
DPT vaccination is a comprehensive protection against dangerous diseases. All about DPT vaccination for babies

Helps children fight illnesses strong immunity. However, there are a number of diseases that are dangerous to the health of babies. Vaccination, during which solutions containing antibodies to certain diseases are administered, helps to resist such infections.

One of the very first vaccinations that infants begin to receive at 3 months is DTP - a complex vaccine against three of the most serious diseases: whooping cough and diphtheria.

This vaccination helps babies resist the most dangerous illnesses, but at the same time it is the most allergenic and is often difficult to tolerate. What can happen to a baby after administration of this drug, and how can I help him cope with the consequences?

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Why is DTP vaccination so important?

As already mentioned, this vaccination helps children resist the three most serious ailments; we will analyze each of them separately.

Tetanus is one of the diseases with the highest mortality rate (almost 90%) if a person is not vaccinated against this disease.

The causative agent of the disease is the tetanus bacillus, which usually enters the body through a wound and leads to muscle cramps face and limbs, gradually penetrating the spinal cord and brain.

As a result, spasms occur in all muscles of the body, including the respiratory tract. As a result, the person slowly dies from suffocation.

This process occurs most quickly in newborns and infants from 3 months old - it takes from 2 to 14 days.

Their body is too small, so all processes in it occur faster than in an adult. Therefore, the need to administer a tetanus vaccine to infants has long been proven; it helps prevent the development of tetanus bacillus, which may accidentally enter their body.

Whooping cough is another disease that is most dangerous for babies under one year old. The causative agents of this disease are parapertussis bacilli. They enter the human body by airborne droplets through the nasopharynx or oral cavity, then through the trachea they enter the lungs and are attached to the cilia. The function of cilia is to help remove mucus from the respiratory system.

The principle of their operation is simple: as soon as small balls consisting of phlegm, dust and other substances that enter the lungs fall on the cilia, the latter send a signal to the cough center of the brain, which causes the lungs to cough. As a result of coughing, air comes out of the lungs more than during normal exhalation, and carries lumps out.

Important! Even since the introduction of vaccination in 1974, people still die from it every year. a large number of children. More than 60,000 children died from whooping cough in 2013 younger age(up to 5 years).

When parapertussis bacteria attach to the cilia, signals to the cough center begin to arrive constantly. In infants, the lung capacity is too small, so the amount of oxygen taken in is also small.

Since coughing attacks become continuous during whooping cough, the child cannot take a full breath and as a result may die from suffocation.

Diphtheria is another dangerous disease for infants. Since babies are still small, all their organs are also small, including the larynx.

The danger of diphtheria is that films form on the larynx, which in children cover everything hole through which air enters the lungs. Swelling of the throat occurs. As a result, the baby suffocates and dies.

Negative reaction to DTP

Why does DTP vaccination give side effects? It contains toxoids and tetanus, which protect the body from these ailments. But most often kids react negative for killed whooping cough germs, also included in the vaccine. Since all three of these substances are introduced into the baby’s body at the same time, they say that the child has a negative reaction to the DTP vaccine.

The first DTP vaccination is given at 3 months. It is at this age that the baby’s protective power, which he received along with his mother’s milk, weakens. The weakened defenses of the baby’s body are often the main reason why their body responds with a negative reaction to the introduction of foreign dead cells.

When the vaccine is not given

Due to the fact that complications may occur after the administration of this vaccine, there are several categories of children who do not receive DTP at all or temporarily:

  1. There are absolute contraindications - for progressive diseases of the central nervous system, uncontrollable seizures epilepsy, with afebrile convulsions, ongoing long time, with encephalopathy in a progressive stage.
  2. The first group also includes those babies who had strong reaction to primary vaccination at 3 months.
  3. Relative contraindications to this vaccination are: acute diseases or chronic diseases in the acute stage.

There may be side effects after vaccination

After vaccination, children's immunity temporarily decreases. Therefore, for several days after vaccination, you should protect your baby from possible infection even common cold. But before vaccination, young patients must be completely healthy.

If the baby has even a slight increase in temperature, you should take a detailed blood test to find out whether this medicine can be administered or wait until recovery. With the right approach to vaccination Negative consequences in a child after administration of the drug, they are usually not observed.

Types of complications

All complications after DTP administration can be divided into the following categories:

  • local, which occur directly where the injection was made;
  • general – noted general malaise, temperature rises sharply, other changes in general well-being may also occur.

How is DPT revaccination tolerated?

The reaction to the DTP vaccine is individual feature. How long it will last depends on immunity, on strict adherence to the regimen and rules for administering the vaccine.

Yes, y different categories In children, the temperature may rise slightly (up to 37.5⸰С), or with an average reaction to vaccination, the temperature can be about 38.4⸰С, and with a strong reaction, the temperature reaches 39⸰С and higher.

What other reaction could there be to the DTP vaccine? At the injection site a lump often forms. To make it resolve faster, doctors recommend applying a compress to this area. If the lump does not go away within two days, but only gets bigger, you should contact your pediatrician. Also, redness of the skin and slight swelling may occur at the site of vaccine administration. This allergic reaction is the response of blood cells to the introduction of foreign bodies.

Attention! Sometimes parents note that their child’s leg hurts after DTP. Cough can also be a complication after DTP vaccination. But such complications are extremely rare.

How to prepare for vaccination

Parents often ask the pediatrician how to prepare for the DPT vaccination so that the child does not have complications later?

Properly preparing your baby for vaccination is the key to the absence of negative reactions to the administered drugs.

It is DTP or another analogue of this vaccine (for example, Pentaxim) that is the most serious vaccination of all that the baby will have to receive, because complications can most often arise after its administration.

To avoid possible disruptions in the functioning of the central nervous system and kidneys, you should first undergo examination by specialists.

But many parents do not attach importance to such a preliminary examination. special significance, as a result, negative reactions may occur after administration of this drug.

A few days before vaccination, you should not introduce it into your diet, especially one that can cause allergies. And on the day of vaccination, you should give your baby an antipyretic in the morning. 4-5 days after the administration of the DTP drug (if there are no complications), all prescribed drugs are canceled.


There are temporary contraindications to DTP vaccination. A couple of decades ago, such a list was quite large.

There is a schedule of vaccinations for children

But now this vaccine has been improved, so a medical exemption from this vaccination is given only in the following cases:

  • Vaccination should be carried out 30 days after suffering infectious (including viral) diseases.
  • If an exacerbation of a chronic disease occurs, the vaccine is administered only after three months.
  • In case of dysbacteriosis, it is also recommended to postpone vaccination until complete recovery.
  • Premature babies should gain adequate weight before the first vaccination.
  • If the baby's body reacts severely to the first vaccination, subsequent administration of DTP is possible only after complete medical examination baby. Usually revaccination for such children is carried out with a lightweight vaccine(without whooping cough component).
  • But if the first vaccination is tolerated well by the baby, then parents will not have a question about how the DPT revaccination is tolerated.
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    DTP vaccination is most often discussed by parents of children. Hundreds of thousands of mothers and fathers speak out for and against this vaccination on numerous Internet platforms. Some people tell horror stories about how a child with a high fever tolerated vaccination, others say that they did not notice any reaction at all in their child to the administration of a biological drug.

    DTP has its opponents and supporters, and quite often the question is raised whether it is necessary to do DTP at all. On this topic, quite often it is necessary to give a qualified answer to a well-known person in the vastness of Russia and in former countries CIS pediatrician highest category Evgeny Komarovsky.

    What it is

    The DTP vaccination is one of the very first in a child’s life; it is given in early age, and therefore the very fact of this vaccination raises many questions and doubts among parents of infants. The name of the vaccine consists of the first letters of the names of the three most dangerous infectious diseases for children - whooping cough (K), diphtheria (D) and tetanus (C). The letter A in the acronym stands for “adsorbed.” In other words, the vaccine contains the maximum amount active ingredients obtained by adsorption (when a high concentration is achieved from a gas or liquid at the contact surface of two media).

    Thus, the adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine (DTP) is designed to stimulate the baby’s body to produce specific antibodies to the listed infections. The immune system will “get to know” the microbes that cause whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus, and in the future, if such pests enter the body, it will be able to quickly identify, recognize and destroy them.

    Vaccine composition

    DTP includes several types of biological material:

    • Diphtheria toxoid. This biological material, derived from a toxin, but without independent toxic properties. There are 30 units of it in a vaccine dose.
    • Tetanus toxoid. A drug obtained in the laboratory based on a toxin that affects the body during tetanus. It is non-toxic in itself. DTP contains 10 units.
    • Whooping cough germs. These are the real pathogens of whooping cough, only previously killed and inactive. 1 ml of DTP vaccine contains about 20 billion.

    Diphtheria and tetanus toxoids are included in the drug, because what is scary for a child is not so much the causative agents of these ailments, but rather their toxins, which begin to be produced as soon as the microbes are activated in the children's body. Dead pertussis sticks are the most active ingredient drug, it is to this drug that children often have a reaction after vaccination.

    When to do it?

    DTP is included in the National Vaccination Calendar, which implies certain vaccination dates, which Dr. Komarovsky strongly advises against violating. Children do it three times. The first time is when the baby reaches three months of age. Then at 4.5 months and six months. If the first vaccination for some reason did not take place (the child was sick, a quarantine was declared for influenza or ARVI), then they begin to vaccinate him from now on, strictly observing the interval between vaccinations from 30 to 45 days).

    Revaccination should take place one year after the third administration. If the baby goes according to schedule, then at one and a half years, but if he received the first vaccination later than the due date, then 12 months after the third vaccination.

    The child will have to face DPT at the age of seven, and then at the age of 14, these will be one-time booster vaccinations necessary to ensure that the level of antibodies to tetanus and diphtheria is maintained at the proper level.

    Children who are already 4 years old, as well as older children, if necessary, are given an ADS vaccine that is devoid of killed pertussis germs. Children who have already had whooping cough will be vaccinated with the same vaccine.

    How to do?

    DTP can be combined with other vaccinations prescribed for the baby according to the National Calendar. However, simultaneous administration with BCG is not allowed (this vaccination must be done separately).

    For children, DTP is injected intramuscularly into the thigh, for older children - into the shoulder. Until the age of 4 years, a child must receive 4 vaccinations.

    Komarovsky about DPT

    Evgeny Komarovsky advises worried and doubtful parents to carefully read the issue, and advises those who are against vaccination in general to reconsider their views. Because DPT, according to the doctor, is a highly effective way to protect the baby from diseases dangerous to his health and the only reasonable choice for mothers and fathers.

    In this video episode, Dr. Komarovsky will tell us everything he thinks about the need for DTP vaccination

    Like any prevention, vaccination with adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine requires certain preparation and parental readiness to possible problems. However, they are completely surmountable, Komarovsky emphasizes, if you follow a certain algorithm of actions.

    Taking the drug into account

    First of all, parents should be aware of which manufacturer’s vaccine their child will be vaccinated with. Today there are many such drugs, they have their pros and cons, but there are no frankly bad vaccines on the pharmaceutical market at the moment. Parents are in no way able to influence the choice of vaccine, since the drug is delivered centrally to clinics. DTP vaccination, which is given free of charge.

    Now let’s listen to Dr. Komarovsky on the topic of complications after vaccinations

    However, mothers and fathers can go the other way and ask the pediatrician to vaccinate the baby with Tetracok and Infanrix; these drugs are expensive, and such vaccination is done exclusively at the expense of the parents. Komarovsky, based on personal experience, claims that there are many children who get whooping cough after a timely DTP. However, in his practice, there were only isolated cases of this disease in children vaccinated with Infanrix or Tetrakok.

    The reaction to Tetrakok is sometimes stronger than after DPT. Infanrix is ​​much better tolerated by most children. Komarovsky does not exclude the use of Pentaxim; additional biological products against polio have been introduced into the composition of this vaccine.

    Baby's health status

    At the time of vaccination, the child must be completely healthy. It is for this reason that the baby is always examined by a pediatrician before the injection. But the doctor sees your child less often and less than the parents, and therefore careful observations of the child’s condition by mom and dad will help the doctor decide whether the right time has come to administer the vaccine.

    And here is the actual video where Dr. Komarovsky will tell you when you can’t get vaccinated

    You cannot vaccinate with DPT if your child has signs of acute respiratory viral infection, runny nose, cough, or has an elevated body temperature. If the baby has previously had seizures that are in no way related to high fever, the vaccine cannot be given. If the previous procedure caused a severe allergic reaction in the toddler, high temperature(over 40.0), from vaccination DTP Komarovsky also advises abstaining. With great caution, the doctor should decide to vaccinate the baby, in medical card which contains indications of the presence of serious immune diseases.

    If the baby has had a runny nose for a long time, but the appetite is excellent and there are no other symptoms of the disease, Komarovsky is sure that rhinitis in this case will not be a contraindication for vaccination.

    If the time has come to get a vaccine injection, and the child is teething with all his might, and his condition is far from perfect, he can be vaccinated. There is only one limitation - high temperature. In this case, the procedure is postponed for some time until the baby’s condition becomes stable. If there is no fever, then AFSD will not harm the baby, who is soon planning to get his first teeth.


      Evgeniy Komarovsky emphasizes that it is the parents who should assess the baby’s condition in the first place, and if doubts arise, be sure to tell the doctor about them at the next appointment.

      It is advisable to do general analysis blood a few days before the expected date of vaccination. The results of such a study will help the pediatrician understand whether everything is okay with the baby.

      Komarovsky advises children with allergic dermatitis to do DPT only after no new skin rashes have appeared for 21 days. First, a child prone to severe allergies can be given an antihistamine, the name of which exact dosage should be prescribed by a pediatrician. Self-dealing in this matter is unforgivable. However, Evgeniy Olegovich advises not to take Suprastin and Tavegil, since these medications “dry” the mucous membranes, and this is fraught with complications after an injection on the respiratory tract.

      Monitor your child's bowel movements. The day before the vaccination, on the day and the next day, the baby should walk large so that the intestines are not overloaded. This helps the baby to survive DPT more easily. If there was no stool, you can do an enema the day before going to the clinic or give the child age-appropriate laxatives.

      It will be better if the mother reduces the amount of food during these three days, reduces its calorie content and does not overfeed the child. For bottle-fed infants, Komarovsky recommends diluting the dry formula in a concentration lower than that stated by the manufacturer, and advises those who are breastfed to suck less milk, giving warm milk as a “supplementary feeding.” drinking water. According to Komarovsky’s observations, vaccination is tolerated more easily by those who breastfeed rather than formula-fed. Before the injection, it is better not to feed the child for 2 hours.

      Vitamin D, if the baby takes it additionally, should be stopped 3-4 days before the expected vaccination. After vaccination, you need to wait at least five days to start taking the vitamin again.

      Do not dress your child too warmly before the clinic. A vaccine is more likely to harm a sweaty baby with a lack of fluid in the body than a baby dressed for the season and weather.

    Now let’s listen to Dr. Komarovsky on the topic of how to prepare for vaccinations.

    • If after vaccination with DTP a child has a severe reaction, you should not blame the manufacturers of the drug or the attending pediatrician for this. According to Komarovsky, the matter is solely in the state of health of the baby at the current moment in time.
    • You can try to reduce the risk of a reaction to vaccination by carefully choosing the drug. “Infanrix” and “Tetrakok” are sold in Russia, however, Evgeniy Olegovich categorically advises parents not to buy them in online pharmacies. After all, there is no guarantee that the vaccine, the cost of which is from 5 thousand rubles per dose and more, was stored correctly and did not violate these rules during transportation and during delivery to the buyer.
    • To make it easier for a child to tolerate the DTP vaccine, and at the same time all other vaccinations, Komarovsky strongly recommends taking proper care of him, especially during periods of his illness from viral infections. Do not give your baby suppressant pills. immune defense crumbs, but to provide conditions under which the child will develop strong immunity, allowing him to easily cope with both diseases and the consequences of vaccination.
    • Proper care includes adequate exposure to fresh air, balanced nutrition, rich in vitamins and microelements, the baby does not need to be overfed, overwrapped, and fed with or without reason different medications, says Komarovsky. The normal lifestyle of a baby is main secret successful vaccination.
    • If a reaction to DPT appears (high temperature, lethargy, loss of appetite), you need to prepare medications at home in advance to normalize the water-salt balance (“Regidron”) and antipyretics “Ibuprofen” and “Paracetamol”.
    • Komarovsky recommends spending the half hour that the doctor asks you to spend in the corridor of the clinic after the vaccination in the fresh air near the medical facility, so it will be easier for the baby to endure the “immune training.”

    • Doctor Komarovsky
    • Description


    At the age of 3 months, the child is first vaccinated, which is designed to develop immunity against diseases such as whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, plus modern vaccines contain an anti-polio agent. Vaccination in one case out of three causes noticeable side effects - the body’s reaction to the infection introduced in a weakened form.

    Normal reaction to DTP in a child

    In most cases, the reaction to DTP in children is insignificant and can be expressed in redness or hardening of the injection site, the appearance low temperature, sometimes in the form of a cough or stomach upset. Such a response from the body is considered normal, because it indicates that the immune system has responded to the vaccine and is producing antibodies to it. The situation when there is a response to the vaccine is better than when the body does not respond to the infection with even the slightest discomfort.

    Before vaccination you need to follow certain rules:

    1. Donate blood, urine and feces of the child for general clinical analysis to identify possibly hidden processes in the body.
    2. To carry out the procedure, it is important that the child is healthy - this will ensure an adequate response to the DTP vaccination against immune system. If the child has chronic diseases, the vaccine is given during a period when there is no exacerbation of the disease.
    3. Immediately before the injection, the doctor must examine the child: listen to the heart, lungs, and take the temperature. If the doctor has doubts about the health of the baby, then vaccination cannot be done.
    4. If your baby has allergic reactions, you need to drink it a couple of days before antihistamines.
    5. One hour before and one hour after the procedure better than a child don't feed.
    6. You should not skip revaccination if it is scheduled. Before the procedure, carefully read the documents for the vaccine that is going to be administered to your baby.

    Low temperature

    A reaction such as fever from DTP vaccination is the most common and natural response of the immune system to the administered drug. Why is the temperature rising? When immune bodies begin to fight foreign agents, the temperature naturally rises. At high activity immunity, the temperature can rise above 38 degrees, and this indicator will be normal. Only when hyperthermia reaches 38.5 should you take an antipyretic. Main signs: the child becomes restless, capricious, and may have difficulty sleeping.


    If the DPT vaccination site turns red, then this response to the vaccine is quite normal. The fact is that tissue swelling begins at the puncture site; often the injection site can thicken and measure up to 8 cm. Within a week, the symptom should disappear. If the injection site hurts, nerve cells inform the brain about the presence of edema, sometimes inflammation. If the swelling persists for more than a week or becomes large, bothersome and painful, you need to consult a doctor.


    The reaction to DPT vaccination in children does not involve coughing. This symptom indicates that an infection has entered the body either within a couple of days or after vaccination. If a cough appears, accompanied by fever and sneezing, these are signs of the development of ARVI or another infection. You need to immediately contact your pediatrician and inform him that your baby has been vaccinated. The child’s immune system is weakened, so medical care and medical supervision are extremely important.


    The vaccine should be easily tolerated with normal immunity. However, there are also non-standard reactions to the injection. Abnormal symptoms of the vaccine include vomiting, diarrhea and rash. These symptoms appear when an allergic reaction to the components of the product occurs. The rash goes away on its own, diarrhea and vomiting are treated symptomatically. Itching is relieved locally with compresses and lotions. However, if the condition worsens, anaphylactic shock is possible. If the baby's condition does not improve, call a doctor.

    Reaction to tetanus vaccine in adults

    Routine revaccination against tetanus for adults is carried out every 10 years after the last scheduled vaccination. The reaction to DTP vaccination in children and from tetanus in adults is practically no different. Can appear:

    • general malaise and at the same time problems with sleep;
    • allergies in the form of a rash on the body;
    • temperature increase;
    • intestinal disorder;
    • redness and pain at the injection site;
    • swelling of the injection site, a lump may form.

    A neurological reaction to the vaccine in the form of seizures can be dangerous, but they also stop after a couple of weeks. Rhinitis, pharyngitis and symptoms similar to the development of ARVI often appear. Acute manifestations Paroxysmal cough is typical after a tetanus injection. Symptoms caused by the vaccine should subside within a couple of days. If painful condition lasts a week or more, then the symptoms are not related to the administered vaccine.

    Dangerous complications after DTP vaccination

    Before talking about complications as a reaction to the DTP vaccine, notes Dr. Komarovsky, you need to remember that they occur tens of thousands of times less often than after suffering from polio, tetanus or whooping cough. The danger for a baby who is not vaccinated is extremely great. Unfortunately, there are no ways to prevent or in any way reduce the risk of consequences. To at least slightly reduce the risk of consequences, you can use newer vaccines, such as Infanrix, Tetraxim.

    Why is DPT vaccination dangerous?

    Risk is possible after any vaccine; no one knows how the baby’s body will react. After weighing the pros and cons, parents decide to administer the vaccine or refuse it. Complications from illnesses such as whooping cough, diphtheria, polio and tetanus are more frightening than possible extremely rare complications after vaccination. Problems such as pyelonephritis, dermatitis, loss of consciousness, pneumonia, convulsions, and, extremely rarely, paralysis of a limb occur. It is important to know that children vaccinated against dangerous diseases live vaccine are carriers of the disease in the first week.

    In what cases do they call the ambulance?

    A doctor is called if there is a response from the body that the parents cannot cope with, or if the condition does not improve within a week. You should go to the emergency room if your baby has:

    • temperature is more than 39 (and does not go down);
    • signs of anaphylactic shock;
    • numbness or cramps of the limbs;
    • vomiting or diarrhea that does not stop;
    • severe swelling of the face;
    • loss of consciousness.

    Video: reaction after DTP vaccination

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    DTP vaccination has always caused the greatest concern among mothers. Complex in its essence, it is difficult to tolerate even completely healthy people. The most allergenic of all vaccines is the DPT vaccination - side effects from its administration can lead to severe health problems, disability and even death of the child.

    Why is this vaccine so “heavy”?

    The most “heavy” component of this vaccine is the pertussis component from killed pathogens and their processed toxins. In its pure form, the toxins secreted by the pertussis bacillus negatively affect the nervous system, causing spasms of blood vessels, increased blood pressure, seizures, as well as hypersensitivity to neurotransmitter chemicals responsible for transmitting impulses in the brain, which leads to anaphylactic shock. Therefore, after vaccination, the child must be monitored for the first 30 minutes in the clinic, and vaccination rooms, according to the rules, must be supplied with anti-shock therapy drugs. It is thanks to the presence of whooping cough toxins in the DTP vaccine that the child’s body produces antibodies that recognize this infection.

    It should be added that the notorious DTP vaccine is not applicable to some age categories of people: side effects in children over 4 years of age can cause serious complications, so at this age a vaccine without pertussis serum is used. And children over 7 years old, adults and those whose DTP vaccination leads to significant negative consequences are administered a half dose of toxins and bacteria in the form of the ADSM vaccine.

    Anti-tetanus serum is also dangerous, as it significantly increases the sensitivity of the body and affects the nervous system. It also causes the largest number of allergic reactions among children. Moreover, sensitization of the body “accumulates” with the number of vaccines administered, and if the first two vaccinations at 3 and 4 months in an infant can pass without consequences, the third vaccination at 6 months can cause complications. Almost every child, after receiving the vaccine, experiences either an increase in temperature or, at a minimum, unusual behavior.

    Mercury merthiolate, contained in the complex vaccine as a preservative and aseptic, is characterized by a maximum harmless dosage of 35 mcg/liter of blood. The amount of this toxic compound in one dose of DTP is 60 mcg (data from the instructions for the drug), which is, in principle, safe for an adult. But for infant this concentration is still high, merthiolate is eliminated from the body within a month, and countries such as the USA and the countries of the European Union have long abandoned its use in manufactured vaccines.

    The age at which the first DTP vaccination is given to children coincides with the natural weakening of the child’s immunity. By about three months, the child’s body’s resistance, which was previously supported by the mother’s antibodies coming from breast milk. The complex administration of several vaccines in one vial also leads to the undesirable effect of antigenic competition, when different components of the vaccine suppress each other's response production of antibodies in the body. A short period of time between several different vaccinations can give an accumulated effect in terms of complications. Moreover, according to some researchers, almost a third of children, a year after the “completed” DTP vaccination, completely lose immunity to diphtheria, and 10% of children do not develop it at all. DTP vaccination is contraindicated for children with a history of allergies - the consequences can lead to anaphylactic shock.

    DTP vaccination: side effects in children

    DTP vaccination is considered one of the most reactogenic in immunology - the consequences in children after vaccination are traditionally divided into two types: those considered to be a normal vaccine reaction of the body to the administration of the drug and pathological.

    Uncomplicated DPT vaccination - side effects in infants:

    1. Redness, swelling of the tissue up to 8 cm and pain in the place where the injection was given. Hives, skin rash It is a fairly common allergic reaction on a baby’s body after vaccination, so before vaccination, pediatricians strongly advise giving the child antihistamines (most often Fenistil).
    2. Temperature rises to 38-39 degrees; excessive irritability or drowsiness, tearfulness associated with disturbances in brain activity; loss of appetite, and in some cases - vomiting and diarrhea.

    The pathological manifestations that DTP vaccination gives are consequences that are direct indications for refusing vaccinations:

    1. An increase in temperature up to 40 degrees, which can cause convulsions.
    2. Convulsions, collapse (a sharp drop in pressure and a critical deterioration in the body’s blood supply), shock.
    3. Severe allergic reactions requiring resuscitation measures:
      • Quincke's edema, as a result of which the baby may suffocate;
      • inflammation of the mucous membranes, formation of erosions on the skin and mucous membranes followed by ischemia;
      • toxic-allergic damage to the heart, liver, kidneys;
      • inflammation of the lymph nodes and joints.

      Ideally, to avoid such consequences, a child should undergo allergy tests before receiving DPT vaccination.

    4. CNS lesions:
      • Encephalopathy, manifested in prolonged crying of the child, memory loss, headache, fatigue and irritability, absent-mindedness, bad sleep or daytime sleepiness, general weakness and impairment of higher brain functions.
      • Encephalitis is an inflammation of the brain, most often manifested after the first vaccination and accompanied by high fever, vomiting, convulsions and loss of consciousness, as well as further development epilepsy.
      • Brain hemorrhages and swelling
    5. Sudden death of a child.

    Side effects can normally develop during the first two days, as indicated in the annotation for the vaccine. Vaccine manufacturers believe that the immediate manifestations of complications can be seen within the first 24-48 hours, and later negative phenomena arise due to other diseases that are in no way related to the vaccine. This opinion is also shared by the famous popularizer of pediatrics E.O. Komarovsky. However, if we turn to classical sources and official educational literature in immunology, you can see a completely different picture - post-vaccination consequences can develop a month after vaccination, including severe lesions nervous system and SIDS (syndrome sudden death The child has).

    In practice, in regional and municipal children's hospitals, medical workers never voluntarily admit the presence of serious complications in a baby after DTP vaccination, as this entails a thorough investigation and punishment of officials. It is very difficult for parents of such children injured by vaccines to prove their case because they do not have the appropriate medical knowledge, and even medical workers cannot competently differentiate post-vaccination complications from other childhood diseases.

    Investigation of vaccine complications is regulated methodological instructions MU 3.3.1879-04, approved in 2004 by the Chief Sanitary Doctor of Russia G.G. Onishchenko.

    DTP vaccination: contraindications

    Medical specialists also have an ambiguous attitude towards the issue of contraindications for DTP. Previously, the Ministry of Health approved a broader list of consequences that serve as the basis for medical withdrawal from DTP vaccination; it also included the shrill, incessant crying of the baby, indicating damage to the central nervous system. This item has now been removed from the list. Contraindications officially stated in the annotation for the drug are:

    1. Serious complications from a previous DTP vaccine, including high fever (up to 40 degrees).
    2. Progressive neurological diseases, including seizures.
    3. Recently transferred acute diseases. Vaccination is allowed after at least a month after complete recovery.
    4. Acute respiratory infections, including the period of illness and 2 weeks after recovery.
    5. Chronic diseases until stable remission is achieved within a month.
    6. Developmental delay for children born weighing less than 2 kg.

    Controversial issues include determining the advisability of vaccination for children with disorders in the development of the nervous system, as well as those with acquired or congenital chronic diseases. Perinatal encephalopathy is not officially a contraindication for vaccination. However, it is possible to fully assess the damage to the child’s health received during intrauterine development much later. At an early age, such pathologies in infants are difficult to identify, and stable remission for some chronic diseases is a period of much more than one month.

    DTP statistics - consequences in children after vaccination

    Currently, the World Health Organization (WHO) does not provide statistics on reported cases of pathological side effects after DPT vaccination. But the following information can be gleaned from earlier sources. According to WHO in 2001, the following statistics were officially documented:

    1. High-pitched screaming and crying for more than 3 hours - from 1 case in 15 vaccinations to one case in a thousand vaccinated children.
    2. Seizures - from 1 case in 1,750 vaccinated children to 1 case in 12,500 vaccinated children.
    3. Anaphylactic shock - up to 1 case per 50,000 vaccinated people.
    4. Encephalopathy is one in a million cases.

    In Soviet times, even more depressing statistics on DTP vaccination were noted:

    1. Local allergic reactions - 20% of vaccinated people.
    2. General post-vaccination reactions - 30% in vaccinated people.
    3. Dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, vomiting and diarrhea - 1%.
    4. Lesions of the nervous system - 1 case in 60,000.

    As can be seen, even for official statistics the level of negative consequences for the central nervous system is quite high. As for the real picture, according to some estimates, the number of side effects is many times greater. This is due to a “natural” desire medical workers to hush up the inconvenient facts of post-vaccination complications, as well as the phenomenon of delayed side effects.

    DPT vaccination: consequences, reviews of complications

    If previously only doctors knew about post-vaccination complications, then with the development of the Internet, public awareness has increased, and parents have become more attentive and serious about vaccination. Many mothers leave their subjective reviews about the consequences of DTP vaccination on forums, sharing their bitter experience of dealing with complications in a child and with the conservatism and bureaucracy of the medical system.

    The main responsibility for the presence of contraindications for DTP vaccination should fall on pediatricians assessing general state child, and on neurologists who are aware of the level of risk of this vaccine for the baby’s nervous system. In practice, it turns out that doctors abdicate their responsibility by inviting parents to sign consent to undergo vaccination, without actually informing them in any way about possible complications. Very often, local pediatricians ignore the child’s painful condition and send him for vaccination. In addition, each medical exemption given by one of these doctors is considered at the local level by a special commission, and management and average medical staff are interested in the widest possible vaccination coverage of the child population, which is directly imposed on them from above at the state level.

    The benefits of vaccination against the most serious diseases of mankind cannot be disputed, but until an individual pre-vaccination approach with thorough examinations, extensive tests and allergy tests appears, the risk of complications from DTP vaccination and other types of vaccines will remain at a high level.

    Vaccination of babies begins immediately after their birth. During its first year of life, the baby receives long list vaccinations that can create resistance in his body to the most dangerous diseases of infectious origin. Vaccines provoke a number of side effects, as they are often poorly tolerated by the baby and affect his health. Among the difficult-to-tolerate vaccinations is DPT, which is designed to protect the baby from whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus. So, what complications occur after DTP vaccination? How to avoid unwanted effects after the vaccine?

    Why do babies often react to DTP?

    What is the reason for such a frequent reaction of children to DTP? , diphtheria pathology and tetanus are indeed particularly allergenic. It is after DTP that mothers most often complain about the deterioration of their babies’ condition associated with the vaccine. What is the reason for this phenomenon?

    As you know, the vaccine contains three main components:

    • tetanus toxoid;
    • diphtheria toxoid;
    • killed whooping cough pathogens.

    The pertussis component of DTP is the most reactogenic in the vaccine, and it is it that provokes the occurrence of numerous side effects of vaccination. The first DTP vaccine is administered at the age of three months. By this time, the child almost completely loses the natural protection received from the mother and can rely solely on own strength. After vaccination, a number of complex immune processes occur in the baby’s body, which in most cases clinical cases lead to the formation of undesirable reactions. Often, a child’s immune system reacts violently to contact with foreign DTP material, which in practice is manifested by various reactions of the body to the administration of the vaccine.

    The allergenicity of the DTP suspension is associated exclusively with the pertussis component of the DTP. It is this part of the vaccination that triggers complex mechanisms response to the entry into the blood of particles atypical for its composition. Considering this fact, some modern manufacturers exclude pertussis agents from their solutions, which makes them safer and practically harmless.

    When is DTP not given?

    To do or not to do DTP? The reason for vaccination may be absolute and relative contraindications to DTP vaccination. Absolute contraindications are determined by the presence of a number of pathologies in the child that are poorly combined with immunization. Such diseases include:

    • severe reactions to a previous DPT vaccination;
    • immunodeficiency pathologies;
    • progressive pathologies of the central nervous system associated with intrauterine damage to cerebral tissue or birth trauma;
    • epilepsy in a child that is uncontrollable;
    • frequent seizures not associated with;
    • progressive encephalopathy in infants.

    Relative restrictions on DTP vaccination are characterized by their temporary nature, since when they are diagnosed, doctors recommend delaying the administration of the vaccine for several days until the level of health is completely normalized:

    • the presence of symptoms of acute viral or bacterial infection in children;
    • exacerbation of chronic ailments;
    • elevated temperature of unknown origin;
    • intestinal diseases.

    According to studies, vaccination is tolerated normally if the child feels absolutely healthy after vaccination. Such a patient must have no symptoms of any disease, be determined normal temperature body, check in good mood before vaccination and unimpaired appetite. But if a child has a fever on the eve of vaccination, it is imperative to inform the doctor about this. Such manifestations indicate the development viral infection in babies and are considered a contraindication for vaccination. To avoid the problem of post-injection complications, doctors examine the child before vaccination and evaluate the results of his blood test.

    The most common complications in a child after DTP

    Complications can be local and general. Local effects occur directly at the injection site, and general effects appear elevated temperature, poor health, malaise, and the like. The severity of complications depends on several factors:

    • immune capabilities of the child’s body;
    • compliance with all rules for administering the vaccine;
    • vaccine quality.

    Most often, in response to DTP vaccination, the body reacts with an increase in temperature. A weak reaction is diagnosed if the child’s temperature does not exceed 37.5 0 C, that is, low-grade fever predominates. The average reaction is characterized by hyperthermia up to 38.5 0 C, and its complex degree occurs against the background of fever, when the temperature goes beyond 38.5-39 0 C or more. Usually the reaction lasts no more than two days. Prolonged fever may be a manifestation allergic reaction or viral infection, so it’s better to play it safe and call a pediatrician to see the patient.

    An ambulance should be called if a child experiences the following types of post-vaccination reactions:

    • appearance obvious signs severe allergies with attacks of shortness of breath, blue discoloration of the skin of the face and limbs, a generalized rash over the body;
    • fever over 39 0 C, which cannot be stopped with medications;
    • feelings of numbness or convulsive signals in the leg;
    • constant vomiting and severe diarrhea from vaccination;
    • swelling reaction in the facial area;
    • episodes of loss of consciousness or confusion.

    What local reactions occur after DPT vaccination?

    There are several varieties local reactions, among which:

    • allergic reaction of the body to the vaccine;
    • the appearance of a compaction at the site of DTP injection;
    • the appearance of a subcutaneous infiltrate or abscess as a result of DTP vaccination.

    Allergy symptoms are often observed in the area where the drug was injected. Pathological changes manifested by local edema skin, the occurrence of hyperemia in the affected area and itchy sensations. Signs of allergy are the body’s immune reaction to foreign DTP agents entering it. It requires medication correction, so after identifying such symptoms, the child should be shown to a doctor.

    Compaction after grafting is one of the frequent complications DTP immunization. As a rule, it reaches 10-15 mm in diameter, rises slightly above the skin level and is easily palpated with light pressure. The complication does not last long, no more than three days. If it does not go away after the specified period, then it makes sense to notify the pediatrician about its appearance.

    Often, a drug that gets under the skin potentiates the formation of a tense lump. This formation is an infiltrate resulting from a tissue reaction to the vaccine. Over time, if the child is not given proper assistance, the infiltrate can transform into an abscess (a purulent formation with signs of general intoxication). This serious complication is accompanied by fever, pain at the injection site and lethargy. It requires medical supervision and antibacterial therapy, and in very advanced cases, surgical drainage of the inflamed lump.

    General reactions to the DPT vaccine

    DTP vaccination is often complicated by common side effects, which are of a wide variety of nature. If an immunized baby loses interest in games and others or behaves restlessly, eats and sleeps poorly, and also starts to have a fever, then it is customary to talk about intoxication caused by the DTP vaccine. To help the child cope with the complication, antipyretic drugs are used.

    The result of violation of vaccine administration algorithms is the development of leg pain and lameness in a child. This is possible if the drug does not enter muscle tissue, and into the nerve structures, causing weakening lower limb on the impact side.

    Side effects from the central nervous system after vaccination include:

    • lethargy and apathy;
    • monotonous crying;
    • causeless irritability and anxiety;
    • convulsions.

    Convulsions after vaccination are short-lived. They are combined with fainting and occur a couple of days after vaccination. The symptom is a manifestation of temporary cerebral edema, as a specific reaction to the penetration of the components of the DTP drug into the body. Rarely DTP vaccine stimulates the development of post-vaccination encephalitis. This disease is characterized by a variety clinical picture and without intervention from medical personnel leads to death within a few days after its development.

    DTP vaccination can cause a general immune response. In a child, it takes the form of anaphylaxis or angioedema, so it develops at lightning speed, a couple of minutes after vaccination.

    Features of treatment of a child with consequences of DTP immunoprophylaxis

    The child's parents should be made aware of the possible side effects of immunization. In addition, they must know what can be done to alleviate the baby’s condition if signs of a complicated process appear. Algorithm of actions for pre-medical stage entered into the table.

    Reaction type Steps to help manage vaccine side effects


    The child can be given antipyretics to quickly normalize the temperature, and if there is no effect, go to the clinic


    Reception shown antihistamines in dosages that correspond to the age of the child. This allows you to eliminate all manifestations of hypersensitivity a couple of days after vaccination.
    Effect on nerve fibers Immediate contact with a neurologist to determine the degree of complexity of the post-vaccination process and the role of DTP vaccination in its development.
    Compaction and infiltration of tissue at the injection site For a lump and lump small size You can apply a compress, give an antibiotic or an anti-inflammatory drug. If the child’s education worsens, it is necessary to show him to a specialist.

    How to avoid the consequences of DTP vaccination?

    How is the prevention of post-vaccination conditions associated with DTP immunization carried out? DTP vaccination is a difficult test not only for the child, but also for his close circle. The administration of a solution for whooping cough, associated with tetanus toxoids, as well as diphtheria, causes one or another reaction in every second person, whose parents have to make a lot of effort to eliminate it. You should not guess whether your child will respond to the vaccine after vaccination. It is better to take simple measures to prevent the occurrence of any post-injection symptoms. consequences of DTP, .

    Regardless of what drug will be administered to the child, the patient must be examined before the procedure. The most acceptable option in this case is medical checkup before vaccination with the donation of peripheral blood and urine. If your baby has ever had neurological changes after vaccination, you need to show him to a neurologist.

    What can affect the reaction? Doctors advise adults to follow simple recommendations to minimize the risks of developing DTP side effects:

    • ensure complete psycho-emotional calm for the child on the day of the injection, protect him from anxiety and stress;
    • make sure that on the eve of the procedure, the small patient does not have contact with children with clinical signs infections;
    • if the previous DPT vaccination had negative consequences, you should ask what drug it can be replaced with;
    • For a couple of days after the injection, you should not visit crowded places with your child, where infections spread very quickly;
    • During the day you cannot completely or wet the affected area;
    • allowed to walk in the fresh air on the same day;
    • In the post-injection period, you should not introduce new foods into your diet. food products, since any of them may be an allergen for the baby;
    • For children prone to allergies, it is better to immediately give antihistamines without waiting for a possible reaction.

    After vaccination, it is recommended to remain indoors for some time. medical institution so that doctors have the opportunity to monitor the vaccinated patient. Half an hour is enough to evaluate it. Also, do not immediately exit treatment room, expose a child physical activity. The best option- ensuring peace and a calm walk with him in the park.

    Analogues of DTP vaccination

    Pentaximpertussis, and tetanus. Multicomponents make it possible to reduce the number of injections and eliminate the need for additional administration of anti-polio solution. French manufacturer assures that Pentaxim can be administered together with other vaccines, for example, and the like. There shouldn't be any reaction. Despite its multicomponent nature, the vaccine is well tolerated, therefore even allergy sufferers are allowed to take it. The effectiveness of immunization is at least 98%.

    The cell-free immune suspension Infanrix and Infanrix IPV is an absolutely safe solution that has been used in world practice for more than ten years and during this time has proven itself exclusively in positive side. Unlike DPT, this vaccine liquid is not allergenic, and therefore the vaccine can be safely used in children with a tendency to allergic diseases and other reactions. It is allowed to take the vaccine with other immune injections without fear of consequences. The Belgian manufacturer is responsible for the quality of the product produced and assures that the effectiveness of such vaccination is at least 89%.

    Unfortunately, imported solutions are not administered free of charge in state clinics. A relative must purchase a harmless vaccine from pharmacy chain for your own money. In our country, only DTP is administered without payment, although this is fraught with complicated reactions.