
Leech - extract of leeches in capsules. Medical leech - new opportunities for cosmetics Amazing cream based on snail mucus

Hirudotherapy has a rather long history. For about two thousand years, bloodletting was considered the most effective method treatment of many ailments, among which the central place was occupied by diseases caused by cardiac and vascular pathology. By releasing a certain amount of blood from the patient, it was possible to stop the attack and thus help the person. However, a puncture or cut of a vein in those distant times was a real surgery, which could only be performed by a qualified specialist. The use of leeches turned out to be simpler and more sufficient in an accessible way treatment of diseases (and not only heart diseases) by extracting “unnecessary” or “bad”, as was considered in the Middle Ages, blood.

A dislike for the “exotic” that some see as a leech makes many patients completely reject hirudotherapy, although others, on the contrary, love it very much.

A little history

By calling the leech a real living pharmacy, many scientific doctors thereby recognize its unique medicinal properties. The reputation of this scary-looking worm-like animal has been formed over many centuries. Scientists who thoroughly study the path of the leech, how remedy, argue that the use of a “living needle” or “living syringe” for bloodletting, as the leech was later called, began in Ancient India and represents a branch of Ayurveda.

setting of leeches, engraving, 19th century.

The leech was used by the “father of medicine” Hippocrates, the Roman physician Galen, it was used by the great scientist Avicenna (Ibn Sina), the best healers of antiquity treated all diseases with its saliva and, thus, it quietly but safely reached the Renaissance. The most widespread use of hirudotherapy occurred in the 17th-18th centuries; leech was used for, tuberculosis, gonorrhea,. In general, under different and very distant pathological conditions.

By the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th century, ideas about many things began to change and the leech was forgotten for some time. In Russia, he was actively involved in the introduction of hirudotherapy into medical practice. famous doctor M. Ya. Mudrov.

In the mid-19th century, the leech gradually faded into the background and began to be considered a past stage in medicine, although bloodletting still leads among others therapeutic measures, but is used for slightly different purposes and by other methods. Meanwhile, the famous surgeon N.I. Pirogov, having his own convictions on this matter, continued to use these worms to stop bleeding, for fractures, tumors and other surgical diseases. Especially, the leech turned out to be useful during Crimean War, in which N.I. Pirogov was a participant (and the chief surgeon of Sevastopol).

However, oblivion did not last long and at the end of the 19th century the study of this animal began seriously. A substance that prevents blood clotting (anticoagulant) was isolated from the leech extract, and an enzyme (hirudin) was obtained from its saliva, thanks to which the leech has therapeutic effect. This was in 1884. This is how the medicinal leech (Hirudo medicinalis) appeared, differing in its properties from different types worm-like animals living in bodies of water. At the same time, the production of pharmaceuticals based on hirudin.

Until the 70s of the last century, jars with swarming black-brown worms could be seen in outpatient clinics and health centers, although they were placed less often. Hirudotherapy remained a priority in rural areas, where advanced technologies at that time did not reach, or, conversely, in large scientific centers, where eminent scientists worked who did not change their views on hirudotherapy (therapist G. A. Zakharyin, ophthalmologist V. P. Filatov). The scientific development of bdellotherapy truly began in the second half of the 20th century.

Return of the medicinal leech

The new birth of hirudotherapy is facing difficult times for Russia and former republics USSR times - “dashing 90s”. The industry, including the pharmaceutical industry, is in decline, but it needs treatment. So we remembered folk remedies and alternative methods of treatment. To give new life hirudotherapy, people who were especially active and knowledgeable in this regard began to create special “farms” for raising unique animals. Over time, these small “farms” grew into large certified biofactories that supply entire regions with live anticoagulants, which now allows people who are well versed in this method treatment and able to handle the medicinal bloodsucker.

Meanwhile, the rapid development of hirudotherapy in the 90s of the last century is explained not only by the decline of the economy and the emergence of various farms of all stripes on this basis. By that time, considerable experience had been accumulated in medicine. The influence of many synthetically obtained medicines on the human body when they long-term use. It turned out that:

  • A very common anticoagulant, heparin, sometimes causes complications in the form of necrosis of subcutaneous fat;
  • Antibiotics lead to the development of candidiasis;
  • Hormonal drugs have a lot of contraindications, among which are indicated.

In short, different drugs obtained chemically give their own side effects: allergic reactions, dysfunction individual organs and entire systems, sometimes very heavy, so scientists increasingly began to lean towards unconventional methods treatment (where possible), one of which (and the best) is hirudotherapy.

Hirudotherapy is currently used quite widely, because leeches have again received the right to participate in the healing process along with traditional methods treatment.

Properties of saliva in which it is found large number biologically active substances (BAS) can be used independently or to complement other measures, primarily as for the treatment of cardiovascular pathology.

In secret salivary glands leeches, except hirudin, which has an anticoagulant effect, contains a very important enzyme - hyaluronidase, dissolving hyaluronic acid, which, in turn, accumulates around the source of inflammation, protecting it. After the process subsides, hyaluronic acid “cements” the connective tissue, creating partitions that impede lymph and blood circulation, as well as reducing the functional abilities of tissues and organs. Hyaluronidase loosens these bridges, clearing the way for the movement of blood and lymph, which improves tissue nutrition and restores organ function, therefore, it can be used to influence adhesions. Taking into account the property of hyaluronidase, gynecologists often, using hirudotherapy, achieve positive results in the treatment of infertility, the cause of which was formed in fallopian tubes adhesions.

In addition to hirudin and hyaluronidase, the secretion of the salivary glands includes other compounds of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates that have high biological activity (histamine-like substance, prostaglandins, prostacyclins, platelet adhesion inhibitor, platelet activating factor inhibitor... and many other biologically active substances). It should be noted that not all components of the secretion secreted by a leech have yet been discovered and studied, that is, for scientific research Scientists have a large field of activity left in studying the properties of this small predator.

The secret is in her secret

A medicinal leech has a good understanding of human skin; it itself is able to find the areas responsible for functions. certain organs, however, real professionals involved in natural therapy do not allow her such “liberties.” Her behavior is regulated by a specialist who knows the location active points – he himself places the worm directly at the place of “work”. The leech, having attached itself to the designated point, takes a little blood (approximately 10 ml, but especially voracious ones can suck out 15 ml) and at the same time introduces biologically active substances (BAS) contained in its saliva into the wound, which act both locally and with the blood flow carries them to the organs in need of help.

It should be noted that biologically active substances act not only in affected areas, they have an effect on the body as a whole:

  1. Accelerate the movement of blood through blood vessels and lymph through lymphatic vessels;
  2. Reduce (hirudin increases blood fluidity);
  3. Slow down;
  4. Prevents the formation and helps dissolve existing clots;
  5. Improves microcirculation;
  6. Helps saturate the blood with oxygen;
  7. Normalize metabolic processes;
  8. Improve tissue nutrition;
  9. They have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect;
  10. Stops spasm of cerebral, coronary and other vessels;
  11. Reduce;
  12. Promote the disappearance and resorption of infiltrates;
  13. They increase the body's resistance to adverse factors, including infectious ones, and improve appetite and sleep.

It is obvious that the effect of the secretion secreted by a leech on the body is multifaceted and varied. We will return to the diseases that these predators treat and to the contraindications, but it should be noted that, having weighed the benefits and harms of treatment with leeches, the benefits will undoubtedly outweigh. The wound made by this animal never festeres even when attacked by wild leeches when swimming in a dirty pond (the bactericidal effect of the secretion), in addition, the water in which the animals are kept begins to acquire bacteriostatic properties.

However, before starting detailed description all the advantages of this type of annelid, you should make important note. Although cases of infection with viral hepatitis and HIV during hirudotherapy did not seem to have been recorded, but in order to prevent troubles and mental anguish for the patient (what if I could become infected with something?) the animal must be destroyed after use. This means that each patient is treated with his own leeches; like syringes, it is better not to borrow them from a neighbor after he has already been injected. And one more point (it worries many) is why there should be different leeches for each patient: I don’t even want to think that an individual used to fight hemorrhoids will be reused to treat stomatitis. The patient must be confident that this is the predator's first time trying human blood and this blood is his own.

Where to look for leeches?

leech farm

There is no certainty that we managed to convince the reader to be treated only by a naturotherapist (hirudotherapist) and, for sure, there will be people studying hirudotherapy on their own who are ready to solve problems on our own at home - you just need to find medicinal leeches. As mentioned above, medicinal animals are “produced” in special biofactories, which must comply with all the rules for the cultivation and maintenance of high-quality worms of this genus, which must be confirmed by a certificate. Manufacturers offer their “products” wholesale and retail medical institutions, pharmacies, individuals.

When choosing a remedy for hirudotherapy at home, you should be careful. Small sizes individuals offered by low prices(50 rubles or less), perhaps yesterday they swam in the nearest pond. These are wild leeches - they will not provide a therapeutic effect, but the money will be wasted.

If you really want to, you can buy leeches at the pharmacy, although not all pharmaceutical establishments sell them. You will have to “get on the phone” or get information on the Internet (there is plenty of it there). The main thing for the reader to know is that he is buying a high-quality medicinal leech that has medicinal properties.

The benefits and harms of leeches and hirudotherapy

Advantages of a predator

And now, as promised, we will weigh the benefits and harms of treatment with leeches and try to provide more detailed information about what diseases these small predators treat.

Ringed worms represented by this species (medicinal leech) solve many problems in the treatment of various pathological conditions. In its favor, we can cite a list of actions that it has when attached to human skin:

Based on this, let's try to list scope of application of medicinal leech, main task which consists of the treatment of vascular pathology:

  1. (the name of the disease, more familiar to patients, is hypertension), leeches are especially effective in cases of hypertensive crisis, they effectively reduce blood pressure and quickly “restore order” in the circulatory system;
  2. Vertebro-basilar insufficiency (VBI), vertebral artery syndrome;
  3. Cardialgia of various origins;
  4. Conditions after myocardial infarction;
  5. brain and coronary vessels;
  6. against the background of varicose veins and chronic thrombophlebitis;
  7. Conditions after heart transplantation, however, in Russia in similar cases leech is not used, but in some countries of Western Europe (England) it is among mandatory procedures;
  8. , cracks anus, .

Hirudotherapy is also used for diseases:

  • Gastrointestinal tract – chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, stomach and duodenal ulcers, pancreatitis, but here I would like to make a small digression: many naively believe that bdellotherapy can cure viral hepatitis (B, C, etc.). Unfortunately, this is not the case, so you shouldn't place too much hope on it;
  • Bronchopulmonary system (bronchitis, bronchial asthma);
  • Kidney (glomerulonephritis, chronic renal failure, post-traumatic complications).

Small black-brown worm-like predators that prefer aquatic environment habitats, are even used in such areas of medicine as:

  1. Traumatology(bone fractures, chronic osteomyelitis, bruises, hematomas, bruises);
  2. Mammology(lactostasis, acute mastitis);
  3. Dermatology(furunculosis and other pustular diseases of the skin and subcutaneous fat)
  4. Otorhinolaryngology (vasomotor rhinitis, sinusitis, chronic otitis, Meniere's disease, stopping nosebleeds);
  5. Ophthalmology(macular edema), supporters of the use of hirudotherapy for the treatment of eye diseases argue that a leech can help not only cure, but also diagnose some diseases, replacing expensive imported FA equipment (fluorescein angiography);
  6. Neurology(osteochondrosis, neuralgia of various kinds, including the trigeminal nerve).

Leeches are used to fight disease reproductive system person. Hirudotherapists believe that the participation of leeches will be useful in the following cases:

It may seem incredible, but the use of hirudotherapy in dentistry also takes place. However, the information is still fragmentary; the authors of the methods conducted experiments on themselves and claim that with the help of these animals it is possible to treat inflammatory diseases oral cavity caused by pathogenic microorganisms, bleeding gums, caries and other pathological conditions.

Leech also helps cosmetologists; it promotes rejuvenation and healing of the skin, the disappearance of acne and other defects caused by inflammatory processes. The use of leeches in cosmetology led to the creation of new cosmetics intended for skin care (hydrocosmetics of the Biocon series). We do not undertake to judge the effectiveness of the cream and other products based on leech extract (more precisely, the extract of the salivary glands of this animal), containing up to 80 types of biologically active substances (enzymes), which we have not yet learned how to create artificially. However, our topic is diseases cardiovascular system and their treatment, and it is better to obtain information regarding these drugs on the pages of specialized sites.

Video: what do leeches treat?

Contraindications and disadvantages

Meanwhile, with all the advantages of the leech, it also has disadvantages. The list of contraindications is short, but they exist. This:

  1. Hemophilia ( hereditary disease, sex-linked - affects men), in which a person has reduced blood clotting due to the absence or deficiency of factor VIII (hemophilia A, more common) or IX (hemophilia B);
  2. Thrombocytopenia of various origins;
  3. Acute disorders cerebral circulation(especially hemorrhage);
  4. Acute infectious diseases;
  5. (pronounced);
  6. Pregnancy;
  7. Individual intolerance.

Particular fear, a feeling of hostility and even disgust, of course, are not contraindications, but are considered significant shortcomings, since even brave people cannot overcome this barrier. Having persuaded such a patient to undergo hirudotherapy, then he will have to be treated for stress, so it is better not to convince him: if he can’t, he can’t. Such people can only use cream, tablets and ointments with hirudin.

One should also not place special hopes on bdellotherapy in terms of curing incurable diseases or conditions that require specific therapeutic (or surgical) measures. Still, this method of treatment is best considered as aid, rather than the main one. And it is advisable to consult with your doctor.

A responsible step

Having decided to independently undertake treatment at home using such unsightly in appearance and in best case scenario animals that do not cause disgust, a person must learn the basic rules, which we will remind you once again:

  • Thoroughly study the indications, find out if there are any contraindications and prepare for possible reactions(itching, urticaria);
  • It is better to buy a leech at a pharmacy or from a trusted manufacturer for more high price than to chase after a cheap product (it may turn out to be of poor quality and not capable of providing a therapeutic effect);
  • Learn the rules for keeping animals at home so that they remain healthy and can be used for treatment;
  • Familiarize yourself with the schemes for placing leeches in relation to your disease;
  • Do not treat the whole family with one batch of leeches (everyone may have their own diseases, including viral ones);
  • Place the same individual even for yourself, but in different places far from each other ( oral cavity, the area around the anus - how can they be combined?) is extremely undesirable - it will take a long time to treat a bacterial infection;
  • Repeated use of the same individual in the same patient and in the same areas is possible no earlier than after 2 weeks (preferably 3);
  • Do not try to cure every disease without exception, e.g. viral hepatitis“C” (bdellotherapy cannot solve it, but other problems can be acquired);
  • Before starting treatment you need to pass general analysis blood and it is very advisable to do so (perhaps the patient does not know everything about himself);
  • During hirudotherapy, try to avoid physical activity.

Here they are simple rules must be observed so that the treatment does not turn into trouble. However, it doesn't matter It’s better to talk to specialists and your doctor.

So, let's start treatment

Having bought a batch of healthy predators that meet all the requirements, being confident in their medicinal properties, you cannot immediately place them in tap water, it often contains chlorine, and the animals can die. Pure spring water or well water is best. But where can I get it? You should worry about this in advance. As a last resort, tap water is also suitable for therapeutic “tenants”, but it must first sit in an open container for several days so that the chlorine concentration decreases. Leeches need to change the water every 3 days. Keep “live syringes” in spacious glass containers (regular two- or three-liter jars in which cucumbers are preserved).

The number of procedures and the number of individuals participating in the treatment process will depend on the patient’s condition, however, fast treatment and there is no need to calculate the minimum consumption of “material”. Judge for yourself:

  1. You need to start treatment with a minimum number of individuals (2 - 4 to 6 pieces - max), because it is not yet known how the body will react to a new type of exposure - an allergic reaction to biologically active substances contained in the saliva of a predator is possible;
  2. If the first procedure went well, depending on the application area, the number of individuals can be increased to 10;
  3. First (if everything goes well the first time) you need to conduct 3-4 sessions in a row (every day);
  4. Then – 3 procedures every other day;
  5. The last 3 – 4 sessions are carried out with an interval of six to seven days (for example, the patient performs hirudotherapy on Fridays - that’s 3 Fridays);
  6. The entire course of treatment is 10 sessions.

If necessary (according to the patient’s condition), the course of hirudotherapy can be repeated. This can happen in the interval from 2 weeks to a month after the last procedure of the first course. If the patient planned a repeat course with the animals that he purchased at the beginning of treatment, they were used and had time to get enough blood, then the water containing the leeches should be changed daily. Before forcing the leech to be treated again, you need to lightly sprinkle it with salt so that the blood comes out of the animal’s stomach, then wash the worm thoroughly (“over-salting” is not allowed - the animal will die).

Schemes for placing leeches

Considering how many diseases a leech treats, it will not be possible to list all the staging schemes even with a strong desire. However, there are many biologically active points, the main ones are presented in the image on the right, and we will give more detailed examples relating to the heart and blood vessels:

I would like to hope that brief description The reader will not perceive hirudotherapy as instructions for the use of medicinal leeches. Self-treatment requires a more in-depth study of the issue (indications, application schemes, contraindications, setting technique, selection and maintenance of animals, handling of them).

Creams, tablets and ointments based on hirudin

This section is intended for people who panic at the sight of a medicinal product of animal origin, but want to try it on their own body healing properties leech extract. Pharmaceutical forms based on biologically active substances contained in leech saliva do exist: creams, gels, balms, tablets and ointments with hirudin, which thin the blood, prevent the formation of blood clots, relieve swelling, pain and fatigue. These drugs are mainly used for varicose veins, thrombophlebitis,:

  1. Popular cream “Sofya” for varicose veins lower limbs;
  2. Foot cream – “Leech extract”;
  3. Cream-balm with leech extract;
  4. Body gel "Girudovazin";
  5. Body balm "Girudox";
  6. “Piyavit” capsules (dry leech powder).

In any case, if the patient wants to buy an ointment (gel, cream, balm) at the pharmacy, then it is enough for him to say that he needs a leech extract or a medicine for varicose veins with hirudin. Most likely, he will be offered several options for medications for external use. By the way, treatment varicose veins venous vessels of the lower extremities, gels and ointments with hirudin are well combined with the use of compression hosiery.

There are also more serious drugs with hirudin, which are administered intravenously in a hospital setting. under control - "Lepirudin", For example. These drugs are intended to prevent thromboembolic complications; their use requires special caution and is not available to patients for use on their own initiative at home.

Synthetic analogs of hirudin “Girulog” and “Girugen” have also not yet found widespread use in Russia: they are quite expensive, and, moreover, pharmaceutical forms intended for oral administration are only being developed. Therefore, the medical medicinal leech will be with us for a long time. As they say, cheap and cheerful.

Video: hirudotherapy in the “School of Health” program

Medical leech Hirudo Medicinalis Officinalis- the only representative of the fauna included in the pharmacopoeia and equated to medicines. Leech saliva contains more than 80 biologically active substances, which together have a positive effect on the human body. Therefore, today the medicinal leech is deservedly called a “pharmaceutical mini-factory.”

Scientists from the Medical Research and Production Association “BIOKON”, as a result of long-term scientific research, isolated a healing extract from the leech Hirudo Medicinalis Officinalis and proved its effective effect on the human body. In cosmetics prophylactic agents Leech extract* was introduced for health and skin care. Its use in the production of cosmetics became possible thanks to modern technologies, which allow you to preserve biologically active substances contained in the secretion of the salivary glands of the leech.

The biologically active substances of leech extract have anticoagulating, thrombolytic, anti-inflammatory, antihypoxic, anti-edematous, draining properties, help improve blood microcirculation, and restore the permeability of the vascular wall. Leech extract potentiates the effect of other components of cosmetic products - natural oils, extracts medicinal plants and vitamins, facilitating their deeper penetration into tissues.

Characteristics of the main biologically active substances of the medicinal leech extract.

Hirudin is an enzyme that prevents blood clotting by inhibiting the action of the enzyme thrombin. Entering the blood along with leech saliva, stertin interacts with the enzyme thrombin, forming an inactive complex with it. Hirudin seems to distract thrombin from its main function, slowing down the blood clotting process. Thanks to its anticoagulant properties, hirudin prevents the formation of blood clots. Destabilase is an enzyme that has the ability to dissolve formed blood clots. The presence of destabilase in leech saliva explains high efficiency hirudotherapy for thrombophlebitis. The liposomal nature of the destabilase complex ensures active transport of biologically active substances directly across the cell membrane. Hyaluronidase is an enzyme that promotes the breakdown of the main substance connective tissue (hyaluronic acid), due to which the transport of water and ions occurs faster, the penetration of useful biologically active substances into the human body improves. Increases the permeability of tissues and capillary walls. Collagenase causes hydrolysis of collagen fibers. Orgelase stimulates the formation of new blood vessels. Eglins block inflammatory processes, have antiseptic properties. Apyrase is an enzyme that determines the antisclerotic effect of leech extract.

*Medical leech extract - biologically active additive with a pronounced geriatric (anti-aging) effect, obtained as a result of processing of a medicinal leech (international patent of INPO "Biocon") for use in the formulations of preventive cosmetics.

Medical leech extract

Leech extract will be of interest to manufacturers of cosmetics and medicines.

The extract is used to prepare medicinal ointments, creams, balms, extracts, shampoos, and gels. Actively uses unique properties leech extract and traditional medicine in particular in the treatment of Peyronie's disease, as well as many other ailments.

Shock frozen leech briquettes. Raw materials for extract production

Medical leech extract is a lyophilized medicinal leech dried in a laboratory, ground to a powder, with a residual moisture content of no more than 2%, in which all the active substances, of which more than two hundred are contained in the medicinal leech, are most carefully preserved. Absolutely natural, highly effective medicinal raw materials.

Extract from medicinal leech actively affects protein metabolism, increases DNA and protein synthesis in human skin cells, and stimulates proliferative processes. It also affects fat metabolism, increasing total skin lipids and increasing its resistance. A special role in the metabolic mechanisms belongs to a natural liposome isolated from a leech. However, the main thing is a significant quantitative and qualitative improvement in blood circulation in the skin. By improving blood circulation and recanalization of capillaries, blood enriched with oxygen enters those areas where it did not reach due to aging of the vessels. Meanwhile, leech extract increases not only the inflow and outflow of blood, but also helps improve lymphatic drainage.

Leech extract affects the skin of the capillary walls, has a bactericidal effect, has an anticoagulant effect on the blood, facilitates the penetration of other substances into the body and stimulates protein metabolism.

All products undergo double quality control and have all the necessary documents and certificates.

Medical leech extract cannot be cheap. The cost of raw materials and lyophilization process is high! Only when using this type of drying, all active enzymes are preserved in the leech.

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Puffiness under the eyes is a fairly common occurrence. They can also occur in absolutely healthy people due to an unhealthy lifestyle. In some cases, getting rid of them is quite difficult.

This problem can be solved using products based on leech extract. They are already in use long time as in traditional medicine, and in cosmetology.

Causes of swelling under the eyes

There are a number of reasons why they occur in the paraorbital area:

The use of leeches and leech extract in cosmetology

Leeches are used in medical purposes a very long time ago. They are representatives of the annelids from the class Beltworms. They live in fresh water bodies and feed on the blood of worms and mollusks. For use in medicine and cosmetology, leeches are grown on special farms.

Hirudotherapy is a treatment method using leeches.. They are placed on the human body according to special patterns, depending on the disease.

The saliva of leeches is healing, it contains enzymes that have positive impact both on the skin and human body generally.

The leech sticks to the skin, and saliva enters the body through microcracks. Hirudin contained in it prevents blood from clotting. Having sucked, the leech causes capillary bleeding, improving blood supply to the area and eliminating venous congestion.

Leech saliva contains:

  • Collagenase and hyaluronidase are enzymes that increase the permeability of vascular walls. They have a bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect (they destroy bacteria and prevent their reproduction);
  • Hirudin. An enzyme that thins the blood and prevents it from clotting;
  • Destabilase. An enzyme that can dissolve blood clots.

When using leeches in for cosmetic purposes a lymphatic drainage effect is observed. At the same time, more than a hundred biologically active substances contained in the leech secretion act simultaneously, which makes it possible to improve appearance skin, improve its health and remove swelling in the eye area.

The network of fine wrinkles is reduced, the condition of the skin improves, it acquires a more even tone due to the disappearance of age spots.

The effect of using leeches is not immediate, it increases over the course of a month.

Action of leech extract

Leech extract is a biologically active substance that is obtained from the saliva of leeches and is used for the manufacture of medicines and cosmetics. The extract has the following actions:


  • Hypersensitivity to components;
  • Allergic reactions for leech bites;
  • Blood diseases, including bleeding disorders;
  • Oncological diseases.

When using leeches for cosmetic purposes, the rehabilitation period after the session can last up to 5 days.

During the first day, swelling and redness of the tissue at the site of the bite increases, which subsequently disappear. A crust may form at the site of the bite, which then falls off.

Popular creams and masks

The most famous cosmetic products based on medicinal leech are:

It must be remembered that cosmetics leech-based products work best with long-term use.

Today, the medicinal properties of the medicinal leech (Hirudo Medicinalis Officinalis) are beyond doubt among representatives of science and medicine, and people’s interest in hirudotherapy is constantly growing. This is quite justified, since leech saliva contains more than 80 biologically active substances, which together have a positive effect on the body. Leech is recognized as a “pharmaceutical mini-factory” that produces a balanced complex of biologically active substances that have a multifaceted positive effect on humans. The result of this effect is cleansing, healing and rejuvenation of the body.

Only one of the approximately 400 types of leeches is suitable for use in medicine - the medicinal leech (Hirudo medicinalis). Hirudotherapy has a long history, and studies that have been carried out all this time prove that the enzymes produced by the leech have healing effect for many diseases. In addition, when using leeches for treatment specific diseases Patients' metabolism gradually normalizes and the body's defenses are activated.

Today, the medicinal leech is the only representative of the fauna included in the Pharmacopoeia and equated to a medicine. Modern science, unlike the first hirudotherapists, has detailed information about the composition of the secretion of the salivary glands of leeches, its effect on individual systems and organs, as well as on the human body as a whole.


Hyaluronidase and collagenase– enzymes that increase the permeability of tissues and walls of the smallest vessels (capillaries) and facilitate penetration into the body various substances. Hyaluronidase and collagenase also have a pronounced bactericidal and even bacteriostatic effect, that is, they stop the growth or have a detrimental effect on most pathogenic microorganisms.

Hirudin - a blood thinner with an anticoagulant effect. Entering the bloodstream along with leech saliva, it immediately interacts with the enzyme thrombin, forming an inactive complex with it. Hirudin, as it were, distracts thrombin from its main function and thus slows down the blood clotting process. Compared to many medications, used in medicine to slow blood clotting and prevent thrombosis, hirudin is much more effective and safer.

Destabilase - like hirudin, it belongs to the category of enzymes, its main property is the ability to dissolve already formed blood clots. Intravenous administration purified destabilase preparation in the experiment leads to the dissolution of the blood clot. It is the presence of destabilase in leech saliva that explains the unusually high effectiveness of hirudotherapy for thrombophlebitis. In addition, the liposomal nature of the destabilase complex ensures active transport of biologically active substances directly across the cell membrane.

Bdellins are high-molecular proteins, the most important property of which is the ability to inhibit (suppress) the enzymes trypsin and plasmin.

Eglins - protein compounds that, in their biochemical action, are inhibitors of chymotrypsin, elastase and some other human enzymes. The presence of these high-molecular protein compounds in leech secretions determines the pronounced anti-inflammatory activity of leeches and preparations made from them. Bradykinins - help increase the phagocytic index and phagocytic activity of human leukocytes. These polypeptides determine the anti-inflammatory effect of leeches. The data presented allowed scientists to conclude that at present there is no drug similar to leech extract that has the ability to have a complex positive effect on the inflammatory and vascular process of any etiology and localization.

Apyrase - an extremely important enzyme in the saliva secretion of leeches. It determines its anti-sclerotic effect. Apyrase increases the activity of the enzyme lipoprotein lipase, as a result of which the level of total cholesterol and low-density beta lipoproteins in human blood decreases. Modern research confirmed that these substances contribute to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels. It is this action that explains the positive effect of both live leeches and preparations with leech biologically active substances on patients with various manifestations of atherosclerosis.

Apyrase has some ability to increase the body's tolerance to glucose, that is, it has a preventive effect in cases of predisposition to diabetes.

Enzymes such as elastase and triglyceridase. The main effect of these enzymes is to stimulate protein metabolism. This is why medicinal leech extract is quite successfully used in cosmetic creams.

Effects of leech extract on the skin

Substances contained in the saliva of leeches increase the permeability of tissues and capillary walls, have a bactericidal effect, have an anticoagulant effect on the blood, facilitate the penetration of other substances into the body and stimulate protein metabolism.

At the end of the twentieth century. scientists from France, Russia and Ukraine conducted a number of studies aimed at studying the effect of biologically active leech on metabolic processes in the skin. It has been proven:

Significant qualitative and quantitative improvement in blood circulation in the skin. Leech extract improves blood circulation throughout all vessels of the dermis, even very small capillaries. Blood carries more oxygen and nutrients to skin cells, and all metabolic processes in the skin improve.

Positive active action on protein, fat and water-salt metabolism in the skin.

Increased DNA and protein synthesis in skin cells.

Leech extract promotes the penetration and distribution of other active ingredients cream in the deep layers of the skin.

For skin, especially aging skin, these effects cannot be overestimated. The beneficial effect on fat metabolism is to increase the amount of skin lipids and increase its resistance harmful effects environment. In addition, due to the action of biologically active substances in the skin, blood microcirculation significantly improves. The elasticity of blood vessels is restored, microthrombi are resolved, and tissues receive oxygen, which is a unique and only catalyst for the restoration and renewal of all types of metabolism.

Hirudotherapy has very few contraindications. Likewise, hirudocosmetics cannot be recommended only for people with dilated blood vessels located close to the surface of the skin. Allergic reactions associated with individual intolerance to cosmetic components are also extremely rare.

from 5 to 15%