
Impulsive therapy. Low-frequency and high-frequency currents in physiotherapy

Treatment of osteochondrosis with Bernard currents is prescribed to relieve pain, relieve inflammation and improve general condition. In combination with medications, exercise therapy can lead to stable remission.

Osteochondrosis occurs in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, have overweight, are often in a sedentary position and practically do not engage in sports. The disease can be eliminated using complex therapy.

Today, treatment of osteochondrosis with low-frequency electrical impulses is very popular. The method allows you to reduce painful sensations, relieve inflammation in the lesion. Bernard currents have the following effects:

  • copy the pain;
  • improve tissue condition;
  • help quickly restore affected areas;
  • reduce movement disorders;
  • strengthen the muscle corset and increase its tone;
  • normalize metabolic processes;
  • improve immunity;
  • stimulate microcirculation in the diseased area.

Such physiotherapy can serve as an independent treatment for osteochondrosis or be used in combination. This method is based on the effect of a small current charge on the affected area.

As a result, heat is generated in the tissues, which significantly increases blood circulation. Bernard's impulses affect nerve endings and receptors, reducing pain.

This type of therapy for osteochondrosis has its own characteristics. The procedure should be carried out in specialized centers under the supervision of a doctor or nurse. Modern devices for the treatment of spinal pathologies make it possible to generate pulses of different frequencies for effective impact on damaged areas.

What are Bernard currents and what are their advantages?

For the first time, the treatment of osteochondrosis with electrical impulses was applied and modeled by the French scientist Pierre Bernard. Thanks to low-frequency currents, the tone of the muscle corset increases. When the waves pass, a dynamic contraction of smooth and skeletal muscles occurs, causing stimulation vascular networks, muscles of internal organs, muscle corset.

With the help of Bernard currents for osteochondrosis, blood circulation is improved, and an analgesic effect is observed due to irritation of the nerve receptors. A frequency of 100 Hz is enough to dilate arterioles, improve tissue nutrition and activate collateral capillaries.

Low frequency currents help eliminate inflammatory and edematous processes in osteochondrosis. Modern method widely used in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Is it possible to be cured this way?

Bernard's method is not inferior in its effectiveness to the drug type of treatment. Physiotherapy is applied to the affected areas and segments spinal column. Most patients experience a significant reduction in pain after the first session of therapy for osteochondrosis using current.

Doctors recommend using Bernard's electrical impulse treatment in combination with medications For effective result. You can use current as an independent therapy in the initial stages of osteochondrosis.

What are the contraindications for treating the spine with currents?

Physiotherapy is used in the treatment of osteochondrosis. Electrical exposure has a number of contraindications. Bernard's electrical impulse therapy is prohibited:

  • during exacerbations of the disease;
  • under drug and alcohol intoxication;
  • for skin diseases;
  • with kidney inflammation in the active phase and tuberculosis;
  • in the presence of malignant tumors;
  • for disorders of the sensitivity of the skin;
  • for illnesses circulatory system and hearts;
  • in case of individual intolerance to the method;
  • during breastfeeding and pregnancy;
  • at mental disorders, especially during exacerbation;

The attending physician should prescribe Bernard currents for osteochondrosis, taking into account all possible consequences and patient problems.

Before starting a session, it is necessary to undergo diagnostics to identify contraindications in order to avoid negative consequences from treatment.

The procedure using electrical impulses for osteochondrosis is not performed on patients who have metal implants in the cardiac system or throughout the body. The Bernard method is not suitable for patients with a non-immobilized bone fracture. Before the procedure, the doctor must carefully examine the skin in the area where the current is applied. If there is damage, they must be covered with oilcloth or the electrodes must be moved.

Treatment of osteochondrosis using pulses is prohibited for people who have purulent diseases of the subcutaneous fat layer. The procedure can be carried out only after creating an outflow of pus (drainage).

Osteochondrosis requires complex intervention, especially in advanced stages. To achieve results, the doctor prescribes the necessary course of Bernard currents, medications, massage and physical therapy.

Pulse therapy is the most powerful weapon against your illness

It is currently known
that each organ human body corresponds to a certain color and vibration frequency. Color is electromagnetic in nature, so it actively interacts with energy structures human body, enhancing or suppressing their vibrations. Changes in a person’s energy structure lead to changes on the physical level, in his body.

Pulse therapy method
built on the law of resonant interaction of colors that coincide with the frequency characteristics of human organs. Entering the retina of the eye, light energy is transmitted through the pineal gland to various structures of the body that need treatment or correction.

The eyes in this case act only as conductors of light pulses. And this is no coincidence, since the iris of the eyes contains projections of all human organs and systems ( Figure 1) Because Since the light ray is the language of communication between the cells of the body, its color scheme helps restore the energy balance disturbed by the disease.

Figure 1

The modern idea of ​​the world is defined as materialistic, and the objects of this world are information systems, organized by structured energy. Physical energy has vibration, which takes the form of, for example, electromagnetic waves. Matter also vibrates at the level of atoms, or elementary particles, an idea at the heart of quantum physics.

The physical plane is just a compaction of harmonized wave processes that form the basis of the energy-information space. In other words, every object in the Universe (including humans) represents certain combinations of waves of various vibrations or vibrations.

Projecting the above onto human health, the following main conclusions can be drawn:

Conclusion 1 The human body has a wave nature and in essence, strange as it may sound, is light ( Figure 2). Yes, outwardly it looks like quite dense matter. But, if our body is divided into separate components, we will see that it consists of organs, organs - of tissues, tissues - of cells, etc. ( Figure 3).

Conclusion 2 In each cell, a huge number of biochemical reactions occur every second, each of which has a specific wave radiation. The radiation of all cells is added up, and the radiation of the organ is formed. When the radiation of all organs is added up, the result is human radiation - this is the total radiation of all cells of the body.

Figure 2

Figure 3

organs -- tissues -- cells -- molecules -- atoms -- subatomic particles -- waves

Conclusion 3 Individual cells, organs, and systems of organisms have special combinations of vibrations of a certain frequency, and, from this point of view, the human body can be compared to a complex piece of music. A healthy state of the body is characterized by harmonious vibrations, and a diseased state is characterized by “false notes,” dissonance.

In other words, in a healthy body, each cell works in a balanced manner and emits a certain “healthy” spectrum of waves into space (harmonious vibrations). The basis of any disease is a disruption in the functioning of the cells of any organ. That is, the cells begin to work differently. They are sick and emit a completely different spectrum of waves (disharmonious vibrations) into space.

Conclusion 4 Therefore, in order to eliminate the disease, it is necessary to eliminate wave disturbances in the cells, bringing their work into line with harmonious vibrations. What it looks like is shown in the pictures below. For clarity, instead of photographs of sick and healthy cells, we used photographs of “sick” and “healthy” water crystals (as is known, about 75% of the body’s water is inside cells as part of cellular protoplasm).

The magnetic therapy method is based on the effect on the human body magnetic fields. Even Aristotle in the 4th century BC. mentioned in his works the use of the mineral magnetic iron ore for the treatment of many diseases. Later it was used by Galen (2nd century AD), Avicenna (10th century AD) and Paracelsus (16th century), and Charcot and Trousseau began to use artificial magnets.

Currently, a magnetic field is understood as a set of time-varying, mutually related electrical and magnetic phenomena. A magnetic field occurs wherever there is a moving electric charge or current.

No special receptor zones have been found in the body that perceive electromagnetic vibrations, however, there is numerous scientific evidence that natural magnetic fields affect higher centers nervous and humoral regulation, on the permeability of biological membranes, the properties of the body’s water and colloid systems, on the biocurrents of the brain and heart. With the help of modern magnetic therapy devices, it is possible to influence the body in a controlled manner by changing the physical characteristics of the magnetic field.

Classification of magnetic fields

By origin:

  • natural or natural (geomagnetic field of the Earth, Sun),
  • artificial,
  • fields of biological objects;

By change in space:

  • homogeneous,
  • heterogeneous;

By intensity:

  • weak,
  • average,
  • strong,
  • super strong;

By change over time:

  • permanent (PMP),
  • variable (PeMP),
  • pulsed (IMP),
  • pulsating (PuMP).

A constant magnetic field is constant over time at a given point in space, while a variable magnetic field changes over time in magnitude and direction. A pulsed magnetic field changes in magnitude over time, but not in direction. A pulsed traveling magnetic field (PTMF) moves in space relative to a stationary patient and pulses in time. It is the most biologically active, and therefore most often used for medicinal purposes.

Today, magnetic therapy is widely used in medical institutions, sanatoriums, rehabilitation, sports and health centers. Portable magnetic therapy devices “Imedis” and “ALMAG” are well-known and have proven themselves; similar technology is also implemented in the “Bioscanner” BIORS hardware and software complex.

The effect of a pulsed magnetic field on the body

Pulsed magnetic therapy or so-called magnetic stimulation is treatment with a pulsed magnetic field of weak (with a pulse amplitude of 20-100 mT) and strong intensity (100-1400 mT). Magnetic field pulses cause eddy electric currents in living tissues.

Organs and systems react differently to a magnetic field. This depends on the electrical and magnetic properties of tissues, differences in microcirculation, metabolic rate, etc. The nervous and endocrine systems are most sensitive to the magnetic field. It also affects the sensory organs, cardiovascular system, blood properties, muscular, digestive, urinary, respiratory and skeletal systems.

Magnetic therapy devices have a local (on the pathological focus) or general effect (on the body as a whole). However, in essence, these effects are inseparable, since any local influence includes reflex mechanisms, which causes a response from central regulatory mechanisms. As a rule, the impact of a magnetic field on a pathological area is often supplemented by stimulation of the Zakharyin-Ged reflex zones and biologically active points(BAT).

The use of magnetic therapy causes the following effects:

  • Correction functional systems of the body (with a pathological increase in the function of an organ or system, its decrease is observed, and with depression, activation of the function is observed).
  • Decreased pain sensitivity due to inhibition of pain impulses along the nerves.
  • Normalization of sleep (sedative effect) and reduction of emotional stress by stimulating inhibition processes of the sympathetic-adrenal system.
  • Dilation of blood vessels, including small capillaries, which leads to improved delivery of oxygen and nutrients to various organs, as well as the removal of waste and toxins, acceleration of metabolism, reduction of inflammatory edema and restoration of damaged tissue.
  • A low-intensity magnetic field reduces cerebral vascular tone with improved blood supply, which has a particularly beneficial effect on the patient’s condition after a stroke.
  • By dilating the arteries and affecting the brain, magnetic therapy helps lower blood pressure.
  • Activation of lipid metabolism processes leads to a decrease in cholesterol in the blood.
  • Impact on the cervical-occipital region improves blood circulation in the brain in case of vertebrobasilar insufficiency (osteochondrosis cervical spine, disc herniation, etc.).
  • Stimulation nerve fibers skeletal muscles with magnetic therapy it improves their contractility. Improving conductivity and accelerating the growth of nerve endings is beneficial for more quick recovery functions of injured peripheral nerves.
  • An increase in vascular permeability promotes the resorption of edema ( healing effect for inflammation, wounds and injuries). Increased metabolic processes and protein synthesis with local exposure leads to faster healing of fractures.
  • Function stimulation thyroid gland(useful for its hypofunction).
  • An increase in venous tone, a decrease in blood viscosity and a decrease in intravascular wall thrombus formation are beneficial in chronic venous insufficiency, varicose veins and obliterating atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities.

Negative effects of a magnetic field

Exposure to a magnetic field does not cause skin irritation or the formation of endogenous (internal) heat. As a rule, the method is well tolerated, including in frail and elderly patients who suffer concomitant diseases cardiovascular system. It does useful application magnetic therapy apparatus even in cases where other means of physiotherapy are contraindicated.

However, magnetic fields of 70 mT and higher, if dosed incorrectly, can disrupt the activity of various functional systems and lead to hypoxia and degenerative processes. Therefore, when carrying out magnetic therapy, it is necessary to strictly observe safety precautions, control the time and dose of exposure.

In addition, electromagnetic radiation also affects the doctor, so when magnetic therapy is performed frequently, the specialist is recommended to leave the room. However, several therapy programs are implemented in BIORS medical complexes (mainly targeted contact methods), which allows the use of treatment methods that have minimal impact on the doctor. For the same reason, BIORS devices do not use EHF (extremely high-frequency therapy) and other methods of remote influence. As for other magnetic therapy devices (“ALMAG”, “Imedis”, etc.), you can become familiar with their features by reading the corresponding instructions for the devices.

What is treated with pulsed magnetic therapy:

inflammatory, traumatic, toxic and ischemic lesions of the peripheral nervous system(radiculitis, infectious-allergic polyradiculoneuritis, toxic polyneuropathy, plexitis, neuritis, neuralgia, reconstructive surgical interventions on nerves, etc.);

diseases and injuries of the central nervous system (transient disorder cerebral circulation, ischemic cerebral stroke, consequences of traumatic brain injury with movement disorders, closed injuries spinal cord with movement disorders);

acute, subacute and chronic inflammatory processes;

inflammatory and degenerative-dystrophic diseases of bones and joints (osteoarthrosis, osteochondrosis, periarthritis, spondylosis deformans, ankylosing spondylitis);

injuries of the musculoskeletal system and their consequences, including bruises, dislocations, sprains, open fractures bones and joints, delayed consolidation of fractures, etc. (three days after osteosynthesis or immobilization);

hemorrhages in muscles, joints, subcutaneous tissue (three days after injury);

treatment of trophic ulcers, slow-healing wounds, furunculosis;

hypo- and muscle atrophy as a result of physical inactivity, including in the postoperative period;

training of the neuromuscular system in athletes;


illnesses respiratory system (bronchial asthma light and medium degree severity, chronic bronchitis);

diseases of the digestive system (hypomotor-evacuation disorders of the stomach after gastrectomy and vagotomy, chronic pancreatitis with secretory insufficiency, hypomotor dysfunction of the stomach, colon and gall bladder, chronic hepatitis With moderate impairment liver function);

urological diseases (stone in the ureter, condition after lithotripsy, atony bladder, sphincter weakness, prostatitis);

gynecological diseases ( inflammatory diseases uterus and appendages, ovarian hypofunction);

dental disorders (periodontal disease).

Contraindications to pulsed magnetic therapy:

heavy cardiovascular diseases(acute myocardial infarction, severe cardiovascular failure and cardiac arrhythmias, severe hypotension, aneurysm of the heart, aorta and large vessels, acute period of cerebrovascular accident);

spicy infectious diseases(active tuberculosis, purulent inflammatory processes before drainage, fever);

neuropsychiatric disorders (diseases of the central nervous system with severe agitation, epilepsy);

systemic blood diseases and tendency to bleeding;

thrombophlebitis, acute thrombosis, gangrene;

malignant neoplasms;

diffuse toxic goiter III degree;



age up to 1.5 years (local magnetic therapy is contraindicated) and up to 18 years (general exposure is contraindicated);

presence of an implanted pacemaker (its operation may be disrupted);

the presence of metal objects loosely located in the tissues of the body - for example, fragments after wounds.

For metal synthesis, the use of the Ilizarov apparatus and metal implanted joints, magnetic therapy NOT contraindicated.

Magnetic therapy programs at AIC "Bioscanner" BIORS

In the "Bioscanner", unlike many magnetic therapy devices, it is possible to carry out treatment according to 90 programs, including therapy for the above indications and psychocorrection programs. Psychocorrection programs use signals that coincide with electromagnetic waves of different frequencies emitted by the human brain. This therapy triggers self-regulation mechanisms and allows you to harmonize information exchange processes in the body.

With the help of psychocorrection programs, the following effects are carried out:

Activation of intellectual activity, concentration, extraction of relevant information from the subconscious, while improving blood supply to the brain - can be used for a short time or during training, and the greatest effect is observed when perceiving material by ear (useful for learning difficulties, for faster assimilation of new material , including when studying foreign languages, for stress and sleep disturbances before exams);

Restoring the body’s adaptation mechanisms, plunging into deep sleep, expanding the capabilities of the subconscious to find solutions or answers;

Relaxing, meditative effect (especially useful for prolonged tension of different muscle groups and/or sleep disturbances, to achieve clarity of thoughts and self-confidence in order to reduce stress levels, explore one’s own consciousness and psychomodeling of new behavior patterns);

Expanding the capabilities of consciousness, including improving creativity(activation of the subconscious, imagination and memory, stimulation of imaginative thinking, etc.);

Quick recovery of strength after intense mental or stressful work, energization of the body ( this program magnetic therapy helps reduce fatigue and increase performance, improve concentration);

Simultaneous relaxation and activation of the psyche (it is beneficial to use an appropriate magnetotherapy program before sports competitions, as it allows you to concentrate and reduce the level of anxiety);

Stimulation of control of internal needs (used in complex treatment alcoholism, substance abuse and other addictions, including smoking, helping to resist cravings by achieving emotional stability and self-confidence);

Overcoming fears (for phobias, neuroses) - regular implementation of an appropriate magnetic therapy program helps to cope with the fear of making decisions, public speaking etc.;

Stabilization immune system for stress, anxiety, psychosomatic symptoms of the cardiovascular system, muscle tension in the collar zone and spine (often occurs with osteochondrosis), neurocirculatory dystonia;

Hypnotic effect for insomnia and other sleep disorders that are not corrected by relaxation programs;

Mental stabilization for various psychosomatic disorders, including weakened immunity (recurrent infections of the upper respiratory tract, allergies, bedwetting, learning difficulties, including those due to hyperkinetic syndrome);

Treatment of stress and related disorders immune status and hormonal balance (used as an adjuvant therapy for allergies, tumors (including fibroids) and fungal infections, insufficiency of the function of any endocrine glands, diabetes mellitus, neuroses, eczema, stomach ulcers and duodenum, asthma, lymphedema, migraine, hypotension, varicose veins, dysmenorrhea, osteoporosis, kidney stone disease, impotence/frigidity, during puberty and menopause);

Treatment of stress that manifests itself as spasms different types (stabbing pains V different parts body with vegetative-vascular dystonia, tension pain in the shoulder-occipital region, headaches, including migraines, smooth muscle spasms) - this program is not applicable for any types of tumors;

Therapy depressive states, including phobias and anxiety, psychosomatic complaints from the cardiovascular system, peptic ulcer, endocrine disorders (including depression during premenstrual syndrome and menopause);

Treatment of disorders associated with brain diseases, including cerebral atherosclerosis, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases;

Pain relief associated with an increase in endorphin levels, as well as with the activation of the body’s ability to self-heal (successfully used for tension headaches and other chronic pain, especially those of a psychogenic nature);

Reproduction of Schumann waves. Electromagnetic waves of ultra-low and low frequencies arise between our planet and the lower layer of the atmosphere. Their fundamental frequency (7.8 Hz) coincides with the frequency of the human brain (the alpha rhythm of newborn children or a waking person in a state of meditation). The effect of Schumann waves on the body improves concentration, gives a “charge” of energy, and expands the capabilities of consciousness.

Method of conducting pulsed magnetic therapy

Methods of carrying out procedures depend on the specific magnetic therapy device (“ALMAG”, “Imedis”, “Bioscanner”, etc.), but, as a rule, general principle consists in the fact that the inductors are installed motionless over the pathological focus or smoothly moved around this area. The procedures are carried out daily or every other day, depending on the pathology, and are dosed according to the pulse repetition rate, the amplitude of the magnetic induction, the interpulse interval and the duration of the procedure (usually from 5 to 15 minutes). As a rule, the course of treatment consists of 10-12 procedures, which, if necessary, can be repeated after 1-2 months, however, each magnetic therapy program has its own characteristics. For example, some psychocorrection programs can be carried out twice a day, in short courses or once.

Electrical currents are widely used in physiotherapy. Changes in their parameters can diametrically influence the mechanisms of action and the observed effects on the body.

High frequency currents in physiotherapy

Currents applied in medical purposes, are divided into low, medium and high. High frequency current is detected at frequencies greater than 100,000 hertz.

High frequency currents are generated by special equipment and are applied without direct contact with the patient. An exception is the local darsonvalization method, which uses high-frequency currents through special electrodes on the body.

Many physiological effects HF currents are based on the formation of endogenous heat in tissues. High-frequency currents cause small vibrations at the molecular level, resulting in the release of heat. This heat acts at different depths in the tissues, and the effect lasts for some time after completion of the procedure.

Application of RF currents in medical practice

The effect of high-frequency currents on the central nervous system is sedative and on the autonomic system - sympatholytic; in general, HF currents have a relaxing effect on the nervous system. The same can be said about their effect on the smooth muscles of the bronchi, where the antispasmodic effect is combined with an anti-inflammatory effect.

HF currents are indicated for pain syndromes such as neuralgia, neuritis, radiculitis, etc. The analgesic effect is due to an increase in pain threshold skin receptors and inhibition of the transmission of pain signals through nerves.

Procedures using high-frequency currents are effective for slow tissue healing in wounds, bedsores and trophic diabetes. This mechanism of action is associated with the induction of endogenous vasodilator heat. In spastic conditions such as Buerger's disease or Raynaud's syndrome, HF currents can also relieve some symptoms.

In another case, the effect of high frequency currents on blood vessels is tonic and is used in treatment varicose veins veins and hemorrhoids. Sometimes the bactericidal effect of high-frequency currents is used to treat infected wounds. Bactericidal and antimicrobial effect HF currents have indirect mechanisms that increase local blood flow, stimulating and accelerating the phase of the inflammatory process.

Contraindications to the use of all types of currents in medicine are large metal objects in tissues, implanted pacemakers, pregnancy, a tendency to bleed, and some others.

Ultra-high frequency currents

Ultra-high frequency currents are another group of high-frequency currents. They also work on the principle of generating endogenous heat and targeted activation of metabolism in certain tissues. Their action is used in response to a wide variety of pathological processes. The duration of one procedure is on average 10-15 minutes, and courses vary in length depending on the result achieved.

Irradiation of the kidney with ultra-high frequency currents in acute and chronic glomerulonephritis gives a vasodilator and anti-inflammatory effect, acting on blood vessels, and enhances diuresis. On the other hand, radiation to the adrenal glands naturally stimulates the production of corticosteroids and is used in the treatment of some autoimmune diseases.

The third group of high-frequency currents used in medicine is centimeter high-frequency currents. Microwave waves affect blood, lymph and parenchymal organs. Centimeter waves have a depleted effect 3-4 centimeters deep into the body surface.

The principle of operation of all types of high-frequency currents is associated with the formation of endogenous heat. The latter has different effects on different organs. The difference between currents in frequency determines the depth of heat penetration into the body and treatment preferences certain type fabrics with more or less water content. Treatment with HF currents must strictly correspond to the type of pathology, location and type of tissue.

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Low frequency currents in physiotherapy

Low frequency current is defined from one to 1000 hertz. Within this range, depending on the frequency, the effects of LF currents differ. Most medical equipment uses low frequency currents with a frequency of 100-150 Hz.

All in all, therapeutic effect low frequency pulsed currents can be divided into irritating and suppressive. What the effect of such therapy will be depends mainly on the frequency of the current. Low frequency currents affect electrically excitable structures such as nerves and muscles.

The application of low frequency currents is carried out through electrodes that are placed on injured muscles, a diseased area of ​​the body or other place. In most cases, electrodes are placed on the skin. It is possible, however, to insert them into the vagina, rectum, or implantation in certain muscle groups and the medullary canal, and even in the brain.

The normal process of excitation of nerve and muscle cells is achieved by changing the charge on both sides of the positive and negative electrodes. Application electric current with certain characteristics near excitable structures has a stimulating effect on them. The local mode of action of the current is due to a change in the charge of the cell membrane.

Application of low-frequency currents in medicine

Low-frequency currents are used to stimulate muscles with preserved innervation, for example, when, during immobilization after bone fractures, muscle wasting and hypotonia (low tone) develop in the immobilized area. This occurs because the muscles do not move and are not stimulated by the nerves.

In these cases, the applied low frequency current causes contraction of part of the muscle fiber, which improves blood supply and, to a certain extent, helps prevent the occurrence of severe malnutrition. However, to achieve this effect, electrical stimulation must be used quite often.

In other cases, muscle stimulation may be impaired by innervation (paralysis, paresis). It is necessary to reuse low frequency currents, but with their different physical characteristics. The goal is to stimulate the muscles and restore nerve integrity.

Electrical stimulation can be applied not only to the skeleton, but also to various smooth muscle diseases, such as postoperative intestinal atony, postpartum atony uterus, etc. Another application of this method is stimulation of the venous wall during varicose veins and hemorrhoids. Contraindications for stimulation with low-frequency currents are pregnancy, pacemakers and some other conditions.

The second main use of low frequency currents is to reduce pain from neuralgia, myalgia, tendinitis, headaches and other conditions. The most common method is transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. With this type of stimulation, specific very sensitive nerve fibers are affected, which block the transmission of pain information at the level of the spinal cord. The duration of one session of such therapy ranges from 10 minutes to 1-2 hours. The most suitable frequency to achieve an analgesic effect is about 100 Hz.

Disclaimer: The information presented in this article about the use of low-frequency and high-frequency currents in physical therapy is intended for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional.

Today there are many unique treatment methods various diseases, in which there is a direct impact on the human body with magnetic fields, current pulses, lasers, etc.

One of the most popular techniques is magnetic therapy, which is effective and indicated for many diseases and pathologies.

To treat various pathological diseases, doctors use pulsed currents in physiotherapy. The effect of currents occurs in a certain rhythm, which is set on a special medical device, corresponding to the rhythms of the work of any internal system or organ of the human body, and the frequency of the supplied pulses also changes.

Intended use in medicinal purposes pulses of low-frequency current can cause a number of the following diseases and manifestations:

  • electrical stimulation muscle tissue;
  • pain relief;
  • antispastic effect;
  • action that has a vasodilating effect;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • damage to the neuromuscular system;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • other diseases endocrine system;
  • cosmetic skin problems;
  • disturbances of intestinal motility;
  • diseases of the pelvic organs (genitourinary system).

During the procedure, the effect on the muscles of pulsed currents is replaced by so-called rest phases. With each subsequent action, the amplitude of the pulse current and its rhythm smoothly increase and, thus reaching the highest point, and then also smoothly decrease their value to zero.

Electrodes through which an electrical current pulse is applied are placed on certain points on the patient’s body, through which a specific muscle group is affected. The current strength is calculated by the doctor in such a way as to visually see muscle contractions, but at the same time not cause the patient a feeling of discomfort during the procedure. Typically the current can be between 10 and 15 mA. As a rule, the course of treatment consists of 15 to 20 procedures, each of which lasts 15 or 30 minutes.

Pulsed currents are used in different types of physiotherapy:

  • Electroson. With this type of physiotherapy, low-intensity portions of current pulses are exposed, thus normalizing the functionality of the central nervous system. This effect occurs through the head receptors. Classic electrosleep uses pulses at frequencies from 1 to 150 Hz, with a duration of 0.2 to 0.3 ms. With this procedure, bifurcated electrodes are applied to both eyes of the patient, as well as to the mastoid area. As a result of such manipulation, normalization of brain activity, improvement of blood circulation, and the functioning of all internal organs and systems are noted.
  • Diadynamic therapy. Carried out using low frequency pulses polysine wave, with a frequency from 50 to 100 Hz. Pulses are applied separately or in a process with continuous alternation of short and long periods. The epidermis resists the effects of such a current, causing hyperemia, dilation of the walls of blood vessels and increased blood circulation. At the same time, muscle tissue and the nervous system are stimulated, resulting in a general therapeutic effect. Thus, the circulatory system, in particular the peripheral one, is activated, all metabolic processes in the body are improved, and pain is reduced. This method of pulse therapy is used to treat the peripheral nervous system and musculoskeletal system.
  • Interference. Low-frequency pulse currents are used (from 1 to 150 Hz), with a constant or variable frequency. This technique helps improve the functioning of motor muscles, increases blood circulation, reduces pain, and activates metabolic processes. Treatment is more effective in the treatment of subacute stages of diseases of the peripheral nervous system.
  • Amplipulsetherapy. Electrotherapy is carried out using sinusoidal simulated currents with low frequency (from 10 to 150 Hz), as well as mid-frequency (from 2000 to 5000 Hz). Such a sinusoidal current penetrates perfectly through skin without causing irritation, it has a stimulating effect on muscle fibers, nerve fibers, improves blood circulation and metabolic processes. Treatment is prescribed for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, traumatic injuries, problems of the nervous system and many other pathological conditions.
  • Electrical stimulation used to stimulate or significantly enhance the functionality of certain internal organs and systems. Today, the most common types of electrical stimulation are stimulation of the heart, nervous system and motor muscles. Therapy is also indicated to maintain the vital activity of muscle tissue and its nutrition, to prevent such phenomena as muscle atrophy during periods of forced inactivity, and to strengthen muscles during the period of recovery and rehabilitation.
  • Fluctuarization. Currents used are partially or fully rectified alternating current, low frequency (from 10 to 2000 Hz). When exposed to such currents, tissue irritation and excitation occurs, lymph and blood circulation increases, the movement of leukocytes is activated, and the work of muscle tissue is stimulated.

Contraindications to the use of pulsed current therapy may include:

  • individual intolerance;
  • tumors;
  • second trimester of pregnancy, during which pulse therapy is used very carefully;
  • bleeding;
  • fresh hemarthrosis.

The effect of current pulses on the body causes irritating, exciting and stimulating effects that can help in the treatment of various diseases, pathologies and complications.

When current passes through the tissues of the body, it causes tension in the tissues and enhances the functioning of cell membranes.

Thus, it activates their functionality, stimulates cells and improves their vital functions, nourishes muscles, restores the functioning of nerve fibers, blood vessels, and joints. A disease such as prostatitis can also be effectively treated with pulsed currents.

When using therapy, the patient receives the following results:

  • Blood flow improves, and accordingly, the substances of medications used to treat prostatitis penetrate the tissues faster prostate gland.
  • Congestion in the pelvis is reduced.
  • Metabolism improves, which strengthens the entire body.
  • The synthesis of prostate secretion improves.
  • The permeability of cell membranes increases.

For effective therapy prostatitis, electrotherapy can be used with different types pulse currents. Galvanization allows you to influence the prostate gland with low-frequency currents with continuous action, this relieves inflammation and relieves pain. Medicinal electrophoresis helps enhance the effect of medications, as it increases tissue permeability at the cellular level.

With electrical stimulation, the function of the pelvic muscle tissue increases, which helps in the treatment of pathologies of the genitourinary system. Thanks to this technique, many patients with prostate problems receive high-quality and effective treatment. Reviews from both doctors and patients indicate that complex therapy with current pulses - this is one of the most effective methods treatment and prevention of prostatitis and many other diseases.