
Recovery after childbirth: everything you need to know. Recovery after childbirth: how the process occurs and how to speed it up How long does postpartum recovery last?

Without exception, all systems and organs that “participated” in gestation require some time to recover. What happens in a woman’s body after childbirth, and what precautions should young mothers take?

While developing in the mother's womb, the fetus has changed the position of many internal organs, and now they need to return to their previous mode of operation. Obstetricians- gynecologists The postpartum period is the time during which the involution (reverse development) of organs and systems that have undergone changes due to childbirth and pregnancy ends.

This period usually lasts 6-8 weeks. The functions of almost all organs are gradually restored during this time, with the exception of the functions of the mammary glands and the hormonal system, which still have to “work” in a modified mode throughout the entire period of lactation.

Condition of the uterus after childbirth

Immediately after the placenta is separated, the uterus contracts significantly and takes on a spherical shape. After birth, the uterus already weighs approximately 1 kg, a week later - 500 g, and by the end of the postpartum period it regains its previous (prenatal) weight and size - about 50 g.

These changes never go unnoticed by a woman: the new mother feels aching pain in the lower abdomen, especially during feeding. This is due, first of all, to the fact that when a child suckles at his mother's breast, she releases the hormone oxytocin, which has a contractile effect on her uterus.

After the first birth, the cervix itself will no longer have a conical, but a cylindrical shape. In principle, these changes do not affect the woman’s health at all, and only your doctor can notice them.

To speed up the process, uterine contractions can be prescribed intramuscular injections oxytocin. For ardent opponents of medicinal effects on the body of a nursing mother, a simple uterine massage can be offered: with a relaxed stomach, lying on your back, having felt the fundus of the uterus (the fundus of the uterus is the uppermost part of it, located immediately after birth just below the navel), begin to carefully “move” it upward from the periphery to the center. This should be done very gently! Your uterus has worked very hard and now deserves special, delicate treatment!

Periods after childbirth

In the postpartum period, bloody discharge from the genital tract occurs, which is called lochia. They are much more abundant than normal periods and have a specific (rot) smell. Lochia changes its character, becomes more and more transparent over time, and by the sixth week of the postpartum period has the same appearance as the discharge before pregnancy.

In the first six weeks, while the cervix and the uterus itself have not yet contracted, they can penetrate the uterus pathogens Therefore, the hygiene of the external genitalia should be strictly observed. For of this period special postpartum pads are ideal, having a size that meets all the needs of postpartum discharge. Regardless of how full they are, the pads need to be changed every 2 hours.

Restoration of the female body after childbirth /

The restoration of menstrual function in mothers who have given up breastfeeding occurs after about a month and a half, and in lactating women - after 6 months. But the figures given are statistical averages. Of course, every woman’s body is individual, so changes in the timing of the first arrival after childbirth menses quite acceptable.

Gradually, periods become regular and less painful again, as many mothers claim. This fact associated with normalization metabolic processes in the hypothalamus - an endocrine gland located in the brain. Childbirth is always stressful, but not all stressful situations are harmful to the human body. And childbirth is the most obvious example of this. If they proceed normally, without possible complications, metabolism is restored in the hypothalamus, which reduces susceptibility to pain.

Condition of the vagina after childbirth

The volume of the vagina gradually decreases. Despite the fact that the vagina does not exactly return to its prenatal state, due to the restoration of muscle tone, after six to eight weeks the vaginal lumen becomes as close as possible to the prenatal state.

Restoration of the female body after childbirth /

WITH sexual relations After pregnancy, doctors recommend waiting 1.5-2 months. This is exactly how long it takes to restore the female reproductive system. But if during childbirth there were injuries to the cervix, perineum and vagina, the period of abstinence is determined individually.

Regardless of the timing of menstruation, breastfeeding women release an egg from the ovary ( ovulation ) - and therefore fertilization - is quite likely even in the first months of motherhood. Be especially vigilant! Contraception, which is based on the timing of physiological amenorrhea, that is, calculated on the fact that in the absence of menstruation during breastfeeding, pregnancy will not occur, is possible only if the following conditions are met:

  • if the child’s age does not exceed 6 months;
  • feeding carried out upon request;
  • there are obligatory morning feedings (from three to eight o’clock in the morning);
  • lack of complementary feeding, supplementary feeding, and supplementing the child with water.

If these conditions are not met, then at the time of resumption of sexual activity, in order to avoid unwanted pregnancy, you must use contraception. For example, spermicides, condoms, oral contraceptives for nursing mothers, etc. Together with your doctor, choose a method of protection against unwanted pregnancy that is acceptable in your case. Remember that your body will be fully ready for the next birth only after two years.

The cardiovascular system

The increased volume of circulating blood returns to its original amount within a week after birth. In some cases, an increase in heart rate is observed.

Restoration of the female body after childbirth /

Since there is bleeding after childbirth, the blood coagulation system is actively working. In the first 2 weeks, the number of hemostatic bodies (platelets) increases.

Doctors closely monitor the condition of the postpartum woman during this period, especially if the woman has undergone a cesarean section, in order to prevent thromboembolism - a complication caused by the formation of blood clots, during which the lumen of the blood vessels closes.


In the first days after childbirth, a woman may practically not feel the urge to urinate, since the tone Bladder reduced. This bladder condition can be aggravated by prolonged labor.

A woman should go to the toilet every two hours in the first days after giving birth, even if there is no urge to urinate. Otherwise, the bladder will overflow, which, in turn, will prevent normal contraction of the uterus and the discharge of postpartum discharge, and this all contributes to the occurrence of various inflammatory complications.

Hemorrhoids and constipation after childbirth

Constipation is probably the most common problem among new mothers. Their cause may be insufficient contractility of the uterine muscles. In addition, for nine months, the intestinal walls, which were under enormous pressure, expand significantly after childbirth, and now, although not for long, the intestines occupy a much larger volume. And the pelvic floor muscles, tired after childbirth, do not want to work again.

A warm shower that relieves tension, an abdominal massage that tones the intestinal muscles, and a reasonable diet can help cope with constipation. This massage is quite simple. It consists of circular stroking of the abdomen in a clockwise direction. As you exhale, the pressure intensifies, and as you inhale, it weakens. A diet rich in fiber (pumpkin, green apples, prunes, zucchini) will help you cope with constipation.

Another common problem is hemorrhoids. Unfortunately, many women experience prolapse of hemorrhoids after childbirth. During the first week, these nodules shrink, do not require special treatment and do not cause significant discomfort. If hemorrhoids cause pain and discomfort, consult a proctologist. A specialist will help you choose effective way fight against this disease.

Breasts after childbirth

The mammary glands are subject to significant changes after childbirth. Already during pregnancy, a number of changes occur in them that prepare the mammary glands for milk production.

Restoration of the female body after childbirth /

In the first days after birth, only colostrum is released from the nipples - a unique substance that ensures the colonization of the child’s intestines with normal microorganisms and protects little man from harmful bacteria. In addition, it fully satisfies the baby’s nutritional needs.

Colostrum is a substance thicker than milk yellow color. Colostrum contains little liquid, which perfectly protects the newborn’s kidneys from stress, has some laxative properties and helps the baby easily get rid of meconium - the original stool. Colostrum contains a huge amount of immune and nutritional nutrients and is rich in growth factors.

Milk begins to be produced already in the first week after birth - in response to the baby's sucking movements (if he grasps the nipple correctly). Therefore, the main rule in successful breastfeeding Feeding is considered not by the clock, but on demand. With this type of feeding, there is no need to pump. Breastfeeding allows baby and mother to develop a close relationship with each other.

If everything is not going smoothly in organizing your baby’s nutrition, be sure to seek help from a lactation consultant. Now in many Russian cities there are special breastfeeding support centers.

When might you need a doctor?

IN postpartum period There may be situations that require medical intervention. Monitor your own well-being, take your temperature at least in the first week after birth, because almost everything possible complications manifest themselves precisely by increasing temperature.

Carefully monitor the condition of the seams (if, of course, they exist). Presence of blood stains on the bandage, redness of the skin in the seam area, sharp pains- reasons for visiting a doctor.

During pregnancy and childbirth, a woman’s body undergoes complex physiological changes and can withstand significant loads. How quickly is recovery possible after childbirth? Many organs and systems require the longest recovery period. On this path, mother faces dangers and difficulties. Fortunately, nature itself takes care of the speedy return to normal of the female body.

Hormonal levels after pregnancy and childbirth

The hormonal system is entirely responsible for the proper organization and successful course of pregnancy and the birth process. The speed and quality of the recovery period depends on it. It starts the production of colostrum by the mammary glands, and then milk. A complete return to prenatal hormonal levels occurs after the end of feeding. Although, as for general condition: digestion, cardiac activity, it returns to normal levels just three days after the birth of the child.

A woman feels the start of hormones working in this direction literally in the first hours and days after birth, when she puts the baby to her breast. The feeding process is accompanied by sharp cramping pain in the abdomen. This is how oxytocin works. With its help, the uterus contracts and gradually returns to its prenatal size. Sometimes it is very painful. Especially discomfort occur in women who have given birth more than 2 times, which is due to the fact that multiple pregnancies and childbirth stretch the uterus more and require more effort to recover.

Hormonal levels finally return to normal only after breastfeeding is completed.

The first violin in the body of a nursing mother is played by prolactin, which is responsible for the production and quantity of breast milk. He acts as the conductor of the entire hormonal orchestra, allowing some hormones to work and dampening others. For example, progesterone and estrogen are suppressed by prolactin, giving the mother the opportunity to take care of one baby before the possibility of conceiving others. That's why menstrual cycle after childbirth, it does not recover immediately, but gradually, depending on individual characteristics

female body: from one and a half months to a year.

Prolactin is regulated by the frequency of feeding and the needs of the child. Its excess in the first days and several weeks can be called a natural factor, but one that requires increased attention. Excess milk gives a feeling of “stone breasts” and carries the risk of mastopathy. Therefore, you need to be very careful and express excess milk, but only until you feel relief. Excessive pumping can increase milk production and lead to hyperlactation.

But ordinary hormones can also malfunction and cause big and small problems. Indicators and “culprits” of hormonal imbalance in:

  • postpartum period insomnia, difficulty falling asleep, short sleep, frequent awakenings
  • . The appearance of insomnia is provoked by an insufficient amount of progesterone, which is responsible for relaxation. Progesterone deficiency leads to overexcitation;
  • obesity, thinness with a normal diet, nervousness, depressed mood - malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • hair loss, brittle nails, deterioration of the skin also indicate a deficiency of thyroid hormones;
  • lack of sexual desire, decreased intensity of sexual sensations - problems with the sex hormones estrogen and testosterone;
  • a melancholy state that comes from time to time - lack of estrogen;

Postpartum depression is a complex psycho-emotional disorder. Scientists have not yet determined the exact causes of postpartum depression and the role of hormonal imbalance in its occurrence. But the fact that it is present in this violation has already been proven. Recovery hormonal levels Women after childbirth cannot be entirely attributed to physiology. Her lifestyle after the baby is born is of great importance. Nutritious food , rest, calm psycho-emotional state play in postpartum recovery. If a woman does not get enough sleep, starves herself for fear of feeding her baby incorrectly, and does not receive timely support from family and friends, hormonal imbalances are more than likely.

During the postpartum period, a woman really needs her husband’s help in caring for the baby.

Restoration of genital organs

The uterus begins to return to its normal state as soon as the placenta is separated and the baby is born. The shape undergoes the first change - it becomes round again. Then the size and weight gradually decrease: 1 kg after birth turns into 0.5 kg after the first week, and after 6–8 weeks, which is how long the postpartum period lasts, it weighs about 50 g.

It is clear that such rapid changes do not occur painlessly. A woman feels cramping pain during feeding and aching sensations in the lower abdomen during the first period. This is the hormone oxytocin at work. The good news is that oxytocin not only ensures the entire process of uterine contraction, but also produces an analgesic effect. It is he who provokes that state of radiant joy and delight that accompanies the first, most painful postpartum period.

You should know that during the postpartum period the uterus is most defenseless and susceptible to infection. Therefore, you must carefully follow hygiene standards and doctor’s recommendations. For the same reason sex life in the first 8 weeks after natural birth undesirable.

The cervix recovers more slowly than the uterus itself and never becomes the same. Its shape changes from cylindrical to conical and ceases to be so round. It is clear that such changes do not apply to women giving birth after a cesarean section. On women Health the altered shape of the cervix has no effect. If the contraction process is difficult, oxytocin or a special massage is prescribed.

The vagina plays an important role during childbirth. Its elastic muscles make it possible for the child to get out. But time passes, and the volume almost returns to what it was before, although it will no longer be the same as before. However, no big, significant changes are expected.

Caring for sutures after tears and episiotomy

Not all births go smoothly. Sometimes the baby rushes so quickly into the world that the mother’s organs do not have time to prepare and ruptures occur in the cervix, vagina, or even in the external area. It happens that the doctor, seeing the impending danger, performs an episiotomy - an incision in the tissue of the external genitalia.

Tears and incisions after childbirth anywhere are sutured with self-absorbing suture material - catgut. The condition and well-being of the mother depends on the size of the seam and the location where it is located. External stitches heal quickly, but are painful. The woman experiences discomfort when urinating, and she should not sit down for a while to prevent the stitch from coming apart. It happens that the external seam ends up in such an inconvenient place that it makes itself felt for a couple of months after healing. But then everything returns to normal.

Internal sutures in the vagina heal a little easier, since there is no access to them either by urine or underwear. In addition, there are no pain receptors in the vagina, otherwise the woman would go crazy during childbirth. You need hygiene of the external genitalia, attention to your condition and reduced physical activity. It is necessary to use douching to heal internal sutures only after consulting a doctor. Otherwise, there is a risk of disturbing the vaginal microflora.

To prevent breast milk from disappearing during a forced suspension of feeding, it must be expressed

Sutures on the cervix also do not require care, but since this is damage to an internal organ, a bandage cannot be applied there and it cannot be treated with an antiseptic. Therefore, antibiotics are prescribed to prevent inflammation in the same way as after a cesarean section. You need to drink them. Some medications pass into breast milk and should be stopped while taking them. breast-feeding. To prevent the lactation process from being disrupted, it is necessary to express milk every time the baby eats formula.

Pelvic floor muscles, pelvic bones, bowel function

During the first postpartum period, women may suffer from dysfunction of the pelvic floor muscles. The pelvic floor muscles are the area between the sacrum and the pubic joint. They perform an important function of supporting organs located in the pelvis: bladder, intestines, uterus. Their other functions:

  • voiding assistance;
  • urinary retention;
  • contraction of the vaginal muscles during sexual intercourse.

For some time after childbirth, the muscles may be weakened, so the woman may have certain problems. This may include pain, urinary or fecal incontinence. For example, a few drops of urine during a cough indicate trouble. Over time, support functions are restored, but if discomfort is felt, you should consult a doctor. In more long term this is fraught with the complications listed above and prolapse of internal organs.

You need to be especially careful if there were gaps between the vagina and anus during childbirth. Pain during sexual intercourse that occurs during the postpartum period indicates improper restoration of the pelvic floor muscles. Burning, itching, pain syndrome let you know about overvoltage pelvic muscles. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor and get recommendations about possible ways solutions to this problem. In many cases, special gymnastics will help.

Training intimate muscles - video

Pelvic bones

The bones of the pelvis, namely cartilaginous tissue, diverge during childbirth seemingly insignificantly - up to 2.5 cm. This process is accompanied by characteristic pain in the spine. After childbirth, the bones return to their place, but this does not happen so quickly, so the woman in labor does not feel any discomfort. By the end of the postpartum period (6–8 weeks), the pelvic bones fall into place. During this time, the woman should not lift weights.

Restoring bowel function

Intestinal dysfunction can begin during pregnancy. The growing uterus takes up too much space and the intestines shrink. This can lead to constipation. But it happens that childbirth is long over, and constipation does not stop. The reason may be the malnutrition of the nursing mother. Absence coarse fiber in food is explained by the need to prevent gas and constipation in the baby, but such a diet brings problems to the mother.

If constipation persists, use special laxatives. There are preparations based on lactulose, which acts only in the intestines and does not penetrate into milk. As soon as the opportunity arises, you should try to normalize your diet by adding more vegetables, fruits, and a normal amount of liquid.

Vegetables and fruits contain a large number of fiber and promote proper bowel function


During childbirth, when pushing, hemorrhoids often come out. Then all the postpartum sensations are accompanied by acute pain in the anus. Because of hemorrhoids, women in labor are afraid to go to the toilet, sometimes they do not have a bowel movement for several days, which leads to artificially organized constipation and aggravation of the problem.

In case of severe pain, after consultation with a doctor, you should apply special ointments or antihemorrhoidal suppositories. There is no need to suffer and endure pain. It is recommended to wash minor nodes warm water several times a day. They may go away on their own within a week after giving birth.

Beauty of eyelashes, hair, nails

There is an opinion that if a child does not have enough substances in the womb, he pulls them from the female body. In principle, this is how it is. Dull hair, thin eyelashes, brittle nails - one or more of these problems are present in every woman. The reason is a lack of vitamins and microelements. Moreover, during feeding, the condition of hair and nails may also worsen, since milk also requires certain substances.

To correct the problem and prevent it in the future (after about six months, many complain of catastrophic hair loss), you need to monitor your diet and the condition of the thyroid gland. The diet must contain B vitamins (especially B3) and iodine-containing foods. Do not neglect vitamin complexes for nursing mothers. They will help remove imbalances in your diet and return your hair and nails to normal.

Nursing mothers can take vitamins left over from pregnancy

Vision change

Several factors can affect vision. Even during the normal course of pregnancy, changes occur in the lens and cornea, and if toxicosis or gestosis in the second part of pregnancy is present, the risk of vision deterioration increases. This happens due to disruption of the microcirculation process, which is so important for the eyes. In addition, childbirth itself can bring various complications, including retinal detachment. Therefore, doctors often recommend for visually impaired women C-section- then there is no load and vision does not deteriorate.

Improper efforts can lead to vision deterioration. When a woman pushes “in the eyes,” blood vessels may burst. Then on the second day she notices bloody areas on the whites of her eyes. They usually go away on their own within a week or two.

Enclosed space at home during late pregnancy And early age the baby is not allowed to train his eye to look at long distances. This can also cause vision loss. Therefore, in order to restore vision as quickly as possible, you need to go outside with your baby as early as possible, where the eye will have room to “roam around.”

Back and spine

In order to bear and give birth to a child, the female body needs to make room for it. Even the spine undergoes a change - its curves change their shape, angle and inclination. For example, the tailbone moves back to avoid injury to the fetus during childbirth. The spine returns to its prenatal form 1–2 months after birth. At this time, you need to avoid physical stress on your back, you should not carry heavy objects, and active gymnastics is contraindicated.

During pregnancy, a woman's spine takes on uncharacteristic bends

Immunity during lactation

Unfortunately, there is no talk of a quick restoration of immunity. This only applies, however, to those mothers who feed their babies. breast milk. A pregnant woman has better immunity than a breastfeeding woman. This is why, for example, dentists are much calmer about treating and even removing teeth for pregnant women and are extremely careful with breastfeeding women.

For normal functioning of the immune system, it is necessary to restore intestinal function as soon as possible. The following will help increase the body's resistance:

  • proper nutrition;
  • walks in clean air;
  • absence of psycho-emotional overload.

Skin care after childbirth

Stretch marks on the stomach, hips and chest do not delight a young mother. Dry skin and loss of elasticity also do not make you happier. Some have less problems, some have more, some do not notice them at all. Over time, stretch marks will become smaller and lose their brightness, but they will still remain. Special creams will help reduce them.

There are two ways to make your skin fresh, moisturized and elastic after childbirth: internally and externally. Internal influence is a healthy diet, enough water, fresh air, good sleep. External - cosmetical tools, creams, masks, scrubs, baths, solarium.

We must not forget about the main thing: the body needs time to renew itself.

Proper nutrition for a nursing mother

The diet of a nursing mother can be extremely poor. If the baby struggles with his tummy or suffers from allergies, mothers literally live on bread and water. A little butter, a little cheese, porridge, soups, dry biscuits - that's all that is allowed. Naturally, this is extremely insufficient. Therefore, you cannot do without synthetic vitamins.

There are special vitamin complexes for nursing mothers. They contain a balanced composition that is beneficial for both mother and child. It is advisable not to save or limit yourself in these vitamins. Otherwise, within a few months, hair will begin to fall out, nails will break, and depression will begin.

But that's not the worst thing. It is important to maintain calcium balance so as not to be left without teeth and with brittle bones. Experience shows that multivitamin complexes for nursing mothers are the most safe drugs calcium. Kidney problems or problems may prevent you from drinking the mineral separately. thyroid gland. If there is no confidence in the complete health of the latter, there is a danger that the body will not cope with the processing and excess calcium will settle on the walls of blood vessels or turn into a heel spur.

Adequate sleep and rest for a young mother: fantasy or necessity

Mom’s body will be more likely to return to normal if she gets good rest. You can't dream of 8 hours of sleep, but 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep at night and a couple of daytime rests will help you recover faster. Otherwise, not only will postpartum discomfort prolong, but new problems will appear.

It is the difference between the lifestyle of a pregnant woman and the mother of a baby that scientists call main reason postpartum depression.

Just yesterday everyone was blowing away specks of dust from a woman, caring about her desires and health, and then in an instant it’s as if she disappears from the radars of not only her family, but also her own. The beloved little bundle takes up absolutely all the attention.

Sleeping together with a child has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state and lactation Not everyone can stand this and we have to watch mental disorder called "postpartum depression". The main symptom of the disease is complete absence

interest in the baby. Mothers who have experienced this state recall with amazement that they did not want to approach the child or look at the baby, there were no feelings and there was no anxiety. With amazement, because after some time they dote on their son or daughter.

Therefore, from the first days you should not forget about the value of the mother as a person and do not ignore her needs. The attitude “you are not a woman, you are a mother” is harmful to everyone. Physical and psychological exhaustion of the mother will never make the child healthier and happier. Therefore, it is advisable to remember that the baby is the responsibility of the whole family, and the mother is also a person.

Taking turns on duty and reducing other household stress to a minimum can help. “Weekends” are useful for mom, when she can sit with her friends somewhere outside the home. If possible, it would be a good idea to hire a nanny to help.

Bringing back slimness

Restoring your figure after childbirth cannot be considered a priority, but somehow it cannot be ignored. Every woman wants to be attractive, and after a forced period of ugliness, when you don’t call yourself anything other than a hippopotamus, this desire flares up with terrible force.

  • Possible problems with your figure after childbirth:
  • excess weight;
  • big belly;

Excess weight after pregnancy is removed with a balanced diet and can go away on its own during feeding. But if this doesn’t work out, it’s better to fight it after surviving the postpartum period. After everything internal organs will fall into place, gentle gymnastics and walks are also recommended, which will help return the weight to its place. Adequate sleep is extremely important, since the body perceives lack of sleep as malnutrition and begins to make up for the sleep deficit with food.

A big belly and weak abs, of course, need to be corrected, but very carefully. Until the end of 7–8 weeks, while the bones and spine and muscles are not yet in place, it is better not to do anything. Then you can slowly work out, but it is recommended to pump up your abs no earlier than six months later. Until this time, they suggest using other exercises: squats, bending, yoga.

If suddenly after giving birth you discover that the water has gone and skin and bones remain in the place of the former hippo, you should not be alarmed. With normal nutrition and proper rest, the weight will soon be restored. The main thing is not to go to great lengths and not to eat too much.

How to quickly lose weight after childbirth: circuit training - video

Thus, different systems and a woman’s organs are restored over different time periods. Average for recovery - 6–8 weeks, but it only concerns normal birth without any complications. However, some systems return to their “pre-pregnancy” state only after breastfeeding ends.

Many mothers, even during pregnancy, worry about how to properly restore their body, health, figure after childbirth, and also recover psychologically. This is what we will talk about in this article - how to properly recover after childbirth?

As a mother of three children, I believe that the most important thing, both during pregnancy and the first months, and even years, is the climate in the family. A young mother should be sure that she is supported by close relatives and the baby’s father. This is necessary so that she can form proper contact with the baby, and also ensure that lactation is established and in sufficient quantities. If mommy is calm, then the body’s recovery after childbirth will go much faster.

One of the first points in recovery after childbirth is. The diet should be balanced, complete, contain meat or fish every day, as well as dairy products, mild cheeses, non-allergenic vegetables and fruits. Regarding fish, it is worth noting that not all fish are suitable for a nursing mother, but only fish with white meat and moderate fat content (cod, pollock, hake, carp, sea bass), as well as fish with a low content of allergens (perch, bream, river trout , pike). It is necessary to exclude alcohol, chocolate, coffee, strong tea, red vegetables and fruits, orange fruits, carbonated drinks and limit flour products. The volume of liquid for a nursing mother should be 2 liters. and more.

About regaining your figure after childbirth

In the first months - at least 6 weeks after birth - strong physical activity is contraindicated, because the mother’s body is very exhausted, and the baby needs to devote a lot of time. In addition, the taste of milk may change during vigorous exercise.

You can’t pump up your abs in the first 6 weeks, because recovery processes are taking place in the uterus, and you shouldn’t put extra stress on the abdominal wall. It is best to do gymnastics 6 weeks after giving birth. If you have had a caesarean section, therapeutic exercises must be done in the first days immediately after birth, to prevent adhesions in abdominal cavity and also practice walking fresh air at least an hour 2 times a day with the baby.

After a caesarean section, you need to wear a post-operative bandage. It is necessary for muscle recovery after childbirth. They wear it for several weeks after giving birth, then take it off because the muscles have to work.

If you had an episiotomy, you should not sit down for 2 months so that the stitches do not come apart, and exercises during this period should be done only for the upper half of the body. Intimate hygiene in the suture area is important in preventing infections. You need to wash yourself from front to back, as well as after each toilet. Put on the pad only after the perineum has dried. Moderate exercise stress helps speed up the recovery of sutures. You also need to avoid constipation, take Duphalac if necessary to soften the stool.

In general, about intimate hygiene during the period of postpartum discharge, it is worth saying that in the first 6 weeks after birth, errors in it can lead to infections reproductive organs women then recovery period after childbirth it will be significantly delayed.

Very important in recovery after childbirth sleep and rest young mother. It’s worth talking about this with the woman’s relatives and asking them, if possible, to help with the baby in the first few months, especially. Healthy sleep necessary for recovery nervous system, and it also helps restore immunity and establish lactation in sufficient quantities. If mommy is psychologically exhausted, the baby feels it and begins to worry.

Restoration of the spine and various muscles after childbirth

Many women during pregnancy and immediately after childbirth complain of pain in the lower back, as well as cervical spine spine and shoulder girdle. Pain in the lower back is associated with an increase in the load on the abdominal wall during pregnancy, due to this the muscles of the lower back become thinner, and a young mother often lifts her baby in her arms, this is also an additional load on both the lower back and the shoulder girdle. As a result, discomfort appears in almost all parts of the spine.

To restore the spine, you need to do special exercises:

  • Sit up straight with your arms crossed over your chest. Perform 10 body turns to the right and left.
  • In a sitting position, clasp your hands behind your neck. Perform 10 body turns to the right and left.
  • In a sitting position, the arms are extended in front of you and connected. Without releasing your arms, raise them above your head to the maximum allowable height. Hold for 10 seconds.

It is also necessary to strengthen your posture. Condition plays a role in correct and beautiful posture rhomboid muscle, which is attached from the spine on the right and left to the inner corners of the scapula. The condition of the lumbosacral region is also very important, to strengthen which you need special exercises “Tense Nerve”:

  • Take the starting position - lying on your stomach. Extend your arms forward. Pull yourself into a string. Slowly lift your upper body off the floor. Avoid sudden movements as much as you can. Make sure your arms are raised above your head. Then do the same with bottom bodies. And finally: raise both your arms and legs at the same time. Repeat each exercise 10 times.

In addition, massage is useful for restoring the muscles of the back and neck after childbirth; you can use a massage pad for this. Massage can be done only 2-3 weeks after birth. Massage improves muscle performance, which allows you to restore their tone after childbirth.

Abdominal exercises walls, the so-called “Cat Breathing”:

  • While in a position on all fours, arch your back upward and perform diaphragmatic breathing in this position (2 cycles). Next, the lower back bends down, but you need to make sure that there is no protrusion of the abdomen. Maintain position 2 breathing cycles. Do it at least 10 times.

For strengthening the perineal muscles it is necessary to use Kegel exercises: squeeze and relax the muscles of the perineum, which will allow them to recover and avoid complications such as urinary incontinence and prolapse of the pelvic organs.

Restoration of internal organs after childbirth

About 1.5 months after birth, involution of the uterus occurs, which is accompanied by bloody discharge and lochia. This is accompanied by contraction of the uterus and painful sensations. During this period, if necessary, the postpartum woman is even prescribed antibiotic therapy and contractions to avoid infection, as well as to speed up the process of uterine involution.

Lactation is established, and the woman needs to take care of herself so as not to get mastitis, inflammation of the mammary glands. In the first time after childbirth the immune system weakened, and the risk of infection, both mammary glands and uterus, increases.

Pregnancy and childbirth affect the position of the intestines, which often leads to constipation. In order to avoid this, you need to consume a sufficient amount of fiber, and you can also use the drug Duphalac, which I already mentioned, it contains lactulose, an essential food for intestinal bacteria

Changes from the side of cardio-vascular system after childbirth

Before giving birth, a woman’s coagulation system begins to actively work to protect the woman during childbirth from excess blood loss. This can cause a risk of blood clots after childbirth, as well as leg pain, swelling, and discomfort when walking. Can be used compression stockings, as well as herbal creams if mommy is breastfeeding. It is advisable to consult a specialist.

After childbirth, they may appear liver problems, especially after an error in diet. In this case, it is necessary to pass biochemical analysis blood: ALT, AST, alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin. And do an ultrasound of the liver and bile ducts. If there are no stones and you are breastfeeding, you can drink choleretic herbs: corn silk, yarrow (start with a small dosage and monitor the baby for signs of allergies). And good drug Hofitol, and of course follow a diet for nursing mothers.


Even during pregnancy, the growing uterus puts pressure on the internal organs and impedes the outflow of blood from the veins of the rectum; after childbirth, the problem worsens and bloody discharge may appear during bowel movements. A gentle diet is needed to protect the veins of the rectum, and you can also use the very popular Relief suppositories.

The recovery of the body depends entirely on many factors: on the woman’s age, on her state of health before pregnancy, on how the pregnancy proceeded and how the birth went. If a woman is young and healthy, then childbirth will only strengthen her health; it provides a hormonal surge necessary for the proper functioning of the female body, her reproductive system. If the woman was sick before giving birth chronic diseases, then both pregnancy and childbirth can slightly worsen her condition, and it will take several years for her to recover.

In conclusion, I would like to note once again that a young mother should sleep at least 8 hours a day, walk in the fresh air for at least two hours a day, do gymnastics, drink plenty of fluids (at least 2 liters), eat meat and some types of fish , vegetables, fruits for food. And communicate only with positive people, avoid any negativity, incl. viewing news. It wouldn’t hurt for the doctor to carry out explanatory work with relatives and tell them how important it is to support a young mother for the first year or two until the baby grows up.

In this article:

Childbirth is a very important stage in a woman’s life. The birth of a child cannot but affect the psychological and physiological state moms. Serious changes occur in her body after childbirth. Let's see how a woman changes after the birth of a child, how recovery occurs after childbirth.

Condition in the first 3 days after birth

How does a woman feel after the birth of her baby? These sensations are quite difficult to describe in words, since they are twofold. On the one hand, one feels delighted because the child is finally born. Good mood is explained by the release of endorphins, also called joy hormones, into the blood. On the other hand, the woman feels exhaustion and discomfort. On the first day after birth, the following symptoms may be observed:

  • bloody discharge from the genitals;
  • painful contractions of the uterus, indicating the return of the organ to its previous size;
  • pain in the perineum;
  • difficulties with urination and bowel movements.

About bloody discharge from the vagina it is worth noting that they resemble menstruation. Experts call them lochia. The only difference between lochia and regular menstruation is that discharge after childbirth bothers a woman for a month, and sometimes longer. Discharge occurs immediately after childbirth. During the first 2-3 days they are very abundant. You have to change 5-6 postpartum pads per day.

What changes occur in the mammary glands? In the first 2-3 days, the mother secretes a small amount of colostrum from the breast - the first milk, invaluable in its composition. A newborn needs even a few drops. After about 3 days, the breasts fill with milk. With the onset of lactation, the mammary glands become more sensitive.

The first few days after giving birth, a woman will have to stay in the maternity hospital. As a rule, it is discharged 3-4 days after natural birth and a week after cesarean section. Doctors in the maternity hospital monitor the condition of the child and mother and see how postpartum recovery proceeds.

Period from 4th to 14th day

Vaginal discharge (lochia) continues to appear. They become less abundant. The color of the discharge gradually changes (from bright red to brownish and yellowish-white). During this period, you need to use sanitary pads. Tampons cannot be used, as they can provoke an inflammatory process.

If an episiotomy (cutting) was performed during childbirth back wall vagina and perineum), then the woman needs to monitor the condition of the sutures. They will gradually overgrow, but ignoring hygiene rules can lead to the development of inflammation. It is recommended to regularly wash the genitals with a decoction of eucalyptus, infusion of chamomile or calendula.

After delivery, problems with bowel movements often occur. At first I suffer from constipation. Their appearance is explained by damage to the intestines during childbirth and weakening of the abdominal muscles. The stool returns to normal, but not immediately, since the body does not recover as quickly as we would like.

During the first week, discomfort is felt in the chest area. The mammary glands swell and the nipples become painful. By the second week after birth, these symptoms of body recovery disappear, and feeding no longer causes negative emotions in the mother.

Period from 2nd week to 2nd month

By the end of the 2nd month after the birth of the child, the woman’s lochia stops. The uterus, cervix, and vagina return to their previous sizes, which were observed before pregnancy. Approximately 1.5 months after the baby is born, the woman will have to undergo a mandatory postpartum examination. The doctor will check the condition of the genitals and ask the mother if she has any strange vaginal discharge or pain in the abdominal area.

During this period, a woman completes postpartum recovery, all body functions return to normal. Mom becomes more active. She is no longer tormented by pain, no longer distracted discomfort. The fair sex devotes all her time to the baby, because he requires constant care.

2 months later

A couple of months after delivery female body completely restored. During this period, you can start taking care of yourself - restoring your figure and breasts. The mother's body is ready for physical activity.

Women should pay special attention to their diet. You can’t limit yourself in food, but you should still exclude some dishes from your diet. This applies to fatty, fried, flour and sweet food which promotes fat deposition. Proper nutrition will have a positive effect on the condition of mother and baby. The woman’s body will recover faster, and the baby will receive only useful substances from his mother’s milk.

Restoration of the menstrual cycle

Start critical days some time after delivery - a signal that the woman’s body has fully recovered and returned to the state it was before pregnancy. Do not confuse menstruation with lochia. Postpartum discharge is nothing more than a natural cleansing of the uterus and birth canal lasting for several weeks. After lochia, menstruation may not occur for a very long time.

Breastfeeding influences the restoration of the menstrual cycle. The longer a mother feeds her baby with her milk, the later her period will begin. Milk is produced in a woman's body thanks to special hormone– prolactin. It is what prevents the onset of menstruation and ovulation.

As a rule, the first menstruation after childbirth begins after the introduction of complementary foods into the baby's diet. The mother feeds her baby less and less each time, and the production of prolactin in her body decreases. Sometimes the delay in menstruation is longer - the cycle is restored after complete weaning. Menstruation can occur 6–10 weeks after delivery if the woman does not breastfeed the baby for some reason.

Recovery of the body after childbirth may occur with deviations. In some situations, the help of a doctor is required. You should contact a specialist in the following cases:

  • breastfeeding was stopped 2-3 months ago, and menstruation never started;
  • the color of menstrual blood seems suspicious (bright red discharge may be a sign of bleeding);
  • During menstruation, your health worsened (feeling weak, dizziness began to occur, and fainting occurred);
  • there are large clots in the menstrual blood;
  • Menstruation has a strong and unpleasant odor.

Figure restoration

Most women after the birth of a baby cannot boast of their figure. Nature has provided for expectant mother During pregnancy, a fat “reserve” was formed. It is necessary so that in case of hunger, a representative of the fair sex can breastfeed the child, using “her own reserves.”

It will not be possible to quickly restore your figure. To get rid of extra pounds may take several months. To restore your figure, you need to:

  • eat a balanced diet;
  • exercise daily;
  • wear a postpartum bandage.

After giving birth, you should not go on a diet or overeat. It is recommended to eat small portions of food and at least 5 times a day, drink more fluids (still water, fruit and vegetable juices, fruit drinks, compotes).

A couple of months after giving birth, you can start doing it daily. physical exercise. Before starting classes, you should consult with a gynecologist and make sure that the body has recovered and is ready for stress. Only serious sports are contraindicated.

After childbirth, you must wear a bandage. Thanks to it, the process of restoring the tone of the abdominal muscles is accelerated, the abdominal wall does not sag, and the internal organs are supported. Also, a postpartum bandage reduces the load on the spine and pain in the back.

Breast reconstruction

How to quickly recover after childbirth is a question asked by many women who have experienced deterioration in the shape of their mammary glands. Breasts are the most beautiful part female body. After childbirth, it increases by 1-2 sizes as milk begins to arrive. However, after stopping breastfeeding, the breasts sag. Its shape can be compared to a deflated balloon. Returning to its former forms is a completely doable task.

In order for the breasts to recover faster, a woman should:

  • after childbirth, both at night and during the day, wear a comfortable bra without wires, made from natural materials (the underwear supports pectoral muscles and prevents skin stretching);
  • carry out self-massage (slow, clockwise stroking movements help improve blood supply and restore skin elasticity);
  • apply masks to mammary glands using only natural products(For example, good effect can give a kefir-based mask, prepared from 100 ml of fermented milk product and 2 tbsp. l. honey);
  • perform physical exercises that affect the chest muscles.

Vaginal reconstruction

During natural childbirth, the vagina experiences a lot of stress. As the baby passes, it stretches. After childbirth, women feel pain in the intimate area, dryness, and irritation. Due to overstretching of the vaginal muscles, the quality of sex life. In some cases, women report urinary incontinence.

All of the above symptoms disappear within a couple of months after childbirth. The vagina repairs itself. To speed up this process, you can perform special exercises designed famous doctor Arnold Kegel:

  • for compression (for 5–10 seconds it is necessary to squeeze the muscles in the same way as when stopping urination, and then relax them);
  • contractions (the essence of the exercise is to tense and relax the muscles at a fast pace);
  • for pushing out (you need to push moderately for 30 seconds, and then relax for 30 seconds).

In conclusion, it is worth noting that recovery after childbirth is a labor-intensive and rather lengthy process. You just need to gain strength and follow the advice of doctors. Then it will be possible to achieve the desired result much faster.

Useful video about a woman's health after childbirth

Carrying a baby affects a woman's body big influence. During pregnancy, a complete reconstruction of absolutely all systems is carried out to fully supply the vital functions of the fetus. Key metamorphoses affect the mother’s hormonal background, and after childbirth everything gradually returns to its previous state.

Young mothers who have given birth for the first time are often interested in the question: “How long does it take the body to recover after childbirth?” It is impossible to answer with certainty, since it depends on many external factors and maternal health status, but there are general criteria, which can be used to navigate. Let's look at the problem in more detail.

A woman’s body works differently after the birth of a child, since preparation for birth lasted more than one month and the organs were gradually prepared for future stress. It will also take a lot of time to restore their activities. For a healthy non-breastfeeding mother, this takes 2 to 3 months.

The recovery period after childbirth is called involution, which is the regressive formation of organs that changed during pregnancy. Mostly experience metamorphosis:

  • pelvic organs;
  • heart and vascular system;
  • hormones;
  • mammary glands.

The last to be rebuilt are the breasts and endocrine system, but provided that the mother stops lactation.

Heart and lungs

The respiratory system will be restored instantly, since the fetus no longer puts pressure on the diaphragm and does not interfere with the respiratory system.

The cardiovascular system changes greatly during pregnancy:

  • The increased volume of blood during the postpartum period provokes edema. Over time, its volume will become the same as before pregnancy.
  • Blood clotting increases. This is a normal physiological process, because the body needs to cope with the bleeding on its own.

The formation of blood clots is especially increased after cesarean section. To avoid complications, women in labor should definitely take care of the first few days after surgery.

Restoration of the female reproductive system

It takes from one and a half to 60 days after the birth of a toddler to restore the uterus. During this period, lochia is formed - postpartum discharge. For two or three days they look more like heavy menstruation, but then the bleeding decreases. After seven days, the discharge becomes lighter and consists of mucus and blood clots.

How long does bleeding last after a caesarean section? The body recovers after childbirth with surgical intervention much longer, so the bleeding may be prolonged.

The uterus weighs approximately one kilogram and is shaped like a ball. By the end of involution, she has approximately the same size and weight as a girl who has never given birth. The pear-shaped uterus also returns. The production of the hormone oxytocin is activated. It is responsible for contraction of the uterus. This happens every time a mother feeds her baby with her milk. Often during feeding there is pain in the lower abdomen.

Contraction of the uterus depends directly on breastfeeding. Thus, the more often the baby is applied to the breast, the faster it decreases.

During this period, bleeding may occur due to weak uterine tone. This can also cause stagnation of lochia, which will cause inflammation. Often.

Cycle normalization

How long after childbirth does the menstrual cycle resume?

  • In non-lactating mothers after 45-60 days.
  • With mixed feeding after six months.
  • During full feeding, the period may vary from six months to two years.

But these are average data. How quickly the cycle stabilizes in a particular woman depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

The muscle tone of the perineum and vagina decreases to natural parameters, but will not return to its original form. Due to decreased hormone production, dryness may occur. During lactation, prolactin suppresses sex hormones, which causes a lack of lubricant secretion. This lasts up to six months or longer.

After pregnancy, the cervix takes a long time to resume its functioning. During natural delivery, the shape of the external pharynx becomes slit-like. Before conception, the cervix looks like an inverted cone, after which it looks like a cylinder.

Differences between lochia and bleeding

Often, inexperienced women in labor do not distinguish lochia from bleeding, and therefore waste precious time going to the hospital, which can result in death. Every representative of the fairer sex should know the first signs of bleeding, by which it will be possible to distinguish it from normal discharge:

  • At uterine bleeding The sanitary pad is changed every 40-60 minutes.
  • The blood is bright scarlet.
  • The discharge is copious and comes out in spurts.
  • Sometimes there is a pulling or pricking pain in the lower abdomen, in the areas of the coccyx or sacrum.
  • Dizziness and fainting occur.
  • In some cases, nausea and vomiting occur.

Signs of normal discharge during the period after the birth of a child:

  • The hygiene product is filled within 2-4 hours.
  • The color of lochia is dark red or brown.
  • The discharge is smeared.
  • They do not cause any pain or ill health.
  • Mild nausea sometimes occurs, but this is rare.

Involution of the breast and endocrine system

Unfortunately, after lactation, the shape of the breast loses its elasticity and beauty. Stopping feeding occurs gradually. The baby is put to the breast less and less often. As a result, prolactin levels decrease and milk production decreases.

Degradation of glandular tissue occurs in the breast. It is replaced by fat. This reduces its elasticity. It takes its final form one and a half months after the last application.

As prolactin levels decrease, active production of estrogen and progesterone begins, and hormonal levels are completely restored after 30-60 days.

When the milk in the breast almost completely disappears, you need to stop feeding the baby. Since periodic breastfeeding provokes sharp jumps prolactin and because of this it is not possible to adjust the hormonal levels and other vital systems.

When lactation is completed within 30 days, the menstrual cycle normalizes. If there are no critical days within 2 months, you should consult an endocrinologist.

A girl changes after pregnancy not only internally, but also externally. Can appear:

  • Possible problems with your figure after childbirth:
  • stretch marks;
  • loose skin;

These changes do not please any representative of the fair sex. To that . As a result, recovery after childbirth takes longer. But girls who become mothers also change their outlook on life. With the appearance of a little person in their life, all the external metamorphoses that happen to them become less important.

Hormonal background

After pregnancy, recovery should be seamless. The organs return to an almost normal state. The reasons for prolonged stabilization of hormones may be:

  • difficult delivery;
  • psycho-emotional stress;
  • problems with lactation, lack or excess of milk;
  • taking strong drugs;
  • diet food that does not contain vitamins;
  • illnesses of the mother in labor in the first months after pregnancy;
  • power failure;
  • addiction to cigarettes or alcohol.

A woman must take care of her own health. Hormonal imbalance can occur if a girl quickly returns to normal life. Hormone levels are constantly changing, which negatively affects your well-being. The mother’s complete dedication to the child will also have an adverse effect on the hormonal balance.

Signs of hormonal imbalance

The first manifestations of malfunction appear 3-4 months after the birth of the child. Hormonal changes have a negative impact on the mother's well-being, as they can ruin the joy of motherhood. Mommy can make an assessment of her physical and emotional state herself.

The first symptoms of improper hormone production are:

  • irritability;
  • tearfulness;
  • aggressiveness;
  • suspiciousness;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • frequent mood changes throughout the day;
  • increased sweating;
  • Often there is a feeling of guilt;
  • depression;
  • intense hair loss;
  • losing or gaining weight in a short time;
  • changes in facial skin pigmentation;
  • lack of desire for intimacy;
  • painful menstruation;
  • pain during sex.

The following will have a beneficial effect on the mother’s health:

  • consumption;
  • walks in the open air;
  • in case of problems with bladder and weakening of the vaginal muscles, you are allowed to do Kegel exercises;
  • To make your breasts look attractive even after lactation, you need to use special creams and lotions for stretch marks;
  • You can lose extra pounds only with a balanced diet and exercise ( fast walk, careful stretching and pumping the abs).

After birth, young mothers try to return to their normal lives as quickly as possible and take on too much. Should not be doing that.

To recover without negative consequences you should not forget about yourself. Every new mother should have good rest. Don't be afraid to give your loved ones some responsibilities around the house. The better the rest, the faster the body recovers. Every woman should remember this.