
Should a disabled person have group 2? Types and amounts of payments for disabled people of the second group

Assigning the status of a disabled person presupposes further benefits and additional preferences for a citizen. The state assumes responsibility and care for such citizens, since they need special treatment and constant protection, both financially and socially and legally.

Registration of a disability certificate and provision of a special conclusion from a medical commission allows you to subsequently receive and enjoy benefits during the period in which this right is valid.

Once a year, a disabled person is required to re-pass the examination and confirm his status. If a person’s condition worsens or remains unchanged, he will be re-issued a conclusion, and he will again be able to receive benefits and benefits. If the patient refuses to undergo examination, he will automatically lose his disability group.

There are situations when a group is assigned indefinitely or for life. Let's consider everything important points obtaining such status and determining the procedure for registration and reasons for removing such a group.

The law defines several cases when undergoing an examination every year is not required. The patient should not return to the medical facility because he has permanent disability status. There are several situations specified when a patient can be assigned this status.

Let us consider the reasons for which it is given permanent disability 2 groups and who may become disabled 3 groups for life. The list of such citizens includes:

  • persons who have achieved retirement age(for the female half of the population - 55 years, and for the male half - 60 years);
  • disabled people who must undergo examination when they reach the specified number of years;
  • military personnel who received the status of disabled person during participation in hostilities, as well as during military service;
  • WWII disabled people.

Registration of permanent disability allows citizens to avoid tedious visits to various medical institutions for examinations and tests.

For what diseases is permanent disability assigned?

To provide the above exemption to citizens who, for health reasons, cannot engage in re-examination, the state has provided special list diseases. If a person has a disease, permanent disability is automatically assigned. The list of ailments includes:

  1. Oncology, relapses that occur after radical treatment of the disease. Metastases and tumors that do not respond to treatment and lead to a deterioration in the citizen’s well-being.
  2. Benign formations in the area of ​​the brain centers that cannot be eliminated. Such patients may experience problems with motor and speech functions, as well as blurred vision.
  3. Surgical intervention to remove the larynx.
  4. Severe mental impairment, as well as senile dementia any type.
  5. Diseases of the central nervous system that cannot be treated.
  6. Hereditary disorders that cause loss of movement function and complete muscle atrophy.
  7. Degenerative changes in the brain that cannot be treated.
  8. Vascular or retinal defects, as well as lesions optic nerve. If the pathology leads to a change in the field of vision up to 10 degrees.
  9. Complete deafness, requiring the use of endoprostheses.
  10. Complete impairment of visual and auditory functions.
  11. Liver problems – cirrhosis, increase in the size of the organ.
  12. Diseases due to high blood pressure.
  13. Fistulas of the fecal and urinary type, which can be cured.
  14. Disorders of the joint structure.
  15. Kidney dysfunction.
  16. Disturbances in the functioning of musculoskeletal tissue, causing incurable consequences.
  17. Head injuries and spinal cord causing losses various functions body.
  18. Defects associated with deformation of specific organs or parts of the body, as well as as a result of amputation of limbs.

How long does it take for permanent disability to be granted?

Lifelong disability is established when a person has a serious illness that cannot be cured. To assign a group, the patient first goes through various procedures on rehabilitation and recovery.

If these measures are not effective, then the citizen is assigned a lifelong group. In especially severe cases, the law defines a period of two years, we're talking about about 1 permanent disability group.

When treatment of the pathology has not yielded any results and the disease is irreversible, but has mild degree restrictions on a person’s life activity, then the group is also awarded for life, but 3 or 2. The term of appointment of the category is up to four years.

In the event of a relapse, six years may pass after treatment before a disability group is assigned, and if the patient has been in one group for five years and his condition does not improve or worsen, then the disability will also automatically be assigned for life.

Under what conditions can a group be cancelled?

Many patients with an urgent disability group are interested in can they remove it? given status. In this case, there can be only two reasons for withdrawal. In the first case, we are talking about falsification of papers, analyzes and research results, and the presence of an uncertified correction in the diagnosis. The second point is the discovery of serious violations in the work of the commission body, which made the decision to award a lifelong group.


Permanent or lifelong disability is provided for certain groups of citizens who are included in the list of persons entitled to such rights, as well as for persons suffering from incurable diseases and pathologies. The procedure for assigning such status is standard and involves a commission consideration of the issue.

The disability group determines the degree of legal capacity of a citizen. Each of the three categories corresponds to a specific list of diseases, design features, the corresponding amount of pensions and a list of benefits. Feature of group 2 is associated with partial or complete loss of ability to work, while the disabled person does not require constant help from other people.

Legislative framework for obtaining disability group 2

Standard terms for assigning permanent disability:

  1. No more than two years from the date of diagnosis (giving the right to disability): the rule applies to adults and children. Moreover, for a disabled child, lifelong pension payments can be assigned even before the age of 18.
  2. No more than four years from the date of diagnosis – applies to disabled children. It is necessary to determine that the treatment is not helping, there is no improvement.
  3. No later than 6 years from the date of diagnosis and assignment of the second group: this rule applies to children who have been found malignant tumors or blood diseases considered incurable or difficult to treat (leukemia).

Cases when a group 2 disabled person receives the right to permanent disability:

  • For 15 years there was no improvement in the patient's health. Or vice versa, the group changed to a more difficult one (for example, from 2 to 3 or from 2 to 1);
  • If the beneficiary is a WWII veteran. Or disability was received before 1941;
  • The citizen is a participant in hostilities, and disability group 2 is a consequence of combat wounds;
  • If a disabled man has reached retirement age - 60 years, the same for women - from 55 years.

To apply for permanent disability you will need the following documents:

  • Application of a disabled person written by him or his representative;
  • Certificate about the details of the treatment (the period is determined by the commission doctor);
  • Test results;
  • Referral to ITU.

In some cases, ITU members may require additional documents.

What diseases can cause permanent disability:

  • Oncology, if treatment has not brought results and the patient’s condition is clearly deteriorating;
  • Benign tumors in the brain area, if they cannot be removed, and which lead to impairment of vision, hearing, and speech functions;
  • Operations to remove the larynx;
  • Severe mental impairment, senile dementia;
  • Incurable diseases of the central nervous system;
  • Genetic diseases that lead to loss of movement functions, muscle atrophy;
  • Diseases eyeball: blood vessels, retina, optic nerve. In this case, the field of view should be no more than 10 degrees;
  • Complete loss of hearing;
  • Diseases caused by high blood pressure;
  • Uncurable fecal and urinary fistulas;
  • Injuries to the brain and spinal cord that caused loss of vital functions;
  • Deformations internal organs, limbs, including after amputation.

Refusal to recognize a person as disabled in group 2

ITU may refuse a citizen who believes that he is an incapacitated disabled person in the following cases:

  • If the disease (or set of diseases) is not serious enough and is not included in main list, approved by regulations;
  • If the disease is not expressed enough in percentage, that is, the disease is present, but the damage to the body is not too great;
  • Biased assessment made by members of the commission.

Important! If an applicant for disability status does not agree with the ITU verdict, he has the right to appeal it within up to 30 days. To do this, you should contact the main ITU Bureau.

The last option would be to file a lawsuit. However, some lawyers talk about the difficulties associated with collecting evidence and the need to turn to independent medical experts, since their conclusions are perceived by the court with less confidence than certificates from government bodies.

When can the group be removed?

The disability group is removed only in three cases.

  1. If the fact of falsification of documents presented to the commission was discovered. This applies to test results, corrected diagnostic sheets and other medical reports;
  2. If violations are identified in the work of the commission that awarded a permanent category of disability;
  3. If the beneficiary's condition improves as a result of treatment or for other reasons.

Features of the work of the ITU (percentage system, commentary from lawyers and citizens):

Going to court to overturn the ITU decision

If a citizen is not ready to agree with the resolution of the local commission (ITU), he has the right to seek a review of his case at the main bureau of the ITU, and, if necessary, at the federal branch.

If as a result the decision was not revised, then you will have to file a lawsuit in court.

Before doing this, you should pass an independent test medical examination, it is also recommended to contact an experienced lawyer.

The basis for creating evidence base are:

  • Description of symptoms of illness/injury;
  • Confirmation of the degree of impairment of basic body functions due to illness or injury;
  • Evidence of the connection between the disease and the problems it caused;
  • Confirmation of the need for rehabilitation, its type and extent.

The most difficulties arise when you first contact government bodies to obtain disabled status. The complexity of the procedure lies in the need to visit a large number of authorities, go through several medical specialists, and collect many documents.

Further annual confirmations will not be so difficult, since existing experience will allow you to prepare the necessary papers in advance.


In Russia and not only many chronic diseases patients are divided into disability groups, and which and when they are given - can be found out when passing the MSEC according to medical indications. The patient legally has the opportunity to receive payments for health problems and count on state assistance. Disability is determined by group; it can be working or non-working; it applies equally to adult patients and children.

What are disability groups

With limited mental and physical abilities, or the presence of psychological limitations, disability occurs. These categories of patients can count on monthly payments benefits, benefits, other social benefits. The amount of subsidies depends on the patient’s health status, group, class and stage of disability. There is a law to protect people with disabilities based on findings medical and social examinations. By order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated December 23, 2009 No. 1013n, a patient can be given one of three possible disability groups.

What diseases give disability?

IN modern medicine highlight a row serious illnesses, in which the patient completely or partially loses his ability to work. With such limitations in life, you must immediately contact your doctor, and based on medical documents, conclusions to receive one of the disability groups. Medical examination subject to the following pathologies, when diagnosing which a person can count on the working or non-working group (depending on the severity pathological process). The diseases are as follows:


According to WHO requirements, a special schedule has been developed in which each disease is characterized by one or another group of disabilities. To register a disability of any category, you must pass the MSEC and collect a list necessary documents and as a result receive monthly due payments. The amount depends on the category of disability, determined after medical purposes and citizen examinations. Below are all existing species disability with doctor's recommendations and specific diagnoses.

1st disability group

This is a disability in which a person completely loses the usual functions of the body and needs constant help, supervision and care. The patient does not always orient himself in space, does not control time and behavior, and makes inappropriate actions. modern society actions. To recognize a citizen as incompetent, the first step is to determine the cause, carry out a number of diagnostic measures, and making a final diagnosis is important. Such diseases include:

  • tuberculosis stage of decompensation;
  • oncology;
  • complicated heart failure;
  • epilepsy;
  • aphasia of the brain;
  • schizophrenia;
  • dementia;
  • thigh stumps and upper limbs;
  • complete blindness.

2nd group

Continuing to study the degrees of disability, the emphasis should be on group 2. There is no need to talk about full professional working capacity, but a disabled person has to change workplace, go for easy work. The problem arises with dysfunctions that do not deprive a person of his ability to work and do not require special care. However, doctors recommend changing your type of activity - choosing a lighter option. In such categories of life activity, the patient is provided with special working conditions, and this requirement is reinforced in medical and social examination institutions.

Before receiving group 2 disability, it is necessary to study in more detail the diagnoses in which patients receive a pension, but at work follow a separate labor network:

  • fibrous-cavernous progressive tuberculosis;
  • second degree arterial hypertension;
  • cardiopulmonary failure;
  • atherosclerosis with severe intellectual depression;
  • serious injuries with mental impairment, motor functions;
  • disarticulation of the thigh;
  • injuries and organic lesions of the spinal cord;
  • femoral stump with gait disturbance;
  • complicated stomach ulcer;
  • sharp landing of vision;
  • persistent mental disorder.

3 group

The third group is accompanied by mental and physical limitations, but the patient retains his vitality and does not need outside help. Disability may be determined by the consequences of an injury or long course chronic illness with frequent relapses. The definition of the group is closely related to working conditions, since the patient does not need to change his specialty due to illness, but it would obviously be useful to change his workplace. For example, an accountant with atherosclerosis and cognitive disorders is not recommended to work in the accounting department.

Which disability group is the most severe?

Disability can be established for a period of one or two years. Under certain circumstances, you may receive permanent disability. After the specified time interval has expired, to establish the category, you must re-pass the medical commission. The category depends on the severity of the disease, and the largest in terms of health is the first group, which, among other things, is non-working. Since the patient cannot take care of himself, he can receive a social pension without the need for employment.

Which ones are considered workers

Doctors report that groups 2 and 3 are workers: with the third, it is not even necessary to change the workplace, with the second, the worker must be provided special conditions labor. Children with disabilities can also benefit society, it all depends on the signs of the disease and the diagnoses made. More often, the first and less often the second category of disabled people are considered non-working.

Disabled children

Children under 18 years of age with visible disabilities and disabled status are not ready to communicate, have developmental disorders, are difficult to learn, do not control their own behavior, and are not capable of working in the future. The social pension of a disabled child is received by a guardian, as a legal representative, or by his parents. The disabled child category can count not only on receiving social benefits, but also for other payments:

What is a disabled person entitled to?

In the life of a disabled person there is such a term as “free”. This is a number of benefits that can be obtained by providing a special certificate or applying for a pension. The state will pay benefits and provide the following services on a preferential or free basis, depending on disability groups:

dispensing medications according to a doctor's prescription

one-time free travel to the place of treatment

travel to medical institution

prosthetics of teeth, limbs, orthopedic devices

purchasing some medications and medical products by prescription with 50% discount

trip to the sanatorium

benefits when purchasing orthopedic shoes

dental prosthetics

increased scholarship for studying daytime form

increased scholarship

right to preferential admission to universities

admission to universities

vacation at your own expense up to 60 days during the year

vacation at your own expense up to 60 days during the year

35 hour work week with retention wages

free travel on public transport

How to get disability

Knowing who is given disability group 2, all that remains is to find out on what basis such a benefit is provided. The final decision is made by a medical and social expert commission. The procedure for establishing disability is carried out in two ways:

  • on the recommendation of a doctor after the completed course of treatment;
  • at the initiative of the patient, who informs the doctor of their intention to receive the group.

What documents need to be prepared

It is necessary to visit the doctor more often to know the list of certificates for obtaining a disability category. Otherwise, MSEC may refuse or issue a verdict “No restriction for medical reasons.” At serious illnesses assignment of disability is carried out indefinitely and is carried out in a hospital setting. Additionally, there is a need to continue intensive care depending on the degree of disability.

The general procedure for obtaining disability provides the following list of required documents, subject to certain deadlines:

  • referral of a doctor to undergo a commission;
  • original and photocopy of passport;
  • outpatient card;
  • certified copy work book;
  • a certificate of income, for example, when receiving wages or a labor pension;
  • application for examination;
  • discharge from hospital during inpatient treatment;
  • act on occupational disease or work injury.

Re-examination of disability

In Russia, the disability group is required to be confirmed subject to certain re-examination deadlines (they may differ depending on the degree of disability). This:

  • in the first group - once every 2 years;
  • for the second and third - once a year.


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make treatment recommendations based on individual characteristics specific patient.

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State social guarantees apply to people who fall under one of the established benefit categories. Each is confirmed by a special document. The procedure for issuing a certificate is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Let's consider the rights of disabled people of group 2, their benefits, preferences. How to get a group in 2019-2020 and what it gives to a citizen.

Determination of disability

Disorders leading to the establishment of disability of the 2nd group

  1. Moderately limited ability to independent movement. Regular partial assistance from other persons is required, with the use of auxiliary aids if necessary. technical means. That is, a person is not able to:
  2. Inability to adequately perceive the environment, determine time and location.
  3. Incomplete ability to communicate independently. That is, a person needs outside help to exchange information.
  4. Limitation of the opportunity to learn. Training is possible with the conclusion of a psychological, medical and pedagogical commission. Need to create special conditions for education, according to adapted educational programs if necessary, study at home or using distance learning technologies.
  5. Inability to work normally. That is, a disabled person is able to take part in the production process only when special conditions are created and with the use of auxiliary technical means.
  6. Ability to self-care with regular partial assistance from others. Use of auxiliary technical means if necessary. Self-care refers to the fulfillment of basic physiological needs, the performance of daily household activities, including the use of personal hygiene skills.
  7. Inability to control your behavior. A constant decrease in criticism of one’s behavior and environment, with the possibility of partial correction only with the regular help of other people.
Each restriction is officially established medical workers. The citizen or his representative is given a corresponding document.

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Diseases leading to disability

Re-examination for disabled people of the 2nd group

According to the law, this type of disability is established only for a calendar year. After this period, the benefits end. The citizen must go through the entire ITU procedure again.

The date of re-examination is indicated in the report.

Benefits and preferences granted to this group of citizens

Benefits and other benefits provided to disabled people of the 2nd group are described in Federal Law No. 181-FZ “On social protection disabled people in the Russian Federation." These include various discounts on payment for services, provision of additional benefits, and more.

Pension provision

These include the following situations:

  • when a person does not have his own property, he lives under sublease or rented housing for a long time;
  • when a disabled person lives in a hostel (except for periods of study, seasonal work);
  • when a beneficiary is forced to share one apartment with a family not related to him;
  • if a citizen shares an apartment with other families, one of which includes a sick person, and living next to him is difficult;
  • The citizen’s apartment does not correspond to:
    • technical or sanitary requirements;
    • standards social security of this region.

State support is provided in the following ways:

  1. Provision of apartments from the housing stock of the constituent entity of the federation.
  2. Providing a subsidy for the purchase of a house or apartment.
When providing beneficiaries with housing, government agencies proceed from social norms(18 sq. m per person).

Features of housing provided to disabled people:

  1. Apartments and houses are selected taking into account the health status of all family members. They are allocated in order of priority.
  2. The area of ​​housing allocated under a social tenancy agreement may exceed social norms.
  3. The house may be provided with special devices necessary for rehabilitation.
  4. The beneficiary can receive a plot for.

To resolve the housing issue, you must submit an application to the district administration. The list of documents for registration may vary depending on the region. Typically, the following documents are attached to the application:

  • statement;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • preferential certificate;
  • passport;
  • BTI certificate.
The applicant is required to stand in line as someone in need of improved living conditions.

Medical benefits

Citizens of the described preferential category have the right to preferences for the purchase of medicines.

They are provided in the following sizes:

  1. Free for disabled people of group 2 within individual program rehabilitation.
  2. With a 50% discount for employed people, if this is prescribed by the regional program.
  3. at public expense, if necessary, within regional program, if one exists.

Discounts on medications are indicated on the prescription. There the doctor is obliged to write down the details of the pharmacy. When purchasing funds, only a prescription is presented. Requiring other documents is illegal.

Disabled people are entitled to an individual rehabilitation program. You should contact your doctor for a voucher. The doctor issues a referral indicating:

  • type of sanatorium;
  • reasons for providing a trip.

Copies should be attached to this document:

  • passports;
  • ITU certificate;
  • individual rehabilitation program.

The package of these papers is transferred to the branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence along with the corresponding application. Employees of this body are required to provide a response within 14 days.

Transport discounts and preferences

Citizens of the described category are provided with the following benefits:

  1. They travel in urban and rural transport free of charge or on preferential terms; such a right must be stipulated in regional legislation (except for private minibuses).
  2. Once a year, tickets to the place of spa treatment (round trip) are issued without payment. To receive them, you must have a voucher issued on the basis of an individual rehabilitation program.
  3. Exemption from payment of transport tax for a car with special devices, such a right is also secured by regional law (power no more than 100 hp).
Transport preferences are issued at the department Pension Fund. To do this, you must have with you documents confirming preferential category and identification documents.

Other benefits

Disabled people of the 2nd group enjoy a number of advantages in the provision of services, taxation and others.

These include:

  1. Exemption from property tax individuals per property.
  2. Reduction of land tax.
  3. Exemption from paying state duty when going to court (if the claimed damage is less than 1 million rubles).
  4. 50% discount on notary fees.
  5. Non-competitive admission to study in and secondary special education educational institutions subject to successful passing of entrance examinations.
  6. Children raised in families where both parents have disabilities receive 2 meals a day at school.
Preferences and discounts are provided only if you have documents confirming the category.

Responsibilities of employers

Enjoy a number of benefits established by law.


  1. They are given a shortened working week (35 hours). The salary is paid in full.
  2. They are involved in overtime and night shifts only if there are no medical prohibitions on such activities, as well as the consent of the employee himself.
  3. Paid leave for this category of citizens cannot be less than 30 days, and if necessary, they have the right to 60 days at their own expense.
An employer is prohibited from providing disabled people with working conditions worse than other workers. This is strictly controlled.

Dear readers!

We describe typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique and requires individual legal assistance.

Disability is a condition of a person in which, due to serious problems health conditions limit the ability to perform various types works Restrictions vary depending on different people, for this reason, this status is usually classified into categories. Issues of establishing a disability group (as before) are dealt with by MSEC (medical and social examination) employees.

The assignment of a disability group depends on the degree and scope of disability, which is provided for Federal Law No. 181, art. 1:

“Depending on the degree of impairment of body functions and limitations of life activity, persons recognized as disabled are assigned a disability group.”

Disability depending on the degree of disease

The corresponding document describes in detail the procedure for registering and re-registering groups, and clarifies the composition of the basic set of privileges for people with disabilities.

In order for MSEC to confirm disability, certain conditions must be present:

  • A persistent disorder of key life functions, provoked by an acquired pathology and its severe consequences, trauma, etc.
  • Narrowing of the ability for full self-service, communication with other people, orientation in environment, self-control.
  • Need for medical correction and rehabilitation, social support.

Only one of the mentioned points is not enough to form a group - at least two are required. All features of each specific case are carefully checked by competent members of the commission, acting in accordance with the requirements of the law.

There are working and non-working disability groups; this year the criteria for determining them were revised. Disabled people, according to the law, receive full rights to pension payments and a package of social benefits. What the amount of the pension will be depends on the disability group; in Russia it is expected to increase by the end of this year.

If the law requires two types of pension at once, then the applicant must choose only one of them. At the same time, the monthly financial payment does not stop; a kit is provided social services, which, if necessary, can be replaced with monetary compensation. Insurance assistance is paid when a person has insurance experience.

When considering questions about the advisability of assigning a disability group, the real cause of the resulting disability must be taken into account. It is allowed to indicate such factors:

  • general disease– sluggish pathology or domestic trauma;
  • injury received during the production process while a person was at the place of work, on the way to or from it;
  • occupational illnesses that arose as a result of exposure harmful factors production;
  • injuries acquired during combat operations, during military service, as well as during Patriotic War;
  • genetic developmental abnormalities, complications of childhood illnesses;
  • radiation exposure.

To prove the real reason disability, the applicant is required to provide relevant documentation. In the absence of such, a note “general disease” is made. Sometimes it happens that disability is caused by more than one factor. In this situation, the disabled person himself or his official representative chooses the reason, which will serve as the reason for starting the examination.

1st non-working disability group

Disability group 1 is still regarded as the most problematic for health reasons. It includes people whose bodies have been diagnosed with significant disorders that cause insoluble difficulties with movement, study, communication, etc. A person faces significant limitations in his life: he loses the ability to self-care, needs systematic supervision, and becomes completely dependent on the help of others.

These are patients with serious diseases such as:

  • oncological tumor with numerous metastases, frequent relapses;
  • hematological pathologies characterized by poor blood clotting, formation cancer cells etc.;
  • complete paralysis;
  • amputation of the upper or lower limbs;
  • blindness, deafness, muteness, etc.

People with such pathologies become completely unable to work, because they physical condition really does not allow them not only to work, but also to serve themselves. It is extremely rare that they can perform some types of work, but still require outside care. There are special enterprises where there are suitable conditions for the blind or deaf-mute. People with damaged legs are also sometimes involved in certain types of work.

2nd non-working disability group

Group 2 disability can be claimed by people with sufficiently significant health impairments, due to which these persons have become almost completely disabled.

Potential reasons for assigning a group:

  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas;
  • disorders of the central nervous system, PNS;
  • abnormalities in the functioning of the auditory or visual analyzers;
  • dysfunction of the liver, renal system, heart.

Patients do not require constant care, but they often require special adaptations to survive. For example, after amputation of one limb, a person is able to move only with the help of a prosthesis, crutches or a wheelchair. For patients undergoing resection bladder, you need special tanks to collect urinary fluid.

Although disability group 2 is recognized as non-working, it is allowed professional work, if it does not lead to aggravation of the disease.

The following benefits are provided for disabled people participating in the industrial process::

  • short working hours;
  • additional and extended breaks;
  • easing production standards;
  • medical supervision.
A disabled person can travel on public transport on a preferential basis and receives priority rights to housing, improvement of living conditions, and connection of a telephone line.

3rd working disability group

Group 3 disability will be available to persons with persistent, but not critical, health impairment. It is assigned to a person for a period of no more than 1 year with further revision. Diseases of the 3rd group include pathologies of the nervous, cardiovascular systems, and musculoskeletal system. It can be given, for example, to a person suffering from asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, hypertension and other ailments.

Disabled people perform simple household chores and take care of themselves without any problems; they have a “residual” ability to work, so this category is considered working group disability in Russia. It is necessary to clarify that such persons are guaranteed favorable working conditions. For example, if a person previously worked on the night shift, then he can be transferred (if he wishes) to a position in which he can perform duties in daytime days.

Disabled people are entitled to financial assistance on behalf of the state; they are provided with free medicines, crutches, wheelchair etc. If a person is unemployed, then he can pay for some pharmacological preparations and medical prescription products are only half their cost. You are allowed to use public transport without paying for the fare.

Based on the results of the review, MSEC extends or removes disability, and if the patient’s health status changes (deterioration or improvement), it can change the group. If the patient is on an old-age pension, permanent disability of group 3 may be indicated.

Thus, to obtain a disability group there must be objective reasons. The applicant is obliged to provide the special commission with a complete package of documents (their list is provided above). The latter are official confirmation of the fact of disability, the need for financial assistance, all kinds of protection from the state.