
Moisturizing eye drops with hyaluronic acid. Eye drops with hyaluronic acid without preservatives

One of the most common pathologies eyeball is an insufficient amount of lacrimal fluid. This condition is called dry mucosa syndrome. Used to normalize secretion special drops from dry eyes. Their feature is the composition, which is as close as possible to chemical composition tears.

Types of drops for dry eyes

Unlike specialized drops, ocular moisturizers have practically no therapeutic effect. They can only be used for prevention or quick recovery normal state mucous membrane.

Depending on the shape and active components, eye drops for dry eyes are:

Hydrating Drops Overview

In ophthalmology, moisturizing drops are actively used to prevent irritation, as well as treat or alleviate the "dry" eye syndrome.

According to patient reviews and effectiveness, we have compiled a rating of the most famous and high-quality and dry eyes.

NameComposition and features
hyphenVery good and inexpensive eye drops for dryness. This solution increases the viscosity of the mucosa, which helps to soften it and prevents irritation. They are used for the prevention of "dry" eyes, protection when wearing contact lenses. Contains hydroxypropyl methylcellulose.
Balarpan-NThe composition of this drug includes sulfated glycosaminoglycans, which accelerate tissue repair. They also intensively moisturize the outer shell, thereby preventing the occurrence of conjunctivitis, dry eyes, etc.
BestoxolThese are probably the cheapest eye drops available. The active ingredient is taurine. It accelerates the recovery processes, increases the resistance of the eye to external stimuli(including light load), relieves tension and deeply moisturizes the mucous membranes.
SlezinThis is an artificial tear. Its composition is close to the human secret. In ophthalmology, they are used to moisturize the outer mucous membrane, the cornea.
RestasisA specialized formulation for patients with various diseases conjunctiva and cornea to moisten the membranes. Main active component is cyclosporine. Used to treat dry eye syndrome.
AdgelonDeeply moisturizing preparation with a powerful regenerating effect. Just a few drops for two weeks is enough for full recovery eyes after a burn or mechanical damage.
lacrisifiLike Defisles, they contain hydroxypropyl methylcellulose. They have a very viscous consistency, thanks to which they reliably protect the cornea from drying out and injury while wearing contact lenses.
OksialNanotechnology is used to produce this drug. Enriched with electrolytes and hyaluronic acid. This combination provides deep cell hydration and accelerates their regeneration.
TaufonSupplemented with taurine, which belongs to the amino acids with high content sulfur. Used in ophthalmology to reduce intraocular pressure, elimination of burning and dryness of the cornea, normalization of the conjunctiva.
OftagelThere are two types of medicine: gel and solution for external use. Like many products containing carbomer, these drops are very effective. Already a few minutes after application, tissues are moisturized and nourished. In addition, secretion is normalized.

Drops from fatigue

Eyeball fatigue is another pathology that occurs during prolonged work at a computer or other light load on the eyes.

To get rid of this condition, eye drops are prescribed for dryness and fatigue. Below is a list of quality medical preparations.

NameComposition and scope
ArtelakEffective domestic drops for intensive moisturizing of the corneal epithelium. Due to the rapid softening of tissues, they increase the clarity of the look, relieve fatigue, and make blinking easier.
BlinkThey are divided into a solution for contact lenses and care for a “dry” cornea. Blink Contact is used as an emollient and to improve lens wearing. Its main component is sodium hyaluronate. Blink Intensive Thyrs protects and normalizes the condition of the mucous membrane of the eyes. Contains a moisturizing ingredient latest generation- polyethylene glycol.
SystaneCombined Russian drops for fatigue and dryness of the mucosa. Contains polydronium chloride. Appointed when the shell is contaminated cosmetics, dust, smoke and other aggressive factors. Helps create an effective protective shell on the apple.
OftolikA specialized tool that is used when wearing lenses. These drops eliminate the effect of sand and dryness, eliminate the feeling of pain and pain when blinking. Helps reduce redness and swelling. They include povidone.
ThealosisA preparation for lubricating and compacting the mucosa in order to restore it. They are prescribed in connection with the syndrome of fatigue and dry eyes, as well as for accelerated recovery tissues after laser correction. Enriched with trehalose.
Hilo-KomodThe active ingredient is sodium hyaluronate. They are characterized by protective and moisturizing functions. Hypoallergenic, do not contain artificial preservatives. Approved for use during pregnancy and lens wear.
Innox CornflowerThe best drops for dryness, also providing relief from fatigue, treatment of redness of the conjunctiva and protein. They thicken the corneal mucosa, facilitate the process of putting on and taking off lenses. They are artificial tears.

It is worth remembering that whatever good drops from fatigue and dryness, were not presented in the rating, they can be used only after a doctor's prescription.

Vasoconstrictor and antiseptic drops

Due to the dryness of the cornea and conjunctiva, not only lacrimation is often disturbed, but also the blood supply to the eye. The result is redness, swelling, itching and a constant feeling foreign body on the mucous membrane.

To remove these and many other symptoms, experts prescribe specialized antiseptics, vitamin and vasoconstrictor formulations to patients.

NameComposition and application
AistilVitamin ophthalmic complex used by ophthalmologists to restore visual acuity and eliminate corneal dryness. Applies to the full natural remedies suitable even for children. Does not contain any dyes and preservatives. Created according to Ayurvedic practices.
QuinaxOne of the purpose of the drops is the treatment of cataracts, but these are not all the possibilities of the solution. Due to the strongest vitamin composition, the tool improves vision, helps to normalize the exchange of oxygen and blood, strengthens the mucous membrane. Enriched with azapentacene.
Emoxy opticianThey are characterized by powerful antioxidant and antiseptic action. They can be used to treat dry mucous membranes resulting from contamination of the eye. Contains emoxipin.
Vita-YodurolThey improve the blood supply to the apple, relieve fatigue, restore sharpness and clarity to the eyes after prolonged exposure to light. Contains calcium and magnesium chloride. Approved for use during pregnancy only when absolutely necessary. There are more safe analog is Vitafacol, which contains cytochrome.

To prevent the manifestation of this syndrome, it is important to observe simple rules: do not spend at the monitor for more than 2 hours in a row and ventilate the work area. In addition, depending on the cause of dryness, experts recommend instilling prophylactic moisturizing preparations into the eyes.

Japanese scientists have developed low molecular weight hyaluronic acid. It has received active use in the manufacture of medicines, with the help of which water can be retained in cells and tissues in large volumes. This restores youth to the tissues. Eye drops with hyaluronic acid are widely used in the treatment of eye diseases.

The achieved effect of the use of eye drops with hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid, which is part of many eye drops, has the following advantages:

  1. It is a safe and pure material. Contains proteins, nucleic acids and bacterial endotoxins.
  2. Due to hyaluronic acid, tissue regeneration is activated.
  3. The considered component simultaneously moisturizes and lubricates the cornea of ​​the visual organ.
  4. Complete comfort when using drops with hyaluronic acid in combination with lenses.
  5. The component creates a stable tear film.
  6. Acid reduces dryness, irritation that occurs when exposed to negative external factors.
  7. In a short time, hyaluronic acid stops tired eyes, giving them freshness and purity.
  8. The bioavailability of the remaining components that make up the drops increases.

Popular drops - list of the best

Choose the best contact lens solution.


When developing this drug used the following components:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • electrolytes;
  • boric acid;
  • calcium salts;
  • magnesium salts;
  • sodium salts;
  • potassium salts.

You can buy the drug at a price of 458 rubles.

The active components of the drug quickly eliminate the effects of negative conditions that may affect the development of dry eyes.

With Oksial you can:

  • reduce dryness;
  • eliminate burning;
  • stop fatigue;
  • eliminate redness.

Due to the incoming hyaluronic acid, the drops have a positive effect on the healing of microcracks on the surface of the cornea. After using the drug, a flexible, but thin film is formed on the cornea.

It has protective and restorative functions. Drops can be used even for patients wearing contact lenses.

Hilo chest of drawers

And although the drug is not as well-known as the previous one, its effectiveness is no worse. The composition contains hyaluronic acid, which has a moisturizing effect. If the patient experiences discomfort when wearing contact lenses, then doctors often prescribe. Relief comes after the first application.

You can buy the drug at a price of 450 rubles.

Additional properties of the drug include:

  • elimination of redness of the conjunctiva;
  • relief of dryness;
  • elimination of burning.


This drug is characterized by a powerful therapeutic effect, which is achieved due to the components included in the composition:

  1. Polyethylene glycol. This component is firmly connected to the surface of the cornea, which ensures long-term preservation of the tear film.
  2. surface preservative. As soon as it hits the surface of the eyeball, then under the influence sun rays breaks down into components, which are similar in composition to a human tear.

You can buy drops at a price of 243 rubles.

Apply the drug 1-2 drops in each eye 2-3 times in essence. A contraindication is the individual intolerance of the body to individual components. For children, the medicine is prescribed at the discretion of the attending physician.


Due to the convenient viscosity and high adhesive qualities of the drug, a uniform and stable film is formed during its use. It creates a strong protection for the eyes from negative external influences and is not washed off when blinking. The action of the solution is aimed at:

  • moisturizing, lubricating and restoring the surface of the cornea and conjunctiva;
  • quick relief from irritation and dry eyes;
  • elimination of discomfort when wearing contact lenses;
  • relief of fatigue with increased visual load (long stay at the computer, TV, driving at night).

Find out why corneal cloudiness occurs and what can be done about this problem.

After applying the solution, a long-lasting and stable film is created on the surface of the eye. You can drip the medicine at night and directly on contact lenses, while visual acuity remains unchanged.

Proactive - moisturizing eye drops based on hyaluronic acid

These are moisturizing drops based on hyaluronic acid. Assign to patients with sensitive eyes. The action of the drug is reduced to moisturizing contact lenses, prolonging their service life. Can be used for lenses different kind. Due to the presence of hyaluronic acid in the composition, the lenses allow oxygen to pass through to the maximum and remain moisturized. After application, the discomfort that arose against the background of eye irritation disappears.

You can buy drops at a price of 150 rubles.

It is necessary to apply drops in conditions of dry, smoky air, strong wind. Drops are especially necessary for people who sit at a computer or TV for a long time in contact lenses. After application, dryness, fatigue disappears, and vision becomes clearer. What inexpensive moisturizing drops for lenses exist can be found in.

For maximum effect, apply the medicine 1-2 drops for each lick before putting them on.


An interesting video about hyaluronic acid in the treatment of dry eye syndrome

Today you can see quite wide range of drops with hyaluronic acid. This is explained by the high efficiency of this component. With its help, you can stop the unpleasant symptoms in the form of burning, fatigue, dryness, itching that occurs due to various reasons. When choosing a drug, pay attention to the expiration date and available contraindications.

Eye drops with hyaluronic acid are gaining more and more popularity in the treatment of ophthalmic problems. In preparations of this type, a low molecular weight biocomponent is used, which allows it to retain moisture, which is so needed by the membranes of the eyes.

Hyaluronic acid eye drops can be used to retain moisture

Indications for use

Eye drops with hyaluronic acid should be used in the following cases:

  • dry eye syndrome;
  • postoperative period;
  • long stay at the computer monitor.

With the syndrome of "dry eye" hyaluronic acid drops can eliminate dryness and discomfort against the background of this condition. The drug perfectly moisturizes the eyeball, and eliminates irritation.

Often, drops based on hyaluronic acid are prescribed to patients who have undergone eye surgery. They allow you to start the fastest process of tissue regeneration, which contributes to their accelerated recovery.

Main advantages

An important advantage - completely natural composition

  • The main advantage of such therapeutic drops is their almost completely natural composition.
  • Preparations of this type simultaneously moisturize and lubricate the cornea.
  • Hyaluronic drops have a very quick effect, relieving irritation and dryness of the eyeball.

Contraindications for use

Hyaluron-based drops have practically no prohibitions on use. However, drugs of this type are not recommended for use in women in position without prior consultation with a specialist.

Hyaluronic drops should not be used by people with hypersensitivity to the main active ingredient.

most popular drops

Drops quickly eliminate discomfort

In ophthalmology, the following drops are most famous:

  • "Oxial";
  • "Blink";


Oksial is fast acting

This ophthalmic preparation eliminates dryness and severe redness in the shortest possible time, thanks to the following components that make up:

  • low molecular weight hyaluron;
  • boric acid;
  • salts of magnesium, sodium, calcium.

Hyaluronic acid is the main active ingredient with moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties. Boric acid acts as an antiseptic, and the salts included in the composition are involved in the natural biochemical processes of the visual organ.

An additional component is the so-called polymer protector, which contributes to the formation of a protective film.

The use of "Oxial" is indicated for the occurrence of contact conjunctivitis, wearing lenses, dry eye syndrome and with a long stay at the computer monitor.

The drug must be dripped several times during the daily interval in a couple of drops. When wearing lenses, their removal is not mandatory.


Blink refers to protective equipment

This ophthalmic solution belongs to protective agents that help eliminate dry and tired eyes. Its main components are sodium hyaluronate, boric acid and polyethylene glycol.

Indications for admission are dry eyes and their redness. The drug is unacceptable to use in case of intolerance to at least one of the components that make up the composition. It is also contraindicated in angle-closure glaucoma.

Stillavite quickly removes such uncomfortable sensations

This solution is a drop based on sodium hyaluronate, provitamin B5 and sodium chondroitin sulfate. All these active ingredients contribute to the formation of a protective film capable of long time keep the resulting natural moisture on the shell of the eye. Thus, the drug helps to restore and moisturize the tissues of the organs of vision.

"Stillavit" quickly removes such uncomfortable sensations as irritation, fatigue and a feeling of dryness.

Hilo-Komod protects eyes from aggressive impact external factors

The ophthalmic remedy includes only harmless substances, the main of which is hyaluron. Additional components are sodium citrate, sorbitol, etc.

"Hilo-Komod" protects the eyes from the aggressive effects of external factors, and also eliminates discomfort long-term contact lens wear. It is indicated for a feeling of dry eyes accompanied by burning, redness and dryness. It is also recommended to use it in post-operative and post-traumatic periods.

Drops are allowed a long period. If there is no improvement on the 10th day after the start of therapy, you should contact an ophthalmologist.

Vizmed can be used more than 3 times a day

This solution also contains predominantly hyaluronic acid. Additional elements are potassium chloride, sodium, magnesium, etc.

The drug belongs to the category of hypoallergenic and safe, as it does not contain proteins and preservatives.

"Vizmed" can be used more than three times a day for a long period with such ophthalmic problems as redness, itching, burning, sensation of a foreign body in the organ of vision.

Proactive can be used while wearing lenses

These drops are specifically designed for people who wear lenses regularly. They prevent the occurrence discomfort in the eyeball, conjunctiva and cornea, due to the formation of a protective and moisturizing layer.

In addition to hyaluronate, the solution includes succinic acid and cellulose oil. It is thanks to these components that a protective film is formed, which contributes not only to protection and hydration, but also freely passes oxygen to the tissues of the eye.

Hyal Drop Multi refers to safe drugs

A German ophthalmic preparation based on hyaluronate protects the eye membrane and retains moisture in it 24 hours a day. It allows you to quickly eliminate the feeling of discomfort, and restore the irritated surface of the mucosa.

With regular use, the syndrome of dryness and eye fatigue disappears, and redness and burning sensation are also removed.

It is enough to drip one drop into each conjunctival sac to restore the health of damaged membranes.

"Hyal Drop Multi" refers to safe drugs that can be used without the risk of adverse reactions.

With long-term use of the drug, the absence of a positive result requires an appeal to an ophthalmologist.

High Fresh Plus Rewetting Drops can be used frequently

This moisturizing ophthalmic solution is intended for people who frequently interact with a computer monitor, read a lot, or wear contact lenses. The moisturizing effect is provided by hyaluron, which is the main therapeutic component of the ophthalmic agent.

The drug can be used as needed up to ten times a day. If relief does not occur in the state, then in without fail it is recommended to consult an eye specialist.

The solution should not be used by people with hypersensitivity to sodium hyaluronate.

Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid was created by scientists in Japan. The main use of this substance is concentrated in pharmacology. The key ability of hyaluronic acid, which is also an advantage, is to attract and retain fluid in large volumes in tissues and cells. This is what makes the rejuvenation happen.

Drops with hyaluronic acid are widely used for the eyes in order to treat ophthalmic pathologies.

Indications and contraindications for use

The ability to restore even dead cells seems unrealistic, but in our time this is also possible.

Moisturizing drops with hyaluronic acid are also capable of:

  • stay on the surface of the eyes for a long time;
  • completely protect the organs of vision from drying out.

For people who constantly use contact lenses, these properties are very important. Doctors recommend using hyaluronic acid drops to eliminate the discomfort and dryness of the eyes, which are regular companions for lens wearers. In addition, hyaluronic acid is also used as part of the material from which eye accessories are made, which only increases the comfort of using lenses.

For those suffering from dry eye syndrome initial stage drops with hyaluronic acid are an excellent tool to get rid of this disease.

When working at a computer for a long time, ophthalmologists recommend using hyaluronic-based eye drops when the following symptoms appear:

  • overwork of the organs of vision;
  • redness;
  • irritation.

At long stay in the sun or in a room with a dry climate, hyaluronic-based drops will be an excellent help for the mucous membrane of the eyes.

They even provide great assistance to the organs of visual perception during respiratory or viral ailments, in which there are problems with the mucosa and dryness is constantly felt.

These eye drops help accelerate the rehabilitation of tissues on the cornea:

  • surgical intervention performed on the eyes;
  • injury to the organs of vision;
  • chemical burns.

This effect is achieved due to the hyaluronic acid contained in the preparation, which is approved for use in hospitals and at home. But only on the recommendation of an ophthalmologist, because even such an impeccable medicine has contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • increased susceptibility to some components of the drug.

The most famous drops with hyaluronic acid

"Dry eye" recent times has become a very common disease, and the relevance of drugs capable of fighting this pathology is growing by leaps and bounds. Among ophthalmic ailments, this syndrome ranks third, which already says a lot.

Eye drops that can deal with this deviation must have a mechanism of physiological effects on the organ of vision containing hyaluronic acid.

The list of drugs containing this substance is not so long:

  1. Most ophthalmologists recommend mainly one medicine - Oksikal.

These eye drops contain:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • electrolytes;
  • boric acid;
  • calcium salts;
  • magnesium salts;
  • sodium salts;
  • potassium salts.

It is this complex of substances that effectively and quickly helps to get rid of intolerable itching in the eyes due to dryness. Oksikal is very concentrated, but the viscosity resembles an ordinary tear. The combination of components is the most optimal in order to provide highest efficiency means and guarantee the safety of its use.

This drug is also aimed at eliminating the consequences adverse conditions which can cause dry eyes.

Drop properties:

  • reduce dryness;
  • eliminate burning;
  • relieve fatigue;
  • eliminate redness.

Thanks to the key component, the drops contribute to the treatment of microcracks on the surface of the cornea.

After applying Oxical, a flexible, but incredibly thin film appears on the cornea. It performs protective and restorative functions. This tool is allowed to be instilled even into the contact lenses themselves. Which is very convenient for those who use them every day and feel a specific discomfort in the eyes because of this.

  1. Less well-known, but no worse, is the Hilo chest of drawers. It also contains hyaluronic acid, which perfectly moisturizes the mucous membrane of the eyes.

If an ophthalmologist's patient complains of discomfort in the eyes due to wearing soft contact lenses, the doctor will prescribe the use of this remedy. A positive result and long-awaited relief due to the absence of inconvenience will come after the first application.

Additional properties of the drug:

  • helps to cope with redness of the conjunctiva;
  • eliminates dryness;
  • relieves itching.
  1. Blink - have a lot of positive reviews on their reputation.

The main advantages of the substances that they contain:

  • polyethylene glycol - is firmly connected to the surface of the cornea and due to this contributes to the long-term preservation of the tear film;
  • surface preservative - after contact with the surface of the eyeball, under the influence of sunlight, it breaks down into components that have the natural nature of tears.

Japanese scientists have developed low molecular weight hyaluronic acid. It is used for the manufacture of medicines that can attract and retain large amounts of water in cells and tissues. Thanks to this, youth returns to the tissues. Hyaluronic acid products are widely used in the treatment eye diseases. In medicine, there are eye drops with hyaluronic acid.

Hyaluronic acid has a remarkable property - the ability to restore dead cells.

As a natural moisturizer, it is able to:

  • stays on the surface of the eyes for a long time;
  • protect from drying out.

This property is very important for people who use contact lenses. It is recommended to use eye drops in order to eliminate the discomfort and dryness that occurs when wearing them. The composition of the material for the manufacture of contact lenses contains hyaluronic acid, which contributes to an increase in comfort when using them.

Eye drops with hyaluronic acid are excellent for those who have moderate to mild dry eye syndrome.

  • irritation;
  • overwork;
  • redness of the eyes.

Treatments for the eyes with hyaluronic acid can be used by those people who have been for a long time:

  • in the sun;
  • in a room dominated by hot, dry air or with air conditioning.

Eye drops provide assistance to the eyes after acute respiratory viral diseases suffered by a person.

Also, eye drops accelerate the recovery of tissues on the cornea after:

  • surgical interventions;
  • various injuries;
  • chemical burns.

This is achieved thanks to the hyaluronic acid present in the preparation. Eye drops are used at home and in stationary conditions.

The use of these drugs is unacceptable without consulting a specialist, because they have some contraindications:

  • the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding;
  • increased susceptibility to the components of the remedy.

The most famous drops

Recently, the importance of the problem associated with the so-called "dry eye" has increased. This syndrome, according to research data, is in third place among eye ailments. Means that can save a person from this problem must be available physiological mechanism impact. Preparations based on hyaluronic acid have just such properties.

Moisturizing drops Oxial have gained immense popularity in the treatment of eye diseases.

This medicinal product contains:

  1. Hyaluronic and boric acid.
  2. electrolytes.
  3. Salts - calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium.

It is these substances that quickly and effectively help to cope with itching and dryness of the mucous membrane. These drops are similar in concentration and viscosity to natural tears. The optimal combination of all components in these eye drops contributes to the high effectiveness of the product and its safety.

Oksial eliminate problems caused by exposure to adverse external circumstances.

Oxial eye drops will help:

  • reduce dryness;
  • relieve burning sensation and fatigue;
  • eliminate redness.

The hyaluronic acid present in this medicinal product, assists in the treatment of microscopic cracks in the surface of the cornea.

After instillation of the eyes with drops of Oksial, a flexible, thinnest film is formed on the cornea. It protects the mucous membrane from drying out. This tool can be instilled directly on the lenses.

Another well-known remedy is eye drops Holo-chest. The composition contains hyaluronic acid moisturizing the mucous membrane of the eye. If a person feels uncomfortable while wearing soft contact lenses, then the use of this remedy will give positive result. It will help to cope with redness and burning of the eye. Holo-chest drops are used only after consulting a doctor.

A large number of people speak positively about Blink drops. They also have the ability to moisturize the eyes due to the presence of hyaluronic acid.

Blink eye drops have an important advantage, which is the content in them:

  1. Polyethylene glycol. It has the ability to firmly connect to the surface of the cornea, due to this, the tear film is preserved for a long time.
  2. surface preservative. This substance, when drops are instilled into the eyes, under the influence of light rays, is split into natural components of the tear.

The effect of eye drops with hyaluronic acid

The viscoelastic properties of hyaluronic acid drops make them unique. After instillation of the drug, a person blinks, and the drops from a thick state turn into a liquid, which allows them to be evenly, smoothly and quickly distributed throughout ocular surface. This property does not lead to blurred vision. The initial structure of hyaluronic acid is recreated between blinks. It empowers the eyes long time retain moisture.

In hyaluronic acid, before similar substances that make up eye drops, experts have identified a number of positive points:

  1. It is absolutely pure material. It contains small amounts of proteins, nucleic acids, bacterial endotoxins.
  2. It activates healing and tissue repair.
  3. It simultaneously combines two qualities necessary for the cornea of ​​​​the eyes - moisturizing and lubrication.
  4. Absolute comfort when using various contact lenses.
  5. Gives a stable tear film.
  6. Reduces dryness, irritation that occurs when exposed to negative factors - dust, blinding light, plant pollen and much more.
  7. In a short time eliminates eye fatigue and makes them fresh, clean.
  8. It has the ability to increase the bioavailability of other active ingredients contained in certain types of eye drops.

Eye preparations containing hyaluronic acid, in rare cases, can cause harmful, unnecessary reactions, side effects in patients. To a large number these people medicines provide tangible benefits and are well tolerated. The thing is that this substance is a component that is similar to what is naturally present in the human body.

In what cases does it apply

Eye drops with the addition of hyaluronic acid are becoming more and more relevant in modern world. They are very effective in contact conjunctivitis, which, in turn, is caused by the action of smoke, ultraviolet radiation, dust, air conditioning, cosmetics. This disease is also provoked by prolonged visual stress.

dry eye syndrome

Also, this group of drugs is used for the "dry eye" syndrome. This pathology has many causes, among which there are various dysfunctions of the glands, blockade of the excretory tubules, impaired innervation as a result of damage facial nerve, prolonged use of contact lenses.

All of the above leads to insufficient production of tear fluid. As a result, there is a feeling of pain, burning in the eyes, a decrease in visual performance, photophobia, dryness.

In such situations, experts prefer eye drops with the addition of hyaluronic acid. They are the so-called tear substitutes, or artificial tears.

Their main advantage lies in the fact that they are closest in physical and chemical terms to natural tears. Thus, moisturizing drops do not cause toxic and allergic side effects which makes them a valuable product.

Rules for choosing eye drops

You should not buy cheap moisturizing eye drops, because the price should not be the determining factor in the purchase. In this case, it is desirable to be guided by the individual recommendations of a knowledgeable ophthalmologist, the following evaluation criteria:

  1. Compound. It is important to study the instructions, while paying attention to all existing contraindications, side effects that may occur against the background of the selected treatment.
  2. Age restrictions. In this case we are talking about children, pregnant women, young mothers, who are not allowed to use all medicines, even local effects.
  3. Indications. If a person chooses eye drops to soothe stressed eyes, then this item must be specified in the indications, otherwise the desired preventive effect will not be achieved.

Important! Only after consulting with your doctor and carefully studying the instructions, you can decide which are the best moisturizing eye drops.

Functions of moisturizing drops with hyaluronic acid

Due to the fact that these drops contain low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, which, due to its viscosity, can be retained on the surface of the eye for quite a long time, they perform the following functions:

  1. Provide complete comfort when wearing any kind of contact lenses.
  2. Not only stabilize tear film, but also increase the time required for its rupture.
  3. They help the eyes avoid overwork, which is caused by both adverse factors (particles of polluted air; pollen of plants; bright light; and dust) due to its ability to reduce both eye irritation and dryness.
  4. Quickly relieve fatigue and return the feeling of freshness to the eyes.

The uniqueness of such drops lies in their viscoelastic properties. When a person starts to blink, the droplet structure, which is in a thick state, turns into a more liquid one, which is capable of quickly spreading over the entire surface of the cornea in a smooth and even layer.

The vision is not blurred at all. And the structure that hyaluronic acid originally had is restored between blinks. Due to this, a stable drainage system is formed, which provides the ability to retain moisture for a long time.

Advantages of the tablet form of hyaluronic acid

Drops, no matter how good they are, act purposefully and give comfort and health only to the eyes. But after all, every person who is familiar with the miracle properties of hyaluronic acid wants its use to bring healing to the whole body, and not just to certain organs.

This also became possible, because scientists have developed such unique preparations based on this acid, which are able to act on the entire body from the inside. These are tablets and capsules with it, which are absorbed into the blood and lymph through the stomach and intestinal tract. They from the inside help those organs in which the content of hyaluronic acid has become much less than necessary.

The first is the joints. In them, thanks to these funds, the joint fluid is restored, which leads to the disappearance of pain both in the spine and in knee joints. Also, the crunch disappears when walking and turning the neck. Yes, and the gait becomes easier and faster. Also, thanks to these tablets, the healing time of any traumatic and burn injuries of the skin is reduced, and dryness in the eyes completely disappears.

After the level of this acid in internal tissues and mucous membranes, it begins to purposefully act on skin and hair. And as a result of this, the signs of aging that have begun are slowed down, fine wrinkles are completely smoothed out, and in pronounced ones, the depth is significantly reduced. Pigmentation on the skin completely disappears, skin color improves and the oval of the face is tightened.

Taking this bioactive drug also affects the scalp. Due to this, the hair begins to receive good nutrition, thanks to which their growth and structure are significantly improved, and fragility, secularity and loss also stop. And those people who could not get rid of dandruff for a long time note its complete disappearance.

All these advantages of tablets, with hyaluronic acid included in their composition, over other means with it, acting purposefully, make them truly indispensable both in cosmetology and medicine and allow solving not only age-related problems, but also those that arise due to for environmental problems and the presence of bad habits.

Inexpensive moisturizing eye drops are primarily prophylactic agents that are used on initial stage dry eye syndrome and associated ophthalmic disorders. If the redness and irritation of the eyes is not paid attention to, not treated and not dealt with their causes, the disease can become more serious, requiring treatment under the supervision of a doctor and using more expensive procedures and drugs.