
Concentrated urine in the baby. Urine of the baby: what is the normal color and smell of the urine of a newborn

A basic set of tests often helps to identify deviations from the norm and begin to search for the root cause of all problems. So yellow urine in infants is sometimes perceived by young parents as an abnormal phenomenon. Everyone should understand the basic characteristics of urine in order to consult a doctor in a timely manner, in case there are significant deviations.

Infant urine color

Ideally, an infant's urine should be light yellow or amber in color. The first 10 days of a newborn's life, urine can change its shade.

Initially colorless biological material (najat) may suddenly acquire a rich carrot or red tone. The color changes due to the fact that the baby's urinary system is just beginning to adapt to new conditions, and such "interruptions" - normal phenomenon.

The main parameters of the norm

A healthy baby excretes urine of a light yellow hue, without any smell. Urine begins to smell with age. Normally, the odor is mild. A sharp, distinct smell of urine indicates increased acetone, diabetes mellitus, or the presence of bacterial flora in the bladder.

Normal, but quickly returns to normal. Light, pink, yellow urine in a newborn should in any case be transparent. Turbidity can only appear if the biomaterial is stored for a long time. Urine of a newborn without impurities is the norm.

The study of the urine of a child by indicators

Each parent should be guided by the main indicators that a urine test gives. The following table shows the main parameters by which urine is studied. A description of each is also included.

Parameter Norm Deviation
Protein Normally, there is no protein or no more than 0.08 A large amount of protein indicates inflammatory reactions. Urination becomes painful, the boy or girl complains of general discomfort. The color of the urine may be light, but always cloudy.
Glucose 0 In the first days of life, the child may urinate with urine high content Sahara. But as you get older, your glucose levels should drop to zero.
Bilirubin 0 If a child has bilirubin in the urine, this indicator may indicate problems with the kidneys and urinary tract. The color of the urine may be clear or pink.
Ketone bodies (ammonia, acetone) 0 A high level indicates problems with the metabolic status, indicate diabetes mellitus and liver pathology.
Leukocytes No more than 5 in sight The more leukocytes, the stronger inflammatory process
red blood cells Not 2 in sight Erythrocytes in large numbers indicate poisoning with toxins, hyperthermia, viral disease. Blood in urine can be caused by any infection
Cylindrical bodies 0 The presence of cylinders indicates an infection in the body

Video: How to easily collect urine for analysis from a child

What affects the color of urine

Urination and urine counts return to normal only 10 days after birth. If a month old baby can hardly pee, and urine acquires it unusual color, it is worth paying attention to this. The table shows the main variations in the color of urine.

shade of urine Likely Causes
Dark orange High concentration of urine associated with a lack of moisture in the body. Orange blossom can cause a large amount of carrots in the diet
Brown, green A sign of obstructive jaundice or progressive hemolytic anemia
Red "dirty" Indicates that there is blood in the urine. Causes: porphyria, hemolytic crisis. In older children - glomerulonephritis
Blue undertone Indicates putrefaction in the intestines
Black color Advanced hemolytic anemia, melanoma, melanosarcoma
Pink The body has phenolphthalein
Greenish Pus stains urine of any base shade green

Urine color and nutrition

Knowing what color and smell the urine of the baby is normal, each parent monitors his condition. However, it is the diet of the baby that can slightly adjust the main indicators.

Bright yellowish urine can occur in children who actively consume foods with dyes. This is typical for babies who are older than 2 years. Pumpkin, carrots, beets, currants give the urine a specific yellowish tone. If these products are in complementary foods, the baby is given juices, teas and decoctions with "natural dyes", the urine may change its color. Yellow urine in a baby can only be because the child's diet is not entirely correct.

Special reasons

The urine of a newborn changes as the child adapts to new living conditions. Since the introduction of complementary foods, it will also change, due to the same adaptive mechanisms. At about 1 year old, the baby is no longer dependent on outside influences, and deviations indicate specific health problems.

The urine of a monthly and newborn baby can also change for the following reasons:

  1. fluid deficiency;
  2. High physical activity;
  3. infections;
  4. A large amount of a particular product in the diet (fish, carrots, beets, pumpkin, currants)
  5. Pathologies causing edema;
  6. Liver pathologies (they may occur as the baby grows up, or the child may be born already with the disease);
  7. Viruses complicated by intense sweating;
  8. The breakdown of hemoglobin;
  9. Stagnation in the kidneys;
  10. Systemic pathologies (the whole body suffers from joints to muscle tissue);
  11. Bladder anomalies;
  12. Hypervitaminosis (any vitamin in excess can change the color of urine, even a banal ascorbic acid).

What should parents do

If the urine has become intense yellow color, you need to pay attention to the menu of the child and adjust it drinking regimen. The doctor should be visited if the color has changed radically, and the smell of urine has become frankly unpleasant and very pronounced.

During the examination, the doctor will decide which tests to take. Standard set - general analysis blood and urine, urine for sugar and detailed biochemistry. Fence biological material only happens in the morning.

Further treatment tactics and prognosis for the future will depend on the diagnosis, the age of the child, individual characteristics baby. Usually correct timely treatment will bring the little patient back to normal life.

Video: Most best mode feeding a newborn

Interpretation of urine in babies by color and smell

What does the color of urine in a baby mean? Signs of diseases

Salts in the urine

brown dust

All happy mothers should pay attention to the work of the genitourinary system of their child. This is especially important in the first year of life, because many diseases are prevented by a kind of tracking. early stages. The development of pathology is indicated by the color, volume, smell of urine and the frequency of urination. A born baby pees for the first time no later than 12 hours after birth - this is the established norm. On the first day after birth, the number of urination in a baby can reach up to 10 times. In the future, the frequency gradually decreases and by the age of one year the child goes to the toilet every two hours - this frequency allows parents to teach the child to the potty. Parents should be alerted by the concentrated urine of the baby, which emits bad smell and has a dark yellow tint.

Interpretation of urine in infants by color and smell


The color of urine in a newborn can vary from light yellow to dark amber. In the first days of life, urine can be light, but if the volume of fluid consumed is small, then we can talk about a high concentration, especially if the color has changed to a darker shade. Such urine can irritate the baby's delicate skin due to the high salt content. As a result, finding a baby without diapers is dangerous, especially if the diaper is not changed immediately.

If the color has a pronounced yellow color for a long time, then this indicates a disease of the kidneys and liver. Problems in the biliary system can only be detected by the presence of bilirubin in the baby's urine, for which they undergo appropriate laboratory tests.

The alarm should not be beaten when vegetable products in the form of carrots and beets are introduced as complementary foods to the baby. After dinner with vegetable puree, you can already expect a change in the color of the urine in the baby.

The saturated color of the urine of the baby indicates its high concentration, which is caused by a lack of fluid intake, an acute intestinal infection, or a high salt content.


Normal for the baby is a faint smell of the excreted fluid without side impurities. If the smell gives off a characteristic aroma of rotten apples, this indicates an increased content of acetone in the urine. It is necessary to conduct all tests to identify the cause of the formation of this substance.

Ketone bodies that affect the appearance of acetone appear due to:

  • constipation
  • intoxication, through the use of drugs or drugs prohibited for the baby;
  • gastritis;
  • strong physical activity, which also occurs in infants;
  • changing foods that are poorly absorbed by the body;
  • body infections;
  • hypothermia;
  • excitement or constant fatigue, which is facilitated by disturbances in the body.

The smell of ammonia in the urine of a newborn indicates cystitis. Bacteria decompose urine already in the bladder and an inflammatory process occurs, which is treated only with medication.

If the color of the fluid secreted by the baby is not subject to immediate appeal to a specialist, then the smell is a direct road for conducting all laboratory tests. The smell of acetone may indicate development in a child diabetes, and ammonia - for the presence malignant tumor.

What does the color of the urine of the baby say?

All cases of changes in the color, smell, quantity and transparency of the urine of the baby require an immediate visit to the pediatrician. Inflammatory processes in newborns develop rapidly, and this fluid indicates the presence of pathology very clearly.

Changed color of urine baby may indicate the presence the following diseases:

  1. Dark yellow color - the presence in the urine of an increased content of bile pigments. Possibly a liver infection.
  2. Orange color - a high content of oxalate salts or a lack of fluid in the body, heat, diarrhea or vomiting.
  3. Red color - increased content of erythrocytes (red blood cells). May indicate kidney disease urinary tract.
  4. Greenish tint - caused by mechanical jaundice in a newborn.

In each of these cases, it is urgent to consult a doctor and start treatment. The transparency of urine indicates whether there is inflammation in the child's body and the presence of salts in it: phosphates or oxalates. If the urine is cloudy, then the child has health problems.

Salts in the urine

Salts in the urine of a baby indicate a nutritional error:

  1. With the introduction of complementary foods, excess salt often appears, especially if you feed the child with meat broths, fatty fish and meat, eggs and other animal products.
  2. Diseases gastrointestinal tract- gastritis, stomach ulcers, diseases of the kidneys and biliary tract increase the salt content in the urine, which leads to the formation of sand and, subsequently, to urolithiasis.

Having noticed a change in color and transparency in a child, you should consult a pediatrician, because an increased salt content in a baby can lead to dangerous consequences in the form of intoxication, leukemia, diathesis, gout, fever, ulcerative colitis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, hyperparathioresis, Fanconi syndrome. As soon as the diagnosis is made, the content of salts in the urine of the baby should be reduced, in order to avoid further development illness.

"Brown Dust"

Concentrated urine in the first days of life may contain uric acid crystals. They stand out on the diaper as a dusty spot of pink, orange or red and is called “brown dust” in medical terminology. This may be alarming for parents, but such phenomena are considered the norm and occur in many newborns.

On days 5-6, the urine of the baby ceases to be concentrated, because the child receives enough breast milk, and at the same time water. But even in this case, one can notice from time to time dark spot concentrated urine on the diaper is also normal.

If such a spot appears too often, you should immediately contact your pediatrician. If a child urinates with concentrated urine after 4 days of life in small volumes, then this indicates a lack of nutrition, which also causes weight loss in the child. Specialists should check the baby's health and breastfeeding technique. Proper nutrition quickly eliminate the problem of concentrated urine.

It is important to know that the color, smell, frequency of urination and its volume are an indicator of health. little man. Parents should not hush up the problem of changes in the indicators of normal urine in a child. Timely handling and proper treatment, or maybe just caring for the baby, will help to quickly fix the problem and help the baby become cheerful and healthy.

Orange, pink and red spots on newborn diapers

Child's urination breastfeeding changes during the first week of life. In the first few days, the baby receives a limited amount of milk, so he will have less urine and fewer wet diapers. As the amount of milk increases, the amount of urine increases. Thus, by the extent to which a diaper or diaper is wet, one can and should judge the amount of milk that a child receives.

A newborn baby pees for the first time 12 to 24 hours after birth. During the first few days of life while exclusively breastfeeding, he may need at least two diapers a day. After the sixth day, the baby should wet at least six to eight diapers in 24 hours, but maybe more.

The child has a small bladder, which holds approximately one tablespoon (15 ml) of urine, so babies pee very frequently. Some children may urinate up to twenty times a day. Do not wake a sleeping baby to change a diaper. It is enough to change the diaper before and after each feeding, i.e. roughly every two to three hours.

When using diapers, it is very difficult to determine how much urine a baby is excreting. The problem can be easily solved as follows:

  1. Pour two tablespoons of water (30 ml) onto a dry, clean diaper and measure its moisture content.
  2. To make it easier to see urine in a diaper, place a diaper fabric inside that absorbs urine easily, or use a diaper instead of a diaper.
  3. Take the used diaper apart and check for moisture under the gel layer.

Very concentrated urine during the first few days of life has Orange color and may contain crystals uric acid, urats. These crystals give pink, red or orange powdery spots on the baby's diaper. Colored uric acid crystals on diapers are called brick dust. The sight of brick dust stains scares parents, but this common occurrence for many newborns. After the milk comes to the mother - on the fifth or sixth day - the urine of the child is no longer concentrated, its color is from colorless to pale yellow, there is no smell.

Call your pediatrician if:

  • You see brick dust stains on a baby's diapers after the fourth day of life.
  • A child requires fewer than six diaper changes in a 24-hour period after the fifth day of life.
  • The child has a small amount of very dark yellow, orange concentrated urine after the fourth day of life.

These are signs that the baby is likely not getting enough milk. The problem requires discussion with the pediatrician.

Breast urine color

It is important for parents of a newborn to control the functioning of the infant's urinary system. Urine in a baby, its smell, intensity, color and transparency give important information about the general health of the child. In addition, these indicators will help prevent the development of various diseases in the initial stages.

Interpretation of the color of urine in infants

The color of urine in infants has a variety of shades - from light yellow to red. Most often, during the first month of life, stools are light, almost transparent in color. In cases where there is a lack of fluid in the body, urine acquires a more concentrated color. Excrements of this color irritate the delicate integuments of the baby, as they contain a rather large amount of salts. If the baby has a sharp change in the color of urine and its transparency, parents should immediately seek help from a specialist.

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Yellow urine in babies

The yellow color of urine is given by pigments - metabolic products.

The hue of the urine of babies depends on age and diet. How older child, the more saturated shade the stools take. In addition, the color of urine is also affected by the foods taken by the baby for food, medical preparations that can change the color of urine. For example, yellow urine can change its color to bright red or orange if the baby receives beets and carrots with food. What color should urine be? In a healthy baby, for several months, the normal shade of feces has a light shade. Subsequently, the color changes and yellow urine is observed.

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Dark yellow urine

Changes in the color of the urine of a newborn to dark yellow sometimes indicate the development of such pathologies:

  • increased concentration of bile pigments;
  • dehydration (due to an intestinal infection or stomach upset);
  • infectious diseases occurring in the liver.
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Urine is orange

If the urine is orange, you need to contact your pediatrician.

Cases where the urine is orange and bad speak of the following diseases:

  • increased concentration of oxalate salts in urine;
  • lack of fluid;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomiting.
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Why does a newborn have clear urine?

Colorless urine month old baby testifies to the following:

  1. Mom's eating foods that contain a large amount of liquid, for example, watermelons.
  2. The use of large volumes of liquid.
  3. Diabetes insipidus.
  4. diabetes mellitus.
  5. Renal failure.
  6. The use of diuretics.
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What does the shade of urine in infants mean?

Inflammatory processes in the body of newly born children proceed very quickly and rapidly. The yellowish urine of a newborn, as it should be, sometimes becomes dark, bright or pink, which indicates the onset of a variety of inflammations and infections that cause the development of more serious diseases.

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Salts in urine

Salt in the urine of a child can tell a lot about the state of his health.

Salts, which are observed in the feces of newborns, indicate violations in the diet. Often, with additional complementary foods, there are excess salts. Most often this happens when the mother gives the child broths from meat and fish, eggs and other foods of animal origin. Organ diseases also contribute to the appearance of salts in urine. digestive system such as ulcers, gastritis, diseases of the biliary tract. These pathologies increase the concentration of salt in the stool, which is fraught with the appearance of sand, and subsequently - urolithiasis, which can become chronic. In cases where the child showed changes in the color and transparency of urine, it is important not to delay the visit to the doctor, since the salts in the feces provoke such diseases:

  • leukemia;
  • temperature increase;
  • diathesis;
  • Fanconi syndrome;
  • gout;
  • cystitis;
  • inflammatory processes in the kidneys.
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"Brown Dust"

In the first days of a baby's life, urine sometimes has a rather dark and concentrated shade, which indicates the content of uric acid crystals in it. You can notice them on the diaper of children in the form of spots of a pronounced brick color, pink, dark orange and red. In medicine, this phenomenon is called "brown dust". Most women are alarmed at the sight of such bright stools, however, urine of this color is acceptable and common.

Within a month, the color of the urine changes and it ceases to be overly concentrated. This is due to the fact that the newborn receives a sufficient amount of fluid, including breast milk. However, even after that, sometimes you can observe a dark spot on the diaper or diaper, which is also considered the norm. In situations where such spots are observed quite often, it is important for parents with a baby to visit the attending physician.

When the feces of the baby after 5 days of life are concentrated and have small volumes, this indicates a lack of nutrition, which leads to weight loss of the baby. In such situations, doctors check the overall health of the baby and the breastfeeding pattern. Properly prescribed nutrition will quickly get rid of the shade that urine should not have. healthy baby.

Urine in the breast

Pregnancy, children > Child health > Urine in infants

Urine is a productive indicator of the vital activity of the body. Thanks to the renal process, metabolic products are excreted from the body. Urine has a color, smell and specific gravity. The yellow color of urine is given by pigments - metabolic products. The more of them are dissolved, the more saturated the color of the urine becomes.

What does the color of the urine of a newborn say?

The color intensity of urine, depending on the amount of metabolic products, may fluctuate. In newborns normal color urine ranges from pale straw to bright yellow. As a rule, urine of intense yellow color has a high specific gravity.

In the first week of a baby's life, urine changes color. It has to do with getting started. internal organs. Practically in all newborns, on the 7th-10th day after birth, the urine acquires a brick yellow color, the so-called "infarct urine". The phenomenon is short-term, associated with the development of the genitourinary system. During the same period, girls may experience bloody issues from the genitals.

Any other color deviations in the color of the urine of a newborn, especially if this process is accompanied by a specific smell, should alert both the mother and the local pediatrician.

A change in the color of urine and the acquisition of a brown-red color indicates problems of a renal nature. Cherry red - diabetic disease. Dark brown - liver problems. The presence in the urine of a newborn of all shades of green is about the maple leaf disease.

Physiological factors affecting urine color change

The color of the urine and the frequency of discharge determine the overall health of the infant. The normal frequency of urine discharge is up to 12 one month old is about 25 times a day, in small portions. Normal is urine that has a light straw color, and therefore, a low specific gravity.

With the expansion of the diet associated with an increase in the amount of water and food consumed, the urine of the baby changes. The intensity of urine staining begins to depend on the amount of yellow pigment formed as a result of metabolism in the developing organism.

Read: Symptoms of Rotavirus in Children: What Parents Should Know

Observing the color of the urine of a newborn is the main rule. Urine serves as an indicator general condition newborn. Any change in color intensity can serve as a manifestation of the disease.

After taking diuretics, urine becomes discolored. At the same time, colorless urine may indicate chronic renal failure or the presence of diabetes insipidus. While the white (paper) color is acquired by the urine of a newborn after taking fish oil.

Dark yellow urine in an infant may indicate dehydration due to dyspepsia, gastric disorders, or the presence of an intestinal infection. Beer-colored urine indicates damage to liver tissue due to hepatitis various kinds, or hemolytic disease newborn. Dark color urine speaks of high rate bilirubin, orange urine indicates a uric acid infarction. In severe cases, urine may turn brown or black.

Dark urine in a child is often a cause for concern for many parents. The normal color of urine is light yellow, straw yellow and other similar shades. This is due to the presence of urobilin - that part of the bile pigment bilirubin, which is normally excreted in the urine (about 1%).

Why does urine darken?

Urine may turn pale or dark under the influence of the following factors:

  • the amount of water drunk;
  • the presence of dyes in the composition of food and drinks;
  • age;
  • taking medications;
  • violations of the internal organs.

If urine lingers in the bladder for a long time, the processes of decomposition of substances begin in it and more uric acid and ammonia accumulate. Therefore, the child often has darker urine in the morning. If, however, not only the morning portion of urine acquires a darkish tint, but also daytime and evening, and its smell resembles acetone, then inflammation of the urinary tract may occur.

Food and age

After the birth of a child, the kidneys begin to work actively, the “parameters” of the urinary system are “tuned”. In a newborn during the first week of life, uric acid infarction of the kidneys is observed. This is a completely normal phenomenon, which does not affect the well-being of the child. The only manifestation is dark brown urine.

In a newborn girl, in the first days, a little blood is released from the genital slit. This is also normal. How younger child, the more often he urinates and the more light-colored urine. Inflammation of the infection in the body, its spread to the bladder leads to dark urine. The color of the urine of infants and children of the first year of life is also affected by the introduction of complementary foods, since fruits and vegetables contain natural dyes. You should check the list of the following foods as the reason dark shades baby urine:

  • beets, rhubarb, blueberries, raspberries (red or pink);
  • orange, carrots, tomatoes (orange);
  • asparagus, herbs, licorice, spinach (green);
  • soda, marmalade, lollipops and other “colorful” foods that already contain artificial colors.

What drugs change the color of urine?

Among the list side effects almost all medicines have a mention of a change in the color of urine. We rarely pay attention to this when we ourselves take medicines, but the child's body is more sensitive to the effects of medicines, and the frequency unwanted effects higher. That is why some medicines forbidden to children, and many are available in special children's doses. Various drugs peculiarly affect the color of urine, staining it in specific colors:

  • Red - rifampicin (anti-tuberculosis drug, antibiotic), analgin, tetracycline.
  • Pink - aspirin ( acetylsalicylic acid, anti-inflammatory drug).
  • Brown - activated carbon.
  • Reddish-purple - Senadexin.
  • Orange - riboflavin (vitamin B2).

Reasons for medical intervention

If concentrated dark urine is observed in a child, the reasons can be quite serious. Dehydration is the result of a fever profuse sweating, vomiting and diarrhea with intestinal infections, burns. If the urine has become a brown-green "beer" color, then the reason is a violation of liver function (a lot of unprocessed bilirubin appears in the urine). Often this happens with hepatitis A (jaundice, Botkin's disease).

A yellow-green hue may indicate a mechanical obstruction on the path of bile to the intestines, when it accumulates in the hepatic ducts, and bilirubin (processed) enters the urine, and feces are sure to become discolored. The appearance of such dark urine and light feces after abundant fatty food is characteristic.

If the child's urine is darker than usual, the lymph nodes are enlarged and the throat hurts, a possible diagnosis is mononucleosis. This is viral disease often occurs in children, especially in adolescents against the background of a decrease in immunity.

In boys after 2 years of age (usually 2.5 years and older), due to the growth of the genital organs, phimosis may occur, which leads to stagnation of urine. When an infection is attached, the inflammatory process can spread to the bladder and cause cystitis. The child at the same time strains and whimpers in the process of urination.

Red, brown and black urine

The red color of urine and its shades (pink, the color of meat slops) - bad sign. The reason may be urolithiasis disease, trauma, glomerulonephritis (inflammation of the renal glomeruli), when blood enters the urine. Urine with a high content of porphyrin also has a reddish tint. This condition occurs with porphyria - hereditary diseases when hemoglobin synthesis is impaired.

Dark brown color is observed with massive destruction of red blood cells - hemolysis ( hemolytic anemia, transfusion incompatible blood, malaria, poisonous mushroom poisoning, phenol). At the same time, a lot of unchanged hemoglobin from dead red blood cells enters the urine. The more red blood cells destroyed, the darker the color of the urine, up to black. If the color is black, then it is necessary to exclude hereditary disorders of the metabolism of tyrosine and phenylalanine, as well as a kidney tumor.

What to pay attention to and what to do?

In addition to color, urine should be studied in terms of its following qualities:

  • transparency;
  • smell;
  • amount;
  • impurities.

A cloudy sediment is observed if the urine contains a lot of salts, bacteria, fats or cellular elements (leukocytes, exfoliated epithelial cells, sand). Fetid urine indicates purulent inflammation, especially if it contains mucus and blood.

If, along with the darkening of the urine, the child has a high body temperature, profuse vomiting, diarrhea, runny nose, there is no appetite and the stomach starts to hurt, then these are signs of an infectious process. Intestinal infection of any origin quickly leads to dehydration. The fight against him must begin as soon as possible. To determine the degree of lack of water in the body, pay attention to the shade of dark urine:

  • bright yellow tint - mild degree;
  • dark yellow, sometimes amber or honey hue - moderate dehydration or dehydration;
  • dark orange hue - a pronounced lack of water;
  • brick color and darker - pronounced dehydration.

At mild degree enough to increase the frequency of drinking. The baby will become active again, and the urine will be several tones lighter. With a pronounced lack of water in the body, observation in a hospital and the introduction of fluids, including intravenously, are sometimes necessary.

If you notice a deterioration in the condition of an infant, he does not want to breastfeed, the skin and mucous membranes are dry, there is no urine, the fontanel is sunken - you should immediately call a pediatrician!

You don't need to give your child antibiotics right away. If the cause of the disease is a virus (especially often rotavirus), they will not help. You should not try, by all means, to lower the body temperature. With the help of a fever, the child's body fights the infection. Treatment should be started only after the diagnosis has been clarified, and for this, urine, blood and feces should be taken for analysis.

With the advent of a child, new parents have many questions. Moms and dads, paying attention to the fact that the urine of the baby changes color, begin to worry. Babies often urinate frequently at first, so asking your pediatrician about the color and frequency of urination is a normal practice. How older child, the more his urine should resemble an adult. Experienced Parents they know that by color and aroma it is possible to recognize the deviation in time.

The color of urine in a baby can periodically change color, but do not panic prematurely.

What color is considered normal?

The color of urine is influenced by the foods that the child eats, medication, and what the mother eats.

For each age, the color of urine is different. At first, the urine of a newborn is clear. Starting from the 2nd week of life, in newborns it becomes a brick shade. This is explained by the fact that from the 7th day the children's genitourinary system. Such a transformation with the baby's urine is short-lived. Over time, the indicator of the norm is yellowish (straw) urine. However, if the baby or mother (concerning breastfeeding) ate beets, the masses will darken to a pale purple color, and when they eat a lot of carrots, they will turn to light orange. With the restriction of these foods, the urine becomes yellow again. These facts are not deviations. The following colors of children's urine are considered abnormal:

  • saturated: yellow, orange;
  • dark: brown, green;
  • bright: pink, red;
  • pale: transparent, white.

What can be said about the color of urine in a baby?

If the color is yellow

Yellow urine is a normal visual indicator in a healthy baby.

The reference shade of infant urine is yellow, closer to light straw. Other colors of baby urine should alert parents. Dark yellow urine is due to increased accumulation of bile pigment in children's body. Saturated yellow urine appears in an infant with dehydration against the background intestinal infections or stomach upset, and infectious disease liver. When such urine appears in children, you should immediately seek help, because in some cases there is a threat to life.

Is dark urine a cause for concern?

It happens that in children the color of urine changes from light to dark. This is because the bilirubin index increases in the secreted masses. Such manifestations indicate an increased concentration of bile pigment. The baby may have neonatal jaundice. Brown-red discoloration of urine indicates problems with the kidneys. Therefore, if a child has such urine when urinating, consult a doctor and, until recovery, be under his supervision.

orange urine

A change in children's urine should cause parents to sound the alarm. If bright yellow, pink or dark urine appears, children have inflammation or infection. This is a direct threat to the life of the child.

If orange urine appears, this indicates an excessive salt content in the child's body or dehydration. With hyperthermia, stool disorder and vomiting in children, saturated urine is also excreted. This coloring is bad, and needs immediate treatment by a pediatrician. But sometimes such a transformation of the color of children's urine is the norm. After all, the color of urine in infants varies depending on food. The excreted urinary masses also become orange if the baby ate carrots the day before. The same rule applies to the mother if the child is breastfed. Such a change in shade is not dangerous for the health of babies.

Colorless urine in infants occurs during breastfeeding or in the presence of diabetes.

What if it's transparent?

Colorless urine is typical for young children. Also, if an older baby is breastfed, clear urine indicates that the mother is eating a lot of high water foods. Clear urine occurs in patients who are sick with diabetes and diabetes insipidus, kidney failure or used diuretics.

What other staining can be seen?

If the shade of urine in children becomes green, then this indicates obstructive jaundice. Pink urine in babies up to a month old can also be. As soon as the baby is born, uric acid crystals come out when he urinates. Such dusty spots in newborns are not uncommon. They should not be considered deviations, since the crystals are not dangerous to the life of the baby. If the child's urine is bright, closer to a red tint, then the baby may have a discharge a large number erythrocytes: heart attack, kidney injury.

Urination of a breastfed baby changes during the first week of life. In the first few days, the baby receives a limited amount of milk, so he will have less urine and fewer wet diapers. As the amount of milk increases, the amount of urine increases. Thus, by the extent to which a diaper or diaper is wet, one can and should judge the amount of milk that a child receives.

A newborn baby pees for the first time 12 to 24 hours after birth. During the first few days of life while exclusively breastfeeding, he may need at least two diapers a day. After the sixth day, the baby should wet at least six to eight diapers in 24 hours, but maybe more.

A baby has a small bladder that can hold about one tablespoon (15 ml) of urine, so babies pee very often. Some children may urinate up to twenty times a day. Do not wake a sleeping baby to change a diaper. It is enough to change the diaper before and after each feeding, i.e. roughly every two to three hours.

When using diapers, it is very difficult to determine how much urine does the baby excrete. The problem can be easily solved as follows:

  1. Pour two tablespoons of water (30 ml) onto a dry, clean diaper and measure its moisture content.
  2. To make it easier to see urine in a diaper, place a diaper fabric inside that absorbs urine easily, or use a diaper instead of a diaper.
  3. Take the used diaper apart and check for moisture under the gel layer.

Orange, pink and red spots on newborn diapers

Very concentrated urine during the first few days of life is orange in color and may contain uric acid crystals, urates. These crystals give pink, red or orange powdery spots on the baby's diaper. Colored uric acid crystals on diapers are called brick dust. The sight of brick dust is scary for parents, but it's a common occurrence for many newborns. After the milk comes to the mother - on the fifth or sixth day - the urine of the child is no longer concentrated, its color is from colorless to pale yellow, there is no smell.