
Modern psychotechnologies in the work of a school psychologist. Experience of using modern educational technologies in the work of a teacher-psychologist with preschool children

“Psychological and pedagogical technologies in the activities of a school psychologist”

Middle M.S.

educational psychologist MBOU "Secondary School No. 21", Engels, Russia

There are three paths to reason for a person:

the path of reflection is the noblest,

the path of imitation is the easiest,

path personal experience- the hardest path.


C today, the word "technology" is everything more often used by specialists in o fields of pedagogy and psychology. IN in psychological literature this term either it is not considered meaningfully at all or it has an ambiguous meaning.

The term "technology" ", based on the wording of many literary sources, is understood as art, skill, skill, a set of methodsprocessing, state changes.

Any activity can be either technology or creativity. It all starts with a creative idea, and technology ends.

The basis of any technology serves to clearly define the end goal. In technology, purpose is seen as a central component.

Specificity a The job of a school psychologist is that he must master various technologies, including psychological and pedagogical ones, methods and techniques, and be able to combine and modify them.

We propose to consider which psychological pedagogical technologies are most relevant in the work of a school psychologist.

A teacher-psychologist, working with children, constantly focuses on their personal structures. When working in this area, a specialist uses range of technologies:

    information, through the use of which knowledge, skills and abilities are formed.

    operational technologies provide the formation of methods of mental action.

    self-development technologies are aimed at the formation of self-governing mechanisms of the individual.

    heuristic - for development creativity personality.

    applied ones effectively develop the practical sphere of personality.

Let's take a closer look at these technologies.

Information Technology. Information technology is very relevant in the work of a school psychologist. The 21st century is called the information age. Modern information and computer technologies (ICT) are increasingly being introduced into various spheres of life and are becoming an integral part of modern culture, including in the field of education. Current technologies for the education and development of children make it possible to more fully realize the personal potential of each child.

The use of ICT technologies is becoming an integral part of the psychological support of the educational process. Introduction of ICT into school psychological practice allows you to make your work more productive and efficient. At the same time, the use of ICT organically complements the traditional forms of work of a school psychologist, expanding the possibilities for organizing the interaction of the psychologist with other participants in the educational process; in addition, in addition to solving psychological problems, it helps to improve the information culture of students, parents and teachers

The work of a school psychologist in accompanying schoolchildren includes the main types of work: diagnostics, correctional and developmental work, consulting teachers and parents, psychological education of students and adults. In our practice, the area of ​​use of computer technologies is expanding every year.
Diagnostic work takes up most of a psychologist’s time, since it is necessary to process and analyze the results of tests, questionnaires, and observations in a limited period of time. In progress psychologist the use of an electronic database of test materials and assignments significantly speeds up the process of monitoring groups of students. Created in our lyceum abase - media library Ouch We actively use it, conducting testing on the computers of groups of children. The advantages of using such technologies are that you can instantly receive an analysis of a test performed by a child, no matter how huge and labor-intensive the test may be. The psychologist can only collect the data of each child, systematize, analyze, and compare it with the whole class.

In the correctional and developmental work of a teacher-psychologist, information technologies are used in various directions - depending on the assigned tasks. Thus, when correcting the cognitive sphere of students, performing computer developmental tasks and using educational computer games are indispensable.
In training work when correcting the emotional-volitional sphere and behavioral disorders, it is also impossible to do without the use of computer technologies. We use developed presentations in our work. To create a fairytale therapy shell and when working with students
we also use presentations with overlay m music, color variations, artistic background, video parables . Thanks to this, the fairy tale “comes to life.” A well-timed musical accompaniment changes the emotional mood of children, helps them relax and master auto-training methods. You can also now find many professionally recorded relaxation programs and trainings. The use of these programs significantly saves the psychologist’s efforts and allows for wider use of correctional opportunities, since the psychologist can simultaneously use child observation and color therapy along with the training program.
Over the past few years we have also been using
we call cartoon material for the education, development and correction of children. Cartoon characters, like fairy tale heroes, films are more organic but are perceived by schoolchildren, especially at junior level and information, transmitted by them is absorbed much more efficiently.
In the work of parent meetings we increasingly turn to
to information technologies , clearly demonstrating in presentations and films the main problems of education and ways to resolve them.
It is very difficult to do without a computer in creating analytical reports, summing up results, and developing recommendations for teachers and parents. Huge statistical data is stored in the system using developed Excel programs. Creating diagrams, graphs, tables greatly facilitates the perception of professional terminology. It is much easier for a teacher to work with a table, perceiving the entire class as a whole, and each individual student in particular. The use of multimedia equipment helps us convey the data obtained to the entire teaching staff at pedagogical councils. In preparation for pedagogical councils, consultations are greatly assisted by Internet resources, collections of e-books, psychological electronic materials. A psychologist no longer needs to spend so much time manually searching for information in books. Preparation is more efficient and effective.
The use of ICT promotes the development of sensorimotor, perceptual and higher cognitive functions; increasing the effectiveness of student learning, increasing their educational motivation, development of their intellectual and creative capabilities, etc.
It is also necessary to note the significant role information technology in the self-education of a psychologist, improving his skills and quality of work through participation in various
remote courses, competitions, forums. The specialist gets the opportunity for professional growth without going anywhere.
The role of information technology in the work of an educational psychologist is difficult to overestimate. The importance of ICT is constantly growing. The range of arsenal used in the work of a psychologist is expanding. The quality of the work of a creative psychologist is undoubtedly increasing.

Technology of educational games. Educational games occupy an important place among modern psychological and pedagogical technologies. Educational games perform three main functions:

    Instrumental, where it is carried out formation of certain skills and abilities, can be expressed in game exercises;

    Gnostic, promotes the formation knowledge and development yu students' thinking, expressed in didactic techniques;

    Socio-psychological, aimed at development of communication skills skills, expressed in role-playing games.

Educational game technology can be combined with technologies such as group technology, diagnostics, and training.

R The role of educational games in education and psychology is extremely important. In pedagogy, they are an integral component of developmental education, which is based on the development of activity, initiative, and independence of students. In psychology, these technologies develop the cognitive, social, and professional activity of students.

These technologies are effective in working with children of all age groups and with adults (teachers, parents).

Health-saving technologies. IN modern school, along with weakened physical health, schoolchildren suffer from psychological problems (maladaptation disorders). These violations are caused by the influence of the stressful system of organizing the educational process. The school psychological service plays an important role in solving this problem. In the working arsenal of a teacher-psychologist there are techniques that can bring a child out from a stressful state, relieve internal tension, identify opportunities for a more optimistic outlook on life situation etc.

Psychological activity involves the use of techniques such as:

    Music therapy – use of music for: relaxation and calming, activation of the emotional sphere, correction emotional state.

    Aromatherapy is the use of fragrant substances for relaxation and aesthetic purposes.

    Color therapy – use of color visualization for depression, anxiety, fears.

    Dance therapy - using dance movements or imitations to music to relieve muscle tension.

    Body therapy– methods of working with the body, the purpose of which is to improve physical and mental well-being.

    Art therapy includes a number of areas of psychological work related to creativity - isotherapy, color therapy, phototherapy, fairy tale therapy, music therapy, collaging. The psychology of creativity has long been successfully used in working with children and adults. Art therapy reveals the multifaceted inner potential of a person and at the same time helps to fight a number of serious psychological problems, including trauma, internal conflicts, fears. Thanks to the psychology of creativity, a person is immersed in situation where you can relieve stress and gain confidence in yourself.

A technology that solves a wide range of problems, namely psychocorrection, psychoprophylaxis, development and harmonization of a student’s personality, helps improve the psychological climate in families and small groups, and refers to play therapy.

Play therapy includes individual, paired and group games, techniques involving the use of various paraphernalia, based on the active work of the imagination, different forms artistic expression, etc.

By approach to the subject We use technology and collaboration. They implement democracy, equality, partnership in the subjective relations of the psychologist and schoolboy . This technology is most relevant when organizing scientific- research activities, competitive movement, as well as in training work.The interaction of a psychologist and a student in cooperation, in addition to solving a cognitive, creative goal, provides for the solution of a psychological and social one - in the course of completing the task, a culture of communication is formed, reflecting all communicative levels: “...activity - interaction - communication - contact” (according to A.A. Leontiev). [ 8]

Personally oriented, With They place the child’s personality at the center of the entire school socio-psychological system, ensuring comfortable, conflict-free and safe conditions for its development, and the realization of its natural potentials. Person-centered technology is the embodiment of humanistic philosophy, psychology and pedagogy.

The school psychologist focuses on the child’s unique, holistic personality, striving for maximum realization of their capabilities (self-actualization), open to the perception of new experiences, capable of making conscious and responsible choices in a variety of life situations.

Humanely - personal, they are about They are distinguished primarily by their humanistic essence, psychotherapeutic focus on supporting the individual and helping her. They “profess” the ideas of respect and love for the child, an optimistic belief in his creative powers, rejecting coercion.

The term “psychological technologies” implies an aspect associated with the formation and development of the subject’s personal qualities. Therefore, under this The term implies a set of methods and techniques aimed at the formation of an effectively-practical sphere of personality and the realization of natural potentials.

Used by us technologies perform a number of functions: psychological prevention, psychological counseling, psychological support, psychological rehabilitation, socio-psychological training.

Psychological prevention - promoting the full development of the personality of all participants in the educational process, preventing possible personal deformations in the process of interaction, helping in understanding the destructive influence of psychological violence. The main task of psychological prevention is to create conditions that facilitate an adequate and competent response of the individual to manifestations of psychological violence, refusing to use its forms in interaction.

During implementation given no th functions The following techniques are used:

Increasing the socio-psychological competence of participants in the educational environment on issues of psychological safety during seminars, group discussions on the problems of psychological violence, designing non-violent alternative models of behavior.

Using metrics data mental health participants in order to form an individual mental hygiene program: reducing the severity of the syndrome emotional burnout; level of emotional tension; change in self-attitude; harmonization of the relationship between “I-real” and “I-ideal”, etc.

Joint discussion and development of rules secure interaction by all participants in the educational environment.

Psychological counseling –assisting participants in self-knowledge, positive self-attitude, adaptation to real living conditions, formation of the value-motivational sphere and system of relations to others, overcoming professional deformations, achieving emotional stability that promotes personal and professional growth and self-development. Group counseling techniques, included in classes with all educational and training groups, are based on the results of both previous diagnostics of attitudes towards the educational environment, satisfaction with the main characteristics of interaction, taking into account their significance for the subject, the level of psychological security (using its structural components), and personal –emotional and communicative characteristics interpreted as indicators of mental health

Psychological correction– active psychological and pedagogical influence aimed at eliminating deviations in personal and professional development, harmonizing mental health.

In practical psychology, there are two directions of correction. The first represents a set of individualized measures to strengthen the regulatory functions of the psyche, develop emotional self-control and self-government. The second is normative-value correction, which consists of introducing certain directions into the individual-personal system of norms and behavioral standards, in accordance with which a person adjusts the performance of his life and activity functions.

Psychological rehabilitation is a process that mobilizes personal adaptation mechanisms when experiencing psychotraumatic circumstances caused by the condition external environment. Rehabilitation involves the return of what has been lost or may be lost due to changes in conditions.

It is psychological trainings that are most often considered as rehabilitation psychotechnologies.

Consequently, all the technologies mentioned above find their appropriate place in the holistic pedagogical process. Any psychological and pedagogical technology, its development and application require the highest creative activity and professional knowledge of a teacher-psychologist.

List of used literature:

    Andreev V.I. Pedagogy: Training course for creative self-development. - 2nd ed. - Kazan: Center innovative technologies, 2000.- 608 p. ISBN 5-93962-005-1.

    Bordovskaya N.V., Rean A.A. Pedagogy: Textbook. for universities. - Sat.-Peter, 2000.

    Rudestam K. Group psychotherapy. Psychocorrectional groups: theory and practice. – M.: Progress, 1993. – 368 p.

    Smirnov N.K. Health-saving educational technologies and health psychology at school. - M.: ARKTI, 2006. – 320 p.

    Sukhareva O.A. Collection of the city conference “Modern practice of informatization of education”, article“The effectiveness of using information technology in the work of a school psychologist” / ed. Skiba N.P., Dubna, M.O. CRO, information department, p. 15, 2006.

    Shkurko T.A. Dance as a means of diagnosing and correcting relationships in a group.Psychological bulletin. Issue 1, Part 1, Rostov-on-Don, Ed. Rostov University, 1996, pp. 327-348.

    Vachkov I.V., Grinshpun I.B., Pryazhnikov N.S. Introduction to the profession of “psychologist”. – M.: Publishing house of the Moscow Psychological and Social Institute; Voronezh: Publishing house NPO “MO DEK”, 2004. – 464 p. (series “Psychologist’s Library”).

    Leontyev A.A. Pedagogy common sense// “School 2000...” Concept and programs of continuous courses for secondary schools. Vol. 1. – M., 1997, p. 18-20;

Organization of the educational process in kindergarten in modern innovative conditions is associated with expanding ideas about the goals of education, which include the goals of development, education, ensuring the physical, mental, psychological, moral and social health of children. Federal State Educational Standard determines new approach to preschool education, where one of the main requirements is effective application all pedagogical resources to achieve maximum results in the education and development of future schoolchildren.

This situation requires teachers to search for new forms, means and methods of organizing the cognitive activity of preschool children, implement personality-oriented approaches to teaching, and use modern educational technologies in order to provide the child with the necessary timely individualized psychological and pedagogical assistance.

Transformation into preschool education Our preschool institution was not included in the new system. The new concept of our kindergarten is a set of measures to update it as a result of development innovation processes; takes the position of personality-oriented relationships, where the main social value is the child, who is a full participant in the pedagogical process.

IN preschool institution a set of measures has been developed aimed at creating a developing subject-spatial environment, timely provision of age-appropriate favorable conditions for each child for development, successful learning and the formation of a full-fledged personality. The Federal State Educational Standard outlines the content of psychological and pedagogical work on children’s mastery of educational areas. Teachers and specialists of our DS solve these problems in an integrated manner, providing diversified development pupils.
As part of the support of psychological services in our kindergarten, interaction is carried out with all subjects of the educational process: with children, their parents and teachers. Psychological and pedagogical support in kindergarten is built by us as a system of professional activities aimed at creating socio-psychological conditions for the successful development, training, education and socialization of children at each age stage, and is provided as a comprehensive technology using modern methods psychoprophylaxis and correctional and developmental work with preschoolers.

One of the most important tasks of support is to provide assistance to all subjects educational activities in overcoming the child’s difficulties in mastering knowledge, emotional difficulties through the implementation of psychoprophylactic and pedagogical programs. The interaction of a teacher-psychologist with children is carried out in the course of direct educational activities according to the author’s psychoprophylactic programs: “Good rays” (social and communicative development), “On fairy tale paths to success” (emotional development of preschoolers), “We boldly walk along the ladder of knowledge " (warning school maladjustment, cognitive development). The form of meetings, both in subgroups and individually.

The psychological and methodological service, together with teachers, develops common goals and objectives, develops planning for educational activities, creates work program DS, an analysis of conditions is carried out, an analysis of problem situations, the dynamics of development of pupils in educational educational process(by groups).

At the present stage, the state places high demands on the quality of educational activities and assumes the following criteria of competence: implementation of a holistic pedagogical process; creation of a development environment; ensuring the protection of children's life and health. Therefore, the teaching staff constantly improves their qualifications by taking courses and mastering the necessary arsenal of educational technologies that allow them to stimulate the cognitive activity of children. Teachers are ready to respond flexibly to emerging changes in the content of education, creatively adapt it taking into account the emerging and constantly changing cognitive interests and inclinations of students.

Usage modern technologies a teacher-psychologist provides greater opportunities to create favorable conditions for the support and development of children, to ensure the development of the personality qualities of a preschooler and the achievement of a sufficient educational level in kindergarten as a whole. Providing psychological assistance, various technologies are integrated into the educational space of the kindergarten: health-saving, personality-oriented, communicative, gaming, fairy tale therapy, TRIZ, technologies project activities and portfolio (both of students and teachers), information and communication technologies and others.

In the professional activities of a teacher-psychologist, a whole range of technologies is used in integration.

Interactive forms of training are used by an educational psychologist to interact with subjects of the educational process - parents and teachers. Forms of holding: teacher councils, training seminars, round table meetings, business and role playing games, discussions, “Days open doors", trainings, thematic meetings, master classes, projects, information stands, questions and answers on the website for parents. Information that is timely and relevant, provided in a clear and accessible form, contributes to both the professional growth of educators and the improvement of parental competence.

The teaching staff is provided with psychological and methodological support and assistance in building the educational trajectory of a preschooler, in creating an individual route for the child, taking into account the dynamics of the child’s development, his achievements, capabilities, interests and needs. We rely on the educational achievements that the child has and make up the baggage of his personality. These achievements, in turn, serve as an assessment of the quality of educational activities carried out in kindergarten and an assessment of the effectiveness of pedagogical influences.

Humanization of education, accounting individual characteristics development of each child stimulates us to search for new ways in educational activities, to use modern technologies and methods that meet the new demands of society and the state.
Currently, in the educational process, ideas are put forward for the development and self-development of the individual, revealing the child’s creative potential, his activity and independence. Usage personality-oriented technology in our kindergarten, it is implemented as a functioning educational system of providing comfortable, safe conditions based on respect for the child’s personality, taking into account the characteristics of his development, where each child is an active participant in the educational process with his own individual pace of activity and ability to assimilate material, with his own interests and inclinations.

When organizing educational activities with younger preschoolers, teachers and psychologists use game methods of interaction with children, gaming methods technologies through a toy. Children are offered play situations, for example, “A toy (doll, bunny) is coming to visit”; “Toy to meet the guys” (plays and studies with the guys); “It’s the bear’s birthday”; “Travel with a Toy”, “Whose Toy”, “Holiday for Toys” - contribute to the development of emotions and the development of communication skills.

During the adaptation period, it is especially important to organize interaction between children in the group. We use such emotional games, as in: “We circled and became friends” (for interaction); “Flag”, “Under the umbrella” (for association); “We greet our noses and cheeks” (development of trusting relationships); “Gifts, “The Connecting Thread” (for unification); “Hop-hop, guess whose voice it is,” “ Scarlet flower"(development of attention to peers); “Snail” - relieving emotional stress; “We kneaded the dough, we sculpted the pie” (development of trusting relationships), where the child is the “future pie.” Round dance games for unification are held: “I walk around the house”, “In an even circle”, “Carousels”, “Bear cubs”; exercises to develop emotions: “Secrets”; “Golden Drops”, “Magic Balls”, etc.
Widely used in work with older preschoolers information and communication technologies with multimedia support. ICT allows children to more effectively develop their intellectual and creative abilities, acquire new knowledge, and master new games. Teaching a child to work with information and teach him to learn is an important task at the present stage of work in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. It turns out that the use of new unusual methods of explanation and consolidation in game form increase learning motivation, develop voluntary attention, thinking, imagination and memory, creative thinking, which leads, in general, to increasing children’s readiness for school.

Information computer technology provide a person-oriented approach to children: thus, in children with increased abilities, after using computer technology, their thinking abilities are stimulated; in children with developmental problems, opportunities are equalized; in preschoolers with behavioral problems (for example, hyperactivity), volition and volitional regulation develop.

Application interactive technologies promotes active interaction between an “adult and a child”, a joint search for a solution to a problem occurs through the creation and resolution of educational situations, through a variety of creative activities. It was found that the use of this technology, enriched with computer tools, promotes the development of independence and initiative in children; increasing self-esteem, self-confidence; reducing tension between students in the group.

To create favorable conditions for children’s self-expression, development of a positive self-image, facilitation of the communication process, and the ability to act in concert, we use in our work behavioral therapy (in the form of training), where children learn new forms and positive ways of behavior. Through solving problem situations, we introduce children to different emotional states, develop the ability to find ways to regulate their states and constructive ways to resolve conflict situations. As a result of the work carried out, conflicts in the group occurred less frequently, children became friendlier, more attentive to their peers, and their level of responsibility and organization increased.

In order to expand children's communication experience, we practice socio-game approaches in our work. Children are offered, for example, such exercises as “Getting rid of anger”, “The Leaning Tower”, “Falling Leaves”, “Paper Fireworks”; exercises to develop self-control, for example, “Stop, tap”, “Turtle races”, “Secret word”, “Forbidden movement”.

By nature, a preschool child is curious; he is characterized by activities aimed at understanding the world around him. In order to develop thinking abilities (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, etc.), we use in GCD Tresearch technologies, which gives the child the opportunity to find answers to questions that interest him, allows him to feel like a researcher.

An experiment, initially a mental one, allows the child to create a model of a natural scientific phenomenon and generalize the knowledge gained. Children are offered, for example, modeling tasks: “Change the picture (a tree without leaves) so that it is summer (autumn); or: “Pick a vase for each bouquet” (shape-size). Creative developmental situations “What will happen if you find yourself...” and topics are discussed: “Desert Island”, “Magic Garden”, “Tree of Wishes” (conclusion: not all wishes can lead to good); “Top of the Mountain”, “Island of Luck” - options for responding to an unusual situation are discussed.

The value of a real experiment, in contrast to a mental one, lies in the fact that aspects of an object or phenomenon of reality hidden from direct observation are clearly revealed. For example, children were asked to create a new product - a “non-existent animal” (put it together from parts); create a fairy tale (“Salad from fairy tales” or a multifunctional building. Game-based practical tasks were also used to determine “Sinking - not sinking”, “Soft - hard” (wet-dry; pours - pours), “What - to whom, pick up”, “ What attracts a magnet”, “Find a pair” (profession - object; object - size; hero - mood; hero - space).
The technology of research activities is also specially organized activities in the form of various trips: to a fairyland, along a map, along the “river of time,” etc.

According to our observations, the use of research technology can significantly increase children’s interest in educational activities and the effectiveness of perception of the given program content; promotes the development of creative, cognitive abilities and intellectual activity in preschoolers.

Play is the main activity of a preschool child. Use gaming technologies - role-playing and other types of games – ensures the organization of cognitive activity of preschool children, develops emotions; serves to correct behavior, remove destructive elements in behavior, etc. role play, As a rule, it includes a provoking situation to develop control skills. Thanks to the game, negative tendencies in personal development are prevented: managing emotions, expanding the range of behavioral reactions of the child, developing the experience of empathy and sympathy. Problematic or conflict situations for role-playing (or conversation): “What to do if...” in situations such as: “Fight”, “Birthday”, “Walk”, “Lost...”, “Meeting with a friend”, “Girlfriend’s illness”, "Blue Leaves"

Game technologies are closely intertwined with technologies such as collaborative learning and creative play. For example, “The Tale of the Prankish Dwarf,” who disturbed the children, rearranged and hid toys (author). It’s not just a game that unfolds here, but a whole plot: children completing game tasks, searching for a mischievous person, solving the problem of “what to do,” “how to make friends with a gnome.”
Basic principles of game training: recognition of the child’s individuality, value, and uniqueness; respectful and friendly attitude towards children; emotional support; positive emotional assessment of the child’s achievements; compliance with the principles of free participation; mutual respect; awareness; reflection (feedback from children).

The importance of play in working with preschool children is undeniable. Children with rich gaming experience are more prepared for creative activities, they are socially active, more tolerant, they have better developed interaction skills, and they act more flexible than their peers with a lack of gaming practice.

TRIZ technologies. The main goal of this technology is to teach a child to think outside the box and find their own solutions. TRIZ technology is used in our preschool to develop children's creative imagination, creative thinking, analytical and synthetic abilities, activation of cognitive activity, development of convergent and divergent thinking. Children are offered a system of tasks according to the psychologist’s author’s program “We boldly walk along the ladder of knowledge”). TRIZ for preschoolers is a system of collective games, exercises for solving creative and inventive problems, promotes the development of the qualities of a creative personality, helps overcome shyness, isolation, and develops the child’s independence and activity.
We actively use the TRIZ technique to search for new ideas and develop creativity. Practice has shown that with the help of traditional forms of work it is impossible to fully reveal the creative potential of a child. One of the directions: “Inventing new fairy tales” (continuation of the plot). For example, “There were colored balls of wool in my grandmother’s wicker basket. One day…" - continue.“Turn the story into a fairy tale”, “The Mystery of the Double” (identifying “good-bad” contradictions), “How to save Kolobok from the fox (resolving contradictions), “The Adventures of a Flying Apple” (focal object method), “Golden Fish”, “Kolobok” on new way"(change in the plot of the fairy tale). This involves play and speech activities, as well as productive activities: drawing, modeling based on a fairy tale. fairy-tale heroes and attributes.

It remains essential for us that children learn a moral and practical “lesson” from the fairy tale: “you cannot leave home alone”; “don’t open the door to a stranger”; “don’t laugh at a friend if he doesn’t know how to do something”; “It’s better to make peace than to be angry”; “time for business, time for fun”; “learn to play together”; “playing together is more fun”, etc.

In our institution, specialists and teachers are introducing into the system of educational activities techniquesproblem-based learning. A conversation is held with the children to discuss problematic situations, during which the children put forward options for solving the problem.
A problematic situation to take into account the motives of the characters in solving a moral dilemma (according to J. Piaget), which allows children to be taught the ability to reason, draw their own conclusions, and transfer the acquired experience to real life: “The boy Sasha wanted to help his mother wash the cups and accidentally broke five cups…. And the boy Misha, when no one was at home, climbed onto the shelf for jam, touched and dropped one cup, and broke it. Which child is more to blame?

A problematic situation regarding the norm of fair distribution: “Imagine that you and a friend wanted to play and asked the teacher for new toys. She brought three toys, gave them to you and said: “Play.” Question: “What will you do? Why?"
Problem situation for the study of emotional attitude towards moral standards: Vanya broke the car that was given to him for his birthday. He was very upset. Think about how to help Vanya. Think of cases in which you need to use words of encouragement.
A problematic situation for the formation of moral ideas using the example of an analysis of situations and actions of heroes: “Lay out the pictures that show kind, good deeds on the one hand and on the other – bad and evil” (method “story pictures by R.R. Kalinina”).
A situation with a hidden problem for resolving controversial issues, introducing children to constructive ways to resolve children's conflicts: “Two boys were making a boat, and when it was ready, they didn’t share it, they began to pull - each one towards himself - and broke the boat.”
Children really enjoy being participants in theatrical productions, so we often play out different situations and create a “sequel.” There were performances based on moral plays by S.Ya. Jacobson: “A Pebble in a Shoe”, “Alien Cube”, “Ruined Fortress”, etc., including as a puppet theater. As a result of the work, there was a decrease in conflicts in the group, the children became more friendly towards each other.

Technology of creative tasks. Tasks of a creative nature were offered, for example, “Come up with a fairy tale on behalf of a sparrow on a branch,” “A fairy tale on behalf of a boy who went out for a walk and suddenly it started snowing (raining)…” “Come up with a continuation of the story,” for example, “One day the guys went for a walk into the yard and took the kitten with them. Suddenly a dog jumped out...” - What to do?

Practical: “Build a house for a bunny and a house for a fox” (game material according to Voskobovich); “Arrange the plot pictures so that you get a story, come up with a continuation: “Once upon a time...”; “Choose a face-emotion for each situation” (according to the author’s program “On fairy-tale paths to success”).

An important place in the use of technologies for preserving and stimulating health in our kindergarten is given to methods art therapy and fairy tale therapy.

Art therapy methods used with preschoolers with various behavioral and emotional disorders.
The main goals of art therapy are self-expression, self-knowledge, expansion of personal experience, harmonization of personality. Art therapy helps develop a child’s creative and imaginative thinking, speech, fine motor skills hands, helps relieve emotional stress, work out disturbing situations. The child creates on paper a world that belongs only to him.

In the process of creative activity, musical accompaniment is used. Children are offered practical themes of “immersion” in the colors, sounds, smells and images of nature, a journey into a fairy tale: “Let’s listen to the sounds outside the window”; “Let’s imagine that the room becomes orange, filled with orange air bubbles...”, “Imagine a beautiful garden, where each of the children is a wonderful flower (option: animal). Exercises: “Let’s laugh at our fears” (“Surprise the mouse”) - working with fears, “Tender palms” - children draw simple figures on each other’s backs; “Magic patterns” - they draw patterns on glass, determine what images they resemble; "My mood"; “Magic Island”, “Gift to a Friend” - create islands of kindness.

One of the interesting syntheses of fairy tale therapy and art therapy is fairy tale sand therapy. In the psychologist's playroom there is a light table for sand painting. When meeting, children are offered sample topics: “Visiting the Sand Fairy”, “Magic Hands”, “ Mysterious objects", "Unusual traces". Children use their fingers, a brush or using stencils on a light table to create flower meadows and patterns, forests and mountains, and fairy-tale characters.

Methods of correction and psychoprophylaxis using modern technologies are varied, but, in our opinion, the most active effect is the method fairytale therapy. Correcting the mental and personal development of a preschooler using fairytale therapeutic techniques solves a number of problems: creating a positive emotional mood, forming value orientations; development of social interaction skills.

Through the perception of a fairy-tale world, necessary conditions for the development of the emotional sphere of a preschooler: the development of empathy, trusting relationships between children. The fairytale therapy method helps enrich the child’s inner world, develop his creative abilities, and contributes to the expansion and development of interaction skills with peers and adults, and with the outside world.

Fairy tale therapy- “This is environmental therapy, a special fairy-tale setting.” (Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T.D.). A child of preschool age is distinguished by high emotionality and faith in miracles. A fairy tale for a child has a special attractive power. In the fairy tale “good conquers evil” - this moral message becomes the main means of this technology.

Fairytale therapy is the process of transferring fairy-tale symbols and meanings into reality, forming a connection between fairy-tale events and behavior in real life. In a fairy tale we find a resource that will then help the child and harmonize his emotional sphere. The fairytale therapy method helps expand the behavioral repertoire, develop the skill of establishing friendly relationships with peers, and correct the behavior of a preschooler.

A child, being in a fairy tale, interacts with different fairy-tale characters, looking for ways to solve the problem facing him. In fairy tales there are positive heroes, kind and generous, and there are also negative, evil and cunning ones. A fairy tale defines a model of behavior, encourages us to find ways out of a problematic situation, and encourages us to empathize with the characters. As a result, the child has his own emotional experience, new ideas about people and the world around them, about good and evil, are formed. Thanks to fairy tales, a kind of “bank” of life situations is formed in the child’s mind.

Thus, we unobtrusively form a preschooler’s rejection of negative qualities in himself and develop positive moral qualities, the desire for “the right actions”, and positive interpersonal relationships.

Considerable experience in working with preschoolers has led to the conclusion that fairy tales have enormous psychotherapeutic potential and influence both the emotional and cognitive spheres of children. Work based on psychotherapeutic fairy tales by O. Khukhlaeva: “An Incident in the Forest” - increases the child’s self-confidence and his desire for independent action; “The Tale of Vitya the Hedgehog” - prevents difficulties in communicating with peers; The fairy tale “About the Beaver, the Fox and the Wolf” (how the beaver saved the fox) - promotes the development of empathy and friendliness; The fairy tale “About the Children Who Saved Dad” develops in children the desire to show care, promotes the formation of adequate self-esteem, and increases self-confidence: “I can do it.”

A system of game and fairytale tasks allows you to teach children how to resolve contradictions. Problems are set, for example, “How to help Zoika-Oika do everything herself,” “Should we share and help” (based on the fairy tale “The First Berries” by O. Prokofieva); “How to help a fox become kinder and more attentive” (in Russian folk tale"Zayushkina's hut"); “How not to offend friends and not be left alone” (based on the fairy tale “The Ship” by V. Suteev).

In the process of discussing the content of a fairy tale, children's attention is drawn to the fact that fairy tales always contain a lot of information for us. important information, and, using the example of the heroes, the fairy tale wants to teach us something important, and we must guess what exactly. In conclusion, together with the children, a general conclusion is made, which leads them to an awareness of the events happening to them: in what life situations children can use this or that fairy tale lesson.

Thus, expanding the possibilities of using modern educational technologies in the work of a teacher-psychologist makes it possible to make the educational process developmental and attractive for the child; leads to an increase in the effectiveness of correctional and developmental psychological and pedagogical influences, helps to activate the personal potential of a preschooler, stimulates cognitive activity, ensuring his diversified development, and, in general, influences the improvement and effectiveness of the quality of education in kindergarten.

The practical application of modern technologies is impossible without the creativity of both an adult and a child, and this means expanding the horizons of the surrounding world for a preschooler, joyfully living with him in the present, comprehending what he has experienced, modeling the future.

“Psychological and pedagogical technologies in the activities of a school psychologist”

Teacher-psychologist, Municipal Educational Institution Lyceum “Dubna”,

Withseeker GOU DPO MO
Pedagogical Academy of Postgraduate Education
Department of Human Sciences and Physical Culture
Sukhareva O.A.

Today, the word “technology” is increasingly used by specialists in the field of pedagogy and psychology. In the psychological literature, this term is either not considered at all meaningfully or it has an ambiguous meaning.

The term “technology”, based on the wording of many literary sources, is understood as art, skill, skill, a set of processing methods, changes in state.

Any activity can be either technology or creativity. It all starts with a creative idea and ends with technology.

The basis of any technology is a clear definition of the final goal. In technology, purpose is seen as a central component.

The specificity of the work of a school psychologist is that he must master various technologies, including psychological and pedagogical ones, methods and techniques, and be able to combine and modify them.

What psychological and pedagogical technologies are most relevant in the work of a school psychologist?

A teacher-psychologist, working with children, constantly focuses on their personal structures. When working in this area, the specialist uses the following technologies:

    information, through the use of which knowledge, skills and abilities are formed.

    operational technologies provide the formation of methods of mental action.

    self-development technologies are aimed at the formation of self-governing mechanisms of the individual.

    heuristic - for the development of the creative abilities of the individual.

    applied ones effectively develop the practical sphere of personality.

Let's take a closer look at these technologies.

Information Technology

Information technology is very relevant in the work of a school psychologist.

Thanks to the implementation of the project “Development of a unified educational information environment for schools” in a limited period of time, the education system has achieved significant success in the field of informatization.

With the help of information technology, it is relevant to implement the main areas of activity of a school psychologist: diagnostics, consultation, developmental work, education, only the forms and means of their implementation differ significantly from the generally accepted ones. The implementation of the main activities of a school psychologist in remote service mode occurs through:

Creation of a thematic psychological electronic library for schoolchildren, teachers, parents current problems that they care about

Exhibition of developing, diagnostic materials for children with whom children can work on-line,

Conducting remote psychological events and competitions,

Organization of remote counseling of target groups (in particular, it is possible to create an Internet trust, a special section, when accessed, closed remote communication between the psychologist and the client is possible),

Organizing forums for designated groups where they could express their opinions, requests, give feedback, and get advice

Organization of distance learning schools

Conducting a chat between a team of psychologists and children, parents, conducting a remote consultation of a psychologist, teacher, administration, as well as chats involving specialists from other cities, conducting teleconferences with teachers, children, etc.

Conducting surveys of target groups

Organization of psychological workshops for target groups

Speaking about the activities of the remote school psychological service, it is important to note that the remote activities of the psychologist with all target groups must correspond to the real activities of the school psychologist at the moment at school, which allows us to ensure the integrity of the functioning of all areas of the psychological service. In addition, the same topic should run through the work with all target groups.

One of the areas of using information technology in the work of a school psychologist can be considered the use of Internet design as a method of correctional and developmental work for a psychologist. The term “Internet project” is one of the most commonly used terms on the Internet. In a narrow sense, it is identified with the concept of “site”. In a broad sense, an Internet project is a project in which computer capabilities and services are used to solve a problem.

Examples of final products of Internet design include the following: website, computer presentation, computer drawing, e-book, magazine, computer game, remote competition, festival, teleconference, discussion chat and other remote events, etc.

Involving children in the development and implementation of their own Internet projects has great developmental potential. On the one hand, as a team form of work, the Internet project allows you to develop cognitive abilities, design thinking, the subjective position of schoolchildren, the ability to collaborate, and work in a team. On the other hand, content allows you to solve a wide variety of psychological problems: correctional, developmental, educational.

An integral part of the implementation of the Internet project is a media presentation of the project results, within which children not only present project products, but also develop expertise skills, planning and selection of information, communication skills, etc. When preparing for a presentation, it is important for children to develop assessment criteria, independently or with the help of a teacher, as well as a structure.

Internet design is often used as part of media psychology lessons, which actively use IT technologies.

In general, the use of ICT in the work of a school psychologist poses new tasks for the development of collections of digital sources, correctional programs, the creation of electronic textbooks - workshops in psychology, electronic additions to well-known teaching materials in psychology, etc. Information technologies are increasingly becoming part of the activities of educational psychologists and are used as usual.

Educational games technology:

Educational games occupy an important place among modern psychological and pedagogical technologies. Educational games perform three main functions:

    Instrumental: the formation of certain skills and abilities - can be expressed in game exercises;

    Gnostic: the formation of knowledge and the development of students’ thinking - expressed in didactic methods;

    Socio-psychological: development of communication skills, expressed in role-playing games.

Educational game technology can be combined with technologies such as group technology, diagnostics, and training.

The role of educational games in education and psychology is extremely important. In pedagogy, they are an integral component of developmental education, which is based on the development of activity, initiative, and independence of students. In psychology, these technologies develop the cognitive, social, and professional activity of students. 1

These technologies are effective in working with children of all age groups and with adults (teachers, parents).

Health-saving technologies

In modern schools, along with weakened physical health, schoolchildren suffer from psychological problems (maladaptation disorders). These violations are caused by the influence of the stressful system of organizing the educational process. The school psychological service plays an important role in solving this problem. In the working arsenal of a teacher-psychologist there are techniques that can bring a child out of a stressful state, relieve internal tension, identify the possibility of developing a more optimistic outlook on the life situation, etc.

Psychological activity involves the use of techniques such as:

    Music therapy– use of music for: relaxation and calming, activation of the emotional sphere, correction of the emotional state.

    Aromatherapy– the use of fragrant substances for relaxation and aesthetic purposes.

    Color therapy– use of color visualization for depression, anxiety, fears.

    Dance therapy– using dance movements or imitations to music to relieve muscle tension. 2

    Body therapy– methods of working with the body, the purpose of which is to improve physical and mental well-being.

    Art therapy

Art therapy includes a number of areas of psychological work related to creativity - isotherapy, color therapy, phototherapy, fairy tale therapy, music therapy, collaging. The psychology of creativity has long been successfully used in working with children and adults. Art therapy reveals a person’s multifaceted inner potential and, at the same time, helps fight a number of serious psychological problems, including trauma, internal conflicts, and fears. () Thanks to the psychology of creativity, a person is immersed in a situation where he can relieve stress and gain faith in himself. Most often, art technologies are used in diagnosis, correction, psychotherapy, and today in the educational process at different levels of education. 3

    Play therapy

This technology solves the following range of problems: psychocorrection, psychoprophylaxis, development and harmonization of the child’s personality, and helps improve the psychological climate in families and small groups.

Play therapy includes individual, paired and group games, techniques involving the use of dolls, figurines, relaxation techniques based on the active work of the imagination, various forms of artistic expression, etc.

In approaching the subject, the educational psychologist uses technologies:


Technologies of cooperation realize democracy, equality, partnership in the subjective relations of the psychologist and the child. This technology is most relevant when organizing research activities, competitive movements, as well as in training work. The interaction of a psychologist and a student in cooperation, in addition to solving a cognitive, creative goal, provides for the solution of a psychological and social one - in the course of completing the task, a culture of communication is formed, reflecting all communicative levels: “...activity - interaction - communication - contact” (according to A.A. Leontiev).

    Personally oriented

They place the child’s personality at the center of the entire school socio-psychological system, providing comfortable, conflict-free and safe conditions for her development, and the realization of her natural potentials. Person-centered technology is the embodiment of humanistic philosophy, psychology and pedagogy.

The focus of the school psychologist is on the unique, holistic personality of the child, striving for maximum realization of his capabilities (self-actualization), open to the perception of new experiences, capable of making conscious and responsible choices in a variety of life situations: (5)

    Humanely - personal

They are distinguished primarily by their humanistic essence, psychotherapeutic focus on supporting the individual and helping her. They “profess” the ideas of respect and love for the child, optimistic faith in his creative powers, rejecting coercion:

The term “psychological technologies” implies an aspect associated with the formation and development of the subject’s personal qualities.

Consequently, the term “psychological technologies” means a set of methods and techniques aimed at the formation of an effectively practical sphere of personality and the realization of natural potentials.()

The technologies used by the educational psychologist perform a number of functions: psychological prevention, psychological counseling, psychological support, psychological rehabilitation, socio-psychological training. 4

Psychological prevention– promoting the full development of the personality of all participants in the educational process, preventing possible personal deformations in the process of interaction, assistance in understanding the destructive influence of psychological violence. The main task of psychological prevention is to create conditions that facilitate an adequate and competent response of the individual to manifestations of psychological violence, refusing to use its forms in interaction.

To implement this function, the following techniques are used:

Increasing the socio-psychological competence of participants in the educational environment on issues of psychological safety during seminars, group discussions on the problems of psychological violence, designing non-violent alternative models of behavior.

Using data on mental health indicators of participants to form an individual mental hygiene program: reducing the severity of burnout syndrome; level of emotional tension; change in self-attitude; harmonization of the relationship between “I-real” and “I-ideal”, etc.

Joint discussion and development of rules for safe interaction by all participants in the educational environment.

Psychological counseling – assisting participants in self-knowledge, positive self-attitude, adaptation to real life conditions, the formation of a value-motivational sphere and a system of relationships with others, awareness of the value of non-violence, overcoming professional deformations, achieving emotional stability that promotes personal and professional growth and self-development. Group counseling techniques, included in classes with all educational and training groups, are based on the results of both previous diagnostics of attitudes towards the educational environment, satisfaction with the main characteristics of interaction, taking into account their significance for the subject, the level of psychological security (using its structural components), and personal – emotional and communicative characteristics, interpreted as indicators of mental health.

Psychological correction– active psychological and pedagogical influence aimed at eliminating deviations in personal and professional development, harmonizing mental health.

In practical psychology, there are two directions of correction. The first represents a set of individualized measures to strengthen the regulatory functions of the psyche, develop emotional self-control and self-government. The second is normative-value correction, which consists of introducing certain directions into the individual-personal system of norms and behavioral standards, in accordance with which a person adjusts the performance of his life and activity functions.

Psychological rehabilitation– a process that mobilizes personal adaptation mechanisms when experiencing traumatic circumstances caused by the state of the external environment. Rehabilitation involves the return of what has been lost or may be lost due to changes in conditions.

It is psychological trainings that are most often considered as rehabilitation psychotechnologies.

Thus, psychological and pedagogical technologies find their appropriate place in the holistic pedagogical process. Any psychological and pedagogical technology, its development and application require the highest creative activity and professional knowledge of a teacher-psychologist.

List of used literature:

    Andreev V.I. Pedagogy: Training course for creative self-development. - 2nd ed. - Kazan: Center for Innovative Technologies, 2000. - 608 p. ISBN 5-93962-005-1.

    Bordovskaya N.V., Rean A.A. Pedagogy: Textbook. for universities. - Sat.-Peter, 2000.

3. Vachkov I.V., Grinshpun I.B., Pryazhnikov N.S. Introduction to the profession of “psychologist”. – M.: Publishing house of the Moscow Psychological and Social Institute; Voronezh: Publishing house NPO “MO DEK”, 2004. – 464 p. (series “Psychologist’s Library”).

    Leontyev A.A. Pedagogy of common sense // “School 2000...” Concept and programs of continuous courses for secondary schools. Vol. 1. – M., 1997, p. 18-20;

    Rudestam K. Group psychotherapy. Psychocorrectional groups: theory and practice. – M.: Progress, 1993. – 368 p.

    Smirnov N.K. Health-saving educational technologies and health psychology at school. - M.: ARKTI, 2006. – 320 p.

    Sukhareva O.A. Collection of the city conference “Modern practice of informatization of education”, article “Efficiency of using information technologies in the work of a school psychologist” / ed. Skiba N.P., Dubna, M.O. CRO, information department, p. 15, 2006.

    Fomin A.S. Playful dance as a technology of the 21st century // Human Ecology: collection. works Volume V. Part VI. Specific technologies of modern education. - Novosibirsk, 2000. – P.185-205

    Shkurko T.A. Dance as a means of diagnosing and correcting relationships in a group.

Internet resources:

    Pisareva E.V. The role of psychological health-saving technologies in improving the quality of education /sno/poleznoe/school_psychologist/1804-.html

    Sizanov A.N. Pedagogical innovations in scientific support of the educational process and the role of the pedagogical community in the success of their implementation...

    Chernova E.N. Modern psychological and pedagogical teaching technologies

1 Chernova E.N. Modern psychological and pedagogical teaching technologies

2Shkurko T.A. Dance as a means of diagnosing and correcting relationships in a group. Psychological bulletin. Issue 1, Part 1, Rostov-on-Don, Ed. Rostov University, 1996, pp. 327-348.

3 Pisareva E.V. The role of psychological health-saving technologies in improving the quality of education /sno/poleznoe/school_psychologist/1804-.html

4Sizanov A.N. Pedagogical innovations in scientific support of the educational process and the role of the pedagogical community in the success of their implementation...

Potkalo Elena Viktorovna
Description of psychological and pedagogical technology of work teacher-psychologist preschool educational institution

II work as a teacher-psychologist in MBDOU children's garden "Fairy Tale" in the village of A-Melentyevo (modular building) . Your professional pathstarted working as a psychologist more than two years ago . For me, this is not only helping others, but also my own path to self-improvement and self-development.

The specifics of the work of a psychologist in a municipal preschool educational institution are determined by several aspects related primarily to the characteristics of preschool children. The psychologist should place special emphasis on working with teachers and parents responsible for children, since it is in the family that they have a decisive influence on the development and formation of characterological characteristics of preschoolers, and professional activities are also carried out aimed at preserving the mental, somatic and social well-being of pupils in the process of education and training in the institution.

The goals and objectives set for the MBDOU teacher-psychologist are implemented with the help of psychological and pedagogical technologies - this is a sequence of organizational forms of work with educators, parents and children, providing comprehensive support for the psychological development of a child in kindergarten and coordination of the efforts of all participants in the educational process.

Modern psychological and pedagogical technologies in preschool education are aimed at implementing state standards preschool education.

A fundamentally important aspect in pedagogical technology is the child’s position in the educational process, the attitude of adults towards the child. When communicating with children, an adult adheres to the position: “Not next to him, not above him, but together!” Its goal is to promote the development of the child as an individual.

Technology is a set of techniques used in any business, skill, art (explanatory dictionary).

Pedagogical technology is a set of psychological and pedagogical attitudes that determine a special set and arrangement of forms, methods, methods, teaching techniques, educational means; it is an organizational and methodological toolkit of the pedagogical process (B.T. Likhachev).

Technology of my work is being built on severaldirections :

Psychological diagnostics of children, parents andteachers .

Developmental and correctionalworking with children .

Consulting work.

Educational work.

Organizational methodological work.

Expert work.

Psychological diagnostics

When diagnosing a child, I use methods such as observation, conversation, standardized methods for identifyingmental processes , as well as projective techniques. Of course, when diagnosing, I take into account the individual characteristics and age criteria of the preschooler.

The main objective of this type of activity is to diagnose the development of the personality of children, determine the individual characteristics and inclinations of the individual, its potential in the process of learning and upbringing, as well as identify conditions that impede the full development and formation of the personality of a preschool child.

Diagnostic work is carried out both individually and with groups of children:

If necessary, a psychological examination of the child in order to determine the progress of his mental development, compliance of development with age standards;

Diagnosis of intellectual abilities;

Diagnosis of the emotional state of preschool children in a preschool institution;

Social and personal diagnostics and diagnostics cognitive development;

Studying the characteristics of children, their interests, abilities and inclinations in order to ensure an individual approach in the process of educational work;

When concluding an agreement between MBDOU and parents, the consent of the parents to their child’s participation in diagnostic examination. Thus, the principle of legality is observed, which is, in fact, the main one in the work of the MBDOU.

Corrective and developmental work

A significant part of itswork , I dedicate to developmental and correctionalwork . Preschool age brings the child new potential achievements. This is a period of mastering the social space of human relationships through communication with close adults, as well as through play and real relationships with peers. Preschool childhood is a period of creativity. The child creatively masters speech, he develops a creative imagination, his own special logic of thinking, subject to the dynamics of figurative ideas.

In developingwork I use art therapy methods with children. It can also be creativework and an interesting story of a fictional hero. Using colored pencils and paper, children complete tasks individually, each creating their own drawing.

As a result of art therapywork children spill out negative emotions, releasepsychological energy , which is usually spent on ineffective tension, and children become calmer and more relaxed. Demonstrativeness, negativism, aggression give way to initiative and creativity.

This type activity involves the active influence of a teacher-psychologist on the process of personality formation and the preservation of the individuality of students.

A service has been created in the kindergarten that provides psychological, medical and pedagogical support for children with disabilities, which guides the child throughout the entire period of his education. The support service includes specialists: a teacher-speech therapist, a senior educator, an educational psychologist, and educators. A comprehensive study of the child, the selection of work methods that are most adequate to the child’s problem, and the selection of educational content are carried out taking into account the individual psychological characteristics of the children.

Close interaction between a teacher - psychologist and a teacher - speech therapist allows: to take into account not only speech, but also individual - psychological characteristics children, as well as their compensatory capabilities; clearly formulate an objective conclusion about the child’s development and outline individual and group programs correctional work on long term perspective. Thus, the coordination of the actions of a speech therapist and a psychologist makes it possible to effectively correct existing speech development disorders, which helps the child easily adapt to the preschool environment and successfully develop and learn.

Advisory direction mywork passes on twolevels :

1. Parents . These are individual and group consultations. Parent meetings, trainings.Developmentinformation sheets on questions of interest, memos, recommendations.

2. Teachers . Group consultations, workshops. Individual consultation.

This type of activity is aimed at advising parents and teachers on the development, training and education of children in the conditions of MBDOU.

In line with advisory activities, the educational psychologist advises parents (legal representatives), administration, and educators on the problems of teaching and raising children.

Individual psychological consultations are provided at the request of parents on various issues (children's fears, aggressiveness, hyperactivity, shyness, poor appetite, education issues, etc.).

The consultation procedure is standard:

1. Greeting;

2. clarifying the reason for the appeal;

3. clarifying the desired result;

4. summarizing, developing options for solving the problem;

5. stipulating the client’s decision and his actions to achieve the desired result.

In the education system, the practice of dealing with an “unmotivated” client during the consultation process is quite widespread. This situation arises when a psychologist, on his own initiative, invites parents to a consultation to solve existing problems.

All used by metechnologies allow you to realize and show all participants in the educational process the importancepsychological assistance and the need for the existence of this service in a preschool institution.

Educational work

Educational work is carried out mainly as a prevention of possible complications in adaptation, identifying such characteristics in children that can lead to certain difficulties, deviations in their intellectual and emotional development, in the cognitive sphere.

In order to familiarize parents with psychological knowledge, parent meetings, where they get acquainted with the developmental features of a particular age, stands are set up in groups, the “Psychology Week” project.

In the field of teacher education, this direction involves speaking at methodological associations, teacher councils, seminars, and round tables.

Setting up psychological consultation corners in groups (at the request of teachers and parents of preschool educational institutions).

Organizational and methodological work .

Organizational and methodological work is carried out directly during the year - this is planning work for the next academic year, selection of materials for consultations and diagnostic work, selection of materials for correctional, developmental and advisory work, preparation for correctional and developmental classes, recording diagnostic results, etc. Also, special attention is paid to the study of methodological and special literature for the purpose of self-education.

Software and methodological support for the activities of the psychological service contains:

Regulatory documentation.

Activity logs.

Folders with the results of diagnostic examinations.

Programs and notes of correctional and developmental classes.

Diagnostic kits and collections of diagnostics in various areas.

Expert work.

From September 2016 to the present, I, as an educational psychologist, diagnose and write conclusions for children who are sent to PMPK by appointment. As the secretary of the PMPk, I draw up and am responsible for all documentation: the register of preliminary registration of children at the PMPk, the log of registration of collegial conclusions of the PMPk, I record the process of meetings in the minutes and prepare plans, schedules, the annual report of the activities of the PMPk.

Thus, I carry out work in all areas of activity using various psychological and pedagogical technologies:

The child’s personality is studied, in order to accumulate comprehensive information about various aspects of his life and education, on this basis, preventive and correctional and developmental work is carried out with pupils, advisory and preventative work with parents and specialists;

Favorable social, psychological, pedagogical conditions are created for the successful upbringing, training and development of preschool children

Modern technologies in the activities of a teacher-psychologist.

Today, the word “technology” is increasingly used by specialists in the field of pedagogy and psychology. In the psychological literature, this term is either not considered at all meaningfully or it has an ambiguous meaning.

The term “technology”, based on the wording of many literary sources, is understood as art, skill, skill, a set of processing methods, changes in state.

Any activity can be either technology or creativity. It all starts with a creative idea and ends with technology.

The basis of any technology is a clear definition of the final goal. In technology, purpose is seen as a central component.

What psychological and pedagogical technologies are most relevant in the work of an educational psychologist?

A teacher-psychologist, working with children, constantly focuses on their personal structures. When working in this area, the specialist uses the following technologies:

    information, through the use of which knowledge, skills and abilities are formed.

    operational technologies provide the formation of methods of mental action.

    self-development technologies are aimed at the formation of self-governing mechanisms of the individual.

    heuristic - for the development of the creative abilities of the individual.

    applied ones effectively develop the practical sphere of personality.

Let's take a closer look at these technologies.

Information Technology

Information technology is very relevant in the work of a school psychologist.

Thanks to the implementation of the project “Development of a unified educational information environment for schools” in a limited period of time, the education system has achieved significant success in the field of informatization.

With the help of information technology, the implementation of the main areas of activity of a school psychologist is relevant: diagnostics, consultation, developmental work, education, only the forms and means of their implementation differ significantly from the generally accepted ones. The implementation of the main activities of a school psychologist in remote service mode occurs through:

Creation of a thematic psychological electronic library for schoolchildren, teachers, parents on current issues that concern them,

Exhibition of educational and diagnostic materials for children, with which children can work on-line,

Conducting remote psychological events and competitions,

Organization of remote counseling of target groups (in particular, it is possible to create an Internet trust, a special section, when accessed, closed remote communication between the psychologist and the client is possible),

Organizing forums for designated groups where they could express their opinions, requests, give feedback, and get advice

Organization of schools distance learning

Conducting a chat between a team of psychologists and children, parents, conducting a remote consultation of a psychologist, teacher, administration, as well as chats involving specialists from other cities, conducting teleconferences with teachers and children

Conducting surveys of target groups

Organization of psychological workshops for target groups

Speaking about the activities of the remote school psychological service, it is important to note that the remote activities of the psychologist with all target groups must correspond to the real activities of the school psychologist at the moment at school, which allows us to ensure the integrity of the functioning of all areas of the psychological service. In addition, the same topic should run through the work with all target groups.

One of the areas of using information technology in the work of a school psychologist can be considered the use of Internet design as a method of correctional and developmental work for a psychologist. The term “Internet project” is one of the most commonly used terms on the Internet. In a narrow sense, it is identified with the concept of “site”. In a broad sense, an Internet project is a project in which computer capabilities and services are used to solve a problem.

Examples of final products of Internet design include the following: website, computer presentation, computer drawing, e-book, magazine, computer game, remote competition, festival, teleconference, discussion chat and other remote events.

Involving children in the development and implementation of their own Internet projects has great developmental potential. On the one hand, as a team form of work, the Internet project allows you to develop cognitive abilities, design thinking, the subjective position of schoolchildren, the ability to collaborate, and work in a team. On the other hand, content allows you to solve a wide variety of psychological problems: correctional, developmental, educational.

An integral part of the implementation of the Internet project is a media presentation of the project results, within which children not only present project products, but also develop expertise skills, planning and selection of information, communication skills, etc. When preparing for a presentation, it is important for children to develop assessment criteria, independently or with the help of a teacher, as well as a structure.

Internet design is often used as part of media psychology lessons, which actively use IT technologies.

In general, the use of ICT in the work of a school psychologist poses new tasks for the development of collections of digital sources, correctional programs, the creation of electronic textbooks - workshops in psychology, electronic additions to well-known teaching materials in psychology, etc. Information technologies are increasingly becoming part of the activities of educational psychologists and are used as usual.

Educational games technology:

Educational games occupy an important place among modern psychological and pedagogical technologies. Educational games perform three main functions:

    Instrumental: the formation of certain skills and abilities - can be expressed in game exercises;

    Gnostic: the formation of knowledge and the development of students’ thinking - expressed in didactic methods;

    Socio-psychological: development of communication skills, expressed in role-playing games.

Educational game technology can be combined with technologies such as group technology, diagnostics, and training.

The role of educational games in education and psychology is extremely important. In pedagogy, they are an integral component of developmental education, which is based on the development of activity, initiative, and independence of students. In psychology, these technologies develop the cognitive, social, and professional activity of students. 1

These technologies are effective in working with children of all age groups and with adults (teachers, parents).

Health-saving technologies

In modern schools, along with weakened physical health, schoolchildren suffer from psychological problems (maladaptation disorders). These violations are caused by the influence of the stressful system of organizing the educational process. The school psychological service plays an important role in solving this problem. In the working arsenal of a teacher-psychologist there are techniques that can bring a child out of a stressful state, relieve internal tension, identify the possibility of developing a more optimistic outlook on the life situation, etc.

Psychological activity involves the use of techniques such as:

    Music therapy– use of music for: relaxation and calming, activation of the emotional sphere, correction of the emotional state.

    Aromatherapy– the use of aromatic substances for relaxation and aesthetic purposes.

    Color therapy– use of color visualization for depression, anxiety, fears.

    Dance therapy– use of dance movements or imitations to music to relieve muscle tension. 2

    Body therapy- methods of working with the body, the purpose of which is to improve physical and mental well-being.

    Art therapy

Art therapy includes a number of areas of psychological work related to creativity - isotherapy, color therapy, phototherapy, fairy tale therapy, music therapy, collaging. The psychology of creativity has long been successfully used in working with children and adults. Art therapy reveals a person’s multifaceted inner potential and, at the same time, helps fight a number of serious psychological problems, including trauma, internal conflicts, and fears. () Thanks to the psychology of creativity, a person is immersed in a situation where he can relieve stress and gain faith in himself. Most often, art technologies are used in diagnosis, correction, psychotherapy, and today in the educational process at different levels of education. 3

    Play therapy

This technology solves the following range of problems: psychocorrection, psychoprophylaxis, development and harmonization of the child’s personality, and helps improve the psychological climate in families and small groups.

Play therapy includes individual, paired and group games, techniques involving the use of dolls, figurines, relaxation techniques based on the active work of the imagination, various forms of artistic expression, etc.

In approaching the subject, the educational psychologist uses technologies:


Technologies of cooperation realize democracy, equality, partnership in the subjective relations of the psychologist and the child. This technology is most relevant when organizing research activities, competitive movements, as well as in training work. The interaction of a psychologist and a student in cooperation, in addition to solving a cognitive, creative goal, provides for the solution of a psychological and social one - in the course of completing the task, a culture of communication is formed, reflecting all communicative levels: “...activity - interaction - communication - contact” (according to A.A. Leontiev).

    Personally- oriented

They place the child’s personality at the center of the entire school socio-psychological system, providing comfortable, conflict-free and safe conditions for her development, and the realization of her natural potentials. Person-centered technology is the embodiment of humanistic philosophy, psychology and pedagogy.

The focus of the school psychologist is on the unique, holistic personality of the child, striving for maximum realization of his capabilities (self-actualization), open to the perception of new experiences, capable of making conscious and responsible choices in a variety of life situations: (5)

    Humanely- personal

They are distinguished primarily by their humanistic essence, psychotherapeutic focus on supporting the individual and helping her. They “profess” the ideas of respect and love for the child, optimistic faith in his creative powers, rejecting coercion:

The term “psychological technologies” implies an aspect associated with the formation and development of the subject’s personal qualities.

Consequently, the term “psychological technologies” means a set of methods and techniques aimed at the formation of an effectively practical sphere of personality and the realization of natural potentials.()

The technologies used by the educational psychologist perform a number of functions: psychological prevention, psychological counseling, psychological support, psychological rehabilitation, socio-psychological training. 4

Psychological prevention- promoting the full development of the personality of all participants in the educational process, preventing possible personal deformations in the process of interaction, assistance in understanding the destructive influence of psychological violence. The main task of psychological prevention is to create conditions that facilitate an adequate and competent response of the individual to manifestations of psychological violence, refusing to use its forms in interaction.

To implement this function, the following techniques are used:

Increasing the socio-psychological competence of participants in the educational environment on issues of psychological safety during seminars, group discussions on the problems of psychological violence, designing non-violent alternative models of behavior.

Using data on mental health indicators of participants to form an individual mental hygiene program: reducing the severity of burnout syndrome; level of emotional tension; change in self-attitude; harmonization of the relationship between “I-real” and “I-ideal”, etc.

Joint discussion and development of rules for safe interaction by all participants in the educational environment.

Psychological counseling- assisting participants in self-knowledge, positive self-attitude, adaptation to real life conditions, the formation of a value-motivational sphere and a system of relationships with others, awareness of the value of non-violence, overcoming professional deformations, achieving emotional stability that promotes personal and professional growth and self-development. Group counseling techniques, included in classes with all educational and training groups, are based on the results of both previous diagnostics of attitudes towards the educational environment, satisfaction with the main characteristics of interaction, taking into account their significance for the subject, the level of psychological security (using its structural components), and personal – emotional and communicative characteristics, interpreted as indicators of mental health.

Psychological correction- active psychological and pedagogical influence aimed at eliminating deviations in personal and professional development, harmonizing mental health.

In practical psychology, there are two directions of correction. The first represents a set of individualized measures to strengthen the regulatory functions of the psyche, develop emotional self-control and self-government. The second is normative-value correction, which consists of introducing certain directions into the individual-personal system of norms and behavioral standards, in accordance with which a person adjusts the performance of his life and activity functions.

Psychological rehabilitation- a process that mobilizes personal adaptation mechanisms when experiencing traumatic circumstances caused by the state of the external environment. Rehabilitation involves the return of what has been lost or may be lost due to changes in conditions.

It is psychological trainings that are most often considered as rehabilitation psychotechnologies.

Thus, psychological and pedagogical technologies find their appropriate place in the holistic pedagogical process. Any psychological and pedagogical technology, its development and application require the highest creative activity and professional knowledge of a teacher-psychologist.

List of used literature

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Internet resources:

    Pisareva E.V. The role of psychological health-saving technologies in improving the quality of education

    Sizanov A.N. Pedagogical innovations in scientific support educational process and the role of the pedagogical community in the success of their implementation...

    Chernova E.N. Modern psychological and pedagogical technologies of training