – six; 7. dacha – task; 8.

mina – minute.

Development of coherent speech

  1. Working with a proposal.

1.Say it correctly (avoid repetition of thoughts).

Mom salted the soup with salt.

Old people lived in the village.

There are many small children walking on the playground.

By spring the greenery has turned green.

Yura had a young kitten.

The girl began to put clothes on the doll.

Linden smells like honey.

The soldiers spent the night in a dugout.

Anton tasted sour citric acid on his tongue.

Misha has a birthday in July.

His comrades came running to help the brave man.

I saw this picture with my own eyes.

Valera told his friends an interesting story.

The cold has set in.

Feathered birds sang in the forest.

Katya had a lot of dangling pendants on her hairpin.

The crow pecked the impudent cat with its beak.

A round ball rolled across the room.

In her drawing Olya drew an autumn forest.

There was always wet dampness in the lowlands.

Yesterday we did a lot of shopping.

We will have holidays in March.

It was a huge giant.

In the store you can buy memorable souvenirs.

On the way, Grinev was caught in a snowstorm.

Ice icebergs appeared in the distance.

There are many hot geysers in Kamchatka.

The caravan moved along sand dunes.

One day we got lost in the forest.

We resumed correspondence again.

A month later, the geologists left.

The boy fell ill with a serious illness.

Dima made friends in class with friends.

2. How to put it in short?

It was a day that cannot be forgotten.

The work was completed with a large number of grammatical errors.

He loves his homeland.

I was really bored because there was no one there and I was alone.

The man running the orchestra entered the hall.

The man who sells goods in the store gave me ice cream.

The writer who creates works for the theater was awarded a diploma.

I met a man who was riding a horse.

The tourists had a stop along the way to rest.

3. Finish the sentence.

Mom smiled because...

The children ran home...

The dog growled menacingly...

Mom opened the window...

Petya screamed loudly...

The teacher laughed cheerfully...

Grandma turned off the TV...

Sasha has a sore throat...

The boy decided to change clothes...

The dog wagged its tail happily...

The cat arched his back and hissed...

The cars slowed down abruptly...

The policeman whistled loudly...

The boy quickly ran towards the school...

A flock of crows rose above the field...

Dad bought flowers to...

Marina opened the window...

The children boarded the boat...

Lena poured soup into a bowl...

Mom answered the phone...

The workers brought bricks...

Petya covered his face with his hands...

Vova took the dog by the leash...

Mom put on an elegant dress...

Katya picked up a chick from the ground...

Grandfather put a scarecrow in the garden...

The driver opened the trunk of the car...

The boy took the bike...

A mouse digs a hole...

4.How to say it correctly?

Put on your coat, it's cold outside.

Please cut the cheese.

Mom cooked fish soup.

The dog was no one's.

An artificial craftsman wove a carpet.

The stuffy smell of flowers wafted through the room.

Rainworms crawled along the asphalt after the rain.

A trusting conversation took place between the teacher and the student.

Early in the morning the rooster crowed.

There is a tall maple tree growing in our yard.

The driver asked to pay the fare.

I want to talk about a new book.

The athlete was defeated in these competitions.

Kolya did not come to school due to illness.

Answers: put on, cut, fish, draw, skillful, fragrant, rain, trusting, loud-mouthed, tall, pay for travel, about a new book, failed, due to illness.

5.Find logical errors in sentences. How can they be fixed?

It's raining back today.

Most of the task has already been completed.

The Greeks pierced the Persian ships with their sharp noses.

There was a deep hole above the large tree.

The sun illuminates the earth.

His father died when he was 9 years old.

My sister took a paper out of the folder and handed it to me.

Dubrovsky killed the bear, Troekurov was not angry and ordered to skin it.

The goalkeeper hits the ball with his fist, which falls not far from the goal.

My friend Seryozha and I arrived at the collective farm, where I graduated from the seventh grade.

6. Determine the number of sentences in the text.

A raft is floating along the river. And a boat.

The squirrel was jumping through the trees. And dried mushrooms.

Beavers blocked the channel and a beautiful lake appeared in the middle of the forest.

Makar approached his father. And asked permission to take a walk.

Polkan was sitting near the kennel. On a leash.

Petya painted seeds with a thin brush. And sunflowers.

I'm walking along the path, a snowball fell from a tree.

For three days a wet wind blew; it ate the snow on the mounds; the air smelled of melted snow; at night, a downpour poured; it drummed on the windows; the wind in the dark, with gusts, tore up the poplars; by morning the rain stopped.

According to A. Tolstoy.

So winter came to an end, somehow everything changed at once, the wind drove in low clouds, they covered the whole sky, suddenly the first rain fell on the ground, then the clouds parted, the sun appeared and warmed the earth.

According to G. Skrebitsky.

  1. Work with text

1. Arrange the sentences so that a coherent story emerges.


Masha sleeps and has a dream. His house was made of ice. He called Masha into the house.

Moroz Ivanovich is sitting on a bench. Snow stars glittered on the walls.

There was fluffy snow on the floor.


Olya’s mother got sick. Mom looked at her daughter and smiled. “Come on, mom, I’ll drink this bitterness.” Olya decided to feel sorry for her mother. There was a doctor this morning. He put bitter medicine on the table.

An evil snake lived there. On the way he met a fox. The fox was angry and hungry. The rabbit's heart trembled. He rushed towards the cave. The little rabbit ran home.


The beast waits for prey for hours. Leopard lives high in the mountains. Goats, sheep, mice - everything is used. Leopards have fatty milk. He doesn't touch people. Kittens suck on it and don’t freeze. It is five times fattier than cow's milk. She pulls out fur from her belly. Insulates the den with the female's fur.

2. Arrange the parts of the story sequentially.


Its streams run across the sand, over pebbles, over flowers and over mosses.

A transparent silver stream ran out from under the gray stone.

In them, as in a mirror, the sun, the blue sky, and the clouds look tenderly.


Seryozha screamed loudly. The cat released the bird. The starling was lying on the floor and breathing heavily. The cat crushed it really well.

The boy put the starling in a cage. Soon the bird came to life. Seryozha released her.

Seryozha opened the door. A cat ran into the room. She had a starling in her teeth.


She is a tireless mouse hunter. This is a very dexterous animal. She has a narrow, long body.

Early winter morning. The day before, fluffy, soft snow fell. Even footprints are visible in the snow. The caress left them.

A weasel will crawl into any mouse hole. In the fight against mice, the weasel is our first assistant.


Here's a crazy cucumber. Its fruit is a small cucumber. This cucumber is ripening. You won't think anything about him. But as soon as you touch it, it will immediately shoot out seeds. Its seeds are wet and sticky. Whoever it hits will take them with him. Then the seeds dry out and fall off.

We have amazing plants. They shoot their seeds.

We have a lot of shooting plants. These include pansies, oxalis, and sweet peas.

Types of texts

Narration as a type of speech.

Narrative text answers the following questions: Who? What did you do? Where? When? How?

Actions take place in time, in sequence, one after another. In order to show the sequence of actions, the language has words such as:first, then, then, then, again, first, again, already and others.

The main feature of the narrative is the message about the developing actions and the completion of the action. There should be a lot of verbs in the story.

Scheme for constructing a narrative text.

1. Start of action.

A) Place.

B) Time.

2. Development of action.

A) Message about the character.

B) Features of the procedure.

3. Climax.

4. Conclusion.

Description as a type of speech.

Description is a text that names the characteristics of an object (object of speech).

The description answers the question: what? For text descriptions, adjectives are needed, since the text answers the question: what? What? The description is helped by comparisons with something for which words are used as if, as if, like...

There is no movement in the description. The characteristics of the description are unchanged and constant.

The description is given so that the reader (listener) sees the subject of the description and imagines it.

The character of the description is excited. The image is colorful.

Description is a text that indicates the characteristics of the object of speech (size, shape, color, taste, smell, age, character, appearance).

The description should present the main features for the given case.

Scheme for constructing a description.

1. Presentation of the object of speech.

2.Most characteristic features object of speech.

3.Evaluation of the speech object.

4. Conclusion and conclusion.

Reasoning as a type of speech.

In reasoning, an explanation is given for any phenomenon, object, fact, event, etc. Why is this there? Why did this happen? Why is that? These are the main questions that the reasoning answers. When writing an argument, the following words are used: firstly, secondly, since, therefore, because, because, therefore, in addition, therefore, so.

The structure of reasoning most often happens like this: a thought is expressed, then there is evidence of this thought, and then a result is given, that is, a conclusion as a result of the evidence given.

Statements that do not have any logical support are not evidence.

Scheme for constructing a text-argument.


2. Thesis (the main idea that will be proven).

3. Arguments (evidence):

A) arguments;

B) examples, cases, facts, figures;

4. Conclusion.

The topic and main idea of ​​the text.

What is the story about? By answering this question, we determine the theme of the story.

The title reflects the main thing in the text, that is, the main idea.

1. Correct the deformed story by Yu. Dmitriev “What miracles!” Determine the type of text, its topic and main idea.


Crossbills hatch their chicks in winter. It's cold outside, and there are naked chicks in the nest. But why is this so? After all, babies need to be fed well. And the food of crossbills is fir cones. They ripen on fir trees at the end of the year, in winter. Therefore, these birds hatch chicks in autumn and winter.

In spring and summer, all birds have a lot to worry about. And only crossbills calmly fly from spruce to spruce.

  1. Development of understanding of speech conventions in primary school children.

Choose proverbs that suit each fable's meaning.. (What is this fable about? Each proverb should be discussed individually, and not simply called “suitable in meaning” to this or that fable.)

  1. Bug carried a bone across the bridge. Look, her shadow is in the water. It occurred to the Bug that there was not a shadow in the water, but a Bug and a bone. She let her bone go and take it. She didn’t take that one, but hers sank to the bottom.

L.N. Tolstoy


One hen laid an egg every day. The owner thought that if she gave more food, the chicken would lay eggs twice as much. I did just that. And the chicken became fat and stopped laying eggs altogether.

L.N. Tolstoy


The monkey was carrying two full handfuls of peas. One pea jumped out: the monkey wanted to pick it up and spilled twenty peas, she rushed to pick it up and spilled everything. Then she got angry, scattered all the peas and ran away.

L.N. Tolstoy


The lion found a sleeping hare and was about to devour it, when suddenly he saw a deer running past. The lion abandoned the hare and chased the deer, but the hare woke up from the noise and ran away. The lion chased the deer for a long time, but could not catch it and returned to the hare, and when he saw that he was gone, he said: “Serves me right: I released the prey that was already in my hands, but chased after empty hope.”



If you chase two hares, you won’t catch either.

The dog remembers who feeds it.

If you chase the edge, you will lose the loaf.

The hare is afraid of himself.

If you chase the big one, you won’t see the small one.

The chicken clucks in one place and lays eggs in another.

A lion is scary, a monkey is funny.

2. The man with the cart had to go across the river. There was a ferry crossing the river. The man unharnessed the horse and took the cart to the ferry, but the horse was stubborn and did not want to go to the ferry. The man pulled her with all his might by the reins and could not get her onto the ferry - then he began to push her from behind, but could not push her off the shore. Then he decided to drag her by the tail away from the water. The horse was stubborn and did not go where it was being dragged, but went towards the ferry.

L.N. Tolstoy


It's not the shooter who shoots, but the one who hits.

The horse is on four legs, and even then he stumbles.

Work with your mind, not your back.

Hello, dear parents! Evgenia Klimkovich is in touch.

Do you like the way your children speak? Agree that the speech of students in elementary school does not always sound beautiful. Often this is “porridge in the mouth”, words are pronounced through teeth, endings are swallowed in a hurry and, as a result, teachers in lessons cannot understand what the child said. Repeated questions lead children to a dead end, they begin to doubt whether they answered correctly, they become silent and withdrawn, although they know everything perfectly well. And: “Sit down, two!”

Is it possible to teach oratory and put a child’s word so that it reads:

  1. It's clear;
  2. Right;
  3. and also beautiful?

Can! To do this, teachers have in stock exercises for developing the speech of younger schoolchildren, which are applicable not only in oral classes at school, but are also excellent for training at home.

Lesson plan:

What is the basis of speech exercises?

The necessary conditions for correctly constructed child speech are:

  1. good phonetic hearing;
  2. grammatical literacy;
  3. rich vocabulary.

A teacher’s kit for training clear pronunciation may include:

  • entertaining games with words;
  • articulatory exercise;
  • breathing exercises;
  • Tongue Twisters.

All these techniques come to the aid of poorly speaking schoolchildren.

Thus, constant breathing exercises will teach you to pronounce words with the necessary intonation, clear pauses, the required volume when exhaling, making full use of the air reserve, distributing the breath into long phrases without a crumpled interruption of speech.

Articulation exercises allow you to train your lips and tongue so that you can easily pronounce complex sounds.

A well-developed phonetic ear helps to hear and pronounce words correctly with the sound with which they came into our Russian language.

Grammar literacy is aimed at the correct inflection of words, especially their endings, so that the child’s speech does not hurt the ear.

Lexicon helps you find the right word at the right moment, rather than floating around, chaotically thinking about how to say it.

And now everything is in order.

Breathing and articulation exercises to help speech

Breathing and articulation training can be done whenever you have a free minute. It’s probably worth starting the whole range of entertaining exercises with them.

Working with breathing

We teach a child to blow.

At breathing exercises you need to remember that deep breaths are taken through the nose, and the air is exhaled smoothly through rounded lips.

Making faces

In articulation, which helps us speak faster and more clearly, we become real monkeys, for which purpose we consistently

  • open wide - close your mouth,
  • stretch out your lips with a tube,
  • we tease with our tongue, sticking it out as far as possible, trying to reach the chin.

Breathing has been restored, the muscles of the mouth have warmed up, let’s move on to the play on words.

Developing phonetic hearing

Let's learn to distinguish sounds and words with the help of the following exercises

Catch the sound

At the time when you pronounce the word where the given sound is hidden, the child should clap his hands, catching it by ear. You can make this task more difficult by setting boundaries. For example, clap only when the sound is not just in the word, but is at the beginning/end/middle.

Drawing sounds

With help symbols(all sorts of lines or circles) we draw as many elements as we hear sounds in the spoken word.

Making up words

Prepare words for the task in which you need to change one or more letters to form a new word. For example, dot-daughter, son-juice.

The main condition for such classes is that everything is done orally, without written prompts, so that the child learns to hear.

Learning grammar

Very often our children distort endings. Such exercises help to identify the end of a word as an essential part.

Only half

Take your favorite fairy tale and read it together. You pronounce the beginning of the word, and the child reads only his other half. For example: a man caught a goldfish.

Making proposals

This can be done according to given models written on a sheet in the form of a diagram. For example, for the “Who? What is he doing? What? For whom?" you can write “Mom is preparing dinner for the family.” You can also suggest diluting the composed sentence with other parts of speech. For example, in our case it could be like this: “Mom cooks very Tasty dinner for the whole family."

Looking for something missing

We look for the correct endings of words and put the mixed up words in their places. You start to say a word, the child continues. You offer words in a mixed up order, the child composes them into a correctly constructed sentence. Use texts from textbooks: repeat the topic and practice your speech.

Replenishing vocabulary

Availability large quantity words familiar to the child is one of the conditions for well-structured speech.

Say the word

It is very similar to the well-known game “Cities”, which can also be taken as a basis. Do you like competitions? And weakly, who can name more words starting with a certain letter, for example, “I”?

Either those that end with a specified letter, or those that have a specified letter in the middle? Then let's get to work!


In this entertaining exercise, children look for objects based on given characteristics. For example, what could be red?

What's hot? If you want to complicate the task, ask questions that involve first identifying the signs and then choosing the appropriate one. For example, call it the same as snow (paper as white as snow, feather bed as soft as snow). Synonyms and antonyms and all kinds of explanations of words will take root here.

Guessing game

Puzzles, crosswords and riddles live here. Moreover, the child can not only guess, but also ask questions. By the way, if your family loves the game “gallows”, then you can take it as a basis: both exciting and useful.

Russian folklore in the development of speech

Proverbs, sayings and tongue twisters will not only enrich your student’s speech in beautiful words, but they will also teach him to use them at the right time in the right place.

Play Who Wants to Be a Millionaire at home by preparing question templates in advance.

For example:

  • When do you count chickens? (when they hatch, in the fall; when they grow, in the spring).
  • What can't you hide in a bag? (gift, cat, awl, hole).
  • Where don't you look for a gift horse? (in the eyes, in the teeth, up to the tail, under the hooves).
  • Which friend is better than the new two? (serious, old, handsome, smart).
  • Repetition is the mother of what? (mind, memory, learning, person).

By the way, it is through repetition that the child will put all his knowledge into the subcortex and will apply it in his eloquence.

By the way, as scientists have calculated, there are almost 500,000 words in the Russian language, of which about 2,500 are the most used. The vocabulary of a first-grader is 2,000 words, a school graduate’s is 2,500-4,000, and the owner’s higher education– up to 10,000, and scholars use up to 50,000 words in their speech!

So we and our children have something to strive for!

Would you like to learn three secret exercises that will help you, parents, improve your diction in just a week? For what? And so that the child has someone to look up to)

With the wishes to speak competently and beautifully and in anticipation of your comments, I say goodbye.

I will be glad to meet again.

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich.