
What does silicone breast size 3 look like? Breast replacement: myths, reality, consequences

It is quite natural for women who are dissatisfied to want appearance and breast size, have breasts correct form and attractive volume.

Of course, daily care with high-quality products, various exercises for the décolleté area, are very beneficial for the breasts. contrast shower, thanks to which the breast skin will retain its youth and attractive appearance much longer. However, no amount of care can enlarge the breasts, correct pronounced asymmetry, make them firm and restore tone, especially after childbirth. Therefore, regardless of the radicality of the surgical intervention, more and more women are now resorting to the services plastic surgery. Naturally, demand creates supply, so the number of aesthetic surgery clinics throughout the country has grown like “mushrooms after the rain.” Most of the operations they perform are mammoplasty or endoprosthetics (correction of the shape or size of the mammary glands).

Of course " silicone breasts"is accompanied by many myths and legends. Many women who decide to increase their breast size often do not even know all the intricacies of this operation. Breast augmentation surgery is possible for persons over eighteen years of age. Currently, the fillers for implants are silicone gel (liquid or cohesive) and isotonic sodium chloride solution ( saline solution, which has the consistency of water). However, this solution can flow inside the implant and form folds. Silicone gel, the so-called cohesive, gives the breasts a natural soft feeling. It has the great advantage of not leaking if a small tear occurs; they are manufactured in an anatomical shape that is stable and does not cause unesthetic grooves.

Implants come in various sizes and shapes: round and teardrop-shaped, symmetrical and asymmetrical, smooth and textured, etc. The most expensive are anatomical (droplet-shaped) implants, which look the most natural, and textured ones, which are believed to “take root” better. Endoprosthesis replacement is carried out using incisions in the armpit, around the areola, and the most popular is the use of an incision in the fold under the mammary gland. After 10 days from the moment of implantation, the sutures are removed, and the scars may have a bright pink tint and sometimes even enlarge when stretched. After 4-6 months, the scars fade and turn into a barely noticeable strip.

Contraindications for breast augmentation surgery are: diabetes mellitus, bleeding disorders, any diseases internal organs in severe form.

Is it possible to undergo breast augmentation surgery if there is a small benign formation in it?
The implant does not affect the development of the tumor in any way, but it is best to undergo an examination and make sure that the formation is benign. If the tumor is malignant, then it is necessary urgent treatment, there is no time for aesthetic operations. Additionally, some surgeons may remove benign education during implantation.

Are implants dangerous?
The introduction of implants can cause breast cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, various neurological disorders, as well as complications caused by individual intolerance to silicone. In addition, dentures can sometimes become dislodged (various cases of sagging breasts) and also rupture, especially often during airplane flights.

What is the service life of silicone prostheses?
The maximum service life of implants is 10-12 years. However, the guarantee is only that the dentures will not rupture. Therefore, no one will give you a guarantee that you will not have to have a repeat operation to correct the shape of your breasts or remove implants much earlier. The service life of “silicone breasts” largely depends on several conditions: the size of the implant (the larger the size, the before breasts will begin to sag), the woman’s age, lifestyle and, of course, the individual characteristics of the body.

Can I breastfeed after implantation?
Implants do not affect the process breastfeeding and don't call side effects neither during pregnancy nor during breastfeeding.

How to choose good clinic aesthetic surgery?
Of course, it’s not about the clinic, but about the specialists who perform the operations. There are very few professional surgeons who are known for their skill. It is necessary to visit several surgeons and be sure to ask their opinion about a particular plastic surgeon. Significant factor When choosing a doctor, the experience of the surgeon is important. It must be at least 10 years in the field aesthetic medicine. Certainly, famous name and any credentials should not be sufficient when choosing a doctor. At all times the best doctor was the one his patients recommended. Therefore, if you have friends who have had this type of operation, find out all the details, ask, see the result. And then choose.

Cost of the operation.
In Moscow, the average cost of a consultation with a plastic surgeon is from 1,500 rubles, the cost of prostheses is from $600, and the cost of surgery is from $1,500. It is necessary to keep in mind that the cost of a stay in the clinic, prostheses, and surgery is determined purely individually, after a personal consultation with a doctor. Absolutely healthy woman, who does not have problems with stretching or deformation of the skin and who only wants to increase the size of her breasts, the operation will be cheaper.

Silicone is widely used in plastic surgery. This material is actively used in the manufacture of implants for mammoplasty. But what are silicone breasts? How safe is it? Is silicone really... the only way to gain a beautiful, large bust and how does the patient’s life change after the installation of implants? This material contains detailed, informative answers to all these, as well as many other questions regarding silicone breasts.

What is silicone

This material is obtained by combining silicon and hydrogen. The invention of silicone can be attributed to the achievements of the Soviet scientist K.A. Adrianov, who first proposed the synthesis of organocriminium compounds. The structure and properties of this material directly depend on the degree of polymerization: it can be either liquid or quite solid.

Silicone is chemically inert, resistant to oxidation, has a stable temperature, and is elastic. In addition to implants, based on this material they produce household chemicals, personal hygiene products, antiperspirants, packaging, including for food, toys, baby pacifiers, medicines and medical devices. In shampoos, silicone strengthens hair color, and in nail polishes it makes the drying process faster. In creams – it tightens pores, smoothes wrinkles, forms a protective layer, makes the skin smooth and reduces the allergenicity of other components. Since silicone is completely inert, it is completely incapable of causing allergies. Due to its stability, silicone does not change over time. When it enters the human body, silicone does not dissolve; even when silicone particles are crushed, it remains completely and forever in the body and in the future can cause certain complications in the functioning of certain organs.

The first silicone implant was created in 1961. Houston plastic surgeons Thomas Cronin and his partner Frank Gerow concluded that a silicone bag filled with liquid could be an excellent prosthesis for breast augmentation. A year later, the inventors performed the first plastic surgery to introduce silicone implants. Their patient was a certain Jean Lindsay, who, even after 35 years, felt great and was quite happy with the implantation.

What silicone breasts look like

Pros and cons

The obvious advantages that open to the patient after implantation include, first of all, aesthetic appeal. Also, mammoplasty can correct a number of aesthetic deficiencies that prevent a woman from feeling feminine, desirable and “full”: mastectomy, asymmetry, irregular shape.

The undoubted disadvantages include the optional ones that may occur after implantation: loss of breast sensitivity, scars, hematomas, infection, etc. In addition, it should be borne in mind that breast enlargement will entail unpleasant rehabilitation period, during which a woman should be very careful; Only after about six months can the patient fully enjoy her “acquisition” without fear of complications and without experiencing pain or discomfort.

How to distinguish silicone breasts from real ones

  • Unnatural breast shape
  • Breast looks like a bubble
  • Breasts feel too firm to the touch
  • If a woman is without a bra, her breasts remain too high
  • Asymmetrical nipples
  • Stretch marks
  • Violation of body proportions

Men's opinion about silicone breasts in women

Does a fake bust look realistic?

With high-quality implantation, silicone breasts are absolutely no different from “natural” ones: soft, elastic, smooth. The hardness and unnaturalness of artificial breasts is a myth. Silicone is installed deep enough, under soft fabrics and muscles. Scars after surgery rarely remain and, with sufficient professionalism of the surgeon, they are very subtle. Therefore, men usually do not notice any difference and only very sophisticated “gourmets” prefer natural beauty. There is a small nuance: when a lady lies on her back, silicone breasts, unlike real ones, do not “spread” - some may like it, others may not, if you pay attention to such a trifle. In general, the visual and tactile characteristics of silicone breasts are not inferior to natural ones, and their size and shape are often superior. Most men are completely delighted with implants in the female bust, believing that this best option, because the reference variant is rare in nature. Although a certain percentage of men believe that an artificial bust on a woman is terrible, comparing it to plastic decorative fruit - they say, it’s beautiful, but what’s the point? Well, it's a matter of taste.

Diving and air travel

The main contraindication in such situations is sudden changes in pressure. Moreover, the peak of danger falls in the first two weeks in postoperative period: The flesh has not yet healed properly, there is a risk of bleeding. But after completing the rehabilitation period, you can safely lead an active lifestyle. The manufacturer gives a lifetime warranty on implants. Even dentures with a liquid filler are quite durable and the filler in them has a highly responsive structure that does not allow it to spread even if damaged. So the overloads that the body endures during scuba diving or flying on passenger planes are not scary for owners of silicone breasts. Only real physical impacts can damage the implant - from a fall, collision, or injury.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding with mammoplasty

Experts unanimously say that implants do not affect pregnancy and do not interfere normal development fetus But negative consequences There is. During pregnancy, natural enlargement of the mammary glands occurs. In combination with silicone, this can lead to sagging of the bust: ligaments and muscles cannot cope with the mass. Breastfeeding may become impossible if, during implantation, the surgeon made an incision around the nipple, causing internal damage areas important for feeding.

If you have implants in your breasts, after the feeding period is over, you will inevitably have to do a lift. Therefore, it is better for women planning a pregnancy to postpone mammoplasty.

Breast density after implant installation

Depends on the level of silicone density. If you choose a soft implant, the illusion of the “naturalness” of the corrected bust will be absolute. In addition, such prostheses will harmoniously change shape when external influence, feeling or using this or that bra, when changing body position, features of clothing.

If implants are too dense, the breast will have a stable shape that looks beautiful from a distance, but to the touch such a bust will be hard and harsh.

Maximum size

Standard volumes of implants range from 80 to 800 milliliters, but theoretically it is possible to order the production of a larger prosthesis - at least 20 sizes. True, moderation should be observed in everything. Depending on your build, implants that are too large can be detrimental to your health and look too unnatural, even ugly.

How much do silicone breasts cost?

Implants separately can cost from 22,500 to 50,000 each. This depends on the size and type of prosthesis. For example, one Natrelle implant (MAK GAN, anatomical) Style 510 will cost you 37,500 rubles. A round Natrelle (MAK GAN), 1 pc. – 22,750 rubles. Implantation in the “allinclusive” mode, that is, taking into account two implants, the work of the surgeon and the first stage of rehabilitation - from 225,000 rubles. At the same time, one breast costs from 155,000, correction of the position of one silicone prosthesis costs 95,000. Prices are quite unstable. It all depends not so much on the general economic trends How much depends on the reputation, experience of the surgeon, the clinic, the professionalism of the staff, the quality of the equipment. At the same time, medical charlatans often charge fabulous prices: the rich are willing to fall for this, reasoning according to the principle: the more expensive, the better.

Currently, breast augmentation operations are available, if not to everyone, then to most of those who have such a need. They are affordable both in price and geographically due to the fact that plastic surgeons who practice breast augmentation with implants are now found in almost all large and medium-sized cities of Russia.

It is necessary to immediately make a reservation that the term “pumping up the breasts with silicone” means precisely the use of silicone-filled implants. Injections into the chest using a syringe have only historical value. In European countries and the United States, the introduction of silicone-based fillers into the breast is prohibited by law due to the harmfulness of the procedure and its frequent complications.

For men and women

About silicone prostheses for female breast everyone knows. Placing breast implants in men is a relatively new area of ​​plastic surgery. And we are not talking about gender reassignment surgery at all.

Men's breast implants more often called pectoral, so as not to be confused with female ones. They are most often used by those who are actively involved in sports in order to achieve an ideal figure.

Usually these are those men who have constitutionally narrow and flat chests and physical exercise unable to gain the desired muscle volume. Often, surgery to install pectoral implants is combined with liposuction and mastopexy for gynecomastia.

How do men feel about this?

The attitude of men depends on what kind of silicone breasts a woman gets herself. There is a common belief that such breasts:

  • much denser than natural;
  • she has a huge size;
  • the operated breast has an unnatural shape, which often does not correspond to age, weight, etc.
In fact, none of the listed qualities is mandatory, but all of them together or in various combinations are found in women who, when choosing implants, were guided only by size.

Often these qualities are so pronounced that the question of how to distinguish silicone breasts from natural ones does not arise; everything is obvious. In addition to size, they have a fairly large number of other characteristics. If you approach the issue of choosing implants wisely, then no one will be able to distinguish artificially enlarged breasts from natural ones.

Video: Progress of breast augmentation surgery

Types of implants

The density of the breast to the touch is determined by the density of the implant itself. If you choose soft, then it's an illusion natural breasts will be full. In addition, such implants will behave in a natural way: accept different shapes depending on the type of bra, the presence of clothing, body position.

If you choose dense ones, then such breasts will be pleasant to look at from a distance, but to the touch they will be clearly artificial and hard. And such breasts will retain the same shape in any position and in any underwear.

Size and shape

Gigantomania and unnatural breast shape, which was chosen in accordance with a stereotyped and exaggerated idea of ​​beauty, without taking into account the features of the figure and appearance in general, is what can often be seen in before and after photographs.

Size does not matter if, with an initial breast size of zero, a woman who is not particularly thin makes a choice between the second and incomplete third size.

If we're talking about about the fourth or fifth size of a twig girl, then we can say with confidence that the unnaturalness will not only be noticeable, it will be striking.

As for the shape, some ladies after the age of thirty often change implants just to make the breast shape more natural for their age. The most interesting thing is that there is not a single comment on men’s forums about the presence of scars as a sign of silicone breasts.

The presence of scars only for women is an indicator of unnaturalness, and even then not for everyone. This means that if you approach the choice of breast size, shape and implant density wisely, then others will not have any suspicions about your new shape.

Pros and cons of silicone breasts

The pros and cons of silicone breasts are relative and are often a consequence of which implants the patient chose and how well the surgery was performed.


Photo: silicone prostheses
  • excellent mood, well-being and self-esteem from the fact that the breasts look great;
  • the ability to become pregnant and breastfeed without restrictions if the ducts of the mammary glands are not damaged during the operation;
  • a new wardrobe and a collection of new swimsuits every year;
  • new relationship with an old or new partner.


  • cost of surgery, implants, compression garments, recovery period;
  • the operation is performed under general anesthesia;
  • the need to spend part of the planned or unpaid leave on the operation and postoperative period, since sick leave is not given for plastic surgery;
  • the recovery period requires compliance large quantity restrictions;
  • after childbirth, the shape of the operated breast may change for the worse;
  • there may be adverse consequences of the operation, such as displacement of the implant, its rupture, contouring of the implant under the skin, back pain and much more;
  • inability to breastfeed if the milk ducts are damaged during surgery through an incision around the nipple.

Video: Silicone implants

Frequently Asked Questions

Which ones to choose?

If earlier implants were chosen solely on the principle of “the bigger,” now a huge size is not in fashion. Ideal shapes are in fashion as an indicator of youth and health. Therefore, preference should be given to safe, proven products from those manufacturers that have proven themselves well.

The shape and size must be chosen based on the shape and size of the bust you want to get. To prevent such complications as capsular contracture, implants with a rough surface have been developed.

What can you save on during breast augmentation?

You cannot save on the cost of implants, since replacing low-quality prostheses is a full-fledged operation that is performed under anesthesia and costs money. There are young ladies who find some offices in Europe that sell them cheap. If you want to repeat their experience, please note that this is entirely your responsibility.

You cannot save money on compression garments, since the effectiveness of healing during the recovery period depends on it. You can’t save money on pain relief for the operation either, since you can choose a budget option for anesthesia, but this means a long recovery from anesthesia after the operation, poor health, nausea and vomiting.

Those who were given anesthesia feel much better good drugs. After such anesthesia, by the evening you can have a full dinner, and you feel much better.

During the recovery period, it will also be periodically necessary to medicines such as painkillers and antibiotics, then silicone patches, then scar removal creams.

The only thing you don't have to pay for is the pretentiousness of the clinic. But only in those cases if you can find, through recommendations, an excellent surgeon whose services will cost a reasonable amount of money.

Is it possible to breastfeed a baby like this?

It all depends on the method of performing the operation and the location of the incisions. To maintain the opportunity to breastfeed your baby, two conditions must be met:

  • the incision should not take place in the area of ​​the areola, since it is in this place that the milk ducts come closest to the skin and there is a risk of damage to them;
  • the implant should be installed under the muscle, or partially under the muscle, but not under the glandular tissue of the mammary gland, as this may damage the glandular tissue of the mammary gland.

How can surgery affect pregnancy?

The operation can only become a problem if it occurs in the first days or weeks after conception. Anesthetics, painkillers and antibiotics can have a toxic effect on the fetus and cause birth defects development. Therefore, it is recommended to terminate such a pregnancy. In other cases, no plastic surgery is a contraindication for conceiving and bearing a child.

Will the scars be very noticeable?

If there is no tendency to form hypertrophic or keloid scars, then there is no risk of developing rough scars. In order for everything to look completely perfect, you can make a cut in armpit or perform endoscopic surgery.

Do implants need to be changed?

3rd generation implants, which are currently used for breast augmentation, do not require routine replacement. Repeated operation will be needed if mastoptosis develops and cosmetic defects such as skin ripples appear.


Prices often depend on the experience and reputation of the plastic surgeon, so any attempt to save money can lead to unplanned costs for correcting cosmetic defects that may appear after unsuccessful breast augmentation surgery.

The Internet is full of photographs of women's busts enlarged with the help of implants. These pictures are tempting and inspire many ladies to undergo plastic surgery for breast enlargement.

I am not against such an operation. Not abstractly, not against it from the outside, but went through it myself.

The other day I came across photographs of breasts from which the implants had been removed.

This is what Sarah's silicone breasts looked like:

Big, beautiful, sexy. The girl decided to remove the implants and return the breasts that nature had endowed her with.

Sarah's breasts before and after silicone augmentation:

Photo: Sara X Mills

Sarah's breasts after silicone removal:

Photo: Sara X Mills

Many surgeons will tell you that modern implants are so high quality that you can live with them your whole life.

This is very unlikely. It is no coincidence that American doctors working in the most expensive and trustworthy clinics will give you a written recommendation to do a breast MRI every 3 years after surgery.

No, not because implants cause cancer, but because they can be damaged during wear, but visually you most likely will not notice this.

Damaged implants must be removed immediately.

Most implants - even the current generation - will require replacement in 7-10 years.

When enlarging your breasts with silicone, you must be aware that the implants, with a high degree of probability, will not last you until the end of your days. You will have to remove them and either install new ones or have a breast lift.

Silicone implants are not a house that you build once and for all. Silicone implants are a car that sooner or later will begin to cause you inconvenience and will require replacement.

The procedure for re-installation of implants, as well as the procedure for removing them with subsequent breast lift, are more expensive than the procedure for primary breast augmentation with silicone.

You must clearly understand this, as well as the fact that the scars that you receive after a breast lift, having removed the implants from there, will remain with you for life. If you don’t want scars, get new implants or walk around with stretched and saggy breasts, like those of a hundred-year-old granny.

Some modern girls, in pursuit of beauty and changing their appearance, resort to more radical methods of solving this issue, and among the most common plastic surgeries is mammoplasty (silicone breasts). If we talk without medical terms– this is the correction of the mammary glands using surgical intervention. Most often, women enlarge their breasts rather than reduce them.

When considering this issue, from an aesthetic and physiological point of view, such operations no longer cause any surprise. However, there are questions about the admissibility of using this method during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. So, let's take a closer look at this topic and find out what breasts look like before and after surgery and whether pregnancy is possible with implants inside mammary glands.

What silicone breasts look like after surgery

Women who want to purchase beautiful breasts, the market has long offered alternative method The solution to this problem is a silicone implant. This product is environmentally friendly and does not pose any harm to health. Therefore, every year there are more and more girls undergoing mammoplasty.

What prompts the female sex to resort to such radical methods? Some people are not satisfied with the shape of their breasts, others do not like their size. Some girls lose their former beauty of their mammary glands after fast weight loss, pregnancy and lactation, while others have pronounced breast asymmetry. It is with these problems that women come to see a plastic surgeon, hoping to get answers to their problem.

After clarifying some data and conducting diagnostics, the doctor sets a date for the operation and performs surgery with the introduction of a silicone implant, based on individual characteristics the patient's body. So, mammoplasty has been performed, what do the breasts of the happy owner look like now?

First of all, it is aesthetic appeal. Woman achieves the right size and shape, can wear an open neckline and catches the admiring glances of men. Her breasts are elastic and, with high-quality surgery, are practically no different from the real ones. However, silicone breasts also have their disadvantages, but more on that below.

In this case, it is worth noting the contraindications in which breast augmentation surgery is unacceptable:

  • availability allergic reactions on implant fillers;
  • diseases of the mammary glands;
  • general weakened state of the body;
  • the presence of malignant neoplasms.

Is it possible to wear implants during pregnancy?

Usually girls who resort to plastic surgery for breast augmentation, do not plan for pregnancy after this. However, there are some unforeseen circumstances and the question arises: is it acceptable to wear endoprostheses during pregnancy?

Silicone implants the new generation does not carry within them negative impact on the development of nascent life.

This conclusion was reached by numerous studies and practical activities. However, at this point there are certain nuances.

After the operation and subsequent conception of a child, certain physiological factors, arising in the body due to changes hormonal levels and preparing it for the lactation period. During the 9 months of pregnancy, the breasts increase in size, thereby introducing their own adjustments. Due to the growing glandular tissue, the load on the implants increases, and after its reduction, ptosis may occur - drooping of the mammary glands. In this case, from the “apple” shape it goes into the “pear” category. However, this matter can be corrected, again with the help of plastic surgery, but whether it is worth it is up to you to decide.

  • find a specialized obstetrician-gynecologist who knows all the features of pregnancy with endoprostheses inside;
  • You definitely need to monitor your weight and prevent it from increasing (this does not mean dieting, but only proper balanced nutrition);
  • wear a special bra designed to maintain shape;
  • If a cosmetic defect develops, consult a doctor for advice.

Does mammoplasty affect the baby's feeding?

If we consider the possibility of feeding a child after breast augmentation surgery performed in the past, then medical practice does not deny this possibility. Many studies have been conducted, the results of which showed that silicone molecules are present in the breast milk of women with endoprostheses.

If we consider this opinion from the other side, we can find out that some silicone is also contained in artificial mixtures, and the risk of implant rupture is minimized and is only 1.5 percent of the probability.

But what will happen if the endoprosthesis ruptures during breastfeeding? In this case, it is unlikely that the silicone will spread into the milk-producing cells. This is due to the fact that the implant filler contains a high molecular weight, which does not allow it to dissolve in water.

And again, what will happen if silicone nevertheless leaks into the alveoli and mixes with breast milk? Will this be harmful to the child? The answer is simple, silicone implants for plastic surgery contain the same formula as, for example, imported drops used to treat colic in a baby.

However, the possibility of breastfeeding after breast augmentation surgery may have its limitations. They depend on how the incision was made and at what anatomical point the implant was inserted. If it is located above or below pectoral muscle, this significantly reduces the amount of milk produced. The safest access site is considered to be the area below the breast.

Disadvantages of mammoplasty

If we talk about possible disadvantages and consequences after surgery, we can highlight several points, the occurrence of which is quite possible after surgery:

  • unnatural breast shape in relation to body proportions;
  • due to the installation of dense implants, the breasts become too elastic;
  • if the operation is performed poorly, the nipples may be asymmetrical;
  • sometimes stretch marks occur;
  • postoperative complications develop.

In addition, it is worth considering the fact that pressure drops in the first month after surgery are not recommended. Therefore, if a woman who has undergone mammoplasty is going to fly immediately by plane, it is best to abandon this idea. Once your breasts have healed, you can continue to be active and do your daily activities.

It is also worth remembering that any surgical intervention carried out carries its own risks, especially when it comes to pregnancy or breastfeeding.

At this time, it is best to contact a qualified specialist who can suggest individual breast care, this also applies to lactation period. The doctor will determine whether it is enough breast milk is developed, will suggest the necessary position for feeding the baby, and will teach you how to express the mammary glands correctly, since such actions with silicone breasts have their own peculiarities.

In general, girls who are thinking about pregnancy in the near future should think about whether these actions will be justified. Maybe it’s worth holding off on this idea and giving the child a chance for a full-fledged life. breast-feeding, without occurrence possible problems. It is also worth understanding that not all men like silicone breasts on girls. Their opinion is based on decorative flowers - yes, it’s beautiful and delightful, but what’s the point if it’s not natural. Be that as it may, the decision to undergo mammoplasty is up to you; if you really need and want it, then you can safely make an appointment with a plastic surgeon.