
Yellow discharge during pregnancy - features and causes. Is yellow discharge normal during pregnancy? yellow discharge during pregnancy

14.06.2017 Smirnova Olga (gynecologist, GSMU, 2010)

A pregnant woman needs to carefully monitor her health, because we are talking not only about her, but also about the unborn baby. However, you should not be scared every time when one or another symptom unfamiliar to you appears. In particular, yellow discharge during pregnancy is considered to be such.

It must be remembered that after conception, the nature of the so-called leucorrhea changes depending on the trimester, the presence of gynecological diseases, etc. To understand the nature of their appearance, you need to familiarize yourself with all possible reasons.

Causes of yellow discharge

It is impossible to correctly diagnose a particular disease in oneself without appropriate tests, but one can notice uncharacteristic symptoms in time and seek advice. Better at this moment to be prepared and know probable causes occurrence of the phenomenon under consideration.

As a rule, white-yellow discharge during pregnancy, which is not disturbing in any other way, is considered normal. But if, in addition to them, pain, burning, irritation of the mucous membrane or skin, weakness, dizziness, temperature and other negative signs are observed, then one can begin to suspect some kind of pathology. There are a number of possible factors for this to occur:

  • decreased immune defense functions;
  • non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • unprotected intercourse;
  • existing diseases, the progression of which often begins during pregnancy.

At the very beginning and later dates the causes of yellowish discharge may vary. This topic causes heated discussions on women's forums, so we will try to answer the most exciting questions network users.

In the first trimester

"Hello everybody. I wanted to know if yellowish or beige spotting is normal for pregnancy? I'm only 7 weeks old and haven't been to the doctor. There are no diseases.”

The appearance of a yellow tint of the sexual secretion at this time can be associated with both normal and pathological condition.

Yellow talk about the production of progesterone. This hormone activates the production of secretions, which can cause epithelial particles or mucous plugs that have begun to form into the mucus. The combination of these components gives a yellow or beige color.

As inflammatory processes that can cause yellow thick discharge, one can name thrush, colpitis, bacterial vaginosis, cervicitis and genital infections. The greatest complexity of treatment at this time is caused by the restriction in the list of acceptable medications. Many are allowed only by 12 weeks.

In the second trimester

“Some have appeared. The next day, it began to smear with brown. Slightly sips in the lower abdomen. What could it be?"

"Girls, help. I am now 14 weeks. The discharge went some kind of liquid, there are not very many of them, but I have to lay down daily. Does anyone know where they might have come from?

Allocations in the second trimester of pregnancy acquire a more liquid consistency and become, as a rule, more abundant. This phenomenon is also associated with hormonal changes in the body, only now it occurs due to estrogen. In this case, any change in the nature of the whites should alert. The pathological conditions are the same diseases that are characteristic of the first trimester.

Brownish secretion in this period of pregnancy is considered completely unacceptable! If you notice a similar symptom, you need to seek advice.

Thus, liquid yellow discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester, without itching, inflammation, pain and other negative signs- no cause for alarm.

In the third trimester

“Tell me, what kind of discharge at 33 weeks of gestation is considered normal?”

"Hi all. Maybe someone had yellowish discharge at 36 weeks pregnant? Could this be a mucus plug coming off?

Yellows are considered natural if they have become a little more abundant. They should be odorless, incomprehensible clots and inclusions. There is no cause for concern unless there are other signs. However, you still need to tell the gynecologist about this, since some diseases on initial stage are almost asymptomatic.

Along with the pathologies listed in other paragraphs, yellow discharge in the third trimester may appear due to:

  • Leaks amniotic fluid- a phenomenon in which the integrity of the fetal membrane is violated. It is considered dangerous until 37 weeks, when the baby is not yet full-term;
  • Chorioamnionitis - infection inner shells fetus or amniotic fluid infection. A similar condition is immediately determined by the results of a smear, since an increased number of leukocytes is found in it. Among other things, there is a high temperature.

Immediately by the end of the term, the yellowish color of the mucus most often indicates that the mucous plug is moving away, and this is considered an early harbinger of childbirth.

Yellowish discharge of different shades

A correctly defined color and character of mucus can help in the diagnosis of a particular pathological process. Transparent or colored, liquid or - signs of completely various diseases or, conversely, the normal course of pregnancy.

Light yellow discharge, odorless

It is light yellow discharge during pregnancy, which does not cause discomfort in a woman, is considered the norm. As mentioned above, they appear naturally due to the processes observed after conception. In particular, this is the production of progesterone and the formation of a mucous plug.

If the mucus acquires a white-yellow hue and becomes abundant, this is often the result of an allergic reaction. A similar phenomenon is almost always accompanied by irritation of the skin or mucous membrane of the external genital organs. In this case, it is necessary to quickly identify the allergen and eliminate its contact with the skin. Most often, allergies appear on flavored panty liners, gels for intimate hygiene or other skin care products. At the same time, during the bearing of a child, it can appear even on those things that were previously used without hindrance.

Dangerous shades of yellow discharge during pregnancy

Often, in addition to the yellow tint, the sexual secret also has some additional, or after the yellow color gradually switched to a completely different one. In such cases, more often we have to talk about some kind of inflammatory or infectious process.

Let's figure out what else the nature of the sexual secret is and what it may indicate.

  • Bright yellow or orange discharge during pregnancy is one of the most obvious symptoms of inflammation of the ovaries or fallopian tubes. Bacterial infection is also possible.
  • The yellow-green hue appears as a result of some urinary diseases. If at the same time there is a characteristic smell of fish, then an urgent examination for infections, especially trichomoniasis and gonorrhea, is necessary. These diseases also cause foaming or purulent discharge during pregnancy. In this case, you can not postpone the visit to the clinic.
  • In some cases, the same shade can speak of different phenomena, both normal and pathological. The difference is only in the period at which it appeared. So, for example, they are perceived by specialists as normal, since most often they talk about the implantation of the fetal egg or minor injuries on the mucous membrane due to hypersensitivity. Later, such a sign may even indicate a threat of miscarriage, but this should be discussed when it does not go away for a long time or is accompanied by other negative symptoms.
  • On the dark yellow discharge during pregnancy should also pay special attention. They can be the result of exposure to the body of bacterial infections (staphylococcus, streptococcus, gonococcus, E. coli). It often happens that these bacteria were already in the body before pregnancy, but they showed activity after conception.
  • are often a sign of Candida activity. This microorganism is the causative agent of such a common disease as thrush. Pregnant women are quite susceptible to it due to weakened immunity, dysbacteriosis, metabolic disorders, etc.

Every uncharacteristic shade peculiar to any gynecological disease, has a number additional symptoms. When contacting a doctor, you should tell in detail about your condition - this will facilitate the diagnostic process.

Prevention of the appearance of pathological secretions

Increased attention to one's own health has not hurt a single person. AT interesting position a woman should pay attention to this aspect with even greater willingness. Of course, before conception it is better to pass full examination, which excludes any hidden diseases sexual sphere. In the future, it remains only to observe quite ordinary preventive measures:

  1. Observe the rules of personal hygiene. In this case, you need to know the measure. Sometimes too frequent washing with the use of special hygiene products causes vaginal dysbacteriosis, and this, in turn, can trigger another pathological process(for example, thrush).
  2. Choose carefully hygiene products. It is advisable during this period to give preference to hypoallergenic items (daily products without fragrances and dyes, unscented gels for intimate hygiene, etc.).
  3. Wear underwear made from natural fabrics. Synthetic products do not allow the skin to breathe, which creates a favorable environment for the reproduction of microorganisms.
  4. Eat right and balanced. Pregnancy is the time when most of the nutrients are used for normal development fetus. The lack of vitamins and minerals can seriously undermine the health of the expectant mother.
  5. Do not overdo it with physical activity and take time to rest. Complete rest and sleep not only give strength, but also strengthen the immune system to a person.

From the foregoing, it follows that during pregnancy, yellow discharge can be in both normal and pathological conditions. Correct diagnosis is made up of such aspects as color, consistency of secretions and concomitant symptoms. In any case, it is better to immediately consult a gynecologist about the appearance of uncharacteristic mucus.

The vaginal secret is the most striking indicator of the state of the female genital area. By smell, quantity, consistency and color, as well as by accompanying manifestations, the doctor knows the diagnosis even before the results of laboratory tests. During pregnancy, various options for both pathology and a stable state are possible.

The standard of a healthy vaginal secret is clear or whitish mucus without clots, inclusions and stickiness, there is practically no smell. The described discharge is considered normal in the complete absence of any discomfort, itching, pain, burning, swelling and redness of the mucosa, rashes. The amount is moderate, changes during the cycle.

During pregnancy, the amount of discharge increases slightly. Normally, the following phenomena may be present:

  • Brown scanty daub in the first trimester on the dates when menstruation came;
  • Pinkish discharge by the end of 2 weeks, which marks the attachment of the zygote to the wall of the uterus;
  • The dark yellow color stains the secretions of women who smoke without any problems;
  • A creamy, yellowish tint in the absence of any signs of pathology are individual characteristics that are explained by the diet, vitamins and medicines used.

Yellow spots on underwear in the 1st trimester

For traces of discharge in early pregnancy, sometimes women take leaking urine. When the uterus is just beginning to grow, there is an unusual pressure on bladder. Therefore, so often you want a little, and sometimes an incident occurs when you cough or laugh hard. Light incontinence and results in yellow liquid discharge. In addition, urine during pregnancy is stained from the vitamins taken and, in general, is more concentrated.

The vaginal secret with the onset of pregnancy becomes viscous, sticky. This is how the hormone progesterone works.

yellow discharge in 2nd trimester

During this period of pregnancy, the vaginal secretion is quite liquid and plentiful. Normally transparent, but white, cream, yellowish and beige shades are acceptable without signs of infection.

Attention! With individual characteristics, some women have practically no discharge throughout pregnancy or at certain stages.

Yellow whites in the 3rd trimester

In the last months before childbirth, a similar secret arises due to a rare pathology - chorioamnionitis. This is an infection of the amniotic membranes and amniotic fluid. The woman has a fever, discharge yellow color. The disease is a complication of various pathologies during pregnancy, including colpitis and vaginitis.

Shortly before delivery, amniotic fluid begins to leak. It is dangerous for the life of the child if, with a rapid expiration, labor activity does not begin. Such secretions are liquid with yellow or green tint and sweet smell. To determine leakage from amniotic sac, it is enough to buy special test pads at the pharmacy, which, like litmus paper, will react to the amnion.

Causes of yellow whites during pregnancy

Different circumstances lead to a similar symptom, we will talk about each in more detail.

Allergic reaction

During pregnancy, the sensitivity of the body and especially the mucous membranes to any external factors sharply increases. Cosmetics, shower gels, soaps, washing powder, linens and pads - all this can cause a negative response. There is itching at the points of contact, rash, swelling, redness, as well as profuse and liquid discharge. The color in this case corresponds to what was noted before. If normal whites are yellowish, then with an allergic reaction they will be the same.

Carefully! Ignoring allergic manifestations can lead to a serious condition that threatens not only the life of the child, but also the mother.

Dysbiosis of the vagina

The imbalance of microflora causes the appearance of copious secretions of yellow, gray, green color with the smell of fish or something spoiled. This effect leads to the reproduction of opportunistic microorganisms - gardnerella, staphylococci, streptococci, Escherichia coli. With the appearance of white curdled secretions, which also turn yellow when oxidized in air, we can talk about candidiasis. The smell is similar to the aroma of kefir or natural yogurt. In the second case, leucorrhoea is accompanied by severe itching, swelling and redness of the mucosa.


The causative agents of STDs - gonococci, trichomonads, treponema, chlamydia also lead to the appearance of abundant secretions of a rich yellow color with a putrid or fishy odor. Consistency dense mucous sometimes liquid and foamy or sticky. Accompanied by itching, pain, burning, problems with urination. The color is bright or yellow-green.

Infections include viruses. Herpes can be found in the genital area. Manifested by transparent bubbles on the mucous membranes and skin, itching, pain, copious and odorless liquid discharge, color from transparent to yellow or greenish.

Sometimes bacterial infections during pregnancy, candidiasis accompanies, then the discharge has a granular structure. Often, various variations of the combination of 2 or more pathogens are diagnosed.

Attention! Sometimes trichomoniasis, gonorrhea or chlamydia occur in latent form without discharge or other symptoms.

Physiological changes

With the onset of pregnancy hormonal background becomes different, the process of regeneration of mucosal tissues is accelerated, therefore, not only the volume of the vaginal secretion increases, but also its qualitative characteristics:

  • The renewal of the epithelium leads to a large number dead cells in the secretions, due to which they turn out to be thicker, with a white, beige or yellow tint. Such whites are typical for the first month of gestation;
  • During pregnancy, the environment in the vagina becomes more acidic, which is manifested by the corresponding smell of slight sourness in the 2nd and 3rd trimester;
  • Before childbirth, the mucous plug that protected the cervical canal of the uterus departs. There are dense lumps with pink streaks. This happens at 37-38 weeks or later, just before delivery.

Inflammation of a non-infectious nature

Pathologies of the internal organs lead to copious secretions of white or yellow. They are accompanied by pain in the abdomen, sides. The process is localized in the uterus, appendages, ovaries, bladder.

Consequences of treatment during pregnancy

Often, to prevent a miscarriage, a woman is prescribed drugs in suppositories with an analogue of progesterone, a natural hormone. The most common are synthetic Dufaston for oral administration and natural Utrozhestan both in candles and in tablets. According to the instructions, the suppository must be placed at night or be sure to lie down for an hour. When the woman got up, the remnants of the dissolved agent simply flow out onto the linen. This copious oily yellowish liquid is taken by women for pathological discharge.

Attention! Any drug during pregnancy can cause a local allergic reaction in the vagina.

Other causes of yellow pathological discharge

Hue can give a small amount of blood that occurs during erosion, decidual polyp, microtrauma of the vagina.

The yellow-brown tint of discharge can indicate very dangerous conditions:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • Placental abruption;
  • Fading of fetal development.

Pathogenic factors

The reason for the appearance of discharge with a yellow tint is:

  • Reduced immunity. This happens with a cold, hypothermia, due to the very fact of pregnancy;
  • Hormonal problems. Diabetes dysfunction of the adrenal glands, thyroid gland, natural adjustment during this period;
  • Carriage of opportunistic flora before pregnancy, as well as sexual infection with STD pathogens;
  • Insufficient attention to the cleanliness of the genitals;
  • The use of synthetic panties, detergents with a lot of fragrances, dyes and other allergens;
  • Stress can affect both the immune defense and the hormonal background in an extremely negative way;
  • Passion for self-healing. Those who take antibiotics and corticosteroids without medical supervision are more likely to suffer from vaginal dysbiosis. Because they destroy beneficial lactobacilli. The same applies to unmotivated douching, especially pharmacy antiseptics.

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Expert opinion

Olga Yurievna Kovalchuk

Doctor, expert

Often, problems that are identified during the period of bearing a child are the result of actions before conception. And their development is associated with a powerful provoking factor in the form of pregnancy itself. Therefore, if a woman plans to conceive, then all infections and other troubles will be detected and eliminated in advance.

shades of yellow

A more accurate assessment of the color of discharge during pregnancy will help put forward a presumptive diagnosis.

Cream, pastel, beige shade is a variant of the norm. Provided there is no itching, rashes, as well as other symptoms of ill health.

Such yellow occurs with pathologies of the uterus, tubes, ovaries and appendages. Inflammatory processes, both infectious in nature, and without the participation of bacteria.

It is a symptom of dysbacteriosis with the growth of streptococci, Escherichia coli and other opportunistic microorganisms.


It vividly characterizes the pathogens of STDs - Trichomonas, gonococci, as well as the cause of bacterial vaginosis - Gardnerella. Sometimes a similar shade stains the discharge with chlamydia.


Such a tone of yellow indicates an admixture of blood. The cause is erosion, polyps, placental abruption, fetal death, and tumors.

Attention! Rarely there are cases of pure pathologies, when the signs are very obvious. In ordinary life, everything is individual, so you should not rely only on shades.

How to identify the cause of the discharge?

Diagnosis during pregnancy, which consists of three planned screenings, allows you to find existing pathologies. However, not all women are registered on time and conscientiously pass the planned studies. Therefore, some problems go unnoticed until symptoms appear in the form of abnormal discharge and other signs.

For a complete diagnosis, you will need:

  • A smear from the vagina, which is examined under a microscope, as well as by PCR;
  • The resulting material is also used for bakposev;
  • Sources of bleeding are found on ultrasound;
  • Some infections are identified by the presence of antibodies;
  • To detect inflammation, general blood and urine tests are taken.

In addition, you will need to assess the level of hormones, usually progesterone is of interest during pregnancy. If you suspect an allergic reaction, the examination is carried out by an allergist. If pathogens of STDs are detected, a meeting with a venereologist cannot be avoided.

Attention! If the doctor prescribes treatment without conducting any tests, then you need to look for another specialist for observation. This does not apply when antibiotics a wide range prescribed until the results of bakposeva.

If, according to the results of the diagnosis, a pathology is detected, the symptom of which was yellow discharge, then the necessary treatment is prescribed. There are many options, they depend on the disease:

  1. With bacterial vaginosis with the growth of opportunistic flora (gardnerella, staphylococcus, E. coli, staphylococcus, anaerobes), antibiotics and antiseptics are prescribed in the form of suppositories.
  2. At sexually transmitted diseases both local remedies sanitizing the vagina and systemic preparations are used. Only a doctor can choose a safe treatment during pregnancy.
  3. With candidiasis, vaginal suppositories with an antifungal effect are prescribed.
  4. If a combination of infections is found, then they are used for sanitation vaginal tablets Terzhinan, Klion D, Hexicon and other complex preparations in local form.
  5. With inflammation of the organs of the reproductive system, the question of treatment is decided individually. Also used here antibacterial suppositories to contain inflammation, but only as an adjuvant.
  6. With the threat of a miscarriage, Duphaston or Utrozhestan is prescribed and the necessary measures are taken according to the situation.
  7. If yellow pathological discharge occurs against the background viral infection, then use drugs to suppress the virus and increase immunity.
  8. In the case of an allergic reaction, the main thing is to find out what provokes negative symptoms and exclude the tool or object from use.
  9. Sometimes the treatment needs to be adjusted in the process due to an inappropriate drug or new circumstances that have come to light, so doing it yourself will not work. During pregnancy, medical supervision is very important.

Attention! In case of doubts about the correctness of the prescribed therapy, no one forbids consulting with 1, 2, 3 additional doctors in a private clinic.

Prevention of yellow vaginal discharge pathological

You can prevent any problems during pregnancy if you follow these rules:

  1. Planning, diagnosis before conception of both partners.
  2. Hygiene.
  3. No stress.
  4. Balanced diet.
  5. Passing all medical events from the beginning to childbirth.
  6. Do not read forums and reviews, but rather go to the doctor with your questions. Without seeing the patient, even a professor cannot make a diagnosis.


Yellow vaginal discharge, combined with itching, redness, rash, pain, burning, bad smell, is a reason to immediately seek help from a gynecologist. Especially during pregnancy. 20% of patients could not even imagine that they would have an infection. Therefore, it is impossible to calculate the risks without analysis.

The reproductive system of a pregnant woman after conception is actively rebuilt. Future mom closely monitors any changes in order to correct their condition if necessary. Yellow discharge during pregnancy is observed in many. Sometimes this can be a sign of pathology, and in other cases it is the norm.

Yellow discharge during early pregnancy and closer to childbirth is considered natural if it does not contain impurities of blood, pus and does not have an unpleasant odor. Mucus should not cause itching, burning, pain.

In the body of the expectant mother, a certain amount of secret is constantly produced. It is necessary for moisturizing the genitals and maintaining normal microflora.

If the nature of the secretions does not change, they do not become darker or thicker, there is no reason for concern.

Normal yellowish mucus in women in an interesting position should be liquid in consistency, not cause discomfort and not have pink streaks. The degree of staining is influenced by the lifestyle of the woman in labor, the presence bad habits and individual characteristics.

Physiological yellow discharge

yellowish discharge during pregnancy may be due to changes that occur in the body after conception. This is due to the intensive production of the male hormone progesterone. Under its influence, the outer vaginal layer is activated, which is why the color of intimate secretion changes.

Shortly after the start of embryo development, a dense lump of mucus forms in the cervix, which during the entire gestation period will serve as a natural barrier between external environment and baby. In the process of its formation, a woman can observe yellowish stains on linen or sanitary napkins.

In the third trimester, when the mucosa leaves, the color may change. If the condition is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, pain, or blood impurities, urgent medical attention is required.

Pathological discharge

Yellow discharge during pregnancy can also signal problems. Sometimes a change in secretion is associated with an allergic reaction to hygienic or detergents and even on the fabric from which the underwear is made.

If the whites during pregnancy become dark yellow or have acquired a different consistency, adequate therapy is needed. Each disease has its own distinctive features.

If the light yellow discharge during pregnancy has become a curdled consistency, there is reason to suspect the development fungal disease- candidiasis (). This pathology occurs in many expectant mothers. The fungus may be present in the body and not make itself felt. After conception, immunity decreases, the symptoms of the disease become apparent.

Features of yellow and orange discharge with candidiasis are as follows:

  • mucus is thick, cloudy, rich in color;
  • labia reddened and swollen;
  • liquid secretion has a pronounced sour smell;
  • a strong feeling of itching and burning of the external genital organs.

The fungus is transmitted to the child during passage through the birth canal. The doctor determines at what period of gestation it is best to treat.
Yellow-green discharge during pregnancy may indicate the addition of an inflammatory process. The causative agents are opportunistic bacteria and other microorganisms.

Sexually transmitted infections

Yellow mucous discharge with a greenish tinge is not considered normal. Such a secret can be produced in the presence of some infectious diseases:

  • trichomoniasis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • chlamydia.

The main features of mucus in genital tract infections are as follows:

  • purulent discharge;
  • density;
  • the presence of bloody inclusions;
  • pain and itching when urinating.

In infectious diseases, leucorrhoea in pregnant women is often accompanied by a sour smell or one that resembles rotten fish. Before treatment, the pathogen is determined.

The appearance of yellowish mucus of an unusual consistency may be associated with the onset of bacterial vaginosis (vaginal dysbacteriosis). The disease occurs when pathogenic microflora begins to multiply actively, suppressing the activity of beneficial bacteria.

Against the background of the disease, yellow fish-smelling curdled discharge during pregnancy. They become viscous, opaque and sticky. If the pathology progresses, the color of the secret changes. It can become yellow-green with white-gray patches.

Nonspecific inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system

Light yellow, odorless discharge usually does not indicate the development of pathology. However, the addition of additional symptoms should prompt the woman to conduct a full examination.

Yellow watery discharge, accompanied by pain during sexual intercourse and itching in the perineum, may indicate the development of colpitis. This is inflammatory disease, in which the mucous membrane of the vagina is involved in the process.

The bright yellow color of whiter, greenish or gray secretion, along with discomfort during urination, burning, increased urge to testify to the development of cervicitis. This inflames the cervix.

Orange and white-yellow discharge during pregnancy, fever and pain in the lower abdomen inform the woman about the inflammatory process in fallopian tubes. Doctors call this pathology salpingitis.

Diagnosis and treatment

It is possible to determine the cause of pathological yellow daub only after instrumental diagnostics at the gynecologist. The doctor examines the cervix with the help of special mirrors, takes a smear. If necessary, a PCR test and a blood test for hormone levels are prescribed. In rare cases, a biopsy is performed followed by histology.

Treatment is selected depending on what ailment has been identified. If the development of a yellowish secret is not associated with the disease, the woman will receive recommendations regarding preventive measures.


For the normal bearing of the fetus and the prevention of the appearance of pathological mucus, the following recommendations should be applied:

  • eat right and balanced;
  • lead an active lifestyle, avoid overload;
  • sleep well;
  • carefully observe the norms of intimate hygiene;
  • don't wear clothes and household chemicals which may cause an allergic reaction.

To endure and give birth on your own healthy child, a woman should treat everything in time infectious diseases. Sometimes therapy is required urgently. Some bacteria are capable of provoking the development of severe fetal pathologies, causing a delay in physical and mental development. A planned visit to the doctor in the presence of any unpleasant symptoms is the protection of the mother and the unborn baby.

After positive result on a pregnancy test, lifestyle, habits and even thinking change. Every new day, the body of a pregnant woman changes, the child inside the uterus grows and adjusts the capabilities of the mother to her needs.

At some points, training contractions may appear, sometimes pain. Some symptoms are temporary, while others are a signal of danger. Yellow discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester should alert a woman who is worried about the health of her baby.

An increase in secretion on the vaginal mucosa in the second trimester is normal. However, if the discharge has a rich yellow, green color with an unpleasant and persistent smell of rotten fish or fungus, this already indicates the presence of a pathology. Hospitalization is mandatory, treatment only in the gynecology department under the supervision of a doctor.


In inpatient treatment, daily monitoring of the baby's heartbeat is used. Twice a day, listening to the movement and heartbeat of the child on the cardiogram is the norm.

Reasons for the formation of yellow discharge

About whether this is a norm or a pathology, only a doctor can say. However, yellowish compartments, even without pain and other symptomatic manifestations are a pathological condition that can provoke complications in the future.

Most common causes, which can stand out yellowish consistency in the second trimester of pregnancy:

  1. Thrush. In this case, it is worth talking about the bacterial type of thrush, to which, apparently, a secondary infection was attached. By itself, thrush does not provoke a yellow or beige discharge, only pathogenic microorganisms give this color - gonococcus, staphylococcus, gonorrhea, Trichomonas. If a immune defense weak, then during pregnancy the mother's body cannot cope with infection, infection occurs faster, the symptoms are pronounced, rapidly developing.
  2. Diseases of the genitourinary system. Kidney disease or infections in urinary organs, which can also develop upon contact with the carrier of the disease, provoke the development of inflammation and purulent processes. Stagnation of pus in urinary tract accompanied by cuts, pain and bloody purulent discharge. A pregnant woman cannot fail to notice such a condition.
  3. Genital herpes. Herpes transferred during the period of bearing a child is 99% of infection of the fetus and, as a result, death or developmental disorders.
  4. Dysbacteriosis. As practice shows, dysbacteriosis rarely provokes the formation of yellow discharge, but there is a possibility. Most often, the discharge is thick white, with mucus and a pinkish tinge. In a number of these reasons, such a basis is the least safe for the fetus, since the spread of symptoms does not occur through the placenta, the fetus does not risk dying. However, dysbacteriosis can provoke irritation, itching and tissue damage, which provokes the formation of thick consistency. A yellowish tint is a manifestation of mixed blood from damaged tissues, and not the result of an infection.


Vaccination before pregnancy can protect a woman from most dangerous diseases, however, some vaccinations can cause complications in the form of infertility, so before vaccinating, you should familiarize yourself with possible consequences, including the negative ones.

It is noteworthy that even E. coli can provoke the formation of thick discharge with an unpleasant odor in a pregnant woman. The cervix in the second trimester is not yet shortened, and therefore the premature birth provoked by the infection is a deadly risk for both mother and child.


Yellow discharge is already a kind of signal of danger, a manifestation of complications that only a doctor can determine. White-yellow secretions indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in birth canal. The process is complicated by the fact that possible infectious diseases are not immediately determined, it will take time for diagnosis, the incubation period of bacteria is also a danger to proper development child.


If a woman observes liquid secretions in the second trimester with a characteristic hepatic sweetish odor, this may indicate leakage of amniotic fluid. Leakage for up to 34 weeks is a risk for the child, so it is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause of this condition in a timely manner.

Light yellow discharge in the second trimester of pregnancy is a pathology, deviations from the norm, which must be determined on time. With an increased amount of estrogen in the blood, a change in the consistency of secretions is observed, which become more liquid, transparent, white with a yellow tint. To monitor the condition and determine the diagnosis, a blood test is taken on an empty stomach without eating (before 9 in the morning).

Additionally, the obstetrician prescribes:

  1. cardiogram;
  2. hCG control;
  3. study of the qualitative composition of urine;
  4. hepatic hormones;
  5. thyroid hormones.

Interestingly, an allergic reaction in pregnant women is observed quite often. Manifestations are a rash on the genitals, irritation and redness, increased secretion with a changed color. Treatment is symptomatic after changing hygiene products.

If yellow

Yellow or dark secretions of a thick consistency are a sign of a dangerous disease for the mother and child. Diseases that provoke the occurrence of such colored secretions are trichomoniasis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis and staphylococcal infection.


A common cause of white discharge during pregnancy is the presence of erosions or cervicitis - inflammation of the upper cervical area near the cervix. The skin here is tender, any inflammation is accompanied by the release of an increased amount of secretions.

Depending on the symptomatic phenomena and the stage of the disease, negative effects are exerted on the fetus:

  • deformities;
  • pathology of the kidneys, heart;
  • diseases of the reproductive system;
  • disorders of the brain, circulatory systems;
  • disorders of the pancreas.


Any infections carried by the mother during the embryonic period affect the health of the child to a greater or lesser extent. So additional diagnostics and antibiotic therapy can not always help in resolving the issue.

Highlights worth paying attention to

Yellow secretions are, unfortunately, almost always the result of infection and the spread of pathogenic microorganisms on the internal genital organs of a woman. Why is there a specific yellow color, what explains this?

The yellow color of secretions in the vagina in the second trimester is usually pus. Pus in its structure is dead cells, leukocytes, which were produced by the body to eliminate pathogenic microbacteria, bacteria or infection.

The composition of yellow secretions during the period embryonic development fruit includes:

  • leukocytes or "useful" protective cells of the mother's body;
  • necrotic (dead) cells of the organs on which the infection has formed;
  • microbes or infection cells against which the dead leukocytes worked;
  • macrophages.

All these components, and in particular, their number, indicates that there is an inflammatory focus on the internal genital organs, and the larger the area of ​​damage, the greater the amount of discharge, the brighter and richer the color.

Highlights that you should definitely pay attention to:

  • yellow secretions with an unpleasant odor;
  • viscous and thick leucorrhoea with a yellow tint;
  • bleeding in any amount with green mucous formations;
  • brown secretions mixed with blood, pus;
  • leucorrhoea of ​​a thick consistency with the smell of fish;
  • sweetish-smelling branches of white, yellow, pink or green hue.

The body of a pregnant woman devotes all her strength to the implementation of the development of the child, his life support, and therefore such a weakening of protection is used by pathogenic flora, which grows with progression and, in the absence of correct resistance, damages the tissues of the mucous membranes.


Purulent discharge in the second and third trimester is not treated at home, hospitalization is required for the reason that constant monitoring of the condition of the baby inside the uterus is necessary.

Yellow secretory discharge at any period of bearing a baby is a signal for action, diagnosis and treatment, but in the second and third trimester it is also a danger to the life of the child. The most dangerous yellow discharge accompanied by:

  • redness of the labia;
  • rise in temperature;
  • the appearance of pain in the kidneys, back, lower back;
  • clouding of consciousness;
  • itching and pain when touching water;
  • burning during hygiene procedures;
  • swelling of the genital external organs;
  • decline basal body temperature body.

Such symptoms indicate that the disease causes intoxication in the body, the temperature rises instantly, bleeding can develop in a few hours, the life of the mother and child is in danger.

Risk factors for infection in a pregnant woman are, in most cases, unprotected sex, changing sexual partners, and poor personal hygiene. All of the above reasons can become the basis for the development of a dangerous disease. Unfortunately, the mortality rate of the fetus inside the womb in case of infection with the same gonorrhea is 98%.

The article discusses yellow discharge during early pregnancy. We tell you why they occur, which means odorless and odorous secretion. You will find out in which cases you should consult a doctor, as well as reviews of women about a similar condition.

Pregnancy is a time when a woman should be more attentive to her well-being, and at the first sign of malaise, immediately consult a doctor. The presence of health problems can be indicated not only by general malaise, but also by a change in the nature of secretion. That is why expectant mothers should pay attention to their discharge (you will learn about the main types of discharge at the beginning of pregnancy from this one).

Normal secretion is:

  • color - transparent or white;
  • volume - from 1 to 4 ml per day;
  • the structure is homogeneous, while it may consist of a small number of inclusions with a diameter of up to 2 mm;
  • consistency - from watery to thick;
  • smell - absent or not sharp sour;
  • no itching and burning in the perineum.

Even before the delay, a woman may observe an increase in vaginal discharge. This is due to an increase in the level of the hormone progesterone, which helps maintain pregnancy.

Progesterone predominates in the first trimester of pregnancy (up to 13 weeks), and from the 2nd trimester, the hormone estrogen is activated. It is he who affects an even greater increase in the volume of secretion, making it liquid in consistency, homogeneous in structure and transparent (white) in color. Such secretions are physiological in nature and should not have an unpleasant odor, as well as be accompanied by itching or burning in the intimate area.

If the discharge causes discomfort in a pregnant woman, you need to see a doctor

If the discharge is too heavy, use panty liners or change your underwear more often. But in no case do not use tampons, as they are prohibited during the period of bearing a child.

Physiological yellow discharge

Yellow secretion is not always pathological. Here are the main conditions when it refers to the physiological norm:

  • the discharge is light beige or creamy, but not bright yellow;
  • sharp and bad smell is absent;
  • no itching, burning, discomfort in the genital area;
  • there is no pain in the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • no signs of intoxication;
  • no pathological symptoms (vomiting, nausea, sharp pain in the body, other types of secretions, for example, or).

Most often, yellowish secretion in early pregnancy is the result of changes occurring in the body: the formation of a cervical plug, a sharp hormonal change. If such a condition is not accompanied by pain, an unpleasant odor or itching in the genital area, then it is considered a variant of the physiological norm. At the same time at general deterioration health, blood impurities in the discharge and pain in the lower abdomen, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Pathological discharge

Many pregnant women are concerned about the question of when to see a doctor if they are concerned about yellow discharge. Below we describe the main pathological causes a similar condition, which must be told to a specialist and undergo the necessary treatment.

Bacterial vaginosis

One of the signs of this disease is a yellowish secretion. Vaginal dysbacteriosis occurs due to the death of the normal microflora of the genital tract, which is replaced by opportunistic bacteria, including gardnerella.

The development of pathology is affected by:

  • taking antibiotics;
  • the use of vaginal contraceptives that contain 9-nonoxynol;
  • regular douching;
  • frequent intimate relationship with different partners.

During pregnancy, gardnerellosis has poor symptoms. The volume and consistency of the secretion remain normal, but at the same time, its hue changes to yellow or white-grayish. You can determine the presence of pathology by an unpleasant odor resembling rotten fish, which intensifies after intimacy or physical activity. There may also be pain during urination, sexual intercourse.

You can identify the disease with the help of changes in the smear, a characteristic clinical picture. Microscopy of the obtained biomaterial determines a noticeable decrease or complete absence useful lactobacilli, reveals pathological cells, on the membranes of which there are many gardnerella.

Treatment should be started as soon as possible, since the pathogenic flora is able to penetrate the placenta and complex membranes. All this leads to the development of chorioamnionitis, fetal hypoxia or early rupture of amniotic fluid. Quite rarely, against the background of pathology, spontaneous miscarriage can occur.

Treatment should only be prescribed by a doctor. Typically used in therapy antimicrobials allowed during pregnancy:

  • Clindamycin;
  • Metronidazole;
  • Trichopolum.

As an additional therapy, drugs are prescribed to restore the normal microflora of the vagina:

  • Acylact;
  • Bifidin.


Thrush is a fairly common pathology among women. With it, pathogenic fungi of the genus Candida are located on the mucous membrane of the vagina and vulva, causing various symptoms. Most often, candidiasis develops with a decrease in immunity, therefore, it is observed in every third pregnant woman.

The development of pathology is influenced by many factors:

  • wearing synthetic underwear;
  • weakened immunity due to pregnancy or other disease;
  • traumatization of the vaginal walls due to rough intima;
  • taking certain types of medications;
  • concomitant ailments of an oncological, infectious, hematological or endocrine nature.

The main signs of thrush:

  • severe itching in the perineum;
  • white plaque on the mucosa;
  • curdled discharge of white or yellow color, having an unpleasant sour smell.

Candidiasis does not pose a danger to the life of the pregnant woman and the fetus, but at the same time, it is desirable to start its treatment as early as possible. This is due to the fact that thrush negatively affects the immune system, and the activity of fungi provokes a decrease in the elasticity of tissues, making them loose, which can cause a perineal rupture during childbirth.

Photo of yellow discharge

Diagnosis of candidiasis consists of:

  • examination by a gynecologist;
  • collection of anamnesis, complaints;
  • microscopic examination of a smear;
  • bacteriological research of biological material.

The main difficulty in treating thrush during childbearing is limited list approved drugs. Safe medicines local action Pimafucin, Clotrimazole, Miconazole are considered, they do not have negative impact on the fetus even in the case of using large dosages.

Also for treatment, you can use sitz baths and washing with medicinal plants with anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect. Additionally, it is necessary to take multivitamins for pregnant women.

It should be remembered that during the treatment of candidiasis, any sexual contact is prohibited. At the same time, the sexual partner of the pregnant woman must also undergo a full examination and course of treatment.

Nonspecific inflammatory pathologies

These diseases affect organs reproductive system. There are quite a few of them, and often they appear in the form of yellow mucous or purulent discharge at the beginning of pregnancy, which is due to inflammatory tissue damage by nonspecific flora.

With vaginitis, the volume of secretion increases, it becomes yellowish and has heterogeneous structure. The consistency can be either very thick, like a paste, or liquid.

Additional symptoms:

  • itching in the perineum;
  • general deterioration of well-being;
  • pain during intimacy, urination;
  • in rare cases, fever occurs.

With cervicitis, the following clinical manifestations are observed:

  • pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  • symptoms of body poisoning: fever, chills;
  • copious yellow secretion, which has a pungent odor;
  • burning, pain, itching in the vulva;
  • after intercourse, a little brown blood is released.

Symptoms of salpingoophoritis:

  • chills;
  • general weakness;
  • , lower abdomen;
  • sweating;
  • myalgia;
  • yellow, greenish-yellow secretion;
  • increase in body temperature.

All these diseases are dangerous for a woman, as they increase the likelihood of intrauterine infection of the fetus, premature birth, as well as the transition of pathology to chronic form.

If the ailments already have a chronic form, then in this case the symptoms are erased. The main symptoms are heaviness, discomfort in the abdomen, as well as purulent discharge.

When diagnosing nonspecific inflammatory lesions of the organs of the reproductive system, the specialist is based on the patient's complaints, clinical examination data, and vaginal examination. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs is also prescribed, less often - laparoscopy.

Sexually transmitted diseases

With trichomoniasis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, vaginal secretion may change, acquiring a yellow tint. Also signs are:

  • lower abdominal pain;
  • discomfort when urinating;
  • itching and burning in the perineum;
  • increased secretion, change in its consistency and smell;
  • in rare cases, signs of poisoning are observed.

If you have such signs, you should immediately consult a doctor, as these ailments negatively affect the course of pregnancy. It has been scientifically proven that gonorrhea in 20% of cases leads to premature birth. With intranatal infection of the child, blennorrhea (inflammatory eye damage) often develops.

Chlamydia is dangerous because it can terminate a pregnancy at any time. Also to negative consequences diseases should be attributed to polyhydramnios, the birth of a dead child, or the spread of inflammation to the fetal membranes. When the fetus is infected, there is a delay in its development. In newborns, chlamydia is expressed as clinical picture, as a lesion of the central nervous system, genital organs, conjunctivitis.

With mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, there is a high probability of miscarriage, childbirth and outflow of amniotic fluid ahead of schedule, postpartum endometritis, inflammatory lesions of the membranes and placenta.

STD treatment should be done in men and women

STDs are diagnosed as follows:

  • bacterioscopic method;
  • bacteriological method;
  • serological tests and PCR diagnostics are most effective.

The main treatment for sexually transmitted diseases is antibacterial drugs, which are selected based on individual characteristics organism.

allergic reactions

Even if you never had an allergy before pregnancy, this may change during pregnancy (more in the article). As a rule, this is due to hormonal changes.

An allergic reaction can cause yellow discharge. Most often, they occur after using panty liners, intimate hygiene gel, or after using a new bathing product. As a rule, allergies are expressed quite clearly: itching occurs in the perineum, discharge increases, the mucous membranes of the genital tract turn red, swell and irritate.

Such a reaction can occur both a few hours after using an unsuitable care product, and after 2-3 days.

The main method of treatment of allergic secretions is the exclusion from the use of the allergen product. If this does not help, you need to seek help from a doctor.


How can you protect yourself from the appearance of pathological secretions? To get started, follow the rules:

  • bathe only with suitable gels;
  • systematically visit a gynecologist;
  • carefully monitor your health, excluding contact with the sick.

Also, when identifying the first signs of malaise, you should immediately go to the doctor, and not wait for the disease to go away on its own.