
What does a colonoscopy look like? Colonoscopy

Problems with the stomach and intestines can torment people for years, eventually developing into serious illnesses. Due to the sensitivity of the problem or the fear of going to the doctor, people try to ignore frequent constipation. And they suffer pain in the lower abdomen, area anus. However, if bloody leaks begin to appear from it, there is no time to delay the visit.

During a professional examination, a specialist may prescribe a detailed examination using intestinal colonoscopy. It is very effective, helps to make an accurate diagnosis, and sometimes eliminate the problem.

Fibercolonoscopy is the scientific name for diagnostic measures carried out throughout the large intestine, starting from the anus and ending with the connection with the small intestine. The manipulations are performed using a special apparatus. Simply put, this is a probe on a flexible tube (its diameter is about 1 cm). The length of the device today reaches 160 cm, whereas at the very beginning of the development of this equipment (in the 60s of the twentieth century), only 30 cm of the large intestine could be viewed. Today, its various sections can be viewed by broadcasting to the screen without problems.

Note! How deep the colonoscope will be inserted is determined by the endoscopist, looking at the monitor. To make the process easier and to avoid injury, the organ is inflated with gas or air. This may cause pain.

Anesthesia is usually given to reduce discomfort. But his methods may be different.

The endoscope transmits a picture to the screen (it is also duplicated in the device window), which both helps during the procedure itself and can become a recording. With this video material, if necessary, you can go to a proctologist, gastroenterologist or oncologist.

Degree of pain and anesthesia

Of course, the question of how painful it will be is not the least of the concerns for people undergoing a colonoscopy.

Depending on the individual state of the organ and sensitivity, a person may feel pain or discomfort. It is caused not so much by the insertion of a thin tube as by the straightening of the intestinal walls with the help of gas. This is done both for a more accurate examination and to avoid accidental injury. Someone may feel not pain, but a burning sensation. But as soon as the inspection is over and the supply of the substance stops, discomfort will disappear immediately.

Some people are afraid of the possibility of infection during the procedure. However, according to the rules, the device must strictly undergo sanitation, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

Local anesthesia is the most common type of pain relief. To reduce sensitivity, experts use medicines with lidocaine as active ingredient:

  • gels Xylocaine, Luan, Kategel;
  • ointments (for example, Decamine).

Apply medications to the mucous membrane itself, starting from the anus. In addition, they coat the lower part of the colonoscope with them. As a result, sensitivity disappears or decreases, but the person remains conscious. This is the most gentle type of anesthesia for the body, after which you don’t have to “come off” and you can go home straight away.

Attention! Sometimes an anesthetic is given intravenously to locally block the nerve endings.

Sometimes, if a colonoscopy is too painful, a person is unnecessarily afraid and cannot relax his muscles, he is injected sedatives, such as Propofol, Midazolam. In this case, the person is dozing. Consciousness does not completely turn off, but during this medicinal sleep a person will not feel any discomfort or pain.

The third option (creating additional stress on the body, and therefore used extremely rarely) - general anesthesia as during surgical interventions. It is given to people with very high sensitivity, children under 12 years of age and people with mental disorders.

So the issue of the painfulness of the procedure is not so pressing. Just choose best option anesthesia, and the procedure will pass calmly.

When is a colonoscopy performed?

This type of video endoscopic examination can be prescribed by a specialist if the patient has:

  • traces of bloody fluid on the gusset of underwear or in the stool;
  • painful and irregular bowel movements;
  • the presence of hemorrhoids - for a more accurate diagnosis;
  • detected during previous X-ray examinations or computed tomography organs abdominal cavity formations of unknown nature in an area of ​​the intestine accessible to a colonoscope;
  • unclear picture of hemorrhoidal changes or the appearance of polyps;
  • purulent discharge from the anus.

Colonoscopy is also part of screening for people with complaints about the functioning of the intestines, if their relatives had cancer or polyposis of this body system.

Note! Colonoscopy is the most accurate diagnostic method, with the help of which a specialist can personally familiarize himself with the condition of the intestines. Other types of studies - ultrasound, CT, etc. cannot display the pathology in such detail and accurately.

Who does a colonoscopy and where?

The examination is carried out by a separate specialist - a coloproctologist. A nurse is helping him. The diagnostic procedure takes place in a room specially furnished for this purpose.

Only a couple of actions are required from the examinee:

  1. Remove all clothing worn below the waist.
  2. Lie on a standard couch on your left side and relax as much as possible to facilitate insertion of the equipment inside. At the same time, the legs are bent at the knees and pulled towards the stomach.

A diagnostic examination with a colonoscope can be combined with additional procedures, if necessary:

  • remove found objects of a foreign nature;
  • take histological material(biopsy procedure);
  • examine very small ulcers, cracks, mini-polyps;
  • examine in detail hemorrhoidal cones, diverticula or tumors;
  • conduct a detailed examination of the intestinal mucosa and motility, and examine for the appearance of inflammation;
  • expansion of a section of the intestine narrowed due to adhesions and tissue scarring;
  • remove various tumors urgently, right during the examination;
  • carry out thermocoagulation (cauterization of damaged vessels from which blood flows).

Thus, the procedure can become not only diagnostic, but also therapeutic, eliminating problems on the spot. So you shouldn’t give it up out of fear.

Rules for preparing for the procedure

They are not very complicated, but the effectiveness of the procedure depends on their compliance. In a clogged intestine, the doctor simply cannot see anything, so measures are aimed at cleaning it. You will only have to stick to the special diet for 3 days.

In addition, two days before the colonoscopy, you need to temporarily stop taking medications containing iron and bismuth. Do not drink activated charcoal or medications that treat arthritis during this period. Medicines that thin the blood (Aspirin, Clexane, etc.) are also prohibited.

It is best to switch exclusively to liquid food on the last day. However, this is at personal discretion.

From the table you can understand how to effectively compose correct menu for these days:

Recommended ProductsProhibited Products
Various fermented milk dishesNon-heat-treated fruits and vegetables
Dishes made from boiled vegetablesRye flour bread
Fully boiled eggsCanned and pickled preparations, smoked products
Vegetable soups with brothsPorridge from pearl barley, wheat, oatmeal
Bakery products made from white flourLegume family crops
Low fat meat and fish productsRoasted sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds; French fries
Compotes and fruit drinks, lightly brewed teaCoffee drinks, milk, chocolate sweets
Cheeses, natural oil(cow)Drinks with added carbon
HoneySalted foods
Buckwheat and rice cerealsSpirits

The last meal on the day before the colonoscopy is no later than 8 pm. Additionally, you can cleanse with an enema in the evening.

Medicinal cleansing

If the enema and diet are not to your liking, the doctor may prescribe one of the drugs that cleanse the body the day before. Their mechanism of action is approximately the same, and you will have to run to the toilet. The sensations will also not be the most pleasant - bloating, seething.

The following table shows several popular medications and the nuances of taking them:

MedicineImageDosageAppointment in preparation for the procedure
1 sachet is designed for 20 kg of weight and is diluted in a liter of purified or boiled cool waterUse once, the night before. Or at the same time, but little by little with an interval of 15 minutes.
Pour 2 sachets into half a liter of slightly warmed water, stir, add the same amount of chilled waterThe required amount for administration is 3 liters. Drinks from 5 pm to 10 am
2 bottles, each 45 ml. The bottle is poured into 120 ml of waterTake 1 bottle a day before the procedure twice: morning and evening. Drink plenty of water between meals
Dissolve 1 sachet in 200 ml of warm water and consume 18-20 hours before the procedure. Drink 3 liters in totalThe day before, from 2 pm to 7 pm, 200 grams. The interval between doses is a quarter of an hour.

So you can choose not only the method of anesthesia, but also the cleaning option.

Who writes a referral for a colonoscopy?

More than one doctor can refer you for the procedure. It all depends on the original type of problem. If you are tormented by difficulties with the digestive system, then you need to go to an appointment with a gastroenterologist.

In cases where pain and discomfort are concentrated in the anal area, it is better to go straight to a proctologist.

Video - Colonoscopy. What is this procedure and who should undergo it?

What is a colonoscopy? Traditional methods And modern medicine- tips and recommendations for preparing for the study.

Appointment for a colonoscopy raises many questions and concerns among patients. Are they justified and what is the essence of this diagnosis?

So, colonoscopy - what is it? This is a common medical procedure for examining the intestines using a special probe. Its duration ranges from 5 to 10 minutes. The dimensions of the endoscope do not exceed the thickness of a pea, which guarantees a minimum painful sensations to the patient. In some cases, painkillers are also used.

Indications for prescribing a colonoscopy are:

  • inflammatory processes and intestinal diseases;
  • stomach pain and stool disorders - constipation and diarrhea;
  • gynecological and abdominal surgeries;
  • dysfunction of the intestine - anemia, formation of polyps;
  • control and dynamic diagnostics - after operations on the gastrointestinal tract.

When answering the question, colonoscopy - what is it, you should know that the main purpose of the study is an accurate diagnosis of the intestinal mucosa. Therefore, the procedure has clear contraindications to the possibility of its implementation.

  • Infectious processes
  • Pulmonary and heart failure
  • Suspicion of peritonitis
  • Acute ulcerative colitis
  • Blood clotting problems

Preparing for the colonoscopy procedure: diet and menu

Preparing for a colonoscopy requires a responsible attitude. It consists of a special slag-free diet and thorough cleansing of the intestines. The result of the study and the patient’s comfort depend on the quality of preparation.

Slag-free feeding

Preparation for colonoscopy, diet and menu - this is a slag-free diet, completely excluding foods high in fiber. Since they are the main reason for the formation feces hampering accurate diagnosis. The duration of this diet is three days.

What can you eat in preparation for a colonoscopy?

So, what can you eat in preparation for a colonoscopy?? The range of products is not very diverse. It includes boiled and steamed beef, lean fish and poultry, dry biscuits and dietary soups. Drinks include tea and mineral water.

During this time, you will have to say no to your usual food, as it can cause bloating. This particularly applies to greens and vegetables. You should not eat legumes and nuts, fruits and black bread, millet and pearl barley, and rolled oats. Milk and carbonated drinks are also prohibited.

Particular attention should be paid to your diet on the third day. For lunch, only light food is possible, while for dinner - only liquid. On the day of the colonoscopy, you can only drink.

Folk remedies for preparation

Diet in preparation for a colonoscopy is important, but do not forget about cleansing the intestines. In this regard, folk remedies have proven themselves well.

The most effective of them is an enema. It should be given in two doses a day before the examination. The interval between enemas is 40-60 minutes.

Double cleansing of the intestines will be required on the day of the procedure, with the same time interval. The amount of water is a liter - one and a half per cleaning, until clean water leaves the body.

The second version of the enema is not very different from the first, with the exception of the use of additional laxatives - castor oil and additives to water in the form of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar, no more than a tablespoon per liter. The oil is taken on an empty stomach at 3 pm on the eve of the colonoscopy, and the enema is given at intervals of two hours - at 8 and 10 pm.

Laxatives - duphalac, fortrans, flit phospho-soda and others, can theoretically replace an enema. But they should be used in advance, in accordance with the instructions - two days before the diagnosis.


Alternative to colonoscopy

Colonoscopy of the intestine and the preparation for the procedure is far from the best nice ways studies of the body, but they can give the most full information about the condition of the intestines and identify any disease at an early stage.

There are also alternative options diagnostics:

  • computed tomography - irrigoscopy;
  • magnetic resonance imaging of the intestine - MRI;
  • ultrasound examination - ultrasound;

CT or irrigoscopy are X-ray examination using contrast agent- barium enema. Although the main work of studying the intestinal structure is performed by a tomograph and the procedure is painless, discomfort and bloating from the barium mixture are present. The finished CT scan is analyzed by a doctor and allows you to identify large formations in the intestine.

It is impossible to give a definite answer to the question, CT scan of the intestine or colonoscopy - which is better. Tomography effective method examination of the abdominal cavity, but its capabilities are limited - it is impossible to take a biopsy and examine a patient weighing more than 100 kg, as well as detect tumors less than 1 cm. This is also a large radiation exposure.

Colonoscopy is a painful procedure and requires serious preparation, however, it guarantees a more accurate result.

MRI of the intestine or colonoscopy

MRI- a universal research method that does not cause any unpleasant sensations. The procedure lasts about half an hour. In the finished image you can only see the intestinal loops. To examine them for foreign bodies and tumors, it is necessary to use a contrast agent.

MRI of the intestine

Speaking about which is better - MRI of the intestine or colonoscopy , It is worth considering that magnetic resonance imaging does not provide much information for analysis. Although the preparation process for both procedures is similar. In addition, the study has its own clear contraindications - early stages of pregnancy, claustrophobia, the presence of magnetic and electrical stimulators in the body of the patient being examined.

Colon ultrasound or colonoscopy

Ultrasound examination- the simplest and most painless procedure, it has practically no restrictions on its implementation. Ultrasound waves provide a clear picture of the condition of the lower and upper gastrointestinal tract.

Ultrasound of the intestines

Preparing for an ultrasound is the same as a slag-free diet and an enema. The diagnosis itself is carried out in three stages:

  • empty bowel examination;
  • bowel examination with a catheter containing sterile fluid;
  • examination of the intestines after removal of the catheter.

The answer to the question: ultrasound of the intestines or colonoscopy - which is better, again will not be clear. Both methods are widely used in medicine and provide highly accurate results. The specific sensations experienced by the patient are not in favor of colonoscopy. In addition, ultrasound helps to create a more complete picture of the condition. internal organs and allows you to diagnose upper sections Gastrointestinal tracts that cannot be examined with colonoscopy.

Sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy

The least popular of all types of research is. It helps evaluate the condition of the lower colon and rectum using a proctoscope. The procedure is performed by an endoscopist and allows samples of material to be taken for biopsy.

Sigmoidoscopy of the intestines

Question: sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy, which is better? , With medical point vision has a clear answer. Colonoscopy provides more information and details due to greater penetration into the body. Both procedures have the same preparation, but sigmoidoscopy is performed without anesthesia. Discomfort and unpleasant sensations from a colonoscopy can be dulled with sedatives or the examination can be performed under anesthesia.

Preparation for intestinal colonoscopy with anesthesia no different from the standard one. This is a strict diet and cleansing enemas. An alternative to general anesthesia may be sedatives and medicated sleep.

Colonoscopy under anesthesia

The anesthesia itself deserves special preparation. It includes psychological preparedness and premedication. The first stage is a conversation with the attending physician and familiarization of the anesthesiologist with the medical history. The second is the introduction of drugs into the body: sleeping pills and analgesics, antihistamines and sedatives.

How to do a colonoscopy with or without anesthesia

Many patients often wonder how to do a colonoscopy with or without anesthesia? The answer is obvious. Despite the fact that general anesthesia, as well as its alternative forms, is absolutely not beneficial to health, there are indications for which its use is strictly necessary. These include:

  • low pain threshold;
  • extensive destructive processes in the intestines;
  • availability adhesive disease intestines;
  • children up to 12 years of age.

Colonoscopy has certain risks- causing cracks and microtraumas to the mucous membrane of the rectum and intestines, which cannot be prevented while under anesthesia. Therefore, the procedure must have a strict purpose and be carried out by an experienced medical specialist, subject to all the necessary tests.

Update: October 2018

Colonoscopy refers to endoscopic techniques diagnostic study colon using a special optical device— fiber colonoscope.

Many people are wary and skeptical about this research method and refuse to do a colonoscopy, which in many cases is the only method that allows one to accurately determine the nosological form.

There are also some myths associated with the procedure, such as intestinal rupture during examination, subsequent fecal incontinence, etc., which are completely unfounded. In America this procedure included in the list of mandatory annual examinations for all citizens who have reached the age of 45 years, and in Germany - those who have reached 47 years of age.

History of colonoscopy

The study of the large intestine presented certain difficulties due to the anatomical location of the organ. Previously, radiography was used for these purposes, but it was not possible to diagnose such serious pathologies as polyps and intestinal cancer. Rigid rectosigmoidoscopes, used to examine the intestine through the anus, made it possible to examine only 30 cm of the intestine.

In 1964 - 1965, the first flexible fiber colonoscopes were created, and in 1966, a model of a colonoscope was invented, which became the prototype of modern devices, with the ability to photograph the structures under study and take material for histological examination.

What is colonoscopy used for?

Until now this type diagnostics is the most reliable in determining the condition and diseases of the large intestine. In addition to visual examination, colonoscopy allows for diagnostic tissue biopsy and removal of polyps from the intestinal wall.

A fiber colonoscope or optical probe is a thin, soft and flexible device that allows you to pass through all the natural anatomical curves of the intestine without the risk of injury and pain for the patient. The length of the device is 160 cm. At the end of the probe there is a mini-camera that transmits the image to the monitor screen with multiple magnification of the image. The probe is equipped with a cold light source, which completely eliminates the possibility of burns to the intestinal mucosa.

Colonoscopy capabilities:

  • removal of foreign bodies;
  • restoration of intestinal patency when it narrows;
  • removal of polyps and tumors;
  • stopping intestinal bleeding;
  • taking material for histological examination.

Special preparation for the procedure

Preparation for intestinal colonoscopy, carried out in strict accordance with the doctor’s recommendations, is the key to one hundred percent reliability of the study. How to prepare for a colonoscopy 3 days before the procedure:

Preparation stages:

  • Preliminary preparation;
  • Special diet;
  • Purgation.

Preliminary preparation – 2 days

If the patient is prone to constipation, medications prescribed to cleanse the intestines alone may not be enough. For this purpose, the following may be preliminarily prescribed: taking castor oil orally (in the absence of allergies) or performing an enema.

Oil quantity calculated depending on a person’s body weight: for a person weighing 70 kg, it is enough to take 60 grams of oil at night. If bowel movement is successful in the morning, this procedure should be repeated the next evening.

Cleansing enema indicated in case of severe constipation in the patient. To perform an enema at home, you need an Esmarch mug (sold at the pharmacy) and one and a half liters of water at room temperature (see).

  • One and a half liters of water are poured into a mug with a closed clamp;
  • Carefully remove the clamp and release the air, close the clamp;
  • A person lies down on an oilcloth-covered sofa on his left side with his right leg extended forward and bent at the knee;
  • Esmarch's mug must be hung 1-1.5 m above the level of the sofa;
  • The tip is lubricated with Vaseline and inserted into the anus to a depth of 7 cm;
  • Remove the clamp from the enema;
  • After the entire volume of water has flowed out, the tip is removed;
  • The person should get up and walk for 5-10 minutes, holding the bowel movement, then you can empty your bowels.

The method of preliminary preparation, if necessary, is selected by the doctor. You cannot use castor oil internally and an enema at the same time!

After 2 days of successful preliminary preparation, a method of direct preparation for the study is prescribed in the form of laxatives and diet.

Diet 2-3 days

2-3 days before diagnosis, a slag-free diet is prescribed, which allows you to effectively cleanse the intestines. We draw the attention of those who are fans of all kinds of cleansing of the body - a diet of such a plan, followed for 2-3 days once a month, is safe and in an efficient way bowel cleansing. The evening before the diagnosis, you should skip dinner completely. On the day of the procedure, food intake is also excluded before the procedure.

Prohibited Products Authorized Products
  • Fresh vegetables: cabbage, beets, radishes, garlic, carrots, onions, radishes, peas, beans
  • Fresh fruits: grapes, apples, peaches, oranges, apricots, bananas, tangerines
  • Black bread
  • Green vegetables – spinach and sorrel
  • Smoked products (sausage, cheese, meat, fish)
  • Pickles and marinades
  • Pearl barley, rolled oats and millet porridge
  • Chocolate, peanuts, chips, seeds
  • Milk, coffee, alcohol, soda
  • Boiled vegetables
  • Fermented milk products: curdled milk, fermented baked milk, sour cream, yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir
  • Liquid vegetable soups
  • White bread croutons, day-old white bread, crackers
  • Boiled eggs
  • Lean meat and fish in boiled, steamed form (chicken, veal, rabbit, beef, hake, pike perch)
  • Butter, cheese
  • Jelly, honey
  • Compotes, weak tea, still water and diluted juices


To cleanse the intestines, special laxatives are prescribed on an individual basis and are prescribed by a doctor. You cannot choose your own medications.

  • Fortrans

Colonoscopy is most often performed after preparation with Fortrans. This is a packaged drug at the rate of 1 package per 20 kg of body weight. Each sachet of the drug is diluted in 1 liter of boiled warm water. This is done with each sachet until the required volume of liquid is obtained, which must be drunk in the evening in one dose or 250 ml of solution every 15 minutes.

Packaged drug. The dose does not depend on weight. 2 sachets are diluted in half a liter of boiled warm water, mixed, and another half liter of cool water is added. To fully cleanse the intestines, you need to gradually take 3 liters of solution, starting from 17.00 to 22.00.

  • Fleet Phospho-soda

Two bottles of the drug per package. Two 45 ml bottles of preparation are dissolved in 120 ml of cold boiled water. If the dose is prescribed in the morning, the prepared solution is drunk after breakfast, and the second portion is taken after dinner. When prescribed during the day, the solution is drunk after dinner, the second portion is taken after breakfast on the day of the procedure. The solution you drink must be washed down with 1-2 glasses of water.

Preparation for colonoscopy Lavacol is a packaged drug, one package is diluted in 200 ml of warm boiled water. Total quantity cleansing solution – 3 liters, which should be taken 18-20 hours before the procedure. From 14.00 to 19.00, take 200 ml of Levacol solution every 5-20 minutes.

Fortrans and Endofalk prevent the absorption of nutrients in the gastrointestinal tract, which leads to rapid movement and subsequent evacuation of contents gastrointestinal tract in the form loose stool. The electrolytes contained in the preparations prevent the development of water-salt imbalance.

Fleet Phospho-soda and Lavacol delay the removal of fluid from the intestines, thereby increasing the volume of intestinal contents, softening stool, increasing peristalsis and accelerating bowel cleansing.

Also, preparation for the procedure includes the following recommendations:

  • stop taking iron-containing and antidiarrheal medications;
  • increase fluid intake;
  • strictly follow all doctor's recommendations.

How is a colonoscopy performed?

The colonoscopy procedure is carried out in a specialized office. The patient undresses below the waist and lies on the couch on his left side. Legs must be bent at the knees and moved towards the stomach.

The procedure can be performed under local or general anesthesia, as well as sedation.

  • Local anesthesia— as a rule, local anesthesia is proposed using one of the drugs based on lidocaine: luan gel, dicaine ointment, xylocaine gel, etc. When applied to the mucous membranes and lubricated with the drug on the tip of the colonoscope, a local anesthetic effect is achieved, while the patient remains fully conscious. Local anesthesia can be achieved and intravenous administration anesthetic.
  • Sedation is the second option, in which a person is in a state similar to sleep, does not feel pain or discomfort, but consciousness is not turned off. The drugs midazolam, propofol and others are used.
  • General anesthesia involves the administration of drugs that put the patient into a deep sleep. Despite the level of development of medicine, general anesthesia carries certain risks, has contraindications and requires some time for the patient to recover. Colonoscopy under anesthesia is indicated for examining children under 12 years of age, patients with mental illness, people with a high pain sensitivity threshold, and in a number of other cases.

After anesthesia, the doctor inserts a colonoscope into the anus and sequentially examines the walls of the large intestine, moving the probe forward and palpating along the surface of the abdomen, controlling the movement of the tube along the bends of the intestine. To make the picture more objective, the intestines expand with the help of supplied air.

The entry of air is accompanied by bloating and discomfort for the patient, plus you cannot make any movements during the examination, which is why patients prefer general anesthesia or sedation for the period of the examination.

The procedure lasts 15-30 minutes. A video recording is made of the colonoscope moving through the intestines. If necessary, a tissue biopsy is taken and polyps are removed. At the end of the study, gas is removed through a special channel of the colonoscope and the probe is carefully removed from the intestine.

After the procedure, the doctor draws up an examination protocol, gives recommendations to the patient and refers him to a specialist.

If local anesthesia was used, you can go home immediately after the procedure. General anesthesia requires observation for a certain time until the patient fully regains consciousness.

After the examination you can eat and drink. If the intestines remain full of gases, you can take 10 tablets of crushed activated carbon and wash it down with water. Abdominal massage will also help.

Possible complications of colonoscopy

  • Perforation of the intestinal wall (incidence 1%);
  • Bloating that goes away on its own;
  • Bleeding in the intestines (0.1%);
  • Respiratory arrest during general anesthesia (0.5%);
  • Abdominal pain and hyperthermia up to 37.5 C for 2-3 days if polyps were removed.
  • Cm. .

If the following phenomena occur after a colonoscopy, you should immediately consult a doctor:

  • weakness;
  • loss of strength;
  • dizziness;
  • abdominal pain;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • loose stools with blood;
  • hyperthermia above 38 C.

Indications for colonoscopy

This procedure has a strict list of indications. However, taking into account the experience of Western countries, healthy people over 50 years of age should undergo this examination annually, especially if close relatives have had problems with the large intestine, especially cancer pathology.

Every year, colonoscopy is performed for people at risk (with,), as well as for those patients who have previously been operated on for intestinal disease.

Colonoscopy is prescribed if the following symptoms are present:

  • frequent and severe constipation;
  • frequent pain in the large intestine;
  • mucous or bloody discharge from the rectum;
  • frequent bloating;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • suspicion of colon disease;
  • preparation for some gynecological operations(removal of a tumor of the uterus, ovary, etc.).

The main purpose of a colonoscopy is early diagnosis various pathologies, which is especially important in the case of cancerous tumors.

Colonoscopy results are normal

The method allows you to objectively assess the condition of the mucous membrane of the large intestine along its entire length. Reliable endoscopic signs of unchanged colon mucosa are the following indicators:

  • Color - Normally, the intestinal mucosa is pale pink or pale yellow in color. Erosion, inflammation and other pathologies change the color of the mucous membrane.
  • Shine - normally the mucous membrane reflects light, which determines its shine. The dullness of the mucous membrane indicates insufficient mucus production, which is typical for pathological changes.
  • Surface character- the surface should be smooth and slightly striated, without ulcerations, protrusions or tubercles.
  • Vascular pattern- should be uniform without areas of enhancement or absence of blood vessels.
  • Mucosal overlays- associated with accumulations of mucus and have the appearance of light lumps, without compactions, impurities of fibrin, pus or necrotic masses.

Any deviations from the described variants of the norm indicate a certain disease.

Diseases that are diagnosed using colonoscopy

  • Colon polyp;
  • Oncological pathology;
  • Nonspecific ulcerative colitis;
  • Intestinal diverticula;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • Intestinal tuberculosis.

Contraindications to colonoscopy

Conditions in which this procedure is contraindicated can be divided into absolute and relative. In the case of absolute indications, the study is excluded; in case of relative indications, the study can be carried out according to vital indications.

Absolute contraindications Relative contraindications
  • Peritonitis is a serious condition requiring emergency surgical treatment.
  • Terminal stages of pulmonary and heart failure are severe conditions that occur with serious circulatory disorders.
  • Acute myocardial infarction is acute ischemia of the heart muscle, threatening death.
  • Perforation of the intestinal wall is a condition accompanied by internal bleeding and requiring emergency surgery.
  • Severe forms of ulcerative and ischemic colitis, in which intestinal perforation is possible during the procedure.
  • Pregnancy – the procedure can lead to premature birth.
  • Poor preparation for the examination, when the patient does not follow the doctor’s recommendations, the effectiveness of colonoscopy worsens.
  • Intestinal bleeding. Minor bleeding is stopped in 90% with the help of a colonoscope, but it is not always possible to assess the severity of the bleeding.
  • The patient's serious condition. In this case, it is impossible to carry out general anesthesia, which is sometimes a necessary condition for normal diagnostics.
  • Reduced blood clotting - minor damage to the mucous membrane during examination can lead to intestinal bleeding.

Alternative to colonoscopy

A painless and safe alternative to colonoscopy (as well as FGDS) is a capsule examination, in which the patient swallows a special endocapsule with a built-in video camera, it passes through the entire gastrointestinal tract and exits naturally through the anus.

This type of examination is carried out only on a paid basis (quite expensive) and does not always provide a complete picture. Moreover, if pathological changes are detected in the intestines, the patient will still have to undergo a colonoscopy procedure to confirm the diagnosis.

Despite the specifics of the procedure and some psychological and physical discomfort during colonoscopy, this type of diagnosis is the most reliable for assessing the condition of the large intestine.

With this pathology, the patient will experience the following symptoms:

  • frequent diarrhea mixed with blood, mucus and pus.
  • pain, most often in the left side of the abdomen;
  • body temperature up to 39 degrees;
  • decreased appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • general weakness.
Using colonoscopy, a detailed examination of parts of the large intestine is performed to early detection in the mucous membrane there are small erosions and ulcers. Benign tumor(polyps) Polyps are formed due to the proliferation of tissue and have different sizes and shapes. These can be mushroom-shaped or flat villous tumors with sizes ranging from a few millimeters to several centimeters.
As a rule, the presence of a benign tumor in the large intestine is not clinically manifested. In approximately 60% of cases, a benign tumor degenerates into a malignant tumor ( Cancer). To avoid possible complications, it is important to detect the tumor and remove it as soon as possible. Both are done using colonoscopy. Diverticula A diverticulum is a pathological formation that is characterized by a protrusion of the wall of the large intestine.

With this pathology, the patient may experience the following symptoms:

  • pain, usually in the left side of the abdomen;
  • frequent constipation, alternating with diarrhea;
  • bloating.
Colonoscopy is the most informative method diagnosis of diverticulitis. Intestinal obstruction Intestinal obstruction may occur due to mechanical obstruction ( For example, foreign body ), and also due to violation motor function large intestine.

This pathology is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • sudden abdominal pain;
  • stool retention;
  • bloating;
  • nausea and vomiting.
With the help of colonoscopy, the true cause of intestinal obstruction is revealed. Foreign bodies are also removed using a colonoscope.
Every year in mandatory Colonoscopy is performed for all people at risk. This group includes patients with ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease, as well as those individuals who have previously undergone surgical interventions on the large intestine. Another risk group includes people whose direct relatives had tumors or polyps of the colon.

Preparing for a colonoscopy

Before performing a colonoscopy, it is necessary special training, it is this that guarantees the high reliability of the research results.

Before undergoing a colonoscopy, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • stop taking antidiarrheal and iron-containing medications;
  • increase fluid intake;
  • Follow all doctor's recommendations regarding preparation.

Preparing for a colonoscopy includes the following steps:

  • preliminary preparation;
  • purgation.

Preliminary preparation

Currently, preparation for colonoscopy is carried out by ingesting special laxative solutions. However, if the patient has a tendency to constipation, then combined preparation may be recommended.

To do this, the patient may first be prescribed:

  • ingestion of castor oil or ricin oil.
  • performing an enema.
Ingestion of castor oil or ricin oil
The required amount of oil to take is determined depending on the patient’s body weight. If the weight is, for example, 70–80 kg, then 60–70 grams of oil are prescribed, which must be taken at night. If emptying with oil was successful, it is recommended to repeat the procedure. However, it should be noted that this preparation can be carried out for patients who have no contraindications ( for example, the presence of individual intolerance to oil components).

Performing an enema
If preparation is carried out with the help of laxatives, then cleansing enemas are usually not required. However, if the patient suffers from severe constipation, then cleansing enemas may be recommended as a preliminary preparation.

To give an enema at home you need to:

  • It is necessary to purchase an Esmarch mug;
  • Fill Esmarch's mug with about one to one and a half liters of warm water ( room temperature), after closing the clamp to prevent water from flowing out of the tip;
  • After filling the enema, it is necessary to remove the clamp and release a stream of water from the tip, this is done in order to prevent air from entering the intestines;
  • The person lies on his left side ( It is recommended to place an oilcloth under the side and a towel on top), the right leg should be moved forward, bending it at the knee 90 degrees;
  • The prepared Esmarch mug must be hung one to one and a half meters from the level of the couch or sofa on which the person is lying;
  • Then the tip must be lubricated with Vaseline to prevent injury to the anus, after which the enema should be administered to a depth of approximately seven centimeters;
  • Only after the tip has been inserted into the anus should the clamp be carefully removed from the enema;
  • After completing the procedure, the tip must be carefully removed, slowly rise and walk a little, retaining the liquid in the intestines for about five to ten minutes in order for the cleansing to be most effective.
For preliminary preparation, it is recommended to perform an enema twice in the evening.

Note: It should be noted that performing enemas independently requires special skills, so this method of preliminary preparation is rarely resorted to.

After two days of preliminary preparation by taking oil orally or performing enemas, patients with a significant history of constipation are prescribed the main method of preparation for colonoscopy ( laxatives and diet).


Two to three days before a colonoscopy, you should adhere to a slag-free diet, the purpose of which is to effectively cleanse the intestines. At the same time, it is recommended to exclude from the diet foods that cause fermentation, bloating, and also increase the formation of feces.
Foods to Avoid Products that are allowed to be consumed
fresh vegetables ( cabbage, radishes, beets, garlic, onions, carrots, radish). boiled vegetables.
fresh fruits ( grapes, peaches, apples, oranges, bananas, apricots, tangerines). fermented milk products ( sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk).
legumes ( beans, peas). vegetable soups.
black bread. white bread croutons, crackers, white bread.
greens ( spinach, sorrel). boiled eggs.
smoked meats ( sausage, meat, fish). lean meats ( chicken, rabbit, veal, beef).
marinade and pickles. lean fish ( e.g. hake, pike perch, carp).
certain cereals ( pearl barley, oatmeal and millet porridge). cheese, butter.
chocolate, chips, peanuts, seeds. weakly brewed tea, compotes.
milk, coffee. jelly, honey
carbonated drinks, alcohol. still water, clear juices.

Note: It is recommended to skip dinner the evening before the test, and not to have breakfast on the morning of the test.


Currently, special laxatives are most widely used to cleanse the intestines. Before performing a colonoscopy, the doctor individually prescribes a suitable remedy based on the patient’s indications and contraindications.

The most commonly used colon cleansing drugs

Name of the drug Cooking method Directions for use


One sachet is designed for 20 kg of body weight.
Each sachet should be diluted in one liter of warm, boiled water. If, for example, a person weighs 60 kg, then three sachets will need to be diluted in three liters of water.
The prepared volume of liquid must be drunk in the evening at one time or every fifteen minutes, take 250 ml of solution.


Two sachets must be diluted in 500 ml of warm boiled water, mixed thoroughly, after which another 500 ml of cool water should be added. To completely cleanse the intestines before a colonoscopy, it is recommended to take three liters of solution. That is, for one liter of water you need two sachets of the product, and for three liters - six. This solution is prepared regardless of a person’s body weight. The resulting solution must be taken from five to ten in the evening. That is, within five hours you need to take three liters of the drug.

Fleet Phospho-soda

The package contains two bottles ( 45 ml each), each of which should be dissolved in 120 ml of boiled cold water before use. When prescribed in the morning, the prepared solution must be drunk after breakfast. The second portion of the solution should be taken after dinner.
When prescribed daily, the solution is drunk after dinner, and the second portion of the drug is taken on the day of the procedure after breakfast.
The solutions you drink in both the first and second cases must be washed down with one or two glasses of water.


The package contains fifteen packets containing powder. One package of the drug ( 14g) must be diluted in 200 ml of warm boiled water. Should be taken eighteen to twenty hours before the upcoming test. The total amount of solution that needs to be taken is three liters. From two o'clock in the afternoon to seven in the evening, you should drink 200 ml of solution every 15 - 20 minutes.

The main mechanism of action of the drugs Fortrans and Endofalk is that these drugs prevent the absorption of substances in the stomach and intestines, which leads to faster movement and evacuation of contents ( in the form of diarrhea) gastrointestinal tract. Due to the content of electrolyte salts in laxative preparations, disruption of the water-salt balance of the body is prevented.

The effect of the drugs Fleet Phospho-soda and Lavacol is that there is a delay in the excretion of water from the intestines, which leads to the following changes:

  • increase in intestinal contents;
  • softening of feces;
  • increased peristalsis;
  • cleansing the intestines.

What diseases can a colonoscopy detect?

Colonoscopy can reveal the following diseases:
  • colon polyp;
  • colon cancer;
  • nonspecific ulcerative colitis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • diverticula of the large intestine;
  • intestinal tuberculosis.
Disease Description of the disease Symptoms of the disease

Colon polyp

Disruption of the cell renewal process of the intestinal mucosa can lead to the formation of growths, that is, polyps. The danger of polyps is that if left untreated they can transform into malignant formations. Colonoscopy for this disease is the main diagnostic method. It is also possible to remove a polyp using a colonoscope. As a rule, this disease is asymptomatic for a long time. In some cases, the patient may develop bleeding from the polyp, which will be manifested by the presence of blood in the stool.

Colon cancer

Colon cancer is a malignant tumor that develops from the cells of the mucous membrane of this organ. A colonoscopy allows for early diagnosis of cancer development. On early stages An intestinal tumor may not manifest itself in any way. However, at later stages such clinical signs as a bowel disorder ( constipation or diarrhea), the presence of blood in the stool, anemia, and pain in the abdominal area.

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease. The exact cause of the development of this disease has not been established to date. Damage to the large intestine in ulcerative colitis always begins with the rectum, and over time the inflammation spreads to all parts of the organ. Colonoscopy helps to detect nonspecific ulcerative colitis in a timely manner. Also, during treatment, using this research method, the healing process is monitored.
  • diarrhea;
  • mucus or blood in the stool;
  • decreased appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • abdominal pain;
  • increased body temperature;
  • weakness.

Crohn's disease

Crohn's disease is a chronic nonspecific inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. As a rule, this disease affects the intestines, but damage to the esophagus and oral cavity. The exact reason causing development Crohn's disease has not currently been identified, but causes such as heredity, genetic mutations, and autoimmune processes are identified as predisposing factors. Colonoscopy for this disease allows you to identify and determine the degree of inflammation, the presence of ulcers, and bleeding.
  • abdominal pain;
  • diarrhea;
  • decreased appetite;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • weight loss;
  • decreased performance;
  • increased body temperature;
  • weakness.

Colon diverticula

Diverticula are protrusions on the intestinal wall. This disease is usually observed in older people. The main reason for the development of diverticula is the dominance of meat and flour products in the food consumed, as well as a significant reduction in plant foods. This leads to the development of constipation and the appearance of diverticula. The development of this disease is also influenced by factors such as obesity, flatulence and intestinal infections. Colonoscopy for this disease allows you to see the mouth of the diverticulum, as well as determine the presence of inflammatory processes. In the uncomplicated form, diverticulitis of the large intestine can be asymptomatic. Later, the patient may experience symptoms such as bowel dysfunction ( constipation and diarrhea), bloating and pain in the abdominal area. In case of inflammation of the diverticulum, diverticulitis may develop, in which the patient will experience an increase in the above symptoms, as well as an increase in body temperature and blood in the stool.

Intestinal tuberculosis

Intestinal tuberculosis is infectious disease which is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. As a rule, this disease is secondary, since mycobacteria initially affect the lungs and only then are introduced into the intestines by hematogenous or lymphogenous routes. Colonoscopy for intestinal tuberculosis is performed to establish a diagnosis and take a biopsy if necessary. Initially, this disease manifests itself in the patient general symptoms such as fever, heavy sweating, loss of appetite and body weight. Diarrhea, blood in the stool, and pain in the abdominal area are also observed in the intestines.

Contraindications for colonoscopy

There are relative and absolute contraindications for colonoscopy.

Absolute contraindications

Contraindication Reasons
Acute myocardial infarction Acute myocardial infarction is a serious condition that can lead to death, therefore any endoscopic interventions this period contraindicated.
Perforation of the intestinal wall Perforation of the intestinal wall leads to active bleeding, which is eliminated surgically.
Peritonitis Peritonitis is an inflammation of the peritoneum, in which the patient's condition is extremely severe. In this case, the treatment is emergency surgery.
Final stages pulmonary and heart failure These disorders are characterized by serious circulatory problems. Patients in these cases are in extreme in serious condition, in which endoscopic interventions, including colonoscopy, are recommended to be excluded.

Relative contraindications

Contraindication Reasons
Poor preparation for colonoscopy If the patient has poor quality training to colonoscopy, the presence of intestinal contents in the colon will not allow the examination to be carried out effectively.
Intestinal bleeding In most cases ( 90% ) intestinal bleeding can be stopped using colonoscopy, but in case of massive acute blood loss, bleeding is stopped surgically.
General serious condition of the patient The general serious condition of the patient is a contraindication to many studies. This is due to the fact that such patients are prescribed strict bed rest. Also, patients in serious condition are contraindicated under anesthesia, which in some cases is necessary for colonoscopy.
Reduced blood clotting During a colonoscopy, even minor damage to the intestinal mucosa can cause bleeding.

Colonoscopy of the intestine is instrumental study the large intestine and its lower segment (rectum), which is used to diagnose and treat pathological conditions of this part of the digestive tract.

It shows in detail the condition of the mucous membrane. Sometimes this diagnosis is called fibrocolonoscopy (FCS colonoscopy). Typically, the intestinal colonoscopy procedure is performed by a diagnostic proctologist, assisted by a nurse. This diagnostic procedure involves inserting into the anus a probe equipped with a camera at the end that transmits an image to a large screen. After this, air is pumped into the intestines, which prevents the intestines from sticking together. As the probe advances, various areas of the intestine are examined in detail.

In some cases, a colonoscopy is performed not only to visualize problems, but it also allows for the following manipulations:

  • take a biopsy sample;
  • remove polyps or connective tissue cords;
  • remove foreign objects;
  • stop bleeding;
  • restore intestinal permeability in case of narrowing.

A colonoscope is a soft and easily bendable probe that allows you to delicately move through all anatomical structures of the intestine without injuring the tissue or causing pain to the patient.

Why is a colonoscopy prescribed?

The appointment is made after a thorough history of the disease. The reasons for performing a colonoscopy are:

  1. The patient complains of persistent constant pain localized in the abdominal area.
  2. The presence of discharge from the anus (pus or mucus).
  3. Detection of traces of blood in the stool.
  4. Troubleshooting digestive system(persistent constipation or prolonged diarrhea).
  5. Anemia of unknown etiology, sudden weight loss, hereditary predisposition to colon cancer.
  6. Suspicion of the presence of a foreign body in the lumen of a hollow organ.
  7. Detection of symptoms of Crohn's disease, intestinal obstruction, ulcerative colitis (colonoscopy will help confirm the diagnosis).

In addition, the described diagnostic procedure is often carried out after sigmoidoscopy or irrigoscopy (less informative tests) to clarify the diagnosis.


There are situations when, based on individual indicators, this diagnosis cannot or is impossible for a patient. In this case, the proctologist must quickly determine how to check the intestines without a colonoscopy, find alternative way what to replace it with.

During the consultation, the doctor, before prescribing a colonoscopy, must determine whether his patient suffers from:

  • pulmonary or heart failure;
  • inflammatory infectious processes of any localization;
  • insufficient blood clotting;
  • acute colitis or ulcer;
  • inflammation of the peritoneum, or peritonitis.

All of the above symptoms are strict contraindications to colonoscopy, which can cause harm to health, complicated consequences and require alternative solutions.

The procedure is also contraindicated during pregnancy. It can cause premature birth or miscarriage. Therefore, it is necessary to select other diagnostic methods.

How much does the procedure cost?

The price is different everywhere and is determined taking into account certain factors: the name of the clinic, its level, technical equipment, qualifications of the diagnostician. Each of us always has an alternative: to go to government agency or private clinic purchasing equipment from Bayer.

In the first case, the cost will be quite acceptable. In Moscow it starts from 4,500 rubles.

Colonoscopy of the intestine: proper preparation

This procedure is very serious, and therefore requires careful preparation, which begins at least 3 days before the examination. Required condition for colonoscopy – clean intestines; the presence of feces in it will not allow the doctor to perform the procedure.


You need to start with compliance strict diet, which will help avoid education large quantity dense stool in the intestines and constipation.

A few days before a colonoscopy, fresh vegetables (cabbage, radishes, cucumbers, onions, greens, peas, beans and other legumes), fruits (grapes, apples, citrus fruits, bananas), black bread, freshly baked yeast products, smoked meats are excluded from the diet. , marinades, pickles, spicy foods, rice, pearl barley and semolina, whole milk, sweets and carbonated drinks. These products can increase gas formation in the intestines, which negatively affects its motor function.

All vegetables must be heat treated before consumption, fruits are best consumed in the form of jelly and compotes, meat and fish should not be fatty (chicken, rabbit, lean pork, hake, pike perch, pollock), white bread must be dried, and should not be used in tea or compotes. you need to add sugar. It is allowed to consume fermented milk products only if they do not strengthen the intestines.

On the day of the study, eating is prohibited, so most often such procedures are performed in the first half of the day.

Cleansing enemas and laxatives

It is recommended to take up to 60 ml of castor oil orally at night, this will help with regular bowel movements in the morning. At cholelithiasis oils should not be used or their amount should be reduced. You can take various laxatives as recommended by your doctor.

It is also necessary to perform a cleansing enema in the evening for 2 days before the examination. The procedure is repeated on the day of the examination in the morning, 3 hours before the colonoscopy, and the water coming out of the intestines should not contain feces.

Special preparations for preparation for endoscopic examinations

The use of castor oil, laxatives and enemas can be replaced by taking modern medications specifically designed to prepare patients for such studies. They can only be prescribed by a doctor, and they must be used strictly in accordance with the instructions, these include:

  • Fortrans;
  • Lavacol;
  • Endofalk;
  • Fleet Phospho-soda, etc.

With the help of these tools, you can quickly and efficiently prepare the intestines for colonoscopy.

However, these drugs have a drawback. They are taken with a large amount of water (up to 3-4 liters); not everyone can drink that much, even if not at once. And some patients with cardiovascular or kidney diseases this may even be contraindicated. This is precisely why the old time-tested methods of colon cleansing are still used today in many cases.

Carrying out the procedure

Patients' imaginations often run in the wrong direction and they completely misunderstand how an intestinal colonoscopy is performed. It seems to them that real torture awaits them, but medicine has long stepped forward in this regard. During the examination, anesthesia or sedation is usually used.

Colonoscopy with local anesthesia

For these purposes, drugs are used where the active active substance Lidocaine (Luan gel, Dicaine ointment, Xylocaine gel) is used. They are applied to the colonoscope nozzle inserted into the anus, or directly lubricated with the mucous membrane. In addition, local anesthesia can be achieved by parenteral administration anesthetics. But the key here is that the patient is conscious.


Another option for premedication. In this case, the person is in a state resembling sleep. He is conscious, but he is not in pain or discomfort. Midazolam and Propofol are used for this.

Colonoscopy of the intestines under general anesthesia

This method involves the parenteral administration of drugs that send the patient into deep drug-induced sleep with complete absence consciousness. Colonoscopy performed in this way is especially indicated in pediatric practice, for people with low pain threshold and being seen by a psychiatrist.

The intestinal examination is carried out in a special booth for proctological examinations. The patient is asked to undress to the waist, in return he is given disposable diagnostic panties and is placed on the couch on his left side. In this case, the legs need to be bent at the knees and moved towards the stomach. When the patient receives the pain relief selected for him, the procedure itself begins.

The colonoscope is inserted into the anus, air is pumped in and it begins to be gently pushed forward. To control, the doctor probes the anterior wall of the peritoneum with one hand to understand how the tube overcomes the bends of the intestine. All this time, a video is shown on the monitor screen and the doctor carefully examines various parts of the intestine. At the end of the procedure, the colonoscope is removed.

If the procedure was carried out under local anesthesia, then the patient is sent home on the same day. And if general anesthesia was used, the patient will be forced to spend several days in the hospital and will be under the supervision of specialists. The procedure usually lasts no more than half an hour. Photos of individual sections of the intestine or video of a colonoscopy can be recorded on digital media.

Colonoscopy options

What opportunities does examination with a colonoscope provide?

  1. During the procedure, the doctor can visually assess the condition of the mucous membrane, intestinal motility, and identify inflammatory changes.
  2. It becomes possible to clarify the diameter of the intestinal lumen and, if necessary, expand the intestinal area narrowed due to scar changes.
  3. On the monitor screen, the specialist sees the smallest changes in the walls of the intestine and pathological formations (cracks, polyps of the rectum and colon, hemorrhoids, ulcers, diverticula, tumors or foreign bodies).
  4. During the procedure, you can remove the detected foreign body or take a piece of tissue for histological examination(biopsy).
  5. If small benign tumors or polyps, it is possible to remove these tumors during the examination, thereby saving the patient from surgical intervention.
  6. When conducting an examination, it is possible to identify the causes of intestinal bleeding and eliminate them using thermocoagulation (exposure to high temperatures).
  7. During the procedure, the doctor has the opportunity to take pictures of the inner surface of the intestine.

The above possibilities make the colonoscopy procedure the most informative diagnostic method. It is performed in many public and private medical institutions. According to the recommendation of the WHO (World Health Organization), as a preventative measure, it is advisable for every patient over 40 to undergo a colonoscopy once every five years. If a person comes to the doctor with characteristic complaints, a study is prescribed without fail.

What diseases can a colonoscopy detect?

Colonoscopy can detect the following diseases:

  1. . It is a malignant formation that develops from the cells of the mucous membrane of this organ. A colonoscopy allows for early diagnosis of cancer development.
  2. . Disruption of the cell renewal process of the intestinal mucosa can lead to the formation of growths, that is, polyps. The danger of polyps is that if left untreated, they can transform into malignant tumors. Colonoscopy for this disease is the main diagnostic method. It is also possible to remove a polyp using a colonoscope.
  3. . Is an inflammatory bowel disease. The exact cause of the development of this disease has not been established to date. Damage to the large intestine in ulcerative colitis always begins with the rectum, and over time the inflammation spreads to all parts of the organ. Colonoscopy helps to detect nonspecific ulcerative colitis in a timely manner. Also, during treatment, using this research method, the healing process is monitored.
  4. . Diverticula are protrusions on the intestinal wall. This disease is usually observed in older people. The main reason for the development of diverticula is the dominance of meat and flour products in the food consumed, as well as a significant reduction in plant foods. This leads to the development of constipation and the appearance of diverticula. The development of this disease is also influenced by factors such as obesity, flatulence and intestinal infections. Colonoscopy for this disease allows you to see the mouth of the diverticulum, as well as determine the presence of inflammatory processes.
  5. . It is a chronic nonspecific inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. As a rule, this disease affects the intestines, but the esophagus and oral cavity can also be affected. The exact cause of Crohn's disease has not yet been identified, but predisposing factors include heredity, genetic mutations, and autoimmune processes. Colonoscopy for this disease allows you to identify and determine the degree of inflammation, the presence of ulcers, and bleeding.
  6. . It is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. As a rule, this disease is secondary, since mycobacteria initially affect the lungs and only then are introduced into the intestines by hematogenous or lymphogenous routes. Colonoscopy for intestinal tuberculosis is performed to establish a diagnosis and take a biopsy if necessary.

In general, a colonoscopy examination allows you to evaluate the condition of all parts of the large intestine: rectum, colon, cecum and sigmoid colon. First, the endoscopist examines the area of ​​the lower parts of the gastrointestinal tract, and then assesses the condition of the blind and sigmoid colon. The cecum borders the department small intestine, so you can also examine part of the small intestine.