
Apple carrot juice. Apple-carrot juice: benefits and harm

Sooner or later, parents are faced with the question of how to transfer their child to adult food. Such a task may frighten an inexperienced mother, because she is probably already under pressure public opinion in the person of friends and, of course, grandmothers. In this case, the role of the pediatrician is very important; he must competently explain to the woman all the principles of feeding and, in particular, how to switch to adult food without harm to the child’s body.

The most famous pediatrician of our time, Dr. Komarovsky, will help us finally clarify this issue.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that it is necessary to distinguish between these two concepts. After all, supplementary feeding is the introduction of additional food when there is a shortage breast milk or for another reason. Breast milk may be low-fat and not nutritious enough. In this case, the child does not receive enough essential vitamins and nutrients. Then it is recommended to alternate breastfeeding with formula feeding.

Complementary feeding is necessary so that the child can transition from breast milk to solid adult food without consequences. It is introduced gradually and as a result completely replaces breastfeeding.

Dates for starting complementary feeding according to Komarovsky

Pediatricians categorically do not recommend introducing complementary foods until four months; this is also undesirable until six months. But after six months, you can safely start giving your child his first adult food. Doctor Komarovsky himself believes that the first complementary foods breastfeeding should occur no earlier than six months later.

There is a common misconception that a child who is on artificial feeding, you need to introduce complementary foods earlier. This is wrong. Although formulas cannot replace mother’s milk, they are still designed specifically for feeding babies and, as far as possible, are close in composition to the food the baby needs. Therefore, do not rush to give your child soups and cereals, because up to six months, adult food can be harmful.

Early complementary feeding according to Komarovsky

There are only disadvantages to early (that is, up to 6 months) complementary feeding. At this age, your child’s immune system has not fully strengthened and has not fully formed digestive system and the need for additional vitamins has not yet arisen.

Wise nature foresaw everything and put into mother’s milk everything necessary for good nutrition baby. Moreover, scientists have found that the composition of milk changes throughout the feeding, saturating the baby’s body with vitamins.

Early complementary feeding was advisable not so long ago. Just 30 years ago, if a baby did not have enough mother's milk or had none at all, it was necessary to make up for this deficiency with cow's or donor milk. Naturally, it had to be boiled, and in this case many vitamins and essential elements were lost. In this case, the baby had to be given juices and other vitamin products. This time was found by our respected grandmothers, who literally force their children to feed their babies ahead of time.

But in our time, when adapted milk formulas appeared, this need has disappeared. If the mother does not receive adequate nutrition and, accordingly, her milk is not nourishing enough, then it is better to buy a complex of vitamins for pregnant women, rather than burden the baby with unnecessary food. Mom can also simply increase the amount of vegetables, fruits, dairy or meat products she consumes. After all, if mother’s food is rich in vitamins, then her milk will be healthy and rich. But women living in cold, infertile regions with a shortage of fruits and vegetables, who cannot get vitamins from food, not only can, but should take vitamin complexes.

Dr. Komarovsky clearly states that a special mixture for a baby up to six months is more beneficial than fruits or vegetables. This is due to the fact that the child’s body cannot yet properly process food intended for adults, even in the form of purees or juices. The baby may develop allergies, bowel movements may be disrupted, etc. The pediatrician advises feeding the baby formula for up to six months, and only after that you can safely begin to diversify the baby’s menu.

Rules for introducing complementary foods according to Komarovsky

A child is ready to try new foods when:

  1. He began to weigh twice as much as at birth.
  2. He holds his head well and sits independently.
  3. He can take food from a spoon.
  4. He may turn away to refuse food that is unpleasant to him.
  5. He shows interest in adult food.
  6. His tongue does not make reflexive pushing movements, that is, the baby can eat from a spoon. It happens that sometimes babies ignore everything except their mother’s breast or bottle.

  • Do not introduce complementary foods to an infant under six months of age. Until this age, mother's milk may well provide the baby with everything necessary, and too early complementary feeding can provoke allergic reactions and digestive disorders.
  • The type of feeding (i.e. bottle or breastfeeding) does not matter. Complementary foods are introduced at the same age, regardless of the type of feeding.
  • New foods should only be introduced when both the baby and those around him are healthy. This is necessary in order to track the baby’s reaction to the new product. After all, a baby’s malaise can be confused with a reaction to unusual food. In addition, an organism weakened by illness may respond to complementary foods differently than a healthy one.
  • If you are planning a move or a big event, then do not rush to introduce complementary foods. New environment large number new people and other factors will already become a little stressful for the baby. You should not aggravate this condition with new food.
  • New foods are given before the main meal. After this, you need to supplement the baby with either breast milk or formula.
  • If your baby doesn’t want to eat new food, then don’t insist. The child may spit out the puree or turn away from the spoon. This means that he does not like the taste of this food. Don't force him to eat something he doesn't want to eat. New, unusual foods taste strange to a child accustomed to milk. It happens that it takes up to 10-15 trials for the baby to try new food; try again in a few days.
  • Do not introduce several new foods at once, introduce them one at a time. If you decide to give your child porridge with fruit, then first cook just the porridge and let the child try it. If there is no negative reaction, you can add fruits to it, but again, not several at once, but one at a time. This also applies to juices and purees; they must be one-component.
  • You can't move abruptly from breastfeeding for adult food. The baby's body needs to be prepared. To begin with, replace one breast or bottle feeding. This must be done gradually, preferably replacing evening feeding before bedtime. This way the baby will sleep better, because milk porridges are very filling. First you need to give some porridge and supplement the baby with breast milk. The next evening you need to give a little more porridge and so on. After a week, it will be possible to completely replace one feeding.
  • An important topic remains the question of how to salt or sugar food? Dr. Komarovsky believes that babies also need salt, like adults, but in completely different quantities. Keep in mind that the food should taste under-salted, not bland, but under-salted. As for sugar, there is no need to specially sweeten porridge or puree. Also remember that you cannot use any spices in the children's menu, especially hot and spicy ones.

What products should you start with?

  • You can eat dairy and non-dairy cereals based on various grains. For example, rice, oats, wheat, rye, barley or buckwheat. Remember that you should not prepare porridge based on whole cow's milk. Children under one year old are not recommended to use it at all.
  • Vegetables, fruits and berries can be used raw, boiled or pureed. It is worth remembering that exotic vegetables or fruits can cause allergies, and they can also be treated with various chemicals. Therefore, you should start with familiar domestic fruits, for example, apples.
  • Fermented milk products, such as low-fat cottage cheese or kefir, are considered an excellent choice. But, unfortunately, it is now difficult to find high-quality dairy products. And even brands that produce children's products cannot boast of naturalness and complete safety for children.
  • Bird eggs are also good for complementary feeding; most often the yolk is used for this, as the least allergenic part of the egg.
  • Meat-based foods are very healthy, they are rich in proteins, as well as iron and zinc. However, you should not start feeding your baby with these foods. You should start with cereals, vegetables and fruits, and only then introduce meat and fish.
  • Fish dishes are also rich in protein and contain essential fatty acids. River and sea fish are practically the same in composition, but sea fish have more iodine.

Scheme for introducing new products according to Komarovsky

If you follow Komarovsky’s monthly complementary feeding schedule, your baby will grow up healthy.

Cook it yourself or buy it?

This question is asked very often to Dr. Komarovsky. He believes that high-quality puree bought in a store is equally healthy as what his mother prepares. But it should be remembered that not any, but only high quality. If you find quality product, in which you are completely sure is impossible, then it is better to prepare food for the child yourself.

Komarovsky believes that the time spent on preparing juices or purees is better spent on the child, on himself and, of course, on the father, who in the first year of the baby’s life may be deprived of mother’s affection. Doctor pays attention great attention and intra-family relationships and often emphasizes that the relationship between parents is very important, first of all, for the child himself. After all, a full-fledged and loving family is the key to well-being and health.


  • In order for the baby to receive all the necessary nutrients from mother's milk, the mother needs to follow the correct diet.
  • Do you know what it should be? But it can say a lot about the baby’s health.
  • Many mothers are concerned about the question of how to eat properly if you are breastfeeding, in particular, is it possible to eat seeds while breastfeeding? You will find the answer to this question on our website.
  • And what is probably harmful is this. Find out how you can get rid of this bad habit.

Girls, tell us how you introduced complementary foods for your child. Write in the comments whose experience and advice you relied on. What did your pediatrician recommend to you, and did you follow all of his recommendations?

Complementary feeding according to Komarovsky has become a popular topic among expectant and established young mothers in recent years. Many parents listen to the advice of this doctor, even experienced mothers and fathers with several children. Evgeniy Komarovsky’s charisma and personal view of pediatrics as a pediatric specialist instills confidence in parents in his recommendations.

The appearance of new products in a baby’s diet is an exciting stage in the life of young parents and their baby. But the introduction of complementary foods according to Komarovsky may differ from the recommendations of the pediatrician observing the child. Which specialist to listen to is up to the parents to decide.

Most young mothers do not see a significant difference between the definitions of “complementary feeding” and “supplementary feeding”, but in fact these are two completely different words.

The concept of “supplementary feeding” is applicable when a child does not have enough milk, and its deficiency is compensated either in advance or with the milk of domestic animals (which is extremely undesirable). In this case, they say that the baby is mixed-fed.

Complementary feeding means that the baby receives foods in addition to his usual diet - breast milk or formula. The purpose of complementary feeding is to adapt and accustom the baby’s body to “adult” food.

When to introduce?

The first year of a child's development is considered the most important in pediatrics, and nutrition at this stage is of great importance. According to the Komarovsky introduction table, it is important to give the first complementary foods no earlier than the child turns 6 months old. In this case, it does not matter at all what basic nutrition the baby receives - mother's milk or adapted mixture.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that if a child’s development is within normal limits up to 6 months, then he does not need any additional foods other than breast milk and formula.

It is not advisable to introduce the first complementary foods later than this period. When entering in children's diet new food products the child receives the nutrients necessary for the growth and development of his body. Also, when the first complementary feeding in the form of solid food is introduced too late, skills such as chewing and chewing do not begin to develop. fine motor skills.

Six-month-old babies use chewing to prepare their gums for the eruption of their first teeth, and while playing with food, the baby develops fine motor skills. In addition, a monotonous diet in babies older than 6 months can lead to growth retardation.

Timely introduction of complementary foods according to the Komarovsky table strengthens the child’s health and allows him to develop correctly in the psycho-emotional and physical direction.

Advantages and disadvantages of early complementary feeding

Young mothers often hear from others that they can start earlier than modern pediatrics recommends. The older the baby, the more often home-grown advice will be heard regarding complementary feeding with yolk, porridge and other products.

Nowadays, if a nursing mother eats properly and variedly, or the child receives a high-quality adapted formula as a breast milk substitute, then there is no need to offer complementary feeding until 6 months of age. There is also no benefit from introducing complementary foods too early; rather, it will harm the child.

For example, organisms may also arise. That is why the issue of introducing complementary foods should be considered in detail by parents. To get comprehensive information, they can study the table of complementary foods according to Komarovsky.

Introduction rules

Dr. Komarovsky advises adhering to the following recommendations when introducing complementary foods:

  1. Any product must be offered carefully and gradually. To begin with, one teaspoon or sip of new food is enough, and then the child is fed with his usual food - milk or formula. If skin and mucous membranes, stool and sleep of the baby will remain unchanged, the amount of complementary foods can be increased.
  2. If in doubt, for example, flaky spots appeared on the child’s cheeks, or he woke up more often at night and slept less well, it is advisable to wait a while with the new product and leave everything as is.
  3. If painful manifestations, for example, allergic reaction organism, have become obvious, it is not recommended to introduce new food until the signs of trouble disappear.
  4. You cannot introduce a new product during the period of illness, 3 days before and within 3 days after it.
  5. If a child does not like a product or is reluctant to eat it, you should not insist.

What products should you start with?

Some people believe that the first complementary feeding begins with vegetables, others are sure that it is fruits, and still others insist that the first time feeding a baby should be porridge prepared with breast milk.

According to the rules for introducing complementary foods according to Komarovsky, it is better to start complementary feeding with kefir. The specialist explains this by the fact that from birth the child’s digestive system has had time to get used to dairy products, and kefir is their closest analogue.

In addition, kefir contains a lot of fermented milk bacteria, which strengthen immune system and reduce the likelihood of developing intestinal infections. Kefir qualitatively reduces the load on the infant’s still immature liver and has a positive effect on digestion processes in the body.

The Komarovsky complementary feeding scheme recommends introducing a new product in the morning, gradually replacing the child’s main feeding with it. For the first time, the baby is offered very little kefir for testing - no more than 2 teaspoons. If there are no negative reactions from the body, next days The dose of kefir can be safely increased until the child begins to eat 150 ml per whole feeding without supplementary feeding.

5-7 days after this, a second new product is introduced into the child’s diet - cottage cheese. Of course, it is introduced against the background of the relative health of the baby and his lack of side effects for new food. Six month old baby It is enough to consume 30 grams of cottage cheese every day; from 9 months this figure increases to 50 grams. If the baby categorically does not like cottage cheese in its natural form, Dr. Komarovsky advises adding a small amount of sugar to it.

After the child gets used to kefir and cottage cheese, that is, fermented milk products will replace one morning feeding (usually it takes 10 days), the doctor advises introducing milk and cereal porridge (rice, oatmeal or buckwheat) into the child’s diet, replacing her evening feeding.

The complementary feeding scheme according to Komarovsky recommends the introduction of vegetables and fruits only by the 8th month of the baby’s life. In this case, you need to start with vegetable decoctions and only after them can you offer the baby vegetable puree or soup. After 2 weeks, you can add egg yolk and meat to the diet, according to Komarovsky’s complementary feeding table by month.

Administration scheme

The complementary feeding table according to Komarovsky is as follows:

New product 6 months 7 months 8 months 9 months 10 months 11 months 12 months
Kefir, ml5-30 50-70 90-100 100 100 100 100
Cottage cheese, gr5-20 20-30 40-50 50 50 50 50
Baked apple, gr 5 - 30 40-50 50 50 70 70
Vegetable puree, gr 5-70 90-100 120-150 150 180-200
Juice, ml 5-10 15-20 20-30 40-50 60-70
Dairy porridge, gr 5-70 90-100 120-150 150 180-200
Yolk, pcs. 0,25 0,5 1 1 1
Meat puree, gr 5-30 40-50 60-70 70
Fish puree, gr 5-20 30 40

oil, ml

1 3 3 3 3 3

Cook it yourself or buy it?

A young mother must decide for herself whether to prepare complementary foods or purchase ready-made meals in specialized departments. It's impossible to say which is better, for sure. Both factory and home baby food there are advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of factory products:

  • saving time for mom;
  • the ability to take it with you on a trip or for a walk;
  • comfortable consistency of the product;
  • enrichment of food with additional vitamins and mineral complexes, ;
  • multi-component product, which cannot always be achieved at home.

Disadvantages of factory-made baby food:

  • large financial costs;
  • The shelf life of an open jar of ready-made food does not exceed 24 hours in a refrigerator, which is extremely unprofitable at the very beginning of introducing complementary foods;
  • You can store an opened package of porridge for no more than 2 weeks;
  • the taste of vegetable purees is seriously inferior to homemade dishes.

Pros of homemade food:

  • financial savings;
  • the taste is usually better than store-bought products;
  • You can adjust the consistency and taste of the dish at your own discretion.


Apple-carrot juice through a juicer - a very useful vitamin preparation for the body, which is recommended to be closed annually. Apples and carrots are the most popular ingredients for making healthy drinks at home. In addition, such ordinary products can be purchased at any time of the year, and in the summer such valuable fruits and vegetables grow in almost every yard, which allows you to regularly drink freshly squeezed healthy juice.
There is no need to even doubt the benefits of carrot-apple juice. Apples alone are champions in containing a large number of valuable microcomponents. Carrot juice is an excellent addition; it helps keep the body in good condition. The combination of two wonderful products allows you to create a tasty and very healthy winter preparation.
Apple juice contains natural fruit sugar and a large amount organic acids, due to which the consumption of such juice causes effective recovery body after a hard day at work. In addition, apple juice contains compounds that have a positive effect on cardiovascular system. It has also been scientifically proven that apple juice useful for people who have low stomach acidity.
Carrot juice is no less beneficial for the human body. It contains those nutrients that protect the liver and intestines from a number of diseases. Natural carrot juice should be consumed regularly by people suffering from gastritis and stomach ulcers. For such diseases, it is recommended to drink half a glass of carrot juice three times a day. This juice also has a strong anti-inflammatory effect against colds.
Thanks to this step by step photo The recipe will tell you how to prepare and how long to cook fruit and vegetable juice for the winter at home. So, let's start cooking it.


Apple-carrot juice through a juicer - recipe

To properly prepare carrot-apple juice at home, you must maintain the proportions of the required fruits and vegetables. For two kilograms of apples you will need one large carrot.

To obtain a homemade fruit and vegetable drink, you should use a special juicer. It copes well with hard products and produces quite a lot of juice at second speed.

Wash the apples thoroughly under running water. If the fruits small size, then they can be left whole, since the juicer has a feed chamber width of eighty millimeters, which allows the products not to be pre-chopped. We also wash the carrots well, and then peel them from the top layer. It also fits entirely into the juicer bowl.

After the products are prepared, you can start making juice from them. Modern juicers are good because after working with it you don’t have to wash the desktop and all nearby devices. Since this electrical appliance is sealed and does not allow splashes of juice to pass through.

In this recipe, the autumn variety of apples used is a little loose, so the squeezed juice turns out to be pulpy, but that’s okay, on the contrary, this way the juice will be more healthy. Add granulated sugar to the resulting mass and bring it to a boil over low heat. After the liquid boils, boil it for about five minutes.

In the meantime, let’s start washing the juice separation device specifically. The main advantage of a modern juicer is that all food waste is collected in a special pulp bowl. The waste is generated completely dry, it is easy to remove it from the bowl, and then it should simply be rinsed under water. Thanks to this, the electrical appliance remains practically clean, which allows you to spend a minimum of time on washing it.

Step 1: prepare the apples.

Wash ripe apples thoroughly by rinsing them several times with running water. Then dry the fruit, remove the branches and cut out the cores with seeds.
Place the prepared apples in the juicer and now let this device work for you.
The resulting apple juice must be left to stand until the foam at the top becomes thick enough. Collect the foam with a spoon and, wrapping it in several layers of thick gauze, squeeze it out. The remaining apple juice also needs to be strained through several layers of gauze.
Attention: You can take both sweet and sour apples, but the latter go much better with carrots.

Step 2: prepare the carrots.

Wash the carrots and remove the skin from the vegetables. Then rinse the carrots again. Place the vegetables in the juicer and let it do its good work again.
Attention: The sweeter the carrots, the tastier the juice.

The resulting carrot juice also needs to be strained through several layers of gauze, unless you don’t mind pieces of pulp at all.

Step 3: prepare apple and carrot juice for the winter.

Mix the strained apple and carrot juices; if the carrots are not very sweet, then add the specified amount of sugar or a little less. Place the pan with all this stuff on the fire and heat until 90 degrees Celsius, but do not boil. Stir all the time until the sugar dissolves without leaving a trace.

Remove the hot apple-carrot juice from the stove and pour into steam-heated sterilized glass jars. Cover them with boiled lids and turn them over. Place it upside down, wrap it in a blanket or kitchen towel. Leave in this form until it cools completely, that is, for about a day.
Turn the finished and cooled apple-carrot juice back over and store in a cool, dark place. In this way he will retain his beneficial properties and will delight you all winter.

Step 4: serve apple and carrot juice.

Serve apple and carrot juice as a dessert or drink it in the morning to recharge yourself with the solar energy of fruits and vegetables. It contains a lot of vitamins A, C, D and E, as well as a strong dose of iron and other minerals necessary for our body. And thanks to the combination of tastes of sweet carrots and sour apples, there are a lot of fans of this drink, and it’s simply impossible not to like it.
Bon appetit!

Don’t throw away the remaining carrot pulp, it’s very healthy. And if there is a lot of it left, then simply pack the pulp in a plastic bag and freeze until needed.

The same amount of fruits and vegetables can produce different quantities juice, it all depends on the variety, degree of ripeness and, of course, on your juicer.

Have any of you often come across juices containing carrots and apples at the same time on supermarket shelves? Most likely not. Nevertheless, this drink is very beneficial for health and human immunity in general.

Benefits of carrot and apple juice

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, we should talk about the benefits of juice using apples and carrots separately from each other. After all, an apple and a carrot are two independent products, and each of them has a set of specific useful qualities and vitamins for human body. And for the winter - this is an indispensable option delicious drink for the whole family, which is able to give a charge of vivacity and good mood all season.

What are the benefits of apple juice?

The apple itself is an easily digestible product and, as a result, dietary. Despite the fact that the average fruit contains about 80% water and only 20% vitamins and useful substances, has been proven for a long time.

An apple of medium size and weight contains:

  1. Organic acids.
  2. Carbohydrates.
  3. Squirrels.
  4. Fiber.
  5. Vitamins various groups(A, B, C, etc.).
  6. Tannins, etc.

In addition, apple juice:

  1. Has a beneficial effect on the lungs of smokers, protecting the respiratory system.
  2. Removes unnecessary toxins from the body due to the pectin content.
  3. It is useful for anemia because it contains a large amount of iron, which patients so need.
  4. Restores strength after excessive physical activity.
  5. Renders positive impact on skin, hair and nails.
  6. Serves as an excellent prevention against constipation.
  7. Useful for various types of joint diseases.
  8. Recommended for prevention colds, influenza and ARVI, etc.

What are the benefits of carrot juice?

  1. Carrots have a general strengthening effect and thus have a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole.
  2. It also improves the functioning of the digestive system.
  3. Many people mistakenly believe that it is a direct source of vitamin A, which is not entirely true. The fact is that carrots contain beta-carotene, which only after entering the human body is converted into vitamin A, protecting the cells of the human body from the inside from the negative effects of free radicals.
  4. Accelerates the regeneration (renewal) of skin cells.
  5. Blocks inflammatory processes, which is especially needed by the mucous membranes and our skin in general.

Those who have already managed to study and personally try all of the above truly magical properties of a drink made from carrots and apples will be able to confirm with full confidence that carrot-apple juice for the winter is a dream for a housewife. In principle, there is nothing complicated or unusual about this.

How to make apple-carrot juice?

How to make your dream come true at home, read right now. Making for the winter is not only pleasant, but also very simple. We offer you several recipes, from which you can very easily choose the one that is suitable exclusively for you and your family members.

So, a classic recipe for fresh apples and carrots.

Carrot-apple juice for the winter is as easy as shelling pears to prepare according to classic recipe, which has been preserved since the time of our great-grandmothers and passed down from generation to generation.

You will need:

Carrots - 4 pieces.

Apple - 1 piece.

Cooking will not take much time and will be interesting not only for adults, but also for children, who are always happy to try what they have prepared with their own hands.

  1. Rinse the carrots and apple well under running water.
  2. Remove the skin from the carrots and remove the core and peel from the apple.
  3. Place everything one by one into the juicer and pass through it.
  4. The finished drink can be served immediately.

The carrot-apple juice, the recipe for which has been described, is designed for a standard family of two or three people and will be useful for those who did not have time to stock up in the fall, but really want to pamper themselves with a tasty and aromatic mix.

For more thrifty housewives, the recipe below is suitable.

Canned or already brewed, the whole family will enjoy it in any form.

To prepare it you need:

  1. Carrots - about three kilograms.
  2. Apples - about two kilograms.
  3. Sugar - 100 or 200 grams.

Remember that the amount of sugar is determined depending on the degree of your love for it. But don't overdo it, because in case high concentration If you add granulated sugar, the finished juice runs the risk of losing the overwhelming amount of its beneficial components.


  1. Rinse apples and carrots thoroughly.
  2. Clear.
  3. Then you need to pour boiling water over them and pass them through a juicer.
  4. After this, mix the finished juice in an enamel bowl.
  5. Add granulated sugar.
  6. Mix thoroughly.
  7. Bring to a boil.
  8. Keep on low heat for five minutes.
  9. Without waiting for the juice to cool, pour it into jars and screw the lids on tightly.

The one you just read is a very healthy and tonic universal drink. Its use throughout the winter will significantly strengthen the immune system and help cope with infections.

Tasty or healthy?

When preparing apple-carrot juice for the winter, I would like to note that you do not have to choose between its beneficial and taste qualities, since this drink combines all the best indicators and therefore for a long time takes places of honor on the shelves of true housewives.