
Endoscopic midface lift. Endoscopic face lift Endoscopic facial plastic surgery

The appearance of signs of aging on the skin of the face spoils the mood of any woman. You want to preserve youth and beauty for as long as possible, but the first wrinkles may appear after 30 years. Non-surgical methods of rejuvenation do not always give the desired result, and not everyone will decide on serious surgical intervention. An alternative is an endoscopic facelift.

The essence of the technique

The procedure is performed using an endoscope. To provide access to the muscles and fascia, small punctures are used rather than traditional scalpel incisions. Endoscopic lifting allows you to achieve excellent results; recovery after the procedure is faster than after traditional surgery. Reviews of endoscopic facelift confirm safety and effectiveness modern way rejuvenation


First age-related changes serve as an indication for rejuvenation with the help endoscopic method. The intervention is most often performed on women aged 35-40 years. The main problems that can be solved with endoscopic lifting are:
- wrinkles on the forehead, between the eyebrows;
- decreased skin elasticity;
- the appearance of pronounced nasolabial folds;
- expression wrinkles;
- "crow's feet"in the corners of the eyes;
- drooping corners of the eyebrows;
- sagging cheeks;
- changing the position of the corners of the lips;
- blurred facial contours;
- sagging in the neck and décolleté area.

In case of pronounced age-related changes, only surgical intervention can radically solve the problem; at the first signs of aging, endoscopic lifting is effective.


Despite the safety and minimally invasive nature of the procedure, there are contraindications to an endoscopic facelift. That is why before plastic surgery you need to undergo an examination and inform the doctor about all health problems. The following conditions are contraindications to endoscopic lifting:
- severe hypertension;
- rehabilitation after myocardial infarction;
- cancerous tumors;
- acute infections;
- dermatological diseases;
- decreased blood clotting;
- exacerbation of chronic processes;
- expressed mental disorders;
- formation of keloid scars;
- diabetes mellitus;
- skin rash allergic genesis;
- oral psoriasis;
- violation of integrity skin in the face and neck area.

For acute infectious diseases, fever, rejuvenation should be postponed until full recovery. At the time of surgery, your health should be satisfactory.


If you want to regain your youth, schedule a consultation with a plastic surgeon. The doctor will assess the degree of changes and make a conclusion about the effectiveness of the procedure, and tell you how much an endoscopic facelift costs in a particular case. The specialist will prescribe a complex mandatory examinations depending on your health condition. In the presence of chronic somatic pathology, a specialist’s opinion on the possibility of carrying out plastic surgery.

If you take medications regularly, tell your doctor. Hormonal pills and antiplatelet drugs will have to be discontinued. The question of the possibility of interrupting the course of treatment is decided on an individual basis. No later than 2 weeks before the operation, you will have to refuse bad habits. Nicotine and alcohol negatively affect regenerative processes.

Types of endoscopic lifting, technique

There are several types of plastic surgery depending on the area of ​​treatment: endoscopic lifting of the middle third of the face, neck, forehead, eyebrows. For each type of intervention, a specific surgical approach is provided. Depending on the nature of age-related changes, lifting of one or several zones can be carried out.

The procedure is carried out under general anesthesia and lasts up to two hours. Small incisions are made on the skin in certain places with a scalpel. An endoscope is inserted through a small incision, with the help of which all manipulations are carried out. The skin and muscles are tightened, fixed in the desired position, and, if necessary, excess subcutaneous fat is removed. After the lifting is completed, stitches are applied.

After the intervention you will have to spend several days in the hospital. This is necessary to stabilize the condition after anesthesia, perform dressings, and treat sutures. If there are no complications, you can go home on the fourth day.

Rehabilitation after endoscopic facelift

Recovery period It is easier and lasts less than after a conventional surgical lift. After 2 weeks the patient will feel great. Pain syndrome possible in the first 2-3 days after the intervention, easily relieved with analgesics.

For successful rehabilitation You need to regularly change dressings and use medications recommended by your doctor to treat sutures. To prevent the development of edema, you need to sleep on a high pillow, apply cold compresses, limit physical activity, do not accept hot bath, do not visit the sauna and solarium. Before taking any medications, consult your doctor; some medications may be harmful to your health.

The stitches are removed after a week, and by physical activity And sports training You can start no earlier than a month after endoscopic lifting.


The most common complications include swelling and hematomas in the intervention area. This is due to a violation of the integrity of blood and lymphatic vessels during the operation. These phenomena are temporary and do not pose a danger; after some time they pass without a trace. If you have these problems, consult your doctor and follow all his recommendations.

Some patients develop rough scars. This is due individual characteristics body. If there is already a history of the formation of keloid scars, it is better to refuse plastic surgery.

During the operation, large nerve trunks may be damaged, which causes sensory disturbances and facial asymmetry. Experienced surgeons do not make such mistakes, so contact a trusted clinic and trust your beauty only to a qualified doctor.

If the rules of asepsis and antisepsis are violated during surgery, improper care A secondary infection may occur behind the stitches. At the first signs of suppuration, fever, redness in the area of ​​intervention, contact a doctor who will prescribe a course of antibiotic therapy.


In the first days after the operation, the face looks unpresentable, but do not be upset, after two weeks you will be able to enjoy your attractiveness. Photos before and after an endoscopic facelift prove that the intervention allows you to get rid of wrinkles, sagging cheeks, bags under the eyes, and make facial contours clear and elastic. At the same time, the natural proportions of the face are not violated, there is no excessive tension of the skin.

The effect lasts for a long time, and the scars are completely invisible, since they have small sizes and are located behind the hairline. Non-surgical rejuvenation techniques do not always provide positive result, and the effect of the procedures lasts no more than 1-2 years. Endoscopic lifting allows you to restore beauty and youth for a long time.

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Clinic of Dr. Kolokoltsev

Moscow, Novoslobodskaya, 46


ART Clinic

Moscow, 1st Tverskoy Yamskaya lane, 13/5, Institute of Neurosurgery named after. N.N.Burdenko, 1st building, 3rd floor

"ART-Clinic" - a clinic of plastic surgery and cosmetology The clinic of plastic surgery and cosmetology "ART-Clinic" operates on the basis of the Institute of Neurosurgery named after N.N. Burdenko since 2003. Its founder, Alexander Ivanovich Nerobeev, is an outstanding surgeon, professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Honored Scientist Russian Federation, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, an extra-class specialist, recognized not only in our country, but also abroad, to this day he personally conducts the most complex operations. Through the efforts and energy of Professor Alexander Ivanovich Nerobeev, a school was created unique specialists, capable of successfully managing the most serious cases, including complications after plastic surgery. The priority of ART-Clinic is the enormous experience of its specialists in the field of cosmetology, plastic and maxillofacial surgery, as well as a first-class scientific and technical base. Over the years of successful work, ART-Clinic has earned a reputation as a company that meets international standards of quality and professionalism. Therefore, today it is here that not only the most popular and sought-after aesthetic surgeries are performed, but also the most complex, rare and even unique corrections. The ART-Clinic team is: Many years of successful experience A team of highly qualified doctors Modern minimally invasive methods of operations and reconstructions Responsibility, openness and professionalism More than 10,000 satisfied patients Beauty will save the world, and aesthetic medicine will support her in this


Lege Artis

Moscow, Bolshoy Savvinsky lane, building 12, building 12

Modernity sets its own requirements in everything. With changing standards, we need to not only look good, but also demonstrate our uniqueness. We turn our clothes into works of art, but what about our flaws? We don’t always have ideal skin or figure, but this is not a death sentence and aesthetic medicine will help us in the fight against our shortcomings. The Lege Artis Clinic is based on the principles of aestheticism, which bring you closer to the desired ideal, transforming your body into a real masterpiece. The most difficult thing in the work of a plastic surgeon is to emphasize a person’s individuality and at the same time achieve an excellent result from the procedure. Being true virtuosos, experienced plastic surgeons at the Lege Artis Clinic cope with this task with amazing ease. It is very difficult to obtain the naturalness of the procedures performed, but reviews about Lega Artis say the opposite. The high competence of doctors has been repeatedly confirmed by various clinics in the USA and Israel. Frequent internships abroad allow you to adopt techniques that open up new opportunities and reduce the recovery period. The most modern equipment of the clinic helps to achieve maximum efficiency of procedures. The patient experiences stress during surgery and best medicine after it there is comfort and peace. Clinic Lege Artis and reviews of its clients in social networks talk about exemplary service and careful attention, with which the clinic staff surrounds its visitors. A characteristic feature of the Lege Artis Clinic is to ensure complete patient safety. Doctors, based on their wealth of experience and advanced technical equipment, make precise planning, which leads to the expected success. At Lega Artis, feedback is used to continuously improve the quality of service and maintain it at the proper level. Management and plastic surgeons study them regularly to remain in close contact with the patient.

Endoscopic lift face is an inexpensive and convenient alternative traditional methods surgical facial rejuvenation. This is a minimally invasive procedure, the main advantages of which are: short period rehabilitation and minimal risk of complications. Therefore, the endoscopic method is effective way eliminate the signs of aging on the face and neck while avoiding many of the inconveniences associated with traditional plastic surgery.

This type of facelift is carried out using a special endoscopic equipment, which is inserted through tiny incisions (up to 2 cm) located in inconspicuous areas such as: the underside inner eyelid, mouth or hairy part heads. Endoscopic lifting is less aggressive compared to or, and this entails a number of advantages:

  • No scars.
  • Natural results without distorting facial features.
  • Low morbidity. The operation requires only a few tiny incisions.
  • Safety and shorter duration of plastic surgery.
  • Short rehabilitation period.

The results of endoscopic lifting last for a long time up to 7 - 10 years.


Lifting the forehead, eyebrows and temple areas (or upper third of the face) is recommended in the presence of the following age-related changes:

  • wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyebrows;
  • ptosis of the eyelids and eyebrows;
  • changing the shape of the eyebrows;
  • crow's feet;

Mid zone lift will help eliminate:

  • nasolabial folds
  • ptosis of the corners of the lips
  • initial changes in facial contours

Neck and chin lift performed in rare cases. The endoscope, in most cases, is used for lifting the upper and middle areas of the face. If you want to rejuvenate your chin and neck, it is more advisable to resort to traditional types, for example.

Stages of the procedure

The operation is performed within 1.5 - 2 hours under general or local anesthesia. The surgeon makes several small (less than 2 cm) incisions in places where traces of the intervention will not be visible, namely: the mouth, scalp or inner side lower eyelid. After that, an endoscope with a micro-camera installed on it is inserted into one of the incisions, which allows you to accurately monitor the progress of the operation, and surgical instruments are inserted into the remaining incisions, through which excess fatty tissue is removed, as well as muscle and facial tissue are tightened.

Rehabilitation period

Since this method It is low-traumatic, and the risk of complications is extremely small, the rehabilitation period is only 10 - 14 days.

Swelling and bruising disappear within 1-2 weeks, then you can return to your daily routine.

The first days after surgery you must wear a bandage. During rehabilitation, active physical activity should be limited; you should also not visit the sauna, bathhouse, swimming pool or sunbathe.

You will be able to evaluate the final results of endoscopic lifting after 1 month.


  • Infectious diseases.
  • Diseases of blood vessels and heart.
  • Blood clotting disorders.
  • Presence of oncological pathologies.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Disorders of the kidneys, liver, thyroid gland.

Complications and risks

The following side effects may occur:

  • Asymmetry.
  • Hematomas and swelling.
  • Hair loss (rare).
  • Infections.
  • Bleeding.
  • Loss of sensation at the incision sites.
  • Scar formation.
  • Dissatisfaction with the results of lifting.


Zone Prices in rub. Moscow Prices in rub. Saint Petersburg
Face from 70,000 to 798,000 from 42,600 to 168,000
Forehead and eyebrows from 20,000 to 310,000 from 33,000 to 150,000
Middle face area from 25,000 to 230,000 from 11,000 to 135,000









Before and After Photos

Modern plastic surgery offers endoscopic lifting as an alternative to classic plastic surgery. This minimally invasive method of rejuvenation enjoys well-deserved popularity, but at the same time causes concern among the fair sex.

Are the fears justified? Partially yes, because whatever one may say, this is a scalpel, anesthesia, enough long period recovery, a number of restrictions and the possibility of complications. These are not horror stories, but a reality that could very well happen.

Therefore, before making a decision on such a serious step, you should weigh the pros and cons, assess the risks and expected results - both positive and negative.

Let us immediately make a reservation that we are considering the advantages of this operation compared to classical plastic surgery, which involves complete peeling of the skin and carrying out the necessary manipulations.

Endoscopic face lifting is a minimally invasive technique. It is also called seamless facelift, since there is no need to make large incisions, completely “remove” the skin, or remove all “extra” tissue.

The operation is performed using endoscopic instruments through small incisions (no more than 1.5-2 cm) in those areas of the face where possible scars will be almost invisible.

During the intervention, an endoscope is used to peel off the skin, remove fat deposits if necessary, secure the tissues in the desired position with special endotins (self-absorbable sutures with small hooks that fix the layers of tissue), and tighten the skin.

This “invasion” does not require repeated surgery to remove sutures, which is again a significant advantage of endoscopic lifting. Excision of the skin and muscle layer is performed quite rarely, only for strict indications.

Important! The operation is carried out mainly under general anesthesia, which expands the list of contraindications for its implementation.

Under the influence of time, visible tissue changes occur, which become most noticeable in open areas of the body. For a woman, signs of aging on her face are a real disaster. For those who are not afraid to go under the surgeon’s knife and want to achieve instant results for many years endoscopic lifting will be wonderful and relatively safe method rejuvenation

But contrary to the wishes of the patients, this method has clear indications for the procedure:

  • soft tissue ptosis;
  • blurred facial oval, loss of structure and relief;
  • sagging, sagging skin on the face;
  • the appearance of fatty deposits in the cheekbones and cheeks;
  • double chin;
  • wrinkles around the eyes, bags and circles, drooping corners;
  • perioral wrinkles, drooping corners of the lips;
  • pronounced nasolacrimal groove;
  • folds and deep wrinkles in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle;
  • drooping, “heavy” eyelids, wrinkles in the temporal zone;
  • deep folds on the forehead, drooping eyebrow arches;
  • asymmetry in the face;
  • the need for beauty.

Endoscopic lifting of the middle zone is most often performed, since only with this technique of plastic surgery it is possible to carry out high-quality correction without complications, which will be noticeable throughout the face due to vertical tightening of tissues and skin.

In connection with surgical intervention and the use of general anesthesia, there is a whole list of prohibitions for carrying out this method of rejuvenation. These include:

  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • chronic diseases of internal organs with frequent relapses;
  • oncological processes of any localization;
  • hypertension of any stage;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • blood diseases affecting clotting;
  • inflammatory, infectious, viral and fungal diseases acute course;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • anatomical features of the forehead structure (high, convex);
  • significant age-related changes, severe sagging of tissues.

Diseases will be a contraindication to any kind of surgical plastic surgery, as well as other anti-aging procedures. nervous system, mental disorders, epilepsy, seizures and allergic reactions on the medications used both during the operation itself and after it.

Surgery at a young age – for or against?

Age is the criterion that is put at the forefront when deciding whether to undergo surgery. Endoscopic lifting younger than age 35 years (at special cases before 30 years old) is not recommended. During this period, it will be more justified to use conservative rejuvenation techniques - biorevitalization, mesotherapy, mechanical and chemical peels, other cosmetic procedures.

It should be remembered that after 30 years, the production of certain substances that affect the condition of the epidermis and are responsible for its youth, firmness and elasticity decreases. The operation does not guarantee the restoration of these processes, but will only remove excess fat deposits and tighten the skin.

In any case, women who decide to undergo endoscopic lifting should know that skin care for everyone available methods(in salons or at home) is required to consolidate and prolong the result.

There is also a factor of age restrictions on the upper limit. After 60 years, the effectiveness of the operation will be practically zero, since age-related changes are already too visible and pronounced. With the exception of blepharoplasty, patients are not recommended to resort to this method of rejuvenation.

To be honest, women over 60 for the most part have a whole bunch of chronic diseases, which, in addition to being ineffective, can become a direct ban on the operation.

With this they read: Forehead lifting is an endoscopic method.

You can expect the following results:

  • formation of the structure and relief of the face, restoration of the oval;
  • elimination of fat deposits, removal of double chin;
  • contouring cheekbones;
  • elimination of wrinkles around the eyes and mouth;
  • raising the drooping corners of the eyes, mouth, eyebrow arches;
  • tightening the skin all over the face.

Endoscopic midface lifting usually gives good results if done on time. Then a comprehensive impact on all problem areas is not required.

The advantages of the endoscopic method are:

  • a small number of incisions no larger than 2 cm in inconspicuous areas;
  • minimal tissue trauma and precision surgical intervention, since the use of endoscopic equipment guarantees full review area of ​​influence;
  • shorter manipulation time;
  • the ability to influence both specific problem areas and comprehensively;
  • reduction of rehabilitation period due to low invasiveness.

Armed with this knowledge, it would be nice to also find out how the procedure itself goes.

The endoscopic lifting procedure is performed under general anesthesia. The only exceptions are “spot” and quick operations - for example, blepharoplasty, which can be performed under local anesthesia.

The stages of the operation are as follows:

  • several small incisions are made in places where the marks will be least noticeable (scalp, oral cavity, inner side of the lower eyelid);
  • An endoscope with a mini-camera is inserted into one of the incisions to view the operated area, and the necessary instruments are inserted into the others;
  • Excess fat deposits are removed, tissue is fixed with endotins, and skin is tightened;
  • sutures, sterile bandages and a special compression bandage are applied, which holds the tissue in the desired position.

Recovery after endoscopic lifting is a fairly lengthy process, although less lengthy than with classical plastic surgery. Compliance with all the necessary points will minimize the risk of side effects and complications, and will also predetermine the future result.

  1. The patient spends the first day in the hospital, observing bed rest. The only exceptions are small-scale operations in the absence of complications.
  2. Dressings and examination by a doctor are carried out every day, unless otherwise directed by the treating specialist.
  3. You need to wear a compression bandage for a week, removing it only for a short time. If fat deposits have been removed, it should be worn at night for two weeks.
  4. After 7 days, the external sutures are removed. After this, a bandage, if necessary, is applied only to the incision sites.
  5. You can wash your hair only after removing the stitches. Dry your hair with a hairdryer only after swelling and bruising have disappeared.
  6. Bleeding, bruising and swelling usually subside by the end of the second week. Sometimes this process can take up to 3 weeks.
  7. You can visit saunas, steam baths, solariums and sunbathe no earlier than a month later. The same restriction applies to sports and visiting a swimming pool or open water.

During this time, smoking and drinking alcohol, even red wine or low-alcohol drinks, is strictly prohibited. To speed up the healing process and subsidence of hematomas, the doctor may recommend ointments or creams, as well as physiotherapeutic procedures.

After surgery, one way or another, uncomfortable consequences will arise, which are considered inevitable. side effects. These include:

  • hematomas, edema;
  • numbness at the incision sites;
  • swelling of the entire face;
  • formation of scars at the incision sites (rare);
  • hair loss in the same places.

But complications that are more serious are those that require additional medication or physiotherapeutic treatment, and sometimes repeated surgical intervention. These include:

  • infection causing inflammatory processes, sometimes even with the threat of sepsis;
  • facial asymmetry (may occur due to incorrectly performed surgery or due to individual indicators);
  • damage to large nerves passing through the affected area.

One of unpleasant moments there may be dissatisfaction with the results of the operation. There can be many reasons for this - from the inexperience and unprofessionalism of the surgeon, to inflated expectations of the results of the operation.

You will learn more about endoscopic lifting from the video:

As a “visual aid” that can influence decision-making, we provide a photo of the face before and after insertion of the endoscope - so to speak, “endoscopic lifting in action.”

Stories of unsuccessful operations with photos

It would be disingenuous to say that there are no unsuccessful endoscopic lifting operations. Reviews from “affected” women confirm this.

Olga, 46 years old, Moscow

“According to a friend’s assurance and looking at her transformed appearance, decided to undergo endoscopic midface lifting, despite reviews about the statistics of unsuccessful operations. And I regretted my decision a thousand times. Not only did the swelling and hematomas go away for almost a month, but my face also became distorted. And in the places of the incisions, hair began to fall in and ugly scars appeared. I have no idea what to do with all this now. I don’t want to go to this clinic again, and I don’t know where to look for another one. So, ladies, think a million times before you go under the knife for the sake of beauty."

Lyudmila, 39 years old, St. Petersburg

“Those who have not yet made such a stupid mistake can learn from my story of endoscopic lifting. You can imagine all the “delights” postoperative recovery– pain, blood, bruises, swelling. And this despite the fact that I only had blepharoplasty. As the surgeon told me, it’s a minute operation.

The result after recovery was that the eyes became half-closed, and sensitivity was not restored. On top of that, tears flow with every breath of even a light breeze. Now I’m looking for someone who will “fix” my trouble.”

Natalya, 52 years old, Tyumen

“I specially went to visit a friend in Kazan, as she sang praises to the clinic where she had an endoscopic facelift. I got a distorted face and even with ugly scars behind my ears and on my forehead. I had to urgently look for a doctor who would correct the situation. So far I have only had the first examinations, but they tell me that too little time has passed since the anesthesia. repeat surgery dangerous. I’m waiting, what else do I have left?!”

Relatively recently, medicine has experienced dramatic changes in almost all its areas. And today, patients whose body requires surgical intervention are provided with an alternative to long recovery, as well as scars at the site of surgery.

The reason for such rapid development is very simple - compact electro-optical systems, small video cameras, and high-quality medical instruments of the new generation have been created.

Endoscopic intervention makes it possible to perform complex operations without wide dissection of punctures, using pinpoint punctures of tissue. The probe can also be inserted through natural openings in the human body.

Treatment of pathologies

Largest quantity endoscopic operations are carried out in relation to the pelvic organs - all kinds of tumors of the ovaries and uterus, inflammatory processes, enuresis, tubal infertility. As mentioned above, blood loss is minimized, and recovery after endoscopic surgery happens very quickly.

Since there is no large incision, scars remaining after the operation are not formed - this is very important for female patients. Postoperative pain also no - there is no need to take painkillers of little use. Also, in most cases, doctors do not prescribe strict bed rest, and within a few hours after the operation you can begin to gradually return to your normal life.

About inpatient treatment

In most cases, patients undergoing abdominal surgery remain in the hospital for at least two weeks. After endoscopic surgery, there is no point in staying in the hospital for more than three to five days. Also internal organs people do not come into contact with the surgeon’s gloves - talc and other foreign objects, there is no risk of infection.

Endoscopes are also very actively used by gynecologists - such devices have significantly expanded both the diagnostic and surgical capabilities of medicine. A thin optical instrument, which allows you to examine the organ from the inside and determine complications.

For greater safety, all operations are performed in the operating room, which has all the necessary instruments and devices. The image from the camera is processed by a computer and displayed on the monitor in digital format. So, the surgeon does not see the patient’s internal organs directly - he makes several incisions, inserts medical instruments inside and works through the image on the monitor.
High-quality technology provides a clear picture and significantly best review organs (even in comparison with the usual, traditional incision). The existing diagnosis of endoscopy allows you to clarify and also expand the scope of the upcoming operation, identifying other, previously invisible diseases.

Diagnostic procedures

Now doctors, using endoscopes, can accurately diagnose diseases in patients - the accuracy of the data obtained is many times greater than ultrasound testing and even x-rays. After diagnosis, you can begin the operation itself - removal of tissue or tumors.

Endoscopy also allows high efficiency fight with internal bleeding– to quickly stop bleeding, low-power lasers or electrodes are used that “seal” the edges of the wound with a weak current.

Endoscopic surgery is a guarantee of gentle intervention and quick recovery.

What surgical problems can be solved?

Endoscopy allows you to solve many surgical problems; specialists take on the work even in cases where ordinary surgeons are unable to help the patient. The possibilities of endoscopy today are so great that a specially trained specialist with all necessary equipment can help a person recover.

The most frequently performed operations:

1. Acute and chronic inflammation of the gallbladder
2. Removing stones in bile ducts
3. Treatment of kidney and liver cysts.

The most important thing is the patient’s timely request for qualified medical care, the disease cannot be brought to a critical stage.