
Type flatworms. Three types of worms Who are classified as ciliary worms

  • pinworms;
  • roundworm;
  • whipworm;
  • trichinella;
  • ribbons are wide;
  • flukes;
  • chains;
  • amoeba;
  • lamblia;
  • cryptosporidium;
  • ticks.
  • the use of drugs;
  • use of folk remedies;
  • surgical intervention;
  • compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.

Tablets for roundworms and tapeworms

After taking the drug, it is possible side effects in the form of dysfunction of the digestive system, nervous system and genitourinary organs.

This is one of the most modern antihelminthic drugs, effective against round and tapeworms, as well as Giardia. 1-2 tablets are enough for a cure. During therapy, you need to monitor blood counts. The medicine can be taken by adults and children over 2 years of age. Nemozol is contraindicated in pregnancy.

Treatment methods for trematodosis

A drug such as Biltricid fights flukes. good effect provided by Azinox. They contain praziquantel, which causes paralysis of the body of helminths and leads to their death.

Sometimes antibiotics are prescribed. Vitamins and mineral supplements are used to strengthen the immune system. Not everyone knows how to deal with intestinal flukes. After the main course of therapy, a recovery stage is required. Its purpose is to normalize the intestinal microflora. Eubiotics (Linex) are prescribed.

Means for the treatment of protozoosis

It is possible to use medicine for the treatment of young children. During therapy, you can not take alcohol. Long-term use metronidazole can lead to changes in the blood. When Giardia is found in the human body, drugs of the nitrofuran group are often prescribed. When defeated biliary tract prokinetics and cholekinetics can be used.

The most effective drugs are the tinidazole and metronidazole groups. It is preferable to use drugs in the form of a gel. Alcoholic and ethereal talkers have a good effect. It is recommended to combine drug therapy with cosmetic procedures for skin cleansing. Often used electrophoresis with moisturizing agents.

Non-hardware facial cleaning may be carried out. In the remission phase, microdermabrasion is organized. Peeling is performed to prevent recurrence of demodicosis. After the main course of treatment, it is recommended laser coagulation. To get rid of ticks on the face, during therapy, you need to abandon decorative cosmetics.

Some people develop demodicosis of the eye. With it, drops are prescribed. An important aspect of therapy is proper care behind the skin. The face should be wiped with disposable wipes, clothes should be washed frequently and bedding changed every day. It is recommended to sleep not on feather, but on sintepon pillows.

Anti-pediculosis drugs are used in the form of creams and shampoos. If body lice are detected, all clothing must be processed. With the development of dermatitis in humans, anti-inflammatory and healing ointments are used. Be sure to take good care of your hair. Lice can be combed out with a fine comb.

Sanitary and hygienic measures

They are of great importance in the treatment of enterobiasis. Pinworms are easily transmitted from a sick person to a healthy one, and the carrier itself is a danger to others.

In parallel with taking medication, the following measures should be observed:

  • cut your nails short;
  • avoid contact with patients;
  • wear swimming trunks;
  • take a shower every day;
  • often change linen;
  • wash hands before eating and after going to the toilet.

  • sagebrush;
  • propolis;
  • tansy flowers;
  • ginger root;
  • coriander;
  • collection based on oak bark, buckthorn and wormwood bark;

In the treatment of demodicosis folk remedies you can use a decoction based on bitter wormwood, oak bark, Castor oil, celandine and aloe juice. In the treatment of pediculosis in children are used herbal remedies, rich essential oils. These include basil, geranium, anise, and rosemary.

When Giardia is found, horseradish-based tincture, a mixture based on plantain and honey, as well as a decoction of flax seeds with cloves are effective.

Surgical treatments

Small abscesses are punctured and fluid is removed. At severe defeat intestinal amoeba may require resection or colostomy. Echinococci are dangerous to humans.

The last variant of the operation is dangerous due to the possible spread of echinococcus larvae. abdominal cavity handle antiseptic solutions. An operation for helminthiases is also required when a massive invasion of the body is observed.

Bull tapeworm. The source of infection is cattle, as well as a sick person who plays leading role in the distribution of eggs of bovine tapeworm. Perhaps the participation of flies in the transmission of the pathogen. A person becomes infected by eating raw, half-cooked, lightly salted and dried meat, raw minced meat containing tapeworm larvae (Finns).

liver fluke. Herbivorous mammals (large and small cattle, horses, pigs, rabbits, etc.), as well as humans, serve as the final host. The intermediate host is the small pond snail. Infection of the main host occurs when he eats grass from water meadows (for animals), unwashed greenery (for humans).

Ascaris. A person becomes infected with ascaris by eating dirty vegetables, fruits, greens. Roundworm eggs are carried by wind and flies and settle on vegetables and fruits. Children often become infected with roundworms by eating soil or using toys contaminated with soil. Ascaris eggs ripen only in the ground, therefore, human infection with ascaris occurs only through things and products contaminated with soil containing ascaris eggs. Transmission of roundworms from person to person is not possible.

When eating contaminated foods, roundworm eggs enter the stomach and intestines, where they quickly turn into larvae.


Choose the correct statement.

1. 1. The body wall of flatworms consists of two layers of cells.

2. Flatworms are bilaterally symmetrical.

4. The body is a skin-muscle bag.

5. There is a body cavity.

6. Flatworms have sensory organs.

7. Free-living worms at the anterior end have tentacle-like outgrowths that carry sensory organs.

8. The sizes of flatworms vary from 4.5 cm to 90 cm.

9. The body of flatworms is a skin-muscular sac covered with epithelium, covers muscle layer. The spaces between the organs are filled with connective tissue.

10. Flatworms have a circulatory system.

11. Flatworms are dioecious.

12. The digestive system is represented by a muscular pharynx with a mouth opening, usually in the center of the ventral side of the body, and a gut. All flatworms have a digestive system.

13. Tapeworms are free-living forms.

14. Tapeworms do not have an intestine; nutrition occurs by diffusion through the entire surface of the body.

Find a match.

2. What organs are systems?

I. Digestive

II. excretory

III. nervous

IV. Sexual

B. System of tubules

B. Stellate cells

D. Excretory openings

G. Brain nodes (ganglia)

3. Nerve trunks

I. Testicles

K. Ovaries

3. From listed signs write which of them are typical for:

A. Milky white planaria

B. Liver fluke

B. Bull tapeworm

2. Leaf-shaped body

3. Have suction cups, spikes, hooks

4. Free-living form

5. Regeneration

6. The body is ribbon-like, divided into segments

4. Using the listed terms, make a diagram of the "Cycle of development of the liver fluke":

1. Intermediate host

2. Primary host

3. Cattle

4. Prudovik

7. Larva

8. Liver fluke

5. Complete the diagram of the "Cycle of development of the bull tapeworm."

Instead of question marks, write the appropriate terms.

Using the diagram, tell us how the development cycle of the bull tapeworm occurs.

Choose the correct answer.

6. Helminthology is a science that studies:

A. Living organisms

B. Internal structure animals

B. Environmental conditions

7. Excretory system of flatworms:

A. Digest food

B. Removes liquid waste products harmful to the body

B. Removes solid undigested residues

D. Carries oxygen and carbon dioxide

8. Parenchyma is:

A. Loose connective tissue

B. Outer layer of the body wall

B. Inner layer of the body wall

D. Sense organs

A. White planaria

B. Bull tapeworm

B. Pork tapeworm

D. Liver fluke

From the book Amazing Biology the author Drozdova I V

WORMS. SHELLS. Arthropods Earthworms - a mystery from the "nose" to the "tail" Earthworms (they are also called earthworms) in the history of the formation of the earth's crust played much more important role than it might seem at first glance. In almost all wet areas they

From the book Tests in Biology. 7th grade the author Benuzh Elena

From the book Animal Life, Volume III, Reptiles. Amphibians. Fish author Bram Alfred Edmund

TYPE ANNELS Insert the missing word.1. Complete the sentences by inserting the necessary words.A. Annelids are descended from... ...B. The body consists of...B. Each segment has lateral outgrowths - ...G. The body cavity is divided into... ...D. Ringed worms breed

From the book Biology [ Complete reference to prepare for the exam] author Lerner Georgy Isaakovich

WORMS Page 282, insert 1 According to many signs of their development, annelids (especially polychaetes, they are also polychaete worms) are really close to arthropods and, probably, the ancestors of modern arthropods separated from this group (although no fossils

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From the book The Ancestor's Tale [Pilgrimage to the Origins of Life] author Dawkins Clinton Richard

From the author's book

FLAT WORMS The study of this type in the course of zoology is certainly very important, but educational process planarians suffer without natural living material, which easily live in a corner of wildlife. Some types of planaria breed easily and quickly. In aquariums with large

From the author's book

Worms (Vermes) Worms (Vermes), combined group of invertebrates, including about 46 thousand species. More or less common features of all worms - an elongated body, the walls of which consist of skin and muscles (muscular skin sac); movement is carried out

From the author's book

From the author's book

From the author's book

From the author's book

From the author's book

2.8. Type Annelids, or Ringlets (Annelida) Annelids, or Ringlets, about 9000 species are known. They live in marine and fresh waters, in the soil. Compared with flat and roundworms, annelids are at a higher level of organization. Main features of the type: body

From the author's book

2.8.2. Class Small-bristle worms, or Oligochaeta (Oligochaeta) This class includes a group of earthworms and other soil and water forms. They are characterized by the absence of paropodia and a small number of setae, which usually sit in bundles on the sides of the segments (except for the anterior and

From the author's book

Rendezvous No. 27 Acelomorphic flatworms When we discussed protostomes, the descendants of Concestor No. 26, I confidently assigned flatworms (Platyhelminthes) to them. Now we have a difficulty. Recent evidence indicates that the Platyhelminthes group is a sham. I don't want to

Option 1.

1) in the body of the main host; 2) in the organism of the intermediate host; 3) in the ground-air environment; 4) soil and aquatic environment.

2. Radiation symmetry of the bodydoes not have:

1) jellyfish - cornerot; 2) white planaria; 3) freshwater hydra; 4) red coral.

1) equipped with cilia; 2) covered with scales; 3) consist of chitin; 4) are not dissolved by the digestive juices of the host.

4. What type are animals that do not have a body cavity, and the gaps between the organs are filled with loose connective tissue:

1) roundworms; 2) annelids; 3) arthropods; 4) flatworms.

5. A free-living species is:

1) planaria; 2) wide ribbon; 3) echinococcus; 4) cat fluke.

6. Ascarisare not deleted from the intestine along with undigested food, as:

1) have a high fertility; 2) can live in an oxygen-free environment; 3) capable

move in the direction opposite to the movement of food;

4) digestive juice does not act on the integument of their body.

7. Digestive system of human roundworm, unlike flatworms:

1) devoid of intestines; 2) devoid of a mouth opening; 3) has an anus;

4) is devoid of an anus.

8. In the skin-muscular sac of roundworm, the musculature is represented by:

1) only circular muscles; 2) only oblique muscles; 3) only longitudinal muscles;

4) all the listed types of muscles.

9. digestion earthworm plant residues contributes to:

1) soil mixing; 2) air penetration into the soil; 3) soil enrichment with organic

substances; 4) penetration of moisture into the soil.

10. What type of animals have the most high level organizations:

1) intestinal; 2) flatworms; 3) annelids; 4) roundworms.

Part B

1. Establish a correspondence between groups of animals and their characteristic features:

A) flatworms

B) Roundworms

1) have a body cavity

2) no body cavity

3) intestine ends blindly

4) the intestine ends with an anus

5) life cycle with one host is characteristic

6) characteristic life cycle with a change of owners

Test Grade 7 Topic "Worms: Flat, Round, Ringed"

Option 2.

Part A (with the choice of one correct answer)

    What animal is the intermediate host of the liver fluke:

1) dog; 2) a person; 3) cow; 4) small pond snail.

    Human infection with bovine tapeworm can occur when:

3. The interaction of a person and a bull tapeworm is called:

4. The wall of the body of flatworms is represented by:

1) only skin; 2) external chitinous skeleton; 3) sink; 4) skin-muscle sac.

5. The internal organs of the white planaria are placed:

1) in the primary cavity of the body; 2) in the secondary cavity of the body; 3) in loose connective tissue; 4) in intestinal cavity.

6. Multicellular bilaterally symmetrical animals of an elongated shape, not divided into segments, having a body cavity, are classified as:

1) flatworms; 2) roundworms; 3) intestinal; 4) annelids.

7. Contagion human roundworm happens when:

1) eating raw meat; 2) eating raw fish; 3) non-observance of personal hygiene standards;

4) infection of wounds and cuts.

8. During the transition from flatworms to roundworms, the following aromorphoses (complications) occurred:

1) a body cavity appeared; 2) the circulatory system appeared; 3) respiratory organs appeared;

4) specialized organs of movement appeared.

9. Unlike flat and roundworms annelids have:

1) nervous system; 2) circulatory system; 3) excretory system; 4) digestive system.

10. The excretory system of annelids is represented by:

1) excretory glands; 2) paired kidneys in each segment of the body; 3) paired

excretory funnels in each segment of the body; 4) in each segment of the body by skin glands.

Part B Choose three correct statements out of six.

1. Signs of annelids include:

1) peripharyngeal nerve ring and nerve trunks with branches extending from it

2) bristles on the segments of the body

3) peripharyngeal nerve ring and ventral nerve cord

4) poor development or absence of sensory organs

5) the presence of a closed circulatory system

6) nutrition with tissues of the organs of the human body

Test Grade 7 Topic "Worms: Flat, Round, Ringed"

Option 3.

Part A (with the choice of one correct answer)

    Planarian respiration occurs:

1) diffusely through the integument of the body; 2) with the help of external outgrowths - gills; 3) with the help of internal gills; 4) with the help of lung bags.

2. The main owner of the bull tapeworm is:

1) bull; 2) a person; 3) sheep; 4) horse.

3. The intermediate host of the liver fluke is:

1) bull; 2) a person; 3) fish; 4) pond snail.

4. Who is referred to as ciliary worms:

1) bull tapeworm; 2) pork tapeworm; 3) echinococcus; 4) milky white planaria.

1) eyes appeared; 2) hermaphroditism arose; 3) the anus was reduced; 4) there were organs of attachment to the host organism.

6. In roundworms, unlike flatworms, the body cavity is filled with:

1) blood; 2) air; 3) liquid; 4) parenchyma (connective tissue).

1) stomach; 2) small intestine; 3) liver; 4) large intestine.

8. What groups of animals do not use oxygen in the process of breathing:

1) earthworms and other inhabitants of the soil; 2) larvae of insects living under

sea ​​depths.

9. Nervous system earthworm is represented by:

1) scattered throughout the body nerve cells; 2) peripharyngeal nerve

ring and abdominal nerve cord; 3) head ganglions and outgoing

from them trunks; 4) circumpharyngeal nerve ring, dorsal and abdominal


10. Earthworms,digging holes in the soil :

1) contribute to the formation of organic substances in plants; 2) improve conditions

root respiration; 3) affect the speed of movement in mineral plants

substances; 4) affect the speed of movement of organic substances in plants.

Part B

1. Establish a correspondence between the trait and the type of living organisms:

A) intestinal

B) annelids

1) two-layer animals

2) the presence of a body cavity filled with fluid

3) retinal nervous system (diffuse type)

4) the body is segmented

5) ray symmetry

6) the presence of a circulatory system

2. Name the worm. Specify the type and class to which it belongs.

Test Grade 7 Topic "Worms: Flat, Round, Ringed"

Option 4.

Part A (with the choice of one correct answer)

    Nervous system of flatworms:

1) diffuse type; 2) ladder type; 3) tubular type; 4) is missing.

2. Finn (larva) of the bull tapeworm usually develops:

1) in the external environment; 2) in the muscles and internal organs person; 3) in the muscles and internal organs of the cow; 4) in the muscles and internal organs of the dog.

3. Inhabits small intestine, does not have a developed digestive system:

1) white planaria; 2) bull tapeworm; 3) liver fluke; 4) cat fluke.

4. In the development cycle of flatworms, a change of hosts is observed. Where does the development cycle take place? liver fluke:

1) in the organisms of the small pond snail and cattle; 2) in the organisms of cattle and humans; 3) in the organisms of farm animals and dogs; 4) all answers are wrong.

5. Which of the following animals does not have an anus:

1) roundworm; 2) pinworm; 3) white planaria; 4) earthworm.

6. Roundworms lack:

1) body cavity; 2) excretory system; 3) nervous system; 4) circulatory system.

7. Bodydivided into segments at:

1) intestinal; 2) sponges; 3) roundworms; 4) annelids.

8. Which of the following animals has a body that is round in cross section:

1) human roundworm; 2) liver fluke; 3) bull tapeworm; 4) Siberian fluke.

9. In annelids, the muscles:

1) annular and longitudinal; 2) only circular; 3) only longitudinal; 4) transverse, longitudinal and


10. Annelidsdifferent from round:

1) bilateral symmetry; 2) through intestines; 3) the presence of a body cavity; 4) presence

circulatory system.

Part B

A) roundworm

B) bull tapeworm

1) do not eat raw, undercooked or fried meat

2) wash your hands before eating and after eating

3) do not eat unwashed raw fruits and vegetables

4) protect food from flies

2 . Name the worm. Specify the type and class to which it belongs

Answers: Topic: "Worms: Flat, Round, Ringed"

Option 1

Option: 2

Option: 3

Option: 4

Last name, first name:

Last name, first name:

Last name, first name:

Last name, first name:

Last name, first name:

Last name, first name:

Type Flatworms


A1. The body of flatworms is

1) one cell

2) two layers

3) three layers

4) non-cellular mycelium

A2. Nervous system in flatworms

1) missing

2) diffuse type

3) in the form of a neural tube

4) consists of nerve trunks and nodes

AZ. Flatworm planaria is able to restore lost body parts - this is the essence of the process

1) digestion

2) breeding

3) selection

4) regeneration

A4. Nutrients in the body of the bovine tapeworm come through

2) tentacles

3) body surface

4) intestinal cavity


A. Flatworms are bilaterally symmetrical.

B. Flatworms, as hermaphrodites, produce male and female sex cells.

1) Only A is true

2) Only B is true

3) Both statements are correct

4) Both judgments are wrong

B2. Choose three true statements. There are no planarians in the body

1) respiratory organs

2) pharynx and intestines

3) nerve nodes

4) blood vessels

5) gonads

6) bones of the skeleton

BZ. Set the sequence of steps life cycle liver fluke, starting with the egg.

1) The egg enters the environment and turns into a larva.

2) The larva leaves the body of the mollusk and turns into a cyst.

Answer: 1, 4, 2, 5, 3.


A1. The body walls of flatworms are formed

1) shell

2) sink

3) skeleton

4) skin-muscular sac

A2. Free-living flatworms have sensory organs

1) sensitive cells in the skin

2) taste buds language

3) inner ear

4) olfactory cells of the nose

AZ. Liver fluke by lifestyle

A4. The body of the bull tapeworm includes

1) cephalothorax

2) head and segments

3) torso and limbs

4) head and abdomen

B1. Are the following statements true?

A. The excretory functions in the body of the planaria are carried out by the system of tubules.

B. Flatworms have a closed circulatory system.

1) Only A is true

2) Only B is true

3) Both statements are correct

4) Both judgments are wrong

B2. Choose three true statements. The digestive organs of planarians are

2) mouth

3) stomach

4) intestines

5) throat

6) anus

BZ. Establish the sequence of stages in the life cycle of the tapeworm, starting with the egg.

1) Worm segments filled with eggs enter the external environment.

2) Finn is attached to skeletal muscles in the body of a bull.

3) In the alimentary canal of the bull, the egg turns into a larva.

4) Finn develops into an adult in the human intestine.

Answer: 1, 3, 2, 5, 4.