
Which is better: Diabeton or Metformin? Diabeton MV: instructions for use, reviews, inexpensive analogues Instructions for use of the medicine

Instructions for use

Additional Information

Diabeton CF is a cure for type 2 diabetes. The active substance is gliclazide. It stimulates the beta cells of the pancreas to produce more insulin, which lowers blood sugar. Refers to sulfonylurea derivatives. MV is a modified release tablet. Gliclazide is not released from them immediately, but evenly over 24 hours. This provides benefits in the treatment of diabetes. However, Diabeton is not considered the first choice drug for type 2 diabetes. It is recommended to prescribe it only after metformin. Read the article for detailed indications for use, contraindications, dosages, advantages and disadvantages of Diabeton MV. Find out what you can replace this medicine with to avoid harm from its side effects

Drug card

pharmachologic effectTablets that lower blood sugar, from the group of sulfonylurea derivatives. Stimulates the production of insulin by the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas. The drug not only enhances the second phase of insulin secretion, but also restores its early peak in response to the supply of glucose. Also reduces the risk of small vessel thrombosis. Molecules of Diabeton MB exhibit antioxidant properties.
PharmacokineticsTaking the medication once a day ensures that the effective concentration of gliclazide in the blood plasma is maintained for more than 24 hours. It is excreted primarily by the kidneys in the form of metabolites, less than 1% is excreted unchanged in the urine. In elderly people, no significant changes in pharmacokinetic parameters are observed. Eating does not affect the rate or extent of absorption of gliclazide.
Indications for use
Type 2 diabetes mellitus, if diet and exercise do not help enough. Prevention of diabetes complications: reducing the risk of microvascular (nephropathy, retinopathy) and macrovascular complications (myocardial infarction, stroke) through intensive blood sugar control.
DosageThe initial dosage for adults, including the elderly, is 30 mg per day (1/2 tablet). It is increased no more often than once every 2-4 weeks if the sugar does not decrease enough. The appropriate dosage is selected strictly individually, based on blood glucose and glycated hemoglobin HbA1C. Maximum dose- 120 mg per day. Can be combined with other diabetes medications. One tablet of Diabeton 80 mg can be replaced by 1/2 tablet of modified release Diabeton MB 60 mg. When transferring patients from Diabeton 80 mg to Diabeton MB, it is recommended to measure sugar with a glucometer several times a day and carefully monitor it. Read also ““.
Side effectsThe most dangerous side effect is low blood sugar, hypoglycemia. Its symptoms: headache, increased fatigue, irritability, nightmares, palpitations. In severe cases, the patient may lose consciousness. Read the article ““ for more details. Diabetes CF causes severe hypoglycemia less frequently than other sulfonylurea drugs. Other side effects- abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, rash, itchy skin, increased activity of liver enzymes (AST, ALT, alkaline phosphatase). At the beginning of taking Diabeton, there may be temporary visual impairment due to the fact that blood sugar quickly decreases. Hepatitis and jaundice are also possible, but rare. Adverse changes in blood composition are extremely rare.
ContraindicationsDiabeton MV and other sulfonylurea derivatives have an extensive list of contraindications:
  • type 1 diabetes mellitus;
  • diabetic ketoacidosis, precoma, coma;
  • These pills are especially harmful for slim and thin people, read the article for more details;
  • severe renal and liver failure(in these cases you need to inject insulin, and not take diabetes pills);
  • simultaneous administration miconazole;
  • pregnancy and period breastfeeding;
  • age under 18 years;
  • hypersensitivity to gliclazide, other sulfonylurea derivatives, excipients in tablets.

Prescribe with caution:

  • serious illnesses cardiovascular system (heart failure, previous heart attack, etc.);
  • hypothyroidism - decreased function thyroid gland;
  • adrenal or pituitary insufficiency;
  • liver or kidney diseases, including diabetic nephropathy;
  • irregular or unbalanced diet, alcoholism;
  • elderly people.
Pregnancy and breastfeedingDiabeton CF and other diabetes pills should not be taken during pregnancy. If you need to lower your blood sugar, do it with diet and insulin injections. Pay considerable attention to controlling diabetes during pregnancy to avoid difficult labor and fetal malformations. It is not known whether the drug passes into breast milk. Therefore, it is not prescribed during lactation.
Drug interactionsMany medications increase the risk of hypoglycemia if taken with Diabeton. The doctor must take this into account when prescribing combination treatment diabetes with acarbose, metformin, thiazolidinediones, dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors, GLP-1 agonists, and insulin. The effect of Diabeton MV is enhanced by drugs for hypertension - beta blockers and ACE inhibitors, as well as fluconazole, histamine H2 receptor blockers, MAO inhibitors, sulfonamides, clarithromycin. Other drugs may reduce the effect of gliclazide. Read the official instructions for use for more details. Tell your doctor about all medications, dietary supplements, and herbs you are taking. before you are prescribed diabetes pills. Learn how to control your blood sugar on your own. Know what to do if it increases or, conversely, decreases too much.
OverdoseIn case of overdose with sulfonylurea derivatives, hypoglycemia may develop. Blood sugar will drop below normal, and this is dangerous. Mild hypoglycemia can be treated independently, but in severe cases, emergency medical attention is required.
Release formModified-release tablets are white, oval, biconvex, scored and debossed with “DIA” “60” on both sides.
Storage conditions and periodsKeep out of the reach of children; no special conditions are required. Shelf life: 2 years. Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.
CompoundActive ingredient: gliclazide, 60 mg per tablet. Excipients: lactose monohydrate, maltodextrin, hypromellose, magnesium stearate, colloidal anhydrous silicon dioxide.

Use of the drug Diabeton

The medicine Diabeton in regular tablets and modified release (MR) is prescribed to patients with type 2 diabetes whose disease is not well controlled by diet and exercise. The active substance of the drug is gliclazide. It belongs to the group of sulfonylurea derivatives. Gliclazide stimulates the beta cells of the pancreas to produce and release more insulin into the blood, a hormone that lowers sugar.

It is recommended first of all to prescribe to patients with type 2 diabetes not Diabeton, but the drug metformin - the drugs Siofor, Glucophage or Gliformin. The dosage of metformin is gradually increased from 500-850 to 2000-3000 mg per day. And only if this remedy does not lower sugar enough, sulfonylurea derivatives are added to it.

Many doctors prescribe Diabeton MB to their patients instead of metformin. However, this is incorrect and does not comply with official recommendations. Gliclazide and metformin can be combined. Taking these tablets together usually allows a diabetic patient to maintain normal sugar levels for several years.

Gliclazide sustained-release tablets act uniformly over 24 hours. Today, diabetes treatment standards recommend that doctors prescribe Diabeton MB to their patients with type 2 diabetes instead of the previous generation of sulfonylurea derivatives. See, for example, the article “Results of the study “DYNASTY” (“Diabeton CF: observational program among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in routine practice”)” in the journal “Problems of Endocrinology” No. 5/2012, authors M. V. Shestakova, O K. Vikulova and others.

Diabetes CF significantly lowers blood sugar. Patients like that it is convenient to take once a day. It works safer than the older sulfonylurea drugs. However, it has harmful effects that make it better for diabetics not to take it at all. Read below about the harm of Diabeton, which outweighs all its benefits. The site promotes effective methods of treating type 2 diabetes without harmful pills.

Advantages and disadvantages

Treatment of type 2 diabetes with the drug Diabeton MV gives good results in the short term:

  • in patients, blood sugar decreases significantly;
  • the risk of hypoglycemia is no more than 7%, which is much lower than for other sulfonylurea derivatives;
  • The medicine is convenient to take once a day, so patients do not abandon treatment;
  • When taking gliclazide in sustained-release tablets, patients gain insignificantly.

Diabeto CF has become a popular treatment for type 2 diabetes because it has benefits for doctors and is convenient for patients. It is many times easier for endocrinologists to prescribe pills than to motivate diabetics to diet and exercise. The drug quickly lowers sugar and is well tolerated. No more than 1% of patients complain about side effects, and all the rest are satisfied.

Disadvantages of the drug Diabeton MV:

  1. It accelerates the death of beta cells in the pancreas, causing the disease to develop into severe type 1 diabetes. This usually occurs between 2 and 8 years.
  2. In slender and thin people causes severe insulin-dependent diabetes especially quickly - no later than after 2-3 years.
  3. Does not eliminate the cause of type 2 diabetes - decreased sensitivity of cells to insulin. This metabolic disorder is called insulin resistance. Taking Diabeton may intensify it.
  4. Lowers blood sugar, but does not reduce mortality. This was confirmed by the results of a large international study, ADVANCE.
  5. This medicine may cause hypoglycemia. True, its likelihood is less than if you take other sulfonylurea derivatives. However, type 2 diabetes can be easily controlled without any risk of hypoglycemia.

Experts have known since the 1970s that sulfonylureas cause the transition from type 2 diabetes to severe insulin-dependent type 1 diabetes. However, these drugs continue to be prescribed. The reason is that they take the burden off doctors. If there were no sugar-lowering pills, doctors would have to prescribe a diet, exercise, and insulin therapy regimen for each diabetic. This is hard and thankless work. Patients behave like Pushkin’s hero: “It’s not difficult to deceive me, I’m happy to be deceived myself.” They willingly take medications, but they do not like to diet, exercise, or even inject insulin.

Diabeton CF - harmful pills. However, the previous generation of sulfonylureas is even worse. The disadvantages listed above are more pronounced in them. Diabetes CF at least does not affect mortality, but other drugs increase it. If you are not ready to switch, then at least take modified release (MR) tablets.

The destructive effect of Diabeton on the beta cells of the pancreas practically does not concern endocrinologists and their patients. There are no publications about this problem in medical journals. The reason is that most people with type 2 diabetes do not live long enough to develop insulin-dependent diabetes. Their cardiovascular system turns out to be more weak link than the pancreas. Therefore, they die from a heart attack or stroke. Treatment of type 2 diabetes based on a low-carbohydrate diet simultaneously normalizes sugar, blood pressure, blood test results for cholesterol and other cardiovascular risk factors.

Clinical trial results

Main clinical trial medications Diabeton CF became the ADVANCE: Action in Diabetes and VAscular disease study –
preterax and Diamicron MR Controlled Evaluation. It was started in 2001 and the results were published in 2007-2008. Diamicron MR - this is the name under which gliclazide is sold in modified-release tablets in English-speaking countries. This is the same as the drug Diabeton MV. Preterax is a combination medicine for hypertension, the active ingredients of which are indapamide and perindopril. In Russian-speaking countries it is sold under the name Noliprel. The study involved 11,140 patients with type 2 diabetes and hypertension. They were observed by doctors at 215 medical centers 20 countries of the world.

Diabetes CF lowers blood sugar but does not reduce mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes.

According to the results of the study, it turned out that blood pressure pills in patients with type 2 diabetes reduce the incidence of cardiovascular complications by 14%, kidney problems by 21%, and mortality by 14%. At the same time, Diabeton MB lowers blood sugar, reduces the incidence of diabetic nephropathy by 21%, but does not affect mortality. Russian-language source - article “Managed treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: results of the ADVANCE study” in the journal “System Hypertension” No. 3/2008, author Yu. Karpov. Original source: The ADVANCE Collaborative Group. Intensive blood glucose control and vascular outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes" in The New England Journal of Medicine, 2008, No. 358, 2560–2572.

Patients with type 2 diabetes are prescribed sugar-lowering pills and insulin injections if diet and exercise do not produce good results. In fact, patients simply do not want to follow a low-calorie diet and exercise. They prefer to take medications. It is officially believed that there are no other effective treatment methods other than medications and injections of large doses of insulin. Therefore, doctors continue to use sugar-lowering pills, which do not reduce mortality. On the website you can learn how to easily control type 2 diabetes without a “starvation” diet and insulin injections. There is no need to take harmful medications because alternative treatments work well.

Modified release tablets

Diabeton MV - modified release tablets. The active substance - gliclazide - is released from them gradually, and not immediately. Thanks to this, a uniform concentration of gliclazide in the blood is maintained for 24 hours. It is enough to take this drug once a day. As a rule, it is prescribed in the morning. Regular Diabeton (without CF) is an older medicine. Its tablet completely dissolves in the gastrointestinal tract after 2-3 hours. All the gliclazide it contains immediately enters the bloodstream. Diabeton MB lowers sugar gradually, while regular pills lower blood sugar sharply, and their effect quickly ends.

Modern modified-release tablets have significant advantages over older formulations. The main thing is that they are safer. Diabeton MV causes hypoglycemia (low sugar) several times less often than regular Diabeton and other sulfonylurea derivatives. According to research, the risk of hypoglycemia is no more than 7%, and it usually goes away without symptoms. Severe hypoglycemia with impaired consciousness rarely occurs when taking a new generation of medications. This drug is well tolerated. No more than 1% of patients experience side effects.

Comparison of Diabeton MB and immediate release tablets

Articles in medical journals note that the Diabeton MB molecule, due to its unique structure, is an antioxidant. But this has no practical significance and does not affect the effectiveness of diabetes treatment. Diabeton MB is known to reduce the formation of blood clots. This may reduce the risk of stroke. But nowhere has it been proven that the drug actually gives such an effect. The disadvantages of the diabetes medicine - sulfonylurea derivatives - were listed above. In Diabeton MV, these disadvantages are less pronounced than in older drugs. It has a more gentle effect on pancreatic beta cells. Insulin-dependent type 1 diabetes does not develop as quickly.

How to take this drug

Diabeton MV is taken once a day, usually with breakfast. The 60 mg scored tablet can be split into two to give a 30 mg dose. However, it should not be chewed or crushed. When taking the medicine, take it with water. The site promotes the site effective ways treatment of type 2 diabetes. They allow you to refuse Diabeton so as not to be exposed to its harmful effects. However, if you do take pills, then do it every day without skipping. Otherwise the sugar will rise too high.

While taking Diabeton, alcohol tolerance may worsen. Possible symptoms include headache, difficulty breathing, rapid heartbeat, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.

Diabetes can cause hypoglycemia, and alcohol will mask its symptoms. Is it dangerous! Fainting due to low sugar looks similar to severe alcohol intoxication. High risk lethal outcome! Reduce your consumption of hard liquor or don't drink at all. At least figure it out.

Sulfonylurea derivatives, including Diabeton MV, are not first-choice medications for type 2 diabetes. It is officially recommended to prescribe to patients first). Gradually their dose is increased to the maximum - 2000-3000 mg per day. And only if this is not enough, Diabeton MV is added. Doctors who prescribe Diabeton instead of metformin are doing the wrong thing. Both drugs can be combined, and this gives good results. Even better is to switch to a type 2 diabetes treatment program, giving up harmful pills.

Diabeton MB can be combined with other diabetes tablets, except sulfonylurea derivatives and glinides (meglitinides). Read also ““. If Diabeton does not lower blood sugar, then you need to transfer the patient to insulin injections. In such a situation, no other pills will help. Start injecting insulin, do not waste time, otherwise severe complications of diabetes will appear.

Sulfonylureas make the skin more sensitive to ultraviolet irradiation. The risk of sunburn increases. Recommended use sunscreens, and it’s better not to sunbathe. Consider the risk of hypoglycemia that can be caused by taking Diabeton. When driving or performing hazardous work, check your blood sugar with a glucose meter every 30 to 60 minutes.

Who is it not suitable for?

Diabeton CF should not be taken by anyone at all, because alternative treatments for type 2 diabetes work well and do not cause side effects. Listed below official contraindications. Also find out which categories of patients should use this medicine with caution.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, any pills that lower sugar are contraindicated. Diabeton CF is not prescribed to children and adolescents, because its effectiveness and safety for this category of patients have not been established. Do not take this drug if you have a history of allergies to it or other sulfonylureas. This medicine should not be taken by people with type 1 diabetes, or if you have unstable type 2 diabetes or frequent episodes of hypoglycemia.

If you follow a low-carbohydrate diet, there is an increased risk that Diabeton tablets will cause hypoglycemia. You need to reduce the dosage, or better yet, stop taking them altogether. Alternative Methods Treatments for type 2 diabetes based on a low-carbohydrate diet lower blood sugar well, so there is no need to take harmful medications.

Sulfonylureas should not be taken by people with severe liver or kidney disease. If you have diabetic nephropathy, discuss with your doctor. Most likely, he will advise replacing the pills with insulin injections. For older people, Diabeton CF is officially suitable if their liver and kidneys are functioning normally. Unofficially, it stimulates the transition of type 2 diabetes to severe insulin-dependent type 1 diabetes. Therefore, diabetics who want to live a long time without complications should not take it.

In what situations is Diabeton MV prescribed with caution:

  • hypothyroidism - weakened function of the thyroid gland and lack of its hormones in the blood;
  • deficiency of hormones produced by the adrenal glands and pituitary gland;
  • irregular meals;
  • alcoholism.

Analogues of Diabeton

The original drug Diabeton MV produces pharmaceutical company Servier Laboratory (France). Since October 2005, it has stopped supplying the previous generation of medicine to Russia - Diabeton 80 mg fast-acting tablets. Now you can only purchase the original Diabeton MV - modified release tablets. This dosage form has significant advantages, and the manufacturer decided to concentrate on it. However, gliclazide is still available in immediate-release tablets. These are analogues of Diabeton, which are produced by other manufacturers.

Analogues of the drug Diabeton MV

Analogues of tablets Diabeton rapid release

Drugs whose active ingredient is gliclazide in immediate-release tablets are now considered obsolete. It is advisable to use Diabeton MV or its analogues instead. Even better is a method of treating type 2 diabetes based on. You will be able to keep your blood sugar consistently normal and will not need to take harmful medications.

Diabeton or Maninil - which is better?

The source for this section was the article “Risks of overall and cardiovascular mortality, as well as myocardial infarction and acute impairment cerebral circulation in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, depending on the type of initial glucose-lowering therapy" in the journal "Diabetes Mellitus" No. 4/2009. Authors: I.V. Misnikova, A.V. Dreval, Yu.A. Kovaleva.

Different treatments for type 2 diabetes have different effects on the risk of heart attack, stroke and overall mortality in patients. The authors of the article analyzed the information contained in the Moscow Region Diabetes Register, which is part of the State Diabetes Register of the Russian Federation. They looked at data from people who were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in 2004. We compared the effect of sulfonylurea derivatives and metformin if treated with them for 5 years.

It turned out that drugs - sulfonylurea derivatives - are more likely to harm than help. How they worked in comparison with metformin:

  • the risk of general and cardiovascular mortality doubled;
  • the risk of heart attack increased by 4.6 times;
  • the risk of stroke increased threefold.

At the same time, glibenclamide (Maninil) turned out to be even more harmful than gliclazide (Diabeton). True, the article did not indicate which forms of Manilil and Diabeton were used—slow-release tablets or regular ones. It would be interesting to compare the data with patients with type 2 diabetes who were immediately prescribed insulin treatment instead of pills. However, this was not done because there were not enough such patients. The vast majority of patients categorically refused to inject themselves with insulin, so they were prescribed pills.

Frequently asked questions and their answers

Diabeton controlled my type 2 diabetes well for 6 years and now it has stopped helping. I increased his dose to 120 mg per day, but blood sugar is still high, 10-12 mmol/l. Why did the medicine lose its effectiveness? How to treat now?

Diabeton is a sulfonylurea derivative. These pills lower blood sugar, but also have harmful effects. They gradually destroy the beta cells of the pancreas. After 2-9 years of taking them, the patient’s body begins to truly lack insulin. The medicine is no longer effective because your beta cells are burned out. This could have happened earlier. How to treat now? You need to inject insulin, no options. Because your type 2 diabetes has turned into severe type 1 diabetes. Cancel Diabetes, switch to and still inject insulin to keep your sugar normal.

An elderly man has had type 2 diabetes for 8 years. Blood sugar is 15-17 mmol/l, complications have developed. I took Maninil, now they switched to Diabeton - to no avail. Should I start taking Amaryl?

The same situation as the author of the previous question. Due to years of improper treatment, type 2 diabetes turned into severe type 1 diabetes. No pills will give any results. Do it, start injecting insulin. In practice it is usually impossible to establish correct treatment elderly diabetics. If the patient shows forgetfulness and stubbornness, leave everything as it is and wait calmly.

For type 2 diabetes, the doctor prescribed me Siofor 850 mg per day. After 1.5 months I switched to Diabeton because my sugar didn’t drop at all. But the new drug is also of little use. Shouldn't you switch to Glibomet?

If Diabeton does not lower sugar, then Glibomet will not be of any use. If you want to lower your sugar, start taking insulin. For the situation of advanced diabetes, no other effective remedy has yet been invented. First of all, go on a low-carb diet and stop taking harmful medications. However, if you have had type 2 diabetes for a long time and you have been treated incorrectly over the past years, then you also need to inject insulin. Because the pancreas is exhausted and cannot cope without support. A low-carb diet will lower your sugar, but not to normal. To prevent complications from developing, sugar should not be higher than 5.5-6.0 mmol/l 1-2 hours after meals and in the morning on an empty stomach. Inject insulin carefully, little by little, to achieve this goal. Glibomet — combination drug. It contains glibenclamide, which has the same harmful effects as Diabeton. Do not use this medicine. You can take “pure” metformin - Siofor or Glucophage. But no pills can replace insulin injections.

Is it possible to take Diabeton and Reduxin simultaneously for weight loss if you have type 2 diabetes?

There is no data on how Diabeton and reduxin interact with each other. However, Diabeton stimulates the production of insulin by the pancreas. Insulin, in turn, converts glucose into fat and inhibits the breakdown of adipose tissue. The more insulin in the blood, the more difficult it is to lose weight. Thus, Diabeton and reduxin have the opposite effect. Reduxin causes significant side effects and addiction quickly develops. Read the article ““. Stop taking Diabeton and reduxin. Go on a low-carb diet. It normalizes sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol in the blood, and extra pounds also go away.

I’ve been taking Diabeton MV for 2 years now, and my fasting sugar is around 5.5-6.0 mmol/l. However, recently I started feeling a burning sensation in my feet and my vision is deteriorating. Why do diabetes complications develop despite normal sugar levels?

The doctor prescribed diabetes for high sugar, as well as a low-calorie diet without sweets. But he didn’t say how much to limit caloric intake. If I eat 2000 calories a day, is that normal? Or do you need even less?

A fasting diet theoretically helps control blood sugar, but in practice it does not. Because all the sick people break away from it. You don't have to live with the feeling of hunger all the time! Learn and do a. Switch to a low-carb diet - it's filling, tasty and good for lowering sugar. Stop taking harmful pills. If necessary, inject more insulin little by little. If your diabetes is not advanced, then you can maintain normal sugar levels without insulin injections.

I take Diabeton and also metformin to compensate for my T2DM. Blood sugar stays at 8-11 mmol/l. The endocrinologist says that this is a good result, and my health problems are age-related. But I feel that diabetes complications are developing. What more effective treatment can you recommend?

Normal blood sugar is the same as in healthy people, not higher than 5.5 mmol/l 1 and 2 hours after meals. At any higher levels, complications of diabetes develop. To lower your sugar levels and keep them consistently normal, learn and follow a type 2 diabetes management program. The link to it is given in the answer to the previous question.

The doctor prescribed me to take Diabeton MB at night so that my blood sugar would be normal in the morning on an empty stomach. But the instructions say that you need to take these tablets for breakfast. Who to trust - instructions or doctor's opinion?

You need to do something at night so that your sugar levels are normal the next morning. Your doctor is right about this :). But taking Diabeton is a bad idea because it is a harmful pill. What to replace them with is described in detail above. Read also ““. If you need to inject a little extended-release insulin at night, do it, don’t be lazy.

A patient with type 2 diabetes with 9 years of experience, age 73 years. Sugar rises to 15-17 mmol/l, and maninil no longer lowers it. I began to lose weight sharply. Should I switch to Diabeton?

If maninil does not lower sugar, then Diabeton will be of no use. I started to lose weight sharply, which means that no pills will help. You definitely need to inject insulin. Advanced type 2 diabetes has turned into severe type 1 diabetes, so you need to study and follow. If it is not possible to arrange insulin injections for an elderly diabetic, leave everything as it is and calmly wait for the end. The patient will live longer if he stops taking all his diabetes pills.

Many popular medications for impaired glucose metabolism are harmful. You should stop taking them and replace them with. Find out and keep it stable. The website teaches how to control impaired carbohydrate metabolism without the need to take harmful and expensive pills, and also without fasting and injections of large doses of insulin. Below you will find a list of medications whose effectiveness in treating diabetes is controversial.

Information about the treatment methods used is published here. He has suffered from severe type 1 diabetes for over 70 years. He managed to live to the age of 83, avoiding serious complications, maintaining a sound mind and good health. physical fitness. Among his patients, the majority are people with type 2 diabetes because the disease is 9 to 10 times more common than autoimmune attacks on the pancreas. Dr. Bernstein also gained experience in the treatment of type 2 diabetes over 30 years of practice.

The medications listed below cause the pancreas to produce more insulin. Dr. Bernstein insists that they are harmful and should be stopped. You have effective and safe tablets at your disposal to keep your sugar levels stable.

Harmful drugs are all those that are included in the group of sulfonylurea derivatives, as well as glinides (meglitinides). These are popular products, Glidiab, Glyurenorm, NovoNorm and their analogues.

Why are medications that cause the pancreas to produce more insulin harmful:

  1. They do not cure type 2 diabetes, but increase the metabolic disorders that underlie it. In patients, the level of insulin in the blood is already higher than normal, but the cells have lost sensitivity to it. It is necessary to restore this sensitivity, and not increase the load on the pancreas.
  2. Elevated levels of insulin in the blood block the breakdown of fat tissue, making it impossible to lose weight. It also causes vasospasm and retains excess fluid in the body. This stimulates swelling, the development of hypertension and heart failure, and increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.
  3. Taking harmful medications places an unbearable burden on the body to produce insulin. As a result of this, the pancreas is depleted, and over time the disease develops into severe type 1 diabetes, in which pills no longer help.
  4. These drugs can excessively lower blood sugar, causing symptoms including loss of consciousness and death. This acute complication called . By using alternative treatment you can keep your blood sugar within normal range without running the risk of hypoglycemia.

Medicines, Glidiab, Glyurenorm, NovoNorm and their analogs contribute to the disease developing into severe type 1 diabetes.

Patients begin to inexplicably lose weight. The pills generally stop helping, blood sugar rushes to 13-15 mmol/l and higher. At this stage, you need to urgently start injecting insulin, otherwise the patient will fall into a coma and die. It usually takes 4-8 years for the pancreas to completely deplete. However, thin people who are mistakenly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes are driven to the grave by harmful drugs much faster - in 1-2 years.

Elevated levels of insulin in the blood destroy cardiovascular system. Therefore, most people with type 2 diabetes do not live to develop type 1 diabetes. More often, they die from a heart attack or stroke before their pancreas becomes unusable. Patients lucky enough to be born with a resilient heart live longer but suffer complications in their vision, legs and kidneys. If you are not satisfied with this option, read, follow the recommendations and stop taking harmful medications.

Harmful pills for type 2 diabetes: list

A drugAnalogsActive substance
  • Gliclazide-Akos
  • Diabepharm
  • Diatics
  • Diabinax
Gliclazide in regular tablets
Diabeton MV
  • Glidiab MV
  • Diabepharm MV
  • Glyclada
  • Diabetalong
  • Gliclazide MB
  • Gliclazide Canon
Gliclazide extended-release tablets
  • Glemaz
  • Glumedex
  • Meglimid
  • Glimepiride-Teva
  • Diameride
  • Glemauno
  • Glimepiride Canon
  • Glime
Glyurenorm- Gliquidone
MovoglekenGlibenez retardGlipizide
Starlix- Nateglinide

You can find many positive reviews from diabetics about the medications listed above. Indeed, these drugs quickly and strongly lower blood sugar. At first, the glucometer readings make patients happy, but this comes at the cost of worsening the long-term prognosis. After a few years, taking harmful medications will inevitably destroy the beta cells of the pancreas. The disease will develop into severe type 1 diabetes unless a fatal heart attack or stroke occurs first.

Watch a video about how a patient with type 2 diabetes changed his lifestyle and was cured without pills or insulin.

The video clip does not say that its hero switched to . But rest assured that he did it. Because there is no other way.

Harmful diabetes pills lower blood sugar, but increase the mortality rate of patients. Many doctors know about this, but still continue to prescribe Glidiab, Glyurenorm, NovoNorm and their analogues. In 2010, the results of the major ACCORD study were summed up. It tested three different approaches to treating type 2 diabetes. Patients who took sulfonylureas had a much higher mortality rate than other groups. After some time, regular Diabeton tablets were withdrawn from the market, leaving only Diabeton MB, which does not destroy the pancreas so quickly, but is still harmful.

Which medications for type 2 diabetes are not harmful?

The most effective, harmless and even useful medicine for diabetes is called metformin. It lowers sugar, helps you lose weight, and improves blood test results for cholesterol. This drug prolongs the life of diabetics and probably even healthy people. In particular, the famous doctor Elena Malysheva made metformin popular as a cure for old age.

Read about tablets containing metformin:

Glucophage and Glucophage Long, as well as Siofor, are popular tablets whose active ingredient is metformin. One of these medications should be part of your type 2 diabetes management regimen. However, metformin is also sold as a combination drug with harmful sulfonylurea derivatives. They should not be taken to avoid the problems listed above.

There are many different nuances in the treatment of type 2 diabetes, and it is not always possible to immediately find a medicine that helps control glycemia 100%. Due to the variety of antidiabetic medications, it is not only diabetics who are confused.

If you have read the drug Diabeton and its instructions for use, but still do not fully understand whether it is right for you and how you can replace it, if the medicine does not help, then this article is worth spending time on.

Diabeton - a drug for type 2 diabetes

For a diabetic, one of the ways to successfully combat the disease is to normalize the so-called “fasting sugar.” But in pursuit of ideal glucometer readings, you can make a lot of mistakes, since the prescription of a medication must be justified, and this concerns Diabeton first of all. The new-fashioned French drug is prescribed to everyone - from athletes to diabetics, but it is not useful for everyone.

To understand who really needs it, you need to figure out what type of medicine Diabeton is and on the basis of what active substance it is created. The medicine is made from sulfonylurea derivatives; they have been used successfully all over the world for a long time.

IN cardboard box, as in the photo, you can see white oval tablets with “60” and “DIA” printed on each side. In addition to the main active component gliclazide, Diabeton also contains fillers: maltodextrin, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide.

Diabetes – international tradename, the official manufacturer of the drug is the French pharmacological company Servier.

The non-proprietary chemical name of the product is gliclazide, based on the name of the active component.

Many analogues of various brands are produced with gliclazide, so the pharmacy can dispense it according to discounted prescription not the French Diabeton, but another analogue based on gliclazide, the cost is an order of magnitude cheaper.

Analogues of Diabeton

The original medicine was and remains only Diabeton from Servier.

Best before date medicine– 2 years, after which it is not suitable for treatment and must be disposed of. Special conditions it is not required for storage.

Instead of the drug Diabeton, the price of which ranges from 260-320 rubles, the pharmacy can offer analogues:

In addition to the regular drug, Servier also produces Diabeton MV. All other medicines are generics; manufacturers did not invent them, but simply acquired the right to produce them, and the entire evidence base relates only to original drug Diabetes.

Generics differ in the quality of the filler, sometimes this seriously affects the effectiveness of the drug. The most budget-friendly analogue option is with Indian and Chinese roots. Among domestic generics that are successfully conquering the market of Diabeton analogues, Glibiab and Gliclazide-Akos enjoy authority.

How to replace Diabeton

If your doctor has prescribed Diabeton, but you can’t take it, you can find a replacement.

When there is no suitable option among the listed analogues, you can choose:

For whatever reasons it would be necessary to select a replacement, only a specialist can change the treatment regimen. Self-diagnosis and self-prescription can only do harm to a diabetic!

Maninil or Diabeton - which is better?

Different methods of controlling type 2 diabetes have different effects on the risk of developing fatal complications. Glibenclamide, the active component of Maninil, is much stronger than gliclazide, the main ingredient of Diabeton. Whether this will be an advantage can be found out from the comments of specialists who analyzed questions about Diabetes and reviews on forums.

Questions for diabetics

Experts' comments

Diabetes helped me for 5 years, and now even with the most high dose on the glucometer at least 10 units. Why? The drug has an aggressive effect on pancreatic β-cells. On average, after 6 years they work out and you need to switch to insulin.
I am an experienced diabetic, my sugar levels reach 17 mmol/l, I have been reducing them with Maninil for 8 years. Now it doesn't help anymore. They replaced it with Diabeton, but to no avail. Maybe Amaryl should try it? Your type 2 diabetes has already turned into type 1, insulin dependent. You have to inject insulin, pills are powerless in this case, and it’s not even that Diabeton is weaker than Maninil.
They started treating me for diabetes with Siofor at 860 mg/day. After 2 months it was replaced with Diabeton, because the sugar was still there. I didn’t feel any difference, maybe Glibomet will help? If Diabeton did not help, then Glibomet - even more so. In advanced stages, only a low-carbohydrate diet, the abolition of useless medications and a minimum of insulin will save you if the pancreas is completely depleted.
Can Diabeton be taken with Reduxin for weight loss? I want to lose weight. Diabetes increases the secretion of insulin, which transforms glucose into fat and inhibits its breakdown. The more hormone, the more difficult it is to lose weight. Reduxin is also addictive.
For two years, Diabeton MV helps keep sugar levels up to 6 units. Recently my vision has deteriorated and the soles of my feet have gone numb. If sugar is normal, where do complications come from? Sugar is controlled not only on an empty stomach, but also 2 hours after eating. If you don’t check it 5 times a day, in fact, this is self-deception, for which you pay with complications.
In addition to Diabetes, the doctor prescribed a low-calorie diet. I eat about 2 thousand calories a day. Is this normal or should I reduce it further? In theory, a low-calorie diet should make it easier to control sugars, but in fact, no one sticks to it. In order not to fight hunger, you need to switch to a low-carbohydrate diet and review the dosage of medications.

How to use - instructions

A simple drug from Diabeton MV, created on the basis of a hydrophilic matrix, is distinguished by the speed of release of the active component. For a conventional analogue, the absorption time of glycoside does not exceed 2 - 3 hours.

After consuming Diabeton MV, gliclazide is released maximally during meal hours, and the rest of the time the glycemic norm is maintained due to the release of microdoses into the bloodstream during the day.

A simple analogue is produced with a dosage of 80 mg, with a prolonged effect - 30 and 60 mg. The special formula of Diabeton MV helped to reduce the dose of the medication, thanks to which it can be used only 1 time per day. Today, doctors rarely choose a simple drug, but it is still available in pharmacies.

Doctors recommend a new generation drug with prolonged capabilities, since it acts much more mildly than other sulfonylurea drugs, the risk of hypoglycemia is minimal, and the effect of one tablet lasts throughout the day.

For those who forget to take pills on time, a one-time dose is a big advantage. And the endocrinologist can safely increase the dose, achieving complete control over the patient’s glycemia. Naturally, Diabeton is prescribed in combination with a low-carbohydrate diet and muscle exercises, without which any antidiabetic pill is ineffective.

As a rule, the medication is prescribed in parallel with Metformin, which, unlike Diabeton, actively affects insulin resistance.

Mechanism of action of Diabeton

Diabeton belongs to a class of drugs that stimulate the pancreas and, in particular, the b-cells responsible for the production of insulin. The degree of activity of such stimulation in the drug is average; if we compare Maninil or Diabeton, then Maninil has a more powerful effect.

For type 2 diabetes accompanied by any degree of obesity, the drug is not indicated. It is added to the treatment regimen when all the symptoms of a decline in the functioning of the gland are present and stimulation is necessary to enhance insulin production.

The medication will restore the first phase of hormone production if it is reduced or absent in a diabetic. In addition to its main purpose (lowering glycemic levels), the drug has a positive effect on blood vessels and circulatory system. By reducing platelet aggregation (sticking), it reduces the likelihood of blood clots in small vessels and strengthens them inner part endothelium, creating angioprotective protection.

The algorithm for the effect of the drug can be presented in the following sequence:

  1. Stimulation of the pancreas to increase the flow of the hormone into the bloodstream;
  2. Imitation and restoration of the first phase of insulin production;
  3. Reducing platelet aggregation to prevent the appearance of clots in small vessels;
  4. Small antioxidant effect.

A single dose of the drug maintains the required concentration of the active component in the plasma throughout the day. The drug is metabolized in the liver and excreted by the kidneys (up to 1% in its original form). In adulthood, no significant changes in pharmacokinetic characteristics were recorded.

Parallel intake of food does not affect the speed and quality of absorption and distribution of Diabetes.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

If we compare Diabeton MV with analogues of the sulfonylurea class, then in terms of effectiveness it is ahead of them:

Along with undeniable advantages, the medicine also has a number of disadvantages:

So that the body does not have to choose between complications from the pancreas or cardiovascular pathologies, it is worth paying attention to a low-carbohydrate diet and adequate physical activity.

Lifestyle modification will help to simultaneously normalize all heart risk factors: high sugar, blood pressure, excess weight, and cholesterol metabolism.

Indications for prescribing medication

Diabeton is designed to normalize the glycemic profile, prevent complications of diabetes, reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, nephropathy, and retinopathy. But it is also used by athletes to increase muscle mass.

Therefore it is shown:

Diabetes is not prescribed to patients as a starting treatment regimen. It is also harmful for diabetics with signs of obesity, since their pancreas already works under increased load, producing 2-3 norms of insulin to neutralize glucose. Prescribing Diabeton to this category of diabetics can provoke death from cardiovascular situations (CVS).

Significant research has been conducted on this issue to determine the relationship between the choice of medications for the initial treatment of type 2 diabetes and the likelihood of mortality. The findings are presented below.

  1. In volunteers with type 2 diabetes who received sulfonylurea derivatives, compared with the control group taking metformin, the risk of mortality from CV events was 2 times higher, coronary heart disease (CHD) - 4.6 times higher, and cerebrovascular accidents (CVA). ) - 3 times.
  2. The risk of death from ischemic heart disease and cerebrovascular disease was higher in the group receiving gliclazide, gliquidone and glibenclamide than in volunteers taking metformin.
  3. In volunteers who received gliclazide, compared with the group taking glibenclamide, the difference in risks was obvious: overall mortality was 20% less, from CVD - by 40%, and cerebrovascular accident - by 40%.

So, the choice of sulfonylurea derivatives (including Diabeton) as a first-line medicine provokes the possibility fatal outcome after 5 years, the probability of getting a heart attack is 4.6 times, and the probability of having a stroke is 3 times.
For newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes, there is no alternative to Metformin as a first-line drug. With long-term (at least 3 years) use of Diabeton, the risk of developing atherosclerosis is significantly reduced. Other drugs in the sulfonylurea class do not have this effect. Most likely, the anti-sclerotic effect of the drug is provided by its antioxidant capabilities, which protect cells from oxidation.

What harm can diabetes cause in type 2 diabetes - on video.

The antidiabetic medication significantly increases the sensitivity of the liver, muscles and fat to insulin. In bodybuilding, it is used as a powerful anabolic steroid, which can be easily purchased at a pharmacy or online. Diabetics use Diabeton to restore the first phase of hormone production and improve the second phase of its production.

The product should be used by bodybuilders with healthy b-cells. The medication affects fat metabolism, blood circulation, thins the blood, and has antioxidant capabilities. Diabetes is transformed into metabolites in the liver, and the medicine is completely eliminated from the body.

In sports, the medication is used to support high anabolism; as a result, the athlete actively increases muscle mass.

In terms of its influence, it can be compared to insulin injections. With this method of weight gain, you need to strictly adhere to the doses, eat nutritiously 6 times a day (proteins, carbohydrates), and monitor your well-being so as not to miss the occurrence of symptoms of hypoglycemia.

Start the course with ½ tablet, gradually doubling the dose. Take the pill in the morning with food. The course of treatment is 1-2 months, depending on how you feel and the results. You can repeat it every other year; if you use Diabeton more often than once every six months, health complications are inevitable.

When repeating the course, the dosage can be doubled (up to 2 tablets/day). You should not take Diabeton while on a starvation diet or taking other means to gain weight. The medication lasts for 10 hours and requires nutritious food during this period. At the first sign of hypoglycemia, the athlete should eat a candy bar or other sweets.

Diabetes is a serious drug that is taken for medical reasons, so bodybuilders need to carefully experiment with their health.

The video shows the use of Diabeton for weight gain - reviews.

Contraindications for use

All medications have contraindications; before using Diabeton, it is important to pay attention to the following warnings:

How does taking two drugs together affect the outcome of treatment? Miconazole enhances the glucose-lowering capabilities of Diabeton. If you do not monitor your glycemic profile in a timely manner, there is a risk of developing hypoglycemia. If there is no alternative to Miconazole, the doctor should reduce the dose of Diabeton.

The medicine should be taken with caution when combined with:

Diabetes can increase alcohol intolerance. This is manifested by shortness of breath, headache, tachycardia, abdominal cramps, and other dyspeptic disorders. If diabetes provoked hypoglycemia, then alcohol will reliably mask its symptoms. Since the signs of intoxication are similar to glycemic ones, if help is not received in a timely manner, there is a risk diabetic coma rises.

The optimal dose of alcohol for a diabetic is a glass of dry red wine on occasion. And if you have a choice, it is better not to drink alcohol at all.

Side effects

The main adverse event is hypoglycemia - a drop in glucose levels below the target range, accompanied by the following clinical symptoms:

At mild form If hypoglycemia occurs, the victim is given carbohydrates; in severe cases, urgent hospitalization is required.

In addition to hypoglycemia, there are other side effects:

All consequences are reversible and disappear without drug intervention after discontinuation of Diabeton. If the drug is prescribed instead of an alternative antidiabetic agent, then glycemia should be monitored for 10 days to avoid effects that are dangerous due to hypoglycemia.

When choosing Diabeton, the doctor must inform the diabetic about possible side effects and symptoms of overdose.

Regimen of administration and dosage of Diabeton

IN pharmacy chain The medication comes in two varieties:

  • Diabeton with a dosage of 80 mg;
  • Diabeton MV weighing 30 and 60 mg.

For ordinary Diabetes, the starting norm is 80 mg/day, over time it is increased to 2-3 pieces per day, distributed over several doses. You can take a maximum of 4 tablets per day.

For modified Diabeton, the starting dose is 30 mg/day; if necessary, the dose is gradually adjusted. Diabeton MV is consumed 1 r./day, maximum – up to 120 mg. Even if the maximum dose is prescribed, it still needs to be taken at one time in the morning.

Like all medications of the sulfonylurea class, Diabeton should be taken half an hour before meals. By drinking it at the exact time indicated in the instructions, the diabetic allows the medication to be absorbed and show its activity with the first spoon of food.

The effectiveness of the chosen dosage can be assessed at home using a glucometer.

Check his indicators before and after meals (after 2 hours). The appropriate dose is calculated individually: according to the glycemic profile and laboratory tests for glycosylated hemoglobin HbA1C. You can combine the use of Diabeton with antidiabetic drugs with a different mechanism of action.


Since treatment with Diabeton is dangerous for the development of hypoglycemia, a deliberately increased dose of the medication increases its symptoms several times.

The exact lethal dose of the drug has not been established, but if the symptoms are not eliminated in time, any dose will be fatal.

If you attempt suicide or accidentally overdose, you must:

Comprehensive treatment of type 2 diabetes

Diabeton is often used not only as a single drug, but also in complex therapy. It is compatible with all antidiabetic drugs, except for drugs of the muphonylurea class (they have similar mechanism effects), as well as the new norm: it also activates the synthesis of the hormone, but in a different way.

Diabeton works great in combination with Metformin. In this regard, Russian manufacturers have even developed a combination medicine, Glimekomb, containing 40 g of gliclazide and 500 mg of metformin.

The use of such a medicine is characterized by a good increase in compliance (compliance by a diabetic with the prescribed medication regimen). Glimecomb is taken in the morning and evening immediately before or after meals. Side effects The drug also has common characteristics for metformin and gliclazide.

Drug interactions

There are many medications that increase the risk of hypoglycemia when used in parallel with Diabeton. The doctor should be especially careful when prescribing acarbose, metformin, thiazolidinediones, DPP-4 inhibitors, GLP-1 agonists, and insulin with Diabeton.

Many medications that are prescribed to hypertensive patients also enhance the potential of diabetes. The doctor should remember beta-blockers, ACE and MAO inhibitors, fluconazole, sulfonamides, histamine H2 receptor blockers, clarithromycin.

A complete list of drugs that enhance or weaken the activity of the main ingredient of the formula can be found in the original instructions. Even before prescribing Diabeton, it is important for a diabetic to inform his doctor about the medications, dietary supplements, and herbal teas that he is taking.

It is worthwhile to understand the intricacies of your illness and its treatment yourself, since conscious motivation in such cases is a great thing.

What do diabetics think about Diabetes?

Reviews from diabetics about Diabeton are mixed: it helps control sugar, but many could not avoid undesirable consequences. Gliclazide modified-release tablets are more easily tolerated. And side effects are more often observed in diabetics who regularly take Diabeton for several years.

Dmitry, 64 years old. I didn’t know that it was necessary to take into account the interaction of the medication with anticoagulants, since they enhance each other’s capabilities. For now I’m taking Diabeton MV half a tablet, and my sugar levels have been within the normal range for three years.

Lisa, 44 years old. Taking Diabeton increased my digestive problems: heartburn, a feeling of a full stomach and a bloated abdomen. I try to control the glycemic index of foods, as I am very afraid of hypoglycemia.

Diabeton and Maninil belong to the group of popular drugs for diabetes mellitus. These medications belong to the hypoglycemic group, which regulates the level of natural insulin in human blood. But is there a difference between the tablets, and which one is better?

Maninil - features

Maninil is produced in tablet form. Each tablet has a flat-cylindrical appearance and a pink tint. Packaged in a transparent glass bottle and cardboard box. One package contains 120 tablets. Contains hyaetellose, potato starch And so on. But the main active ingredient is considered to be glibenclamide, which belongs to the sulfonylurea derivatives. Maninil is most often prescribed when the patient has an intolerance to the gliclazide component.

Indications for use: diabetes mellitus (type 2).

The drug can be prescribed as an adjuvant for complex treatment or as an independent medicine for therapy. It is used in the absence of a hypoglycemic effect when using other methods of treatment. Strict adherence to the diet is required.

It is quite possible to adjust the dose of sugar-lowering drugs on your own. You can learn about the intricacies of the disease and the features of adjustment from the video:


  • diabetes mellitus – type 1;
  • allergic reaction to one of the components;
  • pathological disorders in the liver and kidneys in a severe stage;
  • surgery in the pancreas;
  • ketoacidosis;
  • diabetic coma or precoma;
  • presence of leukopenia;
  • poor intestinal permeability;
  • lack of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenases;
  • impaired carbohydrate metabolism due to injury and burns skin, infection;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • childhood.

Caution must be exercised in case of diseases of the thyroid gland, weakness in the adrenal cortex, high temperature. It is important to consult your doctor first!

Advantages and disadvantages:

  1. Refers to a potent drug.
  2. High degree of efficiency.
  3. Speed ​​of action.
  4. It is eliminated from the body within 10 hours.
  5. No sudden increase in glucose.

Adverse reactions

During the first time of taking the drug "Maninil" there may be a deterioration in accommodation and perception visual organs. However, this phenomenon is temporary and goes away on its own over time. Therapy should not be canceled. Also, the patient can quickly gain weight and hypoglycemia develops. Another side effect is considered to be a dyspeptic condition, in which stool is disrupted, nausea and vomiting appear, and stomach pain occurs.

Instructions for use

In each specific case, the dose is prescribed individually and only after accurately determining the blood sugar level. It is advisable to take the tablets twice a day - in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening. It is recommended to drink plenty of water clean water. To achieve a lasting therapeutic effect, it is recommended to take the tablets at the same time. The duration of treatment is also determined by the endocrinologist. You should check your glucose levels weekly.

Effect on the body

Maninil is taken only orally. It is important not to take the tablets with food, as the concentration is significantly reduced. active substance in blood plasma. Absorbed quickly and completely. It binds almost completely to plasma albumin (98%), due to which the effect is achieved within one and a half to two hours. The action stops after 10 hours. It is excreted from the body through urine and bile within 2-3 days.

Diabetes - features

Diabeton is a hypoglycemic agent that actively corrects the secretory function of the pancreas. This allows you to produce your own insulin and reduce the time interval between food intake and direct production. Diabeton is produced in the form of oval tablets white. The surface is biconvex. Sold in cardboard boxes, packaged in blisters. One pack of tablets contains 30 or 60 pieces. The main active ingredient is gliclazide, which has a positive effect on pancreatic beta cells.

There is also the drug “Diabeton MV”, which is practically no different from regular Diabeton. You can learn more about the product from the video provided to your attention:

Indications for use:

  • diabetes mellitus – type 2;
  • prevention of complications in blood vessels.


  • insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (type 1);
  • intolerance to one of the components and lactose;
  • galactosemia;
  • syndrome of glucose and galactose malabsorption;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • ketoacidosis;
  • precoma or diabetic coma;
  • age under 18 years;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Diabeton does not interact with drugs based on danazols, miconazoles, phenylbutazones. And also with glucocorticosteroids. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it simultaneously with such drugs.

Diabeton should be taken with caution in case of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, pituitary and adrenal insufficiency, and gluco-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency.

Side effects:

  • the development of hypoglycemia, that is, a sharp decrease in blood sugar (you can get rid of it by eating a lump of sugar, which will quickly increase the level of glucose in the blood);
  • allergic reaction;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • pain syndromes in the stomach;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • hepatitis, as the activity of liver enzymes increases.


  • speed of achieving the effect;
  • reduced risk of hypoglycemia;
  • removing harmful cholesterol from the body;
  • lack of addiction effect and excess weight gain;
  • normalization blood pressure and lipid metabolism.

Find out more about the drug Diabeton -.

Effect on the body

If we consider the drug Diabeton from the pharmacokinetics perspective, it is worth noting the properties of rapid absorption of the active substance through the walls of the stomach and intestines. It penetrates into the bloodstream in about 6 hours, and the achieved therapeutic effect is maintained for 12 hours. Gliclazide is destroyed in liver cells and excreted through urine. In this case, metabolism occurs with all the medicine.

Diabetes affects the body comprehensively, but most importantly, it acts in the 1st phase of insulin secretion, due to which surges in blood glucose can be prevented. In addition, the risk of developing diseases such as retinopathy, nephropathy, stroke and even myocardial infarction is eliminated. A special feature is the absence of hyperinsulemia, which reduces the likelihood of hypoglycemia, atherosclerosis and obesity.

Instructions for use - features

At the initial stages of treatment, the daily dose should be minimal - not exceed 80 mg of the main active ingredient. Then the dosage is increased. The maximum dose is 4 tablets per day. It is recommended to take the drug twice a day, but always before meals. The dosage is selected only at the individual level, depending on the blood glucose level. Monitoring is required every week.

Analogues of Diabeton and Maninil

It happens that Diabeton or Maninil are not suitable for a particular patient. In this case, the doctor may prescribe one of many analogues. Basically, they are based on gliclazide and glibenclamide, that is, the active ingredients of both drugs. There are medications with lower or higher costs. Among the most popular drugs are the following drugs against type 2 diabetes:

  • Glidiab
  • Diabetolong
  • Gliclazide MB
  • Diabeton MV
  • Diabepharm
  • Glyclada
  • Diatics
  • Predian
  • Glucostabil
  • Reklid
  • Diabenax
  • Euglucon
  • Glucobene
  • Daonil

So, what is better: Maninil or Diabeton?

There is no definite answer to the question posed, because the use of drugs in this group is carried out at the individual level. Both drugs have high degree digestibility and effectiveness. The only difference is the cost and the fact that Maninil promotes weight gain, while Diabeton does not. Therefore, if you are predisposed to obesity, it is better to choose Diabetes.

Only a specialist can prescribe and determine a specific drug after a thorough examination and determination of blood glucose levels. It is he who determines what is better for you: Maniel or Diabeton. In this case, all tests, the presence of other pathologies, contraindications and characteristics of a particular organism are taken into account.

Antihyperglycemic agents, such as Metformin and Maninil, differ in their mechanism of action and the strength of their hypoglycemic effect.

This is due to the different composition of drugs; let’s look at their features and differences.


Metformin is a biguanide substance that effectively reduces blood glucose by inhibiting its uptake in the liver.

Maninil includes the substance glibenclamide, a second generation sulfonylurea derivative with a hypoglycemic effect. Medicines are produced only in tablets with different doses of active ingredients.

pharmachologic effect

The principle of operation of Metformin is to suppress gluconeogenesis. The substance activates a special enzyme in the liver that prevents further glucose from entering the blood. The medication inhibits the transformation of fatty acids and promotes their oxidation, inhibits the absorption of sugar in the intestines.

Compared with other hypoglycemic drugs, the drug is most effective in preventing the development of diabetic angiopathy. When used systematically, the medicine prevents weight gain, and if you follow a diet, it helps to reduce it.

The drug inhibits the development of insulin resistance and facilitates the penetration of glucose into human tissue. If there is insufficient insulin in the blood, the substance exhibits virtually no hypoglycemic properties.

Maninil stimulates insulin production in the pancreas by closing potassium channels in beta cells. The content of potassium ions increases, which gives a signal to the pancreas to synthesize new insulin.

The medication is able to increase the metabolic response to the hormone, reducing the risk of nephropathy and mortality. The mechanism of action is not related to the amount of glucose in the blood, so the medicine works even with normoglycemia.


Metformin is prescribed as a hypoglycemic agent mainly for type 2 diabetes mellitus.

For type 1 diabetic disease, the medication may be prescribed as a preventive measure for the development of diabetic angiopathy.

A hypoglycemic drug can be used for polycystic ovary syndrome if hyperinsulinemia and glucose tolerance are observed.

Glibenclamide is used only for type 2 diabetes mellitus, when using proper nutrition and adequate exercise fails to reduce blood glucose.

Can I take it together?

Diabetes fears this remedy like fire!

You just need to apply it.

The hypoglycemic effect of glibenclamide depends on the dosage: the higher it is, the more significant the effect on the pancreas.

When stimulated by the active substance, additional insulin begins to be produced, so the selection of the required dose of Maninil is determined by blood sugar levels.

When prescribing medication, the doctor must give instructions regarding the diet and take into account the amount of carbohydrates in the diet. At the initial stage, therapy is started with the minimum possible dosage, and after administration, the effect on the diabetic is observed.

If necessary, the amount of the drug is increased. Take the medication 1-2 times a day, the effect of the active substance is at least 12 hours.

To increase the hypoglycemic effect and reduce the flow of carbohydrates into the blood, Maninil can be taken simultaneously with Metformin.

A combination of medications is used when it is impossible to achieve the required therapeutic effect.

Additional intake of an antidiabetic drug must be taken into account by your doctor. In combination with other medications, the effect of Glibenclamide on the body is enhanced.

What's better?

When prescribing a hypoglycemic agent, they are guided by the desired therapeutic effect, the mechanism of action of the active component, current contraindications for use and side effects.

Metformin or Maninil

A special feature of Metformin is that the hypoglycemic effect on the body is not related to the amount of insulin. The principle of operation of the drug is to suppress the process of glucose absorption.

Metformin is one of the few drugs whose use has a minimal risk of developing hypoglycemia. In addition to the appearance intestinal disorders the medication has virtually no side effects. Lactic acidosis can occur with significant overdose and in case of renal failure.

Therefore, with normal production of peptide hormone by the pancreas, but high insulin resistance, Metformin is preferable.

The disadvantages include the fact that biguanide is not able to reduce sugar if there is insufficient insulin in the body. Long-term use the drug interferes with the absorption of vitamin B12, which can eventually lead to the development of myalgia and anemia.

Glibenclamide is prescribed only for type 2 diabetic disease, when the effect of other glucose-lowering tablets is not enough.

A sulfonylurea derivative (glibenclamide) has a number of side effects:

  • if the amount of active substance is exceeded, severe hypoglycemia may develop;
  • weight gain;
  • joint pain;
  • headache;
  • increased sensitivity to light;
  • fever;
  • indigestion;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • proteinuria (protein appears in the urine);
  • cholestatic syndrome;
  • allergic reactions;
  • frequent urination.

The list of contraindications for medications is practically the same, with the exception that glibenclamide is strictly prohibited for use in case of insulin-dependent diabetes.

Metformin, Maninil should not be used in the following cases:

  • diabetic coma;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • disorders of the liver and kidneys;
  • the appearance of ketoacidosis;
  • hypersensitivity.

Glibenclamide can be used with caution in case of alcoholism, which is an absolute limitation for biguanide.

In addition, Metformin should be discontinued 2 days before and after the x-ray if iodinated contrast was administered.

Maninil or Amaryl

Amaryl is a hypoglycemic agent based on sulfonylurea derivatives III generation. Contains active ingredient- glimepiride. The principle of action is to stimulate the release of endogenous insulin by the pancreas.

Unlike Maninil, Amaryl has additional effect- the drug suppresses gluconeogenesis. The hypoglycemic effect of Amaryl is more pronounced and lasts at least 24 hours.

Maninil and Amaryl should not be prescribed for insulin-dependent diabetes. When selecting the dose of Amaryl and subsequent therapy, be sure to take into account blood sugar readings, since there is a possibility of hypoglycemia.

Negative manifestations from the use of drugs and contraindications are practically the same. The exception is more pronounced digestive tract disorders in Amaryl, which is associated with the process of drug suppression of gluconeogenesis.

Video on the topic

Mechanism of action, release forms and nuances of using Metformin in the video:

Maninil and Amaryl have a stronger hypoglycemic effect, but have a significant list of side effects. If additional stimulation of the pancreas is not required to produce insulin,

Metformin has a clear advantage. It greatly reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, does not lead to weight gain and prevents the development of heart disease. Side effects from the digestive tract from taking biguanide quickly disappear.

  • Eliminates the causes of pressure disorders
  • Normalizes blood pressure within 10 minutes after administration

Medicines for diabetes Maninil and Diabeton

Tablets to lower blood sugar - Diabetes. Description and comparison with other drugs.

Diabetes mellitus is an extremely serious disease; it can be called a modern “plague”. Patients are faced with an acute question: which is the best to choose from effective available drugs- Maninil or Diabeton? Are there analogues of Diabeton and Metformin?

The number of people experiencing this disease increases every year. The risk of developing diabetes increases significantly when a person’s lifestyle is exposed to undesirable factors - bad habits, lack of sleep, unbalanced diet or pancreatic pathologies.

A person diagnosed with diabetes can live a full life if they adhere to a diet and exercise. However, they will still have to take pills. Doctors often prescribe medications such as Diabeton and Maninil at the beginning of the disease. The doctor will be able to determine which of these medications is best for a particular patient after an examination.

Description of Diabeton

The indication for use of this drug is diabetes mellitus (type 2 only). The tablets promote the production of insulin and increase tissue sensitivity, and also reduce the amount of cholesterol and the time indicator (from eating to the release of insulin). If the kidneys suffer due to the underlying disease, the tablets help lower the level of protein in the urine.

Despite its pronounced effectiveness, the medicine also has contraindications:

  1. Dysfunction of the liver, kidneys
  2. Diabetes mellitus type 1
  3. Coma and pre-coma state
  4. Severe sensitivity of the body to sulfonamide drugs, sulfonylureas.

When making a diagnosis, the doctor prescribes certain exercises, but if they do not help keep the pathology under control, medications are prescribed. The gliclazide component in the drug helps to increase the amount of insulin produced, that is, it stimulates the functioning of pancreatic cells.

Feedback on the results of treatment from patients is mostly positive. There is a significant decrease in blood glucose levels. It should be noted that the chance of developing a hypoglycemic process is small - less than 7%.

How to take Diabeton for diabetes? The medicine is convenient to use, because you only need to take it once a day. Therefore, most patients do not seek to stop taking the drug, but continue to use it for many years. The medicine may cause slight weight gain, which usually does not affect your overall health.

Doctors often choose a medicine for type 2 diabetes - Diabeton due to ease of use and good tolerability in patients. Many diabetics admit that it is difficult to live on a strict diet and constant physical activity. And just taking 1 tablet a day is very easy.

A significant disadvantage of the drug is its destructive effect on beta cells of the pancreas, leading to their death. As a result, the pathology can develop into type 1, which is more severe. People with a thin build are at risk. The severe stage of the disease usually manifests itself over a period of 2 to 8 years. According to an extensive international study, the drug reduces sugar, but has no effect on mortality rates. Before prescribing Diabeton for diabetes, doctors are often inclined to try drugs based on metformin (for example, Siofor).

Description of Maninila

The indication for use of the drug is type 2 diabetes mellitus. Its action is aimed at reducing the amount of sugar in the blood. The medication has a beneficial effect on beta cells of the pancreas, stimulating their work, and also increases the sensitivity of receptors to insulin. There are also contraindications:

  1. Pancreatic extirpation
  2. Type 1 diabetes
  3. Pathological processes in the kidneys, liver
  4. Negative reaction of the body to the components of the drug
  5. Postoperative rehabilitation
  6. Pregnancy, lactation
  7. Intestinal obstruction

There are many side effects:

  1. Possible development of hypoglycemia
  2. Nausea, vomiting
  3. Skin rashes
  4. Icterus and hepatitis
  5. Joint pain
  6. Fever

According to experts, Maninil causes severe damage to the body due to side effects. If we consider Diabetes, its harmfulness is significantly lower.


The drug is prescribed for the treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Metformin differs from other similar drugs in its effect, which prevents the development of hyperglycemia. This effect is due to the fact that Metformin lowers glucose not by increasing insulin levels. How does Metformin work? The process begins in the liver, where glucose production is suppressed. At the same time, tissue sensitivity to insulin increases. The liver and muscles begin to absorb sugar much better, and the process of glucose absorption in the intestinal region, on the contrary, proceeds more slowly.

Metformin copes with two tasks - it allows you to control the amount of sugar and prevents blood clots. Thus, the likelihood of developing pathology of the heart and blood vessels is reduced by 50%. Metformin is often prescribed to overweight and obese patients.

When using Metformin, patients sometimes complain of digestive disorders- diarrhea or dyspepsia. Usually these phenomena stop within a few days. To avoid side effects, Metformin tablets should be started with a minimum dosage.

The tablets are recommended to be taken after an evening meal, or before going to bed. The medicine should be taken with a sufficient amount of liquid - tea, water. Only 1 tablet is taken daily. Diabeton or Metformin - which is better to take? If not special indications, you can start treatment with the second remedy, if the effect is absent or weakened, switch to the first.

Preparations Siofor and Glucophage

Metmorphine is the main active ingredient in these drugs. To understand which one is better, you should turn to the pharmacological action.

Siofor has the following effects:

  1. Tissue sensitivity of many organs to insulin increases
  2. Absorption of sugar from parts of the digestive system slows down
  3. The amount of glucose in the blood decreases
  4. Weight loss and appetite suppression

Diabeton or Siofor - which is better to take? It is impossible to say for sure, the drugs are equally effective and the attending physician must make the choice.

Glucophage also has many advantages:

  1. Normalization of blood glucose levels
  2. Good glycemic control
  3. Reducing the patient’s body weight by normalizing protein and fat metabolic processes
  4. Complications from the underlying disease occur much less frequently compared to other drugs

Possible simultaneous use of this medicine and other medicines. Diabeton or Glucophage - which is better to take? Both drugs are good for people with normal or overweight. When choosing, you can focus on the price of the product and the doctor’s recommendations.


Glucovance is a product based on 2 active ingredients. Unlike the drugs Siofor and Glucophage, Glucovance contains not only metmorphine, but also glibenclamide. The active ingredients of the drug Glucovance affect organs and tissues in different ways, but at the same time they can enhance each other’s therapeutic effects. You can start therapy with the drug Glucovance when diet and exercise do not produce results. What is better to take - Glucovance or Diabeton. If possible, on initial stage disease, it is advisable to choose Glucovance.


Amaryl is another common drug that is indicated for type 2 diabetes. Active ingredient Amaryl - glimepiride tablets. The medicine Amaryl has no analogues. When using this drug, some side effects are observed - visual disturbances, excessive decrease in sugar levels, digestive disorders. You should start taking Amaryl tablets with a dose of 1 mg (this is one tablet). That is, if the dose needs to be increased, one tablet a day will no longer be enough. If you figure out what is better to take - Amaryl or Diabeton, the answer will not be clear. Each of these medications may be better or worse for a particular patient.

When choosing diabetes pills - Diabeton, Maninil and any other drugs, you should rely on the opinion of your doctor, evaluate your financial capabilities and individual characteristics body. You can start therapy with more inexpensive and gentle means. If the drug is not suitable, there is a wide choice effective medicines will always allow for replacement.

help a diabetic. I'm interested in DiabeNot. What phone number can I call for advice and where can I purchase it.

The information on the site is provided solely for popular informational purposes, does not claim to be reference or medical accuracy, and is not a guide to action. Do not self-medicate. Consult your healthcare provider.

Harmful medications for type 2 diabetes: list

Many popular medications for impaired glucose metabolism are harmful. You should stop taking them and replace them with a step-by-step treatment regimen for type 2 diabetes. Find out how to lower your blood sugar and keep it stable. The site teaches how to control impaired carbohydrate metabolism without the need to take harmful and expensive pills, as well as without fasting and injections of large doses of insulin. Below you will find a list of medications whose effectiveness in treating diabetes is controversial.

Information about the treatment methods used by Dr. Bernstein is published here. He has suffered from severe type 1 diabetes for over 70 years. He managed to live to the age of 83, avoiding serious complications, maintaining a sound mind and good physical shape. Among his patients, the majority are people with type 2 diabetes because the disease is 9 to 10 times more common than autoimmune attacks on the pancreas. Dr. Bernstein also gained experience in the treatment of type 2 diabetes over 30 years of practice.

The medications listed below cause the pancreas to produce more insulin. Dr. Bernstein insists that they are harmful and should be stopped. You have effective and safe tablets at your disposal to keep your sugar levels stable. Harmful drugs are all those that are included in the group of sulfonylurea derivatives, as well as glinides (meglitinides). These are the popular drugs Diabeton MV, Amaryl, Maninil, Glidiab, Glyurenorm, NovoNorm and their analogues.

Why are medications that cause the pancreas to produce more insulin harmful:

  1. They do not cure type 2 diabetes, but increase the metabolic disorders that underlie it. In patients, the level of insulin in the blood is already higher than normal, but the cells have lost sensitivity to it. It is necessary to restore this sensitivity, and not increase the load on the pancreas.
  2. Elevated levels of insulin in the blood block the breakdown of fat tissue, making it impossible to lose weight. It also causes vasospasm and retains excess fluid in the body. This stimulates swelling, the development of hypertension and heart failure, and increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.
  3. Taking harmful medications places an unbearable burden on the body to produce insulin. As a result of this, the pancreas is depleted, and over time the disease develops into severe type 1 diabetes, in which pills no longer help.
  4. These drugs can excessively lower blood sugar, causing symptoms including loss of consciousness and death. This acute complication is called hypoglycemia. With alternative treatment, you can keep your blood sugar within normal range without running the risk of hypoglycemia.

The medications Diabeton MV, Amaryl, Maninil, Glidiab, Glyurenorm, NovoNorm and their analogues contribute to the disease developing into severe type 1 diabetes.

Patients begin to inexplicably lose weight. The pills stop helping altogether, blood sugar rises to kmol/l and higher. At this stage, you need to urgently start injecting insulin, otherwise the patient will fall into a coma and die. It usually takes 4-8 years for the pancreas to completely deplete. However, thin people who are mistakenly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes are driven to the grave by harmful drugs much faster - in 1-2 years.

Elevated levels of insulin in the blood destroy the cardiovascular system. Therefore, most people with type 2 diabetes do not live to develop type 1 diabetes. More often, they die from a heart attack or stroke before their pancreas becomes unusable. Patients lucky enough to be born with a resilient heart live longer but suffer complications in their vision, legs and kidneys. If you're not comfortable with this option, read how to lower your blood sugar, follow Dr. Bernstein's recommendations, and stop taking harmful medications.

  • Gliclazide-Akos
  • Diabepharm
  • Diatics
  • Diabinax
  • Glidiab MV
  • Diabepharm MV
  • Glyclada
  • Diabetalong
  • Gliclazide MB
  • Gliclazide Canon
  • Glemaz
  • Glumedex
  • Meglimid
  • Glimepiride-Teva
  • Diameride
  • Glemauno
  • Glimepiride Canon
  • Glime

You can find many positive reviews from diabetics about the medications listed above. Indeed, these drugs quickly and strongly lower blood sugar. At first, the glucometer readings make patients happy, but this comes at the cost of worsening the long-term prognosis. After a few years, taking harmful medications will inevitably destroy the beta cells of the pancreas. The disease will develop into severe type 1 diabetes unless a fatal heart attack or stroke occurs first.

Watch a video about how a patient with type 2 diabetes changed his lifestyle and was cured without pills or insulin.

The video clip does not say that its hero switched to a low-carb diet. But rest assured that he did it. Because there is no other way.

Harmful diabetes pills lower blood sugar, but increase the mortality rate of patients. Many doctors know about this, but still continue to prescribe Diabeton MV, Amaryl, Maninil, Glidiab, Glyurenorm, NovoNorm and their analogues. In 2010, the results of the major ACCORD study were summed up. It tested three different approaches to treating type 2 diabetes. Patients who took sulfonylureas had a much higher mortality rate than other groups. After some time, regular Diabeton tablets were withdrawn from the market, leaving only Diabeton MB, which does not destroy the pancreas so quickly, but is still harmful.

Which medications for type 2 diabetes are not harmful?

The most effective, harmless and even useful medicine for diabetes is called metformin. It lowers sugar, helps you lose weight, and improves blood test results for cholesterol. This drug prolongs the life of diabetics and probably even healthy people. In particular, the famous doctor Elena Malysheva made metformin popular as a cure for old age.

Glucophage and Glucophage Long, as well as Siofor, are popular tablets whose active ingredient is metformin. One of these medications should be part of your type 2 diabetes management regimen. However, metformin is also sold as a combination drug with harmful sulfonylurea derivatives. They should not be taken to avoid the problems listed above.

  • Glibomet
  • Glucovance
  • Bahomet Plus
  • Glucofast
  • Gluconorm
  • Metglib
  • Metglib Force

Manufacturers of harmful medications for type 2 diabetes are trying to convince doctors and patients that there is no alternative to these pills. Like, if the patient does not want to start injecting insulin, then he has no other treatment left. It is not true. A low-carbohydrate diet lowers blood sugar and largely eliminates metabolic disorders that are typical for patients suffering from diabetes and overweight. Read more in the article “Diet for Type 2 Diabetes.” With an accurate blood glucose meter, you can quickly verify that the treatments described on this site are working well. Sugar goes down within 2-3 days, and your health also improves.

Read also

14 comments on “Harmful medications for type 2 diabetes: list”

  1. hope

Height 176 cm, weight 87 kg, age 40 years.

I also take Galvus 50 mg in the morning and evening. In the morning, blood sugar remains at 9-10. Glycated hemoglobin 8.7%. What to do? I would not want to take sulfonylurea derivatives because they are harmful.

Run to insulin with such sugar!

Have you tried taking it WITH food?

Run to insulin with such sugar!

Galvus + Siofor - better priced than Galvus Met, but the effect should be no worse

Hello! I am 61 years old, height 178 cm, weight 96 kg, type 2 diabetes. About 10 days ago I started using the step-by-step treatment regimen that is described on this site. The results are truly as miraculous as you promise. My blood sugar is almost perfect, my blood pressure is completely normal, my health has improved. At the same time, I did not pay anyone anything - neither for consultations, nor for any dietary supplements. Although, of course, such food requires increased costs. But that's okay. A question has appeared. I hope you answer it. Do the drugs Mezim, Festal and the like destroy the pancreas in the same way as the harmful diabetes pills listed on this page?

The drugs Mezim, Festal and the like also destroy the pancreas, like harmful pills for diabetes

These enzyme tablets are not at all harmful, but on the contrary, they can be useful. Take them calmly if necessary. Although it is very important to get rid of the habit of overeating so that there is no need to resort to these remedies. Look for other entertainment instead of food and alcohol. Get rid of the stress that work and family place on you. So that you don’t have to compensate for overload and stress by overeating.

Hello! I am 66 years old, weight 94 kg with a height of 158 cm. Glycated hemoglobin - 7.5%, fasting glucose - 7.5 -8.5. Cholesterol - 7.4. I take Maninil 1.75 mg twice in the morning and evening, as well as metformin 850 mg in the morning and 2 tablets of 850 mg in the evening. I know that I need to lose weight, but I just can’t. My appetite is excellent, I can’t help it. Instead of Maninil, from 2009 to 2016, she took Diabeton MB 60 mg in the morning, as well as metformin 1000 mg in the morning and evening. I felt better. Now my muscles and joints are very sore.

I know I need to lose weight, but I can't

Achieve normal indicators blood sugar levels are possible even without weight loss and fasting, read more:

I take Maninil 1.75 mg twice in the morning and evening

If this article about harmful pills hasn't convinced you to give it up, then you deserve all your troubles.

In general, you need to ask a specific question if you want to get an answer, and not just relieve your soul.

Hello! I am 66 years old, weight 97 kg with height 165 kg. Fasting sugar is within 6.4-7.4. But when taking a sugar test with a load after taking glucose, it was 8.7. The doctor diagnosed type 2 diabetes and prescribed Gglucophage Long 500 tablets in the evening after meals for a week, and then increased to 1000. Question: should I take tablets? How does the medicine affect the pancreas? Or is it still possible to do without pills?

prescribed Glucophage Long 500 tablets in the evening after meals for a week, and then increased to 1000. Question: should I take tablets? How

Does the medicine affect the pancreas?

Or is it still possible to do without pills?

Good afternoon You write about sulfonylureas that they deplete pancreatic cells and lead to faster insulin intake. This is true, and patients are told about it. But most patients refuse to follow any diet, be it low-carbohydrate, table No. 9 or any other. They want a "magic" pill. Therefore, in most cases these drugs are prescribed. It is better to reduce your sugar level this way than not to reduce it at all and let it stay at high values. What do you think?

You say nothing about new drugs for patients with T2DM. For example, about SGLT-2, GLP4, etc., which do not have a direct effect on the pancreas, lower blood sugar levels and do not cause hypoglycemia. Why? This is more convenient than immediately resorting to insulin injections, as you often advise here.

Often in your articles you refer to the fact that this is a “conspiracy of doctors!” so that they have a job. But believe me, doctors, especially in public clinics, will be happy if the patient has normal glycated hemoglobin and sugar levels on the glucometer. There is already plenty of work. Maybe we shouldn’t be so negative about patients?

Understand, I'm not against this diet, if it really helps people, then that's just great.

It is better to reduce your sugar level this way than not to reduce it at all and keep it at high levels. What do you think?

The large ACCORD study was completed in the late 2000s. In patients with type 2 diabetes who took sulfonylureas, blood sugar decreased, but mortality did not decrease, but rather even increased. This is enough to send all sulfonylurea derivatives to the landfill, including the most gentle Diabeton MV.

The authors of the study had the audacity to write a conclusion that it is generally useless to reduce glucose levels in patients with T2DM to normal. Of course, this is a lie. It is possible and necessary to reduce sugar, but not with the help of harmful pills.

If you are interested, you can easily find details about the ACCORD study.

You didn't read the site very carefully. Start with the article “Medications for Diabetes: detailed review"- - there is a lot of interesting information in it.

You often refer in your articles that this is a “conspiracy of doctors!” so that they have work

I gave a convincing example of such a conspiracy above. Most doctors, of course, do not benefit directly. They are simply used as useful idiots.

Understand, I'm not against this diet if it really helps people

The rave reviews from patients on this site are real. mostly:). Try it and see for yourself. Blood sugar begins to drop after 2-3 days. At the same time, you do not have to experience chronic hunger.

Good afternoon I am 59 years old, with a height of 170 cm and a weight of 79 kg. Type 2 diabetes was detected. A year ago I was prescribed the medicine Forsiga, which I take constantly. I try to follow a diet and not overeat. Walks and jogging in the evening, but not regularly. A year ago my weight was 87 kg. In the morning the glycometer now shows up to 6 units. Does it make sense to switch to another drug and which one? Thank you.

A year ago I was prescribed the medicine Forsiga, which I take constantly.

Does it make sense to switch to another drug and which one?

I am 45 years old. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes back in 2005 and prescribed Maninil. In 2013, I began to quickly and inexplicably lose weight from 88 to 47 kg. In the end, she ended up in intensive care. There was nausea and vomiting, blood sugar was 25-35. I took tests and it turned out that I have type 1 diabetes and there are no beta cells. I started taking insulin Humalog and Lantus - my sugar returned to normal and my condition is stable. Why are they experimenting on us? We trust our lives to doctors! Do they really not know that Maninil should not be prescribed? It is harmful! Saving people is their oath!

I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes back in 2005 and prescribed Maninil. In 2013, I began to quickly and inexplicably lose weight from 88 to 47 kg. In the end, she ended up in intensive care. There was nausea and vomiting, blood sugar was 25-35.

An instructive story, thank you.

I started taking insulin Humalog and Lantus - my sugar returned to normal and my condition is stable.

Amaryl or Diabeton: which is better among Russian analogues?

Due to the high cost of the drug Amaryl, analogues are used much more often to normalize blood glucose levels in diabetics with a non-insulin-dependent type of disease. This drug is ideal for maintaining glycemic levels during a special diet and exercise.

However, not everyone can afford this hypoglycemic drug. Therefore, this article will reveal the pharmacological action of Amaryl and name its main analogues produced in Russia.

Pharmacological action of the drug

Amaryl is an oral hypoglycemic drug that helps reduce blood sugar by stimulating the release and activation of insulin synthesis by specific beta cells located in the pancreatic tissues.

The main mechanism for stimulating synthesis processes is that Amaryl increases the responsiveness of beta cells to an increase in the concentration of glucose in the human bloodstream.

In small dosages, this drug helps to slightly enhance the release of insulin. Amaryl has the property of increasing sensitivity cell membranes cells of insulin-dependent tissues to insulin.

Being a sulfonylurea derivative, Amaryl is able to influence the process of insulin production. This is ensured by the fact that the active compound of the drug interacts with the ATP channels of beta cells. Amaryl binds with proteins on the surface of the cell membrane selectively. This property of the drug allows you to increase the sensitivity of tissue cells to insulin.

Absorption of excess glucose is carried out mainly by the cells of the body's muscle tissue.

In addition, the use of the drug inhibits the process of glucose release by cells liver tissue. This process occurs due to an increase in the content of fructose-2,6-biophosphate, which contributes to the inhibition of gluconeogenesis.

Activation of insulin synthesis occurs due to the fact that the active substance of the drug increases the influx of potassium ions into beta cells, and excess potassium in the cell leads to increased production of the hormone.

Using combination therapy in combination with metformin, patients experience improved metabolic control of sugar levels in the body.

Carrying out combination therapy in combination with insulin injections. This method of control is used in cases where the optimal level of metabolic control is not achieved when taking one drug. When conducting this type drug therapy Diabetes mellitus requires mandatory adjustment of the dose of administered insulin.

The amount of insulin used with this type of therapy is significantly reduced.

Pharmakinetics of drug use

With a single dose of the drug at a daily dose of 4 mg, its maximum concentration is observed after 2.5 hours and is 309 ng/ml. The bioavailability of the drug is 100%. Eating does not have a particular effect on the absorption process, with the exception of some insignificant slowdown in the rate of the process.

The active substance of the drug is characterized by the ability to penetrate into breast milk and through the placental barrier. This limits the possibility of using the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Metabolization of the active substance occurs in the liver tissues. The main isoenzyme involved in metabolism is CYP2C9. In the process of metabolism of the main active compound, two metabolites are formed, which are subsequently excreted in feces and urine.

The drug is excreted by the kidneys in a volume of 58% and about 35% by the intestines. The active substance of the drug is not found unchanged in urine.

Based on the results of the studies, it was established that pharmacokinetics does not depend on the patient’s gender and age group.

If patients have disorders of the kidneys and excretory system, the patient experiences an increase in the clearance of glimepiride and a decrease in its average concentration in the blood serum, which is caused by a more accelerated elimination of the drug due to the lower binding of the active compound to proteins

General characteristics of the drug

Amaryl is considered a third generation sulfonylurea derivative. The manufacturing countries of the drug are Germany and Italy. The drug is produced in tablet form of 1, 2, 3 or 4 mg. 1 tablet of Amaryl contains the main component - glimepiride and other excipients.

The effects of glimepiride are mainly aimed at lowering blood glucose levels by stimulating the production of insulin by beta cells. In addition, the active substance has an insulinomimetic effect and increases the sensitivity of cell receptors to sugar-lowering hormone.

When a patient takes Amaryl orally, the highest concentration of glimepiride is achieved after 2.5 hours. The medicine can be taken regardless of the time of eating. However, food intake has a small effect on the activity of glimepiride. This component is mainly excreted from the body through the intestines and kidneys.

The treating specialist prescribes Amaryl tablets to a patient with type 2 diabetes as monotherapy or in combination with hypoglycemic agents.

However, taking the medication does not exclude continued adherence to proper nutrition, excluding fats and easily digestible carbohydrates, and an active lifestyle.

Instructions for use of the medicine

You cannot purchase the drug without a doctor's prescription. Before using the medicine, you must visit a doctor and ask him all your questions. It is he who can determine the dosage of the drug and prescribe a treatment regimen based on the patient’s glucose level.

Amaryl tablets are taken orally, without chewing, and washed down with a sufficient amount of water. If the patient forgot to take the medicine, doubling the dose is prohibited. During treatment, you should regularly check your sugar levels, as well as the concentration of glycosylated hemoglobin.

Initially, the patient takes a single dose of 1 mg per day. Gradually, at intervals of one to two weeks, the dosage of the medicine can be increased by 1 mg. For example, 1 mg, then 2 mg, 3 mg, and so on up to 8 mg per day.

Diabetics who have good glycemic control take daily dose up to 4 mg.

Often the drug is taken once before the morning meal or, in case of skipping pills, before the main meal. In this case, the specialist must take into account the diabetic’s lifestyle, meal times and physical activity. Adjustment of the dosage of the drug may be necessary if:

  1. weight loss;
  2. changing your usual lifestyle (diet, exercise, meal times);
  3. other factors.

You should definitely consult a doctor and start using Amaryl with a minimum dose (1 mg) if the patient needs:

  • replacing another antihyperglycemic drug with Amaryl;
  • combination - glimepiride and metformin;
  • combination - glimepiride and insulin.

It is not advisable to take the medicine in patients with renal dysfunction, as well as renal and/or liver failure.

Contraindications and negative reactions

Just like other drugs, the drug contains contraindications.

Patients are prohibited from taking tablets in the following situations:

  • insulin-dependent type of diabetes;
  • period of childbearing and breastfeeding;
  • diabetic ketoacidosis (carbohydrate metabolism disorder), diabetic precoma and coma;
  • patients under 18 years of age;
  • galactose intolerance, lactase deficiency;
  • development of glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • disorders of the liver and kidneys, in particular patients undergoing hemodialysis;
  • individual intolerance to the contents of the drug, sulfonylurea derivatives, sulfonamide drugs.

The attached instructions say that in the first weeks of therapy, Amaryl should be taken with caution to avoid the development of a hypoglycemic state. In addition, in case of impaired absorption of food and drugs from the digestive tract, deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, intercurrent diseases and in the presence of a risk of developing a hypoglycemic state, Amaryl is used with caution.

If you use pills incorrectly (for example, skipping a dose), serious reactions may develop:

  1. A hypoglycemic state, the symptoms of which are headaches and dizziness, impaired attention, aggression, confusion, drowsiness, fainting, tremors, convulsions and blurred vision.
  2. Adrenergic counterregulation as a response to a rapid decrease in glucose, manifested by anxiety, rapid heartbeat, tachycardia, cardiac arrhythmia, and cold sweats.
  3. Digestive disorders - attacks of nausea, vomiting, flatulence, abdominal pain, diarrhea, development of hepatitis, increased activity of liver enzymes, jaundice or cholestasis.
  4. Violation of the hematopoietic system - leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, granulocytopenia and some other pathologies.
  5. An allergy manifested by skin rashes, itching, urticaria, sometimes anaphylactic shock and allergic vasculitis.

Other reactions may also occur: photosensitivity and hyponatremia.

Cost, reviews and analogues

The price of the drug Amaryl directly depends on the form of its release. Since the medicine is imported, its cost is therefore quite high. The price ranges for Amaryl tablets are as follows.

  • 1 mg 30 tablets – 370 rubles;
  • 2 mg 30 tablets – 775 rubles;
  • 3 mg 30 tablets – 1098 rub.;
  • 4 mg 30 tablets – 1540 rubles;

As for the opinions of diabetics regarding the effectiveness of the medicine, they are positive. With prolonged use of the drug, glucose levels return to normal. Although the list contains many possible side effects, the percentage of their occurrence is very small. However, there are also negative patient reviews associated with the high cost of the drug. Many of them have to look for substitutes for Amaryl.

In fact, this drug has many synonyms and analogues produced in the Russian Federation, for example:

  1. Glimepiride is a medicine containing the same active ingredient, contraindications and side effects. The only difference is in the additional substances. The average price of the drug (2 mg No. 30) is 189 rubles.
  2. Diaglinide is a hypoglycemic agent, similar in composition to imported drug NovoNorm. The active substance is repaglinide. Novonorm (Diaglinide) has almost the same contraindications and negative reactions. To better understand the difference between these two analogues, it is necessary to compare the cost: the price of Diaglinide (1 mg No. 30) is 209 rubles, and NovoNorm (1 mg No. 30) is 158 rubles.
  3. Glidiab is a Russian drug, which is also an analogue of the well-known diabetes remedy Diabeton. The average cost of Glidiab tablets (80 mg No. 60) is 130 rubles, and the price of Diabeton (30 mg No. 60) is 290 rubles.

Amaryl is a good sugar-lowering agent, but expensive. Therefore, it can be replaced with cheaper, both domestic (Diaglinide, Glidiab) and imported (NovoNorm, Diabeton) drugs. The composition contains either glimepiride or other substances that help lower glucose levels. Knowing about analogues, the doctor and the patient will be able to decide which drug is best to take. The video in this article will continue the topic of the drug Amaryl for diabetes.