
Ursofalk for newborns. Ursofalk suspension - “Salvation from jaundice of a newborn! An effective German drug

Almost all babies, without exception, after childbirth receive the so-called physiological jaundice. This phenomenon is considered normal and should not worry the child’s mother. The disease goes away on its own within about a week and does not require any drug treatment.

But sometimes the jaundice drags on and in such cases the baby needs help. And in this case, the child may be prescribed a drug such as Ursofalk.

What is “newborn jaundice”

After a baby is born, his body begins to adapt to completely new conditions. The supply of oxygen to a child during its intrauterine development was carried out using a special type of hemoglobin - fetal. But after birth, fetal hemoglobin begins to actively break down, since the baby no longer needs it.

During its breakdown, indirect bilirubin is formed, which is a toxic substance and is excreted from the body after a certain transformation. In a newborn baby, many systems are still far from perfect and toxic bilirubin begins to accumulate in the tissues. The result is yellowing of the child’s skin and eyeballs, i.e. he develops signs of classic jaundice.

Glucuronic acid produced by the liver is responsible for processing indirect bilirubin. It is she who binds to the substance, after which it is removed from the body naturally along with urine. This process is very slow in a child, since the liver is not yet working at full capacity.

On average, physiological jaundice lasts a maximum of two weeks. During this period of time, the baby’s liver adapts and begins to fulfill its duties in full. If after this period the symptoms of jaundice remain and bilirubin levels do not decrease, this indicates that the child has developed pathological (nuclear) jaundice.

The danger of indirect bilirubin is that if it is in excess, it can cause damage to brain cells. And the consequences of such a process can be quite unpredictable.

How does Ursofalk work?

When physiological jaundice transitions to nuclear jaundice, Ursofalk is prescribed for newborn babies, the drug is completely harmless. The product provides liver protection and rapid discharge of bile.

Taking the drug improves the production of enzymes necessary for the high-quality processing of indirect bilirubin and its subsequent removal from the baby’s body. The liver begins to work more actively, removing accumulated toxins.

Application and dosage

"Ursofalk" for newborns is offered in the form of a suspension - the bottle contains 250 ml. The drug is also available in capsules, which are recommended for older children.

The suspension comes complete with a measuring spoon. For an infant, the daily dose is 5 ml. The dosage for older children is calculated based on the child’s body weight: for every 10 kilograms of weight - 10 ml of the drug. The suspension should be taken in the evening, just before bedtime. The shelf life of the opened product is no more than four months.

Using the drug to treat pathology without a doctor’s prescription is strictly prohibited. In any case, the doctor should select the dosage based on the total amount of indirect bilirubin contained in the child’s blood.

Contraindications for use and possible side effects

The instructions for the drug prohibit taking the drug in children of any age in the following cases:

  • with existing liver diseases;
  • disorders associated with the functioning of the pancreas;
  • abnormalities in kidney function;
  • with existing inflammation of the biliary tract.

Side effects from using the drug include:

  • sleep disorders;
  • unreasonable excitement of the child;
  • allergies that occur as a reaction to component composition facilities;
  • vomiting;
  • regurgitation of food;
  • frequent bowel movements;
  • disturbances in liver function (if the recommended dosage is not followed).

The drug can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Reviews about the drug

Women who have already appreciated the work of the drug "Ursofalk" leave feedback about it positive reviews. The product really works pathological condition the child quickly enough. Symptoms of jaundice in newborn babies disappear within a few days of use. The drug has a pleasant sweetish taste, and therefore the child swallows the medicine without problems.

Dosage form

The drug is available in two dosage forms, both are intended for oral use - capsules and suspension.

Capsules are suitable for the treatment of adults and children over 3 years of age. For newborns and children weighing up to 34 kg, as well as adults weighing up to 47 kg. It is considered advisable to take the medicine in the form of a suspension.

The capsules are hard, white with a gelatin shell, opaque. 250 mg each. main active substance in 1 capsule. The package can contain 10, 50 or 100 capsules.

A suspension of homogeneous consistency with good fluidity, sweetish taste. There may be bubbles. In 5 ml. suspension contains 250 mg. active substance. 250 ml bottles are available for sale. with measuring spoon (5 ml.) included.

Description and composition of the drug

Ursofalk is a European drug belonging to pharmacological group hepatoprotectors. It means that this medicine is intended not only to treat, but also to protect the liver and biliary tract from various negative factors. Ursofalk effectively copes with the following tasks:

  1. Stimulates the work of liver cells, which begin to more actively produce enzymes responsible for removing bilirubin from the body of a baby or adult.
  2. Prevents bile stagnation and promotes its outflow.
  3. Fights high cholesterol levels, cholesterol plaques and stones. Promotes the removal of cholesterol along with bile.
  4. Improves immunity, strengthens the newborn's body's defenses.
  5. Stabilizes and improves protective functions organism at the cellular level.
  6. Improves secretion gastric juice, pancreatic secretion.
  7. Prevents the proliferation and enlargement of liver tissue.
  8. Blocks the processes of dilation of veins in organs.
  9. Negatively affects malignant neoplasms, slowing down their growth.

The main composition of the medicine is active ingredient– ursodeoxycholic acid. There are also minor components that complement and enhance the effect of the active substance, as well as a flavoring agent.

Ursodeoxycholic acid is also produced in the human body; the liver is responsible for this process. If there are problems with the functioning of the liver, the synthesis of this acid decreases. Ursofalk helps to compensate for the deficiency of the element and partially performs its functions.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Drug absorption occurs in small intestine. Absorption of the drug occurs slowly with an efficiency of 60-80%.

The breakdown of the active substance that enters the bloodstream occurs mainly in the liver and partly in the intestines.

The substance is excreted within 3-5 days along with feces.

During therapy, the drug partially accumulates in the body; its complete elimination is possible only after the end of treatment.

The drug is also used for the treatment of cholesterol stones, if they are not X-ray positive.


Ursofalk has the following contraindications:

  1. Individual increased sensitivity to the components of the drug, allergy to the composition of the drug.
  2. Pregnancy, period breastfeeding(relative contraindications, see “Special Instructions”).
  3. Severe liver pathologies.
  4. Acute cholecystitis.
  5. Cholangitis.
  6. Bleeding, inflammation, blockage of the bile ducts.
  7. Bleeding, inflammation of the gallbladder, intestines.
  8. Gallbladder dysfunction.
  9. Liver cirrhosis in the stage of decompensation.
  10. Problems with the functioning of the pancreas or kidneys.
  11. X-ray positive cholesterol stones.

Directions for use and doses

Since Ursofalk is a prescription drug, it is forbidden to prescribe it to yourself or your child. There is a standard dosage of the amount of the drug depending on the disease or condition of the patient. However, the doctor may, at his own discretion, change the dosage and treatment regimen, based on his own experience, clinical picture, individual characteristics the patient, test results, research data and the dynamics of the patient’s complaints.

The doctor prescribes the form of the drug that is most convenient for treatment in each specific case. Most often, the dosage is prescribed based on the patient’s body weight. Amount of drug per 1 kg. measured in a certain amount of mg. active substance.

Example of dosage calculation: Patient weighing 60 kg, daily dose 10 mg/1 kg body weight.

60kg. x 10 mg. = 600 mg.

600 mg/250 mg. = 2.4 doses. We round down - it turns out that you need to take 2 doses - these are either 2 capsules or 2 measuring spoons of suspension.

Taking 1 capsule of the drug = taking 1 measuring spoon of the drug in the form of a suspension.

For some diseases, the dosage is indicated immediately in the number of capsules/suspension for daily use, regardless of weight.

Treatment of jaundice in newborns.

Infants are prescribed only a suspension. It has a pleasant sweetish taste and children do not resist when the medicine gets into their mouth.

If a child’s jaundice has progressed to a complex form, Ursofalk is prescribed based on the child’s body weight and test results. Only a pediatrician can set an individual dosage. Approximately, for infants the dosage is as follows:

  • The child's weight is 3-5 kg. – daily dose 0.5 ml. (or 1/10 measuring spoon).
  • The child's weight is 5-8 kg. – daily dose 1.25 ml. (or ¼ measuring spoon).

Taking the suspension has nothing to do with food intake, but the time of day is of great importance in therapy. Most processes occur in the liver at night. At the same time, during sleep the organ, being in horizontal position, as relaxed as possible and receptive to the action of the medicine. That's why medicinal product It is recommended to give it to the baby once a day in the evening before going to bed.

The duration of the course of therapy is determined individually. Most often, Ursofalk is used until the child’s symptoms of jaundice go away. Since the drug is highly effective, usually the bilirubin level decreases quite quickly - within a few days. So for the entire course of therapy, 1 bottle of Ursofalk is enough.

For dissolving cholesterol stones and sand.

Ursofalk is prescribed according to the 10 mg regimen. drug per 1 kg. body weight 1 time per day (before bedtime). Do not chew the capsules; take them with plenty of liquid.

The course of treatment can take from 6 months to 1 year. To consolidate the result and prevent it, it is recommended to take the drug additionally for several months after the end of treatment.

Therapy for reflux gastritis.

Urosofalk should be taken 1 capsule (measuring spoon) every evening. The course of treatment is on average 2 weeks, but can take from 6 to 24 months.

Therapy of liver cirrhosis.

Ursofalk is prescribed depending on body weight - 15 mg. per 1 kg. It turns out that the daily dose is 3-7 capsules (measuring spoons). During the first 3 months of therapy, the number of capsules should be divided into 3 doses during the day - morning, afternoon and evening. When the patient's condition improves, all daily dose The medications can be taken once a day in the evening before bed. The course of therapy is not limited in time.

Hepatitis therapy.

Ursofalk is prescribed depending on body weight - 10-15 mg. per 1 kg. Divide the number of capsules into 2 or 3 doses during the day. Courses of therapy – from six months or longer.

Therapy for cystic fibrosis.

Ursofalk is prescribed depending on body weight - 12-15 mg. per 1 kg. – take 1 time per day.

The dose can be increased to 20-30 mg. per 1 kg. masses. In this case total Divide the capsules into 2-3 doses during the day.

The course of therapy ranges from six months to several years.

Regarding the treatment regimen and dosage of Ursofalk for other diseases, you should consult your doctor.

Possible side effects

If treatment is accompanied by alcohol intake in any form, side effects are inevitable.

Interaction with other drugs

It has been proven that simultaneous use of the drug with certain medications may significantly impair the effectiveness of treatment. Therefore, if a patient is taking any medications other than Ursofalk, he must inform his doctor about this.

special instructions

Treatment should occur under the control and supervision of the attending physician.

During treatment, you must follow your doctor's recommendations regarding diet and daily routine.

The use of the drug during pregnancy is extremely undesirable and is likely to harm the fetus. Use during lactation is highly undesirable; if treatment is unavoidable, breastfeeding should be stopped.

During treatment (especially at the beginning of therapy), periodic monitoring of liver and other organ function indicators and the effectiveness of therapy is required.

Taking the drug does not affect the degree of concentration and reaction speed.

Storage conditions: room temperature, no direct sun rays, place inaccessible to children.

Analogues of the drug

Instead of Ursofalk, the following drugs can be used:

  1. Ukrliv is a Ukrainian drug that is complete analogue Ursofalka. Available in suspensions and capsules, approved for use in children weighing over 5 kg. According to indications, the medication can be used starting from the second trimester of pregnancy.
  2. Choludexan contains as active component ursodeoxycholic acid. Produced in capsules and suspensions, it can be used in children whose weight is 5 kilograms or more. In cases where the benefit to the mother is greater than the harm to the child, the medicine may be prescribed to pregnant women. Patients childbearing age should use non-hormonal contraceptives. While taking Choludexan you should avoid breastfeeding.
  3. Flamin for children is a substitute for Ursofalk in the clinical and pharmacological group. The drug is available in granules for preparing a solution for oral administration, which is recommended for children over 1 month of age and up to 12 years of age. This herbal preparation, which has a choleretic and antispasmodic effect.
  4. Galstena is a homeopathic remedy that is recommended for pathologies of the liver and biliary tract. It is available in drops and sublingual tablets. The drug prevents the appearance of stones in gallbladder, has a choleretic, hepatoprotective and anti-inflammatory effect. Can be used in patients of all ages, including pregnant women and breastfeeding women.

Properties and action of Ursofalk

Ursofalk is a broad-spectrum drug used to treat disorders of the liver, gallbladder and its ducts.

The active substance of the drug is ursodeoxycholic acid. She's not large quantities is produced by the human body and has a hepatoprotective effect, protecting liver cells and improving the functioning of the organ as a whole.

In addition, the substance also has choleretic and immunomodulatory properties, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, and helps eliminate toxins.

Pharmaceutical companies produce Ursolfak in the form of tablets and suspensions. However, for the treatment of newborns it is more convenient to use the liquid form of the drug.

Some parents mistakenly call the suspension syrup. However, a syrup is a homogeneous solution, while a suspension is a suspension of small particles in a liquid. The bottle of the drug should be shaken before use.

  • In addition to ursodeoxycholic acid, the suspension contains the following auxiliary components:
  • benzoic and citric acids;
  • glycerol;
  • sodium citrate;
  • cellulose;
  • lemon flavor;

distilled water.


  • For newborns, Ursofalk is prescribed for the treatment of jaundice, a common pathology of the liver. In addition, the drug is indicated for other diseases:
  • biliary atresia;
  • familial fibrogenic cholestasis;
  • congenital deficiency of primary bile acid synthesis;
  • hepatitis of various origins;

cystic fibrosis.

According to various data, in the first week of life, jaundice occurs in 25–50% of full-term and 70–90% of premature newborns.

Doctor Komarovsky about newborn jaundice - video

Contraindications and possible side effects

  • Ursofalk has the following contraindications for use:
  • individual sensitivity to the components of the drug; viewed on x-ray
  • gallstones;
  • non-functioning gallbladder; spicy inflammatory diseases bile ducts
  • , bladder and intestines;
  • liver cirrhosis in the stage of decompensation;

severe dysfunction of the kidneys, liver, pancreas.

  • The most common side effect of treatment with Ursofalk is diarrhea, which occurs on average in one child out of a hundred. Very rarely observed:
  • allergic reactions in the form of itching and urticaria;
  • nausea;
  • sharp pain in the right upper abdomen;
  • increased activity of liver enzymes.

Studies have shown that ursodeoxycholic acid, the active ingredient in Ursofalk, is well tolerated by children and causes virtually no side effects.

Instructions for use of the suspension

Take Ursofalk in the evening before bed. The dosage depends on the baby’s weight and is determined by the doctor. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease, and therefore ranges from 2 weeks to several months.

The action of Ursofalk may be blocked by certain medicines.

  1. Aluminum-containing drugs, Cholestyramine and Colestipol reduce the absorption of ursodeoxycholic acid in the intestine and reduce its effectiveness. They must be taken 2 hours before using the suspension.
  2. Lipid-lowering drugs designed to reduce the level of fats in the blood (especially Clofibrate), the antibiotic Neomycin, and certain classes of hormones (progestins, estrogens) reduce the ability of Ursofalk to dissolve cholesterol gallstones.
  3. Ursodeoxycholic acid increases the absorption of Cyclosporine from the intestine, increasing its concentration in the blood, so the dose of the drug should be adjusted by a doctor.
  4. In some cases, Ursofalk may reduce the absorption of Ciprofloxacin.

All these features must be taken into account by the doctor when prescribing the drug.

How can you replace Ursofalk?

If the newborn is overly sensitive to the main or auxiliary component drug, you need to contact your pediatrician about changing the drug.

Drug analogues - table

Drug analogues - gallery

Composition, release form, active substance

Newborn babies are prescribed a suspension. The drug Ursofalk in the form of a suspension is sold in a 250 ml bottle.

The main component is ursodeoxycholic acid.

In addition, the composition contains components such as lemon flavor, glycerol, cellulose, sodium citrate, benzoic acid, propylene glycol, purified water, xylitol, chloride.

Indications – for jaundice and more

Ursofalk (suspension) is prescribed in the presence of conditions such as:

Besides, the medicine Ursofalk is prescribed in for preventive purposes if the child is at risk for developing colon cancer.


Besides, this remedy cannot be prescribed to small patients who are prone to allergies to certain components of the product.

If you want to find out whether Grippferon drops are prescribed for children under one year of age, read our article.

Instructions for using licorice syrup for children under one year of age are discussed in this material.

Instructions and reviews of Ambroxol syrup for children can be found here. Find out more!

How the drug works

The drug provides wide range impact, and also has such qualities as:


This remedy can be prescribed to a small patient only after passing necessary analysis for bilirubin.

The doctor also selects the required dosage, based on the characteristics of the baby’s body and the level of bilirubin.

So, how to take and how much Ursofalk in suspension to give to a newborn baby, how long should a baby take the medicine?

As a rule, small patients are prescribed the drug in a dosage five ml per day.

If jaundice has severe form, then the drug is prescribed based on 10 ml per kilogram of baby's weight.

The duration of therapy can only be determined by a doctor.

Method of administration

Under no circumstances should you start taking the medication on your own, without medical supervision and prescription.

The baby may not like the taste of the medicine, and he will start spitting it out. How to give Ursofalk suspension to a newborn infant in this case?

If this situation occurs, then parents can resort to using a syringe (it is in mandatory must be without a needle).

You need to take the medicine into it and carefully introduce it into the baby’s mouth (the stream should be directed towards inner part cheeks, thereby provoking swallowing).

After the procedure, the child should be fed.

Side effects

As a rule, the drug is very well tolerated However, sometimes a newborn has such manifestations as:

Under no circumstances should you give medicine to your baby in large dosages.. In case of an overdose, the child begins to be capricious, sleep poorly, and develop loose stools/hives/itching.

If these conditions do occur, you should urgently call a doctor at home.

Combination of funds

Colestipol, cholestyramine, antacids reduce the absorption of the active substance in the intestine and thus reduces its effectiveness and absorption.

Sometimes Ursofalk reduces the absorption of ciprofloxacin. The active substance enhances the absorption of cyclosporine.

Price, conditions of release from pharmacies and storage

To buy medicine you must show a prescription from your pediatrician.

The average cost in Russia for this medicine is 1239 rubles.

Pharmacies quite often sell counterfeits under the guise of a drug. That is why try to purchase goods only from trusted pharmacy outlets. The drug is quite difficult to obtain in pharmacies, so it must be ordered in advance.

The drug should be stored at a temperature of 25 degrees. It should be kept in a room where it is dark and dry.

The shelf life of the drug Ursofalk in the form of a suspension is no more than four years. After opening the bottle, the medicine should be used for no more than four months.

Do you want to know how many days children can take Mucaltin? Read our publication!

Instructions for using Linex drops for children are discussed in detail in this material.

The price of cough syrup for children ACC is presented here. As well as indications, dosage and consumer reviews.


Today there are a huge number of drugs on the market that you can replace the original product.

It is worth understanding that selecting similar product Only the doctor himself or the pharmacist has the right. At the same time, some of the analogues may cost much less or more than Ursofalk.

At birth, many children experience jaundice - physiological phenomenon, which goes away on its own within a few days and does not require treatment. If the process is delayed for a longer period of time, the baby is prescribed drug therapy: Ursofalk for newborns. In most cases, jaundice is treated successfully, and there are no complications that affect the future health of the child.

Form and composition

Ursofalk is available in capsules and suspensions. Newborns are prescribed only the liquid form of the drug. The capsules must be swallowed completely, so they are indicated for children over 3 years of age. The active ingredient is ursodeoxycholic acid, which is part of bile. The dosage in the drug is 250 mg per 5 ml of suspension. The medicine also contains:

  • Water;
  • Glycerol as a sweetener, promotes the dissolution of components in the suspension, is safe for newborns, and is used in the production of baby food;
  • Xylitol is a sweetener of natural origin, safe for diabetes, has a choleretic and laxative effect;
  • Microcrystalline cellulose is a thickener of natural origin that does not react with the components of the drug and does not change their properties;
  • Sodium chloride helps dissolve other components;
  • Benzoic acid acts as a preservative and ensures a long shelf life of Ursofalk - 4 years from the date of manufacture;
  • Sodium citrate – food supplement, preservative, enhances taste, maintains the consistency of the suspension;
  • Propylene glycol is added to medical supplies as a diluent, in its pure form it is tasteless and odorless;
  • Anhydrous lemon acid– acidifier;
  • Sodium cyclamate is a food additive of synthetic origin that imparts a sweet taste;
  • Lemon flavoring.

The drug is stored for no more than 4 months from the moment of opening.


With jaundice, bile stagnates in the body, which causes indigestion, bloating, and colic. Ursofalk promotes:

  • Removing excess bile, normalizing the level of its formation;
  • Reducing cholesterol by binding and removing it, reducing its synthesis in the liver and absorption in the intestine;
  • Reducing blood sugar levels;
  • Improving immunity by increasing white blood cells, resisting infections and viruses;
  • Increased gastric secretion.

This drug is integrated into liver cells, reducing the impact of toxic substances on it. Activation of work stimulates the production of the necessary enzymes for the breakdown and removal of harmful substances. This determines the effectiveness of Ursofalk in the treatment of jaundice in a newborn.

Indications for use

The medicine is used to treat adults and children from birth with diseases:

  • Gallstone disease caused by high cholesterol;
  • Reflux gastritis of the biliary type;
  • Biliary primary stage of liver cirrhosis.

For infants, the product is used in the treatment of jaundice. Adaptation of a newborn to life outside the womb is accompanied by a restructuring of the body to new ways of breathing. Between mother and child, oxygen exchange was carried out using a protein - fetal hemoglobin. In the process of getting used to new conditions, it is eliminated from the body. The level of another hemoglobin, which is involved in supplying cells with oxygen throughout a person’s life, increases. When the unnecessary form of protein breaks down, bilirubin is formed, which is excreted in the urine. In large quantities it can lead to intoxication of the body.

In a state of postpartum stress, the baby’s body does not always cope with the breakdown products of fetal hemoglobin. Bilirubin enters the blood and accumulates in the tissues of the body, causing a color change, and symptoms may appear:

  1. Yellow tint to the skin and whites of the eyes;
  2. Lethargy;
  3. Convulsive states.

The danger of prolonged exposure to bilirubin on the body is the transition of jaundice to a severe, nuclear form, in which penetration of the substance into the brain cells is observed, nervous system and their destruction.

One of the first measures to treat jaundice is the use of a photo lamp. If there are signs of the disease for 2 or more (for premature babies - 3) weeks, the newborn is prescribed , if its level is elevated - drug treatment. Therapy is aimed at cleansing the liver of toxins and increasing the production of enzymes that process bilirubin.

Instructions for use

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How to give Ursofalk? The medicine is prescribed by a doctor, in most cases the dose is no more than 10 mg per 1 kg of weight. The bottle must be shaken first, as the suspension forms a sediment. The product is given to the baby once a day, before bedtime, using a measuring spoon that comes with the suspension. You can use a syringe without a needle, pouring the syrup over the baby's cheek. If you inject the drug into the throat, the child may choke, or irritation of the root of the tongue will cause a gag reflex.

The medicine has a sweet taste, and the baby usually takes it with pleasure. The course lasts until the level of bilirubin in the blood normalizes and the baby’s condition improves, usually from 7 to 10 days. You cannot independently adjust the dosage prescribed by your doctor; you must follow his recommendations. If the instructions for use are not followed, the effectiveness of the drug may decrease.


Regular exposure to sunlight on the baby's skin helps speed up recovery - under their influence, bilirubin in the upper layers of the epidermis is converted into a water-soluble form, which is excreted from the body with waste products. In this case, restrictions must be observed: the most optimal time is before 11 am. In the cold season, the effectiveness of treatment is increased by replacing sunlight with exposure to a photo lamp. The procedure can be performed in a hospital setting or you can purchase a device for home use, after consulting your doctor.


Ursofalk should not be taken in the following cases:

  • Gallstone disease with high calcium content;
  • Individual intolerance to components;
  • Gallbladder dysfunction;
  • Decompensation stage of liver cirrhosis;
  • Inflammatory processes digestive organs;
  • Dysfunction of the kidneys, pancreas, liver;
  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Side effects

Taking the drug can cause side effects:

  • Increased bowel movements, diarrhea;
  • Nausea;
  • Calcification of gallstones;
  • Allergic reaction;
  • Regurgitation in newborns.

The baby may experience insomnia, increased nervous excitability, and anxiety. When using the drug, it is necessary to monitor the reaction of the child’s body: the appearance of redness, rash, and other side effects is a reason to consult a doctor. Depending on the manifestation of side effects, he may reduce the dosage or select a product with a similar effect, but with a different active ingredient.

When interacting with aluminum-containing drugs, the effectiveness of Ursofalk is reduced; it is necessary to avoid joint use or give medications two hours apart. Interactions with hormonal and drugs that reduce blood fat levels, as well as with antibiotics, should be taken into account. The doctor takes into account the peculiarities of interactions with other drugs when prescribing ursofalk.

Analogues for newborns

There are several products with a similar effect that are suitable for children from birth:

Name Release form Active substance Price
Ursosan Capsules 250 mg, 100 pcs. (contents are dissolved in breast milk) Ursodeoxycholic acid 1378 rub.
Galstena Drops 50 ml Homeopathic doses of milk thistle, dandelion, greater celandine 560 rub.
Hepel Tablets, 50 pcs. (diluted with milk) Celandine, white hellebore, milk thistle in homeopathic doses 346 rub.
Elkar Solution 50 ml Levocarnitine 356 rub.
Hofitol Solution 50 ml Artichoke Leaf Extract 389 rub.

The cost of Ursofalk is from 1150 rubles. per suspension 250 ml.

Similar drugs with ursodeoxycholic acid as an active ingredient - Grinterol, Livodex, Exchol - are not intended for newborns. They are produced in the form of capsules, which infant can't swallow.

Your doctor may recommend diluting the contents in breast milk. You cannot replace the suspension with similar capsule preparations on your own, since it is difficult to calculate the amount, and an overdose increases the side effects. Similar action provides Essentiale Forte (from 12 years of age), but the drug is not used to treat infants due to age restrictions.

You cannot decide on your own to take the drug; Ursofalk for jaundice is prescribed by a doctor after studying the tests and the general clinical picture.

Jaundice of newborns - common occurrence. Mothers should not have any worries about this: Ursofalk for newborns will come to the rescue in a critical situation.

Almost all babies experience slight yellowing from the first days of life. skin and whites of the eyes. This occurs due to the excess presence of bilirubin in the blood, which gives the yellow tint.

Bilirubin is formed during the destruction of fetal hemoglobin, which oxygenated the baby in the mother's belly. The newborn’s body replaces intrauterine blood cells with new ones inherent in each person. However, the liver little man is still too weak and cannot quickly remove toxic breakdown products (bilirubin). Sometimes this process takes too long and the symptoms of jaundice do not go away. This indicates that the liver is not coping well and needs help.

This is where Ursofalk comes in handy. If you do not resort to its help, the effects of accumulated bilirubin on the child’s brain may become irreversible (kernicterus develops). Ursofalk will protect and support the liver and help remove toxic substances from the body. It stimulates the production of special enzymes that break down and process toxins for their further elimination.

The main active element is ursodeoxycholic acid. This is not a foreign component for the body; it is present in human bile and is needed in order to provide reliable protection children's liver and the body as a whole. Newborns may have problems producing this acid, which is why Ursofalk is prescribed to them.

Remember: you cannot self-medicate jaundice. Only a specialist, after a thorough examination, can prescribe any medication to your baby.

Rules of application

  • The dose should be calculated in a volume of 10 ml per kilogram of the child’s weight.
  • The daily dose should not exceed 5 ml (the full volume of the measuring spoon included in the package).
  • Time of administration: before the baby goes to bed, once a day.
  • The duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician in accordance with the patient’s condition and the effectiveness of the prescribed therapy.
  • For maximum effect, ensure your baby gets plenty of sun exposure.
  • Carefully monitor the child’s body’s reaction to the effect of the drug. Allergic manifestations are possible.
  • Do not try to find a replacement for the drug prescribed by your doctor with a less expensive one. Follow the recommendations of a professional. Miser pays twice.
  • Provide correct mode your child’s nutrition, your doctor will also recommend it to you.

Do not rush to give your baby such a serious drug. Unless there are compelling reasons for concern, provide children's body the opportunity to deal with the problem yourself. Good food, walks in the open air, normal sleep and, most importantly, plenty of sunbathing - all this will be the best remedy from jaundice of newborns. If you can’t be in the sun, buy a photo lamp; its radiation will successfully replace sunlight. “Ursofalk” for newborns should be a last resort when nothing else can be done to help the baby.

There are no age restrictions for taking this drug. It is recommended for both children from birth and adults. It has a very wide range of applications and treats a wide variety of diseases. Let us list in a few words what else Ursofalk is useful for, besides treating liver diseases.

  1. Fights excess cholesterol in the blood.
  2. Restores and strengthens the immune system.
  3. Normalizes the production of gastric juice.
  4. Helps destroy stones and cholesterol plaques.
  5. Prevents development cancerous tumor in the large intestine.

When should you not use Ursofalk?

Like any medicine, Ursofalk has contraindications:

  • liver diseases;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the pancreas;
  • disorders of the kidneys;
  • inflammatory process in the biliary tract.

Side effects include the following:

  • allergic reaction;
  • frequent loose stools;
  • the occurrence of vomiting or regurgitation;
  • sleep disorders;
  • nervousness, anxiety;
  • pain syndrome in the liver area.

Release form and similar drugs

Ursofalk is available in two versions: suspension (250 ml) and capsules. The suspension is given to infants, and capsules to older children and adults. For ease of use, the suspension comes with a dosage spoon.

There are many analogues, let’s name some of them.

  • "Urosan" is cheaper, but has the same composition. It is sold in tablets and powder, the taste is unpleasant. Other inexpensive analogues: “Ursilon”, “Holacid”, “Delursan”, “Ursahol”.
  • "Grinterol" - this drug contains the same active ingredient as in "Ursofalk". But there will be fewer contraindications. The drug is suitable for the treatment of pregnant and nursing mothers.
  • "Galstena" - this product also has no age restrictions. Available in the form of drops or tablets, it belongs to the group of homeopathic drugs.
  • "Elkar" is a medicine used from the first days of life. It is produced in the form of a solution that must be taken orally, placed in ampoules.

Price of the drug, storage conditions

In Russia it ranges from about 1170 rubles. up to 1400 rub. (suspension). It's more expensive on the Internet.

For capsules (one hundred pieces) you can pay an average of 2,200 rubles.

Ursoflk can be stored at temperatures below 25 degrees. Capsules are stored for five years, suspension – up to four years. The opened suspension must be used within four months. The storage location must be out of reach of children.

Consult your doctor before giving medication to a child or adult.

Probably every mother after childbirth is faced with jaundice in her child. This phenomenon is natural and the diagnosis is made to almost all newborns. Jaundice goes away naturally within seven to ten days and does not require additional treatment. In some cases, jaundice can be delayed and last for several weeks. In this option, you will need a drug for newborns - Ursofalk.

Ursofalk for newborns from jaundice: causes, indications, treatment

After birth, a child begins the process of adaptation to a new level of development. In the child's body, fetal hemoglobin breaks down. Previously, it supplied oxygen through the umbilical cord in the womb. The child will not need fetal hemoglobin, since the body replaces it with another hemoglobin, which is present in the blood of every person. As it breaks down, it forms bilirubin. It is a toxic material that is quite difficult to remove from the human body.

If there is an excess of bilirubin, its amount exceeds 35 micromol per liter and it accumulates in the blood. Thus, it penetrates the tissues of the newborn. Symptoms of jaundice are yellowness eyeball and skin.

The liver contains glucuronic acid, which has a direct relationship with bilirubin. As a result of this, it loses its toxic properties and can be easily excreted in the urine. But there is another problem - the slowdown of this process. Due to this, the liver works weakly and lacks necessary enzymes.

In the event that happens normal development, then the jaundice goes away immediately. The maximum sentence for her is two weeks. During this time, the liver will become stronger and will fully remove bilirubin. It is worth noting that after this period, jaundice does not go away and will have negative consequences.

The danger of jaundice is that if unprocessed bilirubin is formed, it can reach the brain and destroy the body's cells. In this variant, jaundice is called nuclear, as it is dangerous. All consequences and effects on the brain will be extremely complex.

Impact of Ursofalk

Every newborn who is diagnosed with jaundice is under medical supervision. If the yellowness does not go away, then tests are prescribed over the course of two weeks. They will help determine the amount of bilirubin in the blood. After this, medications are prescribed to protect the liver and remove bile from the body, which includes the drug Ursofalk.

Ursofalk for newborns has the following effect on the body.

  • Protects the liver.
  • Improves the production of enzymes that promote the processing of bilirubin.
  • Outputs negative impact on the body.
  • The liver strengthens and begins to process the poison.

Ursofalk for neonatal jaundice: method of application

It is worth noting that for newborns, drugs are available only in the form of suspensions. Ursofalk is produced for young children in the form of a suspension, and for older adults - in the form of capsules. The bottle contains 250 milliliters of active substance. The bottle comes with a 5 ml spoon for mom's convenience. Children are given a spoonful per day.

But it is better to check the dosage with your doctor. The instructions for use indicate that the product is given to children at the rate of 10 milligrams per 1 kilogram of weight. It is worth noting that Ursofalk best absorbed in evening time before bedtime.

Although the drug is safe for children infancy, it is not recommended to prescribe it yourself. It is best to consult a doctor who will determine the dose based on the bilirubin level based on tests.

Ursofalk for jaundice

I hope that my review will be read. We were pleased with Ursofalk. We were prescribed several medications and none helped. My daughter is healthy!


Ursofalk contraindications, side effects and price

As before using any other drug, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with contraindications before using Ursofalk, as well as side effects. The instructions for use of the drug contain a list of diseases for which this drug should not be used.

  1. Severe liver damage.
  2. Disorders of the pancreas.
  3. Impaired kidney function.
  4. Inflammatory processes of the biliary tract.

Side effects may occur in newborns and older children in the following ways:

In case of improper use of the drug, as well as overestimation of the dosage, disturbances in liver function may occur. It manifests itself only through testing. You can buy the medicine over the counter at any pharmacy. The price of the drug is on the average level and is about a thousand rubles.

Indications for use of Ursofalk for jaundice

Medicine may be prescribed both adults and children, including newborns with the following list of diseases.

  1. Gallstone disease, which is characterized by increased level cholesterol.
  2. Gastritis reflux of berin type.
  3. The first stage of liver cirrhosis.
  4. For newborns, it is used to treat jaundice.

Ursofalk for adults and children

I have two children and both got jaundice. The doctor prescribed Ursofalk for both. We fought the disease for ten days. We have recovered. I recommend.

It is worth noting that the adaptation of a newborn child to life outside the mother’s belly is accompanied in the first weeks of life by a restructuring of the body. Thus it happens new way breathing. Oxygen exchange took place between mother and child, which was carried out with the help of a protein - fetal hemoglobin. In the process of getting used to new living conditions, it is eliminated from the body. This results in an increase in the level of other hemoglobin. It is involved in supplying the body with oxygen cells throughout a person’s life.

When this form of protein, which is not needed, breaks down, bilirubin is formed. It can be excreted in urine. In large quantities it can lead to intoxication of the body.

In a state of postpartum stress, the body is not always able to cope with the breakdown of fetal hemoglobin. Thus, it enters the blood and accumulates in the tissues of the body, causing a color change. The symptoms of hemoglobin include:

  1. Yellow tint to the skin and eyeball.
  2. Lethargy.
  3. Manifestation of convulsive phenomenon.

The medicine is prescribed individually only by a doctor. Usually, the dosage per day should not exceed 10 milligrams per 1 kilogram of weight. While taking medication The bottle needs to be shaken. Because active substances the drug forms a sediment at the bottom. The product is offered to the baby before bedtime once a day. Some parents, instead of the spoon that comes with the suspension, use a syringe without a needle. They pour syrup over the baby's cheeks. But it is not recommended to inject the drug into the baby’s throat. Otherwise, he may choke, choke, and irritation of the root of the tongue may occur, which will be caused by the gag reflex.

The medicine has a pronounced sweet taste and the baby will accept it with pleasure. The course of treatment is from 7 to 10 days. As a rule, it will take this long for the bilirubin level in the blood to improve. It is not recommended to independently adjust the dosage of the drug. Otherwise, the effectiveness of the drug can be reduced.

The sunny color will help speed up the recovery of the newborn while using Ursofalk. Pediatricians recommend regular exposure to sunlight. Thanks to the sun's color, bilirubin turns into water and is excreted along with food. It is worth noting that there are restrictions on accepting sunlight. You need to walk with babies until eleven in the morning. If you can’t go outside, you can buy a photo lamp that has a similar effect.

Most mothers, a few days after giving birth, have to deal with the problem of jaundice in the baby. It is associated with an increase in the level of bilirubin in the bloodstream and a slowdown in its normal excretion. First of all, the manifestation is due to the immaturity of the baby’s organs. Yellowness of the skin of a newborn is considered a normal and natural process and lasts no more than 10 days. In case of a stable course with mild or moderate symptoms, medications are not prescribed - everything goes away on its own if you follow general recommendations pediatricians. However, there are also severe cases when therapy is simply necessary. The most common and effective drug Ursofalk is used to get rid of jaundice. What is it and how safe is it for newborn babies?

Description of the drug and composition

Ursofalk is drug, which belongs to the group of hepatoprotectors. This means that the product is intended to protect the liver from the harmful effects of bilirubin, as well as to accelerate the secretion of bile. When using Ursofalk, the load on the child’s weakened body is significantly reduced.

When the medicine enters the bloodstream, the liver begins to work harder and more efficiently. This makes it possible to process free bilirubin into one that can leave the body with bile.

The active substance of the drug is ursodeoxycholic acid. In addition to the above advantages, it has a stimulating effect on the pancreas and improves secretory function stomach.

The drug Ursofalk is available in the form of capsules and suspensions for oral administration.

Ursofalk in the form of a suspension is used to treat jaundice in newborns.

The suspension contains the following excipients:

  • In addition to ursodeoxycholic acid, the suspension contains the following auxiliary components:
  • xylitol;
  • benzoic and citric acids;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • propylene glycol,
  • cyclamate, citrate and sodium chloride;
  • cellulose;
  • purified water.

Capsules consist of the following additional components:

  • corn starch;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • distilled water;
  • gelatin;
  • sodium lauryl sulfate.

For newborns, the medicine is used in the form of a suspension. Some parents mistakenly call it syrup. But syrup is a homogeneous solution, while a suspension is a suspension of small particles in a liquid, so the bottle with the drug must be shaken well before use.

Indications for use

Ursofalk - effective remedy, which is included in therapy not only for jaundice in newborns, but also for other serious illnesses. The pediatrician may prescribe medication in the following cases:

  • liver damage from toxins;
  • biliary reflux esophagitis and reflux gastritis (involuntary reflux of bile into the esophagus and stomach);
  • cirrhosis of the liver at the initial stage;
  • hepatitis;
  • inflammatory processes and impaired functionality of the biliary tract;
  • medium-sized gallstones;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • bile stagnation;
  • How prophylactic against liver damage when taking hormonal drugs or potent medications.

Doctor Komarovsky about newborn jaundice - video

Ursofalk has the following contraindications:

  • gallstones that have a high calcium content (X-ray positive);
  • nonfunctional gallbladder;
  • inflammatory diseases of the gallbladder and its ducts and intestines in the acute phase;
  • , bladder and intestines;
  • functional disorders in the kidneys, liver and pancreas;

The medicine Ursofalk has high efficiency, but has a number of side effects:

  • allergic reactions;
  • diarrhea, vomiting and nausea;
  • pain in the epigastric region (upper mid-abdomen) and right hypochondrium.

Instructions for use

Ursofalk can be used to treat newborns only after being prescribed by a pediatrician. The specialist calculates the acceptable regimen and dosage of the medication. It is forbidden to independently correct the recommendations of a specialist.

The suspension is very easy to use thanks to the measuring spoon that comes with the package. It is recommended to take the product in the evening or before bed.

The dosage is calculated strictly individually and depends on the physiological characteristics of the baby.

At simultaneous administration Ursofalk with other drugs the following is noted:

  1. The overall effectiveness of the drug is reduced by antacids containing aluminum hydroxide or oxide (Smectite), as well as Colestipol and Cholestyramine.
  2. The active component of Ursofalk may enhance the excretion of Cyclosporine from the intestine. Therefore, when taking a joint appointment, the specialist must carry out necessary research and adjust the dose of Cyclosporine.
  3. In some cases, the absorption of Ciprofloxacin may be impaired.

How can you replace Ursofalk?

If for some reason it is impossible to take Ursofalk, then you can replace it with another drug. However, you should not do this yourself; be sure to consult a specialist.

Drug analogues - table


Release form

Active substance



From what age is it used?

approximate cost

  • solution for oral administration;
  • injection.

fresh field artichoke leaf extract

As a component complex therapy at:

  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • chronic cholecystitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • jade;
  • renal failure;
  • liver cirrhosis.
  • gallstones;
  • obstruction of the bile ducts;
  • diseases of the kidneys, liver, biliary and urinary tracts;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

from birth

  • solution for oral administration - 380 rubles;
  • injection solution - 660 rub.

ursodeoxycholic acid

  • uncomplicated cholelithiasis;
  • chronic and acute hepatitis;
  • toxic liver damage;
  • steatohepatitis;
  • initial stage of liver cirrhosis;
  • primary cholangitis;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • atresia and dyskinesia of the biliary tract;
  • biliary reflux esophagitis and reflux gastritis;
  • biliary dyspeptic syndrome.
  • gallstones with high content calcium;
  • non-functioning gallbladder;
  • acute cholecystitis;
  • cholangitis;
  • liver cirrhosis in the decompensation phase;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • blockage of the biliary tract;
  • non-functioning gallbladder; infectious diseases gallbladder and its ducts;
  • empyema of the gallbladder;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

from birth

Essentiale Forte N

phosphatidylcholine containing 76% choline

  • acute and chronic hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • liver cell necrosis;
  • hepatic coma and precoma;
  • toxic liver damage.

hypersensitivity to the components of the drug

Can be used from birth under medical supervision

The use of capsules for newborns causes some difficulties. The baby cannot swallow the medicine, so some parents open the capsule shell, mix the contents with water and give it to the child in this form. Pediatricians strongly do not recommend self-medication. You can easily confuse the dosage, which can lead to negative consequences for a fragile body. You can resort to this method only on the recommendation of your doctor.

Analogues of Ursofalk - gallery

Essentiale Forte N