
Preparing for childbirth the cervix, breasts and muscles. Why and how to massage the perineum during pregnancy? Oil massage of the perineum before childbirth

So creepy and ugly sound word"breaks".... It's a shame that it is so closely and persistently associated in our society with the process of childbirth. It is somehow very strange that in a majestic creative event - the birth of a new life - we often first of all see the danger of destruction.

How could it be otherwise, if convincing stories are passed from mouth to mouth about the number and location of tears, about the “joys” of stitching and processing, about the inability to walk and sit normally, about sex, which has turned from pleasure into a test... You never know what else you can hear. Even the enthusiastic “I gave birth without any gaps at all!” sounds like a miraculous deliverance, an exception that only confirms the rule... Eh!..

It is normal to give birth without ruptures. A woman’s body is created and ideally adapted for the birth of children by Nature itself. By endowing these tissues with such important, very important (without exaggeration!) powers - to release a young person into the world - wise Nature, without a doubt, created them perfectly adapted for this. A convincing confirmation of this is the entire (!) viviparous animal world, which safely gives birth without ruptures. It is a shame that man, the Crown of creation, managed to become an exception... But we have the power to return to the natural rule, to give birth without breaks, to give birth beautifully.

It's amazing how this delicate bud, so small and cozy house love ecstasy, suddenly blossoms, reveals its graceful petals, opening the way for the Miracle of birth, releasing into the world a ripe fragrant berry - the fruit of love - a baby. And, having released it, it smoothly closes, expecting new pleasure and the gift of life. Beautiful and majestic.

Modern civilized life has not benefited natural mechanisms, this is true, unfortunately. But this does not mean that they are broken. This means that their work has become a little more difficult. It is advisable to do something to help our tissues, and they, feeling our care, will definitely try and will not let you down! So what can you do:

Gymnastics. It's great if we can overcome laziness and sofa attraction :-) and find time for stretching exercises. They will be effective if you give them 10-15, or even 5 minutes a day, but it is important to do them daily, i.e. regularly. What kind of exercises are these:
- standing sideways to the back of the chair, rest your hands on it and move your leg to the side as high as is comfortable - 6-10 times for each leg.
- with the same emphasis, lift the leg bent at the knee towards the tummy.
- spread your legs wide, slowly squat down and hold in this position for a few seconds, you can use a spring. Slowly rise and relax. Can be repeated 3-5 times.
- squat down, straighten one leg and put it to the side. Shift your weight from one leg to the other several times in a row. Extending your arms forward will help you maintain your balance.
- “butterfly” - sit or lie on the floor, connect your heels and pull them towards the perineum. Legs bent at the knees look like butterfly wings. Let's wave them like a butterfly, often, often.

If you have already tried these exercises, you have felt that the muscles of the inner thighs and perineum are working in them. You can vary the exercises at your own discretion, carefully listening to your feelings. The main criterion in choosing exercises and their duration is a feeling of comfort and pleasure.

Everyday poses. We are talking about positions in which you can do everyday activities and just relax, but which, at the same time, quietly prepare our body for childbirth. Take them more often, alternating with each other:
- “tailor’s pose” - in a sitting position, cross your legs in front of you
- “butterfly” - sitting, connect the heels and pull them towards the perineum. You don’t have to move your legs, just staying in this position, but most likely the “wings” will start dancing on their own. This is great and won’t stop us from watching TV, reading or peeling potatoes.
- “on your heels” - kneel down, bringing them tightly together, and smoothly sit back on your heels
- “frog” - being in the “on your heels” position, spread your legs and sit on the floor between your heels.
Choose positions that are comfortable for you and change the position as soon as it begins to tire you.

Squat! I'm making a special point a separate item this is a wonderful position. It is remarkable because while squatting, and especially while moving, all the muscles that will be involved in childbirth work. Use it!
- you can just squat down, minding your own business
- you can (should!) wash the floor while squatting! Such a daily activity will replace any gymnastics, not to mention the fact that mom and her Tummy will breathe clean, dust-free air.
- you can walk “in single file” - from the kitchen to the room :-). Why not?

Kegel exercises. These are exercises directly for the muscles of the perineum and vagina. It is much easier for trained tissues accustomed to stress to stretch well during childbirth and quickly return to their original size after it.
Kegels will also help us avoid “miraculous” hemorrhoids as much as possible during pregnancy and get rid of them very quickly after childbirth. Here are several levels of difficulty for these exercises:
- alternately squeeze and relax the muscles of the perineum. This exercise does not require special concentration, so it can be performed in almost any situation - no one sees :-)
- it will be a little more difficult if, holding the muscles, hold them in this position for 5-20 seconds, then gradually relax
- “elevator” - we begin a smooth ascent on the “elevator” - we squeeze the muscles a little (1st floor), hold for 3-5 seconds, continue the ascent - squeeze a little harder (2nd floor), hold, etc. to our limit – 4-7 “floors”. We go down in the same stages, pausing for a couple of seconds on each floor.

Make Kegel exercises a daily practice, doing them little by little as soon as you remember.
Perineal massage. It needs to be done every day (you can do it 2 times a day), starting from 32-36 weeks until birth. For this we will need either homeopathic ointment "Arnica" (anti-traumatic effect), or cocoa butter, or any vegetable oil, as natural as possible and sterilized in a water bath. The massage is performed with clean hands, optimally after a bath or shower, at night.

External massage:
With soft massaging movements, the selected product is rubbed into the skin around the vaginal opening, special attention a piece of skin located between the vagina and anus.
Internal massage: one or two fingers are inserted into the middle of the vagina, and, lubricating, stretch the tissue, as if making a “pocket”.

The massage can last 5-10 minutes, or maybe longer if dad gets involved in the preparation ;-). Massage should not cause discomfort.

Food helpers. After 7 months of pregnancy, salt should slowly but surely leave the mother’s diet. The less salt in the body, the more elastic its tissues.

This does not mean that you need to switch to a salt-free diet - hardly anyone can stand it, but you can easily reduce the amount of salt. Products containing a lot of calcium (in particular, hard cheese and cottage cheese) are followed by salt - excess calcium leads to the baby’s head becoming too hard and with small fontanelles. This does not allow it to contract sufficiently as it passes through the birth canal. The likelihood of ruptures and other injuries increases. Listen to your body: most likely, giving up these and some other products will happen on its own. If you can’t refuse, don’t force yourself, trust your feelings.

Honey will also help increase tissue elasticity. If you drink a spoonful of honey on an empty stomach with 0.5-1 glass warm water, then it will additionally contribute better job intestines, and if you drink milk, green or chamomile tea with honey at night, you will sleep better.

In addition to these simple measures to prepare the perineum, it is important to learn how to breathe, relax and push correctly during childbirth. These (and many other) wisdom can be learned in courses for pregnant women. You also need to listen to your midwife, who will tell you when to stop pushing. It makes sense to warn the doctor and midwife that you have been preparing the perineum.

Preparation of the perineum (perineal massage) (based on materials from the magazine 9 months)

Perineal massage will prepare you to properly relax in response to the pressure of the fetus passing through the birth canal. Relaxation of the pelvic muscles two - very useful exercise in preparation for childbirth. In addition, massage increases the elasticity of the vagina and perineum, enhancing hormonal changes that reduce the stiffness of connective tissues. Massage significantly reduces the likelihood of episiotomy or serious tears.
If you are interested in avoiding surgical intervention, you should massage your perineum five to seven times a week for the last six weeks before giving birth. Check with your doctor. Some doctors are not familiar with this type of massage because it is not very common. Many women and couples consider this massage disgusting and do not do it. However, others believe that it is worth the trouble because it reduces the risk of tearing or cutting the perineum. There are women who even find it pleasant, especially if done after or during relaxation exercises. If you have vaginitis, herpes, or any other infections, you should be treated first, since perineal massage can lead to an exacerbation of the disease.

How to do perineal massage
The massage can be performed by you or your partner. At first, use a mirror to look at your perineum, this will make it easier for you to understand what to do. Your hands should be clean and your nails should be trimmed short. If you or your partner sensitive skin, then you can wear rubber gloves.
Sit comfortably, half-sitting (if your partner will do the massage) or stand with one foot on the edge of the bathtub or a chair (if you are doing the massage yourself).

Lubricate your fingers well with oil, pouring it from a bottle or water-based cream, squeezing it out of a tube. This method of applying cream or oil is better than repeatedly dipping your fingers into the same liquid, which leads to contamination. Sometimes it is recommended to use wheat germ oil, which is rich in vitamin E, which can be purchased at health food stores, but you can also use other vegetable oils or some kind of water-based lubricant. Baby oil, mineral oil, industrial oil and hand lotion are not suitable for this purpose, as they are believed to be much less absorbed by the skin than vegetable oils or water-based solutions.
Apply enough oil or cream to the skin of the perineum so that your fingers glide easily.

You can massage using your thumb. And your partner can do it with his index fingers (first - one hand, then both, when you get used to it). Place your fingers into the vagina (up to the second joint) and press on the muscles pelvic floor so that you can feel the muscle tension with your fingers. Then relax the muscles and move your finger into the vagina, then speeding up and then slowing down the movement, carefully moving to the perineum down towards the anus. You should massage for about three minutes. This massage increases the elasticity of the vaginal tissue, the muscles that support the vagina, and the skin of the perineum. Then massage the moistened skin of the perineum for about one minute using your thumb and index finger ( thumb inside - index outside or vice versa). At first, the vaginal muscles will be a little tense, but over time you will master the massage technique and the muscles will relax.

When you feel pressure or stretching, focus on relaxing your muscles. Since you feel comfortable during the massage, a slight increase in pressure that stretches the perineum is enough to feel a tingling and burning sensation. (The same sensations accompany the eruption of the baby’s head during childbirth.)

If you have questions, consult your doctor or women who know this type of massage.

Perineal massage (Based on materials from the magazine 9 months)

You've most likely already heard about perineal massage. It is done to prevent perineal ruptures during childbirth. The tissues of the perineum experience maximum stress during the eruption of the head. When the baby's head reaches a large perimeter (the size of the baby's head), the mother's perineum is most at risk of rupture. For multiparous women who had an episiotomy during their first birth, this massage is most relevant - the old suture may crack because the tissue has lost its elasticity.

You can start doing massage at any time. If the pregnancy is not yet long, a frequency of massage once every 7-10 days is sufficient. Closer to childbirth - more often. From 28 weeks once every 5-7 days. From 32 weeks once every 3-5 days. From 36 weeks every other day, and from 38 weeks it is advisable to massage every day. If your pregnancy is already coming to an end, start doing massage every third day for a week, then every second day for a week, and then every day until delivery.

It is best to do a massage in the evening, after a warm shower or bath. You can do it yourself, but it’s better to involve your husband. If only for the simple reason that a big belly gets in the way.

For massage you will need natural oil. Which? Rose, chamomile, calendula, castor, olive, almond, wheat. Simple sunflower oil use is not recommended. I myself used calendula oil with vitamin E from Weleda.

How to do the massage yourself? Be sure to wash your hands with a brush. Generously lubricate the outside of the perineum and lips with oil. Then insert a well-lubricated finger or two into the vagina shallowly. By 2-3 centimeters - no more. And begin to make pressing, rocking movements on the back wall of the vagina (closest to the intestines) until you feel a feeling of tension and tingling. Hold for a minute - release. Repeat after a few seconds. And so on for 5-7 minutes. Of course, it is much better if the husband does the massage. This is also good because at this moment it is better for you to completely relax in response to the feeling of tension. Try to detach yourself and not pay attention. Such relaxation training will bring relaxation to automaticity, and will be very useful and helpful before childbirth as a reaction to contractions.

Then, from the outside, lubricate the perineal area with oil from the center to the hips again. It is also important - lubricate the small lips with oil and lightly pull and massage them. This is a common situation when the labia minora burst during childbirth, and it is better to try to give them elasticity in advance than to experience various kinds of difficulties later.

All women expecting the birth of a new life really want the birth process to be without any ruptures. In order for everything to turn out the way you want, it is important not only to listen to the advice of a specialist during the birth process, but to engage in preliminary preparation birth canal before the upcoming event.

Perineal massage is very suitable for this purpose. This option makes it possible to make the tissues that will be involved in the birth of the baby elastic. As a result, they will be able to stretch well and not tear. Let's figure out exactly how such a procedure should be performed.

Benefits of massage

The crotch is muscle tissue, which is in pelvic bones, as well as in the area located between the vagina and anus. It is this place that needs to be massaged, since it is on it during labor activity the pressure is the strongest, and the muscles in question are not particularly strong.

There are many cases when women tear them during childbirth and have to be stitched up. Some experts consider it necessary to perform a small incision beforehand during the birth process. They do this so that there are no difficulties during childbirth. But if you are serious about your health and do not want to have such incisions made, then you should prepare your muscles even during pregnancy.

Perineal massage makes it possible to make the muscles highly elastic; if you do it, this will make it possible to avoid cracks and tears.

Many women think that if they had a uterus after the birth of their first baby, then the sutures will come apart when the second baby is born. In fact, this is not the case, because due to massage, the scars also become elastic and they will not rupture again.

Massage significantly improves blood circulation in all organs. Also, your nerves will be strengthened, your psycho-emotional state will improve.

How to massage the perineum before childbirth?

Doctors emphasize that massage can not be done in the first stages of pregnancy. You need to wait a little and after 28 weeks begin the procedure. It is recommended to massage once every 2-3 days, not more often. And after 26 weeks - every day. If you want to enhance the effect of the procedure, you can do Kegel exercises at the same time.

The optimal time to perform the procedure is evening. Take a warm bath and get started. Before starting the course, you will have to buy some oils - chamomile, rose, grape seed oil, olive oil. Before using the oil, it must be boiled.

Cannot be used as it can provoke uterine contractions. In addition to the oil, you will need gloves; make sure they are sterile. If you don’t have them on hand or you forgot to buy them, but you want to do a massage, then wash your hands very well with soap, preferably antibacterial.

Although this massage is very useful, it cannot be performed on certain categories of women. So, this manipulation is prohibited for future mothers who have vaginitis, herpes and other genital infections. This rule is mandatory; it is necessary to prevent infections from entering the vagina. In addition, manipulation is prohibited if there is a risk of miscarriage, allergies, high temperature bodies.

How to massage the perineum correctly?

If for more early stages During pregnancy, a woman can cope with a massage herself, but the closer to childbirth, and the larger her tummy becomes, the more difficult it is to perform the exercises on her own.

In this case, you can ask your husband to help you. So, take a position that is comfortable for you so that you can feel comfortable. So that the stomach is not compressed. If your loved one is giving you a massage, it is better to take a semi-sitting position. So, the first thing you need to do is wash your hands and lubricate them with the boiled oil of your choice.

Apply the same oil to the skin of the perineum. The finger must be inserted into the vagina (about halfway). Lightly and carefully press on the desired area. Movements should be directed towards the anus. At the same time, you should try to relax your muscles as much as possible. This massage lasts about 2-3 minutes.

Of course, during the first procedures it will be a little difficult for you to relax your muscles. But after 3-4 manipulations, the muscles will get used to it and will be able to be relaxed. This will indicate that their elasticity has increased.

The most important thing is to know when to stop everything; don’t overdo it. You should feel comfortable during the manipulation. None pain you shouldn't feel. Only in this case will massage be useful and make it possible to avoid ruptures during future births.

In anticipation of the birth of her baby, the expectant mother must do everything in her power to ensure that the process of giving birth to the baby leaves exclusively positive emotions for both her and the baby. To do this, it is important to properly organize preparation for childbirth, since in many respects its positive outcome depends on how ready the woman in labor is for labor. On the pages of this article we will talk about how to properly treat your body (chest, muscles).

Preparing the body for childbirth

Starting from the ninth month of pregnancy, the mother’s body is reconstructed in anticipation of labor. The last month of pregnancy presents expectant mothers with a number of new sensations that indicate impending pregnancy. Such sensations appear approximately 2 to 4 weeks before labor, although for some they may appear only a few hours before the onset of contractions.

It must be said that some women do not experience any discomfort at all before giving birth, which absolutely does not mean that their body is not preparing for the birth of the baby. But the whole point is that every woman’s body is individual. So what should a woman experience before giving birth?

Firstly, throughout the ninth month, active restructuring begins to occur in the body, characterized by the fact that the child begins to descend into the pelvic area. At the same time, for most expectant mothers, such unpleasant symptoms as shortness of breath disappear. However, the child's head, located close bladder, provokes frequent urination in the mother.

Often, a few weeks before giving birth, women experience milky-white vaginal discharge that is abundant. In some cases they may also be mixed with spotting. This phenomenon is associated with the so-called “uncorking” of the mucous plug, which closes the entrance directly to the cervix. Thus, the consistency of cork can vary: from viscous to dense or sticky. If spotting appears three to four days before birth, there is no need to worry. The main thing is that mucus predominates in such secretions, and not. If there is more blood than mucus, and the blood is bright red in color, you should immediately consult a doctor.

For many women amniotic sac ruptures even before labor begins. When the water breaks, labor can begin within a few minutes or after a few hours. If we talk about the cervix, then, firstly, it becomes thinner, and secondly, it opens up to one to two centimeters.

All listed signs are “harbingers” of childbirth, but from them it is impossible to accurately determine the exact beginning of the process itself. So, in some women such signs appear a few days before giving birth, while in others - several weeks. In any case, in the last month before giving birth expectant mother I need to get more rest in preparation for the arrival of my baby.

3. Regularly performing Kegel exercises, which provide active contraction and relaxation of the perineal muscles, which increases blood flow, thereby increasing elasticity connective tissue vagina. In addition, a set of Kegel exercises is a prevention, as well as prolapse internal organs and vaginal laxity.

4. Carrying out a perineal massage using natural fatty oils saturated with vitamin E.

The massage consists of three exercises:

  1. Simultaneous circular movements(stroking) the breast with your hands, and the areola and the nipple itself cannot be touched. Three to four strokes per approach are enough.
  2. Stroking both glands, carried out from above and towards the nipple, and then from both sides and below. It is important that the actions are simultaneous. In one approach, 3–4 such strokes are done.
  3. Pressure on the mammary gland, for which you need to lift and support the right breast with your right hand, while pressure is applied from above (with your left hand) (no more than 4 times in one approach). The movements made should be as soft and gentle as possible, they should not cause pain. Similar actions are also carried out with the left breast.
If we talk about minimizing the possibility of stretch marks, then you can’t do without physical activity: so, simple exercises will help keep your breasts seductive and firm. But it should be remembered that absolute contraindication Any physical activity is dangerous, so before you start doing exercises, you should consult a gynecologist.

Basic exercises:

  • The ball is taken into hand small size. Hands rise up to the level chest. Alternately, the left and right hands throw the ball up and catch it.
  • Standing on all fours, you need to bend your arms, then simultaneously straighten both your arms and legs.
  • Standing facing the wall and resting your palms on it at shoulder level, you need to do 10–15 push-ups.
  • Hands at shoulder level are spread to the sides. Then swinging movements are made with the arms, while the arms are crossed in front of each other (so, the left one is alternately on top, then the right hand).
  • The arms are spread to the sides, after which three swings are made back with strictly straight arms. Hands are lowered to the starting position.
During exercises, you need to carefully listen to your feelings: so, if discomfort appears, all exercises are stopped. If physical activity are easily tolerated, then each exercise can be repeated five times, gradually increasing the number of repetitions to 15.

With the help of such gymnastics, you can, firstly, maintain the shape of your breasts, and secondly, prepare your arm muscles for the upcoming loads, that is, for carrying your baby.

Preparing nipples for childbirth

Individual characteristics the structures of the mammary glands play huge role in progress . Some women have breasts that are ideal for breastfeeding, while others may have nipples that are underdeveloped or even retracted. It also happens that the nipple appears quite normal in appearance, but during the process of pressing, it is retracted to the border of the areola.

How can you determine whether problems will arise when putting your baby to the breast? A simple test will help with this, consisting of gentle but strong compression with a large and index fingers opposite edges of the halos. If the nipple is pulled inward or becomes flat, it will be quite difficult for the baby to grab it.

To correct the situation, you need to perform a number of simple exercises, for example, stretching the nipple and twisting it left and right. Such actions will help to somewhat stretch the nipple, not to mention the fact that during such manipulations the nipples will become less sensitive, which means that the mother will not experience pain when feeding the child (and she will not be afraid of cracks).

If your nipples are flat or inverted, you can resort to using a special nipple shape corrector or breast shields (these devices are placed over the nipple and worn daily, first for 10 minutes, and then for 20 minutes a day). After birth, shields and correctors can be worn for 30 minutes (maximum hour) before feeding, which will help give the nipple a more elongated shape.

Important: before any manipulation of the breasts, you should consult a doctor, since self-stimulation of the nipples can provoke premature birth.

A common problem for breastfeeding mothers is the appearance of stretch marks and cracks on the nipples, and the latter cause severe pain during feeding. To avoid such problems, it is necessary to prepare the nipples for feeding during pregnancy.

To do this, it is advisable to adhere to the following rules:

  • accept contrast shower who massages the nipples,
  • do not wash nipples with soap (it is better to use shower gel),
  • rub your chest with a terry towel after a shower,
  • arrange daily air baths for the chest (in other words, walk more with your chest fully open),
  • wear a special bra for nursing mothers that has detachable cups.
It must be said that in the last months of pregnancy, colostrum is often released from the nipples, which should not be washed off immediately; on the contrary, it is necessary to rub it over the nipple, as well as the areola (this will help soften the nipple and heal any cracks that have appeared). If during breastfeeding your nipples become very chapped, it is recommended to use special healing creams.

To avoid discomfort and disorders associated with the spinal region, it is recommended to wear a bandage from the second half of pregnancy (the selection of a bandage and the determination of the duration of its wearing is carried out exclusively by a gynecologist).

It is very important to choose the right bandage, which should not put pressure on the stomach or press down blood vessels, not to mention the fact that this device should not restrict the child’s movements. If the bandage interferes, leaving behind red stripes on the stomach, you should select a larger model.

By following these simple tips and strictly following the doctor’s recommendations during pregnancy and during childbirth, you can minimize or completely eliminate complications such as perineal ruptures, the appearance of stretch marks and cracks.

Let's talk about oil for perineal massage before childbirth. Modern preparation for labor in labor mandatory includes perineal massage. Therefore, in this case, embarrassment can be discarded and think about how to give birth without complications and ruptures, naturally and safely for the baby. Why do gaps happen? When being born, the baby's head is under constant tension, and the unprepared perineum experiences enormous pressure and is easily torn. This is followed by painful suturing and an equally painful process of tissue healing.
To avoid such troubles, it is necessary to prepare the perineal tissues in advance, increase their elasticity and extensibility with the help of proper prenatal massage using oils.

Choosing oil for perineal massage before childbirth

Preparing the intimate area for childbirth is easy. Use regular pharmacy oils such as:

  • olive, with pronounced antimicrobial effect, to increase skin firmness and elasticity;
  • apricot– for nutrition and hydration of tissues. Oil contains fatty acids, has an antiseptic effect, increases skin elasticity;
  • jojoba- oil with high content vitamin E. Has an anti-inflammatory and restorative effect;
  • grape seed oil- stimulates blood flow, makes the skin firm and elastic;
  • almond– effectively heals microcracks and wounds, has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • sunflower– recommended for strengthening the walls of blood vessels, for regeneration and increasing skin elasticity.

IN pharmacy chain offered today special drugs– intimate oils to prepare for childbirth. Weleda products are especially popular. The composition contains active ingredients of natural origin - almond oil, wheat germ and sage.

Attention! It is strictly forbidden to use castor oil for massage! There are cases where, after a massage with this oil, pregnant women experienced involuntary contractions of the cervix, which led to premature birth.

Read the label carefully before making a purchase. Give preference only natural oils, containing no chemical additives.
Be sure to check the expiration date of the perineal massage oil before giving birth; if it expires or the product is expired, do not purchase. There will definitely be no benefit, so don’t risk your health. If you have previously used any oil and found yourself allergic reaction, refuse the procedures and consult your doctor. Because such a massage, in addition to terrible itching, can cause significant harm to your child.

How to make intimate oil for childbirth at home

You can make oil for prenatal massage at home.
You need to buy any vegetable oil good quality and pharmaceutical packaging of St. John's wort herb. It is important that you are not allergic to these ingredients.
Pour the herb into a liter jar, pour in oil so that the herb is completely immersed in it. Warm the composition in a water bath for 20 minutes. Turn off the stove and let the mixture cool completely. Next, close the container with a lid and leave to infuse in a dark place for 7 days. The oil for prenatal massage is ready.
You can use the oil for perineal massage before childbirth without adding medicinal herbs. In any case, the oil for perineal massage should be sterile or calcined over a fire and, of course, cooled. Hot oil must not be used!

Perineal massage technique with oil for childbirth

Carry out the procedure yourself later you are unlikely to get pregnant, since your large belly does not allow you to take comfortable position and perform the necessary manipulations. Take help from your partner. It is recommended for a pregnant woman to lie on her back with a low pillow or bolster under her lower back.
Attention! The person performing the massage must have clean hands, washed with soap! Let's consider the order of further actions:
1. Apply a small amount of oil from a container to massage the perineum before childbirth.
2. Moisten the perineum with the part of the vagina adjacent to the exit with oil.
3. Gently insert the index finger and thumb into the vagina at about 2 joints.
4. Perineal tissue and back wall The vagina is slightly retracted towards the posterior sphincter. Maintain this position for at least 1 minute. Then release your finger and repeat the manipulations after a few seconds. This exercise must be performed for 5-7 minutes.
5. We begin massaging all the walls of the vagina. We do this delicately and rhythmically for 2-3 minutes.
6. Let's return to the first exercise.

How to take oil to prepare for childbirth

In the last trimester of pregnancy it is advisable indoor application oils to prepare for childbirth. This increases the firmness and elasticity of tissues. The most beneficial is olive oil, rich in vitamin E. It is recommended to take polyunsaturated acids, which will have a positive effect on the production of the hormone prostaglandin, which provokes the onset of labor. The source of these useful substances are fish and fish oil. It is convenient to take oil preparations in capsules, for example, evening primrose oil, after first coordinating the use of the drug with your doctor.
It is quite possible to make childbirth easier and less traumatic for you and your baby if you use oil to prepare for childbirth. Having mastered the simple technique of massaging the perineum, and correctly taking the oil inside, you will take care of the birth of your baby without unnecessary complications.

How else can you reduce the risk of rupture during childbirth?

After 7 months of pregnancy, salt should slowly but surely leave the mother’s diet.

The less salt in the body, the more elastic its tissues

This does not mean that you need to switch to a salt-free diet - hardly anyone can stand it, but you can easily reduce the amount of salt.
Products containing a lot of calcium (in particular, hard cheese and cottage cheese) are sent after salt.– excess calcium leads to the baby’s head becoming too hard and with small fontanelles. This does not allow it to contract sufficiently as it passes through the birth canal. The likelihood of ruptures and other injuries increases.

Listen to your body: most likely, giving up these and some other products will happen on its own. If you can’t refuse, don’t force yourself, trust your feelings.

Honey will also help increase tissue elasticity. If you drink a spoonful of honey on an empty stomach with ½ -1 glass of warm water, it will additionally promote better bowel function, and if you drink milk, green or chamomile tea with honey at night, you will sleep better.