
Ultrasound after menstruation – when to do it, why there are restrictions. On what day of the cycle is a gynecological ultrasound performed? On what day after menstruation is an ultrasound performed?

Many people are interested in how a pelvic ultrasound is performed in women, on what day of the cycle to do the examination, and whether there are any contraindications for it.

In gynecology, such an examination is considered basic, that is, its results are basic in relation to other diagnostic procedures.

What features does an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs have, what can be seen on it, what diseases are diagnosed?

What is this diagnostic method?

Today, determining whether a person has diseases using ultrasound is the most modern and accurate method of research. It is used in almost all areas of medicine, gynecology and obstetrics are no exception.

This method is based on the principle of sound echolocation (ultrasound is high-frequency mechanical vibrations, and the human ear cannot detect them). They are reflected from tissues and body cavities in different ways. All these processes are displayed on the screen, and the doctor interprets them as various states internal organs and fabrics.

The device's sensor can simultaneously emit and receive waves. But most of the time he is in receiving mode. Patients do not need to worry that such radiation is harmful to their health.

Moreover, over several decades of diagnostic use, not a single case has been observed harmful effects and the development of pathologies from examination. Any claims that ultrasound diagnostics are dangerous to health are groundless.

Methods of conducting the examination

Modern methods of conducting such diagnostics completely eliminate pain and discomfort. An ultrasound of the pelvic organs is necessary for all women with suspicions of many reproductive diseases.

The following ultrasound diagnostic methods are used:

  1. Transabdominal examination. The organs located in the pelvis are examined through the abdominal wall, while the sonologist moves the sensor over the skin of the abdomen, which makes it possible to obtain information about the condition of a particular organ. During the procedure, it is necessary that bladder was full. During the study, the doctor can determine the structural features and structure of the internal genital organs, notice deviations and developing formations in them.
  2. With a transvaginal ultrasound, a gynecological examination is performed using a special sensor inserted into the woman's vagina. This diagnostic method makes it possible to examine in more detail the structure of the examined organs and determine their size.
  3. In combined diagnostics, transabdominal diagnostics is first performed with a filled bladder. After it has been emptied, the doctor does a transvaginal examination.
  4. During a transrectal examination, an ultrasound probe is inserted into the woman's rectum. The method is used in cases where the patient is not yet sexually active.

Indications for examination

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs in women is indicated in the following cases:

  1. Early diagnosis of pregnancy.
  2. Any disturbances in the menstrual cycle (delay, earlier onset of menstruation, bleeding on days when it should not occur, absence of menstruation, discharge in the lower abdomen of different contents and origins, not related to menstruation).
  3. Inflammatory gynecological pathologies.
  4. Benign and malignant pathologies female genital organs.
  5. Diagnosis of salpingoophoritis, endometriosis, ovarian cysts.
  6. Early diagnosis of fibroids.
  7. Monitoring of the follicular apparatus.
  8. Diagnosis of infertility and complex therapy of this disease.
  9. A woman taking contraceptive or hormonal medications.
  10. The presence of an intrauterine device (ultrasound is done to control the position of the contraceptive and monitor the effectiveness of contraception).
  11. Diagnosis of the causes of urination disorders, urethral diseases and other urological pathologies.

What is transabdominal ultrasound in men and women?

When is an examination necessary?

When is the best time to do an ultrasound? Often, not all doctors warn their patients that they need to go for an ultrasound on certain days of the cycle. It is best to do an ultrasound between 5 and 7 days.

This is due to the fact that after the end of menstruation, the structural features of the uterus are easier to determine. This is associated with the early phase of proliferation. In this condition, you can see a polyp, hyperplasia, and determine the exact size of tumor nodes. At this time, it is possible to accurately exclude the presence of a functional cyst in the patient.

After ovulation, the structure of the uterine mucosa changes significantly and becomes loose. Under such conditions, the doctor cannot notice neoplasms in the uterine cavity, especially if they are in the early stages of their development. At this time, functional cysts can be diagnosed; they do not require treatment because they disappear with the onset of menstruation.

It is better to do an ultrasound at the beginning of the cycle, in which case it is possible to accurately diagnose existing pathologies. Women are wondering if it is possible to conduct such an examination during menstruation? This is not prohibited, and in certain cases the doctor may prescribe an examination for 2-4 days. Just at this time the discharge of blood is abundant. This type of ultrasound is prescribed to patients who are preparing for an extracorporeal examination.

If you do an ultrasound within a few days after your period ends, its results will be more accurate. And to monitor the process of follicle formation, a repeat ultrasound is performed on days 5, 7, 9, 14 and 17 of the cycle. Depending on the duration of the monthly cycle, shifts in the indicated dates are possible.

What does the examination show?

Based on what the doctor sees in the picture, a conclusion is made and a final diagnosis is made. The sonologist determines:

  • position and structure of the uterus, its size, wall thickness;
  • the presence of follicles and their sizes;
  • the presence of foreign formations in the uterus and ovaries;
  • the presence of foreign objects in the colon and bladder;
  • other diagnostic important signs depending on which organ is being examined.

Deviations from ultrasonic norm indicate the presence of disorders in the body. Here are some signs of pathologies that are visible on ultrasound:

  • thickening of the fallopian tube (this means that the woman has a high risk of developing an oncological process);
  • if round or oval objects are noticeable, then these are most likely cysts, fibromas;
  • if the uterus decreases in size, and the ovaries, on the contrary, increase, then this may indicate that the woman has polycystic disease;
  • changes in echogenicity indicate the presence of uterine fibroids or endometriosis.

The sonologist cannot make an accurate diagnosis. This requires consultation with a specialist. Entire transcript ultrasound examination is recorded in the protocol. Based on it, the doctor makes the main conclusion and makes a diagnosis. It is possible to record the entire diagnostic process on disk, which is used to clarify the diagnosis in doubtful cases.

Basic ultrasound indicators of normality

It will be interesting and useful for women to know the norms of pelvic examination indicators:

  1. The uterus is normally located in the center of the pelvis, closer to its anterior wall. If a longitudinal scan is done, then the organ has a pear-shaped shape, and if a transverse scan is done, then it is ovoid. Normally, the uterus has average echogenicity. The internal structure of the uterus is homogeneous, has point and linear objects. The size is about 5.2 cm, the thickness of the body is 3.8 cm, its width is 5 cm.
  2. The ovary cannot always be visualized. Normally it is oval, with average echogenicity. Inside there are pinpoint echo-negative inclusions.
  3. The vagina looks like a tubular object that connects to the cervix. If the scan was taken transversely, then it has an egg-shaped appearance. Normal vaginal wall thickness is 3 to 4 mm.
  4. Ultrasound signs of the endometrium vary depending on the monthly cycle. When drawing up the protocol, the day on which the ultrasound was performed is taken into account.

Already a few days before the ultrasound, it is necessary to change your diet and eliminate fiber, legumes and any other foods that cause increased gas formation. It is recommended to warn the doctor about radiography procedures using barium as a radiopaque agent if they were performed before the ultrasound. Sometimes it can significantly affect diagnostic results.

Preparation before the examination includes the following activities:

  1. Before performing a transabdominal ultrasound, it is necessary to fill your bladder. Approximately 1 hour before the diagnosis, you should drink about 1 liter of water.
  2. Before the transvaginal examination, you must empty your bladder.
  3. Before screening, there are no special recommendations in preparing a woman for an ultrasound.

If you have digestive problems or are concerned about constipation, then you need to take Mezim, Espumisan. In case of increased gas formation, it is recommended to take several tablets activated carbon. On the day of a pelvic ultrasound examination, it is best not to eat for 10 hours before the procedure. This will ensure accurate examination results.

An ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs is a safe and accurate diagnostic method; today it is a more accurate and effective treatment. But in order for it to be accurate and the doctor to be able to make the correct diagnosis, you need to prepare for it. Incorrect preparation for such important procedure distorts the results, and the doctor will determine the condition of the organs being examined inaccurately. This, in turn, will lead to improper treatment and other consequences.

For some, such restrictions are a big challenge. Endoscopist Maxim Punutyan talks about the essence of the methods of gastroscopy and ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and the rules of preparation for them.

During gastroscopy, the doctor examines the upper parts of the gastrointestinal tract: the esophagus, stomach and duodenum using a special device - an endoscope. It is a long thin flexible tube with a diameter of about 2 cm with a lens at the end. The image is transmitted via a special fiber to the eyepiece into which the doctor looks. In order for the gastroscopy procedure to proceed correctly, the following recommendations must be followed. 2-3 days before the study, you must stop eating spicy foods and strong alcoholic drinks. It is very important that the patient should not eat or drink for 8-10 hours before gastroscopy.

Food and liquid in the stomach can make it difficult to examine and diagnose correct diagnosis. Before starting the procedure, be sure to inform your doctor about any allergies to medications, if any. To reduce sensitivity and eliminate the gag reflex, you are usually given to gargle with a solution before gastroscopy. local anesthetic. After 1-3 minutes, numbness occurs in the mucous membranes of the mouth and pharynx, which serves as a signal to begin the procedure. The patient clamps a mouthpiece between the teeth, through which the endoscope is passed.

The most difficult part for the doctor and most unpleasant for the patient is the stage of passing the device from the throat to the esophagus. To make this easier to bear, you must completely relax and then take one sip, during which the doctor, under visual control, will insert the device into the esophagus. After this, air is slowly pumped through the endoscope to straighten the folds of the stomach and better examine it. During the study, nothing obstructs breathing, so some people's fear of suffocation is completely unfounded. Directly while the device is in gastrointestinal tract the doctor carefully examines its inner surface and, if necessary, can take a piece of the mucous membrane for further examination.

A biopsy is a painless procedure. Sometimes during endoscopy, therapeutic measures can be carried out, such as stopping ulcer bleeding or removing a polyp. A typical examination for diagnostic purposes lasts about two minutes, and in the case of therapeutic manipulations - up to half an hour. Gastroscopy is quite safe, and complications are extremely rare. An unpleasant sensation in the throat for some time after the test is considered common. It disappears within a day or even earlier.

You can also see what is happening inside a person using ultrasound. This method examines those organs that do not contain air - the liver, gallbladder, spleen. Ultrasound examination is much safer than x-ray and in some cases allows for more accurate diagnosis of the disease. Proper preparation for an ultrasound is very important. Carrying out this procedure may lose all meaning if the patient does not follow the doctor’s recommendations before the examination. Gases that are usually present in the intestines can be a strong obstacle for the doctor.

Therefore, three days before the examination of the abdominal organs, it is necessary to avoid foods that contribute to the formation of gases. This includes brown bread, baked goods, cabbage, peas, beans, fresh fruits and vegetables, whole milk, juices, carbonated drinks, and sweets. Fermented milk products, meat and fish dishes, side dishes of vegetables other than potatoes, unsweetened cereals, and dried white bread are allowed. People who are prone to bloating with gases also need to take digestive enzymes these days, for example Festal, Mezim Forte. The drug espumizan is very helpful for doctors. It changes the surface tension of the gas bubbles in the intestines, causing them to burst. Espumisan is taken 2 capsules 3 times a day after meals for two days before the study. It is absolutely harmless. Immediately before the ultrasound, you need to refuse food for 12 hours and liquids for 4 hours. It is necessary to take a towel with you in order to wipe off traces of a special gel after the procedure, which ensures better contact of the sensors with the skin. The ultrasound examination itself is absolutely painless and does not cause any discomfort to the patient.

Ultrasound and FGDS of the stomach: which examination is better and what do they show?

What to choose: ultrasound of the stomach or gastroscopy?

Ultrasound of the stomach or FGDS - which is better?

It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question:

  1. some pathological processes can be noticed only with the help of an endoscopic examination, others, on the contrary, will only be shown by ultrasound of the organ;
  2. Both types of research should be performed if the digestive system causes serious concern to the patient and the gastroenterologist finds it difficult to make a diagnosis.

In any case, the decision must be made by a qualified doctor.

Previously, there was an opinion that gastroscopy is much preferable to ultrasound, since the latter does not make it possible to see the smallest details and give an accurate assessment of the condition of the stomach and intestines.

Benefits of stomach ultrasound

Ultrasound examination is certainly a more comfortable and gentle method for the patient, and has the following advantages:

  • Absence of pain not only during the study, but also after (unlike FGDS).
  • No equipment penetrates inside, which avoids any microtrauma and ensures psychological comfort for the patient.
  • The structure of the affected organ can be examined from any convenient angle.
  • The contrast method is physiological (sometimes the patient is asked to drink a liquid containing a contrast agent).
  • With ultrasound, it is possible to take photos and videos of the organ, which can be useful in further treatment and in the medical history.
  • Quite high resolution.
  • It is possible to examine the blood flow of an organ and examine the vascular network.
  • The research doesn't take much time.
  • You can examine neighboring organs, whereas gastroscopy allows you to study only the condition of one organ.
  • A high level of comfort for the patient during the procedure makes ultrasound of the stomach painless.

Disadvantages of stomach ultrasound

Like any method, ultrasound also has a number of disadvantages, but they are relatively few.

  • The inability to see the full picture of the stomach cavity, since it is a hollow organ.
  • There is no way to collect physiological fluids in the stomach. In some cases, there is a need to examine them for a correct diagnosis.
  • Does not allow for a biopsy (taking part of the stomach tissue for further research).

Benefits of gastroscopy

Fibrogastroduodenoscopy has always been considered a more accurate method of examining the stomach, allowing the patient’s diagnosis to be determined with the highest accuracy.

FGDS of the stomach - what it shows and what advantages it has:

  • Excellent resolution.
  • It is possible to take a biopsy.
  • Allows you to collect physiological fluids from the stomach for analysis.
  • Possibility to take photos and videos of the organ being examined.
  • The ability to view the stomach cavity and its walls in their natural form, and not through an ultrasound screen.

Disadvantages of gastroscopy

FGDS has a number of disadvantages, which are slightly greater than those of the ultrasound method:

  • Severe discomfort during the procedure, which can manifest itself in the form of nausea, gagging, vomiting, lacrimation, discomfort in the esophagus and stomach, as well as sore throat. Some symptoms may persist for some time after the procedure is completed.
  • Gastroscopy does not make it possible to examine the organ being examined from all sides.
  • The study cannot be classified as physiological procedures.
  • There is no way to determine gastric blood flow.
  • FGDS does not provide access to other organs.
  • The presence of foreign objects in the body during the examination.
  • Relatively long time research.
  • Hollow organs are filled with air in order to obtain good examination results. This causes additional discomfort and is not physiological.

What does ultrasound and FGDS allow you to see?

Ultrasound of the stomach: what does it show?

Ultrasound examination makes it possible to diagnose diseases such as:

  • diaphragmatic hernia;
  • gastroesophageal reflux;
  • swelling of the stomach walls;
  • acquired pyloric stenosis;
  • malignant and benign tumors;
  • dilation of gastric varicose veins;
  • mesenchymal hereditary neoplasms;
  • neoplastic thickening of the stomach walls, etc.

What does fibrogastroduodenoscopy allow you to see?

  • the presence of scars and narrowing in the stomach;
  • cancerous nodes;
  • diverticula;
  • polyps;
  • changes in the lining of the stomach during gastritis.

FGDS also provides information:

  • about the patency of the stomach and esophagus;
  • determines the degenerative and inflammatory nature of the mucosa;
  • gives an idea of ​​the degree of reflux - backflow of contents.

Research results

Results of both FGDS and ultrasound examination of the stomach:

  • the patient can receive immediately after the examination;
  • There is no need to wait any time.

A gastroenterologist should decipher the results and develop a treatment regimen based on the ultrasound (or FGDS) conclusion.

Contraindications for ultrasound and FGDS

FGDS has a more expanded list of contraindications, namely:

  • Tumors of the digestive system: stomach, 12- duodenum, biliary tract, esophagus.
  • Malformations of the digestive organs.
  • Acute intestinal and gastric bleeding.
  • Vomit.
  • Intestinal obstruction.
  • Foreign body in the intestines or stomach.
  • Bowel perforation.
  • Stroke.
  • Heart failure stage 3.
  • Central nervous system instability, extreme emotional sensitivity.

How are the examinations carried out?

  1. It is carried out exclusively on an empty stomach.
  2. During the procedure, the patient lies on his back or takes a semi-sitting position.
  3. The doctor places the sensor on the area being examined so that an image of both the anterior and posterior walls of the stomach can be seen. In addition, the doctor needs to be able to set the parameters of the greater and lesser curvature. Normally, a small amount of fluid is found in the stomach cavity.
  4. A special gel is applied to the patient's skin to facilitate the sliding of the sensor and ensure good contact of the scanner with the surface.
  5. The doctor moves the sensor over the skin, pressing it at the required angle.
  6. The monitor displays an ultrasound image of the organ being examined.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to use contrast agents. The special product is diluted in 500 ml of water with gas. The patient drinks it in one gulp. Upon completion of the procedure, the patient is given a conclusion with the results of the study.

  1. It involves the patient swallowing a special flexible hose - an endoscope. Its diameter is about 1 cm. The probe is equipped with a video camera, which, penetrating into the stomach, gives the specialist the opportunity to see the condition of the organ in its natural form.
  2. A few minutes before the examination, the patient is given local anesthesia - the throat is treated with ice caine. Sprays are usually used. In some cases, general anesthesia is used, however, side effects may occur. Negative consequences, and therefore to general anesthesia resorted to extremely rarely if the patient (usually a child) is particularly excited.
  3. The patient lies on his left side. A towel is placed under the head to catch the saliva that will inevitably be released during the examination.
  4. The patient clamps a plastic ring resembling a mouthguard with his teeth, into the hole of which an endoscope is inserted to the root of the tongue.
  5. The person being examined is asked to swallow several times, as a result of which the probe moves into the stomach.
  6. After the endoscope has reached the stomach cavity, air is supplied to straighten the walls of the organ.
  7. The liquid is removed with an electric suction (gastric juice, bile, mucus). Next begins the examination of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum.
  8. At the end of the procedure, the probe is carefully removed.

Indications for ultrasound of the stomach

Ultrasound is prescribed for suspected diseases such as:

  • gastritis;
  • ulcer;
  • stenosis of the pyloroduodenal type;
  • abnormalities in the structure of the stomach;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • oncology;
  • frequent pain in the abdominal area of ​​unknown origin;
  • chronic heartburn;
  • vomit;
  • burping and other digestive problems.

Sometimes an ultrasound of the stomach is prescribed:

  • patients with acute bronchial asthma;
  • patients with coughing attacks;
  • with severe regurgitation in children.

Indications for FGDS

Gastroscopy is prescribed when various pathologies digestive system:

  • constant heartburn;
  • vomit;
  • epigastric pain;
  • heaviness and bloating;
  • problems with bowel movements;
  • if you suspect cancer;
  • gastritis;
  • stenosis;
  • ulcer, etc.

Preparing for an ultrasound

The main point of preparation is the diet, which should be switched to 2 days before the examination. The diet is aimed at reducing gas formation.

It is necessary to exclude products that provoke flatulence:

  1. legumes;
  2. dairy products;
  3. rye products;
  4. fresh fruits and vegetables;
  5. carbonated drinks;
  6. alcohol.

The last meal should occur no later than 8 pm before the examination day. On the day of the ultrasound, you should not eat or drink anything. Smoking is also prohibited.

Preparation for FGDS

  1. Do not eat on the day of the test.
  2. The last meal should be 12 hours before the examination.
  3. It is advisable not to consume coffee, chocolate and alcohol for 2 days.
  4. You need to give up liquids 2 hours before.
  5. Smoking is not strictly prohibited, however, it can distort the results due to the fact that nicotine increases gastric secretion and constricts blood vessels. Therefore, it is still better not to smoke on the day of the study.


So what to choose, ultrasound of the stomach or FGDS? Both methods of examining the stomach have their pros and cons; the choice of method must be approached individually in each case. It should be noted that a contraindication for ultrasound of the stomach is the recent intrusion of an endoscope into it.

This means that if it is advisable to use both methods, you first need to undergo an ultrasound, and only then an FGDS. Particular attention should be paid to preparation for the examination, since up to 60% of the success of the procedure and the accuracy of the diagnosis depend on it.

My stomach hurts. What to do: Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity or X-ray of the stomach?

I want to go to a paid clinic. But I don’t know which service to choose to find out what’s wrong with my stomach.

If it hurts in the stomach area, this does not mean that the stomach hurts, the pancreas and spleen may also give in, and given that the stomach is on the left, then the heart)).

First, it’s better to see a gastroenterologist, he will examine you and tell you what to do. As a rule, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and FGDS are prescribed (if there is a suspicion of problems with the stomach and/or duodenum). Remember under what circumstances the pain is before/after eating, in the morning/evening, sharp or nagging - this information should be reported to the doctor. If I were you, I would make an appointment with a doctor, half an hour later scheduled for an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (remember that for ultrasound and FGDS you need to go to the appointment on an empty stomach if in the morning, a light dinner is acceptable the night before,

If you go for an ultrasound after lunch, 6-8 hours should pass after your last meal. I won’t say anything about FGDS after lunch.

At a doctor’s appointment, if he tells you to do an ultrasound, say that you are now booked, ask if he can see the results immediately after the ultrasound. If the doctor is normal, pay him once for the doctor’s appointment.

Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and fibrogastroscopy on the same day

It is quite possible to carry out an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and an FGDS on the same day; these studies are performed in exactly this sequence - first an ultrasound, then an FGDS. Before the ultrasound, you should take Espumisan for two days. It is often also recommended to take activated carbon, however, in this case, fibrogastroscopy may be performed incorrectly, so it is better to refrain from activated carbon if these two studies are planned on the same day.

Ultrasound should be performed on an empty stomach or 8-10 hours after eating. Any type of liquid chewing gum or lollipops stimulate the stomach, so they are also undesirable. Of course, for this reason, it is advisable to undergo the procedure in the morning.

In addition, hours before the ultrasound, it is advisable to exclude stewed vegetables, as well as brown bread and legumes from your diet. In some cases, the patient may be advised to take 5-6 tablets of activated carbon, Mezim, Festal and other drugs that help normalize the functioning of the digestive tract. Finally, before the procedure you should refrain from bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.

Consequences of FGDS. What are the possible complications?

Gastroscopy is a diagnostic procedure used to examine the esophagus, stomach and duodenum. The procedure is carried out inside the abdominal cavity, which makes it possible to examine the mucous membranes of the digestive organs. Gastroscopy is enough general concept, which includes different species that differ in the location of the survey. Thus, the most well-known way to diagnose pathologies associated with the digestive system is FGDS or fibrogastroduodenoscopy. This method allows you to simultaneously examine the stomach and duodenum. Despite the high information content and safety of the procedure, there is a possibility of complications occurring after FGD. However, first things first.

Historical excursion

The founder of gastroscopy is Kussmual, who in 1868 first used this method examination of the gastric mucosa in practice. After a while, the scientist Schindler introduced the world to the concept of a “bending gastroscope”, equipped with advanced optics. Over time, such a device only improved. 1957 was marked by the release of the first gastroscope with a controlled bend, which made all-round panoramic viewing possible. And finally, at the beginning of the 20th century, a device was released that projected the resulting image through small bundles of glass fibers. This device is called a “fibrogastroscope”.

A modern gastroscope is a device designed to examine the mucous membranes of the digestive organs. The device is made in the form of a flexible and long tube, the end of which is equipped with a video camera and lighting. During the diagnostic process, a tube is inserted into the organ through the oral cavity. In relatively recent times, a biopsy gastroscope has been developed, which allows for multiple targeted biopsies. This model is distinguished by high quality, information content, and also a lower degree of pain.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for gastroscopic examination are the following factors:

  • painful sensations localized in the area of ​​the substrate, which are directly related to food consumption;
  • frequent manifestations of heartburn;
  • vomiting, in which blood is found in the vomit;
  • frequent belching, accompanied by a sour taste;
  • frequent attacks of nausea, subsequently turning into a gag reflex with food consumed the day before;
  • regularly appearing feelings of heaviness and fullness in the stomach.

Sometimes this diagnostic method becomes impossible to use. Then we're talking about about the following contraindications:

  • severe respiratory failure;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • serious forms of mental disorders;
  • strokes.

Preparing for the examination

The FGDS and FGS procedures are quite serious, requiring certain preparation, on which the degree of informativeness of the diagnosis will subsequently depend:

  1. A couple of weeks before the diagnosis, stop taking aspirin or medicines containing iron.
  2. Gastroscopy is often accompanied by taking samples of tissue structures of organs for biopsy, which may result in slight bleeding. In order to reduce the risk of bleeding, it is recommended to stop taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. A similar requirement applies to medications that help reduce blood clotting or thin it.
  3. 8 hours before the start of the procedure, a fasting diet is provided. At the same time, drinking liquids is also prohibited. During this period of time, the stomach is completely cleared of food, which allows for a more complete and accurate examination of the internal cavity of the organ. Also, the lack of food minimizes the likelihood of a gag reflex.
  4. On the appointed day of the examination, it is recommended to completely stop using tobacco products.
  5. Before starting the procedure, you should visit the toilet.

Performing gastroscopy

Gastroscopic examination requires the preliminary use of special anesthetic, made in the form of a spray, which is used to treat the root of the tongue in order to eliminate pain and cough. The technique is like this diagnostic technique boils down to the following steps:

  1. The working end of the endoscope is treated with a special gel composition, which subsequently ensures better sliding of the tube.
  2. A mouthpiece is inserted into the oral cavity to prevent the probe from being damaged by the teeth. In this case, the patient is placed on his left side.
  3. A probe is gradually inserted through the hole in the mouthpiece until it reaches the larynx.
  4. Next, there is a need to swallow the tube.
  5. After the endoscope penetrates inside, a detailed examination of the state of the digestive organs begins, the results of which are displayed in the form of an image on a computer monitor.

The duration of the procedure is on average 15 minutes. Immediately after endoscopy, the diagnostic results are announced. The exception is cases when histological studies of tissue samples taken from the digestive organs are necessary.

Complications of gastroscopy

Serious complications and unpleasant consequences after FGDS occur quite rarely, but the likelihood of their development exists. Complications after gastroscopy may be as follows:

  • violations heart rate during the examination process;
  • inflammation of the pulmonary system due to aspiration;
  • laryngotracheitis, which is traumatic in nature;
  • injury to the walls of the organs being examined;
  • perforation of the stomach or esophagus, which is extremely rare;
  • endoscope entering the trachea;
  • allergic reaction to an anesthetic medication.

For this reason, after the patient’s condition has normalized at the end of medicinal sleep, observations of his general well-being are carried out. To do this, measurements of pulsation values ​​are made, as well as monitoring the level of oxygen saturation of the blood.

Consequences of gastroscopy

It is also likely that some consequences will develop after endoscopic examination:

  1. One of the unpleasant ones is damage to the jaw. This phenomenon often occurs with loose teeth.
  2. Sometimes a feeling of constriction in the throat cavity may occur after insertion of the endoscope. At the end of the procedure, pain remains in the corresponding area.
  3. Complaints of increased abdominal bloating, pain in the stomach and frequent belching are also possible.

The consequences and complications of gastroscopy are minimized if the recommendations for preparing for the procedure are correctly followed.

Elimination of consequences

Although there are possible side effects, some of them can be managed:

Stomach pain

Painful sensations in the organ occur due to air, which is pumped into the stomach in order to smooth out the mucous membrane. In most cases, pain and discomfort do not require special treatment, because they go away on their own after a couple of days.

Sore throat

They arise during the process of swallowing and can manifest as a feeling of numbness, which is accompanied by the appearance of hoarseness in the voice. This phenomenon is one of the most frequent consequences gastroscopy, which may be a consequence of mechanical damage during the passage of the endoscope. In this case it is necessary:

  • exclude panic moods, since there is a high probability of normalization of the condition within a couple of days;
  • in order to alleviate the condition, use absorbable lozenges;
  • gargle with warm water with the addition of a few drops of iodine and a pinch of soda;
  • try to talk less;
  • if signs of pain and dryness persist, take a teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil before meals;
  • if you are not allergic to honey, consume it before going to bed at night;
  • eat soft and warm foods.

After gastroscopy

After completing the gastroscopic examination, it is not recommended to drive a vehicle, since sedatives, introduced during the study, contribute to lethargy and lethargy for some time. If local anesthesia was used, then there are no contraindications to driving.

You should also refrain from smoking for an hour after the procedure. As for eating and drinking, this should not be done until the feeling of numbness in the throat disappears, as well as the swallowing reflex and sensitivity of the tongue.

Rules for preparing for abdominal ultrasound

The effectiveness and efficiency of many examinations depends on proper preparation for them, and ultrasound is no exception. Therefore, there are a number of recommendations that will help eliminate factors that distort the ultrasound picture.

In most cases, doctors who prescribe an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity also dwell in detail on the rules for preparing for this study. The most frequently mentioned points are:

  • An ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity should be performed only on an empty stomach if it is scheduled for the first half of the day. If it is planned for 15 o'clock in the afternoon or later, you can allow yourself a light breakfast no later than 9-10 o'clock, but after that eating is prohibited.

Of course, such preparation for an abdominal ultrasound is required only for routine examination. In emergency cases, it is performed immediately, without any preparation.

Diet before abdominal ultrasound

In order to reduce excess gas formation, in preparation for an abdominal ultrasound, it is necessary to adhere to a certain diet, in particular, avoid the following foods:

  • Whole milk.
  • Fresh, especially black bread.
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Spicy, smoked, pickled foods.
  • Strong tea and coffee.
  • Any alcoholic drinks.
  • Fresh pastries, cookies, sweets.
  • Bean products.

A few days before the planned ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, the basis of the diet should be the following products:

  • Cereals and porridges.
  • Lean poultry and meat.
  • Yeast-free or yesterday's bread.
  • Boiled, steamed or baked vegetables.
  • Dairy products.

Such a diet will help reduce gas formation and prepare the intestines for examination, which means the results obtained will be more adequate.

Useful information on the topic: Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity

Gastroscopy: is it dangerous, harmful, alternative?

Gastroscopy is a common diagnostic procedure that is used in gastroenterology to diagnose diseases of the upper digestive tract. The essence of the procedure is that the patient swallows a special tube at the end of which there is an optical system. It makes it possible to view the walls of the esophagus, stomach, duodenum and identify possible pathologies. Used for suspected gastritis, peptic ulcer, bleeding. Is the main method early diagnosis cancer of the gastrointestinal tract.

The advantage of this method is that you can examine the internal organs in detail, from the inside, and study their walls and mucous membranes. If an oncological process is suspected, a biopsy can be taken for further cytological and histological examination. It is possible to take a scraping from the mucous membrane to determine the number of Helicobacter bacteria, which are the causative agents of gastritis and peptic ulcers. The procedure can develop from a diagnostic one into a therapeutic one at any moment. If polyps are found during the procedure, they are removed. Also, during the examination, you can stop minor bleeding, apply ligatures to dilated veins and vessels.

Disadvantages of the procedure include discomfort during implementation and the patient’s fear of swallowing the tube. The big problem is the gag reflex that occurs when swallowing the tube. This is a natural protective reflex that cannot help but occur when the pharynx and root of the tongue are exposed. But thanks to the latest achievements of pharmaceutical science, it has become possible to suppress this reflex. During the procedure, the pharynx and oral cavity are treated with an anesthetic that relieves pain. Muscle relaxants are also used to relax the muscles, so the tube passes freely through the esophagus without encountering resistance. The gag reflex also does not occur.

There are also other types of procedure. For example, there is a more gentle method - transnasal gastroscopy, in which a very thin tube is inserted through the nose into the esophagus and stomach. In this case, there is no pain or gag reflex, and the procedure is considered more comfortable.

At capsule gastroscopy the patient swallows the capsule with water. This capsule contains a built-in video system and sensor. Such a capsule moves freely along the digestive tract and transmits an image of the walls of the internal organs to the doctor’s computer. Then the received data is processed using a special program, and a preliminary diagnosis is issued. After working time, the capsule is excreted from the body naturally, with feces.

This is the only way to examine all parts of the intestine, including small intestine. Colonoscopy makes it possible to study digestive system, starting from its lower sections, reaches the large intestine with difficulty. Traditional gastroscopy makes it possible to examine only the upper sections, in which the gastroscope reaches only the duodenum. The capsule passes through all departments. The disadvantage of the method is that the doctor cannot slow down or speed up the movement of the capsule, and also cannot unfold it or fix it. But scientists are working on this, and soon such capsules will be available that can be controlled by a doctor from a computer.

Gastroscopy is also performed under anesthesia and during sleep. In the first case, the patient is put under anesthesia, in the second case, into a state of medicated sleep. The advantage is that the patient is asleep, does not move, his muscles are relaxed, and the doctor can calmly perform all the necessary manipulations. The disadvantages include the fact that the patient is not in a conscious state. Usually the doctor performs the procedure, focusing on the patient’s current condition, his breathing, and reflexes. In the event of an unforeseen situation or deterioration in health, the patient can give the doctor a predetermined signal.

Such methods are often used by children, people who are overly afraid of the procedure, people with an unbalanced psyche, and pregnant women. Medication-induced sleep has no effect negative impact on the body.

Each type of gastroscopy has its own advantages and disadvantages, so the doctor independently chooses the advisability of one or another method. In this case, the doctor is based on the totality of data. It is also taken into account that gastroscopy has contraindications.

Is gastroscopy dangerous?

Patients about to undergo the study are often nervous and fearful of the consequences. Many people wonder whether this procedure is dangerous. You should immediately reassure the patient - the procedure is considered absolutely safe. It is performed even on pregnant women up to 4-5 months and small children, which indicates the safety of the method.

Safety largely depends on the patient himself. If the patient does not interfere with the doctor, does not resist, the procedure will pass quickly, painlessly, without any consequences. You need to try to relax as much as possible, don’t get nervous, breathe calmly. If resistance is provided, mechanical damage to the esophagus, stomach, or vessel can occur. Both during the procedure itself and in preparation for it, you must follow all the recommendations and instructions of the doctor. If you have an allergic reaction or individual intolerance medicines, you need to inform your doctor about this. This will reduce the risk and prevent the development of a pathological reaction, anaphylactic shock.

Patients who suffer from cardiac or cardiac problems should undergo the procedure with caution. vascular diseases, nervous disorders. The presence of concomitant diseases should also be reported to the doctor in advance. He will assess all the risks and make a conclusion about the feasibility of such a study.

Who to contact?

Complications after the procedure

After the procedure, you may experience a feeling of numbness, swelling, and loss of sensitivity in the throat area. This is fine. These are the consequences local anesthesia. The sensations will pass after 1-2 hours. There may also be various discomfort in the throat area, including pain, burning, soreness. This usually goes away after 2-3 days on its own, without the need to take any action.

There are no more consequences. This is due to the fact that today the technology is more advanced, making it possible to carry out the procedure carefully. Moreover, usually the consequences that arise are not related to digestive tract, but are more related to the technique of execution and the use of medicines.

Many years of practice have proven that gastroscopy is a safe procedure. Complications are rare. A dangerous complication is perforation, which is a perforation of the wall of an internal organ. This situation requires immediate surgical intervention, since severe bleeding and further death are possible. Similar injuries can occur when performing a biopsy or removing polyps. Bleeding often occurs during these manipulations. However, there is no need to worry, since such pathologies occur extremely rarely.

Sometimes perforation occurs as a result of swelling of the walls of internal organs with air in the presence of tumors and deep ulcers. Complications are usually divided into 4 groups:

  • mechanical damage (cracks, scratches, wounds, damage to organ walls, violation of the integrity of mucous membranes);
  • damage to the esophagus and stomach;
  • esophageal rupture;
  • gastric perforation.

The main reason for such complications is the human factor. Typically, complications are a consequence of rough insertion of the endoscope, inappropriate behavior of the patient, neglect of the doctor’s recommendations and contraindications.

Infection during gastroscopy

Many patients are concerned about the question of whether they can become infected during gastroscopy. Previously, such a possibility could not be excluded. But today there is absolutely no need to worry about this: there is no risk of infection during the procedure. Today there are strict standards and requirements in the field of sterilization and disinfection.

All instruments undergo careful processing. First, the endoscope is mechanically cleaned, then it is soaked in special solutions. For disinfection, the latest sterilization cabinets and autoclaves are used, which ensure 100% slaughter of any flora. In an autoclave, sterilization occurs under high temperatures and high humidity under reduced pressure. This ensures the complete slaughter of everyone possible forms life, with the exception of extreme forms (archaea), which live in deep thermal springs and volcanoes. Of course, it is impossible to encounter such life forms in a gastroenterologist’s office.

Blood after gastroscopy

After gastroscopy, blood may appear when the mucous membranes are damaged, when bleeding from an ulcer occurs, after taking a biopsy or removing polyps. This phenomenon is observed extremely rarely. Usually, even if bleeding occurs, it stops very quickly without any additional intervention. The risk of bleeding increases with blood diseases, decreased clotting, and also during critical days and for hypertension.

Pain after gastroscopy

Some patients claim that the procedure is painful, while others are sure that it is not associated with pain. The only thing that absolutely everyone agrees on is that the procedure causes discomfort and unpleasant sensations. Spasm, pain and a gag reflex can be felt when a gastroscope is inserted into the pharynx, at the very beginning of the procedure. The psychological attitude is very important. If at this time you relax, calm down, start breathing evenly and calmly, everything will go well.

Some patients experience pain after the procedure. Your throat may hurt. There may be minor pain in the esophagus and stomach. This is due to the fact that a certain amount of air is introduced into the cavity, which makes it possible to straighten the walls of the esophagus and stomach and better examine the condition of the internal organs. Sometimes pain occurs after taking a biopsy or removing polyps, if such measures were carried out. Usually such sensations pass within 2-3 days, no measures need to be taken.

Sore throat after gastroscopy

After gastroscopy, some patients may have a sore throat. This may be due to side effect used medications, with mechanical damage. It can also occur as a result of a throat spasm due to excessive nervousness of the patient. In mild cases, this pathology disappears after a few days without the need for additional treatment. If a person has a weakened immune system, or there is a source in the body chronic infection(for example, caries, sinusitis), an infection may occur. In this case, an inflammatory and infectious process develops. Sore throat often appears.

Harm of gastroscopy

Gastroscopy can only harm those people who resist, are overly nervous and behave inappropriately. In such a situation, the risk of complications and mechanical damage increases sharply. The procedure will also be dangerous if you do not inform the doctor about allergies, intolerance to substances, concomitant diseases, diabetes, for people with blood clotting disorders, with hemophilia, especially if it becomes necessary to remove polyps or take a biopsy. In other cases, the procedure is considered absolutely harmless.

Post-procedure care

You must not eat or drink water for an hour after the procedure. If a biopsy has been performed, you may only eat warm food for 24 hours. Both hot and cold foods can cause complications. Also, food should be soft, preferably pureed. During the week you need to stick to a light diet. Food should only be boiled or steamed, without spices, fatty or fried foods.

Regular examinations help a person prevent or detect many pathologies in time. Without modern technology specialists cannot correctly diagnose and prescribe appropriate treatment. Medicine develops every year: the 21st century has become a period when therapy brings positive results even in the most dire situations.

From this article you will learn about diagnostics that are intended for the fairer sex. It's called a gynecological ultrasound. On what day of the cycle to do it depends on the situation. Let's consider all cases.

Purpose of the examination

Gynecological examination is necessary for women at least once a year. If there are any complaints, the doctor may prescribe an additional examination. The following symptoms will be the reason for diagnosis:

  • prolonged menstruation or breakthrough bleeding in the middle of the cycle;
  • pain in the lower segment of the peritoneum, general malaise and weakness;
  • discharge from unpleasant smell and unusual consistency;
  • delayed menstruation in the absence of pregnancy;
  • suspicion of pathologies such as endometritis, endometriosis, salpingitis, etc.
  • the presence of neoplasms in the pelvis: fibroids, ovarian cysts and endocervix.

Ultrasound diagnostics are also performed for women receiving therapy. In this case, it helps to study the effectiveness of the selected treatment. Doctors often prescribe complex studies, which, in addition to ultrasound, include a lot of laboratory diagnostics.

Free examination

In recent years, almost all representatives of the fairer sex are aware of where ultrasounds are performed. The research can be carried out both in the state and in private clinic. In order for the diagnosis to be free, you must receive a prescription from a doctor. To do this, contact your doctor and tell us about your disturbing symptoms. If you have a passport and insurance policy, you will undergo an ultrasound x-ray. In this case, the client will not have to pay.

Some representatives of the fairer sex still prefer to go to private clinics. This makes a certain sense, for example, if an ultrasound is performed in a government institution, then there is always a queue for the procedure. Many have to wait for weeks. But untimely manipulation can show, accordingly, an incorrect result. It will all end with the diagnosis being incorrect and therapy being useless. That is why it is important for every woman to know when a gynecological ultrasound is performed (on what day of the cycle). You can find out later in the article.

Paid research

If you wish or your doctor recommends, you can visit the ultrasound medical center. In such institutions you do not have to wait at all. Experienced specialists will quickly diagnose and give you the result. In addition, some paid clinics have the latest equipment that helps to accurately examine all parts of the pelvis.

The most popular clinics are “Medicine 21st Century”, “Ultramed”, “City-Lab”, “Invitro”, “Zdravitsa” and so on. They employ only experienced and qualified specialists. They will help you correctly calculate the day of the examination. After all, a lot depends on the individual situation. Most patients are interested in how much such a gynecological ultrasound costs? The price can vary from 500 to 3000 rubles. It will be announced to you before the examination. If there is a need for additional manipulations, the cost may be higher.

How is an ultrasound performed?

All studies are divided into two types: vaginal and transabdominal. This or that method is selected in accordance with the individual characteristics of the patient. The potential capabilities of the device and the qualifications of the doctor also play a role.

Vaginal diagnostics

This method is used most often. It uses an oblong device called a sensor. It is covered with a special condom and lubricated with gel. After this, the sensor is inserted into the vagina and transmits the image to the screen. Using this device, many pathologies can be reliably identified. The duration of the study ranges from 5 to 20 minutes. Before the manipulation, the woman needs to cleanse the intestines and urinate.

Transabdominal examination

How is an ultrasound done through the abdominal wall? To carry out such an examination, it is necessary to first fill the bladder. Thus, the reproductive organ will be in the most favorable position for diagnosis. Before the procedure, the specialist applies bottom part abdomen gel, and then uses a sensor to determine the state of the organs on the screen. This type of study is prescribed to girls who do not have sex life, - virgins. The manipulation is also carried out for expectant mothers and if vaginal examination is not possible.

Gynecological ultrasound: on what day of the cycle?

Many experts advise diagnosis immediately after the end of menstruation. However, similar recommendations cannot be made for all patients. Some women are still advised to wait until the middle of the cycle or its end. The duration of bleeding also plays an important role. Standard ultrasound recommendations are to conduct the study from the 5th to the 7th day of the cycle. Let's try to understand each case separately.

Routine examination

If you are scheduled for a gynecological ultrasound, on what day of your cycle is it best to visit a doctor? In this situation, the standard method works. It is better to carry out diagnosis immediately after the end of menstruation. However, it is worth paying attention to the duration of the cycle.

  • With an average length of the period (28 days), the study conducted on the 7th day will be the most informative. At this time, the growth of new follicles has not yet begun, and the endometrium has a minimum thickness.
  • If your cycle is short and is approximately 21 days, then it is better to diagnose on the 3-5th day, because ovulation may already occur on the 7th day. In this case, under the influence of progesterone, the endometrial layer will thicken. The data obtained will not be completely informative and accurate.
  • Some women may have a long cycle. The duration of the period varies from 35 to 40 days. In this case, diagnostics can be carried out a little later. Dates from 7 to 20 days are considered normal.

Ovulation tracking

If you need to track a follicle rupture, it is recommended to visit an ultrasound medical center several times per cycle. This procedure is called folliculometry. The doctor will correctly calculate the days of the examination. Usually it is performed 5-6 days before expected ovulation, and then based on the results of the examination. Here are some roughly calculated days:

  • with a normal cycle: 10, 12 and 14 days after the start of menstruation;
  • V short period: 5, 7 and 10th days from menstruation;
  • a long cycle involves diagnosis on the 16th, 18th and 22nd day.

Depending on the results obtained, the specialist may shift the timing of the examination in one direction or another.

Establishing pregnancy

If a woman suspects that she is pregnant and wants to establish this fact using an ultrasound, then the timing of the diagnosis will be different. The manipulation can show the correct result only two weeks after the delay. In a short cycle it will be the 35th day, in a normal cycle it will be the 42nd day, and in a long cycle it will be the 49th day.

Some modern devices are able to detect the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity as early as 3 weeks after conception (7 days delay). However, they are more common in private clinics than in public medical centers.

Ultrasound during menstruation

Can it be done during bleeding? If the discharge is recognized as menstruation, then such a diagnosis does not make sense. At the time of the procedure, the reproductive organ will be filled with blood. It is not possible to see any neoplasms or pathologies.

When bleeding is in no way related to menstruation, it is permissible to do an ultrasound. With the help of such an examination, it will be possible to reliably determine the source of the discharge and its cause.

How to decipher indicators?

After you have passed the decryption of the data is carried out by a gynecologist. Please note that the physician performing the procedure cannot diagnose you. He only issues a conclusion. After this, you need to re-visit your gynecologist and get a final verdict. Norms of indicators may vary depending on the day of the cycle. Let's consider what numbers and values ​​women undergoing examination on the recommendation of a doctor at the beginning of the cycle should see. The following indicators are normal:

  • reproductive organ size 50-54-35 millimeters, where length, width and thickness are indicated;
  • echogenicity should be homogeneous, and the contours should be clear and even;
  • the thickness of the mucous membrane (endometrium) depends on the day menstrual cycle;
  • The ovaries before the follicles mature have a size of 37-20-26, while the right one is always larger in diameter.

The size of the fallopian tubes is usually not determined, since normally they are simply not visible. In some cases, a specialist can indicate the length and condition of the internal os (closed).

Any deviations from the specified values ​​can be either normal or pathological. Typically, the ultrasound protocol always indicates acceptable values ​​for a specific day of the cycle.

A little conclusion

From this article you can learn about the features of gynecological ultrasound. The readings should only be deciphered by a doctor. Please remember that the findings do not constitute a diagnosis. The specialist only describes what he sees on his monitor. Further actions are taken by the treating gynecologist. You may have to take additional tests or undergo research to clarify the picture.

To obtain the most accurate data using ultrasound, it is necessary to conduct the study on certain days. If you need to assess the condition of the uterus, then it is advisable to choose the first half of the cycle, since in the second part the endometrial layer can hide minor defects and neoplasms. Contact your doctor and find out more information about this. All the best!

Ultrasound examination in obstetrics and gynecology is one of the most informative and safe methods examination of the internal genital organs. For him, as for many types of examination, a certain kind of preparation is important. Therefore, it is important to understand how to correctly and at what period it is better to do an ultrasound to identify problems in the functioning of the female genital organs.

Transabdominal examination

Diagnostic methods

It is possible to obtain reliable information about the condition and anatomy of the internal genital organs thanks to high-frequency ultrasonic waves. Using ultrasound, you can evaluate the organs being examined in real time and check the blood flow in the vessels. The duration of the procedure is short.

Examination of the pelvic organs using ultrasound allows you to evaluate the structure and condition of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. This study is carried out for fibroids, cysts, inflammatory diseases and other pathologies of the pelvic organs. Ultrasound is performed in three ways:

  • Transvaginal examination. An ultrasound scan through the vagina will help diagnose the presence of genital pathology as accurately as possible. Thanks to the introduction of a special sensor into the vagina, clear visualization of all parts of the examined area is ensured. Transvaginal examination allows for a procedure such as folliculometry, which is a method of performing ultrasound of the ovaries in women. It becomes possible to assess the degree of maturation of follicles in the ovaries. Considering physiological characteristics the functioning of the female reproductive system, be sure to discuss with your doctor on what day the procedure should be performed. In order to diagnose infertility, using the transvaginal method it is possible to assess the patency of the fallopian or, as they are also called, fallopian tubes.
  • Transabdominal examination is carried out by guiding the sensor along the surface of the anterior abdominal wall, that is, non-invasively, without penetration of the sensor into the patient’s body. With this method, ultrasound is allowed during menstruation.
  • Transrectal examination, which is an alternative to transvaginal examination, can be performed on virgins by inserting a probe into the rectum.

Methods of gynecological ultrasound examination

Indications for testing

Gynecological examination in for preventive purposes It is recommended to carry out at least once a year for all women. Frequency of examination if available chronic diseases, such as fibroids or cysts, may be enlarged. Also, the gynecologist may prescribe an unscheduled and sometimes emergency examination if the patient has the following symptoms:

  • Painful menstruation;
  • Delayed or absent menstruation (amenorrhea);
  • Irregularity of menstruation (cycle failure when there are less than 20 and more than 35 days between menstruation);
  • Sudden spotting or bleeding between periods;
  • Pain during sexual intercourse;
  • Suspicious vaginal discharge;
  • Atypical enlargement of the uterus, which is detected when examining the uterus in speculum or two-handed examination;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Infertility.

Optimal timing

If you delve into the physiological characteristics of the female body, you can figure out on your own what day of the menstrual cycle to do a gynecological ultrasound. The favorable time for an ultrasound is the first 3-5 days after menstruation, counting from the very first day of the onset of menstruation. However, it is not recommended to conduct the study later than 8-10 days of the menstrual cycle. The appointment of gynecological ultrasound exclusively in the first phase of the menstrual cycle is not accidental.

This is due to the fact that it is during this period of time that the mucous membrane of the uterus, the so-called endometrium, has a minimum density. And with a reduced endometrial layer, pathologies of the uterine cavity such as fibroids, hyperplasia, cysts and polyps are quite easily visualized. Therefore, only a qualified specialist can correctly set the date for an ultrasound.

In the second phase of the menstrual cycle, a significant thickening of the endometrium occurs, therefore, the smallest pathologies may be hidden in its layers, which will go unnoticed in a given time period.

It is noteworthy that during the period from the middle and in the second phases of the menstrual cycle, small cysts with a diameter of about 2 cm can alternately form in the ovaries. As a rule, this is either a follicle that should ovulate in the near future, or a kind of cyst corpus luteum, which forms at the site of a burst follicle and can last up to two weeks. Both formations are physiological structures characteristic of the female body. Therefore, when performing an ultrasound in this phase, it can be difficult for gynecologists to determine exactly what structure these formations have.

The indication for an ultrasound before menstruation is the diagnosis of the formation and development of the follicle to ascertain the completed phase of ovulation. Usually this procedure carried out for the examination and treatment of women with infertility or in preparation for in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Ultrasound of the uterus and appendages, as well as the fallopian tubes, must be performed at the above times, namely, on days 6-8 of the menstrual cycle. But there are circumstances in which the doctor needs to assess the functionality of the ovaries, namely the development of the follicle and the subsequent formation of the corpus luteum. In such cases, the question arises when is it better to do an ultrasound of the ovaries. It should be noted that this examination must be carried out several times throughout the menstrual cycle, for example, the first time on days 8-11 of the cycle, the second time on days 15-18, and the third time on days 23-25.

If a patient who consults a gynecologist complains of pain in the lower third of the abdomen, purulent discharge or excessively heavy menstruation, then on what day of the cycle an ultrasound is performed is not significant. If menstruation is delayed, the procedure is carried out upon request to exclude serious pathological processes.

Ultrasound diagnostic device

Ultrasound during menstruation

Before going to the doctor, many patients wonder whether it is possible to do an ultrasound during menstruation? The answer to this question is quite ambiguous. It is not recommended to carry out a routine examination in the presence of bloody discharge, as this can create additional discomfort and pain for the woman, and existing blood in the uterus can significantly complicate the examination, interfering with the review, and making the procedure insufficiently informative. In general, this is not a contraindication and an ultrasound can be done during menstruation, for example, in case of emergency.

Common diseases

As a result of the study, many diseases can be identified, for example:

  1. Uterine fibroids are a neoplasm in muscle layer benign uterus. The use of ultrasound for fibroids is a mandatory diagnostic method. For of this disease Characteristic symptoms that depend on the size of the tumor and its location: periodic It's a dull pain lower abdomen, prolonged menstruation and uterine bleeding in the middle of the cycle. On the monitor, in the presence of fibroids, an increase in the volume of the uterus and the formation of a myomatous nodule are noted. Ultrasound of uterine fibroids can detect even small nodes, up to 1 cm in diameter.
  2. Endometriotic polyps are uneven growth of the inner mucous membrane of the uterus. This disease is most often asymptomatic and the main study in this case is ultrasound. Sometimes individual pathological symptoms are observed in the form of infertility or spotting in the middle of the menstrual cycle.
  3. Endometriosis – pathological process proliferation of the internal mucous membrane of the uterine body, lining its cavity (endometrium). The disease is characterized by extremely painful periods, an unpleasant odor of vaginal discharge and the occurrence of bleeding in the middle of the cycle. Ultrasound examination for endometriosis, unlike ultrasound of uterine fibroids, is not a reliable method of examination, but helps to prescribe additional diagnostic measures to make a diagnosis.
  4. Ovarian cysts are round formations filled with fluid and located in the ovarian cavity. Common symptoms include menstrual irregularities, pain in the lower abdomen, and infertility. If you have this disease, you can do an ultrasound even during menstruation.

Preparing for the study

Despite the fact that the patient can undergo examination at her own request, it is still worth first consulting with a doctor on which day of the cycle is best to do an ultrasound.

Before the procedure, you should empty your bladder, undress to the waist and lie down on the couch. Before a transvaginal examination, the doctor puts a special attachment on the transvaginal sensor and treats it with a gel that improves the passage of ultrasound waves. There is no discomfort when inserting the sensor.

Thanks to ultrasound, the level of diagnosis gynecological diseases has improved significantly, and the number of accurate and timely diagnoses has increased. Only the treating gynecologist can say with confidence on what day it is worth doing an ultrasound of the uterus. Following the recommendations for performing ultrasound gynecological examination Taking into account the menstrual cycle, the doctor will be able to correctly and accurately diagnose and begin timely treatment.

2010-04-11 14:15:41

Alina asks:

I'm 18 days late. I took 4 tests - all negative. There is no nausea, only a constant pull in the lower abdomen and a frequent urge to urinate. Is there a chance that I am pregnant? When can you do an ultrasound?


Hello Alina!
Pregnancy is unlikely, test results indicate this, rather symptoms which you mention indicate the presence of an inflammatory process. You need to immediately visit a gynecologist who will make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment; an ultrasound will also not be superfluous. You can learn about the most common reasons for delayed periods from the feature article on our portal Delayed periods. An accessible guide to action. Do not delay your visit to a specialist and take care of your health!

2012-11-16 17:52:52

Olya asks:

25 days ago the right tube and foul were removed. left ovarian cyst. I did an ultrasound, which showed an enlarged uterus 55*48*52 mm, endometrium 9 mm with an area of ​​increased echogenicity 11*5 mm in color flow mode with blood flow from the posterior wall, on the anterior wall of the uterus there is a p/o scar with linear (hyperechoic-?) inclusions, menstruation still no. There was a cesarean section in 2006 - what kind of inclusions on the scar? On the left, the ovary is 33 * 22 * ​​24 with calcifications in the stroma (the ultrasound specialist says that this has not yet gone away after the operation - and there is no need to worry), on the right 49 * 30 * 33 mm with homogeneous liquid contents d25*21 mm. Seal: falc. formation in the right ovary and signs of an endometrial polyp. Questions - 1) when can you do hysteroscopy (after what period of time after the operation)?, 2) do you need to take hormonal drugs? (there were no prescriptions after the operation). 3) An enlarged uterus is normal ?sometimes I feel a quick shooting pain in the area of ​​the uterus - is this due to a polyp? I had blood and urine tests done and the gynecologist said everything was normal, only hemoglobin needs to be increased (and she said that ESR was also increased after surgery. This is normal.)

Answers Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

Hysteroscopy is best performed in the middle of the MC; the polyp must be removed. Along the course of the scar, there may be endometriosis, hyteroscopy will confirm or refute the guesses. After hysteroscopy, it is necessary to take medications for therapeutic purposes. Based on the measurements you wrote, the size of the uterus is normal. After menstruation, ultrasound monitoring is necessary.

2012-05-17 08:57:12

Elena asks:

Good afternoon I often have teachings in my stomach, most often in the morning. I used to suffer from constipation, and in recent months I have had mushy stools in the mornings (only once a day). It starts to rumble especially when I'm nervous. I did an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity - everything was normal, indirect signs gastrodoudenitis. Tell me what to do? How can you get rid of this?

Answers Lukashevich Ilona Viktorovna:

Dear Elena, first of all, it is necessary to exclude an organic disease of the colon; to do this, you must first appear for a face-to-face consultation with a proctologist with a mandatory examination of the rectum, then, on the recommendation of the proctologist, perform one of the studies of the colon - colonoscopy or irrigography, if problems with the colon are excluded The proctologist will prescribe the treatment for irritable bowel syndrome.

2012-05-09 07:56:30

Yanina asks:

Hello, Doctor! I am 40 years old. In 1988 (at the age of 17) splenectomy for hereditary microspherocytosis (Minkovsky-Choffar diagnosis. Now the immunologist diagnoses a violation of the TT-/TT+ ratio (increased) and lowered Erok-Tert-x, indicators of the phagocytosis system are at the lower limit VIS with insufficiency of the T-cell and phagocytic link. Thyroid hormones are normal, nodes in the thyroid gland (3 nodes, one up to 3 cm), thyroid cytology is normal, conclusion: nodular goiter, observation: chronic pharyngotonsillitis, outside of exacerbation, infection with Epstein-Barr virus. In the smear (from the oral cavity) - Staphylococcus aureus-5+10 5. Cytology of HPV with dyskeratosis. flora - scant, diplococci. In anal blood from 09.11.11 - eosinophilic cationic protein -7. (0.00-24.00) Antibodies to the EBV virus IgM-not detected., antibodies to the EBV virus IgG-positive-187 (0.00-15.99) Was treated by an ENT specialist, took the Reaferon-ES-Lipint regimen, gargled with an antibiotic, Lysobakt, UFO throat tube, Staphyloc bacteriophage. It seems to have gotten better. After 2 weeks it all started again, I didn’t seem to have caught a cold anywhere, I didn’t drink anything cold. Doctor, my immunity is probably reduced due to the fact that I don’t have a spleen. Ultrasound - thyroid nodes, biopsy of nodes - colloid, nodular goiter, euthyroidism. Ultrasound of the neck lymph nodes - reactive lymphadenopathy. On March 19, 2012, I took an immunogram: total count. leukocytes - 8.8, er. - 4.6, HB - 133%, color. 28, lymphocytes -40 (19-37), abs indicator -3.52 (1.2-3.0), T-lymphocytes (E-ROK) -58 (55-70) abs. pok. 2.04 (1.34-470), theophylline test control -58, theophylline-resistant T cells-55 (50-70), theophylline sensitive T cells-3 (8-17), Tt-/Tt+ ratio - 18.3(3-5), Tertostab. E-ROK (30 in 1) - 34 (23-43) abs showing - 1.19 (048-1.04), Erok early (active) - 48 (45-50) abs showing. 1.68 (1.09-1.22). T-active. sensory cells 1 dose-57. B-lymphocytes (Em-ROK)11 (8-13) abs. show 0.38 (0.19-0.32). Q-cells-31 (16-40) abs. pok. 1.09 (0.39-0.97). PHAGOCYTOSIS: phagoc. neutrophil activity (BER) percentage of phagocytosis - 42% (41-62), phagocyte number - 0.84% ​​(0.82-1.12), phagocytic index - 2.0 (1.52-1.96). HUMORAL IMMUNITY: level of immunoglobulins (g/l) G-15.28 (12-16), A-2.12 (2.0-2.8), M-1.16 (1.0-1.6) . soe-7 (2-15), ERIT-4.32 (3.90-4.70), hemoglobin-129 (120-140), hematocrit-35.1 (36.0-42.0), avg. erythrocyte volume - 81.3 (80-100), color. indicator - 29.9 (27-33), average concentration of NV in erythrocytes - 368 (300-380), platelets - 395 (180-320), anisocytosis marker (fL) - 36.9 (37-54), anisocytosis marker in % -12.9 911.5-14.5), platelet size distribution (fL) -12.9 (9-17), average platelet volume -10.9 (9-13) thrombocrit -0, 43 (0.17-0.35), neutrophils - 56.3 (48-78), lymphocytes - 34.7 (19-37), monocytes - 8.0 (3-11), eosinophils - 0.4 ( 1.0-5.0), basophils-0.6(0.0-1.0) General blood test dated November 3, 2012 (manual counting): basophils-1 (0-1), eosinophils -2 (1 -5), myelocytes-0 (0-0), young-0 (0-0), band-2(1-6), segmented-49 (47-72), lymphocytes -40 (19-37), monocytes -5, anisocytosis+(3-11). I read on the Internet that after splenectomy vaccination is necessary in order not to get sepsis, pneumonia... What vaccine should I get, when can it be done? What is my immunogram? Thank you

Answers Medical consultant of the website portal:

Good afternoon, Yanina. Your general blood counts are normal, the last immunogram shows an increase in Tt-/Tt+- and the phagocytic index is slightly higher than the norm you indicated. So, of course, there are problems with immunity, there are probably some autoimmune processes, and nodes in the thyroid gland are also associated with this. The majority of the world's population is infected with the EBV virus and is its carrier. In itself, carriage of these viruses is not dangerous, does not cause harm, and does not require treatment. Treatment may only be required if activated. Personally, I don’t see any particular reason for vaccination. Of course, you can be vaccinated annually against the flu, vaccinated with the staphylococcal vaccine, against childhood infections, if you have not had them before, if you want. But a specific, substantive conversation needs to be had in person with your doctor. Be healthy!

2009-10-15 20:45:53

Evenia asks:

Hello!!! My husband and I are planning a second child. The first one is 10 years old. I measure BT throughout the cycle. Your period started on 09/12/09 Judging by the BT, then ovulation was at 15 DC... Today it’s already 19 DPO (4 days late), the tests are negative (or show very weak stripes, but not all and not always), the BT remains at 37- 37.1 degrees. We don’t do hCG. Is pregnancy possible with negative tests and when can an ultrasound be done (but not vaginally)? Thanks in advance for your answer. I really need him...

Answers Bystrov Leonid Alexandrovich:

Hello, Evgenia! It is in such doubtful cases that a vaginal ultrasound is necessary; it is performed after 21 days, after ovulation. With an abdominal ultrasound, pregnancy can be determined at a later date.

2008-07-10 23:02:17

Ksenia asks:

Good afternoon, I am concerned about a question about a cyst. On July 4, I went to the doctor, and during an ultrasound, she said that I had a small cyst. But I didn’t ask her anything, and she didn’t say anything about the cyst, since I was with her about a completely different issue. Now this question worries me, what if it increases? Tell me, when can I go for an ultrasound again to check if everything is okay? And in general, how often can you do an ultrasound with a transvaginal sensor? Thank you.

2016-08-19 09:56:51

Alena asks:

Good afternoon! In 3 weeks I’m 29L, I treated about gastritis 4 years ago, and lost 2 kg with the diet. Approximately the weight from that time is 50.5-51 kg. In April I was on sick leave, general tests were bad, the therapist prescribed an ultrasound of the obstructive kidney, at the first ultrasound they said that there were strong salt deposits on the right kidney and a lazy gallbladder. The therapist prescribed Canephron, drank 2 t. 3 r. in a day. 30 days. The pain seems to have gone away a little. Then I did a repeat ultrasound on 9/06:
gall - thick bile, size 6.0 * 2.1, constrictions in the bile region;
kidneys: right - 9.4*4.0, left 10.3*4.2, the structure of the renal sinus is not homogeneous due to linear echoes.. (some kind of) inclusions. In words, the ultrasound specialist said that she did not see any strong deposits and that there was something like sand in the urine bladder, she said that the sand came out well.
The same therapist prescribed Allochol and blind probing. I drank it for 40 days, but the pain did not go away.
I also went for an ultrasound of the bile duct, 31/07, and at the same time did a thyroid test:
gall - 6.7*2.2, no stones, level is stagnant. bile., according to the thyroid gland. V = 19.2, they said 1st degree.
On the 15/08 night I couldn’t sleep because of the pain in my right side, it was radiating to my leg and back a little higher, at work they called an ambulance, took me to the hospital, went to see a surgeon, did an ultrasound of the kidney, he said that there was prolapse of the right kidney, he corrected it with his fingers.
He did an ultrasound very quickly and said nothing about other organs. She showed me the previous result and said that this happens when I eat something. He told me to take a urine test every 10 days and monitor the results. He prescribed Nokamen, Noshpa and Konephron 1t each. 3p, course for 30 days.
General urine analysis:
UBG Normal 3.4/umol/L
CRE 8.8 mmol/L
MALB 30 mg/L
Leu Neg
SG 1.020
pH 6.0.
VC 0 mmol/L
A:C 3.4 mg/mmol
I also donated general blood, but I won’t write about it, my sister seemed to say that everything was fine there.
Help me understand the results. Is everything okay? Do I need to take the Nechiporenko test separately or is that enough? Is it worth taking this course? The laboratory offers to undergo the following tests: urea, creatinine, uric acid and total protein - is it possible to take it when I take the total urine test on day 10, if I am already taking the tablets listed above. I also take additionally (I asked for advice at the pharmacy) pancreatin and sedafit, since my sleep has been poor for a long time.
While standing there, no one did an ultrasound on me, and neither did the surgeon, it seemed like he wanted to get rid of it faster because they didn’t bring me to my place of residence. He didn’t say the level or how much it was lowered. I feel this kidney like a round lump, sometimes about 1 cm under the ribs. He also said that if the results do not improve, then surgery to fix the kidney. He told me to wear a bandage, but I bought a regular one, like a tight elastic bandage. It is wide over the entire abdominal cavity, as it was in the way, I folded it almost in half and have been wearing it for the second day at the level of the kidneys (the width from the bottom of the ribs and below the navel is 2 fingers), but it causes a lot of discomfort, should it be like this? Presses on the stomach, Should it be so tight? If I order a kidney one (I later saw on the Internet that they are available separately), will it be better, and do they provide any benefit at all in my case.
I ask you to help with further actions, which doctor to go to and when, when will it be possible to do an ultrasound again, to be honest, I’m already tired of them, and financially too. I’m also not in the mood for surgery, is it necessary?
And one more thing: can this enlargement of the thyroid gland affect the kidneys?

Answers Zhosan Dmitry Alexandrovich:

Hello. Blood for urea, creatinine, uric acid and total protein can be taken along with general analysis urine. In order to resolve the issue regarding surgical intervention An x-ray examination of the kidneys (kidney CT) is required. Regarding the removal of salts from the kidneys, I recommend undergoing a study on the transport of salts in the body. An enlarged thyroid gland can affect your hormonal background, so first I recommend undergoing a laboratory test for thyroid hormones.

2016-01-12 03:47:41

Irina asks:

Good afternoon. My husband and I are planning a second child, but I have an IUD, I went to the gynecologist for an examination, the smear showed 25-27 epithelium in the cervix, 17-19 leukocytes in the cervix, mixed flora. The smear was taken when there were already signs of menstruation inside. Pelvic ultrasound: on the right ovary there is a corpus luteum cyst size 29*17, the left one is normal size 28*24, the structure is homogeneous, the size of the cervix length is 30mm, anteroposterior 34mm, the ultrasound shows 2 sizes of the uterus length 46mm, anteroposterior 40mm , width 46mm. I have a dull pain, not constant, either in the right or left side, what could this be and is pregnancy possible??? Menstruation always deviates from the cycle 1-2 days earlier. The doctor said that this is a mild inflammation, the spiral is not removed yet, only after treatment, she prescribed Terzhinan suppositories. And please tell me whether it is possible to do a pelvic ultrasound immediately after treatment with suppositories

Answers Palyga Igor Evgenievich:

Hello Irina! Due to leukocytosis in the smear, you were prescribed terzhinan as a sanitation. After treatment, you should retake the smear and normal indicators The IUD can be removed. After this, you can plan your pregnancy. I still don’t see any point in going through an ultrasound scan of the pelvic organs again.

2015-11-29 20:29:14

Olga asks:

Hello, I am 38 years old, 3 pregnancies, the first two ended in natural birth (09/12/2005 and 10/29/2012).
On September 25, 2015, a frozen pregnancy was curetted at 9.5 weeks (the embryo was 7-8 weeks old), a blood clot remained in the uterus, and menstruation did not come a month later. But on October 31, my stomach and ovaries began to feel tight, like before my period, and on the same day I became very cold while walking with my child. The next day (November 1), pain in the ovary began, which intensified on November 2 to such an extent that I almost lost consciousness. I went to the gynecology department in an ambulance, they saw fluid in the abdominal cavity on an ultrasound, they did a puncture, discovered that there was blood, and they did abdominal surgery. It turned out that the right ovary had ruptured; it was repaired. The doctor said that inflammatory process, adhesions, the pipes were swollen and covered with plaque. She also said that it looked like the blood in the abdominal cavity was menstrual. On the 3rd they did an ultrasound, there was nothing in the uterus, there was no fluid in the abdominal cavity, there were adhesions near the left ovary, and near the right ovary the adhesions were cut during the operation. After an intravaginal ultrasound (11/03/15), there was slight discharge, they said it was menstruation. I did an ultrasound on November 20: in the right ovary there is a dominant follicle of 16 mm, M-echo 0.41, in the conclusion “Signs of endocrine insufficiency (thin M-echo)” There are no menstruation on the current day. It is recommended to take Langinet-30 from the first day of menstruation
1. What to do if you don’t have your period? When to start sounding the alarm.
2. After the operation, my stomach has sagged, when can I actively start putting it in order? Press pump, etc.? For now, I limit myself to drawing in my stomach and keeping it in this state. After the operation I can hardly feel my stomach from the navel to the scar.
3. What does “Signs of endocrine insufficiency (thin M-echo)” mean and what can be done about it?
4. You are planning another pregnancy in six months, do you need to check your tubes before that?

Answers Palyga Igor Evgenievich:

Hello Olga! If the thickness of the endometrium is 4 mm, menstruation cannot begin, so you need to take the progesterone drug duphaston, for example, 1 tablet 2 times a day for 10 days. Then wait up to 5 days and your period should start. If they do not start, then you should additionally inject a 2.5% progesterone solution, 1 amp. per day for 5 days. From the first day of your period you can start taking COCs. You can start working with the abdomen no earlier than a month after surgery, provided that the suture has completely healed. Before planning your next pregnancy, you should check the patency of the fallopian tubes. After the strip operation, you should have been prescribed enzyme preparation(dystreptase or longidase) to prevent the formation of new adhesions.

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