
Black fleas on dogs. Learn more about fleas on dogs and their potential dangers

How to remove fleas from dogs using modern means?

By biting a dog's skin, fleas inject their saliva into the wound, which promotes:

How to remove fleas from a dog

Kupanie-ot-blohToday there are a variety of methods to combat dog fleas, each of which is effective in its own way. It must be remembered that treatment must be immediate and comprehensive. If it is established that the dog has fleas, the following procedures are done:

Bathing an animal in soapy water followed by combing out dead insects.
The use of folk remedies.
Use of special anti-flea products.
Sanitary and hygienic cleaning of the premises.
Bathing dogs is considered an ideal method to dramatically reduce flea numbers and accurately determine the extent of the infestation. Bathing consists of intensively soaping the animal with household or tar soap for 10 minutes. After this, the soaped wool must be rinsed with running water, which will help wash off most of the fleas. After the fur is completely dry, you need to carefully comb out the remaining dead insects from the fur with a brush.

Among folk remedies, eucalyptus extract and oil are recommended tea tree and cedar. These substances are used to make bathing soap and serve as anti-flea rubs. Since fleas cannot tolerate strong odors, tincture of bitter wormwood will be an excellent remedy against them. If the dog lives in an outdoor kennel, then it would be advisable to equip it with bedding made of spruce sawdust, under which you can additionally lay bedding made of wormwood.

How to rid your dog of fleas using modern means

In addition, it is possible to use flea repellers:



The only difference from the common cat fleas- This is the ability to transmit many pathogens to humans.
So the rarity of encounters with dog fleas is an extremely positive fact.

The fleas that pose a threat to dogs do not live on them permanently. While living in dogs' fur, fleas feed and lay eggs. Over time, flea eggs fall from dogs onto the floor in the apartment, so that the infestation becomes widespread. The only immediate threat to the animal is the bites of adult fleas and the complications associated with them.


Paying attention to your dog is the key to its health.

If you suspect that your dog is infected with fleas, you need to immediately examine him and make sure of this.
In addition, regular examination of the dog will not harm. This measure will prevent the spread of fleas even if fleas have already attacked the animal.

Here are some ways to detect fleas on a dog:

Frequent scratching may be caused by an urge to relieve the itching characteristic of flea bites. If the dog bites its teeth into the fur, the source of the itching is probably fleas.
You should pay attention to changes in his behavior. If it becomes unusual, the dog often becomes irritated and nervous - this is a warning sign.
Typical flea bite sites are the withers area, the ridge area closer to the tail, the inner thighs and groin area. Flea bites cause redness and slight swelling and are often numerous. In these places the dog should be examined especially carefully.
Carefully comb his fur, inspecting what falls out of it. These may be dark brown lumps of flea feces. To make sure it is them, you should drop water on them: the blood contained in the flea's feces should tint the water with the appropriate color. Of course, fleas themselves can get caught. For the purity of the experiment, combing should be done on a light sheet so as not to lose sight of anything.
Having fulfilled all the inspection requirements, you can judge the cause of the dog’s illness. The point is that skin allergies Pet owners often mistake them for flea bites. Treatment for a non-existent scourge begins, and the dogs only suffer from it.


Fleas easily transfer from one animal to another when they come close, so games, mating or fighting are probable reasons the appearance of uninvited guests;
flea eggs scattered across the lawn often remain on the animal’s paws; with them it appears in the apartment, and infection occurs in the living space, after some time;
rodents and homeless animals inhabiting basements apartment buildings- this is a real flea factory: overgrown populations of fleas migrate from infested basements to entrances, where they attack victims.
Considering the above, even a pet owner can get fleas. Unfortunately, the human fight against fleas has not yet produced tangible results.


Flea bites are not only a temporary inconvenience, consisting of skin irritation and constant itching.

A flea attack can cause a number of serious complications:


You should start with the preparatory work.

Here is a list of actions required for this:

It is necessary to throw away or boil the dog’s bedding and cloth household items;
you will have to treat the entire apartment with insecticides, since fleas could already lay eggs somewhere (depending on the degree of infestation, you can use drugs different levels toxicity);
at allergic symptoms You should contact your veterinarian and find out if your dog has any contraindications to taking this or that product: thoughtless use of insecticides can lead to unpleasant consequences.
When choosing a product to rid your dog of fleas, you should consider the following:

Oral medications.
The action of the main representatives of each group of drugs is described below.


The product is a fairly strong insecticide. Therefore, to prevent the dog from licking it off, apply drops to the skin of the animal’s back, from the shoulder blades to the sacrum, spreading the fur with your fingers. Consumption depends on the dog's body weight.

It is advisable not to bathe the dog for two days before and after treatment.
"Frontline". The product is based on fipronil and is used when the dog reaches 10 weeks of age. Price ~ 450-550 rub.
"Stronghold." Based on silamectin. Designed for dogs over 6 weeks old. Suitable for monthly preventive use. Price ~ 1000 rub.
Advantix. Active ingredient- permethrin. The minimum age for use is 7 weeks. Used as aid for dermatitis caused by insect bites. Price ~ 200-300 rub.
"Leopard". Active substance- permethrin. Do not use until the pet reaches 10 weeks of age. Price ~ 100-150 rub.
If drug poisoning does occur, you should immediately seek help from a veterinarian.
You should immediately call your doctor and find out what measures you need to take on your own.


The spray is sprayed evenly over the entire surface of the dog’s body, protecting the eyes, nose and mouth from getting the drug into them. The product must reach the skin, so apply it against the grain, helping yourself with your fingers. The dog should not be washed for two days before and after applying the spray.

"Frontline". Fipronil is used as the active substance. Designed for dogs over 10 weeks of age. Price ~ 550 rub.
"Hartz". Spray with an organophosphate component, potent. Indicated from 12 weeks of age. Price ~ 550 rub.
"Beaphar." Based on permethrin. Designed for dogs over 12 weeks of age. Contains antiseptic mango oil. Price ~ 500 rub.
As with the application of drops, you should be aware of the danger of possible poisoning of the dog.


These drugs have a short-term residual effect, so they are more suitable for the immediate elimination of fleas from a dog’s fur.
When washing it is necessary to protect respiratory tract and the dog's eyes from getting shampoo in them. The volume is calculated based on the body weight of the animal.

"Beaphar." Based on permethrin. Price ~ 350 rub.
"Phytoelite". Active ingredient- permethrin. Infusions of several herbs have been added. There is a variety of shampoo suitable for 2-week-old puppies. Price ~ 100-150 rub.
"Doctor Zoo" Repellents included in the shampoo - essential oils several plants. There is a special type of product for 2-week-old puppies. Price ~ 100 rub.
"Master Bruno" The main component is permethrin. Indicated from 4 weeks of age. Price ~ 250 rub.
"Celandine". The active ingredient is permethrin. There is no age limit for dogs, which casts doubt on the quality of the product. Price ~ 100 rub.

Oral medications are used to spread insecticides through the dog's bloodstream into his subcutaneous fat layer. The novelty of such drugs implies that they are unknown, but manufacturers unanimously declare the effectiveness of the drugs.

Possible side effects, therefore, at the slightest sign of poisoning in a dog, you should consult a doctor.
These funds have been withdrawn from free sale in some countries, which is why there are price disruptions.


Using collars as medicinal products- a dubious idea. But they produce an excellent preventive effect, repelling fleas.

IN warm time years, such protection can be indispensable.
"Beaphar." The active ingredient is diazinon. Its use with other insecticides is unacceptable. Indicated for use from 6 weeks of age. Duration of action - 5 months. Price ~ 150 rub.
"Hartz". The active substance is tetrachlorvinphos. Designed for dogs older than 6 weeks. The effect lasts from 3 to 7 months, depending on the collar model. Price ~ 200-300 rub.
"Kiltix". It is based on a mixture of insecticides propoxur and flumethrin. Provides protection for 7 months. Used from 6 weeks of age. Price ~ 500-600 rub.

Insecticides are not suitable for treating puppies, exhausted and sick animals, as well as pregnant and lactating females.
The solution is to use simple, but often effective means:

Regular combing of fleas with a comb is absolutely safe method, the only drawback of which is that it is labor intensive;
bathing in tar soap is a real replacement for special shampoos (just don’t overdo it: soap makes dogs’ skin very dry);
washing the floors with a decoction of wormwood, laying out its stems is a mild, but time-tested preventive measure;
rubbing the same wormwood into the fur, or tansy as an option (the main thing is that the smell is not too strong for the dog itself);
using pine sawdust as bedding (suitable only for kennels).

Outline the essence preventive measures in two words: cleanliness and attention.
To minimize the risk of infecting your beloved dog with fleas, it is enough to comply with the following conditions:

Ensure proper sanitary condition of your home. Regular cleaning should be carried out not only in the apartment, but also in the entrance, and most importantly - in the basement. Stray dogs should be blocked from accessing basements and exterminators should be called to treat flea-infested basements.
Regular examination of your dog will allow you to easily cope with the infection and its consequences. Timeliness is very important.
It is necessary to exclude contacts with animals whose condition is unknown. It is advisable to walk your dog in special areas.
During the summer prophylactic use special means(collars, drops) will significantly reduce the possibility of infection.
The dog's health is in the hands of its owner. How protected the pet is from fleas depends on his actions. Using folk remedies and modern medications, you can easily provide your dog with a peaceful existence without the trouble of encountering fleas. Good luck!

Moving through such territory, we almost always bring these small enemies home, on our shoes. When you are walking with your four-legged friend at a dog walking area, it is likely that the dog may pick up harmful insects while running around the area.

Very often, fleas appear in dogs kept in enclosures. Fleas in dogs can cause a number of diseases. Allergies, dermatitis, itching and this is just a small list of ailments caused by these insects.

These insects are also carriers of a disease called Dipilidiosis. This happens when a dog chews out fleas. It is necessary to take into account that this disease is difficult to cure; in addition, it spreads to people, but in this case, infection occurs in a different way.

But still, how to remove fleas from a dog if this has already happened?
How to remove fleas from dogs First of all, don’t be too scared or panic. This problem is very easy to solve, especially nowadays, when you can find any flea remedy for dogs in veterinary pharmacies.

Methods of treatment and remedies for fleas in dogs: drops, spray, collar, shampoo
The best and most long-term medications for treating fleas in dogs are sprays and drops, FrontLine, Advantix, StrongHold. These drugs differ in the way they are used. The entire fur of the animal is treated with a spray against these harmful insects, and the dog’s withers are treated directly with drops. The effect of these drugs is almost the same. The spray and drops last for approximately 2 to 4-5 weeks.

A flea collar for dogs has more long term actions, but in turn is not medicine. It is worth considering that while anti-flea sprays and drops for dogs treat an animal for fleas, a collar only repels them.

An option such as a flea collar should be used as a preventive measure, but nothing more. Collars can be chemical or biological. Chemical collars should not be used on puppies, pregnant or lactating dogs; there are biological options for this case.

It will be easier to get rid of insects if the products are used comprehensively. To begin with, the dog should be treated with medications and cured, then washed well with shampoo, and finally put on a collar.

Floor coverings should be vacuumed and the dust bag destroyed. Wash the floors with such products, “Stomozan or Butox”, at the rate of 1 ampoule per 2-3 liters of water. After all the steps above have been completed and you have managed to get rid of fleas from your dog, you need to give your dog a course of anthelmintic treatment. Fleas are active carriers of helminths.

Veterinarians advise treating your pet’s fur every period from March to November. Apply flea drops to dogs every month during this period.

Try to prevent such problems from occurring in your pet, and he will repay you with his devotion and loyalty.

What are fleas on dogs?

All these species are small insects, ranging in size from 1.5 to 4 mm. Fleas can easily move through human hair or pet fur. In this they are helped by a smooth flattened body and long legs covered with bristles directed backwards. In a jump, an insect covers a distance that is 100 times its length. own body, which helps him easily climb onto his new owner.

Sticking fleas form cluster-like clusters on the skin. Similar clusters of fleas in dogs are most often visible on the ears.
Symptoms of a puppy or dog being infected with fleas

Signs of a flea infestation

The first symptoms include the following:

In fleas, both males and females suck blood. If your dog itches too often, carefully examine its skin and fur. In advanced cases, adult fleas can be easily detected in a dog's fur with the naked eye. Fleas prefer to bite places with tender and thin skin- neck, intermaxillary folds, abdomen.

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Routes of transmission and spread of fleas in dogs


Preventive measures

It is necessary to maintain order and cleanliness: clean the corner, enclosure, and area from contamination. Most experienced breeders change or wash the bedding regularly. After cleaning, the place where the dog is kept is treated with all kinds of insectoacaricidal agents. The owner needs to carry out all these activities once a season.

How to remove fleas from a dog

There are many ways to remove fleas from a dog, each of them is effective in its own way. The most important thing to do when fighting fleas is to hurry, as these insects lay their eggs and reproduce very quickly.

Basic ways to control fleas:

Swimming with special shampoos from fleas
use of special drops
using flea collars
flea sprays
folk remedies
Before you start using chemicals to kill fleas on a dog, you should carry out a number of procedures that will help significantly reduce the infestation of the animal and at the same time cause minimal harm to its health.
Traditional methods of fighting fleas

Bathing your dog is an ideal method to dramatically reduce the number of fleas and determine the exact level of infestation. The procedure should be carried out immediately after detecting signs of fleas in the dog. During intensive bathing, the dog is soaped with either simple laundry soap or tar soap, and the fur is thoroughly combed out. As a result, most of the fleas will be washed away with water. Some fleas will seek refuge in the area of ​​the animal's muzzle. You need to bathe your dog under running water. To prevent fleas from getting back into the fur.
Eucalyptus tincture helps fight fleas in dogs. Drops of the tincture are rubbed into the animal’s fur, and the fleas begin to leave it.
Tincture of bitter wormwood is a flea repellent.
If the dog lives in a kennel outside, then lay a bedding made of spruce branches or sawdust for it and put a wormwood bedding down.

What kind of flea shampoo is there and how to use it correctly

Anti-insect shampoo

Flea shampoos are used to remove fleas, treat rashes, and restore hair growth in dogs.

The shampoo has restorative and anti-allergic characteristics that help eliminate itching and hair loss in dogs.

The composition of flea shampoo can be different actions Therefore, when choosing a shampoo, you should consult a veterinarian.

Types of flea shampoos:

Insecticidal action. They kill fleas effectively and instantly. However, they can be dangerous for animals due to their toxicity. In case of overdose, they cause allergic reactions in the dog.
Shampoos based natural oils and herbs are a good prophylactic for wound healing and prevent the occurrence of insects. They give good color to the coat and make it silky.
How to use flea shampoo. Before use, you need to thoroughly comb the dog's fur, moisten it with water, apply a small amount of shampoo to your hands and rub into the fur, starting from the head and moving throughout the body to the limbs. Wait 5 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with water. The procedure can be repeated if necessary. It is important to avoid getting shampoo into your animal's ears and eyes.

Flea drops for dogs

Most effective way to get rid of fleas from a dog - use special drops.

Flea drops help get rid of insects in a few steps.

The effectiveness of these drugs is very high, and the duration of action is 3-4 weeks.

The following drops are widely used in practice: Sentry, Frontline, Stronghold, Bars.
Most manufacturers of flea drops use pesticides in their preparations; they can be harmful to the dog’s health. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the composition and active ingredients when purchasing. You can buy drops only in specialized veterinary pharmacies, after consulting with a veterinarian first.

Flea spray

Special flea spray for dogs

Directions for use:

The spray is applied against the growth of the fur, so that the skin and fur are evenly wetted.
The dog's stomach, chest, neck and head are treated.
During processing, the spray bottle must be held vertically.
You should do 3 – 4 pumps (approximately 5-6 ml) per 1 kg of dog’s body weight.
The animal should be bathed no earlier than two days after treatment.
The following flea sprays are recommended: Bars, Frontline, Hartz.

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Flea collar for dogs

Rules for using flea collars

The collar is unpacked, unfolded, and the plastic jumpers are removed. It is put on the dog, adjusted to the size of the neck, so that there is a gap of about 1-1.5 cm between the animal’s neck and it. The unoccupied end of the collar is threaded through the loop-pads, and all excess is cut off.

To protect your dog from fleas as much as possible, you should first remove them, and then use a collar for prevention.

Keep your home clean.
Inspect animals daily.
If you notice the first signs of flea infestation, contact your veterinarian immediately.
Use one of the dog flea treatments recommended by your doctor.

Fleas- the most common among ectoparasites (parasites living on the surface of the body), causing a lot of suffering to the four-legged pet. Moreover, the danger of infection lurks not only for homeless animals, but also for those who live in an apartment and have responsible owners. Besides discomfort experienced by a dog (itching, nervousness, loss of appetite), there is a real chance of catching some kind of endoparasite (viruses, bacteria). Fleas are carriers of diseases such as salmonellosis, brucellosis,. That is why the lack of proper treatment for flea infestation can lead not only to a deterioration in the quality of life, but even to death due to complications. There is no hope of getting rid of fleas on your own - the females release many eggs onto the skin and fur of the carrier, as well as into the environment (on the dog's bedding, bowls, furniture, soil), which will subsequently become the same bloodsuckers.

Causes of fleas in dogs

Even the most well-groomed dog can pick up fleas everywhere. Moreover, the dog’s new “friends” will begin to annoy not only her, but also other household members - members of the owner’s family, warm-blooded animals and rodents. Flea eggs can lie in wait for an animal:
  • In the grass, soil - when the dog goes for a walk;
  • In bird nests and wild animal burrows;
  • In the trash;
  • In the excrement and home of poultry (chickens, ducks, geese);
  • Upon contact with an infected animal.
Often flea eggs are brought into the house by the owner himself on shoes and clothes. A favorable environment for the development of fleas (transformation from egg to larva, pupa, and then adult) is warm rooms (from +20 to +25°C) with a high level of humidity (50-100%). That is, the dog is in danger almost everywhere.
  • The animal often itches and gnaws its body;
  • The bite sites have a reddish tint;
  • Scratches, ulcers, bald spots and bite marks on the dog’s body;
  • Increased anxiety (refusal of food, lack of interest in games, intermittent sleep);
  • Weakness;

    Ridding your home of fleas, eggs and larvae

    Whatever treatment the owner chooses, it is impossible to do without proper insecticidal treatment of the premises. Since fleas (or rather, their eggs) can be present not only on the animal’s body, but throughout the entire apartment, the owner will have to thoroughly wet clean the home, take out the trash, and clear out hard-to-reach places (behind carpets, furniture). Insecticidal preparations created for animals are suitable as life-saving remedies. The following products work well - “Get”, “Agita 10 WG”, dust, “Master 250 μs”. Instructions for use (including the effect on the human and animal body, the need to wash off the insecticide) must be studied by the owner before use. If the animal lives in the yard, then both the enclosure and the booth must be treated with insecticides. In this case, it is advisable to choose a product that will not harm the dog’s health.

    Life cycle of a dog flea.

    Synthetic flea products

    Effective insecticidal agents against fleas are considered synthetic products, allowing you to be guaranteed to rid your dog of uninvited guests for some time. The most popular of them are:
    • Sprays(“Frontline”, “Delix”, “Bolfo”) are some of the most effective flea control products. Spraying them leads to the formation of a protective film on the animal’s body, paralyzing and poisoning fleas. The effect of the spray usually lasts for several weeks. However, such a powerful remedy is not recommended for use on puppies (under 6-8 months) and nursing bitches;
    • Drops(“Beaphar bio”, “Clandestine”) - are used in the area of ​​the animal’s withers, which is convenient in cases where the dog tries to lick the drug. You can choose drops created for puppies from 2 months. It is not recommended to purchase drops for sick and weakened animals;
    • Flea collars(“Doctor zoo”, “Clandestine”, “Foresto”) - are divided into ultrasonic, chemical and biological. The advantages of ultrasonic are the absence of a pungent odor and harmful chemical components. However, during operation the device will produce a slight sound, in addition, the cost of such a collar will be quite high (at least 1000 rubles). Chemical collars have a pungent odor, but are considered the most effective (until they expire). Biological collars are positioned as harmless because aromatic oils are used in their production. By the way, quite often animals try to get rid of unpleasant-smelling chemical and biological collars. The above-mentioned products often cause allergic reactions;
    • Chewable flea tablets(“Bravecto”, “Frontline”) - help get rid of fleas within 8 hours after administration. Some products can be used for puppies, pregnant and lactating bitches.
    Often, anti-flea products also successfully treat other bloodsuckers - ticks. For prevention purposes (preferably after consultation with a veterinarian), fleas are destroyed twice a year - in the spring and autumn.

  • Severe itching at the site of the bite, redness of the skin;
  • The appearance of scratching at the sites of bites with further development skin diseases;
  • Increased hair loss;
  • Viral diseases;
  • Infection with worms;
  • Getting into the wounds bacteria that cause allergic reactions;
  • Development of anemia, causing death.

Where do dogs get fleas?

Symptoms indicating a dog infection

In addition to a visual examination of the pet, the following symptoms indicate the presence of “bloodsuckers”:

  • The dog itches and does it continuously.
  • The animal suddenly jumps up and tries to bite itself.
  • Red spots of unknown etiology appear on the dog's skin.
  • Bald patches, sores and scratches form on the dog's body.
  • The animal whines pitifully for some unknown reason.
  • The dog begins to shed prematurely.
  • The pet becomes restless and irritable, loses appetite, and suffers from insomnia.
  • A sharp decrease in the weight of the animal with proper feeding.

As soon as the animal shows the above signs, it must be show to the vet immediately to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Delay in this matter is unacceptable.

How do they reproduce?

Often, after complete treatment with anti-flea drugs (drops, shampoos, collars), a relapse of these insects can be detected - this is exactly the case when the pupa spent several weeks or months in a protective shell, and then transformed into a flea. While on the animal's body, the flea can feed every day, while when there is no suitable victim, the bloodsucker can go without food for up to two weeks.

What danger does such a neighborhood pose to a dog?

Flea bites are not only a temporary inconvenience, consisting of skin irritation and constant itching.

A flea attack can cause a number of serious complications:

Having fleas on a pet is serious problem. You should begin eliminating it immediately after it appears.

Conditions for complete flea removal

It should be remembered that there is no method that could get rid of this disease once and for all. Therefore, it is important to observe not only the correct treatment, but also preventive measures.

Traditional methods of eliminating fleas


Fleas have proven to be versatile and resilient insects. They do not have wings, which gives them the ability to easily move in their fur; they feed on the blood of both their main hosts and other warm-blooded animals with a similar blood composition. They can attack a person if they do not find another object for their attention in time.

The dog flea looks like most of its relatives: the size of the insect is 2-3 mm in length, the shiny flat oblong body is dark brown. The only thing they have some resemblance to is external features- this and .


A photo of a dog flea taken under a microscope clearly shows highly elongated hind legs, which help them jump 100-150 times further than their own body size.

Stages of development

The dog flea larva looks like a caterpillar small size up to 5 mm and looks like fly maggot. The larvae feed on various organic wastes and even eat rotting grass. And only in the nests of birds and other warm-blooded animals do they have the opportunity to feast on the excrement of adult individuals, full of blood, which did not have time to digest. After the larvae have moulted three times and pupated, they are ready to wait for their new owner for 30 days.

way of life

Dog fleas do not live long on the body of their prey. They only feed on dogs, and prefer to live in dark places convenient for attacking their breadwinner: under stones, in the carpet, in furniture upholstery, floor cracks, in the grass and on dog beds. This is where the eggs are found and the larvae mature. Such shelters should be inspected first if there is a suspicion that the dog has fleas. Very often they inhabit booths and resting places for four-legged animals.


Every dog ​​owner knows that his pet has:


Signs of a dog having fleas

You need to get rid of insects immediately, since they can not only affect animals, but also humans, causing the appearance of worms and many other dangerous diseases. This type of flea carries:

  • eggs of cucumber tapeworm, which can reach a length of up to 50 centimeters;
  • plague anthrax, typhus, brucellosis, encephalitis, salmonellosis - all these diseases are very dangerous for humans;
  • in dogs with sensitive skin and small puppies may appear allergic reaction to flea bites, which will lead to various dermatitis and anemia.

Means of prevention and treatment

There is a way to get rid of insects from dogs. Animals can be treated using:

Any dog ​​owner has encountered the phenomenon of fleas on a dog. Fleas can get on a dog in any way; their eggs easily cling to clothing or the animal’s fur. Also, when sniffing another dog that has fleas, your dog may transfer fleas to himself. In addition, fleas can transmit various diseases and worm eggs.

A female flea can lay up to 50 eggs a day, meaning that at about 9 months, a female can produce up to a trillion offspring. Fleas are in yards dog kennels, forests, parks - this is where they can find hosts on which to reproduce. The most favorite places for fleas: ears, stomach, internal surfaces hind legs. They also hide in the dark corners of your pet's favorite bed or blanket. Such warm, fertile areas are conducive to egg laying and hatching.

Fleas prefer high temperatures and more high levels carbon dioxide. They can live for several years and pass through various stages from egg to adult. They adapt perfectly to conditions environment. Some eggs that the female lays remain on your pet, while others fall to the ground. The eggs continue to develop until the second stage of the cycle - larvae - which feed on flea feces. These small worm-like larvae are deeply hidden from view.

They are usually found in the bottom layer of carpeting, pet bedding, or under furniture. Here they live undisturbed, feed and grow unnoticed. Then they become pupae. These pupae develop in a silk, cocoon-like shell, and this cocoon is very stable. Inside this protective shell, insects can live for up to 1 year without feeding. That's why, just when you think you've eradicated the problem and gotten rid of the pests, they come back seemingly out of nowhere.

If you see dirt that looks like fine black pepper in your animal's fur, then it is quite possible that it is flea feces. Upon closer inspection, it is rusty brown in color. To accurately check and make sure it is flea poop, place a drop or two of water on the dirt and then blot the area with a white paper towel. If there is a red smear on the napkin (dried blood that came out along with fecal deposits), it means the dog has fleas.

Flea bites, or rather their saliva, can cause allergies in some dogs. When a flea bites, it injects saliva, which helps them absorb the animal's blood. Severely sensitive dogs may experience an allergic reaction that causes eczema in large areas of the skin, especially the tail and lower back. Other dogs begin to bite and scratch the bite sites vigorously, even to the point of drawing blood. Young puppies, as well as adult dogs, can develop severe anemia (anemia), fatigue and decreased physical stamina, and in some cases this can lead to death.

What to do if you find fleas on your dog?

Just a couple of years ago, flea control was very difficult. Fleas, in addition to their fantastic ability to adapt, have also discovered incredible resistance to various poisons and pesticides. Each new invention against fleas helped for a short time, and then completely ceased to have any effect on them. The real revolution began with the introduction of such biological substances, as hormonal growth inhibitors (which prevent the insect from growing up and, in a mature individual, laying eggs) and chitin inhibitors (they stop the development of the insect while still in the larval phase) - these substances have been included in many flea sprays. Thanks to these innovations, today there is a large selection of aerosols and tablets that will relieve your pet from suffering.