
Ultrasound Dopplerography of the vessels of the head and neck of a child. Uzdg of vessels of the head and neck of a child


Brain cells are so sensitive to a lack of oxygen that even a slight disruption of blood flow leads to serious neurological pathologies. Ultrasound examination vessels allows for early stage solve the problem of cerebrovascular diseases. Doctors say that this is the most reliable diagnosis of these diseases. Doppler ultrasound showing the vessels of the head and neck provides a unique opportunity to see a two-dimensional image circulatory system of the study area, and it can be done at a price of 1,000 to 12,000 rubles.

What is Doppler Doppler Doppler of the Head and Neck Vessels?

Ultrasound diagnostics is instrumental method research. Ultrasound waves penetrate the body tissues and are reflected from them, which is recorded by a special sensor. The data is processed by a computer, then displayed on the monitor, after which the image internal environments the doctor studies. Additional feature ultrasound diagnostics– Dopplerography. With its help, you can evaluate the speed and nature of blood flow in the veins and arteries. If the blood flow moves in the direction of the sensor, then the computer colors it red, if in the opposite direction, then blue.

Indications for use of the procedure

Main medical indication to conduct TCD or ultrasound examination of cerebral vessels is deformation, narrowing (stenosis) or blockage (occlusion) of extracranial (extracranial) vertebral (vertebral) or carotid arteries and intracranial (intracranial) middle, posterior, and forebrain arteries. In clinical practice, the study is prescribed for:

  • early detection of intracranial vascular lesions;
  • clarification of the degree of blood flow disturbance after traumatic brain injury;
  • detection of vascular stenosis after undergoing infectious diseases;
  • selection of optimal therapy for migraine to clarify the vasospasm factor;
  • assessment of hemodynamics in the brain after organ transplantation;
  • identifying the causes of poor blood circulation in the brain due to spinal curvature, cervical osteochondrosis, compression of the vertebral arteries;
  • monitoring the state of cerebral blood flow during surgical operations;
  • detection of microembolism in patients with transient circulatory disorders.

Ultrasound of the vessels of the neck and head is prescribed by the doctor at the slightest suspicion of a change cerebral circulation. The study is also widely used for the prevention of cerebrovascular lesions in people suffering from atherosclerosis or other vascular diseases brain The technique helps prevent the development of strokes and evaluate tactics complex treatment patients.

When is the examination performed on children?

Dopplerography of the vessels of the brain and neck is prescribed in pediatric practice. This method The study helps to correctly diagnose the child and conduct a course of correct therapy for long-term headaches. If a newborn has perinatal pathology, then assessing the condition of the vessels of the head and neck provides an excellent opportunity to prevent serious disorders that over time can lead to disability.

When performing an ultrasound or TCD, a person does not experience radiation exposure, so the method is ideal for examining children of any age. Indications for Doppler ultrasound in young patients:

  • suspected injury to the cervical vertebrae;
  • residual (residual) effects of perinatal encephalopathy;
  • psycho-emotional disinhibition;
  • delayed speech development;
  • asthenic syndrome (lethargy, high fatigue);
  • bad memory, inattention.


Dopplerography is a painless procedure. The study does not violate the integrity of tissues and does not have a negative effect on the body, so there are no contraindications to its implementation. Difficulties can arise only in one case - if the patient for some reason cannot take the supine position required for an ultrasound scan session. A relative contraindication is:

  • presence of a wound in the sensor installation area;
  • pronounced subcutaneous fat layer;
  • location of the vessel under the bone;
  • heart rhythm disturbance.

What does ultrasound examination of the vessels of the head and neck show?

The technique provides the specialist with extensive information about the blood supply to the brain based on the following data:

  • venous outflow passing from the cranial cavity;
  • the speed of venous blood flow through the arteries that supply the brain;
  • the degree of development of the reserve (collateral) vascular network;
  • bends, crimps or other vascular abnormalities;
  • violation of vascular patency, the degree of its severity.

In atherosclerosis, the location of atherosclerotic plaques and the presence of a blood clot are identified. In hypertension, a decrease in elasticity, thickening of arterial walls, and spasm of the cerebral arteries are determined. If blood flow from the brain is disrupted, dilated veins with reduced blood flow may be found. If a change in the direction of blood flow is visible, this indicates the occurrence of various obstacles in its path: the formation of an aneurysm, dissection of the arterial wall.


For ultrasound examination of the neck and head special training not required. Before examining the structure of cerebral vessels, you need to notify your doctor about all medications you are taking, since there are medications that can affect the results of the procedure. The session is performed in a supine position, with a low pillow placed under the head. Before starting the study, the patient is asked to relax and breathe calmly. The procedure is carried out according to general methodological principles.

Before starting an ultrasound scan of the neck, the doctor palpates the carotid artery to determine the mobility, location of the vessel, and the strength of its pulsation. In the process of ultrasound scanning, simple techniques to study the functions of the external and main arteries: 8-10 branches are pinched with a finger, then a test is performed with tilting and turning the head. Then the doctor studies the speed of blood flow. Next, a transcranial study is performed, which evaluates the tortuosity of the internal branches of the vertebral and carotid arteries, vascular tone, and blood flow along its entire length.

How to do an ultrasound of cerebral vessels

Scanning the blood vessels of the head and neck can be done in 30-50 minutes. In order for the device to show accurate data, you need to remove air between the skin and the transducer (sensor). To do this, at the place of its attachment thin layer A special gel is applied, which must be thoroughly washed off after the session. Doppler ultrasound begins with the vessels of the neck. The doctor applies the sensor to the desired areas and slowly moves it along the blood flow. Then the specialist moves on to examining the vessels of the head.

For this, the uniform rules of ultrasound diagnostics are applied: data is recorded through the temples, which act as windows for better conduction of the ultrasound signal. The sensor picks up the ultrasound that is reflected from the vein or artery and then sends it to the monitor. The resulting picture does not resemble the usual image of a vessel. During an ultrasound scan of the neck and head, sometimes there is a need to carry out various functional tests. To do this, the doctor asks the patient to press the vessels with a sensor or fingers and breathe deeply.

Decoding of ultrasound examination

The results, which show normal patency of the vessels of the head and neck, are as follows:

  • the carotid artery (CA) on the left arises from the aorta, and on the right from the brachiocephalic vessel;
  • the internal branch of the common carotid artery (CCA) has no other branches until the entrance to the skull;
  • the spectral wave in the CCA shows that the speed of diastolic blood flow is the same in the external and internal branches;
  • many additional branches branch off from the external branch of the CCA;
  • the waveform in the external branch is triphasic, the blood flow velocity in it during diastole is less than in the CCA;
  • the waveform in the internal branch is monophasic, the blood flow velocity during diastole is greater than in the CCA;
  • the vascular wall has a thickness of no more than 0.12 cm.

Possible disorders and diagnoses

If an ultrasound scan reveals results that are abnormal, this indicates the following diseases:

  1. Stenosing atherosclerosis. Atherosclerotic plaques are observed. Their features may indicate the ability to embolize. In the early stage of the disease, increased intima-media thickness can be seen on the image.
  2. Non-stenotic atherosclerosis. The results of the study show an uneven change in echogenicity in large arteries, narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels by 20%.
  3. Temporal arteritis. The pathology is expressed by uniform diffuse thickening of the vascular walls and decreased echogenicity. If the disease is advanced, then atherosclerotic lesions are also present.
  4. Vascular malformations. The patient has an abnormal vascular network that is completely different sizes. The veins extending from the affected area are hypertrophied and have signs of lipotic infiltrates and calcification. The consequence of vascular malformation is the so-called steal syndrome and cerebrovascular accident.
  5. Hypoplasia of the vertebral arteries. Pathology is a decrease in the diameter of blood vessels to 2 or less millimeters. The disease is often accompanied by the entry of the cervical vertebrae into the canal of the transverse processes.


Doing an ultrasound scan can be done in almost all clinics that are equipped ultrasonic devices. You can undergo the procedure free of charge with a referral from your attending physician. However, the disadvantage of such a study is the long queue. Sometimes you have to wait for a free ultrasound examination for several weeks; moreover, the patient will not always be able to choose a convenient time for the examination. The procedure is also carried out during examination or treatment in some hospitals (cardiological, neurological and others).

Private clinics quickly perform ultrasound examinations using affordable price and at any convenient time. The cost depends on the level of the medical institution and the degree of qualification of the diagnostician. Average price for ultrasound Dopplerography of the vessels of the head and neck in the Moscow region:

Study title

Session time

Price in rubles

Duplex (double) brain scan

30-45 minutes

Triplex (triple) brain scan

40-60 minutes

Doppler ultrasound of extracranial vessels

TCD of the arteries of the head and neck


Ultrasound (including examination of the vessels of the head and neck) is a comfortable and short-term procedure. It does not require being in a dark room or wearing a lot of sensors. Virtually no preparation is required and does not cause immediate or long-term consequences.

Each of the variations of ultrasound (Doppler, duplex and triplex scanning) can be prescribed to children of any age. The primary option for studying blood vessels is ultrasound Dopplerography/Doppler ultrasound.

Application of Doppler

Doppler ultrasound is used in pediatrics no less often and with no less success than in general therapeutic practice. Dopplerography allows you to study the quality of blood flow:

  • along the great vessels of the upper and lower extremities;
  • along the arteries of the circle of Willis, which provide blood supply to the brain, tissues of the head and shoulder girdle;
  • along the aorta;
  • through large vessels supplying blood to internal organs.

Disruption of blood flow caused by a change in the patency (stenosis/occlusion/inflammation/tumor) of any artery or vein leads to a functional or organic change in the organ and system it serves. One of the most frequent violations blood flow in childhood affects arteries and veins that provide blood inflow/outflow to the brain structures, tissues of the neck and shoulder girdle.

In childhood, disruption of blood flow in the vessels of the brain structures, neck and shoulder girdle is often observed

Indications for ultrasound diagnostics of cerebral vessels in children under one year of age

The ultrasound procedure is prescribed to newborns from the first days of life, starting from the maternity hospital. IN maternity hospital V general case Neurosonography is prescribed, which, if indicated, can be supplemented with Doppler ultrasound. Indications for performing ultrasound examination for children under one year of age are:

  • after an intrauterine infection;
  • difficult childbirth accompanied by the use of various means obstetrics (including vacuum forceps);
  • prematurity;
  • suspicion of ICP;
  • suspicion of abnormalities in the development of arteries (congenital aneurysm, excessive tortuosity);
  • severe intrauterine or postpartum hypoxia (asphyxia);
  • fainting conditions;
  • injuries received during childbirth;
  • suspicion of intracranial hemorrhage;
  • vascular pathologies of an inflammatory nature;
  • overweight and diabetes as risk factors.

In pediatric science, there is an opinion that the procedure for ultrasound diagnosis of arteries and veins of the brain under the age of one year should be performed on all children, regardless of the presence of indications, as preventive measure to identify severe vascular pathology. Thanks to timely diagnosis, doctors can not only identify, but also in the most early dates start correction congenital pathologies vascular bed (if possible). There are a number of diseases that are easily corrected before the age of one year, but are difficult to treat after one year. Without timely diagnosis, you can miss serious pathology, such as developing hydrocephalus or the first signs of cerebral palsy.

For premature babies, ultrasound examination of blood vessels is prescribed first of all.

Doppler measurements of a child’s blood vessels after one year

After the large fontanel has overgrown, neurosonography cannot be done. But an ultrasound may be necessary for the baby even after one year. Therefore, children undergo Dopplerography of intra- and extranial vessels of the head and neck in combination with duplex scanning (USD) or as an independent technique. A referral for an ultrasound is issued by a neurologist. You can undergo the examination yourself, and after that get a consultation with a doctor, because... deciphering an ultrasound scan can explain little to a non-specialist. The main indications according to which a neurologist issues a referral for ultrasound examination in childhood are the following:

  • headaches of any origin;
  • vestibulopathy;
  • fainting conditions;
  • impairment of one or more cognitive functions (attention, memory, psychomotor skills, speech, counting, thinking, etc.);
  • violation emotional sphere(irritability, tearfulness, anger, etc.);
  • hypertension (hypertension), diabetes, inflammatory and immunological vascular pathologies;
  • sleep disorders (insomnia, increased sleepiness);
  • restlessness and irritability;
  • paresthesia of the scalp and neck (crawling of goosebumps, foreign objects, etc.).

Any of these signs can serve as a beacon signaling an early stage of cerebral circulation pathology, and their combined manifestation requires immediate intervention. This symptomatology is especially acute in school age, due to increasing intellectual load and the onset of puberty. Some of these signs may arise as a result of the formation of incorrect posture and early osteochondrosis leading to the development of angiodystonic syndrome in children.

Studies of blood circulation in the arteries and veins of the head can help diagnose VSD, NCD, epilepsy, migraine, residual encephalopathy, logoneurosis, syndrome of impaired higher cortical functions, etc. They also allow you to diagnose a number of forms of hearing and vision impairment.

Most neurological disorders manifest in school years when the intellectual load on the child increases significantly

Advantages of Dopplerometry

Doppler ultrasound readings of the brain vessels, tissues of the head, shoulder girdle and neck are sent to the ultrasound doctor’s monitor in real time. This allows you to track the condition of a small patient at the time of the study. If venotonics are prescribed, assess the level of their effect after administration.

There are no consequences after the procedure - this method is not associated with any impact on the child’s body x-ray radiation, no traumatic damage to the skin remains. The operation of an ultrasound scanner, unlike an MRI machine, is not accompanied by sharp, frightening sounds, and unlike an EEG, it is not accompanied by photostimulation. After ultrasound, there is no increase in the symptoms of the underlying disease. Therefore, to monitor pathological process in dynamics, it can be prescribed with any frequency necessary for treatment.

Where to do Doppler testing in childhood?

Where can I get an examination of the blood vessels of the brain, tissues of the head, shoulder girdle and neck for children (including up to one year old)? Just like adults - in any specialized center. In addition, today in any sufficiently large medical institution where there is an ultrasound scanner, you can successfully undergo a diagnostic examination.

An additional positive aspect of ultrasound diagnostics is the presence portable devices. This allows children to be scanned at home.

Where the research is conducted does not matter to the effectiveness. The location does not affect the information content, painlessness and absence of side effects.

Study preparation and procedure

If you are conducting the examination in a medical facility, preparation will be minimal. You need to have a diaper with you (put the baby on the couch), water or milk for the baby and disposable wipes (remove excess gel after the procedure). The baby should not be hungry, thirsty or afraid. To do this, you need to have a conversation with him the day before and explain (it’s better to game form) that the technique is painless.

You need to warn the baby that the doctor may ask him to roll over, change the position of his neck - these commands must be followed. If a child takes venotonics and drugs that improve brain trophism, it is better to refrain from taking them until the study is carried out.

Ultrasound scanning does not require special preparation. The baby should be calm and not hungry or thirsty.

The procedure is carried out in a lying position, and a gel is applied to the area being examined. Then, using a sensor, the doctor receives a visual and audio reflection of the processes of blood movement through the vessels of the child’s head and neck.

Analysis of the ultrasound results will allow us to draw conclusions about the condition of the vessels of the baby’s head and neck (the tone of the veins and arteries, the presence of occlusions, stenoses, pathological tortuosity, etc.). If an ultrasound scan is performed in combination with a duplex study, it is possible to obtain data not only on the characteristics of blood flow, but also on the architectonics of arteries and veins.

The brain is responsible for coordinating the work of the entire body. Reliable way obtain information about the structure and functioning of the infant’s brain structures, conduct NSG / neurosonography / of the brain with determination of the nature of blood flow in the vessels / Doppler ultrasound /

Currently, almost all children undergo NSG in the maternity hospital as a screening method.

To monitor the dynamics of the baby’s development and brain development disorders, repeated examination is recommended in order to exclude congenital or acquired abnormalities. This is especially true for children from the group of premature, low birth weight, immature for gestational age.

Indications for NSG and Ultrasound Doppler Doppler:

  • intrauterine hypotrophy;
  • intrauterine infections;
  • previously identified brain defects;
  • pathology in hypoxic, ischemic, toxic and metabolic disorders of the brain;
  • birth injuries to the head and spinal cord;
  • seizures and other symptoms of neurological diseases;
  • multiple malformations of organs and systems;
  • genetic diseases.

To assess the blood circulation of the brain in children after the “closure” of the fontanel, modern ultrasound techniques are used - transcranial Dopplerography. In some cases, this technique makes it possible to clarify the cause of headaches in children (angiospasm, increased intracranial pressure). Transcranial Dopplerography allows you to examine large vessels of the head and neck, see the lumen of the vessel, the degree of patency of veins and arteries. This method is absolutely painless and has no contraindications, which makes possible this procedure for young children.

Ultrasound of brain structures is a modern, objective research method that allows one to determine the presence of pathological foci located inside the skull. Diagnostics is also called neurosonography. This procedure is completely safe and can be used even in newborns and premature babies. This article will tell you in detail in what cases a brain ultrasound is prescribed for children, how the examination is carried out, and what diseases it detects.

Characteristics of the study

Ultrasound of cerebral vessels is performed using ultrasound, not dangerous for the body. This procedure held for all age categories. It can even be used to examine pregnant women and premature babies. High-frequency waves pass through tissue and are then reflected. Next, the reflected waves are captured using an ultrasonic sensor and displayed on the equipment screen.

USDG brain section has the following advantages:

  • complete safety. The examination is not dangerous, since ultrasonic waves do not harm the body;
  • the possibility of frequent testing allows you to monitor the progress of treatment of the disease and use diagnostics as a preventive measure;
  • painless, non-invasive;
  • the likelihood of diagnosing soft tissues of the brain;
  • the likelihood of examining the same area in different projections;
  • availability.

There are several types of procedures to identify brain disorders:

  • Echoencephalography. This type used for both adult and children's categories.
  • Neurosonography is used exclusively as a pediatric study.
  • Duplex scanning, which allows you to evaluate the functioning of blood vessels not only in the head, but also in the neck.

In children of the first year of life, ultrasound is performed through open fontanelle

An ultrasound of the head of a child in the first year of life is performed using neurosonography. This procedure is performed through the fontanelle, resulting in a two-dimensional picture of the brain structures. If the child normal development, then the fontanel overgrows during the first year, sometimes this process continues for 1.5 years. This procedure is completely painless. Usually it is done for no more than 25 minutes.

Indications for research

Ultrasound of the brain can be performed from the first days of life, even in the maternity hospital. Read more about ultrasound of the brain in newborns in this article. It is usually performed for the following indications:

  • previous intrauterine infection;
  • difficult labor period;
  • birth premature;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • low birth weight;
  • abnormal development of arteries;
  • hypoxia;
  • birth injuries;
  • intracranial hemorrhage;
  • fainting;
  • availability overweight;
  • suspected diabetes mellitus.

Today in pediatrics, ultrasound of the brain is performed as a preventative measure for all children under one year of age. It allows you to timely determine the presence of hydrocephalus, cerebral palsy, and pathology of the vascular bed. When a child reaches one year of age, an ultrasound examination of the head is prescribed if:

  • headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • fainting;
  • impaired coordination;
  • impaired attention;
  • problems with memory, thinking;
  • emotional disturbances. When the baby is angry and tearful;
  • disturbed sleep. Moreover, this can manifest itself as both insomnia and increased sleepiness;
  • sensations of goosebumps on the head;
  • restlessness.

The listed signs often indicate impaired blood circulation. Often these symptoms appear at the beginning educational activities child or during puberty.

The doctor may ask you to change the position of the child's body

What diseases does it detect?

During the examination, ultrasound reveals impaired blood flow, vascular pathologies, intracranial hemorrhage and various complications of these diseases. These anomalies often cause death and lead to serious complications in the psychoneurological status of the baby. The study can reveal hypoxia and ischemia of brain structures in children, inflammatory processes brain, which can occur not only during intrauterine gestation, but also in subsequent stages of the child’s development.

Various brain defects, hydrocephalus, cysts, aneurysms, hematomas, and tumor processes are diagnosed.

Common results decoding

Most often, doctors are faced with the following interpretation of the results:

  • expansion of the cerebral ventricles is indicated if the depth of the examined structure is higher than the norm. This parameter should not be more than 2 mm. These results indicate the presence of hydrocephalus, which is popularly called hydrocephalus. Usually the disease occurs as a result of previous intrauterine infections. Intracerebral fluid causes high blood pressure. Because of this, the child is very tired, has a headache, and is developmentally delayed;
  • the expanded subarachnoid space is characterized by a parameter of more than 3 mm. Usually this pathology manifested by frequent regurgitation, poor appetite. May be a sign of meningitis. If the increase was detected only on ultrasound and does not have any symptoms, then it may be a sign of hydrocephalus;
  • Vascular cysts are a plexus of vessels that line the ventricle of the brain. Most often, the pathology resolves on its own;
  • Arachnoid cysts appear as a cavity filled with fluid. If the identified lesion is larger than 3 mm, then it has a tendency to compress the brain. What leads to development epileptic seizures;
  • hemorrhage or traces thereof;
  • a focus of ischemia, which indicates that some part of the brain is not performing its functions well. This often causes serious deviations in the development of the child.


No special preparatory measures are required for an ultrasound of the head. The child will feel most comfortable in a well-fed state. However, it is advisable that at least half an hour pass between the study and the procedure. This condition is necessary to prevent regurgitation. You need to take a warm diaper with you. Reliable results can be obtained with the right psychological attitude. You should have a conversation with an older child on the eve of the examination.

The correct attitude of the child will help to obtain reliable information

He needs to be told that the procedure will be painless. Also, the baby must be warned that the doctor will ask him to change the position of his neck and roll over. If a small patient uses medicines, aimed at improving blood circulation, it is better to refuse them on the day of the study.

Carrying out the procedure

Brain research is carried out in the following stages. The child should be placed on the couch in such a way that he behaves as calmly as possible during the examination. To distract him, you can take your favorite toy with you. The only condition for obtaining the correct result is to ensure complete immobility of the head. Therefore, parents need to hold the baby’s head as tightly as possible.

A specialist will apply a pediatric examination gel to the baby’s head. It differs from what is used to examine adults. The children's gel is hypoallergenic. It improves the signal by removing excess air layer between the sensor and skin. Next, the doctor moves the sensor, examining the parameters of the brain structures, as well as the tissues surrounding them. Typically, diagnosing the brain with ultrasound is carried out by examining the fontanel front view.

In addition, there are secondary windows for visualization, which include the coronal suture, anterolateral fontanel, and posterior fontanel. Thanks to preventive ultrasound examination of the brain, it has become possible to timely determine the presence of various anomalies in children. This gives you the opportunity to start speedy treatment and improve the prognosis of the disease.

Problems with blood vessels, contrary to popular belief, are also common in minor patients, and the vessels of the head and neck are especially often affected. Therefore, Doppler ultrasound of the vessels of the head and neck is a very popular research method today.

Doppler ultrasound of head and neck vessels for children of all ages

Doppler ultrasound is based on the fact that the ultrasound of diagnostic equipment reacts to moving red blood cells in the patient’s blood and thereby gives an idea of ​​the intensity of blood flow, the lumen of blood vessels and many other parameters. The information content of the examination is quite high, however, if necessary, Dopplerography of the vessels of the child’s head and neck can be supplemented duplex scanning. Dopplerography of the vessels of the head and neck can be performed on a child at any age, since this study does not require prolonged immobility. The anatomy of an adult and a child has certain differences, so a doctor who performs an ultrasound scan of the vessels of the head and neck of a child must know the characteristics of blood flow in the child’s body.

Indications for Dopplerography of the vessels of the head and neck for children

Dopplerography of cerebral vessels in children is an optional procedure, so it is carried out as prescribed by a doctor. In order to understand whether this study is necessary, the doctor must know the general clinical picture and pay attention to alarming symptoms, which may be signs of vascular problems.


The causes of headaches in a child can be: hypertension, and injuries. With them, children have a risk of vascular deformation, which will be clearly visible on Doppler ultrasound of the head, if it happened.


Restlessness and hyperactivity of a child can also be indications for this, since often these symptoms arise as a result of damage to the central nervous system. Assessing the performance of blood vessels helps to identify possible damage and adjust treatment.

The child gets tired quickly

The cause of increased fatigue, which does not allow the child to study and develop normally, may be increased intracranial pressure. This affects the quality of blood circulation in the brain and neck, so Dopplerography of blood vessels will be the most informative procedure for determining the causes of this condition in the child.

Memory and attention disorders

This is one of the symptoms of attention deficit disorder and other disorders that require in-depth research into the causes. It is possible that memory and attention impairments in a child occur due to insufficient blood supply to the brain, and ultrasound scanning of the vessels of the head and neck will help to exclude or confirm this.

Delays in speech development

The most common cause of delayed speech development in a child is minimal brain dysfunction, which can be caused by both birth and postpartum trauma, and hypoxia. With organic brain dysfunction in children, ultrasound examination of the vessels of the head and neck will be the most the right way determining the extent of damage.

Preparation for the procedure

Ultrasound scanning of the vessels of the head and neck requires, first of all, psychological preparation of the child: it is necessary to explain to him that this is a painless procedure and tell him in detail how it is carried out. Also, before it, children can be shown videos and reviews about ultrasound scanning of the vessels of the head. If a child takes vascular medications due to illness, they must be discontinued in order for the study results to be reliable.

How is the research going?

Ultrasound scanning of the vessels of the head and neck for children is done in ultrasound diagnostic rooms. In order to examine the vessels of the head, the child will be asked to lie on the couch, his neck and head should be freed from clothing and jewelry. Transcranial vessels of the head during ultrasound examination are examined with a sensor in the area of ​​the back of the head, temples and eyes, which the child must be told about in advance. In order to examine the vessels of the neck, the patient must lie on his stomach. and neck infant done with the help of parents who hold the baby in such a way as to ensure his immobility.

Decoding the results

The results are deciphered by the sonologist who conducts the examination. Usually he reports what he sees on the monitor to his parents and enters the findings into the conclusion. Subsequently, the conclusion must be transferred to the attending physician. It is worth noting that decoding the results of an ultrasound scan of the vessels of the head and neck and making a diagnosis are not the same thing; the final conclusions about the child’s health are made by the attending physician. If necessary, a more in-depth study, such as an MRI, may be prescribed.

Contraindications for

Doppler ultrasound is one of the ultrasound methods that is generally available and well developed. modern medicine. Ultrasound scanning of the vessels of the head and neck can be done on a child of any age and condition, since ultrasound is completely safe and has no contraindications. No wonder it is regularly prescribed to pregnant women to study the fetal heartbeat. Ultrasound examination can be difficult if there is a significant layer of fat in the patient's body, but such problems do not arise with children.