
Back pain problems. Pain in the back and lower back - a harbinger of illness or a common occurrence? Diagnosis of back and lower back pain

The fourth week of pregnancy has arrived, what awaits the expectant mother during this period, how the fetus develops and what a woman feels at such an early, but very important period. What is formed in the body of the future baby and how to protect yourself from troubles.

Symptoms and sensations in the 4th week of pregnancy

In fact, the end of the first month of pregnancy is not yet as rich in sensations and symptoms as the subsequent weeks. Often women do not even know that they are already carrying a new life within themselves.

Nevertheless, the signs, of course, are there, despite the fact that the embryo is 0.2-1 mm and weighs 0.5 g, it is actively developing and rebuilding the body to suit itself in order to “settle in” more comfortably.
So, first month, fourth week:

How the fetus develops in the fourth week of pregnancy This is the week when the embryo turns into an embryo, it is like a three-layered flat disk, in which each layer is responsible for the development of certain cells. The fetus at the 4th week of pregnancy continues to actively grow and develop, its size is about 1.5 mm, and its weight is approximately 1 gram, this is literally the size of a grain. But now the baby has the rudiments of respiratory organs, nervous system, limbs and even the eye and nose. On at this stage The placenta and umbilical cord are not yet formed; the embryo still receives nutrients and oxygen from the blood vessels of the uterus, into the walls of which it is implanted by the beginning of the 4th week. During this period, the process of formation of the rudiments of tissues and main organs of the fetus, including the heart, begins.
This is the time when the embryo is most vulnerable and largely depends on the mother’s health and her lifestyle.

Discharge in the 4th week of pregnancy

The discharge is usually thick, clear or whitish in color, odorless and does not cause inconvenience or discomfort. As a rule, such discharge should stop after a couple of days.
It’s a bad signal if brown discharge appears with unpleasant smell. This symptom is dangerous for your pregnancy. And may indicate: vaginal candidiasis or even termination of pregnancy.
In the case when the embryo develops somehow incorrectly, and the pregnancy itself has pathologies and abnormalities, you should be more careful about the discharge. If you are watching pathological discharge at 4 weeks of pregnancy, you urgently need to consult a gynecologist. Don’t be lazy to play it safe a hundred times. After all, both the life of an embryo just beginning to develop and your women’s health depend on this.

Ultrasound at 4 weeks of pregnancy

An ultrasound examination at the 4th week of pregnancy will show that the fertilized egg is already inside the uterus, attached to the wall. Still present in the ovarian area corpus luteum, which ensures the production of special hormones to maintain pregnancy and nutrients for the unborn fetus. A woman rarely undergoes such a test at 4 weeks after conception because she usually does not know about pregnancy.
And the period itself is 4 weeks pregnant, still too young to carry out ultrasonography.


But just the gynecologist will be able to see changes in the female reproductive system straightaway. Firstly, the uterus changes color. From red-pink to dark scarlet. Further changes occur in the structure of all female organs, they increase in size, and the color also becomes darker. This is due to the fact that the body gives more blood flow to the embryo, nourishing and supporting it and the uterus.

Uterus at 4 weeks of pregnancy

Week 4 is the final date for transplantation of the fertilized egg into the uterus. This happens differently for all women. For some at the end of 3 weeks, for others at the beginning of 4. After the transplantation of the fertilized egg has taken place, the embryo begins to develop intensively. By the end of 4 weeks, the head and limbs of the unborn child are barely noticeable. During this period, the basis for the skin, eyes, nervous system, digestive system. In general, the laying of the majority of vital important organs. The uterus becomes looser and slightly swollen. At this stage, a dense mucous plug appears that will close the os of the uterus and thus protect the unborn baby from infection.

External signs

If already from the first week the breasts become a little more sensitive, then week 4 is a champion in this regard. The breasts fill up thoroughly, the capillaries are clearly visible, and the nipples become very sensitive and acquire a dark pink color.
The abdominal cavity has not yet been visually enlarged, but the woman feels a slight heaviness in the lower abdomen; your favorite jeans can be fastened as always, but the feeling of tightness will not leave you. A slight swelling appears, completely unnoticeable. The first signs of early toxicosis also begin. Nausea, excellent appetite, which leads to excessive absorption of food, after which vomiting may occur. But this is all individual.

How to deal with toxicosis

Toxicosis is the result of hormonal changes in the body; it can be completely overcome during acute phase impossible, but it is possible to alleviate the condition. To do this you need:
  • Eat more often, but do not overeat. It is also not advisable to allow yourself to feel hungry. When blood glucose levels drop, nausea occurs. Frequent consumption of food will prevent this condition.
  • Maintain the required level of fluid in the body. It is recommended to drink at least 2-2.5 liters of liquid per day. In addition to regular water, you can consume fruit drinks, compotes, rosehip decoction, weak tea without flavors, and natural juices. At the same time, monitor the body and, if swelling occurs, reduce the amount of fluid slightly.
  • In the morning, after waking up, do not rush to get out of bed; you can eat cookies or a banana on an empty stomach.
  • Peppermint tea will help reduce nausea. It can be drunk both hot and cold. It is recommended to dilute the drink with lemon juice or honey.
  • If there are no contraindications, then during attacks of nausea, you can chew pieces of ginger root or grate it on a fine grater and add it to food.
  • Eat some dried apricots. It saturates the body with useful substances and improves overall condition.
It has been noticed that those women who played sports before pregnancy do not suffer as much from toxicosis. Therefore, during the period of its occurrence, it is recommended to walk more on the street and walk. The psychological attitude plays an important role; it should be remembered that toxicosis is not eternal, over time everything will pass and the condition will normalize.

Nutrition for the expectant mother

If a woman was planning a pregnancy, then she understands the impact of nutrition on the health of the unborn child. At this stage, it develops more intensively, which means it requires a lot of nutrients. The diet of the expectant mother should contain everything necessary substances. To do this, you need to plan your diet and menu. A pregnant woman’s diet must include a variety of vegetables, fruits, lean meat and fatty fish, herbs, cereals, chicken eggs. During this period, you should avoid mono-diets, alcohol, junk food, and an abundance of sweets.

Healthy lifestyle: it's important!

Since from the 4th week of pregnancy, all vital organs begin to form in the embryo, it is very important to adhere to a healthy lifestyle. Any external factors can provide negative impact on the health of the unborn child. Especially it concerns bad habits mother, her lifestyle, including nutrition.

Sex in the fourth week of pregnancy

If there is no threat of miscarriage, then sex will not interfere with the normal course of pregnancy. With strong hormonal influence, a woman may lose libido, or even develop an aversion to sex. There is no need to go to extremes, just accept it normally this period. Usually in the second trimester, a woman’s condition improves noticeably, but for now everything should be taken for granted and not made into a tragedy. It happens that, on the contrary, hormonal changes increase female desire intimacy, in this case, there are no obstacles to having sex. You should abstain only if you tend to increase the tone of the uterus.
The fourth week of pregnancy is already the beginning of the development of the unborn baby. If a woman knows about its presence, then she needs to think about the health of both herself and the child - lead healthy image life, eat right, apply for health care in a timely manner medical care in case of any violations.

What is undesirable in the fourth week of pregnancy

Excessive physical exercise, lifting weights or strenuous sports.
Don't overeat, even if you really want to. There is no need to take all problems to heart, avoid conflicts and forget about bad habits. Take care of yourself and your unborn baby.

Intensive cell division slows down in the second week after fertilization. The embryo is divided into layers that will become the fetus, the placenta and the amniotic sac. The umbilical cord is formed. Everything that happens during this period is connected with the formation of a convenient place for further development fetus and the formation of organs and their systems. The embryo actively feeds at the expense of the mother, its weight reaches 0.5 g, and its length is about 5 mm.

The sensations in the fourth week of pregnancy are not the most pleasant. Nagging pain stop, appetite increases, the stomach is slightly rounded, the waist expands. Fatigue, mood swings, and bowel dysfunction appear. The breasts swell, the sensitivity of the nipples increases, and they even become painful.


At this stage, the critical period of embryo development continues, which began at week 3 and will end at approximately week 6. This concept refers to certain phases of intrauterine development when the embryo is most vulnerable to damaging factors environment. It includes three processes - implantation, organogenesis and placentation. High sensitivity is explained primarily by the active differentiation of organs and tissues of the embryo, as well as intensive biosynthesis processes. nucleic acids, proteins and lipids for the construction of membranes. It is during these periods of organogenesis that, under the influence of the damaging environmental factors mentioned earlier (week 3), the embryo may die or develop developmental defects. Therefore, during this period you need to be very careful. Although, of course, as mentioned above, not all women know about their pregnancy, which leads to sad consequences: pregnancy fading or spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) may occur. And the reason for this may be taking certain medications, heavy physical activity, drinking alcohol, smoking, strong emotional shock, infection With high temperature.

Stomach ache

Abdominal pain, as mentioned earlier, may be present, and many women attribute them to the upcoming menstruation, but this is due to the processes occurring in the endometrium, which transforms during pregnancy. Pain can be especially pronounced in women whose menstruation was accompanied by painful sensations. But naturally, not all pain is physiological, especially when it is accompanied brown discharge and is felt in the lower back. In such cases, you need to contact a specialist.

Mom's nutrition

Knowing that at this stage the fetus is in a critical period of development and is subject to the influence of various negative factors, of course, it is worth considering the diet expectant mother. One of the negative factors may be malnutrition, namely a lack of vitamins and micro- and macroelements that are required for the normal formation and development of the fetus. It is worth giving up “synthetic” products flavored with artificial additives and flavors. Completely forget about harmful products. Eat less sweets and starchy foods, eat more fruits, vegetables, porridge - all this contains vitamins and fiber, and you should also eat steamed or boiled meat. Salty, hot, spicy, smoked foods should also be excluded from the diet; perhaps, in such a short period of time this will not affect the woman’s well-being, but in the future, excessive salt consumption can lead to increased blood pressure and swelling.

It is also necessary to add that vegetarianism, diets, fasting days- not the best best gift for the baby, because he is deprived of a large amount of nutrients, so the expectant mother needs to give up this lifestyle.

What do we have to do

It is necessary to establish a work and rest schedule. Walk more, breathe fresh air, sleep at least 8 hours a day. Heavy physical activity should be postponed. If a woman is not bothered by pain, after consulting with a doctor, she can practice yoga for pregnant women, but strictly after discussing this issue with the doctor supervising her. If a woman lives in the city, then it would be ideal to go out of town, take a break from the bustle of the city, exhaust fumes and daily stress.

Speaking of stress. As mentioned above: stress is one of the negative factors that can lead to adverse consequences, so you should avoid them as much as possible, get positive emotions, and do your favorite things. Listen to pleasant music, go to the theater, watch beautiful and inspiring paintings; some researchers claim that this has a beneficial effect on the fetus and shapes some of its character traits. In a word, enjoy your current position.

Belly photo

At 4 weeks of pregnancy, most women already guess or are sure that conception has occurred and begin to feel unusual symptoms, but few people know how significant this period is. The initial formation of the fetus occurs, the structure of the main, vital organs, bone and nervous systems is laid. The health of the baby depends on how responsible the expectant mother is. psychological characteristics his character and even how successful he will be in life, and how easy it will be for him to adapt in a social environment.

Development and size of the embryo at 4 weeks of gestation

The 4th week of pregnancy is special. Often mothers, not yet knowing about conception, mistakenly take new sensations as harbingers of menstruation, overwork, and even the first symptoms of a cold or viral disease. In fact, there is a birth within them new life, stage by stage the embryo is formed.

A child at this stage is one cell with complex structure, ranging in size from 0.35 to 1 mm. The structure of the cell body is similar to a flat disk, a cake of three layers, each of which is responsible for the formation of certain parts of the body and internal organs. They're called

· endoderm,

· mesoderm,

· ectoderm.

The endoderm is responsible for the formation of the gastrointestinal tract, lungs and pancreas. From the structure of the mesoderm, muscles and skeleton, kidneys, and all the cardiovascular system baby. From the ectoderm, nature creates skin and mucous membranes, nervous system, hair and base of teeth, eyes. How accurately and correctly all three layers of the disc-cell work, and how healthy and complete her child will be, depends on the state of the mother’s body and her behavior.

It is after the end of the 4th week of pregnancy that the initial and most important stage in the development of the child ends - the embryonic stage. At the beginning of the 5th week, with the help of special medical devices, you can hear a weak heartbeat, and the main hormonal changes begin in the mother’s body, and the first external factors appear that confirm pregnancy. If in the first weeks after conception the pregnant woman’s body was prepared correctly, then the development of the fetus will be correct.

Miracle of nature - extraembryonic organs

At the 4th week of pregnancy, the embryo is surrounded by three extra-embryonic (provisional) organs that act as protectors and suppliers of nutrients. It is interesting and surprising that male genes are involved in their formation, that is, the father also takes part in the development of the baby, already at this stage, in fact, he protects, feeds him and ensures his breathing. Extraembryonic organs include everything that surrounds the embryo:

amniotic membrane (amnion),

· yolk sac,

· primary placenta (chorion).

Together with the embryo, at this stage they weigh no more than 1-2 grams.

The yolk sac is formed already on the 15th day after conception. It generates a supply of nutrition for the embryo, the first blood capillaries appear, and the production of proteins begins - the main source of embryo growth. Embryologists call this extraembryonic organ the primary liver.

The amnion will become the amniotic sac, consisting of two types of tissue - connective and epithelial. It will be responsible for the secretion of amniotic fluid and the removal of half-life products. And this is very important, since the baby is already alive at 4 weeks of pregnancy, and his body, although not yet fully formed, is actively functioning.

The placenta will grow from the chorion. It is this extraembryonic organ, and already in the early stages of its formation, that secretes a hormone into the urine that helps determine pregnancy. Its functionality is determined throughout the entire period using laboratory analyzes of the biomaterial of the expectant mother.

Internal sensations and external changes of the mother at 4 weeks

External changes and internal sensations of each woman at 4 weeks of pregnancy are individual. Many expectant mothers know about conception long before it is confirmed, on an intuitive level. But there are also a number of characteristics characteristic of this period. external changes:

· slight increase in breast size,

· gain in body weight,

Skin changes, for example the appearance of acne.

Internal sensations are much brighter in the 4th week of pregnancy, and not always pleasant. It is at this time that the first signs of toxicosis appear - nausea, changes in taste preferences, heightened sense of smell. A woman has a constant feeling of fatigue, drowsiness, she can become irritable and start making trouble, without realizing what is driving her crazy.

The fact that it is at this time that the embryo is tightly attached to the wall of the uterus can provoke a slight rise in body temperature and the appearance of vaginal discharge with blood particles. Often these symptoms are confused with the onset of menstruation, while continuing to lead a normal lifestyle. Therefore, if pregnancy was planned, and abundant bleeding no, you should see a gynecologist or use an express test to determine pregnancy.

At this stage of pregnancy, some women's taste preferences change dramatically, since the body already selects those products that contain a high content of substances necessary for normal development embryo and extraembryonic organs. Preferences vary from person to person, but most often expectant mothers notice an unexpected interest in

salted fish, meat,

· pickled or pickled vegetables,

· sweets - baked goods, chocolate, candied fruits.

Such products should not be abused, as their excessive consumption can lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder. In addition, serious food loads can harm the child and create stressful situation against the background of the formation of amniotic tissue.

How to find out about pregnancy at 4 weeks

4 weeks is very early in pregnancy. At this stage, many women are unaware of conception, even if it is planned and desired. There are several ways to find out about pregnancy early:

· medical test,

· Ultrasound diagnostics,

· laboratory analysis urine.

The first and last methods are based on the same principle - determining the level of hCG in a woman’s urine. HCG is a hormone produced by the primordial placenta during its formation. Its level in the blood and urine of a pregnant woman is always high.

Ultrasound diagnostics gives a more complete picture. During the study, it is possible to determine not only the presence of the fetal sac in the uterus, but also its location. In addition, modern ultrasound machines allow you to examine and evaluate the condition of the tissues of the embryo and extra-embryonic organs. The embryo itself at this stage looks like a small black dot without magnification, but the yolk sac and the primary placenta are clearly visible, and such diagnostics can confirm pregnancy even without special settings of the device.

It is important to realize the importance of the first weeks of pregnancy in the development of the embryo. Already at the stage of preparation for conception, you need to give up bad habits and adhere to healthy eating. Only in this case can you avoid complex toxicosis at 4 weeks, and be sure that the baby will develop correctly and will be born healthy.

The 4th week of pregnancy is considered a very important stage in the life of the unborn child, although the embryo still looks like a small disk. A woman’s sensations may be similar to mild malaise, premenstrual syndrome, and sometimes others are added. However, it is still difficult to determine pregnancy using them.

The 4th week of pregnancy is the 28 days that have passed since the start of your last period, or approximately 14 days after conception. During this period, a woman usually expects the start of her next menstruation. Its absence is the first and most important sign of pregnancy.

In addition to this, there are other signs:

  1. Emotional instability, which is characterized by frequent mood swings, resentment and irritability.
  2. The breasts become larger and more sensitive.
  3. During the day it is felt severe weakness, fatigue and drowsiness.
  4. In the morning, nausea and vomiting appear, called toxicosis.
  5. Food preferences change.
  6. Sometimes nagging pain appears in the lower abdomen or lumbar region.
  7. Urination becomes more frequent.
  8. There is an increase basal temperature up to 37°C.

Child development

At 4 weeks of pregnancy or 2 weeks after conception, the fertilized egg becomes a full-fledged embryo. By appearance it resembles a disk that consists of three layers.

The outer layer forms the yolk sac, chorion and membranes. Each of these organs plays its own special role.

  • The chorion will become the placenta in the future. This transformation will last until about 12 weeks. Thanks to the placenta, the fetus will be able to receive the nutrients it needs from the mother.
  • The fetal membrane is also called the amnion. It represents the cavity in which the embryo will grow and develop. As pregnancy progresses, it will turn into amniotic sac. Inside this bladder there is a liquid that protects the embryo from damage and is its drink and food.
  • The yolk sac is responsible for the blood circulation process.

The outer layer of cells is also responsible for the formation of skin, nervous system, teeth, etc. Middle layer called mesoderm. It is involved in the formation of bones, muscles, ligaments, circulatory, excretory and reproductive systems. Organs will later develop from the inner layer digestive tract , pancreas and thyroid gland

, lungs and other organs of the respiratory system. On last days

At 4 weeks the embryo has a head. A plate is also formed, which provides the basis for the formation of the spinal cord and brain. During the same period, the child develops a face and even the rudiments of eyes.

Changes in the mother's body Something new is happening in almost all organs and systems female body . Changes after conception hormonal background

, condition of the uterus, vaginal discharge, etc.


  1. First of all, the changes concern hCG and progesterone. HCG is formed due to the work of the chorion. This substance helps maintain and develop pregnancy. It performs several functions:
  2. Promotes the development of the corpus luteum up to 7 weeks.

Protects the embryo from rejection by the mother's body.

HCG levels rise every couple of days. Starting from 10 weeks, it begins to decline. The presence of hCG in the body is determined using a blood test or a regular pregnancy test.

  1. Promotes enlargement of the uterus as the embryo grows.
  2. Prevents the muscles of the uterus from contracting, protecting pregnancy from miscarriage.
  3. Thanks to progesterone, the mother’s body accumulates useful substances that the embryo will need in the future.
  4. Prevents a woman’s body from rejecting an egg with foreign (paternal) genes.
  5. Prepares the breasts for the process of lactation, and the bones and ligaments of the pelvis for childbirth.
  6. Participates in the development of some fetal organs.

In most cases, at this stage the amount of progesterone is 18 nmol/l.


What happens to the uterus in 4 obstetric weeks, or 14 days after conception? It increases in size and becomes softer. This is especially true for the neck. In the mucous surface, blood circulation becomes more intense. This leads to the fact that it acquires a bluish tint - this can be seen during an examination by a gynecologist.

A mucous plug appears in the cervix, which acts as a protective barrier. Throughout pregnancy, it will protect the fetus from infections.

The endometrium becomes cyanotic. Glandular cells appear on it, due to which the embryo is nourished. In the future they will become the placenta. Every day the endometrium becomes thicker. By 4 obstetric weeks it reaches 20 mm.

Mammary gland

The breast continues to prepare for feeding. It increases in size and becomes sensitive. The nipples and the area around them darken. Sometimes pain appears.


Nothing is happening to the abdomen yet, because the uterus does not protrude beyond the pelvis. Sometimes a pulling sensation may appear in the lower abdomen. This is fine. They usually disappear after a couple of days.


During the fourth week of pregnancy, the discharge becomes thicker. They are white or transparent, odorless and do not cause any discomfort. Sometimes light brown mucus appears. This indicates that the implantation of the egg has ended. If such discharge goes away after a few days, there is no need to panic.

Possible violations

During this period, a woman should listen carefully to her feelings. Inattention to your health can lead to serious problems. What should you pay special attention to?

Brown or bloody vaginal discharge

Light brown mucus is normal. Its appearance is due to the fact that a woman’s body is adjusting to pregnancy and childbirth. But if the discharge turns dark brown and there is pain in the lower abdomen or lumbar region, you should immediately consult a doctor.

This often indicates the death of the embryo, ectopic pregnancy, threatened miscarriage, or the presence of erosion.

Bloody discharge may appear in several cases:

  • The embryo has implanted outside the uterine cavity.
  • After sexual intercourse.
  • As a result of examination by a gynecologist.
  • The embryo froze.
  • There is cervical erosion.

Pain in the lumbar region

Appears for the following reasons:

  • the woman’s body is preparing for future childbirth;
  • body weight increases;
  • there are postural disorders, osteochondrosis, etc.;
  • the woman suffers from kidney disease.

Abdominal pain along with bloody discharge may indicate a threat of miscarriage. Contact your doctor

Body temperature

On average, the temperature reaches 37.3°C. She can remain this way until childbirth. If there are no accompanying symptoms, no need to worry. The temperature may rise with ARVI or inflammatory processes inside the body, for example, pneumonia.

At the 4th week of pregnancy, many organs and systems of the child begin to form. Therefore, you should not ignore the increase in temperature. Also, do not self-medicate. The attending physician should prescribe treatment and monitor the condition of the pregnant woman.


It often appears in pregnant women, which is associated with hormonal changes in the body. Accompanied by itching in the genital area and the appearance of white curdled discharge. If thrush appears, it is strictly forbidden to undergo treatment. traditional methods. Firstly, they will only relieve symptoms, and secondly, they can harm the child.

In order for the pregnancy to be easy and the baby to be born healthy, you must adhere to some rules:

Starting from the first day of the fourth week of pregnancy, serious changes occur in the body of the expectant mother. He is preparing for pregnancy and subsequent childbirth. This period has its characteristic features, for example, toxicosis, frequent mood swings and breast swelling. To provide the fetus proper development, you need to be attentive to your feelings. If you feel the slightest discomfort, you should immediately consult a doctor.