
How does anesthesia affect the human body - types and consequences. What effect does general and local anesthesia have on the body? Is anesthesia dangerous?

According to surveys, anesthesia scares a person more than the operation itself. Patients experience an overwhelming fear of having to fall asleep during surgery, but are even more afraid of not recovering after its completion. And even understanding the need to administer anesthetics, patients still have many questions for the anesthesiologist. In this article we will talk about the sensations that patients experience under anesthesia and find out whether anesthesia is harmful?

Why is anesthesia needed?

The vast majority of operations are performed using anesthesia. It is necessary for a person to relieve pain in the body, and therefore to prevent painful shock. In addition, the administration of an anesthetic helps monitor the patient's heartbeat and blood pressure changes. Moreover, thanks to anesthesia, a person simply does not remember the details of the operation, which protects his body from stress. Yes and post-operative recovery in this case it goes much faster.

Anesthesia options

IN in a general sense anesthesia can be divided into two types:

1. Local anesthesia
During this procedure, a special solution is injected into the operated tissues, thanks to which the passage of nerve impulses. The patient feels numbness in a certain area of ​​the body and does not feel any interference in the tissue. This anesthesia is considered the safest, although it is only suitable for simple operations, for example, in dentistry.

2. General anesthesia
The most dangerous is general anesthesia, because with it, for a certain time, the patient’s consciousness is completely switched off and he goes into sleep. There is no need to fear general anesthesia. After its administration, the patient feels absolutely nothing, quickly and easily falling into deep sleep, and also calmly emerging from it.

Can anesthesia cause harm?

It is unlikely that anesthesia can be called a benefit for the body, but it is a conscious need to avoid death and other consequences of painful shock. Moreover, if it is vital important organs and the patient’s systems worked normally during the operation, and the patient himself did not see unpleasant hallucinations, we can conclude that the anesthesia did not harm the body. Usually, after waking up, patients do not experience the most pleasant sensations. Typically this is:

  • dizziness and sore throat;
  • severe weakness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • muscle, back or lower back pain;
  • confusion;
  • trembling in the limbs;

A qualified anesthesiologist is responsible for the safety of the patient during surgery. Its primary task is to assess a person’s readiness for surgery. To do this, the specialist must study the patient’s card, check the cardiogram, find out if there is any inflammatory processes, tendency to bleeding, as well as allergies to the injected anesthetic. The consequences of administering anesthesia largely depend on this test. If the doctor has doubts about the safety of anesthesia, he is obliged to postpone the operation, even against the wishes of the surgeon and the patient. Otherwise, serious consequences of anesthesia cannot be ruled out:

  • injuries to teeth, lips and tongue;
  • nerve damage;
  • eye damage;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • damage to the cerebral cortex;
  • lethal outcome.

Considering that anesthesia temporarily slows down work nervous system, it is impossible to exclude harmful ones that may appear after the patient is discharged from the clinic. Most often, people who have undergone surgery complain of hair loss, sleep disturbances, and memory impairment, which can be either mild or pronounced.

Having figured out whether anesthesia is harmful, you just need to understand that the likelihood of the above-mentioned symptoms increases significantly in cases where the person being operated on is a child. Health to you and your children!

Anesthesia is a general anesthesia of the body, which is achieved by immersing the central nervous system in a state of inhibition.

Today it is difficult to imagine performing surgical interventions without anesthesia. Many people believe that anesthesia has a negative effect on the human body.

Is anesthesia really harmful? At the same time, it is thanks to the introduction of an anesthetic that the occurrence of pain syndrome at the patient.

Anesthesia helps medical personnel Monitor heart rhythms and blood pressure levels. In addition, the patient himself, who is under anesthesia, does not see the progress of the operation, which has a beneficial effect on his psychological state.

Today, there are two options for performing surgery using anesthesia:

  1. Under local anesthesia. Most often used for simple surgical interventions(for example, in dentistry). Its main difference is that after the introduction of a special solution, the transmission of nerve impulses is inhibited. The person is conscious, but does not feel the invasion of the tissue - a certain area of ​​the body is completely “frozen”.
  2. With the use of general anesthesia, during which the patient falls asleep, his consciousness is completely switched off.

A state of general anesthesia can be achieved in several ways using certain groups of neuroleptic, anesthetic and analgesic drugs. Pain relief is carried out using inhalation or non-inhalation methods.

Using the inhalation method, a state of anesthesia is achieved by inhaling a special complex of gaseous medications to patients.

The non-inhalation method is based on the fact that the medication is injected directly into a vein (more rarely, intramuscularly).

The variety of administration methods depends on the type of surgery to be performed. The choice of necessary medical analgesic drugs is the responsibility of the anesthesiologist. Today, to perform one operation, a physician can use about ten medicines that are most appropriate for each specific intervention.

Why is general anesthesia harmful, and how does it affect human health?

Consequences of anesthesia for the body

Possible negative impact general anesthesia may affect the activity of the central nervous system and human brain.

Today, the most dangerous is the occurrence of cognitive dysfunction, which, fortunately, occurs extremely rarely.

A person may experience some side effects from the use of anesthesia.

Side effects that may appear in the patient after a certain period of time include:

  • trouble sleeping, insomnia or constant awakenings;
  • working capacity decreases, a state of chronic fatigue appears;
  • inability to concentrate, distracted state;
  • memory deteriorates, the ability to remember information decreases;
  • it is impossible to navigate in space;
  • arise painful sensations in the throat and muscles;
  • accompanies a state of slight clouding of consciousness;
  • skin irritation and itching.

As a rule, such symptoms arise as a result of the fact that during a short-term loss of consciousness (during anesthesia) there is a decrease in blood pressure, which provokes the occurrence of a micro-stroke. In addition, a consequence of general anesthesia is the death of brain neurons.

General anesthesia dangerous because it increases the likelihood of developing asthenic syndrome. IN increased group The following categories of patients are at risk:

  1. People with chronic diseases and heart disease.
  2. Elderly patients
  3. People with diseases of the central nervous system.
  4. Patients who are about to surgical intervention with a dose of anesthesia.

You can often hear reviews that after surgery, the following symptoms are observed for a long time:

  • state of panic fear;
  • memory loss;
  • development of hypertension;
  • deterioration of kidney and liver performance.

The main reasons why many people are so afraid of general anesthesia include the following consequences of anesthesia:

  1. Manifestation of asthenic syndrome.
  2. Development of renal failure.
  3. Arrhythmia.
  4. the occurrence of problems with the respiratory system - swelling and suffocation.
  5. Brain swelling.

There is a special effect of general anesthesia on female body, which depends on menstrual cycle, pregnancy or menopause. A pregnant woman who has undergone general anesthesia puts the health of her unborn child at risk.

Often pain relief during childbirth (during caesarean section or artificial) can cause symptoms such as headaches, nausea and vomiting, and back pain.

The effect of anesthesia on the child's body

How is anesthesia harmful to a child? Children's body constantly grows and develops, while reacting to various changes and stimuli in a completely different way (unlike an adult). Anesthesia is believed to directly affect brain activity and the development of the central nervous system.

The risk of neuronal decay increases significantly, as a result of the fact that the brain is not yet fully formed. Often, young children who have undergone surgery using general anesthesia experience difficulties in the future: they have difficulty remembering large amounts of information, and find it difficult to concentrate and concentrate.

At the same time, medical experts say that even the age of up to three years is not a contraindication for the administration of anesthesia. In their opinion, there is no scientific basis to believe that the child’s body will not cope with general anesthesia. In addition, surgical interventions are not carried out just like that; serious reasons are required for this.

As a rule, inhibition and memory loss are only short-term consequences that disappear after a few days.

In many countries, anesthesia in childhood They are absolutely normal. The administration of a complex of analgesics to provide general anesthesia is carried out:

  1. In order for the child to “not be present” at his own surgical intervention. Young children absolutely do not need extra stress and fear.
  2. So that the child does not feel pain.
  3. To achieve amnesia. Children should not feel anything and remember what happened immediately before and during surgery. It is believed that best option for a child - to wake up in the ward after surgery without any negative memories.

For particularly severe surgical interventions on the lungs, respiratory organs or abdominal cavity the muscles may need to be relaxed. In this case, it is necessary to connect an artificial respiration device. Contrary to the fear of many parents, artificial respiration helps doctors select a more accurate dose of anesthesia and avoid the risk of many complications.

Today, local anesthesia is rarely used for young patients, as a rule, together with general anesthesia during major operations.

For limb injuries, regional anesthesia may be prescribed (medicine is injected into a nerve, which numbs the arm or leg).

Myths about the dangers of anesthesia

The use of anesthesia for surgery causes fear in many patients.

Most often, this fear is due to the existence of several myths about general anesthesia during surgical procedures.

There are many different misconceptions and legends that can be heard regarding the harm of general anesthesia.

Most often, a patient’s fear of surgery arises as a result of the following myths:

  1. State of clinical death. It should be noted that general anesthesia has nothing to do with clinical death. Anesthesia is a state of deep sleep and anesthesia of the body.
  2. You may wake up during surgery. Selecting the correct dose of anesthesia is the responsibility of the anesthesiologist, who is constantly present at the operation. That is why the patient will not be able to wake up on his own.
  3. Emergence negative consequences after anesthesia in the form of memory loss, inability to concentrate and remember information. Indeed, such consequences can occur after surgery, but their duration lasts from several days to a month. In addition, even the patient himself does not notice any changes; they are visible only to a medical specialist.
  4. Receiving one anesthesia shortens life by five years. Numerous medical research show that the life expectancy of a person has no connection with the number of anesthesias.
  5. After undergoing anesthesia, the human body cannot work at full strength. Any of the treatments and therapies may take some time to appear. The effect of anesthesia occurs in exactly the same way, the effects of which disappear within a month.
  6. Each subsequent surgical intervention requires an increasingly larger dose of anesthesia. The amount of medications depends only on the severity of the operation.
  7. After anesthesia, you may not wake up. Medical specialists calculate the dose of a medicine taking into account the patient's health status (especially the heart).

In addition, you can hear arguments that anesthesia makes a person addicted, inhibited or violent.

In fact, if the effects of anesthesia were so dangerous, other more effective and less dangerous methods of pain relief for surgical procedures would be found.

Scientists have concluded that the use of general anesthesia during operations has a negative effect on patients' memory. The study found that of one hundred percent of elderly people suffering from memory loss, three quarters acquired them as a result of undergoing general anesthesia.

General anesthesia technology - pros and cons

Today, the use of general anesthesia in surgery is recognized as a completely safe method of anesthesia for patients. Statistics UK compares figures from 1940 and 2011.

In the early forties of the last century, out of a million patients operated on under general anesthesia, 640 people died precisely as a result of such anesthesia.

As of 2011, such mortality decreased by 90 percent.

This indicates what serious progress has occurred over the past decades in the technology of general anesthesia.

The development of anesthesiology has made a big leap, and now general anesthesia is not so dangerous for the lives of patients. However, it still remains a threat to their health, in particular to the health of the brain and to the maintenance of normal human mental activity.

It has been noted that after undergoing general anesthesia, a large number of patients experience decreased cognitive abilities:

  • memory lapses begin;
  • behavioral changes are observed;
  • the sharpness of thinking is dulled.

Such symptoms can last for many months. Some researchers are confident that people have it for the rest of their lives.

How does the human body respond to general anesthesia?

Data were published in the journal PLOS One scientific research, indicating that even after a year, 76 percent of patients over the age of 60 years still had symptoms of moderate cognitive decline.

According to some scientists, general anesthesia has a negative effect on the entire immune system human body. The fact is that when general anesthesia is used, the nerves, however, “do not fall asleep.” They continue to feel pain. In response to this, the human body produces stress hormones, which greatly affect the immune system.

This explains the active proliferation of tumor cells in cancer patients undergoing general anesthesia. Tumor growth after surgery becomes possible due to the suppression of T-cells responsible for immunity by stress hormones.

Scientists urge their colleagues to resort to general anesthesia only in the most extreme cases, using local anesthesia, which is gentle on the human body, mainly during surgical operations on cancer patients.

In our country, quite a lot of people were faced with the fact that they needed anesthesia. For many surgical operations today, general anesthesia is used. However, it is difficult to say how this or that painkiller will affect the human body. The tolerability of anesthesia is influenced by many factors. These include gender, age, drug or alcohol addiction, general condition health, various pathologies. The main problem is that the effect of anesthesia on the human body can appear some time after the operation. In this article we will look at what general anesthesia is and what consequences its use may have.

Basic information

General anesthesia is a type of anesthesia in which a person is artificially rendered unconscious. It is usually used to block pain during various procedures. medical procedures and surgical interventions. To achieve a loss pain, it is necessary to take special medications selected in a certain dosage. Such drugs help plunge the cortical centers of the brain into narcotic sleep. Medicines can enter the human body in various ways: by inhalation or in the form of parenteral administration.


Let's look at them in more detail. How does anesthesia affect the human body? The effect of anesthetics occurs in several stages:

  1. Analgesia: At this stage there is loss of sensation and gradual loss of consciousness.
  2. Excitement stage: This is caused by certain drugs. For this stage characterized by short-term excitability of brain centers.
  3. Surgical stage: loss of all types of sensitivity and excitability.
  4. Awakening: painful syndromes, motor abilities and consciousness gradually return.

Many people are interested in whether anesthesia is harmful to the human body. All types of anesthesia can provoke some changes in a person’s condition. As a rule, this is determined by the properties of the selected drug and individual characteristics body.

Types of anesthesia

Let's look at this in more detail. The effects of general anesthesia on the human body depend on its type. A single use usually does not pose a particular threat to humans. To put the patient into a state of sleep, they can be used various drugs containing analgesics, neuroleptics, anesthetics. There are several types of general anesthesia.


  1. Inhalation method: The drug enters the bloodstream through the lungs by inhaling the drug in a gaseous state. As a rule, this format anesthesia is used in dental clinics.
  2. Non-inhalation method: medications are administered intravenously or intramuscularly. This technique is used less frequently than the first.

This method of drug administration can be divided into:

  1. Introduction of drugs into venous blood. Commonly used drugs are Thiopental, Ketamine, and Recofol. They lead to slight muscle relaxation and deep sleep while maintaining breathing ability.
  2. Neuroleptanalgesia. It is a superficial method of pain relief. Causes lethargy and drowsiness. Usually done with Fentanyl and Droperidol.
  3. Ataralgesia. Loss of pain is achieved by taking tranquilizers such as Fentanyl and Diazepam.
  4. Combined methods. When using this option, substances of different types gradually enter the body. pharmacological groups: These are neuroleptics, analgesics, and anesthetics. Inhalation agents are administered together with relaxants such as Arduan and Ditilin. These substances are responsible for blocking neuromuscular impulses. The result is a complete loss of breathing ability. This condition can be very dangerous. As a rule, this type of anesthesia is used in conjunction with mechanical ventilation and tracheal intubation.

What is the danger?

This issue is worth paying attention to special attention. How does general anesthesia affect the human body? In 99% of cases, pain relief works well. However, in 1% complications are possible. It is for this reason that during surgical operations the anesthesiologist must monitor the patient's condition. In this case, the doctor, suspecting something wrong, will be able to provide emergency assistance.

Many patients ask quite natural questions about how anesthesia affects the human body and whether it is possible to die from it. Of course, in medical practice There have been cases of fatal reactions. However, the development of modern technologies has significantly reduced the likelihood of death.

Medical centers today use various techniques that help minimize the negative impact of general anesthesia on the human body. However, even such methods do not completely eliminate the occurrence of dangerous consequences anesthesia, leading to a significant deterioration in general condition.

Possible complications

So what should you expect? As a rule, after surgery, when recovering from general anesthesia, symptoms such as:

  • mild cramps;
  • nausea;
  • sore throat;
  • headache;
  • disorientation in space;
  • itching sensation;
  • back and lower back pain;
  • clouding of consciousness;
  • muscle aches.

This effect of anesthesia on the human body usually lasts for a short time. During the first 24 hours after surgery, all symptoms disappear.


Is it possible for a longer-term effect of anesthesia on the human body? Consequences can remain quite a long time after surgical procedures.

For example, patients sometimes experience:

  1. Panic attacks: usually represent uncontrollable seizures fears that can disrupt the usual rhythm of life.
  2. Memory impairment: cases of short-term amnesia are often observed. Sometimes children after surgery cannot remember basic rules which took place at school.
  3. Disturbances in the functioning of the heart muscle, tachycardia, increased heart rate.
  4. Increased blood pressure.
  5. Disturbances in the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

How does anesthesia affect the human body? Half a century ago, 70% of cases of general anesthesia had negative consequences. Today, only one operation out of 3-4 thousand ends in death.

How does anesthesia affect your general condition?

What do you need to know about this? Before surgical operation The specialist must choose the method of anesthesia. Many factors are taken into account here, including the individual characteristics of a person. for the human body? Most often, adults after leaving this state face such negative manifestations, such as sleep disturbances, hearing disturbances, speech disturbances, headaches, memory disturbances and hallucinations. As a rule, after a certain period of time, all these disorders disappear.

Serious complications

The human body can recover in different ways after anesthesia. Some people tolerate anesthesia easily, while others require a lot of recovery time.

Complications that occur after anesthesia include:

  • attacks of suffocation;
  • swelling of the respiratory system;
  • vomit;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • cerebral edema;
  • violation cerebral circulation;
  • asthenia;
  • renal failure.

It is impossible to say for sure how anesthesia will affect the body. Here everything largely depends on the type of anesthesia, the method of its application and the duration of use. You should also take into account such a feature as individual sensitivity to medical drugs.

Effect on the brain

How does it manifest itself? Anesthesia during surgery has a negative effect on the brain. Most patients report mental impairment, decreased concentration and memory impairment. Such complications may appear gradually and are temporary.

The most common consequences of anesthesia include asthenic syndrome. It may be accompanied by significant changes in the functioning of the central nervous system. First, symptoms such as sleep disturbances, insomnia, depression, sudden mood changes, frequent fatigue, and decreased performance appear. Secondary symptoms include confusion, difficulty remembering, and loss of learning ability. These manifestations usually gradually disappear 3 months after surgery.

Causes of complications

So, what could cause them? How does the human body react after anesthesia? What causes complications? It is believed that the reasons may be that the drugs lower blood pressure. Anesthetics can even cause a mini-stroke. As a rule, this occurs completely unnoticed by humans. In addition, if after the operation the patient refuses to take antispasmodics, he may develop an inflammatory process. In childhood and old age, the occurrence of asthenic syndrome is more likely. Chronic diseases, prolonged use of pain medications and severe post-operative trauma can also contribute to the development of such complications.

How does anesthesia affect the heart?

What should you expect? The effect of anesthesia on the body of a person suffering from diseases cardiovascular system, is difficult to predict. Therefore, before using general anesthesia, you should definitely undergo full examination. Only based on its results will a specialist be able to assess the patient’s general health and recommend the type of anesthesia. Methods and means of administering the drug may affect the heart. Some heart patients tolerate anesthesia well, while others experience various unpleasant symptoms. These include: a feeling of tightness in the chest, painful and stabbing sensations, rapid pulse, fever.

Anesthesia affects the conduction system of the heart, which can cause arrhythmia. Such phenomena, fortunately, do not last long. In some cases, the pathology persists.

Impact on the female body

What could happen? Doctors do not recommend using anesthesia during pregnancy. toxic and can negatively affect the baby's health. Anesthetics are prohibited from being used in the 1st-2nd trimester. It is at this time that the fetus begins to develop internal organs. Anesthesia can slow down their development, which in the future can provoke various internal and external deviations. Anesthesia is also not recommended for use in the middle of the 3rd trimester. This can lead to bleeding, miscarriage, or premature birth.

When performing a caesarean section, general anesthesia is used.

It may have the following consequences:

  • headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • muscle spasms;
  • decreased concentration;
  • clouding of consciousness;
  • convulsive syndromes.

The effect of anesthesia on the child's body

Children, as a rule, are without special problems endure anesthesia and quickly forget its consequences. This is one of the features of child psychology. The reaction to painkillers is strictly individual. Any intervention can negatively affect the development and growth of the child. The most common complications in children who use general anesthesia include: allergic reactions and disturbances in the functioning of the heart muscle. Anesthesia can also disrupt the central nervous system and influence the rate of development. Possible consequences anesthesia in childhood are anaphylaxis, angioedema and coma. However, such symptoms are extremely rare.


In this article we looked at how anesthesia works on the human body. The consequences of anesthesia are largely determined by individual characteristics. Often after anesthesia a person feels nauseated, headache, dizziness and disorientation. This is quite normal, after some time all symptoms will pass.

How does anesthesia affect the body? A similar question is asked by people who are about to undergo surgery. The consequences of general anesthesia for the body are different; the tolerance of pain relief depends on many factors. Complications can develop after some time, which poses a danger to humans. How does general anesthesia affect the patient?

What is general anesthesia

General anesthesia is a method of anesthetizing the body in which consciousness is absent, but there is the possibility of its return. Used for surgical interventions to eliminate painful syndromes. To do this, special medications are selected and combined in the required proportion.

Medicines act on various centers in the brain, causing deep narcotic sleep. General anesthesia is administered in different ways- through respiratory system or by injection into a vein with a special syringe.

The effect of anesthesia on the body is divided into four stages.


  • The first stage is characterized by a gradual disappearance of consciousness and sensitivity,
  • At the second stage, a stage of excitation is diagnosed in the body, which often occurs when using certain medications,
  • The third stage is characterized by a complete loss of sensitivity and excitability,
  • The fourth stage is considered the stage of awakening, all sensations return to the person.

Depending on the medicine used, the effect of this varies.

There are several types of general anesthesia. Consequences and possible poisoning depend on the type of medication or composition of the drug mixture used to relieve pain in the body.


  1. Inhalation. The drug is administered using a special mask in gaseous form. Used in dentistry.
  2. Administration of drugs through veins or muscle tissue. Similar methods used infrequently.

The second method of administering anesthesia is conventionally divided into several types.


  • The drugs injected into the blood slightly relax the muscle fibers, and breathing ability is fully preserved.
  • Use of superficial anesthetic agents. The drugs lead to drowsiness and lethargy.
  • To lose the sensation of pain, Phenazepam and Diazepam are used. It is believed that the use of strong painkillers and sedatives helps achieve the desired effect.
  • Combination different methods. The use of such a technique is dangerous due to complete absence breathing in humans. Used together artificial ventilation lungs and tracheal intubation.

The choice of treatment method is discussed with the anesthesiologist together with the patient to identify possible allergic reactions and negative consequences.

The dangers of general anesthesia

Why is general anesthesia dangerous for the human body? In most cases, there are no problems, but the possibility of failure to recover from anesthesia cannot be ruled out. During the operation, the patient's condition is constantly monitored by medical personnel.

If necessary, actions are immediately taken to bring all vital signs of the human body back to normal, and first aid is provided.

The risk of death from poisoning increases with the incorrect selection of anesthetic substances. However, currently they are used modern technologies and drugs that reduce the risk of adverse consequences several times.

After undergoing pain relief, a person may experience some unpleasant phenomena. They pass quickly.


  • Nausea, vomiting,
  • Minor cramps
  • Loss of coordination, problems with orientation in space,
  • Itching of the skin,
  • Unpleasant sensations in the muscles,
  • Back pain
  • Feeling unwell.

Such phenomena pass quickly, but the development of longer-term deviations is not excluded.

What's possible:

  1. Feelings of fear, panic attacks,
  2. Memory problems, inability to remember basic things,
  3. Increased pressure readings,
  4. Failures in the functionality of the heart muscle, changes in pulse and rhythm,
  5. In rare cases, problems with the kidneys and liver.

The likelihood of death during anesthesia has decreased significantly with the use of modern technology.

Anesthesia affects the entire body. However, there is no clear answer about the effect of anesthesia. For each person, the consequences are individual and depend on many factors. Often the consequences are expressed in the deterioration of the body’s condition, impaired blood circulation in the brain, and the development of inflammatory processes in the body. In severe cases, the development of cerebral edema and kidney failure cannot be ruled out. ()

The body's sensitivity to painkillers plays a big role. What does anesthesia affect?

The effect of anesthesia on brain activity is varied. After a period of time, victims report problems with memory and attention. Some people experience intellectual disability. The effects disappear over time and persist for a year after the use of general anesthesia.

A change in the functioning of the nervous system, accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, is considered dangerous.


  • Sleep problems, insomnia,
  • Permanent depressive state, sudden change of mood,
  • Constant fatigue, impaired performance,
  • Feeling unwell
  • Impaired mental abilities, memory problems.

There are several reasons that provoke this condition.


  1. A sharp decrease in pressure, the risk of a mini-stroke,
  2. Medicines can cause necrosis of brain cells,
  3. Stopping taking antispasmodics leads to a certain interaction between inflammation and immunity.

Children, elderly people, patients with reduced intelligence, chronic diseases with long-term use of painkillers.

How does anesthesia affect the heart?

How does anesthesia affect the heart? The use of general anesthesia requires attentive attitude to people with pathologies in the functioning of the cardiac system. In some patients, anesthesia does not cause negative consequences, while others have a hard time with it.


  • Increased or slowed heart rate,
  • Increased sweating, constant fever,
  • Painful sensations in the heart,
  • Unpleasant feelings in the chest,
  • Heart rhythm disturbance.

Pathological processes in the body do not last long, passing within six months. In rare cases, the effects persist for a long time.

How does anesthesia affect memory?

Does anesthesia affect memory? Intellectual abilities and memory are also often affected during general anesthesia. Poor blood circulation in the brain adversely affects all body functions.

The patient may experience memory loss. As a rule, they are short-term and pass quickly. Mental abilities recover after some time, in rare cases negative symptoms are stored for a year.

Irritation, a feeling of sand in the eyes, redness are just minor inconveniences with impaired vision. Scientists have proven that decreased vision in 92% of cases ends in blindness.

Crystal Eyes is the best remedy for restoring vision at any age.

The use of general anesthesia in women during a cesarean section can also lead to the appearance of unpleasant signs in the body. Anesthesia does not have a beneficial effect on a woman’s body and leads to disruption of the pelvic organs. At correct use consequences can be avoided. Does anesthesia affect menstruation? The cycle and nature of the discharge may change, but gradually everything returns to normal.

Impact on the child’s body

How does anesthesia affect a child’s body? What happens in children after general anesthesia?

Children's bodies accept anesthesia more easily than adults. The response to drugs is individual and depends on various indicators.

In children, there may be disruption of the nervous system, allergic reactions, and disruptions in the functioning of the cardiac system. In severe cases, angioedema, anaphylactic shock, and coma may occur.

After some time, the appearance of convulsive manifestations, impaired functionality of the kidneys and liver, and constant headaches cannot be ruled out.

Children under three years of age may experience developmental delays, learning problems, and the development of epileptic syndromes. Before using anesthesia in children, it is necessary to conduct a thorough diagnosis of the body and take into account contraindications.

Video: anesthesia for a child


After recovery from anesthesia, it is possible that the patient will develop negative complications. Possible disruption of the nervous system, heart, hearing and vision. If unpleasant symptoms appear in the body, you need to consult a doctor and take action to restore normal life.

The effect of anesthesia on the body varies depending on the health of the person, the medications used, and the degree of perception of anesthesia. The development of negative consequences is possible, but they pass quickly and do not disrupt a normal lifestyle.

Video: the dangers of anesthesia on the human body