
Add meat puree to how many grams for the baby. How to introduce meat into complementary foods for a child - rules and recommendations

Meat is one of the main food products that a person constantly needs. The point is not at all in the taste of meat or the variety of dishes using it, but in the presence of almost all components in meat to support the vital functions of the human body. Meat is an essential component in baby food because it contains protein and iron, which are so necessary for normal development body. By approximately 6-8 months of age, the child’s body has almost exhausted the supply of iron that was accumulated during the period of intrauterine development. Children who are on breastfeeding In addition to iron deficiency, they also experience a lack of zinc. The absence of these components can lead to a slow development and growth of the child, as well as to weakening immune system. Right now is the time when you can give your child meat, or even vital meat.

At what age is meat introduced?

Meat complementary foods should be introduced into a child’s diet from 7-8 months for those who are breastfed, and from 6.5 months for bottle-fed babies. By this age, some vegetables and a variety of cereals have already been introduced. And the digestive system is ready to break down animal proteins. Feeding a child with meat starts with a quarter of a teaspoon and gradually increases the amount to 50 grams over 1-2 weeks. It must be remembered that a new product should only be administered to a healthy child. Even if the baby has been vaccinated, the introduction of a new product should be postponed for a day or two, giving the body the opportunity to return to normal. normal condition. And also if there is a problem with meat puree allergic reaction, you should give it up for two weeks. This means that the child’s body is not yet ready for this type of food.

Types of meat for baby food

For the first feeding, it is best to choose young rabbit meat. Next, the child can be offered turkey and young veal. And only then can the baby’s diet be diversified with chicken, pork or beef.

Rabbit meat has excellent dietary and anti-allergenic properties, and also contains large number B vitamins. Rabbit meat is the ideal meat for children suffering from allergies of various kinds.

Turkey meat is distinguished by the fact that it contains almost no cholesterol and is low allergenic. In addition, the proteins contained in turkey are absorbed by the body much better than beef. Chicken meat is highly allergenic and therefore contraindicated for children suffering from food allergies.

Veal has a minimal amount of fat and is better absorbed by the body than beef. But both veal and beef should be very carefully introduced into the diet of a baby with pronounced allergic sensitivity.

Pork and lamb are introduced last, since these types of meat are tougher and fattier and therefore less digestible by the child’s body.

Methods of cooking meat for children

Since meat is a difficult product for the stomach, you should give it to your baby in the first half of the day. Until the child learns to chew on his own, it is advisable to offer meat in the form of puree. Although followers of pedagogical complementary feeding adhere to the idea of ​​giving meat immediately in microscopic pieces.

From 8 months, the norm of meat for a child is 50-70 grams, and per year the need increases to 100 grams. Sometimes, having tried meat in its pure form, a child refuses it because of its specific taste. Therefore, meat is often simply mixed into already familiar and favorite food, that is, a multi-component dish of uniform consistency is obtained, which the baby eats with pleasure.

Vegetables serve as a good side dish for meat, and their variety will enrich the menu with various vitamins. For a one-year-old child You will enjoy different meatballs and cutlets, which should definitely be steamed. The fried version is only possible after reaching the age of three. You should also add to meat puree vegetable oil, which facilitates easier absorption of the product and normalizes the digestion process.

Unwanted canned food

Many inexperienced mothers who are caring only for their first child do not know when to give their child meat due to lack of experience and rely on the information on the packaging baby food. The mere fact that meat in the form of canned food is introduced into a child’s diet indicates wrong actions. Using canned food for your child is very convenient, but not always healthy.

It is worth remembering that industrial technology for preserving meat long time requires special treatment, which does not always have a positive effect on the child’s body. The presence of preservatives and starch in canned food for children can negatively affect the development of the child. Too frequent use of canned meat in a child’s diet is not recommended by nutritionists. Naturally, they also bring benefits to the child, but their excessive use can lead to side effects, such as poor digestion and constipation.

In practice, each child is individual and each child’s body develops differently. When to introduce meat to a child, only the doctor observing your baby can answer correctly.

Hello. Today we will talk about correct introduction meat feeding. You will learn how to decide on the choice of meat, what beneficial substances are stored in it, at what age it is best to start feeding it, and what type can cause allergies.

The value of the meat product

Meat is especially valuable for the presence of animal proteins. They contain essential amino acids. Meat is also rich in multivitamins and important microelements, among which vitamin B12, iron, copper, iodine and phosphorus occupy a special place. It is worth noting that it is characterized by the presence of hemogland - a stable combination of hemoglobin with ferum. Most types of meat predominantly contain saturated fatty acids, which to a greater extent negatively affect the human body. However, poultry and pig fat also contains polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Also, do not forget that meat foods are rich in extractive substances. It is they that are released during cooking and help increase appetite.

Meat food is more satisfying for the baby, and, due to its dense structure, it helps the child begin to adapt to solid food.

When to introduce meat into baby's complementary foods

Meat is a heavy product, so it should be one of the last, or better yet, the last to be added to a child’s diet.

Babies who feed on mother's milk should start introducing meat no earlier than 8 months, and this despite the fact that you introduced the first new product at six months. one month old. As for artificial children, they can be introduced starting from 6-7 months, this is due to the fact that infants artificial feeding much earlier they need to introduce complementary foods in general and meat in particular.

This rule has its exceptions. You can include meat in food earlier, above the norms according to the doctor’s indications. If the baby does not gain weight, he has very low hemoglobin or a severe deficiency of cyanocobalamin.

It is best to serve meat dishes during lunch and preferably in combination with vegetable dishes.

We gave our baby meat for the first time when he was 8 months old; it was rabbit meat, which the grandmother brought from the village, carefully raising the animal for her grandson. The baby loved this product from the first spoon.

Preparing complementary foods correctly

When we decide to introduce a meat supplement to our child, we need to properly prepare. It is important to know what, how, when and how much. Be sure to introduce complementary foods using the correct doses so as not to provoke an allergy in the child.

Which meat is preferable?

To understand this, you need to understand the characteristics in more detail. different types this product.

  1. Turkey and rabbit meat. This is the most preferred type for the baby’s first acquaintance with this product. This meat contains the least amount of fat and is easily digestible by the baby’s digestive system. It is gentle and brings only benefits.
  2. Beef meat, veal. Also very good for a first acquaintance. Particularly rich in important amino acids and microelements.
  3. Chicken and quail meat. It is more difficult to digest than previous types. Chicken is more allergenic. Quail meat is considered dietary, but at the same time it is higher in calories than previous types, so you should not abuse it and eat it more than 2 times a week.
  4. Pork in general is fatty and unhealthy for babies. But, if your baby is allergic and you have the opportunity to purchase the leanest pieces (tenderloin), then this is the best option for you.
  5. The meat of other poultry and lamb should not be given to a child under three years of age. This type is quite greasy and very hard. It is extremely difficult for a child’s body to digest it. So it is strictly forbidden to give such meat to infants.

What meat to start complementary feeding with?

There is an opinion that homogenized meat puree (easily available in the store) should be introduced first. And already a month or two after it, start making puree from purchased meat at home, and thus start giving it to the baby no earlier than 9 months for those who are breastfeeding, and 7 – on artificial.

In addition, turkey and rabbit meat are considered less allergenic and easier to digest. Therefore, they should be entered first. And pork, for example, is very rich in cholesterol and will have a serious effect on internal organs baby, so it’s better to wait with her.

Try to give your child meat every day or every other day, but do not overdo it with the dosage or too frequent consumption, otherwise you risk not only developing an allergy, but also disrupting the functioning of internal organs.

The older the baby gets, the more it will be possible to diversify its menu. So at 9 months we add meat soufflé, at 11 months – meatballs, and at one year old steamed cutlets.

How much meat to introduce into complementary foods

Like any new product, we begin to introduce meat in tiny portions. The first time, give the baby one-fourth of a teaspoon. You can serve it either in pure form after the main course, or mixed - with vegetable puree or porridge. We observe the baby's reaction. If everything is fine, we gradually begin to increase the portion. In the month of introducing complementary foods, it is necessary to reach 30 grams per day, and by the age of one year - to 50-60.

How to cook meat for first feeding

The process of preparing meat as complementary food for your baby can be served in the following form:

  1. Buy meat of tender varieties and not fatty.
  2. Take only fresh product.
  3. If necessary, remove the film and cartilage.
  4. Fill with water and cook for an hour to two, depending on the type of meat used; pork and beef take the longest to cook.
  5. It is recommended to pass the resulting product through a blender, meat grinder, and also grind through a strainer. I just passed it through a blender, and this was enough to obtain a homogeneous mass (maybe depends on the characteristics of the device).
  6. The resulting minced meat should be mixed with porridge or vegetable puree, and add a little sunflower oil.

Adding complementary meat to your baby's diet is a big step for him. This food is denser and the baby has to work hard to chew everything thoroughly. Try to follow all the rules for introducing meat and especially in what quantities and with what frequency it should be given to the baby. Otherwise, you can overdo it and cause not only allergies, but also problems with the digestive system. Health to you and your kids!

For the first six months of life, a child eats breast milk or formula, he does not need additional food. After 6 months, parents begin to introduce various types of complementary foods into the infant’s diet. It is often very difficult to navigate new products and choose those that your body needs most. It is known that it is necessary to introduce meat into complementary foods, but from how many months? According to what scheme? Which meat is safe and easier to digest?

A very important article: Scheme for introducing complementary foods - how and what to start giving to the child.

At what age should you start introducing meat into complementary foods?

Meat complementary foods should appear in a baby's diet between 6 and 8 months. Meat should be introduced only after the child has become familiar with cereals and vegetable purees.

It is recommended to give meat to infants 2 months after the introduction of the first complementary food product. A breastfed child receives his first complementary foods at 6 months, which means he should try meat at 8 months. According to pediatricians’ recommendations, a baby fed formula milk should be introduced to the first foods at 4 months; therefore, meat complementary foods are introduced at 6 months.

It is strictly forbidden to give meat to a child under six months of age:

  • the likelihood of allergies increases to 90%;
  • protein in meat creates additional stress on the kidneys, negatively affecting their functioning;
  • meat food is too heavy for the child’s immature gastrointestinal tract.

Why should children be given meat?

At all stages of development, a child needs meat. The human body is designed in such a way that for full growth it must be constantly supplied with vitamin B12, which is found exclusively in products of animal origin.

Meat complementary foods provide the baby with animal protein that plays main role in the formation of all body tissues and normalizing the synthesis of vital substances.

The composition of meat is rich in amino acids, having perfect ratio. Meat is one of the leaders in the content of B vitamins, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium. Thanks to them, the child develops fully: the nervous and cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, bones and teeth are strengthened, the body's defenses are activated.

Meat is a source of iron in a form that is best absorbed by the child's body. If a baby has a reduced level of hemoglobin in the blood, meat complementary foods will help solve this problem.

Important to know: meat contains all the microelements necessary for a growing body. No dairy or plant product can replace it!

At the same time, one must strictly adhere to daily norm eating meat. It supplies the baby's body with animal fats, which are a source of energy. They also contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are important for the absorption of vitamins and minerals. But excessive consumption of animal fats can cause excess weight in a child. In addition, meat contains substances that improve gastric secretion and increase appetite, but their excess can cause intestinal disorders. Meat should be introduced into complementary feeding for infants according to a strict schedule, not exceeding the daily allowance.

Can allergies occur?

It is better to give lean meat first, this will reduce the risk of an allergic reaction. You need to start with one variety, then, in the absence of allergies, you can give multi-component meat purees or dishes based on them.

Factors in the development of an undesirable reaction are:

  1. Difficult to digest. If fatty meats are introduced into complementary foods first, the child’s digestive system will experience enormous stress. The proteins in their composition are difficult for the child’s body to digest; their digestion takes a long time. The response to heavy food will be the appearance of an allergic reaction.
  2. Artificial additives. Delicious cuts of meat sold in supermarkets often contain large amounts of harmful substances. Even sellers cannot always provide reliable information about the environment in which the animal was raised and what quality of food it consumed.

If a child has previously been diagnosed with milk protein intolerance, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician regarding which meat to start complementary feeding with, because Several varieties contain this component. By the way, an allergy to milk protein very rarely occurs when eating meat containing it.

What meat should I start feeding my baby with?

Each type of meat has its own characteristics and beneficial properties:

  • Beef.

Contains almost all the amino acids it needs human body, rich in mineral components. The structure of beef protein is similar to protein cow's milk, if you are allergic to the latter, there is a high probability of an undesirable reaction to beef meat.

  • Veal.

A tender variety of meat containing a larger amount necessary for the body baby protein compared to beef. The main feature, which is also an advantage, is that veal is easily digested by the baby’s digestive system due to its minimal fat content. The disadvantage of veal is that if you have an intolerance to cow's milk protein, it causes an allergic reaction more often than other varieties. This is explained by the fact that veal protein, in comparison with beef, is immature

  • Pork.

Has a lower fiber density than beef due to its low content connective tissue. The fat content of this type of meat varies from 7 to 63% and depends on the part used. Lowest fat content along with high content The squirrel has a tenderloin, and it is preferable to give it to a child.

  • Mutton.

A tough type of meat containing a large amount of connective tissue. The nutritional value of lamb is identical to beef, but is slightly inferior in vitamin composition. Despite the fact that lamb rarely causes allergies, it is one of the last to be introduced into a child’s diet due to its high fat content.

  • Horse meat.

Has high nutritional value with a small amount of fat. In addition, horse meat is considered a low-allergenic type of meat, however, few parents give it to their infants due to its unusual taste.

  • Rabbit meat.

A dietary variety of meat with excellent taste. Contains all the vitamins and vitamins necessary for a growing body. minerals. Rabbit meat rarely causes an allergic reaction.

  • Turkey, chicken.

Poultry meat contains proteins that are easily digestible by the body. Despite the high amount of fat, it contains an optimal amount of polyunsaturated acids, which facilitates easy absorption. Turkey and chicken have a pleasant taste. Turkey rarely provokes allergies, but chicken, on the contrary, is one of the most allergenic types of meat. If a child has egg white intolerance, it is not recommended to give him chicken.

  • Duck, goose.

It is not advisable to introduce duck and goose meat into complementary foods for children under 1 year of age. Despite the composition rich in nutrients, these types of meat have high level fat content

Separately, offal should be noted. They are much more tender than meat due to the small amount of connective tissue and contain large amounts of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. The most beneficial for a child is chicken and beef liver. However, it does not need to be introduced into the diet until 1 year of age, because... The function of the liver is to cleanse the body of harmful substances, some of which may remain in the offal.

It is important that the baby’s first acquaintance is with industrially prepared meat. The cooking technology implies the absence of muscle membranes in the product, which makes it easier for the child’s body to assimilate new look complementary foods

If parents prefer homemade meat puree, it is better introduce later, from about 9 months so that the digestive system can cope with it more easily.

To understand which meat to introduce into complementary foods first, you need to take into account the individual characteristics of the child: does he easily tolerate cereals and vegetables, is there a predisposition to allergies.

It is believed that turkey and rabbit meat are ideal to start with. The last to be introduced are offal and lamb.

Scheme for introducing meat complementary foods

The table shows a plan for introducing meat into the diet (it is recommended to start with turkey or rabbit).

For the next 2 weeks, the serving size should not exceed 30 - 40 grams. After this period, the next type of meat is introduced according to the same scheme, usually pork or beef.

At 9 - 10 months, the daily portion of meat should be 40 g, at 11 - 12 months - 70 g.

When introducing meat complementary foods, the following rules must be observed:

  • in the first 2-3 days, mix meat puree with the child’s usual porridges;
  • It is strictly forbidden to add salt to meat;
  • if the puree is prepared at home, the broth in which the meat was cooked should not be given to infants due to the presence of substances harmful to the child’s body in it;
  • meat puree should be consumed immediately after preparation; industrial jars are stored in the refrigerator after opening for no longer than 1 day;
  • it is important to pay attention to the degree of grinding of meat; for the first complementary feeding it should be maximum;
  • if a child has an allergic reaction, meat is removed from the diet for 2 weeks, then introduced again, starting with a minimum amount; At the same time, you need to agree with your pediatrician on taking an antihistamine.

Choosing meat

For the first acquaintance, it is advisable to purchase jars of industrial production, but if parents decide to prepare meat puree at home, it is important to choose high-quality meat.

It is recommended to buy fresh meat at markets and from farmers, and do not hesitate to ask for the appropriate documents for the products. At home, for convenience, you need to cut it into portions and put it in the freezer, because... Re-freezing meat intended for infants is prohibited.

Distinctive features of high-quality meat, inherent in all varieties:

  • red color of meat, all its possible shades, depending on the variety; there should be no streaks or other colors;
  • white or white-pink color of the fat layer, yellow indicates that the animal was not young;
  • the smell should not contain even a faint unpleasant aroma;
  • The cut surface should be elastic and not stick to your hands.

Carefully monitor your child's reaction to the introduction of a new product. Follow all the recommendations, and then your baby will only benefit.

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Cooking baby rabbit meat

“How to introduce meat into complementary foods?” – this is the question faced by many mothers who teach their children to eat a variety of foods. Sooner or later, the time comes when you need to gradually introduce meat into your baby’s diet, so in order not to harm the child’s health, you should study all the important aspects of this topic.

Why does a child need meat in complementary foods?

This product has a lot useful properties that contribute to the development healthy child with a strong nervous system:

  • animal proteins stimulate appetite;
  • meat develops chewing functions;
  • from plant foods you cannot get those micro- and macroelements that are present in the meat product;
  • the presence of many vitamins, such as: E, PP, F, group of vitamins B;
  • content of iron, iodine, zinc.

All this has a beneficial effect on general health baby and the functioning of his gastrointestinal tract.

At what months can you give your baby meat?

If the child reacts positively to a new dish, feel free to introduce it into complementary foods.

Always take into account individual organism baby when introducing meat into complementary foods.

At this time, the gastrointestinal tract can already digest heavier foods.

If you introduce it earlier, there is a risk of incomplete digestion of the animal product and its elements, which means that the meat can cause a putrefactive process in the intestines, which cannot be allowed.

Meat complementary feeding is recommended to start earlier if the child has a lack of hemoglobin, B vitamins or is underweight. In this case, it is better to use ready-made products that are easily absorbed in the intestines.

Where to start with this type of feeding?

When a child can already be given meat, it is important to follow the rules for introducing such a product.

Where to start adding meat to your baby’s food? Let's not forget in this vein.

Any new complementary foods should only be introduced to a healthy baby
  1. It is necessary to make sure that the child does not have any allergies. If present, the introduction of complementary foods should be postponed.
  2. Meat for the first feeding should be as chopped as possible, ground into a homogeneous puree.
  3. Puree should be given at the beginning of feeding, in a small portion, about the tip of a teaspoon.. It’s good if the baby has a rich appetite. Then the meat can be given with a product that is already familiar to the child.
  4. The dose should be increased gradually, by ½ teaspoon. Monitor your reaction to this product.
  5. It is important that the puree is always warm.
  6. Give meat puree at the beginning of the day so that you can always see the child’s condition in the evening.
  7. Do not feed yesterday's products; the meat supplement should always be fresh.

Meat standards for children of different ages

When it is already possible to introduce meat into complementary foods for a child, it is necessary to comply with the daily intake of this supplement.

Meat products contain, among other things, essential amino acids
  • For very young children who are just getting acquainted with this product at the age of 6-7 months, the daily norm is from 5 to 20 grams of puree;
  • for older babies aged 8-10 months, the dose is increased to 50 grams per day;
  • at 10-12 months the amount of puree reaches up to 70 grams per day;
  • at 1-2 years old, a dose of meat can be a small cutlet, or 80 grams.

Meat products can be replaced with fish 1-2 times a week, but it is important that animal protein is present in the diet every day.

When you can give meat to a baby, you should not exceed the permissible daily allowance, so that there is no unnecessary stress on the kidneys and digestive system.

Meat puree from manufacturers

IN modern world Moms have a lot of things to do around the house and therefore they may not always have time to cook for their baby. Here, manufacturers of ready-made meat purees, of which there are many on store shelves, came to the rescue.

It’s worth looking at the most popular ones.

One of the most affordable.

But the quality leaves much to be desired: this product contains low-quality meat, fats, milk powder, salt and other additives that can negatively affect the baby’s digestive system.

Affordable, made from quality products.

But the downside is that it is stored in a metal can, which does not inspire confidence in mothers.

Popular and affordable product. The well-known brand has established itself as a high-quality manufacturer of baby food made from natural ingredients.

But the manufacturer sins with a large amount of starch, which makes the consistency of the puree thick, and kids eat anything thick with reluctance.

It proved to be not very pleasant when it turned out that meat was treated with chlorine in production. It is not clear why it is popular with many mothers, because adding chemicals will not benefit the child’s health.

Although, perhaps they are attracted by the affordable price.

Nice price, excellent quality. Instead of starch, the manufacturer adds rice flour, which is much healthier for the child.


Developed by a German manufacturer and approved by many pediatricians. It is hypoallergenic, balanced and rich in many beneficial microelements.

But the downside is that there is onion content. Therefore, it is recommended to introduce it into the child’s diet after reaching 8 months of age. The cost is in the middle price category.

Based on the results of a review of manufacturers

Having analyzed these products, we can say that when asking the question “Which meat puree is best for first feeding?” You can safely recommend such manufacturers as: Hipp, Babushkino Lukoshko and Frutonyanya.

Advice from a professor at the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences: diet and regimen for children from one to 6 years old. Why does a child eat poorly, how to improve appetite. How much should children aged one year and older drink?

So, your baby is one year old. He has already grown up enough, feels independent and can do much of what the adults he so wants to be like can do. In order to continue to grow and develop well, his mother’s milk and all kinds of purees are no longer enough for him. The baby is already ready for a gradual transition to more serious food, which will be completed by about 5-6 years. This " transition period"requires a particularly responsible attitude of parents. Experts note that it is poor nutrition in early childhood that causes many problems with digestion and metabolism, which manifest themselves in adulthood. In order to prevent dangerous mistakes, let’s arm ourselves with scientific knowledge. The head of the Institute’s department will help us with this Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist Igor Yakovlevich Kon.

- So how and in what time frame should a child transition to “adult” food correctly?

It is very important that the child receives food of the consistency that is appropriate for his age. Many parents, being too concerned about their child, continue to feed him pureed foods until he is 2-3 years old. But such “care” does not bring any benefit, but rather even harms. Food should stimulate, and not delay, the development of the masticatory apparatus and digestive system child.

Instead of purees, a one-year-old baby can already be given dishes passed through a meat grinder. By the age of two, a child usually already has 20 baby teeth and can chew well, so he can move on to larger pieces. After three years healthy child should already receive a portioned dish in a piece. He is already quite capable of chewing, digesting and assimilating even beef stroganoff.

- How much meat do children 1-6 years old need? And what meat is more suitable for a child?

Answering this question, we should first of all say that there are exactly as many recommendations for meat consumption as there are children. Each child is individual and, accordingly, his needs for meat, fish and other products are individual. Therefore, we can only talk about very approximate norms and recommendations aimed at such an “average” baby. Taking this note into account, we can say that a child from one to one and a half years old needs approximately 60-70 grams of gross meat per day. In this case, the child will receive enough protein, easily digestible iron, as well as a number of B vitamins. It is better if it is minced meat or - if the child already knows how to chew more or less well - meatballs.

At one and a half to two and a half years, the baby should already receive 70-80 g of gross meat per day, 4-5 times a week. At this age, children can already cook steamed cutlets. A child 2.5-5 years old is recommended 120 grams (gross) of meat per day. You can and should offer unground boiled meat, in the form of beef and poultry, goulash, schnitzel. A six-year-old child needs 120 g of meat, including poultry, daily. Precisely meat, and not sausages and other semi-finished products, which, as you know, contain significantly more fat than protein.

As for the type of meat, lean beef or veal, chicken, turkey are preferable for baby food; lean pork and lamb can be used. In addition, the menu must include meat by-products: kidneys, tongue, heart, liver. We must not forget about fish, which, in addition to protein, serves as a valuable source of some essential fatty acids, iron, vitamin B12 and other beneficial elements. It is better to choose low-fat varieties of sea and river fish, such as pike perch, cod, hake, sea bass, and navaga.

After a year, the child already eats a lot of fairly solid food, which means his need for liquid increases. How much should children aged one year and older drink?

For children aged 1 to 3 years, the daily norm is approximately 100 ml of water per kilogram of weight, from 3 to 7 years - approximately 80 ml. Perhaps more. In children, due to their high mobility, water loss is very noticeable, so children should not be sharply limited in drinking.

It is better to drink water - mineral water for children without gas or boiled and cooled to room temperature. Sweet compotes, juices and drinks are undesirable as they discourage appetite. In this case, the bulk of the water should be drunk between meals, and not during meals. The fact is that if a child drinks water while eating, then the water fills the stomach and the child feels full prematurely. It won't be long before he gets hungry, which will lead to a disruption in his diet.

Many parents complain that their child “pecks like a sparrow.” Why does my child eat poorly? How to improve your appetite?

Regarding the first question, children's appetite decreases according to various reasons, but the most common is improper feeding organization. It is advisable that a child over one year old should eat strictly at certain times. When a child constantly “bites”, he simply does not have time to get hungry, and there can be no talk of any good appetite. In addition, if a child overdoses on sweets and drinks, he misses out on many healthier foods.

Another reason may be the monotony of food - the child simply gets tired of eating the same thing. Therefore, there is no need to cook in advance, especially since during storage and heating it decreases nutritional value products.

Sometimes there are cases when a child does not produce enough saliva, which makes it difficult for him to chew and swallow food. Of course, such a baby eats reluctantly. In this case, you need to prepare more liquid dishes, pour sauces over the second dish, and offer to wash down the food with water.

Although it often happens that the child is simply capricious. In this case, there is no need to rush to prepare “something like that.” It is enough to calmly explain to the child that he may not eat, but the next time he will be invited to the table only in a few hours - during the next feeding. This usually helps.

Frequent walks on the street, outdoor games, and fun help to “work up an appetite.” At the same time, the cause of decreased appetite may be excessive excitement of the child as a consequence active games, watching TV, etc. Therefore, it is advisable that before the child is called to the table, he should be in a calm environment and rest. In addition, it is very important for good sleep. It is necessary to ensure that it takes place at the same time every day. And under no circumstances should you force-feed a child - this will form a persistent aversion to food in the child. And eating should always be accompanied only by positive emotions and bring pleasure.

If, on the contrary, the child’s appetite is fine and sometimes he really wants to have a snack between main meals, is it really necessary to strictly refuse?

No, if you really want it, then you don’t have to refuse. Sometimes a child even needs a little extra “recharging” - for example, after the child has run into fresh air. You can give a piece of dried bread, some dried apricots, raisins. But, again, you should not offer snacks on sweets - they will kill the appetite, and when the time comes for a full feeding, the child may refuse to eat. If the baby is really hungry, he will happily snack on a crust of bread.

In general, when daily diet the child’s document is compiled correctly, it is undesirable to supplement it with anything without special reasons. One child’s appetite may deteriorate, while another will gladly eat everything that is offered to him, which is also not good. Experts around the world are increasingly inclined to believe that the problem excess weight in adults, which is so relevant today, is associated precisely with the wrong in early childhood.

There can be no universal recommendations in this case. Reasons overweight can be very different, including primarily hereditary. Accordingly, the diet should be prepared by a specialist observing the child. But if fat baby is healthy and active, then the reason for his excess weight really lies in poor nutrition.

The main thing you need to pay attention to is the frequency and volume of food intake, the amount of fats and carbohydrates is especially important. There are special daily energy and nutrient intake standards for children different ages, and you need to focus on them when preparing your diet. Of course, there is no need to count milligrams very strictly - these norms are average. However, if you notice that your child is eating much more than he needs, then do not rush to immediately deprive him of his favorite foods. The bar should be lowered gradually, slightly reducing portions over and over again, limiting the consumption of certain foods, so as not to injure the child.

It is important that when caloric content is reduced, food does not become less tasty - this will require ingenuity and even cunning from parents. For example, baked potatoes are no less tasty than deep-fried ones. The same can be said about meat and fish. You can increase portions with vegetables (such as cauliflower, spinach, green beans, but not potatoes) so that your child feels full without eating too much.

- And if, on the contrary, the child is too thin, what should I do?

Often parents are unreasonably worried about their child’s excessive thinness - he seems to be eating normally, but is still “skin and bones.” However, if the baby is healthy, active, and has a good appetite, then there is no need to worry - most likely, it’s just his individual feature. In most cases, weight normalizes with age. Unexpected weight loss requires attention - in this case, the child usually becomes lethargic, gets tired quickly, eats and sleeps poorly. To find out the reasons, you should definitely consult a doctor.

- Perhaps the weight loss is due to a lack of vitamins?

Directly, most likely not. But a lack of micronutrients, including vitamins, is usually accompanied by a decrease in the overall tone of the body, deterioration of appetite and sleep, which can lead to weight loss. Parents should know that even the most complete diet cannot provide the child with the necessary amount of micronutrients. Therefore, children are recommended to take vitamin and mineral supplements daily. This is not a ploy by vitamin manufacturers, but a scientifically proven fact.

Vitamins should be used twice a year - in spring and autumn, the course should last 1-2 months.

Research shows that vitamins and minerals are best taken in different times day. This way they are better absorbed and act more efficiently. Also, when choosing a multivitamin, be sure to pay attention to special attention on dosage, especially for imported vitamins. Hypervitaminosis can cause no less harm children's body than a lack of vitamins. Moreover, part useful substances the child receives with food.

It is known that many vitamins are lost during food preparation or storage. Are there ways to preserve them?

To preserve the maximum amount of useful substances, you need to know what they are “afraid of”. For example, vitamins A and E are not destroyed when heated, but are very sensitive to sunlight and oxygen. Therefore, vegetable and butter should not be left in the light or in open container. Vitamins B1 and B6, found in bread, pasta and soy, as well as vitamin K, which is rich in spinach and cabbage, do not like light.

Very capricious vitamin C, or ascorbic acid. Many mothers like to peel potatoes in the evening and leave them in water overnight so they can cook them in the morning. However, in this case, potatoes, like other vegetables, lose most of their vitamin C. For the same reason, it is undesirable to cut and grate vegetables and fruits - the cells are destroyed and the enzyme ascorbate oxidase is released, which quickly destroys ascorbic acid. If the child is already able to chew on his own, it is better to give him whole vegetables and fruits.

Incorrect heat treatment products also leads to loss of vitamins. Frying leads to the greatest destruction of vitamins. And the least amount of them is lost when steaming, baking in foil or in a pot. When cooking in water, vegetables should be immersed not in cold, but in boiling water to neutralize ascorbate oxidase. It is also important not to overcook your food. Potatoes, for example, are cooked for 10-20 minutes, cabbage - 20-25, carrots, onions, zucchini after sautéing - 10-15 minutes. In this case, the pan in which the vegetables are cooked must be tightly closed with a lid and filled to the top.

For better preservation of vitamins, food should be cooked in stainless steel or aluminum containers.

- What kind of dishes is best for a child to eat from?

The best dishes for a child are made from unbreakable porcelain or earthenware. With plastic, which many people prefer precisely because it does not break, parents need to be very careful - plastic products not intended for food purposes can release toxic substances.

It is better to choose cutlery for children from stainless steel, cupronickel, and ideally from silver, which has an antimicrobial effect. Wooden utensils should not be used, as microbes can become trapped in the pores of the wood. Souvenir wooden spoons and bowls are more suitable for use as toys.

It is advisable that the child has his own set of dishes and cutlery, as well as napkins and kitchen towels. Children's supplies must be stored separately from adults.