
Nervous and humoral regulation in the human body. Nervous breakdown What is the neurohumoral regulation of work?

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REGULATION – from lat. Regulo - direct, organize) a coordinating influence on cells, tissues and organs, bringing their activities into line with the needs of the body and changes in the environment. How does regulation occur in the body?

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The nervous and humoral ways of regulating functions are closely related. For activities nervous system chemical substances carried with the bloodstream are constantly influenced, and the formation of most chemical substances and their release into the blood is under constant control of the nervous system. The regulation of physiological functions in the body cannot be carried out using only nervous or only humoral regulation - this is a single complex of neurohumoral regulation of functions.

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Nervous regulation is the coordinating influence of the nervous system on cells, tissues and organs, one of the main mechanisms of self-regulation of the functions of the whole organism. Nervous regulation is carried out with the help of nerve impulses. Nervous regulation is fast and local, which is especially important when regulating movements, and affects all(!) systems of the body.

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Nervous regulation is based on reflex principle. The reflex is a universal form of interaction between the body and environment, this is the body's response to irritation, which is carried out through the central nervous system and is controlled by it.

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The structural and functional basis of the reflex is the reflex arc - a sequentially connected chain of nerve cells that ensures the response to stimulation. All reflexes are carried out thanks to the activity of the central nervous system - the brain and spinal cord.

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Humoral regulation Humoral regulation is the coordination of physiological and biochemical processes carried out through the fluid media of the body (blood, lymph, tissue fluid) with the help of biologically active substances(hormones) secreted by cells, organs and tissues during their life.

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Humoral regulation arose in the process of evolution earlier than nervous regulation. It became more complex in the process of evolution, as a result of which the endocrine system (endocrine glands) arose. Humoral regulation is subordinate to nervous regulation and, together with it, constitutes unified system neurohumoral regulation of body functions, which plays important role in maintaining the relative constancy of the composition and properties of the internal environment of the body (homeostasis) and its adaptation to changing conditions of existence.

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Immune regulation Immunity is physiological function, which ensures the body's resistance to the action of foreign antigens. Human immunity makes him immune to many bacteria, viruses, fungi, worms, protozoa, various animal poisons, and provides protection to the body from cancer cells. The task immune system is to recognize and destroy all foreign structures. The immune system is a regulator of homeostasis. This function is carried out through the production of autoantibodies, which, for example, can bind excess hormones.

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The immunological reaction, on the one hand, is an integral part of the humoral one, since most physiological and biochemical processes are carried out with the direct participation of humoral intermediaries. However, often the immunological reaction is targeted in nature and thereby resembles nervous regulation. The intensity of the immune response, in turn, is regulated in a neurophilic manner. The functioning of the immune system is adjusted by the brain and through the endocrine system. So nervous and humoral regulation carried out with the help of neurotransmitters, neuropeptides and hormones. Promediators and neuropeptides reach the organs of the immune system along the axons of the nerves, and hormones are released endocrine glands unrelatedly into the blood and are thus delivered to the organs of the immune system. Phagocyte (immune cell), destroys bacterial cells

Questions about the person

Why is it recommended to drink salted water to quench thirst in hot shops?

    In hot shops, a person’s water-salt balance is disturbed due to the loss of water and mineral salts along with sweat;

    salted water restores the normal water-salt balance between tissues and the internal environment of the body

How the body covers protect a person from overheating

    Sweat glands produce sweat, which, when evaporated, cools the human body.

    Expanding the lumen of skin capillaries increases heat transfer

    The hair on your head creates an air barrier that prevents overheating.

What stages of early human embryogenesis (zygote, blastula, gastrula) confirm the evolution of the animal world?

    The zygote stage corresponds to a single-celled organism

    The blastula stage corresponds to colonial forms

3. The gastrula stage corresponds to the coelenterates

What will happen to the cells epithelial tissue if they are placed in water? :

    the concentration of substances in the cell is higher than in the surrounding water;

    water enters the cell, the volume of which increases;

under water pressure the plasma membrane ruptures, the cell dies

Explain why people of different races are classified as the same species.

    people of different races contain the same set of chromosomes in their cells;

    interracial marriages will produce children who, upon reaching puberty, are capable of reproducing;

    people of different races are similar in structure, life processes, development of thinking

What is the neurohumoral regulation of the heart in the body?

human, what is its significance in the life of the body?

1) neural regulation carried out due to the autonomic nervous

systems (the parasympathetic system slows down and weakens

contraction of the heart, and the sympathetic strengthens and accelerates

contraction of the heart);

2) humoral regulation is carried out through the blood: adrenaline, calcium salts strengthen and increase heart rate, and

potassium salts have the opposite effect;

3) the nervous and endocrine systems provide self-regulation

all physiological processes in the body

Why are red blood cells destroyed when placed in distilled water? Justify your answer.

    the concentration of substances in red blood cells is higher than in water;

    due to the difference in concentration, water enters the red blood cells;

The volume of red blood cells increases, as a result of which they are destroyed

Why can treating a person with antibiotics cause intestinal dysfunction?

1) antibiotics kill beneficial bacteria that live in the human intestines;

2) as a result, the processes of breakdown of fats, fiber, water absorption and others are disrupted

What is the importance of blood in human life?

    performs a transport function: delivery of oxygen and nutrients to tissues and cells, removal of carbon dioxide and metabolic products;

    performs protective function due to the activity of leukocytes and antibodies;

3.participates in the humoral regulation of the body.

What proves that humans belong to the class of mammals?

1) similarity in the structure of organ systems;

3) development of the embryo in the uterus;

4) feeding the offspring with milk, caring for the offspring.

1) in summer a person loses a lot of water through sweat;

2) mineral salts are removed from the body along with sweat;

3) salted water restores the normal water-salt balance between tissues and internal environment body

What are the functions digestive system person?

1) in the organs of the digestive system, mechanical processing of food occurs with the help of teeth and muscles of the digestive tract;

2) chemical processing of food is carried out with the help of enzymes;

3) contraction of the walls of the digestive canal ensures the movement of food and the ejection of undigested food debris;

4) during the absorption process, soluble digested organic substances, mineral salts, vitamins and water enter the blood and lymph.

Why do some people develop atavisms?

1) signs of ancient ancestors (atavisms) are embedded in the human genome;

2) in the process of evolution, some ancient characteristics lose their significance and the genes that control them do not appear in the phenotype;

3) in rare cases, these genes begin to function and the individual development of the organism is disrupted, and signs of ancient ancestors appear.

What substances are removed from the human body by various organs?fulfilling the excretory function?

1) carbon dioxide and vapors are removed from the human body through the lungs

2) water, a small amount of urea, and salt are removed through the sweat glands;

3) liquid end products of metabolism (urea, salts, water) are removed through the kidneys.

The introduction of large doses of drugs into a vein is accompanied by their

dilution with physiological solution (0.9% NaCl solution). Explain

1) administration of large doses of drugs without dilution can

cause a sharp change in blood composition and irreversible

2) concentration of saline solution (0.9% NaCl solution)

corresponds to the concentration of salts in the blood plasma and does not

causes the death of blood cells.

Physical inactivity leads to:

1) decreased metabolic rate, increased adipose tissue,


2) weakening of skeletal and cardiac muscles, increased load

on the heart and decreased endurance of the body;

3) stagnation of venous blood in the lower extremities, expansion

blood vessels, circulatory disorders.

Why you shouldn't drink unboiled water

Why you shouldn’t eat raw, undercooked or undercooked meat and fish

What is the importance of bees in nature and human life?

A person receives honey, wax, propolis and other products used in medicine from bees.

2.Bees are active pollinators of flowering plants

3. In the absence of bees, there will be no harvest for insect-pollinated crops.

Why is it necessary to control houseflies?

The housefly is a carrier of pathogens typhoid fever, dysentery and other infectious diseases.

The fly lands on sewage and then transfers roundworm eggs onto food on its legs

Why does rhythmic music work better?

Some life processes c are rhythmic in nature (heartbeat, breathing, etc.)

A properly selected rhythm stimulates performance. Reduces nervous system fatigue

Why do my ears get blocked when there is a sharp change in altitude, and why does my hearing return to normal if I swallow saliva?

1. A rapid change in atmospheric pressure with a sharp change in altitude leads to a difference in pressure on the eardrum, since in the middle ear the initial pressure remains longer.

2. Swallowing movements improve air access to the Eustachian tube, through which the pressure in the middle ear cavity is equalized with the pressure in the environment

How the body covers protect a person from overheating

1 Sweat glands produce sweat, which, when evaporated, cools the human body

2. Dilation of skin capillaries increases heat transfer

3. Hair on the head creates an air barrier that prevents overheating

What's it like biological significance tanning

1.Under the influence sun rays Vitamin D is produced in the skin

2. Under the influence of sunlight, melanin pigment accumulates in the skin. Protects the body from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays

What is the role chest during breathing

1.The human lungs are located in the chest. Contraction of the intercostal muscles leads to an increase in the volume of the chest and pleural cavity. Negative pressure is created in it, resulting in inhalation. Relaxation of the intercostal muscles helps to reduce the volume of the chest and pleural cavity and pushes air out of the lungs, resulting in exhalation

Explain why blood pressure decreases during sleep.

Level blood pressure associated with heart function and metabolic rate. During sleep, metabolism slows down. Which leads to a decrease in the frequency and strength of heart contractions. As a result, blood pressure decreases

What is the role of enzymes and why do they lose their activity when radiation increases?

Most enzymes are proteins

Under the influence of radiation, denaturation occurs, the structure of the protein-enzyme changes

Why is it prohibited for a person to drive while intoxicated?

Alcohol affects the cerebellum, which leads to impaired coordination of movements.

Under the influence of alcohol, the normal activity of neurons is disrupted, the connection between sensitive and executive neurons is disrupted, and a person’s reaction to environmental stimuli slows down.

In ancient India, a person suspected of a crime was offered to swallow a handful of dry rice. If he failed, his guilt was considered proven.

Swallowing is a complex reflex act, which is accompanied by salivation and irritation of the root of the tongue.

With strong excitement, salivation is sharply inhibited, the mouth becomes dry and the swallowing reflex does not occur.

Why is the volume of urine excreted by the human body not equal to the volume of liquid drunk during the same time?

Some of the water is used or converted in the metabolic process

Some of the water evaporates through the respiratory system and sweating

What structures of the body cover protect a person from the effects of environmental temperature factors. What is their role

Subcutaneous fatty tissue protects the body from cooling.

Sweat glands produce sweat, which cools the body when it evaporates.

Changing the lumen of skin capillaries regulates heat transfer


Leeches are used to treat thrombosis, hypertension, ischemic strokes, and heart attacks.

Leech saliva contains hirudin, a protein that prevents blood clotting.

What are the features of the second signaling system

Why is the nervous regulation of the functions of the human body more advanced than the humoral regulation?

What is the role of hydrochloric acid contained in gastric juice

How HIV infection is NOT transmitted

What is the protective role of leukocytes in the human body?

Explain the mechanism of inhalation and exhalation in humans

      The intercostal muscles contract, the diaphragm flattens, the volume of the thoracic cavity increases, and the pressure in it decreases.

      2. A pressure difference arises between the environment (it is higher) and the chest cavity, therefore, inhalation occurs

      3. When exhaling, the intercostal muscles relax, the diaphragm rises, the volume of the chest cavity decreases, and the pressure in it increases.

      A pressure difference arises, now it is higher in the chest cavity, therefore exhalation occurs

The picture shows the larynx

2.The epiglottis is noted, which closes the entrance to the larynx during swallowing food.

What causes normal visual perception of images in humans?

    sufficient luminous flux

    focusing the image on the retina due to the refractive media of the eye

    Due to accommodation - the ability of the lens to change its curvature when the distance to the lens changes

The picture shows the pituitary gland

    The pituitary gland produces growth hormone

    Dwarfism lack of growth hormone in childhood

    in adults, with hyperfunction of the pituitary gland, acromegaly develops (excessive, disproportionate growth of the limbs and facial bones) (gigantism in children)

The highest center for regulating the functions of the human body is the hypothalamus. Why?

    The hypothalamus is part of the diencephalon, combining nervous and humoral regulatory mechanisms into a single neuroendocrine system

    The hypothalamus controls the activity of the autonomic nervous system, ensures homeostasis, regulates motivated behavior and defensive reactions (thirst, hunger, satiety, rage, pleasure, displeasure), as well as sleep and wakefulness.

    The hypothalamus forms a single complex with the pituitary gland. The hypothalamus plays a controlling role, and the pituitary gland plays an effector role (carries out one or another action in response to irritation)

What is the biological significance of the thymus gland (thymus)?

    In the thymus, B and T lymphocytes are formed and differentiated, which synthesize antibodies and antioxidants

    B lymphocytes produce antibodies

    T-lymphocytes are divided into 1. helpers (they stimulate immune responses) 2. Suppressors (block excessive reactions of B-lymphocytes) 3. Killers (kill tumor cells)


1. The thyroid gland, which produces the hormone thyroxine, which regulates metabolism, physical and mental development

2. Hyperfunction-Graves disease, hypofunction-myxidema (in adults) and cretinism in children

3. Thyroxine contains iodine and in those areas where there is a shortage of food and drinking water, in order to prevent endemic goiter (increased thyroid gland) stores sell iodized salt

What are the causes of muscle fatigue

    muscle fatigue is a temporary decrease in muscle performance

    Muscle fatigue is associated with the accumulation of lactic acid in them

    When tired, glycogen reserves are consumed and, as a result, the intensity of ATP synthesis decreases.


    The cerebellum, which is responsible for the coordination of movements, is depicted.

    The numbers indicate gray and white matter.

    (A tumor may be drawn)

How do you understand the expression “Man is a biosocial being)

    A person develops under the control of two programs - biological and social.

    The biological program determines the structure and physiological characteristics body. It is formed in the process of evolution and is inherited.

    The social program determines the development of a person’s personality under the influence of communication, training and education. It is not inherited, it is acquired along with the experience of each generation.


    Pancreas-gland of mixed secretion

    Exocrine function - production of pancreatic juice containing enzymes

    Intrasecretory function - production of the hormones insulin and glucagon, which regulate blood glucose levels

What are the harmful effects of smoking on the body?

1. drug addiction from smoking occurs

2. Nicotine is a poison that irreversibly disrupts the functions of the nervous system

3. Smoke and combustion products (tar and soot) cause impaired lung function

4. The vasoconstrictor effect of nicotine causes dysfunction of the cardiovascular system

What can cause vomiting?

    The entry of certain toxic substances into the body

    Irritation of receptors in the mucous membrane of the digestive canal

    conditionally reflex way

    diseases (hypertension, hepatitis, gastritis)

What activities play a decisive role in AIDS prevention?

    Sex education and awareness

    Mass production of disposable syringes and blood transfusion systems

    Production of personal protective equipment (condoms)

Name possible reasons scoliosis

1.Rachitis (lack of vitamin D and calcium)

2.Weakness of back muscles

3. Poor posture for a long time

4. Infectious (tuberculosis) and hereditary diseases (chondrodystrophy)

When does gravitational shock occur?

1. With a sharp increase in speed

2. When braking hard

How do the races differ? Adaptations

What is the difference between arterial bleeding and venous bleeding?

    Arterial blood is scarlet

    2. Arterial blood flows like a fountain

    Maintaining personal hygiene rules

    Drinking water purification

    Sanitary control in slaughterhouses and proper preparation food.

What is the functional difference between smooth and striated muscle tissue?

1. Smooth muscles contract slowly, striated muscles contract quickly

2. Smooth muscles contract involuntarily, striated muscles contract voluntarily

3. Smooth muscles tire little, striated muscles tire quickly


The composition of bones includes mineral and organic substances. Their combination ensures the elasticity and strength of the skeleton. With age, the amount of mineral salts in the bones increases and the bones become more fragile.

Why early correction posture corrects the spine

The composition of bones includes mineral and organic substances. Their combination ensures the elasticity and strength of the skeleton. In children, the percentage of organic matter in the bones is greater, so they are more flexible and elastic and are easier to bend and correct.

Why are patients with suspected spinal fractures transported without changing position?

    The spinal cord is located in the spine. When changing position, the bones can shift and damage the nerves or spinal cord, which can lead to disability. The victim should be transported without disturbing the position in which he is located.

Why, if the ribs are damaged and the tightness of the chest is broken, a bandage made of airtight material is applied

During inhalation, negative pressure is created in the chest cavity. The sealed material prevents air from entering the chest cavity through the injury. Otherwise, the lung will collapse and the person will not be able to breathe with this lung. The bandage is applied after a deep exhalation, ensuring a tight fit.

Why is a break or rest necessary after long, monotonous work?

    Uniform and continuous work causes muscle fatigue, as metabolic products accumulate in them, in particular lactic acid. After rest, the muscles are able to contract again, i.e.

K. Blood removes substances from cells. Why in early age

It’s harmful to walk in heels or carry heavy weights

A teenager's bones are flexible and elastic. Under the influence of heaviness or high heels, children may develop flat feet, as the shape of the arch of the foot changes. It becomes flat. To prevent flat feet, it is useful to walk barefoot, swim, engage in outdoor games and wear shoes with low heels.

The harm of physical inactivity

During muscular work, all organs and systems are better supplied with blood. With physical inactivity, adequate blood supply to organs and tissues is disrupted. Low energy consumption leads to obesity. The functioning of the heart, lungs, kidneys and liver is impaired. Resistance to diseases decreases.

The pulse determines the number of heartbeats per minute and judges its work. The pulse is easily palpable in places where large arteries are located close to the surface of the body (temples, base of the hand, lateral surfaces of the neck.

People have 4 blood types, as well as Rh factor (positive or negative). These characteristics must be taken into account when transfusing blood so as not to cause incompatibility

Why does it turn red when you tighten your finger?

The constriction drains the stagnation of venous blood, the veins swell, the capillaries dilate. Fresh arterial blood does not flow, and the venous blood becomes dark. The finger turns red.

Rules for preserving vitamin C during cooking

Vitamin C is easily destroyed by heat and contact with air. Vegetables and fruits must be cut immediately before cooking, immersed immediately in boiled water and cooked for a short time in a sealed container.

Why, with a lack of sunlight and an unbalanced diet in children, the skeleton does not form correctly

Vitamin D is necessary for the normal formation of the skeleton. Vitamin D is found in products of animal origin (fish oil, liver, yolks, etc.) Vitamin D can also be produced in the skin under the influence of sunlight.

First aid rules for overheating and sunstroke

The victim is transferred to a cool place and freed from tight clothing. They give you a cool drink. Wrap in a wet sheet

Solar procedures are useful in the morning; you should not stay in the sun for a long time. The head must be covered with a hat

How to provide first aid for a chemical burn

If the burn is caused by an acid burn, treat the area with baking soda. And if it’s an alkali, then highly diluted vinegar or citric acid. The affected skin should be rinsed with running water for 15 minutes. Then place a sterile bandage on the surface of the burn.

What are the rules for providing first aid for burns with boiling water or a hot object?

The burned areas of the skin are doused with clean cold water and freed from clothing. Then apply a sterile bandage. Do not use vegetable oil, iodine, or alcohol. Because they increase pain and slow down wound healing.


When frostbite occurs, the skin turns pale, then loses sensitivity, and then dies. If hypothermia occurs, the patient should be moved to a warm room, take off cold clothes, wrap them up, and give plenty of warm drinks.

Why is a urine test performed?

Urinalysis allows us to judge the state of the urinary tract, the presence of infection, functional disorders) and also to identify metabolic disorders (stones, poisoning)

Prevention measures intestinal diseases and worms

Wash your hands before eating. Wash vegetables and fruits under running water, do not drink raw water. Prepared foods must be kept closed to prevent dust and insects from getting on them. Only eat well-fried and cooked fish and meat.

You cannot bite hard objects. Drink very cold or very hot water. Combine cold and hot foods. Maintain good hygiene: brush your teeth morning and evening. Rinse your mouth after eating.B oral cavity Favorable conditions are created for the proliferation of microorganisms; brushing your teeth significantly reduces their numbers. Microorganisms in the process of vital activity secrete acids, which, when acting on the enamel, interact with calcium salts, turning them into soluble salts.

Why treat a wound with hydrogen peroxide.

Living cells contain the enzyme catalase, which breaks down hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. Atomic oxygen disinfects the wound, and water washes away microorganisms from the wound.

Chewing food is its mechanical processing, which increases the surface of contact with saliva. Saliva enzymes help break down complex carbohydrates into simple ones, and lysozyme disinfects food.

Venous bleeding

The blood flows slowly and is red-brown in color. At heavy bleeding you need to apply a tourniquet below the wound indicating the time of application; in case of minor bleeding, it is enough to apply a sterile pressure bandage.

What processes maintain persistence? chemical composition blood plasma

    Processes in buffer systems maintain the reaction of the medium (pH) at a constant level

    Neurohumoral regulation of the chemical composition of plasma is carried out.

20th century inventions such as zippers and Velcro fasteners were made based on the structure of a bird's feather.

What is the neurohumoral regulation of the heart in the body?

human, what is its significance in the life of the body?

(other wording of the answer is allowed that does not distort its meaning) Points

Response elements:

1) nervous regulation is carried out due to the autonomic nervous

systems (the parasympathetic system slows down and weakens

contraction of the heart, and the sympathetic strengthens and accelerates

contraction of the heart);

2) humoral regulation is carried out through the blood: adrenaline,

calcium salts strengthen and increase heart rate, and

potassium salts have the opposite effect;

3) nervous and endocrine system provide self-regulation

all physiological processes in the body

The response includes all the elements mentioned above and does not contain

Cold, medical, sudden cooling of the body, which is a condition predisposing to the disease. How P. causes a disorder of the body is not well understood. P. has the most harmful effect during preliminary fatigue and weakening of the body, during sudden cooling of the sweating part of the body from a draft. A cold seems to favor the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. P. should be combated by hardening the skin (cold rubdowns, bathing and gymnastics).

A nervous breakdown involves an acute attack of anxiety, which results in a serious disruption of a person’s usual way of life. Nervous breakdown, the symptoms of which define this condition to the family mental disorders(neuroses), occurs in situations in which the patient is in a state of sudden or excessive stress, as well as long-term stress.

general description

As a result of a nervous breakdown, there is a feeling of lack of control over one’s own feelings and actions, in which, accordingly, the person completely succumbs to the states of stress, worry or anxiety that dominate him during this period.

A nervous breakdown, despite the general picture of its manifestation in many cases, is, however, positive reaction from the body, and in particular – a protective reaction. Other similar reactions include, for example, tears, as well as acquired immunity, which occurs against the background of mental stress in combination with intense and prolonged mental stress.

When a person reaches a critical state for the psyche, a nervous breakdown is determined as a kind of lever, due to the activation of which the accumulated nervous tension. Any event can be identified as the cause of a nervous breakdown, be it large-scale and intense in its impact or, conversely, insignificant, but “long-term undermining.”

It is extremely important to know the symptoms of a nervous breakdown in order to take the necessary measures in a timely manner, because we're talking about really about extremely serious disorder, in which the development of events can occur in a variety of ways, starting from subsequent falling into cardiology department and ending with a psychoneurological dispensary.

Factors that provoke a nervous breakdown

Nervous breakdown: symptoms

A nervous breakdown can be characterized by various manifestations, which in particular depend on the specific type of symptomatology. Thus, the symptoms of a nervous breakdown can be physical, behavioral and emotional in their type of manifestation.

Physical symptoms:

  • sleep disorders, which may include: long period insomnia and during a long period of sleep;
  • constipation, diarrhea;
  • symptoms that determine the difficulty of breathing in one or another manifestation;
  • migraines, frequent headaches;
  • memory loss;
  • decreased libido;
  • violations related to menstrual cycle;
  • constant fatigue, extreme exhaustion of the body;
  • state of anxiety, stable;
  • pronounced changes in appetite.

Behavioral symptoms:

  • behavior that is strange to others;
  • pronounced mood swings;
  • sudden manifestations of anger, desire to commit violence.

Emotional symptoms (these symptoms are peculiar harbingers of a future nervous breakdown):

  • depression, which acts not only as a symptom that determines the possibility of a nervous breakdown, but is also the cause of it possible appearance;
  • anxiety;
  • indecision;
  • feeling of restlessness;
  • guilt;
  • decreased self-esteem;
  • thoughts of paranoid content;
  • tearfulness;
  • loss of interest in work and social life;
  • growing dependence on narcotic drugs, alcohol;
  • the emergence of thoughts about one’s own invincibility and greatness;
  • the appearance of thoughts about death.

Now let's look in more detail at the manifestations of some symptoms associated directly with a nervous breakdown.

Sleep and appetite disturbances, depression emotional state, weakening social contacts in one area of ​​life, irritability and aggressiveness - all these are the main symptoms characteristic of nervous breakdown. A person has a feeling of being cornered, in which he, accordingly, finds himself in a state of depression.

Attempts to provide help from loved ones in such a situation, as a rule, lead to aggression and rudeness towards them, which also implies a logical refusal of any help in such a state. A nervous breakdown also borders on symptoms indicating overwork, which consist of apathy and lack of strength, in addition to this, a loss of interest in everything that is happening and the environment.

As noted above regarding the main points, a nervous breakdown consists not only of changes associated with the psycho-emotional state of a person, but is also directly related to his physical condition. In particular, disorders associated with the activity of the autonomic nervous system are becoming relevant; they include excessive sweating, panic attacks, dry mouth, etc. Further, after damage to the nervous system, damage occurs to the cardiovascular system, as well as the gastrointestinal tract.

In the first case, the most common changes manifest themselves in the form of hypertension and tachycardia (increased heart rate), pain in the heart also appears, which is defined, respectively, as angina pectoris. These symptoms require treatment medical care, otherwise the condition in question can simply lead to a stroke or heart attack.

As for the damage to the digestive system during a nervous breakdown, it consists of a change in appetite (it either decreases or disappears altogether), and attacks of nausea. The patient's stool is also subject to certain disorders in the form of constipation or diarrhea. These conditions also determine the need for a certain correction, and not a medicinal correction aimed at treating the gastrointestinal tract, but a correction aimed at eliminating the nervous breakdown directly, which is primary state, affecting the listed manifestations.

Thus, with an adequate and effective determination of therapy for a nervous breakdown, the result will provide relief from accompanying symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract and other systems.

Treatment for a nervous breakdown

Treatment for a nervous breakdown is determined based on specific reasons, which provoked it, as well as the general degree of severity of current manifestations. At reactive psychoses treatment is required within specialized clinics and hospitals. It lies in the purpose drug therapy with the use of neuroleptics, as well as with the use of tranquilizers.

Overwork, which also plays an important role in the occurrence of nervous breakdowns, requires sanitary-resort treatment, and it is better if the sanatorium is local, because climate change often acts as an additional stress factor.

In any variant of the condition, the main method of correction is psychotherapy, which also applies to the prevention of a nervous breakdown. In this case, the doctor will identify all the factors that provoked a nervous breakdown, after which, within the framework of the appropriate psychological correction, he will formulate and implement an appropriate scheme focused on the patient’s resistance to this type of phenomenon.

If these symptoms appear, it is important to immediately seek help from a psychologist or psychotherapist, or a neurologist (neurologist). You should not treat a nervous breakdown negligently, because the edges of the psyche are quite fragile and you never know for sure how serious the consequences of such a condition can be for the patient and his future life in general.

Man belongs to a biological species, therefore he is subject to the same laws as other representatives of the animal kingdom. This is true not only of the processes occurring in our cells, tissues and organs, but also of our behavior - both individual and social. It is studied not only by biologists and doctors, but also by sociologists, psychologists, and representatives of other humanities disciplines. Using extensive material, supporting it with examples from medicine, history, literature and painting, the author analyzes issues at the intersection of biology, endocrinology and psychology, and shows that human behavior is based on biological mechanisms, including hormonal ones. The book covers topics such as stress, depression, rhythms of life, psychological types and gender differences, hormones and the sense of smell in social behavior, nutrition and psyche, homosexuality, types of parental behavior, etc. Thanks to the rich illustrative material, the author’s ability to simply talk about complex things and his humor, the book is read with unflagging interest.

The book “Wait, who’s leading? Biology of human and other animal behavior” was awarded the “Enlightener” prize in the “Natural and Exact Sciences” category.


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Differences between nervous and humoral regulation

The two systems - nervous and humoral - differ in the following properties.

First, neural regulation is goal-directed. The signal along the nerve fiber comes to a strictly defined place, to a specific muscle, or to another nerve center, or to a gland. The humoral signal travels through the bloodstream throughout the body. Whether or not tissues and organs will respond to this signal depends on the presence in the cells of these tissues of a perceptive apparatus - molecular receptors (see Chapter 3).

Secondly, nerve signal fast, it moves to another organ, i.e. to another nerve cell, muscle cell or gland cell at a speed of 7 to 140 m/s, delaying switching at synapses for only one millisecond. Thanks to neural regulation, we can do something “in the blink of an eye.” The content of most hormones in the blood increases only a few minutes after stimulation, and can reach a maximum only after tens of minutes. As a result, the greatest effect of the hormone can be observed several hours after a single exposure to the body. Thus, the humoral signal is slow.

Third, the nerve signal is brief. Typically, the burst of impulses caused by a stimulus lasts no more than a fraction of a second. This is the so-called switch-on reaction. A similar flash electrical activity V nerve nodes noted when the stimulus ceases - shutdown reaction.

The main differences between nervous regulation and humoral regulation are as follows: the nerve signal is purposeful; the nerve signal is fast; short nerve signal

The humoral system carries out slow tonic regulation, that is, it has a constant effect on the organs, maintaining their function in a certain state. The hormone level may remain elevated throughout the duration of the stimulus, and in some conditions - up to several months. Such a persistent change in the level of activity of the nervous system is characteristic, as a rule, of an organism with impaired functions.

Another difference, or rather a group of differences, between the two systems of regulation of functions is due to the fact that the study of the neural regulation of behavior is more attractive when conducting research on humans. The most popular method of recording electrical fields is recording an electroencephalogram (EEG), i.e., the electrical fields of the brain. Its use does not cause pain, whereas taking a blood test to study humoral factors is associated with painful sensations. The fear that many people experience while waiting for a shot can and does affect some test results. When inserting a needle into the body, there is a risk of infection, but when performing an EEG procedure, it is negligible. Finally, EEG recording is more cost-effective. If the determination of biochemical parameters requires constant cash costs for the purchase of chemical reagents, then for long-term and large-scale EEG studies A single, albeit large, financial investment is sufficient to purchase an electroencephalograph.

As a result of all the above circumstances, the study of the humoral regulation of human behavior is carried out mainly in clinics, i.e. it is a by-product therapeutic measures. Therefore, experimental data on the participation of humoral factors in the organization of holistic behavior healthy person incomparably less than experimental data on nervous mechanisms. When studying psychophysiological data, it should be borne in mind that physiological mechanisms underlying psychological reactions are not limited to EEG changes. In a number of cases, these changes only reflect mechanisms based on diverse, including humoral, processes. For example, interhemispheric asymmetry - differences in EEG recording on the left and right half of the head - is formed as a result of the organizing influence of sex hormones.

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1) predominance brain section skulls above the facial;

2) reduction of the jaw apparatus;

3) the presence of a chin protrusion on lower jaw;

4)reduction of brow ridges.

What is the nature of most enzymes and why do they lose their activity as radiation levels increase?

1) most enzymes are proteins;

2) under the influence of radiation, denaturation occurs, the structure of the protein-enzyme changes

What are the causes of anemia in humans? Please indicate at least 3 possible reasons.

1) large blood loss;

2) malnutrition (lack of iron and vitamins, etc.);

3) disruption of the formation of red blood cells in the hematopoietic organs.

Explain why in cells muscle tissue untrained person after strenuous exercise physical work there is a feeling of pain.

1).during intense muscle work, a lack of oxygen occurs in the cells; 2). Under such conditions, the stage of anaerobic glycolysis occurs and lactic acid accumulates in the cells, which causes discomfort.

What are the differences between human blood types? What blood groups are compatible for transfusion? People with what blood type are considered universal donors and recipients?

There may be two universal proteins (A and B) in human blood, or they may not be present.

Group 1 - does not have these proteins, therefore, when transfused to people of another (or their own) blood type, it does not cause an immune reaction. People with this blood type are universal donors.

Group 2 - has protein A

Group 3 - protein B

Group 4 - both A and B - people with this blood group are universal recipients, since when blood with a different group is transfused to these people, there will also be no immune reaction (both proteins are part of the blood).

What is the neurohumoral regulation of the heart in the human body, what is its significance in the life of the body?

1) nervous regulation is carried out due to the autonomic (autonomic) nervous system (the parasympathetic system slows down and weakens the contraction of the heart, and the sympathetic system strengthens and speeds up the contraction of the heart); 2) humoral regulation is carried out through the blood: adrenaline, calcium salts strengthen and increase heart rate, and potassium salts have the opposite effect; 3) the nervous and endocrine systems provide self-regulation of all physiological processes in the body.

454. Where are the centers of nervous regulation of urination located in the human body? How is the nervous regulation of this process carried out?

What functions does the liver perform in the human body? List at least four functions.

472.Name the chamber of the human heart, which is indicated by the number 1. What kind of blood is contained in this chamber and through what vessels does it enter it?

· number 1 indicates the right atrium;

The right atrium contains venous blood;

· Blood enters the right atrium through the vena cava.

Explain what changes in the composition of blood occur in the capillaries of the pulmonary circulation in humans. What kind of blood is produced?

In the capillaries of the lungs, gas exchange occurs based on the diffusion of gases: carbon dioxide passes from the blood into the air, and oxygen from the air into the blood, the blood becomes arterial and flows through the pulmonary veins into the left atrium, and from there into the left ventricle.

Find errors in the given text. Indicate the numbers of the sentences in which errors were made and correct them.

The anterior roots of the spinal cord include the processes of sensory neurons. 2. The dorsal roots consist of processes of motor neurons. 3. When the anterior and posterior roots merge, the spinal nerve is formed. 4. Total spinal nerves – 31 pairs. 5. The spinal cord has a cavity filled with lymph.