
Student's portfolio name. Primary and high school student’s portfolio: ready-made title page and sheet templates for boys and girls

Knowledge Day - the first of September - is an exciting holiday for both students and their parents. It is especially exciting for those who cross the threshold of school for the first time, and even more so for parents of students primary classes, because the child finds himself in an unknown, new environment for him, where many new demands and changes await him: daily routine, interaction with the team, evaluation of his actions - all this is ahead, but let the difficulties not frighten children and parents.

First-grader portfolio

Most people know what a portfolio is, but not everyone is aware that today a portfolio is used and for primary school students, which indicates information about the child, his abilities, interests and hobbies, and the student’s family. In the future, all this data will help reveal the child’s abilities in one area or another, and outline an approximate vector of development in one area or another.

Being prepared to study is very important for everyone. But unfortunately, not everyone succeeds at it right away. Of course, there are many methods with which teachers try to raise a child’s interest in learning. These methods include learning in the form of a game, followed by a transition to full-fledged learning. curriculum, and various options for assessing the work of a primary school student. At this stage, the active participation of the family in the life of the student, the interaction of parents with the teacher, and the implementation of the teacher’s recommendations are very important. One of these recommendations includes compiling a first-grader’s portfolio.

The portfolio of a primary school student was conceived primarily to identify his interests, abilities, and as a result, all this data forms the basis for successful choosing a narrower profile education in high school. This, in turn, will allow you to avoid difficulties in learning, because everyone knows the situation with “humanists and technologists”, when some fall asleep in literature and history lessons, while others try in vain to comprehend the exact sciences. In addition, filling out and all kinds of decoration of the portfolio has positive psychological effect for the child.

By filling out this document, the child clearly sees all his successes, so to speak, records them. This is of great importance for the development of a child’s self-esteem; he sees what he is strong in, and what can be improved, and what needs to be “pulled up.” All this develops discipline and the desire to increase one’s successes. This will help avoid future unpleasant situations involving the child and teachers.

There are no specific frameworks that must be strictly adhered to when compiling a portfolio. All you have to do is teach your child analyze your victories, and moments that still require work. He must fill out a portfolio, and see his successes and current tasks that are worth working on, objectively evaluate himself, and not “become a star.”

Portfolio design. How it's done

Completing a portfolio is not difficult, although it does require some perseverance. First of all, you need to fill it out together; this process will be quite exciting for him with your help.

And it should start with the purchase of stationery: let the child choose what he likes, let it be the most beautiful folder with files that is there. You will also need markers, pens, ruler, pencils, a variety of stickers and decals that the child can choose at his own discretion.

Portfolio sections

Portfolio sections can be different, but in general they can be described as follows:

  • Student personal data
  • List of achievements
  • Participation in school life
  • Wishes and feedback

Student personal data

This section begins with the child’s full name, his photograph, and residential address. Further, You can provide family information, a story that a child will write. He can also draw a picture, talk about his favorite animal, his hobbies and friends. Additionally, you can draw a picture with the optimal route home; it is important that the child draws it himself, with possible adjustments from the parents. At the same time, you need to explain to him basic rules that will protect him on the way to school or at home:

  • Do not talk to strangers on the street, and especially do not get into their car under any pretext.
  • do not take any things from strangers, especially nothing edible
  • Do not open the door to anyone when you are alone at home, and if you do open it (to brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, be sure to look through the peephole)

It will be good if the child draws a picture for each of these rules.


With the beginning of education, a first-grader noticeably increases in troubles and concerns: he must learn to read quickly, sometimes independently, outside of class, acquire the skills of simple calculations, master the multiplication table.

Parents should help the student fill out, you can draw pictures based on the plot of the books you read, you can also write about the difficulties you overcome, and illustrate the text. This section reflects the entire dynamics of the child’s success, and not only in school. It may also contain information about achievements in sports or creativity; various awards in the form of certificates, photographs from competitions, or competitions can take their place in this section.

The achievements section can be divided into chapters, for example, in the chapter “Mathematics” and “Russian Language” - work on this subject may also contain certificates for participation in various specialized Olympiads.

In the chapter “Literature” there is data on the progress of speed reading, brief thoughts on the works read. In a separate chapter it is worth placing the best works of the child, which are recognized by the teacher during a conversation with the student. The “Creativity” chapter will be filled with a variety of poems, drawings, and handicrafts of the child. In the “My Interests” chapter, the child will be able to talk about his interests, hobbies and skills, both in the form of a story and in the form of drawings and photographs. " Sports achivments“—they can contain all the certificates, photographs of performances and awards, photographs of the child’s sports team.

An important moment for any of us is being welcomed into a new team, and interaction with other people. A variety of activities outside the classroom, be it a trip to the cinema, or to nature, holidays, excursions, and trips, of course, should be encouraged by parents, and all information about these events, in the form of photographs, drawings, stories about impressions, will fill this section.

But this section is intended for parents and teachers. It's worth leaving it in positive reviews, and not abstract and general phrases, but a detailed text of praise for specific success in something. This will help motivate the child to new achievements. It would also not be superfluous to sum up the results of the year in this chapter, with the teacher’s comments, wishes and additions. The child will be able to look at his victories, and at those moments that should be improved.

Filling out a portfolio

Below is a sample, which you can use to fill out your portfolio

"Personal data"

  • My name is……………
  • I was born…………….(Indicate the date)
  • I live in……………….., at the address:………………

List of achievements

  • My achievements in the Russian language (mathematics, natural history...)
  • My books
    • Dynamics of speed reading
    • List of completed works
  • My works
    • In this assignment I learned...
    • In completing this assignment I learned...
  • Creation
    • My drawings
    • My poems
    • My crafts
  • My interests
    • I am an artist (poet, musician, athlete...)
    • I like…
    • I can…
  • Photos of awards, diplomas and certificates, photos of sports and creative teams
  • Behind last year I found out…
  • Over the past year I have learned...
    • Story, drawing, photographs

Participation in school life

.:: 23.04.2010

“Portfolio for a child” sounds unusual. But in Lately it is increasingly required in schools. When I first heard from my son about the need for a portfolio, I was a little discouraged. Isn't it too early in second grade? Although some schools require a portfolio already in the first year. But gradually, having figured out what this mysterious word was, I liked the idea.

Portfolio for students primary school used by the teacher as alternative way assessment of the child’s personal achievements. For a student, this is a form of representing the individual orientation of his knowledge, skills, interests, programming the success of personal growth, the development of creative thinking, the opportunity to express himself, speak out and make himself known.

No specific ones general requirements There are no portfolios in schools to complete, and its design itself is already a creative work. Quite often, instead of a portfolio, you can hear the term “portfolio of achievements.”

It seems to me that the portfolio is a kind of competitive element, it makes every student think about what he has to show the class and others. Having heard about the portfolio, the children in our class immediately began to think about what they could be proud of. Some people had accumulated enough certificates for participating in competitions, others had nothing, and they had to figure out why it was difficult to ask about their own achievements? Why is there no interest, maybe too low self-esteem? This is a note for parents and teachers.

In our class, it was decided that a portfolio is not only a folder with certificates and diplomas, but it is an opportunity to tell about yourself in an interesting and competent way. Unleash your creative potential.

Objective of the project

record success, in any field. Increase self-esteem and create positive attitude for the future. In addition, compiling a portfolio allows the child to look at himself from the outside.

General design

A portfolio is a folder with a binder. All documents are enclosed in separate glossy files, A4 format. To design the work, use regular A4 paper, paints, pens, pencils, colored paper, decals, stickers, etc. The text can be handwritten or typed on a computer if the child is able to handle it.

Portfolio sections

  • My world (contents)
  • I'm interested

Includes the child's personal information. Last name First name Patronymic, year of birth, city of residence, age. You can decorate the title page to your taste and place a photo on it.

The section replaces the content. In the portfolio that I bring to your attention, the beginning of each section is drawn up on a separate sheet in the form of a presentation: the title of the section and a picture reflecting the image of the topic. Instead of the name “my world”, you can use “my planet”. I think the name is symbolic, because the portfolio reflects small life in all its manifestations, and not at all the book content.

Here it is proposed to tell what the name the parents gave the child means. Tell what kind of character people with this name have, and agree or disagree with this characteristic. Give examples of people who glorified this name. And write a short story about them.

You need to tell about your mom, dad and all those relatives with whom you live. Who are they, where do they work, what do they do, how do they spend their time. What family traditions exist, what place do you occupy in the family and how do you help? And in general, everything that I have to say about myself and my family. There may even be wishes for the future, your own dreams regarding the family. Attached are photographs or drawings.

Who are they, where did you make friends, why do you value your friends, what kind of character do they have? Expand the question: “What kind of friend are you?” Photos of friends and joint games. If you have no friends, this happens. The child is asked to come up with a story about what kind of friend he would like to have.

Every person has some interests, and children usually have many of them, so describe them with pleasure, post pictures, magazine clippings, photographs, descriptions.

So we got to the most important thing. What good is your friend? Well, those who have certificates and diplomas - it’s clear! And if not? Then you need to think... you can be proud that you are a loving son and help your mother, proud that you have learned to read and write without mistakes. Maybe you made a birdhouse for birds, or you got straight A's in behavior, you joined the library yourself and read a lot of books, you know how to do 10 push-ups or sew on buttons... In common child he is invited to find something in himself that will allow him to understand that everything is in his hands, he has something to strive for. Think about what needs to be done to be successful in business.

In this section, you are asked to talk about what surprised you and what you remember most in your life. Impressions of trips, excursions, books read, films and cartoons watched. Attached are photographs, drawings, and clippings.

Here we collect drawings or photos of any handmade work: modeling, drawings, knitting, sewing, appliqués, etc. In addition to these sections, you can include the following:

My school

Separate pages on subjects (what you like, don’t like, opinion about the subject and its necessity). My teachers (attitude towards them, favorite teachers and trainers, what causes respect)

My social work

All useful deeds aimed not at studying, but at maintaining the class, school, family, home are reflected here. Stories about cleanup days, school plays, organizing a hike, etc.

They say that modesty adorns a person, but who knows better about your professional capabilities and the unique skills that you possess? To be in demand modern world, you need to be able to qualitatively and effectively tell others about yourself or your organization. To successfully solve this problem, check out detailed information, how to draw up a portfolio, what types of such a dossier are, what are the rules for filling it out. After looking at examples of the design of such works, you can choose the right template and make an excellent presentation of your achievements.

What is a portfolio

A systematic collection of completed work by a specific person or organization is called a portfolio. As a rule, such a dossier is made in the form of a folder and/or electronic file. By looking at the contents, you can see what achievements a person has and get an idea of ​​what services can be performed by the bearer of this document and at what level. The availability of information about a person’s professional capabilities is associated with people in creative professions – designers, artists, freelancers.

Today, due to the obvious convenience of structuring data, such books have begun to be used by people of different professions - doctors, teachers, educators. Often, a shortened version of a person's list of accomplishments can be displayed on a resume, effectively representing a detailed "Achievements" column. For a student who does not have professional experience after graduation, but who demonstrates success during training seminars or internships, the chances of employment are much higher. A beautiful, logically designed analysis of completed tasks will be useful even for a schoolchild.

School portfolio

School is a place where two worlds seem to meet: a knowledgeable teacher who has a knowledge base, and an inquisitive child’s mind that has begun its learning journey. But both teachers and students will find folders that will display their progress very useful. Each school has developed certain templates, lists of recommendations that explain how to design a folder of achievements for a student, and which sections should be included here. Below you can familiarize yourself with the design features and see examples. ready-made portfolio a teacher, a first grader, a high school student or an entire class.


Such a folder should speak about the successes of the teacher, about the improvement of his qualifications, and indicate active participation not only in the educational process, but also in extracurricular activities at school. It is worth creating such a dossier not only for positive certification, but also for objective self-analysis and planning specific actions aimed at improving professional skills.

Consider an example indicating the main sections of the document.

  • General information– personal data, education, work experience, advanced training, awards, certificates.
  • Portfolio of achievements in pedagogical activity– results of students mastering the program, participation in competitions, medalists.
  • Scientific and methodological activities - participation in professional competitions, development of original programs, scientific work, publication of articles.
  • Extracurricular activities - event scenarios, work in clubs.
  • Educational and material base.


Such a dossier is the result of joint creative activity of the teacher and students. It’s worth starting with a general photograph of the class, a list of children indicating contact information, and the responsibilities they perform at school. Next, prepare separate sheets for each student indicating his personal information, information about his family, indicate his academic achievements, and whether he is involved in clubs.

Check out an example of a class portfolio. It should include the following sections.

  • work and rest plans for students;
  • special achievements in learning (participation in competitions);
  • sporting achievements;
  • creative success (what hobbies do students have, participation in exhibitions, etc.);
  • social activity(for example, subbotniks);
  • joint entertainment (information along with photos).

Primary school student

A primary school child cannot cope with creating a business card on his own. Parents need to help, but not do everything themselves, because even a first-grader will be able to remember his first successes in school. The portfolio of a child who goes to 1st grade looks colorful. This folder differs in appearance depending on the interests and preferences of the child. For example, girls like to depict princesses in their designs, while boys are more interested in cars. Download ready-made templates from free online resources.

High school student

At this age, a teenager has already developed a range of interests and professional inclinations are manifested. A student or student is preparing to enter a university, and a graduate business card is a way to collect together the main achievements for school years, show aspirations, orient yourself when choosing a profession. Such an individual folder must be designed in a clearly structured, strict and concise manner.

Consider an example of a portfolio with the work of a high school student. Remember that the goal is to objectively present the work you have done, for this it is worth including sections here:

  • My portrait is an autobiography.
  • Achievements – copies of certificates, certificates, diplomas, certified by the school administration.
  • Elective courses – preferred subjects, completed elective courses, e.g. foreign language.
  • Olympics, competitions.
  • Research activities.
  • My hobbies - what sections, clubs the student participates in, examples of drawings, poems, essays, etc.

For kindergarten

If we talk about how to properly prepare a portfolio in kindergarten, it is worth noting that the activities of the teacher will be more regulated kindergarten and the group he leads. Such folders should indicate the professional level of the teacher. As for illustrating the skills of a preschooler, this is a creative process for the child and parents. At the same time, the baby learns to monitor the development of his skills. Below are examples of portfolio design for kindergarten.


Such a folder for a teacher is an important attribute when applying for a new position and for certification. There are no clear rules for its preparation, and the dossier of the senior educator or methodologist of the preschool educational institution will differ from each other due to different categories and specifics of work. Before looking at an example of a teacher’s portfolio, check out the sections that can be included in it:

  • teacher's motto, activity goals;
  • brief work history;
  • training;
  • self-education;
  • data on open classes;
  • participation in activities held in kindergarten.


The folder for groups should be made cumulative, so the guys will be able to evaluate the path they have made every few months. Here's some sample content:

  • introduction to the group - indicate the motto, post a general photo of the group, write briefly about all the students;
  • established daily routine;
  • travel through the group - photos of the room’s interior, illustrated with drawings and stories from children;
  • creative exhibitions children;
  • photo reports about the events held;
  • group successes;
  • page for parent reviews.


A portfolio is a good tool for tracking the dynamics of a child’s development, but for kids preschool age it should also be interesting creative activity, which records the baby’s skills and abilities. The data is collected by the teacher and the parent, but the child is explained why it is important for him to fill out these pages independently. In the future, viewing pages is possible only with the consent of the preschooler.

  • about the child’s personality and environment – ​​family, friends, hometown;
  • daily regime;
  • what games he likes to play, what he likes to do;
  • what dreams does the child have, what would he like to achieve;
  • data on physical development;
  • what cognitive and creative skills have been acquired - for example, letters learned, learned to dance;
  • the child’s achievements – certificates, gratitude, photos from participation in competitions;
  • the child’s impressions – from trips, going to the cinema, etc.,
  • reviews and wishes of parents.

How to make a student portfolio

Young people who have entered universities should take a very serious approach to creating a systematic collection of their achievements and acquired skills. A well-designed portfolio will help you find your first workplace, and for some professions, for example, for an architect, without such a collection of works, employment in the specialty is virtually impossible.

How can a student complete this dossier correctly? In a business style, preferably in the form of letterheads. The student must indicate:

  • on the title page - your personal data, name educational institution;
  • what coursework was done, research papers;
  • a list of achievements during your studies, to which must be attached certified copies of documents confirming them;
  • knowledge level;
  • how he demonstrated his professional skills and abilities, for example, during seminars, when writing abstracts, etc.;
  • how you participated in the extracurricular activities of the university;
  • reviews and reviews from teachers.

Professional portfolio of work

This method of systematizing developments is often used by representatives of creative professions, because their activities involve finding fresh solutions and creating new directions in their chosen field of activity. In order not to interrupt the creative flight of thought, such professionals often do not like to be given a strict framework for preparing their portfolio in their specialization, but certain recommendations must be followed when systematizing the results of creative work.

Below are examples and general rules, which will be useful for freelancers in the field of design, programming, photography and for representatives of other creative professions. Example sections of this type of portfolio:

  • thoughtfully designed title page;
  • a brief autobiography indicating professional achievements;
  • examples of the most successful works;
  • customer reviews.


Such a collection of works previously done for other customers is good way advertising and promotion of your services. How to create a copywriter portfolio? It is imperative to talk about your work experience and the number of articles written. Take screenshots from sites where your best articles are published. Constantly update your dossier by posting new work there so that the customer has an idea of ​​the level of your professionalism. Consider an example of the design of similar folders from other copywriters.


The concept of a “designer’s portfolio” is very broad, because both the interior decorator of houses and the web designer who designs the website interface have such a folder or electronic dossier. A graphic designer, whose field of activity is the creation of visual and communicative images, also systematizes his work. To paraphrase a well-known saying, we can say that a book of a designer’s works feeds him, therefore, in addition to a well-designed printed version, the dossier should be posted on a variety of thematic web resources or a personal website.

You can make several portfolios, for example, in one you can place multi-directional works in order to increase the number of clients, and in another you can collect tasks that are interesting to a specific customer with whom you would like to cooperate on an ongoing basis. Select only the best projects for public viewing, you can even include work that was not accepted by the customer, but in which you are absolutely sure that they make sense and they characterize you as unique specialist.


How to create an architectural portfolio? For representatives of such a precise profession, it is better to format a printed collection of work in a discreet business style, and to create a digital dossier, it is better to choose a file format and size that will be convenient to send by email. It is recommended to structure the developments into the following sections:

  • student work;
  • professional projects done at work;
  • personal projects that characterize your vision of objects.

For an architect, graphics and images should speak, not words, so include minimal text in the portfolio structure, using it only for necessary explanations. Include hand-drawn sketches to highlight your personality. Competently systematized and correctly, consistently presented, the architect’s developments are a kind of graphic story about achievements and creative plans.


The finished beech model is hers business card And required condition, negotiations begin with him about her participation in projects, shows or filming. Such a dossier does not develop in one shoot; it consists of a set of photographs that are best ordered from professional photographers. The photographs should reflect the girl’s merits and her ability to transform. Male model beech is less common.

Such a well-made dossier includes:

  • minimalist photos to assess a girl’s external characteristics (such photos are taken against a neutral background, portrait and full-length in underwear or a swimsuit);
  • portrait with unusual hairstyle and makeup;
  • photographs showing how the model knows how to pose, with an emphasis on advantageous angles of the body;
  • photos of advertising posters, magazine shots and photos for the catalogue, showing the ability to advertise products.


How to prepare a book of works for a representative of this creative profession? An artist’s collection can be very different, because each of the representatives of this professional field has his own vision, and also customers require the creation of a wide variety of images. The most the best way out There will be a portfolio that can be easily modified depending on the audience. How general scheme you can use this rough plan the artist's dossier, which states:

  • resume with autobiography;
  • what creative concept the compiler adheres to;
  • samples of completed work.


The most important thing in presenting your professional knowledge by specialists in this field is to take a good portfolio and clearly explain the advantages of working with it specifically. The graphs and diagrams below should complement the information provided. Include in your portfolio materials that demonstrate your ability to develop marketing strategies to promote similar products. When applying for a specific position, you should refer to projects in which you took part, with a specific indication of your role in their implementation.


A collection of evidence of the skill of such a specialist should include many screenshots - examples of the work done. We must also remember to explain special terms so that the texts are easy to read. We need to talk about the technologies used. When leaving links to sites in which you participated, be sure to indicate what part of the work you did. If you already have some experience in this profession, create a business card website where you will display your professional data in a favorable light.


How can a photographer create a portfolio of his work? Although these specialists are often involved in creating these types of dossiers for other people, they, too, will benefit from learning some of the nuances of successfully presenting their work. The photographs he takes will speak about the skill of the photographer, but the first thing to do is to choose the optimal number of them, so that the client has the opportunity to form an impression of the master’s work, but also does not get bored leafing through a voluminous album of similar photographs.

Don’t make a portfolio in one day: after selecting good photos, set them aside for a few days, and then filter them again similar photos. Make a high-quality print of photos, arrange them in an album and at the same time make electronic presentation of your works, for example, as a slide show. You can make several multi-directional portfolios, for example, baby photo, wedding photography. Don’t forget to change and update your dossier by adding new, stylish, successful photographs.

The portfolio was originally conceived as a collection of artwork. were selected for him best works, to highlight the artistic evolution of the author. Portfolios in education have two goals - to reflect representativeness and progress in learning. Let's figure out how to make a portfolio for a 1st grade student.

A new performance assessment tool that is being used effectively is the student portfolio. In order to create it correctly, you first need to determine the goal. And it should be related to how you plan to use the portfolio. For example, to diagnose a student’s performance and mastery of certain skills over a long period of time.

Student participation is necessary in the process of creating a portfolio. It is important that you and your child choose what will be in it. Of course, the portfolio must have several required sections, but the student can select two or three parts of it at will.

How to properly make a portfolio for a schoolchild? In principle, there is no obligatory official model of it. In our case, based on the goals being pursued, the portfolio can be divided into two parts.

The first is a formal structured section. This will contain general information about the student, and all comments and instructions regarding educational process with appropriate assessment. Here you can also place the results of interaction between the teacher and parents, indicating proposals for additional educational activities. This section may also record important findings from the student's extracurricular experiences.

In the informal part materials can be collected individual work student or the results of group classes, as well as school significant tests.

Forming a portfolio is not a one-time process, but a cumulative one. This could be a binder with a large number of transparent structured folders. The portfolio in primary school becomes single for the entire four-year period or consists of four volumes - one for the academic year.

Read on to learn how to make a portfolio for a first-grader yourself.

Let's look at how to make a portfolio for a schoolchild with your own hands using Photoshop.

We have a lot of opportunities to create it. Firstly, you can simply purchase a ready-made template at any bookstore, where, by the way, you should also buy a folder with transparent files for storing materials. Secondly, there are a great variety of portfolio templates on the Internet, as they say, for every taste and color. All you have to do is download it to your computer and print it.

The third option is creative. You can create your own portfolio the way you imagine it, using the well-known Photoshop. To do this, you should first prepare a portfolio in Word, that is, create all the necessary sections and subsections, which then need to be transferred to the layout.


Secrets of a successful portfolio

Before you start filling out the portfolio, you should give your child an introductory briefing and explain to him the following points:

  • Maintaining a portfolio does not mean chasing achievements and being disappointed by failures. Here, as in sports, the main thing is participation. Although you also need to try for results.
  • You should not imitate your friends in maintaining a portfolio. A creative approach, imagination and accuracy are required. You need to develop your individuality.
  • It is important to learn to enjoy your successes, even small ones.
  • You should not fill out your portfolio in a bad mood.

Completed portfolio of a primary school student: sample filling

The portfolio opens with a title page. Here personal information is indicated and a photograph of the first grader is placed. Now let's take a closer look at each section.

"The world around me". In this section you can place the following information:

  • a story about yourself, your name and family;
  • about close friends;
  • world of hobbies;
  • about your impressions and adventures;
  • about home and school.

“My tasks and goals”:

  • forward-looking curriculum;
  • extracurricular activities - sports, clubs, sections.
  • "Social work":
  • information about completed orders;
  • information about participation in the life of the school community.

"Achievements". In this section, materials should be placed in chronological order to make it easier to track the progress of personal achievements:

  • best creative works;
  • positive feedback from teachers;
  • diplomas and awards;
  • participation in school Olympiads and competitions.

“Study materials”:

  • written work (can be distributed by subject);
  • significant test results.
  • “Interaction between teacher and parents”:
  • suggestions for additional educational activities;
  • information about behavior discipline.

Already in elementary school modern system In education, children are encouraged to create a portfolio. You can hear so many comments from parents on this matter. Indeed, schooling is often shifted to parents, who need to have modern printers (color), scanners, etc. at home.

From the teacher’s experience, the situation is such that not all parents understand what e-mail is, not to mention the presence of color printing devices. Let's try to figure out how to design the title page of a primary school student's portfolio on this page.

Usually the teacher voices his requirements for registration, but if the child was absent or missed this information, you can use the following recommendations.

The portfolio title page contains the following information:

  • the name of the institution;
  • last name, first name, patronymic of the student;
  • photo (optional) - at the request of the child.

The class is not indicated, since the portfolio can represent the student’s achievements over several years.

Essentially, an elementary school student's portfolio represents a folder of your child's achievements. It is very convenient to use folders - files and folder - folder.

You can put certificates, drawings, applications, etc. in separate folders. Ultimately, as the student grows up, certificates are mostly needed. They are used to participate in various competitions and olympiads. As a rule, there are restrictions for a certain period of time. The word “student” is a bit harsh on the ears, it suggests a student or a student, but the Federal State Educational Standard defines the education standard that way. The child is studying at school.

You can add a section like autobiography. The child can write briefly about himself. The achievements folder contains information not only about certificates, but also about participation in various competitions and events.

And if you don’t have a color printer, but your child is active and participates in sections and clubs, believe me, his portfolio will be of more value than a bright one printed from the Internet, although it looks simpler. But these will be his personal achievements, which both you and your child have the right to be proud of, and the design title page complete the portfolio on a black and white printer.