
Low degree myopia treated with laser. Treatment of myopia

The 21st century is the time of electronic technologies and gadgets. Myopia has become actual problem this century. Over the past two decades, this disease has become younger. It's about Of course, about acquired myopia, now children from the age of 7 suffer from it.

IN lately the incidence of myopia has increased significantly

Myopia is an eye disease that is characterized by a decrease in the ability to see objects located in the distance, while maintaining the ability to see objects that are close.

The image of an object appears not on the retina, but in front of it. The patient, when looking at objects that are far away, sees a fuzzy, blurry image. Nearsightedness is also called myopia.

Myopia symptoms

Often people do not notice the slow and gradual deterioration of vision; they blame it on prolonged sitting at the computer or simple fatigue. Myopia manifests itself through:

  1. Deterioration of vision when looking into the distance.
  2. Blurring images in the distance. A person has to strain his eyesight to see this or that object.
  3. Although there are problems with visibility of distant objects, this does not apply to objects that are close. The patient still sees them well, or relatively well, in advanced cases.
  4. A person squints his eyes to better focus his vision. At first he does this unconsciously, then, as the disease develops, on purpose.
  5. Possible protrusion of the eye due to an increase in the axis eyeball.

Not all symptoms may appear immediately. The appearance of at least one of the above symptoms is a reason to contact an ophthalmologist.

Causes of myopia

With myopia, the focus of the image does not reach some distance to the fundus of the eye, where the photosensitive cells of the retina are located

There are many reasons for the development of the disease, let’s consider the most common:

  • Hereditary predisposition - if both parents suffer from myopia, there is a 50% chance that the child will develop this disease by adulthood or even earlier. Family habit also plays a role here; if the older generation does not take care of their eyesight, then their offspring will not do this either.
  • Spending time at the computer, reading books placed at the wrong distance from the eyes, dim lighting, playing with gadgets or watching TV in the dark cause constant eye strain.
  • For support acute vision, eyes need vitamins and microelements. Vision will decrease if they don't get what they need. This is especially true for those who have had vision problems since birth.
  • Independent selection of vision correction products can only worsen the situation. Glasses or lenses that exceed the true “minus” of the patient will create additional eye strain, which will lead to the progression of the disease.
  • Row congenital causes, which are not influenced by parents and genetics - congenital muscle weakness of the eyes, incorrect size of the eyeball.
  • Sometimes develops due to high intracranial and intraocular pressure, cranial transfer - brain injury, complications after infection.

It is not always possible to identify the cause of myopia.

Classification of the disease

Degrees of decrease in visual acuity:

  1. Myopia weak degree– visual impairment does not exceed 3 diopters. A person sees objects located far away blurry, but does not experience problems with objects located nearby.
  2. Myopia medium degree– the refractive error of the eye ranges from 3 to 6 diopters. In the distance, the patient does not see anything without special means, but up close he sees without blurring what is within 30 cm of him.
  3. High myopia – visual impairment starts from 6 diopters and above. A person sees clearly only those objects that are directly “under his nose.” Such a deviation requires a constant or lenses.

Myopia is also distinguished according to the nature of its development:

  • Progressive – the disease develops rapidly, vision deterioration of more than 1 diopter per year. This happens during periods of intense visual stress.
  • Transient - temporary visual impairment, it is affected by diabetes mellitus, swelling of the lens, taking certain medications. This myopia lasts no more than a month.
  • Stationary – the disease does not progress, visual impairment remains at the same level. All you need is properly selected vision correction.

The degree and nature of the disease can be correctly established only after examination by an ophthalmologist using special diagnostic tools.

Diagnosis of myopia

For mass examination of vision in people, the Sivtsev table is used

The patient assumes that he has myopia when he notices certain symptoms, but only an ophthalmologist will make a diagnosis such as myopia; the following methods will help him with this:

  1. Visometry is an ophthalmological test to determine visual acuity.
  2. – examination of the structure of the eye.
  3. The procedure for studying the refraction of the eye - using computer refractometry or more simple method– skiascopy.
  4. Procedures for direct or biomicroscopy of the eye are carried out if it is necessary to identify changes that have appeared on the retina of the eye, clouding of the lens, etc.
  5. The doctor may prescribe an ultrasound of the eye when there is a need to measure the anterior-posterior axis of the eye and the size of the lens.
  6. An ophthalmologist will measure the length of the eye and determine the degree of myopia.

Optical correction of myopia

To use glasses to correct myopia, it gradually decreases

This option for vision correction for myopia is simple, painless and fast. An experienced professional will select “ideal vision” for the client within 10 minutes. Glasses will provide such a refraction of rays in which the projection of the observed object will be carried out in the desired area on the retina.

Each type of optical correction has advantages and disadvantages. The glasses will be easier to use, safer from a hygiene point of view, and cheaper to operate. But young people and girls are embarrassed to wear them, glasses can easily be broken, and in the cold season and in rainy weather they bring a lot of inconvenience.

Contact lenses look more aesthetically pleasing; a non-professional will not even notice that they are on their eyes. The properties of lenses do not change, despite the time of year, day, or weather conditions.

If you myopic person present infectious diseases eye, allergies or hypersensitivity, it is better to avoid using contact lenses.

Also disadvantages include: price, high risk infection if care recommendations are not followed.

Laser correction of myopia

Those who suffer from myopia will not have to resort to optical types of correction for the rest of their lives; laser correction is enough.

Laser correction will change the shape of the cornea of ​​the eye, and in the future the image of objects will fall exactly on, as the eye will again gain the ability to focus.

To prescribe laser correction by a doctor, you need to meet several parameters:

  • Age from 18 to 55 years.
  • Myopia from –1.0 to –15.0 diopters.

Unlike optical correction, laser correction has the main advantage that vision restoration will be permanent and not temporary.

Besides this, it has some other advantages:

  1. Quick – surgery on both eyes, including preparation, takes about 20 minutes. The vision itself will begin to recover within a few hours; the patient does not need to go to the hospital; he will go home 1–2 hours after the operation.
  2. Absence painful sensations– During the operation, an anesthetic is dropped into the eyes. There may be discomfort in the eyes after the operation. It is important to follow all the doctor’s prescriptions and recommendations, then this will pass very quickly.
  3. Guaranteed result - the patient will receive good vision, which will remain with him for a long time. for many years, if you treat it with care in the future.
  4. Price – in recent years, laser vision correction has moved from expensive to very affordable. It’s worth calculating the amount of money spent on lenses and related products in a year; it will be more than the price for one operation, which will give you good vision for the rest of your life.

Surgical treatment of myopia

Laser correction is the most relevant method for eliminating myopia

A very popular method of combating myopia now is laser correction, but in addition to it, eye surgery knows several more methods:

  • Lens replacement - the procedure consists of replacing your own lens with an artificial one through a micro-incision on the eyeball. This operation is used when the organ of vision is impaired in its ability to adapt to a clear vision of objects located at different distances from the eyes. In this way, vision correction occurs for myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism.
  • Phakic lens implantation - a thin silicone lens is inserted into the eye. This procedure is also carried out through a micro-incision, which is preserved. This operation saves those who have a high degree of myopia, a thin cornea, or other eye diseases for which laser correction is impossible.
  • Plastic surgery is performed using a graft transplant method. A donor cornea is transplanted, which is then modeled to the required form. This procedure restores and improves the transparency of the cornea and improves visual acuity.

Methods for preventing myopia

As we know, it is better to prevent diseases than to treat them later; simple rules will help maintain pristine vision:

  1. The correct lighting mode is to perform visual stress only with overhead lighting, with light bulbs of at least 60 W.
  2. Prevention of myopia will be every half hour of working at the computer or reading.
  3. Maintain a distance of at least 30 cm between your eyes and the monitor, book, tablet.
  4. Good vision for many years will be given proper nutrition, along with taking vitamins and minerals.

IN modern times It is difficult to preserve vision and, if this does not work out, do not despair, since advances in medicine give every person a chance to regain their eye health. It is important to contact a specialist in time so that he can prescribe the right treatment and appropriate correction.

Myopia is a disease that everyone should know about, see the video for details:

Among all visual impairments, myopia (myopia) is the most common type in both adults and children. In Russia alone, from 25 to 30% of the population are registered with such impaired visual acuity, and almost a third of them cannot be corrected normally using generally accepted means. And these means are glasses, contact lenses, special gymnastics, and so on. For a modern busy person in our fast-paced age, they are losing relevance because they create additional hassle and take up time. Fortunately, over the past decade high level Laser eye surgery has been achieved, which is also used to correct myopia, and solves this problem quickly and effectively.

Myopia concept

Nearsightedness or myopia is a decrease in the ability to distinguish distant objects, with predominant vision at a close distance. The reason is an increase in the curvature of transparent eye lenses (cornea, lens), when light, refracted through them at a large angle, does not reach the retina, where the light-receiving cells are located.

It would seem like simple physics, or rather optics, but with the eye it’s not so simple. The eye is complex system, which includes biological lenses (cornea, lens), which can change their thickness and angle of curvature under the influence of contraction of the eye muscles. This process is influenced by many other factors, which will be discussed below.

Causes of myopia

Among other causes of myopia, the most important are:

  • eye fatigue during prolonged exercise - reading, working with a computer, small parts, especially in low light;
  • malnutrition – lack of protein, vitamins, microelements;
  • the influence of harmful production factors and poor ecology.

In recent decades, there has been an increase in incidence, mainly in children, adolescents and young people due to the spread of information technology. The Internet, for all its advantages, has “ reverse side medals" in the form of a negative effect on vision, especially on mobile devices, iPads, tablets, and e-books. On all these devices, unlike a book, the image is not reflected, but pixelated, causing heavy load to the muscles of the eye.

Symptoms and degrees of myopia

In Rus', a person who cannot see beyond his hands was called short-sighted. And the term myopia comes from the Greek myopio - narrowing the eyes. These names literally reflect the manifestation of the disease, the main symptoms of which are decreased distance vision and squinting of the eyes, which partially compensates for vision by reducing the angle of rays hitting the retina.

Myopia is also characterized by increased eye fatigue, pain in the eyeballs, headache, blurred outlines of objects. May also appear dark spots before the eyes, dizziness.

Based on severity, there are 3 types of myopia:

  • weak degree – the level of vision is reduced to 3 diopters;
  • medium degree - from 3 to 6 diopters;
  • high degree - more than 6 diopters.

If weak and moderate myopia can be easily corrected with glasses and lenses, then with a high degree, correction is needed for both distance and near vision. In this case, laser correction is indispensable.

Advice: myopia is easy to recognize in adults and children when the child begins to draw and read. Children have more early age The disease can be suspected when a child squints his eyes or brings toys closer to his face.

Laser correction - indications, technique

Laser vision correction is based on the ability of a laser beam to soften the biological lens of the eye - the cornea, giving it the desired angle or radius of curvature. In case of myopia, the cornea is made more “flat”, that is, the radius of curvature increases. As a result, the focus of the rays entering the eye is concentrated on the retina, and normal vision occurs. All this is calculated in advance using special instruments and computer technology.

Laser correction is indicated in cases of high myopia (from -6D to -15D), in other cases it is performed at the request of the patient if he does not want to use glasses and contact lenses. The age limit of the operated patients is not limited, but the optimal age is considered to be 18-55 years, when the growth of the eyeball has already stopped and there are no gross age-related changes and concomitant serious diseases.

The laser correction procedure itself is a filigree microsurgical operation on the finest structures of the cornea, its layers. Today there are many options for surgery: Lasik, Femto-Lasik, Epi-Lasik, Super-Lasik, Excimer, Smile and others, which differ in the method of cutting and shaping the cornea. But their principle remains common: a corneal flap is formed, then the shape of the cornea is individually formed, then the flap is returned to its place, “welded.”


Attention! The information on the site is presented by specialists, but is for informational purposes only and cannot be used for self-treatment. Be sure to consult your doctor!

  • What is myopia?
  • Laser correction at the SPHERE clinic: surgery that preserves vision
  • Laser correction or traditional surgery?
  • What are the causes of myopia?
  • How to diagnose the presence of myopia?
  • What will happen without treatment for myopia?
  • Is treatment necessary for myopia?
  • Laser correction of myopia
  • Glasses as a treatment tool
  • Contact correction

What is myopia?

Myopia or, scientifically, myopia is a refractive error in which distance vision deteriorates. To obtain a clear image, rays passing through optical system, must gather at a point on the retina. With myopia, the rays are focused in front of it. In order to return focus to the retina, diverging lenses with “minus” diopters are used. In the case when light rays are collected not into a point, but into a line, they speak of astigmatism. Astigmatism is perfectly corrected when treating myopia with a laser beam; The operation allows you to simultaneously get rid of two diseases at once.

Stable myopia must be accurately diagnosed and correctly corrected through appropriate treatment. It is considered not a disease, but a variant of refractive error. If myopia actively progresses to high degrees and is accompanied by changes in the biomechanical properties of the eyeball, a significant increase in the anteroposterior size, dystrophic changes in the retina and choroid, changes in the disc optic nerve, they talk about myopic disease. In this case, treatment is aimed at strengthening connective tissue and prevention of the development of dystrophic changes in the fundus, as well as the correction of myopia with glasses or lenses.

Laser correction at the SPHERE clinic: surgery that preserves vision

Treatment for myopia is necessary at any age. Properly selected glasses are a traditional way to combat myopia. But this is a treatment method that comes with many inconveniences that are well known to people with myopia. An imperfect alternative to them are soft contact lenses, which have a negative effect on the condition. ocular surface, and also carry certain risks of developing complications if the wearing regimen is not followed. People most often come to the clinic of Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Erika Naumovna Eskina, to receive treatment that will allow them not to depend on glasses or contact lenses.

Laser vision correction is the most accurate, fastest and safest treatment method that will provide excellent vision for many years. It can be done between the ages of 18 and 50 years.

The Sfera Clinic has the largest selection of excimer and femtosecond methods for correcting myopia in Russia. During the full diagnostic examination conducted by highly qualified doctors of the Sfera clinics, all required parameters eyeball and the presence of certain contraindications for which laser vision correction cannot be performed. Based on the results of this examination, you will be offered the most accurate and safe technique correction of myopia through surgery suitable for achieving high visual acuity and creating a long-lasting effect.

Laser correction or traditional surgery?

The range of laser techniques at the clinic is so wide that we can carry out corrections using surgery even for those patients whom others cannot help. But even in those rare cases when individual medical indications If there is no suitable laser technique or operation for the patient, the clinic surgeon will find alternatives that will provide the most comfortable and clear vision. The most popular non-laser methods for correcting vision in the clinic are orthokeratology (“night lenses”, especially popular among children and adolescents who are too early to undergo surgery to treat myopia, with their help it is possible to stabilize the growth of myopia) and refractive lens replacement with implantation of an intraocular lens (this technique operations are chosen if there are contraindications to the use of a laser; in the presence of cataracts).

What are the causes of myopia?

The most common cause of myopia is an increase in the length of the eyeball. With this form, rays passing through the cornea, lens and vitreous, are focused in front of the retina. They reach the retina already diverging from the focal point. Thus, a blurry image is formed.

After the baby is born, the eyeball continues to grow. The length of the eyeball approaches its final size in children only during schooling, at the age of 8-12 years. At the same time, perfect perception of the shape of objects and normal visual acuity are formed. Until this time, the child has physiological farsightedness, which is successfully compensated by the mechanism of accommodation. If the eyeball continues to grow, myopia develops. In some children, eye length increases earlier and myopia appears at an earlier age.

Presumably, the reasons why in some people the eyeball stops growing earlier (hyperopia occurs), and in others later (myopia is formed), are due to genetic changes (PAX6, PRSS56, BMP3, KCNQ5, LAMA2, TOX, TJP2, RDH5, ZIC2, RASGRF1, GJD2, RBFOX1, SHISA6 are a number of genes, changes in the nucleotide sequences of which can lead to myopia), and scientists cannot yet influence them. There are also reasons that are easier to influence: constant visual strain when using gadgets, insufficient time for fresh air, poor lighting when performing homework and others. The operation is control over the dynamics of changes in eye length, refraction, and retinal condition; correct correction of existing ametropia (refractive error); maintaining proper ergonomics in learning and work spaces.

How to diagnose the presence of myopia?

The easiest way to independently diagnose the symptoms of myopia in a child is to watch how he looks at toys or books with small pictures and how he looks into the distance: does he bring an object closer to him and squint while looking at something in the distance? If yes, then you should consult an ophthalmologist for a vision test, as these signs are characteristic of the development of myopia.

Myopia immediately noticeably reduces distance visual acuity, and is easy to detect during a routine vision test using the Golovin-Sivtsev table (unlike hypermetropia, which can be “hidden”). Main task on early stage detection of myopia - make sure that it does not progress. If it is stable, then we can talk about laser correction. Stabilization usually occurs after 18 years of age. If vision continues to decline and the “minus” increases, then before correcting myopia and performing surgery, it is necessary to stop its progression.

What will happen without treatment for myopia?

Consequences of refusing treatment and surgery:

  • continued growth of the eyeball and stretching of its membranes;
  • trophic disorders in the choroid and retina;
  • danger of retinal detachment if it develops certain types dystrophies;
  • stretching of the vessels of the eyeball, causing them to become brittle;
  • the likelihood of hemorrhages in the retina and vitreous body increases;

with a high degree of myopia and a significant increase in the size of the eyeball, cracks in Bruch's membrane may appear, through which newly formed vessels can grow from the choroid. This leads to the appearance of edema and hemorrhages in the central zone of the retina, which significantly reduce central vision. Myopic maculopathy develops. At the same time, the patient himself feels a constant decline in vision, an inability to perform ordinary activities, his ability to work and professional opportunities decrease, even to the point of visual disability.

Is treatment necessary for myopia?

Myopia needs to be corrected. Why?
This stops its growth. Without correction, a person’s quality of life is significantly reduced - he does not see the license plate of an approaching vehicle, does not distinguish road signs, does not recognize the faces of friends
If myopia, especially in combination with astigmatism, is not corrected childhood, amblyopia of varying degrees may develop.

Laser correction of myopia

There are several types of laser correction of myopia, the use of which depends on the degree of myopia, the thickness of the cornea and other parameters of the eye, the age of the patient, the presence or absence of contraindications (for example, diabetes), the patient’s lifestyle (office work or constant physical activity, indoors or outdoors, etc.).
Surgical techniques have age restrictions - laser treatment of myopia can be done only after the eye has finished growing (after 18–20 years). Treatment of childhood myopia at the Sfera clinic is carried out comprehensively, using various types of medication and physiotherapeutic methods. Used spectacle correction, as well as soft contact lenses, and orthokeratological treatment (“night lenses”).

Glasses as a treatment tool

When myopia is stable, glasses are a fairly reliable and common means of vision correction (most glasses that we see on young people are “minus”). But they have a number of disadvantages:

  • scattering spectacle lenses visually reduce the size of the eyeballs;
  • the retinal image decreases - objects seem small;
  • glasses limit peripheral vision;
  • there are difficulties in correcting anisometropia (differences in eye refraction of more than 2 diopters). For example, if a person has minus 3 diopters in one eye, and minus 6 diopters in the other, then wearing glasses will cause a problem: the maximum difference a person can tolerate is glasses between the eyes is different for everyone. As a rule, one eye remains undercorrected;
  • glasses are uncomfortable when playing sports;
  • glasses are an obstacle in a number of professions (some military specialties, pilots, etc.);
  • losing points can interfere with planned activities;
  • I have to wear glasses all the time.

Contact correction

Contact lenses are a good addition to glasses, but not an alternative. A person's face looks more natural wearing contact lenses; in addition, they do not interfere with peripheral vision. These are serious advantages, but contact lenses also have disadvantages:

  • Lenses do not replace glasses. The patient will still have to have a pair of glasses and alternate them with wearing contact lenses;
  • lenses are not suitable for swimming;
  • contact lenses constantly irritate the cornea, which leads to subjective unpleasant sensations(itching, burning), to problems with tear production, disruption of the stability of the tear film, gas exchange of the cornea, etc.;
  • lenses aggravate the effects of dry eye syndrome;
  • lenses are a constant risk factor for the development of infectious complications;
  • Lenses should not be worn if you have a cold;
  • buying contact lenses over the course of a year is more expensive than the average pair of glasses, and over three years the price exceeds the cost of laser vision correction in Moscow.

Orthokeratology - approach contact correction vision, in which during the day, during active times of the day, the patient is free from glasses and contact lenses, and at night he puts on special “night lenses”. While the patient sleeps, the lenses temporarily change the shape of the cornea. Orthokeratology is capable of correcting varying degrees of myopia from -1 to -6.5D, and astigmatism up to -1.75D. It is suitable for children and adults.

Implantation of intraocular lenses (IOLs) - Intraocular lenses are artificial lenses, which replace the patient’s own lens during surgery. Typically, this operation is used to treat cataracts, but thanks to the experience and excellent equipment of the Sfera Clinic, eye surgery can also be performed on a clear lens if the patient has a high degree of myopia. This operation is called refractive lens replacement. There are various types IOLs: monofocal, toric, multifocal, etc. A combination is possible: surgery to implant an IOL followed by laser correction of the cornea.

Acute distance vision without glasses or lenses!
Myopia correction at the Sfera clinic is the joy of clear vision without glasses or contact lenses. In 1996, we were one of the first in Moscow to begin treating high myopia using German laser systems. Constant updating of technologies, regular internships of specialists in Europe and the USA, as well as scientific activity The clinic's doctors allow us to maintain and exceed international standards for the treatment of myopia. Daily operations are common work for the clinic’s specialists.

is a serious defect of perception in which the image is formed not on the retina, but in front of it. The point of the ideal image ends up inside the eye, and the image reaches the retina in an unclear form. As a result, a person sees well near, but cannot see distant objects.

The disease is a serious problem if, for example, you need to carefully work with documents or spend a lot of time driving. Thanks to modern technologies It is possible to restore vision literally in a matter of hours through laser correction of myopia.

Types of excimer laser intervention

There are two types of excimerlase surgeries: LASIK and PRK. It allows you to correct, correct myopia (myopia) and.

Types of operations:

  • LASIK;
  • Super LASIK;
  • Femto LASIK;
  • Presby Femto LASIK;
  • TransFRK.

After correction, vision is restored (up to 100 and even 120%). The patient begins to see well within the first few hours after the operation. Many people start work the very next day, but it is advisable not to strain your eyes at least during the first 3-4 days. In the first week, noticeable improvements occur, and vision finally stabilizes within about 1 to 6 months.


LASIK or LASIK (Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis) surgery is performed using an excimer laser. Indications: farsightedness (up to +4.00 diopters), myopia (up to −15.00 diopters), astigmatism (up to ±3.00 diopters). The essence of the operation is that mechanical excision of corneal tissue and laser evaporation of part of the stroma are performed.

During the operation:

  1. First, a corneal flap with a diameter of about 8 mm is created in the superficial layers of the cornea in 2-5 seconds.
  2. Next, a laser is used to create a new profile of the cornea so that the rays are then focused precisely on the retina of the eye.
  3. After reshaping the surface of the cornea, the superficial corneal flap, separated at the first stage, is returned to its place.

The peculiarity of the operation is that the surface protective layer of the cornea is practically not damaged (unlike the PRK method). The accuracy of the surgeon’s actions is determined by a program in which the individual parameters of each eye are specified. Recovery after such a correction occurs quite quickly.

A more advanced technique is called Super LASIK.. During the operation, the Wave Scan program is used, which is able to take into account even the pattern of the iris and can identify higher-order distortions. Super LASIK correction is more expensive than regular LASIK.

Correction can be carried out using a femtosecond laser. In this case, the procedure will be called Femto LASIK or, as it is often popularly called, “knifeless correction.” The difference is that during correction, a corneal flap is formed non-contactly: by tissue delamination. Otherwise, the procedure differs little from LASIK; Femto LASIK is mainly recommended for those with thin corneas.

For more expensive Presby Femto LASIK correction The ZEISS VisuMax femtosecond laser is used. Vision restoration occurs painlessly and in one day.

Possible complications

Possible complications after surgery are rare. While the corneal flap is healing, the patient may experience watery eyes, problems with night vision, a feeling of dry eyes, and blurred vision. More difficult situations: ingrowth of the epithelium under the corneal flap and its elevation, which negatively affects the accuracy of perception.

Ptosis or ptosis may also be observed. upper eyelid. All these problems require prompt elimination. If the operation was performed poorly, undercorrection or overcorrection may occur. It is also possible to get an infection, which does not bode well.

Often patients also complain about the so-called night blindness, that is, limited vision at night. Due to the dilation of the pupil, rays begin to penetrate into the eye and pass through the edge of the cornea. Over time, problems with poor vision in the dark usually disappear.

IMPORTANT! The biggest problem after repair is damage or loss of the flap due to trauma during the first month after surgery. Only in this case there is a risk of losing vision. In other cases, the risk of blindness is minimal.

Cost of the operation

LASIK surgery price: from 30 thousand rubles, Super LASIK - from 40 thousand rubles, Femto LASIK - from 60-70 thousand rubles, Presby Femto LASIK - from 100 thousand rubles per eye.

To these costs, do not forget to add the cost of a comprehensive examination by a doctor before surgery. The first examinations after correction are usually free, but you will have to pay for subsequent visits.

Educational video

More details about how it goes LASIK surgery, look at the video.

Attention! This video contains video footage surgery!


PRK (photorefractive keratectomy) is another method of vision correction using an excimer laser. Indications: myopia up to -6.0 D, astigmatism up to -3.0 D, farsightedness up to +3.0 D. With PRK there is also an effect on the cornea and evaporation of tissue from the surface. But after the laser treatment, the patient still has to dress special lens. Due to this, it is easier to recover from surgery, and it is also possible to carry out the correction on both eyes at once.

During PRK surgery:

  1. The position of the eye is centered and the epithelium is removed from the area that will be affected by laser radiation.
  2. The laser forms a new surface of the cornea (up to 5-7 minutes for each eye).
  3. The cornea is washed and a special protective lens is put on the eye (just for a couple of days for faster healing).

As with LASIK, PRK is performed fairly quickly. After surgery, you can engage in sports and moderate physical activity. After 3-4 days you can lead the same lifestyle as before the operation.

The peculiarity of PRK is also that it can be done with any shape of the eye orbit, thin cornea, and also in cases where additional correction is required after an already performed surgical intervention. Photorefractive keratectomy does not disrupt the internal structure of the cornea.

A type of operation is TransPRK (transepithelial photorefractive keratectomy). It is one-stage and does not dry out the surface of the cornea. The surgery is considered more precise and safer for the eyes than conventional PRK. Due to minimal impact on the cornea TransPRK is often recommended for athletes and people leading an active lifestyle..

Possible complications

Complications after PRK surgery are different from those that can occur after LASIK. For several days after the correction, discomfort in the eye area may be observed, which is relieved by wearing lenses.

It is also possible to reduce the transparency of the cornea (1.5-3%), regression of myopia in the future with a certain amount of initial myopia. Light perception may change and visual distortions may begin. There may also be small pinpoint hemorrhages from the terminal branches of the vessels. However, if the operation is performed by experienced professionals, the risks will be even lower than in the case of LASIK.

What is the price?

The cost of PRK is from 25-30 thousand rubles, TransPRK - from 40 thousand rubles per eye.

In what cases is it possible to correct myopia?

Indications for the operation: myopia up to −15.00 diopters. But with the question: up to what age is surgery performed? It’s not so simple. Age restrictions for surgery: 55-60 years, but some clinics do not recommend correction after 40 years. It all depends on individual characteristics every patient.

Correction is possible if:

  • age from 18 to 60 years;
  • no diseases of the retina and cornea, infectious, somatic diseases;
  • residual corneal thickness 400 microns (for FemtoLastic 500 microns);
  • relatively smooth surface of the cornea.

The size of the ablation zone should always be larger than the diameter of the pupil. The operation is not recommended for those who have an irregular cornea with topographic patterns in the form of an asymmetrical butterfly, or asymmetrical keratometry data, as well as thinning of the posterior layers.

It must be remembered that this is not a cosmetic manipulation, but major surgery . It is imperative to undergo an examination using hardware equipment, take tests and receive detailed recommendations from an ophthalmologist on choosing a correction method.

IMPORTANT! Vision restoration after correction is observed in approximately 98% of patients. Problems arise in no more than 1-2% of cases.

Examinations and preparation for correction

The operation is preceded by a thorough examination by a doctor. Correction is possible only if vision is stable and if during the examination it turns out that the patient has serious illnesses eye (for example, retinal detachment, central dystrophy), then he will be denied correction.

Purpose of patient examination:

During the examination, autorefractometry, keratometry, non-contact tonometry, precise determination of visual acuity, biomicroscopy, perimetry, ophthalmoscopy, ultrasound examination, pachymetry. The fundus is examined using a Goldmann lens.

If the patient has already undergone treatment, then it is necessary to bring medical card, test results and all issued certificates. If you undergo laser correction again in another clinic, you will need full information about the previous operation and the doctor’s mistake.

The patient takes it off at least three days before surgery to allow the eyes to rest and the cornea to recover. You can take sedatives to relieve anxiety before surgery, but alcohol is strictly prohibited. People come to the operation without makeup and in clothes with a wide collar. It is better to drive back, protecting your eyes with sunglasses. Photophobia may be quite severe in the first days, so glasses will come in handy in the future.

The operation itself lasts no longer than fifteen minutes. None pain the patient does not experience it, but you need to be prepared for the fact that a special expander will be installed on the operated eye. You will have to look at the green dot at the top and not move. The doctor will explain his every action, so that the patient is aware of all his actions.

After the correction there will be a not very pleasant feeling in the eyes, so it is recommended not to go back to public transport, and call a taxi.

Recovery period

After the operation, it is advisable to take a couple of days off. Rest and try not to strain or close your eyes. It is better not to work at the computer, looking at small letters and limit watching TV. It is prohibited to drink alcohol in the first days after correction.

To relieve symptoms after surgery, medications and drops are often prescribed for the first few weeks. The drops must be used very carefully, without touching the eye. It is also forbidden to apply makeup in the first days.

Recommendations after surgery:

  • sleeping on your back or side;
  • regular check-ups with a doctor;
  • do not rub your eyes;
  • follow all doctor's instructions.

It is better not to wash your operated eyes at least in the first days, so as not to injure them or cause an infection. You should not visit the pool, swim in the sea, lake, or river. Saunas and steam baths are very dangerous, because of which the temperature and pressure can increase. Smoking is not allowed as smoke may get into your eyes. It is better to sleep on your side or back and preferably alone, so that no one can accidentally push you with your elbow in your sleep and touch the eye area.


As with any operation, there are certain contraindications for laser correction. The doctor will definitely warn the patient about them at the stage of preliminary examination.

Main contraindications:

  • pregnancy, lactation period;
  • age under 18 years;
  • a sharp decline in vision within 6 months;
  • eye injuries, infections and other diseases;
  • dystrophic change retina;
  • skin diseases (psoriasis, etc.);
  • mental illnesses;
  • diabetes mellitus, rheumatism, AIDS, asthma.

Naturally, you should not come for surgery if you have a cold and your eyes are watering. During the correction, you need to remain calm and completely trust the doctors. Nervous sudden movements during laser operation are extremely undesirable.

It is better not to hide anything from the doctor during the examination, so that complications do not arise in the future. The method of correction is determined at this stage.

IMPORTANT! Laser correction is not possible if there is a diagnosis of optic atrophy, cataract or keratoconus.

Pros and cons of the procedure

Most patients who have undergone surgery are satisfied with the results obtained. Vision is completely restored, and glasses and contact lenses are a thing of the past forever. The recovery period lasts very short and you can start working within a few days after the operation.

Benefits of correction:

  • painlessness of the procedure;
  • fast recovery;
  • selection of correction options;
  • 98% result.

Disadvantages of the operation:

The main disadvantage of laser correction is the risk of vision loss. After surgery, you need to be very careful about your health. You can injure your operated eyes with a branch in the country, or while playing with a child or dog. It's best to limit physical activity and protect your eyes as much as possible from any external influence. It is also necessary to undergo examinations with a doctor in order to notice complications in time.

Let us note that there have been many cases where patients completely lost their vision due to improper behavior after surgery. Before the operation, clients are usually asked to sign not only an agreement for the provision medical services, but also a notification that they are familiar with possible risks corrections and have no complaints against doctors.

Minor deficiencies - discomfort after correction, residual myopia after surgery, allergic reaction on medications, poorly performed surgery and other complications. They usually go away quickly. As a last resort, it is possible to return to the clinic (often free, if a doctor’s mistake was made).

It is advisable to study all the pros and cons of treating myopia with laser correction at least a month before surgery. The clinic where the operation will be performed is also carefully selected, as well as the doctor who will work with the laser.

IMPORTANT! When performing laser correction, the risk medical error and corneal trauma is very minor. The accuracy of all manipulations is determined by a computer program. It is impossible to go blind during the operation, since all manipulations are superficial and no deep incisions are made.