
How does a 5 month old baby sleep at night? Night sleep disturbances in a five-month-old baby

The birth of a child is a joyful and at the same time responsible event. To get enough sleep, parents will have to adapt to the baby’s routine, because the child’s well-being and development depend on the quality of rest. We will tell you how much sleep a child should sleep at 5 months in this article, and we will understand the reasons for difficulty falling asleep during the day and night rest.

The baby grows up - the rest mode changes

Many young parents are scared when their child at 5 months sleeps less during the day than before that age. Don't panic. You need to calmly figure out how much time your baby needs for proper rest.

By the age of five months, a normally developing baby has developed certain type behavior. The fact that the baby began to sleep less indicates normal development and growth, accompanied by the following age-related characteristics:

  • the little man begins to be truly interested in what is happening around him, and for this he needs more time to stay awake;
  • mental and emotional development, so the baby begins to master new movements and gets used to sensations unknown to him;
  • is rapidly developing nervous system, therefore, the sleep and wakefulness patterns change at 5 months;
  • The duration of rest is also affected by how the baby reacts to various stimuli. Something may frighten him, or, conversely, greatly interest him;
  • the baby wants more attention, and he shows this by whims and refusals to sleep.

It is important for parents to understand that simply lying in a crib is no longer interesting for their growing baby. During this difficult period, it will be especially difficult for mom or dad looking after the child. To devote enough time to a small family member, you will have to be more tired.

But, periods of crisis during a child’s development occur in every family. Therefore, you need to learn how to properly manage your time in order to have time to redo household chores and at the same time take care of your growing child.

Correct sleep pattern

Although each body is individual, a child’s sleep schedule at 5 months must be organized correctly. As the child grows up, the duration of rest changes, and there are fewer short-term naps during the day. The baby devotes more and more time to play, which is why the amount of rest also decreases. Children can sleep 2 to 4 times a day.

How much a baby sleeps at 5 months can be seen in the table, which shows the approximate daily routine:

Try to apply the suggested sleep mode 5 to your daily routine one month old baby. Judging by the baby’s behavior, we can draw conclusions about what period of time he gets more tired, and whether two days’ rest is enough.

To understand the question of how much a baby should sleep at five months, you should start from the following changes that occur during this age period:

  • the duration of daytime rest varies;
  • the baby does not sleep most of the day, but is awake;
  • It becomes more and more difficult to put the baby to bed for the third time in a day.

If a 5-month-old child sleeps 4 times a day, then this is also considered normal. Daytime rest largely depends on the duration of night sleep.

If your child doesn't sleep well during the day

Many parents are faced with the problem of their child’s troubled sleep during the daytime rest. It happens that the baby does not want to fall asleep at all. If a 5-month-old child does not sleep well during the day, then there is no need to panic. This behavior is explained by the following points:

  1. By this age, the baby begins to master new movements, which is why the nervous system experiences increased loads, and daytime rest becomes unsettling. The growing body copes with new loads in about 2 weeks or 1.5 months;
  2. when a child of 5 months does not sleep during the day, then night rest becomes inferior. Tearfulness and whims appear. Instead of resting peacefully, the baby begins to cry and ask to be held. This indicates overexcitation caused by mastering new movements.

Starting from 5 months of age, many children gradually move to the adult type of regimen. It was by this period that little man sleep phases (rapid and slow) occur. It is still difficult for a child's body to cope with an unexpected awakening, compared to adults.

Standards for children's rest

For each organism (adults and children), there is a specific mode of rest and wakefulness. You can determine how a baby should sleep at 5 months based on the following circumstances:

  • When a baby is constantly capricious during the day, cannot concentrate on playing, and rubs his eyes, this indicates a lack of sleep. In this case, you need to devote more time to daytime sleep;
  • If the baby is gaining weight normally and plays actively, then everything is fine with the daily routine.

When a baby is constantly lacking sleep, it affects his development. Parents need to review and change the child's daily routine.

How to put a 5 month old baby to sleep?

There is no single answer to the question of how much sleep you should have 5 one month old baby, because each organism is individual. General point For all five-month-old children, the process of falling asleep itself begins. Previously, the baby fell asleep quickly. But, approaching the age of six months, the baby first plunges into the superficial stage of sleep, during which he can easily wake up.

When a 5 month old baby is sleeping, he may be awakened unexpectedly by extraneous noises or conversations. The baby finally falls asleep 20 minutes after laying down.

To quickly put your 5-month-old baby to sleep, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. prevent the baby from becoming overtired during daytime wakefulness. If a son or daughter begins to yawn, rub his eyes, or refuses to play, then it is necessary to prepare the little person for bed. As soon as the moment is missed, whims with tears will begin, and it will be almost impossible to put the baby to bed;
  2. It is necessary to create certain conditions for the child so that when he falls asleep it is not stuffy or cold. Put on your baby comfortable, soft pajamas that do not restrict movement.;
  3. Some babies start teething by 5 months. Then before going to bed, you need to apply a special gel to the gums so that the baby falls asleep peacefully;
  4. you need to develop a special ritual that would help falling asleep quickly. The nursery should have dim lighting and fresh air. To put a baby to sleep at 5 months, you need to sing him a gentle song, tell him a fairy tale in a quiet, calm voice, stroke his back a little or give him a light massage. By repeating the same movements every day before bed, you can teach your baby to go to bed at a certain time. The listed activities will be perceived as a signal to go to sleep.

Important: A 5 month old baby must sleep during the day. Daytime sleep is necessary for the normal growth and development of a little person. A rested baby better assimilates the information and new skills necessary for his age.

Regardless of how much a baby sleeps at 5 months daytime, you need to prepare for a night's rest as early as possible. You can start putting your baby to bed as early as 19:30. Then night sleep it will be stronger, longer and without interruptions.

One of the reasons for disturbing sleep may be the baby’s poor health. The child may be bothered painful sensations in the stomach, caused by the transition from breastfeeding to artificial. Anxiety during rest may be caused by: allergic reactions of various nature. In any case, you need to listen to the little man and observe his mood.

How much should you sleep five month old baby, is decided by parents individually. But, it is necessary to understand that only through quality sleep can a baby develop normally. Appetite and mood, and therefore the quality of life of a growing child, depend on quality sleep.

Just recently, your baby fell asleep instantly and could sleep most of the day, despite noise, light and other external stimuli. Now everything has changed and this is normal. Sleep becomes shorter and more sensitive, and the mother has a problem: how to put her baby to sleep at 5 months quickly and without nervous shocks for both sides.

Why is this happening? The fact is that such changes are a natural process: a baby at this age learns about the world more actively and in a more varied way, he is captivated by the events taking place around him and, of course, does not want to waste time sleeping. In addition, it is at five months that babies begin to sleep “like adults,” in phases. That is, if earlier child immediately seemed to “fall” into deep sleep, now he goes through the phase of falling asleep or shallow sleep. And during this period even the slightest external stimulus.

How much does a 5 month old baby sleep: average sleep standards

However, certain trends are common:

  • if a child sleeps poorly and this continues for a long time, there may be chronic fatigue and lack of sleep;
  • hyperactive children need 1-2 hours of sleep per day more than calm children, otherwise their body will not have time to recover;
  • Any baby at this age needs both a full night and several daytime sleeps. If your 5-month-old child stops sleeping during the day, you need to look for the reason and correct the situation;
  • Circadian rhythms begin to play by 5-6 months important role in your child’s life, which means going to bed at night should be no later than 10 p.m., and getting up in the morning at about 7-7.30 a.m. This is an ideal basic scheme that can be adjusted to suit the needs of a particular child with minor modifications.

On average, at the age of five months, a baby sleeps 15-16 hours. Of these, 9-10 occur during night sleep, 6-7 during daytime sleep. Night sleep can be continuous, daytime sleep is usually divided into 3 “approaches”.

Some children are able to sleep peacefully at night for up to 12 hours. Such babies most often regulate the duration of rest by reducing nap. Therefore, if you notice that your 5-month-old child sleeps for half an hour during the day or longer, but only 1-2 times, you can reduce the duration of night rest.

Organization of wakefulness and its connection with a child’s sleep at 5 months

All the time that the baby is not sleeping, he is, in fact, busy with two things: eating and learning about reality. And the child’s well-being, mood and, of course, sleep depend on how well his leisure time is organized.

In addition to meals, a five-month-old baby's wakefulness should include:

  • outdoor games with adult family members;
  • privacy: the baby should learn to occupy himself on his own, without the participation of mom or dad, for example, playing with rattles or simply looking at the interior of the room;
  • walks in the open air.

According to this, you need to build a daily routine: for example, if a child sleeps only outside for 5 months, go for a walk with him during nap times. If your baby has difficulty falling asleep, do not start active games with him just before rest. It’s better to just walk around with the baby in your arms, talk, pat him on the back and sing a calm song.

It happens that all the instructions are followed, but the baby still cannot sleep, is capricious, whines and often drives the mother to white heat. If by all indications the child is healthy, most likely the problem is overfatigue, in simple terms, the child has “overstayed his welcome.” This situation is a reason to think about shifting sleep to an earlier time.

As for nutrition, it is important that your child goes to bed immediately or almost immediately after eating: hunger is another fairly common reason that a child does not sleep well during the day or wakes up at unplanned times at night.

Five-month-old baby's sleep and breastfeeding: what is the relationship?

From a physiological point of view, infants and artificial babies are in an equal position with regard to sleep. Provided there is sufficient balanced nutrition they sleep equally soundly and efficiently.

Another thing is that it is easier to put a baby to sleep: you can give him a breast, under which the baby can easily sleep for an hour and a half. At night, it is easier to feed such children, if necessary, by placing them next to you. On the other hand, artificial babies are less dependent on their mother, which means they are more willing to fall asleep without her direct presence, in a stroller or crib.

Important advice to mothers whose children are on artificial feeding: You should not give your child a sweetened formula immediately before bed: sugar can cause fermentation processes in the intestines and provoke colic or a deceptive feeling of hunger. In this case, you will have to forget about getting proper sleep for your child.

Sleep hygiene for a 5 month old baby: what to pay attention to?

Let us list the basic conditions for a five-month-old baby to have good, long sleep. In addition to the regime and nutrition, which were already mentioned earlier, the following are important:

  • temperature and humidity in the room: if your child sleeps poorly, cries, wakes up often, he may be hot, cold, or have difficulty breathing. The problem is solved by maintaining the temperature in the room at 17-18 degrees, using humidifiers during the heating season and high-quality ventilation;
  • light: there are two options here - either complete darkness or dim local lighting, for example, a dim night light. You should not teach your child to fall asleep in bright light: just like for an adult, for him this is fraught with a decrease in melatonin production, and therefore sleep disturbances;
  • comfortable clothes: pajamas or onesies with a vest should be spacious, made of a pleasant-to-touch fabric with the seams facing out, and selected according to the season. For particularly restless babies, you can use partial swaddling so that they do not wake themselves up with the movements of their arms and legs;
  • hygiene: if a child of 5 months sleeps poorly, spins and wakes up, it means that something is bothering him. A cleanly washed body, moderately moisturized skin, treated areas of irritation are the key to a strong and good sleep crumbs;
  • rituals: putting him to bed, singing a lullaby, darkness, stroking and patting, other actions should be associated with the child falling asleep. Then the process of going to bed itself will be calm and effective.

In conclusion, a few words about the position: many adults, especially the older generation, are frightened by the fact that the child began to sleep on his stomach at 5 months. They begin to turn him over and, of course, wake him up.

There is nothing strange or scary in this position: the baby grows and chooses the most comfortable positions for himself. He can sleep on his stomach, on his back, on his side or even on all fours - and this will not make his sleep any less complete. Unless, of course, adults interfere.

One of critical issues For mothers, the newborn's sleep routine is always a priority. We will tell you how much sleep children under one year old need, and also explain when to sound the alarm and how to change an improper rest schedule.

How much should a baby sleep at 1 month of age?

Sleep pattern of a baby in the first month of life

In the first month of his life, a newborn baby sleeps 18-20 hours a day. He slowly begins to realize what day and night are.

In the first three weeks, the baby may not sleep so soundly and wake up every hour to eat.

Soon the period of wakefulness will begin to increase, the baby will peer with interest at objects. The child will not go to bed according to the previous schedule.

Duration of sleep of a newborn one month of life at night and during the day

  • A child has 4 daytime sleep periods and 1 nighttime sleep period per month.
  • As a rule, it is enough for newborns to rest for 8-9 hours during the day, and 10-12 at night.
  • The baby should be put to bed at a certain period - from 9 pm to 9 am. It is at this time that night falls for the newborn.

The baby sleeps little and restlessly at one month of age: reasons

Of course, if a month-old baby does not sleep at any time of the day, you should sound the alarm. Remember - the baby should rest both at night and during the day!

Pay attention to your child, he may not sleep for various reasons.

  • The room is stuffy or humid. Ventilate the room before putting your child to bed.
  • An external stimulus interferes - music, conversation, a fly and other factors environment.
  • Temperature cooling or overheating. The baby may be hot or cold. Swaddle him so that he feels cozy and warm.

A 1 month old baby constantly sleeps: why?

According to pediatricians, a newborn can sleep 18-20 hours a day. And this is not a problem if the little person rests most of the time of the day.

Take this opportunity and get some sleep yourself. Typically, this period will not last long. Remember that the child can adopt the mother's habit of sleeping during the day and not closing his eyes at night.

It is better for mothers to adjust their sleep schedule in advance during pregnancy rather than not accustom the child to a new schedule later.

How much and how should a baby sleep at 2 months of age?

Peculiarities of daytime and night sleep in a two-month-old infant

  • Children of this age sleep 18 hours a day. This time is enough for the baby to gain strength.
  • There are 5-6 hours left for active and active games and activities, but this period will be enough for the baby. There is no need to wean your child off this regime.

Duration good night in a baby at 2 months of age during the night and daytime

  • A two-month-old baby spends 8 hours sleeping during the day. This time is divided into 2 deep sleeps of 3 hours each and 2 superficial ones, which last from 30 minutes.
  • And the night's rest is divided into 2 sleeps. The baby may wake up to feed. There is no need to deny her this.

Why does a child sleep poorly or not sleep at 2 months of age?

Let's list the main reasons why 2-month-old babies may have trouble sleeping.

  • Stuffy room.
  • Uncomfortable sleeping place.
  • Tummy pain or other illness.
  • Temperature change - hot or cold.
  • Trembling in sleep. Swaddling will save you from them.
  • External stimulus - voice, music, mosquito.

Why does a 2 month old baby sleep constantly?

Long sleep is the cause of baby's illness! Pay attention to the little one. Her stomach may ache.

Your baby should sleep no more than 4 hours during the day. If his sleep was previously disturbed, then the baby will simply sleep it off.

How much and how do babies sleep at three months?

Features of daytime and night sleep of a newborn at 3 months of life

The sleep schedule of a three-month-old baby is almost no different from that of a two-month-old baby. He sleeps only 1 hour less.

Children also need four naps during the day. They begin to show themselves more actively within 7-8 hours - they reach for toys, hold their heads and monitor what is happening around them.

Duration proper sleep a child of three months lives at night and during the day

  • The baby spends 7 hours on daytime rest. This time is divided into 2 deep sleeps of 2-3 hours each and 2 superficial sleeps of 30-40 minutes each.
  • A child needs 10 hours to rest at night. You will still have to feed the baby once during the night.

A 3-month-old baby sleeps little or restlessly: why?

The child will sleep soundly and sweetly if all the necessary conditions are met.

  • The room will be fresh.
  • Voice, music, telephone or TV sounds will not interfere.
  • He will feel cozy in bed. A high-quality mattress and pillow are the key to a good rest.
  • He will not be cold or hot. Swaddling will help with this.
  • If the child is not sick.

A 3-month-old baby sleeps a lot and for a long time: why?

A baby can sleep for a long time for one reason - something hurts. Pay attention to him. The disease does not always manifest itself externally, because the baby may have a red throat, a stomach ache or a high temperature.

How much and how should a four-month-old baby sleep?

Sleeping and waking patterns of a 4-month-old baby

A 4-month-old baby should rest 17 hours a day. This time is enough for energy to be restored.

The baby will spend his energy on 7 hours of wakefulness.

Please note that in a dream the baby grows and develops. It is advisable to adhere to a certain routine: sleep 4 times during the day, and 2 times at night.

Sleep should be interrupted for feeding or active play.

Duration of sleep for a baby at four months of age

  • In the first half of the day, the child should have 2 deep sleeps of 3 hours each, and in the afternoon - 2 shallow sleeps of 30-40 minutes each.
  • The baby will spend the remaining 10 hours sleeping at night. There is no need to divide this stage by time. The child can wake up at night after 3-4 hours, eat and then lie down to rest.

Why does a 4-month-old child sleep little, poorly and restlessly, or not sleep at all during the day or at night?

Let's list important reasons bad sleep babies 4 months of age.

  • Overwork. The baby may “over-walk”, then will cry and will not fall asleep on time.
  • Wants attention.
  • My tummy hurts. The reasons are a new product that a nursing mother ate, or mixtures.
  • Stuffy room air or humidity.
  • Hot or cold. Maintain your child's temperature.

Mothers are advised to put their baby to sleep next to them in the first six months. This way you will spend less effort getting up to your baby. When the baby starts crying, it will be enough to reach out to her, stroke her or feed her.

Why does a baby sleep a lot at 4 months of age?

If your child sleeps for a long time, do not immediately panic. Take a close look at the baby. Perhaps something hurts him, and the disease occurs internally. If something worries you about your baby's behavior, go and see a doctor. He will advise how to establish a regime and solve the problem.

How much sleep should a baby at five months sleep?

Features of daytime and night sleep in children at five months

  • At this age, the time schedule differs from the previous one by 1 hour.
  • You will have to reduce your rest time during the day. The baby will need to be taught to nap three times a day.
  • You won't have to wake up at night to feed as often. Everything will depend on whether the child is hungry or not.
  • In total, children will sleep 16 hours a day.

Duration of sleep for a 5 month old baby at night and during the day

  • A 5-month-old child needs 6 hours for daily rest. This time should be divided into 2 deep sleeps of 2.5 hours each and one hour of shallow sleep.
  • At night, your child will sleep 10 hours.

Why is a baby restless, unwell, sleeping little or not sleeping at all at five months??

The baby's routine can be disrupted for various reasons.

  • The room is stuffy, dry or humid.
  • He is disturbed by extraneous noise and sounds.
  • It is uncomfortable and uncomfortable to lie in a large crib. Babies of this age are often put to sleep in a separate crib. There they can freeze or, conversely, they can be very hot under the blanket.
  • He's overtired.
  • Requires attention from mom.

Why does a baby sleep a lot at 5 months of age?

There are two reasons: either the child is sleeping off after long “festivities”, or he is sick.

Pay attention to the baby and examine him. Just in case, consult your pediatrician.

Features of daytime and night sleep in a 6-month-old child

Sleep pattern of a six-month-old baby at night and during the day

  • In six months, the toddler will sleep 15 hours a day.
  • He will gain strength and energy, which he will spend on 8-9 hours of active knowledge of the world around him.
  • At 6 months, a baby can sleep soundly at night without even waking up.
  • Daytime rest has also not been canceled - there should definitely be 3 sleeps.

How much should a baby sleep at six months?

  • At 6 months, the baby will sleep 10 hours at night.
  • Daytime sleep will be divided into 2 deep for 2 hours and 1 superficial lasting 30-40 minutes.
  • In total, the baby should spend 5 hours resting during the day.

Causes of sleep disturbances in a 6 month old baby

A toddler may not sleep well for various reasons.

  • Because of the uncomfortable bed, mattress, pillow.
  • The new environment may disturb him (in case of renovation or moving).
  • The child got sick.
  • Humidity or stuffiness in the room.
  • Extraneous irritants.

Why does a baby sleep a lot at 6 months of age?

  • If your child does not go to bed according to the schedule and “overnights,” then he may sleep several hours beyond the allotted time. This is one reason for violation of the regime.
  • The other is a disease that goes unnoticed inside child's body. Consult a doctor!

How should a baby sleep at the age of 7 months?

Sleep pattern in children at 7 months during the day and night

  • The duration of daily sleep in children of 7 months does not change and is 15 hours.
  • The only difference is the periods of daytime rest. You should teach your child to sleep only 2 times during the day.
  • The little ones now stay awake longer, for 9 hours.
  • By the way, by the time your baby is seven months old you no longer have to get up at night to feed.

How much and how should a baby sleep at seven months?

  • A 7-month-old child needs 10 hours of sleep at night, and 5 hours for daytime sleep.
  • Sleep time during the day should be divided into 2 periods of 2.5 hours. This time will be enough for the baby to rest, and he won’t even need a quick nap after lunch.

Why does a child sleep poorly, little, restlessly or not sleep at all at night and during the day at 7 months of age: reasons

  • A 7-month-old baby is already sensitive to what is happening around him. He may be awakened by conversations or other sounds, such as those coming from a TV or telephone.
  • In addition, a toddler at this age really wants attention from his mother. Perhaps you put him to sleep with you for up to six months, and then weaned him and began to put him in a separate crib.
  • Also, the causes of sleep disturbance may be illness, abdominal cramps, an uncomfortable sleeping place, unbearable humidity or a stuffy room.

Why does a baby sleep a lot at 7 months of age?

Reasons for long sleep no baby at 7 months. It should not disrupt your sleep-wake schedule. If this happens, consult a doctor who will examine the baby. Diseases often go unnoticed in children.

How much should babies sleep at 8 months?

Sleep pattern in children aged 8 months during the day and night

  • For a baby who begins to move actively, learns to stand up and crawl, at this age 15 hours of sleep is enough. During the rest period, he will grow, his energy and strength will be replenished.
  • The child will be able to play and explore vigorously the world within 9 hours.

Sleep duration in children aged eight months

  • Some children at 8 months adhere to the old routine - sleep soundly during the day 2 times for 2.5 hours. And other toddlers can sleep for 3-4 hours at a time.
  • In total, children should spend 5 hours on daytime rest, and 10 hours on nighttime rest.

Why does my child sleep poorly, restlessly, or not sleep at all during the day/night?

Sleep disturbances often occur for certain reasons.

  • It is difficult for him to breathe due to stuffiness or high humidity in the room.
  • It's hot or cold to sleep.
  • Sounds from the outside world or insects (in summer) interfere.
  • Tummy hurts due to complementary feeding.
  • It is uncomfortable to sleep on a pillow or a new mattress.

An 8-month-old baby constantly sleeps: why?

The cause of long sleep can be a disease inside the child’s body. You should contact your pediatrician.

And an eight-month-old baby may become overtired, because she now spends so much energy!

How much and how should a baby sleep at 9 months of age?

Proper sleep schedule for children 9 months old

  • The correct daily routine for a nine-month-old baby consists of 8-9 hours of active educational games and two periods of sleep. Observing strict regime, you will notice that the baby will become cheerful, well-rested, and smiling.
  • In total, he needs 15 hours a day to rest.

Duration of sleep in a nine-month-old baby during the day and night

  • A child at this age should sleep at least 5 hours during the day. This time is divided into 2 equal periods of 2.5 hours.
  • And at night the baby will need 10 hours of sleep. Your baby may not even wake up in the dark to feed.

Restless sleep in a child aged 9 months: reasons

Sleep disturbance is not best period in the baby's life. The child may wake up from noise, conversation, the sounds of music, and, starting to cry, will not be able to sleep normally.

Before putting your baby to bed, pay attention to some points. After all, it is because of them that a newborn may not sleep.

  • The room should not be stuffy or humid.
  • The sleeping place should be comfortable.
  • Heat and cold are harmful to the baby.
  • Pay attention to whether the little one’s tummy is bothering him or whether something else is hurting him?

A 9-month-old baby sleeps constantly: why?

A baby at this age actively manifests itself and tries to stand on its feet, turns its head in all directions, and crawls. The cause of long sleep can be overwork.

It’s worth going to bed on time and making sure your baby doesn’t get tired, especially before bedtime!

The second reason is illness. Contact your doctor to examine your child.

How much should a 10 month old baby sleep day and night?

How long should a ten month old baby sleep at night and during the day?

  • A 10-month-old toddler should sleep at least 14 hours a day. The rest time is reduced by one hour, but it is enough for the baby to replenish its energy supply.
  • And the baby has been awake for 9-10 hours.

Duration of sleep in a child aged ten months

  • A child needs 10 hours to rest at night. Moreover, note that at this age you no longer need to get up to him in the dark to feed.
  • Daytime sleep time is 4 hours. It can be divided into 2 deep sleeps of 2 hours each.

Why can't a child of ten months of age sleep during the day or at night?

There are many reasons for poor sleep.

  • The child may be disturbed by voices, noise, or the sounds of the TV.
  • Stuffy room or high humidity.
  • A sleeping place that is inconvenient for a baby to sleep, for example, a wide parent’s bed.
  • Illnesses, especially colic in the abdomen, can be bothersome.
  • Overwork.
  • Character. A child can express himself by demanding attention from his mother.

Why does a baby sleep a lot at ten months of age?

If your baby sleeps a couple of hours more than expected, doctors advise not to panic.

And if a child sleeps for a very long time and refuses to eat, he should be given Special attention. Perhaps something is bothering him. He is ill? Examine the baby yourself or contact your pediatrician!

How much and how should a baby sleep at the age of 11 months?

Sleep patterns in children aged eleven months at night and during the day

  • The rest schedule for eleven-month-old children does not differ from ten-month-old children. It becomes a little easier for mothers; they continue to live according to the old routine.
  • You also need to give babies at least 14 hours of rest, and divide daytime sleep into 2 periods.

Sleep duration for an 11 month old baby

  • The night in children aged 11 months lasts 10 hours. As a rule, babies should get a good night's sleep during this time.
  • And the child will spend 4 hours on daytime rest.

Why does an eleven-month-old baby sleep poorly or cannot sleep during the day or at night: reasons

  • A baby at this age may have trouble sleeping due to poor health, or he may be disturbed by an external stimulus (insect, noise, sounds of music, conversation).
  • The regime is also disrupted due to stuffiness, moisture, uncomfortable sleeping place, overwork.
  • Or the child just wants your attention.

Why does a baby sleep a lot at 11 months of age?

An eleven-month-old child should sleep on a schedule. If the child steps away from him for a couple of hours, it’s okay.

And if he doesn’t wake up even to eat, it’s time to sound the alarm!

Pay attention to the baby - he may be sick. Consult a pediatrician.

How should a one-year-old child sleep during the day and at night?

Sleeping and waking patterns in a one-year-old child

  • At one year old, children do not change their routine much. They also need 13-14 hours to sleep.
  • Moreover, the daily nap of 2 times a day is preserved, but is reduced by half an hour to an hour.
  • The waking time is 10-11 hours.

Sleep duration in children at twelve months

  • The baby needs 10-11 hours to rest at night, and 3-4 during the day.
  • Before lunch, the child should have deep sleep lasting 2-2.5 hours, and after lunch - shallow sleep for 1-1.5.

The time to rest depends on the child’s well-being and mood.

Causes of poor sleep in children aged 12 months

A one-year-old toddler may not sleep well due to certain circumstances.

  • Stuffiness or humidity in the room.
  • Unusual sleeping place.
  • Uncomfortable mattress, pillow.
  • Noise, voice, sounds of music.
  • Overwork.
  • Diseases.
  • Lack of attention, the baby wants to call his mother to him.

Why one year old child sleeps a lot: reasons

Long sleep and disruption of the sleep-wake schedule may be due to an invisible disease occurring in the little person’s body, or overwork resulting from long “walks”.

When should a child switch to two or one naps?

At 12-18 months, the child should still have two naps during the day. Moreover, the baby should be put to bed before and after lunch.

According to the advice of many mothers, you need to teach your children to sleep during the day from 10 to 12 o’clock, feed them lunch, play, and then (from 15 to 16) go back to bed. Three hours will be enough for rest.

To make the transition to this mode easier for the child, add the time that the baby does not sleep during the day to night sleep. Let him spend a little more than usual on his night's rest.

And you should switch to one daytime nap at 1.5-2 years. Try to put your child to bed after lunch for 2.5-3 hours.

Many parents are interested in why a 5 month old baby does not sleep well at night. A baby's sleep pattern at 5 months changes compared to a newborn. This is due to a new stage in development. The number of feedings during the day decreases by at least 1. This is no longer a baby, he becomes more active and socializes. In this regard, sleep time, especially during the day, begins to decrease.

Due to the baby's behavioral changes, his sleep pattern also changes. During the daytime it decreases, accounting for approximately 3.5 hours. Adequate time for one of the periods of daily wakefulness, including games, feeding, and putting to bed should take from 2 to 2.5 hours.

The first nap of the day can be called the morning nap, since the child definitely needs it in the early hours. Many mothers combine it with a walk in the fresh air. This is useful and will make it easier to fall asleep. The second usually occurs after lunch, around one or two in the afternoon. It's okay if there is a delay of a few minutes. If you follow the pediatrician's recommendations, then the third nap should fall between 17-18 pm.

It is important to know! AT 5 one month old A child's nighttime sleep lasts from 9 to 12 hours. Possible awakenings for feeding. Normally, after them, the baby should quickly fall asleep.

Many parents get used to swaddling their child from birth. At this age, such a procedure only interferes. The baby becomes stronger, unravels and thereby wakes himself up.

The child will sleep well throughout the night if he is not allowed to nap during the day. The only exception to all the rules may be teething. During this period, the baby is very restless and sleeps poorly. Although in such cases there are options to alleviate the baby’s condition.

Sleep disturbances in a baby aged five months

Types of violations

Poor sleep in children under one year of age is very common occurrence. It can be triggered by many different factors. There is currently no exact classification. Scientists consider the most correct division of Americans:

  1. Primary disorder. This disorder is not the result of any underlying condition. There are no obvious signs illness or other causes of poor sleep.
  2. Secondary disorder. In this case, violations may be caused by some internal pathologies eg stress, illness digestive tract, teething or allergies.

Most often, such disorders are a consequence of changes in the child’s nervous system. You can select different types, based on exactly how it regulates the process of night rest. Sleep disorders are also divided into short-term, which disappear within a few days, and long-term, lasting for months and sometimes years.

Causes of poor sleep in children

There are many causes of sleep disturbance in children under one year of age. Most of them do not require seeing a doctor or taking any medications:

Advice! If at 5 months your child is not sleeping well at night, you should not rush to conclusions and think that something is wrong with him. When the baby is active during the day and nothing bothers him, poor sleep can be caused by overexcitation of the nervous system. In this case, parents need to establish a daily routine. If a 5-month-old child also sleeps poorly during the day, this is a serious reason to consult a specialist.

Ways to improve your baby's sleep

In order for a child to sleep well at night, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for this. You can also come up with certain rituals. If you follow all the rules, your sleep will quickly return to normal. It is very important to understand what the root cause of the violations is. Experts identify several simple ways putting the baby to bed if he has no health problems:

Dr. Komarovsky gives many lectures for parents on normalizing their child’s sleep patterns. As for children 5 months old, he advises adhering to the following basic rules:

  • The sleep schedule must be clearly established; the child must not be allowed to confuse day and night.
  • The baby must not become overtired; as soon as he begins to yawn or rub his eyes, he must be put to bed immediately.
  • Very important at this age is the ritual of falling asleep, which the baby will like.
  • If in the morning your child sleeps longer than usual, you need to wake him up. It is important that you wake up at approximately the same time.
  • Before going to bed, you should definitely eat, but not more than the usual portion.
  • If the baby doesn’t want to fall asleep without some kind of toy, it’s okay, let him sleep with it, it will be more comfortable for him.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that the basis of everything is Attentive attitude parents to their baby. If you notice an emerging problem in time, it will be much easier to get rid of it.

Advice! The nervous system must rest during sleep, so it is very important to bring all routine aspects back to normal.

The importance of good sleep for a child

Sleep is one of the most important components of the daily routine, which significantly affects the child’s health. Full sleep is very important for the child’s body, as it promotes the growth and development of the baby, energizes, improves emotional background and normalizing appetite. If rest is disrupted, all these important processes will be suspended. To prevent this from happening, you must first rule out health problems. If there are none, then you need to be patient and figure out how to help your baby improve sleep.

Every parent should clearly understand the characteristics of their child in certain age. At five months, active cognition of the world occurs, and therefore disturbances can be triggered by an excess of emotions and events that the nervous system processes during sleep. The most important thing in eliminating problems should be the patience and understanding of parents. If the child is active during the day and nothing bothers him, then sleep should normalize over time.

By the fifth month of life, the baby becomes very emotional, active, sociable, and strives for constant contact with parents and familiar people. He smiles in response to affectionate words and touches, laughs heartily, plays pranks, and tries to pronounce the first intelligible sounds. A 5-month-old child listens attentively to songs and rhymes, tinkers with toys, and spends the day in a fun and interesting way. Only now there is very little time left for sleep. But a baby who sleeps well and fully grows and develops correctly, has no problems with physical and mental health. So how much should a 5 month old baby sleep?

Features of sleep of a 5-month-old baby

Each baby develops an individual daily routine, sometimes significantly different from the schedule approved by medical specialists. This also applies to bedtime. But there is no need to worry: this is normal. The main thing is that the baby is comfortable. Some parents are faced with a problem: a 5-month-old child does not sleep well, tosses and turns in the crib for a long time, and is capricious. There is an explanation for this behavior. The fact is that the process of falling asleep in a five-month-old baby changes. Previously, the baby immediately fell into deep sleep as soon as he closed his eyes; now he first remains in the superficial phase, during which he dreams and easily wakes up from the slightest irritating sound.

A five-month-old baby falls asleep deeply 20 minutes after being placed in the cradle. Until this time, he may become alarmed and cry from any touch or unpleasant noise. If a mother wants her baby to fall asleep as quickly as possible, then she must maintain as much silence as possible for twenty minutes. And only after making sure that the baby is in strong and healthy sleep, she can leave the crib and do household chores.

Daytime sleep for a 5 month old baby

A five-month-old baby goes to bed two or even three times during the day. The baby sleeps for the first time before lunch, about two hours after waking up and having a morning meal. The duration of this sleep is usually short, does not exceed an hour. The second time the child rests after lunch. This sleep is the deepest and longest, can last two or even three hours. If the weather is not too hot or cold, then it is advisable for the mother to take her sweetly sleeping baby outside so that he can breathe in plenty fresh air. The third time the baby is put into the cradle in the evening, a few hours before bedtime, but not always, but only if he is very tired. It’s good when a child sleeps no more than four hours during the day, otherwise at night he plays around and is capricious.

Baby's night sleep at 5 months

A 5 month old baby sleeps an average of 10 - 11 hours at night. A baby's sleep at 5 months is deep and sound, which pleases the mother, exhausted and tired from regular breastfeeding. The baby may wake up hungry just once, usually in the middle of the night, and then rest soundly until the morning. A full night's sleep is important for a 5-month-old baby; it is the main source of restoring energy lost during the day. While the baby is sleeping soundly, his brain not only produces the growth hormone somatotropin, but also analyzes all the information he sees and hears. If a five-month-old baby does not get enough sleep at night for certain reasons, then in the future he may experience unpleasant problems with health, including retardation in physical and mental development.

Daily routine of a five-month-old baby

6 00 — 7 00 waking up, first morning meal
7 00 — 8 00 hygiene procedures, washing
8 00 — 10 00 morning dream
10 00 — 10 30 second morning meal
10 30 — 12 30 developmental exercises, outdoor games, gymnastics
12 30 — 14 30 nap in the fresh air
14 30 — 15 00 daily meal
15 00 — 17 00 active games, walk down the street
17 00 — 19 00 evening sleep
19 00 — 19 30 first evening meal
19 30 — 20 30 hygiene procedures, bathing, massage
20 30 — 21 00 second evening meal
21 00 — 6 00 night sleep

Breastfeeding and sleep

In the process of feeding a child at 5 months, the mother will pay attention to obvious changes in the baby’s behavior. The baby will begin to be distracted from the breast faster and will have less time to eat. Literally any changes in the environment - a sharp knock, noise, flash - will instantly distract the child's attention. Many mothers are nervous about this fact. They begin to feel that the baby is not getting enough milk. But this is not so: if the child wants to eat, he will eat, especially since the mother’s breast is in the access zone.

The fact that the baby is distracted by other stimuli is a sign that he is growing up. If suddenly the baby does not get enough food during the day, the baby will compensate for everything during sleep.

At the same time, you will have to feed the baby more often and longer at night. For many mothers, this is quite inconvenient, because the quality of their sleep also changes.

Gradually, over time, feedings at night should stop. To speed up this process, during the day you need to create a calm environment for the baby during feedings. Close the curtains and remove all possible distractions. Sometimes women use a special sling that limits the space that the baby can see so that there are no visual distractions. When putting your baby to bed, do not forget about the rituals to which he is accustomed.

Baby is cutting teeth

The first teeth are a real challenge for both mother and baby. At five months, the lower teeth gradually begin to erupt. The lower incisors cause the most discomfort for children. But the central ones can also itch, itch and even make the gums hurt.

The approaching appearance of a tooth is warned by some behavioral characteristics that the child actively demonstrates. In particular, the baby begins to chew everything, and he also produces saliva more strongly. These are integral companions to the appearance of new teeth. Carefully look into your baby's mouth: if a red spot appears on the gums, it means that a tooth will soon appear. By evening, the gums usually begin to itch much more.

There is only one piece of advice here - to reduce the baby’s discomfort, you can smear his gums with a special baby gel containing lidocaine.

How to quickly put a 5 month old baby to sleep?

The individuality of a child is manifested not only in his character, but also in the way the baby sleeps. Until the age of 5 months, the baby fell asleep quite easily, as he quickly moved into the REM sleep phase. Therefore, mom could immediately go about her business. The sleep phases of a five-month-old baby begin to become “adult” - that is, first comes REM sleep, from which it is very easy to get out of.

If something distracts your baby during REM sleep, he will instantly open his eyes. On average, deep sleep occurs within 20 minutes. If you do not keep the room in complete light and sound insulation for these minutes, the baby may never be put to bed completely.

Psychologists identify a number of rules, following which you can quickly put your child to bed, and his sleep will be sound.

  • No overwork. As soon as the child begins to show fatigue (yawning, being capricious, being less active), it’s time to start bedtime procedures. If the child is not put to bed on time, overstimulation will follow, and then the process of falling asleep can be delayed and very problematic.
  • Eliminate irritants. Dress the child so that he is not too hot and the baby does not freeze; make sure that the clothes are comfortable - do not pinch, do not rub, and do not prick anywhere. If the teeth have already begun to cut, lubricate the baby’s gums with a special gel. Nothing should prevent your child from falling asleep
  • Rituals before bed. Dim the lights, dress your baby in soft clothes, sing a lullaby, pet him or give him a little massage. The rituals should be repeated daily in a consistent, identical order. When the child gets used to the sleep ritual, each time it will be like a signal for him that it is time to sleep.

Baby's sleep at 5 months: regression

Almost all parents face this phenomenon. This problem occurs when a child’s body at 5 months cannot cope with the stress that it experiences - too many impressions, a lot of information that needs to be absorbed.

Sleep regression in a child at 5 months is a temporary deterioration in sleep, which makes it difficult for the baby not only to fall asleep, but also wakes him up at night. At 5 months, a child’s sleep becomes unstable and he worries a lot. The baby is showing signs of lack of sleep, but he can’t get enough sleep because he can’t fall asleep. A 5 month old child sleeps poorly both day and night. The child demands to be held more often, cries a lot, and sometimes asks to eat more often than usual. But parents should not worry, sleep will return to normal within a month, within of this period the nervous system will adapt to the stress.

Reasons for sleep regression in a child at 5 months

A child's sleep at 5 months moves from completely deep, as it was previously, to sleep in cycles - when the phases of rapid and deep sleep begin to operate. Switching between these phases, even adults sometimes wake up. Only they don’t notice such awakenings and continue to sleep, but children notice, it worries them (especially those who are not used to falling asleep on their own), so the child is capricious, cries and wakes up the parents.

How to deal with the problem

Such situations require, if not a complete solution, then at least relief, both for the child and for his mother and father.

  1. Provide suitable conditions. The child does not yet know how to fall asleep completely alone, so mom and dad need to pay a lot of attention to him. The baby is still scared big world, so you need not to be angry with him, but to understand and help. Make the environment comfortable for sleeping - check the temperature and humidity in the room, turn off the lights, eliminate extraneous noise, including from the street.
  2. Go to bed early. Calculate how many hours a day your child sleeps. If the figure is less than the permissible norm, you need to try putting him to bed 30-60 minutes earlier. The optimal time to put your child to bed is 7 pm. At this time, the sleep hormone human body are produced best.
  3. Don't get overtired. A child rubs his eyes and yawns - this is a signal that he wants to sleep, and it’s time to start this process. For now it's just fatigue. But literally after 20 minutes, fatigue will develop into overwork, and then it will be impossible to get the baby to sleep. He will want a bottle or pacifiers, or to hold his hands, or to play - he will come up with any distractions and desires in order to stay awake. At the same time, the small organism will be more exhausted over and over again, and it will not end. sound sleep, but hysterical.

A 5-month-old child does not sleep well. What to do?

If a child shows signs of fatigue and is capricious, then it is necessary to reconsider his daily routine.

What other problems may arise due to which a child refuses to sleep at 5 months:

  • The baby does not fall asleep for a long time, plays and wants to communicate. This means that the child simply does not want to sleep. If there are no hints of whims mixed into the baby’s games, and the baby generally behaves calmly, then the child has had enough daytime sleep. Therefore, you need to shorten the extreme daytime sleep. Don't wait until your baby opens his eyes on his own—carefully start waking him up when he's reached the six-and-a-half-hour total daytime sleep limit. This is exactly how much it takes for a baby to fully restore the body’s resources in a day. The same goes for sleeping at night. A child needs ten hours of sleep. In the morning it is necessary to wake him up after this time if he does not wake up on his own.
  • Teach your baby to fall asleep on his own. If you have taught your child to fall asleep with rocking, a bottle, or only when sleeping together, then you should gradually abandon the latter. The fact is that the child quickly gets used to co-sleeping and teaching your baby to sleep on his own will become a problem. However, by teaching the child to fall asleep on his own, parents save themselves from problems that will arise in the future. At the moment of regression, which will last for a month, you can help the child fall asleep by holding him at the breast or rocking the baby. At 6 months, you can gradually teach your child to fall asleep on his own, if this has not been done before.
  • The baby sleeps restlessly, tosses and turns, cries in his sleep or before bedtime. These are the symptoms nervous fatigue, bordering on nervous breakdown. Correct the daily routine: everything that brings the child greatest number bright impressions should take place in the first half of the day. In the second half - calm walks, quiet games, no noise or running, muffle the TV sounds. By evening, the lighting should also not be bright. Allow the child to move from the active to the passive phase, and also give him the opportunity to calm down. Children who are too excitable and active need relaxation and activity before bed, because if they do not throw out their energy, they simply will not fall asleep. If a child cries before going to bed, this only means that the baby received a lot of information during the day, which the brain cannot assimilate so quickly. If a child is restless and often cries before going to bed, then it is necessary to create a calm environment for him.

Benjamin Spock noted that the child's nervous system creates a “barrier”, so children need crying to overcome the “barrier”, and after which they can fall asleep.