
Instant third eye. Why does a person need a third eye and what is it?

If you've meditated for any length of time, then you've probably experienced the feeling of being aware of the mysterious "third eye." The third eye is considered a portal to intuition and higher wisdom. It has many concepts and meanings.

The question of how to open the third eye is asked by people who dream of becoming psychics. The exercises will be the first steps towards a career as a clairvoyant. If you set the task of how to open the third eye quickly, you will have to forget about extrasensory perception. Working with the ajna chakra is not a matter of minutes. Learning to open additional body feelings are no easier than learning a foreign language. Another important point- belief in success. Even if the results are not immediately noticeable, without faith in own strength nothing will work out. Abilities are easily blocked by mistrust and thoughts about the impossibility of development.

What is the third eye?

The third eye is not so much an eye as it is a sensation, light, sight, smell, sound. The third eye can be described as more of an intuitive sense. The types of feelings he picks up are very different and far away.

It can be called your third eye chakra. But all this aside, this is the point between your eyebrows and just above. It has connections with all kinds of mystical states. Opening your third eye can even lead to enlightenment. With its close connections to perception, even engaging in third eye meditation can lead to visionary states.

It also has connections with mental states such as telepathy, lucid dreams, astral projection and clairvoyance.

The third eye is not something separate from you. It's like turning on a light for the first time in a dark room.

The poet William Blake comes very close to describing the third eye awakening with this quote: « If the doors of perception were cleansed, every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite. For the man closed himself until he saw all the narrow crevices of his cave.

This closure he refers to can be reversed through the process of opening your third eye.

Understanding the Third Eye Chakra

If you are familiar with chakras, your third eye chakra is actually your sixth chakra.

Ajna: general information about the work of the chakra

  • Location: middle of forehead.
  • Shades: blue, purple.
  • Sign: blue circle and two large lotus petals. Two feet are drawn in the center of it. There is another version of the chakra image - a lotus flower with ninety-six petals.
  • Characteristic: creative inspiration, development of spirituality, awareness of life's path.
  • Internal accent: communication at the extrasensory level, enhanced intuition.
  • Element: radium.
  • Responsible for: subtle sensations, primarily for intuition.
  • Mantra:"ham-ksham."
  • Slim body: mental.
  • Glands: pineal.
  • Organs: vision, hearing, smell, brain.
  • Imbalance leads to: diseases of the eyes, ears, lungs, nose, debilitating headaches, nightmares.
  • Aromatherapy: minty and refreshing scents.
  • Stones: transparent and shades of blue.
  • Ajna located in the middle of the forehead. The stem goes down the back of the head.

The third eye can help us get in touch with the more subtle elements of reality. It goes beyond what we can purely “see” and allows us to use things that are much more. By awakening this chakra, we can give ourselves access to more high levels perception.

However, any images or feelings can be much more difficult to translate, since they often involve transcendental states that lack words to describe. These visions often appear more dreamlike or cloudy.

The more comfortable you become with awakening your third eye, the more benefits you will begin to see in your Everyday life, which goes beyond any visions you may experience during meditation.

The third eye is connected to the pineal gland, which is a tiny gland in the center of your brain (between the left and right hemispheres) that is responsible for regulating your sleep-wake cycles. The pineal gland is also associated with the perception and experience of mystical and altered states.

Due to its close location to the nerve centers of your brain, it is also associated with the nerve centers of your brain and changes in actual perception.

Why do you need to open your third eye?

When your third eye is blocked or closed, you cut yourself off from a powerful source of wisdom and guidance. This is said to lead to states of confusion, pessimism and uncertainty. By having your third eye awakened, you connect to a more powerful source of energy that is beyond the physical world that we often get so wrapped up in.

Opening your third eye can lead to improved clarity, imagination, insight and intuition on a daily basis. Plus, if you're here for the more metaphysical side of things, then you'll be better off priming things like lucid dreaming and astral projection.

Benefits of Opening Your Third Eye Chakra

So what exactly happens when you open your third eye?

The third eye, even if it seems invisible, is just as easily accessible to us as our other senses. By awakening your third eye, you can access a deeper source of intuitive wisdom.

The third eye can be seen as the gateway to all things psychic: lucid dreaming, astral projection, telepathy, clairvoyance. Metaphysical aspects of reality are part of your life with the awakening of the third eye.

1. Reduce stress, worry, anxiety

Meditation in general, when practiced on a regular basis, will lead to a reduction in stress, worry and anxiety. Because your third eye is connected to elevated conditions consciousness, you will begin to release any stress or worry that you have been holding on to for years.

Your third eye helps bring tremendous perspective into your life, which will greatly improve your attitude towards what you "think" stresses you out.

2. Improved intuition

Third Eye Meditation will help you access the hidden wisdom that you have had within you. By examining your stress and reducing your reactivity, you can listen to your inner voice. Most traditional cultures consider our intuition to be the most useful form of knowledge, Lately this has been obscured, but by awakening your third eye, you will be able to develop this trait again.

Your third eye can help you connect to larger aspects of reality, which will help you navigate the crazy and chaotic world we find ourselves in today.

3. Greater levels of clarity

Who wouldn't want a greater level of clarity in life? If confusion and uncertainty are the norm in your life, then starting the process of awakening your third eye is what you should do. Having an open 3rd eye is equivalent to having an incredibly wise mentor right in your own mind, helping guide you towards decisions that are in your best interest.

A clear mind is also a relaxed mind, meditation itself will help separate you from the incessant stream of thoughts that most people live with. This space you create will free you up to listen to the deeper parts of yourself.

4. Unlock your imagination

When you open your third eye, you will begin to notice that your imagination abilities increase. Since many third sight meditations focus on visualization, you will begin to notice an improvement in your creativity.

Your third eye is also connected to the astral realm, so you will be much closer to the infinite possibilities of reality. This connection can help you begin to experience both your thoughts and reality, just as you did when you were a child, full of imagination, wonder, and play.

5. Improved goal resolution and manifestation

If you are struggling with manifesting the life you desire, then awakening your third eye can help. By removing and letting go of negative thoughts, you come into contact with the deeper root of who you truly are. With fewer lines and knots holding you back, you'll be much more capable of creating the life of your dreams.

Additionally, if your third eye begins to open, you will be able to better understand your path to success and be able to avoid common mistakes that you make.

There are dozens of more creative methods to help you get in touch with and awaken your third eye. Below we offer some more creative methods to help you open your third eye.

  1. Work with the energy flows of the Universe. Ideally, you need to pay attention to this twice a day so that the body is permeated with light, washed by it and freed from dark clots of negativity. Exercises from the Chinese Qigong system are perfect for this practice, which teaches how to transform the body into a real conductor of energy for the chakras.
  2. Focus on your intention and express it as often as possible. Opening the third eye requires automatic recognition of oneself as an instrument of spiritual growth. Therefore, strive for high energies and find the factors of true motivation for improvement. Feel the fullness of life and stretch this feeling for as long as possible.
  3. During any practice, remember correct breathing . Deep inhalations and exhalations at equal intervals allow for proper circulation of energy in the body, its rise through the channels and concentration in Ajna. You can learn traditional breathing practices, such as Pranayama.
  4. Listen to your inner voice. If you are interested in how to open your third eye, the practice of awakening your intuition should not be something new and unknown for you. Moreover, at the time of any difficult situation It is useful to focus on the eyebrow chakra and send intimate questions there. Watch for higher signs, which may come in the form of fortune telling results, unexpected visions, or just the right book.
  5. Constantly improve your skills not only in the practical sphere, but also in terms of theory. Knowledge of clairvoyance, telepathy and other manifestations of the third eye must be accumulated to prepare you for the activation of any supernatural skills. You can study esoteric literature yourself or sign up for lectures.
  6. Don't expect extraordinary results from the first days. The work of the third eye is designed in such a way that visions are constantly improved as a person trains. To wait for unique pictures from the future or past, you will have to work for several years, or even decades, on your eyebrow chakra.
    Over time, the process of expanding consciousness will happen much faster, and you will be able to learn how to break through the third eye, i.e. lift the veil to a higher information and energy level. You also need to be prepared for the fact that periodically you will need to clean the sixth chakra.
  7. Try to sleep at the same time every day. Maintaining circadian rhythms is useful for maintaining performance. In addition, timely rest will ensure the appearance of high-quality and vivid dreams, which soon (with sufficient work with the third eye) can become quite conscious and even prophetic.
  8. Take care of your pineal gland. Surprisingly, the opening of the third eye is felt not only on mental level, because the source of many changes is the pineal gland - the brain process that produces hormones. To this gland endocrine system was active and even began to grow, it is necessary to follow a plant-based diet, which is based on products with high content melatonin: rice, bananas, barley, tomatoes, oats.
    In addition, pay attention to B vitamins. Fatty foods should be avoided as well as any bad habits, worsening a person’s aura and the condition of the chakras. But it is very useful to drink a lot of water every day, since it is this component that helps increase energy production.
  9. Do yoga. Following appropriate asanas, i.e. body postures in space, ensures the work of consciousness in harmony with the body, and also relieves a person from crude thinking patterns. The activation of the third eye is actually very closely related to our physical shell.
    From the point of view of the effect on the pineal gland, the best position can be considered the hare position or Shashaungasana, which stimulates the gland by applying pressure to the crown. In addition, most asanas make a person calmer, develop concentration and memory skills.
  10. Meditate. It is not at all necessary to focus on practices directly related to the third eye. You can concentrate on the sixth chakra, visualize all-seeing eye, but this is not at all necessary in the first stages. It is enough just to meditate in your favorite way, preferably between midnight and three in the morning, as well as during the new moon.
    Each relaxation technique can balance the energy flows of the human cerebral hemispheres, improve control over emotions and, therefore, help make the right decisions. How to open the third eye through meditation? You can learn about this from the article on our website “Meditation on Ajna”.
  11. Remember to be grounded during practice.. Working with the etheric shell often creates the threat of disconnection from the physical body, especially if the third eye is opened for the first time and the person is too keen on entering the astral plane. At first, you should not try to escape from the world by forcefully accelerating your training. Continue to pay attention to the everyday hassles of life so as not to create problems for yourself in this reality.

    Opening the third eye

    Having a third eye activation can be unsustainable for the uninitiated. It is recommended to do this slowly when it comes to the third eye meditation suggested below.

    Learning how to open your third eye takes practice. The first time you do this, it may feel a little uncomfortable, or you may feel pressure in your head. That's why it's important to start small and grow your practice over time.

    Below you will find a third eye meditation method that you can use on a regular basis. Remember, the more often you do third eye meditation, the more results you will see.

Simple exercises

The first lessons on activating the eyebrow chakra should be as simple and understandable as possible. First you need to learn to focus your attention on Ajna and the energy in it, and only then move on to the skills of mental vision, clairvoyance, and telepathy.

Exercise No. 1

Many esotericists are interested in how to awaken the third eye through contact with higher energies and at the same time bring the entire chakra system into overall balance. To do this, it is enough to carry out the so-called rotations.

  • Simply stand in the center of the room and rotate clockwise at least 33 times. Repeat the exercise daily, concentrating not on objects, but on the finger extended with the hand in front of you. Otherwise, you will quickly lose control of your body and fall.

Exercise No. 2

To harmonize breathing and energy speed, take the correct meditative position: legs crossed at the ankles in a sitting position, head looking north or east, palms forming a bowl between each other, while thumbs connected. Then focus on your breathing: inhalation and exhalation should last the same number of seconds.

The peculiarity of the exercise is that it is necessary to smooth out the breathing phases among themselves. After practicing several times, you can make the air movement completely invisible, but at the same time as free as possible.

Exercise #3

To establish contact with the all-seeing eye, sometimes it is enough to simply concentrate on the eyebrow chakra. How does the third eye open through this practice?

You collect all the energy in the forehead area, send the necessary request to the Cosmos and tune in to the wave of mental vision. You should close your eyelids while using only the abilities of your inner gaze. Look at the third eye until a distinct pulsation begins in the forehead.

With enough experience during this exercise, you can begin to see colors. The main thing is to maintain maximum detachment from the process and be a calm observer of your own feelings.

Exercise #4

Looking at objects is also useful, because it is on immovable objects that you can first train in studying the aura and etheric shells.

You should not only look at the object defocused, but also hold your gaze on it unexpectedly so that the energy channel leading to the third eye begins its activity.

Exercise #5

Eastern practices rarely do without images, so a person’s third eye also has its own specific symbol. How to open the eyebrow chakra using visualization? A simple exercise will help with this.

  • Start focusing your attention on the middle of your forehead. Imagine a large blossoming lotus at this point, or, if such a detailed vision is still difficult for you, simply visualize a dynamic funnel.
  • Keep these images that arise while achieving real ones. physical sensations in the third eye. You may feel pressure, itching, tingling or burning.

Over time, after the disappearance of the presented pictures, visions will emerge in the place of Ajna, reflecting different people or events.

Exercise #6

To develop the skill of inner gaze, use the practice of imagining the astral sun.

  • You need to sit one and a half meters away from the wall, not shielded from you by furniture, and relax. For about 5 minutes just look in front of you, remaining calm.
  • Then raise your eyes higher without changing the position of your head. Look as high as you can, but don't make yourself uncomfortable.
  • Fix your gaze at this point and imagine that a huge golden sun is shining along the trajectory of your gaze. Imagine that the wall is transparent and you are watching a bright light in the sky.

After a few minutes you will feel pressure in the third eye area. Focus on your forehead for a while and then finish the exercise.

Exercise No. 7

The technique of opening the third eye often includes self-hypnosis. In particular, it is useful to organize training in which the vision of the aura will be simulated.

  • First, look at people with your normal gaze, and then turn on your gaze with the all-seeing eye, convincing yourself that you already see the aura.
  • Give yourself a powerful attitude that you want to look at this shell around a person and make an effort.

Such imitation of experience helps in removing various blocks on Ajna. You can learn other techniques for convincing yourself in our article “How to open the third eye using self-hypnosis.”

Exercise #8

  • Position yourself near the mirror so that the distance to it is 20-30 cm at the level of the pupils. Look at your reflection exactly between your eyebrows. Try to go a couple of centimeters deep to visualize a small sphere behind the forehead bone.
  • Focus on this one point completely, without being distracted by extraneous stimuli. With this gaze, your peripheral vision will capture the reflection of your real eyes, so about 30% of your total concentration will be spent on these images.

Repeat the practice regularly if you find it difficult to work with visualized concentration on the all-seeing eye.

Exercise #9

How to activate the third eye through simple work with light? All you need to do is go to the window during the day, pull back the curtains and stand as close to the glass as possible. Look with open eyes to the sky without sudden movements of the head.

Try focusing on the area behind your eyes. At the same time, watch for any stripes or points of light that appear to your eye. Focus on these visions, and when your concentration reaches its maximum, you will be able to notice how bright lines and circles are moving before your inner gaze.

At some point you will not be able to see anything except these corpuscles of light. This normal reaction, which is not something to be afraid of. You can use this exercise even while you are outside.

For all methods of opening the third eye to be effective, try to combine them with work on special symbols that activate energy in the eyebrow chakra.

Advanced practices

Experienced esotericists who have already learned to work with visualization of various images and concentration on individual objects also pay special attention to exercises in which the third eye is open. What means should be used for a more advanced level of Ajna development? Most practices also deal with the inner gaze, as well as massage of the all-seeing eye.

Osho Meditation Practice

Can be used in any position when the body is relaxed. Sit comfortably, but do not cross your legs, and massage the area between your eyebrows for three minutes. bottom palms.

Make movements from bottom to top, without accelerating or putting pressure on the third eye area. Imagine that you are trying to open a window to another world. After three minutes you should feel a change in the movement of your energy, but if this does not happen, massage your eye clockwise in a circular motion.

The ways to open the third eye using this technique can be different, so you can also try moving your palm first not from bottom to top, but from top to bottom. Then you need to imagine a point of light in your forehead. Close your eyelids, look with your inner gaze at your all-seeing eye, feel it. It resembles a burning star.

Look up with your eyes, without raising your head, so that complete peace comes in your body. Stay in this state for at least an hour.

Exercise to destroy the protective inner shield

How to open the third eye completely and gain access to the most secret information of the Cosmos? Try an exercise to destroy the protective inner screen using an astral tool. This technique is very effective, but it requires a lot of dedication, so the consequences may be headache.

  • Take a comfortable position with a straight back and restore peace, deep breathing. Close your eyes and focus on Ajna. Imagine that a drill is growing inside your head. It gradually drills into the bones of the skull from the inside, just in the area of ​​the all-seeing eye. The instrument penetrates the bone tissue and destroys the protection, creating a hole in it.
  • Feel your third eye instantly activated and grant you special vision. Focus on your inner state open chakra. Feel that you already see everything with your third eye. Formulate your intention as precisely as possible, do not be afraid to get ahead of events.

Repeat the practice a couple more times. At the next session, imagine a laser beam, not a drill.

Multi-step practice

Most esotericists are especially interested in knowing how to learn to see high-quality and three-dimensional pictures of reliable reality with the third eye. This multi-stage practice will help you reach a new stage of clairvoyance.

  • At the beginning, with your eyes closed, you need to imagine a white space with black dot in the middle.
  • When you learn to imagine the smooth movement of this speck, add two more to it and visualize a triangle. Rotate it first as a flat object, and then as a volumetric one. The main thing is to clearly draw mind's eye all movements while maintaining the shape of the figure.
  • Next, turn the triangle into a pyramid. After rotating it, create a tetrahedral object from a trihedral object. Work in the space and with it too. Add one square and make a cube.
  • Then you need to imagine two pyramids with 3 faces at once, which must rotate not only in the plane, but also in volume, and simultaneously. The same must be repeated with the cube.
  • Gradually connect pyramids with 3 and 4 faces with a cube, increase the number of objects to 4-6. Also try to imagine one of the figures moving around your body.

The complicated stage of this practice involves the representation of all figures - both flat and three-dimensional - colored, and in different colors sequentially. You need to learn to rotate and multiply colorful objects in your imagination.

When you can work with the palette, you can move on to materials, imagining a pyramid, cube, sphere made of plastic, wood, stone, fire, water, metal, paper, energy. Get a feel for the material first, then blow up the figure and watch it explode into pieces. At the very end of the exercise, compile all the objects and alternate the material with color, not forgetting about the movement of the figures.

Technique for opening the third eye based on squeezing and relaxing the brain

The technique is also considered very effective, although difficult to understand. Focus on the area in the center of your head. Relax this area and then squeeze sharply. Of course, tightening a spot without actual muscle may seem impossible, but it can be done. Just refer to a situation in your memory when you needed maximum responsibility and concentration on solving an important task.

Bring that tension back inside your head. Then relax and repeat everything again. At first, you can help yourself a little by tensing the muscles of your neck or head.

This practice helps stimulate the development and growth of the pineal gland, which leads to increased clairvoyance.

Practice for opening the Ajna channel

Often psychics are interested in how to activate the third eye, using additional structures for concentration and inner gaze. One of the practices, for example, works great for opening the Ajna channel.

  • Roll a piece of white paper into a hollow cylinder. Glue the edges together to prevent the tube from unraveling. The diameter should be approximately 5 cm.
  • Place a bandage or rubber band on one end of the cylinder to secure it completely. Place the paper tube so that one side is pressed against the third eye and the other end is perpendicular to the forehead.
  • Using an elastic band, attach the structure to your head.

Take a calm sitting position and begin meditation, concentrating on the cylinder along its entire length.

Practice interacting with darkness

How can you open your third eye without working with light or energy? In fact, interacting with complete darkness can also be effective.

  • Turn off the lights in the room, relax and close your eyes. Look ahead with your inner gaze. Visualize your gaze as clearly as possible, study the darkness.
  • You can imagine that you are in the forest at night, looking for your way home, or looking at the silhouettes of trees.
  • Place your right palm in front of you. Feel her presence by remembering exactly what she looks like.
  • Focus on this image, try to really see the hand, using the third eye as an x-ray. Then move your palm a little while maintaining concentration.

Finish your practice.

“How to open the third eye?” - this is the most difficult question that psychics have been answering for thousands of years, accumulating invaluable experience clairvoyance and telepathy. Of course, a specific technique must be selected based on a person’s skills and his energy field, possible blocks and plugs.

After repeated use of one or two exercises, you can always notice the first successes in mastering intuition and inner gaze. True, over time, esotericists indulge in other thoughts: if the third eye is open, what to do next? Under no circumstances should you stop at activating Ajna; you should move on and master new training.


Overall, opening your third eye chakra is a process. The more you practice simple meditation, the more you create a deeper relationship with your third eye, the more benefits you will see in your life.

Third Eye- the sixth energy center in the human body. This is chakra Ajna.

Everyone has a third eye, invisible to physical vision. There are no exceptions.

The picture of the world becomes more complete, expanded, and clear when the perception of the subtle plane is connected to your innate gift of seeing the physical world.

What can I say! World fully transforms with you!

If you want to learn how to overcome space and time with your inner gaze in all directions of each of the many facets of reality, take on board technology, data in this article.

Third Eye - Ajna Chakra

Having a third eye can be a revelation for you. Unexpected. You are able to acquire the ability to foresee or foresee without even setting such a goal - easily, quickly, simply.

Those who are given this ability from birth are called clairvoyants. But every person at any age can reveal the gift of seeing clearly.

It may happen that you have to go a long way in self-development in order to open your third eye. It's always unique the path of special practices, training, self-discipline.

But for such a lofty goal as opening the third eye, it’s worth working on yourself. Perhaps this work will take very little time and effort from you.

So, the opening of the third eye is the opening of the ability to clairvoyance. But be prepared for the fact that it may not only be clear to you vision, and also:

  • clairaudience,
  • clairsentience,
  • clairtouch,
  • clairsmell.

The usual picture of the world can be revealed not only through visual images. It can be:

  • additional sounds, noises, speech of higher energy entities,
  • emerging emotions, feelings,
  • sensations in the body as clues, the ability to physically sense the invisible,
  • the appearance of odors as if out of nowhere,
  • special dreams.

This will be your personal, unique skill. More precisely, it already you have. You have to open the third eye - it will manifest itself.

The yoga tradition suggests that opening the third eye is impossible without harmonizing all five previous energy centers in the human body:

  • Muladharas,
  • Swadhistans,
  • Manipurs,
  • Vishuddhi.

It is better to open each of them in order, do it gradually. This is how development occurs naturally, harmoniously, holistically, and environmentally friendly for a person, his environment and the Universe.

When the lower chakras are open and balanced, they begin to open the third eye - Ajna.

Ajna is located in the zone on the forehead between the eyebrows.

Minimum knowledge about Ajna, necessary for everyone who aims to open the third eye:

  • Wisdom
  • Sensuality
  • Inspiration
  • Mind's eye
  • Organization
  • Focus

Clairvoyance is the ability to know:

  • past
  • the present
  • future
Paranormal abilities
  • Contact with the Superconscious
  • The ability to penetrate any body by force of will
Energy color Blue, blue-violet, indigo
Mantra AUM
Feeling Coldness in the palms
Ruling planet Saturn or Moon (differently in several sources)
Energy type Female (maternal)
Physical dysfunction Diseases of the eyes, nose, ears, brain
The effect of working on yourself
  • Psychic Power
  • Getting rid of shortcomings (vices, sins)
  • Filling the aura with calmness
  • The ability to calm others with your mere presence
  • Liberation from selfish desires and motives
  • Liberation from negative karmic burdens

Top 5 techniques for opening the third eye


This is the most simple technique. It can be practiced wherever, whenever, as much as you like. Its essence is to concentrate your attention at the point between the eyebrows, slightly deep in the forehead (2-3 cm further into the head).

Correct execution of the technique gives pleasant pressure in the third eye area. This feeling needs to be intensified, and then mentally transfer your vision there. Mentally aim at the fact that you are looking from this area of ​​your forehead, and not with your eyes.

“All-Seeing Eye” Technique

A slightly more complex technique. It requires time, a place, a calm environment.

On the palm left draw your hands symbol human eye- a circle with another circle inside (see figure). The color, size of the image, what you draw it with does not matter.

Sit in meditative pose. Fix the palm of your left hand so that the drawn eye is at the level of yours. The palm should be straightened and the fingers pressed.

Look without blinking, but don't strain your eyes. Make sure your facial muscles are relaxed. Tuck your tongue towards the upper palate, as if gluing it at the base of the teeth.

WITH exhale imagine that the energy from your third eye is directed to the center of your palm, to the drawn eye.

Co inhale imagine how in response energy comes from the drawn eye to your Ajna.

After completing the practice, close your eyes, relax and recreate the visual image of the eye in your mind.

Practice with a candle

This exercise helps restore vision. If yours is not perfect, you will notice significant improvements fairly quickly if you practice regularly.

Only suitable for performing this technique dark Times of Day. You will also need a candle.

Seclude yourself in the room, turn off all the lights completely, light a candle.

Place the candle at a distance 20 cm from the eyes at their level.

Approximately two minutes look at the candle flame. It is very important that the look should be relaxed and calm. Don't tense up.

Next step: without turning your head, look up. In your peripheral vision you will continue to see the candle flame. Look up approximately one minute.

Return your gaze and concentrate on the candle again. Look straight at her yet two minutes. Then move your gaze in the same way right, and then to the left.

“Breath of Fire” Technique

A very pleasant technique that requires a calm environment around.

Seclude yourself, light a candle. Place it at eye level at a distance 1-2 m from you. Imagine that the candle flame and the third eye are connected energy channel:

  • a ray of fire,
  • channel of light,
  • golden ray.

Choose the image that you like best.

Slowly deep inhale. At the same time, imagine how the golden energy of fire from the candle moves through the channel connecting you to the third eye, and then goes down the spine.

When she gets to coccyx, the inhalation should stop. Delay breathing and then start slowly exhale. At the same time, imagine how the same golden fiery energy moves back into the candle flame.

After exhaling completely detain breath.

Start repeating the fire breathing cycle with a new breath and so on.

Visualization of Sri Yantra

Sri Yantra - graphic image Universe. This is not just a picture, but energy in a conditionally dormant state that you are able to awaken (see figure).

Like any visualization technique, it is suitable for those who have a well-developed imagination. The opposite is also true: this technique will develop not only intuition, but also creative thinking and the ability to see in images.

Print on a piece of paper or open the image to the full width of your computer monitor screen Sri Yantra.

The practice is to focus on center Images. You look at the center of the Sri Yantra relaxed, calmly, without straining your eyes, while at the same time you catch its lateral parts with your vision. It is very important to breathe slowly and evenly.

Wish to awaken the energy of the Sri Yantra. Ask your Higher Self to combine this universal energy with yours.

You can say so: “Above Me, I ask you, please unite my energy with the energy of the Sri Yantra!”

The last stage of practice is to close your eyes and imagine the Sri Yantra around you.

Attention! She must be three-dimensional. That is, the triangles shown in the picture turn into pyramids in your mind, squares into cubes, circles into balls.

Eat weight other new ways to discover the gift of clairvoyance. This can be done affordably, quickly, and with high quality using the method of V. Nagorny.

The "" technique is based on performing several secret sacred movements and pronouncing a mantra.

5-7 minutes a day for 7-10 days and you see clearly! Many people can open their third eye using the “Revelation of Clairvoyance” method in 1-2 lessons! Hurry up and move on - open new facets of yourself and reality!

Occultists claim that the third eye exists, but is in a state of sleep. Practices and meditations will allow you to achieve Enlightenment and penetrate the depths of the subconscious.

In this article

Why do you need to open the Ajna Chakra?

Before you begin, answer four questions. This will avoid disappointments and mistakes.

  1. How firm are my intentions in the desire to comprehend the secrets of the subconscious, because self-improvement is an endless process.
  2. Am I ready to see the full picture of the world.
  3. Will the knowledge gained be used for good?
  4. Do I understand that comprehending the Mystery gives not only Strength, but also imposes responsibility.

Opening the third eye will allow you to see the essence of things

Do not be afraid that the opening of the Eye will affect mental condition. This is the same sense organ, only on a subtle, energetic level.

Adaptation will take a long time, and the brain will get used to receiving information from an additional source. It will not fall on the consciousness like an avalanche, but will come gradually. There is no threat to the psyche. The Universe will prepare you to receive information. and objects will become accessible and tangible.

The process is comparable to the rehabilitation of a patient after surgery to restore hearing or vision. Doctors do not immediately remove the bandages; they allow the body to adapt to new conditions.

Not everyone will succeed in this field. Some people are stopped by fear of the unknown, or lack perseverance and talent.

There are people who have the Gift from birth. Wolf Messing learned about the ability to suggest at the age of 11, when he tried to travel without a ticket on a train. Young Wolf handed the controller the first piece of paper he came across, which was lying on the floor. Messing describes the sensations that gripped him at that moment as follows:

Our eyes met. With all the strength of my feelings, I wanted him to mistake this dirty piece of paper for a ticket.

This is how the psychic learned about the ability to suggest.

Extreme situations mobilize will and internal reserves. This case is a vivid example of how in an instant you can realize the Force and understand the involvement of clairvoyants and parapsychologists in the host.

General rules for performing exercises

Calmness and solitude. Those who or other technicians understand what we are talking about. Turn off communications and exclude outside interference. We recommend unplugging household appliances to reduce exposure to electromagnetic radiation.

  1. Control your breathing. Control the frequency of inhalation and exhalation. Relax. Do not start exercise when you are in a bad mood or feeling bad. Otherwise, instead of positive energy, you will attract negative energy.
  2. Choose a good teacher. It is better if there is an experienced person nearby who can come to the rescue.
  3. Doubts away. Faith is the strongest incentive to work and to success. Indecisiveness and the expectation of failure hinder the process. A negative result blocks positive emotions.

Remember, when immersed in deep meditation, consciousness travels to other worlds. The mentor monitors the student and will help him return.

A set of exercises for every day

Opening the third eye is comparable to working out in the gym. The more you do, the higher your chances of success. Don't skip a single day and make sure the methods work. The comparison is also correct in the case of results: you should not expect an instant effect. Starting from scratch, prepare for failure or moments of despair.

Remember - Heaven tests the strength of a beginner. Quitting what you started and retreating is the easiest way out. Achieving success and realizing your abilities is much more difficult.

Exercise No. 1: “spinning top”

Stand in the center of the room and begin to rotate clockwise. This must be done at least 33 times. Concentrate your gaze not on objects, but on your outstretched arm. This way you can easily maintain your balance and your head won’t get dizzy. Take a dark object as a reference point: it will be easier to count revolutions. Feeling light, add the number of full circles around your axis.

Binaural beats for opening the third eye:

Exercise No. 2: learning to see the aura of objects

Release your mind control. Look at familiar things from the outside, unfocus your eyes. After several sessions, you will create a halo around surrounding objects and open an energy channel. Observe reality on the sly: move your gaze from one object to another unexpectedly.

We are accustomed to relying on other people's opinions or information from the outside, we have forgotten how to think and feel on our own. will tell you how to act. Watch for the slightest change, control emotions, catch and record positive moments.

Exercise with a candle

The list of techniques is extensive. There are easy practices for beginners and complex ones that require special skills. In the first place - training with fire. Use a candle, not a fire or fireplace flame.

Meditation on a candle flame - a technique accessible to everyone

A prerequisite is complete darkness and privacy. Turn off light sources so that they do not distract attention or distract from the process.

  1. Light a candle and sit comfortably so that you don’t have to change your position.
  2. Peer carefully into the depths of the flame, focusing your gaze only on it.
  3. Try to breathe in time with your heartbeat.
  4. In a few minutes you will see how not only the silhouette of the fire changes, but also the color.
  5. Having examined the shades of the flame, close your eyelids. The image will appear before the inner eye, since the image remains on the retina.
  6. Watch the “cast” carefully. Try to see it in the smallest detail.

Do the exercise every evening for a week.

Meditation as one of the ways to open the third eye

At first, it is difficult for a beginner to concentrate and get distracted, but with each lesson, immersion comes faster.

Meditation helps you unlock your superpowers

  1. The main rule is to keep your back straight.
  2. Close your eyes and trust your feelings.
  3. Use special music, binaural beats or.
  4. The body position is comfortable and convenient.
  5. Achieve silence inside.
  6. As soon as you feel the characteristic vibration or warmth spreading throughout your body, you know that everything is going as it should.

To open the Third Eye:

Everyone's impressions are different. Someone feels himself starting to sway monotonously in time with the rhythms of the music; someone feels a state of isolation from the Earth or flight.

Knowing how to exit meditation correctly is half the success. Under no circumstances should you pull yourself out of another reality by force. A sharp and too quick exit will deal a blow to the energy and physical plane.

Blue Ball Method

This method is similar to the previous meditation, but more complicated.

Blue Ball Method

The principle of entering a trance is the same: peace, relaxation.

  1. As soon as you feel the warmth or vibration, imagine a blue spinning sphere in your mind.
  2. Place it in the center of your forehead, between your eyebrows. .
  3. Focus on the color, shape and rotation of the sphere.
  4. Change the direction of its movement.
  5. Imagine how the ball attracts the best things in the world.
  6. Give the ball the opportunity to grow and emit Light.

The resulting image should sparkle and shimmer with bright colors. The ball will become denser and gain strength. There will be a feeling of heaviness or pain in the area between the eyes. Do not be alarmed - this is a normal reaction of the physical and energy bodies to the opening of the channel.

The more often you repeat the exercise, the faster you will be able to create a blue sphere in your thoughts.

Advanced Practices

Experienced students and practicing psychics use advanced techniques for their studies. Enlightened master from India Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh, known to the world like Osho, he is the author of numerous books and philosophical treatises.

Great Teacher Osho

Meditation practice from Osho

Relaxation of mind and body are the key words underlying the method.

  1. Take a comfortable position, relax. Don't cross your legs.
  2. Using the bottom of your palm, massage the area between your eyebrows. Visualize that you are opening a window to another world.
  3. Performing a massage in a circular motion. First clockwise, then counterclockwise.
  4. Imagine a luminous point in the center of your forehead. Light a star or lamp there.
  5. Observe the light source with your inner eye.

If everything is done correctly, then after 10–15 minutes you will feel a state in which light from an invisible source will spread throughout the body. Record this moment in your consciousness. Allow the energy to penetrate every cell of the physical shell.

Multi-stage practice: steps along the ladder of Consciousness

Allows you to see three-dimensional and reliable pictures. It requires long training.

  1. Imagine a white field with a black dot in the middle.
  2. As soon as the picture becomes clear and distinct, add two more dots to make a triangle.
  3. At first it will be flat, but the meditator’s task is to imagine it in a three-dimensional projection.
  4. Mentally move the received geometric figure, giving it the shape of a prism or pyramid.
  5. Add a point in imaginary space and you get a quadrilateral.
  6. Twist it and turn it into a cube.
  7. Add one more to the resulting figure. Hold them in your mind's eye as long as you can.
  8. With gradual training, achieve holding more objects.
  9. Change the colors of the figures, try not to lose sight.
  10. Try to rotate the received objects not only in front of you, but also around.

Once you have mastered the science of rotation and color change, move on to the next step: visualizing the material from which the figures are made. Create them from paper, metal, stone, wood. It all depends on the power of thought and flight of imagination.

Brain Squeeze and Relaxation Technique

An effective, but at the same time difficult practice.

  1. In a near-meditative state, concentrate on the central point in your head.
  2. Try to tense this place, and then suddenly relax it. Yes, this needs to be done not with the help of muscles, but with willpower.
  3. Repeat the action 3-5 times until you achieve the ease of completing the task.
  4. At first, help yourself by tensing the muscles of your neck, shoulders and back. As you train, the need for backup will disappear.

The technique helps to use the body's reserves and master the art of visualization.

Opening the Ajna channel

The essence of the work is to focus on the cylinder for as long as possible.

Here's the special music, by the way:

Practice interacting with darkness

To plunge oneself into darkness means to create artificial blindness by sharpening other senses.

Meditation in the dark - The best way learn visualization

  1. Turn off the lights. Close your eyes. Examine the darkness into which consciousness has plunged.
  2. Imagine that you are walking along an unfamiliar road or a dark forest. Find your way home.
  3. Raise your right hand. Imagine that there is a flashlight clamped inside it, piercing the darkness.
  4. Imagine what a hand with a lantern looks like.
  5. Concentrate on the resulting image. Try to see it.

Features of awakening the Ajna chakra

Everyone has their own time frame for mastering Secret Knowledge. It all depends on individual characteristics, talents, strength and motivation. Emotional attitude and the ability to finish what you start is an important factor.

Quick methods that promise instant results in 1–2 days are ineffective. Even energetically strong people take years to awaken Ajna. Everyone’s starting capabilities are different: one sees colorful, multidimensional images already in the first lesson; the other is blurry spots.

Before starting this practice, please read the treatise Opening the Third Eye. It is recommended to read all descriptions of techniques many times to fully understand them and re-read them again from time to time as you progress through practice. I intentionally wrote everything down as briefly and clearly as possible, so that your consciousness would be as protected as possible from various interpretations of what was written. Result from correct passage This practice can include both the very minimum - for example: vision of the aura and the movement of energies in space, and the initial maximum - vision of the spiritual worlds and Beings of higher dimensions.

Description of techniques
Practices for Opening the Third Eye


  1. In the evening (necessarily in the evening or better just before bedtime) look at the candle flame (10-30 cm away from the eyes) for 5 to 10 minutes, without blinking if possible. Also try to see a glow around the candle flame (which will increase in size as the Third Eye opens). The room must be dark.
  2. Then close your eyes and only after that (this is important) blow out the candle. Relax. After this, look at the colors that will change before your eyes (with your eyes closed). Yellow, red, blue, green...
  3. Watch until the colors disappear. Sometimes the picture may get confused or “float” to the side when your concentration decreases or distracting thoughts appear. At this moment, you just need to relax even more and concentrate on the colors in front of your mind's eye.


  • To stop the “running” of your closed eyes, you can apply your fingertips to your eyelids. You need to feel the moment when eyeballs they stop, relax, and nothing else interferes with concentration on the colors of the flame.

All-seeing eye

In the center of the left palm, draw an eye (iris and pupil; you can draw with a pen or felt-tip pen, the color and size of the eye image is whatever you like).

  1. Sitting in Padmasana (or any pose in which you meditate), fix the position of your left hand so that the palm with the image is at eye level.
  2. The palm is straightened, the fingers are pressed one to the other. You should look without blinking at the image of the eye; closely, but without straining your vision.
  3. The facial muscles are relaxed, the tongue lightly touches the upper palate at the base upper teeth. During exhalation, energy from the Third Eye is sent to the center of the palm, into the image of the eye.
  4. When inhaling, you should imagine how energy is emitted from the image of the eye and enters the Third Eye.
  5. At the end of the session, you should calmly close your eyes, without straining your eyelids, and reveal a visual image of the eye.

OM sign

Every evening you need to look at the OM sign located below. The look is calm and absent-minded. It is as if you are looking through this sign with your physical eyes (as if you are “turning off” them to allow the vision of the Third Eye to prevail). Try not to blink. Concentrate on the area between the eyebrows, a little deeper. After ten minutes have elapsed, close your eyes and try to see the OM sign in the area between the eyebrows (in front of your mind's eye). Be relaxed and don't be distracted by extraneous thoughts.


  • If your monitor is larger than 15 inches and you want to place the OM Sign on the entire screen, you can open the animation. To view in this case, a Flash player is required.

Sri Yantra

Place the Sri Yantra in front of you at a convenient distance for you (this can be a sheet of paper glued to the wall with an image of the Sri Yantra printed on it, or an image on the monitor; the central red triangle must be positioned at an angle downwards).

  1. Focus your attention on the center of the Sri Yantra and try to cover all its parts with your peripheral vision. Look calmly, without tension, breathing slowly and evenly.
  2. Continuing to look at the Sri Yantra, realize that in front of you is a graphic image of the Universe, which contains all its Energy in a “sleeping” state, which is awakened by your desire-intention to awaken it. Keep this desire in your mind.
  3. Next, still continuing to look at the Sri Yantra, ask the Higher Self to unite the Energy contained in the Sri Yantra with your Energy (This could roughly sound like this: “The Higher Self, I ask You: unite my Energy with the Energy of the Sri Yantra”). At this moment, be absolutely open and relaxed.
  4. After this, close your eyes and try to imagine the Sri Yantra around you in volume (three-dimensional). In this representation, let the triangles be pyramids, the circles be balls, and the square be cubes.


  • Don't try to imagine everything specifically. In the performance, trust the sensations and visions that will arise.
  • You can also download the Sri Yantra drawing in poster format and best quality.

Vision of the etheric body

  1. Place your palm at a comfortable distance from your eyes. Behind your palm, you need to hold a white sheet of paper with your other hand at a distance of 5-10 cm from your palm.
  2. With an absent-minded gaze, look at the outline of your palm.
  3. After some time (from 1 to 2 minutes) you will see a glow emanating from the palm along the entire contour. This glow is the etheric body. Continuing this practice, tune the Third Eye to see the astral body.


  • Observation by illuminating the hand from different angles can help in seeing the etheric body. Best option- when light from the sun falls on your hand (for example, from a window).
  • Also, always remember that the eyes should be as relaxed as possible, like the eyes of a sleeping person.

Concentration on the Third Eye

  1. This technique is convenient to practice throughout the day. For example, when you are just walking down the street or riding in public transport to work.
  2. In order to practice this technique, concentrate in the area between the eyebrows and slightly deeper (radius 2 - 3 cm).
  3. Concentrate whenever possible. There should be some pleasant pressure in the area between the eyebrows.
  4. Increase that pressure. Try to feel as if you are looking from the center of your head through the area between the eyebrows.

Volumetric vision

  1. The practice is to develop the ability to see what is depicted in special stereo pictures and then further development this ability in the form of a simple training outlined on this page.
  2. Do not despair if you do not immediately see what is shown in the stereo pictures. Try to see again and again, every other day or every other week. Every person is capable of seeing this, and failure can only lie in the wrong viewing technique.
  3. Also, when you “suddenly” see what was hidden from you in the image, you will be able to remotely imagine and understand what the essence of clairvoyance looks like - you just need to look differently, you need to change the usual way of seeing.

Corpuscles of Light

  1. Go to the window during daylight hours, preferably during the day. Move the tulle, curtains or blinds away from the window. The window must be free and you must stand very close to the glass (50-100 cm). Look at the sky (eyes open), but do not raise your head too much. The line of sight is about 45 degrees relative to the ground. Concentrate on the area behind the eyes (1-2 cm).
  2. Pay attention to any luminous points or moving stripes in front of your eyes. Concentrate on this vision.
  3. As your concentration increases, you will see movement bright dots and stripes before the inner gaze. Do not be alarmed if at some point you do not see anything other than this representation of particles of Light - at the first desire you can return to normal vision again.

Do this exercise at home or just while walking down the street, but before doing so, thoroughly study it at home.

Energy of Light

  1. This technique is described on this page and it is very important, as it quickly and significantly develops the pineal and pituitary glands, which are also one of the components of the general process called clairvoyance.
  2. Before using this technique, consult your doctor about your health and its compatibility with this technique.

Candle flame

  1. Look at the candle flame with a calm and relaxed gaze for 5-10 minutes.
  2. Then close your eyes, blow out the candle, open your eyes again and turn on the light.
  3. Take a white sheet of paper (you need to put it near you in advance) and look at it with a calm, absent-minded gaze.
  4. You will see a colored dot that will change its colors: red, green, blue, etc. Concentrate on this point.
  5. At this time (with a frequency of 3-4 seconds) you need to do special blinking as follows: You close your eyes tightly for 0.5-1 seconds. (at this time the dot will be visible brighter) and then again, opening your eyes, continue to look at the colored dot on a white sheet of paper. And so on for as long as this point is visible.
  6. Achieve a distinct and clear vision of the colored candle flame.

Inner view

  1. The apartment should be as dark as possible.
  2. Place the Double Pyramid (it is written about what a Double Pyramid is and how to make it) on the top of your head (the base is parallel to the floor, one of the corners “looks” at the tip of the nose).
  3. Relax and don't think about anything. Keep your eyes closed (and wear a blindfold if possible).


  • This technique can be performed without the Double Pyramid. But the pyramid significantly enhances the energy in the Third Eye - therefore its use is recommended.

Candle aura

  1. This exercise must be done in the evening.
  2. Light a candle and turn off the light.
  3. Place the candle approximately 15-20 cm from the eyes, at eye level.
  4. Look with a calm and relaxed look at the glow from the candle for 1-2 minutes.
  5. Next, without turning your head, squint your eyes upward so that you continue to see the glow of the candle with your peripheral vision (You should notice that with your peripheral vision, the vision of the candle’s aura improves significantly). Watch this way for 30-60 seconds.
  6. Then return your eyes to their original position and look straight again, trying to pay attention to the fact that the diameter of the candle’s aura has increased and become more saturated (1-2 minutes).
  7. Next, everything needs to be repeated exactly, but with eye movements to the right and then to the left. Those. you need to squint your eyes to the left and look with peripheral vision at the glow of the candle, and then squint to the right.


  • Achieve a vision of the glow from the candle as large as possible with your peripheral vision while looking at an angle to the candle.
  • You should also notice how you see more glow from the candle when you lower your eyes and look directly at the glow from the candle.
  • When you look at an angle to the candle, you can also notice that the glow differs in saturation or color from when you look straight.

Agni breath

  1. There is a candle in front of you (1-2 meters away, flame at eye level).
  2. Connect the ajna chakra with the candle flame with a beam (or just a channel).
  3. Taking a slow deep breath, imagine that the fire energy (golden) from the candle flame begins to move along a ray (or channel) into your body, reaches the ajna chakra, then goes through the sushumna channel (middle channel, spine), and then at the peak of inhalation it stops at the tailbone area. Take a short break in your breathing.
  4. Start exhaling slowly. As you exhale, imagine how golden-colored energy (or the color of fire) begins to move along the Sushumna channel, reaches the Ajna chakra, and goes along the ray (or channel) to the candle flame.
  5. A short pause to exhale.
  6. And then all over again.


  • Energy can simply be thought of as a flame. It is as if you are inhaling the energy of a candle flame with your Third Eye.

Vision of a double

  1. Enter a room (for example, the kitchen) and turn on the light (if it is not light enough).
  2. Stand in the center of the room. Relax (especially your facial muscles). Unfocus your eyes. There is silence in the mind, no thoughts.
  3. Look at everything in your field of vision at once (including your peripheral vision). You can only do this if you don't look at anything in particular, i.e. subject to defocused gaze.
  4. At the same time, try to “feel” the room and the objects in it.
  5. Turn 180 degrees and do the same.
  6. Next, go to a completely different room (if you have only one room, it could be a bathroom or a balcony).
  7. Take a comfortable position (for example, sitting in a chair). Close your eyes (you can wear a blindfold). Relax as much as possible. The room should be dark.
  8. Next, feel that your presence in the center of the room that you just left continues (this is so, because the energetic presence always continues for some time, despite the fact that the physical body has already left this place).
  9. Use this presence. Feel again everything that you felt and try to see everything the same as you saw while standing in the center of this room. Return maximum sensations (first in one position, then in a 180-degree turn). Try to feel like you are in another room, as if you were still standing there.


  1. Stand near the mirror (eye distance from the glass is 20-30 cm). And start looking exactly at the area between the eyebrows, slightly (2-3 cm) deep, as if you were looking at a sphere with a diameter of 2-3 cm located behind the forehead bone.
  2. Concentrate on this area and don't be distracted by anything else.
  3. During this gaze, you will also see your physical eyes with peripheral vision - distribute 30% of the concentration between two eyes.
  4. If you wear glasses, you need to take them off.

Ajna Channel

  1. You need to make the following device: roll a sheet of white paper so that you get a hollow cylinder (tube) and glue the ends of the sheet so that it does not unfold (diameter about 5 cm).
  2. Next, you need to attach (glue) an elastic band (or bandage) to one of the ends of the tube, which will hold the tube in the following position: one end of it should be pressed to the forehead in the area between the eyebrows (and slightly above), its other end should be directed to the side from the forehead, the axis of the tube is perpendicular to the plane of the forehead.
  3. The design is put on the head as follows: an elastic band (or bandage) is placed around the head (like the edges of a hat), while the tube occupies the above position (like a unicorn horn).

Description of meditation

  1. The above structure is fixed on your head and you sit quietly, concentrating on the white paper cylinder along its entire length at the same time.

Vision in the dark

  1. The apartment should be as dark as possible. Relax and don't think about anything. Keep your eyes closed at all times (and wear a blindfold if possible).
  2. Start looking forward (with your eyes closed). Just peer into the darkness that will be in front of you, as if you were in a deep forest at night and trying to make out the contours of the trees or the path leading home. Look literally, as you would with your eyes open.
  3. Next, place your right hand in front of you, feel its presence (remember how it looks when you looked at it with your physical eyes). Concentrate on it, on its entire volume, and try to see it, as if your eyes are an X-ray passing through matter.
  4. After that, start moving it slowly - to the left, then to the right - without interrupting your concentration on it and your desire to see it.

Finishing the invisible in the mind

  1. When looking at objects, try to “complete” their invisible parts. For example, you look at a bedside table, and naturally it is not possible to see the two back legs with physical vision, back wall, various partitions that are inside, etc. The point of the exercise is to switch to a three-dimensional vision of objects and the space around you.
  2. A car drives by - complete the invisible two wheels, doors and other details, right down to the insides. When she leaves your field of vision, still continue to “look” at her and follow her with your mental gaze, continuing to see her in volume.
  3. When you walk down the street, try to keep in mind all the details of the street (in the volume and around you) - houses, cars, streets, alleys, passing people (keep all this in mind at the same time).
  4. Also looking at a person, try to see him in volume (with internal organs etc.). At first it does not have to correspond exactly to the unique and familiar reality that we know. You can look through the medical encyclopedia before doing this.
  5. When you hear any sound, try to create (draw) in your imagination what (or that) gave rise to this sound. For example, you hear a car passing by - draw it in your imagination, and, if possible, look at it.
  6. Also do the following exercise with a clock: look at a clock with a second hand (3-5 minutes). Then close your eyes and continue to “watch” the second hand with your eyes closed (“watch” as it continues to move). Achieve a result when, after 5 minutes, what you see with your eyes closed coincides with the actual movement of the arrow.
  7. From time to time, try to walk around the apartment with your eyes closed (blindfolded). Very slowly at first, with good concentration before each step and action. Do some usual actions, for example: turn on the TV, open the cabinet door using the handle (before doing this, focusing well on where this handle is located), etc. When walking with your eyes closed, try not just to walk as usual, as you usually walk with your eyes closed - namely, try to see, but using (and maximally activating) all other available methods orientation in space.
  8. Also do very good exercise to develop internal vision at a distance. It is as follows. For example, you were in some room (for example, a bedroom) for some time and left it to the bathroom. Your energetic presence will still continue for some time in the bedroom - use it this way: while continuing to be in the bathroom, keep in mind the feeling that you are still in the bedroom, feel it, try to “see” as many objects as possible in her, etc. This exercise can become a daily practice, for example, it is very good to do it immediately after waking up (when your energetic presence in bed is very strong). You go to the bathroom (for example, brush your teeth...) and at the same time continue to feel your presence in bed.

Vision of Energy

These dynamic meditation exercises are designed to develop the ability of the Third Eye to see energy in space, its movement (movement) and colors. These exercises should be approached after mastering the above techniques with a candle.

Description of meditation

  1. Light a candle (it is better to use a thin wax candle in this meditation).
  2. Hold the candle away from you - near your shoulder. You can touch the fist in which the candle is clamped to your right shoulder. The candle flame is approximately at eye level.
  3. Next, relax and try not to think about anything. Relax your eyes and look into infinity in front of you (during the entire exercise, try to blink and move your eyes as little as possible).
  4. As soon as you feel that the fifth point has been completed well enough, begin to slowly (but not too slowly - the movement is smooth, like the smooth fall of a light feather) move the candle in a circle around the head in front of the eyes to the left shoulder.
  5. Stop near your left shoulder.
  6. Observe in front of you the beautiful long strip left by the candle flame.
  7. When the strip disappears, start moving the candle from the left shoulder to the right and then repeat everything again.
  8. Make such movements a pleasant number of times (for example, 10 times to the left and 10 times to the right).
  9. Having completed the above exercise, move on to the next one.
  10. The next exercise is similar to the previous one, only you need to move the candle in a straight line.
  11. From the position where the candle is near your left shoulder, begin to straighten your right arm and move the candle forward away from you and to the right. After the arm is fully straightened in front of you, observe the beautiful stripe left by the candle flame.
  12. Do these movements with your right hand a pleasant number of times (for example, 10 times). Then change hands and repeat these movements with the other hand.
  13. Finally, make random movements with the candles. For example: from the lower right corner to the upper left, from the lower left to the upper right, etc.
  14. While observing the stripes left by the candle flame, think that you are observing stripes of energy that are right in front of you.

Description of meditation

  1. The exercise should be done in complete darkness or with minimal lighting, preferably in the evening (any time after sunset).
  2. Take any comfortable sitting position (for example, on a chair, in Turkish, lotus position, etc.) so that there is free space in front of you. For example, if you sit near the wall in your room, then in front of you there will be a dark space of about 2-3 meters.
  3. Light a candle and place the candle flame as close to your eyes as possible (for example, 5-10 cm).
  4. Look at the candle for about 5 minutes.
  5. Try to blink less and not move your eyes. The eyes are relaxed, the look is calm.
  6. After this, put out the candle and, without closing your eyes, look into the space in front of you, observing the colored spot in front of you.
  7. At this moment, think that you are observing a colored clot of energy that is located right in front of you at a distance of 1-3 meters.


  • Don't let your mind jump to the conclusion that it's all just the optical ability of the eyes - don't think about How You see, concentrate on What You see (and be sure to think that you see This in front of you in the form of real existing objects).
  • Once again, I want to point out the importance of the fact that you need to concentrate on the images that appear after the candle as on real existing objects that are in front of you in space, otherwise these exercises will not have the desired effect.

Right hemisphere of the brain

These exercises will allow you to focus on right-sided thinking and shift your consciousness towards intuitive perception.

Description of the first meditation

  1. Take a sheet of paper and a pen (you can use a pencil or something else that is convenient).
  2. Hold the handle in your left hand (i.e. not in right hand, as usual - and in the left, like a mirror image).
  3. Start writing numbers in them from the right edge of the sheet mirror image.
  4. Start with 1, 2, 3... etc. Write up to 100 on the first day (more is possible). The next day, continue like this: 101, 102, 103... etc. And so on until you write up to 1000 (more is possible).
  5. Don't forget that you are writing in a mirror image. Those. for example, you write the number 395. Usually you write the number 3 first, then 9, then 5 (from left to right). You first need to write the number 5, then 9, and only after that the number 3 (from right to left), and this rule applies to all numbers ().


  • Try to keep the numbers looking neat both in their writing and in their even position on the sheet.
  • If the described method of writing numbers turns out to be too complicated, then use the writing scheme presented.
  • This exercise is recommended only for right-handed people. For those who have been left-hand dominant since birth, this exercise does not need to be done.

Description of the second meditation

  1. You need to take any meditation position (for example, sitting on a chair, cross-legged, etc.) and relax.
  2. Imagine inside the skull - in the area between the eyebrows there is a blue ball, in the area behind the right ear there is a red ball, in the area behind the left ear there is a white ball. Imagine the balls approximately in these places. The diameter of the balls is within 2-3 cm. (You can view this diagram)
  3. Concentrate on the blue ball for 1-2 seconds. then the same amount on the red ball and the same amount on the white ball. Then again on blue, red... etc. Do this for about 10 minutes, gradually increasing the time of concentration on one ball to about 0.5 seconds (i.e., accelerating the pace).
  4. In the end, many will have a good feel for the areas where these balls are located.
  5. Finally, concentrate only on the red ball and keep the concentration on it for a pleasant time (for example 1-2 minutes).


  • You can imagine simply areas instead of balls (i.e., simply moving your concentration from one specified area to another without defining it as a ball).
  • While practicing these techniques (which can take 3-5 days), I also recommend reading poetry (even if you don't like or understand poetry), listening to any classical music (even if it seems boring), and drawing something ( even if absolutely nothing works out and crooked and unsuccessful drawings come out).

Animation techniques

These techniques also have a positive effect and development. In addition, many people like them for their ease of use and pleasant visual effects.


  1. If you wear glasses, then techniques that require looking at images are best performed with glasses (unless specifically stated).
  2. Don't strain your eyes in none of the techniques I give. Remember that the only look that is required is the look of a person dozing, as if you are daydreaming about something in reality (imagine a schoolchild who is dreaming about something in a math lesson, his eyes are open, his body is in the classroom, but he himself is somewhere... then somewhere else, his mind is in the distant land of imagination...)

It is advisable to view it every day. Be relaxed. Do not tense your facial muscles and mainly always control the relaxation of the Third Eye area.

For many millennia in a row, spiritual teachers in yoga have kept special secrets for activating the eyebrow chakra, which are truly effective and safe.

If you are interested in opening your third eye, you will like the ancient method of awakening spirituality and superpowers because of its simplicity and minimal expenditure of resources. Even without the emphasis on strengthening the sixth energy center, increased intuition and creativity can be achieved with the current exercises.

Basic exercises for opening the third eye

The vast majority of ancient practices are based on classical eastern directions meditation, qigong and yoga, therefore imply visualization techniques and proper breathing.

Concentration in the area of ​​Ajna

To develop astral vision, one must maintain concentration on the area of ​​Ajna until the breath becomes continuous and the body becomes completely relaxed.

In this state, blood naturally rushes to the head, and pulsation begins in the back of the head. Then some pressure will build up behind the earlobes and in the area between the eyebrows.

The three areas create a visual triangle between themselves, on which you need to focus your attention.

An ancient technique for activating the third eye

If the astral gaze is not yet available, you can try using ancient technique to activate etheric vision, which does not require different ways collecting data in the astral plane, but is based on clairvoyance. Practice this ancient technique in the twilight, taking a supine position and freeing your mind from unnecessary thoughts.

  • Relax and extend your palm in front of you. The fingers should be slightly behind each other.
  • Look through your hand for a while so you can catch the glow around each finger.
  • There is no need to focus your gaze on anything specific, just blink as little as possible. This trick will help you adjust the focus of your third eye.

At a distance of about 40 cm from your face, you are able to see your entire hand or just a few fingers in the light at once, which already depends on your overall spiritual experience. The main result is the beginning of contact with a special kind of energy, i.e. with an aura.

Crystal Sword Practice

Practice helps develop inner vision and develop detailed visions.

  • Sit comfortably, calm your breathing and close your eyelids. Visualize in front of you a crystal sword, which will have a thin and durable blade and a carved handle.
  • Energize this weapon with your thoughts. Condense the sword and feel all the changes in it. Such crystal will be stronger than steel.
  • Rotate the object in different directions in your mind. There is no need to imagine your hands; you can simply twist the sword and wave it as if your palms are invisible.

Then open your eyes and continue the practice for a few more minutes, holding the sword in space with the help of your inner vision.

Candle method

To nourish the pineal gland - the main source psychic abilities third eye - yogis have long used the candle method.

  • Turn off the light, light a candle and sit next to him.
  • Focus on the flame and imagine that a golden energy beam of fire is coming out, heading straight to your pineal gland and cleansing all the channels along the way. Let this stream of light and heat begin to illuminate your third eye.

Stay in the state of such a golden halo for 15 minutes. During this time, your soul will be energetically renewed.

Exercise for through vision

To look through vast distances and object barriers, Indian yogis resorted to exercises for through vision. The development of clairvoyance in this case is achieved through concentration of attention.

  • So, sit against the wall with your legs crossed. Only an outstretched arm should separate you from the obstacle.
  • Relax as much as possible by going into a light trance.
  • Focus your attention on any point on the wall, but make sure it is at the level of the eyebrows, i.e. at the level of the third eye, and not the physical pupils. For 15 minutes, try not to blink frequently or move your gaze.
  • Then look at the wall with an already absent-minded gaze to take in the entire object at once. Don't concentrate for 15 minutes.
  • Next, imagine a point behind the wall and begin to peer at this object as if it were on the horizon, in the distance. Look through the obstacle for 15 minutes.

Repeat the practice daily.

Restoration of glands

Opening the third eye is a powerful technique from ancient times, when much was based on the need to create special internal vibrations. This technique helps activate the pineal and pituitary glands through the abilities of the human voice.

We are talking about the so-called attunement of the body with the help of chanting actions. Sound movement in the glands of the endocrine system is always caused only by a certain syllable or musical note.

Exercises with TOU

The sound TOU is ideal for the pineal gland, which is performed in one syllable on the note DO. The exact frequency is not necessary, but it is more important to remember approximately that the sound is in the center of the range between the bass (deep) and tenor (high) notes. In other words, the correct vibration lies where a person sings, neither high nor low.

  • So, take a deep breath, hold your breath and exhale slowly through your mouth.
  • Repeat twice to slow the brainwaves to alpha frequency, as in good condition When a person is awake, there is a beta level of waves in his head. Relaxation of the body and brain makes it easy to concentrate on sound.
  • Then inhale through your nose, hold it, and before exhaling, stick your tongue through your parted lips.
  • Press the tip between your teeth and slowly release air through your mouth, chanting TOU until all the carbon dioxide is expelled from your lungs.
  • Feel the air passing through your tongue and teeth. After this, you will feel a slight pressure in the cheeks and jaws.

After a short break, repeat the exercise. Say TOU three times in succession. A day later, return to this practice again, now observing the interval between the three chants.

After another day, the last stage of the exercise begins. The sound is chanted at this stage once. As a result, a person creates a vibration that finds its way to the pineal gland and causes a resonating effect in it.

The energy activates the third eye gradually, so at first you may not notice obvious changes in the psyche or physical shell.

The first reaction to exercise may be a headache and a feeling of discomfort, but this goes away over time.

Exercises with MEI

After a week of exercises with TOU, you can move on to stimulating the pituitary gland. This is done by chanting the sound MEI. The range between bass and tenor is maintained.

  • First, inhale 3-4 times to relax, exhaling slowly and evenly through your mouth.
  • Then focus on the area between your eyebrows. Concentrate all your attention in this area until you feel heat or pressure.
  • Then take a deep breath, hold your breath for 5 seconds and chant as you exhale - MAY. As you chant the sound, you should feel vibrations and energy that enter the head through the forehead, then penetrate the center of the brain and tend to the crown, affecting the crown chakra.

After you finish exhaling, return to normal breathing and just relax for a couple of seconds. Repeat the exercise 2 more times. With constant experience of such practice, new psychic talents will be revealed, a feeling of a surge of energy will appear, which indicates complete stimulation of the pituitary gland on physical level. You may also experience slight dizziness and a feeling of euphoria. But the main thing is that the abilities of clairvoyance and clairaudience will increase.

If you are interested in opening the third eye, the ancient method can provide an excellent service in stimulating various psychic skills. However, don't forget about other types of meditation practices that have been modernized or developed based on recent discoveries about the workings of the human brain.