
Medical examination of the adult population (brief information for citizens about medical examination and the procedure for completing it). Medical examination of the adult population. What time do medical examinations take place?

The older a person gets, the more often he needs to undergo a preventive examination to identify hidden diseases and risk factors. And once every three years, every citizen of our country can do this for free - at the expense of the state, which bears all the costs of general medical examination. About why this opportunity should not be neglected, and about various aspects of medical examination in your new article said Candidate of Medical Sciences, osteopath, neurologist Alexander Ivanov.


One of the measures taken by the state to care about the health of the population is medical examination, that is, a preventive examination of people who have no complaints.

In our country, medical examinations resumed in 2012. In 2015, Order No. 36 of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation was published, which declares the right of all citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 21 to free medical examination once every three years.

The idea is undoubtedly wonderful and is aimed at identifying the first signs of diseases that people are not even aware of. Prevention is easier than cure. Russia has a high mortality rate from diseases of cardio-vascular system, oncology, diabetes and lung diseases. General medical examination of the country's population is aimed at preventing these socially significant diseases.


According to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 36, medical examination is voluntary, no one will punish you if you suddenly do not pass it. But it is important to remember that this year people born in the following years (see Figure 1) have the right to undergo a list of approved studies and consultations free of charge according to the order of the Ministry of Health. So, in 2018, citizens of the Russian Federation born in:

1919, 1922, 1925, 1928, 1931, 1934, 1937, 1940, 1943, 1946, 1949, 1952, 1955, 1958, 1961, 1964, 1967, 1970, 1973, 1976, 79, 1982, 1985, 1988, 1991, 1994, 1997.

To undergo a medical examination, you can go to the clinic at your place of residence (where you are assigned), and medical institution has no right to refuse you. The referral is issued if you have a passport and compulsory medical insurance policy. If you work, then the employer, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, has no right to interfere with your medical examination.


Medical examination takes place in two stages. At the first stage, possible chronic diseases and their risk factors are identified in a person: a survey and questioning of the patient is carried out in order to identify bad habits and risk factors (smoking, drinking alcohol, taking psychotropic and narcotic substances, assessing nutritional patterns, physical activity). In addition, the following is carried out:

  • Anthropometry (measurement of height, weight, waist circumference and determination of BMI - body mass index).
  • Measurement blood pressure.
  • Express method for determining the level of total cholesterol and glucose in the blood; measurement intraocular pressure(after 60 years).
  • Electrocardiography (men 35 years and older, women 45 years and older).
  • Cytological examination of a smear from the cervix (for women from 30 to 60 years old).
  • Fluorography.
  • Mammography (for women from 39 to 48 years old - once every 3 years, for women from 50 to 70 years old - once every 2 years).
  • Examination of feces for occult blood using the immunochemical method (once every 2 years from 49 to 73 years).
  • Determination of PSA in the blood of men at 45 years old and at 51 years old.
  • HIV testing (from 21 years of age).

This year, clinical and biochemical blood tests, urine tests, and ultrasound of organs were removed from the primary stage of medical examination. abdominal cavity. They will be done if there are complaints.

The first stage ends with an examination and consultation with a therapist, a health group is determined, recommendations on nutrition and physical activity are given, and indications for the second stage of medical examination are determined.

Based on the results of the initial stage of screening, all patients are divided into three health groups: the first group is relatively healthy, the second group is people with a high risk of developing heart and vascular diseases, the third group is sick. The third group is subject to mandatory dispensary observation and treatment.

The second stage of clinical examination is carried out to clarify the person’s health status using additional methods examinations. It may include consultations with narrow specialists.

So, the second stage is:

  • Examination by a neurologist if you suspect a history of acute disorder cerebral circulation.
  • Duplex scanning of the brachycephalic arteries.
  • Consultation with a urologist or surgeon if elevated PSA in the blood more than 1 nanogram per milliliter.
  • Examination by a coloproctologist or surgeon for positive analysis stool for occult blood with a referral for further examination - sigmoidoscopy, fibrocolonoscopy.
  • Spirometry for suspected diseases respiratory system and among smokers.
  • Examination by a gynecologist if there is a change in the cervical smear or mammography.
  • Examination by an ENT doctor and an ophthalmologist.

The second stage ends with an examination by a therapist. If necessary, the person is sent for further examination on the recommendation of a specialist doctor.


Before coming to the clinic on the appointed day, you must not eat for several hours (take tests on an empty stomach) and not have intense physical activity. Take a jar of morning urine (150 milliliters) with you. If you are over 45 years old, then you need to prepare a stool occult blood test. If you have the results of tests performed earlier, do not forget to take them with you. The second stage of clinical examination takes place more individually, based on the results of the first stage. Do not forget compulsory medical insurance policy and a passport!


In my author’s “Seven D” health system, medical examination is mandatory, and its frequency is at least once a year, starting from the age of 25. In addition to the above analyzes and studies for the mandatory medical examination program of 2018, I recommend supplementing the picture of your health with information on the following parameters (of course, these procedures are paid for independently):

  • Level serum iron, ferritin.
  • Microelements and macroelements (zinc, selenium, magnesium, calcium, sulfur, chromium, iodine).
  • Heavy metals (mercury, lead, aluminum, cadmium)
  • Vitamin D.
  • Vitamin B12.
  • Folic acid.
  • Omega-3 index.

These indicators can significantly affect your level of health and the prognosis of life expectancy and quality of life.


2. Clinical examination is aimed at identifying chronic diseases and risk factors for their formation, which ultimately improves the quality and length of a person’s life.

3. You can undergo medical examination at the clinic at your place of residence; for this you need a compulsory medical insurance policy and a passport.

4. Clinical examination takes place in two stages, based on the results of which health groups are formed, diseases are identified and treatment is carried out and dispensary observation.

5. You can supplement information about your health with additional research (microelements, macroelements, vitamins, heavy metals), but this is no longer included in the standard paid for by the state, however, knowledge of this data and its correction can significantly affect human health.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Alexander Ivanov

Purpose of medical examination: early detection of chronic diseases infectious diseases, which are the main cause of disability and premature mortality of the population Russian Federation(hereinafter referred to as chronic non-communicable diseases), which include:

These diseases are about 70% in the structure of the causes of all mortality in our country. In addition, clinical examination is aimed at identifying and correcting the main risk factors for the development of these diseases:

    Elevated blood pressure levels

    Increased blood cholesterol levels

    Elevated blood glucose levels

    Smoking tobacco

    Harmful consumption of alcohol

    Poor nutrition

    Low physical activity

    Overweight or obesity

    Consumption narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances without a doctor’s prescription

An important feature of clinical examination is not only the early identification of chronic non-communicable diseases and risk factors for their development, but also the provision of brief preventive counseling to citizens with these risk factors, as well as for citizens with identified risk factors for the development of chronic non-communicable diseases, individual in-depth preventive counseling or group preventive counseling (patient school) in the department (office) medical prevention or health center.

Such active preventive interventions will quickly and significantly reduce the likelihood of developing dangerous chronic non-infectious diseases in each individual person, and in people already suffering from such diseases, significantly reduce the severity of treatment of the disease and the incidence of complications.

Where and when can I get a medical examination?

Citizens undergo medical examination in medical organization where they receive primary health care: in a clinic, in a center (department) of general medical practice (family medicine), in a medical outpatient clinic, or a medical unit.

Your local doctor (paramedic) or local nurse or an employee of the prevention department (office) of a medical organization will tell you in detail where, when and how you can undergo a medical examination, and agree with you on the approximate date and period of the medical examination.

Most activities within the framework of medical examination are carried out once every 3 years; after 40 years, medical examination is carried out annually.

How long does it take to complete a medical examination?

To undergo the examination of the first stage of medical examination (screening), as a rule, two visits are required. The first visit takes approximately 3 to 6 hours, and the scope of the examination varies significantly depending on your age.

The second visit is to the local doctor for a final examination and summing up the results of the medical examination. Typically, the interval between visits is from 1 to 6 days and depends on the length of time required to obtain research results.

If, based on the results of the first stage of medical examination, you need additional examination, individual in-depth preventive counseling or group preventive counseling (patient school), the local doctor (therapist) informs you about this and refers you to the second stage of medical examination, the duration of which depends on the amount of additional examination you need .

How to get a medical examination?

List of examinations by medical specialists (paramedic or midwife), studies and other medical events carried out within medical examination depending on the age and gender of the citizen (scope of medical examination)

Determined by the Procedure for carrying out medical examination of certain groups of the adult population, approved by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 124n dated March 13, 2019. Please note that when undergoing medical examination, the year of birth of citizens is taken into account, and not the day and month!
For example: a citizen whose date of birth was 07/04/1989 applied to the clinic to undergo a medical examination. He can undergo a medical examination in the period from 01/01/2019 to 12/31/2019. This means that it is possible to undergo medical examination on any convenient dates according to the operating hours of the medical organization throughout the entire calendar year, including until he reaches the age specified by the order.

Clinical examination is a mandatory periodic examination of a person’s health, which includes examination, collection and examination of tests, and carrying out procedures in order to quickly identify dangerous diseases(the symptoms of which often do not appear in the early stages) and prevent their development.

It includes carrying out a system of generally accepted preventive and therapeutic actions carried out on the hospital premises, private clinic or other medical institution. It is important to understand what it includes, what set of tests you need to undergo, so as not to encounter problems in the future. serious problems organism, such as, for example, cancer, tuberculosis, heart disease.

Medical examination of adults and children

Clinical examination (what it includes and how it is carried out will be discussed later) is an organized medical activities, which is based on monitoring the patient’s health status, determining the presence of certain diseases and chronic adverse processes in the early stages of development, their study and elimination.

If a disease is detected, the causes of the disease are eliminated, specialized health, medical, sanitary and hygienic, and social events aimed at healing.

The essence of medical examination is undergoing a routine examination to identify and prevent the development of diseases, as well as dangerous defects development body systems. The goal is to minimize the possibility of developing dangerous diseases to the stage when treatment becomes ineffective.

The study is consistent with regulatory documents regulated primarily in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Health. They are used to determine the required volume of doctor visits and examinations in the hospital, the time frame for taking all necessary tests, and the length of a person’s stay for examination.

There are differences in medical examination for adults and children. Adults undergo the procedure as necessary, once every three years. For babies and children the situation is different.

From birth to one year, the baby undergoes medical examination twice. It is carried out under the supervision of a local pediatrician. Children need to undergo medical examination once a year until they reach the age of five, carrying out planned preventive procedures.

Types of clinical examination

Clinical examination can be planned or additional. Scheduled medical examinations are carried out for children and adults within established periods and are repeated regularly. For children under one year old - at least twice during the entire period, for children up to five years old - every year.

An adult undergoes a routine medical examination in accordance with the requirements established at the workplace or in the organization in which he works. When the results of the examination and analysis reveal the presence of dangerous diseases, about which the patient was previously unknown, it is necessary to undergo additional medical examination.

It is also needed by people who, during a routine examination, were found to have abnormalities in the functioning of their organs, as this can provoke the sudden onset of new diseases. For example, the development of Graves' disease against the background of incorrect functioning of the thyroid gland.

Dispensary examination includes the following categories:

  • Scheduled inspection healthy people carried out to provide information about the state of human health at the place of work and residence.
  • Mandatory medical examination of newborns and children under one year of age, as well as planned medical examination once a year for children under five years of age.
  • For patients with chronic diseases.
  • Medical examination of people suffering from acute complications after undergoing therapeutic diseases.

How the examination is carried out. Stages

Clinical examination and what it includes are serious and complex processes.

They are divided into several stages:

  • The first stage is a general check and identification of diseases that are of non-infectious origin. These are malfunctions of the cardiovascular system, the presence of diabetes, glaucoma, and malignant tumors. The period consists of an initial examination, interview, measurement of biological parameters of the patient’s body, determination of the level of good and bad cholesterol in the blood, and testing for the presence of elevated glucose levels. It also includes determining whether the patient has recently used narcotic or psychotropic substances without prescription.
  • Clinical examination (what is included in it and what tests need to be taken will be indicated below) takes into account the current clinical picture, and, based on this, the next stage is assigned. It's called a stage laboratory research. Here all the necessary tests are carried out to establish an accurate diagnosis, and a health card is filled out. When diseases are identified, treatment follows, the patient is restored, preventative measures are taken, and immunity is restored.
  • If, after passing through all the previous steps, any deviations from normal condition health, the patient should be prescribed additional stage treatment. Here consultations are held with specialists in narrow areas - those that are necessary for a particular patient. The patient may be offered the following services: consultation with gynecologists, venereologists, ophthalmologists, surgeons and neurologists, as well as additional studies and tests. All collected data must be included in the anamnesis and health card.

Next, all the subtleties and features of the examination and passing of certain tests will be discussed by the attending physician. To undergo medical examination, children must be under constant supervision of a local pediatrician. Without his permission, medical workers do not have the right to take any action regarding a small patient.

Which doctors undergo medical examination for adults and children?

A full examination will require spending at least a week with regular hospital visits.

During medical examination, adults undergo the following doctors:

  1. Doctors at the station.
  2. Obstetrician, venereologist or gynecologist.
  3. Urologist.
  4. Surgeon or traumatologist.
  5. Neuropathologist.
  6. Ophthalmologist.

List medical workers The challenges a child will have to face are slightly different from those of an adult.

Children will have to visit the following doctors:

  1. Local doctor.
  2. Child psychologist.
  3. Traumatologist.
  4. Ophthalmologist.
  5. Dentist.

What tests are taken during clinical examination?

Primary medical examination constitutes a set of studies physical condition health, as well as laboratory tests. The patient's worksheet must include full list necessary examinations which he needs to undergo to determine an accurate diagnosis. The list is developed individually, taking into account age characteristics person and his medical history.

Medical examination and what it includes has a number of standard studies that everyone must undergo:

In some cases, the question may arise whether a woman needs another visit to the gynecologist if she has passed all necessary tests previously? Additional studies may be required only if complications are detected at the scraping stage.

How to prepare for the procedure

The complex process of a clinical examination requires some preparation at home.

Exist General requirements that everyone needs to do:

  • It is best to undergo medical examination in morning time days.
  • Before starting the procedure, you should not eat breakfast or do any physical activity. Morning exercises It’s also better to exclude it on this day. In the morning, both adults and children need to collect a portion of urine and feces for analysis. Their volume must be at least 10 ml and no more than 100 ml. The collection is carried out in specialized containers, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. It is not recommended to take diuretics before performing this procedure as this may affect the test results.
  • If the patient is in Lately If you have already undergone a medical examination, you must take with you to the hospital all documents confirming this fact.
  • To transfer tests to a medical institution, you must put tags with your name on the jars.

Clinical examination should take into account age and gender aspects.

There are features of what is included in it at the stage laboratory examination, regarding women and men aged:

  • Women need to take into account the fact that the collection of tests and smears from the internal genital organs cannot be done during menstrual cycle. You should not undergo procedures after treatment of inflammatory infectious diseases of the genital organs. This is due to the presence of residues in the blood and on the walls of the vagina. active drug, which may affect the results of the study.
  • If a man over 45 years of age has undergone mechanical treatment in the last 7 days urinary tract and glands, it is necessary to postpone the medical examination procedure for at least 3 days.

How long will it take to complete the inspection?

In order to overcome the first stage of medical examination, a person needs 2 visits to the doctor. Initial examination and taking tests on average takes up to 6 hours of free time. The volume of tests performed directly depends on the age of the patient. The older he is, the more tests need to be collected. The second visit must be made after 5 days.

During this time, results will come. The patient must visit a local doctor to obtain a conclusion, sum up the results of the clinical examination and conduct a general examination.

If tests show the presence high risk development of cardiovascular diseases, diseases nervous system or the rapid development of non-infectious ailments and exacerbation of chronic diseases, the local doctor is obliged to inform the patient about this.

After this, an additional stage of medical examination is prescribed, at which narrowly focused information on the disease is collected, treatment is prescribed, and the timing of treatment and preventive procedures is determined. This period can last from 2 weeks to 3 months.

Years of birth of patients in 2018 and 2019

Medical examination, according to the law, is a publicly accessible process. Every person in the country must be notified that they need to undergo a routine check-up with a doctor this year. It is also necessary to provide patients full list information about what clinical examination is and what it includes. However, this does not always happen.

Mandatory medical examination is the age whose number is divisible by three. In this case, the month of birth and day are not important. The minimum threshold for undergoing a routine inspection is 20 years., the maximum is not set.

In 2018, free medical examination is provided to all citizens of the country who were born from 1919 to 1997 inclusive, in 3-year increments. For 2019, the queue starts in 1927 and ends in 1998. The step is similar.

Who can get a free medical examination

Here is their list:

  1. People with disabilities, as well as WWII participants.
  2. Widowers and widows of deceased disabled people or war veterans who did not marry after the death of their significant other.
  3. People who survived the siege of Leningrad.
  4. Former prisoners of ghettos and concentration camps who were recognized as disabled after being in these places and being injured there.

If preferential category The patient corresponds to a higher list, then he has the right to undergo an annual medical examination according to the established hospital schedule, starting from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays of the medical institution to which he was assigned. Some hospitals set aside specialized hours for medical examinations.

If these are not observed, there should be specialized preventive buildings on the territory of the medical institution, to which the patient has the right to receive a referral for a routine examination.

What examinations can you get for free?

If the medical examination is planned, then all procedures and examinations carried out on the territory of the medical institution should be free. Hospital employees do not have the right to demand additional payment for services provided to the patient during the period of medical examination.

When this condition is violated, a person has the right to contact the head of the clinic with a request to undergo a free examination. If this does not help, you should contact the insurance agent listed on the patient's policy directly. In this case, the state insurance employee acts as a lawyer and defender of the person.

Responsibilities of the employer regarding employees undergoing medical examinations

The employer has a number of obligations to his subordinates, stipulated by Article 212 of the Code of the Russian Federation “on labor protection”.

This includes the following provisions:

An order to temporarily remove an employee from his position due to lack of confirmation of passing a dispensary medical examination is carried out according to sample number 420 of the region in which a particular enterprise is located.

The removal order includes the following items:

  1. Name of the enterprise.
  2. Document's name.
  3. The serial number of the document and its coordination with the article number.
  4. Name of the city and region where the enterprise is located.
  5. The essence of the order.
  6. The position and surname of the person being removed from work.
  7. Time limits for employee removal.
  8. Reason for removal;
  9. Conditions for returning to the workplace.

It is very important to take into account the fact that, according to Article 24 of the Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to provide its employees with all necessary conditions for timely medical examination, and is also obliged to freely allow its employees to undergo medical examination.

If an employee receives a reprimand or is forced to write a report or explanatory note regarding his absence from the workplace on the day of the inspection, then he has the right to appeal to the legislative authorities with a complaint about the employer’s dishonest attitude towards his duties.

Medical examination is the first step towards a healthy human existence.

Medical examination has many advantages.

It is important to understand that there are a huge number of diseases, the early stages of which do not manifest themselves in symptoms.

Their timely diagnosis helps to quickly eliminate the disease without significant consequences for the human body.

You need to remember how often you need to undergo medical examination, what it includes, and how important it is in the modern world. Article format:

Lozinsky Oleg

Video about medical examination

What is medical examination and why is it needed:

Content free diagnostics of his health if he was born in a year that falls under medical examination in 2018. It covers different age groups over 21 years of age, including pensioners, students, working and unemployed citizens. Clinical examination 2018 - which doctors and examination tests are included in the list of necessary for the population is determined by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Otherwise, this procedure is also called screening. It is not necessary for everyone, but doctors do not recommend ignoring it.

What is medical examination

In the healthcare system, medical examination, or screening, is a free universal medical examination of the country's population. This procedure ensures timely detection and prevention of certain diseases. Screening involves a number of mandatory laboratory tests and examinations by doctors, which a person undergoes in certain age. The advantage of the procedure is that it is subject to increased requirements to eliminate risk factors for misdiagnosis.

What is it for?

The main goal of screening is to identify early stage various pathologies, especially those that are common reasons of death. These include oncology, diabetes, cardiovascular pathologies, and lung diseases. In addition, during the examination, the doctor can identify some processes that indicate the risk of developing the disease in the future. As a result, the patient is given recommendations that help prevent pathology.

Goals and objectives

Clinical examination is aimed at identifying ailments in the examined person. initial stage. Thanks to this, if a patient has diseases, treatment can be started earlier, which generally reduces mortality in the country. The main objectives of a general medical examination include:

  • condition assessment physical health population of the country;
  • monitoring of persons with chronic diseases or those at risk;
  • quality improvement medical care;
  • introduction of new technologies for recording health indicators.

Medical examination schedule by year of birth in 2018

In general, screening covers those citizens who have already reached the age of 21. Everyone who is older has the right to receive this service at their place of registration on the basis of a mandatory policy health insurance. Although the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation reserves the right to medical examination for those who were unable to undergo it in due time. To do this, the patient must submit an application to the clinic at the place of registration.

Persons over 21 years of age

This is free medical service involves undergoing such scheduled examinations every 3 years. Until the age of 18, a citizen is observed in children's clinics. After reaching adulthood, a person undergoes his first medical examination at 18 + 3 = 21 years old. It turns out that in 2018, persons born in 1997 are subject to a routine medical examination. In addition, all those whose age is divisible by 3 have the right to this procedure, i.e. 24, 27, 30, 33, etc. So, in 2018, persons whose year of birth ends with the following numbers can undergo medical examination at the clinic:

Health Screening for Children

Based on the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, persons under the age of 18 are also subject to medical examination, but this is carried out annually. In addition, there are special rules. The law defines routine examinations, which should be carried out monthly for up to 1 year, every 3 months for up to 2 years, every six months for up to 3 years. The difference lies in the more in-depth nature of screening when children reach the ages of 1, 3, 6, 7, 10, 14, 15, 16 and 17 years. A child of any of the following must undergo such a medical examination in 2018. next years birth:

  • 2001;
  • 2002;
  • 2003;
  • 2004;
  • 2008;
  • 2011;
  • 2012;
  • 2015;
  • 2017.

What does medical examination include?

The procedure involves the patient undergoing a number of planned activities. They are divided into 2 stages. At the first, patients undergo examinations common to all, and at the second, doctors prescribe additional diagnostics only if necessary, when a person has any disease or abnormality. The following organs and systems are checked during clinical examination:

  • intestines;
  • kidneys;
  • vessels;
  • thyroid gland;
  • blood, including sugar and cholesterol levels;
  • heart;
  • nerves.

Medical examination program for 2018 by age

Diagnosis of diseases on early stage involves passing some mandatory doctors. They are recommended for all categories of citizens. The medical examination includes doctors:

  • cardiologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • gynecologist;
  • urologist;
  • dentist.

Since a person’s health may deteriorate as they grow older, some categories of the population must undergo not only the generally accepted screening doctors, but also some separate examinations. The list of what is included in the medical examination of an adult includes procedures such as:

  • cardiogram – for women over 45 years of age and men over 36 years of age;
  • mammologist and oncologist – for women over 39 years old;
  • duplex scanning brachycephalic arterial vessels - for ages from 45 years for men and from 55 years for women;
  • ophthalmologist - for everyone over 39 years of age;
  • ultrasonography(ultrasound) of organs located in the abdominal cavity - for persons over 39 years of age;
  • not only a general, but also an additional biochemical blood test - for women and men over 39 years of age;
  • stool test for research hidden blood– for those who crossed the border for 45 years;
  • preventive appointment with a neurologist - after 51 years;
  • measurement of the amount of prostate-specific antigen in the blood - for men over 51 years of age.

What kind of doctors do they go through?

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make treatment recommendations based on individual characteristics specific patient.

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Clinical examination 2018 - what doctors and examination tests: health diagnostics

Medical examination of the adult population
(brief information for citizens about medical examination and the procedure for its completion)
Regular medical examination will allow you to significantly reduce the likelihood of developing the most dangerous diseases, which are the main cause of disability and mortality in our country, or to identify diseases at an early stage of development, when their treatment is most effective.

What is medical examination?

Clinical examination is a regular medical examination healthy population, which is carried out for early detection And timely treatment various diseases.

Main goals of medical examination
Early detection of chronic non-infectious diseases, which are the main cause of disability and premature mortality of the population of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as chronic non-infectious diseases), which include: diseases of the circulatory system and primarily coronary disease; heart and cerebrovascular diseases; malignant neoplasms; diabetes; chronic lung diseases. These diseases cause more than 75% of all mortality in our country.

In addition, medical examination is aimed at identifying and correcting the main risk factors for the development of these diseases, which include:
. increased level blood pressure;
. increased blood cholesterol levels;
. increased blood glucose levels;
. smoking tobacco;
. harmful consumption of alcohol;
. poor nutrition;
. low physical activity;
. overweight or obesity.

How often are medical examinations carried out?
Clinical examination of the adult population is carried out once every 3 years. The first medical examination is carried out to a citizen at the age of 21, subsequent ones - at three-year intervals throughout his life. Disabled people and veterans of the Great Patriotic War, spouses of deceased (deceased) disabled people and WWII participants, regardless of age, undergo medical examinations annually.

Where can I get a medical examination?
Citizens undergo medical examination in medical institution at the place of residence, work, study or choice of the citizen, where they receive primary health care (in a clinic, in a center (department) of general medical practice (family medicine), in a medical outpatient clinic, medical unit, etc.).
What documents should the patient bring with him?
Every citizen going for medical examination must have a passport and insurance medical insurance Compulsory medical insurance.

Which medical specialists provide examination as part of additional medical examination?
Medical examination of citizens involves examination by the following specialists: therapist, ophthalmologist, neurologist, surgeon, obstetrician-gynecologist (for women).

What laboratory and functional tests are carried out as part of the medical examination?
- Clinical blood test. Biochemical analysis blood: total protein; cholesterol, serum low-density lipoproteins, serum triglycerides, creatinine, uric acid, bilirubin, amylase, - blood sugar
- clinical analysis urine.
- specific tumor marker CA-125 (women over 45 years old).
- specific tumor marker PSA (men over 45 years old).
- electrocardiography
- fluorography
- mammography (women over 40 years old)
- cytological examination cervical smear

How can a working person undergo medical examination?
According to Article 24 Federal Law Russian Federation dated November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation”, employers are obliged to provide conditions for employees to undergo medical examinations and medical examination, as well as freely release workers to undergo them.

What preparation is needed to undergo medical examination:
. To undergo the first stage of medical examination, it is advisable to come to
medical organization (clinic) in the morning, on an empty stomach, before
performing any physical activity, including morning physical activity
. Take 100-150 ml of urine with you in the morning.
. Persons aged 45 years and older for stool occult blood testing
necessary to avoid false positive results within 3 days before
medical examination, do not eat meat foods, as well as other products that contain
included significant amount iron, as well as vegetables containing many enzymes such as catalase and peroxidase (cucumbers, horseradish, cauliflower), avoid taking iron supplements medicines, cancel
reception ascorbic acid, acetylsalicylic acid(aspirin) and others
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (such as voltaren, diclofenac and
etc.), stop using any laxatives and enemas.
. Women need to remember that cervical smears are not taken during
time of menstruation, when carrying out this or that treatment of infectious
inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, which to reduce the likelihood
obtaining false smear test results, it is necessary to exclude sexual
contacts within 2 days before medical examination, cancel any vaginal
drugs, spermicides, tampons and douching.
. Men over the age of 50 need to remember that it is better to abstain
from undergoing medical examination within 7-10 days after any impact on
the prostate gland of a mechanical nature, since they can distort the result of a study of prostate-specific antigen in the blood (tumor marker of prostate cancer).
. The scope of preparation for passing the second stage of medical examination will be explained to you
local doctor (paramedic).

How does the medical examination end? What happens if a patient is diagnosed with health problems?
Based on the results of clinical examination and additional medical examinations, health groups are formed.

Group I - practically healthy citizens who do not need dispensary observation;

Group II - citizens at risk of developing the disease who need to undergo preventive measures. For them, the total cardiovascular risk is assessed, and recommendations for disease prevention are given;

Group III - citizens who need additional examination on an outpatient basis to clarify (establish) the diagnosis for a newly diagnosed chronic disease or in the presence of an existing chronic disease, as well as those who need treatment on an outpatient basis (acute respiratory infections, influenza and others) acute diseases, after treatment of which recovery occurs);

Group IV - citizens who need additional examination and treatment in a hospital setting for diseases identified during additional medical examination and who are sent for planned hospitalization;

Group V - citizens with newly diagnosed diseases or being observed for chronic disease and having indications for providing high-tech medical care.

Citizens classified as health status groups I and II are recommended to visit health centers for further recommendations from medical specialists healthy image life.
For citizens classified as health status groups III, IV, V, depending on the identified diseases, a individual program treatment; if necessary, they are monitored at their place of residence.

What document does a citizen receive upon completion of medical examination?
At the end of the medical examination, the general practitioner issues, at the patient’s request, a “Health Passport”, which includes a group of health conditions, conclusions (recommendations) of medical specialists, test results and a general conclusion of the general practitioner with recommendations for preventive measures and treatment.
In the future, the “Health Passport” will be kept by the patient as a reminder of the need to carry out recommended health-improving or treatment-and-prophylactic measures.
“Health Passport” will be an assistant for the patient in any life situations(change of place of work or place of residence, going on a business trip or vacation to other regions of our country, loss of medical documentation, issuing an MSEC report, etc.)

Who supervises the medical examination?
Control of the organization of medical examinations on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan is carried out by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan and medical insurance organizations.