
At what age are smears taken from girls? Special examination of girls and adolescents by a gynecologist

I am undergoing a scheduled (by year of birth) medical examination. One of the doctors I was referred to was a gynecologist (for cytology). I have NEVER been sexually active. Do I need this inspection?

And if so, do I need a mirror (it says you need to buy it for examination) if I’m a virgin?

TatyanaRussian Federation, St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg

Dear Tatyana!

A gynecologist examines girls who have never had sexual intercourse before, somewhat differently from women who are already sexually active. It's about about digital-rectal examination of the pelvic organs on a gynecological chair. It is carried out with the consent of the patient if there are any complaints. If patients undergoing a medical examination do not have questions for the doctor, the examination may not be carried out. A visit to a gynecologist may be limited to a conversation and filling out your medical card. The gynecologist will ask questions about the date of the last menstruation, stability menstrual cycles and the nature of menstruation. This information helps you map your women's health.

Federal law No. 323-FZ dated November 21, 2011 (as amended on April 26, 2016) gives you the right to refuse any medical intervention, including examination in a gynecological chair, if you do not want this. But, essentially, you have nothing to fear. Even if the doctor’s consultation plan includes a digital-rectal examination, this is a fairly quick and painless, although unpleasant, procedure. You don't need a mirror for this. This device is intended for vaginal examination when it is also necessary to gain access to the cervical os.

However, if you need to take a cytological smear for medical examination, you will still have to purchase a gynecological kit at the pharmacy, because it includes a special spoon for collecting a smear, a disposable napkin that can be laid on the gynecological chair, and disposable gloves for the doctor.

Examination of virgins on a gynecological chair

Your gynecologist may ask you to lie on a gynecological chair to examine the development of the external genitalia. The abdomen is also palpable. If the examination involves a digital-rectal examination, then the gynecologist, wearing disposable rubber gloves, will insert a finger into the anus, and with the other hand will simultaneously press on the stomach. Thus, the specialist will be able to feel the pelvic organs and understand whether their location and size are appropriate accepted standards.

The procedure for taking a smear from virgins

Take cytological smear from the vagina in virgins is carried out in the same way as in women who are sexually active. However, in this case, a speculum is not used. A device for collecting secretions is inserted into the vagina through holes in the hymen.

This may sound scary to you, but in reality it is a completely painless procedure. If indicated, cultures from the rectum or urethra may also be examined. A smear is taken for analysis even from the youngest girls. The gynecologist's manipulations are absolutely safe for you, because damage to the hymen is excluded.

Such a study will enable the gynecologist to exclude or detect inflammatory processes in you, draw conclusions about the composition of the vaginal microflora, and also provide information about the presence or absence of diseases such as thrush or gardnerellosis. The development of these diseases occurs due to the active reproduction of opportunistic organisms that live in the body of any woman, including virgins.

Best regards, Ksenia.

Useful advice?


Features of taking a gynecological smear from virgins

Do they take a smear from virgins or is it not necessary for them to visit a gynecologist and get tested? The question is quite interesting and painful. With women who are sexually active, everything is clear. They may have certain infections, and questions about contraception or pregnancy planning arise. However, even those who have never been sexually active sometimes have to visit the main female doctor.

A swab is taken from the “girls” during medical examination. Usually these are 2 smears - one for flora (cleanliness from the vagina), and the second for atypical cells from the cervix. Doctors are arguing about the need to take these two tests.

Why take a smear for flora if a woman has no complaints? And why study cellular composition her cervix, if she cannot have an oncogenic type of HPV (human papillomavirus), because it is transmitted only through sexual contact. And the cause of cervical cancer was identified several years ago as HPV. Doctors generally do not like to conduct gynecological examinations of virgins through the vagina. And most of them do not have the tools suitable for this:

  • children's sterile gynecological speculums;
  • urethroscope (for vaginoscopy, that is, optical examination of the vaginal walls; in general, a urethroscope is used to examine the urethra, but its diameter is ideal for vaginal examination in the presence of a hymen).

The use of these gynecological instruments allows the patient to essentially retain her virginity (hymen). Some doctors use nasal speculums to take smears from the cervix, if children's gynecological speculums (lifts) are not available - these are devices manipulated by ENT doctors to examine the nasal passages.

The fact is that getting to the cervix without some dilation of the vagina is difficult. And when dilated, the doctor can see the cervix himself, examine it, diagnose ectopia (erosion) and take a smear from the area suspicious for atypia - the so-called transformation zone. Carefully inserting a speculum into the vagina and taking a smear-imprint from there will not lead to loss of virginity, because there are even hygienic tampons that can be used by women with an intact hymen.

Are all these gynecological procedures painful? Subjectively. However, when examining and taking scrapings from virgins, gynecologists abroad often use local anesthesia - lidocaine spray, or even do a short-term general anesthesia. But it’s easy to do without this if the doctor has the necessary tools and an experienced and careful gynecologist at hand.

What are the reasons to study the superficial cells of the cervix in women who are not sexually active? These usually include the need to prescribe oral contraceptives(hormonal birth control pills). After all, these drugs not only protect against unwanted pregnancy, but are also used to reduce menstrual blood loss, and with other medical purposes. But if you have cervical cancer, you should absolutely not take them. A doctor can only say with certainty about a patient’s gynecological health if she conducts an examination on the chair and takes tests from her.

In this video, the doctor shows future medical trainees various gynecological instruments and explains their purpose.

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How is a smear taken?

Before going to antenatal clinic, it is useful to know how smears are taken from women. The patient is in a gynecological chair. You can purchase a smear kit at the pharmacy in advance, which includes a chair mat, disposable sterile gloves, a gynecological speculum and a probe brush. If you are taking such a test for the first time and you are scared, you can watch a video of how a smear is taken. There is nothing wrong with this, we assure you. The procedure is painless and is carried out in a matter of minutes, while the gynecologist inserts a special gynecological speculum into the vagina and, using a brush, takes material from all possible foci of infection - this is the external opening of the urethra, the vagina and the cervix.

The procedure for taking a smear from a virgin is carried out according to the same principle as for women leading sex life. However, a gynecological speculum is not used, and the doctor carefully takes material for a smear from the vagina through an opening in the hymen. There may be indications when it is necessary to take a smear from the urethra for examination. This procedure for taking a smear from a virgin eliminates damage to the hymen and is absolutely painless. They also take a smear from little girls.

How to take a smear from men

In men, a swab is taken from the urethra bacteriological examination on inflammatory processes in the microflora of the urinary canal. The procedure is painless and the material is taken by a urologist. A man needs to prepare himself for the procedure by:

  1. 6-7 days before the test you should stop using antibiotics or other strong drugs;
  2. 24 hours before taking a smear, avoid alcohol and any products containing it;
  3. Avoid sexual intercourse 12 hours before the procedure;
  4. Do not go to the toilet a couple of hours before the test.

The procedure can only cause pain if there is tissue damage urethra, in the presence of infection or inflammation. The urologist carefully inserts a sterile cotton swab into the man's urethra 2-4 cm deep, carefully rotating it, and removes it.

Examination of spouses

This means an examination for the presence inflammatory processes or infections. When smears are taken from a pair of spouses (sexual partners), the test results may be the same or different. This is not any indicator, since a man and a woman are different organisms with individual immunity indicators. Thus, microorganisms in a woman’s vagina can behave completely differently than in a man’s urethra. That's why clinical picture Each case is considered individually and recommendations for treatment are also different.

Why do they take a smear for flora?

Even if nothing particularly bothers you, at the next examination the gynecologist will certainly take a smear for the flora. This is considered important when examining discharge from the urethra and female genital organs, which is carried out using a microscope. This analysis should be carried out at least once a year for all women who are sexually active.

It is known that ninety-five percent of the natural microflora of the vagina consists of lactobacilli, which produce lactic acid. This - natural factor protection against pathogenic microbes. In case of infection, various inflammatory diseases, pregnancy, when taking medications, the balance between microbes dangerous to health and safe microorganisms is disrupted. A smear helps determine the absence or presence of sexually transmitted infections. This is why a smear on the flora is considered mandatory for all women who seek advice from a gynecologist.

How to take a smear

A smear is taken on a gynecological chair. A gynecological speculum is inserted into the woman's vagina, and material is collected - discharge from suspected sources of infection. This is done using a disposable spatula called a probe. This spatula resembles a plastic stick with a widened end. It is important for the gynecologist to take a smear from three points - the external opening of the urethra, cervix and vagina, distribute the material evenly over a clean slide, assigning special letter designations to smears from different areas.

How to take a smear from a virgin

The technique for performing the procedure is similar in principle. True, it does without the use of a gynecological speculum, and only the urethra can become the sampling point. The procedure is painless and the hymen is not damaged.

What do they do with the smear in the laboratory?

The resulting material from the smear is dried and sent to the laboratory. Laboratory doctors will have to stain the smear with special dyes and examine the smears under a microscope.

Typically, different parts of cells are stained different colors, which helps specialists assess the composition of discharge from the vagina, urethra, and cervix.

If a woman feels pain when taking a smear

A urogenital smear should be completely painless for healthy woman(although absolutely exclude discomfort it is forbidden). If taking a smear is accompanied by pain, this indicates violations that are possible in the case of:

  • inflammatory diseases;
  • sexual infections, etc.

How more pain when taking a smear, the more tissue is damaged.

Do they take a smear from virgins or is it not necessary for them to visit a gynecologist and get tested? The question is quite interesting and painful.

With women who are sexually active, everything is clear. They may have certain infections, and questions about contraception or pregnancy planning arise. However, those who have never been sexually active sometimes have to visit the chief women's doctor.

A swab is taken from the “girls” during medical examination. Usually this 2 strokes- one for flora (cleanliness from the vagina), and the second for atypical cells from the cervix. Doctors are arguing about the need to take these two tests.

Why take a smear for flora if a woman has no complaints? And why study the cellular composition of her cervix if she cannot have an oncogenic type of HPV (human papillomavirus), because it is only transmitted sexually. And the cause of cervical cancer was identified several years ago as HPV. Doctors generally do not like to conduct gynecological examinations of virgins through the vagina. And most of them do not have the tools suitable for this:

  • children's sterile gynecological speculums;
  • urethroscope (for vaginoscopy, that is, optical examination of the vaginal walls; in general, a urethroscope is used to examine the urethra, but its diameter is ideal for vaginal examination in the presence of a hymen).

The use of these gynecological instruments allows the patient to essentially retain her virginity (hymen). Some doctors use nasal speculums to take smears from the cervix, if children's gynecological speculums (lifts) are not available - these are devices manipulated by ENT doctors to examine the nasal passages.

The fact is that getting to the cervix without some dilation of the vagina is difficult. And when dilated, the doctor can see the cervix himself, examine it, diagnose ectopia (erosion) and take a smear from the area suspicious for atypia - the so-called. Carefully inserting a speculum into the vagina and taking a smear-imprint from there will not lead to loss of virginity, because there are even hygienic tampons that can be used by women with an intact hymen.

Are all these gynecological procedures painful? Subjectively. However, abroad, gynecologists often use when examining and taking scrapings from virgins local anesthesia- lidocaine spray or even short-term general anesthesia. But it’s easy to do without this if the doctor has the necessary tools and an experienced and careful gynecologist at hand.

What are the reasons to study the superficial cells of the cervix in women who are not sexually active? These usually include the need to prescribe oral contraceptives (hormonal birth control pills). After all, these drugs not only protect against unwanted pregnancy, but are also used to reduce menstrual blood loss, and for other medical purposes. But if you have cervical cancer, you should absolutely not take them. A doctor can only say with certainty about a patient’s gynecological health if she conducts an examination on the chair and takes tests from her.

In this video, the doctor shows future medical trainees various gynecological instruments and explains their purpose.

Diabetic gangrene, in general, is not identified as a separate type, since it is a complication of another disease - diabetes mellitus. Usually, in people with an impressive history of illness, dry gangrene develops, affecting about 80% of patients.

It is more characteristic of emaciated people, while excessive fullness and swelling of the limbs with trophic ulcers threatens development wet form, which can develop into anaerobic. True, this happens quite rarely and only if (God forbid!) the corresponding flora gets into the wound.

The reason for the development of tissue necrosis in “diabetics” is a violation of microcirculation at the initial stage and the involvement of large vessels subsequently.

Constantly elevated blood sugar levels negatively affect the vascular wall, gradually destroying it. The result of this process is a circulatory disorder, with blood vessels especially affected lower limbs, where the fingers are the first to be involved in the process.

  1. The skin becomes dry, wrinkled, mummifying, they take on a lifeless appearance;
  2. Severe pain in the toes and throughout the foot prevents active movements, reminding of itself not only while walking, but also during calm state;
  3. Chilliness, a feeling of numbness in remote parts of the limb (fingers), loss of sensitivity with the presence of pain, which is explained by the functioning of nerve endings, which can persist even in late stages when the necrotic process began;
  4. The color of the skin at the initial stage is pale, turning into marble, then it becomes brown, in areas of necrosis and decay - black to blue;
  5. It is not possible to determine the pulse in the affected areas.

Of course, I would like to reassure patients with diabetes that they can only face relatively benign dry gangrene, but this would be disingenuous, because in some cases (fortunately rare), severe and rather dangerous wet gangrene can develop.

Gangrene of the lower extremities: legs, feet, fingers, nails is the most common type of gangrene.

Gangrene upper limbs: arms, hands, fingers, nails.

Gangrene internal organs: intestines, lungs, gangrenous cholecystitis, gangrenous appendicitis.

Gangrene of the genital organs: scrotum (Fournier’s gangrene), penis, labia, perineum.

Fetal gangrene – intrauterine death of the fetus; in this case, the fetus can become mummified; occurs in multiple pregnancies and

Gangrene in the facial area: noma - death of the soft tissues of the face, gangrene of the tooth, nose, ear.

Skin gangrene or bedsore - death of the area

without subcutaneous fat.

This is how forms of gangrene are divided depending on the clinical course.

Dry gangrene is the result of a long-term circulatory disorder under aseptic (without infection) conditions. This type of gangrene leads to mummification of the affected area, which over time can become detached from the body (amputated).

Dry gangrene mainly affects the extremities. Often both limbs are affected, symmetrically. In most cases, dry gangrene does not threaten the patient’s life until infection occurs.

Wet gangrene– this is always a threat to the patient’s life, since infection is involved in the process. This type of gangrene occurs in the extremities, genitals, lungs, intestines and other internal organs.

  • Ischemic gangrene;
  • infectious gangrene;
  • anaerobic gas gangrene;
  • toxic gangrene;
  • allergic gangrene;
  • hospital gangrene (developing in a hospital, for example, after surgery).


The ICD is a classification generally accepted throughout the world that allows you to encrypt the diagnosis. This is necessary for statistical calculations, documentation, concealment of the diagnosis at the request of the patient and understanding of the diagnosis by foreign doctors.

  • Gas gangrene – A 48.0;
  • Gangrene associated with atherosclerosis – I 17.2;
  • Gangrene with diabetes mellitus– E 10.5 – E 14.5;
  • Dry or wet gangrene of the extremities – R 02;
  • Intestinal gangrene – K 55.0;
  • Lung gangrene – J 85.0;
  • Tooth gangrene – K 04.1;
  • Gangrene in Raynaud's disease – I 73.0.

Doctors divide gangrene into several types:

  1. When blood flow suddenly stops, followed by tissue death, we can talk about the dry form of the disease. Such symptoms are only possible when purulent infection does not have the ability to penetrate damaged tissue. This means that with the dry form of gangrene, mummification or drying out occurs. Characteristic features of dry gangrene are that the skin changes color to black or becomes dark brown. Also, with the dry form of gangrene, the focus of the disease shrinks and shrinks.
  2. In cases where the blood supply to certain parts of the body is disrupted or pathogenic microflora enters damaged tissues, wet gangrene begins to develop. It is characterized by a rotten odor, the spread of the lesion, and pronounced swelling.
  3. Particularly dangerous is the gas form of the disease, in which the inflammatory process occurs mainly in the muscles or joints. The causative agent of the disease in this case is already anaerobic microorganisms. Feature gas form of gangrene is that signs of inflammation are absent or invisible.

The disease can also be classified according to location. When a specialist makes a diagnosis, it may include the following types of disease:

  • gangrene of the lower extremities, including toes, feet, legs;
  • gangrene of the upper extremities, for example, fingers;
  • gangrene of the skin or facial tissue;
  • gangrene of the nose, ears;
  • gangrene of the lungs;
  • gangrene of the intestines and other organs and parts of the human body.

Gangrene is also distinguished by the degree of damage, distinguishing three main types - superficial, when only the skin is affected, deep, when muscles are affected and connective tissues, total - all systems of the human body are seriously affected, including the circulatory system.

Types of gangrene mainly differ depending on the mechanisms of development clinical manifestations, therefore, it is currently customary to distinguish 2 clinical and morphological forms related to different types necrosis: dry gangrene and wet.

Anaerobic (gas) gangrene is classified as a separate nosological form (as an independent disease). Unlike dry and wet, it is called certain pathogens, has its own clinical picture and extremely serious prognosis.

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of how many years people live with such a pathology. Again, it all depends on the form of the disease, the condition of the patient, the treatment performed and much more that affects the prognosis.

Gangrene - causes, types (dry, wet, gas, etc.), first signs, symptoms and forms, diagnosis, treatment methods

Primary signs of gangrene in diabetes mellitus begin to appear when obliterating atherosclerosis occurs. The disease is characterized by a narrowing vascular system and the appearance of lipid plaques, which becomes the root cause of impaired blood circulation in the body.

This entails an insufficient supply of oxygen compounds to cellular and tissue structures. In the absence of proper treatment for concomitant diseases, gangrene of the lower extremities with diabetes mellitus begins to develop.

The main symptoms of incipient gangrene of the leg in diabetes mellitus include:

  1. The presence of intermittent claudication, the foot is deformed. In this case, the patient begins to feel soreness of the muscle tissue in the calf area, fatigue, and stiffness even with slight walking.
  2. Coldness of the extremities at any time of the year.
  3. The occurrence of convulsive phenomena in the leg.
  4. A feeling of tingling or numbness in the limbs, loss of the ability to feel anything in the toes.
  5. Skin appears waxy, some areas skin turn pale or turn blue or purple.
  6. The appearance of ulcerations, the death of individual areas of the skin, smoothly turning into wounds that are affected by infections.
  7. The appearance of purulent abscesses, leading to an increase in body temperature, gag reflexes, etc.


Usually for

gangrene of the limbs, an experienced doctor only needs to examine the patient. But still, to diagnose the type of gangrene, the reasons for its development, assessment general condition the patient, the presence of complications and to determine the treatment method, additional types of research are required.

affected organ.

Research method Type of gangrene Pathological changes
General blood test Dry gangrene In most cases, there are no pathological changes; the ESR may be slightly accelerated. With atherosclerosis and thrombosis - an increase in the number of platelets (more than 320 G/l)
Wet gangrene
  • Significant increase in leukocytes (more than 9 G/l);
  • acceleration of ESR (more than 20 mm/h);
  • increase in the level of band neutrophils (more than 5%);
  • possible appearance of basophils (1-2%);
  • decrease in the number of lymphocytes (less than 27%);
  • increased platelet level (more than 320 G/l).
Biochemical blood test All types of gangrene
  • Increased blood sugar levels with diabetes mellitus (more than 5.5 mmol/l);
  • promotion cholesterol in atherosclerosis (above 8 mmol/l);
  • significant increase in AST levels(aspartate aminotransferase) – several times (especially on initial stages gangrene);
  • decrease in level albumin (less than 20 g/l) and increase in globulin levels(over 36 g/l);
  • increased fibrinogen levels(above 4 g/l);
  • high level C-reactive protein, sialic acids, seromucoid characteristic of wet gangrene.
Blood for sterility Wet gangrene Bacteria in the blood are detected when sepsis or blood poisoning develops. Be sure to determine the type of pathogen and its sensitivity to antibiotics.
Bacteriological culture of wound contents Wet gangrene They take a scraping from the ulcer, then sow it on nutrient media, isolate the pathogen and determine its sensitivity to antibiotics, this is necessary for the correct selection of treatment.
Sputum analysis:
  • microscopy;
  • bacterial culture.
Lung gangrene
  • Increased level leukocytes;
  • the presence of red blood cells and “dead” tissue in the sputum;
  • identifying bacteria, including tuberculosis, it is necessary to find out sensitivity to antibiotics.

Usually, to diagnose gangrene of the extremities, an experienced doctor only needs to examine the patient. But still, to diagnose the type of gangrene, the reasons for its development, assess the general condition of the patient, the presence of complications and to determine the treatment method, additional types of research are required.

How does gangrene develop? (pathogenesis)

Long-term circulatory disorders (vascular diseases, ischemia) - cells do not fully receive the necessary oxygen, fluid and nutrients, and accumulate metabolic products.

Tissue necrosis or tissue death in an area where blood does not reach.

Defensive reaction immune system, while immune cells limit dead tissue from healthy tissue, a clear inflammatory ridge is formed.

Mummification stage. There is a loss of fluid and drying out of dead tissue, the organ decreases in size and becomes black. Due to the small amount of fluid and the absence of pathogenic

In the affected area, decay processes are inhibited, so a small amount of toxins is formed, which is not dangerous for the patient.

Progressive gangrene occurs over time, the body rejects dead tissue - amputation occurs.

When infection occurs at any stage, putrefactive processes, that is, wet gangrene, may develop.

Stages of development of wet gangrene1. Acute cessation of blood supply to an organ (trauma, blood clot, frostbite, etc.).2. Rapid development of tissue necrosis, sometimes lightning fast, within several hours.3. Attachment of infection, development of infectious inflammatory process.4.

Rapid decomposition of dead tissue (rotting): swelling, pain, darkening, increase in the volume of the affected area.5. Immune reaction - immunity cannot limit necrosis from healthy areas, infection spreads and enters the blood large quantity toxins.6.

Before going to the antenatal clinic, it is useful to find out how a smear is taken from women. The patient is in a gynecological chair. You can purchase a smear kit at the pharmacy in advance, which includes a chair mat, disposable sterile gloves, a gynecological speculum and a probe brush. If you are taking such a test for the first time and you are scared, you can watch a video of how a smear is taken. There is nothing wrong with this, we assure you. The procedure is painless and is carried out in a matter of minutes, while the gynecologist inserts a special gynecological speculum into the vagina and, using a brush, takes material from all possible foci of infection - this is the external opening of the urethra, the vagina and the cervix.

How to take a smear from a virgin

The procedure for taking a smear from a virgin is carried out according to the same principle as for women who are sexually active. However, a gynecological speculum is not used, and the doctor carefully takes material for a smear from the vagina through an opening in the hymen. There may be indications when it is necessary to take a smear from the urethra for examination. This procedure for taking a smear from a virgin eliminates damage to the hymen and is absolutely painless. They also take a smear from little girls.

How to take a smear from men

In men, a smear is taken from the urethra for bacteriological examination for inflammatory processes in the microflora of the urinary canal. The procedure is painless and the material is taken by a urologist. A man needs to prepare himself for the procedure by:

  1. 6-7 days before the test, you should stop using antibiotics or other potent drugs;
  2. 24 hours before taking a smear, avoid alcohol and any products containing it;
  3. Avoid sexual intercourse 12 hours before the procedure;
  4. Do not go to the toilet a couple of hours before the test.

The procedure can cause pain only if the tissue of the urethra is damaged, if there is infection or inflammation. The urologist carefully inserts a sterile cotton swab into the man's urethra 2-4 cm deep, carefully rotating it, and removes it.

Examination of spouses

This refers to an examination for the presence of inflammatory processes or infections. When smears are taken from a pair of spouses (sexual partners), the test results may be the same or different. This is not any indicator, since a man and a woman are different organisms with individual immunity indicators. Thus, microorganisms in a woman’s vagina can behave completely differently than in a man’s urethra. Therefore, the clinical picture in each case is considered individually and recommendations for treatment are also different.

Smears for infections in women are one of the most common diagnostic methods in gynecology. This analysis is completely safe and painless for the patient and very informative for the gynecologist. Based on it, two main tests can be carried out: studying the microbial flora and determining the degree of vaginal cleanliness.


At initial examination women in a consultation or paid clinic, there are several common methods laboratory research the received material. Typically, at an appointment or during a medical examination, these are three types of smears for sexually transmitted infections:

  1. bacteriological culture,
  2. PCR diagnostics and
  3. microscopy (so-called “flora smear”).

In this article we will look at the latter method laboratory diagnostics, i.e. a simple “smear for infection”, which is most often taken by women and girls at an appointment and examination with a gynecologist for initial diagnosis. Also below we will separately dwell on the question of whether a smear is taken from virgins and, if so, how.

You can take a smear test for infections from the following places:

How to prepare

  • 1-2 days before visiting a doctor for tests, refrain from sexual intercourse;
  • Before taking a smear test for sexually transmitted infections, it is recommended not to urinate for 2 hours.
  • On the eve of the analysis, it is recommended to carry out a provocation. The simplest and most reliable method is considered to be nutritional provocation (alcohol, salty, spicy).
  • If possible, it is advisable for girls to take a smear test for STDs before or after menstruation

How to take a smear for infection

A smear for infections is taken by a doctor in the examination room on a gynecological chair. The gynecologist inserts a special medical instrument, the so-called “mirror,” into the woman’s vagina and takes material (discharge) from all suspected foci of infection using a disposable spatula - probe. Disposable probe It is a plastic stick with a widened end, with which, when making smears, the gynecologist evenly distributes the taken material onto a special clean glass slide.

The minimum sampling is carried out from three points - from the external opening of the urethra, vagina and cervix.

Taking a smear from virgins

Taking a smear from a girl or a virgin girl by a gynecologist is carried out in the same way as for women who are sexually active. The main difference in collecting material from girls who are not sexually active is that a gynecological speculum is not used; the collection of secretions for a smear for infections from the vagina is carried out through an opening in the hymen. It is possible to collect from the urethra or rectum. The procedure for taking smears from a virgin by our doctor is absolutely painless, damage to the hymen is excluded. In the same way, this analysis is taken from the youngest patients.

A good smear result for infections (i.e., their non-detection) cannot be considered absolutely reliable, especially in the presence of certain complaints. This is explained by a number of objective factors that influence its result. In situations where signs of inflammation are evident, but the cause of it is not clear from the results of routine smears for infection, gynecologists can resort to additional methods - PCR diagnostics, bacterial culture.

Why are the results of a smear for infection not enough for accurate diagnosis STD:

  • Viral, chlamydial, mycoplasma and ureaplasma infections are practically not detected in a urogenital smear for infections. Viruses, chlamydia, ureaplasma and mycoplasma are very small microorganisms that are difficult to notice under a microscope with a conventional smear analysis. To diagnose these infections, there are other, more informative methods(PCR smear, ELISA diagnostics).
  • A fungus detected in a smear for infection is a sure sign of thrush. But candidiasis can be concomitant disease, which developed against the background of a more serious sexually transmitted infection (STI).
  • Elevated white blood cells During microscopy of a smear, infections can be the result of erroneous diagnosis, if they accidentally get into the smear when taking pus. Leukocytosis will prevent the laboratory doctor from “seeing” the causative agent of the STD.
  • In many cases, a vaginal smear for infection allows you to identify the infection, but not the “nature” (causative agent) of this infection and, just as importantly, using a smear it is not possible to determine the sensitivity of these pathogens to certain antibiotics. This problem can be solved by performing bacteriological culture.

Smear test at a gynecologist

If you need specialist help, we invite you to visit our center. At the initial consultation, the doctor determines the range of issues that need to be addressed and, according to indications, carries out necessary research and amounts to individual plan treatment. In addition to conventional methods of therapy gynecological diseases(medicinal, medicinal, etc.) according to indications, additional, time-tested and long-term practice are used, effective methods conservative treatment.


Study Type of analysis Price
Swab for infection microscopy 450
On " hidden infections" PCR 450
For bacterial culture (dysbacteriosis) sowing 1 750
For HPV VKR 16/18 PCR 550
For microflora + sensitivity to antibiotics sowing 1 750
For gardnerella PCR 450
For thrush (candidiasis) PCR 450
Taking a smear (genitals, urethra, rectum, throat) 1 localization 350