
How to faint for 5 minutes. How to pretend to faint

How to fall: faint out of necessity. This incident is so effective means impact on others that many, especially ladies, dream of learning how to perform this trick so that they believe in it.

In the old days, downfalls in society even gave women a certain charm of a gentle and sensitive nature. Ladies fainted at the slightest emotional impact, even simply from an excess of feelings.

These days, such sensitivity would be met with ridicule or a recommendation to see a doctor. However, if this is done at the right moment, then a lot can be achieved by arousing sympathy for yourself or, in any case, distracting others from an undesirable topic.

In fact, the old ladies did not at all strive to pretend to faint at every opportunity. The cause of frequent fainting was tight corsets that did not allow one to breathe full breasts during the whole day. The brain constantly lacked oxygen, especially since the rooms were quite cramped, with low ceilings, rarely ventilated and heated by stoves.

Naturally, the slightest excitement led to fainting, which is what the most cunning natures began to use. It was not difficult for them to imitate loss of consciousness, since they themselves had to experience these sensations many times, and there were plenty of examples almost every day.

These days, most people have never fainted, so there's no way to learn how to do it. However, if you understand what leads to this phenomenon, you can understand how to correctly imitate it. In fact, fainting can be provoked artificially by dramatically changing the access of oxygen to the brain.

The most obvious way is to pump air through the lungs for 2-3 minutes (deep inhalations and exhalations), then hold your breath with full lungs, sharply straightening chest(shoulders back, chin up). Very often, such an exercise leads to a short-term loss of consciousness, but it is not recommended to do it sharply, since the consequences are unpredictable.

Firstly, it can lead to injury if you fall, and, secondly, it has a bad effect on brain cells. Moreover, it is not worth taking to faint medical supplies, lowering blood pressure, tinctures of herbs or mushrooms. All this can end badly and the risks of loss of health are incomparable with the benefits that can be obtained from the incident.

It is much better to learn to reliably imitate him, as young ladies did in the past. True, there is a risk of playing too theatrically, but a few days of training will help achieve authenticity.

How to faint correctly

To faint truthfully, you need to know what sensations arise.

Firstly, the onset of fainting occurs quite quickly, literally within a few seconds. Man feels sudden weakness, dizziness, vision becomes dark, sounds are muffled, head drops. Then darkness comes, that is, the loss of consciousness itself occurs with a fall.

Fainting usually does not last long, one or two minutes, so there is no need to lie on the floor and listen to what others are saying. The person comes to his senses gradually - first he hears distant sounds, then they become clearer, then his eyes open, but weakness remains for another couple of minutes.

It is important to choose the right place before falling so as not to get injured or not have to look around to see where you fall, because it’s just funny. You can, lowering your head, quickly drop to your knees and fall from them to the floor, thereby softening your fall.

We ask fainting experts to take the short survey below the article.

The human body is designed in such a way that when a malfunction occurs in its functioning, loss of consciousness occurs. Sometimes you want to use this opportunity for your own purposes and deliberately lose consciousness for a few minutes. To understand how this can be done, it is necessary to find out the causes of spontaneous fainting.

Causes of loss of consciousness

  1. Lack of oxygen in the brain. This happens if a person is in a stuffy room or public transport. Previously, girls often lost consciousness due to tight corsets.
  2. You can lose consciousness from a strict diet when the body does not receive the necessary nutrients. If low food intake is accompanied by intense physical activity, then fainting definitely cannot be avoided.
  3. Fatigue caused by constant mental work, stress, and lack of time for sleep also disables all organs and systems of the body. Sudden blackouts occur.
  4. Strong pain.
  5. Serious illness.
  6. Pregnancy.

How to lose consciousness quickly?

To use this feature of a person at your own discretion, you need to focus on the reasons described above. In addition, there is a way to turn off consciousness for a few seconds, but this should be done only in extreme cases, since it is unknown how such playing with the body will affect health.

  1. First you need to determine the place to fall.
  2. Then you need to inhale and exhale at a very fast pace for one or two minutes.
  3. Then take a deep breath and hold your breath, throwing your head back.
  4. The chest must be straightened.
  5. After a few minutes there will be a loss of consciousness for about half a minute.

The reason for this is the oversaturation of the brain with oxygen. After returning to consciousness, the sensations are not the most pleasant.

If you don’t want to experiment, you can simply pretend that you fainted. To do this, suddenly fall and not react to what is happening around you for several minutes. After a little practice it will turn out believable.

Fainting is not a solution. Cope with difficult situations and tasks can be done differently, taking full responsibility upon yourself as a mature person.

You can find other ways to lose consciousness in the article.

When you watch old films, you often see young ladies with curls in their hair and in beautiful fluffy dresses fainting at the sight of a handsome prince.

They deliberately pretended to be unconscious in order to achieve a goal, attract attention, or save a life.

If our ancestors did this, why can’t we use this technique today? This can help you avoid difficulties and help you find yourself in the arms of a loved one.

There are situations when the ability to plausibly faint will save a life.

You should feign fainting very carefully. A fall risks hitting you against a hard object.

The consequences of the prank can be the most unexpected:

  • Head injury.
  • Fracture of an arm or leg.
  • Dislocation or sprain.
  • Trauma to the cervical vertebrae.
  • Concussion.
  • Hematomas on the head, which can develop into serious illness requiring surgical intervention.
  • A hip injury that will close some doors for you sport sections, to competitions and the dance floor.
  • Knocked out tooth.
  • Bitten tongue.
  • If you hit your head while falling, you could lose your life. There are several points on the head, a blow to which will lead to death. Remember this!

This is all very serious. Concussions and head injuries are dangerous to life and health. The skill can be practiced. You will learn to accurately calculate your fall, avoiding injury.

5 rules for fainting for malingerers:

  • Relax the muscles of your entire body, as if you were sleeping.
  • Imagine that you don't have control over your facial muscles. The easiest way to expose you is by your face.
  • Try not to breathe while you are “lying unconscious”, or breathe barely noticeably, weakly.
  • Start your fall with your legs, bend them, and the rest of your body will fall behind them. Your legs will slow your fall. It looks neat and avoids a strong impact.

    The legs should move away from the feet to the side. The knees land first, then the butt, then the torso.

    If you start landing from the head, you will have to spend a long time collecting teeth and treating the concussion. Traumatic brain injuries are dangerous.

  • Be sure to rehearse in front of a mirror; your body will react automatically if you conduct an experiment on people without preparation.
  • Is it possible to faint for real: safely and on purpose

    If the acting talents leave much to be desired, use a proven method. Breathing manipulations will allow you to truly lose consciousness.

    Important! Every loss of consciousness has a bad effect on the brain. If more than two fainting events occur per year, the consequences will be dire.

    The time spent unconscious is also important. A person cannot influence this; this condition is uncontrollable.

    Prolonged fainting can result in coma. This is not a safe experiment at all. Remember this, use it in extreme cases.

    4 ways to actually lose consciousness:

    Methods Additional Information
    1 Hold your breath and inhale sharply The manipulation will create a powerful impulse: oversaturation with oxygen will allow you to lose consciousness, or lead to severe dizziness
    2 Breathe as deeply as possible: inhale the air, exhale sharply. Continue the manipulation for 3 minutes, hold your breath and tilt your head back This method allows you to turn off consciousness
    3 Go for a run as much as you can. Stop abruptly, sit down and stand up abruptly Helps to break down and feel darkening in the eyes. If you run for as long as possible, you can turn off consciousness
    4 If running is not possible, do squats. Repeat the exercise as long as you have the strength. Then suddenly hold your breath Don't forget to watch where you fall

    How to lose consciousness for a few minutes

    Real loss of consciousness is caused by simple manipulations. The downside is harm and danger to health.

    It will not be possible to accurately adjust the time of fall. You can create conditions for the body to weaken.

    People in good health will have to use one of the above techniques in addition:

    • Starvation.
    • Depressant.
    • Dehydration.
    • Severe stress.
    • Clothing that tightly pinches the chest and abdomen, preventing normal breathing.
    • Hit to the head.

    These methods are effective, but harmful. A blow to the head is mentioned because it can cause loss of consciousness. To use it is to risk your life.

    The blow can cause brain bleeding. The person will forever remain disabled, immobilized, blind, or die. One blow to a sensitive spot - and death is guaranteed.

    Fasting can weaken the body, but at the same time fainting Be prepared for stomach problems: ulcers, gastritis, indigestion, colitis.

    Such experiments leave consequences.

    Tight clothing is an option that operates on the principle of breathing manipulation. Lack of oxygen will contribute to fainting. Make sure there are people nearby who will provide first aid.

    Fainting at home: ways

    Use the above methods. This skill may one day save a life.

    Example: a quarrel with a spouse or a jealous boyfriend, when he is ready to hit, does not let you out of the room, threatens. Fainting will scare him and force him to slow down.

    But it’s better to lose consciousness using acting. Practice at home, on a soft surface.

    Real fainting should not occur more than twice a year! Remember this, and read the possible consequences again.

    Practice losing consciousness masterfully, bring your skills to perfection.

    Other possible consequences of fainting:

    • A person loses control of himself: you can fart while a beautiful knight carefully holds you in his arms.
    • Involuntary loss of urine is the second possible consequence. This happens if you really wanted to go to the toilet before fainting.
    • When you fall, your skirt rides up, your blouse may slide to the side, and your chest may be exposed.

    Use safe ways loss of consciousness.

    Useful video

    Doctors have long identified the main ways to create artificial fainting, which, by the way, can be very dangerous to health. How to faint on purpose without getting hurt is a rather specific and complex question. How to deliberately faint so that no one suspects a person of insincerity is a dilemma that can be resolved with the help of basic manipulations with your body. For example, by squeezing one’s carotid artery, a person can instantly lose consciousness, but plunging into such a state is quite dangerous. Another effective way involves the use of squats. After sitting down 20 times, a person needs to close his mouth and insert thumb and start blowing hard on it. The effect will be instantaneous, and from the sudden load, the person will quickly lose consciousness. But such manipulations will definitely result in serious health problems and are often not recommended.

    The question of how one can faint can be specifically solved with the help of a competently simulated situation. Before you start the actual fall, you need to seriously prepare for it. The most important thing in this difficult matter is to fall correctly. To avoid injury during a fall, you should not fall backwards or to the side, but forward. In this case, a person should not put his hands forward, since such movements are a protective reaction of the body. By putting his hands out, a person will only achieve that no one will believe his fainting state. You should not fall right away, but first you need to get down on your knees. If a person falls from his own height, he can receive significant injuries and injuries. Falling first on your knees, and only then on the floor, prevents unpleasant consequences. Typically, fainting lasts about ten minutes, and you should not be too zealous in your artistry.

    Sudden fainting happen to many people, and often it is due to influence environment. However, this condition is preceded by a gradual deterioration in well-being. Consequently, until the moment of the fall, a person needs to depict a painful state. You should complain to someone around you about the strong headache or blurred vision. You can also blink frequently or close your eyes for a long time, or hold your head. All these actions will produce the desired effect: the person will look sick, and fainting will be a logical continuation of something worse. physical condition. Sometimes it happens that fainting occurs suddenly, but an unexpected fall in front of an amazed crowd looks much less realistic. Having also acted out a preliminary deterioration in health, a person will be able to convince everyone of the reality of his fainting.

    Another detail without which it is impossible to realistically faint is the person’s personal artistry. On the TV screen everything looks simple: a person suddenly feels physical discomfort and faints, but in reality it is quite difficult to pull off such a specially designed trick. To make fainting look realistic, you need to fall naturally, without trying to strike an elegant pose. Losing consciousness, a person’s brain and any motor skills stop working for a while, and therefore people fall not in the most beautiful poses. Before fainting, there is no need to put on a performance, throw yourself into tears or sigh and groan. Usually a person does not understand the seriousness of the situation until the last moment, and therefore he faints without unnecessary sounds or groans. When falling to the floor, you must lower your head carefully so as not to get swipe and avoid future injuries.

    You also need to get out of the image skillfully, so that those around you cannot reveal the deception. So, after a real faint, a person gradually comes to his senses. For example, he may open his eyes, but his mind will still be foggy and his body will be sluggish. That is why you should not jump to your feet after fainting, because then people will only be convinced of the deception. You must first open your eyes, then try to sit down, and only after that start talking. Along the way, a person should hold his head, because in a real situation, confused thoughts and an unexpected fall can cause headaches. Over the next 10-15 minutes, the person will have to pretend to gradually return to normal state.

    Man by various reasons may want to faint, but when playing such a scene, you need to know when to stop. Firstly, you shouldn’t overact, and it’s better to come to your senses after 3-4 minutes so that those around you don’t have time to call an ambulance. Ambulance workers will be able to quickly identify feigned fainting. Secondly, you should not do such fraud too often. With each fake fainting, the risk of injury from a fall increases. In addition, others may stop believing in the person’s rapidly deteriorating condition. And thirdly, fainting should look as natural as possible. Sometimes people get carried away and, pretending to be unconscious, continue to make some sounds and even talk. Knowing the specifics of the job human body, it’s not difficult to fake fainting, and it’s possible to convince others that your health is worsening, and to do this you just need to show your artistry.

    From a physiological point of view, vivid sensations for several minutes are easily explained. As a result of pressure on the carotid artery, the brain stops receiving oxygen and produces various pictures to the disconnected consciousness. When the neck is released, the blood rushes sharply to the head, and the person temporarily falls into a state of euphoria or sees hallucinations.

    Doctors warn: the more and more often the brain does not receive enough oxygen, the worse it will work.

    If you squeeze the carotid artery, through which blood flows to the brain, and with it oxygen, the blood flow is sharply depleted, and changes occur in the brain cells, explains neurologist Ksenia Shilenina. - Everything is disrupted - right down to the structure of the core. If hypoxia, that is oxygen starvation, lasted quite a long time, although all this is very relative, because the brain cannot work for a long time without oxygen, then naturally, the cells are destroyed and dead areas appear in the brain that do not work - areas of ischemia. Hence the irreversible changes.

    Structural disorders of blood vessels and brain tissue may develop. The result is irritability and even aggression, fatigue, insomnia, memory disorders, and intellectual impairment. In a word, a child can become a “slower.” Often the price for “pleasure” is very high - loss of vision, decreased intelligence, disability or even death.

    5-6 minutes is the time that the brain can do without air. If it passes and the blood flow is not restored, then everything can happen - even coma and death, says Ksenia Shilenina.

    At the same time, the so-called rules of “dog high” are a deep misconception. It is impossible to do this safely. We may not see changes immediately, but they will come back to haunt us later.

    Frequent and wild fishing for a “high” will not work without consequences. The cells really die,” says therapist Vasily Salmin. - Any hypoxia is dangerous. Even if the cells do not die after such stress, they cannot be expected to function fully.

    To put it simply, the brain ages. And psychologist Marina Bykova gives an elementary comparison:

    The brain is like a computer processor. If you hit it with a bat, kick it, pour water on it, abruptly pull it out of the socket and plug it back in to see what happens, then nothing good will come of it. We are given one processor for life. And it's responsible for everything from how you hold your urine to thought processes. “Dog high” is a voluntary infliction of harm to health. You need to understand what you are playing with. Turn it off from the outlet, turn it on and wait for the processor to reboot. And it is unknown whether it will load. Either it will give out a glitch, or it will completely burn out.

    There are times in life different situations and sometimes we have to be actors. But what to do if you need to faint immediately? Sometimes such an act can save us. But how can you make it look natural without getting injured?

    Precautionary measures

    Before you decide to take such a desperate step, you need to take precautions. Otherwise, you may get injured or someone around you may “dispute” your wallet or bag.

    Make sure that there are people you know nearby; if necessary, they will provide first aid and will definitely not leave you in this state. It’s even better if there is a friend or girlfriend nearby who will be aware that the fainting is feigned and not accidental.

    Another tip is to choose a safe place to fall. Try not to faint on concrete or other hard surfaces, best option- on the floor indoors or on the grass lawn.

    How to faint on purpose and safely: methods

    Perhaps you want to “fake” fainting for some purpose or to make a joke on someone. Of course, this is not the most the best option manipulate people, but if you have no other choice, then why not?

    How to deliberately faint as safely as possible:

    Breath. You need to take deep breaths while sitting. The faster the breathing, the better. Then suddenly stand up and stop breathing. After this, start burning oxygen by actively moving. After a while you will feel dizzy, have problems with your vision, then you will fall.

    Cutting off the air flow . We cover our mouth and nose with our palms, thus blocking the air flow. After a few seconds you will feel worse and dizzy.

    We press on the chest. You can press on the chest wall, which in turn presses on the lungs, thereby suppressing breathing.

    We press on the nerve. It is located on the sides of the neck, down from the ears. When it is pressed hard, the person loses consciousness.

    We clamp the artery with our hand. You need to choose large artery and hold it for a while. As a result, the blood vessels will begin to constrict to prevent further blood loss, which triggers fainting.

    We use our thumb. Place your head between your knees and inhale for half a minute. Then stand up sharply, without inhaling, insert your thumb into your mouth and start breathing on it. Keep doing this until you faint.

    Dehydration. This option works in combination with holding your breath. Try not to drink anything for several hours before the planned action. Dehydration reduces blood pressure. Then you need to hold your breath at the right time, the longer you hold it, the higher the chance of losing consciousness.

    We refuse food. You may lose consciousness if you have not eaten for a long time. How long exactly do you go without eating? It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body, for some it is half a day, for others it is a day or more.

    We use medications. Unfortunately, this method is not the safest and can cause damage to your health. Some drugs may cause loss of consciousness, weakness, and drowsiness. Such drugs belong to the group of antidepressants and are prescribed only by a doctor. These are also diuretics and beta blockers.

    Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid - with its help you can lose consciousness for 20-30 minutes.

    Inhaling cigarette smoke - another harmful way to lose consciousness. Inhale the smoke and hold it in your lungs for a few seconds, holding your breath. Remember that this option is dangerous.


    If you have no desire to experiment with your health and use the methods presented above, you will have to play a small role and faint for nothing. Try to make it look as convincing as possible - ragged breathing, pale face and slight trembling in the limbs. If you are a good actor, people around you will believe your performance.

    In addition, our article is not intended to provide advice that could be harmful to health or life-threatening. We encourage you to talk about your problems with your loved ones, because we are all adults and responsible people.

    How dangerous is loss of consciousness?

    Before you decide to induce fainting, let's talk about the fact that any condition leading to loss of consciousness is associated with two unsafe factors, such as:

    • hyperventilation;
    • oxygen starvation of brain tissue.

    Therefore, deliberately provoking fainting is a very dangerous undertaking. But since you really need to create such a situation, let's talk about simulation, that is, about how to lose consciousness by pretending. In this case, you face only one danger - exposure. But if you approach the organization of the performance competently, then no one will guess, of course, when a doctor happens to not be nearby. To correctly simulate loss of consciousness, you need to know what it is real faint.

    What is fainting?

    This acute disorder consciousness, which is caused by a lack of blood and oxygen flow to the brain. Fainting usually lasts a few seconds. If the duration of loss of consciousness is more than a minute, it requires emergency medical care, since such a condition can be life-threatening or lead to complicated consequences. The main causes of fainting are:

    • Violations heart rate or myocardial infarction. The heart beats too fast, irregularly or slowly, but in all these cases the blood supply to the brain is temporarily limited.
    • The most common type of syncope is vasovagal syncope, which is a sudden drop in blood pressure and heart rate caused by an overreaction. nervous system. This form of fainting is striking healthy people and is often caused by fear, pain or mental stress.
    • A sudden change in body position can also lead to loss of consciousness (orthostatic syncope). This type of fainting often occurs in thin and tall people who tend to have low blood pressure. In this case, the pressure is not enough to supply the brain with blood in the required amount.
    • Severe narrowing of the vessels that carry blood to the brain, or blood vessels in the brain, can also lead to decreased blood flow. In addition, changes in the carotid artery, usually arteriosclerosis, can cause fainting when a person suddenly turns their head.

    To make the process realistic, you need to know the main signs of loss of consciousness:

    • a person suddenly gets hot;
    • may make you feel nauseous;
    • thoughts are confused and overlap one another;
    • dizzy, ringing in the ears;
    • general weakness appears;
    • temporary hearing loss is possible.

    Mastering acting skills: how to provoke fainting?

    Having studied the theory, you can begin production. From the very beginning, choose a course of action, the cause of your fainting and the corresponding symptoms. The reason should not be serious, since your fainting should end quickly, and you are not at all interested in the arrival of an ambulance.

    The most harmless option is reduced arterial pressure. If you were completely healthy before, then the reason sharp decline pressures can become:

    • hunger;
    • dehydration;
    • you are in a hot or poorly ventilated area;
    • sudden fear;
    • stress due to deep feelings.

    The scenario needs to be carefully developed. First decide on the purpose you are trying to achieve by losing consciousness and the location where the performance will take place. You must keep everything under control so that your debut does not fail in disgrace:

    • Try to have as few spectators as possible, you don’t want unnecessary attention. In addition, among the spectators there will always be some smart guy who will confuse all your plans.
    • If you are timing your “performance” to coincide with some important event, then you should not faint in the midst of it. The optimal time would be before the start of an unwanted event.

    Next, you should think about how everything will happen: standing or sitting. What will you feel before fainting, how long will you remain unconscious and, most importantly, where and how to fall. It is best to rehearse the production in advance under conditions as close to reality as possible.

    As mentioned above, usually the unconscious state lasts a few seconds: about twenty, but no more. This is explained by physiology. If the cause of your fainting is low blood pressure, then when you fall, your head will be at the same level as your heart, blood circulation will be restored, and consciousness will return to you. But you don’t need to jump up suddenly after exactly twenty seconds. It usually takes a person in your condition a few minutes to come back from oblivion.

    Precautionary measures

    So that after the performance you do not have to contact a traumatologist, practice your fall:

    • Come up with a non-injurious way to fall by practicing on a soft surface in advance.
    • Don't fall forward because you'll have to stick your arms out, which is not at all likely if you're fainting. And without hands, you will definitely break your head.
    • It is best to fall slowly, you can grab onto something for a moment - this will slow down the fall and reduce the risk of injury.
    • You can lose consciousness against a wall: lean your back on it, slowly sag, and eventually fall to the side.

    Do not forget that artificially induced fainting will inevitably lead to disruption of the supply of blood and oxygen to brain cells. Maybe you will be lucky and the first time there will be no tragic consequences. However, hypoxia is one of the main causes of destruction of the cerebral cortex. Is it worth paying this price for this experiment?

    Dear readers, we will be glad to accept your gratitude, as well as criticism and any comments. Together we make this site better.

    How to realistically faint?

    Sometimes I came across such a phenomenon as hysterical (histrionic) or false loss of consciousness, which can be observed with hysterical neurosis, in persons with histrionic and borderline personality disorder. Such loss of consciousness can be distinguished from real fainting by several criteria. Loss of consciousness is accompanied by headache, dizziness, excessive salivation, sweating, and increased heart rate. As a result of poor circulation, the skin turns pale, and the muscles that control the sphincters may relax, which can lead to involuntary urination. Hysterical fainting is often accompanied by a false tremor, reminiscent of convulsions during epileptic seizure(tonic convulsions). At the same time, the patient seems to be arched inside out, his eyes are tightly closed, and if you try to open them, he begins to squeeze them. And the main feature is that there are always people nearby, the more, the better. Such a patient falls, clutching his head, makes various sounds, and lies for quite a long time.

    Therefore, for maximum plausibility, several conditions must be met:

    1) Create artificial hypoxia. Not too strong, please, otherwise they will take me away in an ambulance, and I will become guilty. (Attention, the instructions in this paragraph are used at your own peril and risk: organisms are different, you can cause irreparable damage to your body by disrupting the blood supply to the brain) To achieve a pre-fainting state, accompanied by headache and weakness, you need to hold your breath for a few seconds, after which inhale sharply and deeply. The familiar “cold goosebumps”, familiar to many, will immediately run down your back, and it will hit your head a little. The main thing here is not to overdo it, because you can actually faint (although then you won’t need to simulate anything, hehe). The longer you don’t breathe, and the deeper and stronger you inhale, the stronger the hypoxic effect will be. Successful execution this condition will create for you a mimic figure that will not be pretentious, it will be your sincere fear for your health, and true emotion in this matter is worth its weight in gold.

    2) Complete relaxation. They don't faint in a pile. They "fall off" into fainting. The legs give way, the arms go limp. This is precisely why loss of consciousness is scary. You don’t have the opportunity to look where you are falling, you just fall, dislocations, bruises, concussions - everything is possible. But since the game is worth the trouble, let’s continue: you need to learn to quickly relax. There are a huge number of relaxation exercises. Your task is to go limp, fall for a few seconds - 1, 2, and begin to make an attempt to get up. You are very embarrassed and scared. The truthful behavior would be to try to get out of fainting, and not lie there in the middle of the classroom/office/school health center. Grab everything with relaxed hands so they can slide off, but don't overdo it. Your task is to sit down and look at the person you are trying to deceive with the expression “what happened now?”

    3) Facial expressions\posture. The unnaturalness of the pose is very important. The way they fell, the way they fell. When you faint, you cannot move your legs or arms because you feel uncomfortable. It is advisable not to close your eyes, leave them half open, this will add to self-deception - it will seem dark in your eyes. Do not close your eyes under any circumstances, do not strain any muscles at all. You can open your mouth slightly, it will be ideal if something flows out of it, just don’t spit on purpose, you might end up in awkward situation. Facial expressions during fainting are neutral. The face is as relaxed as possible. At this moment, it is better to concentrate on bodily sensations - our task is to “block” our ears as much as possible so as not to hear the surroundings, to abstract ourselves. Otherwise, you might not be able to hold back your laughter and give yourself away. At the moment of leaving of this state- the emotion of fear and pain is the most appropriate. To do this, we hypoxize in the first step. Don’t hold your gaze, try to look at everything as if through it, especially at ammonia, which is probably already being brought to you.

    Good luck with your pranks, the prank was a success! 🙂

    In addition to all of the above, I’ll add that (in order not to get injured or concussed) you can first try to lean on something or sit somewhere with the words “it’s dark in your eyes!” all with the same pained look, cold sweat, pallor skin and weakly moving limbs.

    Adds a little drama.

    The person will be able to react to your supposed fainting.

    How to faint on purpose so that you can miss classes because of fainting?

    I heard that in ancient times, when it was considered quite fashionable among girls to faint, they (that is, the girls) used next appointment- hold your breath as long as possible, and then take a sharp and deep breath.

    I haven’t tested it on myself (because I’m no longer a girl :)), so if it doesn’t work, don’t blame me.

    Maybe not? And if you hit your head while fainting, you’ll get a concussion, you’ll be in the hospital, and then you’ll have a hard time catching up curriculum and miss your classmates. Do you need it? =)

    Breathing exercises are, of course, the most harmless way to faint on purpose. But for me, the best way to learn how to play this scene is through training. First, study the behavior of people who faint, for example from films. Learn to fall with the appropriate facial expression, then lie down, telling yourself that you are fainting. From suggestion, the blood vessels narrow, and you turn pale. The picture turns out natural). And you will react to ammonia as expected). Therefore, my advice is just to train, and your body will understand what is required of it. And a little bit of artistry)!

    It’s better not to do this. That is, you can’t always deceive all people. And then there’s the possibility of being branded a bad actress.

    But even in class there may be something new that will be more difficult to learn later. After all, in studies it often happens that one topic is closely related to another, and it can be more difficult to comprehend it yourself if in class. After all, if you don’t understand something , there is always the opportunity to immediately ask the teacher again, hot on his heels. And in other classes he will no longer pay attention and explain what has already been covered.

    In the present (arising from a lack of oxygen, taking all sorts of rubbish, pressing acupuncture points or pinching of an artery) it is better not to fall - you may not wake up later, or wake up in a traumatology department. It’s better to develop theatrical abilities - practice at home in front of a mirror; you don’t have to fall completely - you can slide down, complain about dizziness and spots, cold extremities, trembling and weakness. You can learn the symptoms of some other condition from the encyclopedia and ask for time off.

    Eat different ways, allowing you to specifically faint. For example: a sharp influx of oxygen after holding your breath, as Captain Obvious advised. But this way you can faint and not fall. And the most guaranteed way to faint on purpose is to eat substances that cause loss of consciousness. Fainting can be caused by eating henbane or toadstool berries.

    But this is very dangerous. There is no need to faint on purpose.

    It is very possible to faint on purpose in a simple way, from oversaturation with oxygen, but only for a short period of time. You take deep deep breaths and exhalations very quickly for 1-2 minutes, and then fill your lungs full of air (hold the air in yourself), sharply straighten your chest forward, while throwing your head back a little. And that’s it, after 2-5 seconds you lose consciousness. Just first choose a place to fall where there are no sharp corners.

    I would not recommend using anything in the form of intoxicating drugs.

    Prescriptions for fainting on purpose can be very dangerous to human health and even life. If your body is not strong enough, then don’t sleep for several days and you will faint on purpose. According to numerous reviews, breathing exercises are quite effective, but you should also think about their dangers. This is the same as eating an inedible mushroom and fainting from it. As you understand, it is very harmful to faint on purpose. It's much easier to fake fainting. After all, in films, actors never faint on purpose and do not harm their health like that, theatrical skill - and that’s all. But, of course, in order to do this beautifully, repeated training is necessary. To do this, watch videos of people fainting and try to copy people’s behavior in these moments in front of the mirror! A few tries and some bruises and you'll become an expert at fainting.

    I do not advise anyone to specifically take any actions, and especially to use any nasty stuff in order to faint. Simply, under such specially created circumstances, and especially when consuming any nasty stuff inside the body, we harm our health. If you try to faint (although why is this necessary at all), then try to do it in your right mind and just pretend, that is, roll your eyes and fall as if you felt terribly bad and then say with a pitiful look What happened?

    How to faint on purpose.

    Fainting is caused by a lack of oxygen (insufficient blood flow) to the brain. Approaching fainting can be easily recognized by a peculiar dizziness.

    Ways to promote fainting:

    • after running, sit and then suddenly stand up
    • in hot weather, drink 2 liters of cold sparkling water
    • finger injury

    Fainting is not good for you. Firstly, you hit your head, and secondly, it hurts for half an hour afterwards

    In childhood, or rather at school, we fainted in the following way. you need to sit down quickly, and then while standing, press on the carotid artery, which is located in the chest area. This can be very dangerous, since after fainting the person begins to convulse.

    I have a question: who can answer me? I’ve been feeling bad for a year now and I’m fainting. I can work and at one moment everything before my eyes is dark and I fall. The pressure is normal, but I’m still pale and don’t react to anything, but I try to move my eyes or say something doesn’t work. And after that I really want to sleep. I have this on purpose or not

    I can't understand it myself.

    Pfft, why complicate your life by eating some kind of rubbish to make you faint? If I were you, I wouldn’t try the squat option, because it has long been known that brain cells die from these workouts, which are then not restored. If you want unforgettable sensations and are trying to faint precisely because of them, then these are the sensations: spots in the eyes, legs as if they were made of cotton, ringing in the ears; feeling like you are short of air. Only an idiot would deliberately bring his body to this point. Oh yes, I almost forgot, the consequences: weakness, low blood pressure, nausea, headache if you hit something.

    The ideal option is to simply imitate the symptoms and slowly, along the wall, slide to the floor, lie down for 20-30 seconds, and then complain how bad you feel. Well, you can also coat yourself with flour/powder for greater effect.

    How to provoke and faint on purpose

    There are a number of brave people who are willing to faint on purpose in order to attract attention to themselves. The easiest way to faint on purpose is to theatrically depict a short-term loss of consciousness in the best traditions of Russian theater. However, not everyone has theatrical abilities; repeated attempts at unnatural fainting can cause a reaction from others that is exactly the opposite of what was expected. Therefore, the thought arises - how to provoke fainting?

    Whatever the reason - the desire to attract the attention of a person you like, to cause leniency in an exam, to create a reason for refusing any type of activity (for example, a categorical reluctance to run a 10-kilometer cross-country race) - you should approach the problem of provoked fainting carefully and carefully plan your actions to faint on purpose.

    What is fainting

    This is a short-term loss of consciousness, which is caused by a cessation or significant reduction in the supply of oxygen and other nutrients to the brain.

    Everyone knows about the complex and delicate structure of the brain, but this part of the human body does not have its own reserves (depot) of nutrients and oxygen. Even with minor violation blood supply (for example, in case of fainting), the brain is primarily affected, namely the cerebral cortex, which is responsible for the state of human consciousness and higher nervous activity person.

    If you provoke and faint on purpose, the blood supply to the brain will inevitably be disrupted. Perhaps a single fainting spell will not cause any negative consequences. However, conditions of hypoxia (lack of oxygen) in the brain can cause irreversible consequences.

    If you faint on purpose, you can then lose your memory of some events: forget what happened the day before, what preceded the fainting, even lose orientation in time and space in some way (forget the day of the week or today's date), some time later it will be difficult to concentrate and perform small precise movements.

    It is not only the brain that suffers from hypoxia, although its damage is more significant. Provoked loss of consciousness disrupts the harmonious and smooth functioning of all vital organ systems: cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, urinary, endocrine.

    Brain hypoxia disrupts the functioning of the respiratory and cardiac centers. At the beginning of a specially provoked situation, a decrease in blood pressure and compensatory tachycardia is noted. Further (as consciousness returns), the pressure rises, but the tachycardia remains. This can lead to unwanted stress on the myocardium and heart rhythm disturbances.

    The endocrine system perceives this specially provoked situation as stress and is rebuilt to compensate for it. The amount of so-called stress hormones - adrenaline, cortisone, cortisol - increases to increase blood pressure and stimulate of cardio-vascular system. In combination with changes in the heart and great vessels, this can lead to profound disturbances in the blood supply to the myocardium and disruption of the conductivity of the heart muscle.

    As a result, it turns out that if you provoke and faint on purpose, the consequences of the planned undertaking can be far from harmless.

    Methods of provocation

    If the violations described above do not frighten you, there are several types of provocation that can quite effectively provoke and deliberately faint.

    1. You should hold your breath for a few seconds (the longer the better), then inhale sharply, creating conditions for brain hypoxia.
    2. Create conditions for hyperventilation of the lungs - inhale and exhale deeply for several minutes, then hold your breath and throw your head back; As a result of brain hypoxia and blood redistribution, provoked fainting occurs.
    3. Another way to artificially create a redistribution of blood, or rather an outflow from the brain to the periphery: run quickly for a few minutes (blood flow will occur to the working muscles), then sit down sharply and stand up no less sharply - the provoked result will not take long to arrive.
    4. Squat intensely for several minutes, then hold your breath - even a strong man can deliberately faint after such an exercise.

    For impressionable young ladies, perhaps there will be useful means, which create a colorful visual image and can cause fainting.

    1. Extensive open injury with profuse bleeding.
    2. A large number of mice, spiders, lizards or a bag of money - anything that causes a shocking impression and drives you into a stupor.
    3. For particularly courageous people who do not have abstract thinking, but want to provoke fainting, fairly tough but effective measures can be useful.
    4. Medicines that sharply lower blood pressure. For example, a nitroglycerin tablet placed under the tongue while maintaining an upright body position will most likely provoke a short-term loss of consciousness.
    5. Prolonged fasting, lack of breakfast or lunch at the proper time, combined with long stay standing or walking will cause almost anyone to faint on purpose.
    6. Excessively warm and thick clothing in combination with a stuffy, poorly ventilated room will bring the expected effect, especially if a person stands for a long time without sitting down.
    7. If it is very necessary to provoke and faint on purpose and at the same time there is absolutely nothing scary, you can hit yourself hard or fall on purpose and try to hit yourself harder.

    Consequences and first aid

    As is already becoming clear, an artificially induced loss of consciousness can lead to immediate and long-term, far from pleasant consequences.

    Immediately after a specially created fainting spell (as well as after the most common unexpected one), a person may experience severe headache and dizziness, profuse salivation, nausea or even vomiting (as a result low pressure), severe weakness and palpitations.

    It’s good if after such a provocation a person only turns sharply pale or blue from hypoxia. Disruption of the functioning of the brain centers can provoke relaxation of the sphincter muscles (a kind of clamps) of the natural reservoirs of the human body.

    That is, as a result of fainting, you can attract attention to yourself in an impartial way - involuntarily urinate or fail to hold feces. It is clear that if you fall unsuccessfully from your own height, you can hit the surrounding objects quite hard and receive a serious traumatic brain injury and other injuries.

    If the desire to provoke and faint is deliberately quite persistent, the method of provocation is chosen, you need to carefully prepare to level possible consequences. It is good to enlist the support of an accomplice and fall on him, and not on the floor. An assistant in such a difficult task must have the necessary skills in providing first aid.

    The victim as a result of a specially provoked fainting (on at this stage the reason is no longer important) it is necessary to ensure an influx fresh air: open a window or window, ask those around you who sympathize to make way. If the situation allows, raise your legs above your head, which will cause blood flow to the head. Massage pain points in the depths of the tendons between the large and index finger On the hand. Give the victim hot sweet tea.

    As a result of all of the above, it becomes clear that the desire to provoke and faint on purpose must be conscious, well-reasoned and previously prepared.

    Fainting: how to fall on purpose, safely and quickly for real

    Some people wonder interesting question: “How can you quickly faint on purpose, safely and truly at home for 5 minutes, 10 minutes at school during a lesson?”

    Probably, the fact of not preparing homework makes citizens think of ways to avoid responsibility and not get a bad mark in the journal and diary. There are adults who, by artificial loss of consciousness, like to attract attention to their person from others in order to control them and realize their certain plans. We'll consider this topic, we will give answers to your questions, but we would like to warn you in advance:

    1. imitation of artificial fainting, on the one hand, can be harmful to human health, especially a child,
    2. on the other hand, it will not bring or increase your trust and respect from the people around you, although it will give a temporary effect of control and management.

    How to faint quickly, deliberately and safely for real for 5 minutes at home

    Secrets of artificial fainting: three ways to pretend

    Physiologists have long identified the main ways to create artificial fainting. In case of any of them, artificial loss of consciousness is harmful to health and life-threatening:

    1. After taking several deep breaths and exhalations, pressing your carotid artery on one side to cervical spine spine in front, a person can quickly lose consciousness, but plunging into such a state is dangerous.
    2. 20 simple squats, after which a person closes his mouth, inserts his thumb into it, into which he begins to blow strongly, quickly causes loss of consciousness. Happening huge pressure on the heart against the background of a simultaneous lack of oxygen supply and removal carbon dioxide.
    3. There's one more enough effective method: first you need to squat down, then stand up sharply, hold your breath and at the same time try to tense all the muscles of the body as much as possible. Loss of consciousness will follow immediately.

    That's all the manipulations on how you can quickly and easily faint at home or at school during a lesson for five to ten minutes.

    And even better, practice fakirism and yoga - you've probably seen how fakirs and yogis control their bodies, even physiological functions. They can walk through walls and be buried alive. They can enter a state where their breathing is imperceptible and their heartbeat is almost inaudible.

    Preparing to fall: how to fall correctly

    Before you fall, you need to seriously prepare. The main thing is to fall correctly, so as not to get injured in the process of falling, you need to fall forward, not backwards or to the side. At the same time, you should not put your hands forward, as this is considered a protective reaction of the body. With his hands outstretched, no one will believe a person “falling” in a faint. You shouldn't fall right away. First, get down on your knees. When falling from a height, a person can be injured: a bruise, a fracture. Falling first to your knees and then to the floor will bring you down side effects to a minimum. Usually fainting lasts about 10 minutes, and there is no need to be artistic.

    Correct preliminary behavior

    Sudden fainting occurs more often in people due to environmental influences. However, fainting is preceded by a deterioration in health.

    This means that before the fall, a person needs to depict symptoms painful condition and deteriorating health.

    Complain to someone around you about dizziness, severe headache, and blurred vision. You can blink more often, close your eyes, hold your head. All these actions attract outside attention and will produce the desired effect: the person looks sick, and fainting is a natural continuation of the deterioration of the physiological condition.

    Fainting does happen and happens suddenly, but an unexpected fall in front of others looks less realistic. By acting out a preliminary deterioration in health, a person can convince others of the reality of his fainting state.


    A person’s personal artistry is the basis without which it is difficult to realistically faint. In the movies, from the outside, everything seems very simple to us: a person suddenly feels physical discomfort and faints. In reality, doing the fainting trick is not easy.

    To make the fainting trick realistic, you need to fall naturally, and without taking artificial poses. When losing consciousness, a person’s brain and any motor skills are temporarily turned off, which means that people do not fall in graceful poses. Before fainting, do not put on a performance, rushing into tears, groans and sighs.

    A person faints without making any extra sounds; he unexpectedly loses consciousness. When falling to the floor, lower your head carefully so as not to cause a concussion!

    The correct exit from the image

    To prevent people around you from detecting deception, you need to be able to get out of the image of someone losing consciousness naturally. After a real faint, a person gradually comes to his senses. He may open his eyes, but his gaze and his mind will still be foggy, his body sluggish.

    Do not jump to your feet after fainting, otherwise the deception will be revealed. You must first open your eyes, then try to sit down, and then start talking.

    At the same time, a person should hold his head, because in a real situation, confused thoughts and an unexpected fall can cause pain in the head. For the next ten to fifteen minutes, imagine a gradual return to normal.

    Knowing of limits

    Keep in mind that people around you will get used to artificially fainting. If you faint often, they will also laugh!

    1. Don't overplay! It’s better to “come to your senses” in three or four minutes, and not in minutes, so that those around you don’t have time to call ambulance. After all, doctors and paramedics will quickly “calculate” a fake faint.
    2. With each fake fainting, the risk of injury from a fall increases. And those around them stop believing in the rapidly deteriorating human condition (remember the instructive fable “The Shepherd and the Wolves”).
    3. Fainting should look natural. Sometimes people get carried away, pretending to be unconscious, and continue to make sounds and talk. This is no longer a loss of consciousness, but an attack of hysteria. Nobody likes hysterics.

    Many of us are familiar with such a condition as fainting firsthand. It seemed that just a couple of minutes ago everything was in order - and suddenly... severe weakness, dizziness, ringing in the ears, darkness in the eyes, voices and sounds became muffled, as if coming from a barrel... What happens if you faint? Watch on the channel Interesting to know!

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    1 comment

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    The second and third methods did not help. Maybe I did something wrong, but it didn’t work out for me. I don't dare use the first method.

    Zhenya, why do you need this! Don't do anything that could be harmful to your health.

    Your behavior is based on the desire to control the situation and the people around you.

    You can learn to manage it all in other ways!

    If you are interested in this topic, I will tell you separately how to do it.

    Some people ask an interesting question: “How can you quickly faint on purpose, safely and truly at home for 5 minutes, 10 minutes at school during a lesson? "

    Probably, the fact of not preparing homework makes citizens think of ways to avoid responsibility and not get a bad mark in the journal and diary. There are adults who, by artificial loss of consciousness, like to attract attention to their person from others in order to control them and realize their certain plans. We will consider this topic and give answers to your questions, but we would like to warn you in advance:

    • imitation of artificial fainting, on the one hand, can be harmful to human health, especially a child;
    • on the other hand, it will not bring or increase your trust and respect from the people around you, although it will give a temporary effect of control and management.

    How to faint quickly, deliberately and safely for real for 5 minutes at home

    Secrets of artificial fainting: three ways to pretend

    Physiologists have long identified the main ways to create artificial fainting. In case of any of them, artificial loss of consciousness is harmful to health and life-threatening:

    1. After taking several deep breaths and exhalations, pressing the carotid artery on one side to the front of the cervical spine, a person can quickly lose consciousness, but plunging into such a state is dangerous.
    2. 20 simple squats, after which a person closes his mouth, inserts his thumb into it, into which he begins to blow strongly, quickly causes loss of consciousness. There is a large load on the heart due to a simultaneous lack of oxygen supply and carbon dioxide removal.
    3. There is another fairly effective method: first you need to squat down, then stand up sharply, hold your breath and at the same time try to tense all the muscles of the body as much as possible. Loss of consciousness will follow immediately.

    That's all the manipulations on how you can quickly and easily faint at home or at school during a lesson for five to ten minutes.

    And even better, practice fakirism and yoga - you've probably seen how fakirs and yogis control their bodies, even their physiological functions. They can pass through walls and be buried alive. They can enter a state where their breathing is imperceptible and their heartbeat is almost inaudible.

    Preparing to fall: how to fall correctly

    Before you fall, you need to seriously prepare.

    The main thing is to fall correctly, so as not to get injured during the fall; you need to fall forward, not backwards or to the side. At the same time, you should not put your hands forward, as this is considered a protective reaction of the body. With his hands outstretched, no one will believe a person “falling” in a faint.

    You shouldn't fall right away. First, get down on your knees. When falling from a height, a person can get injured: bruise, fracture. Falling first on your knees and then on the floor will minimize side effects. Usually fainting lasts about 10 minutes, and there is no need to be artistic.

    Correct preliminary behavior

    Sudden fainting occurs more often in people due to environmental influences. However, fainting is preceded by a deterioration in health.

    This means that before the moment of falling, a person needs to depict the symptoms of a painful condition and deteriorating health.

    Complain to someone around you about dizziness, severe headache, and blurred vision. You can blink more often, close your eyes, hold your head. All these actions attract outside attention and will produce the desired effect: the person looks sick, and fainting is a natural continuation of the deterioration of the physiological condition.

    Fainting sometimes occurs suddenly, but an unexpected fall in front of others looks less realistic. By acting out a preliminary deterioration in health, a person can convince others of the reality of his fainting state.


    A person’s personal artistry is the basis without which it is difficult to plausibly faint.

    In the movies, from the outside, everything seems very simple to us: a person suddenly feels physical discomfort and faints. In reality, doing the fainting trick is not easy.

    To make the fainting trick realistic, you need to fall naturally, without taking artificial poses. When losing consciousness, a person’s brain and any motor skills are temporarily turned off, which means that people do not fall in graceful poses. Before fainting, do not put on a performance, rushing into tears, groans and sighs.

    In fact, a person faints without making any extra sounds; he unexpectedly loses consciousness. When falling to the floor, lower your head carefully so as not to cause a concussion!

    The correct exit from the image

    To prevent people around you from detecting deception, you need to be able to get out of the image of someone losing consciousness naturally. After a real faint, a person gradually comes to his senses. He may open his eyes, but his gaze and his mind will still be foggy, his body sluggish.

    Do not jump to your feet after fainting, otherwise the deception will be revealed. You must first open your eyes, then try to sit down, and then start talking.

    At the same time, a person should hold his head, because in a real situation, confused thoughts and an unexpected fall can cause pain in the head. For the next ten to fifteen minutes, imagine a gradual return to normal.

    Knowing of limits

    Keep in mind that people around you will get used to regular artificial fainting. If you faint often, they will start laughing too!

    1. Don't overplay! It is better to “come to your senses” after three to four minutes, and not after 5 to 10 minutes, so that those around you do not have time to call an ambulance. After all, doctors and paramedics will quickly “calculate” a fake faint.
    2. With each fake fainting, the risk of injury from a fall increases. And those around them stop believing in a person’s rapidly deteriorating condition (remember the instructive fable “The Shepherd Boy and the Wolves”).
    3. Fainting should look natural. Sometimes people get carried away, pretending to be unconscious, and continue to make sounds and talk. This is no longer a loss of consciousness, but an attack of hysteria. Nobody likes hysterics.


    What happens if you faint?

    Many of us are familiar with such a condition as fainting firsthand. It seemed that just a couple of minutes ago everything was in order - and suddenly... severe weakness, dizziness, ringing in the ears, darkness in the eyes, voices and sounds became muffled, as if coming from a barrel... What happens if you faint? Watch on the channel Interesting to know!

    How to lose consciousness for 10 minutes

    If homework not done, and everything in the magazine is bad, it’s time to put on a show for the teacher. In this article we will tell how to quickly turn pale in class and faint.

    How to cause fainting

    Before fainting there is always a deterioration in health, so first you need to portray a dying swan, complain to others about dizziness, headaches, nausea and hold your head. All this will produce the desired effect.

    • Squat down and stand up very quickly; this will cause a surge in pressure. Next, hold your breath and tense all the muscles of your body.
    • Press the carotid artery on one side to the front of the cervical spine and inhale and exhale deeply several times. After this you will quickly lose consciousness. Doing this is very dangerous, so think 10 times about the consequences.
    • Sit down 20 times, close your mouth, insert your finger into it and blow very hard. This method allows you to quickly lose consciousness due to the heavy load on the heart with a simultaneous lack of oxygen.

    You can also fake fainting; to do this you need to fall suddenly and realistically, without breaking your head. The main thing here is not to overplay and wake up in 3-5 minutes, before someone calls an ambulance, which will immediately figure out your simulation.

    How to turn pale

    • Sleep 2 hours a day for a whole week.
    • Hold your breath as long as possible.
    • You can apply a pale foundation.