
Gaviscon contraindications during pregnancy. Why do most pregnant women choose Gaviscon? Contraindications and possible adverse reactions

A burning sensation in the esophagus during pregnancy often worries a woman. Moreover, heartburn can occur both during a short period of pregnancy and during a long period of pregnancy. Most often, heartburn during pregnancy appears in the second and third trimesters.

Heartburn during pregnancy occurs when gastric juice flows from the stomach into the esophagus. Gastric juice is very acidic and corrodes the esophageal mucosa. This burning sensation is called heartburn. Heartburn occurs more often during pregnancy than in normal life. This happens because the growing uterus begins to put pressure on the woman's stomach, and gastric juice begins to leak into the esophagus. This is a very unpleasant feeling. What should a pregnant woman do in this case? After all, during pregnancy, excess medications can harm her. There is a lot of heartburn good drug Gaviscon. But is Gaviscon allowed for pregnant women?

"Gaviscon" - composition of the drug

The drug "Gaviscon" (Gaviscon) is created in order to neutralize the effect of gastric juice in the esophagus. To do this, Gaviscon must have the properties of a weak alkali. Manufacturers have made baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), sodium and potassium the main components of Gaviscon. Gaviscon also contains a substance that retains water (sodium alginate) and carbonic acid salts (calcium carbonate)

In addition to the fact that together these substances neutralize gastric juice, they also create a thin film on the walls of the stomach, which protects the esophagus from burning. This protection lasts approximately four hours from the moment you take the medicine. One of distinctive properties"Gaviscon" - it does not change the acid-base balance of the gastric juice itself and the stomach. Therefore, food digestion occurs without changes.

Is it possible to take Gaviscon during pregnancy?

A doctor may prescribe Gaviscon during pregnancy if a woman experiences unpleasant belching, discomfort and heaviness in the stomach. Gaviscon also helps well against heartburn during pregnancy.

Reviews from women who took Gaviscon during pregnancy remained positive. After all, the active components of this medicine are not absorbed into the blood and do not reach the unborn baby. But there is still a risk due to the body’s personal reaction to the composition of the medicine. Therefore, only a doctor should prescribe Gaviscon to pregnant women. Only a doctor can determine what the acidity of a pregnant woman’s stomach is and whether she can drink Gaviscon during pregnancy. Most often, Gaviscon during pregnancy is suggested to be taken only in case of heartburn, and not constantly. But if a woman chronic gastritis, then the doctor suggests drinking Gaviscon during pregnancy in combination with other medications for stomach diseases.

If a pregnant woman has any problems with the heart or kidneys, then Gaviscon is also offered to pregnant women with caution. Because the medicine contains salt (sodium chloride). Salt, in turn, negatively affects the cardiovascular and excretory systems.

How to take Gaviscon

The heartburn medicine Gaviscon is produced in different forms release - suspension and chewable tablets. Moreover, the manufacturer uses less salt (sodium chloride) in chewable tablets. Gaviscon suspension is sold in bottles (from one hundred to three hundred milliliters) and in single sachets of ten milliliters. You can drink ten to twenty milliliters of Gaviscon in suspension at one time. It is better to do this about fifteen minutes after eating. You can take no more than forty milliliters of medicine per day. Before drinking the suspension, it is better to shake the contents of the bottle or knead the contents of the sachet.

The release form of Gaviscon is chewable tablets with a mint flavor. It is recommended to chew no more than four tablets at a time after meals. "Gaviscon Forte" for pregnant women already has a double dose of the medicine, this must be taken into account when taking it.

To prevent the components of Gaviscon from entering into an undesirable reaction with other medications (especially antibiotics, anti-allergy drugs), you should drink it two hours before or two hours after other medications.

Who should not take Gaviscon?

People with heart disease, kidney disease, kidney and ureteral stones, hypercalcemia and nephrocalcinosis are not recommended to get carried away with Gaviscon. In addition, Gaviscon is not recommended for phenylketonuria and for children under six years of age (suspension cannot be taken) and children under twelve years of age (tablets cannot be taken).

If you drink more Gaviscon than you should, you may experience short-term flatulence and bloating.

Side effects of Gaviscon

After taking Gaviscon, some people may experience an allergic reaction - an allergic cough, hives on the skin, itching, allergic runny nose. To avoid allergic reaction In a pregnant woman, it is better to first try taking a quarter of the dose of the medicine and wait one or two days. If everything is fine, there are no symptoms, then there is no allergy to Gaviscon either. After this, you can take a normal dose of the drug.

Analogues of "Gaviscon"

Gaviscon analogues have the same effect, but contain slightly different components. For example, in addition to sodium, they contain magnesium, calcium and aluminum. Any medications for a pregnant woman must be prescribed by a doctor. Moreover, analogues of the medicine, because some drugs can be harmful and to the expectant mother, and the baby. For example, if you exceed the dose of Gaviscon analogues, swelling, diarrhea or constipation will quickly appear in a pregnant woman.

Analogues of "Gaviscon" can be called:

  • "Gastal"– the medicine helps well with heartburn, heaviness and pain in the stomach, it is available in the form of tablets.
  • "Almagel"– helps against heartburn and flatulence, there are two forms of the medicine: suspension and tablets.
  • "Phosphalugel"– helps with food poisoning, stomach pain and heartburn, is released in the form of a gel.

So, Gaviscon is a good drug that can be used to treat heartburn in pregnant women, but only under the supervision of a doctor. Gaviscon is produced in the form of a suspension and chewable tablets. To relieve burning in the esophagus, take Gaviscon a quarter of an hour after eating. But pregnant women are not recommended to take this medicine continuously, but only when a burning sensation occurs.

"Gaviscon" is not absorbed into the blood of the expectant mother, so it cannot harm the baby in the womb. When taking any medicine, be sure to consult your doctor and read the instructions carefully. Be sure to follow the dosage of the medicine. You can take no more than forty milliliters of Gaviscon in one day.

The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Gaviscon drug

Gaviscon– a synthetic drug with an antacid effect. Included in the drug sodium alginate(derived from seaweed) in the stomach reacts with gastric contents. As a result, a gel is formed that prevents regurgitation (backflow) of stomach contents into the esophagus. And it is precisely this kind of reflux that causes heartburn. The gel enters the esophagus, not the acidic contents of the stomach. The gel does not cause irritation to the esophageal mucosa.

Unlike others antacids, Gaviscon does not cause sharp decline acidity of the stomach contents. That is, the acidic environment necessary for normal digestion is preserved in the stomach, but the resulting gel protects the mucous membrane from the acidic effect of gastric juice. Just like other antacids, Gaviscon does not act on the cause of the disease that causes regurgitation, but has only a symptomatic effect.

Release forms and composition

  • Chewable tablets (lemon or mint); composition of 1 tablet: sodium alginate – 250 mg, sodium bicarbonate – 133.5 mg, calcium carbonate – 80 mg. The package contains 8, 16, 24 or 32 tablets.
  • Gaviscon mint suspension 100, 150 and 300 ml in a bottle. The composition of 10 ml of suspension includes: sodium alginate – 500 mg, sodium bicarbonate – 267 mg, calcium carbonate – 160 mg.
  • Gaviscon forte mint suspension 80, 150, 250 ml in a bottle; 10 ml of suspension contains sodium alginate 1000 mg, potassium bicarbonate 200 mg.
  • Gaviscon Double Action in the form of a suspension, packaged in sachets of 10 ml and bottles of 150, 200, 300, 600 ml.

Instructions for use of Gaviscon

Indications for use

Dyspepsia, which occurs when the acidity of gastric contents increases and gastroesophageal reflux (reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus):
  • heartburn;
  • belching sour;
  • heaviness in the epigastric region after eating in diseases of the digestive tract and during pregnancy.


  • Individual intolerance to the drug;
  • age up to 6 years.
Gaviscon should be used with caution in case of cardiovascular failure and kidney disease with impaired renal function, when a diet with limited salt is necessary, because the drug contains significant amount sodium (sodium promotes fluid retention in the body).

Considering also the significant calcium content in Gaviscon, it should be used with caution in case of kidney stones and elevated level calcium in the blood.

Side effects

They rarely occur in the form of allergic manifestations.

Treatment with Gaviscon

How to take Gaviscon?
Gaviscon should be taken orally after meals and before bed. The drug in tablet form should be chewed thoroughly. When using the forte suspension, it is recommended to knead the sachet before use to mix the contents.

If there is no effect within a week, you should consult a doctor. A decrease in the effectiveness of the drug may be due to reduced acidity of gastric contents.

Gaviscon does not affect reaction speed and concentration, therefore professional restrictions during treatment with the drug no.

For adults, Gaviscon suspension is prescribed 10-20 ml; and Gaviscon suspension forte - 5-10 ml. The maximum permissible dose of the suspension per day is 80 ml, and the forte suspension is 40 ml.

Gaviscon Double Action is prescribed 2-4 tablets per dose.

Elderly patients are prescribed the same doses.

In case of an overdose of the drug, bloating may occur.

Gaviscon for children

Gaviscon in the form of a suspension and tablets is contraindicated for children under 6 years of age, and for children under 12 years of age - in the form of a forte suspension.

Children from 6 to 12 years old are prescribed 5-10 ml of Gaviscon suspension. Higher daily dose Gaviscon suspension – 40 ml. When using tablets, the doctor selects the dose for the child individually.

Children over 12 years of age are prescribed 10-20 ml of suspension per dose; the highest daily dose is 80 ml. Gaviscon in the form of a suspension forte is used 5-10 ml per dose; the highest daily dose is 40 ml. Gaviscon tablets are prescribed 2-4 tablets per dose, as for adults.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

One of the few drugs with antacid action approved for use in

Release form, composition and packaging


10 ml of suspension contains:

active substances: sodium alginate 1000 mg, potassium bicarbonate 200 mg, and excipients:

suspension For reception inside [ aniseed]: calcium carbonate 200 mg, carbomer 40 mg, methyl parahydroxybenzoate 40 mg, propyl parahydroxybenzoate 6 mg, sodium hydroxide 14.44 mg, sodium saccharinate 10 mg, fennel flavor 7 mg, purified water up to 10 ml;

suspension For reception inside [ mint]: calcium carbonate 200 mg, carbomer 40 mg, methyl parahydroxybenzoate 40 mg, propyl parahydroxybenzoate 6 mg, sodium hydroxide 14.44 mg, sodium saccharinate 10 mg, mint flavor 6 mg, purified water up to 10 ml;


Oral suspension [anise]: Viscous suspension, almost white to light brown in color, with an anise odor.

Viscous suspension, almost white to light brown in color, with a minty odor.

Release form

Oral suspension [anise], oral suspension [mint].

80 ml, 150 ml, 200 ml, 250 ml or 300 ml in dark glass bottles with a polypropylene cap that provides first-opening control. Instructions for use are located under the label.

Oral suspension [mint]: 10 ml of suspension in multilayer bags (polyester, aluminum, polyethylene). 4, 8, 12, 16 or 20 sachets along with instructions for use in a cardboard box.

Pharmacological action

In 10 ml of suspension the calcium carbonate content is 200 mg (2.0 mmol). The drug should be taken with caution in patients with hypercalcemia, neurocalcinosis and recurrent formation kidney stones containing calcium.

If there is no improvement in symptoms within 7 days, you should consult your doctor.

Effect on the ability to operate machinery and a car

The drug does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and machinery, as well as to engage in other potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Pregnancy and lactation

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Over the counter.

Storage conditions and periods

Store at 15 - 30 °C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date 2 years.

Do not use after expiration date.

"Gaviscon" is a medicine that helps with a feeling of discomfort (burning) behind the sternum, spreading through the esophagus, that is, with heartburn.

Since the medicine contains sodium, the amount should be taken into account if your diet is low in salt. This diet is often indicated for edema, kidney problems or heart failure.

In addition, for diseases associated with calcium metabolism, the dose of the drug must also be selected individually.

Side effect

Fortunately, this drug has very few side effects. These include:

  • individual intolerance;
  • bloating in case of overdose.

Individual intolerance is very rare and is usually expressed in a rash or redness of the skin, as well as. If, while taking Gaviscon, you notice heaviness in your stomach, simply reduce the dose of the drug.

Possible contraindications

There are very few contraindications for taking Gaviscon:

  • individual intolerance to the substances that make up the drug;
  • excess sodium or calcium in the body.

The composition of the medicine includes sodium alginate, sodium bicarbonate and calcium carbonate. The last two substances almost never cause allergic reactions, but alginate intolerance sometimes occurs. In this case, another heartburn medication is prescribed.

Excess sodium can be dangerous if you have edema, heart failure, or kidney problems. In such conditions, which are not so rare during pregnancy, a salt-free or low-salt diet is usually prescribed, and then Gaviscon intake should be eliminated or limited.

Excess calcium is harmful in diseases with impaired calcium-phosphorus metabolism; in this case, it is also better to avoid taking Gevsikon. In addition, although calcium supplements are usually prescribed during pregnancy, excessive amounts can lead to ossification.

Analogs of the drug allowed during pregnancy

There are several alginate-based drugs approved during this period, for example:

  • "Laminal";
  • "Maalox";
  • "Gastal";
  • "Almagel"
  • magnesium, calcium and sodium alginates.

In addition, sometimes during pregnancy it is prescribed antacids. They are cheaper and also allowed during this period, but there are still more side effects of these drugs.

Gaviscon is modern medicine, which is often prescribed to pregnant women by both gynecologists and therapists. There are very few contraindications for taking it, but before taking it it is better to consult a doctor and take the drug only as needed.

Pregnancy is the most crucial period. However, while carrying a child, women may experience some discomfort, as well as some difficulties.

One of the unpleasant sensations is heartburn and its accompanying manifestations. That is why many are interested in whether Gaviscon can be taken during pregnancy, since this drug is considered the safest.

Causes of discomfort

Heartburn - unpleasant feeling or a burning sensation that may radiate to the neck area. It can provoke very severe discomfort and leads to a deterioration in mood, which is extremely undesirable during pregnancy. A similar problem occurs due to exposure to hydrochloric acid.

Heartburn is often observed in pregnant women, regardless of whether they have had this problem before or not. It often appears after overeating.

During pregnancy, heartburn occurs due to relaxation of the stomach muscles. This happens due to the influence of hormones, which change their levels when carrying a child. Another factor is increased intra-abdominal pressure. This occurs as a result of an enlarged uterus.

Quick solution to the problem

Heartburn in pregnant women usually occurs at the end of the first trimester or at the beginning of the second. It can continue until childbirth, and the discomfort increases all the time. After this, there may be a decrease in it, or heartburn goes away completely on its own.

Feature of the drug

The medicine "Gaviscon" during pregnancy is a real salvation, since many women suffer from heartburn during this period. After administration, the product begins to act immediately. The active components of the drug literally envelop the walls of the stomach with a film, thereby creating a strong barrier. This allows you to protect the mucous membrane from aggressive influence hydrochloric acid contained in gastric juice.

Important feature The drug is that it does not affect the acidity of the stomach. This makes it possible to digest the food consumed in the usual way, but without negative manifestations.

Can I take it during pregnancy?

According to the instructions for the drug, it is not prohibited to take Gaviscon during pregnancy. Compound medicine Quite simple and does not contain prohibited components. The action of the medicine is based on its components such as sodium, baking soda and potassium. It is soda that helps neutralize stomach acid, as a result of which after taking the drug literally 15-20 minutes, heartburn completely disappears.

The medicine belongs to the group of alginates, that is, drugs that, after administration, form a special film on the surface of the esophagus and stomach. It is this that serves as a barrier and prevents the effect of hydrochloric acid on the esophageal mucosa.

The tests carried out showed that the current active substance the medication does not have a toxic effect on the embryo. In addition, it is not absorbed into the systemic circulation and does not penetrate the placenta.

It is worth noting that the drug "Gaviscon" for heartburn during pregnancy has a symptomatic effect. The medicine helps to quickly and effectively cope with the unpleasant symptoms of dyspeptic disorders, but does not eliminate the main cause of their occurrence.

Often, heartburn and belching go away on their own immediately after delivery, as they arise as a result of the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the stomach area and with changes in hormonal levels. If unpleasant symptoms persist even after childbirth, then you must undergo comprehensive examination, as well as treatment.

Composition and release form

Depending on the form of release, the Gaviscon instructions during pregnancy recommend taking into account the dosage of the drug. This medicine is available in the following dosage forms, How:

  • dosed sachets;
  • suspension;
  • chewable tablets.

You can buy it without a prescription, however, despite this, it is highly undesirable to self-medicate. During pregnancy, Gaviscon should only be prescribed by the attending physician. It includes:

  • baking soda;
  • sodium;
  • potassium;
  • flavoring;
  • acesulfame potassium;
  • macrogoal

All these components do their job very well and give the drug the required properties.

In addition, the drug has the following variations:

  • "Gaviscon" (classic);
  • "Gaviscon double action";
  • "Gaviscon forte";
  • "Gaviscon forte" (during pregnancy).

Different versions of the drug differ in the number of active ingredients and their dosage. Many people often confuse Gaviscon, prescribed during pregnancy, and Hexicon suppositories. The last drug used to treat sexually transmitted diseases or diseases of the urinary system.

Women are allowed to take absolutely any combination of medications while carrying a child. If circumstances force it, you can take the drug for a long time. In such cases, doctors recommend Gaviscon Forte (during pregnancy). It has a very convenient release form, as well as a slightly different composition, which significantly reduces the risk to the health of the unborn child.

When does the doctor prescribe the medicine and for how long?

The drug "Gaviscon" during pregnancy is prescribed exclusively by the attending physician. Among the indications for taking this remedy are:

  • dyspepsia;
  • heartburn;
  • discomfort and heaviness in the stomach.

Heartburn often occurs after later, and the reason for this is the increased pressure of the increasing size of the uterus. However, it is worth noting that you can take Gaviscon during pregnancy and during pregnancy. early stages, in the first trimester, since this drug has almost no contraindications.

Pharmacological action drugs is based on the fact that when interacting with gastric juice it creates a kind of barrier that is located on the surface of the stomach and protects its walls from the effects of acid. After administration, the drug acts for approximately 4 hours.

Features of application

Depending on the woman’s well-being and the chosen form of the drug, an individual dosage is prescribed. The most convenient form is tablets, as they are very easy to carry with you all the time and take when needed. According to the instructions for use, Gaviscon during pregnancy is prescribed in a single dosage of 2-4 tablets. No water is required for administration, since the lozenges have a fairly pleasant taste, thanks to the flavorings, and are easy to chew. Pregnant women are recommended to start taking it with a lower dosage, and if the effect is weak, it should be increased.

The medicine is also available in the form of dosed sachets, which are intended for one-time use. It is allowed to use them up to 8 times a day. Before use, the bag needs to be crushed a little to ensure better mixing of the components. The drug "Gaviscon Forte" (during pregnancy) is prescribed in a volume of 5-10 ml per dose, but not more than 40 ml per day. This type of remedy is characterized by the fact that it is prescribed exclusively to women during pregnancy.

Gaviscon suspension during pregnancy helps to quickly eliminate an attack of heartburn. It is best to take it immediately after meals, as it creates an enveloping protective film. According to the instructions, Gaviscon during pregnancy in the form of a suspension should be taken 10-20 ml, but not more than 80 ml per day. You need to take the medicine after each meal and before bed. Such a scheme will not only effectively get rid of heartburn at the moment, but also prevent its reoccurrence. In this case, you must strictly adhere to the dosage and course of treatment prescribed by the doctor.

The course of therapy should be no more than 7 days. Long-term use of this drug requires monitoring of the functioning of the heart and kidneys.

Side effects and contraindications

Despite the proven safety of the drug "Gaviscon", it is not recommended for use in case of hypersensitivity to the main component. During pregnancy, a woman becomes especially sensitive, which is why treatment medications may cause allergies. If, after taking the drug, rashes, itching, and many other signs of an allergic reaction appear, then you need to stop it and consult a doctor to prescribe an analogue. In addition, among the main contraindications it is necessary to highlight the following:

  • kidney dysfunction;
  • diseases cardiovascular system;
  • individual intolerance to individual components of the drug.

The composition of the drug "Gaviscon" includes calcium, which is why, if there are stones or sand in the kidneys, the use of this drug can only aggravate the course of the disease. urolithiasis. In such cases, doctors recommend selecting analogues with other active ingredients. If a pregnant woman has cardiovascular diseases, then the use of Gaviscon can only worsen their course.

Side effects are not observed when taking this drug, however, periodic occurrence of allergies or skin rashes. If they appear, you should immediately stop taking the drug.

Overdose and interaction with other drugs

According to the instructions for use, in case of an overdose of Gaviscon, the patient may experience bloating. The problem can be solved by symptomatic treatment.

This medicine is very popular among pregnant women and young mothers, as it is completely safe for the fetus and infant. It can be used together with other medications. However, it is worth noting that at least 2 hours should pass between taking an antacid and another drug. You need to be especially careful with histamine receptor blockers and antibiotics.

It is worth noting that reviews regarding the use of the drug "Gaviscon" do not always coincide with the opinion of experts. Many doctors believe that there is no need to use it constantly during pregnancy.

According to a survey conducted among pregnant women, the drug "Gaviscon" acts very quickly, neutralizing heartburn. This happens due to the fact that when the drug enters the stomach, the components contained in it almost instantly interact with gastric juice. Thus, they help eliminate burning and carefully protect the walls of the esophagus.

In addition, doctors say that if a woman has kidney problems or heart failure, then she must adhere to a special diet, and also strictly follow the dosage selected by the doctor. It is also necessary to monitor the course of therapy for other diseases that are associated with metabolic disorders.

Analogues of the drug

Today there is no complete analogue of the drug "Gaviscon", however, there is a wide variety of medicines created on the basis of other active ingredients. These drugs can also be used during pregnancy after consultation with a doctor.

Among the analogues, it is necessary to highlight the drug "Maalox", which is produced in the form of chewable lozenges, as well as suspensions. Among the contraindications can be noted increased sensitivity to its constituent components, renal failure. This drug is prescribed only if the potential benefit for normalizing the mother's well-being significantly exceeds possible risk for the fetus.

In addition, another good analogue The drug “Rennie” is considered, which is presented in the form of chewable tablets. Among the contraindications of this drug, severe renal failure and increased levels of calcium and phosphorus in the body should be highlighted. This drug is not dangerous to the fetus if the dosage is strictly followed and not exceeded.

Any analogue of a drug should be selected with the attending doctor, and not done on your own.