
How easy it is to wake up in the morning and in a good mood. How to wake up easily in the morning and in a good mood - proven ways to fall asleep quickly

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Getting up early is a real challenge for many of us, especially if you have a habit of lying in bed on weekends. Meanwhile, getting up early and in a great mood is not at all difficult.

website collected effective advice for those who cannot part with their pillow for a long time in the morning. Try to follow the recommendations for just a couple of weeks, and getting up early will turn into a pleasure.

1. Find a reason to get up earlier

Before going to bed, plan your day so that the most difficult tasks happen in the morning. You will feel more pleasant and lighter during the day. Morning best time to deal with work matters effectively and efficiently.

2. Forget about “just 10 more minutes”

The alarm clock rang - let's get up! And don't feel sorry for yourself. Yes, you really want to sleep, and you are already feverishly starting to calculate in your mind that you can easily save 15 minutes if you don’t have breakfast. This is a road to nowhere. You will want to sleep even more, and waking up will be much more difficult.

3. Don't expect to get 4 hours of sleep.

4. If you wake up a little earlier, get up

It can be annoying when the alarm is set for 6:00, and you wake up at 5:40, for example. But if you are already awake, there is no point in going to bed again. Instead, be glad that you now have an extra 20 minutes to yourself.

5. Get up at the same time on weekdays and weekends

It will be difficult only in the first few days. Then your body will get used to getting up at the same time, and you will quietly “get involved.” In addition, you will have several free hours at your disposal that you can spend as you please.

6. Jump

Jump after waking up. After a couple of jumps, sleep will disappear. 5 minutes of jumping rope will be useful lymphatic system- this will help quickly disperse toxins that have accumulated overnight.

Comfortable sleep and timely awakening are an important guarantee wellness, cheerfulness and good mood throughout the day. For some this wisdom comes easily, for others it is more difficult. In this article we have collected 19 useful tips that will help you get out of bed every day with ease.

How to make your morning cheerful and positive?

The right start to the morning determines a productive day. If getting up every day is difficult for you, our tips on how to get up early without discomfort will come to the rescue.

Take a few techniques, which we will discuss below, and follow them for 21 days. This is how long it takes for a habit to form. Just three weeks and you will forget about the lack of vigor and good mood in the morning.

6 proven ways to fall asleep quickly

An important component of a good morning is a strong healthy sleep. To get up early, you need to fall asleep on time, which can be quite difficult, given the numerous distractions.

1. Fall asleep in complete darkness

An important regulator of biorhythms is the hormone melatonin, a powerful natural antioxidant that helps fight aging. It is produced only in the dark, the peak occurs between 00:00 and 04:00. Without it, forget about vigor, strong immunity, slim figure and elastic skin. It has also been found that a lack of melatonin increases the risk of cancer.

Artificial lighting in the room reduces melatonin production. Therefore, doctors recommend falling asleep in complete darkness: hang completely blackout curtains on the windows, turn off the TV, monitor, night light, buy a phone charger without an indicator light.

Moreover, it is better to spend an hour and a half before bedtime away from gadgets - the light from the screen excites the nervous system and reduces the time of melatonin production by an average of 90 minutes. For the same reason, throw energy-saving light bulbs out of the bedroom.

2. Don’t be glued to your phone

We have already found out that a bright glowing screen will force the body to suppress the production of melatonin. But falling asleep cuddled with a smartphone is also not worth it because you can lose track of time while exploring the Internet, and as a result you will fall asleep much later than you planned.

3. Make time for evening exercise

This advice will be especially effective for night owls. Set aside 15 minutes for easy physical exercise in the evening to relieve emotional stress and stretch aching muscles. If done regularly, evening exercises will speed up your metabolism.

The complex can include several simple yoga asanas (cat, cobra or horseman pose), warm-up exercises or a complex with dumbbells weighing 1-2 kilograms.

The optimal duration of evening exercises is a quarter of an hour, frequency – 4 times a week. Exercise should be done 20 minutes before dinner, and never right before bed.

4. Don't lie down on a full stomach

Eating too much at night is a bad habit not only for your figure. Firstly, a large dinner high in carbohydrates reduces the production of somatotropin (the so-called “growth hormone”) by three times. Namely, this substance affects the regeneration of muscle tissue. A constant deficiency of somatotropin will accelerate the aging process.

Secondly, the body focuses on digesting food, which will make it much more difficult to fall asleep. Especially if your dinner was rich in proteins and fats.

It is much more pleasant to plan how to start the morning with a delicious, mouth-watering breakfast. This will make getting out of bed much easier. If waiting for the morning is completely unbearable, drink a glass of 1% kefir or a little bran.

5. Ventilate your bedroom

It is extremely important to provide fresh air into the bedroom. In summer you can sleep with the window wide open, in winter - with the window open. Or at least ventilate the room regularly.

“Easy to say! I live in big city, where you can only dream of fresh air and it’s noisy even at night,” one of our readers may think, and they will be absolutely right. We advise residents of megacities to install an air ionizer in the bedroom, which will provide the effect of sleeping in nature.

6. Aromatherapy? Why not!

A few minutes before heading to the kingdom of Morpheus, light an aroma lamp with essential oils in the bedroom.

The most effective scents For good sleep: chamomile, neroli, lavender. If you can't sleep due to anxiety, bergamot, coriander, lemon balm, benzoin or marjoram oils will come to the rescue.

Do not overdo it with concentration: the smell should not be suffocating. 2-3 drops diluted in warm water, will be sufficient.

It is very important to ensure fire safety: use only specialized aroma lamps. Place on a flat surface (such as a metal tray) away from the bed to prevent accidental brushing while you sleep. Make sure that there are no flammable objects near the aroma lamp.

Imagine that every day you will get up at least half an hour earlier and do something interesting exclusively for yourself. Over the course of a week, you will have three and a half hours of time that you will devote to your hobbies or self-improvement. And if you develop the habit of getting up an hour earlier, then in a week you will already get seven hours of productive time. We think it’s worth learning to get up earlier for this! Here are some useful tricks.

1. Wake up using the “five minute rule”

Exists efficient system 5-minute awakening that you can try for yourself:

  • 1 minute. You have just woken up from a dream. Think about your favorite people, memorable events, beautiful places - in a word, something good and joyful.
  • 2 minutes. Stretch gently and breathe deeply to wake up the body and provide it with enough oxygen.
  • 3 minutes. Gently massage your temples, neck, earlobes and eyebrows to improve blood flow to the brain.
  • 4 minutes. Rub your palms together, gently rub your arms, legs, stomach, back, chest. This will improve blood circulation throughout your body.
  • 5 minutes. Smoothly assume a sitting position. Drink a glass of water (it is advisable to leave it next to your bed in the evening). Rise slowly forward to a new day.

2. The main thing is motivation

If you don’t know how to wake up in the morning due to sad thoughts and depression, you can prepare a list of “pleasures” that await you during the day in the evening and put it near your bed. Read this list when you wake up, be glad that you have a lot of good things ahead of you, and get up happily with a smile on your face.

3. Set a pleasant melody on your alarm clock

Many people set sharp, loud ringtones on their alarm clocks: they supposedly help them wake up and come to their senses faster. In reality, such melodies are annoying and make you want to turn them off as quickly as possible in order to “sleep for another five minutes.”

It is better to choose gentle (but not soporific) melodies with gradually increasing volume. They will smoothly bring you out of your sleepy state and help you meet the new day on a positive note. For example, “Morning in the Woods” by Edvard Grieg is a timeless classic.

4. Take your alarm clock away

You can try a well-known trick: take the alarm clock to another room, put it on the top shelf of the closet, etc. The main thing is that to turn off the sound you have to get up and take at least a couple of steps. Try not to be tempted to lie back down afterwards: after all, you're already awake and up, so why not get busy?

Because the alarm clock modern people most often started on the phone, this habit will also serve you another service: it will save you from surfing the Internet before bed.

5. Use modern technology

Market mobile applications can offer many opportunities for a pleasant awakening.

Human sleep is divided into two phases: deep and fast sleep. Waking up in the fast phase is much easier. Smart alarm clocks for mobile monitor your sleep activity and calculate what phase you are in. You just need to set the wake-up interval (for example, from 8:00 to 8:30), and the sleep tracker will wake you up at the most convenient moment. The most popular applications of this kind are Sleep as Android and Sleep Cycle.

There are a lot of original alarm clocks in the AppStore and Google Market that require you to perform some action. For example, go to the mirror and smile (Smile Alarm Clock) or decide math problem(Math Alarm Plus, Alarm Clock Extreme).

Test robotic alarm clocks: a running alarm clock on wheels, a clock flying around the room, or a piggy bank alarm clock that will beep obnoxiously until you throw a coin into it. Athletes will appreciate the dumbbell alarm clock, which turns off only after 30 lifts.

Running alarm clock

6. Drink a glass of water when you wake up

Try to prepare a glass of water with lemon in the evening, place it next to your bed and drink it after waking up, even if you are not too thirsty. This simple technique will help you normalize your water balance, prepare your stomach for the first meal, improve metabolism and remove toxins.

7. Play your favorite music

Perhaps you are used to turning on the TV in the morning or going to social media. All these are not very good habits, because from the very beginning of the day they clog your mind with unnecessary, and sometimes even negatively colored information. It’s better to turn on your favorite music while getting ready in the morning, which will charge you with pleasant emotions. Prepare a playlist with upbeat songs and change it every week.

8. Start your day with exercise

Let's stretch and stretch! Even a short set of simple exercises will increase the flow of oxygen into the blood, which means it will give you a boost of energy.

Choose light exercises that do not require strength, because your main task is to stretch your muscles and saturate your body with oxygen. This could be warm-up exercises or stretching. A 10-15 minute complex will be enough.

There is no need to start charging immediately after waking up. Give your body 10-15 minutes to “come to your senses.”

9. Take a contrast shower

Logical end of charging – cold and hot shower. If you still feel a little drowsy after exercise, bath procedures she will disappear. In addition, this is a great way to improve skin tone and strengthen the immune system.

Take a contrast shower correctly in three stages. Each stage: 1-2 minutes of hot (but not scalding) water, then 30 seconds of cold. At stages 2 and 3, try to slightly increase the “cold” period. Having completed the procedure on cold water, rub thoroughly with a terry towel.

You shouldn’t rush into the hardening pool headlong. The optimal temperature difference for a contrast shower is 25-30 degrees. Ideally: hot water– 42-43 degrees, cold – 14-15. But you should start with 40 degrees hot and 25 cold, gradually increasing the gap.

If you have heart problems, be sure to consult your doctor about contrast showers.

10. Be sure to have breakfast

Nutritionists call breakfast the main meal of the day. Never skip breakfast with the intention of grabbing something along the way. Scrambled eggs, scrambled eggs, muesli, oatmeal with fruit - any of these options are suitable for starting your day successfully and productively. Drink coffee and freshly squeezed juices after meals: on an empty stomach they can cause stomach discomfort.

11. Fill your morning with pleasant little things

Try to carve out 10-15 minutes from your morning getting ready for a pleasant ritual. Sip a mug of green tea slowly while scrolling through your news feed. Get yourself a diary, design it beautifully and write down your impressions of the previous day every morning. Or, on the contrary, plan the day that has begun: make a list of goals, important meetings, shopping. Watch one episode of your favorite TV series. If you strictly monitor your diet, you can make a small exception for the morning - have delicious yogurt or cake waiting for you in the refrigerator.

12. Follow a routine

Having chosen the most comfortable time for going to bed and waking up, you can add a short daytime rest to it. And stick to this system every day, do not disrupt your daily cycle, with the exception of very rare situations (holidays, travel, work deadlines, etc.).

13. Don't oversleep

If you have a long-awaited day off, do not try to sleep off the entire past week. Sleeping too much is also harmful. The established sleep norm ranges from 7 to 8 hours, although it is worth remembering that each body is individual. Systemic excess sleep leads to obesity, increased risk of heart disease and even shortened life expectancy. In isolated cases, waiting for you headache and a general depressed state.

The editors of the site hope that our tips will help you learn to control your daily routine without much effort.
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“The morning is painted with gentle light

The walls of the ancient Kremlin.

Wakes up at dawn

All Soviet land.

The clock of the Kremlin tower is striking,

The stars go out, the shadow melts...

Goodbye, yesterday,

Hello, new, bright day!

Music br. POKRAS — Words by V. LEBEDEV-KUMACHA

So earlier in the USSR they woke up the Soviet people in the morning with a positive song, the words and melody of which charged them with positivity. But now times are different and everyone is for himself.

Therefore, it would be worth listening to my words and learning to stand up according to the science of psychology. It is important to observe the circadian rhythm, always the circadian rhythm.

How much more people I would wake up much earlier if every morning started with something pleasant. Moreover, starting at 5 a.m. local time, cortisol begins to be produced. Cortisol is responsible for the functioning of the heart; excess increases blood pressure.

Do you think this doesn't happen? All in our hands!

Psychologists say that mood - stable mental condition , which creates a certain emotional background human life.

Emotions are what you feel in your body as a result of your thoughts.

Use your emotions as a compass, showing you whether your thoughts are taking you in the right direction and what your choice is to experience the present.

Use the appropriate attitude and mindset to attract what you want into your life.

Ask yourself a question, what can I do right now to make me feel good?

Our day is like a little Life!

You are free to create your own mood. This is facilitated by the intention to look for and notice in what is happening manifestations of what you want to achieve.

And consider your decisions as events in your life that lead you to your goals.

In other words, our vector of life is greatly influenced by mood swings.

If the mood is good, a person feels full of strength and ready to move mountains, while a bad mood, on the contrary, gives rise to bad thoughts, causes a breakdown, aggression and irritation.

Where does the mood itself come from?

Experts explain that mood is an internal indicator, a reaction to events happening around us. Everyone knows some of the reasons why mood changes.

And I offer you my distance training on learning to control emotions, and hence mood.

But today we are talking about MORNING.

For example, the alarm ringing early in the morning gives rise to positive emotions in few people.

But we will learn to get up in the morning!

As soon as the alarm clock rings and you need to get up, you don’t rush to persuade yourself to sleep for another 10 minutes, because it’s so sweet. Moreover, it’s not difficult to persuade.

This will not give you anything, it will only blur the picture of the Day.

And you shouldn’t jump up like you’ve been stung either.

If it is possible to wake up to a pleasant song, good music, organize this for yourself.

It’s morning, and you need to take care of yourself, without thinking and without setting yourself up for troubles that, perhaps, will be resolved on their own.

Immediately after you turn off the alarm, open your eyes and look around.

This helps bring you back to reality.

But not in reality, what is shown on TV: another terrorist attack, a plane crash, or some other destruction and casualties.

You need it? You won't live a day without it.

You need a weather forecast, as a last resort, but it’s better to look out the window and find out more precisely what the weather is like.

It’s better to listen to a pre-prepared disc with pleasant, upbeat music.

Take a few deep breaths. Need a breath of fresh air. And yawning is very useful.

Yawning is a deep breath with relaxation of the muscles of the chest and upper shoulder girdle.

While stretching and yawning, the body produces endorphins - pleasure hormones that promote a good mood. All this helps to provide the brain with oxygen as much as possible and create the preconditions for a good mood.

After all, waking up should be as stress-free as possible.

Always move from sleep to wakefulness slowly, gradually, without making sudden movements.

Take care of yourself and your nervous system.

Jumping up sharply, the body experiences stress, the blood suddenly drains from the head, and the internal organs drop.

And now - while still lying in bed - we begin to remember what good things await us during the day?

For example, like this (everyone has their own): a cup of coffee, a contrast shower, a meeting with the right person, the joy of a walk, etc. you just need to imagine it in pictures, sensations, as if it had already happened.

And remember that you only imagine something positive, important and joyful.

Perhaps today you have an important date, an exam, an interview, think of it as a successfully completed task. And the way we always imagine failure, but you know that"thoughts materialize"

You shouldn’t think about the bad, for example: the boss will scold you, the debt needs to be repaid, but there is no money….

    So - we scroll through our heads for 2-3 minutes, positive, successful things to do during the day.

Don't think about all the troubles that await you during the day.

In the morning you need to recharge yourself with joy.

All this will allow creating in the brain a beta rhythm (14-30 hertz), registered in a state of wakefulness, when you have to think a lot and actively, and attention is directed outward (it corresponds to the level of everyday consciousness, in which sensory perception of the outside world predominates).

    The second thing you need to know is that the heart does not tolerate a sharp transition of the body from a horizontal to a vertical position.

Instead of jumping from sleep to reality, try the following:

Without opening your eyes, take a deep breath, stretch your arms behind your head, exhale, stretch like a cat.

Pull your knee toward your chest and touch it to the bed on the opposite side of your body.

Do the same with the other knee.

This action is beneficial for blood circulation and the nervous system.

Plus, your entire field comes into balance.

To activate cardiovascular system, you need to lie on your back and put your hands on your stomach, take several deep breaths and exhalations, straining your stomach and very strongly protruding the abdominal wall when you inhale, and when you exhale, pushing it in as far as possible.

Thus, you will disperse the stagnant abdominal cavity blood.

Take 10–15 of these breaths. Those who find it difficult to perform the exercise with their legs extended can bend them slightly.

After this, turn over to your left side and lie in the fetal position, that is, with your knees pulled up to your chin as much as possible. Place your right hand on the right hypochondrium and also dofrom 5 to 15 breaths.

With this exercise you clear biliary tract, it is very useful for those who have tight intestines.

    Another thing to do in the morning is to stretch your spine: right hand stretches forward, pull your right heel in the opposite direction, then do the same on the left side.

    Then you reach up with both hands and your heels down.

Remember how a cat wakes up, how it stretches its spine, that is, in the knee-elbow position, you need to arch, and then arch your back, touching your chest to the bed.

After this little gymnastics, you also don’t need to jump up immediately.

Sit down and sit on the bed for a while first.

    If you are hypertensive

If you have any chronic diseases, some peculiarities appear in the morning awakening.

For people with hypertension morning is the hardest time, and statistics, unfortunately, confirm that greatest number disasters with hypertensive patients (crises, strokes, sudden death) occurs between 6 and 11 am.

Therefore, while still in bed, hypertensive patients need to take medicine and lie down for a while.

In order to avoid unnecessary stress in the morning, everything you need - from breakfast, which you only need to warm up, to a suit that you will put on without standing in front of the closet for half an hour, nervous because of lack of time - should be prepared in the evening.

The morning bustle can provoke illness.

    If you have back problems

In people suffering from osteochondrosis, especially cervical and thoracic, in the mornings there are discomfort, dizziness, nausea.

They can be advised to do all the breathing exercises mentioned above, but after that they need to get up very carefully.

    First, lower your legs out of bed and lie there for a while.

    Then sit down and with open eyes, very gently tilt your head left and right 5-10 times and tilt it back and forth 5-10 times.

    After that, get up, stand for a while and start your day.

Patients with hypotension (low blood pressure) should have approximately the same ritual blood pressure). They know that when moving suddenly, especially when moving from a horizontal to a vertical position, there is noise in the ears and darkness in the eyes.

    If you have varicose veins

In the morning you need to do gymnastics for your legs (small lifts, scissors). After this gymnastics, without getting up, raise your legs and lean them against the wall at right angles to your body.

You need to stay in this position for at least ten minutes, and only after that you can carefully pull on the elastic stocking or start bandaging your legs.

If you get up in the morning, lower your legs, and then remember and put on stockings, you are harming yourself, because the venous valves have already dropped down and the elastic stocking or bandage fixes their pathological position.

It’s better then not to bandage at all.

As you can see, all this is not very difficult, although it takes a little more time, but these are therapeutic and preventive procedures, and it is better to spend 15–20 minutes every morning and maintain yourself in in good condition than to suffer from pain and go to doctors throughout the day.

If you do everything right, no one will say that you got off on the wrong foot.

You can also do light morning exercises, which is useful for any person: while lying under a blanket, you need to alternately raise your bent legs at the knees, trying to reach your chin with your knees.

An exercise similar to a “children’s bicycle”.

At this time, the body learns the brain’s command to “get up!” and produces pleasure hormones that help lift your mood. In addition, such passive gymnastics warms up the muscles and prepares them for vigorous action.

Now you can sit down . The back should be in a strictly vertical position. Rotate your head back and forth. You can also massage your fingers and earlobes. There are a lot of nerve endings there, and this massage helps you wake up.

Quite useful at this time – drink half a glass of cool water without gas, it would be good with lemon juice and a spoonful of honey, in slow sips.

Sweet water also lifts your mood.

Dehydration occurred overnight, and it is also very beneficial for the functioning of the stomach.

Know that at night such a hormone is produced - melatonin, it is also called the NIGHT CONDUCTOR.

This hormone protects us from stress and premature aging, from colds and even cancer.

It is he who regulates biorhythms - helps to adapt to the change of day and night, sends animals into hibernation and drives us to bed at nightfall.

Hormone production begins to increase at dusk, reaches a maximum from 0 to 4.00 in the morning and decreases with dawn. We fall asleep, and melatonin gets to work - restores, repairs, strengthens...

After all, it is one of the most powerful natural immunomodulators and antioxidants, the most powerful absorber free radicals– unstable molecules that, by destroying DNA, cells and tissues, contribute to the development of cancer and heart disease.

And you need to remember that melatonin is produced in complete darkness, so sleeping with the light on is not recommended.

But what’s surprising is that it should be destroyed in the morning! Since its remnants cause a depressed and depressive state.

Immediately after waking up, open the curtains. If it's gloomy outside, turn on the light. Color up the interior: place a couple of tangerines or apples next to the bed, place a bouquet of bright flowers, in the kitchen get orange or red curtains, a tablecloth, and cups.

Bright light and pleasant colors help destroy melatonin.

Here best colors for the morning!!!

For the soul and soul.

I like to take a shower in the morning, but not hot, just cool. A shower additionally cleanses us of unnecessary energies that passed through us during sleep.

The traditional morning ritual is a shower. Without any soap. Just stand under running water and drop pine extract onto a washcloth. A washcloth is an additional massage of the body, or more precisely of the skin receptors.

When asked what kind of shower to take - warm, cold, contrast - or is it better to pour a bucket of water on yourself, we let everyone answer individually.

You better know what is suitable and what is not suitable. You have to do what gives you the most pleasure.

But still keep in mind that it is very cold shower in the early morning it can be a real shock to the body, but too hot is relaxing and can cause an irresistible desire to sleep for another hour or two.

After the shower it's time for a cup of hot tea or coffee .

You should choose green tea. You need to drink it slowly, in small sips, in small portions. Only then will the tea leaf open completely and give you all its useful substances and will show all its healing properties.

Would you like to get coffee? Why not.

Just don’t take instant, take grain.

You should drink tea before breakfast, and coffee after you eat something. Some eat porridge in the morning, some do something else, but you shouldn’t eat fatty foods in the morning.

But more about this in other recommendations.

During breakfast, it's time to think about your plans for the coming day.

There is no need to plan a feat, but it is highly desirable to plan something that will make you feel like your day was not wasted in vain.

At breakfast, say something nice to your family, smile and with the same smile boldly go out in public.

Before front door stop for a moment and run through the rooms and kitchen with your mind's eye. See if everything is okay, everything is turned off.

If after this you are left with an unsettling impression of something, try to intensively remember this picture. But if it still doesn’t work out, then go and look (but try not to do this).

Also, mentally go through those items: phone, keys, documents, wallets that you should take. Absolutely - you need to imagine it, and you don’t need to immediately rummage through your bag and pockets.

With this we train imaginative thinking.

There is no doubt that you have studied the route to your work down to the smallest detail; you can get there even with your eyes closed.

So away with monotony!

Each time, go to your office along a slightly different path - go into the courtyards, get off the bus earlier - if you want, you can find a lot of ways to discover something new in the old that you have already known for a long time.

Pay attention to the trees and flowers you walk past, admire the scenes from the life of city dwellers (not necessarily people).


An amazing pattern: the shorter the days in autumn, the harder it is to wake up in the morning. Woman’s Day found out how to learn to get up early, how to overcome morning laziness and make your morning truly invigorating.

We wake up easily

Photo: Thinkstock/Fotobank

Getting enough sleep is an almost impossible dream for every adult. It is especially difficult to wake up and force yourself to get up in the fall, when daylight begins much later than the alarm clock. Is it possible to learn to get up easily in the morning? How to make sure that in the evening you have time to redo all your planned tasks, go to bed as usual (well, if not at midnight, then at least at half past eleven), and get up in the morning easily and with a joyful feeling of a new day? We start preparing for the morning in the evening.

1. We eat at night. After eleven in the evening do you treacherously want to eat something? Don't deny yourself anything! Boiled chicken breast, lean fish, salad - what you can eat at night. Or drink a glass of kefir. By the way, the amino acid tryptophan contained in the drink will help you fall asleep faster. 2. Ventilate the bedroom. If the room is stuffy, you won't be able to fall asleep quickly. To avoid counting sheep (rams, camels or other equally cute animals) at midnight, ventilate the room or leave the window ajar at night. And then, comfortably wrapped in a blanket and burying your nose in the edge of the pillow, you will quickly fall asleep.


3. Set two alarms! The first one is quiet, with pleasant music - start it 15 minutes before the time when you need to get up (you can set a timer on the TV or stereo system). Place the second one with a loud signal far away, so that to turn it off you need to get out of bed. You will gradually wake up to the music, relax a little in bed, and after the second signal you will easily get up. 4. Let's tune in! They say from positive attitude depends on what mood you wake up in. Therefore, before going to bed, tell yourself: “Tomorrow my wonderful (successful, wonderful and various other) morning begins at 08:00.” Program the time that you need, and - most importantly - sincerely believe in what you say.

Getting ready for a good day

Photo by Daria Stepanova

5. Get a massage. Lying in bed, massage your earlobes for a couple of minutes, and then start massaging your fingers, starting with your little fingers. Move from the pad to the base. 6. We do mini-charging.

  • Sit on the bed, clasp your hands, raise them above your head and stretch. Lean forward, extend your arms in front of you, stretch again, and then return to the starting position. Repeat 5-10 times.
  • Sitting on the bed, spread your legs to the sides and stretch them out. Straighten your back and spread your arms to the sides. Then bend down to each leg in turn, trying to reach your toes with your hand. Repeat 5-10 times in each direction.
  • While sitting on the bed, lift your legs one at a time. Stretch your whole body first towards your right and then towards your left leg, trying to lie on your leg. Remember to keep your back straight. Repeat the exercise 5-10 times.


7. Take a shower. Jets of water will help wash away sleep, and rubbing with a washcloth will disperse the blood and wake up the body. By the way, a contrast shower will not only have a sobering effect, but will also have a beneficial effect on the skin. 8. Drink a glass of water on an empty stomach. This will help wake you up digestive system and reduce the feeling of hunger. Advice: Pour water from one glass to another several times. It will be saturated with oxygen and become much more useful.


9. Having breakfast necessarily in the first two hours after waking up: scrambled eggs, omelet, boiled eggs, porridge, sandwiches, toast, cottage cheese, tea, coffee, juice. Eat what you love, what you are used to, but be sure to eat. This will help the body warm up and provide it with the necessary energy until next appointment food. 10. Getting ready for work. Try to solve Sudoku or a scanword puzzle, mentally make up words from the name of a coffee or a newspaper headline, multiply and add in your mind, remember poems or works you have read - your brain will start working, and it will be easier to get into work mode.

The first of September is the day when millions of people realize with horror that a whole year of painful early rises awaits them. How to wake up in the morning without the thought “I wish I was dead”? Arriva has collected several practical advice that will help you get up in the morning and not feel like the most unhappy person in the world.

Use psychology

Before going to bed, set yourself a clear goal for which you will have to wake up early and be alert (this may just be an urgent matter that you did not do in the evening, and if you do not do it right in the morning, the consequences will be terrible). Give yourself a reward for getting up quickly and don’t forget to get it from yourself. Tell all your friends that you have decided to get up early and on time, and whoever can’t do that is a loser and a loser (this, at least, will provide you with awakening pangs of conscience). Congratulate yourself loudly on waking up: it is advisable to shout “Hurray, I did it!” and throw your hands up, you can even start singing (if you don’t live alone, surprised relatives will help you get up, but in general you will just feel funny and easy to get up).

Check your email

Many people go to bed with their phone or tablet and scroll through their “friends feed” for a long time instead of sleeping. Leave this pleasure for the morning. When you wake up, open Twitter, VKontakte and email, be horrified by world news, read a letter from a dissatisfied customer, envy the photos of a colleague from some exotic country - and now your brain is already working, the headache has disappeared, you can get up. By the way, sitting at the computer or watching TV before bed is also a bad idea. Even if nothing exciting happens on the screen, your nervous system is still excited, which makes it much more difficult to fall asleep. But in the morning the same effect will benefit you.

Set your alarm clock away

If you are not completely asleep dead asleep and the alarm clock forces you to wake up at least a little, place it at such a distance from the bed that you have to get up and turn off this infernal squeak. It’s good if you have it set to repeat: you may survive the sound attack the first time, but the second time you’ll definitely have to get up and press the button. The main thing here is not to go back to bed. If you are already up, move towards the shower, it will save you. On the way, you can turn on energetic music - too good way cheer up.

"Smart alarm clock"

Many users cannot imagine their life without these devices only out of gratitude to the “smart alarm clock”. The Jawbone Up bracelet offers you to set a time interval for the alarm, and then, by analyzing your sleep stages, it finds the optimal moment to wake up. Please note that the bracelet will not immediately be able to recognize the characteristics of your body, and you will have to get used to each other for some time. But then you simply won’t be able to do without it: waking up at the perfect time, and even from a light but persistent vibration instead of sound signal- This is a real breakthrough in the field of humane technologies.

"Social Alarm Clock"

Many people find help from services like Budista, where you can anonymously leave your phone number and ask them to wake you up at a specific time. When a stranger calls you and wishes you good morning, you will at least wake up in surprise, and tenderness and gratitude will lift your morning mood. The service guarantees that you will be woken up in any case: even if a kind stranger is not found at the time you need, a robot will play his role. Of course, you can use patient friends as a social alarm clock, but then you will be left without pleasant unpredictability.

No alcohol, coffee or food at night

The usual reason for having a hard time getting up in the morning is a bad night. If you have to work until dawn, you probably don't shy away from constant snacking, a hearty late meal and a couple of cups of coffee to avoid falling asleep ahead of time. But caffeine taken at the wrong time will still work when it’s time for you to sleep, but when it’s time to get up, it will disappear as if it wasn’t there. A full stomach at night is a one hundred percent guarantee of heavy sleep, overshadowed by active digestion. Another common mistake is the decision to drink something alcoholic “to make it easier to fall asleep.” You may fall asleep easier, but most likely you will wake up within an hour, and in the morning it will be difficult for you to tear your heavy head off the pillow. So remember: a light dinner a couple of hours before bedtime and no stimulants. The coffee will wait until morning.

Open the window

Open the window wider before going to bed, even if it’s winter outside (warm blankets are invented for this case). Fresh air in the room performs two useful functions at once: it will be easier for you to fall asleep because there is enough oxygen in the room, and it is easier to wake up because the room is fresh. Without an alarm clock, the window, alas, does not work, but promises to simplify the task. Don't try this trick if there is construction going on or a train station next door.

Start chewing

This funny tip actually works. Place an apple near your bed and when you hear the alarm go off, start eating it. Your body may be slightly surprised, but it will dutifully wake up and begin to perform its natural functions. After a few seconds, it will be much easier for you to open your eyes and you will sincerely want to take an upright position.

Get a dog

A dog is not only a man's friend, but also an excellent alarm clock. When your pet stomps on your back, licks your face and whines in anticipation of a walk, you simply will not be able to sleep anymore. The secret to the effectiveness of this method is simple: the dog wakes you up for a reason, and if you don’t take it out of the apartment as soon as possible, blame yourself. But when you have to get up, get dressed, go outside and spend at least five minutes there, moving on to the “shower” and “breakfast” stages will be much easier and more enjoyable.

Live according to schedule

This is the most difficult, but the most effective way. All politicians and successful businessmen follow a routine, no matter how boring it may sound. Go to bed and wake up at the same time, even on weekends. Human body gets used to everything, and when he gets used to the regime, you will wake up and get up early without unnecessary suffering, as if it were something natural.

Go to bed early

Funny, right? “Yes, if I needed such basic advice, I would not have read this article!” Well, excuse me: everything ingenious is simple. If you need a certain number of hours of sleep, take them in the evening rather than in the morning. In addition, it is known that sleep that begins before midnight is of higher quality and more efficient than that which you get in the pre-dawn hours. So forget about tricks, recipes and lifehacks and just give your body the right amount of sleep. This really works.