
Special dragee merz side effects. Hair vitamins “Merz”: features of the drug, reviews from consumers and doctors

Vitamin complex Merz, designed to maintain human body. It saturates vitally essential vitamins, improves the appearance and health of a person.


The Merz vitamin complex includes:

  • Yeast extract – 100 mg.
  • Calcium pantothenate – 3 mg.
  • Riboflavin – 1.7 mg.
  • Iron fumarate – 20 mg.
  • Colecalciferol – 50 IU.
  • Biotin – 0.02 mg.
  • Cyanocobalomin – 3 mg.
  • Ascorbic acid– 76 mg.
  • Alpha tocopherol acetate – 10 mg.
  • Pyridoxine hydrochloride – 1.3 mg.
  • Nicotinomide – 11 mg.
  • Thiamine mononitrate – 1.3 mg.
  • Retinol Acetate – 1550 IU.
  • Betacarotene – 0.8 mg.
  • Cystine – 31 mg.

Additional substances: Colloidal silicon dioxide, purified water, acacia gum, dye E 172, talc, sucrose, corn starch, dextrose syrup, indigo carmine, cellacephate.

Indications for use

The vitamin complex should be taken only after consulting a doctor. This complex must be taken in case of vitamin deficiency in the body. Vitamin deficiency has serious consequences. These are: tooth loss, dull or gray skin, brittle nails, constant fatigue, feeling of lack of sleep and much more.


  • May cause an allergy to a specific vitamin.
  • If used incorrectly, there may be an incorrect overdose of vitamin A and D.
  • Pregnant or nursing mothers should consult a doctor before using the complex. Because this can negatively affect the baby’s health.
  • If the body is saturated with vitamins. An excess of them can have a bad effect.
  • Contraindicated for children.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties are perhaps obvious:

  • Boosting immunity. Immunity will be ready for all kinds of attacks.
  • Hair becomes vibrant and grows with full strength.
  • Teeth stop falling out.
  • Nails grow quickly and have a healthy, shiny appearance.
  • Fatigue goes away. A person feels more cheerful and energetic.
  • No constant feeling lack of sleep.
  • The skin takes on a healthy appearance. And the eyes have a healthy shine.

It's nice to feel energetic, beautiful and healthy. What could be more important than that?


Price vitamin complex Merz may fluctuate slightly. Usually the price is on average 800 rubles.


Nowadays, there are a large number of analogues. Pharmacies have a large selection of vitamins and minerals. Moreover, there are separate specific vitamins or a whole complex.

  • Vitrum beauty.
  • Complivit.
  • Supradin.
  • Wellman.
  • Revalid.

The action of all these complexes is similar. They improve external condition person.

Instructions for use

You should use 1 tablet twice a day. In the morning and in the evening. It is not advisable to exceed the dose without consulting your doctor.



This is not the first year I have been taking these capsules. I want to say that this is just a find. After I gave birth to the child. My teeth began to crumble and my hair began to fall out. I felt a terrible lack of vitamins. My skin has become absolutely terrible. It was scary to look in the mirror. I never thought that this would happen to me. But unfortunately, this is the reality. After drinking Merz, a month later the results were obvious. Oddly enough, but this is true. My face acquired a vibrant appearance and color, and the peeling stopped. I was so delighted that I simply can’t describe it. Happiness knew no bounds. These are really cool vitamins.


Great stuff. I use them all the time. Especially in winter. They help my face, hair and nails a lot. She didn’t believe that it would help like that. But now I'm sure that for me better than the complex can not found.


Good pills. They really help, keeping the appearance normal. I have two children. Each time after giving birth it was difficult to recover. My teeth constantly hurt and were falling out. I ate cottage cheese at large quantities, but that didn't really help. Until I started taking these miracle pills. I restored everything and even more. I look and feel even better than before.


I'm not young anymore. But vitamins are still required. And at my age they are needed more often. I don’t remember when I started taking these pills, but I know one thing. They really helped. Although I didn’t really believe it at first. It's good that everything turned out differently. I am very pleased. I recommend everyone to take care of their health.


Megacomplex. Simply unreal. As much as I drink, I am delighted with it. My friend recommended it to me a long time ago. At that time I still laughed and was skeptical. But in vain. Now I’m even glad that she made me drink them. My hair has become much more manageable, soft, almost silky. I'm happy as an elephant.


I love vitamins and completely trust my health, but only to proven ones. The doctor prescribed this complex to me. Having said that I seem to have a vitamin deficiency in my body. Yes, I myself am Lately I felt that something was wrong with me. My hair started falling out, just in clumps. My nails were constantly splitting. I was very afraid of being left without my long hair. It’s good that I found a doctor who helped me. And, of course, thanks to these pills. They work wonders.

In winter I always feel that something is wrong with my body. And, of course, they are immediately switched to tablets. After three weeks I can already see noticeable results. Yes, and I feel lighter. Therefore, I am completely satisfied with them.

I want to tell my story. They write here that the complex helps hair, teeth and skin. I bought it for my eyes. My vision began to deteriorate sharply. The ophthalmologist prescribed them for me. I didn’t even dream that they would help. What a surprise I was when my eyes stopped watering so much and getting tired. Right now I can read a book and a magazine. I feel much better and more confident. Thanks to the Merz vitamin complex.

Special dragee Merz is a multivitamin-mineral complex that has combined action, which is a summand of the effects of its individual components. Cystine is an amino acid that improves aesthetic characteristics and has an “anti-aging” effect, manifested in improving the condition of nails, hair, and skin. Retinol ensures the structural stability of the epithelium, stimulates blood circulation in the skin, improving the delivery of oxygen and nutrients (trophic function), gives the skin firmness, elasticity, and a healthy appearance. Beta-carotene is a strong natural antioxidant. Tocopherol catalyzes the processes of cellular respiration, potentiates antioxidant effect beta carotene. Ascorbic acid stabilizes the walls of blood vessels, making them less permeable. Thiamine is involved in glucose metabolism, which supports the work nervous system. Riboflavin is an integral participant in the processes of cellular respiration. Calcium pantothenate maintains the proper level of skin hydration, preventing it from dehydration. Pyridoxine is involved in protein metabolism. Cyanocobalamin is used by the body in hematopoietic processes. Nicotinamide is a participant in many vital biochemical reactions. Biotin has a synergistic effect with cystine in relation to hair and nails. Iron takes part in the process of hematopoiesis. Yeast extract is rich in B vitamins, macro- and microelements, and protein compounds. Scope of application of the drug: prevention of vitamin and iron deficiency in the body. Single dose – 1 tablet. Frequency of application – 2 times a day. The optimal time to take it is morning and evening. Medicine is well tolerated. In rare cases possible allergic manifestations if the patient has an individual intolerance to one or more components of the drug.

Taking iron supplements in high dosages can negatively affect the body, and therefore it is recommended to adhere to the dosages of the drug indicated in the instructions for use. The drug is widely used for aesthetic purposes, because... The main “targets” for it are the skin, skin and nails, to maintain a normal appearance, the body requires regular intake of sufficient amounts of vitamins, minerals and other valuable nutrients. The drug successfully passed clinical trials, during which, in particular, the degree of skin smoothness, hair growth rate and density, growth rate and quality of the structure of the nail plates were assessed. The use of the drug for six months ensured an improvement in all of the above indicators: improved skin condition, increased work productivity sebaceous glands, the growth of hair and nails has become more intense, their structure and mechanical strength have improved. B vitamins and beta-carotene have a positive effect on the structural proteins of the skin (collagen, elastin), ensuring its smoothness, firmness, and elasticity. Retinol, cystine, calcium pantothenate make hair less susceptible to the negative effects of external and internal damaging factors, prevent hair loss, stimulate growth, provide volume and shine. Biotin, iron, cystine and other amino acids stimulate nail growth, promote positive structural changes, provide strength and a smooth surface, and reduce fragility. The effectiveness of the drug increases by adjusting the diet, enriching it with fruits, vegetables, and high-quality protein products of animal and plant origin.


A combined drug, the effect of which is determined by the properties of the substances that make up the drug.

Cystine is one of the main amino acids, plays important role during the growth of hair and nails.

Retinol (vitamin A) maintains the integrity of epithelial cells, improves blood supply to the skin, restores its firmness and elasticity.

Beta-carotene (provitamin A) has antioxidant properties.

Tocopherol (vitamin E) is involved in the processes of tissue respiration and has an antioxidant effect.

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) reduces the permeability of vascular walls.

Thiamine (vitamin B1) plays a leading role in carbohydrate metabolism, necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system.

Riboflavin (vitamin B 2) is the most important catalyst for cellular respiration processes.

Calcium pantothenate (vitamin B 5) enhances the water metabolism of skin cells.

Pyridoxine (vitamin B 6) takes part in protein metabolism.

Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B 12) is necessary for normal hematopoiesis.

Nicotinamide (vitamin PP) is involved in the processes of tissue respiration, fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

Biotin (vitamin H) is essential for hair and nail growth.

Iron is involved in erythropoiesis.

Yeast extract (a natural source of B vitamins, minerals and amino acids) supports normal condition skin, hair, nails and epithelium of mucous membranes.


The effect of the drug is the result of the combined action of its components, so kinetic observations are not possible; Collectively, the components cannot be traced using markers or bioassays. For the same reason, it is impossible to detect drug metabolites.

Release form

The dragees are light pink in color, round in shape, biconvex, with a smooth and shiny surface.

Excipients: microcrystalline cellulose, colloidal silicon dioxide, purified water, acacia gum, cellacephate, red iron oxide (dye E172), dextrose syrup, indigo carmine, corn starch, carnauba wax, castor oil, sucrose, talc, titanium dioxide.

For a woman, this is a kind of base for supporting female beauty and health. As you know, hair is like an indicator women's health, because they are the first to react to problems in the body. This is due to the fact that our body considers hair to be not such an important appendage, and therefore, when the body lacks some vitamin or microelement, hair is the first to suffer. Because the body directs, for example, iron first to vital important bodies(brain, liver) and lastly to the hair. And at this time, the hair becomes dry, brittle and begins to fall out. By the way, iron deficiency is the most common cause in women. Therefore, today we’ll talk about a drug that contains the daily requirement of iron in its composition, about German complex vitamins Merz.

The special Merz dragee contains a combination of vitamins, iron and biologically active additives, which are necessary for the body as a whole and for the normal condition of the skin, hair and nails in particular.

The combination of vitamins and dietary supplements helps prevent disorders and restore the function and structure of the skin, hair and nails that arise as a result of poor nutrition or the body’s increased need for these substances.

Indications for use

Prevention of avitaminosis and hypovitaminosis in conditions accompanied by an increased need for vitamins, including during the recovery period after past diseases, with poor nutrition, with prolonged overload and stress, with iron deficiency.

The drug is also taken to prevent damage to the skin, hair and nails caused by vitamin and iron deficiency.


  • increased sensitivity to the components of the drug
  • overdose of vitamins A and D.
  • Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding: When used in recommended doses, the risk has not been proven. Since vitamin A (retinol acetate) in high doses can cause a teratogenic effect, during pregnancy you should not combine the drug with medications containing vitamin A.

Composition of Dragee Merz and comparison with other vitamins

The vitamin-mineral complex consists of 15 components, each of which is very important for the body and vital for hair.

1 tablet contains:
Active substances:

  • Cystine 30 mg - 100% of daily norm
  • Beta-carotene 0.9 mg (no regulated recommendation)
  • Retinol acetate 1500 IU - 112.5% ​​of daily value
  • Thiamine mononitrate 1.2 mg - 120% of the daily value
  • Nicotinamide 10 mg - 125% of daily value
  • Pyridoxine hydrochloride 1.2 mg - 133% of the daily value
  • Ascorbic acid 75 mg - 166% of daily value
  • Cyanocobalamin 2 mcg - 200% of the daily value
  • Riboflavin 1.6 mg - 246% DV
  • Alpha tocopherol acetate 9 mg - 120% of daily value
  • Biotin 0.01 mg - 67% of daily value
  • Colecalciferol 50 IU - 67% of the daily value
  • Calcium pantothenate 3 mg - 120% of daily value
  • Yeast extract 100 mg - (no regulated recommendation)
  • Iron fumarate 20 mg - 100% of the daily value

Excipients: microcrystalline cellulose, colloidal silicon dioxide, purified water, acacia gum, cellacephate, red iron oxide (dye E172), dextrose syrup, indigo carmine, corn starch, carnauba wax, castor oil, sucrose, talc, titanium dioxide.

Let's look at each component:

Cystine is an amino acid that performs many functions in the body. Cystine is one of the essential amino acids that plays an important role in the growth of hair and nails. It is a powerful antioxidant, not inferior to vitamin C.

Beta-carotene (provitamin A)- has antioxidant properties. A lack of beta-carotene has a bad effect on the condition of the hair: it becomes dry, lifeless and falls out a lot. Protects hair from negative impact unfavorable factors environment.

Tocopherol (vitamin E)- participates in the processes of tissue respiration, has an antioxidant effect. Makes hair soft, elastic, helps cope with hair loss.

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C)- reduces the permeability of vascular walls, improves blood circulation in the scalp, which promotes better nutrition hair.

Thiamine (vitamin B1)- plays a leading role in carbohydrate metabolism and is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system. With a lack of vitamin, hair becomes brittle, dull and prone to loss.

Riboflavin (vitamin B2)- the most important catalyst for cellular respiration processes. Thanks to vitamin B2, our skin, nails and hair receive nutrients and look healthy and strong. If there is a lack of vitamin B2 in the body, this immediately affects the condition of the hair; it looks dull, greasy at the roots and dry along the length.

Calcium pantothenate (vitamin B5)- enhances water metabolism of skin cells. The vitamin penetrates under the keratin scales of the hair shaft, smoothing its surface and retaining moisture, restoring the integrity of mechanically and chemically damaged hair, reducing its fragility. Vitamin B5 is responsible for strengthening hair roots and increasing the penetration of oxygen into the scalp

Pyridoxine (vitamin B6)- participates in many metabolic processes and plays an important role in the synthesis of a huge number of important structural and functional compounds in the body. The presence of hormones, proteins and fats necessary for healthy hair in the body depends on its activity, and it also maintains normal metabolism in the scalp. The vitamin is indispensable for nourishing hair and skin.

Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12)- necessary for normal hematopoiesis, lack of this vitamin causes baldness, B12 is one of the most important vitamins for hair loss. Also, with a lack of vitamin, dryness and flaking of the scalp may occur.

Niacinamide (vitamin PP)- participates in the processes of tissue respiration, fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Due to shortage nicotinic acid Hair growth slows down, it practically does not grow, and gray hair also appears early.

Iron- participates in erythropoiesis. With iron deficiency, not only intense hair loss is manifested, the first symptoms may be dryness, fragility and a decrease in the diameter of the hair, that is, the quality of the hair itself changes.

Biotin (vitamin H)- necessary for hair and nail growth. Regulates protein and fat metabolism, stimulates the formation of collagen, necessary for rejuvenation of the body. The main symptoms of biotin deficiency may be intense hair loss, brittle and dry hair, dry and itchy scalp, drowsiness, loss of energy, depression, anemia.

Yeast extract(a natural source of B vitamins, minerals and amino acids) - maintains the normal condition of the skin, hair, nails and epithelium of the mucous membranes.

Dragee Merz: how to take, course of treatment

The special Merz dragee should be taken as a course. Recommended doses for adults and children over 12 years of age: 1 tablet 2 times a day (morning and evening) for 30 days. Then you should take a break and, if necessary, the course can be repeated.

Skin, hair, nails are the three main components of a beautiful appearance. What to do if your skin is dry and rough, your hair is split, and your nails are dull and brittle? How to make them a source of pride? Merz products can help with this. Its specialists know what a woman needs to feel better, look amazing and live happier. And they make no secret of it. We just conducted scientific tests, created a Special Merz Dragee and got an excellent result.

Now everyone has the opportunity to test the effect of this nutritional complex on themselves and appreciate it. Let's find out the composition of these vitamins, how to use them correctly and compare them with analogues.

Component name Quantity
in 1 tablet
% Daily Value
(2 dragees
per day)*
Effect on the body
Vitamin A
(Retinol acetate)
0.45 mg 100% Improvement of epithelial cells, improvement of blood circulation; restoration of skin firmness and elasticity
Provitamin A
0.9 mg 36% Protection against oxidants, regeneration of outer layers of skin, prevention of aging, improvement of hair structure
Vitamin C
(Ascorbic acid)
75 mg 167% Antioxidant; increasing the body’s resistance to pathogenic factors, reducing the permeability of vascular walls; gives skin strength and elasticity
Vitamin B1
1.2 mg 160% Vitamin for a strong nervous system; helps carbohydrate metabolism
Vitamin B2
1.6 mg 178% Catalysis of cellular respiration, skin renewal
Vitamin B5
3 mg 120% Strengthening water exchange of skin cells
Vitamin B6
1.2 mg 120% Regulation of protein metabolism; ensuring the penetration of cystine to hair and skin
Vitamin B 12
2 mcg 133% Normal hematopoiesis; promotes the delivery of nutrients to the cells of the hair follicles, nail bed, skin
Vitamin D3
1.25 mcg 50% Protection against skin infections, UV radiation, health improvement hair follicles
Vitamin E
(Alpha tocopherol
9 mg 120% Antioxidant effect; increases the barrier function of the skin; participant in the process of tissue respiration
Vitamin B3 (PP)
10 mg 100% Participation in the processes of metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, cellular respiration
Vitamin H
10 mcg 40% Hair health, nail growth and strengthening; increase in the thickness of the nail plate (up to 25%)
Amino acid
30 mg 33% Building material for hair cells, nails, skin
Iron 20 mg 222% Hematopoietic function; regulation of red blood cell formation in bone marrow
Yeast extract 100 mg Additional natural source B vitamins, protein and minerals; improves skin condition

* The daily norm corresponds to the amount of adequate consumption of the component according to the sanitary measures in force in the customs union. Specified percentage active substances in the composition of the pill does not exceed the upper permissible level.

The product contains enhanced iron content. To avoid harmful effects of this microelement It is not recommended to exceed the daily dose, contained in Merz Special Dragee.

Who is the drug indicated for?

Special Dragee Merz is a vitamin and mineral complex for health and beauty. Primarily for those whose skin, nails and hair need correction. He can restore shine to hair, hardness to nails and freshness to skin. High content percentage necessary vitamins and iron combined with the right proportions guarantee the care they need.

By saturating the body with essential nutrients from the inside, you can eliminate their existing imbalance in a short time, regulate natural biological processes and ultimately transform your appearance.

What are the contraindications?

An overdose of synthetic fat-soluble and D3 is more dangerous for the body than their deficiency.

  • A multivitamin may cause allergic reactions as a result of individual cases of intolerance to the components contained in the formula.
  • In the first trimester of pregnancy and during breastfeeding, due to high doses of individual components of the pill, it is necessary to take it with caution; combined use with products containing vitamin A is not recommended. Exceeding the permissible dosage may lead to the development of defects and deformities in the baby.

How to use

The daily dose is 2 tablets, 1 tablet twice a day - morning and evening.

According to the instructions for use:

Taken orally for a long time. Laboratory tests conducted by the manufacturer showed the best results after a course of six months.

The effect of vitamins begins with nails, then changes are noticeable on the skin and only lastly - on the hair.

Cost in Russian pharmacies

amount in a package
City Pharmacy name Price
Special dragee Merz, “Merz Pharma” Germany, Frankfurt am Main, No. 60 Moscow online pharmacy "Europharm" 780 rub.
The same, No. 60 Moscow "Gorzdrav" 630-1098 rub.
The same, No. 60 Nizhny Novgorod "Maksavit" 631-705 rub.
The same, No. 60 Ekaterinburg State pharmacy RUB 801.7
The same, No. 60 Saint Petersburg Arnica 595 rub.
The same, No. 60 Saint Petersburg Mariinskaya 1070 rub.
The same, No. 120 Nizhny Novgorod "Maksavit" 940-1030 rub.

Price policy Russian pharmacies individual, in the same city the price of Merz dragees can vary greatly.

Vitamin complexes with similar effects

Name Description Differences Price
A complete set of “beauty vitamins” combined with minerals and green tea. In addition to iron, 7 micro- and macroelements, lipoic and folic acids, green tea catechins. average price 300 rub.
, № 30,
A branded drug for solving problems with stunted hair growth and hair loss, including after chemotherapy. Vitamin composition expanded: included 9 minerals, methionine, folic acid, bioflavonoids, papain, inositol, rutin, choline, horsetail; no yeast. 597 - 757 rub.
№ 30.
Great Britain
General strengthening effect on the entire body, solving problems with dry skin and hair structure. Includes additional folic and para-aminobenzoic acids (B10), 9 minerals, burdock and echinacea extracts. There are 25 elements in total. According to reviews, it causes stomach pain. 600-700 rub.
, № 30
The action is aimed at regulating metabolic processes (improving metabolism), restoring the structure of nails and hair. Iron is enhanced with zinc, copper, and microelements in the chelate complex. There are no fat-soluble vitamins (A, beta-carotene, E), C, most vitamins from group B. Methionine, millet extract, wheat germ, vitamins B1, B6, B10 (from early gray hair) are present. 290-320 rub.
Alphabet Cosmetics, No. 36, No. 60, Russia Women's vitamin and mineral complex with separation daily dose for 3 doses (3 tablets) More minerals (10 elements), from additives - coenzyme Q10, inulin, quercetin, 6 plant extracts. 380-420 rub.

In their desire for a magical transformation, sometimes women take vitamins lightly, believing that the more they are eaten, the more obvious the benefits. This approach is only suitable for natural, but not synthetic, vitamins from jars. The same applies to minerals.

Ideally, you need to do this first laboratory analysis blood and determine which specific nutrient deficiencies need to be replenished. And before buying a multivitamin, carefully read the instructions, where they print the composition and indicate the percentage of the daily requirement of the component present in the medication. Only a thoughtful approach to treatment can protect against allergies and hypervitaminosis and bring the expected benefits.

For each modern woman appearance plays a significant role. Only well-groomed hair, hands and nails can give self-confidence and strength. A beautiful woman succeeds in everything, and no experiments with appearance not scary if she has helpers. To protect beauty, Merz pill vitamins against hair loss are developed according to a special formula by German scientists.

We bring to your attention an article in which you will find information on application, user reviews on forums, side effects substances, etc.

Hair is exposed to aggression from the environment. Constant styling, drying with a hot hairdryer, straightening with an iron or perm - all this has an adverse effect on the hair. They become dull, brittle, ends split, and thickness is lost.

In order to restore shine, thickness to your hair and prevent hair loss, it is not enough just to wash it with special professional cosmetics. Masks, decoctions, rinses only work externally. In order to strengthen hair from the inside, you need a complete vitamin complex that will fill the need female body in vitamins and mineral elements.

Merz vitamins are a multivitamin complex created specifically to prevent hair loss, strengthen nails and give freshness to the skin. More suitable for women than men. However, such vitamins for hair growth for the stronger sex can also be suitable as a preventive measure.

The effects that special has. vitamins are multifaceted. Among them, the most important are:

  • antioxidant. Due to the sufficient content of vitamins A, C and E, the dragee helps slow down the aging process of the skin and promotes the renewal of cellular composition;
  • hair growth due to the content of biotin, beta-carotene, B vitamins and L-cystine. At the same time, weak and brittle hair strengthen and acquire a healthy appearance;
  • delivery of nutrients, amino acids and vitamins to structural components hair thanks to the content of yeast extract.

Merz special dragee: instructions for use

Vitamins are produced in the form of tablets of 60 pieces in a frosted glass bottle. Manufacturer: Frankfurt factory in Germany. There is no protective film on the neck. The lid is screw-on and has a shiny stripe. The bottle is in a cardboard box along with instructions. Sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. Shelf life – three years.

Special dragees are round in shape, have biconvex edges with a smooth and shiny surface. The color is light pink.

The drug belongs to the group of multivitamins and minerals.

How to take the special Merz dragee? Directions for use: 1 tablet 2 times a day. The course of administration and how long to take is determined by the doctor.

Merz special dragee: composition of the drug

Merz vitamins for hair and nails receive very positive or satisfactory reviews. Merz dragee has a wide composition, which has a beneficial effect on the woman’s body in general, in particular on skin covering, hair and nails. You can even take it during menopause, but it is recommended to do this under the supervision of a doctor.

The product contains:

  • cystine is an amino acid that is necessary for hair growth and nail strength;
  • Vitamin A is necessary to improve the condition of the skin by giving it firmness and elasticity. In addition, it leads to improved blood supply;
  • beta-carotene and vitamin E are necessary as components of the body's antioxidant system;
  • vitamin C is necessary to reduce the permeability of the vascular wall;
  • B vitamins are essential for recovery metabolic processes in organism;
  • iron is necessary to improve oxygen saturation of cells by increasing hemoglobin;
  • yeast extract is needed to maintain general condition skin, hair and nails and enhancing the effects of all components of the drug;
  • Excipients.

Vitamins Merz for nails and hair: indications for use

Merz special dragee can be used for the following purposes:

  • preventive – to compensate for the deficiency of vitamins and mineral components;
  • treatment of hypo- or vitamin deficiency;
  • improving metabolic processes;
  • complex treatment of hair loss, brittle nails.

Contraindications for use

  • allergic reactions to the components of the pill;
  • symptoms of overdose of vitamins A and D.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding are not a contraindication to the use of the vitamin complex for hair and nails. Reviews from readers also testify in this favor. However, due to the lack clinical trials In pregnant women and the possible teratogenic effect of vitamin A, special tablets are not recommended.

Dragee Merz: side effects

Side effects of Merz dragees for hair include individual intolerance to the components of the product.

Combination with other vitamins is contraindicated due to the risk of developing overdose symptoms.

In order to avoid overdose, the permissible dose of the drug must not be exceeded.

Advantages and disadvantages of Merz dragees

Like any other drug, Merz tablets have their advantages and disadvantages.

Among the advantages are:

  • use of the complex to improve the condition of the skin;
  • application in complex therapy against hair loss and strengthening the nail plate;
  • use in a wide age group of women.

Among the disadvantages it should be noted:

  • individual intolerance;
  • the possibility of overdose if the rules of administration are not followed;
  • purchase costs.