
Functional tests in sports. Functional tests to assess the state of the body 1 what is assessed using functional tests

A functional test is a load given to the subject to determine the functional state and capabilities of an organ, system or organism as a whole. It is mainly used in sports medical research. Often the term "functional exercise test" is replaced by the term "testing". However, although “test” and “test” are, in essence, synonyms (from the English. teste - test), nevertheless, “test” is a term to a greater extent pedagogical and psychological, because it implies the definition of working capacity, the level of development of physical qualities, personality traits. Physical performance is closely related to the ways of its provision, i.e. with the reaction of the body to this work, but for the teacher in the process of testing its definition is not necessary. For a doctor, the reaction of the body to this work is an indicator of the functional state. Even high performance performance at excessive stress(and even more disruption) of adaptation do not allow a high assessment of the functional state of the subject.

In the practice of sports medicine, various functional tests are used - with a change in body position in space, holding the breath on inhalation and exhalation, straining, changing barometric conditions, nutritional and pharmacological loads, etc. But in this section we will only touch on the main tests with physical loads, mandatory when examining exercisers. These samples are often referred to as samples. of cardio-vascular system, since the methods of studying blood circulation and respiration are mainly used (heart rate, blood pressure etc.), but this is not entirely correct, these samples should be considered more widely, since they reflect the functional state of the whole organism.

You can classify them according to different features: according to the structure of movement (squats, running, pedaling, etc.), according to the power of work (moderate, submaximal, maximum), according to the multiplicity, pace, combination of loads (one- and two-moment, combined, with uniform and variable load, load of increasing power ), by the correspondence of the load to the direction of the motor activity of the subject - specific (for example, running for a runner, pedaling for a cyclist, shadow boxing for a boxer, etc.) and non-specific (with the same load for all types of motor activity), according to the equipment used (“ simple and complex"), if possible, to determine functional shifts during exercise ("working") or only in the recovery period ("after work"), etc.

An ideal test is characterized by: 1) the correspondence of the given work to the habitual nature of the subject's motor activity and the fact that no special skills are required; 2) sufficient load, causing predominantly general rather than local fatigue, the possibility of quantitative accounting of the work performed, registration of "working" and "post-working" shifts; 3) the possibility of applying in dynamics without a large expenditure of time and a large number personnel; 4) the absence of negative attitudes and negative emotions of the subject; 5) lack of risk and pain.

To compare the results of the study in dynamics, the following are important: 1) stability and reproducibility (similar indicators in repeated measurements, if the functional state of the subject and the conditions of the examination remain unchanged); 2) objectivity (the same or close indicators obtained by different researchers); 3) information content (correlation with true performance and assessment of the functional state in natural conditions).

Samples with a sufficient load and a quantitative characteristic of the work performed, the possibility of fixing “working” and “post-working” shifts, which make it possible to characterize aerobic (reflecting oxygen transport) and anaerobic (ability to work in an oxygen-free mode, i.e. resistance to hypoxia) performance, have an advantage.

A contraindication to testing is any acute, subacute disease or exacerbation of a chronic disease, fever, severe general condition.

In order to increase the accuracy of the study, reduce the proportion of subjectivity in the estimates, the possibility of using samples in mass surveys, it is important to use modern computer technology with automatic analysis of the results.

In order for the results to be comparable during dynamic observation (to monitor changes in the functional state during training or rehabilitation), the same nature and model of the load, the same (or very close) environmental conditions, time of day, daily routine (sleep, nutrition, physical activity, the degree of general fatigue, etc.), preliminary (before the study) rest for at least 30 minutes, the exclusion of additional effects on the subject (intercurrent diseases, medication, violations of the regimen, overexcitation, etc.). These conditions fully apply to the examination in conditions of relative muscle rest.

It is possible to evaluate the reaction of the subject to the load by indicators reflecting the state of various physiological systems. It is obligatory to determine vegetative indicators, since the change in the functional state of the body is more reflected in the less stable link of the motor act - its vegetative provision. As our special studies have shown, vegetative indicators during physical exertion are less differentiated depending on the direction of motor activity and the level of skill and are more functional state by the time of the examination. First of all, this refers to the cardiovascular system, the activity of which is closely connected with all the functional links of the body, largely determining its vital activity and adaptation mechanisms, and therefore largely reflects the functional state of the body as a whole. Apparently, in connection with this, the methods for studying blood circulation in the clinic and sports medicine have been developed in the most detail and are widely used in any examination of those involved. In tests with submaximal and maximum loads, metabolism, aerobic and anaerobic performance are also evaluated based on data on gas exchange and biochemical parameters.

When choosing a research method, the direction of the student's motor activity and its predominant influence on one or another functional link of the body is of certain importance. For example, during training, which is characterized by a predominant manifestation of endurance, in addition to studying the cardiovascular system, it is necessary to determine indicators that reflect the function of respiration, oxygen metabolism and the state of the internal environment of the body; in complex technical and coordination sports, the state of the central nervous system and analyzers; power sports, as well as in the process of rehabilitation after injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, after heart diseases - indicators of blood supply and myocardial contractility, etc.

Determination before and after the load of the frequency and rhythm of heart contractions, blood pressure, ECG recording are mandatory in all cases. received in recent times widespread (especially in physiological and sports-pedagogical studies) assessment of the reaction to the load only by its pulse value (for example, in the classic version of the step test and the PWC-170 sample) cannot be considered sufficient, since the same heart rate can reflect different functional the state of the subject, for example, good with conjugated and unfavorable with multidirectional changes in heart rate and blood pressure. Simultaneously with the counting of the pulse, the measurement of blood pressure makes it possible to judge the relationship between different components of the reaction, i.e. about the regulation of blood circulation, and electrocardiography - about the state of the myocardium, which is most affected by excessive stress.

An improvement in the functional state is manifested by the economization of the reaction under standard loads of moderate intensity: the oxygen demand is satisfied with a lower voltage of the supply systems, mainly the blood circulation and respiration. With extreme loads performed to failure, a more trained organism is capable of greater mobilization of functions, which determines the ability to perform this load, i.e. higher performance. At the same time, shifts in respiration, blood circulation, and the internal environment of the body can be very significant. However, the ability to maximize the mobilization of the functions of a trained organism, established by B.C. Farfel in 1949, thanks to the perfect regulation, it is used rationally - only when the demands made are really the maximum. In all other cases, the main defense mechanism self-regulation - a tendency to a smaller deviation from the physiological balance with a more appropriate relationship of shifts. With the improvement of the functional state, the ability to function properly develops in a wide range of temporary changes in homeostasis: there is a dialectical unity between economization and maximum mobilization readiness.

Thus, when evaluating the response to physical activity the decisive factor should not be the magnitude of the shifts (of course, provided that they are within the allowable physiological fluctuations), but their ratio and compliance with the work performed. Improving conditioned reflex connections, establishing a coordinated work of organs and systems, strengthening the relationship between different parts of the functional system (mainly motor and autonomic functions) during physical exertion - important criterion reaction evaluations.

The functional reserve of the body is the higher, the lower the degree of tension of regulatory mechanisms under load, the higher the efficiency and stability of the functioning of effector organs and physiological systems of the body under certain (given) actions, and the higher the level of functioning under extreme influences.

P.E. Guminer and R.E. Motylyanekaya (1979) distinguish three control options: 1) relative stability of functions in a wide power range, which reflects a good functional state; high level functionality of the body; 2) decrease in indicators with an increase in the power of work, which indicates a deterioration in the quality of regulation; 3) an increase in shifts with an increase in power, which indicates the mobilization of reserves in difficult conditions.

The most important and almost absolute indicator in assessing adaptation to stress and fitness is the speed of recovery. Even very large shifts with a quick recovery cannot be assessed negatively.

Functional tests used in medical examination can be divided into simple and complex. Simple tests include tests that do not require special devices and a lot of time, so their use is available in any conditions (squats, jumps, running in place). Complicated tests are performed with the help of special devices and apparatus (bicycle ergometer, treadmill, rowing machine, etc.).

Simple tests (Kotov - Demin, Belokovsky, Serkin - Ionina, Shatokhin, Letunov's combined test)

They are divided into one-two-stage and combined. The former are characterized by a single load - 20 squats, running in place at a pace of 180 steps / min for 2 and 3 minutes (test by Kotov Demin and others). With two- and three-moment tests, the load is repeated at short intervals. In this case, the loads can be the same (for example, repeated running in place for 10 s - Belokovsky's test) or different, as in the test of Serkin and Ionina (lifting weights, running in place for 15 s with maximum intensity and holding the breath), test Pashona - Martinet (a combination of an ortho test with 20 squats), a test of Shatokhin et al. (combination of orthoprobe with Harvard step test, etc.).

The inability to accurately record the work performed and the relatively small load limit the use of these samples in medical and sports practice, mainly in mass studies, but subject to strict same conditions and they can give certain information.

With a good functional state of the subject, the heart rate after 20 squats increases to no more than 78-110 beats / min, systolic blood pressure - up to 120-140 mm Hg. Art. with a decrease in diastolic by 5-10 mm, recovery to the initial values ​​occurs in 2-5 minutes, with a 3-minute run at the site, the heart rate increases by 50-70% compared to baseline, systolic blood pressure increases by 15-40 mm Hg, and diastolic decreases by 5-20 mm Hg, the recovery period lasts 3-4 minutes. In poorly trained individuals, the shifts are more significant, recovery is delayed.

Functional trial method

When studying the effect of physical activity on various bodies and body systems, functional tests are often used to assess the functional state of a person. Functional trials are very numerous. The choice of the most suitable for a particular survey is determined by the tasks. The most widely functional tests are carried out in the process of medical control over the physical training of athletes.

A functional test is an integral part of a comprehensive method of medical control of people involved in physical culture and sports. The use of such tests is necessary for a complete characterization of the functional state of the body of the trainee and his fitness. The results of functional tests are evaluated in comparison with other medical control data.

To assess the degree of impact of the training load on the body, an assessment of the functional state of the cardiovascular system is usually carried out, which is carried out by the palpation method of examining the pulse, which makes it possible to detect changes in the heart rate (HR). It is carried out by applying the pads of the fingers on radial artery, on the carotid artery or determined by the apex beat of the heart. The assessment of the functional state of the external respiration system is carried out according to the maximum ventilation of the lungs (MVL), which is influenced by the state of the respiratory muscles and the strength of their endurance.

Assessment of functional readiness is carried out with the help of physiological samples (tests) of the cardiovascular system and the respiratory system. This is a one-time test with squats (20 squats in 40 s) and heart rate for 15 s, recalculated for 1 minute immediately after the end of the squats. 20 heartbeats or less - excellent, 21-40 - good, 41-65 - satisfactory, 66-75 - bad.

Stange's test (holding the breath on inspiration). The average is 65 s. Genchi test (breath holding on exhalation). The average is 30 s.

With a disease of the circulatory and respiratory organs, after infectious and other diseases, as well as after overwork, the duration of holding the breath on inhalation and exhalation decreases

The most important indicator of the functional state of the cardiovascular system is the pulse and its changes.

Resting pulse: measured in a sitting position while probing the temporal, carotid, radial arteries or by cardiac impulse in 15-second segments 2-3 times in a row to get reliable numbers. Then recalculation is made for 1 min (number of beats per minute).

Heart rate at rest on average in men is 55-70 beats per minute in women - 60-75 beats per minute. At a frequency above these figures, the pulse is considered rapid - tachycardia, at a lower frequency - bradycardia. Blood pressure data are also of great importance for characterizing the state of the cardiovascular system.

Blood pressure. Distinguish between maximum (systolic) and minimum pressure. Normal blood pressure values ​​for young people are: the maximum is from 100 to 129 mm Hg, the minimum is from 60 to 79 mm Hg. Art.

Blood pressure from 130 mm Hg. Art. and above for maximum and from 80 mm Hg. Art. and above for the minimum is called a hypertonic state, respectively, below 100 and 60 mm Hg. Art. - hypotonic. To characterize the cardiovascular system, the assessment of changes in the work of the heart and blood pressure after exercise and the duration of recovery are of great importance. Such a study is carried out using various functional tests.

For example, let's take the cardiovascular system and its main organ - the heart. As already noted, no organ needs training so much and does not give in to it so easily as the heart. Working with a heavy load, the heart inevitably trains. The limits of its capabilities are expanded, and it adapts to the transfer of much more blood than the heart of an untrained person can do. In the process of regular exercise, sports, as a rule, there is an increase in the size of the heart, and various forms motor activity have various opportunities for improvement

Here are the most common functional tests used in sports practice, as well as tests that can be used in independent physical education. 20 sit-ups for 30 seconds, the student rests while sitting for 3 minutes. Then the heart rate is calculated for 15 s, converted to 1 min, (initial frequency). Next, 20 deep squats are performed in 30 seconds, raising the arms forward with each squat, spreading the knees to the sides, keeping the torso in an upright position. Immediately after the squats, in a sitting position, the heart rate is again calculated for 15 seconds, recalculated for 1 minute.

The increase in heart rate after squats is determined compared to the original in%. For example, the initial pulse is 60 beats / min after 20 squats 81 beats / min, therefore (81-60):

Recovery of heart rate after exercise. To characterize the recovery period after performing 20 squats in 30 seconds, the heart rate is calculated for 15 seconds at the 3rd minute of recovery, recalculated for 1 minute, and the ability of the cardiovascular system to recover is estimated by the difference in heart rate before the load and during the recovery period.

To assess the functional state of the cardiovascular system, the Harvard step test (HST) and the PWC-170 test are most widely used. The Harvard step test consists of climbing and descending a step of a standard size at a certain pace for a certain time. The GST consists of climbing a step 50 cm high for men and 40 cm for women for 5 minutes, at a pace of 30 lifts / minute.

If the subject cannot maintain a given pace for the specified time, then work can be stopped, its duration and heart rate recorded during 30 from 2 minutes of recovery. According to the duration of the work performed and the number of heartbeats, the Harvard step test index (IGST) is calculated:

IGST = Duration of work (s) 100% 5.5 number of pulse beats (s)

IGST = t 100%

2 (f2+f3+f4)

where t is the ascent time in sec; f2, f3, f4 - heart rate for the first 30 seconds. 2, 3, 4 minute recovery.

orthostatic test. The trainee lies on his back and his heart rate is determined. After that, the subject calmly gets up and the heart rate is measured again. Normally, when moving from a lying position to a standing position, an increase in heart rate by 10-12 beats / min is noted. It is believed that its increase is more than 20 beats / min. - unsatisfactory response, indicating insufficient nervous regulation of cardio-vascular system. When performing physical exertion, oxygen consumption by working muscles and the brain increases sharply, in connection with which the function of the respiratory organs increases. Physical activity increases size chest, its mobility, increases the frequency and depth of breathing, therefore, it is possible to evaluate the development of the respiratory organs in terms of chest excursion (ECC). EGC is assessed by the increase in chest circumference (ECG) during maximum inspiration after a deep exhalation. For example, OCG in a calm state is 80 cm, with a maximum inspiration - 85 cm, after a deep exhalation - 77 cm.

EGC = (85 - 77): 80 100 = 10%.

Ratings: "5" - (15% or more), "4" -

(14-12)%, "3" - (11-9)%, "2" - (8-6)% and "1" - (5% or less). An important indicator respiratory function is the vital capacity (VC). The value of VC depends on gender, age, body size and physical fitness. In order to evaluate the actual VC, it is compared with the value of the proper VC, i.e. the one that this person should have.

VC = Actual VC 100%

due VC

VC \u003d (40 height in cm) + (30 weight in kg) - 4400,

VC \u003d (40 height in cm) + (30 weight in kg) - 3800.

In well-trained people, the actual VC ranges on average from 4000 to 6000 ml and depends on the motor orientation.

To determine the functional state of the body, functional tests are very important. We can recommend the simplest of them, which a middle-aged and older student can do on their own.

Orthostatic test- after a 3-5-minute rest, a transition from a lying position to a standing position is made with the calculation of heart rate while lying down and after getting up. Normally, the pulse in this case increases by 6-12 beats / min, in children with increased excitability more. Major degree acceleration characterizes a decrease in the function of the cardiovascular system.

Test with dosed physical activity- 20 sit-ups for 30 seconds, running in place at a pace of 180 steps per minute for 3 minutes for middle and older schoolchildren and 2 minutes for younger ones. In this case, the heart rate is calculated before the load, immediately after its completion and every minute for 3-5 minutes of the recovery period in 10-second segments with a conversion to a minute. A normal response to 20 squats is an increase in heart rate by 50-80% compared to the initial one, but with recovery within 3-4 minutes. After running - no more than 80-100% with recovery after 4-6 minutes.

With the growth of fitness, the reaction becomes more economical, recovery is accelerated. Samples are best done in the morning on the day of class and, if possible, the next day.

You can use and Rufier breakdown - stay in the supine position for 5 minutes, then calculate the heart rate for 15 seconds (P 1), then perform 30 sit-ups for 45 seconds and determine the heart rate for 15 seconds, for the first 15 seconds (P 2) and for the last 15 seconds of the first minutes of recovery (P 3). Evaluation of working capacity is carried out according to the so-called Rufier index (IR) according to the Formula

IR \u003d (P 1 + P 2 + P 3 - 200) / 10

The reaction is considered good when the index is from 0 to 2.9, average - from 3 to 6, satisfactory - from 6 to 8 and poor - above 8.

As a test with physical activity, you can also use the ascent to the 4-5th floor at an average pace. The lower the increase in heart rate and respiration and faster recovery, all the better. The use of more complex samples (Letunov's test, step test, bicycle ergometry) is possible only with a medical examination.

Test with arbitrary breath holding on inhalation and exhalation. An adult can hold his breath while inhaling for 60-120 seconds or more, without discomfort. Boys 9-10 years old hold their breath on inspiration for 20-30 seconds, 11-13 years old - 50-60, 14-15 - 60-80 seconds (girls are 5-15 seconds less). With the growth of fitness, the breath holding time increases by 10-20 s.

As simple samples for evaluation functional state of the central nervous system and coordination of movement, the following can be advised:

Pushing your heels and toes together, stand for 30 seconds without swaying or losing your balance;

Put your feet on the same level, stretch your arms forward, stand for 30 seconds with your eyes closed;

Hands to the sides, close your eyes. Standing on one leg, put the heel of one leg to the knee of the other, stand for 30 seconds, without swinging or losing balance;

Stand with your eyes closed, arms along the torso. The more time a person is idle, the higher the functional state of his nervous system is estimated.

From the large arsenal of the tests listed above, each student should, after consulting with a doctor or physical education teacher, choose the most suitable ones for themselves (preferably one with physical activity, one respiratory and one for assessing the nervous system) and conduct them regularly, at least once a month in the same conditions.

In order to self-control, you must also monitor the function gastrointestinal tract (regular stool without mucus or blood) and kidney (clear straw yellow or slightly reddish urine). In case of abdominal pain, constipation, cloudy urine, the appearance of blood and other disorders, you should consult a doctor.

Students should also take care of their posture , since this largely determines the beauty of the figure, attractiveness, the normal activity of the body, the ability to hold on easily. Posture is due to the relative position of the head, shoulders, arms, torso. With the correct posture, the axes of the head and torso are located on the same vertical, the shoulders are lowered and slightly laid back, the natural curves of the back are well expressed, and the bulge of the chest and abdomen is normal. Attention should be paid to the development of correct posture with younger age and throughout school. The way to check the correct posture is very simple - stand with your back to the wall, touching it with the back of your head, shoulder blades, pelvis and heels. Try to keep on like this, moving away from the wall (keep your posture).

To the listed indicators girls should add special control over the course of the ovarian-menstrual cycle. The female body and the process of its formation are different from the male. Women have a lighter skeleton, less height, body length and muscle strength, more mobility in the joints and spine, elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus, more body fat ( muscle mass in relation to the total body weight is 30-33% versus 40-45% in men, fat mass- 28-30% versus 18-20% in men), narrower shoulders, wider pelvis, lower center of gravity. Smaller functionality blood circulation (less weight and size of the heart, lower blood pressure, more frequent pulse) and respiration (less than all respiratory volumes). The physical performance of women is 10-25% lower than that of men, as well as less strength and endurance, the ability to withstand prolonged static stress. For the body of women, exercises with concussion of internal organs (during falls, collisions) are more dangerous; exercises for dexterity, flexibility, coordination of movements, balance are well tolerated. And although with an increase in fitness, the body of female athletes approaches the male body in a number of parameters, significant differences between them remain. Boys up to 7-10 years old are ahead of girls in growth and development, then girls are ahead of them up to 12-14 years old, puberty they start earlier. By the age of 15-16, in terms of growth and physical development, young men come forward again. Distinctive feature female body are the processes associated with the ovarian-menstrual cycle - menstruation occurs at the age of 12-13, rarely earlier, occurs every 27-30 days and lasts 3-6 days. At this time, excitability increases, the pulse quickens, blood pressure rises. The highest performance is usually in the postmenstrual period and very rarely (in 3-5% of athletes) during menstruation. It is necessary to take care of yourself at this time and note in the diary the nature of menstruation, well-being, and performance. The time of the appearance of the first menstruation and the establishment of a constant cycle are also noted. Many schoolgirls during menstruation try to avoid physical activity. It is not right! The load mode at this time is selected individually, depending on the state of health and the course of the cycle during normal condition, without discomfort, classes should be continued with some speed limit, strength exercises, straining. If the state of health worsens, with heavy, painful menstruation in the first 1-2 days, you can limit yourself to light exercises and walks, then work out like girls with a normal course of the process. Particular attention to your condition is necessary in the period from the first menstruation to the establishment of the cycle. In athletes, puberty (including menstruation) often occurs later, but this does not pose any danger in the future.

1. Orthostatic test (Greek orthos straight, correct, statos - standing) - a functional diagnostic test - a method for studying the functional state of the cardiovascular system, based on the determination of physiological parameters (HR) before and after the transition from a horizontal position (lying position) to a vertical (standing position) ) and identifying the difference in heart rate with a change in body position (HR2 - HR1).

This test shows the state of regulatory mechanisms, and also gives an idea of ​​the overall fitness of the body. By the difference between the pulse rate lying and standing, one can judge the reaction of the cardiovascular system to the load when the body position changes. This test is also used to detect orthostatic circulatory disorders that can occur when the body is upright due to a decrease in venous return of blood to the heart due to its partial delay (due to gravity) in the veins lower extremities and abdominal cavity. This leads to a decrease cardiac output and reduced blood supply to tissues and organs, including the brain.

In the supine position, the pulse is on average 10 beats less. Any deviation up or down is early and very subtle symptom, which should not be overlooked.

The method of conducting an orthostatic test:

In the morning, immediately after waking up from sleep, count the pulse for a minute and record the results in the observation diary (HR1). Usually at rest, the pulse rate is most conveniently measured on the radial artery at the base thumb. At the same time, with a brush right hand you should take the back of the wrist of the left hand slightly above the wrist joint. Use the pads of the second, third and fourth fingers of the right hand to find the radial artery, lightly pressing on it. Having felt the artery, it is necessary to press it against the bone;

Stand on the mat and stand calmly for a minute (hands down, head straight, breathing is calm, even). Then immediately for 10 seconds. count the number of heartbeats. The resulting figure is multiplied by 6, get the number of beats per minute (HR 2).

When moving from a lying position to a standing position, an increase in heart rate up to 5 beats per 1 min - a great indicator of fitness of the body; for 6-11 beats - good fitness indicator; for 12-18 beats - satisfactory indicator; an increase in heart rate from 19 to 25 beats per minute indicates a complete lack of physical fitness. This is unsatisfactory indicator. If the difference is more than 25 strokes, then we can talk about either overwork, or about disease cardiovascular system. You need to see a doctor urgently.

By comparing your indicators with the given data, draw a conclusion about the state of your cardiovascular system. The entry goes something like this: According to the orthostatic test, the state of my cardiovascular system can be assessed as ... .

2. Stange test is intended to identify the state of the respiratory system in conditions of complete filling of the lungs with air, i.e. after a full deep breath.

The method of conducting the Stange test: sit down, relax, take a breath, then exhale deeply and inhale again, then hold your breath, holding your nose with a large and index fingers and fixing the breath holding time with a stopwatch. It should be at least 20-30 seconds (well-trained athletes hold their breath for 120 seconds).

With training, the breath holding time increases, however, with overwork or overtraining, the ability to hold your breath decreases sharply.

Based on the data obtained, a conclusion is drawn (the state of my respiratory system according to the Stange test can be assessed as ...).

3. Genchi test designed to identify the state of the respiratory system in conditions total absence air in the lungs, i.e. after a full exhalation.

The method of performing the test: a deep breath is taken, exhaled, inhaled; then follows a calm full exhalation and holding the breath with the nose pinched with fingers.

Based on the data obtained, a conclusion is drawn ( the state of my respiratory system according to the Gench test can be assessed as ...).

4. Harvard step test. The height of the step is 43-50 cm, the execution time is 5 minutes. Climbing frequency 30 rises per 1 minute under a metronome (tempo - 120 bpm). Climbing the steps and lowering to the floor is done with the same foot. On the step, the position is vertical with straightened legs.

After the load, the pulse is calculated while sitting at the table for the first 30 seconds. at 2, 3, 4 minutes of recovery. IGST is calculated by the formula:

IGST \u003d 100 / (1 + 2 + 3) * 2,

where 1, 2, 3 - heart rate, for the first 30 seconds. for 2, 3, 4 min. recovery - ascent time in seconds, if IGST is less than 55 - physical performance weak, 55-64 – below average, 65-79 – average, 80-89 – good, 90 and more - excellent.

5. Ruffier index. Ruffier Index (Ruffier) ​​is calculated after 30 squats for men and 24 squats in 30 seconds. for women.

JR= (f1+f2+f3-200)/10,

where f1 - heart rate in min. before exercise, in a sitting position after 5 min. recreation,

f2 - heart rate in min. immediately after the load standing,

f3 - heart rate in min. 1 minute after standing up.

An index equal to 5 or less is excellent, 5-10 is good, 11-15 is satisfactory, over 15 is unsatisfactory.

JR (Ruffier index), reflecting the adaptive capabilities of the cardiovascular system, in response to a dosed load, simultaneously characterizes the level of general endurance and quite correctly correlates with indicators of general endurance according to the Cooper test (12-minute run).

6. Serkin test. After resting while sitting, the time of holding the breath on inhalation is determined (first phase). In the second phase, 20 squats are performed in 30 seconds and holding the breath while standing is repeated. In the 3rd phase, after resting while standing for 1 minute, the time of holding the breath while sitting is determined.

Evaluation of the results of the Serkin test

7. 12 minute Cooper test used to assess functional and physical abilities organism.

Overall Endurance Rating for age group 20-29 years old

8. Functional test with standard load - o Evaluation of the types of response of the cardiovascular system to the functional load.

Complete 30 full foot squats in 45 seconds. Immediately after exercise, measure your heart rate (HR) for 10 seconds, then immediately measure your blood pressure (BP). At the beginning of the 2 minute rest, measure your heart rate for 10 seconds and blood pressure again. Measurements are repeated at 3, 4 and 5 minutes.

Analyze the obtained individual curves of the dynamics of heart rate and blood pressure and determine your type of response of the cardiovascular system to the proposed load, using the diagram below.

There are 5 main types of response of the cardiovascular system to the load:

1) normotonic type characterized by an increase in heart rate and an increase in pulse pressure due to a pronounced increase in SBP and a moderate decrease in DBP. An increase in stroke volume is recorded up to 115 - 120 beats / min. Further, the growth of the IOC is carried out due to the growth of heart rate. The recovery period lasts about 3 minutes;

2) hypertonic type characterized by a significant increase in heart rate and SBP. It is detected in about a third of athletes. DBP does not decrease. The recovery period increases to 4 - 6 minutes;

3) with blunt type characterized by a decrease in SBP immediately after exercise. At 2 and 3 minutes of recovery, SBP increases. There is a decrease in DBP and a significant increase in heart rate. The recovery period is delayed;

4) dystonic type characterized by the presence of the phenomenon of "infinite tone" (non-disappearing sound pulsation) when determining diastolic pressure due to its significant decrease. Systolic pressure usually rises. A significant increase in pulse pressure is recorded. Recovery is slow;

5) hypotonic type reactions are characterized by a slight increase systolic pressure with a significant increase in heart rate and a long (more than 7 minutes) recovery period. Diastolic pressure usually rises slightly, which is why the pulse pressure does not increase, and often even decreases.

2.2 Functional tests and control methods for physical rehabilitation sick

The effectiveness of physical therapy exercises is in direct connection with the adequacy of the physical loads used, corresponding to the functional state of the patient's body, therapeutic gymnastics based on a targeted impact on the damaged organ or system.

To assess the functional state of the body, a survey of the patient is of great importance, which allows you to determine his motor capabilities and identify signs of chronic coronary or heart failure based on his tolerance to everyday stress.

Freestyle, in which everyday physical activity, slow walking causes pain in the heart, shortness of breath, weakness and palpitations, tests with physical activity are not carried out and their motor abilities are assessed as low - according to the survey. Patients who easily perform the entire volume of loads within Everyday life, and pain in the heart, shortness of breath and weakness appear only with fast walking or running of moderate intensity, or are absent during any physical exertion, tests with physical activity are carried out to assess the functional state and reserves of the cardiorespiratory system.

Physical load tests allow you to determine physical performance and decide on the permissible total load when practicing various types of exercise therapy. Functional tests reveal the degree of dysfunction of a particular organ, with the help of functional tests, a particular method of therapeutic exercises is chosen, and special exercises are dosed.

The choice of functional test and load model is determined by:

1) the nature of the disease, the degree of dysfunction of the affected organ or system;

2) presence concomitant diseases;

3) the degree of physical fitness;

4) age and gender;

5) the stage of physical rehabilitation (hospital, clinic);

6) the ultimate goals of exercise therapy, a course of physical training.

Exercise tests.

Testing with the use of physical activity in exercise therapy is based on various principles. The program of physical testing is intended: I) to assess the functional state and reserves of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems in order to determine the total load when prescribing exercise therapy and choosing a program physical training; 2) estimates physical performance to determine the patient's suitability for various types activities; 3) evaluation of the effectiveness of physical rehabilitation programs in those recovering from acute diseases and in patients with chronic diseases internal organs.

2 types of tests with physical activity are used: 1) tests, during which changes and terms of recovery of indicators of the cardiorespiratory system are determined after standard physical activity; 2) submaximal tests, when using which data on cardiovascular and respiratory systems can be obtained directly during dosed loads, as well as in the recovery period.

The first type of tests includes various dynamic tests with jumps, squats, running and walking on the spot, during which changes and recovery times in heart rate, respiration, and blood pressure are taken into account. Although these tests do not solve any of the problems of physical testing listed above, they are widely used in practice due to their simplicity and availability.

The main task of recovery tests is to determine the response of the cardiovascular system to physical activity. The most standardized test is Martinet with 20 squats in 30 seconds. This test is carried out in persons with diseases of the internal organs in the stage of full compensation, when determining medical group for physical education in educational institutions, with admission to classes in groups of general physical training and in groups "Health". With the help of the test, it is possible to determine the recovery time for the functions of the circulatory and respiratory system after a specific load. However, the shorter recovery period(up to 3 minutes) indicates better physical fitness, when performing a load in a physically prepared patient, the pulse rate is lower. The pulse rate and blood pressure are compared with baseline: the smaller the discrepancy, the better the function of the cardiovascular system. A test with 20 squats is evaluated taking into account changes in heart rate (HR) in the first 10 from the first minute after exercise and blood pressure as a percentage of the initial value, and the correspondence of the percentage of heart rate increase with the degree of change in all main parameters characterizing blood pressure is also compared.

Types of patients' reactions to physical activity are usually divided into physiological, intermediate and pathological (unfavorable). Pathological reactions to the load with regular physical training can turn into physiological ones. An increase in heart rate within 50-75%, an increase in systolic pressure by no more than 15-30% with a decrease in the minimum by 10-25% and an increase in pulse pressure by no more than 50-70% characterizes the normotonic type of reaction. This reaction is physiological and it is regarded as favorable. The percentage of pulse acceleration in this reaction corresponds to pulse pressure, which reflects changes in systolic and diastolic pressure and indirectly characterizes an increase in stroke volume of the heart.


Healing Fitness - scientific discipline. Exercise therapy as a section clinical medicine studies the rational use of physical culture and changes that occur in patients under the influence exercise.

The integration of social, biological, physiological, hygienic and pedagogical knowledge with modern achievements in clinical medicine formed the basis of the theoretical positions of exercise therapy and is logically combined with the differentiated development of its methods.

The biological basis of exercise therapy is movement - the most important natural biological stimulus of the body. Role social factor in exercise therapy due to the impact on human health. The influence of scientific and technological progress and urbanization, the role of diseases of civilization, etc. are taken into account. Exercise therapy contributes to the creation of an optimal ecological environment that is in accordance with the biological, mental and aesthetic needs of people. When using exercise therapy, the direct connection of man with nature expands.

The physiological basis of exercise therapy provides for a nosological approach with the most important diseases and organ-system in the differentiation of particular issues. It reflects the tasks of the preventive and hygienic direction of medicine and has wide indications for use.

The hygienic foundations of exercise therapy are determined by its health-improving effect on patients. At the same time, the achievements of the hygiene of physical exercises and sports are taken into account, as well as the "hygienic foundations of training. The hygienic aspects of exercise therapy strengthen its connection with the formation healthy lifestyle life.

Pedagogical and methodological principles of training in exercise therapy are used taking into account the condition of patients. They use the basics of teaching physical exercises, the development of motor skills and the education of physical qualities. The value of dosed physical training and its orientation (general and special training) are taken into account.

In evaluating the therapeutic effect of physical exercises, it should be taken into account that they therapeutic effect based on the ability to stimulate physiological processes in the body. The stimulating effect of physical exercises on the patient is carried out through the nervous and humoral mechanisms. neural mechanism characterized by an increase in those neural connections that develop between the functioning muscular system, the cerebral cortex and subcortex, and any internal organ. These connections of the receptor apparatus with the central nervous system are determined not only by its functional state, but also by the state of the humoral environment.

That is why it is so important to carry out an individual selection of physical exercises based on the results of functional tests.


1. Therapeutic physical culture: Handbook / Epifanov V.A., Moshkov V.N., Antufieva R.I. and etc.; Ed. V.A. Epifanov. - M. Medicine, 1987.

2. medical rehabilitation: A Guide for Physicians/Edited by V.A. Epifanov. - M. Medpress-inform, 2008.

Information about the work "Compilation and justification of an individual complex of physical exercises and available funds physical culture indicating the approximate dosage "

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