
Diseases of a social nature that cause harm to society and require social protection of a person. The most important socially significant diseases Socially significant infectious diseases



On approval of the list of socially significant diseases and the list
diseases that pose a danger to others

Document with changes made:
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 13, 2012 N 710 ( Russian newspaper, N 165, 07/20/2012).

Government Russian Federation
(Preamble as amended, put into effect on July 28, 2012 by Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 13, 2012 N 710.


Approve the attached:

List of socially significant diseases;

List of diseases that pose a danger to others.

Chairman of the Government
Russian Federation
M. Fradkov

List of socially significant diseases

Government resolution
Russian Federation
dated December 1, 2004 N 715

Name of diseases


* (10th revision).

1. A 15-A 19


2. A 50-A 64


3. At 16; At 18.0; At 18.1

Hepatitis B

4. B 17.1; At 18.2

hepatitis C

5. V 20-V 24

disease caused by a virus
human immunodeficiency (HIV)

6. From 00-С 97

malignant neoplasms

7. E 10-E 14


8. F 00-F 99

mental disorders and disorders

9. I 10-I 13.9

diseases characterized by increased
blood pressure

List of diseases that pose a danger to others

Government resolution
Russian Federation
dated December 1, 2004 N 715

Name of diseases


*International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (10th revision).

1. V 20-V 24

disease caused by a virus
human immunodeficiency (HIV)

2. A 90-A 99

viral fevers, transmitted
arthropods, and viral
hemorrhagic fevers

3. B 65-B 83


4. At 16; At 18.0; At 18.1

Hepatitis B

5. B 17.1; At 18.2

hepatitis C


7. A 50-A 64

infections transmitted predominantly

9. B 50-B 54


10. B 85-B 89

pediculosis, acariasis and other infestations

glanders and melioidosis


13. A 15-A 19



Revision of the document taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"

Socially significant diseases (CVDs) are diseases whose occurrence and spread depend on the socio-economic conditions of society. The article discusses their danger, provides a list with codes according to ICD-10, and also describes the basics of providing medical care for some socially significant diseases

Persons with socially significant diseases (CVDs) are observed and receive the necessary medical care in appropriate medical institutions. The list of diseases that pose a danger to society has been approved at the level of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Since 2005, providing such patients with medicines has been the task mainly of regional authorities. Patients are provided with the necessary medical and social assistance and dispensary observation on free or preferential terms.

Why are such diseases dangerous and what can be done at the state level to reduce their prevalence? The answers to these questions are in this article.

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The main thing in the article

Current list of socially significant diseases

Socially dangerous diseases are currently considered:

  • viral hepatitis B and C;
  • STD;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diabetes;
  • malignant tumors;
  • mental and behavioral disorders;
  • pathologies associated with high blood pressure.

List with disease codes according to ICD-10 classification

The main sign and at the same time the key problem of social diseases is their widespread nature. In such patients, the need for medical care increases as the pathology progresses, deterioration general condition and development of complications. Their treatment requires the involvement of additional material resources and improvement of the material and technical equipment of clinics.

If there are no adequate measures to support such patients, the level of morbidity, disability and mortality of the population increases, the life expectancy of citizens decreases, a huge amount of money is spent to stabilize the situation and eliminate Negative consequences for society and economy.

Main risk factors for CVD:

  • neglect of personal hygiene rules;
  • heredity (this is especially true for cancer and diabetes);
  • excess weight;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • poor nutrition;
  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse, etc.);
  • high blood pressure;
  • emotional instability, stress.

Social significance decreases if you purposefully and effectively influence the main factors that provoke them. Therefore, legal mechanisms must be created to guarantee that persons with social disabilities receive the necessary medications. dangerous diseases. This will allow them to maintain their ability to work and normal level quality of life.

Classification: differences between CVD and other groups

Comparison criterion CVD Diseases that pose a danger to others
Public danger Average High
Prevalence in society Medium and high Low
Influence of ethnic, national, cultural, socio-economic and other factors High Low
Competence Subjects of the Russian Federation and municipalities Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation
Nature of the events Planned Planned, emergency
Rules of law (legislation) Predominantly social security law Rules of public law
Limitations of individual rights By general rule No; individual restrictions may be introduced Restrictions on individual rights are introduced to the extent necessary in order to protect the foundations of the constitutional system, morality, health, rights and legitimate interests of other persons, ensure the defense of the country and the security of the state.

Danger of diseases

Socially dangerous diseases are due to the following reasons:

  • high prevalence rate among the population, including the presence of a large number of “hidden” patients;
  • high rates of increase in morbidity, high speed of spread of diseases of this group;
  • danger of infecting others (for hepatitis, HIV and STDs);
  • infectious and non-infectious nature of pathologies;
  • reduction in the quality of life of patients, limitation of their full social life.

Medical care for CVD

Below we discuss the features of diagnosis and treatment of some socially significant diseases (the list is given above), including from the standpoint of government guarantees.

Anti-tuberculosis care includes the following activities:

  • medical;
  • sanitary and hygienic;
  • social;
  • anti-epidemic.

Taken together, it is aimed at diagnosis, examination, treatment, clinical observation and rehabilitation in an inpatient or outpatient setting. The provision of medical care to patients with tuberculosis is guaranteed by the state, but requires informed voluntary consent the patient himself.

The exceptions are the following:

  • to establish dispensary observation the consent of the patient or his representatives is not required;
  • sick open forms pulmonary tuberculosis, violating the sanitary and epidemiological regime and avoiding examination and treatment, are hospitalized in specialized medical institutions By the tribunal's decision.

According to statistical data in the Russian Federation, the epidemiological situation is becoming more tense every year. A natural consequence of instability in society is the inexorable increase in the number of pathologies belonging to the group of socially significant diseases. The diseases included in it pose a threat to public health, which causes irreparable damage to society. Currently used in practice effective schemes treatment of socially significant diseases. However, the fight against them also involves carrying out preventive measures.


K socially significant diseases include illnesses that pose a threat to a large number of people at once. Their spread is associated with high mortality and even increased rate crime.

Signs of a socially significant disease:

  • Mass character. The pathology is rapidly spreading among the population. As a rule, the real number of cases is much higher than according to official data.
  • High annual increase in the number of affected people.
  • A person cannot fully interact with society.
  • The disease poses a danger to others.
  • The nature of the pathology can be either infectious or non-infectious.

Currently, a list of socially significant diseases has been compiled and approved.


According to statistics from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, dangerous diseases are spreading mainly among young people. Illnesses recognized as socially significant require not only complex treatment, but also long-term rehabilitation. Thus, over a considerable period, the state is losing part of its working-age population.

High mortality and crime rates are associated with the spread of socially significant pathologies. Regarding the last one. Some young people do not want to receive support from the state; they believe that death is close. In this regard, they begin to commit various types of offenses and crimes.

The Russian Ministry of Health is seriously concerned about this situation. In this regard, new methods of preventing and combating dangerous pathologies are regularly developed.

List of ailments

It consists of two sections. Clause 1 of the list of socially significant diseases includes dangerous pathologies that affect a large number of people, but do not pose a serious danger to others.

These include:

  • Tuberculosis. The pathogen (Koch bacillus) affects the lungs, intestines or bone tissue. The disease is infectious in nature.
  • Pathologies that are transmitted primarily through sexual contact.
  • Hepatitis B. This inflammatory process, affecting the liver. The active activity of the virus often leads to cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Hepatitis C. The disease is severe. Mainly has chronic form. Mortality from hepatitis C is increasing annually geometric progression.
  • HIV. Retrovirus infects cells immune system. HIV is a precursor condition to AIDS.
  • Neoplasms of a malignant nature. In other words, this cancerous tumors.
  • Diabetes. This is a disease in which the production of the hormone insulin by the pancreas is impaired.
  • Mental disorders.
  • Diseases the course of which is accompanied by a persistent increase in blood pressure.

The second section of the list lists mainly infectious socially significant diseases that pose a serious danger to others:

  • AIDS. This is the final stage of development of HIV infection. On at this stage the immune system practically ceases to function.
  • Viral fevers. The route of transmission is through arthropod bites. This group also includes the Ebola virus, which has claimed the lives of many people in recent years.
  • Worm infestations.
  • Diphtheria. An acute infectious disease that primarily affects children preschool age.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases that have high rate contagiousness.
  • Leprosy. Pathology in which slow damage occurs skin, mucous membranes and upper respiratory tract.
  • Malaria. The causative agents are mosquitoes. The disease is characterized by the occurrence of frequent episodes of fever.
  • Infestations. They belong to the group of invasions. An example is tick bites.
  • Melioidosis. An infectious disease in which internal organs abscesses form.
  • Anthrax. The source of infection is animals. Pathology has several forms. Most often the skin is damaged.
  • Cholera. This gastrointestinal disease posing a threat to life.
  • Plague. Severe infectious pathology. Has an extremely high mortality rate.

These lists were approved in 2004.

Social reasons for the spread

The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation identifies the following provoking factors as the main ones:

  • Low level of quality of life.
  • Unemployment.
  • Unfavorable environmental conditions.
  • Small income of the population from professional activities.
  • Propaganda of crime and not healthy image life through the media.

In addition, the moral decline in society should be highlighted separately. An increasing number of people completely lack any values.


As a rule, there are no problems with identifying socially significant diseases. Currently, modern laboratory and instrumental methods diagnostics If the patient contacts timely medical institution All necessary measures are taken, including hospitalization.

The situation is different with diseases that are not typical for modern society. In some cases, doctors conduct a detailed examination and, based on its results, prescribe completely ineffective treatment. This is due to the human factor - a weakening of vigilance and readiness to implement emergency measures.

Ways to fight

Developments are continuously underway the latest methods treatment. However, the main way to combat socially significant diseases is to increase the level of knowledge among the population regarding the epidemiological situation in the country. Currently, the main emphasis is on disseminating information.

Other ways to combat socially significant diseases:

  • Improvement diagnostic methods.
  • Carrying out activities to reduce rehabilitation period after treatment.
  • Construction of specialized medical institutions, as well as reconstruction of existing clinics.


As mentioned above, this is the main way to combat socially significant diseases. First of all, it is important to monitor compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards in general educational institutions. This is due to the fact that the spread of pathologies is typical among the young population.

The following measures also include the prevention of socially significant diseases:

  • Improving the quality of life of the population.
  • Motivation to switch to balanced diet.
  • Promotion of healthy lifestyles.

Currently, the incidence rate is extremely high. In this regard, it was decided to carry out measures aimed at reducing social significant consequences. In particular, this is to ensure the interaction of the patient with society. Of course, if he has non-infectious pathologies.

In addition, work is continuously underway to identify patients who prefer not to go to a medical facility.


Socially significant pathologies are illnesses that pose a danger to a large number of people. The main reasons for their spread among the population are considered to be low income, low level quality of life, unfavorable environmental conditions. Besides, huge role propaganda of crime and unhealthy lifestyle in the media plays a role. Currently, effective treatment regimens for socially significant diseases have been developed. In addition, ongoing preventive actions.

Preventing the spread of socially significant diseases

Diseases of this group pose a significant threat to public health, causing enormous damage to society associated with the loss of temporary and permanent ability to work, the need for huge costs for prevention, treatment and rehabilitation, premature mortality, and crime.
Statistics show that socially significant diseases have become widespread among teenagers. Youth are the most vulnerable group of the population, who are quickly involved in epidemic process. The reasons for the increase in socially significant diseases among adolescents are considered to be social maladaptation, low level of hygienic knowledge, environmental conditions and early onset of sexual activity.
Solving the problem of the spread of socially significant diseases among adolescents is associated with the organization of primary prevention in educational institutions. The essence preventive work is to expand the understanding of teenage schoolchildren in this area, the formation of health-saving behavior strategies in risk situations associated with the possibility of infection, the onset of the development of the disease.

What is meant by socially significant diseases? An elementary analysis of the phrase “socially significant” shows that diseases of this group are of great importance for society and pose a threat to a large number of people.

The main features included in the concept of a socially significant disease are:

    the widespread nature of the disease, that is, a high percentage of the spread of the disease among the population, including the presence of a significant percentage of “hidden” patients in society, high rates of annual growth in the number of patients; diseases of this group tend to spread quite quickly, restriction of the patient’s full functioning in society in the presence of such a disease, danger of disease for others, infectious and non-infectious nature.

In addition, diseases belonging to this category not only destroy the health and body of a person, but also carry with them negative social consequences: loss of family, friends, job, livelihood and etc.

A characteristic feature of such diseases is that they mostly claim the lives of young people and people of working age. Important feature socially significant diseases is that if you know how not to get sick and follow certain rules, then the disease can be prevented or stopped by early stage diseases.
The situation with the spread of diseases of this group has become so acute that it is causing concern at the level of the government of the Russian Federation. Epidemiological observations served as the basis for compiling list of socially significant diseases . In accordance with Article No. 41 of the Fundamentals of Legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens, the Government of the Russian Federation approved a list of diseases classified as socially significant. This list includes: disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), tuberculosis, hepatitis, sexually transmitted infections, diabetes mellitus, malignant neoplasms, mental and behavioral disorders, diseases characterized by high blood pressure.
According to statistics, society shifts responsibility for health onto the shoulders of the state, medicine, schools, and anyone else but itself. Health care carries out certain preventive measures, but their volume and effectiveness directly depend on the desire of the population to live in a society that is healthy in body and soul.
So, socially significant diseases are a group of diseases that pose a threat modern society. Today, the situation with the spread of socially significant diseases is very serious, requiring the consolidation of many structures, not only government, medical, pedagogical, but also volunteer ones.

A disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

HIV infection, which has received the status of the “plague” of the twentieth and now the twenty-first century, is the most significant threat to human society. According to statistics, over the past 24 years, HIV has caused the death of over 25 million people, becoming one of the socially significant diseases dangerous to society. HIV is spreading at a high rate and is characterized by incredible variability - today science knows more than 40 thousand variants of its genome. This circumstance complicates the research of scientists in the field of search effective drugs against this infection. At the moment, there are no drugs in the world that can completely cure a patient with HIV. All drugs known to date are aimed only at supporting the resources of the human body infected with the virus. Until now, scientists studying the phenomenon of HIV cannot establish how this disease penetrated into the human population. According to one of the most plausible hypotheses, the immune deficiency virus was obtained from monkeys, but scientists do not give an exact answer to the logical question of exactly how this happened. Only one thing is known for certain - the birthplace of HIV is in the countries of Central and Western Africa. HIV infection is a long-term infectious disease of viral etiology, characterized by a long latent period, damage to the cellular part of the immune system, leading to a condition known as “acquired immunodeficiency syndrome” (AIDS). During AIDS, secondary infectious and oncological diseases develop, usually leading to fatal outcome. The disease was first registered in 1981; in 1983, the causative agent was discovered - the human immunodeficiency virus. During its existence, the disease has spread to all continents of the globe and has become a pandemic. According to the Federal Scientific and Methodological Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS, the number of HIV-infected people in Russia may actually reach 1 million people (which corresponds to 1% of the country's adult population).

Tuberculosis- an infectious disease that develops when tuberculosis bacteria enter the body. In this case, the main organ that is affected by the disease is the lungs. In some cases, there may be tuberculosis of the brain and its membranes, tuberculosis of the bones, joints, kidneys, genitals, eyes, intestines and other organs. 75% of tuberculosis patients are people aged 20-40 years, that is, the most able-bodied and childbearing age. Today it has been proven that the vast majority of cases of tuberculosis can be cured. If the detection and treatment of tuberculosis is properly organized, which must be carried out under control and not interrupted, then patients will recover. More than 100 years ago, it was proven that tuberculosis is an infectious (contagious) disease caused by Koch's bacillus. Not only humans suffer from tuberculosis, but also animals and birds. In a living organism tubercle bacilli find suitable food and temperature conditions for themselves and can reproduce quickly. People of different ages and genders suffer from tuberculosis. This disease affects not only the lungs, but also other organs: bones, eyes, skin, lymphatic, genitourinary and nervous system etc.

Infections transmitted primarily through sexual contact. Sexually transmitted diseases include: gonorrhea, syphilis, genital herpes, genital warts ( genital warts), bacterial vaginosis etc. In addition, viral hepatitis can be transmitted sexually, which kills every year a large number of of people. Today, the incidence of STIs is steadily increasing. IN Lately doctors record combinations different forms diseases caused simultaneously by several pathogens. Therefore for more effective treatment the patient must be examined for the presence of all types of STI pathogens. The social significance of sexually transmitted diseases lies in the fact that if not treated sufficiently, they can lead to infertility, sexual dysfunction in men and inflammation of the internal genital organs in women. Despite the fact that there is no 100% prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, following the rules of personal hygiene and reasonable behavior in sexual life will help to avoid an unpleasant encounter with STIs

Hepatitis(from Greek hepatos - liver) - this common name inflammatory diseases liver. Hepatitis can be caused by some medicinal substances, toxins, infectious or systemic diseases. However significant problem for medical science and practical healthcare, which is becoming increasingly acute epidemiological in nature, are viral hepatitis.
Its widespread prevalence throughout the world has included hepatitis in the list of the most dangerous socially significant diseases. This epidemiological situation is explained by the ease of spread of viral hepatitis. Even the smallest amount of infected blood entering the human body can lead to hepatitis infection.
With absence timely treatment hepatitis disease progresses and becomes chronic stage, more difficult to treat. According to research, viral hepatitis In the world, approximately 20 million people fall ill every year, and if left untreated, about 10% of them become chronically ill. Hepatitis A and hepatitis E occur mainly due to poor personal hygiene, while infection with viruses B, C, D, G occurs through contact with infected blood. Due to their widespread prevalence and destructive effects on the human body, hepatitis viruses pose the greatest threat to health. B and S.

As a result of studying the chapter, the student should:


  • general characteristics major socially significant non-communicable diseases (diabetes mellitus, hypertension, cancer, mental disorders);
  • general characteristics of the main socially significant infectious diseases (hepatitis, HIV infection, tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases);

be able to

Identify medical and social problems that arise in clients with socially significant non-communicable and infectious diseases;


The foundations of the culture of modern social thinking, methods of medical and social analysis of socially significant diseases.

General characteristics of socially significant diseases

The concept of "social significant diseases"appeared in the 19th century. in an era of rapid industrial development. While high level The incidence of this form of pathology (primarily tuberculosis) was associated with difficult working conditions, unsatisfactory living conditions and the inaccessibility of qualified medical care.

As the course of the historical process has shown, social transformations aimed at improving working conditions and creating safety precautions, improving the quality of life of workers, and the development of medicine have led to a decrease in the incidence of certain types of diseases from this group. It should be noted that at that time different authors classified different diseases as socially significant diseases. Tuberculosis and sexually transmitted diseases were originally included in this group.

Sometimes socially significant diseases included vitamin deficiency (hypovitaminosis), neuroses, starvation and a number of occupational diseases.

In the 1980s the first reports appeared that in some countries of the world (USA, Spain, Brazil, Tanzania) a previously unknown form of immunity disorder was discovered, clinically occurring in the form tumor disease. It turned out that the cause of the disease is the human immunodeficiency virus - HIV. This disease is called “acquired immune deficiency syndrome” - AIDS. It has been discovered that a large number of people are carriers of HIV, but they do not have clinical manifestations of the disease. This group of patients is called “HIV-infected”.

Quite quickly, HIV infection became an epidemic. This was facilitated exclusively social factors: Almost 100% of patients are homosexual men and drug addicts (both men and women). At this time, homosexuality was excluded from ICD-10 (1995) as a disease.

By the beginning of the 1990s. In Russia, the situation with sexually transmitted diseases has sharply worsened. A multiple increase in the incidence of syphilis and gonorrhea was associated with the emergence of effective antimicrobials, with which these diseases could be treated at home.

A significant contribution to the spread of sexually transmitted diseases is made by insufficient awareness of the general population about the causes and epidemiology, clinical manifestations, principles of therapy, and most importantly, about prevention. Apparent ease of row elimination external signs the treatment of these diseases with the help of antibiotics is the basis for the “frivolous attitude” of a large number of citizens, mainly young people, towards them. Self-medication, which has become widespread, contributes to the transition acute types diseases into a chronic form, difficult to respond to subsequent therapy and often leading to infertility.

The increase in the incidence of tuberculosis is mainly explained by the deterioration of the sanitary and epidemiological situation in Russia at the end of the last century. Increase in incidence active forms(newly identified) is about 2%, and the increase in cases of respiratory tuberculosis for the first time is about 3%.

Increased incidence of major non-communicable diseases, such as hypertension, mental pathology, diabetes mellitus and tumor diseases, is due to a number of reasons. Among them are the acceleration of the pace of life (most relevant for hypertension and mental illness).

Technological progress, the use of new synthetic materials in industry, construction, and everyday life, the deterioration of environmental conditions for human life, as well as changes in the quality of nutrition have contributed to an increase in the incidence of diabetes mellitus and cancer.

Age - important factor in development oncological diseases. Many malignant tumors, including cancer prostate gland, stomach and colon, most often occurs in people over 60 years of age. More than 60% of cancers are detected after 65 years of age. In general, the likelihood of developing such diseases after a person reaches the age of 25 doubles every five years. The rise in cancer appears to be the result of a combination of greater and longer exposure to carcinogens and a weakening of the body's immune system. Both of these factors are associated with increased life expectancy.

In order to concretize the work to solve medical and social problems of those suffering from socially significant diseases, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 1, 2004 No. 715 approved a list of socially significant diseases and a list of diseases that pose a danger to others. It states that socially significant diseases include: tuberculosis; infections transmitted primarily through sexual contact; hepatitis B and C; disease caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV); malignant neoplasms; diabetes; mental and behavioral disorders; diseases characterized by high blood pressure.

Diseases that pose a danger to others include: disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV); viral fevers transmitted by arthropods and viral hemorrhagic fevers; helminthiases; hepatitis B and C; diphtheria; infections transmitted primarily through sexual contact; leprosy; malaria; pediculosis and other infestations; glanders and melioidosis; anthrax; tuberculosis; cholera; plague.