
A healthy lifestyle is an individual system of human behavior aimed at preserving and strengthening health. Healthy lifestyle as a system of individual human behavior

Health is an invaluable happiness in the life of any person. Each of us has an inherent desire to be strong and healthy, to maintain mobility, vigor, energy for as long as possible and to achieve longevity. What will help us do this? (Students' answers). Of course a healthy lifestyle. This is what our lesson today will be devoted to.

1. Checking homework.

Multi-level cards: “3” (green), “4” (yellow), “5” (red). (Annex 1).

Physical education minute.

Sit up straight, place your hands on your knees. Perform head turns left and right while counting, returning to I.P.

2. Studying a new topic.

(even 300 BC philosophers said : “When there is no health, wisdom is silent and has no time for art, strength sleeps, wealth is useless and reason is powerless...”).

The topic of our lesson: “Healthy lifestyle is an individual system of human behavior aimed at

To preserve and strengthen health."

- guys, how do you understand what a healthy lifestyle is? (students' answers).

And now we are systematizing our knowledge.

View the presentation: “Components of a healthy lifestyle.” (Appendix 2).

Components of a healthy lifestyle:

    moderate and balanced diet

    daily regime

    sufficient physical activity


    personal hygiene

    competent environmental behavior

    the ability to manage your emotions

    rejection of bad habits

Now let's look at these components in more detail.

  • Moderate and balanced nutrition. Means full reception
  1. food by people, taking into account their gender, age, nature of work. There are three rules of rational nutrition: nutrition should be varied (food should contain a large range of biologically
  2. active substances
  3. – proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables.)
  • maintaining your weight at normal levels. taking into account the intensity of physical activity in the diet. Daily routine taking into account the dynamics of individual biological rhythms. It is compiled strictly individually based on personal data.
  • Sufficient physical activity. Includes the teenager’s work and rest schedule, activity schedule physical culture
  • .
  • The correct study and rest regime ensures high performance and a cheerful state for a long time.
  • Hardening. Includes air, solar water. It consists of gradualness, duration, and consistency of application. A seasoned person is less susceptible to any diseases.
  • Personal hygiene. Hygiene of skin, teeth, hair is personal hygiene. It also includes toilet rules, hygiene of clothing and shoes.
  • Competent environmental behavior. It consists of a conscious attitude towards the environment as one’s habitat, that is, reduction to a minimally harmful effect on its condition. The ability to manage your emotions.
  1. Includes auto-training, self-regulation, self-hypnosis.
  2. Rejection of bad habits.
  3. (smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs).
  4. Consists of overcoming erroneous rules:

The desire to be like everyone else.

Physical education minute.

Overcoming the inferiority complex

Desire to take a leadership positionOvercoming difficult microclimate (hunger, poverty). Throughout your life you will return to these components of a healthy lifestyle.

Stand up straight. Turns the head back and forth, left and right, always returning to the position.

3. Work in pairs. (fixing)

turn on the music.

(Appendix 3, Appendix 4). Choose one healthy lifestyle criterion for yourself. Discuss it with each other and suggest more specific rules of conduct. Discuss with the class, and consider the remaining ones together.

4. Testing of acquired knowledge. Test of 5 questions. Turn on the music.

(Appendix 4, Appendix 5).

Now switch desks with your neighbor, take a colored pen and do a mutual check and give a rating.

(voice the disclaimer)
(Appendix 6). Pass from the last desks forward.

5. ConsolidationSheremeteva Alla Vladimirovna,

GBOU school No. 15 St. Petersburg! “When there is no health, wisdom is silent and has no time for art, strength sleeps, wealth is useless and the mind is powerless..." Healthy image life - the basis of health and activity Healthy lifestyle, reduces the likelihood of various diseases and increases human life expectancy. Why should a healthy lifestyle be considered an individual system of behavior? With a risky lifestyle, when a person’s behavior damages his health, the normal course of physiological processes is difficult, the vital forces of the body are spent on compensation harmful influences. At the same time, the likelihood of diseases increases, accelerated wear and tear of the body occurs, and life expectancy is reduced. Thus, in order to preserve and strengthen his health, each person creates his own lifestyle, his own individual system of behavior, which best ensures that he achieves physical, spiritual and social well-being.

Playing sports helps you to be resilient and stress-resistant.

A healthy lifestyle, in my opinion, consists of proper nutrition, eating healthy foods: fruits, vegetables, hot dishes, without eating fast food.

Individual health is the health of each person. The concept of “health” also includes forms of human behavior that make it possible to improve life, make it prosperous, and achieve high degree self-realization. Well-being concerns all aspects of a person's life, not just their physical form. Mental well-being refers to the mind, intellect, emotions. Therefore, one of the bases human health its spiritual component appears. Consequently, spiritual and physical health are a single whole of human health. It must be constantly in harmonious unity, which ensures a high level of health

And also in playing sports, in following a daily routine. In order to form your own healthy lifestyle system, you need to know the factors that positively affect human health. These include:

  • adherence to daily routine;
  • balanced diet;
  • physical education and sports;
  • good relationships with people around you.

It is also necessary to take into account factors that negatively affect health:

  • smoking;
  • consumption of alcohol, drugs;
  • emotional and mental tension when communicating with others; unfavorable environmental conditions in places of residence.

Thus, a healthy lifestyle is an integral, logically interconnected, thoughtful and planned system of human behavior, which is not followed by force, but with pleasure and confidence that it will give positive results in maintaining and strengthening his health.

Each person must choose the path to create their own individual healthy lifestyle system. For this purpose, there are a number of the most significant life guidelines that will contribute to its formation. These include:

· clearly formulated purpose of life and possession of psychological stability in various life situations;

· knowledge of forms of behavior that contribute to the preservation and strengthening of health;

· the desire to be the master of your life, to believe that the right lifestyle will give positive results;

· develop the right attitude towards life, perceive every day as a small life, receive at least small joys from life every day;

· develop a sense of self-respect, the awareness that you are not living in vain, that you are able to solve all the tasks facing you and know how to do it;

· constantly maintain a physical activity regime (a person’s destiny is to always move; there are no means that could replace movement);

· maintain hygiene and nutritional rules; observe the work and rest schedule;

· be an optimist, moving along the path of improving health;

· set achievable goals, do not dramatize failures, remember that perfection is, in principle, an unattainable thing;

· rejoice in success, since in all human endeavors success begets success.

I think that someone who leads a correct lifestyle is always full of energy and strength, such a person always has good mood, he constantly has a desire to do something.

He is distinguished by cheerfulness and good health, he can charge others with his positive energy. A person who follows a healthy lifestyle can more easily endure problems and adversity.


1. Vorontsov I.M. “Patterns of physical development of children and methods of its assessment.”

2. Vorontsov I.M., Mazurin A.V., “Centile distribution of body weight along body length.”

3. Gandelsman A.B., Smirnov A.M., “ Physical education school-age children."

4. Gvozdev S.G. “Dynamics of mass-height ratios in children and adolescents.”

5.Godik M.A. “Control of training and competitive loads.”

6. Goldberg E.D. "Physical development of children and adolescents."

7. Goryunova A.A. “On accelerating the physical development of preschool children.”

Page 2 of 3

8.2. Healthy lifestyle and its components

A person in the process of his daily life must follow a number of rules (norms of behavior) to ensure personal physical, spiritual and social well-being and maintain health. These rules include the following:
the ability to maintain psychological balance in various life situations;
the ability to ensure a high level of physical fitness;
the ability to respond adequately to various dangerous and emergencies;
the ability to properly build relationships in society.
All these skills constitute the basic norms of a healthy lifestyle. What is a healthy lifestyle? It is understood as an individual system of human behavior that provides him with physical, spiritual and social well-being in the real environment (natural, man-made and social) and active longevity. A healthy lifestyle creates the best conditions for the occurrence of physiological and mental processes, which reduces the likelihood of various diseases and increases human life expectancy. Leading a different lifestyle, a person, by his behavior, damages his own health: the normal course of physiological processes is often disrupted, the vital forces of the body are mostly spent on compensating for the harm caused to health. At the same time, the likelihood of various diseases increases, accelerated wear and tear of the body occurs, and life expectancy is reduced.
Why a healthy lifestyle is an individual system of behavior Each person is individual and unique. He is individual in his hereditary qualities, in his aspirations and capabilities; to a certain extent, even the environment around a person (home, family, work, etc.) has an individual character.
Therefore, in order to preserve and strengthen their health, each person must create his own lifestyle, his own individual system of behavior, which will best ensure his achievement of physical, spiritual and social well-being.
In order to create a healthy lifestyle system, you need to know the factors that have a positive effect on health. These include maintaining a daily routine, balanced nutrition, hardening, physical education and sports, and good relationships with people around you. Factors that negatively affect health should also be taken into account: smoking, alcohol and drug use, emotional and mental tension when communicating with others, unfavorable environmental conditions in places of residence.
A healthy lifestyle is an integral, logically interconnected, thoughtful and planned system of human behavior, which he observes not under duress, but with pleasure and is confident that it will give positive results in preserving and strengthening health.
A healthy lifestyle is dynamic system human behavior, based on a deep knowledge of many factors that influence human health, and the choice of an algorithm for one’s behavior that maximally ensures the preservation and strengthening of health. At the same time, it is necessary to constantly adjust your behavior taking into account the experience gained and age characteristics. This behavioral restructuring always requires additional effort. Therefore, in order to be pleased with the effort expended, you need to clearly see the end goal of the effort: what you want to achieve by leading a healthy lifestyle. Briefly, this goal can be formulated as follows: well-being for yourself, for your family and for the state.
General recommendations to develop personal qualities necessary for leading a healthy lifestyle:
have a clearly formulated goal in life and have psychological stability in various life situations;
know the forms of your behavior that contribute to the preservation and strengthening of health;
strive to be the master of your life; believe that the lifestyle you lead will produce positive results;
develop a positive attitude towards life, perceive every day as a small life, be able to enjoy life;
develop a sense of self-respect, the awareness that you are not living in vain, that you are able to solve all the tasks facing you and know how to do it;
constantly maintain a physical activity regime, since there are no other means that could replace movement;
observe food rules and hygiene;
observe the work and rest schedule, follow the rules of personal hygiene;
be an optimist, moving along the path of improving health, set achievable goals, do not dramatize failures, remember that perfection is, in principle, an unattainable thing;
rejoice in success in all human endeavors - success begets success.
Now let's look at the main components of a healthy lifestyle.

Life requires a person to be able to adapt to a constantly changing environment and regulate his behavior in accordance with it. Every day presents a person with problems that need to be solved. Emotionally stable people calmly accept most changes that happen to them. Such people successfully cope with problems (accidents, illnesses, etc.) because they have psychological balance. It should be noted that any changes in life, even positive ones, force a person to adapt (adapt) to new circumstances and cause a certain tension. The state of tension that occurs in a person under the influence of strong influences is called stress. The concept and concept of stress was formulated by the Canadian specialist Hans Selye. He defined stress as a set of protective reactions of the body caused by any of the stress factors (changes in life, emotional conflict, fear, physical trauma, etc.).
The effect of these factors accumulates and is summed up. The more of them in a person's life this period, the higher the stress level. Selye called the totality of the body's defense reactions under stress the general adaptation syndrome. There are three stages of this syndrome: mobilization (anxiety reaction), resistance, exhaustion.
General adaptation syndrome develops as follows. In response to a stressor (stress factor), anxiety arises in the body. This mobilizes the body (mobilization stage) and prepares it for urgent action. The heart rate increases, blood pressure rises, digestion slows down, and blood flows to the muscles. As a result, the short-term capabilities of the body are improved. However, if all these preparations do not come into effect, long-term stay in this state can lead to various disorders in the body (impaired functions of the cardiovascular system, etc.).
During the resistance stage, stress is reduced to a lower but more sustainable level. During this period, the body has an increased and long-lasting ability to tolerate the effects of stressors.
If stress levels remain very high for too long, a stage of exhaustion occurs, in which the body's ability to resist stressors decreases. The human condition at this stage is characterized by a decline in physical and spiritual strength.
Stress is not always harmful. Under moderate stress, a person's mind and body function most effectively at optimal levels. High level stress can remain a positive factor only for a very short time (for example, the state of an athlete before a race).
If stress has harmful effects on the body, reduces it adaptive capabilities, it is called distress. In a person who has not learned to control his psyche and for a long time Living in a state of severe stress, the likelihood of various diseases increases. Heart disease develops most often, as stress leads to increased blood pressure and heart rate, and coronary arteries, which provide blood supply to the heart muscle, are narrowed, and the amount of oxygen supplied to this muscle decreases sharply. Distress disrupts performance immune mechanisms body, which can lead to various diseases.
Different people react to stress differently, but there are general principles combat stress, helping to maintain stress at an optimal level and provide the necessary psychological balance.
Here are some of them:
1. The fight against stress begins with developing the belief that only you yourself are responsible for your spiritual and physical well-being.
2. Be optimistic; The source of stress is not the events themselves, but your perception of these events.
3. Regularly engage in physical education and sports; physical exercise has a positive effect not only on physical state, but also on the human psyche; constant physical activity contributes to the formation of psychological balance and self-confidence; physical exercise is one of the the best ways recovery from a state of severe stress.
4. Set yourself feasible tasks; look at things realistically, don’t expect too much from yourself; understand the limits of your capabilities, do not demand too much from yourself; learn to say “no” if you cannot complete a task.
5. Learn to enjoy life, enjoy your work, how well you do it, and not just what it gives you.
6. Eat right.
7. Get enough sleep: sleep plays a very important role important role in overcoming stress and maintaining health.
The fight against stress is mainly about maintaining one’s psychological balance, since such a person’s spiritual state provides him with a good mood, high performance and an adequate response to various stressors.

Under physical activity refers to any muscular activity that allows maintaining optimal physical fitness and ensure good health.
Over the course of many millennia, man has developed the ability to meet external stimulus(threat) by mobilizing their physical reserves. Nowadays, the impact of these stimuli is constantly increasing, physical forces (muscles) are brought into readiness for action, but the implementation of this readiness does not occur. Most physical activity machines and mechanisms perform for humans. He seems to be in a situation of constant readiness for an action that is not allowed to be performed, and his body eventually begins to experience Negative consequences such a state. On the other hand, the flow of information is constantly growing, which means the emotional burden on a person is increasing. Therefore, to maintain one’s health in good condition, a person needs physical education. He must develop a regular habit of physical exercise himself to ensure a harmonious balance between mental and physical stress. This is one of the most important components of an individual healthy lifestyle system. You should start doing physical education with early age when there are no big life problems yet, and there are practically no objective obstacles to developing the necessary physical qualities. All you need is desire and perseverance to achieve your goal.
People who regularly engage in physical activity are less susceptible to stress, they cope better with worry, anxiety, depression, anger and fear. They are not only able to quickly relax, but also know how to relieve emotional stress through physical exercise. The body of these people is better able to resist diseases. They fall asleep easier, sleep better, have deeper sleep, and need less time to sleep. Some physiologists believe that every hour physical activity prolongs human life by two to three hours.

Hardening is an increase in the body’s resistance to the adverse effects of factors environment by systematically influencing the body of these factors.
Hardening is based on the ability of the human body to adapt to changing environmental conditions. This procedure leads to a decrease in the sensitivity of the body when exposed to a certain physical factor. For example, systematic exposure of the body to cold increases its resistance to low temperatures. This is one of the most important areas of hardening, as it is of great importance for the prevention of respiratory diseases. viral diseases. In unhardened people, as a result of cooling, the level of metabolic processes, the activity of the central nervous system. This leads to a general weakening of the body, contributes to the exacerbation of existing chronic diseases or the emergence of new ones. Hardened people develop resistance to exposure low temperatures. Heat generation in their body occurs more intensely, which activates work defense mechanisms and reduces the likelihood of developing diseases.
The use of hardening procedures has been known since ancient times. They were used more than 2.5 thousand years ago by the ancient Greek physician and scientist Hippocrates. In his opinion, cold hardening procedures have a special healing power; the same people who keep the body warm acquire soft muscles, weak nerves, and are also susceptible to fainting and bleeding. To carry out hardening procedures, environmental factors are used: water, sun, air, earth. There is a whole system of hardening water procedures: rubbing, dousing cold water, swimming in open waters. The most effective water procedure is swimming in ice water - “winter swimming”. Air and sun baths and barefoot walking are also used as hardening procedures.
When carrying out hardening procedures, the following conditions must be met:
a positive psychological attitude (desire) to perform hardening procedures is required;
the implementation of procedures must be systematic; they must be carried out regularly, and not occasionally;
hardening must be comprehensive, combined with physical exercise, which provides the most beneficial effect on health;
the duration of procedures should increase gradually and not worsen general well-being;
it is necessary to select the correct hardening agents ( water procedures, sunbathing, walking, barefoot), focusing on your well-being;
procedures should be carried out taking into account individual characteristics organism and climatic conditions of the region of residence;
all procedures should be carried out on the “brink of pleasure”; it must be remembered that hardening is not carried out to set a record, but with the aim of strengthening one’s health.

Proper, scientifically based nutrition is the most important condition for good health, high performance and longevity of a person. With food, a person receives the energy necessary for life and growth. Necessary for the body Nutrients are divided into six main types: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and water. Eating right means getting them from food in sufficient quantity and in the right combination. Nutrition must be taken into account genetic features a person, his age, level of physical activity, climatic and seasonal characteristics of the natural environment. It should be taken into account that there are no such food products, which in themselves would be good or bad. Nutritional value All types have it to one degree or another. It is important not only what we eat, but also how much we eat, when and in what combinations.
Humanity has developed a number of rules for rational nutrition.
The main ones are as follows:
1. You need to treat food with respect and responsibility, and have fun while eating. Therefore, while eating food, you should not solve matters and problems.
2. Food must be chewed very thoroughly (at least 30 times). How longer food remains in the mouth and the better it is chewed, the more juice there will be in the stomach and the more successful the digestion process will be.
3. You should not sit at the table tired, anxious or excited. Before eating, you need a 10-15 minute rest, disconnecting from all problems, getting ready to eat. A person is usually most tired and often preoccupied in the evening after working day. A short walk on the river will help you prepare for dinner. fresh air or a light warm-up to relieve tension. After them, it’s good to take a warm shower and then douse yourself with cold water. Fatigue has passed, worries have receded, the person is ready to eat.
4. If there is not enough time to eat, then it is better to skip it.
5. You should eat a varied diet, but you should not overeat. A person must remember that the volume of the stomach does not exceed 350–450 cm3.
6. Drink water or other drinks 15–20 minutes before meals. You should not drink during or after meals, as this is incompatible with good digestion. If water or any other liquid is taken at this time, the food juices in the stomach are diluted. As a result, digestion is greatly inhibited.
7. Numerous studies have shown that you can eat a large meal only once a day, and only have a light snack twice a day. Most the right time for a “substantial” meal – evening. In the morning, as a rule, there is no time to eat, and at lunch there is nowhere. In the evening, all work is completed, there is an opportunity to devote the necessary attention and time to eat, but no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime. The morning meal can be the lightest and consist of foods that are well and quickly absorbed by the body: fruits, vegetables, juices. Daily meals should also be fairly moderate.
Each person, when creating his own individual system of a healthy lifestyle, must be thoughtful and serious about his diet, and in any case avoid the habit of eating haphazardly.

Questions and tasks

1. List the basic norms of behavior that ensure the preservation and strengthening of health, physical, spiritual and social well-being.
2. Formulate a goal that you want to achieve by leading a healthy lifestyle.
3. What is stress, how does a person react to stressors?
4. Name the general principles of dealing with stress.
5. What is physical activity and how does it affect human health?
6. What factors external environment used during hardening procedures?
7. List what generally accepted rules of rational nutrition should be followed.
8. Analyze the influence of various factors on your health and well-being, develop for yourself a healthy lifestyle system that will most fully meet your life needs and interests.

Life safety Viktor Sergeevich Alekseev

2. Healthy lifestyle as a system individual behavior human, aimed at preserving and strengthening health

Compliance with norms of human behaviornecessary condition not only mental, but also physical health. A person’s mental health is a state of complete mental balance, the ability to control oneself, manifested by an even, stable mood, the ability to quickly adapt to difficult situations and overcome them, with the ability to restore mental balance in a short time.

Preventing painful psychological reactions in the process of human communication is a serious task. Negative reactions can occur both at home and at work. It should be remembered that the mood and its manifestation cause a corresponding resonance among others. A harsh word or injustice already evokes negative emotions. Often incorrectly formed family relationships traumatize the psyche.

The lack of psychological comfort at work also has a negative impact. In emerging conflicts, it is difficult to maintain composure and objectivity. An increased background of emotional stress distorts people’s assessment of what is happening. The keys to preventing such situations are increasing personal and public communication culture, mutual assistance, respect for colleagues, goodwill, and mutual understanding.

The culture of communication consists of self-control, the ability not to show negative emotions, tact - the ability to correlate one’s experiences with the experiences of a neighbor, not to do or say what is unpleasant for others to hear. Cultured people who control their behavior are easy and pleasant to communicate with and create the necessary positive microclimate at work that promotes a good mood.

In communication between people, their moral principles, but not only these principles are subject to control and training, but also will, emotions, and intellect. Education of mental functions and the formation of harmonious personality development begin from an early age.

Self-education- a mandatory requirement of society for its fellow members. Every person should strive to conform his actions to the norms of behavior accepted in society.

The ability to correctly assess yourself and your capabilities protects you from unnecessary and pointless experiences and disappointments. Persistence, patience and self-control help to overcome the inevitable difficulties in life.

Self-discipline is of great importance for mental well-being. A person who controls himself does not create conflicts and extinguishes those that arise. Listed mental properties, assessed by moral categories, make a person pleasant to others.

It is advisable to acquire new knowledge throughout your life. Training your mental functions prevents age-related decline mental abilities, spheres of interest, determines the usefulness of spiritual life to last days human existence.

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Mention of health in a person is associated with physical health, but do not forget that a person consists not only of a physical shell, but also of other shells or bodies (mental, astral, etc.), the ill health of which manifests itself in physical level- called psychosomatics. Psychosomatics - speaking in simple language: internal conflict, without resolution, is transformed into bodily and physiological symptoms. It can be conscious or unconscious. In the second case, needs and desires are so forbidden that they are not even realized. Such a person cannot understand what he really wants, but experiences constant emotional discomfort. Thanks to the transfer from the mental area to the physical area, anxiety and restlessness go away, the person begins to exercise futile treating their “illnesses”. Because the basis of the disease is not physiological, but mental.

In accordance with the Constitution of the World Health Organization (WHO), under health is understood “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity ». What is valuable about this definition is that it takes into account not only the biological, but also the social factor.

What is physical health?

Underphysical health the current state is understood functionality organs and systems of the body.

Each of us wants to be rich, successful, happy, without thinking that all this is not achievable without good health (a considerable part of which will be spent on acquiring these benefits). Having excellent health, although it does not guarantee success in life, does increase the likelihood of achieving excellent results in any area of ​​life.

Discussions among experts about what it is health last until now, at the everyday level we understand that health is the absence of diseases, but from a scientific point of view, this is not enough, a person is a socio-biological being, therefore, the state of health must be considered not only from the point of view of biology, but also from taking into account social well-being.

What is mental health?

Mental health considered as a condition mental sphere a person, characterized by general mental comfort, providing adequate regulation of behavior and determined by the needs of a biological and social nature.

Mental health is a desirable and necessary state. What are its main components? A healthy person does not force himself or those around him to suffer, unlike a sick person. This is, of course, one of the main external criteria of mental health, which indicates adequate social adaptation man and his adaptation to reality. This existence is comfortable for him, it brings satisfaction, a person is able to enjoy life and bring joy and satisfaction to others. Especially if these possibilities are realized.

From another point of view, mental health- when a person does not make others unhappy and does not destroy his life with negative experiences. But what is it?

The presence of harmony, a state of harmony in all aspects of a person’s life is impossible, this leads to stress, and on the other hand, discomfort encourages us to develop. Mentally healthy man overcomes difficulties life path, is developing.

The presence of such attributes as:

  • family, children, relatives,
  • friends, beloved interesting job, hobby,
  • attachments, adequate social activity

are a positive indicator of psychological health.

A necessary condition for psychological health is the ability to endure trials, stress and experiences, but not beyond certain limits characteristic of a person.

Mental health is not an absolutely predetermined phenomenon, but a matter of preventing excessive stress, going beyond internal disharmony, and also a matter of an active, interested, conscious attitude and concern for the health of one’s own psyche, mind and mind.

What is social health or social well-being?

Social health is understood as a system of values, attitudes and motives of behavior in a social environment.

People's health is influenced in certain ways by social factors. The level of well-being and health in this case can be high only when a person has the opportunity for self-realization, when he is guaranteed good living conditions, affordable education and quality medical care.

Each person is responsible for their own health and well-being, and this includes certain life position and behavior. The famous scientist N.M. Amosov said this well in his book “Thinking about Health”: “For most diseases, it is not nature, not society, but only the person himself who is to blame. Most often he gets sick from laziness and greed, but sometimes from unreasonableness. To be healthy, you need your own efforts, constant and significant. Nothing can replace them. Man is so perfect that health can be restored from almost any point of decline. Only the necessary efforts increase with old age and the deepening of illnesses.”

Spiritual factors are also an important component of health and well-being. These include the ability to perform good deeds, self-improvement, mercy and selfless help. This requires certain volitional efforts from a person. Leading a healthy lifestyle is a difficult task.

Knowing what a healthy lifestyle is is one thing, but practicing it is another. Choosing a healthy lifestyle requires a high level of consciousness and culture from a person, but the importance of spiritual factors is also very high, the degree of their influence on health is about 50%.

What is a healthy lifestyle (HLS)?

It is understood as an individual system of human behavior that provides him with physical, spiritual and social well-being in the real environment (natural, man-made and social) and active longevity.

Compliance with simple principles of healthy lifestyle allows you to have excellent physical shape throughout your life, which is an important factor in the competition for a place in the sun in modern world. Increase life expectancy not only in quantity, but also in quality (indeed, why strive to live an extra quarter of a century and spend it as a frail and sick old man). What’s noteworthy is that those with decent capital are more concerned with taking care of their health; apparently they don’t want to leave their wealth “in this world,” but they can’t take it “to the next world.”

A person leading a healthy lifestyle is, first of all, a person who takes an active part in work, social, family, household and leisure forms of life.

So what does a healthy lifestyle consist of?

The following are generally accepted:

In numerous medical centers and laboratories around the world are studying the influence of various factors and their combinations on the human body, but almost all of them are essentially aimed at the invention of cures for diseases acquired by non-observance of such simple rules.

A person in the process of his daily life must follow a number of rules (norms of behavior) to ensure personal physical, spiritual and social well-being and maintain health.

These rules include:

  1. the ability to maintain psychological balance in various life situations;
  2. the ability to ensure a high level of physical fitness;
  3. the ability to adequately respond to various dangerous and emergency situations;
  4. the ability to properly build relationships in society. All these skills constitute the basic norms of a healthy lifestyle.

General recommendations for developing personal qualities necessary for leading a healthy lifestyle:

  1. have a clearly formulated goal in life and have psychological stability in various life situations;
  2. know the forms of your behavior that contribute to the preservation and strengthening of health;
  3. strive to be the master of your life; believe that the lifestyle you lead will produce positive results;
  4. develop a positive attitude towards life, perceive every day as a small life, be able to enjoy life;
  5. develop a sense of self-respect, the awareness that you are not living in vain, that you are able to solve all the tasks facing you and know how to do it;
  6. constantly maintain a physical activity regime, since there are no other means that could replace movement;
  7. observe food rules and hygiene;
  8. observe the work and rest schedule, follow the rules of personal hygiene;
  9. be an optimist, moving along the path of improving health, set achievable goals, do not dramatize failures, remember that perfection is, in principle, an unattainable thing;
  10. rejoice in success in all human endeavors - success begets success.

In the modern world, the influence on health has increased: environmental, man-made, psychological and a number of other factors, the nature of the stress on the body has also changed, and the load is constantly increasing. This leads to unfavorable changes in health: new, previously unknown diseases have appeared, old ones have become more dangerous, with the advent of antibiotics and other strong drugs immunity modern man weakens and soon the body, perhaps, will completely wean itself from treating itself...

The main components of a healthy lifestyle

Psychological balance

Emotionally stable people calmly accept most changes that happen to them. Any changes in life, even positive ones, force a person to adapt (adapt) to new circumstances and cause a certain tension.

Stress is not always harmful. Under moderate stress, a person's mind and body function most effectively at optimal levels. A high level of stress can remain a positive factor only for a very short time (for example, the state of an athlete before a race).

Different people react to stress in different ways, but there are general stress management principles that can help you maintain optimal levels of stress and provide the necessary psychological balance.

Here are some of them:

  1. The fight against stress begins with developing the belief that you alone are responsible for your spiritual and physical well-being.
  2. Be optimistic; The source of stress is not the events themselves, but your perception of these events.
  3. Engage in physical exercise and sports regularly; physical exercise has a positive effect not only on the physical condition, but also on the human psyche; constant physical activity contributes to the formation of psychological balance and self-confidence; physical exercise is one of the best ways to overcome severe stress.
  4. Set yourself feasible tasks; look at things realistically, don’t expect too much from yourself; understand the limits of your capabilities, do not demand too much from yourself; learn to say “no” if you cannot complete a task.
  5. Learn to enjoy life, enjoy your work, how well you do it, and not just what it gives you.
  6. Eat right.
  7. Get enough sleep: Sleep plays a very important role in coping with stress and maintaining health.

The fight against stress is mainly about maintaining one’s psychological balance, since such a person’s spiritual state provides him with a good mood, high performance and an adequate response to various stressors.

Physical activity

Physical activity refers to any muscular activity that allows you to maintain optimal physical fitness and ensure good health.

Over the course of many millennia, man has developed the ability to meet an external stimulus (threat) by mobilizing his physical reserves. Nowadays, the impact of these stimuli is constantly increasing, physical forces (muscles) are brought into readiness for action, but the implementation of this readiness does not occur. Most of the physical activity is performed by machines and mechanisms for humans. He seems to be in a situation of constant readiness for an action that is not allowed to be performed, and his body, in the end, begins to experience the negative consequences of this state. On the other hand, the flow of information is constantly growing, which means the emotional burden on a person is increasing. Therefore, to maintain one’s health in good condition, a person needs physical education. He must develop a regular habit of physical exercise himself to ensure a harmonious balance between mental and physical stress. This is one of the most important components of an individual healthy lifestyle system. All you need is desire and perseverance to achieve your goal.

People who regularly engage in physical activity are less susceptible to stress, they cope better with worry, anxiety, depression, anger and fear. They are not only able to quickly relax, but also know how to relieve emotional stress through physical exercise. The body of these people is better able to resist diseases. They fall asleep easier, sleep better, have deeper sleep, and need less time to sleep. Some physiologists believe that every hour of physical activity extends a person's life by two to three hours.


Hardening– is an increase in the body’s resistance to the adverse effects of environmental factors through systematic exposure to these factors.

Hardening is based on the ability of the human body to adapt to changing environmental conditions. This procedure leads to a decrease in the body's sensitivity when exposed to a certain physical factor.

When carrying out hardening procedures, the following conditions must be met:

  • a positive psychological attitude (desire) to perform hardening procedures is required;
  • the implementation of procedures must be systematic; they must be carried out regularly, and not occasionally;
  • hardening should be comprehensive, combined with physical exercise, which provides the most beneficial effect on health;
  • the duration of procedures should increase gradually and not worsen general well-being;
  • it is necessary to choose the right means of hardening (water treatments, sunbathing, walking, barefoot), focusing on your well-being;
  • procedures should be performed taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and the climatic conditions of the region of residence;
  • all procedures should be carried out on the “brink of pleasure”; it must be remembered that hardening is not carried out to set a record, but with the aim of strengthening one’s health.

Balanced diet

Proper, scientifically based nutrition is the most important condition for good health, high performance and longevity of a person.

With food, a person receives the energy necessary for life and growth. The nutrients the body needs are divided into six main types: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and water. Eating right means getting them from food in sufficient quantity and in the right combination. Nutrition should take into account the genetic characteristics of a person, his age, level of physical activity, climatic and seasonal characteristics of the environment. It should be borne in mind that there are no foods that are good or bad in themselves. All of their types have nutritional value to one degree or another. It is important not only what we eat, but also how much we eat, when and in what combinations.

Humanity has developed a number of rules for rational nutrition.

The main ones are as follows:

  1. You need to treat food with respect and responsibility, and have fun while eating. Therefore, while eating food, you should not solve matters and problems.
  2. Food must be chewed very thoroughly (at least 30 times). The longer food remains in the mouth and the better it is chewed, the more juice there will be in the stomach and the more successful the digestion process will be.
  3. You should not sit at the table tired, anxious or excited. Before eating, you need a 10-15 minute rest, disconnecting from all problems, getting ready to eat. A person is usually most tired and often preoccupied in the evening after a hard day. A short walk in the fresh air or a light workout that relieves stress will help you prepare for dinner. After them, it’s good to take a warm shower and then douse yourself with cold water. Fatigue has passed, worries have receded, the person is ready to eat.
  4. If there is not enough time to eat, then it is better to skip it.
  5. You should eat a varied diet, but you should not overeat. A person must remember that the volume of the stomach does not exceed 350–450 cm3.
  6. Drink water or other drinks 15–20 minutes before meals. You should not drink during or after meals, as this is incompatible with good digestion. If water or any other liquid is taken at this time, the food juices in the stomach are diluted. As a result, digestion is greatly inhibited.
  7. Numerous studies have shown that you can eat a large meal only once a day, and only have a light snack twice a day. The best time for a “substantial” meal is in the evening. In the morning, as a rule, there is no time to eat, and at lunch there is nowhere. In the evening, all work is completed, there is an opportunity to devote the necessary attention and time to eat, but no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime. The morning meal can be the lightest and consist of foods that are well and quickly absorbed by the body: fruits, vegetables, juices. Daily meals should also be fairly moderate.

Each person, when creating his own individual system of a healthy lifestyle, must be thoughtful and serious about his diet, and in any case avoid the habit of eating haphazardly.

Why is healthy lifestyle an individual system of behavior?

Each person is individual and unique. He is individual in his hereditary qualities, in his aspirations and capabilities; to a certain extent, even the environment around a person (home, family, work, etc.) has an individual character.

In order to create a healthy lifestyle system, you need to know the factors that have a positive effect on health. These include maintaining a daily routine, balanced nutrition, hardening, physical education and sports, and good relationships with people around you. Factors that negatively affect health should also be taken into account: smoking, alcohol and drug use, emotional and mental tension when communicating with others, unfavorable environmental conditions in places of residence.
  • The article was prepared by: educational psychologist – M. N. Larionova

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