
Time management and daily routine. The daily routine in the military units of the Russian army The regime in the army on weekends

The daily routine in the military unit

Time management and daily routine

The distribution of time in a military unit is carried out in such a way as to ensure constant combat readiness of personnel and create conditions for conducting organized combat training, maintaining order, military discipline and educating military personnel, raising their cultural level, timely rest and eating.

The length of service time for conscripted military personnel is determined by the daily routine of the military unit.

Combat duty, exercises, ship cruises and other activities, the list of which is determined by the Minister of Defense Russian Federation, are conducted without limiting the total duration of the weekly service time.

The daily routine provides for time for morning physical exercises, morning and evening dressing, morning inspection, training sessions and preparation for them, maintenance of weapons and military equipment, educational, cultural, leisure and sports activities, informing personnel, watching TV programs , personal needs of military personnel (at least 2 hours) and 8 hours for sleep.

The intervals between meals should not exceed 7 hours. After lunch, classes or work should not be carried out for at least 30 minutes.

Every week, the regiment holds a park and maintenance day to maintain weapons, military equipment and other materiel, put military camps in order and perform other work. On the same tribute, general cleaning of all premises is usually carried out, as well as washing of personnel in the bath.

Sunday and holidays are days of rest for all personnel, except for those on combat duty and serving in daily duty.

On the eve of days of rest, concerts, film screenings and other events for conscripted military personnel are allowed to end 1 hour later than usual, and rise on rest days is later than usual, at the hour set by the commander of the military unit.

6.50 - The rise of the deputy platoon commanders

7.00 General rise

7.10-7.40 - Morning exercise

7.40-8.05 - Morning toilet

8.10—8.20 - Morning inspection

8.30-8.50 - Checking readiness for classes

9.00-9.20 - Breakfast

9.25-9.55 - Personnel information

10.00-10.50 - Training sessions 1 hour

11.00-11.50 - Training sessions 2nd hour

12.00-12.50 - Training sessions 3rd hour

14.15-15.05 - Training sessions 4th hour

13.15-13.45 - Lunch

13.45-14.15 - Time for personal needs

15.05-16.55 - Preparation of guards and daily duty

17.00-17.50 - Practical classes

18.00-18.50 - Educational and sports work

19.00-19.50 - Maintenance of weapons

20.00-21.20 - Time for the personal needs of military personnel

21.20-21.40 - Dinner

21.40-22.00 - Watching TV programs

22.00-22.15 - Evening walk

22.15-22.30 - Evening check

22.30-23.00 - Evening toilet

23.00 - Lights out

All buildings, premises and sections of the territory of the regiment must always be kept clean and tidy. Each commander (chief) is responsible for correct use buildings and premises, for the safety of furniture, inventory and equipment.

The premises and facades of buildings must be painted with the colors of the established colors.

The rooms must be numbered. On the outside front door each room is hung out with a sign indicating the number of the room and its purpose (Appendix No. 11), and inside each room - an inventory of the property located in it.

The property is numbered from the front side and entered in the accounting book, which is stored in the office of the company.

Property assigned to a subunit cannot be transferred to another subunit without the permission of the regimental commander.

It is prohibited to transfer furniture, inventory and equipment from one military camp to another.

In the dormitories of the barracks, living rooms of the dormitory or other premises for personnel, in a conspicuous place, the daily routine, duty time regulations, class schedule, sheets of orders, the layout of personnel, an inventory of property and necessary instructions, and TVs, radio equipment, refrigerators and other household appliances can also be installed.

Portraits and paintings hung in rooms (premises) should be framed, and posters and other visual aids should be on slats. It is allowed to have flowers in the rooms, and neat plain curtains on the windows.

Glasses in the windows of the lower floors facing the streets of settlements should be frosted or painted with white paint to the required height.

Entrance doors to the barracks (dormitory) are equipped with a viewing eye, a reliable internal lock and an audible alarm with an output to the orderly unit. Metal bars with internal locks are installed on the windows of the lower floors.

In all residential premises where there is running water, fountains are equipped for drinking water, and in rooms where there is no running water, cisterns closed with a lock are installed with drinking water which are equipped with water taps. Tanks are daily rinsed and filled with fresh drinking water under the supervision of the company duty officer, they are disinfected once a week. The keys to the tanks are kept by the company officer on duty.

All premises are provided with a sufficient number of litter bins, and smoking areas - urns with water (disinfectant liquid).

At the external entrances to the premises there should be devices for cleaning shoes from dirt and rubbish bins.

Daily morning cleaning of the sleeping quarters in the barracks and living rooms in the dormitory is carried out by regular cleaners under the direct supervision of the company on duty. Regular cleaners are not exempted from classes.

Regular cleaners are required to: sweep the garbage from under the beds and bedside tables, sweep in the aisles between the rows of beds, if necessary, wipe the floor with a damp cloth, take out the garbage to the designated place, remove dust from windows, doors, cabinets, drawers and other items.

Daily cleaning of the premises of the barracks and hostel and maintenance of cleanliness in them during classes are assigned to the company's daily outfit.

In addition to daily cleaning, once a week, a general cleaning of all premises is carried out under the guidance of the foreman of the company. During general cleaning, bedding (mattresses, pillows, blankets) should be taken out into the yard for shaking and airing. Before rubbing the floors with mastic, they are cleaned of dirt and wiped with damp rags.

Floors, if not rubbed with mastic, are washed at least once a week. Washing floors with water is prohibited.

In canteens, bakeries and bakeries, all equipment and inventory are marked, kept clean and tidy; dishes after eating should be cleaned, washed, scalded with boiling water and dried. Dishes are stored on racks or in special cabinets.

Dormer windows of buildings should be closed in winter, and open in summer, but protected by special bars.

In attics, in places remote from chimneys, only winter window casings can be stored. Attics, dryers, cellars are locked, the keys to them are kept by the duty officer of the unit that is responsible for the maintenance of these premises.

Toilets should be kept clean, disinfected daily, well ventilated and lit. Inventory for their cleaning is stored in a specially designated place (cupboard). Supervision of the maintenance of toilets is entrusted to foremen of divisions, sanitary instructors and duty officers in companies.

Outdoor toilets are arranged with waterproof cesspools at a distance of 40 - 100 meters from residential premises, canteens and bakeries (bakeries). In the northern regions, this distance may be less. Paths to outdoor toilets are illuminated at night. If necessary (at night) during the cold season, urinals are equipped in specially designated rooms.

Cesspools of toilets are cleaned and disinfected in a timely manner.

Without the permission of the housing maintenance and fire authorities, it is prohibited to re-plan the premises, transfer and dismantle existing and erect new buildings, lay internal electrical networks, communication lines, signaling and television antenna inputs, as well as install temporary and install new furnaces.

Repair of equipment and networks of power supply, gas supply and central heating is carried out by the forces of the apartment maintenance service or by persons having special training and a license to perform it.

It is forbidden to march in step in the barracks (dormitory).

The distribution of time in a military unit is carried out in such a way as to ensure its constant combat readiness and create conditions for conducting organized combat training of personnel, maintaining order, military discipline and educating military personnel, raising their cultural level, comprehensive consumer services, timely rest and eating.

The total duration of the weekly service time of military personnel serving under the contract must not exceed the duration of the working time, established by law Russian Federation on labor. The length of service time for conscripted military personnel is determined by the daily routine of the military unit.

Combat duty (combat service), exercises, cruises of ships and other events, the list of which is determined by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, are carried out without limiting the total duration of weekly service time.

Military personnel undergoing military service by conscription, as well as military personnel undergoing military service under a contract in military educational institutions vocational education and training military units, at least one day of rest is provided weekly. The rest of the servicemen who are doing military service under the contract are provided with at least one day of rest weekly, but not less than 6 days of rest per month.

Urgent measures directly related to the combat and mobilization readiness of a military unit are carried out by order of its commander at any time of the day with the provision of rest for at least 4 hours to military personnel.

Officers and ensigns involved in the performance of military service duties on weekends and holidays are provided with rest on other days of the week by the decision of the unit (unit) commander, taking into account the interests of the service. The duration of rest should not exceed the time spent in the service on weekends and holidays.

In the case of involvement of military personnel undergoing military service under the contract, to the performance of military service duties in excess of fixed duration weekly duty time and the inability to compensate for it with rest on other days of the week, such time is summed up and provided to military personnel in the form of additional days of rest, which can be added to the main leave.

The distribution of time in a military unit during the day, and according to some provisions and during the week, is carried out by the daily routine and regulations of official time.

The daily routine of the military unit determines the timing of the implementation of the main activities of daily activities, study and life of the personnel of the units and the headquarters of the military unit.

The regulations for the service time of military servicemen undergoing military service under a contract, in addition to the daily routine, establish the terms and duration of the performance by these servicemen of the main activities arising from the duties of military service.

The daily routine and duty time regulations are established by the commander of a military unit or formation, taking into account the type of the Armed Forces and the type of troops, the tasks facing the military unit, the season, local and climatic conditions. They are developed for the period of training and can be specified by the commander of a military unit (formation) for the period of combat firing, field exits, exercises, maneuvers, ship cruises, combat duty (combat service), service in daily duty, guard and other events, taking into account the peculiarities their implementation.

The daily routine of a military unit is in the documentation of the daily duty, and the regulations for the service time of military personnel serving under a contract are at the headquarters of the military unit and in the offices of units.

The daily routine should include time for morning physical exercises, morning and evening dressing, morning inspection, training sessions and preparation for them, changing special (working) clothes, cleaning shoes and washing hands before eating, eating, caring for weapons and military equipment, educational, cultural, leisure and sports work, informing personnel, listening to radio and watching TV programs, receiving patients at a medical center, personal needs of military personnel (at least 2 hours), evening walks, checking and 8 hours of sleep .

Intervals between meals should not exceed 7 hours

After lunch, there should be no classes or work for at least 30 minutes.

Meetings, meetings, as well as performances, films and other social events must end before the evening walk.

The duty time regulations for military personnel undergoing military service under a contract should provide for the time of their arrival and departure from service, the time for a break for eating (lunch), self-training (at least 4 hours a week), daily preparation for classes and time for physical training total duration at least 3 hours per week).

When determining the duty time regulations, the need for military personnel to fulfill official duties in accordance with the daily routine, as well as activities aimed at maintaining a military unit (subunit) in constant combat readiness.

The duty time regulations for combat duty and service in daily duty are determined by military regulations and relevant instructions.

Round-the-clock duty in a military unit and subunit of officers, warrant officers and midshipmen who are not included in the daily duty, as well as the appointment of various responsible officers to the established outfit, can only be introduced in exceptional cases for a limited time by the commander of the troops of the military district, front, group of troops, fleet.

Every week, the regiment holds a park and maintenance day to maintain weapons, military equipment and other materiel, equip and improve parks and facilities. educational and material base, putting in order military camps and performing other works. On the same day, a general cleaning of all premises is usually carried out, as well as a bathing of personnel in the bath.

In addition, in order to maintain weapons and military equipment in constant combat readiness, park days are held in the regiment with the involvement of all personnel.

Park and economic and park days are held according to plans developed by the headquarters of the regiment together with the deputy commanders of the regiment for armaments and logistics and approved by the commander of the regiment. Extracts from the plans are brought to the departments.

To manage the work on park and business days, primarily for the maintenance of weapons, military equipment and ammunition, a minimum number of officers and ensigns is appointed in order of priority. They are given a day of rest during the week.

Sundays and holidays are days of rest for all personnel, except for those on combat duty (combat service) and serving in daily duty. On these days, as well as in their free time, cultural and leisure work, sports competitions and games are held with the personnel.

On the eve of days of rest, concerts, films and other events for conscripted military personnel are allowed to end 1 hour later than usual, to rise on rest days later than usual, at the hour set by the commander of the military unit.

On rest days, morning physical exercises are not carried out.

Who was not in the Army, he does not understand

how you want to eat, how you want to sleep...

Only the door creaked, and the orderly was already yelling: “The company on duty to the exit!”. A sleepy company commander appeared in the doorway. The officer on duty in the company, who crouched (dozed off) in the office from the orderly, almost fell over with his chair. On the run, grabbing and dressing, at the same time the cap and badge of the company officer on duty, runs out to the door.

With a drill triple step, going up to the officer and putting right hand to the place at the temple he reports: “Comrade (officer rank), there were no incidents during my duty, the company in full force is sleeping, the sergeant “Pupkin” on duty in the company.

"At ease," says the company commander, and turning to the orderly: "Duty, raise your company."

"Soldiers get up!!!" - the loud exclamation of the orderly on the bedside table interrupted and so short, but sweet dream fighters.

“I’ll be in my office,” the company commander grunted to the duty officer as he left, yawning.

The terribly “good” morning of the next, so far unusual day has come in a new place, in our Russian Army.

You can say the first Army day June 26, 2000. Monday is a tough day. International day against drug addiction. Day of the inventor and innovator,

You need to get dressed in 45 seconds or while a match is burning in the sergeant's hand.

Building a company on a “take-off”, refueling in a neat appearance proper to a soldier and a report from the duty officer to the company commander that the company has been built.

I forgot to say - I had the 12th company, if my memory serves me right. I don't remember which battalion exactly.

Uniform… running for exercise… march!

Everything is done by running. Building by running, for charging by running. We run with the whole company, about 100 people along the paved path to the parade ground.

We run together, without question, sometimes stammering and stumbling, muttering to ourselves: “How did I get here, I want to go home,” they all ran one after another, lining up in a column of three for exercise, singing Vysotsky: “If you are in your apartment, lie down on gender 3 - 4", found out?

After charging, again in the barracks, in 10 minutes, get dressed, wash, brush your teeth, go to the toilet and line up in the barracks to go to the parade ground, where we will be greeted by the brigade commanders, after checking the personnel.

In the washbasins, the water was exceptionally cold, and with the advent of frost, it was completely icy.

The most inconvenient thing was to shave in cold water, and it was necessary to shave daily, this was closely monitored.

I also had to wash my feet with ice water in preparation for lights out. Fatigue washed away like a hand, but only until the next nightmarish morning. It was not customary to wash your hair under ice water, your brains froze completely, and almost immediately ...

And to shave on a bald head fourth in number with one blade of kaput to Hitler all the more advanced. But all this prepared us, as it turned out later, for the harsher conditions of life in the Army.

And so, clearly minting a step, pulling up and equaling to the right, after the command: “Company, alignment to the right,” they passed an honorary circle along the parade ground, and all the companies are slowly heading to the dining room for breakfast with a marching step and their songs.

There today they give dry barley porridge (bolts), tea, a piece of bread and a piece of dosed butter.

All this does not bring joy to anyone from the feast that is on your table: half almost turns back, the other half, having eaten part of the porridge and washing it all down with tea with bread and butter, sits, waiting for the command to leave.

And in our head we still remembered the air, which was saturated with the smell of pies and freshly baked bread with milk, and as they say here, mother's or grandmother's pies had not yet been digested and did not come out naturally. Finally, the command of our company commander sounded:

“... The company ... finish the meal, go out to line up in a column of three”, and we “joyfully” go, chasing a step into the smoking room for 5 minutes, then

having smoked, we go to the barracks, where we make the beds properly, pulling and making edgings.

You can’t sit or lie down on the bed until the lights out. Throughout the day, nothing and no one should lie on it and “Press on the mass” - that is, sleep ...

You can only sit on a stool. Each soldier had to have his own stool.

In addition to a bed and a stool, a soldier is also allocated half a bedside table (one bedside table for two soldiers). There should not be anything superfluous in this nightstand.

On the top shelf should be only - "soap-ryolnye" accessories: Toothbrush, toothpaste, razors, unless of course they are. And "Elephant" - Army, the cheapest soap.

On the middle shelf should be: a notebook, a pen (pencil), hemming or fabric for hemming (necessarily in a bag), toilet paper, shaving accessories - this is foam, cream, spare machines. It is also allowed to store books and cigarettes, but no more than 2 packs per person.

On the bottom shelf you can store cream and a brush for shoes. Over time, everything went somewhere in the most amazing way. Constantly someone "communized"

Reference, definition: "Communize"- to steal, to take without asking.

And after all, you won’t find the ends, not to mention the “rat”.

Help, definition: "Rat"(close) - A soldier seen in


Each of them hung a waffle towel on the shackle of their bed. But as always, not for long.

Suddenly, the command of the company commander sounds through the orderly: “Company, get up for the morning inspection!”

And ... only now everyone is headlong running to clean their boots, and there are only three brushes for the whole company.

After cleaning the boots, we immediately line up in two lines opposite each other.

The examination of the appearance began: they pass a fist on the chin, pricked - you got it in the chin, you go to shave. Many times you get caught - they shave with a lighter or a waffle towel.

They check the edging (shaved strip of hair on the back of the head) - if it is not there or it is crooked - with the edge of the palm along the neck;

They check for cleanliness and proper sewing of the hemming - if it is dirty or poorly hemmed, then it immediately comes off, and you get a “cookie” (hit with a badge on the palm of your hand);

Help, definition: "Hemming"- White collar, a strip of white fabric that is sewn on the collar of a tunic or simply on the collar of a garment. Serves for the prevention of surface hygiene skin in contact with clothing. Sewn on every morning or evening. The white collar is a symbol of the soldier's cleanliness and tidiness!

Help, definition: "Cheesecake, cookie, gingerbread"- different kinds blows (on the neck, on the forehead, etc.). There are more "Sour cream"- a slap on the forehead, and "Glass of beer"- a blow to the kidneys.

Check for the presence of BZCH. Those who don't have it are issued.

Reference, definition: "BZCH"- A set in the form of three ordinary needles with white, green and black thread wound around them, respectively, in a headdress. These needles and thread are arranged in the order of contamination. Hence the name. But they soon began to disappear, not to mention the buttons on the jackets and trousers.

Checking the nails - if there are white tips on the edge of the nail, then you get a “seed” - you put your fingers as if you are holding a seed in them and you get on the nails either with a plaque or with the handle of an orderly knife (if, of course, the knife is available);

If the sergeant was able to turn the badge on your belt for you, then for each turn you get a “cookie”, they can also tighten the belt to fit your head, and if he is not in the mood yet, he can fix the size of the belt by kicking the badge “forever”.

If they find that your boots are not polished or do not shine properly, then you go to clean them again. Over and over until the reviewers like it.

The contents of the pockets for inspection - you put everything that you do not need in the hat, but there must be a handkerchief with a comb stored in the right wrist pocket.

Sometimes they check the presence of footcloths and the absence of socks. After everyone has eliminated their flaws in form and appearance, the company commander, and most likely a sergeant or duty sergeant, makes a verification.

New orderlies and duty officers are appointed according to the list, or according to the "stray". Reading and memorizing the charter - mainly with regard to duty. The duty officer is obliged ... or the orderly is obliged ...

If you don’t study in any way or when you surrender to the senior call and forgot the words, then you take the emphasis while lying down and learn by opening the charter while pushing up from the floor.

And so on until you learn. Useful thing. If it does not reach through the head, then it will reach through the arms or legs

... Cleaning window frames from old paint with pieces of broken glass (we have repairs in the brigade in full swing on our own)!

The checking sergeant, passing by me, saw how I was doing it, said: “What are you driving like in the palm of your hand?

Take off the paint harder, ”and showed me how to do it, taking my piece of glass. "Here, continue in the same spirit!", Giving me back the glass.

Urrrr, Dinner!

A smoke break in the smoking room. An hour later, though, I want to eat again ...

The order of the company commander: "Tear the grass with your hands between the trees and throughout the territory that is located near our barracks." Full pipets. Here is the ass.

Help, definition:here "Ass"- a hopeless situation.

It turns out that even such a phenomenon as tearing grass with your hands has a definition, which I would never have thought that it even exists. And this definition of this type of soldier training is called as follows:

Operation Grasshopper

The officers, having felt the lyrical mood of the soldiers, in order to raise their morale, carry out the Grasshopper operation! All young soldiers, under the direction of one, two or more old-timers, are taken to pluck the grass in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe territory entrusted to them.

Although special tools for mowing the grass can also be used, the officers are still confident that smoother results can only be achieved in this way.

A company of soldiers nibbling grass from afar resembles a bunch of schoolchildren catching grasshoppers for a living corner, for which this event was called Operation Grasshopper.

And what to do ... I had to do this. Everyone's hands were cut.

So, it means that we drove through the “grasshopper”, and I continue my reasoning: “It’s good that in winter they didn’t force trees and leaves to be painted on them in green color, as we were told even before the Army, in short, stories close to reality. They only did edging on snowdrifts. It was fun to make them.

The best I consider such well-known types of "kacha" in the Army as:

"Brotherly Squats".

This is done as follows: 2 lines of fighters line up, everyone hugs, or puts their hands on the shoulders of a neighbor.

On the count of times - the first rank squats, on the count of two the second rank squats - the first gets up, each fighter counts 10 times, then counts the next one, and so on until everyone counts - if a wave forms (someone squats out of time) - the score resets and everything starts

"Push ups"

At once you touch the floor with your chest, you straighten your arms for two, one and a half -

bend your arms in half in this position, you can spend quite a long time.

You do push-ups on your fists so that after such exercises a puddle of sweat forms under you - standing at one and a half becomes slippery and uncomfortable.

And you do this until the company or sergeant seems to have had enough or when he gets bored. It's especially bad to stand on your fists on pebbles or asphalt. You erase your fists into blood, and they do not heal for a long time.

It comes very intelligibly, if you didn’t understand something before, or squinted, or was stupid. After such a "pump" you begin to understand perfectly and rustle like a fucking electric broom.

Once, after another “pump”, while we were doing push-ups and thus gaining strength, the senior call from the sergeants said the phrase: “Get up, they are gone!”, - and with a laugh of our last strength, we crashed onto the floor of the barracks.

Help, definition: "Kach"or "pumping"- intensive, meaningless sports activities to the physical and moral exhaustion of "athletes".

"Swing" - to perform physical exercises in large quantities, most often under duress by senior soldiers. As someone said: “Patience is a reflection of strength! And in order to stand against all the hardships of the Army service, willpower is needed! and she comes!

I used to think that there should be order in the Army, in fact it turned out that it seemed. One "window dressing".

The length of service time for conscripted military personnel is determined by the daily routine of the military unit.

In the army, as well as in a sanatorium, there is such a thing as a "daily routine." I hope this doesn't surprise you.

The load on the soldiers is distributed in such a way that, first of all, the constant combat readiness of the unit is ensured. That is, everything is done so that you can enter the battle fed, rested and trained at any time. And therefore, you should have time for combat training, maintaining order, strengthening discipline, for cultivating an army spirit in yourself, raising your cultural level, for solving everyday problems (I'm talking about patching holes in boots and uniforms, cutting, hemming collars and much more) good rest and eating.

For rest, in accordance with the daily routine, military personnel are given from four to eight hours.

The daily routine is established by the commander of the military unit, taking into account the type of the Armed Forces and the type of troops, the tasks facing the military unit, the season, local and climatic conditions.

The whole daily routine is aimed at ensuring that the soldiers, if possible, are busy with some business. For some reason, some commanders believe that the presence of free (personal) time provokes soldiers to AWOL, hazing and committing some other illegal acts. Sometimes officers get so used to this style of leadership that they transfer it to civilian life, sometimes getting into completely ridiculous situations.

“It happened during my studies at the university, at that time we had classes at the military department. Building on the parade ground, the distribution of shovels. Marching march to the nearest boiler room. And our commander-in-chief colonel is at a loss: “A crowd of unconcerned intellectuals is not good. While you are digging here, I will go and ask where it is necessary.

Did you smile? Then we move on to what should be provided for in the daily routine.

I list: the time for morning physical exercises, morning and evening tours, morning formation, training sessions and preparation for them, changing special (working) clothes, cleaning shoes and washing hands before eating, eating, caring for weapons and military equipment, for participation in educational, cultural and sports and leisure activities, listening to radio and watching TV programs, time to visit a medical center, for the personal needs of military personnel (at least two hours), evening walks, verification and eight hours for sleep .

That's it. It only took you at least a minute to perceive this information. And father commanders should not only organize you for exemplary performance of these cases, but also prepare notes, approve them and then convey to you the necessary information in an accessible form.

In addition, you should know that the intervals between meals should not exceed seven hours. Extending this time is against the law. And you have the right to complain to the commander about this violation, if you are not afraid of a response.

So that soldiers do not have health problems, in particular diseases digestive tract, after lunch for at least thirty minutes, no classes or work should be carried out. This is how you take care of your health.

You will be surprised, but there are days off in the army. By statute. - rest days. These days are Sundays and public holidays. On these days, as well as in their free time, cultural work, various leisure activities, sports competitions and games are carried out with the personnel. I was always looking forward to such “holiday Sunday” sports competitions in the three-kilometer run with a shudder. Remember that personnel should not spend their free time unorganized?

One of the indulgences on weekends is that there is no morning physical exercise on these days, and eggs are given out for breakfast, plus some kind of military-patriotic film is shown in the club, for example, about Chapaev. But, as I said, all the joy from this is reduced to nothing by organized sports events.

On the eve of days of rest, concerts, films and other entertainment for military personnel are allowed to end 1 hour later than usual, to rise on rest days later than usual, at the hour set by the commander of the military unit. As a rule, the matter is limited to simply adding an hour of sleep on Sunday. You will be in the army - you yourself will understand the value of this gift.

Now let's see how the standard Day of a member of the Armed Forces is shaping up.

Who are the most miserable people in the army? Deputy platoon commanders and foremen of companies. They are raised exactly 10 minutes before the rise of all personnel. Because a soldier must know that his commander is not sleeping, but is reflecting on the fate of the entire army as a whole and his unit in particular. Well, besides, it helps His comrades-in-arms in getting up, affectionately encouraging those who are especially sleepy with various words.

After the rise, morning physical exercises, cleaning of premises and territory, making beds, morning toilet and morning construction are carried out. ~

You already know a little about physical exercise. I will say a few more words about her. Physical exercise, as a rule, is running in formation over rough or not very terrain, followed by exercise. Usually this is an occupation for soldiers of the first year of service. Well, for those who do not want to have a sagging tummy and flabby muscles.

White bone - "old men" sleep in various places inaccessible to the officer's eye. But there are stories among conscripts that there were cases when the watchful eye of the commander did not notice the "grandfather" sleeping sweetly in bed in the middle of the barracks. You probably already guessed that I was also an old-timer. And I also heard a lot of such tales.

Making beds, as I have already said, includes not only keeping your bed in exemplary order, but also aligning the beds in one line. Most often, a regular thread is used as a level. The first steps in this difficult matter will be difficult for you, but you are not the first and you are not the last to master this science - for sure, after a while, your less fortunate colleagues will begin to envy you. So even will be your rows of beds, lined up by you.

The morning formation is necessary so that the commander can make sure that the employees of the unit entrusted to him are present at full strength and their appearance complies with sanitary and hygienic standards.

For the morning verification, the deputy commanders of platoons or squads lead their units to line up. The company officer on duty, upon completion of the formation, reports to the foreman on the readiness of the company. At the command of the foreman of the company, deputy platoon commanders and squad leaders conduct a morning inspection.

During this time, you can file a complaint with disease state organism. Those in need of medical assistance, the duty officer of the company writes down the records of patients in the book for referral to the medical center.

During the morning inspection, the squad commanders give orders to eliminate the identified shortcomings, check their implementation and report the results of the inspection to the deputy platoon commanders, and they, in turn, report to the foreman of the company: So if your button is not sewn well enough or, God forbid, if you have a runny nose, the foreman will immediately fly up to you and eliminate the mess. Depending on what happened to you. Kidding.

Since some military personnel are careless about personal hygiene, the condition of your body, as well as underwear, is also periodically checked by commanders.

What did they turn to Special attention in the part where I served? Basically, how well the collar is hemmed (this is a strip of white fabric sewn to the collar of the uniform, according to the rules, every evening), how clean it is, whether footcloths and legs are clean, what condition the uniform itself is in, a handkerchief, whether us with us threads and needles, whether the belt buckle and boots are polished, whether the soldiers are cut short.

After the morning inspection, there usually remained some time before the arrival of the officers, and therefore, as I have already said, it had to be occupied with something socially useful. To solve this problem, one of the two most common options is usually chosen. In the first case, you run a cross just like that or for a while, in the second, you sit and listen to how our satellites surf the expanses of space and the enemies of the young Russian state weave networks around the emerging democracy. At times Soviet Union this event was called political information.

Upon the arrival of the officers, a divorce follows, at which it turns out what percentage of the total number of fighters is present in the unit, and which one went on the run. I hasten to reassure - in my lifetime there have always been 100 or more percent of fighters.

After that, the fighters are sent to study, work or service equipment. With a break for lunch.

After the officers, with the exception of those on duty in the unit, leave its location, you will again be engaged in mass sports work or political studies. Depending on what the father commanders choose for you.

Some free time is allocated in the evening so that you can prepare for next day: sew on a collar, iron or wash the uniform, write a letter about the difficulties and hardships of army life and send it to mom and dad.

A little about letters. I don’t know what part of our letters was looked through by the competent authorities, but in our part there was a case when they read out a letter from a construction battalion worker before the formation that he was fighting, shooting, killing. In general, he serves knee-deep in blood, about which he notifies his relatives.

The conclusion follows from this: do not send home those lines that you would not like to show to outsiders. Don't write about things that don't exist. Don't worry your loved ones. If you want to give a signal, agree on it in advance. For example, "Say hello to Aunt Klava" may mean: "Come soon. I'm in big trouble." I will say right away that I did not have any conditioned signals, and I tried to keep my relatives away from my problems - I thought that I could handle everything myself and there was no point in worrying my relatives. -

Know that the army is not a desert island and you have the opportunity to see relatives who have come to watch your service. You will be notified that they have arrived and, depending on your relationship with your superiors, you will be allowed or not allowed to meet. I don't remember a time when a meeting was not allowed. But at the same time, I tried my best to dissuade my relatives from traveling a thousand miles - for a couple of hours spent with relatives, then you pay with homesickness for about a month. But again, I'm talking about myself. Maybe you feel completely different about it.

Just in case, I will describe how it all should happen.

A visit to a serviceman is allowed by the company commander at the time established by the daily routine, in a specially designated room or other room for visitors. Please note that it does not say that only relatives can visit you. In order to meet with a soldier, the permission of the duty officer of the regiment is required.

Finding him is quite simple - you must say that you came to your son (brother, great-nephew, etc., etc.), the first trustworthy soldier who came across at the checkpoint. He will let the attendant know. How fast? It depends on many factors. From his personal promptness and the promptness of the duty officer himself. From their attitude to the visitor (maybe they have hidden or obvious enmity?).

In addition to direct communication with the military, with the permission of the regiment commander, relatives of conscripts and other persons can visit the barracks, canteen and other premises to get acquainted with the life and life of soldiers. In this case, the guide will be a serviceman specially trained for this, who will not blurt out too much. I remind you of the observance of state secrets. In order to preserve it, unauthorized persons are not allowed to spend the night in the barracks and other premises on the territory of the unit.

It is clear that, as we have already explained, sobriety is the norm of life in the army, and therefore visitors with Alcoholic drinks or in a state of intoxication are not allowed to visit military personnel. So that bad habits during a trip to a child or fiance, it is better to leave at home. Otherwise, the soldier will be left without a long-awaited meeting.

In the middle of my life, I found that there was nothing to write about in letters. Everything is the same.

Usual army routine. But it's also impossible not to write. And relatives, as luck would have it, a decent amount. So I started scribbling about charters, about the daily routine. Something similar to what I am writing now for you. In this case, you can compose one letter and then multiply it. by all accessible ways. I had to rewrite the same thing several times with my own hand. If you have very impressionable and restless parents and make you write too often, in your opinion, then write short messages in a few lines. Something like "I'm alive, what I wish you." Throw it in the mailbox and continue to serve with a sense of accomplishment.

Real story (happened in 1985 in Murmansk, in one of the parts of the Soviet Army). A guy from Leningrad, Kaloshin, remembered that he had not written to his parents for two months. And the guys from the unit were just on a patrol around the city, he gave the young Kazakh, Konorbaev, the address of their parents and money and said: “Send a telegram, they say, alive and well, details by letter.” A day later, he came from the patrol. "Sent a telegram?" - "Sent." A day later, Kaloshin's mother arrived, all in tears. She received the following telegram: “Kaloshin is alive. Details by letter. Konorbaev.

Did you laugh? Now imagine that this could happen to you. For those who like to embellish, I will give another story.

Imagine, there is a duty officer at the checkpoint, at that time an elderly married couple comes up, apparently from somewhere in Central Asia, and asks: “Where is your tank unit here? Our son is a tanker.” The duty officer politely replies that there is no tank unit nearby. The woman says how it is, they say, no, their son is a tanker and wrote that he serves here. The duty officer repeats his previous answer, adding that he has been serving for the second year and knows for sure that there are no tankers nearby. Then the woman gives her last argument, shows a photo of her son from the army. The duty officer went into hysterics: in the photo, proudly drawing himself up, this “tanker” is captured, leaning out to the waist from the sewer manhole and holding the lid in front of him.

After completing the letter writing and preparing for tomorrow for us, in order to increase the ideological mood, a viewing of the evening information program was arranged.

In the evening, before the verification, under the guidance of the foreman of the company or one of the deputy platoon commanders, an evening walk is carried out to improve the quality of sleep of the personnel. During the evening walk, the above-mentioned personnel perform marching songs on patriotic themes and in every possible way prepare themselves for the eight-hour journey from the kingdom of Mars to the kingdom of Morpheus. For those who are not very familiar with mythology, I explain: Mars is the god of war, and Morpheus is the god of sleep. Now you know it. If possible, the song is present in the ranks not only in the evening, but also at any other time: when going to the dining room, when returning from the parade ground after the show, during other movements on the territory of the unit and outside it.

In connection with the songs, I remember two episodes of army life. The first one was connected with my desire to become a leader at least once. It is not clear where such a craving came from, but it was present for some time and burned me from the inside. As a result, at one of the reviews, I was somehow appointed to the position of the leader, because the real leader, seasoned in campaigns, was on guard. I sang the first verse and sang it valiantly. During the chorus, which was sung by the whole system, the realization came to me that I did not remember the second verse very well. With a titanic effort, I remembered it at the last moment, and, when it was played, my voice suddenly broke and rose in a disgusting, piercing note. I, on reflection, humiliated and offended by what had happened, stopped singing. As they say, he cut off the song in mid-sentence.

The commander of our unit, after walking some distance, asked: "Why didn't you sing to the end, Ponomarev?" I didn't find an answer. After which he spoke: "Give the rooster, fighter." It turned out succinctly and expressively. Therefore, my advice to you is: if you are not sure that you will do a job well, do not take on it, no matter how tempting it may seem to you, no matter how good it promises.

After a walk at the command of the company duty officer, deputy platoon commanders or squad leaders line up their units for verification. The company officer on duty, having built the company, reports to the foreman on the formation of personnel for evening verification.

The foreman proceeds to verify the personnel according to a special nominal list. Hearing his last name, everyone answers: "I am." Since there are usually people in the unit who are on duty or on guard, then the squad commanders are responsible for those who are absent, reporting where this or that soldier is, for example: “On guard”, “On duty”, “On vacation”. Thus, in any case, the army will already know in the evening that one of its sons left the combat post without authorization. With subsequent conclusions, searches, captures and other actions. In addition to verification, accounting of personnel can be carried out at any moment. Therefore, before you leave somewhere on an urgent matter, be sure to notify your immediate supervisor so as not to get a scolding from him upon his return.

At the set hour, the signal “All clear” is given, the emergency lighting is turned on and complete silence is established. Accordingly, you can already begin to sleep, bringing you closer to demobilization.

Is the military regime good for health? To better understand the principle on which the daily routine is drawn up and whether it is so important for military personnel, we consulted with military doctor Yuri Voskresensky and general practitioner Pavel Makarevich.

7:00 Wake up

Ten minutes before the “Rise” signal, the company duty officer raises the deputy platoon commanders and the foreman of the company, and at the time established by the daily routine, at the signal, the general rise of the company.

Pavel Makarevich, general practitioner : The daily routine has a completely logical justification from the position of physiology. In a person “in the natural environment”, the mode is limited by daylight hours, but it must be said that an early (6-7 am) rise also coincides with hormonal changes associated with the transition from sleep to wakefulness. Necessary condition for a comfortable early awakening is a sufficient amount of sleep, its quality and other factors - for example, the level physical activity during the day.

The disadvantages here include the practice of army "fire" rises, when you need to quickly jump up and get dressed. Needless to say, it's quite stressful.

Ideally, after waking up, it is advisable to lie down in bed for 3-5 minutes, move a little and then gently stand up. But such is the specificity of military service - a person must be ready to rise in alarm, be already able to clear mind and ready for anything.

Special Physiologist The regime has always been put at the forefront. Man lives according to the sun, such a regime has evolved over thousands of years. And all body systems also live according to the sun.

Not doctors, and certainly not the military, came up with a daily routine.

We simply implement and explain what nature intended. More precisely, we are trying to return the body to its natural rhythm.

7:10 – 8:00 Morning exercise

Depending on the type and type of troops, the time of year and the location of the military unit, charging may vary. One thing remains unchanged - the day of a soldier always begins with her.

Special Physiologist , lieutenant colonel Yuri Voskresensky: Many are surprised that exercises must certainly be on an empty stomach, and this is precisely its main point. Morning work-out- this is not muscle building, but the awakening of the brain, internal organs, digestion.

Often people cannot eat anything in the morning, and all because the body is still sleeping. And it is morning training that can “turn on” it.

Just as a computer reads the entire register at startup, so a person doing exercises ventilates the lungs, circulates blood through all systems, thereby checking the readiness of the body for a new day.

On rest days, lifting is allowed later than usual, and morning physical exercises are not carried out. At the usual time after charging, the beds are made, the morning toilet and inspection, during which the presence of the personnel, the appearance of the military personnel and their compliance with the rules of personal hygiene are checked.

8:30 - 8:50 Breakfast; 14:10 - 14:40 Lunch; 19:30 – 20:00 Dinner

Before eating, the doctor, together with the shelf attendant, must check the quality of the prepared dishes, make control weighing of portions, and also check sanitary condition dining rooms, tableware and kitchen utensils. The results of the check are recorded in the book of accounting for the quality control of cooked food.

Special Physiologist , lieutenant colonel Yuri Voskresensky: The stomach produces juice not when we throw food there, but when it is ready to digest food. So imagine what happens to him when he does not know what time his meal is scheduled. And vice versa, if you eat according to the regime, then 30-40 minutes before the usual time for food to enter the stomach, active preparation begins - the production of hydrochloric acid.

Pavel Makarevich, general practitioner : The multiplicity, time and even duration of meals and outside the army must be respected by everyone who thinks about himself. And in conditions of physical exertion, this is absolutely necessary.

When it comes to gaining and losing weight, everyone has their own constitution. Someone picks up everything he ate someone eats semolina porridge with jam and cannot gain a single gram.

This is due to the basal metabolic rate, that is, the sum of the splitting rate and the nutrient intake rate. Although I didn’t serve in the army, I went through some sports training and I understand very well why there were so many carbohydrates and protein in our diet - cereals, pasta, rice, fish, meat. At the same time, everything “burned down” and everyone ate, as if not in himself. As for the army, I would say that the ration is designed to meet the needs of most average people and does not take into account some features of physiology, however, it focuses specifically on proteins and carbohydrates, which is a good sign.

By the way, according to the charter, the intervals between meals should not exceed seven hours.

Photo: Evgenia Smolyanskaya/Defend Russia

14:40 - 15:40 Afternoon rest (sleep)

After lunch, the soldier is supposed to rest. According to the charter, classes or work should not be conducted for at least thirty minutes.

Pavel Makarevich, general practitioner : Afternoon sleep, many begin to appreciate after 30-40 years, however, even at a young age this is a completely natural move. After all, sometimes a young person needs to literally “fall” into sleep for 10–20 minutes, in order to wake up refreshed later, as if he had slept through the night. This is very useful in terms of both intellectual and physical performance.

Special Physiologist , lieutenant colonel Yuri Voskresensky: Here, again, we do not force the body to do something , but we remind him that this is how nature intended. After all, a well-fed tiger or a well-fed wolf also does not run anywhere. Even half an hour of sleep after dinner reduces the risk of heart disease by 3-4 times. Lunch is the most abundant meal: first, second, salad, and therefore most of the blood flows to the stomach and liver just after dinner.

Straining the brain at this time is completely irrational.

Between meals, military personnel undergo combat training, which is the main content of the daily activities of the army. It is held both in peacetime and in wartime. The entire personnel of the regiment must be present at classes and exercises, with the exception of military personnel who are on daily duty or involved in the performance of tasks stipulated by the order of the regiment commander.

Classes begin and end at scheduled times.

21:40 – 21:55 Evening walk

During the evening walk, the personnel performs marching songs as part of the units. During these 15 minutes, the rooms are ventilated before going to bed.

Pavel Makarevich, general practitioner : An evening walk before going to bed is designed to relieve the stress of the day and prepare the body for sleep. Its physiological role lies in the fact that a person physically and intellectually switches from work to rest, that is, even just looking at one point without doing anything is already a kind of “rest”. The exception, perhaps, is the winter months, since being in the cold, on the contrary, mobilizes and invigorates, although later, when entering the heat, a person may in a good way unwind and prepare for sleep.

Special Physiologist , lieutenant colonel Yuri Voskresensky: An evening walk in the army is not just an exit to Fresh air. There is a subtle psychological moment here. This is, first of all, team building.

When you walk in formation and then start to sing a song, you feel unity.

Imagine when, for example, a whole course of a military academy is walking, the asphalt begins to tremble rhythmically. This is a kind of psychotherapy, because everyone feels like a part of a single whole, feels their power and strength.

After a walk on the command: “Company, for the evening verification - STAND”, the deputy platoon commanders line up their units for verification.

Photo: Andrey Luft/Defend Russia

23:00 End

Periodically, usually before going to bed, the condition of the legs, socks and underwear is checked. Then, at the set hour, the signal "All clear" is given, the emergency lighting is turned on and complete silence is observed.

Pavel Makarevich, general practitioner : If a person regularly “lights out” and “rise” occurs at the same time, then after 2-4 weeks adaptation occurs and by 22-23 hours the body itself begins to “turn off the light”, and by 6-7 in the morning it “turns on ".

Sleep is very important for young body- during it, growth hormone and endogenous anabolic steroids are produced, which are necessary for the processes of synthesis, recruitment muscle mass, development of endurance and for recovery from loads.

It is worth noting that depending on the type and type of troops, the daily routine may change, but the main points are the same for everyone.

Makarevich Pavel Igorevich, general practitioner medical center and Senior Researcher, Faculty of Fundamental Medicine, Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov

Voskresensky Yuri Vladimirovich, lieutenant colonel of the medical service, specialist physiologist

Time management and daily routine

1. Daily routine part

222. The distribution of time in a military unit during the day, and according to some provisions and during the week, is carried out by the daily routine.

The daily routine of the military unit determines the timing of the implementation of the main activities of daily activities, study and life of the personnel of the units and the headquarters of the military unit.

The daily routine is established by the commander of a military unit or formation, taking into account the type and type of troops of the Armed Forces, the tasks facing the military unit, the season, local and climatic conditions. It is developed for the period of training and can be specified by the commander of a military unit (connection) for the period of combat firing, field exits, exercises, maneuvers, ship cruises, combat duty (combat service), service in daily duty and other activities, taking into account the peculiarities of their implementation. .

The daily routine is in the documentation of the daily outfit, as well as in the headquarters of the military unit and in the offices of the units.

223. The daily routine of a military unit should provide for the time for morning physical exercises, morning and evening dressing, morning inspection, training sessions and preparation for them, changing special (working) clothes, cleaning shoes and washing hands before eating, eating, maintenance of weapons and military equipment, educational, cultural, leisure and sports activities, informing personnel, listening to the radio and watching television, receiving patients at a medical center, as well as (at least two hours), an evening walk, evening verification and not less than eight hours for sleep.

The intervals between meals should not exceed seven hours.

After lunch, no classes or work should be carried out for at least thirty minutes.

225. Every week, as a rule on Saturday, a park and maintenance day is held in the regiment in order to maintain weapons, military equipment and other military property, equip and improve parks and facilities of the training and material base, put military camps in order and carry out other work. On the same day, a general cleaning of all premises is usually carried out, as well as a bathing of personnel in the bath.

In addition, in order to maintain weapons and military equipment in constant combat readiness, park weeks and park days are held in the regiment with the involvement of all personnel.

Park weeks, park and park maintenance days are held according to plans developed by the regiment headquarters together with the deputy regiment commanders for armaments and logistics and approved by the regiment commander. Extracts from the plans are brought to the departments.

The necessary number of officers, ensigns and sergeants is appointed to manage the work on park and business days, primarily for the maintenance of weapons, military equipment and ammunition.

226. Sundays and holidays are days of rest for all personnel, except for those on combat duty (combat service) and serving in daily and garrison outfits. On these days, as well as in their free time, cultural and leisure work, sports competitions and games are held with the personnel.

On the eve of rest days, performances, films and other events for conscripted military personnel are allowed to end one hour later than usual. On rest days, lifting is allowed later than usual, at the hour set by the commander of the military unit, morning physical exercises are not carried out.

Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

dated November 10, 2007 N 1495



Time spending

Duration, h

Rise of deputy platoon commanders

The rise of personnel

Morning physical exercise

Morning toilet, bed making

morning inspection

Informing personnel, training

Preparing for classes and following for divorce

Training sessions:
1st hour

Change of special (working) clothes, shoe cleaning and hand washing

Time for the personal needs of military personnel


Care of weapons and military equipment

Summing up in calculations, squads (platoons)

Educational and cultural-leisure or sports work

Time for the personal needs of military personnel

Shoeshine and hand washing

Time for the personal needs of military personnel

Watching TV programs, listening to the radio

An evening walk

Evening verification

Evening toilet


Divorce to carry out:
- for classes - from 8.40 to 8.50 and from 15.50 to 16.00;
- on the park and economic day - on Saturdays from 9.10 to 9.30;
- daily outfit - from 18.00 to 18.30.

Informing personnel is carried out on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Legal informing of personnel should be carried out on Saturdays of the 2nd and 3rd weeks from 8.10 to 9.00, while:
- from 8.10 to 8.40 - with the study of articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, documents on legal issues and military discipline and bringing orders to convict military personnel for military crimes;
- from 8.40 to 9.00 - with bringing safety requirements and cases of death and injury of personnel.

Conduct workouts:

a) in combat training:
- for single training - weekly on Tuesdays;
- according to drill coordination on Mondays for 4 weeks, the second hour of classes.

b) for the development of standards for RKhBZ - weekly on Wednesdays.

c) for military medical training - on Tuesdays for 4 weeks from 16.10 to 17.00.

d) rifle:
- for security units - on Tuesdays 1 and 3 weeks from 16.10 to 17.00;
- for other divisions - on Tuesdays of 1 week from 16.10 to 17.00.

Command training with officers and ensigns to conduct:

1 hour - from 9.00 to 9.50; 2 hours - from 10.00 to 10.50; 3 hours - from 11.00 to 11.50; 4 hours - from 12.00 to 12.50; 5 hours - from 13.00 to 13.50; 6 o'clock - from 16.00 to 16.50; 7 o'clock - from 16.55 to 17.45

Summing up and setting tasks to carry out:
- in departments (crews, platoons) - daily from 17.45 to 18.00;
- in companies and subunits, equal to them - on Fridays from 17.15 to 17.45.

Conduct educational, cultural and leisure work on Tuesdays and Thursdays, sports work on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Dismissal from the location of the unit is carried out: on Saturday and pre-holiday days from 16.00 to 22.30, on Sunday and holidays - from 9.00 to 21.30.

Visits to military personnel are allowed: on Saturday and pre-holiday days from 16.00 to 22.00, on Sunday and public holidays - from 9.00 to 21.30.

11. Hang up on weekends and pre-holiday days at 23.00.

12. Get up on weekends and holidays at 7.00.

2. Rise, morning inspection and evening verification

227. In the morning, ten minutes before the “Rise” signal, the company officer on duty raises the deputy platoon commanders and the foreman of the company, and at the time established by the daily routine (at the “Rise” signal) - the general rise of the company.

228. After getting up, morning physical exercises, bedding, morning toilet and morning inspection are carried out.

229. For the morning inspection at the command of the company duty officer "Company, for the morning inspection - STAND" deputy platoon commanders (squad leaders) line up their units in the designated place; seconded soldiers line up on the left flank. The company officer on duty, having built the company, reports to the foreman on the formation of the company for the morning inspection. At the command of the foreman of the company, deputy platoon commanders and squad leaders conduct a morning inspection.

230. At morning inspections, the presence of personnel, the appearance of military personnel and their compliance with personal hygiene rules are checked.

in need of medical care the company officer on duty writes down the records of patients in the book to send them to the medical center of the regiment.

During the morning inspection, the squad commanders order to eliminate the detected shortcomings, check their elimination and report on the results of the inspection to the deputy platoon commanders, and the deputy platoon commanders to the foreman of the company.

The condition of the legs, socks (footcloths) and underwear is checked periodically, usually before going to bed.

231. Before the evening verification of military personnel undergoing military service on conscription, during, provided by the order day, under the guidance of the foreman of the company or one of the deputy platoon commanders, an evening walk is held. During the evening walk, the personnel performs marching songs as part of the units. After a walk on the command of the duty officer in the company “Company, for the evening verification - STAND”, the deputy platoon commanders (commanders of departments) line up their units for verification. The duty officer for the company, having built the company, reports to the foreman about the formation of the company for evening verification.

The foreman of the company or the person replacing him gives the command "AT ATTENTION" and proceeds to the evening verification. At the beginning of the evening verification, he names the military ranks, the names of the military personnel enrolled for the feats they have committed in the company list forever or honorary soldiers. Hearing the name of each of the indicated servicemen, the deputy commander of the first platoon reports: “So-and-so ( military rank and surname) died a heroic death in the battle for the freedom and independence of the Fatherland - the Russian Federation "or" Honorary soldier of the company (military rank and surname) is in reserve.

After that, the foreman of the company verifies the personnel of the company according to the name list. Hearing his last name, each soldier answers: "I am." The commanders of departments are responsible for those who are absent.

For example: "On guard", "On vacation".

At the end of the evening verification, the foreman of the company gives the command “FREE”, announces orders and orders in the part relating to all military personnel, the outfit for the next day and produces (specifies) the combat crew in case of alarm, in case of fire and other emergencies, as well as in case of a sudden attack on the location of a military unit (unit). At the set hour, the “All clear” signal is given, the emergency lighting is turned on and complete silence is observed.

232. When the company commander or one of the company officers is in the company during the morning inspection and evening verification, the foreman of the company reports to him on the results of the inspection (verification).

233. Periodically, according to the plan of the regiment, general battalion or regimental evening checks are carried out. The place for evening verifications should be lit.

All personnel of the battalion (regiment) must be present at the general battalion (regimental) evening inspections. Evening verification of all personnel according to the name list is carried out by company commanders and the results are reported to the battalion commander.

At the general regimental evening verification, the commanders of battalions and individual units of the regiment report the results of the verification to the regiment commander.

At the end of the general battalion (regimental) evening verification, the battalion (regiment) commander gives the command "Attention" and orders to play "Dawn". During the general regimental evening verification at the end of the Dawn game, the orchestra plays the National Anthem of the Russian Federation. The divisions then proceed in a solemn march. The orchestra is marching. In the absence of an orchestra in a battalion (regiment), technical means audio playback. With the beginning of the game "Dawn", the commanders of subunits from the platoon and above put their hand to the headgear and lower it at the command "FREE", given by the commander of the battalion (regiment) at the end of the orchestra's game.

Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
approved by decree of the President of the Russian Federation
dated November 10, 2007 N 1495

3. Study sessions

234. Combat training is the main content of the daily activities of military personnel. It is held both in peacetime and in wartime. Classes and exercises in order to master the methods of action in modern combat by military personnel should be carried out without concessions and simplifications.

The entire personnel of the regiment must be present at classes and exercises, with the exception of military personnel who are on daily duty or involved in performing tasks stipulated by the order of the regiment commander.

With soldiers and sergeants released from field training due to illness, classes are organized in the classroom by order of the company commander.

Commanders (chiefs) guilty of detaching personnel from combat training classes are held accountable.

Activities determined by the combat training plan and the schedule of classes can only be postponed by the regiment commander.

235. Classes begin and end at the hours established by the daily routine (working time regulations).

Before going to class, squad commanders and deputy platoon commanders check the presence of subordinates, as well as whether they are dressed in uniform, whether the equipment is properly fitted and whether the weapon is loaded.

At the end of classes and exercises, unit commanders must personally check the availability and completeness of all weapons, military equipment and training equipment, as well as the presence of small arms and ammunition. Weapons and magazine bags are checked by squad leaders. The results of the audit are reported in order of subordination. Unused ammunition and cartridge cases are handed over in the prescribed manner.

At the end of classes and exercises, the places where classes are held are cleaned, weapons and trench tools are cleaned, and maintenance of weapons and military equipment is carried out.

Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
approved by decree of the President of the Russian Federation
dated November 10, 2007 N 1495

4. Breakfast, lunch and dinner

236. By the hour established by the daily routine, cooking must be completed.

Before the start of food distribution, the doctor (paramedic), together with the regiment duty officer, must check the quality of food, make control weighing of portions, and also check the sanitary condition of the dining room, tableware and kitchen utensils. After the conclusion of the doctor (paramedic), the food is tested by the regiment commander or, at his direction, by one of the deputy regiment commanders.

The results of the check are recorded in the book of accounting for the quality control of cooked food.

AT set time the officer on duty gives permission to give out food.

237. Soldiers and sergeants should arrive at the dining room in cleaned clothes and shoes, in the ranks under the command of the foreman of the company or, at his direction, one of the deputy platoon commanders.

Order must be observed in the dining room during meals. It is forbidden to eat in hats, coats (winter field suits) and in special (working) clothing.

238. Persons of the daily outfit receive food at the time set by the regiment commander.

Patients who are in the medical center of the regiment, food is prepared in accordance with the norms of hospital rations and delivered separately.

Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
approved by decree of the President of the Russian Federation
dated November 10, 2007 N 1495

5. Visiting military personnel

252. Visiting military personnel is allowed by the company commander at the time established by the daily routine, in a room (place) specially designated for this in the regiment of visitors.

253. By order of the regiment commander from among the sergeants, for the time set for visiting military personnel, an officer on duty in the room (place) of visitors is appointed. His duties are determined by the instructions approved by the regiment commander.

Persons wishing to visit military personnel are allowed into the room (place) of visitors with the permission of the duty officer of the regiment.

254. Family members of military personnel and other persons, with the permission of the regiment commander, may visit the barracks, dining room, military glory (history) room of the military unit and other premises to get acquainted with the life and life of the regiment personnel. Military personnel trained for this purpose are appointed to accompany them and give the necessary explanations.

255. Visitors with alcoholic drinks or in a state of intoxication are not allowed to visit military personnel. Unauthorized persons are not allowed to spend the night in the barracks and other premises.

Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
approved by decree of the President of the Russian Federation
dated November 10, 2007 N 1495