
Discharge after cesarean section is normal. Lochia after cesarean section: types and duration

Discharge after caesarean section there will definitely be. Postpartum discharge - lochia - does not stop throughout the entire period of uterine recovery.

What kind of discharge is there after cesarean section?

After childbirth, the uterus is damaged and takes some time to heal. Surgical childbirth significantly prolongs the recovery time compared to natural childbirth. During the postpartum period, women secrete lochia, which consists of:

  • blood;
  • dead particles of the mucous membrane of the genital organs;
  • mucus from the cervical canal.

Over time, the bleeding stops, the volume of the lochia decreases, and they become denser. The color of the discharge gradually changes because the wound surface heals. Lochia changes color in stages:

  • bright red;
  • red;
  • bloody-serous;
  • red-brown;
  • dark brown;
  • brown;
  • light brown;
  • yellow;
  • yellowish-white;
  • serous-sanguineous;
  • colorless.

If the discharge contains pus, green clots, or remains bright red for too long, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Yellow discharge after cesarean section

These lochias contain more and more mucus, but sometimes streaks of blood may appear. The yellow tint is associated with a large number of leukocytes in the discharge. Leukocytes - white blood cells - protect a person from infections. The female body is weakened during the recovery period, the protective environment of the genital organs has not been restored, so additional measures against infection are necessary.

The discharge becomes more and more scanty, “smearing”, serous-sanguineous and, finally, colorless. This means that the lochia has stopped, and reproductive system women recovered after childbirth. In postpartum women who have undergone surgery, this moment comes later, because their muscle fibers are so damaged that they prevent the uterus from recovering faster.

Bloody discharge after cesarean section

At first, the lochia is bright red with clots because it contains a lot of red blood cells. In fact, at this time the most intense blood loss occurs; the woman’s hemoglobin drops sharply. Gradually the color turns into bloody-serous. This means that there are fewer red blood cells, plasma, serum and leukocytes ooze from the healing walls of the organ. Then the color will darken, become red-brown, brown.

Some women are surprised that after surgery there is blood coming from the vagina, because the stitch is on the stomach. They do not take into account that the wall of the uterus was also cut, and when the child was removed, the mucous membranes of the organ were damaged. The uterine scar prolongs lochia by an average of 20 days (compared to women who gave birth naturally). Surgical intervention significantly complicates the process of contraction of the uterus, which in a short period should restore its previous size, shrinking almost 20 times.

Mucus discharge after cesarean section

Colorless, transparent mucus comes out of the cervical canal. These are ordinary discharges, the so-called ones, which appear every day in every healthy woman. The cells of the mucous membranes of the genital organs are constantly renewed, dead particles of the epithelium are removed with the help of mucous secretion. Normally, there may be no discharge at all; it may be whitish.

At the moment when the lochia loses its color, the postpartum period is over, the uterine mucosa has regenerated, and the postpartum woman can completely devote herself to the role of mother.

Brown discharge after cesarean section

Lochia becomes brown when the volume of discharge decreases significantly. The color then begins to lighten to light brown and yellow.

To quickly get rid of discharge, you need to move a lot and monitor regular bowel cleansing, which sometimes has to be stimulated glycerin suppositories or enemas.

How long does the discharge last after a caesarean section?

The maximum duration is 56 days. Upon discharge from the maternity hospital, the doctor on duty conducts an examination in a gynecological chair, takes a smear for microflora, and conducts a conversation. It is better to think through the questions in advance, the answers to which are of concern. The main thing should be: “When should I start worrying about prolonged bleeding?”

Sometimes a few days after stopping bloody discharge bleeding resumes. This may be the start of menstruation, which for the first time after childbirth lasts longer than the woman is accustomed to. Another reason for “intermittent” lochia may be that the contractility of the uterus is impaired.

If a woman in labor feels great, but the discharge does not stop, it is better to consult a doctor. The check will not take much time, but it will be possible to avoid hospitalization in case of complications. It's better to contact antenatal clinic timely.

Women with prolonged bleeding after a caesarean section are seen immediately without waiting, even if she feels well. More often this is done by the doctor on duty in a separate office. First, they conduct an examination on a chair, then they do an ultrasound (immediately, out of turn). If the examination results are satisfactory, hemostatic agents and antispasmodics are prescribed. For example, an infusion of water pepper and No-shpa.

The uterus returns to its previous size much faster in those women in labor who often breastfeed their babies, lie on their stomachs, and also move a lot. During feeding, the woman feels that the uterus begins to contract more intensely. The discharge intensifies at this moment. They are also stimulated by walks and light physical activity. The cessation of discharge is a sign of involution, i.e. full recovery uterus.

When should you worry?

  • After 8 weeks of continuous bleeding.
  • If the volume of discharge has changed dramatically. When the bleeding gets so bad that nothing can help hygiene products, or, conversely, stops abruptly (lochiometra - delay, accumulation of lochia in the uterus), you need to sound the alarm. If the contractility of the uterus is reduced, it must be stimulated. Sometimes doctors recommend taking No-shpa for several days in case of unexpected disappearance of lochia. This drug reopens the cervix, which has closed prematurely, blocking the passage of discharge. They become locked inside and accumulate, which leads to internal inflammation.
  • With daily increasing pain in the lower abdomen.
  • With the occurrence of itching in the genital area. This is a symptom of thrush - vaginal candidiasis.
  • High temperature, low blood pressure, increased heart rate, cold skinobvious signs inflammatory process. By the way, we must not forget that during lactation it is better to measure the temperature in the bend of the elbow.

Possible causes of unpleasant symptoms:

  • An unprofessional operation (for example, leaving parts in the uterus) amniotic sac or placenta). If after childbirth there are some foreign pieces left inside, which were not detected even by an ultrasound before discharge from the hospital, then they will begin to decompose, and inflammatory process. Antibiotics will not help a woman in this situation; these particles (or a tampon forgotten by surgeons) will have to be removed. In the “best” case, the uterus is “cleaned”; in the worst case, a repeat operation is performed.
  • Inability of the body to recover on its own after childbirth (for example, poor contractility).
  • Bend of the uterus.
  • Cervical spasm.
  • Infection.

It is important to take timely measures to stop the development of complications after surgery. Otherwise, the young mother risks ending up in the hospital for a long time, leaving her newborn baby at home.

Care after caesarean section

In addition to the mandatory hygiene procedures dressings are done daily. You should not douche or take a bath to avoid infection. The seam should not be wetted for some time. Rubbing with a damp terry towel can help.

The rule should also remain special gymnastics that strengthens the abdominal muscles, which they begin to do as early as maternity hospital. It is recommended to perform exercises after each feeding, ending with the heaviest feeding, when you need to lie on your stomach for a while.

You cannot immediately refuse a postpartum bandage. It is necessary for the wound to heal faster, because a “sagging” belly stretches the skin and prevents the edges of the wound from quickly healing.

If during the dressing it was noticed that the seam began to separate, classes should be stopped. Signs of inflammation and “swelling” of the suture should also cause concern. You should immediately contact your gynecologist so that he can prescribe new medications for dressings. Usually, a thick layer of Levomekol ointment is additionally applied to the seam. The main thing is to immediately apply for medical care, otherwise you might end up in the operating room again.

The cessation of discharge indicates that intimate relationships can be resumed, and pathological changes in the uterine area was avoided. And when the baby turns 2 months old, you can pamper yourself by taking a bath.

Now some pregnant women seriously believe that a caesarean section is best method childbearing and insist on surgery. If there are no indications for surgical intervention, then it is unreasonable to demand it. Surgery will never be better for a healthy woman in labor. natural birth. Any operated mother will confirm this.

Childbirth- a difficult period in the life of every woman, regardless of their passage, natural or surgically. The uterine lining needs to be restored, which can take up to 9-10 weeks, and then only in the absence of any complications.

Gynecologists pay special attention to lochia in the plasma of the mucous epithelium, which mothers in labor need to pay attention to if they still had to undergo a cesarean section. The composition, volume, color and smell of the discharge matters.

Deviations from the norm may indicate complications. Important role plays a role in the number and timing of lochia discharge. They should not be confused with menstrual bleeding. If you have any suspicions, you should urgently seek advice from a gynecologist.

Distinctive features of cesarean section

The opinion is erroneous that loose lochia in the case of natural delivery is not much different from that caused by cesarean delivery. This is not true at all. There are some differences. Caesarean is still an operation.

The likelihood of developing inflammation increases several times. It is extremely important for women not to neglect the hygiene measures of a caesarean section as it is quite rough surgical intervention Moreover, the healing process of the uterine cavity takes much longer.

The main differences between a cesarean section and a natural birth:

It is normal for discharge after cesarean to last no more than 2 weeks. A prolonged nature may indicate the development of an inflammatory process, but the extent of the wound and blood clotting also play a role.

Young mothers should not be afraid of such changes in the body if the birth went well and there are no signs of complications. The uterine mucosa must fully recover due to cesarean section and this requires some time. The main thing is to promptly notice possible pathological manifestations, consult a gynecologist at the initial stage.

What should the discharge be like after a cesarean section?

Taking into account the physiology of the female body, discharge after cesarean section is not much different from the usual menstruation for women. They're leaving light red color containing epithelial clots in the composition.

As lochia heals after a cesarean section, the bleeding wound resembles debris, which is normal as the uterus naturally begins to shed epithelial particles and recover:

  1. Clots of mucus with blood from 3 to 7 days The volume can reach 500 ml.
  2. Starting from 10 days darkening, acquiring a brownish tint and a decrease in volume are possible.
  3. Closer to 21 days the residual effects of a light shade or ointment begin to fade.
  4. By 8 weeks The recovery period should come to an end, the discharge should become lighter and more transparent, similar to what occurs during pregnancy.

Note! Physical activity, lifting weights, and breastfeeding can lead to an increase in the volume of lochia secreted. Contractile activity and stimulation of the uterus increases. Taking into account physiology, this organ must independently expel the remnants of lochia outward, although excessive damage to the cavity after cesarean section can lead to the discharge of secretions in particles in the form of muscle fibers. An important role is played by the quality of the surgical intervention performed (caesarean section), and the degree of responsibility of doctors in this matter.

How long does the discharge last?

  1. The duration of discharge after cesarean section is on average 5-6 weeks.
  2. A protracted condition - 7-9 weeks - will not be considered a pathology, because every woman’s body is completely identical.
  3. 10-12 weeks for women childbearing age– quite enough to completely cleanse the uterus of accumulated mucus and epithelial particles. Next, the ointments due to a cesarean section should acquire a light shade and eventually stop altogether.

If lochia does not stop after 2 months in a row, then you need to sound the alarm. A protracted nature is fraught with the development of pathology: infectious endometriosis, when it is no longer possible to delay contacting a doctor, especially if a foreign, foul odor appears. Endometritis, which often occurs during a cesarean section, must be treated.


The normal duration of lochia is 7-9 weeks. But it is worth understanding that cesarean section leads to unnecessary damage to tissues and blood vessels.

The indicators are normal if the discharge after cesarean section:

  • contain blood particles, clots;
  • come off with a red scarlet hue with placenta particles;
  • closer to the 8th week they become more liquid and look like light brown ointments;
  • as the blood clots at 6-7 weeks, they begin to change to a brownish tint.

Note! Dangerous colors of lochia are yellow, green, black. If pain is present and putrid smell- it's time to visit a specialist!

The smell and unusual color of lochia as a result of cesarean section may indicate serous accumulations in the uterine cavity and the development of an inflammatory process. The appearance of slight yellowness is acceptable closer to 3 weeks after the birth process, but the discharge should not have any foreign odor or impurities of pus.

Usually in the 1st week, lochia is a bright red color. Blood may flow profusely, in clots and even lumps. In the 2nd week it acquires a reddish-brown tint, and slight yellowness may also be present.

Not pathological discharge after a cesarean section should go away in about 7-10 days. The danger is represented not only by their protracted nature, but also complete absence. This means that clots accumulate in the uterus and cannot come out for some reason. It can provoke spasms and bending of the cervix.


A deviation due to a cesarean section is considered to be a short period of discharge - less than 6 weeks or a prolonged period - more than 10 weeks. It is acceptable to increase the period by 1 week, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body. The main thing is to take into account the color, smell and composition of lochia in order to suspect a problem in time and solve it together with doctors.

Of course, surgery leads to severe damage to the uterine cavity; oozing contents from injured areas can be quite long-lasting.

In case of inflammation we're talking about about infection, when it may be necessary to re-clean the uterus. Continuous for a long time lochia is an alarm bell, especially with the discharge of foul-smelling ichor.

It is important for women to know the sequence of lochia discharge in order to notice deviations in time against the background of a cesarean section:

  • discharge of a bright red color with lumps and blood clots;
  • change of red discharge to a darker color;
  • gradual change to a brown, dark brown shade;
  • change to a yellowish color, eventually to colorless.

Attention! It is prevention and hygiene that women need to observe in the first weeks after surgery, and also avoid sex for up to 6-7 weeks in order to avoid accidental infection and the proliferation of bacteria. The genital tract is injured and not protected from negative pressure from the outside. It will take time for complete recovery.

Many young mothers believe that lochia comes off in smaller quantities after a cesarean section. This is a myth. Volume cannot affect the type of delivery. The discharge can be copious and prolonged, often after surgery.

Pathological nature of discharge after cesarean section

Lochia becomes pathological if:

  • last a long time (over 10-11 weeks);
  • pass quickly, within 4-5 weeks);
  • stop abruptly, then reappear due to improper healing process in the uterine cavity.

The duration of discharge after cesarean section is fraught with the development of endometritis or infection in the genital organs and peritoneal cavity.

The following signs should alert you:

  • increase in high temperature;
  • discharge of ichor and pus from surgical sutures;
  • swelling;
  • hyperemia of the vaginal mucosa;
  • soreness, irritability on palpation.

Scanty discharge

Poor discharge is not considered normal.


  • accumulation of lochia in the uterus, inability to come out on its own;
  • bending of the uterus - the result of a cesarean section;
  • cervical spasms;
  • clogged pipes;
  • thrombus formation.

Often the cause of scant blood is clogged pipes, clogged uterine ducts. These are alarm bells, especially in the first 8-10 days, when minor discharge goes away. It is necessary to undergo examination: examination by a gynecologist, ultrasound.

Heavy discharge

Heavy discharge after cesarean section on days 3-4 is normal. If at first it started, then suddenly stopped, then you should see a doctor. If it starts with a thick dark brown or yellow smear, then the flow of blood in the uterus is probably impaired.

Usually there is an additional increase in temperature and pain in the lower abdomen. When a putrid odor appears from the vagina, an inflammatory process clearly develops and repeated cleaning is required.

The abundance of discharge may indicate:

  • development of stenosis;
  • uterine atony;
  • divergence of internal seams;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • formation of polyps in cervical canal when surgical intervention is no longer possible.

Reason heavy bleeding breastfeeding may occur when red lochia with clots comes out and does not stop for more than 2 months. But there are often cases of protracted discharge after cesarean section with low hemoglobin levels. Symptoms: paleness of the skin, whiteness of the mucous membrane of the eyelids when pulled down. Blood donation for hemoglobin is required, possibly an ultrasound.

Discharge in clots

The passage of bloody clots in the first 5-7 days is normal. There is a separation of pieces of dead endometrial epithelium.

Women need to see a gynecologist if the discharge from clots does not stop for more than 1 week. This is similar to congestion in the uterus, the remaining pieces of the unseparated placenta, unable to come out on their own. If it lasts too long, you need to pay attention to the color of the discharge.

In case of pathology as a consequence of a cesarean section:

  • greenish-yellow clots come off;
  • heart rate increases;
  • increased temperature.

Symptoms can be triggered by suture dehiscence or the development of endometritis, which requires an ultrasound scan.

Discharge with pus

Watery lochia

Liquid, almost transparent exudate is not the norm. The cause may be poor blood circulation in the affected area. With pathology, lochia leaves with an unpleasant odor, increases high temperature, chills, lower abdomen hurts.

Additionally, the smell of rotten fish is observed, which indicates the development of pathology in the vagina:

  • Gardnerelez;
  • dysbiosis.

It is necessary to take a blood test for hemoglobin level, undergo an examination by a gynecologist, and additionally, an ultrasound scan for possible availability residual placental phenomena in the uterine cavity in women in labor.

Discharge shade

The shade of discharge after cesarean section may also indicate the development of a particular pathology.


Yellowness is a sign of accumulations of leukocytes in the uterine cavity. This is not considered a special deviation from the norm, because this is how the body protects itself from the onslaught of infection from the outside.

If the discharge is deep yellow, abundant and does not stop for more than 2 weeks, then we can talk about:

  • advanced endometritis;
  • thrush;
  • development of inflammation in the uterine cavity.

Additional unpleasant symptoms: itching, burning in the genitals, fever, discharge of a cheesy mass.

This is a reason to consult a doctor. Requires treatment with antibiotics.

Greenish discharge

Greenery after a cesarean section indicates suppuration in the vagina and the development of an inflammatory process.

In combination with an unpleasant odor, it may indicate:

  • endometritis with inflammatory course;
  • infection of the uterine mucosa;
  • infection with chlamydia, gonorrhea;
  • colpitis;
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • trichomoniasis.

Dangerous signs after cesarean section are the discharge of greenish discharge with itching and pus, which happens with gonorrhea and chlamydia. Additionally, painful urination and pain in the lower abdomen are observed.

With bacterial vaginosis, the discharge leaves a nasty grayish odor, redness and itching in the genitals.

Endometritis is accompanied by:

  • a sharp increase in temperature;
  • pain in the lower abdomen.

If green discharge appears during a cesarean section with an unpleasant odor and pus, approximately 7 days after the operation, a smear on the culture tank is required.

A white consistency after surgery is not a dangerous and acceptable phenomenon. Doctors do not consider colorless lochia a deviation.

But you need to pay attention to the appearance of unpleasant symptoms:

  • swelling, redness of the vagina;
  • discharge of a curdled mass with a sour odor;
  • the appearance of itching, burning.

Causes: infection of the cavity, development of bacteriosis, inflammatory process. You need to take a vaginal smear for bacterial culture and undergo treatment.

Dark brown

Doctors do not talk about pathology when black discharge occurs, unless, of course, others are observed side effects: pain, itching, burning, bad smell.

The reason may be a violation hormonal levels During the postpartum period, the uterus needs time to recover.

Usually dark brown lochia goes away in the first 7 days, and this is the norm.

Brown discharge with a duration of up to 12 weeks, they should change to transparent gradually. But the appearance of turbidity, yellowness and greenery is not acceptable. A similar color scheme clearly indicates deviations and the development of a bacterial infection.

When should you contact a doctor?

You should contact a doctor immediately if the following symptoms appear:

Certainly, specific features organisms play a big role.

However, the appeal should be when:

  • excessively short lochia with a duration of less than 5 weeks;
  • long, over 8 or more weeks.

When a foreign odor appears, endometriosis often develops, which is fraught with complications and unpleasant consequences.

You can't ignore the signs:

  • hyperemia of the mucous membrane;
  • discharge of purulent ichor;
  • the appearance of an unusual color of discharge with the smell of glue

Note! The most dangerous color of lochia is green. This is a sign of the development of endometritis in an advanced state or an inflammatory process with a purulent course when pus appears in the contents. You need to see a doctor and undergo a full diagnosis.

It is important to understand that sutures can take quite a long time to heal and improper care or a complete lack of hygiene behind the uterine cavity can lead to suppuration, infection, and the development of inflammation. The appearance of swelling, itching in the vagina, and the discharge of purulent serous discharge with a foul odor cannot be ignored.

Personal hygiene after cesarean

The recovery period after surgery lasts longer, so you should pay more attention to personal hygiene:

Hygiene rules– elementary, but extremely important. It is also necessary to track general condition external genitalia, keep clean and carry out daily sanitation.

To speed up the recovery process and the contractility of the uterus, women may be prescribed the drug Oxytocin or other analogues on the recommendation of the attending physician.

C-section- a complex operation, because in addition to removing the baby, doctors have to remove particles of the placenta, perform curettage of the uterine cavity, and remove the endometrium. There is no need to talk about the absence of injuries after the intervention of surgeons.

However, the body must cope on its own and return to normal. In the first 2 weeks, red lochia comes out with clots during active contractions of the uterus. Minor pain and increased bleeding are acceptable. Next, the symptoms should subside, and the discharge should decrease in volume and become similar to spotting.

As a result, normal leucorrhoea should appear, but the protracted nature of the discharge with odor, rot and an increase in temperature after cesarean section may indicate pathology.

It happens that placenta particles are retained in the uterine cavity, preventing the endometrium from normally detaching and exiting naturally. At the same time, they begin to rot when they leave purulent discharge yellowish in color, accompanied by bleeding, pain in the ovaries and uterus. This clearly indicates the need for additional cleaning and a course of antibiotic therapy.

The appearance of unusual pallor on the skin of women cannot be ignored. It is extremely important to monitor the discharge by color and smell. Artificial childbirth is fraught with complications.

The reason may be:

  • poor healing of sutures;
  • low blood clotting;
  • lack of wound treatment during the rehabilitation period.

Of course, the recovery period for each woman is individual. Minor deviations in the released lochia in color and smell are acceptable. Although normally they should last no more than 1 month.

Discharge after cesarean section should not have pathological course, come off with a suspicious hue and cause particular inconvenience. The main thing is to detect the pathology in a timely manner and solve the problem at an early stage.

Blood after childbirth in most cases is a natural process, regardless of whether the birth was artificial or natural. During the bleeding, the uterus should return to normal. However, during this period there is a possibility of pathological hemorrhage. If this process is not recognized, it can lead to big loss blood that threatens sharp deterioration a woman’s well-being, and sometimes even fatal. To prevent this from happening, you need to know how much blood flows after childbirth and what color it should be. There is a big difference between induced and natural childbirth. So, during a caesarean section, the uterus takes longer to recover, so the hemorrhage takes a long time. Below we will consider the question of how much bleeding occurs after a cesarean section.

After childbirth, a discharge called lochia occurs. They consist of blood, remnants of the placenta and particles of the upper layer of the uterus, which separated from it during labor. In the first 2-3 days after a cesarean section, the discharge is scarlet in color. In addition, the bleeding will be quite intense. Approximately 1 pad change every 2 hours will be required. However, this is conditional, since a lot depends on individual characteristics women and how successfully the operation was performed. No doctor can tell you exactly how much blood comes out normally. The first days after surgery, the discharge will be accompanied by a large number of clots. This is a normal process after such a long break between periods.

Gradually the color of the bleeding changes. 5 days after birth, the blood takes on a brownish tint. The intensity of discharge becomes average. The pad lasts for 3-4 hours. Many people are concerned about the question, how long does bleeding last after childbirth?

On average, hemorrhages after cesarean section last 1, 5 or 2 months. After 8 weeks they should stop. At the end the selections go dark color and have a smearing character. If bleeding continues for too long, consult a doctor.

Complications after caesarean section

Situations often occur when complications arise after a caesarean section. This may be due to the fact that the uterus contracts poorly, the operation was not very successful, etc. If any problems arise after artificial birth, then you should immediately consult a doctor.
The following situations may be the reason:

You should also consult a doctor if the bleeding does not stop within 3 months after birth.

Bloody discharge in urine after cesarean section

Sometimes it happens that bleeding after a cesarean section has stopped, but after some time blood appears in the urine. This indicates that some pathology is developing in the body. Typically, blood in the urine occurs for the following reasons:

  • Inflammation of the bladder (cystitis). This pathology accompanied by bloody discharge in the urine, even with clots and pain in the lower abdomen. Cystitis develops due to surgical intervention, and caesarean section is one of them. Its occurrence is also provoked by local hypothermia, inflammation of the vagina, improper personal hygiene, etc. In any case, if blood appears in the urine and pain in the lower abdomen, consult a doctor.
  • Urethritis. This disease develops due to an inflammatory process that affects the walls of the urinary canal. As a result, blood appears in the urine, even with clots, and when urinating, cutting pain lower abdomen.
  • Endometriosis. With this pathology, growths form on the walls of the bladder. Such formations arise from tissue that is rejected by the uterus during menstruation. After a cesarean section, these tissues are rejected due to bleeding. As a result, blood appears in the urine, sometimes with clots, and severe pain in the lower abdomen when urinating and appear frequent urge to urination.

In addition, blood in the urine occurs due to anemia, poor blood clotting, etc.

Prevention of pathological bleeding

In some situations, pathological hemorrhages can be avoided.
Follow these rules:

  • Go to the toilet whenever you need to. The point is that it's crowded bladder prevents uterine contraction.
  • Put the baby to the breast as soon as the need arises. When feeding, the uterus contracts, therefore, it will quickly return to the state it was in before childbirth.
  • Change the gasket more often. In addition, it is advisable to use personal hygiene products without fragrances.
  • Tampons cannot be used. The fact is that they prevent lochia from leaving the uterus, therefore, they create favorable conditions for the proliferation of harmful microorganisms in the uterus.
  • Every time after visiting the toilet, wash yourself with warm boiling water. Under no circumstances should you take a bath while lying down for 8 weeks.

Any bleeding after a cesarean section should be treated with full responsibility. Care should be taken to monitor any changes in blood color, odor, or intensity of bleeding. If you have the slightest suspicion of pathology, consult a doctor.

Regardless of the process of childbirth - whether childbirth occurred naturally or by abdominal surgical intervention, in mandatory will be observed postpartum discharge, or lochia. And until the accumulated slag is completely washed out from fallopian tubes, mucous-bloody clots will be released from the vagina.

The time period for how long discharge can last after a cesarean section is: purely individual factor. It is directly related to the restoration process inside the uterus. This is an almost twenty-fold reduction and complete tissue regeneration. But before the inner epithelial layer of the uterus begins its restoration, it needs to clean the wound surface, tear away particles of the placenta and dead epithelium that was not removed during the operation.

The period of discharge of postpartum secretions consists of four stages that gradually replace each other.

  1. Postoperative, lasting about a week. During the normal course of the process, voluminous bright red, burgundy and even scarlet masses containing bloody mucous clots are observed.
  2. 7-8, perhaps 10 days after delivery, the second stage begins. It is accompanied by small, spotting lochia of a brownish tint. No bloody clots are observed, and bloody substances may be present only in the form of small inclusions.
  3. The third and longest stage, lasting about 4-5 weeks. The amount of inactive discharge is insignificant, and, nevertheless, they are slightly “smeared” every day. The presence of blood streaks is practically absent, and the color of the rejected substance becomes brownish. After a month, the lochia becomes yellowish in color. This suggests that a huge number of leukocytes have joined the work of restoring the mucous membrane in order to prevent possible bacterial damage to the young epithelial tissue uterine wall.
  4. Appearance clear mucus indicates that the internal suture has healed after the operation, and the intrauterine postpartum recovery process has completed.

In total, the period of physiological contraction, including scarring of the internal suture and regeneration of the uterine lining, can range from seven to nine weeks. This is exactly the period after a cesarean section for how long the discharge lasts during normal healing, without deviations or pathologies.


Each organism is individual, and the duration of recovery postpartum period For every woman, sometimes the statistics may not coincide. According to the average timing of lochia discharge, the norm is considered to be a period of 7 to 9 weeks.

But if a woman in the sixth week after surgery completely stops releasing postpartum secretions, or, conversely, at the 10th week, vaginal discharge of masses still continues, and there are no changes in the composition, shade, thickness, or manifestation of an unpleasant odor, then this is is not considered a cause for concern. But it is still necessary to inform the doctor about such deviations.

Any changes in the condition or appearance of lochia that differ from the norm should promptly seek help from a specialist.


  • The duration of the first stage exceeds a week.
  • Sudden cessation of profusely secreted lochia.
  • The duration of lochia is less than five weeks, and its duration is more than 10 weeks after cesarean section.
  • Small volume of released substance.
  • Abundant secretion, lasting up to 8 weeks from the moment of childbirth.

Each of the points is fraught with a certain amount of danger. So, it is necessary to control how long the bleeding continues after cesarean section and its volume. Small quantity may indicate that dead endometrium (according to various reasons) cannot leave the body. The causes of stagnation must be determined by a doctor, since there is a high risk of suppuration of the unrejected substance. Prolonged discharge may indicate the onset of endometritis or another infectious process affecting the abdominal cavity.

A sudden cessation of discharge is considered a dangerous condition., there is a pause, and after a short break, literally a few days, lochia forms again. This picture indicates pathological abnormalities from the process of uterine restoration.

The nature of lochia, or what discharge should be after a cesarean section

During the entire postpartum period recovery period a number of changes occur in the nature of the released substance. At first, the lochia comes off abundantly and looks like bloody clots. This is due to the fact that the entire inner surface of the uterus is an extensive open bleeding wound.

The ongoing healing process contributes to characteristic changes, and the lochia acquires a mucus-like appearance with inclusions of dead epithelium and other postpartum waste.

What is the normal discharge after cesarean section?

The presence of blood, as well as clots in the lochia for a week, gradually disappears within 7-8 days. This is considered the norm. If an admixture of mucus is observed in the masses discharged from the vagina, this is also considered normal occurrence, since mucus is a waste product of the fetus inside the womb.

A month after the operation, the lochia should acquire a pinkish color, indicating that the healing process is close to completion, but is not yet completely completed. By the end of 7-8 weeks, the color of the lochia changes to brownish, and their consistency resembles normal menstrual flow.


Appearing “suddenly”, a month after surgical intervention a bright pink hue of the substance released from the vagina may be a consequence of early intimate relationships when it is injured thin layer young epithelium.


  • You need to be wary of watery, almost transparent discharge. A similar phenomenon is characteristic of circulatory disorders, when transudate, a liquid secretion of lymphatic and blood vessels, comes out.
  • Unpleasant odor of transparent lochia, reminiscent of rotten fish, indicates that a woman is developing gardnerellosis - vaginal dysbiosis. This is the most characteristic symptom diseases.
  • Purulent discharge is considered the most unpleasant and requires immediate treatment.. They occur when infectious inflammation mucous membrane, and they have a very unpleasant odor. As a rule, the secreted substance is colored yellowish-greenish, the general condition is depressed and is accompanied by low-grade fever. The woman feels pain in the lower abdomen, which, when tense, radiates to the perineum.


The progress of the healing and restoration process of the uterus can be judged by the shade of the flowing masses as a whole. Immediately after surgery, lochia is blood-red in color. And almost at the end of the recovery period they begin to acquire brownish tints.

The process of restoration of the uterine wall after childbirth ends with a smearable substance, very reminiscent of regular menstruation. Only the duration of such “menstruation” is about two months, and not several days.

Yellow vaginal discharge after cesarean section testify to many things:

  • There is scant talk about normal healing pale yellowish discharge with a characteristic odor of secretion, lasting 14-21 days.
  • Also considered normal black painless and short-lived lochia, which is expelled immediately after surgery. They are associated with hormonal changes in the blood after childbirth. But if such a phenomenon is observed after a certain period of time after the operation, it is already considered a deviation from the norm.
  • Selection bright yellow lochia, closer to orange color, with an admixture of greenery and an unpleasant putrefactive odor, speaks of initial stage endometritis.
  • Abundant yellow slime in the discharge indicates an advanced form of endometritis.
  • Ejected foul-smelling green masses indicate the presence of pus in them. Consequently, an infectious infection occurred, and an inflammatory process began to develop in the uterus. Diagnosis is carried out exclusively by a doctor, and based on clinical picture prescribes treatment.
  • Lochia white do not pose a threat if no pathologies are observed - itching and foci of redness in the perineal area, as well as curdled discharge with a predominant sour-musty odor.


One more important factor The volume of lochia is considered to indicate normal healing and restoration of the uterine wall in the postoperative period. Deviations include both a small and short-term amount of expelled bloody masses, and a large amount that lasts over 8-10 days.

In the first case, there is a risk of blockage of the uterine ducts. This phenomenon may indicate that blood clots have formed in the ducts. With prolonged, abundant lochia, the body signals the impossibility of independently carrying out the recovery process. The cause that led to the pathology can only be determined by a doctor.

The presence of any odor other than natural, as well as the appearance of bright shades of lochia, is often the only symptom, indicating a significant deviation from the norm of the recovery process, and a woman needs to pay very close attention to such signals.

Hygiene procedures after cesarean section

Throughout postoperative period associated with the recovery phase, It is very important to take good care of your body:

  • change the bandage at the suture site daily;
  • replace shower procedures by wiping with a damp towel until the seam heals, and only after that you can take a shower;

  • necessary regular ablution warm water crotch area, at the same time, you need to thoroughly wipe the external genitalia every time you visit the toilet;
  • use absorbent diapers rather than pads in the first 14 days after caesarean section, and change them frequently;
  • at the second stage, when lochia is no longer so abundant, you can switch to gaskets, changing them every three, maximum four hours;
  • It is strictly not recommended to use tampons, as well as special gels for intimate places containing SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate) or its analogues.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

  • With a sharp change in the volume of discharge.
  • If abundant bloody discharge are observed continuously for more than 8 weeks.
  • If there is pain in the lower abdomen, and if the pain progresses every day.
  • If itching occurs in the perineal area.
  • At high rates body temperature, hypotension(low blood pressure), tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), anemia (cold skin).

Factors worth considering

  • For better uterine contraction, simply need to wear a postpartum bandage.
  • Simple physical exercise lying on the stomach also contributes to the contraction of the uterine wall.
  • Has a beneficial effect on the recovery process of the uterus regular bowel movements, and, of course, the bladder.


At the end of pregnancy and childbirth, regardless of how they occurred - natural or by caesarean section, the uterus should recover. How the uterus is restored, what processes occur in a woman’s body after surgical birth and how many days the discharge lasts after a cesarean section is discussed in detail in this informational video.

Additional information

  • It is very important to choose proper diet after abdominal surgery. Ask what components must be included in the menu of a woman who gave birth by cesarean method.
  • Familiarize yourself with the set of exercises and techniques, sections.
  • Very important information– what are the sections, and how to avoid the formation of adhesions.
  • Find out how soon it is acceptable and what needs to be taken into account during intimate relationships after childbirth.
  • For those who lead an active lifestyle, you should clearly know what early physical activity on the body of a woman who has recently given birth.

Tell us about your experience and feelings after the operation. What else does a woman who has given birth through surgery need to know? What are the main difficulties she faces at first? postoperative days? Maybe you can reveal the secret why cesarean section is not considered by doctors as an alternative to natural childbirth?

A caesarean section is a serious abdominal operation that does not occur without complications and requires a long process of recovery of the woman’s body. How long it will last depends on many individual characteristics; it may take from 42 to 56 days, while the body after a natural birth completely returns to normal within a month. One of the consequences of labor is lochia, which appears regardless of the type of birth, but in the case of artificial obstetrics requires special attention, because they may indicate more serious complications.

Postpartum discharge as a common physiological phenomenon

Lochia is a specific postpartum bleeding with inclusions of endometrial clots formed after separation of the placenta in the wound. They consist of blood cells (these are red blood cells, platelets, leukocytes), plasma (the so-called liquid part of the blood), mucus and particles of dead epithelium. The structure of discharge after a cesarean section is absolutely identical to that which appears after a natural birth, and if there are no serious complications in the postpartum period, they gradually disappear. But any pathological processes that develop in the postpartum period in the uterine area are reflected in appearance and the number of discharges. Therefore, every woman needs to know what they should be in order to promptly identify:

  • infectious process;
  • inflammation;
  • uterine scar, which provokes large blood loss.

Features of discharge that women encounter after cesarean section, their types and timing

After this complex operation It is important for every woman to know what normal discharge after a cesarean section can and should be like and how long it will last. In the first postpartum week, they are red in color and very similar to menstrual blood, which includes clots, but differ in that they are quite abundant. The volume of such bleeding after a caesarean section often reaches 500 ml; the sanitary pad fills up too quickly and requires replacement every hour and a half. The intensity of blood flow directly depends on how quickly and well the uterus contracts; it intensifies when walking or palpating the abdomen. The released blood smells unpleasant, which is normal in the first days after childbirth. But if the lochia smells rotten, this indicates the development of an infectious process and inflammation, which requires urgent examination and prescription of medications.

Pregnancy with twins after cesarean

In the second postpartum week, the discharge becomes less intense, its decrease is noticeable every day, and the color changes from bright red to red-brown.

After four to five weeks, the discharge becomes small and is distinguished by its spotting nature and dark brown color. Then they gradually lighten, gradually become yellow, and by the time the uterus and its mucous membrane are restored, they become exactly the same as those observed in the woman before pregnancy.

The moment when the discharge becomes discolored is considered the end of the postpartum period, the endometrium of the uterus has regenerated and the young mother can completely take care of her baby without worrying about anything.

How much discharge occurs after a caesarean section depends on the individual ability of the female body, in particular the uterus, to contract. In general, the process can take six to eight weeks. After recovery, normal periods do not occur while the woman is actively breastfeeding; a decrease in lactation and the transition to feeding the baby will lead to the onset of menstrual cycle at any moment.

What should cause concern and prompt immediate medical attention?

It is important not only how long the discharge lasts after a cesarean section, but also the presence of other signals indicating pathology.

  1. Fetid odor, putrid and purulent. Most often this is a symptom of the development of endometritis (inflammation in the inner mucous layer of the uterine body). At the same time, the woman’s general well-being may worsen, her temperature may rise, and abdominal pain may appear.
  2. If suddenly the discharge suddenly stops and starts again, this is a rather bad indicator; it indicates congestion in the uterus and poor contractility of the organ.
  3. Pathological is a sharp increase in the volume of discharge, instead of a gradual decline. If the amount of blood released reaches one or more pads per hour, you need to immediately call an ambulance, as this is a sign of late hypotonic bleeding.
  4. Green clots that appear in the lochia can indicate that an infection has entered the female body.
  5. On abnormal bleeding may indicate a prolonged period of bleeding, characteristic of the first and second weeks after birth. In this case, an urgent examination by a gynecologist is also necessary.
  6. Often after surgery, women develop curdled discharge, there is itching in the vagina. This may be a manifestation of thrush that has developed as a result of taking postoperative medications.
  7. Temperature above 37 degrees, aching pain in the stomach, cold extremities - all this also indicates an inflammatory process in the female body.

How long does your stomach hurt after a caesarean section?

Knowing what normal postpartum discharge is like, you can promptly suspect a pathology and undergo a course of treatment without ending up in a hospital bed for a long time and without leaving your baby without mother’s attention.

After childbirth, it is especially important to follow several recommendations for hygienic care:

  • the sanitary pad should be changed every three hours, regardless of the degree of contamination;
  • tampons are strictly prohibited (their introduction contributes to the retention and proliferation of microbes in the uterus);
  • you can’t douche;
  • You can take a bath only after the end of the postpartum period;
  • At first, you should not get the seam on your stomach wet (keep it clean with a damp towel);

Sexual activity is permitted two months after childbirth, only after a complete postpartum period not complicated by infections. Before this, a woman who has had a caesarean section is recommended to visit a gynecologist.