
What painkillers can you give your cat after surgery? Pain in cats and dogs


Pain is an adaptive reaction that directs the body’s forces to fight the disease. However, excessive suffering can cause shock and result in death. Thoughtless use of medications familiar to humans can harm a mammal of another species. Let's consider medications, approved for use as pain relievers for cats.

Indications for the use of analgesics

Felinologists know that their pets are patient creatures and are not inclined to scream when they are in pain. Assume they have pain symptom possible by the following signs:

  • increased or decreased physical activity;
  • avoidance of communication with the owner;
  • aggressiveness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • a specific position taken to relieve pain;
  • profuse salivation;
  • rapid breathing;
  • constant change of rookery.

The analgesic effect is provided by drugs or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

Narcotic analgesics

Narcotic painkillers are opioids, derivatives of morphine. Popular medications approved for cats include:

  1. Ketamine and its analogues in action - Xylazine, Butorphanol, Kalipsol, others. They are used intramuscularly for short-term operations that last<40 минут. Мягкий обезболивающий эффект достигается следующими способами:
  • a quarter of an hour before the introduction of the main component, a mixture of Metedomin and Butorphanol is injected;
  • Ketamine is mixed with Xylazine, Metedomine or Midazolam in one syringe.

  1. Propofol It is administered intravenously only. When brushing teeth or removing foreign objects from the mouth, only it is used, and for castration it is necessary to combine it with other anesthetics.
  2. Alfetanil (Fentanyl) is used primarily in the form of patches to relieve pain from post-operative sutures or tumors.
  3. Buprenorphine. Used to relieve pain after injuries, surgical interventions, as well as in the treatment of burns, arthritis, and malignant tumors. Injected slowly into the muscle or intravenously.

Nonsteroidal analgesics

These analgesics relieve pain, but do not eliminate their cause. The following medications are in demand for cats:

  1. Ketofen - tablets or injections. Prescribed when necessary to relieve pain in the treatment of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Used for dislocations, swelling, injuries, arthrosis, arthritis. Effective in relieving postoperative pain. Contraindications:
  • peptic ulcer;
  • renal failure;
  • cardiac and liver pathologies.
  1. Zantac. This medication is used for intestinal or stomach ulcers in cats. The medicine effectively relieves pain symptoms, but if used unqualifiedly it can cause harm.
  2. Quadrisol-1 is a gel that contains the non-steroidal antiphlogistant vedaprofen. Used for joint pathologies.
  3. Ketonal has antipyretic and analgesic effects. Available in the form of gel, tablets, injection solutions. Used in the following situations:
  • arthritis;
  • injuries;
  • fractures;
  • postoperative complications;
  • malignant tumors.

  1. Loxicom. Available in the form of a suspension for internal use. The antiphlogistic, and, consequently, analgesic effect is achieved by blocking the synthesis of inflammation mediators - prostaglandins. Used for arthritis, synovitis, dislocations, complications after operations. Contraindicated in pregnant, lactating, kittens under six months old, and individuals suffering from peptic ulcers.
  2. Meloxicam. The action is similar to Loxicom, but is available in pills and solutions.
  3. Vetalgin. Tablets are prescribed in the following situations:
  • inflammatory or degenerative joint pathologies;
  • neuritis or neuralgia;
  • bursitis, tenosynovitis;
  • bruises, inflammation of soft textures;
  • traumatic and postoperative pain;
  • spasms of smooth muscles of the urinary reservoir with urothiasis;
  • convulsive contractions of the muscles of the alimentary tract during flatulence and cholelithiasis.

  1. Famotidine (Quamatel). The medicine is available in tablets or powder for the preparation of an injection solution. Apply when the following situations occur:
  • exacerbation of peptic ulcer of the duodenal intestine or stomach;
  • bleeding of the cranial parts of the alimentary tract;
  • dyspepsia.

Toxic analgesics

Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs familiar to humans, such as Analgin, Aspirin, Paracetamol, Amidopyrine, are avoided. Their effect on a cat is unpredictable and requires constant medical supervision. The toxic effects of Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Phenylbutazone and other analogues of acetylsalicylic acid have been proven. They thin the blood and contribute to the occurrence of internal hemorrhages. Acetaminophen causes liver failure and toxic anemia. You should not use drugs whose instructions for use do not mention cats.

Pain syndrome is an unpleasant phenomenon that is characteristic not only of people, but also of animals. This is a kind of signal that the body sends to report any problems. The pain can be tolerable, easily tolerated, shock and with the threat of death. And if a person can do something on his own to alleviate his condition, then a cat cannot. Let's consider what types of painkillers will help your pet in a given situation.

Felines tolerate pain very easily. And the perception of such a sensation in animals is somewhat different than in people.

But this argument does not mean at all that various manipulations can be performed on the animal without the use of painkillers.

When is pain medication needed? In medical practice, there are a huge number of manipulations that involve taking painkillers. But Only a doctor has the right to prescribe this or that drug for use.. He will correctly calculate the dosage and time of administration.

As for manipulations, drugs are most often needed during surgical interventions.

  1. Every second cat is sterilized. It requires the presence of strong painkillers. But styling is not the only procedure that requires preparation of the animal.
  2. Cats suffer from urolithiasis.
  3. The gastrointestinal tract ceases to function.
  4. Some cats and female cats are declawed. This procedure is not performed without general anesthesia.
  5. If the animal has serious mechanical injuries, the stitching of the tissues will initially be carried out using special means.

For the first time, an anesthetic is used in the presence of a veterinarian. In the future, you can independently administer drugs to the animal on the recommendation of the treating veterinarian.

Signs of pain syndrome

If your cat gets a minor injury or feels discomfort in the abdominal area, you won’t even guess about it. This is because cats do not show their owner the presence of discomfort. But veterinarians identify signs of pain that signal that the pain threshold is too high and action is necessary.

In order to understand the signal in time, each owner must study the habits of his pet. The main symptoms that manifest themselves in the following factors will help you make a decision.

  1. Loss of appetite.
  2. The animal looks anxious.
  3. Increased salivation.
  4. Decreased or increased activity.
  5. The animal behaves aggressively towards other animals and people.
  6. Takes unusual poses and changes them often.
  7. Rapid breathing and pulse.
  8. Temperature increase.

Loss of appetite is a reason to take your pet to the veterinarian

If you identify at least a few of the listed symptoms, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

Types of painkillers

In veterinary practice, all painkillers that are approved for use by animals are divided into two large groups. These are narcotic drugs and non-narcotic painkillers.

The main active ingredient in the composition is opioids or morphine. The action is manifested in a strong analgesic effect, the animal ceases to feel itself in reality. The main effect is directly on the central nervous system. The pain center in the brain is simultaneously blocked. Narcotic analgesics At the same time, they not only reduce pain, but are a good sleeping pill and sedative. However, frequent use can lead to disastrous results.
The most commonly used drugs in veterinary practice. They cope well with moderate to mild pain. Often used for inflammation of the joints and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Much safer than drugs. The drugs are quickly eliminated from the body. Short-term effect

Important! Your pet is very sensitive to medications. Therefore, it is necessary to give him this or that painkiller only under the supervision of a veterinarian and on his instructions. If you incorrectly calculate the dose at the time of administration, dangerous consequences may occur, including death.



A narcotic analgesic can be prescribed by a veterinarian only in exceptional situations. Unfortunately, these drugs can lead to serious side effects that include addiction and complications. Purchasing narcotic analgesics on your own is problematic. Therefore, it is best if the doctor uses this remedy in a veterinary office.

Not all morphine and opioid-based drugs for humans are acceptable for cats. There is a special list of medications that can be used on animals. Among them are the following medications:

A drugImageDescription
Narcotic analgesic drug. It contains a mixture of papaverine, morphine and codeine. It is used for severe mechanical injuries and as a means to relieve pain after surgery. Used for animals with cancer. There is a high risk of overdose if the animal’s weight is incorrectly calculated. Side effects occur in the form of drowsiness, vomiting, increased breathing, and weakness. Release form: injection solution 1% or 2%. Sold in pharmacies only with a doctor's prescription
Analgesic based on opium. Copes with severe pain due to mechanical injuries and oncology. Incorrect dosage calculation can lead to side effects such as diarrhea, vomiting, and weakness. Available in the form of tablets and ampoules
Available in the form of drops and tablets. Dispensed only with a doctor's prescription. Can also be used as a local anesthetic by dabbing with a cotton swab soaked in a solution
Combines the effects of an opioid and methylmorphine. Prescribed to relieve pain. May cause vomiting, aversion to food, constipation, and inhibition of actions. Dispensed only with a doctor's prescription

Important! If you are faced with a choice in what form to offer your cat a narcotic painkiller, opt for injections. Thus, the drug will go directly to circulatory system and will quickly lead to the desired result. But oral administration causes irritation of the mucous membrane and possible complications.


The main advantage of such drugs is that they are not addictive. They can quickly relieve pain and eliminate its root cause.

However, if we are talking about oncology or surgical effects, the drug may be ineffective. The possibility of adoption can only be determined by a veterinarian.

A drugImageDescription
A product based on ketoprofen. The product is available in gel form for local use. There is a good analgesic effect. Suitable for use after mechanical injuries and operations. Relieves pain in a number of cancer diseases
Belongs to the group of carboxylic acids. Eliminates pain and subsequent inflammation. Sold in the form of ointment, gel, tablets, injections
The main substance is vedaprofen. Used for diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Known for not having side effects. Available in gel form for oral use
It works on the basis of carprofen. Produced in the form of injections and tablets. Veterinarians prescribe it in case of swelling and pain after surgery. Rarely can side effects be recorded. They are weakly expressed
Used for skeletal diseases. It is a good remedy during the rehabilitation period after mechanical injuries. At long-term use medication may cause stomach upset
It is based on drotaverine, sodium hydrochloride and diclofenac. It is used in case of medical manipulations for urolithiasis. Shows good results for gastrointestinal pain

Important! All of the above drugs are recommended to be used only after meals. The fact is that the lining of the stomach of animals is very thin, and the drugs are irritating to it.

Other drugs

When it comes to mechanical injury or temporary pain, the doctor can prescribe medications intended for people to eliminate such a syndrome. You can offer this product to an animal in a dosage that is appropriate for children under three years of age according to the instructions. Among these drugs there are the following names.

A drugImageDescription
Available in the form of solution, powder and tablets. Famous for its antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties. Effective within 40 minutes. The dosage is calculated based on the individual parameters of the cat.
It is used for muscle spasms, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and reproductive system. Relaxes muscles, dilates arteries, has a sedative effect. Available in the form of injections and tablets. The dosage depends on the age of the animal, as well as on the method of application.
Available in tablet form. It is recommended for animals in the form of injections. It is a good analgesic. Designed to combat infectious diseases, pain after sterilization, periodontal disease, and injuries
Perfectly relieves inflammation, eliminates heat and fever. Veterinarians rarely recommend this product for use. Acts on the basis of acetylsalicylic acid. Most often used for joint diseases, neurology and injuries. Dosage is calculated based on the weight of the animal
The drug is used for: cystitis, urolithiasis, gastritis, colitis and so on. Available in the form of solution and tablets. Instructions for use can be obtained from your doctor. He will calculate the dosage based on the age and weight of the animal

Important! But-shpu cannot be injected intravenously. This could lead to the death of your pet.

Despite the minimum dosage, it is still better to consult a veterinarian before the first dose. The dosage depends not only on the weight of the animal, but also on its age, condition, and the disease itself.

Important! Despite the fact that the medications listed in this paragraph are harmless, it is not recommended to use them without the approval of a doctor.

In case of severe oncology, the cat must be given narcotic painkillers. Unfortunately, other means simply cannot cope with the pain.

How to offer a cat a pill?

It’s great if the drug is prescribed in the form of injections. All you have to do is visit the veterinarian at the appointed time and get an injection. The procedure is painful, but simple to perform. But what to do if the painkiller is only available in tablets, and you need to offer it to your cat?

There are several methods you can use.

  1. First, decide on the dosage. This can be a whole tablet, half or a third of it.
  2. Once you have determined the required amount of the drug, cut it off the tablet if necessary.
  3. Press the tablet several times with a knife. It breaks into several small pieces.
  4. Take your cat's favorite treat. Perhaps it's a piece of sausage or cheese. Offer the animal a treat. Most often, cats eat what is offered along with the medicine.

However, there are picky individuals. If the cat spits out pieces of the tablet, it is necessary to crush the required dosage in a mortar. After this, you need to dissolve the powder in water and try to pour it down your pet’s throat. This can be done with a syringe.

Many owners who have failed with the above methods mix liquid cat food with powder.

Do not give the animal a whole tablet or large pieces of it. Most likely, the cat will not be able to chew them properly, something will cause a gag reflex, or it will clog her stomach.

Video - How to simplify the process of giving pills to cats

What are the best painkillers to give to cats?

The final decision on which drug should be used for your pet must be made by the veterinarian who carries out the examination and collects tests. Most often, if opportunity allows, the doctor opts for non-narcotic drugs.

However, if a serious surgical intervention takes place or the animal is in a state of shock from the sensations experienced, the choice is made in favor of morphine-based drugs.

When choosing a particular drug, the doctor is based on the following factors.

  1. Age of the animal.
  2. Nature of pain.
  3. Her reason.
  4. Animal weight.
  5. The behavior of the animal at the time of inspection.
  6. Duration of illness.
  7. Specifics of the situation.
  8. Test results.


Neutering in cats is a very painful procedure. In the first hours after it, the animal will be in a depressed state, most often unconscious.

Sterilization is a very difficult and painful procedure

After a few days, the cat will have an appetite and the ability to move around. Veterinarians advise carefully choosing an analgesic for this procedure.

The most effective drugs include the following.

The period that will pass from the moment of sterilization to the restoration of normal vitality by the animal is purely individual. It all depends on the age of the animal, its health and recovery. Most often, for the first 3 days the animal moves poorly, sleeps all the time, and does not eat anything. During these three days, you will need to give your animal something to drink frequently, perhaps using a syringe, to prevent dehydration.

Try to offer your cat food, although she will most likely refuse it. On the 3rd day the cat begins to move, but not yet confidently.

Do not place the animal on high surfaces, such as a bed or sofa. As a rule, the animal begins to move at night, when the environment is quiet. An animal may simply fall from a bed or sofa, causing even greater harm to itself.

It is during the first two days after the operation that the anesthesia will completely leave the animal’s body, but on the condition that you use the prescribed non-narcotic painkillers.

3-4 days after the first steps, the cat usually returns to normal. However, she continues to suffer from pain in the surgical area. Therefore, you will often observe your cat licking this area. Sometimes an animal can react very aggressively to pain. To prevent it from tearing the skin, you will have to purchase a veterinary collar.

Video - How to help a cat after sterilization

Alternative methods

If the cause of the pain is not so serious, but at the same time you want to help your pet, you can resort to alternative methods that do not involve taking medications.

  1. Magnet therapy. This is a type of physical therapy. Veterinary medicine began to use it relatively recently. Magnets will help relieve inflammation and relieve pain. The procedure can only be performed in a veterinary office. Special plates are fixed to an area of ​​the animal’s body, which are removed after some time.
  2. Homeopathy. In some cases, herbal remedies also bring good results. Travmatin is often recommended for cats. It is available in the form of tablets and drops. The product can even be used on kittens.
  3. Compresses. This is a pain reliever. It is important that the pain is not inflammatory in nature, otherwise you risk aggravating the situation.
  4. Manual therapy. Massage helps increase blood flow. The tissues receive proper blood supply. The body fights pain and drowns it out on its own. However, massage must be done correctly so as not to harm the cat. Not every animal will lie quietly during the manipulations you perform.

Complications from medications

The sensitivity of animals to certain drugs varies from person to person. Therefore, you can often encounter certain complications that arise after taking an anesthetic. There can be many reasons for the occurrence of complications.

  1. Most often this is the use of the product without consulting a doctor.
  2. Perhaps the veterinarian calculated the dosage incorrectly.
  3. The drugs have expired.
  4. The animal has an individual intolerance to some components of the drug. Complications manifest themselves in the form of the following signs: drowsiness, vomiting, diarrhea, poor health, dizziness, anxiety, the cat becomes aggressive, spots appear on the skin, hair loss, active salivation and lacrimation, the cat often itches.

If you notice any of these signs, you should consult your veterinarian again and possibly change the product.

Any serious illness can be accompanied by severe pain. Moreover, cats, just like people, often suffer from toothache, pain from injuries and cancer. As a rule, cats are very patient, but there are times when the pain becomes so severe that the animal may simply die from pain shock. In this case, painkillers for cats of various effects will help.

Types of pain medications for cats

There are very few analgesics (painkillers) used to treat cats. Often, in such cases, human medications are used. But extreme caution must be exercised here. After all, not all human medications are harmless to cats. Therefore, the question often arises: how to numb a cat so as not to harm it.

The most powerful analgesics are opioid (narcotic) drugs:

  • Morphine,
  • Demerol,
  • Codeine or their synthetic varieties, such as Tramadol and Fentanyl.

However, it is almost impossible to purchase them to treat a cat. A veterinary pharmacy does not sell such drugs, and in a regular pharmacy it is unlikely to be possible to buy a narcotic drug with a veterinary prescription.

In addition, there are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) used both for short-term pain relief after surgery and for long-term treatment of arthritis and arthritis. In veterinary medicine, the most popular medicine of this kind is Loxicom. It is safe for cats and comes in the form of an oral suspension.

Important! Loxicom is used only as prescribed by a veterinarian.

The drug is quickly absorbed in the intestine, and the maximum concentration in the body is observed within 4 hours after administration. If the recommended dosage is not followed, vomiting, gastric bleeding, and allergies may occur. Long-term use of this medicine may cause serious problems such as kidney or liver failure.

Painkillers are required during the postoperative period.

But the well-known Aspirin, which also belongs to the group of NSAIDs, should not be given to cats, because it often causes severe poisoning and internal bleeding. As a last resort, you can give the cat 1/8 of the tablet, once every 3 days. The slightest excess of the dosage can cause severe vomiting, drooling, intestinal bleeding, and loss of coordination. Therefore, if there is no urgent need, then it is advisable to get by with other analgesics.

NSAIDs are produced especially for cats to relieve pain in diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

These painkilling injections cannot be administered to the animal on its own. This should be done by a specialist after a thorough examination.

The active ingredient of Flexoprofen is ketoprofen.

Flexoprofen is effective for fractures, dislocations, sprains, arthritis, synovitis. It relieves pain well after surgery. The drug contains ketoprofen as an active substance, which has not only analgesic, but antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects. It is used intramuscularly or intravenously at a dosage of 2 mg/kg of cat weight.

Rimadyl is a 5% solution for injection, used once as an anesthesia after surgery. The active ingredient is Carprofen, which has a rapid anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. It is used subcutaneously at the rate of 0.24 ml/3 kg of weight. It has many contraindications and possible adverse reactions.

Norocarp has exactly the same characteristics and similar indications for use as Rimadyl. These drugs have the same active substance and principle of use.

Metrogyl denta can be purchased at a regular pharmacy.

, special gels that can be used at home, without a doctor’s prescription, help a lot. For example, Metrogyl Denta, Metrodent or Dentavedin. It is applied to a cotton swab and gently smeared on the gums around the sore tooth. Often, in such a situation, regular Chlorhexidine is used, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.

There is another painkiller that is prescribed to cats for arthritis and arthrosis - Artrosan. It is given in a minimum dose of 0.15 ml, once a day. It relieves pain well, but causes severe drowsiness.

What painkiller can be given to a cat for fractures or injuries? A good effect can be obtained by using Ketonal or Ketanov. It is better to use it in the form of injections, at a rate of 0.3 ml, twice a day. Some cat owners often confuse Ketonal and Ketorol. But these are completely different drugs.

Important! Under no circumstances should cats be given Ketorol. This is an extremely toxic analgesic for them, the use of which can lead to the death of the animal from gastric or intestinal bleeding.

A good antispasmodic drug that is often prescribed to cats is. It is used only in the form of intramuscular injections, at a dosage of 1 mg/kg body weight, twice a day. Often prescribed in complex therapy cystitis, stomach ulcers, colitis, urolithiasis. Many veterinarians advise using the more gentle antispasmodic Papaverine instead of No-shpa. It is a little weaker, but does not cause adverse reactions in cats.

No-spa helps with muscle spasms.

In some cases, with strong pain syndrome To relieve postoperative pain, veterinarians prescribe the powerful analgesic Pentalgin. The dosage should not exceed 1/8 of the tablet per day. As a last resort, you can inject your cat with Baralgin (0.4 ml once), but only under the strict supervision of a doctor. This drug is highly toxic and requires precise calculation of the daily dose.

For severe bruises, fractures, burns, rupture of ligaments and tendons, a veterinarian can help well. Available in the form of an injection solution, it relieves inflammation and swelling, and prevents pain shock. The dosage is calculated individually, based on the age, weight, and diagnosis of the animal.

Pain reliever for cats after sterilization

Some experts recommend giving cats Analgin. Although it is not a veterinary drug, it may well be used to alleviate difficult childbirth, infectious diseases, and gastrointestinal lesions. The drug is available in the form of tablets and solution for injection. The dosage is selected by the veterinarian based on the weight, age and health of the cat. But the daily dose for one cat should never be more than 0.5 g or 0.15 ml intramuscularly.

Treatment of sutures after surgery is carried out after preliminary anesthesia.

Also, to alleviate the suffering of a sterilized cat, relieve postoperative inflammation and pain, fever, veterinarians prescribe a special veterinary drug Tolfedin 20 mg for cats. It is given to the animal once a day, 0.5-1 tablets. It should be used with caution in cats with diseases of the liver, heart, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract. There are no adverse reactions (if the dosage is observed).

What painkiller can be given to a cat with cancer?

If a cat is diagnosed with cancer, then it will not be possible to do without taking strong painkillers:

  • One such drug is the synthetic opioid Tramadol, which acts on the spinal cord to block pain signals in the body. Available in the form of suppositories, drops for oral administration, tablets and solution for injection. The drug is prescribed by a veterinarian only for health reasons. Tramadol has a huge number of side effects and contraindications, so you cannot give your cat this analgesic yourself.
  • Fentanyl has the same effect when taken orally or in injections. However, there is also a less toxic form of release of the drug: an anesthetic patch. But, despite the fact that the patch is simply glued to the surface of the animal’s skin, it still retains all its properties. It is also used under the supervision of a doctor, and only as a last resort.

Alternative ways to relieve a cat from pain

Traumeel as an anesthetic is best used in the form of injections.

Pain in a cat can have several causes: fractures, burns, sprains, dislocations of limbs, muscle spasms, inflammatory processes in tissues, etc. Depending on the severity of the disease, the pain experienced by cats can be either severe or moderate. . You can determine that an animal is suffering from pain by its behavior. Cats, in such situations, try to avoid communication with others and hide. With severe pain, they may experience increased breathing, tachycardia, loss of appetite, lethargy or agitation, loud meowing, and convulsions.

There are several types of alternative treatment:

  • Homeopathic medicines. These are the safest drugs, which contain only natural ingredients. However, do not forget that they do not relieve an attack of acute pain, but act gradually, over a long time. Therefore, they are prescribed long before the intended operation. Well relieves pain after castration, with fractures, concussions, inflammatory diseases homeopathic medicine Traumeel, produced in the form of an injection solution. It can be administered intramuscularly or intravenously, and a single dose will be 1-2 ml per day. There are no contraindications or side effects when taking the medicine.
  • Manual therapy (massage). This procedure improves blood supply, relieves swelling, and speeds up the animal’s rehabilitation after fractures and injuries. Massage perfectly strengthens the body and relieves moderate pain, muscle spasms, and relaxes smooth muscles.
  • Magnetotherapy. One of the most frequently used procedures in veterinary practice. After all, magnets can very effectively relieve inflammation, swelling, and eliminate pain not only after operations, but also in case of any other diseases.
  • Compresses. They are used to eliminate long-term chronic pain of a non-inflammatory nature. This procedure is used only for injuries and fractures, to relieve swelling and improve well-being.

Important! If there is the slightest inflammatory process in the body, compresses cannot be done.

  • Acupuncture. This procedure can be approached in different ways. Some people do not believe in the miraculous power of oriental medicine, while others consider it a panacea for all ailments. However, it is worth noting that acupuncture does help in many cases. It perfectly eliminates mild and moderate pain in chronic diseases.

Pain is a physiological reaction to certain disturbances in the normal functioning of the body's vital systems. This is a signal to take action to help the pet. In some cases, feline pain medication should be given immediately.

In the article, in addition to drugs for pain relief, we also look at the causes of pain and give advice in which cases a cat really needs to be given medicine. We do not recommend skipping these sections, but if you want to know only about the best drugs and their prices, then refer to the contents.

Signs of pain

Usually cats tolerate pain patiently, but in some cases it is a signal for an urgent visit to the veterinarian.

Signs that your cat is in pain:

  • unusual behavior: excessive activity or lethargy;
  • unjustified aggressive reactions;
  • desire for solitude;
  • uncharacteristic apathy and drowsiness;
  • refusal of the litter tray;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • heavy or difficult breathing, shortness of breath.

When is pain medication needed?

Pain syndrome can be acute and chronic. In case of severe injury or cancer, delay in providing assistance to your pet can lead to painful shock and even death.

Injuries most often occur during fights with dogs and other cats, when the animal is hit by a car, when falling out of a window or simply from a height.

Typically, pain in cats is accompanied by:

  • Oncological diseases.
  • Injuries - superficial extensive wounds and cuts, fractures of the paws and spine, bruises and torn ligaments.
  • Postoperative period after surgery.
  • Recovery after or.
  • Chronic diseases in the acute stage - cystitis, urolithiasis, others.
  • Kidney or stomach colic.
  • Disruption nervous system.
  • Tooth and jaw pain (usually when enamel is destroyed).

Types of veterinary drugs for pain

Cats differ from humans and most other domestic animals in their response to pain medications. The list of approved products that do not have a high toxic effect on your pet is very narrow.

Types of analgesics used in veterinary medicine and allowed for cats:

  • Narcotic. They are prescribed only under the supervision of a veterinarian in exceptional cases - in case of severe injuries and oncological pathologies. These are Omnopon, Fentanyl, Tramadol, Codeine.
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Unlike the first group, they are not addictive and not only relieve pain, but also have a therapeutic effect. In acute attacks they are ineffective. These are Ketonal, Ketofen, Quadrisol, Rimadyl, Meloxicam, Vetalgin.
  • Other. Some medications intended for treating humans are also suitable for cats. These are Papaverine in the form of injections, Baralgin, some others as prescribed by a doctor.

Table of painkillers approved for cats with approximate dosages

Sometimes taking immediate action to relieve a cat's pain is urgent. Approximate dosages are calculated in the table for an average-sized adult animal.

Drug name Dosage Mode of application Description and price
1 mg per 1 kg of weight, twice a day Injections NSAIDs.

10 ampoules of 2 ml - about 250 rubles.

2 mg per 1 kg of weight In the form of injections or tablets Wide spectrum of action, not recommended for gastrointestinal diseases.

10 tablets of 5 mg - 500 rub.

20 ml bottle for injection - 1150-1200 rub.

1 ml per 10 kg weight Oral (gel)

Syringe tube 15 ml - no information on cost.

2 mg per 1 kg of weight, once Injections Anti-inflammatory veterinary pain reliever.

20 ml bottle for injection - 2100-2150 rub.

1 tablet once or twice a day Oral (tablets) A veterinary drug for general use.

10 tablets - 140-170 rubles.

0.05-0.1 ml per 1 kg of weight Injections A veterinary drug from the NSAID group.

10 ml - 300 rub.

0.1-0.2 ml Injections Veterinary drug for injuries with swelling. Contraindicated for heart disease.

50 ml bottle for injection - 1000-1100 rub.

2 mg per 1 kg of weight Injections A veterinary drug from the NSAID group.

10 ampoules of 2 ml - about 100 rubles.

In addition to medications, in modern veterinary medicine there are alternative methods of pain relief.

  • Magnetic therapy. It is a method of pain relief widely practiced in traditional medicine. Veterinary clinics usually have special devices (“harnesses”) for attaching metal plates to the body of a sick animal.
  • Acupuncture is good for relieving aching pain that usually accompanies chronic diseases.
  • Homeopathic remedies. An example of a herbal remedy widely used in veterinary medicine is Travmatin. It is often prescribed before and after sterilization of cats.
  • Compresses, heating pads, infrared emitters. They help well in the treatment of chronic pain of a non-inflammatory nature. Contraindicated for any inflammation or if the etiology is not clear.
  • Anti-pain massage. It helps well in the complex of rehabilitation therapy after fractures and sprains for pain relief.

What drugs are prohibited for cats?

There are a number of “human” drugs that are strictly prohibited for cats. Of the painkillers, this is Ketorol, which is often confused with the approved Ketonal. The first causes severe stomach bleeding in the cat and leads to the death of the pet.

You should not give them, due to their high toxicity for cats, although they will not cause such severe consequences:

  • Aspirin;
  • Paracetamol;
  • Ibuprofen (Nurofen);
  • Theraflu;
  • Analgin;
  • No-Shpa.

What not to give to cats

How to give a pill to a cat and give an injection

All injections that the owner can give to the animal himself at home are usually done subcutaneously at the withers.

To do this, you need to fix the cat on a hard surface (with the help of a second person), pull up the skin at the withers and insert the syringe needle under the skin, the drug is infused slowly. Gently rub the injection site.

The tablet can be given using a special device, crushed and inserted into the oral cavity from a syringe without a needle with water or liquid food.

You can also take the animal by the scruff of the neck, secure it well on the floor, open its mouth and place the tablet on the root of the tongue. Then hold the mouth tightly with one hand, and with the other hand, carefully move it several times along the animal’s neck in order to evoke a swallowing reflex.

Can a cat be given Analgin?

Veterinarians do not give a clear answer to this question. Some experts prescribe an injection of Analgin-Diphenhydramine to reduce high fever, and the animal tolerates it normally.

In other cases, an unfavorable reaction to the drug is noted. Drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, even death. Presumably, such side effects are caused by the active substance – Metamizole (Noramidopyrine). This is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that has special antispasmodic properties, characterized by increased salivation (salivation).

The use of Analgin, and indeed any “human” antispasmodics, is contraindicated in any animals due to its toxic effect on the bone marrow, kidneys and liver. By the way, Analgin is also excluded from human medicine; it is replaced with antispasmodics of new generations.

But I would like to note that this is only one of the opinions of veterinarians. Others insist that a one-time administration of Analgin will not cause harm. At the same time, everyone agrees that Aspirin, Paracetamol and any other “human” antipyretics are deadly for cats.

From the author. I would also like to note that in our nursery we have never taken risks and never used human antispasmodics. In case of serious injuries, we turned to competent surgeons; they have a large arsenal of veterinary drugs.


ATTENTION! If you do not have the opportunity to get an appointment with a GOOD doctor, DO NOT SELF-medicate! Listen to what the rector of China Medical University has to say about this Professor Park.

And here is some invaluable advice on restoring diseased joints from Professor Park:

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Types of disease and its causes

Arthritis has several varieties, depending on the nature of the damage to the joint and the causes that cause it. Based on the nature of the lesion, two groups of arthritis are distinguished:

  • inflammatory;
  • degenerative.

Inflammatory arthritis

As a rule, with many joint diseases, the main “effect” of them is the complete or partial destruction of the hyaline cartilage that covers the proximal and distal ends of the bones. Sometimes it happens without apparent reason, but more often it’s all about age-related changes.

It also happens that inflammatory/degenerative joint lesions develop against the background of secondary infectious diseases, as well as various injuries. But many biologists and veterinarians believe that in cats specifically, many types of these pathologies are of an autoimmune nature. It is precisely because of the “riot” of their own defense mechanisms develops, for example, rheumatoid arthritis.

Genetics - certain breeds have an increased risk of developing certain unpleasant pathologies. In particular, almost all Maine Coons have dysplasia hip joints, and this does not always apply to elderly animals. To a lesser extent, Persians and Siamese cats face the same problems.

Patella luxation is rare in cats. But everything is not so rosy if we talk about Abyssinian cats and Devon Rex cats.

Scottish fold-eared cats are especially susceptible to severe arthritis, which affects almost every joint in the body. It's all about a rare genome mutation, due to which the cartilage in the bodies of cats of this breed is initially weakened and tolerates mechanical injuries very poorly.

Symptoms of the disease

In diagnosing arthritis, the owner's observation plays a major role. Therefore, every owner should know what symptoms may indicate that their pet is sick. Some features of the animal’s behavior should alert the attentive owner:

  • the cat has difficulty going up and down stairs, avoids jumping on the bed, sleeps more on the floor, does not use a scratching post;
  • there is a clear decrease in playfulness;
  • defecates not in the tray, but next to it;
  • became lethargic, avoids communication with people and other animals, stopped purring;
  • appetite is significantly reduced;
  • cares for the coat less carefully, neglecting those areas that are difficult for her to reach due to pain;
  • protects joints, meows or hisses when stroking them;
  • there is a stiff or stilted gait, lameness;
  • weight loss may occur.

The owner must take into account some physiological characteristics, which are also signs of arthritis:

  • The cat’s claws are too long because she doesn’t grind them down;
  • increase in size, crepitus of diseased joints;
  • increase in local temperature in the area of ​​inflammation.

Diagnosis of the disease

Drug treatment

Treatment of arthritis in sick cats should be comprehensive and include several areas. The main goal is to stabilize the condition and improve the quality of life of patients. The disease, unfortunately, has no cure, but with good supportive therapy and proper care, remissions will be quite long, motor activity will be restored almost completely. Apply the following types therapy:

  • surgical intervention;
  • drug therapy;
  • special care;
  • rehabilitation measures to maintain a stable condition of the joints;
  • therapeutic nutrition and weight correction;
  • physiotherapy.


It is justified as emergency measure on late stages illness, in the presence of severe concomitant diseases (joint instability, severe joint dysplasia). In these cases, somehow alleviate the animal’s condition, relieve severe pain and improve the quality of life conservative methods does not seem possible.

Special care

It consists of creating comfortable living conditions that make life easier and reduce joint pain:

  • first of all, this is the creation of a warm, safe place to sleep, away from drafts;
  • to make jumping easier, intermediate supports are placed under the elevations;
  • purchase litter trays with a low side;
  • place inclined surfaces where there are steps;
  • comb the fur and trim the claws to make grooming easier for the cat.

Drug therapy and pain relief

Drug therapy consists of prescribing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They have significant side effects, so before starting treatment, they determine whether there are severe pathologies of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.

Usually the minimum effective dose of drugs is used. Meloxicam is the most suitable drug for cats.

The course of its administration can be unlimited in time.

Glucocorticosteroids are not used in the treatment of arthritis, since their systemic side effect may exceed the effect.

Assistive therapy and rehabilitation

As adjuvant therapy It is common to use supplements based on chondroitin and glucosamine. They help restore worn cartilage, slowing down its destruction.

In addition, cold and warm compresses can be used on the sore joint:

  • cold compress is used in acute phase with pronounced inflammation;
  • warm compress applied after relieving inflammation to stabilize the condition.

At purulent inflammation The use of warm compresses is strictly prohibited.

Medical nutrition

There are specialized foods for cats diagnosed with this disease. They represent therapeutic diet with a high content of omega-3 fatty acids, chondroitin and glucosamine, which restore articular cartilage. Such foods have a limited fat content, which allows you to adjust the animal’s weight, avoiding obesity.

Table food that includes too much food is strictly contraindicated for a sick cat. fatty foods with unlimited salt and seasonings. Natural nutrition should consist of lean meat, fermented milk products, and a small amount of fish.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

Physiotherapy methods for cats include: massage treatments. The massage should be very light, but persistent, making blood circulation more active. It is necessary to carry out circular massage movements, slowly moving along the limb to the sore joint.

In some cases, acupuncture may be used. It helps relieve spasms and relieve pain.

Should only be carried out by qualified specialists with experience in using this method in veterinary medicine. The downside is that it can only be used if the animal is at rest.

It seems possible to do this only under the condition of exposure sedatives or anesthesia.

In most cases, treatment of joint diseases in cats involves the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which not only relieve inflammatory reaction, but also significantly reduce the intensity of pain.

The main disadvantage of drugs of this type is the impossibility of their long-term use (in this case, the liver and kidneys suffer greatly). To minimize the risk of side effects, the drug must be selected carefully and used with caution.

In veterinary practice, the drug Melaxicam is most often used to treat cats. There is evidence that when used, there is less likelihood of developing side effects; the medicine has proven itself in the treatment of arthritis and arthrosis of various etiologies, even in advanced cases.

Unfortunately, in the oldest animals, as well as in advanced cases, it will not be possible to manage only non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In this case, a combination of drugs is used:

  • Buprenorphine.
  • Amantadine (Amantadinum).
  • Tramadol.
  • Gabapentin (Gabapentinum).

If inflammatory-degenerative diseases of the joints are infectious in nature, the animal is prescribed antibiotics wide range actions.

Vitamins for teeth and bones of cats as part of complex therapy

Many owners are concerned about the question of how musculoskeletal diseases manifest in a cat? First of all, the animal becomes inactive, prefers to lie down in dark places and in warmth, is reluctant to respond to affection, may hiss and even attempt to bite. A healthy cat, not inclined to communicate, retreats with this behavior. The sick animal will remain in place, driving away the owner. If such behavior is observed in a previously affectionate pet, then this is a reason to consult a doctor, take a biochemical and clinical analysis blood that can show inflammatory process. If the problem relates to the musculoskeletal system, then a course of vitamins for bones and joints will be prescribed along with medicines. contains calcium hydroxyapatite - the most easily absorbed form to correct imbalances.

If a sick cat is obese, he must be put on a diet (approved by a veterinarian, of course). This is especially important for older animals.

Important! There is no need to completely deprive your pet of food, as this will lead to exactly the opposite results.

Specially designed “joint” diets are recommended. Their components contain combinations of essential fatty acids (EFAs), which serve to reduce inflammation and glycosaminoglycans (such as glucosamine and chondroitin).

The latter are part of cartilage. Supplements of this type are completely safe for the animal.

The problem is that veterinary practitioners are very leery of oral supplements.

In any case, they are not used as primary therapy: diet is used only as an additional healing technique. In general, the use of agents injected directly into the joint is recommended.

I would like to note that in the most severe and advanced cases of joint disease in cats, they are treated using synthetic prostheses. If the joint is subjected to degenerative changes, only implants can restore mobility and maintain more or less high quality animal life.

9 Homeopathic medicines

Methimazole sodium, or analgin, can cause changes in the blood (leukopenia, anemia) in cats, including death. This drug is especially dangerous for cats with diseases accompanied by a decrease in the level of leukocytes in the blood (panleukopenia, infectious and inflammatory diseases). Therefore, this analgesic for the treatment of cats must be used with caution.

Paracetamol-containing drugs also have a negative effect on the circulatory system of animals. In addition, paracetamol is toxic to the liver and kidneys. Toxic damage can occur several hours after the cat is given the medicine, in the form of the following symptoms:

In severe cases, the animal dies after 18-36 hours.

When using no-shpa injections to eliminate liver and renal colic Some animals show individual intolerance to the drug - they refuse hind legs, spontaneous excretion of feces and urine occurs.

The toxic dose of aspirin for cats is about 22 mg/kg. Acetylsalicylic acid, especially in the form of uncrushed tablets, causes irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa, which can lead to ulcerative lesions and bleeding.

The drug causes suppression of functions in cats bone marrow and production of blood cells, liver and renal failure, up to comatose state and the death of the animal. Similar action Ibuprofen and Indomethacin provide.

Painkillers for cats are divided into 2 types:

  • Truly analgesic drugs are narcotic painkillers, opioid drugs based on morphine. These drugs are characterized by a strong analgesic effect, as they directly suppress the activity of the pain center in the brain. In addition, they have a hypnotic and sedative (calming) effect. The use of opioids causes drug dependence, so they are prescribed in exceptional cases. The most powerful of them - Morphine, Fentanyl, Trimeperidine are prohibited in Russia. Many of these drugs used for pain relief are not suitable for cats, as they cause increased excitability in them.
  • Non-narcotic drugs. They successfully cope with pain due to inflammation of muscles and joints, the peripheral nervous system, but with more severe pain associated with injuries, surgical intervention, oncology, they are not so effective.

Of the non-narcotic drugs for pain relief in small pets, NSAIDs are most often prescribed - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, most of which are also used in the treatment of humans.

Their use in many cases in cats leads to the development acute gastritis a week after starting treatment. There are also specialized NSAIDs for small pets - Quadrisol 5, Ketofen, Rimadyl R, but they also irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa (up to 20% of all cases of use).

Therefore, these painkillers for cats need to be fed to the animals during or after meals. In order to prevent the development of gastritis and stomach ulcers during long-term use of NSAIDs in animals, it is recommended to give Biocorrector RD for cats and traditional histamine H2 receptor blockers:

  • Zantac or Ranitidine, po, 2 mg/kg every 8 hours;
  • Famotidine, 0.5 mg/kg every 12-24 hours, IM, SC or PO;
  • Cimetidine, 2-5 mg/kg every 12 hours, p.o.

These should be used throughout the course of treatment using NSAIDs. The problem of chemical gastritis when prescribing analgesics in veterinary medicine still remains unresolved.

Systemic non-narcotic pain medications for cats that can be used at home.

One of the most effective and safe painkillers is the homeopathic drug Traumeel. It is produced in the form of an injection solution and gel. Use as an anesthetic is as follows:

  • For injuries of various etiologies (bites, bruises, fractures, falls from a great height, burns, etc.), the cat is given water every 15 minutes during the first half of the day, and then 5 drops every 30 minutes. The next day, the animal is given the drug after 1-2 hours. It is recommended to dilute the drops in a small amount of water. General course- before full recovery cats (usually no more than 2 weeks).
  • After surgery or if the cat has an inoperable case, Traumeel is given to the animal according to the previous regimen.
  • In the form of injections, Traumeel is more effective. Therefore, if you have the skills to give injections, then it is better to administer it intramuscularly, intravenously or subcutaneously, 1-2 times a day, 1 ml for adult cats and 0.5 ml for kittens.
  • For burns, fractures, dislocations and sprains in cats, you can use Traumeel in the form of a gel or apply a bandage moistened with an injection solution to the affected areas to relieve pain and heal wounds.

Traumeel is a complex homeopathic medicine. It not only relieves pain, but also has anti-inflammatory, decongestant, hemostatic, regenerating and antimicrobial effect. It does not irritate the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract of cats and is not toxic to the liver and kidneys. As side effects, the animal may have an individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Another homeopathic medicine is Travmatin, containing extracts medicinal plants and ASD-2, is effective for eliminating pain in cats with injuries of various origins and severity, with fractures, burns, inflammatory diseases and in the postoperative period.

It has a pronounced anti-shock effect and reduces the likelihood of complications during childbirth. It is administered to cats subcutaneously or intramuscularly, 0.5-2 ml up to 3 times a day.

It is also commercially available in the form of tablets and gel (Travmagel). If it is impossible to inject at home, adult cats are given 1 tablet, kittens - a quarter.

The drug can be used for pain relief long time(up to 1-2 months).

Artroglycan for cats - instructions for use and dosage

The chondroprotective agent should be used according to the instructions, which contain all the instructions regarding the safe daily concentration that the cat needs. Feeding the medicine involves taking tablets twice a day. The division is calculated from the following ratio - for every 10 kg of weight the cat should be given 1 pill.

Dependence of the cat’s weight and the number of tablets:

  • 3–4 kg - 1/4 tablet;
  • 5 kg - half a tablet;
  • 7 kg - 3/4 tablet;
  • 10 kg - 1 tablet;
  • 15 kg - 1.5 tablets.

For the prevention of degenerative diseases, the recommended course duration is 30 days. If there are joint diseases, then therapy lasts from two to three months, depending on the severity of the lesion.

Important. The shelf life of Artroglycan does not exceed 2 years from the date of release.

Prevention measures

In the prevention of the disease, constant monitoring of the condition of the joints in cats is important. Equally important is compliance healthy image life, which will allow the cat to maintain good physical fitness:

  1. Regular orthopedic examinations. They are especially important when the cat reaches a respectable age.
  2. Weight control. It is carried out with a well-chosen diet that provides good nutrition when saving normal weight.
  3. Regular addition of vitamins and minerals to food mineral complexes containing medicinal additives that support the health of articular cartilage.
  4. No drafts in the apartment.
  5. Lack of unsustainable physical activity, injuring joints.

If the cat is receiving treatment, it is necessary to periodically bring it for a medical examination to monitor the dynamics. Particular care must be taken to monitor the condition of animals receiving non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The prognosis of the disease is ambiguous. Treatment results may vary.

This depends on the age of the cat, on what stage of the disease therapy is started, and whether there are severe accompanying illnesses.

Artroglycan for cats: reviews

Marina. The first signs of joint problems were noticed when the cat began to jump off the sofa and immediately lie down on the floor, while emitting a plaintive meow. The veterinarian prescribed a course of Artroglycan, after which the animal’s bones became stronger. Although the product helped, we still make sure that the cat does not jump from a height, for prevention.

Margarita. While still a kitten, our pet received an injury to his front paw; his grandmother accidentally pinched him.

As a result, he refused to stand on it, moving with a strange gait. I urgently needed a chondroprotector, we bought Artroglycan and gave it for 3 months.

Already a month later, our sufferer began to unsteadily stand on his paw, and by the end of therapy he was moving like a healthy cat. By the way, there was still a dislocation, but we chiropractor it was set in the second week of treatment.

It’s good that Artroglycan was suggested to us in time, otherwise we were already afraid that the animal would remain disabled for life.

Dmitriy. We noticed that the animal began to lick its paws for too long, especially in the area of ​​the joints. We read that this is a sign of arthritis, and it turned out to be so. We used the product for 3 months, then took a second photo, the doctor said that the cartilage had strengthened, but now the animal would have to give it for the rest of its life.

Alexander. Helped with osteoporosis for an aging 15 year old cat. It is convenient to dose the product, especially considering that we have a Maine Coon, so there is no need to crush the tablet. He just weighs almost 10 kilograms.