
Consultation with a nutritionist - why is it needed? Advice from the best nutritionists for weight loss for adults and children

A nutritionist-endocrinologist is a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the functioning of the endocrine glands. The doctor establishes the patient’s hormonal background and gives recommendations on a healthy diet for the purpose of correction pathological conditions. This medical specialization involves integrated approach for examination and therapy.

  • Emotional instability, increased fatigue, drowsiness.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Skin rashes.
  • Violation of the secretion of the sebaceous glands.
  • Periodic headaches.
  • A sharp decrease or gain in weight.
  • Digestive disorders (epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence).

How does an appointment with a nutritionist-endocrinologist proceed?

The doctor conducts a preliminary medical history, finds out information about the diet, bad habits and lifestyle. During the conversation, the doctor determines:

  • The presence of a hereditary predisposition to certain diseases.
  • The severity of pathological manifestations.
  • Allergies.
  • Presence of chronic diseases.

The doctor performs a visual examination, determines the patient’s height and weight, and prescribes:

  • Laboratory (blood test) and instrumental studies(ultrasound, CT, gastroscopy) to make an accurate diagnosis.
  • Further examination by a gastroenterologist, psychologist, therapist, allergist.

Consultation with an endocrinologist in Moscow

Center Effective Treatment invites patients to undergo consultation and treatment with a professional nutritionist-endocrinologist. Patients are seen by an experienced, certified physician who uses modern approaches to the correction of pathologies of the endocrine glands and normalization of weight.

A qualified specialist provides:

  • Fast and accurate diagnosis disorders.
  • Prompt restoration of normal hormonal and metabolic balance.
  • Improving the patient's quality of life.
  • Timely prevention of endocrine disorders.
  • Relief of acute painful conditions.

Endocrinologists at our clinic treat pathologies of any level of complexity. Patients with diabetes mellitus and tumors are accepted thyroid gland, adrenal insufficiency, menstrual dysfunction, obesity, anorexia, bulimia.

Doctors are developing individual programs corrections, offer effective medications, physiotherapeutic and surgical methods treatment. Doctors observe the patient for a long time, tracking any changes in well-being. Long-term control allows you to eliminate relapses and constantly maintain normal body weight.

Obesity treatment

A nutritionist-endocrinologist develops a personal weight correction course for obese patients. After examining and identifying the cause of excess weight gain, the specialist:

  • Explains rules and principles balanced nutrition.
  • Prepares recommendations for a therapeutic diet, taking into account the age category, contraindications and detected chronic diseases. The normal calorie content of the daily diet is discussed. List of useful and harmful products nutrition.
  • Helps you start keeping a food diary.
  • Recommends vitamins to improve health and activate immune defense.
  • Gives advice on maintaining motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Proper nutrition is the key to the health of any person. If you have problems with diet and weight, then a nutritionist will help you - this doctor can be an adult or a child, and partially performs the functions of an endocrinologist. Specialists of this profession are very popular among modern people seeking to lead healthy image life. Find out what problems they help solve and how they see patients.

Who is a nutritionist?

This is the name given to specialists in the field of nutrition who meet certain professional and academic requirements. The profession of nutritionist must be confirmed by a diploma indicating completion of a higher education educational institution. In addition, the specialist is required to obtain additional medical education in dietetics with the issuance of the appropriate document. A doctor of this profession is an expert in nutrition. Now it is considered one of the most popular in medicine.

What does a nutritionist do?

The main areas of activity are obesity therapy, development of proper nutrition schemes. Both patients and healthy people who understand that a well-chosen diet helps to avoid a huge number of diseases in the future. The doctor will recommend to the patient a diet in which the body will receive all the vitamins, minerals, and trace elements necessary for its normal functioning.

Thanks to his professional skills, an experienced nutritionist will help you choose the optimal caloric intake for your diet. He will advise the patient on those products that will ensure access to everyone necessary substances, but will not contribute to excess weight gain. In addition, the doctor may prescribe medications to normalize metabolic processes, corrections hormonal levels. The doctor’s competence includes a number of diseases, part of the treatment of which is a healthy diet with certain restrictions:

  1. Obesity. Many people find it very difficult to lose weight, although they try to eat right and exercise. Some people encounter this problem even in childhood. A nutritionist will help you create a diet taking into account the causes of excess weight, patterns of metabolic processes, individual characteristics patient. Thanks to it, weight loss will be fast and effective.
  2. Organ diseases gastrointestinal tract. An unbalanced diet disrupts the natural process of food digestion, resulting in various ailments. Proper nutrition, selected by a nutritionist, will help in the treatment of gastritis, colitis, ulcers, cholecystitis. The doctor will be able to recommend lists of permitted and prohibited foods, and methods of food processing that should be preferred.
  3. Anorexia. This is a disorder eating behavior increasingly diagnosed in lately, especially among young girls. With such a disease, the doctor must consult the patient and create a personal high-calorie diet.
  4. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Not proper nutrition– one of the factors that provoke cardiac dysfunction, blockage of blood vessels, thrombosis, atherosclerosis and other problems. Correcting your diet by a nutritionist will help you avoid these troubles.
  5. Infectious and viral diseases. The diet will help fight pathological agents that cause illnesses, and the condition will improve faster.
  6. Oncology. There are a number of products that have anticancer activity. The doctor will be able to recommend a diet that will help neutralize carcinogens and serve as the prevention of cancer. In addition, proper nutrition during chemotherapy helps rapid recovery body.

When to see a nutritionist

Most people have a very bad habit of delaying until the last minute and going to see a doctor only when they are already feeling extremely bad. You need to contact the nutrition center much earlier. If you have problems with weight (both excess and underweight) that you cannot solve on your own, make an appointment with a clinic whose reviews are satisfactory to you. You should consult a doctor if disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract or heart become noticeable.

How to prepare for your visit

When going to make an appointment with a nutritionist, take with you your medical record and examination results, which will be discussed in more detail below. Be sure to remember all the details and subtleties of your problem. It is important not to hide anything from the nutritionist, otherwise he simply will not be able to help you. Before consulting a doctor, try not to take any medical supplies, this may interfere correct diagnosis. If you keep a weight and nutrition diary, be sure to take it with you. Read reviews from other patients to get an idea of ​​the experience.

Tests to be taken

For an appointment with a nutritionist to be effective, it is advisable to prepare for it in advance. It is recommended to make a general and biochemical tests blood, which a nutritionist will use to determine the condition of the body. Data on sugar levels, BAC, and TAM may also be required. An endocrinologist-nutritionist will ask you to take a test to determine the level of thyroid hormones, because excess weight often appears as a result of dysfunction of this organ.


On initial appointment The doctor will definitely conduct a survey and get acquainted with the data on the condition of your body ( medical card, test results). Then they will be appointed additional research. The number of follow-up visits to the dietitian depends on the complexity of the case. At these visits, the patient will be given an individual diet and nutritional recommendations.

What will the doctor do at the appointment?

A very important part of the consultation is interviewing the patient. The conversation will help you understand the cause and scale of the problem and determine ways to solve it. Main task doctor - choose proper diet, create a balanced diet taking into account the individual characteristics of the body. It can be preventive, aimed at weight correction, or therapeutic. In order to make the correct prescription, a nutritionist may recommend undergoing additional studies and prescribe consultations with doctors of related profiles (endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, etc.).

What examinations and tests can be prescribed?

In order to understand the patient’s health status, one consultation is not enough; additional research will be needed. As a rule, a dietitian will give a referral for urine and blood tests. In addition, it may be prescribed ultrasound examination organs abdominal cavity. People who come to the doctor with gastrointestinal problems should undergo such diagnostics. An ultrasound will reveal disorders that have occurred in the body. Based on the results, the nutritionist will select a diet that will help cope with them.

Personal nutritionist

To have such a specialist in modern times It won’t hurt even those people who don’t have obvious weight problems. A nutritionist will monitor you for a long time and help you adjust not only your nutrition program, but also your lifestyle. What your personal doctor will provide you with:

  1. He will select the appropriate nutrition based on your anatomy, physiology, biochemistry and psychology. He will be able to promptly distinguish what is normal and what is pathological.
  2. Will tell you how to eat in different life situations, create the right diet.
  3. He will rule out chronic diseases, recommend what tests to take and when, and help with treatment.
  4. Will carry out psychocorrection.

Cost of visiting a nutritionist

The cost of doctor services in Moscow and other cities depends on many factors. The price is influenced by the doctor’s qualifications, the presence and nature of reviews, reputation (both his personal and the clinic’s), and medical equipment. For an approximate price range for seeing a nutritionist in Moscow, see the table below:


A nutritionist is a doctor who specializes in selecting appropriate nutrition based on the individual characteristics of the body. Recently, in Moscow, the services of nutritionists related to weight loss programs are gaining increasing popularity, and interest in a balanced diet is increasing.
Nutritionists create nutrition programs not only for people with overweight, but also for those suffering various diseases: diabetes mellitus, ulcers, gastritis, chronic disorders intestines, bloating.

Why do you need the services of a nutritionist?

The individual diet that a nutritionist prepares for his patients has scientific basis. Before drawing up a program, the doctor assesses the existing nutrition system and analyzes the risk of developing possible diseases.
When correcting weight, many aspects are taken into account: genetics and predisposition to them, psychological and emotional state, lifestyle, food preferences, quantity physical activity. To identify the causes of obesity, the following are carried out: a comprehensive examination of the body, blood tests, tests for food intolerance, and body composition is examined.

When to contact

Nutritional recommendations and personal programs are relevant for people who play sports professionally, suffer from allergies and individual intolerance to food components, and pregnant and lactating women.
Balanced meal plans are also developed for vegetarians, vegans and raw foodists to ensure they get enough protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. If problems such as high blood pressure or fatigue occur, therapeutic diets. They are also prescribed after diseases associated with the stomach, intestines, pancreas, and gall bladder.
Symptoms that indicate the need to consult a nutritionist include:
  • overweight or underweight;
  • heredity, predisposition to obesity;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • systematic intestinal disorders;
  • problems with stool;
  • uncontrollable feeling of hunger;
  • feeling of weakness, lethargy, lethargy.
Treatment with a nutritionist is necessary if you want to influence your weight, reduce the symptoms of a chronic disease and consolidate the results for a long time.

An integrated approach to the treatment of many diseases involves the joint work of a doctor in the appropriate field and a nutritionist.

Appointment with a nutritionist

A nutritionist helps you lose weight or gain weight; establish a food intake routine; eliminate foods that contribute to weight gain or worsen the symptoms of a chronic disease; replenish the lack of nutrients.


  • diabetes mellitus
  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • osteoporosis
  • gout
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels (atherosclerosis, hypertension)
  • celiac disease (gluten intolerance)
  • hypolactasia (lactose intolerance)
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease
  • cyclic vomiting syndrome
  • cystic fibrosis
  • liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis, sclerosing cholangitis, hemochromatosis, Wilson's disease)
  • drug-resistant epilepsy in children
  • oncological diseases


  • overweight(including those caused by disease)
  • underweight (including those caused by disease)
  • excess or lack of nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, microelements)
  • disruption of nutrient absorption mechanisms
  • too much salt or sugar

You should contact a nutritionist if your weight “interferes with your life”: the quality of life is impaired, it is difficult to perform usual activities, and you think that this is due to excess body weight. If you have no strength, you feel weak and apathetic and associate this with lack of body weight. If the symptoms of a chronic disease are getting worse and you think it is related to your diet or excess weight. If a chronic disease requires restrictions, and it is very difficult to create a nutrition plan yourself. If dietary habits affect sleep quality.

An appointment with a nutritionist at the Rassvet clinic consists of several stages:

Consultation with a nutritionist

During the consultation, the nutritionist will ask you to talk about your lifestyle, diet, eating habits, and medications you take.

Asks how being overweight or underweight affects daily activities. Ask questions about general condition health, physical activity, will ask you to tell about chronic diseases and prescribed treatment.

Diagnosis of obesity or underweight

Diagnosis includes taking a nutritional history, physical examination, measurement blood pressure, determining body mass index and measuring waist circumference.

To clarify the causes of obesity or underweight, you will be asked to donate blood for a test. The nutritionist will determine the indicators of interest based on the patient's individual risk factors and symptoms. This may include a test for cholesterol, liver function, thyroid hormones, glucose levels, calcium levels.

This information will help you determine how much weight you need to lose (or gain), what diseases affect your condition, and identify common risks.

Treatment by a nutritionist

The goal of treatment is to achieve a normal weight and maintain results.

The nutritionist will make a list of healthy and unhealthy foods, taking into account the individual intolerance or health characteristics of the patient.

It will help you understand what is “possible” and what “is not”, how to gently change your diet, not break down, and consolidate the results obtained.

Develop an individual menu for each day. He will tell you how to combine and prepare food correctly, monitor the balance of essential nutrients, and how to increase physical activity.

What will you get from a nutritionist at the Rassvet clinic?

Support normal weight important for maintaining health, preventing diseases and their effective treatment.

At Dawn they will help you achieve your goals and consolidate your results. With the help of our nutritionists, you won't lose weight to be beautiful. You will lose weight in order to be healthy!

We will help you take control of your weight, get rid of the influence of “fashionable diets”, eliminate risk factors associated with poor nutrition, maintain health for a long time.

A nutritionist is the main assistant to people who want to lose excess weight and start eating well, giving up an abundance of unhealthy carbohydrate foods and fats. Overweight is not only aesthetic problem. Obesity sharply increases the load on bones and joints, increasing the development of osteochondrosis, arthritis and arthrosis. Excess weight increases your risk of developing diabetes mellitus. Constant abuse of high-calorie foods and overeating wear out organs digestive system, contribute to the progression of atherosclerosis - a disease that leads to stroke, heart attack and other dangerous cardiovascular pathologies. Specialists at the Modern Medical Center clinic on Avtozavodskaya find an approach to every person who wants to change their diet and lose weight. The fight against excess weight is a complex and lengthy process that has many pitfalls.

Appointment with a nutritionist RUB 2,000

A nutritionist will help you avoid mistakes and will do everything to ensure that losing weight is primarily safe for your health. If you follow the principles of proper and healthy nutrition, the fight against unnecessary kilograms will not only change your appearance, but also improve the health of your entire body: a beautiful complexion will appear, the digestive organs will stop working for wear, normal stool will be restored, lightness and carefree will appear.

The main tasks of a nutritionist at the Clinic on Avtozavodskaya

The main goals of a nutritionist's help:

  • changing the patient’s eating habits, finding suitable motivation for losing weight and maintaining achieved results;
  • training in the basics of rational and healthy nutrition;
  • increased interest in moderate physical activity;
  • advisory assistance to patients who need to lose weight and change their diet;
  • restoration of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract by changing eating habits and excluding certain dishes from the usual diet.

The support of a nutritionist and monitoring of compliance with the doctor’s recommendations makes it possible to lose weight without complications and maintain the achieved result throughout next years life.